Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Nov 1897, p. 8

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o' the fact, that belng desirous of rUeat Libertyville, we expect ln the to.lhold at Libertyville and Wauconda, s, selllng to the hlghest bidder, the assortment of double-bit handied axes. tnd unhung choppîng axes, helves and handies, -saws, Hrand-axes, Saw-bucks, -bars, Log chains, Grindstones, 1:~ -barrows, Corn shellers, Mails, sW.dges. Barbed wire, Og o* f assorted nails, 2go lot of Boots, Shoos, G loves and Mitts, q' ilt boots and overs, Arctics, ItMbbers. Rubber boots, Etc. SIbankets. Robes, klarness and Whips, Iluits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats and Caps, Bobs, Cutters, Farm wagons, Trucks, Xilk wagons, Carriages, ln short everything to b. foÜnd-and nuny goods purchased specially-in our large and unsystematlc uine of Yankee Necessities. Vours truiy. ~~T. V. Slocum & Co. FALL SALE 0F PUR NITURF., L monda Furniture Store. SOU Oak Boa, Dressr wtb 24X30 Glums, aud Commode, One>'*- .... ]Wdaeda, PMllaise.......... Au-sul SB~ng, an>' ize...... Handiome fattan Rocers... 10114 Oak Boving Rockters..... Bovling Tables .............. Croquet Sets 4<(baI>...... Antique Fiis Dresserm.......... . . 11.(0 2.00 îîp 1.50 2.00 up 1.50) '75 .65 6.00 Full Line cf Undertaking Goods, Always in Stock. First Class Hearse Service. Me W. HUGHES, onda, - - - - lIin-is.1 WC CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GRAIN, FLOURM MILL STUFFS, SEEDS, ETC. Iumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WC SELL THE WE3BER WAGON, WMEN YOU WANT CALL O N WRIGT &SONI ville, - Mlinois, JIUW ly IterffOcen aSpplifth estA.ofh Ne« and the best of Current Literature, tf.lefly Clea., and ààa. luvu Payer la Witbout a Peer. Itfl tohe fsanDythé N A etMaitlBin World and lye t ltc est et rcfndlana ttr ai vel and boiag pubNab.d la Chcagoe aaged to the needs 0f thea peopie vegt o!flic AAlleghany lits. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A VEAR $1.00 "nd SUnday Prieof Dali y yMAIL........... .W fier year of the. Inter 1)31 Y and u'§naY bY mail ...... 4.0 r y"sir Strike QuickIl OF YOU WANT Weepkly Inter Ocean OD* ear for S [WIS.' CENT. P. R. TIME corse sonnIa am pm pnM -s856 i 1251a5M 99432 6 17 pii lew te 62 6aM r RIO03 X2 440641 S10 1aoM as e>L%7 11 Laite Villa 01024 a 00 7 10 eo0ioc souna 9)ally except Bondai. s Btop onîr on sgal. &m1. a.m. amd. .ni TABLE. 0.10.10 Lae Villa 71si 1129 4 33 fils 701D> 7 4.L1 4 0 ÇlrayLIle dé 140 U4 11 40 UoaeeIlr 5I 10 44 m 122 RC 10 a 12 VI0111240 W 2* 5 20 1 14 C 50 10 00 110 6 3 ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. C ONGIIEOATIONAL Oburcli Bondai 1er viees 10:208. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer mleeting Wednesdaymvnlnm. VP .t.E imeet Sundar evonings aI :46. Junior C.E. ai a O'cock. D)IAMOND Camp No. 412. M. W. A. mfflt >trnt and third SatUrdaY evenlngs of ecd moti. D. Gaciva. VY(C. 0. 0. F. No. 815, meet seeond and fourth ThurÉçdayo of each month. Oxo.A. OT. ~ WiLLKnîog. N 0. J0. . T. meet Thursday eveniugs of ecd veel. LxusTEa unîc C. T. JOHIN 0. RAGAR Pest G. A. B. mac: Baturduiy nlght on or befote milll00012.1 IB. GLEAOON, Co10dr.i 0 9 C UUICHILL. Adit. 9 Mai] uoingut 1>......8:04 aL . i :129p. M. Nid] going north................ 10:03 IL1m. Mail over ]and by stage arrive@ ai 10 a. m. depari;s atiIl IL10. ROCKEFELLER. Will Knlgge transucted business n Chicago Monday. C. M. Oo)rbalvag In Wnîîkegàll 1the iret nof1the week. Bet Wilcoz, of! Dlarnond Lake, vili )eave Monday for Seattle, Wasb.. W. L. Rjch expecta 10 move lîîto bis uew bouse dnring th2e coming veek. FrankShbaddle and familiy iii oc. euPY the J. P. Norton plaIce durlug the vinter. Peter Payne and vite, of lvanlîoe, were among those Ioarding the luorn- Ing train Wedneaday. Chas. Wetzell, of the New York Life Irîsurance Co., vas In town Toesday visitlng L. H. Lîtchfiel. Lyrnan Fargo ihan returued to Arling. ton Heghts to finish norne plumblîîg and stear-ltting at shat place. J. P. Norton anîd daugliters, Blanîche and Mary, leu boire Monday 12001 for California, where they wili ioîîid 1the uiliter. There iili bc proachiug at the Cougregational cbureb udxt Buuday mnornlug and evening at the isual hours. Ail are cordlaiiy învited. WVe learu that the Infant daughter of Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Bock, of Prairie View, is very iii. Dr. Travis in in ai- tenîdance and It is earnestly bopedl that recovery wili seoir follow. Ernest Blows lbaves the lant of tbis week or the irst of next for bis nev borne lu Auarasa, Iowa. Hie friands unite in vishiîîg hîrn unllîited suc- ces in the nev Ibid hois about to enter. There vîlI be a Tanknglvlng service beld at the Cougregational cburch Thursday eveulng Nov. 25, <Thanks. giving day> ut 7:30> p. ni. There will ho speciai music for the occasion. Thee oratIon viii e dellvered by Prof. N. I. Welch. Ail Eare 121051 eartly In- vlted. Tlhe social givon for the henefit of the Nidewalks of Rockefeller, under the auspices of th1e Ladies' Aid, vas vel attended and gnonI 1 show that1 the Ladies' Aid Socty hanetits borne maltera as weli a. those alroad. A niee suin as ntt4, suad vo nay lok for seulo irnprovonnts ini onîr side- valks. Mrs. Richard Doolittl. met vitb au accident vblch, bad it not been for1 timeiy assistance, right bave reBulted1 sertously. While cloaning Windows ini the second story Mrs. Doolittie lun nomne way loot ber balance and had lier clotbiug lot eaught lber she vould have falieu te the ground. Norne ,îîar neighhors bearing ber cry for help1 camne tùo ber rescue andulaler boistlng a ladder tokbehr froîn lier frighluln situation. WAUCONDA. Notice M. W. ýughe'& f urniture ad. Mfr. Forenian, oi Barringto, , as bere lait veek. The sale at the D. (lais farni vas quit, vell attended. Quise a number froni Lakte Zurich were bere lait week. QTuritey shoot and raille nt the boat bouse Nov. 24 and 25. M. Rauh,.ni1 Barringtouî vas a pleasant caller recently. Niss Della Uanmond la vlitiug friendesud relatives in Elgin. A. R. Johnson, of Chi1cago, in spend. ing a few days lu Ibis place. Mrm. P. Baten in visiting relatives nt1 Ivaubho, as presant vriting.1 Artbur Cook vas oun t h otee nof Waukegan tbe lIrat nof1the veek. M r%. Hapke and sou John, of Wauite- gan, vere bore on business lait vsek. Claud Pratt returned froui 1the city Wednesdsy viere hoeboai been the paut ev veeks. Mise Nele Mirvin îeturnad te ta» I charge of ber sebool M onday after à1 siege o! Illuess. Miss Sadie McCl,, vwho bai beoit in Cbicago the past few veek roturned bomne lait Batnrday. 0J. W. Pratt bai îeturned fron isi buntingtrila i Wisconsin. He brouiglt bonie Ivotune deer. MiàssRmlly Bates vho bai been spendingth1e paut six veeba li Nev Yorkitste returned bomne Friday of lais veeoi. One Baurday eveulag Nov. 20, th Rings Daughlers viii gie a IKlondike soci as ailb.homo o! mine ïMay Olyneli. AU nre lavtedl. Mr. Voué>, of Le»s,vlm the gie" cià ntMd 40 s B.Estmaluta Fred Bemsbberger, Bm.. vbo bas speul the snmmer vitb lus two sous at Lakeo Beutoji, Miell., came home lait Frida>'. No more need i osettllng the ilust on tie ruad vitI, miii, as vater in agaiu the cbeaper; n isgravel ciieaper lhau coffee beau&. Aug. Piper lias couverted bis hall lu- td> a bac li!lur's tienî. Maîy a gooxti îne vas :bad there (ltring the asiomer, go ma' thie ovuers ieainîs licpoeitful snd refllctiouîs ut ho guetlays ho hiappy. P. Busch bas bail te old hlacutsmltlî abnp litted out in a ver>' pretty lit- tle hall, aund la large crowd Iread the 1ev polisliesi floor lant Saliirdav eveui- lusg. Thehl idnes credit to ils uîvnom and il vii hoenjuiyes b>'the udance loyers. Tic rai,, lu the latter part. îf the eveilg marrosi the pleasore soutne- viat. EVERETT. Pater Davsoni vas a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Hoead the notit-, to mik shippers on on, the tmt page. Dont forge:tie auction at Richard Lanoaters îînext Menda>'. L. IL. Finit after a tvo wvects absence la backit aIthe station. Un2 Weduesday Novenibar i1), af the home nif1fr. sud Mrs ThoniauSteeol ôccurresi f110marriageofo!Mine Nllile Voie, of thîs place, te 1Mr. Joseph ftiener, o! Wllnette, Ill., the 1ev. Faîber ORlelle>' officlatiug. About tIri>' frlondsanSd relatives of the bride sud groom vere proeut, sud alter tia marriaga ceremon> al .sut dovu te a sumptuons weddiug break- tat vbioh hasi been ymepared b>' the brlde'asiâter, Ers. Steele. Mie ore vas boni near Ibis place andi speul ber girlhnod durs on vhs: in inovu as the "Tomn" Vore fartanrtbveet o! bore. 511e vas alvays a favorite amoug 111e young people sud ber buof fnifîends unule lu wisbing bersa pleaiut voyage ner llfe's turbulent sea. Mr. sud Mrs. Stieuer leit immodiatel>' tor Ibeir nov borne ut Wlrnette vbere 1h01 are ai borne to their fiends. FOX LAKE. Eîîgene lialiger bas ratunnou to Foi Lakte agalu. 1fr. Walter White bas iluproves i@i bnildiugs by putting on a Iiev coat oi paint. This place bas beau visitoti b> copions raius severul imes dnring tb e luss veet. The social moiti ut the, home of Mr. Jay Cribi Frida>' eveuiug l6t last veoit vas s succesai llanciaily.1 Mise Nello Kirvin bas îetiirued ho bar sebool dutien agate. The seholars voie ail giasiteusece ber bacit. Mfr. A. Richards and vile spent Baturday sud Bunda>' vitb frieudsit HllI!Day neturning Snnday avssiug. Mr. Williamu Nelmon bas painted th1e bouse belonglng te bis tenant f«rra, put uy a nov sbed and othorvîse improvesi the place. On Matnida>' atternoon November 27, 18917, ut1I o'ciocit s meeting of th1e Fox Lake Conioter>' Assoiation vill bebeld in the Foi Laite sehool bouse for the purpose of loting oflicers andi lrsusacting ai>' othor business that may coing hotore said meeting. Ail pensons lnteresled la said cemoter>' are requeated t0e110 prenent et said meeting. Il> order of direclors. 1 On Monda>' aflernoon Moveniber 1l,4 1897, She Iieudeansd relatives of Mr. Adam i Bver gathered aut1the Laie Villa M. E. eburcb te par' lb. list iibute of! respect te bis romains alter whbch 111e> ver, laid iu tbe Angola enieter>'J hoside Ibose o! bis vite vbo diosi over1 tblmly Jears ago. M. Hiver vas oeeJ o! the osmi>' setliers of Lake Couuty 1 comlng bore vben the country vas1 -l new andi iocating In th1e coulliemu part o! tbe lovu o! Antiocli on s trei sud aller remilng Ibene for a1 nuniber of. bars ho vlîh lits son snd0 taml>' tomoved t10 the.nortbemu part1 ni 111e sanie lown vhere b. reslded1 t111 the lime of bis doatb. Ho vas a( kind neigbbor sud respeotes b>' ail1 vbo mev bum. Lie leaves a daugbtert Mrs. Mary uipp ebo liveos in Chicagot and several grand ehildreu besidesaa1 iddowed, bis sonà hevlng mes deatb aecldensiiynomie1 tlroyjmaqph The ralsivoa baye 1the8 enieéommuly le da~ oi oMpentsby bh daugbteî Who bus boo hue for .ometins. M r. and kis. Cu. Clark, Merritt Clark and A. G. Poster and famil>' loft Moeday for Northi Caroline vhere lb.>' viii make their future home. May' proiperi>' aceompan>' theni. Rev. W. B.EMason, M. A., a former pastor nif1the Baptiat uburch l ii iecture lu th1e Baptial oburcli Tueida>' eveniug Nov. 23, at 7 p. ni. 1112113. "'Tb&$ Boy.,' Corne aud heurbine. MoiS Sunda>' evenlng 'Nove2nber 21, Tbsnksgiving service viii be beld lu th1e Baptisi cburcb. Speclal mugbe vlU b. prepared for th. occasion. Mev. Haking and Mev. Shultis viii deiver iliort addresses. AIl are co;diallylevlted toat±eudIbis Thanits. Living meeting. GURNEE. Mev. J. F. lnter, o!fIteseii. attend. ed th1e C. E. convention Baturday. Warren Rolland, of Rumsli vas in Our tove On business lait Tueeday. Z. H. Young anid vile, of ilebron i., viaited at, Dr* Vouunga Monday and Tunsday. Wedbeday, Nov.24, the Gurnee Scbool viii givo a literary prograinai 1the achool bouse. A lecture entitled -"Lie Beb.lnd tbe Prision Bara or fron 1the Penitontiar>' te th1e Pulpit" yuil ho givon la the cnurcb Bunda>' evouing, Nov. 21. Everyone Invited. Thé enlertainment glven b>' ibe M. W. A. lent Frida>' nlgbt vas Brut dais and Prof. Carnes disappointed no0 ono. but lot many nov admirer, ni b is abilit>' as su elocutioniî. Re kept th1e audience lu good humnn iortb bis reciations and istories vblcb ver, instructive asuvîll as sinuaing. Why no have more of tbese 111gb gradt, ontertainments dur. Ing t11e vinter' The C. E. railey beld ai the Chrls- tian churcb Baturda>' siternoon and eveniug vas veil attended, delegates beiug preseul Iromni usly every soci. ety. Boni, excellent payers voesîead and gooJ addrosses given b>' 1ev. Buckt of Rockefeller and Haris of Milîburu. It vas decided te hold thess conven. tiong oe?>' 15 11101111ithn 1the future' and lvanhoe vill entertain 1the Union in January"98. The local soclet>' viii bave speclal Tbanitsglviug services Snuday eveulug under charge of Mi»s Mcoullough. APTAKISIC. That brase baud vas nits8ed :ît tule nev baIl. Misa Martba Giai la spendlng a fî'v vecits vitb relatives lu Chicago. Chas. iieraclbarger, theo uperator as Wheeliug, la borne ou a vacation. Wonder Il certain boys' mgothers kngiy tbey vore out aith11e dance? W. B. Sltb. ...Wauks,-Mei.d.., bis b rt ait Friday7------ GAGES LAKE. j Ohn ('onverse bas liatlits h oue- Miss Ma&lie JameAs pent a fu- lavis re.pairosi andi nov Additioni buli. litiChicago this veoit. Chai. 0'Boyle, of Dlghson, calli-si ou Miss Avide %Vjaplts'visîteil Missi frieuids lsib iis section lait vsuek. Auy Claphu anat wu'ei. Fred Batiser bas pumchaied a nev <'bam. Atyeo bâdtise rnisftune ho corn u nkeror f "onipmon Bros. ni bose a vaînabie coivtIbis wei. (irayslaite. The Ladies' Aid Socsiety met wvlh Silmon A. Davis boughl a roller at 3îra. Lieu. lisplo 'i'lursday. th1e milelait Frida>' aio M. Dolghthoriî Engoue Stierat returujeul Frisia> b ougit a borne snd plow, frsont an extendesitrip thrugl Ilova. Julins the iutter maiter matie a Rd -sud Alfred Day, o! Itisseil, vers' llying trip 10 Wauitegsn lait Wedues- IvisItors Ah Chai. ujîlers l aitHouidsay. day. We ouI>' gues vbaîtfom. Mauui Davis, andi Mr. l)ordlsr, uit No more cases o! bng choIera lu tbis Ivaillsuis, wcrs' îîistly marriu'l I Mcd- section at presenit. A good pilsîc-ian uesday. ansi good modicine la a sure enre. Miss Ail Kiluine>', nu Wauk.'gati, Geo. Walt'bas fluisbied digglng bis spelit A 1ev daya vlîb miss Aul al,- John Dawael kas fliseed bihin. mer von al;Paddocks&. Kiaon Fishiern bas1eu0on1the alic liai, but la ablet bce ont agile. mme. EniiL u< Ette Simen visited r.nd .a Fi se lait Frida>'. Mfr. Digblon Oranger sud daugbter, 0f Chlcigo, apant Sanday al; home. Boni,01Our ou 'U mo8neattended 1the veddilng dance at Johnu floer, a t Tuesda>'. Mr. sud Mrs. George Smoe, attend. ed th1e funemai of Mleur> Wallon, of Rerbron. Wm. Bures, attoruey' at lav. visit- ed J. M. Lincoln, the, mayor, of Seeder 1llad. This cold nain brougbî dove mai>' ducis from th1e uorth loi ihere bm beau min>' aenon 111e aeuh lakes around Digbton. Prof. mla night sohool lis dourielà. Ing. Ris patrons are veli pleased vill th traiining 111e> receive and apeak le higb termes of bis Instruction. Theré vas a certain young troupie vbo passed lbmough Dlgblon ver>' early Wede.dsa morning on t11e va> to Wooetock, lt. laa uapicloued for a marriige license. The party ban 1201 yetreturned. MIL.LBURN. lialpb Bpafoid la at Eocklord, Mr, John Tiain vas lu (OaktPark is. Ingalla and on, of Oakt Park, are as Mms. Rose'.. Water aud Viola Lacis have gone 1<' Chicago 10 riait relatives. The slngiug sobool yl hbc considar. ed at Forester's Hall 12011Thnroday evening. The Tbanksgiviug Concert viii ho given b>' outside talent tînder the direction of E. Simith. WADSWORTH. 1fra. Thon. Taylo's beati te ver>' poor. §everaioo qg i mutshippera vent 10 4dicigo Weduesciy. Misa Minuie Wall, of Beutonla i spanding the veek bore. Mire. John A. Moman bai fully recovor- ed froïn ber late Illuess. The creamer>' ia unnlug oui>' bal tîme on acconut f11e scarcity out nIk. We vonder, yen vo vonder If the liloukike expedition iebas alion tbrougi. Wi Murray vin bai heen acting en agent at Everett during the absence of oi L. iR. Fink la agaln bomne. Mdiss Mattie Belter, of (irais Laite, returnod homie Sunda>' after a brief visit vitb ber 515er Mrs. Ed Lui. Miea Ewmm Voburg vbo bas beau spendlng a couple o! mnontha at Mazomanie, Wis., the boume ni ber parents, bas retnmned to Wadsvortb. FORT HILL. Weatber cold. Douglas Watban bis 0ev ibouse neari>' completeli. R. Towî,seud bas but a new hou coop sud tool shed. lilt.uhoning la 1builing a vail for I. Willey, o! Digiton. Liat youn property with Me Md 1 will flnd you a cotomer at' ressonahIé rate. Among numerous choico barogam 1 have ithe iolowhrg. Lalce Coumty Parmi 'For Bale. Oravalake. Four tame Sn Vernon Townsip. FoR SAL-A choice lot 66 b>' 177 tl Z4 eammprvedi arm adjaent to "ilrd PBieer$1014c ash. n vnToeh Ltt.LIeS erma. Svrdeoe am nAo onb A anoir Orayilakos. At lpeddf ie î ares aujrBeîto aantarin1e Mile norti of orae .10 Taylorlaite. lvsale fils rare aiu. Rares &Uai led. nev eijsand Be~af I P~D.0Â~4d7t7 repascn. barn 28120 li. good vi tn Wanedseeri =âtmet P fra o bl -3 nira; r00 ng ,i;;flird aid M& termsndpiu . C -.SPWledlocation fi sares LbertyvIlle City proporty. adiscent toa v l. Centria L . 11 tlon., SfHalf am re lth ifcgifrooni modemn boue mosteaeoabitternn. good vgil. cisteru. siaile Sud fruitireff 100 serainiproired tarin on banit, of Gagas oleagu for osai,. aon rs'aonalle ferma. L aite. Proe 0alier &Oe, Part cah.baiaiý Frmd. e i longr Ume at loy rate of inforest. '"bFrl. nwtililg210ie.def 1ie ores on Mivauktee rn. bo We Coles owit, 515-a l t f rom 9M (o la bains, sui ono iS enlls.2agi «ui v l sc. en.Sea Imber. Prim U e ipr mire, pr TT aàzCtlw oreflurltl timeet 4pet ent. Liiertyvli.fora smail lmrroec, fari im Il esera rtarinvitietiree miles@e of B. R. ri e rt.yvlW., r Milwauk"ee 5 Mtaions, ndel iai alte or oltvallon: wiîî la) '0046 lllfrnc f iorou tin.d, large, novms-room buse, - nover iaulng vlC.Mpended @asture vlt4 -ALBO- thice llovIngBprinan; terms reasonable. Tie J. M. Prise fait.m, umre. on Mil. Subscriptlon News Ageon yaukee Ave.,.î11 miles soutiof LibertyvlIe;-An ioosereoneaeasldeofJrad andu rs LIFE INSURANCE AGEN4T. t~ric suit tuuîr'amcr. iia, low; fermaîtm vnt lIn>, Bel.,lient or Trade Real Zdit ifvii pasyoil Loo to ciisus H. C. PADDOCK, LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS THE Keystone C i and Shredc Husks corn and mal iThe Sterling Snap 4* Al»ommalw lay A 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 worn Husker Lkes hay of the staiks. v pper and, Hummer Sulky Plows. Brabley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Bradley's and Deere's Walking Plows. BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS.I Lumber ANo CoaI.- SALT, CEMENT and TILE, Rope, Twine. Etc.. G.H.Schanck & Son. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOISe î."-o. He unjuImese croij for hhe suze o!f the plee11e planlesi. DIAMONI) LAKE. Neît Suda>' at 2.30 ociocit p. m. the Rev. Dr. M andeville vili preaci. aller vblch thie acramont o!1 the Lomuis Supper viii be admJiltertesl. VOLO. Mr. M. Wertz sud bis bride viii mate Iboir bore ne uChicago. Miss Mablo Ford In the happy pos. Bosser o! a Unle nov vheel. Mrs. M. D. Bmith ansi Mr@. Wili Huson vero Grayslaite dallera ou Fri- day of lait wveki. Mfr. sud Mms. C. 0i. Huson attendasi the quarteri>' meeting ut the M. E. eburci in Wauconda Sattirday alter. 1fr. sud Mrs. George Lumue>' sud cildmer,,ofni Rgvood, visitesi at E. Ricliarssons on Bunda>'. Mr. Lumue>' sud cbildren wyul romain several da>'5 vilb ber Aunt Mm,. Richardson. This vieili>' durlug the lait fev sisys vas vlsl5od b>' a flue ain, vhich sud vorîis of good, espacillyInl re- pleulshiug Oui cisterus, vhiohbhave been dry for soon ime. Fermons cau nov plov, il il 5do& fot treexo np 5oo acon. Indien Buniner corene ot. QUENTINS CORNERS. "ýNoc amaul' Vouid du lghteu't' And nov tihe 0nîne f111e SuBI lis Bug julce dld ih but nov Il in ait rigit. Ansi nov the festive bunter sîrayelib alter theevlid gooae. Wm. Davrman han been engaged ai choee egreasen it the lactor>'. Quenlîns Cornerais &Ilrightl. Migbt in lino for prohibition as sevens.l of Oui citizen$ viii tell >'on. Heur>' Krapp vas een aiHllfDay tbe otbeî 12gb:. He. aid the eaesor or stars or nomthtag vas alibight. " Theatiaree.>'ear.old boy of J. A. Johnson, of LyunuConter, Ill., In subject to attacita of croup. Mr. Johnson mas>', la satialid that the timol>' use of Cbanibertailna 001gb Remesi>, dumlng a savon, attacit, saved bi ilebo>"s àtu. Ho la int1e dmug business, a menihrof o the lirmut Johnson Blinso! liat place sud they lisudle a great man>' Patent medîcines ton throst snd lung diseases. HoeliaS ail these to coooe fromn s killesi phiysiciens rmoy ud 1respond t lite cal], but aelecled Ibis renieS>'ion use in bis ovu lamul>' aI a tume vlieubis oblld's lile vas lu danger, becaus. 11e knevit: 10O ho supbhni o nathen, and fanions th1e country over for Its cures o! eroup. M'* Johinson aya Ibis81 Ile best et 1: Ing cough Medicine 111e> bindie, and th&&at Ilives aplendid aatisfaction in mal çisi bld b>' r. B. Lovuxa, Lhburyvllo J B 8acmm oGemee, future borne. O)Ur acool vili gîve su enatWn- montilua fov veois. Au ofocatloala from Notbwestera Univenull>' viieh piee nsd Ibis vin lho a apleridos opportunit>' 10 attenda a alea i«te. sainnient. A maie quartette 'Win ne- oiDpay the eloculibnAlan sd va el. pol t11e Pari laiton 'y h>11e sboofl vin REAL EBTATE TRANSFERS. Faon vaussoAaacgsnMm fl~oJ. Bristol andl vif0Ca(Ârne iM 4901.1 lot bu 1Lyon & Bulolii suiiui wd ........................ij R, à Ernaiuustrustes, f0AMlooe iots Il. 2M. MIli 25 lian-'s ssIi deci.. 1 Franit J W4tncrKfaà.1 MD, Iasfiýl ay.'s r0 SViUsa'-i ln 129-45- 12 dile........ j chester ret snl h i Jo Jnos soufeniplutes goi,îg t5i j0j11 catliv t. johl ,E Cath .i .w ut .kot . A Tennessee ho spansi tise a îî,'r for the1e sur1,is isloti . in i llia to wu of ia'ietit of bis beslti,. -Cu blu wd .........................a, ,Misa Mausi Jeffers rs'tnnd Friday 1 MarriageLîna. froiu Cbieog,, isee b an lucan vieil-I Franî kan.o"kcf--Ik-r...........w..2 i ung friensis the piant tvo veeiti. Lizze-l'Tyler.Long<lnuv ................. M Mrs. Milner ansi Mias Jîîh,îon, 0f CLARENGU N. DURANt>. Att'>. »là5 Ashi.d Girandl Croséfitg, carne up ho attenad the aiskcit hicg.. Iuneirai of Mrs. Manchesler lait Tîuîrs- NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. ils>'. i QloarterlY mee'hing services ws-h e. "e F1111i0. belit at the cburch Sunda>' mornlng, COUNTT or Làzz, In ni,- Cousnty Court Nov. '28. Probldlng Eider Msudevllle Of Lake" CounS y, Jauary Teru .A. D. I. vilI ho prenant ansi sdminisaer the Ciaret,,', N. Dliais is adîiuittlafcr 0f tise sacraujeut o!f1the LordsN Suppar. enttsi e gii u'îalu fe. Morne deoseaed vu carrie E. Mor-. ilie lH. Morse, Ciarle Piilllps, Iteier. Hu'nry Mursand nis I timmerlluid. LAKE ZURICH. Affdavt (jthe nnel (isof Carnie IL Morne ans iBell .' .Morse uleflindant aboe. John Forban vas in Wanconda Fmi. u,,ed iavIuug lien lIed lu tic m@of he i day. Clark of the Coun, Court ot Lake Cairle l H. irandlng vas tn Palatine Batur- l&mrendtieleH. liore.fisi hathe a>. 9" day.admInistrator hcufofare John lilalie, nof(ilmer, vas In lovu s àqasi etate ýand r si li a psytIeau gunday. . lîuidout of sed urt 110001ltintteeuo Minelias>' Kuctucit lu viiaîtîng rois- u"04ddefoentîl. rturnableo the>îa dyofthtfermi f ie,,Coufu, Coirt eo1812. tîves bore. Cossty 10 le ield ai the CourtBHuae in Levis Beip visitesi frlendîs Fr!ss> Wauitegau In saIsi Laite Counîr .one 1e t Xonulay of Januar>'. A. D. îue, ase In i lav and Baturda>'. requlred andl yisuh matr in nov sill Chai. Bcbiiz, of Cbicago viblted bis pouding. ALazIT L. Basuxa, Clark. parente Suanda>'. Lavrence Hansen vas lunliarringtou ou business Tuosday. Heoui> Beip sud John Hosige vont to Wauconda Baturda>'. F Iur Frank Mon.>' ibipped a canloasi o! u niu bogu 10 Chicigo Monda>'.I Fred sud Chai. Selp vore bore onua se t ki g MemrsWalz nkollisoiiarte nov Palnts, amployed by t1he (Goli Club. Mfr. Bobroder, of Palatine, Iransaclesi Ols buuiuess boeo alunda>,011s George Frantklia taien tir. Haptes position st1the pulup station. Varnishes, Our station agent, Mn. Mitchell, le movîng 10obhiago Ibis vei.(la s Mn. Loffuer sud faml>' bave nioved la s lutoeruntalBrandinra bouse. Putty, Geaomge Foiemi n d George Wagner vomo bore on business Frids>'. Meisers Wllner, Daileleon ansi Et . Bunchlng vere lu Harringlon Monda, Frank tMeyer sud John Torbea s 00 to bus>' Balurda>' taking 1the boats eut of ~ th1e lie.I Mn. Iiuesbing andsife atteuisioasISAA HEATrH & SONS surprise part>' at Barlugtou iast Libertyvîlle, Ilinots. Tharada>'. I____________ Messera Jon ansd Frankt Meyer fum. nlsbed 1the music aut1the dance at Lonsg Ofove luti Tînrsday nîght. W eIt D ggl Mr.ingemoee, of Diamond, Lakte- 1.11 fmom a lasider andi Isoite bis uip a Having had yeana experiono. 'J iov sisys ago. the Wehil Digging luuineme.,1 i a "-A Bit of Brais" lajibe subjteci up vbicb Mr. Brown vill preaob hall;1 Sun. prepared to do-this work qu day ovenlng lit 7.30 ocloct. Blina> notice.» Write me for raton ' aebool hogins ali 1.30 p. m. Alil are etmts coodially invillod. - Mr. Chia>' Clati, foreral> out l? tte P.M. A.M.

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