- f.LNTI [P TO RAYTI. AMAY APPLY TH-E Pli 1 ZloNéOgDCC1'RItNi die K oui *ý6te . O teman Menusl - emm lesan'isCaaat Treadaun tl WtTlts-Ildiauai Ml t ervice nu St F"t a sG.s'msnys Inatent? ou aWaigo peial sîî>st Ts ' Ouveringentbis as aketitht'Uii 10*f t0 use il@s gotiofficesu trilIts- et lin eotruvera; wiîh Gt's Sh ,Ambanador White ta feelingi tht' et lise Germas authorilltiti Ibis-hi let the subject. andl if it an licas- ti beforehandt Uat Gerutaîu il-I of .-MifelthUe gooti oiees ut the tut Oti *uelt> vii be teudereti. Thîtaforau ~ÇliedIStates bsn belli aoot fecanltht'ni 515>. Thio aouexpetatiotithat WC bas an>' tter densituopoît@x làtht i cludea lu lber deutanul' tgjIue y %or the alicgeal itnrige g de WtLttet-a. The Haytiaîu Itt- au Ibvetlàha insiastedt iat thI.ts =bsbems takea as a met-e rtî-xltfrutr ,Crgealve action lu thceadirectionia I la à* eteidon ut Gernanys Colonuialut *j0 ýTise adinistration is relîttantt 1*1veM tiaI lil willIlle tallanttitiI la Wof*mnN aaacrtioaiabout theaplcto -.s'alet Monroe docrine tu tht-p eUMentaoveemy, but stixtDepart- wiMeUcla do sut teu; Ihat this Gos-- S.Mt Wini taille avery tirait sttutti c Grsn>' make au> uiuvtmeatin *fLe , .-Jto'>. For the ItutoFe ot ed au andquatprtectionu lu Anti-iB. Seetaut>-Lonug. atter min- 30 wils the Prealaleutlite@ direct.t-as -ii crulsdaer Mas-bleheai to Makle a ce( la th West ladices opiting naILh __ to Stl "UAir UUREID *3000,000. bu 8_ th ta Be safciy os Bosada C aBraillait cralse,'. es -~UaFraucisc-o itlei beievégi that tht'Ut ê000trensure ut Cocos IIîtnd 4la s bo hard lise Brtish tcroiserAAti- lo JThi la itdiatietnib; thec tta*sTU frotuGuatemalta b; the Unitedalu' tu olAert. White shte wn uii tse napstaiv-ies] frunt Eaqui- ln I* mmttiiuiei; sutis-ulfur(tait-u orseutis enu l. hossever. gisu A tie ~ o lof u the trip ofut he Bril- Bil Xmeiettae tu the Isandand ut tm. ial tht sesrc nuis fat- mus-ta tni saus aptposcd. litleermlu ( --bnAdmirail allilser ssînt t l tT th visUs agnisip lu Octottier li- -aart>' of men, anti, guideit b; aut -nmelHas-ford. tbc; comufteiest la certain spot. At a depth ou ehfeet the; unoveTcd a lat-e of #n disu ite that hat Onu-e been r Sutof an Inscription. A tackie 4hgdandthUe blok ut Mitie t-- « Iaang the: a'utruîncet- luilsort I 1ftelle ai banud, the troperieulse firhbume, anti the Amiphion wssn t ultalcisethe selasnd. -: SA ýAPS TIISE EYKIM L ýÀ%ghlsx1toaneDo". Vent Damaa" Alung 'the ouet cfBeigiut i * tr wuhhnoisbetu suceping *ortbcem part ot Europe bas dote l dieage aiong tht Beiglan coulait. s a"sudMddelkerkethUe dykeo -boellsbreaeti. Sfoodeti bonnes have suad a gouailler ut veasls have mveason. Tise Ku-tai andaioth- a Blankeubengise baye be-to tise dykes hart heen dantageti, - sges are dooOtitt, said tise roops are e.tpi«Wloyjeti el varions points to et l b. vort ot rese. MalteI.tec«lier Bang, - '., Albinson 0t Geurgia la overwheina- wjhpetlions fronthe onu ofuttht tellualios'thse bungini utflIns.r -% *»tNoblges, ubo iireda uoegro lu buadt. Pour juriea have touai woovman ani Use nogro guil;y, sud -Ler punlabînut deth. Tht me'Mn. Nobles aboulai not bong, lise 1negroca linala ber aa'contîîice sot ie andi tht principal est-ampe.1 Thort la Ouitl>.4 MsrtIn Thora. aceuseal ut thiemutrden '*IiU tGultituatppe. tise 'urisimi lb iser, wsaprouuuueeti gtit; b; teJury>'et New r k. Thorns ra-eivcd *0 ualr« cI iitis a isugis. but lUc seenicai éplacve tout hi. net-se as hc utus ici]bock ,ti JdL. The court denied a moion fur a trital, andi set tht day for tht- passutg li ts entence. Quiner>'for Mayror. Immb ul nc>' ua nominateti tus - iSajo ce Boston un the Dfutocratir * 9, 1lu eue of the atunuict conventionus r eAui blId Uere, liver>' speaker. no mta- tWisat be bai 10 ii>, uwahisseil antd a tRI th11 Ue convention appt, rei mure M le ridt tisai a deliberative metitag. "V" avei ve Men t ai es. ggeBrIllai Cily Lîne steamer Excter YNàrwMehdtb s rrived at News York "tosilantiSuwansea. tel lu in lht B edtimse ciooner Etite, diamantes! la a laklug coudition. anti reat-nea *MS e, ofive men anti hrsstght ibein te por.___ Zâz1ils Atidaite Our List. ht omt teamsbip asev-as b hetueeu News York aud la- TM se Oasenner'. Use Sahara, han o BisU>tteore American tilde uitb fer East im basien usual; doue b>' ln a gilas or Mediuertaei sea"ieu.g fer Hi. go.. ~s ..MeCoralck. etitor anti pabislher es r Merin DaiDli>'News of Meritilan. 3 Uj.. toppet lu St. Loatia ou hia ua>' #0 C hiessu in searcb ut bis son Johie, mugilaibasIeen m>'alrltay minxiug silice Iai Sel>., sd front uhum nu word cin 1551 tRouler on the Sie. IM» Ni orth Ges-man loyd stemamer Kaise. M IU$po" der Grosse boid@ tht enssrns t »g etcmiag record. t tonde soutb- , L, mtes lauStdeys 11 hours sud 35 illub- VRAM AMBIRVAN FUBRU. M.« deul ofîbe Lodon foasiof Tuade SOUMaIS a Warsaaigt. Xigbî Holà. Charles T. RilteisieProst- leut uft th London Board of Trade, matie ka Importa nI speech beture the eisambr ) commerce ut Croydon. tailesas bis itme'the deeliue of Britilsh experta dur- un the tat tesumentiss, upon uvhieh be àuns a grave waruing agninat American .Vur.petitiln, uoir "uainsBilbId. ir, Ititchie. ster dociarins tisI tht Ding- eY tariff sud the engineering Irade dis- >att sert maini>' re.pouasie for theT e- reut declie ut exporta, anti aler poalatins )u' thal Eagland bad no ives punsaainst te isriff. &nidti here uwss a greet dent of ik lu comumercil circlea about the Seri- aui coupetitlou ut Geramys->, but he îougbt tht>' n-re ton spt lu overiouk a ore serlîtus compeuilor. the United lates. "Thetatnl are serionts." be con- nueai."andi tail tipontils for thse exerciat ifl1 oiiryu-ers a mabie us 10 maintinî ar poaitionu u inte -emerctai world.tt NITRO WRECKS A VILLAGE. hurk oftan Explosion lu Chesterfildt huai., Feil FinseenMiles Auray. CiieauerfielId,,i, ws-nal sitaiiptd Off et uap b'tht' exploaion ur eigbly quarta u nitro-gi;ccrinc, n-îcbhsd iseen brought s-eriaîîd from Monîpelier snd piaceai iu nu open Scie, a hait lmite front thet iusn. [arion Mauisey sud Samt Magîiirt uvere orklîg etat sgai s-cii near b; ushen the eplosion occurreai. Mansey us throsun tI>'y teet, but nul fatal; injureti. Ma- uaire wsaaise ltron-n 100 test lu tht air and badi; tacerateti, but nul rcoeu'r.The tle townut Chesterfield ina aumasa of aine. At Daleavilie, luvu mites aura>', and aI Yorktown, llvt util" distant, the autage n-s alittost as grat. The ijar ut te explosion n-as teit for fifteen miles sn ail directions, The explionus-as sPoti- taneoun. Thouglb mauy uvere hart.no persan was kiliitd. INDIAN INQUIRY ORDER5ID. Gow. Adama ut Colorado Narses s Com- mission. Gay',Adamas, ai Coonerdu, bas appoint- ai Alloreu 1). C, Beamanuet tDenvtr, C. E. Nuisiteof Colorado Springs anti Jutge cashua Wsitiridge uf Steamboal Spriugs as a commission to luvestigate the re- ceut Indian dialurbaucea lu Rtouitaud Iho Blna Countie, is purpuse beluz ta determiut ubether an; blâmauttaches oa the goulteuvardena for kiliig Indien hatiteraNo ncss-s bas iscen ret-elveai at he iieadqtarters or tedcpartmeut ot Coorado, Unitedi Statcs at-ut>, or etthUe stthuluse, rtgsrding tht reporlcd deperl- ire truna the Utes rcservation iu Utah of a part>' ut Indieu# for tht purpose of tak- ag revenge tor the kiliing of their c-oua- nades. Selliers are xirepantd tor'au>' muve tisaI ts; bt made. - RECLUSE FOUND DEAD. Aegd Mliser Dits in Pus-eca> Althuu5 Puaseti utWenlh. At Besîrice, Neis.. C. Campbell Sumith, an nged recluse, su-ts found deat luu bis touse, syberebhe ilveti alone, by utighbors. T'he condition ofthlie body i.ndicuted that se hsd beeti desai tuso neeka, Ita had atilateti the reuisina, Smlth nas n-cil tu-do, but eccenîrit- aud ntseri;. Hia liii- Ing txptnses uere $261.0 n mouth, wite lu hsair tuuk n-trt fotîttaidemanai cetif- rates ot deposil on local isanka, cil; nar- rants sud deeda ta tarin d cil>' prop- ty aggregaliug insus thoussai dollars. Ht waa a laisyen anti bighiy educated. Hie relativ-es, if I-tbas an;, lire in Ohio or Iliisi. _____ Ta Relieve Klondlike Minera Steretar>' ot Tsar Alger, it su interview la New York, sali: -t met Sir Wilfrid Laurier wbile he uns la Washsington andi we had a lnlk lu regard luatise Yuskon country'. We sgu'eed 10as'ork together. Il it becomneeasar> tu &eud relief ta Use peuple luai t rozen reglua. Tht co-op- eration of Canada iseing assureai, h bc- lieve Ibat we eouid manage tu Set pro- visions tu Dawson City' lidane wsy bt- fore tiseesommer open* the Yukon river. Ceplain lIen, ubo represents thse Var Departmneut, hsan gode lu Alska ta re- port, but baus here bise ta1Xconnot an;. He letSt, Mlchati's Aug. 29 aud lu tht Middle ot Sepleuther 1 beard troua hin ai Fort Yukon, about thirtetu isu.dred milea up tise Yukon river and 500 mile, trun Dawson Cilty. The Yukoar river là trosts anC It la nul eosy'lutatvIsbiounlterough les. Theretore, tua tund reliefintlumidasin- ter b>' that t-uute la nut practicaisie. Tht Goverameat bas about titveu hunaitet reintiter ln Alasks, but Use>' are acaller- cd. MIr. Bitas. Secetar ofuthtie tuterior, bsas placeti nt tht disposai ut the War De- partmelil 100 reindeer that are witin t hundrea iles ut Si. Miebae!'s. Il lo just possible Ibal wllh reindeer sud ulis Us.e &id of Indiana a milt epedition mighi lie sent b>' tis route. Mi>Idea la, tow. ever. Usatinl Mat-ch en expedition wiii be aeut over the Ciikut pass, b>' tht DaIý Ion trait. Tisera are provision% lu piett nt St. Michiaei'a. Thetesat 1 beard usi that 5,000 or 6,000 tusa utprovisiontueri tbere, and ns stesmahips pi>' betwets there sud San Franclace, tht dangtr « atat-vatiotils nut gt-entt W'ire ta Girtile the Globe. It la tise desira ofthIe British Ouvert mno t tht United States aisunatiera tue a British cumpan>'taluandtia t-ahi on one ot tht HawaiisnnIsandsIbis et .bue lu connect Canada and Aualiu eSucis authorizsiion la opposeti b>'th S t-ent-h Goverument, un the ground tht 1tht laying ut s câble uvitis Britishs espitu wula plat-t Great Britain lu centrali t a telegraphie syalem reaciig arousnt Il entire soriti, andti Uai lu tbe event outvrn heture a mietsage coulai le transmittec rtise Briis Guvtrmeasi'a content wul h ave tu Ut obtaineti. lu ce nGeat Bdi bsin wtt-enggeti lu oslitiee a diplumi àpoinled out, il wunît bopracticali; il JPossible for Francta centi a menues a vec an>' câble s'hich diinIt pase Iroug Brillis lerritur>', exeepl Ibat shich cru necesFrance sud Cape Cuti. lIssaci 1anîtt. M. Patenotre bon made a repi seutatlon ou Use subjecltut Seeretar .Shsermian, who saud be aid net thlnk1 1would malle mut-h dlffercuce; Ibis Goi 1ernment cotîid use the caâble iil tdtsirt e ad la case or neceasil>' an oppoitio 1Il" ecouti libe otablabeti Thtet-reut o1lelss. oweve,', point ont Ibat in eau of uvar betwten the United States as Great Britain Use Goyernnent wouid fin 1Iiueit serloual>' bandicappet Iif Use esil the anxiety ib allndbegunu lte e M rm tiI ou ail aides ne tbe resuit out h Gov- erumeu's retieunce and unexplilted de- la>'. The anawer of the Cuban Ooeyn- meuttelutheeoffer la lu thehbanda ut Es' trada Paina. the iend outhte Caban Janin lu New York. l la tise action ot thteasembi>'ofuthUe cousttutiouai g9OV- erament. sud altencathe purpose t thse reoiutioînry lenders tu declint ait> propk- ositIon frotnt Spain thal does net mena conîpiete andi abaoute iudependttiee snd perfect freedomt raintSpauiah domination. The document uas iaaued at La Yaya, Caiîaguey, Oct. 30 1897, andi la slgued b>' Ihoutîngo Mende% Capota, preident of the Cithan republie, sud tbe othel' uffi- cils ut the (Ouverumcnt. Ih asys it t: ".No specl laies, nu,' reformas, aor au- iouonty-nothuug ihet supposes under waaeser naine, fîrm or marinuer the sub- isiene ut tUe $tanilh dominattionin l ('tibtscati tertîinote the attualI alruggt. Iitiepeudence or ieath hhss beeu andti-lil bc olîr stîcredan sd indiaputable watch- Word." GIVE8 BIG FIGURES. Weekly Tidissga ilrought by Dun'a Re- slew uf Trade. Il. G1. Dun & Cî.'s Weekiy fleview Of 'Irude sitys"l'hbetptvy;exports ot wbent, Iliih the renen cd sus-suce in priee, la tise utuat itî're.ttîg anîd impîortanît festoie Ot the wet-ka eu-its. Siltiice Alignat, n-heu tlle extent outletuersigtî deflecie> We vainte realiie, e sortu have ieeu larger thaît in etorres1ttiîiiiît eeka ut au>'lpre- vinatls ;car. "le lotion exporteasiae have bet-tîtie s-ci' heas-;, and flue outgo ut corn falî but hittsittw lit jear'a stiprece- tictteai rec-ordl,shi' in captirta oftrmaîtu- fîîctîriîîg iriticts especiil; nachiner>', ,lit recorda for the ata'on b ave becu star- paiasei.Meiiiits ite imîporte are running bchiitd ast reira ant New York rnen ri; $2.t,tll,(X Iis nionîlu, s.. hikt anîother ex- cess 'ut exporta uvet' importa amnouting to abtout 'itIlt for thse motb is probble. But i iis Wealtdumalle au exees ut shootu 250.fht in four menthe, Western reteilta if tubett are ut enor- militanisgnituinflu tr weeks tuing 27.- 0W7.104 buidiela, egainat 9,214,81S b»hes lu the sainme fosur neeka tiast year. Cton deciinedlte 5.81cet%. the liturtst point for rmati;yenra, Thse ireu ludusir>' shows uo decrease lu prod uct-ion or conaumption of pia, but wth mttch rednteed ordera for producia entcns ut pre- tuction la exPecteti. In bars, agricuturai anud railway metn- tacluriîîg ettus.eas nbetty diemandai StChi- catge, irun tteing prctcrred tn steel.,'l'le wsolcu mnfaiitcture la stit <consuming beavily lunceciiiitn of pasi orders and man; agenta are suiti su faîr shcatd iba tht> set-k ito ftrter btusiness. Somne ce- duciloît lu lricecautfn-oui ippears. Fait' tires for the n-ctk have bec-n 26 libe U'nited ta îtes, aginst 3Ç0 tant yesr, aud '15 lu Canada,lignineat38 iat Year." 1IU.NDREDS ARE tDEAD. Typhoon iluPhiiipptuc Isande 'rke GretlHavoc. The t tîîoîî uhit h susept tirer the ltutu. iliffine I ru tits wus steeniste ot une et the is-trt dimituters itiat base tiecureport- cd frouithie asoullerai ut-titi inmany yeantr. 'fhoustndstof livses us-t-e tot, iu- ite lt.rîperi; uiss oietiig aptslitig. leverai tovn s wcre nnmept anîd biown anay. Ftiiiy 400 r.,iroîw-atiia ere drowu- ùid.annît ilin ctiMateti that (1,)(K)tnstives perisbcd. 'flic uticr ne ëiruck thse lai- andai at he bits of Snta Paula lu the province if Samnatr. hitdevssatetithe entire sottherît portion ut the Isand sud eut off comnniicatiotniwitb the reit ot the urorid for tsodaiy. On the 121h thé hurrc-necebd Leytie, sud sruck thse capital ut Tacioban uith gresit ur>', Iu lessta han une-hait bour thse tuwu wns a *manssut rubis. Cauas Reuea te top1. A epi>' bas been preparet b>' Use Do- *minlion Governuient sud forwarded te Wahington lu reapect tu the negotiations whieh are n0w golng on betureen bath eliintries. It lanu»deratoo t tIbiilla a rrefusai te stop pelagie ealilng for a ytar. an the Unitd States requested. The urbole question dependeti upon Iis, sud e beretore it nouiti appear that the nego- - tintions are ta faitlal their objeci, How- al even. tisere la a report that the Canadien aGuverument bas proposei an alternative ipropsitio fortlie cousidert'ston oftheb Cungres at is next aiiting sud passaed lu etinetel deai unIs pelagie aenling and the -question ut dispute uext scasna Mrs. Wilson Clamsae Dyca. lIra. Caîherine Wisn or tDyta. Alas- rtka, dlaims 100 acres on ties ile ut Dyea. Sh$le snys thât lu 1894 ber husbaud Inuit ktoui a laim for 119 2-3 acres, tht original r. takes utfus-it-h tili stand. $She bas the le receiver'a certificaies for il, anti nuw ai- i. eges that varlutîs town cotupanies are ýy irying te drive lier off pt the land. Sec- laretary Blilasnt W~asington wulli take ut re the mater suithout da;.ly nM )f Steamer Weat Akkhore. The sicanter Gogebit-, oind trom, Chi. cago to Lake Erie uithoni cargo tlu]oai eoil .nttabîre tîpoîtNorths Manitot . Island, off the Michigan coast, duriug t r- beavy slonstortu.. e MeIKiiie>". Turk. ,a Presldent McKinIey'a Thîtnkiigiving h; turkey. shipptd from Westerley, It .,t et wtiglied exaciiy 2à poulmds. ýai of bÀttR AftUOTATIONIt5 le- Ir, Chicnago--Cuttle, commun ta prime, d, $3.00to te3$.75; bogs, ahipplng grades, Id $3.00 te $3.75; shtep. tair tu choie. =OU lt u $5.00; uheet, Nu,, Zreai, 1)r 'llu91.01; at crn, No. 2, -'tic tu 2ir; oats, No. 2., 20 111 ut 21c; rye, Nu. 2 4-7e te 49c; butter, ge choice creoutery, 20e te 22c; tgge, treail, gh 1talulec; nen' polatuen, 45c tu 13e pes M. sushdel. l- Indienapolits--Cititle, ahipping, 8300 ic $5.25; bogs, (huit-e lighi, $3.00 tu $3.75 It aistep, commun lu choice, $3.00 lu *4.50; ly w heai, No. 2, 92lu 94e; cra, No.U ed whte, 26c ito 28c; an, No. 2 white, 22c on lu 24c. eh Si. loui-Cattle, 33.00 tu $550; bogle ,. 1300 te $375i; beep, $3.00 te $4.511 id uheat, No. 2, lie te $1.00, corn, No.à id yrelow, 25e lu 26c; oual,, No. 2 wite 21c s 0- iu lu- 9P--Cat A7*.to52;b MINE AT DAWSON. FEAR 0F STARVAttOft CAUSES OREAO ALARM. OMetcais on th. Yukon Crgie the Peo- ple lu Fiee frot Certiîn Snfeéring andi Diseas-Noticc sitb stsrtlllag Wortis la osteai Muet Go or Dic. Famtne sud tanuation are teatenlug the Peuple ofthUe Yukon River beueeu Minoli Cneek, Aaska, andi Stewart Rilver, Nort-hwent Tet-ritur>'. Tisere are over 1000 hersone lu Dawson Ciy uitu- ont ptoviiuna. An equal nunnier, lu- ciuding wuomen and chiLtire, are Ijing lu leuts, sud a beav>' snow haa faltaI. Meut are arrMvig at Use rate ut aeventy-fivc a day, mati>'out shum have legs than haif enuugh rations tel taihruugh Use uvn- ter,.Ilesus, fleunrrices, bacon anti other provisioua are aeinig trom, 31.25 to $1.50 a pouni. .Jack Dalton utJuneau and une or tuuo iser stoekinen arrivei iateiY uilb a feu hutireti head ut ive stock anditeut- put-at-h; relityttithUs itustion. Âdvicta front Dasaon City via Seatt gay that ne power oi curtis can plrevent a famine. Tht people appreciste hlu Ibte tuilesitateul. Cacesat-e belng robbeti uighti;. One Man uns aieeteti in lhe at-t of eIng fod andi uas sbot. Ht nas aivn tuluaicaspesation b; hunger. A dozen tmtu have been arrested ton cobhing cachbe%. Tht golai commiasioner coulti tot get enotîgisprovlisst u feet i fi tc fret anti usas coinpeiiedtdu@enda evera t-iet-ka anti anlaitants down tu Fort Yît- kon, uhect 1000 luns of foodi is alunes]. tThe uinter hsa couutîccd. Ou Use Alas- ka aide of tise Yukon Ris-entises-t-arc tuiiy 3,5W0 peuple, sud tisera in legs thsn 1,2(X) toua ut provisions lu teedtUent. 'fli Dominion poilesare nadinir scores ut ties dos-n tUe river to Cincie Cilysad Fort Yukou ta reiieve Use iocal sitttatitiu. ln Cîrcle Cil>' a wtek us-t'Inuagu luo steamers, lise P. B. Ws-'re sud the Bella, wert stoppeti b>'thlrl>î men arutet i uti rides snd relieveti of Uiry Ions ut pro- y1sions. Thee Ila nu cnceeliliste trot statua ef affaira.Bettore aprlog thton- sanda utftutu andi scores of uomnen anti cilaren wullI ie snffering troetthe itanga, of isuger anai disese. Provisinsn uil l b eedai n Feticoar> aud Marcb tu pravent great nofftrlug. Tise commercial cotupouies arc doing whnt Use>' tai tetu ncievete situation t'y equalzing Use division ut tooti atîppi;. Hatudreda utfumen are luncamp uilh a sack o u iacu, fort; pouuds ut bacon, tIn-- t;-tive pounida ot beansansd is-e uounda of coffec tueat tsntii ucal June. Noi îîan t-su perforut bard work ou suvth tager food. Tlhé stuastion csinuot be overairauvi or cxarggcraleai. The Canadien authurites have Isiiei bulletins urging the Peopit tu go lu Fort Yukon tur prosisions. Pt us a &ada projîhes>' lu make that b; Na; 1 baindreda ut ueur gravscwnit l iii thelittle ceuui-ery bat-k of Daswson City., buti i la beinghberd frequeitti. Htindreda ut yul- uabie cairnswhis-h ciola out be besitia utouttîtago fortan; prit-e are nous-beilai lradt'aifur provisions, anti umen nitU tut; autouit ut ptope-t; or moue; are etutti- fit-lug neari; ail oft tuiir woridyi; pu @ions for foodi. Foiouing la n notice postui nu Dawseon Cilty b;lthe Canadian moutîteti poice: OFFICIAL WARNINtI LEAVE DAWSON oit aTARVE. Tiseudersigues, oailerais ofthIe fanailat Gos-mentul havig ag ercttty ltokeit îtsu' tise preseut tiitrealng ituation lu regard ta tht auppi'u of aiodfor lise inter. Saut tisai lies tot-k onsband ilaflt aufitientlt u eut tise issts outhe people nuw is a lasvson.andi eanu ni>'tets ue us>'ttofthlie difficuît>', andi tiat laansuInnîtate utve dowu 1h, river ut ail thuse saho ara nowuis tuppliled ti Fort Yiuko, wbes- t tire la s large atock of provision&s Witin a tuai days lise river .lilie ciuiatit aud tise move muaet -umde etont-eIlu 19 absoutlt>' asat-utiolbutid hope" upra tise arrivai etbteiItlta almoat beyoud à posibiity saI gasmnues foodtiulliroute ta tls istr tit-t. ltor thune uho have uot laid Is a wIster"% suppi; tu renais bers a longer lalu, cout' deelli froint tarvalion. or nIt lesta s,'rtainty ut sicknaa s-sn acuns-; or other troubles. Stars-attonuouw starea ever>' nan lu tht face uhu ilasalting andi isplng for outtaldu relief. ULile effort aud lril5iigvot-ua sili Pisa.e themi'nti'ut andisaatet>'. litlu a tes days. anstr Yukon or other pontu beou. shere the"e are nuis large suscla of fod. C. C. CONSITANTINE, Chief tloutettt1.olie. D. W. DAVIS. i'oiieotor of Ctolms. THtOMtAStFAW 'ET-T, ibId Cotîtnisioscer. PLAN 0F UNCLE SAM'8 EXHII'eT. eApportionieul cf the Mont>' fur t Tranuanlsalsaippl Exposition. aPt-clîinat-; arrantgemtents have hli made for the tkuavtrnuttlesSubit nItbh tranmsaisiipl i-xpiaitiou aIntutahi neal year. 'The iboatrdl ufîmanatgersof uhý tmibit bas l-It-i urgatiizcd isii'tîu aluio lte Gos ertniuîî-uideiuttt-tmeiutturtpr4ýi'sttîtu The aisuraprii tit for the exhiibit îîîtîîîîîî a tu $150,liMt. "lie totaul auuuîîîît of titi. aspuce aiiuncd the- Guiseniiienl lu *2ti.ii aluàtîe fret, Tht' uîlotînuîa tuthe duf teenut (os-ertnini-tt lc;aîu'tuuîa-ts a re.u Amoîitt ici- State deparlteot--..... .1100 ul' Treastîs-; iepartneut--.... 7.1Xi 3:>. War departientt----------t>. l titti3,3 'as-y deparltet ........ isai tutu.3 Putatfft't departscit .... lissi 217 interior deparmnt--.....itaKi 4.iMi Agriltauîtflpatieit ...12is L ta tiepartlmett0f uti'e ....3.tiasi Ni -,suithsuntii nattutnatti Fnatiobaliaeau - -.....2,(Ndu :1t4i K) Commnon fand-----------..iit t The apaeo un tIhe-reuir of te lutî tjust bat-k outIhe Statse Diprtent spart amounting lu 3)5, square teet, buts Uit tresenvcni for a usotkitg posîîîdtce. in t-au t- one la docudedutputt, The circuler @pae lu the renier bas been titrueti o-sen to th 10 treasur>- fortht exhibition ut a large ri 5;voving lens for ighthouoe punponca. 2 VIOLENT SCENES ON VIENN&. !c Great EuM IXS perseulb> lie Hungear end niMenuIsai Police, The nu-sbersuftIhe Antrlsn ministu 2 Sunday tendereti their rtialgaiou to En M upward of 8,000 yeuloi.trhd teo an. lze a d.anontration blubthe arly o.immng info th e forelgu office building, but this aaprevented by eil"g the pp- prnees 1uoýlhepalace. Affer 8 o'clock the cit>' was quiet. The Judge of the Pro- vincial Crltuluai Court discharged Herr Wolff t rom custody. There were dem- onstrullons so ut Orats, Prague sud Asch, lu Bohemie, but tise> were Dot of a merlous character. The riotoîta ubstructioniste won anoth- er vctory SaturdayIsnl the unterhaus ni Vienns. Thee skting b.d to lie pestponed, the Premident auuounclng tisai membera would lie noti.iled by mail oftise date ut future aittinga. Herr Wolff wu» further huuifinted b>' being drngged Io a police station anda there locked up for n tinte. Police chargea were made onu mba lunVientas and la' Grain, the capital ut StyrLù. lu the lat- ter pine Uie miltr look a band, aud two niotera were reiarted killed and mnnY mu ounded. The pertformanuces ln the luwer bouse ut tht' lleleherath have developed Peth IaY new tentures of astitndiug itlresi. l>eP- tatinbave exhaugied the socabixar; ot abuse aud the cîgiîeery of otitrumttu. There le uothing lu the history ut parln meutar>' governicuî in Europe that'ait compare ut-it the proeeedinx swlicbi cul- nuinated lit rota on the public. treetmansd lu demaunda Ibat 'otiot Badeui lie seul lu the guillotine. BODY IN A DITCH. Ilnrdered Cacago Womanu's Renamine Arc Foud iurlea. PaulineeNlerrys bodyl, tbrui"edasd bat- tered, wtax ftîîttd inîaîî tl by tite' ide uf a lotel; ai retcb ut roati at Western t - nue and t,7t trstit. t'hieago. It was takeit to thle vcuitty moîrguei the mute sit- neas to tleur sway part uf the ut> tery sud corrühorate thet ttnony ot ber lirai- tiittg 3,> car o,]lboy, n bu tuttithat ahe wuas uturdercut by the tuait site at-knon edged as hier butthandî. Titi body %vaa be- giuoliug tiido ,po Te neck vt§a bliack antd bitte. andt he imprinîs oti banol nere visibtle. 'l'bre n as nacrut an Incb lonb liter the left èe anti etithet' of the noime ierigthh('tth ie right ide ut thse templie. The face aud nuse wert cru"bed lu. (Iuided b>' Thomasa Tlke>'. a compati- ion of Chrisiopher Mterry, s detaili tf pittice earteti outinlusenrcli ufthe' wom- in*% body. l[ickeysa ai-k utfamillarity witli Uie treta sud tic fat tthat the body had liceu citid awn t atixt titîade il diMlit for hinit lufinit the spot uberé, r be botais waa hidîlpît. Two or thrî'e tituca lac halteul the waguon aotltheti thangèd lits mlud aud miiilie wanîîatakî-î. At leugt the part; rî-a-ied tit' -ornecr if W'ctt'rt avenuitantd 87thi aire-tt. a q1uie't xjt. it, it eIliekey recouu-tized t' siuriing.. Ili- 1 topims'd a tiinite to lta élétt at the rrositaide î'overed with dry cpavs. "rite ii'emen wse-c titn at svirk %t ith rtiteir gabovla and us ltît iittt lti f-t &f %tart h ldo ecrettîîîst-ii tht-uei -ut tt,rîià ?Itanie irtiadnbc ibt .n wicih 4w as ti iedabout sith a îlot htsu îtî. 'l'lt' b o< il. asidetît iie'y islici e; tatdtilP, à ieiiîIl>t inîi iidse a tuit otf Ni ru. 4 i t-.Tht'eiulîr-nhu ticl i tii(- lisi-iti c'; nwa tcthfeutotfiTomtasa L lîtkey. THE "KANGAROO' KICKE. licked i Unibuthe tfupe. ut tht CUl- cago Uin itiTests, Pta1 OIes i. tht- touIýt-iti titstppe-t Rîtu ut A usiratis. huit tuîîri.Prît fI rels ti. lla'aentl>, iutt ('icîîeuu.e ki'kanl hules hno tht hope@tif the' <hlîngo t'nlueritv t-un- ueruing tht- ver>- iutlirtauttmalta-tut i-are tttriutg the sesteru cuiicglaîe fuothnU sha mpitun*hip. lie atauti behinda sruow olten t'it ip-- it; u o 'feoaunoîks. nîlas.otis- an a wunouaut ctting btltita niui îtt dooglu. lie swung a tout. asitîeusleg uith tht ituma-eeut a ghauui. Tise hll nbiarta thcuîuugli thelicui-iis sttcight uts an srîun'frot t D nuitildtutisiu'..I t sutsi bctus-'cii ti- roil jlxtssfortuv srdu litsais und tuulk su tu t ila1 ta- lot'> titi -s iict-itiuna ufthelite u -u ho t sut-cthe Dtta lut audeiltirtrouite s theicoeruof 4 ta 0. I t sutrisul liete oa'tf defeut t su bu- îwiept oit iunil tiaskn-tu o topicti the sLu utei', aaid('hticntus-'ii npu-tifrotthe fieldi t-tiiuMheibîuuiîuut ani iutsad tu thc tttuutlof23 t. Tlhe gainîe situa ilayttttbi-fuicethe ixgetatrutusiofut tIî)iie suhi u'ucr si-Ilutt'ss a'u ifutitîuili gnttitýi'ni lt e -s.t. il in cuimalctit t >'ieî gootl riglîltutti kit-keul$40,0M ii.tîithe potkits outhe cbackens out iVîsous-î:ts teaut. A GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY. Caifernla lu ouaaieusratc the bMin' ermi Discoverlets tn ThotiBlate. Aithougb Calitorna no ilonger bas a mnoupui>' utthe prccioua minerai il la stiti esliedth Ue "Gutu $tâte.'" Calilot-ul ais prouicet mus-etitan $W800,tt of)00 uglit sioce tht irut diacoser; of itlilt 18-48. The exact date uft ibis di»e-os-ar>- han hotu Sixtd offit-illyan Jan. lt. sud snomeCati- foriius ai-e tiowpreparing t lu --etratt the filtietb annis-et-sat-of thtaday ut Jan. 19, 18M>. Ihinla nteuded lu cret-t a mnonumenut designedtu perpelustean sd fur- ther exteuti tht distinction ut Cafitornsi as a State rit-h ln minerais sud to raviva -soute ut thtest-rlie-r memunlea of Use Ar- goauls uWto pouiraslttu alifurnin in the ulater «f '49 sud tise apring ut '50 atter Uic faute ut Caiturnis'a golt i elds hit becone national. The mut1)sment in lu lie cumpouetioutaas gseat a varieb>'of mineai subalanees producet inlutise Oite as la pos- ailie. lit leavsaumedt IbaitUe ures, buildt- ing stuass, etc., il be given freeil'b> coontties, comuauniies snd indtiualit sut for tht artiatir feaitunc ut tise nunu- ment fil inpropose t taraita tunul of $100,000. Tise minerai wealtb ot Clilfornia, Uougb chieS>', la nul uhoil>' gobai. 'The xilver pnoduct ufthe tisâite, ibostgh not ai large as Uat ut Nevmda or Coluradu, in cosidct'ahle, andi Cniitos-i-l pruilucti more iban otn-qua rIen ofthUe uboit uorid'a soppi; t tuit-kilter. Cupper suc anitoas are also produt-ant tbough t in autinis au large asîlu nome olher Stules. Tise monumeunt tor uhich tht totuda- tdon rlil be laid on Jai. 19 wilit ot hi Use uni>' teature outhUs.proposeti oherv- az techi .nitaiw,5DV. tort tis.gs bs END OF THE t8EÂSON.1 BIG FOOTBALL 0AVES HAVE NOW CLOS!D. The Weill-Trimad feanals Have Ali sud f helr Tarai sudnal slea Manfmliy- Universil>' cf Chicago Defemte Mich. la-Wlsccusin flie, sNurtbweisterns Fcr theAli-Western tLescn. Chicago Corresptondance: OOTBALL in thse ( ~W est bs a coset 13~whst un. apparent- lZ >'a roaItstccesaful m enson, T'ie ig, weii-lrained football moices lhaveisadl Ilacir tut-us, battitd utanul>' and art' uîuw preparetat set- srt-s8 tltsa ligelae. Foo- ltball experte at-e o izLiig the field it)îî, ena until there wssli iii'asnItan>' offercd up ao lter,'e a oi'lle-daPilet.T h re metin bas beeîue'a-îîtioinîiall isli an fur la roîîgt su rk iîy the lt'yts acat beniatýist'a la cetit'ruod aaan îsscîîîtîuîîtl- as fat- as injuries intla T.'hei'tttpireslias-t as il rten'bas-n"att-t-tr tus re'imrl i iig i -titat mnîut dcî-tîld tt'slturcof muaiern footbalil. The rt-fi-ets liiase fitttîwcl the 1,81tui We il' i t il aixI.Aut-ai igui th.'Dieu linetiti:)ba-tîre utit îpîîritti t>' lios iea'u affuurdit4 for Ith- rougi, t-t,rs-tto 'rut-p ii. AN a resaut o li'ule stun-uwrk eî's-- ibiug îpoinîatoisi-in u iti a iti-t usIVut- er claii onsltiuaantiti tuîtei-t4ltzigg's luela 'am ta u disnpute t hec i-a ui, ts te hcustn dtru u-tiis-t-ory levs-c cirhittt ui tîýlrsIilu; b a sturi' of 21 to 12.Wisctilit t-Iuc-lit-s tilt cIluinnl t', lletii' ut'lie-utlier titi-t>. sua-tratuii t-tii -ua un iark. s ni mNorth- 1uIt'sti-t-ît iie-by a at-tre tuf 22ho at ThlINaethubis t',titn tison il; wetaklu n lti Les. itiita, l'utrt-stt(f if sriactil, $wts-s't orutIllitîtulq, Luutkss-oad tif uihi- Irait. Moirtimer stita'nd of Cut huliago sud ltheigbasaoutLuake i-'îirt--tt uild certain- i; lie eidittpa tft-tht' ail-t île-utenta. Ot theat', liolnîî's, tftr bis nurk agaat tliinuuu Muuteottu fin,]Nirthni'ttc hiluluîsking hiiîtiuint.ut lufeinue n tk tna 1- ]y, lunîa'rhaus titi'tiratI t itiet, wutliSwe-e tic> ti ien«ti'aeoud. Titi' tartstif i-aptaint has mt e tlIia.ti ton ISwi-tune> eonaul-rabt;, lut in il]tiIia%it tiii hian ha'ld i*s un lit tllic big inatitu pi> tl, itit the poWai b!,' aS u.ttlion I ltt li i îli anits t-. tOtitht' t-itI. itl,'- tîk uitlliiigiluus undi t e-iuitîaî-ulu.. I liaitn d Anîîîi-- s'îIn ai c' a -I ol titi î'n tiiit. andttint i ut luuîîil, st-rk thlu te.u -intiuustS.ticilien tif Lak tti -li u- ut Iluit inuii,lias*lîci-u nutIt i inti- play. :uîIl -, aut-uvit-rutsi ttlîg glu ".i- Osiî -t- f tt-ti' illetîtt. Iti'-fîîuîc tI, ci,~ua tinu. liauuls suit-k ini t'eNlIij:in tanetuo- idi iîî niekit-k' tuttrks hunitiaut-tltiît ,f i fitritt-l-. 'Istt rt-lt us îîck i ii iutl t.' itiplt'.utnim tuatk tui tsiafai-au- luaî t ,tr ea- ehlal'dtut- tt . il -. iîut.S ii ter nduttCtat-ki'air, fier î ii rt. i'il -tr, in-ing u st-vry hlt-n i uttI inî-,lutht' cii tuigît ginti. stomtl hI- ii tit i-bie'. litit- i-r. a gutti ttacktu'-r. in tuti a .15 in it-îumîuu the untilu-. I lttcie'fîunntîlcs alytui. i- tluîutgi Il.-- et user tth i utii the ttiN- lin gauie. iiltt'lu rin i-t-laîîn tti-taso- ie t-ur gcetlt.littrIl. h'iii> us-î,Irk, sad lts-t fat-i that hi'i-tîtic touseti tua tull. Fotr the iti(-ks.a, 014-11,girlrtta (If Iltîke Fo-'t' art' îs'runîîatht' cran. lls-ra-hluurgec sintthe it,,'ftIr fuit. Nul oîîi; etnin e pîul . ut ni itth-i' téutrft-reiee, inin eplutîgit att-I utplace' kukiuîgteic sttnlii utsecuhadtn- 0tli-n. uhu intana-sir u-ic tupa " yenu-tpt tiikit-k. For ss-, i'ûl acii nud .1at-ksttu ssîulidumslle sutls'a- trs-ttieiy ai reitg pair. NorlhnetItern. Iiaigte, ('Iitago and NNVIws-,auis nbbUig sn,inlaout of tht racet. Niii-btgsui's di fi-st by t'li.îgo, tus--rsi d luy lts-eut ii t> tupiieg tuiîiuack. îelued ai1 lainutult h-ltie oflite uzanit'f tie.ti--t nonu. l'titr llltti-.s hlia tîs o,ritii vuiîuîstu- fi, c u-iunîîîtuouîuhiîîholtn-s it tfîre lier t(it'uind ri'uit-i leh' 'ima tiof aitvu'i îuîuuu.i. ns put (,llt ofthe, ilin ireaci>- whli-u ('iictgi, rut -r îlots-n the litti. Neat ii to bel. f.I hi-aîih afuiri; wo-n ttie rutit ii t titti agasaIln--ît Aftcr li-rit-hieit andîl1llinoitmnat ais pîute tir tt'e hitutirx t iift-ut- plat-t-. umt t theu Ilitiltu ttt ttnli(.ligilllK a ttuor. bu- t-utust-ofît I-iu-ttuc.hunertt. aIl-actuuuutl nîît- t. thet'ta linliih-fatt lItte-tain iefcut .% fîcciiuier in ituot la- llaci-tiNorthn-cst i-ca. smIth lu'iettfy pt-cs-c iitnih O(>iir - tlltusiie b-tatIss f hi-t- hîînîg agauasu n lentiat t] utll'oprineî-andl Ntniuesota i a Ilthe' tati tutti ttht- ilrtou-tttn. GREAT METHODIST CONGRESS. Vail iiTry ta Fi nî t W thther the Clorcl ilnbStalse Mission, A nottablle ' iiuliguouaiit hedngif rtht- .%li-t-tiiiutl Et itl iChiirvh i eg.asta six titti a' as'aau n mutr-iat (hîîru-bat Plust- hurs,. îîTitieivalus-thUit' ongreas, us it-h wnuau aiituî- lu>ilihiuuus Iiuc-t'e, Nlîde "-Thie t'ottgt-t'st, l'til .pruiptiset,)iin. viltu-îor ii s tut tIis-ti se -tiv-îitif ecx alungituiùtiluttt. ,l'lit simpiuiti>'tut iiug outl rîttî luas-t-utluru'îraeêtiîg tiffoit- luitie ucr- tut ialiiîui t Iatliv atru u t'sprt'e-iuuuasilui whuvterthUiihthati usuel t uttia noe tulilionlîàututLt dt-alie de- iiutikd"tîtunr tituteeandat,].If isu, n lu-uei use su-isities t>- Uc un otitihid or di-ectî'd t atuiiis-tttis-t. 'AIlei-niuercssu-Ut lCou- i-en t-ut loî nilt questiaonus utfadirch poli-;. bt wiîh jaunes laatiug uptin Use relatioun ut t-beue h t thlit hought anti lite ut Ilta-ptoiuiî'as affects-s] lu;IMt-111ut aietitffc aibt-t-ary ittî--llusgs. The cosgrea, n-lit aitut taseulre titi odequate- ptuseutaliust ut tise tenttincies tif current scientide auand titerart-> aaluag, and aloo suggestions ne tu Use bent service ho bc rendesl t;y the cituni'h iti 'tttireting thoaet ttnticu cira tun tht spsrhtial ani Intellectual adi- vantage ut Ils foiiuisem.a" FIRST BLASTS 0F WINTER. fanw ov trnetof Great Se-rerlt>' Swecpe Over Nebraska. A anouatorîn ut greai severit; su-cpi ove,' Nebraska Thursda>' ulght. Tht wuetisen uas milt al] day, wlth a tizing tain. Tos'ard evening tht mercor>' drus> pedt îu aitet zero andIa gale troa Use northuest swept the Sute partitle. of suov lu ever;tditection. Nul a gre-at quautit>' ut snour tei, but uhat the-rauaa plilet lu lintge tiniti, impeting ail kinde uf trafilc. lo the extrêe ie s-aern part ut the Siale a regiuiler b saslpt-es-alldansd greai dnutagc laUstes tenet-slutock intea-tts. This ia ditue lu tht flittthat te grams je covereut ulth saIturd contitg out les, tltroogb sshielu t illbc hqtîite difficuit tuo- catteta break lu orden lu secore ftoa. Tht greuil dautuage troin the tortu cointa trainlise menace tu tht stock Init='Su Tt mmyni Uousati aheep begt~ thes lat. are lu e rlltr ti.a890 WINTER SWOOPS DOWN. *llntg gCotai UweepeOyer lhe Cowfr3p frontbtheNorthweet. Ola i wnier sterleti]armos Use tcoualr> Frita. I hrude a cotdar se lit swspt down frotuthe Kiotîdike t iltUe rate ur 1,000 mile, a ud;.h t e-osseti thse lise froa thseBritllisdominloîta Ito Monsn. and North iDakota, tilgldtlt'e Para ut $1,. Peul,, sud b>' Sttitn liirîiiu)g uns blow- las Il* nîniry bhnî'th on tCUicago, c'lutins the mereîîry lu drott1iiluer 401 degreet lu, lests than tn-eîîty--our boums. Meicai-e liai n s plrentof utx.itef Ftl- dey. XItbailItle rapiatiîîu ut bolus the' coldeat town on tthi' î'îîîîtinîî-t, aud I a?îsek ilacif ifull tif litt'a.'lie naretîr> Wtit it0 ils lîutrîw forc the' wýlîter'a hi- bs'riititig. Il gaonus tr as 4..1tegrtta beltin z*ro, îî ua i dtrnuethe us; nevrrsut ita lct tou îtt tif ilsile, irIlite higleait pâlitit i t-tai bcd n au 12 li-eesbplow Mtltî'lia tjla jtiýi;i -a the lIse ut lanvri' td itiiii'tttitVlte ISauta' u î'îîîîtte i lits s- i' uta, Ilydisgraced i-tf. forirta ils t-r uilittiaetualY Bot as high ta1) ii tiu t U it- i. Xliia t 1 tli î iii t gli n tttity iei'thot !iseIl. An> -fi ..tIii- iîîîth-tiltîttire'Ilite suit î-h g't-- at I i tr:13 - i i,- --ît Ea ii' tli sa lutlong t11d tie rî-îîîtît.îîîtufter i'iiig tht' ii-îtultt. jatî-î bli zzaîeîrd. but Ihat iastuî tîî,t ît. 1- î tutifrulit, suttu-ttht' n tis îrt vlnit.îîuli nîd At C'ulgr-. tt--t I NiIlti- liat. tandtiut Snift 1'îrrt-îît I - î tit i lit, ttn-riitiat'e t-ca ttriat'»t d i2ll .tI l ,iîî lit tatîe îuuî-trailitie tittur Ctiar-- îidi ot12 the lîrI-ntî tif id itcI. i i t- tuitt-ur>' if.t 1h,- lt ru-rI iutslt,-i iii- liii ta Lis-tu c> lis lit iil,'cit t Vt'itllsniitî 55lttuutua as- IIiu s-c Itistita ci-lu Ileictua itatîlut tilt- t.iutliiutî linctîîuu t' - .t.t t-t' I uîu~au t !l ti-itis- - - Lut-ut iii. t \us 'ut-lu ut tt.,uiiiii t ,tititaitt - ua Vu .usbuus-gitii FACTS ABOUT TH-E NAVY. Slea ttry LttuG ît, t î ths-Public lilat. sasu ,ifs .rt. Fi utut f III- i .1 i n uts re- lioct loth.li- ttsttt i- uthuat the pritti.-.......l t'IL,î.l'a- 1 I t-la aiuo t- W tii ut il - - , t > l . i i iitii i siutTi. nlit.. tuuir a iutuni tît. - 1 -ui :v lt it asti ll uI- r i tf -iti u- aie g,-.1 of;il lu t-li-uuiu1-tt-lit- t tus-ilsru t-t 'an.- o ý . i i lîtit fuî- nut-t . iil-tuil'tIse l--t ii i;- lui,-utf aloi-aIt. i sa-I si, as ita l- ttiticuit i uithlbevital i'i I. liti u- îouli i t tIti tl i'l1,1)'irljlwnt tlt, tti,' hii tiiuiu-, si. ut liit ii'ra'se lîritte utcîînî ,îiltîuup li.ti'saine to, u it- s tti t us-oti, ttu ua.tf s-lit-h aiui lî's if lit. .-uuîntli f tua,'. ihie-I s-ut dtt-ur u'a1tltIL tutti ti,-nouth ofî'. i a tt u-titu ýfoit,' tas> yard* tuttI i i t i-îi-îut ttiitu.ittit u ui.orthue lu- îrt'auul tiiiinls-r o if îtr .-~a iut ofns eiiîacg-uiiopltsutotiit-n u-Imenu ludo tt- îrk. '*i.il:tt -- t t u , ctii-i-ntii> i-li". -aI ttlei'f uit-s tt- ii t e an ru' t -us-t- tuf nu it enter- teni-> tut tut e isuun-itutt.fi-ttiuaui' s- .Iitskti,. s ut at. ut uti in t tse-i. anti titi' l'ut ic. tOîiti- ut t-er huald. tlu saa 1ttttu-lt-luto u-ie.t-iuat tuttnaa touts -r ilioi i,- iuhuniii s sithila tht latuaI fi-u i-t--a 1hta itit11). i- t ofl i>- dat? stc>rîtt--rare t hui itwi t itii'a abhipa su iii lt-ecuritittill> taiitiout ils-..-1iulusiun aujloputitntut ru-niru -iei ni-retureduL* ruuuuîng tntc-nuatt t 'liâtuiltue retgar'd ta tiu-i-i-S-att- u. tth' rt-iuttttaouithe national 4'Ot'ttlgliisus ýtiittiitualthe r--'nes, thît tînt- tuthtut-zaiuuî'-tisws- uulu> Ibyte t-f)îluitt t 'igs'ss lit'Iii t luiI Ut tutu'bisalle- s-Uitfuir t itui itit'-o tt m - ires ftcr the Suti- tts-tiilut- t-îuiîstciu-tionautru't-comupet. .iut Ibt - us illî lue titis- tuil. urt le oun tise Aitanti(ig ttltht-c i- uiilui-suusuianti atise, tta u t f-tu ut'çtult uti t il ii it p'to- luiusît bsre.lit-if su ia tare t-on- îuuusi,-uuî ) -i .tlitlë -ti,9 i'.1t tutrt' ot s-icb tin'r ti- quitlule-i' tut ustIi-t- )l i tîe ibias ift, moilubte anui l tt-i.Iti arit-attt(ifthUe asi iu ' iie il, itsl. plai.t-u it 1lis-' gttltttai s-m t--u s-qu t ftrtiius- tit f i'. '"1. tt-n-unrits--ttut-tut t:tufonceutf tht' tît ,-.-îturit it f i -olr 1,;liuusitips Of titi ut-t -itus Is-. uat is 'ifutlhe sec- tuttIi-l i tnt, titriiilu-tulai-rut, sixtet t-tt's- lu tt tt et sun , ixdulue tue- renctpit o uî it-t'rîttu. miit- îi-amile gtiîutiot. otilei'iitl iit.otv . t baliort moltit- uti ttc uîîs-îlu îauru here remlrvirti î-îltint.ut' litilealpa ur, tl iti' icsti is-.stutt iuuniedoiu ituatanti tutu' -intiriiiet-utu ot The uis-'lire aixty-four îîlîî-r navauuii si.Iat-la . î-luutuug thoat useti a. trîtiingtue,'îcuiuue anîd iiavai--esrve >ipii. toits, tltttu.ed sgit- turreted lamuni- tilt-4 aB1141 Soute au.tig-iu-ete t-cutI. Tititoniata, tiri., uf mitre ltan tient>' auiiiiiti steameurs n hin-li mutîi>' ilS the' rýu-airt-nttofuthei,'postl a set c Niuîh:1, 1,401, n iii regard lu Ihelr adsp. titit u itaialservit-e,.sadto an arma- ment ut main tund scoundar; iatteriest »etunai, ut a ver; tnu-bgnî'ater number uf itarge- met-chant marine lsti-users, ubieib cou be îus-slldotf1ut; ly ime ofut ht Thte-auxiiiarles. rngiutg front ::,000 te 12,M), 0tus, uiii. if occa-sion rettubre. fto a puui'rtul fSeet utfut-eau cruisa-rsi, cpaSie ut snift anai formidable attaek upon au euemy's eomuer-c. Their greet cool ea.. Itat-itir nullalffo enabte thuu10oreanldu s loutim ie aI sea i lu trelbor the whee, absouts ut hostile vessels. "The cutînîr; it t t- o ratuliatet iéja0 on the cesitluobluainet intutht rebuaiin eut the uuîv>. 'Witil- us hips are oct le tttt;l-aad il if,îot Itu t-t'nr; ibe>' ebouW' .be-utis thutloutofîuuîu iitirer ge,uipuwi.gi4 mIbey -ire, ciaa tu fr <l-.hut ituvur, q*Qepi ss-urkinnslip antuftuihisivê tuuildeseàikWf rqutalilits the eî'ual utsfu Isea tit . a. - nherc cîsçe in the wurid.." s Ti ""'yrear recunnuends that I» joilcenis ubo uvere disca-lrgsa Id, S. ,n ýi- ýe r- ie cir A le Id Dit er a- ie