Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 17 Dec 1897, p. 2

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INDMWNITY roberles lt the htstery et the. New ta - ~puetfce. The. robitery lasouii te h.e la Tors W oke iv ieu hMikakdne PO"" the. rllway mailtservice anit conlineit ex- t«ic. egardtu. awaiL . ciaivelyte r. egstereit lettera. The. ex 1Ogb .*NTenm oui. Jepanea. mntaIter te the act aiMont takea catînot lie learneti, but UnizteitStatu,. admltiéd lit au Interview iîtlistaledt unolflially te hbctLu theneigh' U£ILIOIL ville a vmtresentaive ofthe Âssociatt.d orbocit ef. $100.0mOr This figure in »t'?8 that the. object of blisnmision te tbeught te -h. excessive bY'onte n-ho are Jupan, tru wht.nee le bau just the. case. but &il agrce liat - nan tu ascertain the. vian-s et bis Ge'it 1e tht. targt.ait amount ever taken at À S ITE RO E -ontient c¶î the. proseti aunexation'cf any ocie lime tu the. regist ry dela rmenit. Henattil ailla te procuraeîinstrucins cutroua The. robhery la coafineti.goneransalotves- the. mikado relative tn the. courut.lhe wna tigation bas shogit. te that section et the .L.. expecte to bpurauinlucase the trenty ashai Central ltallread of New jersey n-btch Ot. LOUIS SALOON KEEPER'S le ratifieit b> Cengreen. tMr. Hi outl: lu known as the. New York, SominVllO Ainricitpeolethat jvc propose to recuit made on Nov. 9, but the secret n-an képi ~W11Eec Ui Dtiigl~ the pretest enteired bty juponitagainst the byth potefftce onhrisutil noir. aill wthe nemtte-Ne Twn Brick* the Unitedi Stateas{iovt.unneit. This lu that rffOO, the. total sanluent cariled in r » -Hyt Mar Flht If Itaiy Be' miladittî andt unîrue. Japtt a a iwnys tao lingen-au taken. Thisaura wnmina' miaictaiccit agnicîîle relations a-lt the, Itizon Nov. 9. Hon- toug the. itîfatcatli - olba i>ctuteitogu. Ucitedt Statea, anud it la net our perpose liatgenge on prier te gilet time ban net Vengence ii S. Lets. ow te telle auy tepme thar n-euld ten*d te heen ascertaicet. 0-n tht. daY tht. robher> Veneace n i. ous. a hreach f imutuel geod witl. but et the n-s ion lovtrtd Robert B. Lang, a cterk çb&rlte ttila 1in reaincg te luà aainmetint, Japîtcn-ivituamtit firiol>' latht. enîployesi on the. New- York. Soittt.iiltit '«tt bonge" in St. tLonts-. lt.ttliitki'epnimainteniante o f ita rightsnnuit privîtexecinuitEaton hrnncb. disappearetfinuit hon jq toonuanitgrocen>'astre. lte figird acquireit ucîer îreîty îvith the Han itifi t urt îen iouîîd. In addiiont te Loug '~asennâttonuilegal Iih th tli the reo- Gevernmi'ît. if tht. UniteudStates decit- there ivere emttloyed NN' J.1.MciLarent, P. .41111t1 Of A faahieîîahi es'ct, Ed neigh- cii to iut'X Ilaîiaii. ac hope tue ho ble . Toolker aud J. DArc>'. Since Nov. 7 leebuàwoo t no ccii agi. Nrw h lie pro-te et.itOreuer dcinuiiîlt for icdet.iY for hîîudreitn of coitplainta have reliihé.i palste bnttd tht. iviiesotbhusne ever i-en- tht. violation ot treut>- rightm lu the. ex- peatoffien mgaking icoiuirtte utger regin- qmnd nit where i t nili ti an e'y-ne putlsion of Japaut.a. imiratsiotrolt' thet. tret tottera that neter roîcht.ittheir dea- lo»tie perans 1ahio malle troulett'fon hmg. isî.d ndi aithein exclusion frai te eright in iition. Tht. chiet in.picetlurantilhis staff XiattA s a a uititing t 3101 Chestrtiit acquircd iedtier our treuIl -aiut he uatsotllhiî-il, Ni-tvYork haie at.v- a* grantilalot ndjuiitlig. 'rn-eyeiirs crut i.filltoiitnih tht-iý coutPliiittt. moie pened a grocen>'stocre ln tht. titd- DODGE TUE EXCLUSION ACT. Mi on the rcenuî'n. Afttr rilanica hie YIL >WEATIIER INTERFEiCES glae a meuth ic eit<'lil a saloon ln the. Whotmesa Ti'aflcic unBouin Natunait' i..Theve n-a iev'r nalisun in the. notion lîcOes u ta lY. The Price Situtation, Hon-cier, la Onet. -à .uiuiboriinod soit the tilshinable rosi- Commiationger of limmigration Fitchie of s.ý4notanett trt.nith. dete of the block madeit a concerteitl ight t New- York hbatiecu uctiicit ly Coni- itrîîdstrcc-ta o-mmeorciail report for thte oel iettlia. The. uigbrîrn tried t.vt.i' in- miaioner Genenil lîowdenly thitt tht. n'eck aya: "Milti neather throtighciit dnrMent ta cause itttlia te abandlontheit.State )Ppnrtntctut nt W'asingtonthua iooci cf the ceu»> liua inîenfeni'd tri imamn aungez te bis groi'cry. MWhe Per- heen icfornieut ly the. United Statesatmu- 'nuit extent with the disitribuîtlioni of nil- 4%1" taijeit tht'> resortedi to the )inn baaaair ten Route that a wholenitlC trattie ter-îuitht cotuting nut othor easolitile qw b. nan foret to close ia saloeon. Ht. lu fraudulent ililîurîîti'alion paliers a lie-gocila.andltiaite froin irm t ands la quiet- flou-iceta contracit te have ta-o i-en>'ltntcarnieti nn IDlft lt>' ht. OJect cf or taien iLhon tut n-tek. .Iî,heraunit re- ilid Îlts erctonit lots u. Tht.> n-IlI teme traudîîlt.nt methloda, M. Pnwdt.rt>'taitena. hoe-'ten, re.port a steaitolbiiureaa- -c ltelvotricu In eigt, hilt noftti brickas ouila nto effet tht.eiitry linothe Uniltec itng andin acueregiîîîîa try active bitai -C -.e*jl eler.14, with bui> utnitows oet niugh States, uciter cin, kcf Americaii citizen- nean in holiday gooda. grocerlesand k hit' billeads1 ani wn-l tu .11ui about $«0. sbip. or attena-ho othernise woutit ho drt.d preitucta. Favorable reports ceut. ne u-ilient te niegro tenant£. subie-ct te exclusilon. In view o f thene frein Chicago, Kansas City,. St. Louis andt _________ tactu Coimmiemtaer Fîtchle us oriltred tu St.i:'nu. The trice situation la f MATTI MAY FIGUT. patlcularty levetigate &tt aaturatizatiO utmaiied andt evest iggroaive nireugthl. papersuofcintmmigranta, and eapeiallY thon Wlteat la Lîgher. and it at otîccereula FI obd WPi'evégita Thot Site Wit Net Be front Itat>. Commimionen Iîitchle @ni haie ynîtathirvd tith whent. ('lcc, tMr. Coercedi Thts lime. the tank n-s a n extremey difleltculte. 0:cnptrer. cttoat, dai>' proitucta, leurtot- la thx A Wahington dlpatch te tht. Neuw rom tht. large enrobcet uimiîgranits e- ac n a lia r iean h fC l ga ythat Haytt may one centl>' tandet ieht.beievesi there n-ert. ac atmn ua r au ng Tht. e C te umttaict uularagents In Euro vl -holun nrtheraii tpromicnetmailles aLiehhave been on-Th lulite ta huemili n tt u heationet ntabatthoirecrt.t te ntace in luvalue. Th.dcaan av tey tg:lne. b tht.rsen intuthe.u,-tn is Bt. audnenecue thd e re thteun- béen entw anit nlgt. Cereni oxPota co- nighI p n thmubiy aititpanc t>'. Tue eu. tht.>' came ute tet.> oltha n-betinîte ver>' large. thaugh ehoiwng a fattinti thec Math.alyegoît lîe a or.e lmaintte ame atai.a onceetaouvan uot eOff frei tat week's heavy total. Toiit tende amIhe tlt. kdilig a itatlortua. tea aiutnictîng an-. & out exorte of n-lesn uni tîr frein tht. Unit- Mn Rd 'leurt te force t lien. epg titian FRANCE d States nuit Canada thun n-t.t.1n ggre- ten- ~~t'tise reptetioetepiclal amn' FANEACCitPTS SITUATION. gîittt'i ta1i buahela. atriinat t tliO.(MIJO ntt. 990 cthce opinitnprenaidn admn-II îîthels tant -eck. Ciorn experts aguahhowvbamnei b>' hlm pcie tet to ietecSam e n-ar. eturltatnDeeuNct Et>.ctTennbte a faititit iff. aggregaitotg 3,06(8,(0)O hriah- dit t Lyh eger a ti Utc int ret w The St. Upper Nue. ela ibisi neek, agaiutut 4585,0M iiohein irait Jamea' (geunetteheofenoneratof thetanet %neek." steep dgAtlgtttco nt teieve Hat Th istanGaet o odo n '-Jbt leuut. oc eio tt te n uonces autberitatiwt>' that the Britishatu _lIe ýoq"be fr ithr f te attngGoverninent dot.a net expect trouble nith CELEBRATED CASE DECIDEI). deuit 'goi aiadett. What(is ceunt?>' nl France regardig tht. upper Nit. egion, The Nebraka Snprt.nn.Ceur't Ph»s e gon & ]la iboiiy probtemgatcat. France having agneed oi1anet ligetht. nthjît o ecier nhi -WiYAL COLLISION 0F TRAINS, nation. Ativien reeree t Lugonea. set onhtht preeor tlttt a u. e. i - Atrîcu. trintht. interior san>thte ihanTht. Supn utet"omA. e., Y-do Aodýhêmt en tht. Pachuate Ratireaditronis a it rive engagements nlth tht. na-hanpatmuad uporthîe cierse t Iowa'- t et Royai Cnter, lad. ttvez betore effectivet>' occupytea Nlkki. aroi' eInte caaiauntina A -1» » notii'bouni pasueuger on the Chii- the capital et Borgit. The king et tht. iire Iîiaurttuee Comepany,. ngainnt L. B. et 'r' ilvlaon et tht. Panhuntilaefflidieit country Ofei te tht. bute. Both France Williams, George F. WIrightt. SR. John-thc a 0111111 otiilt retght just et anit Great Brîtaîn etaim that tht. Borgit eolt uni t ehr tockholdenn sunt uietoruDo 'gég , C«er t 5o'ctoek TuWeay atter- errtory lsa Ithîn tht. aphere et theîr in- et tht. couitan>', firnint the. doiislc iono 10 Lr~ . Ootner agei 26 cf cyaiCen-finnce. Great Britain cilmu the, n-oit. tht. District Court hacdt'a docvn b>' Judge tht. vu a ngtantl>' kùWe. Oottnt.r a country cf Borge ucder the. Anglo-Frettch Wallon lu 1892. h.dcltn ttt u o Menton.ain cf11u Ceterconvention of 15110. Cnptalc Lugard. tonurrecte Court, in eff"ct. la that tht. an- Ne Mednontaisehof ti lCeste , Great Britain octitistanneit Commaniter thuritY ot tht. reciver cf an iuaoî Liat, t t e bic or-rti Mthan Decceur In malin a ti't.ty n-th tht. cerporation te cotteet amseannicuitu ig un- AIIi tb ocien ocure Mnton Kng et Borge, but tht. Fre.nclih otitthat qîtetioneit; that the itcitbers et a boardit i-e mmtpi« n-th a aticet on the aucii a treat>' ta nuttantd vott frain tht.etofdîrectoru et an insnt ticorporation Cet] culture,. hwevt.r, W*" c Illtuhtie- tact thât France Las etteettvely occupled wnho toek part le lia meetiga are in ne A 8 latht. car ai eue-ifend5. i e St..Dahomey', acndlu therefere entitieti te lis positon tu qui'tot entaiîinfrAlii mulicilire e Mu.Haitat' tHinterland, lu accondance uith tht. spirit the amoutt î nsannsle-'.itue ylu mmukdee we-epahitueit>' hedi. None andt letter of the. treat>'ot Bertin. meeutighecua f h.tcto u o nit lb. netat la re. tther pnnsengei'a n-an ment having been recitereit uginut tht, irIl SOnt. Reiter Sillt Deaui. corporation. ______ - White Caps Kil t Ngaoo. Meager partieulars have been eecveitotWipe edd r bdfamCont>'.Alabama, abeen ter- It El Paso, Texas, troua Sun Sinon, a Fr-Wl S tetç. e nui _ ý b>' aaI statien jut eant et Wileox. A. T., Gov. MeCord han tel,,raliht.u the, e- a m A" fr m' monia pont buweuta'-. on the Sothcrit Pacifie, nf a train bholit- retar>' et War fmoto Phoenix. Ariz., pre- chik sait tht. oaffnitmer ofajer et were p. Train No. 20. tht.anset luiteti, hait tetini allaientthe. nbanitonncnt of Fort are I-~1atISae e i n u lm nbufrntemt ittt$teins Pansa. N. M., near the IIhippit.. suggeted l ntht. haut report et 1'rt areurues. Jela anti Leata Ecun*' Arluoca liuie. wni tht. engineer noticeit the War Departmnt. The Governor Can rtc~sey nitiian-. maeril t ~ a danger signalin front sadti Imedtttly cait "1Wbippte la non' tht. ont> ililtarY 'ilî ,. t~etk nit n'ewetiate al e the appîteti the, air brakes. Ne soner n'a, pont in cortbern Arizonta unita essetial Kit = = andnnî cf th n-oint m covie- etthe. train hrouîght te a step thon five Bmei taethe proteetonio bt ofethet errltory'a ley gang. li evra o ht.tu o nree re ofeit te tppt.l ot tremn their btding paces near expanse. a dstrict consantt>' exigost.i te ber The wo egrlesretrbe ta the. truck, aitt eavit>' arguei. Ont, ccv- outtan-ry andt emhrachng renervationa et den' nea.L lbr Kennedy tht. otitt.' tven' ereti tht. ecgiatee anti fireman nith bis thousanite o nin, aa n st n-houe accra- M »« ~ .About mn~gt they wneu'. cafl eiWincheuter, n-hile ttthehersgant. their siocai turbulence aothîca but mltar>' hitr - * thita o b> nomeuit tiknoumriestt'h. attention te the. train proper. more cape- force lut.ver effective." Wil atdeal tttboi.ciltI>'te tht. exprescar. diring their guna edeeCrpl inatBy to1 - - WidUp the. Stin'e Village. in tht. air anti othtnn-lae tnghtergng theT. he 17diera rpplno e satt Faro f t î a 11W.»t town of Mieu paengeru. At thin point the cgurna i n Th.1 erelnocietanFurttr tW@o MwtoPeg, N. D., n-a tht.ecelle et a the. expreus car took a hondinli the tfi-Sotn. a. -oiusil-reltrmbi e tvî4,4euterate rchbe"er nt nght rtcet- iaite. Thint>' or fent>'absaare osaltte homue ai% n-teka ago, han been tocuied i ut tri nagek~a u e ae m t.ked ltnte bave been fired b>' hth aie..Ont. Wells- Guhrie, 0. T. Tht. bo hbait Joineit aAun r~ -j, pnte te ic te-ti ~m oemed ange gurd. Jennutte nb>'nane.nucct.t.i- baînd or peitteru, n-ho hait crlpptt.d bis leg ta' r,,1î ' jarmeia ta tdbhe etesand orrlg atietila kliing Retuben Cetten,n-ho n-as niîh crbotie acit unit fîrcecd htitr t b m t, llé, lice Th eu nt. and ut rent te tht. car andi nho n-au tviitcntly lie in non- under tht. cure et a phYscicn. Wi *tWi ear>'e-er> aoneli tt. evthe leader, for an sonas tht, ailier roleilalit -lome in let. r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~in 'i r en.' nivtala mentn ticeit bis botiy' ying on tht. grouitit Waî.s cf Creede Aitvancet. Mo 4W. iteynd et lt deaperatinc'.tht.>'ltomtcourage unit matie a break for Atter Dec. 1 n-uges ionr utuneru at te]l their hoere.,but anethen bolet troin Jea- ee ol. iili 3ady nta fnu Dingo' Winchester e anl truck (oet t of itCoon-lmh3 a dieaicfOh Umle. everues CaudSetuicie. the flet.tng rohhcrs. eii n i" t fll $2.150. T ha tecrenme n-au ut olung- (aaie Blibaum. &oei 5 yeau, once andtans aaalstttoutnof etrange b>' him coin- itant>' > te mie owersti 4î,W wiçth>' Minue ou-er, blahtnditkWt.ti rades. Ne express mont.> nau toteu lanit Goverinen'Denonacen Lyinche.ra. ele rbi W ai u hie homne in KanasnC(ity, de- nulle ot the pannetiger a n-n Ltrt. Gey. Sadien et Neyaita denouneit tht. n- - ebêmt over bhoiteus reveruen ant i III hns e ur in China. n-cnk of the. noo t Genou, hn Iynciha L e, bti Mis. Btmbaum, n-ho la blmiud A "peciluiispatch te Londton f onAdain t'ber, as au texamplaetffiendilabPr 'r 'wa lIge &rot te divrover lier heabanti t- Shanghailgays: *"On Friitay lat Cati. barharian.- tu-b à ile a hu f Brtbu. luon Be.cke.r. xith 310 GIermoun marineu. ettWheat Went tee$$10.00. gz a, oh ewiBe. lvoai Pue '1 Coo Kato-Cbien ha>'te eccepy tht. icrrouaciig Deohrhatnsca'idu *ht4 lai stpp.iceana>' fen l oli..vilage@, n-heurt. the>' proceededt tecap- ut Chicago he othwerr te$.0 imb* hll lipeilawa frin imgrai- titre the. tit>. ThtChineatfotrs opeited t - . no h ohr ,the bchet fig- ________ fine andttht, Germonsa repleit, kiltina thre ure 'ain ht anePoreOf 81 5 beop Watiteu Apponteit. et tht. garison. n-blch thereupon lied un Presidentle Mother Deui. l Blb»oliJe M. W' Cncnnati disct'der. Tht. ChInent. generat lason- Mttn Nancy Allisen McKinley, . other w, b»blem deuignted Au'by is auvoite munit nas captureit. but atteru-ard ih- nor resident Wrn. McKinley,. dicA at ber tI' ýlhei eto the. Mt.lhodivt Episeepat trateti. Several Germaitnations n-ere in- hom in Canten. Ohio. gr r 4 II" te ptt.aie ever tht. nuneroitacon' jureti b>'atone finng b>' tht. Ichabitanta ___On____ *temceute lie bei tn Europe net yen?. o the vilages. ln eturn for thua thet, RIWE 16CTArION& a l" Sla o te monpt dti'srable andt were tieten i-b *bmsamble ealMtU t n tttn the gift 'tth bumbinosticks b>' enter ettht. Gertn goCtl, omntepie 1'v4 al t q4seeplboardi. Tht. blshcp i Mait commander- It la reporteit in Lendon $C.00 te $.Cýne, rcemmongte rie, tr "~a " t tue ceti of Februar>'"bd it uitht ChIna in nillni te pa> an Indemnit>'8.0te8.5ihoa hptnMrd. b~ aesattut ii. reatr ~it 1,000,000 tacts (about $785.250) sunit u 8300 te 813.50. abeep, fair te choice. 'OO i I1gý«bbws fu, te rener artof hegrant atl the. Germait demandeît, inctcdlne te $4.751;n-heat. No. 2 rei, 111.02 te $1.04' tte temporar>' cesien et Kaio-ChouahaijF cern, N. 2, 25c te 20c; cti, No. 2, 2Zeil La Touraine. Bleableit. aid adiluini terrttor>." Aceordin 'Ma te 23e; ryt.. No. 2 46e te 47e; butter, a r~Vre" ibin teamine, La Teuraine,. speeint diupateh jnt rfeereti treuil Pari cLoie creamger>', 22e te 24c; ecge, f res.b 08j"lagatetl. tru New- York De. 4 the French rulsers Jeancart. Iaet>'. 19e te. 21c;cen- potatoea. 5Oc te li5e per toniH0011e, tnîiçîtd ORtht. Lizart. MIks'Alter, have been eordeneit t e Lprepareti Luahet. la uufaaim dm wuas net entier ceutrol. U.25; Legs, choIee liîgt, 83.00 te n375'; Poiboeréb>'FieaiFn. aht.t.p.coaleito echoee.183.00 te 84.50' - Siffeto a Tu'vler. Jame Hamilcn, a fiah butcher at SLtin-et, No. 2 Oic te 92c; corn, No. 2 GeltnDuenn a Su-ede, eut route Louis, teck Lotit et a large lire roui ana,- n-ite. 26e te 27c; ato, No. 2 w-hite, 23e «MMCiileage te S-eden. nai tfou"ibang, per, and it struck at him i th onteetr isute 25e la the. gooda nlear emra B ay,fine, plercig Haailtoitt orml. The n-eunt .Luis-Cattte. 83.00 te $5m; bhes. tct oaotiha e n.8.0te 83.50; aheep, 83.00 te $4.75. Hi% arna su-elletitt-tiee tt naturai mie. u-htat, N. 2. $1.02 te 81.04, cen. No. 2 MOTI4SRMkINLSY. ai' i, tirag Tince lîrali.gel ait IN HER FINAL SLEEP. Da-ea andt Skagny a>' L, tel>' hi'n trent- ni t>' itproîcal andîtt -hîn a month -itll be mer McKinley Passei An-a>' Un' ln exelenrt conditionu. conscions Sanitay Moi-ning. Ityea partie.s, Leuidedt ly George F. Ut-. ueral service, cver tite remaînu or mer, propose te go tu the. relief et tht.Wa ýNancy' A.uluutn McKlulney a'ere heili benîr>' et Dan-son. Tht.> n-itt make the, mi be Firut Me-thoidint Eploope. Churcli Uitet Statea Govercinent an offer ta lui Ictn t m ilckTuceait 'atterneon. deliter 15tijiXlpounttn cf 1provisions m-itbm i burtlJn-a# lu thei West Lau-n cerne- fifty days aflen thet' thmt'n artin forli jeut n-eut ut thet. ly. Tuent-lu> Dan-aoc, for tht. aum of $75.000. Tht.> et) lPreultient IMeKitie>' and ale unit alrt..dY bave 5.000 Pound*n et provisions officietls front W'ahington n-ho ut- Cacbtid nt 1ake Hennett, whicb tht.>' w ld thet. tnerai-let-fiur- --laiao take ln ever tLe Chilkoet pix nthia n-bn rs. McKluilt.y pnsaot troinlite ut a t-!'n-ralI î1atti acmht e miniu t amat 2 o'ctîîrk Siindai mona- ste.amer te la>' hi, prpositicu betone tht.e n-lb att of her chititren and ethon Secretan>' ef lIar b>' aire. h aiale fnituida ut ber beitside. She b lot enfler nuir lu lier lant Loutr, l'ut MIL.LER WINS THE RACE. d umîl>'paea- fr.tii the doeep paleitQ uic which ahe Lad resied l momet con- Rides 2,013 Milt. in tht. Sua-Day tl ti'y for ton n iîye i to tLe ata'sp of BicYcle Race tn New- York. ta th. She paiseit uouy -ihoît Laving Chlarles W. iller, aho a-n the grait aind ceenoîtitmesjace %ahe nîlli six-tiaY' biletrare lu New. York. Iana S 'Ttndnîy ta rei-otrtiza lier bon. HotionboicinluSeon>' tnenty-tn-o yoars agc. in r h the tamft> hui thât tht.>' night bho l fflfrtsix Inchos n l lit and normal- ni nted maliteattaticn cf toig reteugni- t>' neighn 1610 poiutt. lie la n i-eitable n-cnt. in vatin. cetn-ork of muscle'. Médicîal txpi'rtàasa- 4daylight Sonde>' nierning. at the nng- serttat Le Las exocHoit ini enduirne end buo efotine cf the. cle utnienîtuera cf sPeet thht lonncd tht. locomoîtive. Inp ,congré'gatioîn ihat un otit-time cutî i te finit novent>' leta- uîîra et the. cotenti .almeat chneste lace bsýrerîitte an- Miiller reeted flontccihîur andi six lmin- tere the thc blctili tue ton-un of titfs. Sinre tttîeriud Lli a@ slept len% chîtrch aient>'tclied off tht. ytaru oci1thatl five Liaira. Allleror itig-distance agi'. ticycle performanfl'nedwn-iutei b ln ui- ýane>' Altinon McKinley n-lagbora noir panînon. C.tntng'm reî'ord ,fut;6 uilest ahon, 0., inlu t). Ht-r trthir, Ahbner 240 yantn iit tun- tainbouto-s ar t-i lsou, wu@ of English doaî-c'tt. hut n na - cMPliehed a-h the. nid of iafeacnk*rl. i eto Pc-ltttylvanim. lien methir. Atnai-Loue mîttticyctea u-ere eqîiuipct i a ubl îtpbett. wanaof Gtiî'n-SoOîh dt'cncot.1 short tinte before tLe hunth ot Nanî'y t einenhbcrlparenuts nt-iiiivo'itfrunt Petan Ia tlît e t' VlInbl, tlla (Coitly.Ohiou. donthe (efarci ltt cqictuirs'clthere her heoit nan apeut. Ili 1827 ahe murricit isun mMcimnley-, an irn uîuutaetur-t .and the. pair tuvi'it niicennive>' ut rtietit. Siea. iolmîîrlsud Cotirn. Niue itdret net-clien t icitheiu:l; Ive cf (Loin denîl. rTeliving ar. eurthîe1 'aitcut, ile!t.n Minerva MrKilty of itou. O.; Sera Elizabeth, n-ite ot A. .. unautfClevelanîd. 0., meut Abner Mc- Itoey ot New- York City'. tira. McKiei- ybecaint'a n-iiten-in Niiventten.1892. -r huabaîrd belîîg 85 yeiirs odtet hie wnh. Match of'tM.. 3ItKinley*smntecy &an- ion bas centeredin blier st'vinth aoc. - 'litîi.n-, hotte potlit i'cinten as',liacit (1Ai. a. MiLLan. ,Ion-edut ailI tintewilh mach cornerta. wan lut aguainet her ihen ihat lie en- îiuîd ahiele. Miller noe tcpaeedi. Thuit t.ed tLe arnt ttht. lrt.aking out et the. kîîit of ridiîîg inhie forte. lie hboldo nil n-eIlion. tîut n-heu, et the' close of the n-orlitn recards fur uupavedl n-rk froîn uggle, a counitraioienlehe regeler fittc-lti' te I(X) mite. lic ereateit theun rm u % nî cITt'r.d bhla, hen mtite n-a iin nthe GarfielId Park truck, ('hicago,.(Oet. ior cf a reinîIo civil ile., c Int' 2. 18I97. 11t tine forn 110mile-s a ti>' ot lm muid Inter l ublîhic offtice. 4:59t:27 4-5. Miller tua-on litchicagîi. lie ililint McKinleiy atn gluit teulnraw ia a cîieirnan. lie tirntte a bicycle iu anset anîd .euingi'ut frot Lia 18K5. l1t the OsI daY'îcc ait Ne-'.York iter. aîut nhe, for ber part, Lad un- Millern roei 2,013 mile,. eigcit prude in hi@ noccetio. Ili% înui- Aller the rae'Millera% traîner naitithat tion huit etectiuota the goveriiîarahiîr rî the rider ivooldit e $3.(00in rundo fig- bhle coctirineitber itîith le hlm. I-itiela tires ton Linsn-eLa@work. Thet. iutilit .idto tibave heen oconfidlent betorehînut avs'retlntrtîtted as fotton5; One thotunanit uat tht. St. 1,enix convention anit(L tres' 1lîri'tl Iîtaru for nLuning tht. lction of iStiti nulit reslt us Le>' uit.rce, rifer hZkicg Uterecord. $5w1 vhile ber el-eîning amubitionat.enstc tii tn th îe omkeofotthe a-Leed hait Le lave beeti to net. Ler non inmitguraleilruobe'.$,5itttifrontî the. makcrniiio the nuc- reaident. cantl tir-a. $'4) frniit tht. utker, cf the. __________________anditc nLich sîupportoit hin totevicier>', AT OMAHAS WHITE CITY. $II.000 froîntthe nmaker cf tht. hetdle bars uihi@ îvheel andt $1,01X) front the' propro Work en the. Eziuoitiein B.Ititingu 1a tir oîf a iLeatcr. i&extuennen n-ere about BitelcaPusheit RaîIily. <o______ Werk en the buiidluîga ut lthe Omaha ex-8W anlulon greuuida ha* been potihoul niera- Toit lit a Feu- Li. rpidly ttitan n-mu txpectout. the pteuauuîtihi i>' t ofVMllian Gotdeniituppe, ahi -cather et the. open a-inter e, farn catu awu. rtire a rtin 1Thorn, n-an fng ceuitroctors te moit. munpritlegly liro e h'Iui ern c-eten>' in New retit progrene. ,Yorkt. Tht. Iibi'nat Ariatsbulding. alt'eitgh tl Albert iineur itile t. >îck, nus begiîn lutt", prOnuisate he i'OuiPlt-td Ark., nia eîii'ilera'd h>' uîkno utimen, soulertha th(e allier bîtitlîgli. The. muupartecltu e ut. onghhilrs Le Lad bcs- ot trusscegLai-cail heen eroîiiîptted. andîrtra>t'o. L e fr to i h . p irw .lI o L ls l t A la r g e p o r tio nm o f t h( e b u s i c o u n r e n te r Te maufctre buldeteofthet. ta et Carberry. Manitoba, wn-u Tht. unuttetnre huiudin L ely' tta.truîodb>' tinta. Thet.ousea aliexceoit oa be conîpteteit lu a short tint.. AImenit $3tU'Ui) ait the. sltff isou. even te tht. ornatueusta- lioua. Tht. trauntucent skyiigit im aimesi Jimes Ailisen. ageit 17 yenrs. n-Iliho dnaheti. Neit tu titis structure the attbanges Fi-b. 4 ut Berlin, Ont., for tht. nicitration arrh laiearent coîcpîttiîuu.motien et Mr@. Anthony Cri, near G.ait, T'he Mine, andt Mîning building la aineAuî. 9 tant. about veady>'for Itn-Lite ceat hoth insildé Adiea necivetifrtranKnula ne>'that ati out"td. T1he roof oit tItis structure reporta are current there that the KLa- la about coiaplt.ted, tht. fintl work hoica lita recetnti> muriteved serierai Chrlataatu ione on tht. skylight. ut Khartoum. A nomber of roof girders have het.n put Neur Birmingham, Ala., William Seot, un place on tht. Mnchiiîeny building, and celeret, i. kUetiMrn.dittMrm. John Sing- the roofing Ia belng commenes. Thte>' Yand thein 10-yeur-otd non. rebbed the saut. la tht. case ln the. Agriculitrat bouse uni t ten escugeat. building. Tht. naube et tht. Goyenutent James Cave, a pripter et patuon, N. buildng n-lt won bho mmencei. Tht. j.. bus fotten heir te a triluai, et 030,'000 pîlinis laabout completeti. and tht. n-att y tht. teth ci hie grantfather, Joeeph girtiera are beiig erectil. 1). Cave, la uweste.rn Missuri. IN A MAO FLIGIiT. North Carolina Democnate lia couven tion ut Raleigh bave lasedtian aittieu ta Itt'ProvistouReitMinere Stempeite freinvotcai% ecîarLng ton Bryun nitndaking DansouCit>'. popuiste Io vote n-lt tbem. B>' steamer Topeka traim Dyea nen-u la Four niotera nho n-ove art.ated ln reeetved that more tIan 1,000) luî.Provie- Praguet a-oe re itanti sectenced te twn- ioneit men atampeiteitfront Dawn-nurî- t>' yorlý pénal servituide ntth-ntree ina the latter part ci Octohor, anti. im- hecra tite tinte et their unrest. pelieal b>'the. boatiîtt leurs offamine. Tht. aaer Ali Isaltetilfrein Tacoma are cou- mad> fornt(hein n-a>' ver tht. fer Skuguay, Taiya undtailler Alaukari tooliilnui. ponta. She carriesi 100 panongera andal Aok, tht. Indiean mail carrier, n-ho ftull canio et nîscîtlanenon freiglit. bringu-btia report, teftthe. Yukon capital Mu.Shodrjeépfmo fdg fuît>' tee day. atter tht. Datton part>'. uHe mgrt hedelt rfsrn o Baya that tht. vanguani efthîe tercer- leîtînthectoga ut tht. Gabelle Univorebt3 etrcke ary l folowng es&the at Washitnton n, hben appointeihy t wtrek e aun>' lmtottn-indéclaré tha a11e'issiau minietet'et éducantion and eccle Iiti>' 25 per cent of the atampeilina :trY' satoieaceffiei>tauthMenscter ofcapita n-illnev.r tii-e te récite tht. terrenn nifWathllara. ye untcptlo their filtght acrth. etal. ITii. river atleamlers 1Balla anti Wenne, À a re lu the Atlanatic block it Juames It oun- aient. dii net iandt more.thuai100 tena, ~ ureuitsld ha tht.death et thri RE Dot sa m the, att lau w'. AU4 voti the. Mi tion Dei the titi tos Otél ttol Wh .A n e!ttor imitRe ilt' tltutlî tîuo' litiiti tîry tfuera tof taitîjor of îLe ~lIrIigîiti. Wte'î ti' îîoritut Iragpîa ut v îi % ri -rist ho li' Moii t htuk ttIba..ttitlwai. ut îr slip' aurvi tthieklut of iliu Ipi.nlc't a-itt-ti't hoaue cmuitao-ed mein. liii- nivoe ii ina. du-t rirait. tat mugitar. îî nl tliell îug îgli tofflttg- îlratuil tffîtln, anduitliumsu-iltiliit. on,-ti' ctotiutitc-tl i-r iliitv unit anlut; '*il$tetir eutnîl gi'ntitiiitt uIt>' tillî,toleai. m'a - ?'No,- ' 14tilttI stranc-ur, sîiillng luneiie of 'heratoIt. 'V' o set o ,aal1-> I c'fult mure'Lt dtllto xiîitllvI. '-11e n-1a a huanu tintg~ and-cla trîiiitulditr;I Oitgsitotitt Iii r.tiuetliigtr, i uItof lis." "YIs.ybn. oIraxit Sreni. 1t olu te ie11ttt mbt n-nY 111(.ett Ifjj. i lai tunn.u. litin-uide' t It ta- gt-îtuui. iaitiii. utotit-uit tfor n man Ilke tlîat. ,uutstoooll' lie %hilan momthiu' Io liett(. itrîo Au Englicli tra veter linl'aris a-na sou-i-t>' eiliu,tiîI lu>'a inagultcent aaid iti4tiihttgl M tîrillo. rîillyautlieinttc'nte't te 0have tue-intheî plumieîr of One. Ot Na- - tolemute inrstî'b lit1Spain. An eor- i am. n, mntiug ti'I. il dmienu etlz ta I l aita tît tra> r,,Ui thet-' l i. m nd il 1jtruuarkuirtlî uu n rta ntuI) otir gi-t <but far .1înueg-t 11it il iii tIti-illtianmd m .,t f ilimuraiuttîiilhmIvî' thelr tg tîmrirri In-I url»i.-t~~. rThe Isitotuî tiftluuiuaiunrirîunt.r.lmath tht.e eVr î-nitrîifi l îîîtînîcabat Laie li-u roîutiu-rtmr Iti- -ilto. 'tu iailIle macw i. tnr uc îîu aami ii t îl s a in ter - Iou lii- înîn rh ii; r it ikngutt > la.- gaii tl.- n tOr wl . as l ttl ntertgàg. Li. Lruîna' iîî Sîrili tfrr$itgave b aii îrl iInif, 1oiIn i-i, teent1ti , a;t(r aitnd îîu!ca-r $:itrur rhic.,uîtfit. 1 i-inclu I t onu ro- Illie fîtlt' Intasà reuirr-t i n(1IIt ln ii tf skugîi.>' tot q tirs rItil. i11 r -ight orr tu-t rritfitte-rs lirajI InIl eiiit-Injrt iî.tiihi'r.:andith. tet get [aîî Iru u- l i ) i fin h i, out it. ?1 Ailt, lii!t tiu pattutingt i Iiperted iehar., al uttititît and ul tr ciînnelaaetur. desîr- ,u s et av o l tiitg i. csttsed a ta ud a le 1o'. E O K A U T il dtnteutpar tetob a inlîti ni-ar hie st rlE ruAuT tuarlita. tOf courue,. t Itmnsel tht. cila- ont bouse. Iln-ai then sont te a 1uet- pou in utsaiua that lie hait lest hie b! ire-cîeitner ivîti onuli'tntu n'aalueff titl ieut asis iînuîkî'îîheuiteti. i teIt lie inanIile. for Itiiitu ttîtitae Mlîli$100, andti Nu lite waacli' off tbltaedscnpe. andt Le illitet t1 itaiizm nons thl'e ursthat allo w as ed ff the M u ill . a d her a - t.udlu si h i d w i- k. T his l a c nt>'00 a'ithî'dnif îte ttrlIo. nticlreap- nlnîrt'i iLte-a-'.antd, fer hunaBt p'nred au cari>' corporation portrait or suie.t'.he iSkilutay Paftta aboutit 1 Kling George Windsor cout. noîneed an a fakeetr nucrupulohU; enikkin bre«-it. anti top boot.- itters. The townorcfSkagua>'tin spare Moments. tisluetharacte.n The Influx to .larufal.m. Spare farom ts WWMU Ditnîctithe. patfeu- >earaitearl>' Spnin a'llt nno' tier reffl .50.000 Hebrouvît lai-e ctereit Jerusti- Mî'lte toCuba. - lec. unitthe. arrivait fanether hoat la Att tht. ma-mtbein Ofthîe B"i~d c0 tldto tetu imnminenlt. Airoady 'tht. rail- liiîiited thîe ilovernor nt Nql raya unie epealit tht. countr'y' ein-ee icîttus. Lai..have nm'iguiet. - the confitanuitJontisaltinanti Damaucuis Siereêttr>'LongihaLa îtiui'tistd, a and a Ilebrew Immigration On a large fte Mimu ('hriî1lîîe Bnadley'aula] tre uta>' causte yniu t teecome once chrialen the btttleelpIP eDtuekY>V.; more etfi-ast Imtportance le the. Eat. Nicaraguia tsmaeita. Ian- OeL - ~~~ ahbnottti>prthilhitin t.e lmmpà A PeînealLk. Chiuia-e. Tthe' vfier n-ho iit1 u An Alasauitraier recenil>' itucrtubd tLe Ian- la antjectei tqtea fine it sottie extraor'ilttity î,henomena con- te $5W1. - neecti tti a glall ttinke Sels- Ditrimie a quarret hotu-cen li -aIk,. uttonteul rieur 'the sn. cont. Tideit tudent tatKieff. BUM1uta ritie anti faîttuteliek perliape on ed t'tyîînilkl truek an oifcetî, acceurttoefmnu udergroundl counectton on the iater (]te%%-hi@s s ý, wltl thîe sen. At te bottent, tie sayu. Ut>-aitski thnrugh- the bcdy,. the. watt.r taiat. but on the. top theru ('hief Justtice Con- y o lalyet of s'eet i-nIer. Stipreme Court dtiai a lite layerbeent ,tck noms three (laituon-Baî iI'reii la 181IL fined teaIhlhoeu nitim'an Edwin S. Hunt. Of Emex. Co"tt.. bua aripbut ne one. snppoeê, a cannen al lt nbtch an outu-O wiue sros>'ii tb~e eut ffu:titok tort n-Bson". lq<tei. àA.-Weei.- m tWr ati;î;ii, -ïl Thoie la the mis eut Notea Temebel' ____________blocs the 101 Corner. EVIEW or THI4R WORK AT Amid the. wlldest exoritement am sio WA5UlNGTOt. the Chicago Board or Trade withln the. znumory of the. videst tradeor Deeember wheat eoiti fur $11n) Thuroodly. Thtistalu suaip nie 9 louefet @$ate sud the bigLient murk which the cereal bas Bou.&-shiu P1oa.d or Iau.iuoed rewhe S"anothe. historie combine of I1UL la mtb« ranb-outiew etme-During the tour bhtter tsession a rWt i Kiho.Dranb-QtetOUU f M'01 7% enits over the opening priceu wel ment te the Country etI Largoi. recordeti. Thecîcao price wau 1 emts over Minneapolis asud Duluth, 10 centai The L.aieatt.u Griud. over New York and 7 cents over lit. - Mr. 1.odge (Mai,%.) made an effort làIt Luiu. esenate Moîtdair toa Rcre an immeLU' At thin prieethîe vinent of ail etghty-. evote utton bia immilgrattion bill, ahlch acre Katanagtarint, Intni value $15 per suuhtanttatty the Ranme menitit thât acre, tiait worth omore thon thtte aid tueif, ai panued t»' the. 1'ity-foîîrth Coiresu the farin eîînhilnenttand the bouge andt L vetocti t»' lmeiiiet l veond. Mr. barn. Nu't a fariner lit Minnesota or thie Ben (Sch.> ohjo'cttd te ai) immitttlttte Dakota& wlth 2,440< buxhe:m of tîheat, the Ae snd Futggeattd thîtt tht' final vote on produet of Iighty îacres'n t atnrvett a iamentdaieinit dthe blb t u ei.ionwhat coutl hiibave ld llegrain ilu Chicage înday. Jan. 17, at :1 p. im. 'l'h)a ugge--Thnrsay for alarc filonLi% andotWald an watt acemptird tir Mr. Loilge and the. hrig, and hiavt' a few huired idollars te 7er for voit' ut thîlt tlote waa tmnde. the. good. I.GeormanIt. iairinaît of the DleîuotratiC If the pîaîecf orthe i' tit fi tminteftbait etng clllctti,1regented an otuier been îuiilitît a.iiirtt l tringîthei ic .'it oi the bicl wiioaîlîiite , trrnntriflg sout te ot io itîri aul do1 tit kI-rudeof wbeat tconiitîttîIe ainaatntlîi oft t oment. îthe. WOIIlîl itve . ,îtl îto i igt is iaml.uoîouet *uiî,rraio- i,ît'inta'srouîtlndei'nýeary Ih the. t-toc. Thi.-' t-- rî It 'lit) ta $1.0tS~ Le liI-rtiîilng îîf tîca îtîoherio. itr. l'i- at ilbaîtiiîîlittu(]an iîî hlt-r. If bî« whet.u i S IN . 1) î- altî-d cît thet bllitgratttinti coiii tît i î îtid htia-L ii- j t u it t tieu ) ettli'r'; the rigit i a ke aitbi oute- at tii. ttige- n i tithot îîy i rrr)iit. Wtien tend ciitil-x. I tonderîîl'aî rict ex plai- $1.05 wu.n onliteIi-it-r l if'Went tome o n ofliii tt'laeini. i igre tiil perahîlt of lit'he ua tirîîgtîi t otiicntl'riturtirwait 1o1 wi'l'tnonfLt il tii' tite, oIra if tlantti tt I i raieîr tbile antdcî a lot of aller lthe bhîîtiîcatî'it dinthe L riglît taitheir etuittn 'tIthielici ion Itettithe efect Lke icî hîîiioti'riî Cliirieno. Eaîh t ILoenaigt tloîirki-t atIi -Lî'ikicg tempo- errtra wou,îtlx. t' etiti'i tu tc quti'? e IVW 'IIHY tth effortsia et ie more asrgrenlv. nrof î aîtol. 'Thé-tbil twatt pîtuac..AI Tm'nmilut'n ' if cîiîr;tive quiet retire- ti prrîviîting fier tltî- t'rei-iii oit an ru.tî' ed ln the. aîîriity aîtialin. andt then the io tila thepulie-i tbtiildii t et tsuAn. bunlle bY a ille tI atýi tho- figures their al- t.. îî lt $2,<i.iiEt. wax paaot'd. own Wt.v igitiîî. Sea'u îti'wau lthe r. WVilaiît i 1'iaal.î 1)r(nî'i'tcýd fareittIu- alirp)riat itiant uLlon f lthe li'lo:e declar- lon dirI'-iiirg the' litil scrie comnmissintctt d hat tîche ' eiî'îI La'i' lthe price al tai itmitiit tIl](.i ti Snntî ea tî'-itetit hy UL) lt)$1.5i) tîfîîri' ihe i oit rtthteesion. i*«et yearst aîlî' 0 arwintg the. total At $L;i.Otl]t' r-Xoîîit ijf a iKrupp tua tuibt-r cf Ilerons in oinet iol. theto ital critui îîl tut il- r-il î'îrdt ntîI-ve the pari- tnitttr pittiocuandtihîe total l'utiltiser ait- demoniim. Tho- i- tîîî ta freîl ithe er«al Xinl('ui n ilie aVt'rnlt întIIItio'u utOftht. 'hY fractiorn% rîtIt ci-t îît,11) $1.017. ler. ;ovi nieiîîîî'îîi -rnie rîî-lit ithie tîglînintl ci thiir fi-ii-iito'ea téi'tpcnry ralty andi i-- or th-ui laiati rn. Tiho. nenetitiî,It irîîght îiîithe'n etîvaîîr fuit of grain nas iigrecut ii. Thtý'- $'îii ht-n nîjoiti't- oto tIit-mnidit. A liplt hîîîîr ot deadtock 41 . tt'rcîting uttit t'g llbi%- ni'nîltlentuithe dteaters wittî tht' borna.- tiv'. oeît-itivt' itdou jîîcluiappmrcpi'ri'- metniltoeriettly iqir'akiiîg. LencltratOt anL bllth,îee Hane .dilia I pubtic hulI- thoir toorces (ai a na'ak poîint lit the. etltft afn Monda>'. Titi- ntite aesloit wan monsandi t l ii'prio-e ii$iite, th ille înngumîoi ln aîtjuttng a pçernotal dispute water manrk îit the. day enit ouil yeamI »twei inti. lIî'phurn nt lova and Mr. Then 6110î't411J.'dtthete tiil lNUn il atthei Norton ci Ohi, ahie h grcw out tot a cIn-ta- iînotr the itîttîti(li tho' Lrîvî±Çy Iha it i n-t rinti the' itchale aîîd ti-iulîîr icr-i-il ant $1.0i7. t ti' po.'aioiil îl.'lThe poait M ut lt eas an lrî aheîthor a r-t-riain nord il" iESAOA AS Vy Mn. Nortn, btrt hii-it, e terwarii H KG A AS dit i4ititi'. t iî lîrîî' ii ,u cf u co nr. guh it d I l l. a a T ra it o f i H rr r a n ti I h îllmteir iiin t'î-"rîîtnn4îît rcî'iîcl. Tht. L..dlng iitht. KI.nkike. Inta'ly t Ilari>' i iii, 136 to 121, sus- aintul IMn. îîîricbrî. The Hikngîity tPaira, en roui'te Io(he Oit 'cetiny th(-' tto.on mrtiorn of hIî,itiiko: wi,i, t hît'. ctc'lohr an F ena o r lai r, oIj ,n r ý I m a m ar u t A u rica i giliirtr iN thoî la %q i i l r t rn e! respect te)i i 1 aiiii t 5K-itt'y, n huee 'ii'";a ci I ranl ntîîk foie. ad-. vin ia.-.valia a Il 'f Sti a tkx andn'i 'uUte. oî,tîî- alo lîirict tîîl ci>' htila rît;lil,.-'1-Iîîîf Skaiity for thé A lIe.u ui e 'eett. ilttntO. 'r 'ton î ai. Iîî it oîîf lae ln .)jtbý il»iiztn . hejoi nd lu.tIi-i m îî,îtoî-ir. r nI- ln'ralnui tIo ;:elt lita , la v S ia îî tie î )] ll a i u l a n d r ilit- %% L a i It i Itt li .. S k i tt t pi sto n o ttt -l t, ia te t ti 't r li tii .t.i uIti-lut i i r' sc r-n iitîty ( , t'yin I ofl 1 len-%itt hI le anttîgitl iix lite i tioile-. ,of t ii, 1 iii ir a t a attel hlir ilatlt utiliti,.oftthe Sat.Itive mari- hbanianî iîg inruyicfe ,t* i a;tcett- glnt lia. 'tilsolxa kiltît ot "teco' Weol. îîee ot urfittien opua îi. tgrows froii Ii ii v iîltiiiati Itln I-toulttt't 9oToI'rîiiî' li i for thlîitîrl nttateii te han-. ile, toit Iflua- 'Niue kuon-lia% Uge a y. n' ,i" .1 proluc-utitrie ravt.ulîlng ireams thait îiîlitiu. 'l'îe Nlizîaten il iIt itît lttbac andt itîl ctike IrIn elgarettesaIn liullng lthe aaîîke. Wliin usedit is i a Il lirouiîfIx a lîllnrlouastspirit lit tIt intetint iii rtitîot lue î'tîtait in t au>'cuenîrîîî tîf(et Iilatiiîe. 1Wheu aiîiiggieui lîti'the priston nalla ttis îletot'ees rî'ttilyv liii r$4-ininceti.fie' i. but friep menîtliî t oi t ih*- outaliî' 1' for54 ciltoit; an oti-.. înî'ral Sîtri- ' n- tir, etftthei'sîron fore nt Yutua. linq " ~ j ast itupa nitîl l It rge qiltitly ot t h,- îr'i'i t t u ladIt tI'nrIai-led a itti t ofii-i ît i ti' o,îî iia -tii n-irk lit tLo i MMIT ior ttirg ASS~a. ouelîoli gaiigri.-St. i.atln (.Iout-)ije cri. miiulrg îlr'1.219bi looi' liri o art: Dow r e t, kt L- is t, >h Il- to ig ee au aua >g- ýty ho le- ,be of es, me

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