HAINESVILLE. K wsmmddlc. Mr. WaIt entertaînied bis b)rother R Y L K LO A NE%' ny h ig over Suuday. GRYLK1OA NW.A yhn Loo Fouln n avisitiug flm iietr Mys. ma.E4.SIRALcdStnr yon m2,l .Wlghlmau lu Chicago. MS......lMALoalBftr Ir VM 2' m.George Marshtalllu .bnviiig a iew' Mrs. Sherman ta8 ntiorized te recelve aubscrlptionsanudadvertismenta ett pSeq»etweelylwvi dug on lits place. f or thte INi>EPENDENT sîso orders for job printiug. CRU o er foriTales. 41111mobi as »Ikde» Méier.Frank Wells, of Barritigtoil. viilted AI relatives helre the lutter part 01 theFo R os"ls oN M. IF ono Ulîori.. a istiîg GRAYSLAKE SOCIETIES. lier daugbler there. White bers abc bia daugitteria. Mrs.lParker Undd Mars. 0SN SUN I.dea No. 11 A. F. & A. M. vislied lu Wsukegau ..dA..oe Feit Boots.. Lais ~~~n R hold ragular communiatosaura several days. -'-- lisofutur evenlua on or before fulimoon. R beso vr ..u...fg d«y o tfutureire 8 toi.li. « . LITWIL 'a. W.M. Thte Graysiake Cemetery AssociationRubr ofEe ~'bala IR, tha ofithe pust sud the h apending a few daym aîtlî lrientds ln J.J.oosÂO.eY. will meet with Mrs. I. A. Fenion, of "Snag Proof"... sa iri *u site by religions Wauegau.S Ch<Jater. No. lU Order astern Hainesvllle, Thtiradiy Dec. 2d. Alil *yarnmmeai sud by feast..A McCormick agenît ..aNs sen n ounr HB.AT ute, lIraW. n terested in tte gond worL irais W IS O d Who would ~~~~~~~~Str'eet@ tuai liatîîrday lookiig upî the Mus. A. M. WRîvs; Bec>.soetlaîiîgrelvedlle JeHvsip Wh wul iinterai.t5 o,1 theeCompanly. RABLAKE Cams,, No.à ia4taeM. Wedtuli SIt looks as if Romeo!of firieuda Gseouîitand fourth Baturday eve. A. Utet prsaent. Were playîng carda ton aiofr EyESKTTNKviLLE. .Thte uarrnw lotletweeu Motel Austin AHl New sudP ~UNo ueU< o ii EgneadLotutuope tlîey dount play a iikle GlEoOG BRonsa. Clrk. sud Longsbaugh Block Changeai bands ....la.. gt en" Vhnd" -re 95tUbe, blddilIg a Cormer.Bb 71 tube a fibld. 411ltib.ls la, .0.. .9. Frank Lawso lita., moved tbin bouse- OU >tT OF HONORmeetings fat andîril ibisà wek, E.B. Serman lîsng ur. Boys Feits ad1b M__Me.__AtIlle__bide______Saturdaya ofelaihmontb. c essa.it of J. J. Longabsugb BReadI- ~oe.tBdsw, aisbaagO4tbe_____________________ old furuaittîre tu IHiuesville. Tbey E. B. SHERMAN. W. C. cha MetUa. Butter l e eM U tubs wili touke tbeir future home Lit the Du. E. V. HAVILaaaW . 1R. will put a buidinfi thereon elther tise Mên's 'a " t1...4l2~ OLLlN. ~ VîîowFaîîî. tIiZP hCanpNo.tseR.N.A.moet Secondlfull or cary Inthe apring.M ns " 2- ROLoLuINS. oy aaejoig vaidourth uesdaY eveuiachtmoiitb Fmar. i M 20 oe fi] twnCWy wh nssngn. W. Hjaver. Oriacle. J. M. Woodmsn ifthie 'INDEPESI>ENT Mshawaka, AI! kuitb - -M.George Bhieldoiî lina ..vwid hiniseif iimeusely filet Frlday nigbi MaBnaxÂsKI. 11,0. maireasia point to visit Grayalake A VO*l7journal, pubIhud la the il. wheu lie wassalitied w4jdout ceremony. fNJG2(ÂfUA hr. .,îa c-eeyWdedy eie emilg tulmgog te Aieriea iHoee-iud- Joseprh Litwiler ws ;a Waiikegau BeCea!ii nexti re lad. vl.NGsieoIO .NALCliiluni. aer meur- aeyWdedy ete emti MUg AmbMocaton, itu Mission belng te o io Fii.lttineBvillo slîould have a Social lug Wedesday eteraluir. . p. B. C. E. ietai Those vWho visi te reuew ibeir Sub- 2 pounds of (l evfbl horm. Ufe and te meCure Dri. Wn. Wiltou nag ia Wankegan Scieuce.('lub, mie bave a gond bah sud tundayevenlugmaai&45p.m. acriptlon, bave sonejobt work doue or With evCIy purcilss hIuSMM 1r tih >uîlesa,,ild.r tile of visiter Nonday. only need moie one to Êtaritbe -..ay olter oidt itg" vifii do te oil.......... ossNeefud Oi HaulsscinelO lra. (Jtalea Roilinils lim visitiig movemnt. Wiowillit ioo lma hrau eerysoeo ow»fl" u oatlsCM orelativelu ln ova. Theboeold snsp came as pre<icted by Grayalake Village Offibers lita imday beween'3a i 4:30 p.st.r o «W UeshuUSO tible. i aPiluhOmàd Mr. Loo Drury tlsstayiîîglt LitCooks our '.prtpiti the venealîe ualî lleî¶..........t.Br~. iât F. .ewen ad.:3BA m 1%tMe iateeestsof a woriby cause and coar Gagea Corners. Hen e,, e rebV ren.mmeudfinit ...........E . wiitr ousrouD. luy eh ls we i g Meeting wtlh pproval of aud Mr. Crel Hibhard and l auiîly wlll lite departflleît furtbwiih empîOY Tru.tel F. D. Battershall J. Wiî.ks, boume lu H.inesville ai a grest sacrifie supor feinelritis pope. mauve te Baud Lake titis week. Elaei(ui and tlîerpiby avold future '10. llleiardgoiî. ÙC B. Harvey. rC. Lfusadlut Tuesday GArayslake, - quprstoctcitfus eol.MissesAnnie sud Butie Wiltoîi are e'rre issîrer....................H. Neville t r .Ltu n viaisinag relatives in Wsnkegau. Henry %Vls 4lis sOM flis City polle magistrat, e................ C. Morse moved bis family sud bousebold Deorea» or0892.920 Ths Voir. wa eritlsulC laskins, (if properly 10 Mr. Lotuts. Mc. Wells Marslial.......... .....A. leUlUcu helonginga 10 Ripan, Wis., vitere bhe Wb eor fliefli.Bad !Aiovre cllernd reSuC. y. aud fitily go u i lîpoi, W .. where Clerk .............. Dr E Shaffer. wiii engage linte hiacktmibhiug fiuai- M Th eoto h ueBado nicvrsetesbteSna. M.Wells lias pria.dUn lierest ns.W îi l u i îoee £ql"ion is ont and msuy uiay bie Mr. sud lira. Eugetue Stickles nîo..ed lua large wagoiî aîd ru.pair sbitp. Ve ns.W ihhmadbsscei W e are not ltMed lu kuowlug wvit hlmaite ite Joues bousnear Fourtit Lake. a i;sithiexît îîro@piy and bsppiîies>. in 1 îarvey urais. shipîedaeflnd <f itîgabut regret finifosltenoatfraira ouirmidsti reportfor Lake CouuiY. lira, WUIKapple, of Grayslakîe, their new bomne. riChicgo tnt Fidity . .T .co Nts laeh .mpzaiv salmel itw-vlsited ber r.oiher ai ibis jplace Mou - urn ewtetolîer Z,!r. Losrd oicînesid lrW. C. îtr T.sd U pet r .ucuîg Cîiîsl utNes.gie """"e"grgieiseaete made lr. Ed Kapple sud famly iîihve<i 10 more msocuesalil <in pleasiuini i11w 1ssiroitrîoisdwive sni luIm ascr nthe several ecnui- arsyalake isst Tiraday lniteeibouse thaîstalis .preuccesor. Iiy te l E igeuune Hendee war paen lts antiîe. l,ful ctr uliigs ea ooutyidovsr aou MM fuir the yeeru1893te18197 togeiber reeently vacaî.ed by bis brother 1111. mwe are tfIie opitîtonli tati îiîîetv.uilie 'athe Sut. of îraî nwork,.Whoii, lii ttfilforCI h wmit" gl a. or deersase of meelTh*y are greail! nissted iy ibis coin-.per lnt itiw epatrconts of thetisaines- TuteRda> lutit e truîst 8 machi rproved lIt ia oelet0ill ter utlou. oouty for thseyear 1897, Lake Conniy muulty. ville illi i ire endsy ignr01thoe ! le i )w.Th onyHl#.r ri-wkwtil aboa u vel. he ggrgai ~ Mr. sud tirs. C. T. I.oring speut l jtil o')a'in luiakug lraa. .ligysen nîdy u fcuilesrfit s griitaviir and woulil bu aa sl 1 Buday aiCassus Doolitles. fI.dnaîtlt 8lg tthr. Mo Wfitott *watshvee îitrltvsli'.ue alulI ormesloieslua d otilr itleal metfor Lake Count u t liar w oi«gretr d t aneileW s ftex iukanig cal arefuiiv iiqurey Mouda~y wt rltve r Wueantiuiber<i If .ouidatleand mttees wotuld f f p.1~hB vle bs er t aunu iod~'vtle tirs. Loriig ud msou infinit '<Y fwPrns ae v and Wadswoirlb. wmiemeeintlgs snd enuiriinnts lrani,, 1#1M ,or a deeresse of $32,893. Ray viliiremaîn bhure a few dîuys. arI onefi-the rOf8as lr bw ohnJeber etrtoiiieiuse. t Bit .-.. <c,. I lu 113 ikeCoulys aseamet ~ LatThureday eveng alioit frîty acTdh.ig0iiVtalaaiot.iîUyniohn raillal aes sared xîedayu.île bR IM akeatitured amai lntt ley slaîid us tilgradei, llîeir Whole for Wimsonsiu b pitrehaseecuil. Will le rsnrlae Un.Ibi i ui.el aA .'l of Our Youugfaillis g tnere iteide .'uiit cituîlIgel lte vildreu hie golfe abouit a veek. Mi.. li e uruiglloulm. rTa liaie. @1t,910142 ln'77, $5,781,906. Thte lovent bome of Henry Edwards andu nrd atotyautcsi xerlint outtucif iie<i..rogrnd etSUuin . u1879, Il being $6,187,09. the young foiEs there as siirmePaiscprty' DQxprftel *,trtolt)te et. cloeMrl. Pieu tus timte il gradmusiniureaaed, Dancing vas tei iief îîiîîis'îintof h> xsittt.tubsr1 tiltera. CiiiîlMis teailfais tarait ii ii Y lu justice t.. yonr oeiliîuîtand tus the Werse'glid 10reort 1fiitigt vurk tt.abus___________ 1b.hiheat ear ! aIlbein '96. Iba venin. leîeberme sigges lita soue of nr lainesvilie iuî a Mr. )l,tcter, a man dule iv that Uniin,.. Roui iii hail rolInau. __________ Aeoodia teibereprt IereareLON GRVE. ebroulu .grtomblers lake a 1,111e more veli knownaunî wlo bng liveil in that Th-! %V. C.T'. U. Co.înty Cufereuu, mîlI mmngtthreotteeaeLN RV .ilteri iîîlitthe âsilti by makiitg viciniy. lýu hvd ittrnt.Thttrsayq.>uu. id, Mr.. 4 lbs Dried Reaches .. 7461 borful i is countly vlued aI eogeqen nWksin(bil ooccasalsînul vîuit, l«y givlng your touuiia mlii lm-ltîbore sud yl maie aonu <f #N#210. Thte counly supporta 21,334 Gore Qitiiiichildreu a Iiltleeuvuiiragmeni ai home Tbe Gages Lake Ail socety nit lier famuisai fil.îeaîîths*evsilg. e49 Ibs good Flour ... valued st 1140.378ti. There am34 aner Bros. seemed tu enjiiy a gixid by ofring te boys and girls a iîelp. vitb Zlr4..George Kaplîle ibis veek bave nol «cen lficnnias t,, i irgal3 IbS Mocha and Java uesvsltied ai $379; 9,164aseeP Tbauksglving trade fliît tiy tnont iug hitauiring luise long wintur Wedîîlesday. A large ilîir ererootheîwise tou<il .siru il mi ii.-uni. sii> l b a ramPf lldq" st 17,514. inea Ibis report always do. ecnus tttlt i axi ul a ,, icasu iîtvustiig lb.mde hbeep population hm . Thte ice uouse ai the ceuanery, ims 1 se'tt r arui sit aovett alspBrtJnso n ived lfaim family it,. rendlî<mangar tîenist L ointsy riaittuu C pe l oac grovuaeonsidersbly. There are 7,2441 nombigerecle<l 1. iMeYer4 i' e«f Idlssalisfau!iîoli tiat yOu ayhu .. amrKbneu h )n farc Bicycle Coffe e per lbp hog b volh19,45 Thredelug te mork. 1Hellaite teuiler. hîlp lite ctild and mr.Plmr îîîs iilietakusT <iei< rnimmtlniluIter Huvlm* t lis hals Mte bcviWorth $c9,er34ss5u lii. ou,..kgXa " " ire 08 gair eugueelu Ie couty A tnkeyraille11t1111017m8îrs heruiy lbelli iii inise Istter ci zeus ie antssiweek, wbure bc wiitIdo a Hm-.vvitalstaines < .u.l oeno os 10 semegiesinte out nlrnislted Itie principalusmet1tio! us ail. Atuor.. lie fanînlng nait summurl. hof ulsîîimseur t,al Vnyua ,tllif te fiMisse ol s pr frafti avorth $12,U89. These vanes here rankogiviug. lat.ve fIl mean? Rad but lue traite tens0 r ans l ..Alres .Wool Unde of oué,cre&I a th eate vergel eadwa sdainl I ents mho 5»Cntto have ne motiveo ntIk ofeuraaraliilbstieaerae. Leave yottritems for te liiiitEN- How 10 Cure Bifons COIc Mc.C. Wieîalvs tdel v>% n training hefirvffsprlng. ('hilîd-rin ~ '~ e Thc aesed value of Lake Couu&y DENT ait the poatoffiCe iece y<sît vilIi 1sîifferud !îor wceks wtb colle sdtan vr I aitw îedayat ugcot i. flill at a .exlnt l rw vee puma1 property la $736,789. lufiitda box for tai purpisue. -tîiputfiiiy tiîu,îscb eansed by billons, ai pce.îent vniiitg is stilh very Ibm. traucîîhîniant' a ehîîd reIe lem t bite.Mens Plush Caps .... Prof. Tabot vas boire Vdnesay nucssui aniî<ltus ltako mediclue aithe N%, tustu obuable tsi repiort sicêdy m"6aIsAa tar. .. desid as Wei) as th. ie vUetl e a u lte average ln $810,468. snd bas deided 10 have a ..ritiug wilemtif I tîni I uc suiueraiu's Colle, < nise mi llom sud the relit oftheli o,. Boys .... The report lu generîl ln a velui ai- oh ehswitrieioib ui Choiera u,,il Diarcituea Remedy wmiîcirecovery fili «tir uext mritlng. goden boira o!fe aIll ierallr turnuod loua..ScthC s... namflMdauthelie cone conlaiuing cuvu bc obtalued. lt.e t. I have ince recontmeuded JlmtTiieker toî<k a vacation Otfs aoee theusnrusundetl~t.~~u osPefcinFi usYau iretiltg fiote. ch"a. Siempel aunounceus in Iihn, lut a godamduyeptoplte.heira.or. miaitbcfloed. run lie e n adl u ulins, lia - - v~~~~Week' issue îhat beomiilpsY assît or Butlr FAairhavei,.Cout,. î'ersonsrcnîyadstotttee<s 11tliirwsu~rr1uiu udmdss ive ltatsst Inleibeabte oignore tileul Mens tpsit Tii (Jw îy etie. fur@ of al kils. Mr. ltempel la soute- mito a;e butîjcrî 10bilions cullc eau ite vouîd conte back a henediel. At gst our eudfu e anduarihe p ap ~ ~ ~ ~ wvit1a l weaiber prophul, sud miieu aoft Ytkîî bs ie<d !lt we <meeLecaemîcos,,kuu. l> ai...theulsoic 'lo clisse outil By noter a"Ilathecolt W b Strenedyassoo amt«matie ym teabuthte f min l en idlauon unionjeu ee bshie r ad" 1ook ont for uold reud ssrna tclrIsmiotsiak alone.Ilfow do yoi, seotitifor a ui otefle nthee id a.rw aaauar.appeur. Sorti uy F. h. LOVELL, witi habt@ t l.d and itts feu lait.e libuttite make engage mett auAtvinter veaiber. tai Jawn. arne aiug hia rive stock ready fon igeodl.oroSe brulfupo te heLon Gov ccamryreîîedLibertyvilie,J.1. 11. fli.eurit, (iunite, mreruic, hum careftutîr he seleutti.- . - sTh k thle uiessLonsdiyove ember lui.ationtL H L TrîuarIILuu, Rouckfeler. Dizpsit Camp IB. N. f A..recentiy righ natido!feod. bout partieular lastéoiF.H &bu ofppuudsofu. hk is beengrueuiveduesneTutnhayNovemberl otAtteintamunut and timue feedlug. a Uittle neîl regenve p. leadianfne eelargef locuieCairluMli, nte saleIf E ahmdelribler~CuPiou o fot otysx aruni. The li i r t r u grum Intolemperate menGRA S K - eqlpmel luthu cv bildig isfor their Campu rouîttaitru.ugh our andl momen van wpm ttistow ai ieusî as W.J.Coklecapeirbu uieq cometntseon iuudugaRach csre andtirmealathe slockimaii gvesiil _____hl._______ W. . ookina arpntrbutwhtecomlpe nd ecndto noue lu the Orayalake funituri dealer Mr. Stromi. mIaIs, le t reassnable lu exîe' rh., ghbrs ouay. eore uenin 411 lionThe ar alait anoratienttu rion.u.let,-d vhlld.i rtoirîlto a inole &Wabubuil hous.for is elgbr net. ere .ieilnatl ouane r0ules nuîn ute~ astr lvu Weuuil lles lu tu.- in Baghvood aud cosrucied divers te churuiuig, etc , sut exPucis o M. W. of A. biai. ofuu<ri t huBreakfast Taleitess,. eutmara udile ceus orlieDecember 1. lu have tuck Itie îlîlliSt h<firosait>* vice, "anastsu unua man boul>i embu"adUe hsefrteof eigbiy-flve dainecs. Thte irsysiake Laitts'.lid socety nuid tutu.îîrmoral nalurtismuon astuIeellttd.ý Hî- Prk w omen folbis i t ugbla a pe lei léant lt sturiîiiuii wtbafura. îllng un,,. ratesislarlagi uat u1l have beeA.bus! vili a greal inven.ioi la»boia «y ithà rc inenion 1Hoiecoiera never vîsits 1the tord týo ai iIU flwBrandsleiter Isu meck VedueRday, i nom urgeail le the nueutotemtranle lt,. arse i0uPul 19. ( 1 ando uera Ifin lu Irodu(o sualt>'bodymîautru Sad yenterday te iuviled the imembers tb Califurla (retient FuodIRAsgivurislia . -r p&uo7o anilme wt r.Orad et be libeir e«Change lut Euglemod thllul. Fur sale l<y E. Blticiîtel. rssusialeRicWardsoni05. tVî,îueday Duc. fat. bd il a o! rg hild unusImae asouenî to paréateof au arliichilmilk li t eu, .te W. lvaiyaratlo »4ali.fs rese ,,,e miuî tolie presinti thuui fothusu vetrasifoue"m.saubll bai ompounaded from la varions ... 0.at...ilanusd notu lbe dîfféirenise. Man> Farresfor Renteor Sale. A P p 0l 1"the E Kple o olissltwet tioda fie. gnteme, bo am 10acif u11acre farutini tuîn o! Freontt ith d.. Cuu lits famll>' loin lte bouse dInk lakn aI thlromu tables, yeniut"""'n Good buildinîg, îîientY mater. W'ul ~ l AINO &I' . vaat ylits bruulher Wili, mtii!b la or. as îuuInîcthe rmlss aas mat Wr. H ai Rature counuerfeil, reusnedWtO iU cbeap on îjug limte turighti hart li ~a 2aw.uwavmwe vscalcd b>' d fimil qui il iti mucitdeigiti, dciaring il or1m1ltoutifur a terin-of years. 9. OP P5TiOretC.wa smu.s 0.s 0. te olul honesieid. Wii Kappie sus.nidi, ulolarfie cour loved unes. Su, illperioi o e egenuine article. AuAddress IxoEPENOE'urLiluurtvilte, __________________uovcd autoîîthe uten ioî 1 î t arcisoya luntsur initat iersu ig An 2t saine fartiibonh eit rsud sîtutit muet b.eul lu malle t , ilfuit bhl lmu «paisent rove thatthe ,lithearta sstaithral tAhe aed millItnet germinl.... c rond.BrumTeiu provedlalitaid slite dmAIo woM dproduce amre crsai of a rich.-r-Our Cubbîng LisI, oad. Beamut u iaterliceaan i<utei în ul qvAdUyouthutnltheurgaceb iii uîîuuîhuîr * The Mrs. sainuel vSrows, îof Detîfuoines, hume. sacrifievif lIme amuonev soisf Invent.Note ou. ..... ...-. i- titasliecF.he gesi oTber o mnfort are iîeaded îtu InstItutumavasuit iamSme c b ises t o ou u Yu cu aval a. l'y,0. Iouwa, bsbe h us fbrbnmeanu oh-i lyumalls Ivunieratu îfaillistel ae v, 1dspene , it.f;i tucrif sud lfo fur, snd tirs. Willis Strom wmmen IAthliandui resldauaa5 cenle a quart. A coin- clubbing lite INDOiFuluE'sT vit ans -- - Veay for te manfactulre o! the of the papers nietiuiii tîte list, several seeks, reuniug lober busne la.saonrt coed byDr. reablis subsîtule for milk la nov sud lu factae urail guvu vin thie lîsîîo 1<3vay o! St. luni tat T uCday 10 visîl Sio"Jout1afd" ,0HAVEetade orgauixing. ~lit o uit ipuisburs iîsi ' ili aliu AV V U publicationu yî<ît uts>' isri, %%ienuitand Ciubblflg Liat. sonne people liEste tall of te negli- cObdmll ls v uis dv..<ner hieiiiw uA lse foulîait ewproii rom of au edtor vite duoeant Jmml titrongb ut. Granite neuf; pubtlications vticit mien clubbed W UsP L E ,.E aI vem chauce t10 mn. every aleged WATERLH . IAM R.E mit theIti lDEENDENT mlii bc fîîr WTAO.O perous vr nsd rebuke every Te Whom Il May. Concerra.Ot< -ë uulii u idie aa, as indieuted -uaaed Froin tiel4eiversef Neresus P""r...SL KE allagedi faucied, or aven rafse, evil in Ilustuaice 10uiyaeif anud it vîuw f! iralleai""ek-.Di. MISse'0 Nervis.. GRAYSLAKEn the. municipilli, or te onduct o! certain errouentîs reportîs circlted CMTB yorpupeal and.inagazine for youln I o! iUdvlduiW members oethIe com-. by maliclons persous, 1Ialleniti out uul s'riieetlit ulite Il'DEIý'OENT. maulti. The average ediio a fplc attoriuiepuîiuuîî o1K uis .uur h'rîeu trouble. of is ow, mitenut endesvor- o01te fllowiug uxprussituits Piuo.-. for b.,îî. ing te tale charge of everybodys e. CHICAu,.SEI'l.. 11. istntaîu.vt... ........1i S"à 15. If oueebas an opinion te express or a Thbis la tut ertIf>' Ibal i have Iithi iy 44iArt Aumateunr <ili l tuitlle 8**"N 'aM 4 7rS ab made a caruf <i phyitviel suitimentalî EVEItI00 i a tîsuho oattl> Bustul . M... i auggestion of boy te correct cviii, e1 1niln<i j,A1i îtîulîtli, Bb atiaîl. Iloson ............Mi ; wof.etci., rosi or fancied. te van ber ini good iualtit snd caitiftnitno, DESCRIPTION :oue ireruera (z-tazie. lhiigo... W te> JU as veilfile biaobjetions &sud trace oui itssuitY, sult eleoulier <lit Cîsutri. XY ........... ...... M iiiu Mat i ugsios8 oewt somal bota ieîîally sud pbyslieuillv .lie Chîsus ekAî uInt e it..W t7à saab.bis aggmononC.s lHAtem,0Ni.uru1)tiniluies. 550i tdeî....... M ig i al ceeorrection@ by vrltiug au article LilFeiTYVILnE, . 8, IIlstluit. St2i~n(.LU aisNYU.........L eadi40 frubIaonsdbvIl This lun o rtif>' tutthtetu' ieur. 126Geuam.î =Sire 1:i u urv.UterauiuN ...... 0 pebUisid mastai over i emu MiseAllnteMirait lias licuitu1ut>' .VÂUKEOÂI, ILL 1ifouDatmeWrld Chi s. Y.M i signature. employ for aboutt ix moul as. iuîen luaîi nq' erld ini uato.M.......W fully ecommed ber n il c.u,,i suoùEvrv Montra, N Y.............M u210 7hee re om mio esdtu g ose oekeepur tany onie iho ni>'____ ItoEvury Where. Brooklynu.... M tsu deairearetur servIceos.ts&JFarcit and Firewaiue. Sprlngitlld M 1 75 bes.andpiubeirfselbnerierviesRVHi.i 1 ou yasFarmers Union Chicago. W 230 theasse ForuHNm. NY tiG e t i unes sud e s utud ii b r ... ud * W.H. P LEYila"FriiraZar..............W16i AN Eeryth ..IN THEI . otwear- .....German Socks.... -y Description, incîuding ...Candee .......Boston... jear and Woonsocket.... Prices lthe lýomgaliintheu on e!ofthe Tride,. buckle over ......... $1 25 go 9 ...... 1 95 buckle Suag Proof over.. 2 50 boot and first quality luver. 2 2J5 Ininuuted Sugar for $m.0 se of i pr Fuit Boots and Overs. LTTERSUIALL, - Illinois. 0 ig out iù sin essi o~u think so? a Coffee ......... 3aklng Powder........ c)per lb. . . . . . . . . . . ,package ......... w pair ....... . .. ... lerwear........ ... ess Binding per yd... Rubbers per pair... 9 hat were 1L!') -o SOc. lit ..... ........... 8' c ILLINOIS.- WATCH ES CLOCKS.. JEWELRY. FINE REPAu RING A SPECIALTY. R EVES TESTED FREE. B~. Sherman, I LLI NOIS. rn &Co., ing Tailors, ,s Furnishers.. Kaiser Block, - - - ILLIh ke QuickUl IF YOU WANT ,kly Inter Ocean rime, We Can Furnlsh the ieekly Inter Ocean, botho .7,Cash, ln Adva~> .25 .25 .70 .09 .15 .09l .02 .55 .39 .19 .50