* hwiIlng to spe d~ ..... Time Trouble To secure your custom, and M-To keep it after we have it, by sellinq you better values in Furniture of ail kinds > Holiday Gifts Than you cou Id possibly secure elsewhere. ...... All we ask is atrial.. Presents for Old and Young. A perfect Wonderland.of Toys, a marvelous display No such assortment anywhere in the county. Bring the children with you, it's a big treat for them, and Santa Claus writes the names of ail littie boys and - - girls in his big book and keeps, a record of everything they ~ want hlm to bring them for JIiI :,~Christmas, Toys of every description. We su;ely are Toy Ueadquarters. Santa Claus was ordered to cali at aur store early this year, in order to select a good assortment. ...JLJST RECEIVED.... A fine line of Rockers Fancy Lamps and Crockery Gaodscm bc .... For Xmas Gfts.... hl ni Around the County. WIS. CEN . R. TIME TABLE. OGINO N ORTH Ch *1 M 121 lie Fr>. e n 9 43 17 m8os ta la le 8@94 9 PA 24 8 2 o> ala L,2<.55 6 5 10 Rokeeler 9103 2 44 6 49 9 15 I.ae laa1093820057 P, GofllO SOUTE *Dally excepi sunuday. aBéltop onlu on &a"i. 'L. É. m. p>9. sM pi.a.Ifm. Frt. Ma A Tla7 :1 il 29 4 33 il 10 M Lae757 Il140 44 5 114l0d .fur8 kj il 50 416 12 25 Iettona ~14 8 lff .10 u 1 430 11 ROCK£FELLER SOCIk'rî BS. C"ONGEEGATIONAL ChureilGondar ser vIea 1:3a. m. and 7:30 P. m. Prayer meeting wednesdar eventisc. Y. P. S. C. I. mnîet $ullday eCnings ai :41. junior C. I. fls u hiriSaturlayeveliing. ofeach month. D. OiFI'TE. V C. 0. <> F. N,,. . >. nt soeond and f,.irth Thur-],,,4 >1<hmont., WIiLL K<iot.î* N G. <;EO.A. <srtSy 0. . T.rnt Thur.iAy ev»ringaof ea7h1 w a'k. I.EST t BusI K. C. T. JoHN G1. IAGAN Poe. iG. A. R. pe OSiu r.> <.lght (or r b"!'r,' full mai91. 9 > ECHrncaîLs, A djr . ;.Il giz> .o:I . 8 4 A. M. 9:22 P. M. Mail going n.i fi................. 10:30 a. m. Mail over land i. > <.'ag- arr 1. SAt 10 a. fil. di .Art<. ut Il a. lu. ROCKEFELL.ER. M 1 .1. il. Croîkhite %petit N dal'y ith hlei' fatijer Mr ià îeèiy. e 31r. ud M n. îes. G... linl>i et,-1 i n (> î:îg> tb.-lîtit of thse eek. birlivl. 1cof leerfleil. >65<. ere a Fri>l>ý,y <..iîng alo> 1.k îpart i hie b deUaît. i Mr n 1 rs. F. C'. hig,-e, of Wa4 aurda. ,et, u1,H LAKE ZURICH. Mr. Foley hma returned ta JoUet. Gearge Dieu vas haie Tbuisday. 0J. Flediler was lu Barringtan Priday. Mr. Bueschingrazovenîo Wanconda Friday. J1. F." Rauey sisipped eattle frou> here Tiiesday. W. Buesebiug veut to Palatine lait week Thursday. George Iloberty, of Wancouda, ws lu town Pnlday, A. 8t.Oes, ai McHenry, lanov clerk- ing for Mr. Selp. Ed Bruce, of Joliet, was ln towu an Tisuraday af lait yack. hFraukt Uouey shipped failleaud hog8 tu he City Modsa. LiMeut Cliftorîi and Bert Seip >8ere ;oser tu Palatine Manday. i Courtuey Bron. ahlpped cattle tram tbis place a fer (laye ago. Chai. Belp, of Palatine, drave over ta Iransact businessI>'rday. Murs. John l'orbes sud Clarence Beckley re Chicago vi91 tors Satumday and Sunday. Mmi. IW. M>cfowell aud Miss Hider- man vislted friends iIn waut'ondiaone day lait veek. HenrY Bralldiug and famlly altended Mr. aud lMra MeYer's Nilser wedding at Arlugtou Helgbt@. Jîliu heîm, of Faîrlill. whisasa been cierkiîîg for IL. Beip neaigned bis Position laui eek to make prepara- lions for a trip tau(Javega lu tise iuten'atà of pireismeut piper Companly. "-Home sud Hon to akse It' rai lise Subqect ouvisich R1ev. Brown piescised ho a gîîodly numiier lait Suuday evenlug. iul<ject fo>r oexl Suuiday '.lappinesx anîd How tuGel Il." son. day seho>l eviery Sabbath iii 1:30 o'clock. Friday eveniug liee. :Ist la the date eilosen for thse acil> entertalument. Mr. Webb le the eiociiliouint visa ba been eligaged iustesd of a Mr. Deurîis. Mr. Webli isx >l>eeloui' af lie beat eloentlaulstit lu the weéit. lie liai traveted vilil the Northweateru University Ule<' Club snd is capable of giving as good au exqlertainmeuh ai suY lu the counltry. A male quartette Wiii accomupany lîîîiî. Tise part taken bY the schOI W iiila> eexceilenî and to thsa.Who live libis jvicluity tlis aa gaod opportnty la attend a g(xod ent. rtain meut. <>IVANHOR. MineSarahi Joice.bas retnrned tu ber hume. The. ranldi>fIers0re orking on Mr. 8. Red s'a v e 0yet. Lait BaturdaY the influai cbîîrci business tmeeting vwa»boe. Mrs. Gara. Taylor fronm Warren called Oit Min Eva Dykes lait veek. Tihe Aid Society met nu hMra. Wmn. ltnebker lait Thursday alternaoii. Mrs. Reite in very la, and not Much hople la gven of ber recovery. Dan ltadke nu b is rite and turcs clilidren came ont lait Friday te ase bils mather. Huniers are gettîllg quit. plenty, 'ad they secure quite a number of rabblts, etc. Mr. Martin Decker waa home ta opend thankeigliving day, buit returned Mon. d*y tu Evaiiitou. The Lades' Cemeitery Asociation of lvanisoe Win meet wlth Agnes Payne Tueaday. Dec. 141h. Mr. Avernu ne underatand la plan- ning to ltsk a trip bome te Michigan dnning thle vacation. Tiiere vere quit. a number frram liere atteflded the iterary ait Rocke- faller lait Frlday evefling. Ou.r acisol children are rejolclug in thie prospect of a vacation Christmas yack anid auto New eav eek' The party field at Mr. Ble.' rai flot largely attended on aceountol t i eng a very diiagreeable night liet. lira. Frank Wilmington and Basai., Olla, and Mimer Wilmiflgtou frrnt Lelthtoîi viaiteol Mrt. iDykes lait l8i111- day. Our Young people are tlîlukiug and planning for Chirltmaa. Therels lobe al tree and a progra aut fihe Clillrch Christmnas eve. Lait Tisunsday the Mystie Workera held lisein meetingil ulicisoal hou»e Their uext meetinîg viii be in tiue Woo)dmall's Hall. Tisere ta a 1aI, or eraz! 9nain1 pooly dressed, hislet baund nip lu rags, traml)ling up aud dovu tise road#a WhIOoloigist to Ie tkeîî ("an- of bY mollie- one. Tue Ladiek'Cemivtery &AOIataiou lN ta have a Fait or Bazaar and au Oyster ésupper aI tue home of Mn. Henry Van. pie, oit Friday evenlng, Dec. 17th. ilupper 25 cent@. The ladies ,i have « supply of usef nilaud faucy articles FOXLAKE. mas "i' __I_ i 4 Bradleys and Deere's Walking plows. '«b Miss; Mary Liteiiel>i<leut a ev lire. ,ay Crible was i Clii>ýag» vsiîîr DIAMONO LAKE. 4 WILL KNIGGE, Lt(biels _1-4 UGIElWGOS- TUCS (laye tirât af tise sek it L.akre »iirIieuhyNI auy of thse pupils hvlia' el i'ît a B G IS A OS4 R C S eler - sstig rpud.George COooni'aloi a isti'51ate bhoe on accotaut of enfla. Illinois. vst gLibertyville Siiu>liy. letWlo rîe ael Ilî...U lu rAND ___________________________________________Mr. Geo. M. BeaIeysall>'dou fritîi>dm Miî<a ens Bletit, cf î;rusLak.1< 4 nsles InpcokaeFu a bero moiday nliglît r-tîîrnhiîg t>,iSt. repartait very slck. Fred Bockman lis Inpravlug J. SALTC M N an IE F~~LL SALE 0F l'au] Tuesaiy moruing. . lrs. E. Brou inexpecte>l home fron>tplace lny building a nevibug peu. .C M N n IE _____________________-_Mr. chlas. Wetzel, froin liogera l'art, Chicago Triesday seening. Oea. (>91 bas a fine lot of Christimas Ro e fn.Ec 5.5<ber' lsI sduada lîspeîiîg IEugeue Galiger Und id 15er wlire 1gooiis lu. Came lu anid àsui flîera. Roe Twn.Ec tIR fJJ 7' (JJa( ise ls î»<ies iiiispec.inty.D iton entiers Sinnd:y eveuing. wngta the îey conditions of "tirI.H the lisiraice usiess!n tMsst.;A.,,,Twee(l audmilet ra, ronrude îlier Ilack«iith inkept si-ny FURNTURP. 0 11 aG.HScharIcI & Sont. AT TIE Chicago, vers 0out one day lasI vesk mecetly. Mim« Motis <>liy bai returued blne ATTEhliig W abt U iet f M r. J. Strattlai>, îf FP>Lake, 1< feomlaChicagoî rüeenlly ili ieii im moyeuILLN OIS@ lb>,~. Hmilln Br<. ae bngPhletwrk. lu r.n Fiday iiigliîlthi're ' va surprise Dre ier5.tlî24x 0 ina. bîtein eT, r ,tHamtecue t<fi b iling rs.ar e iu toi < bs ban u: , iest ha. yi U t* K F Y I If.1 L , W atcond~a rn tu e to e. Mr.. t. ' riiiieil ssiùh lck toi A number of theGayakIoalprynM. >-.Mtclilbng______________________ Waikegau> Wednes>l<y ibuornirig ta Nîigbbors "isiteil the Cedar Lake bis brldy Saili Oak ted, Dese ihih36hims tend l uiîîuîes. tiser,.','lise v»rk (<lniCamp'>t1 lake N iii..('11 luefflay of lasI 1A iew Weil lien ho-en imade a i, -AFDYTa un aian and Commode, Onsy .........(8>lis il9.» lis,. îî <i, îe <it» L.'gîiI v eek.faclory Ibis vsek i>y :Mr. Cii et th lîî aie r AforDcuniîn oîrySunsy Clinige.ulg Ihedateade, Fult Sise......... ...... .... 2.00111, >Tise Foîx Laîke heujetery Aaaiocialh>n UIal f. Couper.exRt iewohrfrDcna,.EvyStud igtdri h, met vith tirs. Edviii Witou IW tuliestsiak.pe i'lftvo Mruiuthe, pérautiaily conduoIed Ati-Steel Springs, auy aiii............... 1.50 ii.<1i><. 1>tknfu ele'Atal 'is e .rwstise A lrge psrly of Rockefeller vouiig WTo>înlst Car exeurainua, orgsnlzod bgter Randaome Itattsu Rockers .....2.00 teld «e TsenxîmetIg Peollie ejil tise segaul skating aui(o11a1 1 'llei.tise Chî'ago Milwaukee a St. Paul It. roceeved frontJ. . hNoraton, 5ieli vasiuse tedneTh etme te keFiaeeA alyfotCcghâeY<v-dy.ý SolUd Oak Seving Rockers ....... 1.50 m itniliut Lo>s Angeles. caîîîornia îi i, voilte irs. W'iliam (laine a ut tkeF1da venîng. itBamin rîi isc,1i4 @ ,»v taortfrotmeChl'ago î'very iaturdaasv S.lu abes...................>î-Lake TbîîirwAiy fternoi>n i'De >,.. J. J. Hituneveil vWhilias Im-en vl'ulll.lokp n.sedratbow SeigTbe ............5-earrlsed l ierî' <i>fey ou tis er vd eisinse. liîg frienu yadla, L tias lieGgveujaSis ry'sisi.,. 1 Oma . eini. lalîi mntbo Croquet Bats 4 ( bot) ...u..>....ila65naftteuotîi îîf laipdeaeek rjouireydettru bistoibi 'lenel . 1B..P. %V.lcox k i tti tise iserhureh îinîiiaev"veni.i andsSld Lait Ci e y tuygt ZinSauramenttnts» Antique Finis Dresser .............. t> i ers lias Flot ieen a rhou>ly day a:r(in11e vlag vsgraly101udla OnTesayeeuuglseyonofB.L Tlpiaent;ol.slng l. y5iliuisd asAge1a ir uluriîîg tinat timi <rily 'uif *oren oîî. issar 0fieae as g Ml iMoed u!Ofrin Tds o! MnCies thte y I 1M. i ibî itur,lit c,>s aee the. papulan îsid issuli Tunniu is othe Fulls lui lrofy hie s(luTy land <>, Petite Lake liy droniung. He, vsgter> Ibi oe10ior iiIM ns. Frémi (Gert>erth ieîîûti.' su Mcar lu accomp&nled by au Inteit. FuliLineof U dertkin Goos, î»asr. Ione of bis schoimat-s vas skating au arrivai aI bis maîamit'. Ail tila en' I f.brother ttir m aseh-ngeot al aligiug Courier Who makee A Iways in Stock. 'lis' ('Ytrt.inuei.ut ea htie Ciapel ICollier Lake dnrlug tiseunou boumerpiegent report a fiue limte, iikugiin icagohav bee Tliilauenilye epr'ia S ~~lasI Friday sseniug gîsen t.y tise wviîerlise tvent ramt ties cloi oli___Th___iin ausefntIrlelntier paaaeugeea 1 ~John l'eglav Jr. b>oi. fé in lise Tourlat Car Service, aud la hr& F îrst Class Hearse Service. Literary Socety of htockefeller a>suit ngi tah enbsneg u e bo ie w ast.nolfrazeu bard GURNEE. miuher. lie eîpectisij Wlii Itous PProved by itundreds of cam IviclnitY vas îa great suceess. The lîroke tirough. Bis playmate did ail Ts ~îPNîN .~O>5 amu stsno.paaaengens. .6 leingbThos nilusie reiulered dnrîîîg tise programme ins bis paver1toihelp fhlm îmutsaed ira. Chais. Chsasie vîli .nientaiu Tis e TiSun uni hoare îînspsrn utn a.0,suthleralroad ticket la'- wa ftetrtcam.Tedbt ai togisîher they slmuggled bravely -for NV. C. T.1'. lias. 16. lanetbel tChisie u n rmuist m arlianatly -leip. Appiy ta th,, M . W . H UG HES, muet0f tie ri ars.tiethebogame a. teshilUe duog tise short lime tissîlise vFrank Notingham> .~>k<, Of hIvel "tats Sa~~i na Ca as ini eruat Coupon Tlket Agent for M î'aîîdfi cutld ellts bead and bande ssited bers lateit 5lewasy. reem..,.beral ie ioieîh îr111e Maîltouît. Ciiamisof Wauconda, -11- IIinrit is. 1I)ecisi< ees ii tîîfvoir O h b ve h ater but il belug very deep jt iaie ash> gae sk burg Ibis yeasiepu nOr. atl Mdreaidoute H. lifoa ij liegative There vilii ie anîber ah tisaI poinut ho wasflot able la keep eaustnutid fromnt flesraîlil la tuîis -laaugrAet hcgfrfuth« Jrogramie «us sisek front next Frn. îoylou sd biheas Thve dy.r tsestore. PA LATI N E. informion,. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Iyrau ' e' 1.viubpomssli!coîl bigisl.Tieiab a i. taken front tise fakteabout aunisour NyLat, a lsnspiu>liîîg. a fi-w 6.Hoaman and]'<'i"..Seip vire lie fi b ete tar hetrst atewrd.OnTurda ftro laya la Clil>agii vils relativîa aifl iLake Zurich Tneaday. Esecutore Notice. ~1f1Yf V 1!r uerai services vere field iluthe M. . g'uj~r t hihueter baritisetir t. itevard. lI Tiursdy stenuonfriande. IJ. H. Sciendlng nsde il<busiuess oti ce>. Nl'-' i.b irsiven tientt b M A N L UZ M L T F SWAUCONDA. M. uhurcis at Lake Villaafler wvicli Johu Austin, «un geniai butter tptatîcg Srda.j."itir. Mxis.'>ibof >,fmilenhat nuli n fer. Fegers, of Me Henry, mas boestise remaina vere laid ho test lu tish skr a i Cscg> uiess Mi' tr, sui t rs. Fred 1'>nî'î< ers lu tri.. c-î><net, ot<>of aLak.' cauur. e àaoIll lit sek., Fox Lake csmelery beside lilas. af hi, day Ibis wid,. Chicago Tuesday aul Wedunday. t'i5,1lu ,.'-h,d,'n aIthue Curt Houfi SEED puor orma Brwn as u th hik e INwsi.ir, aîi.l uli inty. on the initr .nAr,,EvutTC.lrku frlI.pareuts, tise Lake NVilla pao ons rv n uîleac it Di el. Halrday.a s utIle sn of M r. déàl" f Jarîa>rymu,li s l issnansd ALSO.u. allclatin. Tlîe <utira eomuuity anlideloainad front sblloi v>aalis utr.da>.My-n.Iteie Il u"aushalgaIf. ALOH. Selle, aI Lake Zurich. sympathize WIth bisarelatives liuietirâ finl<thlie sek.le.ansLu ; M.A Gliigba .eu 1sîulîlg tiseSundsy. tâOte' i'uiLl"laiilnd'iulishsl t E .Gligbsbe pl affliction i'ipecisîhiy bis aged grand- Mise Irnu. McClure lm <xpect.i îîî- M. u i ihasîu lAiu bon th' situl,> li dl C-M,>îr< l'e t0 Lumber, C al, Lini, and Ce ient5 Pa:.fe>6~~:; lnNVauki>gsîs.tise visol0fwham buebas lild>ing soe rin uthe City, and oaie wlll t"901i10w,,, geste, 0a!LDr. ai UndMs. Wood '4ili,.i.u Nlau, elns ai mi îr<treeta test neek. vas very dean. Tise de-eaaî'd %vus Invitatians are «ut for a rsseptiîîu t Henry Knîuîuîe fru>mliari>id Lke Mr. Joseph Collina, of Crystal Lake; nearly tixlîeen years of âge. < .SefrsDc 8 uh<ur fniI 'lhueTî<dyae i a WE SELL i was a Waueouda entier recently. t lîî'îr tirtei'utiî aedîîiug aîîuîiiîrsary. Salnnday. CLARP.NCE N. OIJRAND. Att'y. i S.3~ ~WW W 7W~wiw v . ~~ trs. F. Rates viileli relativs ti trVOLO. Tise vvk ou tise Pernsarilin J. Caleman bas rî'tîrusd lniîunbis r Bloch. Chicago. TH E W E'~'BER W3IA a 1111111rmanLatise lraIai Ine City01 tira. 1. 1iwer ilm nom visitiîîg frieuda progrsssing noliser sliuly. Ifl 11l bcex tenîed visit Witte frieuda aîd relia- NOTICE 0F PUBLICATION. J Heranliîmn aslulie it a lonavîlie. a large ione, 4OX0 4 i., 5itil taseiiii'iit hvesa atoad. NorI i î..Miu Tueediy îi>rcaiug for tise Holidaîy tin. Jalîn Stodttiisd vauuil Fox Lake <ioder ail.TieLds aanhiils'u ui WMEN YOU WANT traite visitor one daytesat meek. Biackiîiss vere kehît si-ny >«y nTh! ec.adis sdar edd thuss îob(oi2sry.."s> Christnma gnoils are arrivlug eî-ery 1lMr. Nîll Hawthiorne, o! Llîentyvilie lise tiraI of lise vsek ainug ihomse îr finacially sied aslally. <r l.akî iîîu> uit .iary T'Inn. A.,.iu EVumihvU Iîlm nn day. 6 ll at the !urnîlîîre atone sued vs a Nc<luu <aller oanst Slitiîndsy. 'tise iey ruadis.Severai isursa ful ut >! ,--N. ,lt b> i.a1' o ft *m*I**uI~ M. Gerge ilyeis.0f Wncoda, a Relau dacage os elsuleli ' eufy Bayer, of West Chicagoa, setIeo eul înltlat vaf l, $t es Ibeip. msrinn mgewsreote.ey , '.-j.' C epoîs frriî 'liaes a Ilagilturus an astr'nuay. Tise M. W. A. asc'ety la gruuwiug ovîed by Clarence Page sied bau iovedr '. R."ii%" .Il'-nrr Muas.iuil obs Cakarrise rsiequety fmNourtai uson &ilotuitie ahipped a ciarseeai0v sin itsbi smi lofsaplc.Aidauivit .ft1 'îîîr-o oiis,'fGarnise. CALOCanoliia. Tbsy ant(vel»leieli viOsa t >Chicago liii s ek froun Gras- besu rtiec utiytaded ne a smeti. « Tise Palatinu Itepublican <lui. nel lu Mors.. a, ilhfi '.. 1.1 u-.'d,finîiaiîî lho12ev lieeuîitaitem, ise efaitetig. artletta bhal Tuesdsy i<Setiiig anid CekhheCini fCoi n th.o! lke iofthe, Tell tise littie fok ile tflers is tn tirs.îJ. Frost anduîlîttîs agètr A nomv Wsukegaiapier, the Sus, elected effllers as fîiuvs. Presidentî, INotice In hi'isLt.ivi.,unto ith salil Garnde be a lChinatmam" In tise M. E. sisureis viuted ut Fox Lais severai dayBstait i aas. Iflsapa rauco neanîîg t ItrJ îent; VrePry .Suteland;1, j Monin sudeoar.,, lkgIai e W IR IG H T' & S O N1 I , (lrisîmaseve. Santa Clans nil malle week. Mr al sion liedzsena Il ioab if Ctnuait sy:se tamrerery Sonne.Sulzise9ri ' no mlle a tslKn tevîu bis fiseaiiurrs thiere Dec.r ad r'2Jme4.ow d ee i. m ti (reuaud c.lu soa o i.24. ia Jms rwofo bgn.'tsalistute andîleta el ine Libertyville, - - - - - Illinois»Mnr. CQuinlan, of Ciicago. lPr atek ihîîfae ceisia <aî~ion .kîî. _______________tanoie as bpay.str.( estire. aeveral lisuilsoni»anud ligravel lainlmentsaihiout repus <îu or mn t cf lia ltrn of the.Coinîreaitof mu _______________________________________tu neeie 1fn tiseborne.M.Gen M.AI. CGoin ha.§been onuthlis ilk frnthof bi, store. Tise value ai gravel -Chamberlain'a Pain ,,.m osts aCuî t ohll 1ts outi gavve 30 o hehrea sDo ihbeu uryctieusulibyaaaafmthyero Mr. SY 'TEMneCA LLS wiea gvea tis u liâtbut ls lmprovlng. We leamn tirsama a roand beainl belug apprciatid by mare, and Iliemenita bave beauproven W!kegn l ouil L -u on tseh pillehleE.tyns-AilMn. sud ltins. Ambrose Itaugis viited SvrueinîrdbSl fiikany ai heflle oinig tram L. G. Bagiey. iniiPc. . .ii eta.I c latetntotelataeypeaatIm.Grayalake iondsy andi Mn. A. Rangist unIs base beau sippel toeesîteru Caletinaremecu forpi 1 a vlî .eu eevader W. cl atnin otefact, that belng desirous of Tise Literary Society boldo ils meet- vent tfakguli atra. mneatamIi îîîyI it. 'Te seCameay aan inaveavn cloSlng out aur Une at Libertyviille, we expect in the lngs Friday eseuiug o! escis veak lu Prof. Augernue, principal of lise One silipper consigueli about 15 1 a use lt 'bmeiiaPi a u thebe csaul building. Ail are inviteli Mutenmy higis sciool will ti aci atermi buasela ln boston markets s fly for alle avlugyed ."il u ye re nar future to hold at Libertyvuule and lsuiily foi svus es' Il cures O Wacoda a am.A gaysd pnngraiu villlie preo-ai Peumausislp at Vola. Tise G. M. Society nili give tissir riseumnatismt, lame bock, olirains aet Public Auctions, selling ta the highest bidder, the tparoe fi ai eîn.tr.FakSzo u hlie oiliI rd vun htiMr. înelliugs. For sale t.y F. B. Luizî.u n tr followlng goods: Weuderstauul ltâtiMr. Joeps ai ba juaret iesi!am n randeki calutin.Il laacnumnLlbertyville, J. RL. BRA~CaIM, Gu.Vrnee bai pnncbaaed tir. Biermîns herbier vslsogrltvsal ned uscavt l'"pueniit bul" aione 01 L. H.LITCISPIELD, Rockefeller. Large assortmnent of double-bit handled axes, @hîop and ban talion possession ot1same. Elin. tise feutures. A llterary sud musical Hugad tigchpig xs r. Silerman expadîs ta go io thie tirs. BenGosman, of tionîvîlle. pnogram u lle glveu. --My borne rai troubleil nuis tise I Uidertakiiig, Hun ad nhngchppngaxspatent lomp chiîmney business. vialuali Vola relativas ou Tueaday lier Lent Tuesday maruin)g Ibrougis au mageaudnWorms, maklngbhim uselseet Extra helves and handles, -Tise Wacouda Base Bail andi Pleasura aiter ltins. J. Mînvîn accompaniad fieur smo! Ina carlosols af stock beouging fur nonk of any kiud." Thus spake paants, Hand-saws, Hand-axes. Saw-bucks, Clbvili gise a grand Chritmasipirty home for a severail deys visît. tW Raipli Chitaudan nere amisppeli one af my as-quaintaucoestheoailer dsy. liî Oaklandi Hall Friday evenaig lee. Mn. and Mtrs. Herbert Davis are rou>e Russell tu Chicagoansd sald. But nov hoe la In lirsl-cla conditiou Crow-bars, og chains, rinstones,24 . A tirât closesorchestra lbai beau i'joiclng aven the arrivai ra! a flueeVilestock silouli ihave beaoftletl h al i vn aClirl rin Wheel-barrows, Corn SheVers, MaIls, engageli. Do ual miss Ibis paty. boy. visa maya lhe bai came to sîauy. 0Gmurnesvbre Mn. Giittenden lid Food foraasal yME.Bliemesl,Deermnl Beis egs abdwrRichard Busley met vitil a aid acci- We exteuli congratulailons. î11une Saga uearly ready far slîipmient II Varnishes, s Beetles Wedges Barbedwire, dent ona day lait reek, witie feeding Tisere viliibe a dîmesca h iesail v er. gain g later. n Kegs ~~ assorted nailsa oe nuaker sud sbnedde sanmre resiise o!ftir. J. W. Torrence, Fr1 sarsî i15 .C U - POLAND CHINA HOGS .aOss, Large lot of Boots, Shoes, Gloves and Mitts, vay his mittenugot càugtlthe beçlo day eveniug lieu. 10, for theu beaslI <of feroes l ait Thirsday svouing, Ina Of andl uisaond vas drasyn itu tiste gear. tise Mu. M. ciltrcis. Itefreailmenîs aOur praminent mon iaded isorses, u]d- ,1 Felt boots and avers, Arctics, eig. lusiswdaix su> bavly mausgled serveul duuing lise eveniog. Ail tara an,evideully gttingslek of iis bar- Pt l Rubbers, Rubber boots, Etc. - d vpuliiinvaoseaoy. îurdialuy lus iti-d. glsb!r acln oiIaell Blankets, Robes, Harness and Whips, ,i. ne. adt uets le aR" îsi islymdi ubps a i me-c. frifo ouiltu ietheoter aydeemling hilssel!, villîhoefuiydi, Sults OveroatsPants Hatsand Cps, usiiîsîiîdersthand1 wly my cows are MILLBU RN. ail1 parties being satîshieu. We bava Suits. OercoatsPants, ats and aps, dong se, porMî file wrnee t>ear 'lk Msss'unrîî Rterl'>ulleeil heanedi<ifar sncb Incidents lu l Cî'nîunectGoou Bobs, Cutters, Farmn wagons, Trucks, li,>'îiiaitlem RuentmthO bave loftItriplui Edgsi>rook. vîllu grand opeuhuga, etc., buit lever th liiuot evsry!fariner e penieuces kii' em erae meeting filpro- Milk wagons, Carniages, in Short everything ruii isbisbord andi teiail Vhs sîuîgiug claies îîoîîrîiseleu, vke u e teilierai Stenture.& to be found-and mnany goods purchased suisseh ie suroad quickest reliaf viii membens joîn at svery session. yasscsectsetbfr... I bCE THîle &lIIS I lie la feeli California regcanl Food. Dr. Fakuay isan made great lu>. ROSECRANS. L hb*.........li oirinil, sPeclally-in aur large and unsystemnatjc lne Fier pries asidfull particulars alidmeai îrvemeîth tthe Illismgianfeain. Tise "PesaBistrceu iv a n t r inbcli 1viii sail. Pf Yankee Necessities. >OrrassiOnE. Bleneli, DeerflIell. fit( lira. Wlunecke ina made an adidition eutartanment nt the Roîelcransi eureliolagfor oie., tutebitrfaetory tholbe naed for Friday avenlng Dec. 10, cantising 01"enable if taliez vithin the. nexi Ilii Yours truly, .o Sl.griudiug teed. ecilationa, songe aul nuind ays, a ablîgeli tareduice my NERVOUSToulea Tismee extra choie. pedigr.ed Polanli Tierelha agreal jay boe rioer lbe musio. Tih. admuaieon WvIihb.tirbeeon ' 1C.G.1(76l.)he -..- .T . Slo urn Co.China Boira. Pyle $10, $12 and $16 capture of the burgtans UWho vietteli centesah or Iwo fo a quarter. <]C.O. MAa.Glmer, ~ T a V S i cti c o H. . M iRA , IJ&MO d L kO. Mi.Coo 's paceet ick ry. nd ee ow he od m W h yolag R enters.ii ICan Show You where You Can-Buy For what You now Pay for Why make a slave of;YourseIf and family for years, and have nothing left in your aid age. 1 can Introduce you to something surer than Kiondyke. Cail and See H. C. PADDOCK, Real Estate and Renting Agentý LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Keystone Corn Husker and Shredder..... Husks corn and mnakes hay of the stalks. The Sterling Snapper and Shredder. Hummer Sulky Plows. f f I i f