Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Dec 1897, p. 1

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LAKE COUNrPY INDE PENDENT.- Vol. VI. No. S. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois.. Fridav. December 3. 1897. igl.5O a Year in A Dr. Charles Galloway. Officeover LoveI'sDrug Store HOUESTRON i TO lAIOurC.TO hSP. X. Libertyville, -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. -Bluial-- f lotO & MI.11,1 4anuS.605 .m. Itsdneon Broadway ioppomiti. iPark Libertyville. Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. BOUM TIL, 8 A. M. 1 ?O 3 ANtI 7 TO C P. à! Speciai attention pold to tlàfe treaimeul of cronlc iibeuratlcn. Rockefeller. -Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician anid Surgeon. lgammECa OPPORITK i <EEIXN IOTEL ELDU. Gurnee- -- -----Illinois. D.E. H. Smith, DIENT IST. Office ever J. W. Butlerls b!dg Hours 8t 2a.w.m. mi àto 5 p. um. IDAI LY Libertyville. Ili. D.EV.HARVEY, DIENT IST. -OFFICE luoi W to12 A. M. 1tU 6.111 U1T t Mi1'. . Grayslake - Illnois. .B.SCHAEFFERS NU RSERYV. c'o.. ILI. viocs and lOuait FiuIt' (Mt My prk- son .cAet' I . O. F. Butterfield M. D. C. VETEIIIIAIY KURGOOtSAND> DENTIST. laiUUETYILLE - - ..ILINlois PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney and Coun.4elior ut Law. NOTARY PUBLIC sCe'aSIatbtlotin gis iii i <.11 clI' ' OPi'e WiTtt 1 orI. 'NtTI Io Libertyville, Illinois. LIBERTYVILLE HOTELý Sues Colfseum Company. i liee %uaord <of agriculture ilcd ia bill tif acc<înîlling in the jircuit C'ourt l&At Satliriiay morlnga.egainat te Clileago Exhibition eontpauy, whlith liait tht' leasehold o!fte (oliat'itm. lite actioni recluits froni titi'receut fat tock and borne ebow. and ilte bil te lati' board o! agriculture alleges taI t te Exhiiion company la vithtolding «ver 50<>o!f ts@ receipîs <f tbe reeeul nshovwicb righllliy felî'ugc 10 the board. Il la clailnîcdIAit the billiIhat te îuî,tay s idue iuder a conîract had wîbh lite Exhbiion eornpany îreviOls ta te îpenlng o!fte show. Te coîurt %cas ahke<A toapîpoint1a ree'vî'r for te meney Flow lit i 'etion4 whlclî As ou îepogisilinkt batik. .iidgt' liurkî' îssued te njiiitîtion idesired, iiiakithetAi' ontiniental National biînk ali, a pkirty 10 IL. Iii<st-v<-r, ac'uridng (tti' aMidavit if rreaeurer Sîtuite of te Chiicago Exhibitioin Company te înonoy in ail client, antt10ay te ftabe Itourd vas stiînî in pîîtling il t midly, whell tio-y Iearrted te money was gî)Ilt.. Fair 0.111 le a Pd.- I lie '.Iebry eouity agric'ulture a'iviely in no" out ,,f d.,bt, ils emeent aecrttary and treaurer, 1). T. limley and il. F. Fieldl, recenti y liftis te mortgage aîtouting t4) $1,177, which bae tiung over te aoclety for Yeus. lu jact AttIlie timrt fAne JAtthelitstory 01 te aocieiy, organized forty-thre years uago tatitiban beef t of t!debb. Widiner-Kreutzer. à1m. Frankt Weidner and IMisa MIary Kr-uizer were inarried at Hunnley, Tuo!sday, Nov. 23. A large number o1 triendi aitd relalivem of ditse Mot ectlimabie youug couple albended thes metlding, aft4er viicit il enjoyed a ltvely dan"e, Munie bt'tng f urniated >îy ite Huîaly orcheoîrai. Tite laN)- PELND)ENT iuntes vitit themitnimberleas1 frieniis tn uisaing tlentut l ong anti Iîn.Kitfi.roi<iivsoyage lîroughIlAle. Correspondents Wanted. Ile iXIiEl'ENIIENT desirem a reltable î.rrr-stiîotdeut n every comuit inl Lob' t'(uçunty n't îîîw represerited iu Ils kcolLma. tmpod enveloposefor use n a'nding ilte newe, a cîpy o! te laper, aud filt il tcrucions vli hc nlrniheýt Di cat sttrzed con','- pîîolelit u ailagent. 'llie 'frApuds of dtgitatlug ksote ipere4mit i btir con- ut <tity tb report tlIt-' ewns wekly, for 't. "fteilik si ovett5itîtlt i îIe Ebagato ld-.I iu t.t cop-gsd. Masquerade Bail. ,Md wlY« ..t.rlhd ttith ha5i. I i lcuibi.'- sa.ý Jitt'mttif- baI Dî ServC[icIrst Clas. Itit-i. iPlîY (îlo1, Iluso. iisr. lî,aulstarf'r' îr iî tt- r ti î,t alrti j gtl, Dii'. 1. J'rui!. iilits 'i lis' " , ilsIect't Wuil ltrttisb tout1.4e for TILLO'TSON & FURNEv. Paui î"'oAiu.Sîuer ul Iii, trved. (",r. Sia. A, 1-h "t . . tni 1 tre fr alu 1)a LIBERTYVILLE. -ILLINOIS. FuIiiii liit-)ilie afrdeIldiiitw1 %" or rish, -ht isuarded. î W. H. MI LLER. tio tt l. Wt'aritt lite TONSOItAAL AiIib'r, Iiiotuîis. .Nreyoil goinîg, Witets yîîuu vaut a <'bout ,,it. or1,?a good itair cul; -Il '0o 'II.New Year's Bait. C'1OI<VE ti~tîs )8orpiii Nit". H. .. INeyers bas arrangeuseuba iý Ni-xig mt ". Si, , pletelur àirand New 1eriabal] a 1e. IlIaitii attenid. WHEN IN1,5 'u hLiAN )oi t AN (RT A GOOD FULL MEAL, Notice. Al vi -u -ittt,. 17 ' tt Ihi' ri-gl;ur animail meetintg id FOR 23 CENTS. Lake Co'oiiiy Agii'ultraI Societ'y h» e,' t 'î ite tl,%îflhall, Llbertyvi .<igS DRetauiran t 1Ili. %%edîit'u.dlay, Leci-tuber M, 1097, 1,,te punise 'of electIBg ollCers fui 2me N. (,ai" t WAiJiiEGAfU iuttiug year and î raunaî'îîug I Li ter bA.iiitem Wv.iAil toay pruîpl MANitit <t ci tii' efîre teIneeting- .5< I iý l lii. M. W 'îîuidtan, ite'y. f- h<iv rot fimor Alp' it (tsru i a Vesper -a hii <oit-ilr.'-I î.itep 6Bestifqîll trtitE.i"-.' ti-i' ' si-nit I Woodmen. Attention! goleg soon. Alir' - J. J. LoaueseUGit. At tIé'tilraI iu'ttiitg i DteetAiei Grayalake, Illino. "iiils <f tAe ieb. W. tif %<. eleet ofit fîor lhe ettsiiiiig year. Ttt'meftimt' - . - - - - fi'-'. tust iM iitotail îneeing o! CoId Weatfler e. ooDSs ... BLANKETS, -FUR ROBES, FUR OVERCOATS. VouAIl Find Them here v CHAS. KAISER, Libertyville, M- . LAKE COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyville, Minoisj. Issues înterest-Beariflg Certificates Payable on Demand. L.Weil Digging. B aviiîg Iîd c'tr's 1xpeieei n i ~ f.e~Ve1 lI)gging. 'llilletr.. 1 nui L -ý ,»,,,,pared to do thim work on uiort SWite. ime.-for'. mtes sud yeur, ansd u'ery Ntitgluisr Khusil tend sud iauil for officers cito emetilily perin thtiti ionl of's il Concert. i bieiAlil eaagrand concert l'Aliinay esoîing Dec. '9, aI te M citurcit aIt iamond Lake, for ttiiult of the'cituneli. Tht' con yl iue ,givvu by local talent, osai Iiy uaibefromn ucgbbrlng towni gît lrograntlitas iteen preparod liw î' tut tilviig 1putbli catilie aum of . Ireat. I: N DitI m<50 lift.'Oit i' <Voit. l E D1 Ni'ft'Eri.- midi>'fit Miii, Iutt ditt. ufuliTt. ii. RuS. 't Li. > ,.A . 1 t DVF.T-. 51 ilperntizHoue." iri.'LtILLAI) Oit M.. lItuIt<Y. un. m. C. NXIiTi. 1 ut ýday ýagît th.- A endi. lui and tanie lin- I ut <beIy iteit lte will ile, ,for 'lte any erlTy 2t WOODMEN CELEBRATE. Lake Camp Modern woodimen Entertain Aoyaily. Lat Satnrday nigbt vas a mernorable one to the members of Modern Wood- men of America iu varions parts 0etlthe connaty, who partlcipathd vitit Lake Camp of Waukegan In a grand raliy aud celebration. Il viii long be1 remembered by the 400 vito attended as a shinlng occurance In the annal» of Lake County Modern Woodmen hiîitory. An minuiual iflux of applcations for membernhip determined Lake Camp upon a celebratlon and a comiittee of rive wax appointed to arrange te1 detailei of te mfair, the date of viticito vas il ted cincidant vAt lte Initie- tion of te noverai candidates lu vait- Ing. Invitations vers sent lu nearly Il of the camps in tbe connty and the working team uof Tamarack Camp, .North Chicago. vas asked 10 be n readines tuconter te iegrees, 10 vietictey consented. il'ursuant 10 tritaeInvitations at an eerly bour Fbaturday nlght Woodmén hegan 10 pour iu Wankegau from înapy diretiion&. The iodge rçotp lui te iolîstein block vas taxed beyond iln capsily and the ovemflov of the crovd vas dlrected 10 lthe opera bons. vitere te latter exerclsea ver, 10 btes place, and there eitertainsd ab carda. Sixteen candidates vers on band et te Iode bail 10 itsinitlaled imb the mysterles of Wooderaft, aud they vers trmait ovr 10 th tender mer. cisc f te Northt Chicago 15ma. The latter vers vell prepared for th vork aud did t vAhont tiAnt or favor and viten ftnlahed tecandidates knev a groat delà about Woodraft; lndeed 1he7 vers f1011Y prepared for practical vork Alute tratsrnal forsat. Lake Camp has a membership of 276 and tsegret majority of thsm vwers preaeut. but titere vers enough n at- landance from the conlty 10Atrimase te crovd veilI igh 10 4M. Fnlly tvsnty-Alve attended froiu Llbertyvle, tventy froint Hlghad Park, tysaI! trom Lakes Foreat, several froi Ivanhoe aud representatives from camps tu spring Bluff, Russl,(urme, Grays. laite and Wadivorth and about tventy attended from SNortitChicago. Au impromptu program vwu pre- sented during the eveniug, n viAch 1 appeared IRobert Douglas vith is 1i banjo and te Bidinger brotera An noverai gitar duste. Col. BidingerJ ruade a Swediait speech, and as an putor, " ýgave a Mong and a dance n sain language.*" The Apollo Quartet wacAeugaged for the evsning andi rtuterenorne excelent munie. E. Gi. Payne, of Ivanitue camp. eîtexîded a general Invitation t0 ail ctimpn 10 attend the houas varming n th.-ir new ltuldlhg viicit tiey expecl to bave ready about New Years mt the opera bous eevery man vas bis own boss and ied bis face 10 nia own Katisactlon and enjoymenl. Large tables exlendsd aronnd the posta n the conter o!f te bell. WithiAn Ibis onelosure tse vianda and satables vere packed, vitb an able corps o! waters 10 vaitL on the enger multitude. Auiong te litinga Ith"compoeed te bill ort fare vere: Sandvichess, baked beanb, pickles, cake, citass, colles. fritits of ail kinds, tbe vhole capped witlt rounds o! gond cigars. 1 When te eating was ail over and everybody Lad left te tables Il was lose b îîldnlgbt. Afler te multi. Intde bad f een fed tbere vere galber- Fed up from tat wiiicb remaîned FIvelve baskets of fragmenta, whicit were afterward distrlbnted amnong te needy o! Wsnkegan. A Fine Swie Herd. McFaddsu. viticit vastu lake place aI r al An llSDEPE11DFNlT represutalive late. lte home o!fte bride in Chicago,1 teerh iy calied upon C. 0. SmsII on te Oso. Wdnesday, Dec. 1, '97. it 's Brovn tarmn beleven Giluer and i Baverai luviled gesate vltnesed lte lte Dlamund Lake sud lied the pisasuire of cirsteulug o!fltres babea, Henry d ai- Iouklng over a ine iberd o! Poiand Picket's, Andrev Andersons sund wil China seyne. The ibard coniseo!tAndy Tuelsona aI lite formsr's tijir tlirty-live btad of full biood, recordait homoebaut Senday. The cersmouy vas Polasil Chinas, sudla oua o!fte conduclod by 1ev. John Hebband e iuestln Itue couuty. M. Bnaittas Lutemu minister froxu Chicago, vito stockt direclly prodnced froxintaI esolomnizsd the occasion wiit aseno- 011onvhich capluref te tiret promius et mon at the close. M.E. tse World'a Faim lu 1893, and belug a teMau o! exprience ln the avine How t0 prevent PneumnonIe. icetraislng business, hbasaueoeded inlu At tlitslime of ltse yeer a cold las very i'.e Aproduclng sons gilt odged hoga. The easly conlralied, sud Ifiltmu ils ov*A ownr o!fte Laite County Rerd o! course viitout te aid o! sousrellable 1and Pobaud China avine, shows that lte cougit medioine s 'table t0 resultlnl îtîred ltaI dread disea5e pneumonie. Ws mrdbas dons vbat hoe daims 10 do,. il: knov otno bettor remedy lu cure a gel tiral a goud Individuel. second a cough or coid titanChtamberlinl'» pedigree. For the pa& six years tse Cougit Bemed. We bave esed Ab above named iterd buas eguiamly been quite extenslvely sud it bua lvaye gAve entire saisfacllo.-Oolagali, exhibiled ut lthe Laite County Fair, lui. Ter. CAscf. sud nover failsd 10 retuma home vit- Titis taste ouly rsmedy taI la outI rsI preinue<in every cba iu kuova 1te s acertain preventîve o! vitici the er hown To anyone pneumonie. Aitoug te many tou. ....,, verssandawvio have use i ilfor acide and inlerestedl in "4purkesa" a lrlp lu vîsîl la gril]. ve have usver yet learneul te brelo!tro menlionef Ptî[and of! a e c~ oas bavlng ro.ubted lu Ciiaa vili ho lime veli spent. patioui*na. Persoas vitehave vsak ______________ lunga or have reason 10 tsar an aluack Vant Amout of Milk. o p eutua, mouid keep lte romedy 'liii' .l.eippern'amsociat:ioniâ do- et =tad. Tit 25 snd 50 cents seak for ing 1rolltbie aie by F. B. LOVELL, LîbertyvAlle, ing pofltave wok for te siippara j. R. BsACuua, Oumuce, 1,.H Liea. o! mut sund îearly evsry dairyman hma Fiui, Rockefeller. Itecomo a mem ber. Accordiug tu tae lttapresident o!flte asaociation te daily For Sale. recelpl of ýmilk n GChicago,- lu round Tbree extra choise pedigreed Iloiand numitema, ia 10,000 ouns. Of titis Chine Bars. Pris 1$10, $12 and $15. amottthlie Nortvweateru carriesa3,M)f H. X. liAlsots.Dlamond Lake. Cano; te Milwvaukee l'Sm0;tse GretlR AT Western 1,400, sud lte 1minois Central FJR WAT . i,800Tteer5d5tvedllghOdiK1 igiteat cuahprioeapsid for a&l kinda .eoiou.gsteblket~Umb!!lf*d0 tra b! Oquu B Svmz, Long 6-14, NO RTH Fi E LD. lr. Chrli Ko-blin lm erectttrg a windmill. ig Jake waa ceeu Ain huavicilîiti ou liuuday. The Luîtern citurcit <'oirvilii celebrate Ihoir 2d annivergamy <on Fri. day svenlng Dec. 3. Miss Capurnia S. Onîzier lm paying an extended viil lu lier csier lire. Beni. Fritschit aiFort Sîteidan. lira. lmaron nodier. o! Prairie Vlev, isviaiting et te home uf ber foîke, Mir. and lira. Geo. Onîzier. Mir. #tVm. Frsy sud neverai olters left for Alaska on Monday frum Higitland Park via C. & N. W. Ry. Mr. Fred Arens etrued lu tarmlug frontCiicago vhere ite vas mployed lu te Bible canses for a sitrl ime. Thte engagement bas for sontinie been announeed <if Miss Aimna Borcitardt tu lIr. Herman Eberlein. The IFI2EPENDEST lias e large circulation aud la graduel? pane- taing soijîbvard. Tt liq iiked iîy ail vito read IL. Respectable Young mon lu possession otbig stock tarmea are la demend at lhe prenant lime as LoIn amye ite vill expect proposais trom sncb partiese only. Among recent visitors tu Chicago vers lirs. Ueo. Gutzler, M. and lira. Iamm WegeLing, lire. John eokler, lire. H. Laudysii, lMr@. Aug. Borcitadt, Mr. Abert Bookier and Miss Ida Kaaton viitlte laters father. Thete luvuboardhaes as yst not appointl dasHighvay Commisajoner 10 il tse vacancy caused by Mr. John Stryksrr's removal 10 lite cily. One of ltse sapring candidaýes for the office la M. Henry Mentzer nov preident of the board of education of achuol district No. 3. WHEELING. Barb)er Belmure bac b)onglit a trot- ing uag. Chas. Armblenmtler mcîclît 1 fanksgiv- lng vit bhis parents. The yoîîng foîkA are enjuîying te fine skating on the river. George and Wit Periolet were bolîie from tbe cily over 8undsy. Fred fchmidt bas cecured IicaTii ley as lsudlady et tbe Chicago Houase. lira. avreuce Noslielin 100k Thankp- giving dinner sud spent several days ln tse City. Marahal Hippff malntains good order, and 1he the louga its viimononlearn tO nlser cisar ot Whoeling. Joe Belmore, the ulog lanceur, lias nel leesu ancosaful ln training hie pointers fer the hunt. Perhaps tle game gives hlm a vide herlt. John Metitiing, formerly of Wheî'l. ing but nov a Chicago business man,1 vas marrled Tbauksgilviiàg eveing to Miss Borthia Scbmidt, of Chicago. They aY bes the bappiesttmni on the wyod aide fnom. Rugit Grson vaiked lte town aIl nighl recentiy, msni front ite tunY doors ho lried itla l irmlced ttliin A practicing for tse village mashlsicip1 nezi yeir; bie cargo of! booz in ]table9 10 freezeo nme ot these uold igitts. Albert Zika, a village bumt, vent on a opree lait Itatnrday and guI tocblai- ou@. lHe vaoiarrssted on cumplaint 01! Jas. Kilian torsmaablng lte latter%'1 vindove and iodged in te calaboo" 1 1111 Monday viten ho vas ironght be- tors Squre Flatter and flnsd $3.00 and1 Conte, smounning in 14.60. The village1 preident, J. P. HLanau, and C. F.1 Uutx ent bie bail on condition tat ho beave lova inside of six boums and1 nover show bs face heeagain. 9 SHERMERVILLE. Hsrry Scbaieber and Frank Votz spent Tnseday lu Chicago. Chas. Keruten and daughter, and Abert Secklsm vers Chicago visitora Mouday. ChristAHumel vin give bis rsI grand opeaing and hall at Nortlield Hall, Stnrday ulgitt Dec. Il. Mr. and lira. F. J. Hoilmaii, of Wîi- mette elle Tbaksgivlng tumkey and spent several days alpepa Rainchaider's Atnong te Clheagu visitera fom hore WedtesdaY vers: Meuare Pr" Holte, Frankt Bucher, John Michael, John Warhan and Louis Volîz. Thes Midvay in doing ils sitars ta Increase our population. Il An nov aversging onte a veek. Citas. stulIlas ltse happy papa of tbe boy taI arrlved Siind4y nigitt. Who'll ho lite nsxCebi.t? eep on. We'l become a rity BI4ýH TOW. As the lime approacitea for Ibat anxiausly looked for vsdding tse boys are planning for a grand charivari. givAng dAuner 10uviticit about lventy. Oive gusta vere invilsd. Wbal vitb lnrkey, cblcken and otiter lins cookery. aveel us ansd social lutercourge il vas a happy eveul. il certainiy vas, a grand affair. Titsms vers haIt as many courses as guens. J. C. W. tlId' yo scribe Ihat lira. Plagge is btse oniy perso)n lu lite enlire neighborbood vito coud gel up and serve sncb an elaborate dinuer vithoul any help vitever. Titoseprofnul vre: 1Bey. aud lira rier, Miss lessuer tront Norîbveetemu University, Mm. Larlk froni Chicago, Mr. and Mmc. Bubert, Mm. and lire. George Plagge, Mir. snd lira. J.' C. Wessiing and daugitter, Mm. sud Mm..Pj. Rookonitaci, Mm. sud Mme. eo. Stanger sud family and Mm. sud Mme MMeier.1 WEST NORTHFIELD. Louve nevs IeesaI lte postoflice. Jotunie Alinen bas guI hic gîun back. John Dearluve itîcreased hic daim! Ibis veek. Frank Webîer owues tlàt' prîze kicit- Ing humas. Uneîs Johnu votît ubjecl lu msrmying s fine vomen. Te laokemilth'm favorite dog chuaed lu deatit ou s bons. Our hbiter shipped fouur calveate lte city Wedneedey. lIeu. AlUnson gon tq Evaneton Fni- day vilh s load o!fituckwVeallilour. lias Anle Entacher vas irid.amnaid aI ber uneles veddlng ilte City Thankogviug. Walter Croc sîl andl Oso. Stephonsm expect 10 sart Tbtirsday for lte Wis- cousini pinenies. MiasHayes snd ber scboiars toot Tbanksgivlng dinner one day earlier aI te Dearlove sciuol lasI veet. Fred Wiuklemsn bas moved imb is nov touas, viic tei lte fluesc lu Ibis luoslily. No vve expe c ovil ho rewdy 10 enlerta na nov vils. Mai M Ptf mg i à a speMsd Sale of Crockej [)ecorated Dinner and Tea Sets. Noever at thiislme of year iuantîtere been an opportunily t bu! Dq Croexery foir the pyriee nov offered. Mercitaute alvays vaiSnt I>I Rolidaye before bhey make a cuit prive on Nice Croekery. Sint weO objoct lu viev, and thitsluremodel unr store, and CrociterlaS bel-1 te vay viten mon of lte bammer and saw are around. Boume)" î close out every pieceo f Croekt'ry bef i re Jannary lot, andina ordo e 0 1. be sure of il Away £009 the Price. Look over lte follovintg sUd, yon ven use any decorated Crockery. Naine of patternt and former Pri preseut price-tu close. GOLD AND WHITE OSWELL Fi Od Price.. T e a ( u p c a n i S a nte n t . . . . . . up r d o z e n 1% 2 5 Colees Ceps endl Sancuri............ .d 15 Pnner Plates i....tido 2 (m) Breakfast Plates............ .....i1i i85 Tes Pistes .......................'Io 1iFA) Pie i 25 soup Plates *'t I1 85 sauce Plates......................11.) 85 Itîdividuiai Butter Plfst.-............o. 60 Oyeier Bowis ....................... doi 25 Side DMalles. .ý.. ...ý . do 2 40 Oet Meai Disitîs..................... do i 85 Tes Pots ...... .. .... pacit 75 Sugar Boi8..... d g Créâmes, ......î....... 1 8poon Hoiders ...... ........... . .<lit 30 Bread Plates ........................ do 30) Bovie. . .. .. . .. . ...<lut (4)30 Oravy Boats............. ........ do do Covered Dîsites.... ...... .-... do i 25 Covered Butoer Disites <... i.i.do85 Pck el fiches.... ....... do' 30 Platlers-Mineh.. ....ii... do 25 t) inchit . il.... o M)4 10 Ineit... do 45 12 inchi.................... d(o 75 14 Auch ... ..... do 1(00 Bakers ................... ... do 54 ScoflOP....... ................ ... do 45 Sauce Tureena...................... do t 50 lis 15 i a At Wynn 's, Cor. Genesee and Washington Sbs., WAU KEGAN. NEW.STOCK STOVE- Cati and Examine before Buying. H eattng and Cook Stoveu tl4 can't b. beat for Durzkei LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 1E. Stout'sPâti Rubber Boots AnOv4 OnIy oneQu4 THE BIEST. If you are dissatisf ied with the wedw-,, ing qualities of the Rubber Boots a~ Feit Boot Overs you have been ust your troubles in that line may- ended by wearing "Snag Proofs." We are the soie Agents for Long Omv.À" for the above. We aiso carry a fuit uine of Waweý,' Goodyear Rubber Goodse and Celebraied Mishawaka ali-woot Boot 0Our S tok ofHorse lanlwe s .' Duktoats, Cape, GQlvo*nd~ ,t Mittenis complet*. Ail COý4s marked at prîces that *pcOur'ý ' age people to trade hem: t NORTH NORTHFIELD. lisas Mesaner trout Nortitvsstemn Univesiaty apent Titeukagliving vitit ber parents. Simon Stanger came onItfront Chics go, to visil a fev daye aI lix s icler lira. J. C. Wsssliag's. Mr. Eibrink, a cousin uoflira. Btitert made a short cali et Northfleld sud lten relumned 10 SoutDakota. P'rof. Lark. principal o! one uoflte Chticagot seboola spont Titankeglvlttg viit bis father-lu-lav, 115v. liossner. lira. Btîbert reoeived lte nad Intel- ligence receully o!1ltse deatit of ber frutier, M. Eibrlnk, of Sout Daitota. Mr. Ire. Bubert wvi tatends lte lielropoiitan busginess collage came houe t0 cal lnrkey vibt bis relation. MisArnod, of Oait Park, nelce o! P. Wof senl Tbankaitgvlng viit em many friends about Nortitlielfi and Wheeling. Thte anid Evangelical citurcit bad a meeting calîsO mecenly to make preiiminary arrangements for ceis- brating Chitemas. Messare. Wm. Fred and I LA.iller froi lteeily viiled Northfield frieuds Suindsy. Titey arted for Canada Ibis veek (en Iheir way lu Kondike. 9 fi ti a' la a p -0- viit bis presonce. iRs appeerse mil. lug and happy. wtt luhisetA n cuntem- plation. Miss Eus Dieek expecla lu attenda Buiness Cllego, a!ltem the hoidas sud teks lbasons Ain short itanti and type vrliug. Mr. sud lira. Frank Beedy ot- plate spending te vnter viit frienda at Wichita sud Dougiasa, Kansas. Wiile titey are lbinking about il, Frank le puttlug n hice@paeo tinie dlgging a veil on bis place. oecar N. Beedy, e business man o! ilautenu, Ili.. viaitod lis relatives bohre over itoîday nigitl and rsported MI

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