This man is calllng for a plate of cakes "Our Ilome-grown Buckwheat." T.>' a Sack end You'II have no Other. For pastry use-flàýý -----.Big Jou- SOLO AT 'Triggs & Taylor' s Lbertyville, III. Snecial Bargains DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS Pianos ANOOrgans Calland Examine my Stock R. SIIERIIAN, Libertyville, 111 CLEARING 5ALE Sale Begins Saturdas':Dec. 4, and Continues z::ý One WeokOny 2AI lf-d S.imbma ý'i ... ..... f' 2 74 1.74 ....,..... Ut; . SMITH & SON, Butler Bdg. Libertyville, Illinois. FRED CUOER1 TAILOR AN"> DRAPER. CLEANING REPAI RING. OVER BANK ijj lfr aui'nll-eaved ilcense fee toi eliey. ofuthiat Plltie. ou.s a'charge îof LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. J>l ElS1i5S. I nlargei veîlers anti sireet pedîlîers., asiuilt aiid hîttery, anîl alto tii get a Shra hik hy hudbctxt rt of rapiesîn for tie buggy, whilîcri'îiffri" 'iuaafah-,su'ny Tfî(afîi. 'W agons, Sleds, Car Nbrmuithfiksteyshall ietaalie says la the bonse of contention. 1Bat t-r-etrntiry.. ...... i AS1 whiat lie ternis a .lde,.eui" sumilfor thiaHa dlaims to haîve' bougli thie buggy 14 14C îh" ii>.ijd 21 and other Toy 1învlege' îf tioiug buisnesa on our froîîin Bikiay, wbo took possession .Eiggs. 1,,r dîizil........... liîI i treets. For instancle, If a man wvsnîaio of t after le liati beau pai 1 on j 1 ftî:u'.ý»r i66ii.i. 4v See our Photograi the purclîse pri'a; andf viien 'l.agu'ne .',. f-ry. lir îîî... ....... 1 m4 I4 i 6 iiiation fur inîjs anti robes le believas ven t tu denandtihei retoril outhOe Cîîaf-Hîjrîu. p.'nîtonu............ 1%NiA & Celluloid ann Plush' th," 1rivilege %% niii$25,aud not lest than vehucle, Blkley, lie Ras h i inli afu-sott. plî tn .... . ... e1 ( 1 $15 îiuldenany cirî'umitauces, andi if the couiple of tifues. 'orn. Jper fihi, 'hii.'u . 2M4 (e ocooa rs articles solti shoulti bappen ii. bc Iu a laier issue of saint! pliler the! ' Gît. linerfaii,'... . 4i iia aytbung uIn the Ieweler'o lune he vîultifolloving lorai appearPi. BrGmurF-on................645 4 iiT h I ulnloae a fine 0ffi$1,U00 ant i mprusotl The amat anfisd iatenY case Middiliigv, n............ I ii 0l4itnin)S teaunufortunate vender for lfe. A agaillst Chiarles Buikley, ln vhicb Co)rn Miaf. îa'r toi,............. 11 62 au isa rsn hreiJohn Tague vas compfainiug vitness, jHuo. parin Io .............. liiT he:524 license tee of $2 l vasoen cag Ijw ear1 i iis fternGOonbY J Uiti ce a trk,trssedpe'r ionIbo ..... itoi 44 anti Mr. Shermnan tbunàkN Ihelittrl'lY Van Desueon, whn disiissed the de'- Indetto endant. T"uv raît » van i bî.. vie275 ILibertyvil le,- inadeqate. Bef aislvesdrp der bu ......27 0 8 Srt lei ___ COUNClL.PROCHEDINGU. ~j LîzlovvILI.E, IsL, DEC. 6,189f7. 4 Village board met tu regutar session, 4PICKED Up HEFRE AND THERE. *wth fuit board PreM~t 4 Loal tem oflntres taLibrtyill Reder. h Minutes of previbul. meeting were 6 Loal tern of nteesttL!brtyille eadrs. remit and approveti. a Te oiowngbil. ere ,reaol and ~~~~~~~~A~~~~~ ~l ~ ~ 44444é4 U 44é4*é4é44 ~rfre ofinance committeu Who reported saine iack favorable , ezeelt. C. M. & Sy. P. R. R. TIME TABLE. JRîiîfrthie' ief lCîrtival ing A. L. Burgei bill for ligbt. leui - Sît înfa~ rtîrîîî.n a. i eîgît ee efotion cnl Uailowayand se ru t ey To CHIICAGO. 1 "Il al were alinwert and warrants odri ;c I.Il12'n M. 1, lHîliH. rawn on respective foinds. Wa'iw..r1h 4: 57 , i ; it lr. lfiiikiîr. ici Ait ic1, %s ýi.j' îî I.L c". ra'îC, ... J e <iiirin'. ii 721 2 fi th, e;,,Jest ~Woocnlî ,j LitT%,îii, vis :oo7:16 i: I6 11,0 Jljl-lfvltr, olgo1IL A. m',ir' t The fol lowingv 5:50 7:44li9:321i:50. îîî:îS4iig i:;: 45 )f rom the POLA 5:.%4 7:50 9:37611 11264 61111 6 .16$ 151'c ii'i'i Iîgî' -Jii ta ivfori t-11ir î,îf1i t , s. j a if.itiaî..........1 6:i 5î.iiri.i 0 1û: 3b24,1:42 5 15 j i gi6* t' av ia Y f 2 S. S.W î. ... giv1o ci 4*c.i 2..AP'Saiis ' -14 :i>:odated Decembet ai. .D.~î6.16.[li ... liaiît laitf0 give S vs îîiîù thie'taifuir C, iiisr. i v.Kul"lt 9:1.) :456:.0 a n;Jhanloooebying aiytfllng y'>U ýeEiIB Y-11 14 W.'S nt Cau Loi. iLàyl. ki. ':9:30 s;:,waîlit, front îa oecktie to> a pair of bouts . V Eff"S ntlCau Mh,riervIlfi H28 v i, 5lm65 4:41 6:11 7:Jii 9. GM ra M;" 1(r*l i.22 6764:47 6: 17 7:27 21 IA Iî'T- 1Pair o( )f 4îtaf'6 Cts . Dal 0ton 5. TGVf Evrif l:4 6:64:5666:25 7: 3 9:27 ('ijirî-lî i nrt 16611 Park ave.'ii.'w m jîs sa îin 6 l71 T yadGf Lhhmat tv :4% o6.6:4011.'S 7.5 M lfwauikee Ave. Fiuîfîrpléi:se 'itirIITii. ari lurer, has just Wa'rnoî :6 :16 6ce tMis. A. 6C. Frenich. MwFea croc 61 Uur'6, 511 56 642H Lawr.'riî"' ..tA :6lfrom L ib e rty &1,oIle rs y e inciiolà Wffi n taI"lo-o6 L ,ici Wiî"'-15 21 where he has Wadsworh 6:1 5.2r, 6 evîîvj h rvyt'il 'îîif BIî. Biîneiarrive)'io : 6 64 4:6 iidyînrî and féeiing. Mor' te- 1,uia .* 4 7V,la e asot deots ale. v f'î.'vscindijf ,iiy ig iiîi't *r.Ban'î 1 i7 Wlhe,-ne rk ai,c.irs trains jrfijbelle'2, J. H. t'rînk .51etsi ceI ceiuda'.i'ogrevs. ', lie 0 .r. -f 'Mîa tIl.f epeet ti, v.îîojojO, ' I iîîî Wri6cfit 3 . on.... ... MUNI)AY TRAINH. 1 My Neigbbîr.' A. L. Burges miIfoi, Nov. liglits wam of M. B. Colby LvLIetvlie. 4:6f.6. Ar. Itouclî,ît Li>0î.m. D hs uulifîiînyn ai referred to Water Committee. Lv.Lifert Dr.fle. 6. qu ala. Âr.Chi'ii ijlv6(cir1 Treaaàrer'r report w sa read am Colby & Co,1 LvCfi'ao :2 an A. ibr yilet4 a 6.Foîrest, 111w 1f Evalivilîn, fii d'dfollows fou band lirai o1 mliti c o rr es po nd Ivlicg,2:6f. in . Ar.I.t,"rlyvifi 624 1,21. y,. l i t f116 boule eniiiEv ativfiîii thisi $1 ,f.11.3. Recel ved diîriiîg uiOiti Sana cnly aIlia 6111 w ect. Tfhe îiî,ît>îr fLaîlill Çnîieiv ý4f7.5. Atenntexpeîided. $260-15- Santa for soni (t,,-sga iîîrn 1:2'?; Ware-I 2:017IBalanîce on baud $,fil48 <6motion upon an mvit p.. n.Wad»wo)rth mi2212 c : 7 Wrn-intiîiiiity. (il Uahiîîsay andîDllis report vas ton 1216; ltllfîat 2:4Evnnettl2:42D1i-rtlllf. 2. -5srn'rfl.%uq2 urt -i Ci'6gai M. .1> îatt, (lit Laki'iinoret, lias appruîved andl ordered piaeed on file. thelTl Old Sa Tr in.46fi fe'f lff1 st kindly coiciseutci tîîgive b t'els l'l iLe foiowing resofuutiollva.s read went ta Liberl fraiNo."touxItuoc l'tsleputso ffo 'ard an înmotion of Uailoway and f>e.rtil'l to Chogigo. Leavv sDcrnetd 7:00 col li'y NN:n Shermian wax pamsed, ail voting mye:.clias so well pli a.m. Skrmlsrvilf l 7:04; arivos Chicao 7:501 Beeer,' next 'i esday 4'Venliig liev.'. HE1îEAs, Tiiere ila now in the. basndai the place that mN. oV s lurim ChlIiv 1 1 U ma ,flfdi, atil'reslîyterîaiîîlur'îtîrteuf tintetreasurer S1610.71 as unappro- lienefît iccii.cif.U.I. a.AilD '.1îbo'ty eîriate.,that promised ta vilae flces.Admission 21e. $411041 cof ibis atteunt lie taken there- & Ca. a largea l'r'.ii' :7 7<4! laugbit.r. 'Af the àMetibîafivt bridge fand and that $100.71 be appliid Christmas Goc .... ... . H. Avrili to the contingent liand. T esim n Tfîoi.. Eri. 1. J. Hyt. Efiiuivîîaf ciîtrch on buîlaY iîlrniing oveti by Gai loway and Bherman T esim r Tr ."i. ~j. le S l- r. Smle.DfGall a. iî..îbî1e ti s<uk.i u î that A. L, Burge's bill be allowed asidyvi h f.r......... ** .......W. C to) j'nct. fie the ivefig lie tipa o lfaeti0o, Ilie. Carried. pes r.'ar..r .1 1.....M. if. Colt'>etl. w'oril f îîtl1, l'Tfîe L.orlStîîîîl Moveti. by DuoBoia and i oyt ibat pes .'.....'.... ...... tW. E. 1246511%% etle Mi'-ud 'trî'îglceîîed Me- cîîrnmittoee of tierce e eappoiiited ta Mavia.......... ....... M. Frshmar, ceufer witif S. 1. pope relative to ý' bere' sif] fie aie E)lwîrtfî Leaglet pnrcbasingltofbim,locatedonScbool We have re 1 ÎEETYVILLE LODUE. Na. 492 -F. & Convtio ut l ithe Metbîlst S14i<Pit. Cgrrieti.. Preident appointed Goods, and in ai A. M. tegularComm6u1Jllati>122111& 4111 î'urî'b Natîrday afterîiiîî,i,iuîî.'l" iioay onteaininois a sUt satiirclai's of eoacimonti. Vi»tinil cbrrang i2:31.Tî, iuîconivention iesery cî îmîtafl. onein to se uorlialIL Wiile41î.fR. W. BUi.LKLaT. W.M. îî A prro itionfrm tfteal . have them du J. E. Et. 8ec- body s oji vîîrîially iiivited. Le. W. G. ToddTite tive t unaigdtie tU AI iI176, M. W. of A..641'ltliLeîîîisnl i slidelivî'raiîeiuteretingaîiidrawing for Water friaing em aldh d o ctliLr liati îrdvy11,i n.fiîaaî' rvi'.îîrv. simitteti sud on motion of Galloway it Wood.1relov Half t.v"ir EM"er's haordwarl'tlîorîîîgiy chaatrsi odrs. adMoeo a deferreti until a can be seen b. ýt'.. islil4r C. jîI, 55516161214. V. c. Burgars etcred A. W. Waido0'11 future meeting. cHai.. Kàimzaa.Clerk. bouse lant Saturday iigtt. Athoiîgli Moveti by f.isliîway and Sisermfi th î<mistc ieb ut the that lot occupieti by villagehlbails me884C tednetcaslit h og offered for sale. Cairied. ls.elî l lic h 'tcci iI ttin iddntbu hm nrue Moveti ly Dallais and Gallova! sîvît'.ii l Df'î'rivvif leK:lniiowbut Mreaknga aleulenit Uicese mmittecssbmfrai5t ist Libertyville, fo-at i'vslies ssav âhImpossib5lel. If anYthling %sm arri'b. lwi resointion vas llit bas lîeete il bnsy srî k fîor taken it vam; of nîjuor implortance anud presenteti and on motion of Shermanx fîfaîksmiti. The' if îrry clf no1w and lbas nat yet litîn mîssed. ai Gloa a psealvtn --freeze îîp' fîîffnssig pr1,Vîd a Nirtiial Juiîiral ai S.,NFoIan's aiii mec the 1 ye 'hlîîriciyke' for tbe niîtbiüx. suit lie wîil iiake for yoli "for 0111Y1 Be resolved, by the President andi board of trusies 0of the Village o01 Ilave you secen fhicpits VoinIail Lîbertyville théat the licenise fiele hat bu:, at AFiLv for ý:I.5î. 'Aft ti, Y1 P. S. C. E. fîtsiviiîî'sv iieet.. be the munimof125 per day for folovitlg Tbe lsi)ErES.I'inFOT lbs Witte<iCrwaiSIiig lacet Fricday eseniiig the !îlltwiiîg Person or Persona, company or corpora- and Swedisb pllera, as weli as Englisb, îilfieris uif cfairmniof crîmmittees tunsto-vit: Itinerant merciiafte. aulctionueers sund peddlers. This priuted atiyvtiere in 0the world, suif vere ele'ltl'd for'lfe î'î1fiilg 6ix resleofubion to be lu force until January l'an doive you iiiliy. rîi in suif get înîiitbs Presiofent, lira. C. F. Wrght, 1.5 mo. igîirus. Viveî' frev..lRay llublard; Sec. seul IMoved by Gaffovay' snd Ker tfiat i Juicis a brther cl Ed'rreav, Adas M. GeHilîge. Prayer M'et-, meeting adjouru. Cargied. ' .Jaîîev lvlnrîî. a ,rîtiie iiil.dW. C. SMfsBont7l Cleri. od fif'rî, . if'ts iff', l u t Ii,.iig, Miss Tîis,îieud; Lî,okout. Mrîj. E.______________ home nîe NcsrtilIniîklfa 'I îe.fay. '1 fie J. Madî,le. Social, Bflanche'eiulle, SCHOOL NOTES. -r"ilainii<wîff I+- friliglit tl. Lifîrts- Misionary andîlTeilperatii't, .'. 1'. F Efeîtlon of officeris thîs afternuoot. %el iii.nrîterrînii. Wrght;f, (iîîdL.ii.'ratîxre, Ms. Pl' îAlbîert Barb<înr comme'lced cseobuof 1-î k. 114emclvI ii ti vr. Graî M'ifofe: famt Hindoty. i I i II f,, . , hi.ljii.'i.,r.ia' 'iiil ay Ni iîitî .f. Il I ii funifTrhe inging books bave cat last arriv- ili I l ic thi ifii i... fî,tic i i 1'fIlaffi fîi.rfilali ti' ill. , -, iîfcruiiîiic,îi rfîl îtii i elaul eaheî' lteexerî'Isem their vocal A .a 6 ,iî, ipisli. 1robfabilities e iv scvarie i. î,tir lirgals tici ii' est duit iir aliliiy. ' 1 lii' f.ii fS, i. Pe.te'r andîI l'îi i.ilî î,îtlîfîiiîîvîfri rîiiî Ffîy.twschos'llai'u< in attenauca nov. loii i sf gise ea aerie'v (Aî'îird sI bt si' I an gf itfiî n. s e if fI-fi iiiandiîenmuore v'inîg. 'A table snd extra fîart'v. bî' îrvi ii's lf iii'gis ýiiiit îbatî'.f i1:11 iii .iaiiiary, aloi isble deks fIas oe len ialîfeil. :et î]îît 1mou11- Ilîle îîîîîl' fot fr.. lLiit Sciiit, Wîî Iî' liaUtti ,s1vlililurtî,m .rv asilue i.î'confidentcîîf î iîîili ss y. alf (>lie van do is to tient .y 1f-i cI 'Ifilire ni rdiaf f y ssi. f el at i,lii ic lo.iciîaîi îr tui ii iîîafes Toniî, for tii cm D'et empecilly if large, 1' iî:, log m iii i uî"eiî I i .t S 15i. . tily fi', l'er ta iiithfilrto loi a x 'l in. 1wb.'u ail are uiviuig about. Nov ,Nlaslil leiiiiiai, ropieir iiifi.'r 6fii tiii- Sh .'ruia 12 l'un fi in't vîrely aiiew room oîxgfît to bc adled arc uiakilig fflc fîest cof a "lfitiig81( a abgecho Tun If 'tel fIl î,uîîrepoirts liiîiliicSv îîj uu ba mlb eîîl îo thebooîîî i. fie eiitertiusn vabouise f, 'fiaîiî"Il '3 Ire-f'-aiîg notiing Thre lProgrammie ]ami Fiiday wvas 1---------------- o, îîwaiienens every nigbi andlassuresiiiii ' etlîît smil] fendil tstrengtieri îarly us ell nendeneîi. No debate vas il. lie wil sectîre froîît 11m alkinclasif nr candîidîate. Tberr es unton' ) iven ,eî'anse tbeaffirmative vas not buy any Christrni oogiîîevtillr petitu, " I,îîîîîî <1 mrî'riî,sIi'1 if dîmes to Postýoifllce' premeiit. fitvas a splendid uquestion, signat uresiirutic meîîdonîît %e. st'Cîiigrî'semaiî Fîîs' job. 1 lntîood.Nldical andLawScboolslteqtlire you have S N tile, sifliiiaiiiii l a r lfineu the Eqîivaient of a Cîllege Course for i,' Ladiîev Aid Sc,-iY of liée 3f. E. suiit for $20i ti, $5 dmsin"fn iboenx tm h c Joidmisvwimb toidexe bod thaiexi trneC.lIL Shiîînf v-fiefrîe lia cl ii< piano rThe vi1lfa9. firîl iotifid il. L. debaters mwiff lie lîremeut. olrrgtilczu, is oliuewobfîur h.1 a Mna ----- Afi tte loctest novselitiem lu voolenla d U îî,îtheî'iîatî'if gentîleen srrî',i illeaud. A lettSeS bî ~ iii tfîe fîrligran. auuitiiig a fat l'ilo i i llsx, Uat'i'ijiing tNs'0 .I i Lîy arc- aisi> gritefnl>tîuHenry iagreot lo isUnamdLtes.Everybody tellst Applo-,f(,ie'. liîiuîi, E. C'ook anl .. Il s eilgi'tnsir reI i' v ro acin-lis UnWicgIscial'tlod tt es.iint i AlIfansi in for fîîs îrvmli tier,'u. iniuitecc rilc t. tfcvlrlig varouisi. i , I llsn .. 1.'. fitiOrnaiîi od ds th e .bestI ir M îvv Lyiia Niiitf s isistiiig Cfius; tbmoligb f aininai (.allîîway tlu- Mv i. i. 'FîiF. Ciintue, e". y *ie go relaivesfibfis vi'K. Mis NUIiili fîr,rîî@îMn. Borge fiat it wasx the .,u'î"C, . . 'ofNtI. 'r. 14r.V ue %sivprîîiirni'i a loiiiliiiihie iElgini sense of the 1board fIat unfesa ie Doîl ___ grad<'lcii iîriiiiis reiintfy. stilifibc givi homelu'a1surance (iif botter service Perpetual Motion. cfeifiîe.l, ut deîirlig tu bc sway tram fliereatten htai h oulu flie ativisafîle t,. jA'I ew inîiîstry viii be tatet it iiioc as uilli asnsviiîfi lie uaevesif.ateol take tepi' i r'vike bis î'ontraci. Freepiîrt, maya an excbiange, on a quar. shlimile vbca'uePi a M1100'lîu uElgin, Iflinrge rî'îlfed tbai lia it exspericured ter vectîlînuof landt. An enterprisilig The Crearn of afltlj(Iîîgb iihe eouic i Y nîiî îîas a îuuîît * ' îal f iirk' and imIupliedth fat Gafliuway's fariner will establlsb a tbîijaaud black ifeirale le ie. ipu'iicwvlreiîii6tie îiasmîîcb alie cean sdtilve tlîcoand rats on vbicb The finest goods oint fîrget the,' lazaar anti iaruivîîi wav dîiig the lcol; be coiîfd, il thbîaga ta fe.,d tle rats, etiuîstlug tbat the tii be belli iheTlr f isu falSatiinday î'oiiiden,'d. 3r. fCalloway reflîleti rats ylinerease 15,ffleftu io yeaors, Plates, Oatrneal afiernl n d eveung, D.'c. 11, lider ýtba"àtrneswentbiefevs the igbt se'rvice their skiuubelug vorti a dollar eacb. the auspices of Lake t'olnty f. 9). G. vas very iicr'ain andt tat lînlems The rats vifI ninltuply five titres as and Vases, j ust r T.liefresbemeuis servei un tOeholîîuis renîedie'îfthe boîîardi voufd revîîke fâeiastsibe î'atvanti vilIlie usei to îy relîreseutatfvst of file different tfîir conîîraî'i andt lat they wisbed feli 0the rais, wbile the skiuned cate will be displayec naionsv. Articles suitabie furr boliday M. Ifarige t Onsuvd,'r this censure lu sf11 fnrnisb foodi for the rats. Thus e d hs gifttv ili b.' on sale. A fine prograni tLe nature'onia waruiug of the boards ba iii erfueiilaluio]notinblîe ouait ai ed hs seiIl lie rentirreti lu tbe eveuing ce-m.intentionîî bi>iid lia faflol i ;rîvide Isi. Also seec roîrlliafl i itmeti k vryoybtrsrie A fanmer gises aneof noer aiclijuges cordall iliitel. - - - i nforniation tfIat lie very rlîeaply ket pa = 0 0 = 3 O. 'Tfie iazuar i the Tîwii Halllahi Atti4,'ionlComnrades! bis î'riblîed ('arn froierats. He l'iiirvofay aujîf Friday niglitsiîînitIie1'A alnierfng of 'lochb1) (_.;Iague'îP l's 1rikles the coîrn near tIhelîottom of Poerns, Essays ar alîpirs îf ii,'Ladrs'AhIni bc 1ilNuo.712, G. A. R. viii iii' feltiFrilfay af rl nivlin i uisvt ase. s l cint'heasadiîres ues' i sfthe . i'"eihiîg l>eeuliai'tulWeflr niie thetuiairdesen Bidin [fE. hlc adi u.icce sr siii;ir my .i tà o heeetolighit riiseriuig of atir slacikad lime. Ha rs e Bn ig Fa1r c. LIBERTY VILLE, ILL, was taken ,AR NEWS, er 4th. i, the great manufact- st returned yville, III. splaced a nent of his n the store y &Co. have been ding with ne tîme and Ration f rom ;nta Claus rtyville. He [eased wlth the at once send ColbY selection of :ods. nt was made ePolar Ex- -ceived the nvite every- them, as we isplayed on ,where thjey by ail. Iiy&àColl B, M.i nas Présents until ,e sQen our Loh1day Gods. that it is by long ne ever shown ln Vou like Our Assortment. s ln Cups, Saucers, 1Sets, Cracker Jars received today, and .d by the time you our line of nd Classical Novels, j, and Silver' Finish -ver saw a prettier ' to 50C. to $1.00 lties from Bc to $1.25 rom 40c to $2.00 $1.00 Ls, Laundry Sets, DIocki: sin endiess variety. ýh Albums in the f-In- Combinations of ýn Effects.