Trouble To secure your custom, and SaTo keep it after we have it, by sellinir you better values in Furniture of ail kinds ANSD Than you could possibly secure elsewhere. .... AIlwe askIs a trial.. Presents for OId and Young. A perfect Wonderland of Toys, A marvelous display No such assortment anywhere in the county. Bring the children with you, it's a big treat for them, and Santa Claus writes the names of ail littie boys and girls in his big book and keeps C a record of everythlng they want hlm to bring them for Christmas. Toys of every description. We surely are Toy lieadquarters. Santa Claus was ordered to call at cour store early this year, in order to select a good assortment. .JUST RECEIVED... A fine Uine of Rockers ( Fancy Lamps and Crockery Scmb .... For Xmas Gifts.... b¶tU wuaif WILL KNIGOE., Rockefeller, - - Illinois. Saving Christmas Money! In the rush of the Christmas shopping, careful people do not lose slght of values. They naturally desire the fulleat return for the expenditure. Especlally noticeable are the low prices prevailing at our store durlng the month of December. A strong effort to close out ail surplus lines-the hlghest quallty coupled with the iowest prices-gives added zest to the buying. Yours respectfuiiy, il. W. HIUGHIES, WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCKI 0F GRAIN, PLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SI3EDS, ETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cemeni WJE SELI. ,THEJ3WE3BER WAGON, Wi4ENYou WANT or AVIçuurI IuilmOnts, GALL ON WRIGHT & SONO tyville, VOLO. .Md lMra. A. J. Rtaymond ver. '.vieliors lionday. 0. G. Rusentand vite ver. Muy "aers laut Wedneuday. Wicb Brtchmer md.a businesa 10 waukeffln lat Weduesday. . 4. W. Torreno. mud vif, ver, pou" cllerM e day lest veekr. Os llevIlaDavis &peut Satmnday n4ayviih lilas Mary Raymond. 96 MttI Smith and liu. WUilHuson 4%Ulerast Grayslaks oue day lie IroL Jobune Sable lx qite sicb iii *@Mam., lra. Sable bas isa Nien pcuîriy. . mt. eTonreuce was absent from iimevral days 1mai week carnug boni ccii. 1 en htolug and famly nov W IeWtli Richtardson bonose at »Ma the M. l.'cbuclu. *l Md MMra A. lieugit arrlvd komflWaukegan Mai Wedueaday. lit heir neice moch belter. è die Social beld et the borne of 'W.Torr.nce last Prlday evenlng ~ae aatbougb not very on account o1 tbe vasW very noavorabie. hovever enloyed them. mm*ad lte taies titerel hV" ittile soto. g vii, MIater LS. cf C. G. iuson vas uvnbu kicin<l il - - - - Illinois- ROLLINS. Mn. Oea. Beab in reported home btter.1 Chue. Lamb, of Guru.., vas a caller bere Bauday. lir. Huisu, ot Wanbegau, called mt oilua Islut veeb. liasCora Cremin in entertainiug a cousin lrom Antloci. M»t. Dady, 0f Gamnes, vlalied Mirs. C. Mdwarda lest veek. MisaneMunie Drury bas retorned hom, trou lionaville. lin. B. Sitepherd enterlained a laton several days lui yoek. Mn. ami lira. Wm. Shermn@ peut Uouday vlitiug relatives ber.. lieas Dais y Taylor etetlned a boat of yonng folk& let Tuesday evenlng. lira. C. Hock. oS Anllochbu bs cosed ber munie cia@s on aceounniof bai rone. li. V. Wlgbuman, of Bainesvilie, speuh Suunday and Mlonday as Henry Edvands. lira. Henry C. Edvards la very il] vlIh pneumionie. Dr. Rlckey l4 ln attendance. 1fr. B. C. Sabin elosed aciool bere Monday be attend tbelouneraildît, Men. Ciard, 0f Gages Lake. _f A boat of fiend4ansd relatives aiiendei ihe 075er upper as Baraey lrieger'a luitW.deday wevéning. Zevers) fcaruiyoung olba fromi here attead.lIe oMr e r aIlMr. J. Bsraloan»$", = lesm Wed. Around'thb Càuàtý;. ROCKEFELLER. lire. A. J. Ring vmu a Chicago visitor luti vcek. lira. J. H. Cronkhlte and daughter Anna ver. la Chicago Salurday. P.ttrLttcieold mmd Ilira. Pcpp Mada a butine« trip 10 Wank«ganlcnday. lira. Geo. Buck returnel Tuoeda3k fromi a visit vitib ber daugbler ta Chicago. Amoug the Chicago vnaton Weduea. day vere liei. LU H. Litield J. H. Cronkhile and Witt Knigg.. Chicago vleitonu fromi IbIs place luat Saturday vere Ur. and lir. Thon. lioBride, lma Lott. icierId, aMd lira. Popp. ltead WJIII noigg,'sad anmd alt reading il go airatghlvay 10 hie place oS busineau snd exunte bnuleu dieplay of Chuamas gonds ever soovu uebis pac. If auyone drivIig belveen Stocke- eller and Lbertyville Completee th. journey withoul a kiudly tbcugbî for Coxey sud thb.«'goodtronde movemenl" we vould Ni pleamsai 1laceeltltai perscu. on Pttday evening December 17, at the Chapel wili occur a grand free literary and musical ent.rtatailun There viii Ni recimaitous, rdn music and a grand debate by.ille debaters. The question for discusion in Resoied - Tbai Cuba Bbonld bc Anuexed tu lte U. S." This le a goci live question and everyone abould1 beur lt discuased uas il yl be exî Frtday uighi. Thte speakers OU the Afilrmative are Ur. Sabin and lUr. Grovenor; the negative ame Ur. N. H. Welch and W. S. Welch. Ths debai. ia attracliug attention trou neslkaMd far, everybody ta comimg. The vwiU bc fou, vladom, lngio and loquence Ilu a sieady Stream. Coule and hear tb. entertainnient of tb. maon And the tirai grand delimie. Doors viii bc open ai 7 o*clock. Ali il Ni made velcome. WAUCONDA. Boy your CbriatmuapresenisAta Waucoiida. lir. C. L. Pratt la spendimg a fev day. lu the city. Tii, M. W. A. eleet*d officerasi Tuesday evenlug. Miss Lors Harrison apent the tirei of te eek lu the ciY. Clyde Going, of Vaiparaiso, wlli spend Xmaa lu Wauconda. lla Della Hammond t. entertlaung a frleud froni Wrrnvllle ai preseni wrlting. The H. N. A. met in titeir hall lats1 Tuesday afternoon and nominaled officers.i Mir. and Mr@. B. Shermn spemi a 1ev deys vitit relatives aitlicHenry1 recently. A Christmas ire, ai the furnunre store seeme lu be au attraction to tue litile ones. Te Windsor Stock Co., viii exhibi ln te Oakland Hall on Piday eveniugb tbis veek. 1ev. Harris, oS Evanaton, deliveredv iwo excellent sermons lu the M. E. cituncitlant Sunday.1 rilirs. J. S. lReynolds retnrned Tuesdayj from a ew days vitviii hber daughter lu the. City. 1 lirs. A. C. Bangs relanued 10 thea city lionday Aller aqpendiug a ev daya wiib relatives tbers..t Daniel blipper returned the frsI of lbe week front Liberlyville viiere be has been selllng soup.a Menit Clark returned tromNi oti Carolina Monday. Be expecie 10 retinthle aprimg. Itemember the Christmas Irescili e Il. E. cbnrcb Christmas eve* An excellent prograin iteng prepaied. The Wauconda pou& G. A. B. met In t ubeir hall lent Saurday eveniug ami elecled offlloes. Al olicers ver. re-elected.q Santa Clause bas esiablished head- quartera ai G. C. IRoberts. Golding Biron., Prîce Bron. and M. W. Hughes triture store.a Local talent in praeticing a play wieicl viicNigiven onde, ithe aupces l of te M. W. A. during tbe bolidaya I weeks. Do oui misa Il.1 The Llterary and Debsiing Boclety t in progresslng llnaIly. Lusi Friday ' eveoiog au excellent progrant va rendered. Alil are lnviied 10 attend te"emeetings. l PRAIRIE VIEW. s E. Wilcox vas a Chicago visiior 1matIl Monday,C C. Wlcox silpped e carlond oS oatis lest week.a Mlanou Colby vam seen on onr Street@ lent gaturdsy. J. F. Grovenor was a Chicago visitorB lant Saturday. Fanmera are expectilg a blg prîce i for milik li monuli. Mir. Shadutle la very ltIeaIprosent. v We hope a apeedy recovery. Mfr. Herman Neyera came itaok from b Klondyke? 1tat Satnday.L Grldley & Gridiey bave recenily received a carload of coa].T Mfr. Paddock. of Liberlyville, vas iLa titis vlciniy lb. tirei oS the veek. W. P. Dickinson and viSe vere atIl Oakvood Stock Farn the.tirat of lhep week. lira. Raie 1110,01oSPalatinelaIl alaylng, viii ber ftier dnrIng 'bAu illneas. Trade la very llvely ai, ih. stockW yards just nov. lMr. Poe ta engaged o tbere ai promunt.b Mfr. and lira. Fleber, of Lake Villa, vere scrspping over a gizwad Mas uauel ai J. 0. Gridley lat umday. lu A nnmbqr of on, yo"mg e M atteuded the dan ea og Grove lust Baturdny eveulng. AUi report a good a urne. L Laut v.ek severai men came trou the i nortib vitb ripe InUait ofve rotoceer. Thb_ mil bob p lace aecastlb.té HALl 'VAv reoe a ndombif nI. lino is, et Passimu. sehomte * enmlatim la Ibthe c f hbuttaeI. Mir. aMd Oubet ré heb *pro*m" paenms ecfa liAWe d'agtu. mmlas ras UcIne&run ,ilb ber gand permutte hàreami attnd auooL ChanlesGrabibat bo m «Rauffra YVI an Miiaok et 1hé muape but te a ovwomvalesctig. i"sOokuglham o01Iving Park, 1v wulMe gua flm Mâtser lits.J. T. Ayrés over samday. The Suday »sonol ili, ve Ibeir tChrinums etertiaafos dev. I. Ig Dec. abI. AU ame 'ordllyA. lvital ta come sud baing ail the limIe cnes. r The aaaqmerade ball at th. club l ouas adTburuay vemig vas volt 1at..ded. ýib. cosiu sver.couiai. rani unique. Porty-.Ove ticketasvwre mli. The viallcra ta Chicago licuday from DPrairie Vtav lira. rNarlnu Knedier and lias EbetIL H Wllccx. D. Spere, lira. J. Richard»and daughtet ra, .. L. Tripp. gVERHTT. Mri.and lira. y. Ia. Zerver @peut Snday la cbiomgo. Opunalor Horeubeiger'a Place ai Everetla t.baing ouled îy >M. R. Cormoran vbiie kJ»c"kenb..àavacation of a veeb or su. Zd Huber and Samily bave mnoved go Shermervllle, uthere io viU con. Uhute farmng. DanuMlinlyre nov occuples th. pace Vacatod by Ed Huit.,. Dam in chioi t 0thIbi hole placeno am perhapi lb. right applcant Migbl ges a Position hoîitakeeper. *'Offly a aurmista. Iogbs 'John 1 1011Y wiio Étar beau alcb vith iypbold fever la. novof oSdanger and ve are giau b bear b. la doimg vil]. lira. Rotte Anderson, W. U. jet., was lthe guesi of irs. Ziemmu on lent Sun- day. Dld you 1mb. lu the cook IlgitaI ilanderburger? Some tolba did. Mfr. and lira. Ang. Zieman apeut on. day in tbe city ihia voek. A gocdly number of our youmg pOOIe atmded the douce givea aI HallDaN. 9. AIl reportiàamnt enjoyable lime. LAKE ZURICH. Selp for ahoea. Burt Sei p vislted relatives at Wheei. ing Tbnnaia. Mir.BI.OC. MMlvas inubvuon huai- nm Thmsaia, Mir. liDlovei bau gone to vcrb at Palatine oreamry. Jo. Diela, 0t Ivauhos, wv abr. a feu, delà ,eoeUiy. The bog market la Ouab. praub honcy le bupt busy. liasCarne Buahing oS Palatin, vlaitei ber parente Suaitlay Henry Korn, of Ibertyvlle, vas hers ou busicmes louday. BeurY Bramdimg and John Wilue, visted Barriuglou on. day lait veek. liemra Buahlng, Tels., Graber and PePPer ver. la Wankegan ou bnsineass licmday. John Danielioc ua realgbed bis Position as Soreman 0f lb. Lmke Zurich eamery. lira. Fioke, dangiten and mou at- temaed the fumerai of C. Taylor ai Irving Parkt. ur iébool entertalument là Niing auxionsly locbed f orvari go. Dec. 23 la lhe da"e. lieurt,. M. Tonne, Bruet Brmuiu. Burt Aqulin sud Henry Bramdilug vlalted Barringion Sumday. Ray Lamphere mmd John Led vere In lovunomday. W. logruJohan go. ta Wmnbegau 10 voîk, aucema John Our 1111e village ta nov blassed vih services Bumday. Mev. Daniel Brown la pato and lu dotmg good vork. The people appreclale b ta Subject for uext Sunday: " licaen sud Hoy go Beach h.' As Ibere are ta bc ivo dances given her. Dec. 31, lie achool entartalu. mentlwYul bc given Dec. 23. Admission. free. An elocutionIst and male quar. tette from thei. orthwaserm Univer. aitY have been euMged forlbhe nter_ tainmeml ta be given Jan. 14 by the same pupils. C. W. Kohl bas excbang.d hie vil. lage Properly lot realosateainl Nebraska. Be vIll bc fonnd at bis store for ithe nezl lhity days. Every- thing muas becahmol tor belov co. Crockery, boiiled goode, mie n sd boys' suitestiaa acritice. AUl gooda Dov, fashionable and up lb date. PAL.ATINE. Drama andt dauce Prlday nigbt la t Baiterman'a hall. lir. George Wilsaon ta vlaitlng frienda i in Ashton aI prasemi. lir. A. L. Smith and daughtar z vistai friende ta Chicago rec.ntly. a Tb. Athbio club teudered a banquet and -"amober' to the footballa temux Satunday evealng. f Will Noper arted for Arizona 1 Thurêday might, Ermeet Benîlen fille bis pluos 1u1h. drug store. ias Elodia Baldvin in on the. aicb c HMa, lira. H siater ile hoerI place lu ber achooi at Evnalon. à ad. Mores hu reuov.d hme hcraea frons lir. O gen aa' h o Chicago where ho viii rua a lvekry stable. Thesiot miachincsa la. 4h0aloons. wre nemov.i Tueaday ùnimg la comipliance ..vith the orier cf theb lira.Hunt ven$ta 10 lrtu, 0hio, Tu«auy o. receipt of a telegram Iumcunciag the merions illneas of her nother. TIe Aîhielic club bas pur'j«a nev piano for the club rooms. Dm9 L. Smi1h âaiW. aiesmaelb aovhel09 Sniq vwwitel 1 . T. haam Vas unday. a aumber of relative. one day la ve. aTihe atrtliamenls at the obure h" Wesiay sd Tbursday aveu Gb&laneohmasvus receivadIt ai ordner o Vodmeaby Camp Guu bls amay -Muing- J. I.L se~# s ev graveaiocm valk Provel Abim ua hleostg du litas abol, Bekua or Wankag.m bas bea» thé g~l atmlis h liay cimte savual dey olmuUy.l Dec. 0&.llasDraïke la hear 1cr Inu sveut ui dv iiigve aU2s propan. Wuhi y ldbus ianstagred hi mom peromWestern union li CaP= 10Guru..Camp N. W. à EAIpb ObAtemn i"I aluo transis from Ruaseni accu. Conmaidethe b.moat uniavorabl vealbar i las riday eveains, th. C B. social wva a socoas.The yrocesd voesullicient 10 cever expem vhieh va,. about six dolar. H. C. Lake reesutly scld @avers haais o f hickory auts ta boa=onà $1.75 par bhachai. This la quise a miargii ove, thé price of 6ù aud70 onte. cff.,. by loalaI uyeru, trouble and rial ex cluded. The Guru.. Gee-R.gloer corre saou4e Ousem 10have fallen lto hcpeleas $angle over 'm$ trivial mai tona. Who eau straighten At? In th meantirne read theb nDPENDaNT Io Da. A meeting vas recently hold to a range mode êsud lterary eercise@ Su lhe Christmaas emertaument Dec. 24 The following commisses bas tb. mai ter In charge: lira. li. B. Lake, lii. liay McoClure aud Dr. Young. Draving tIb, Iamber for th. Personi bau v as a Iodions iob sud vu ilntube culY Uaurdaylut .The roada vwer. ii auamolIpassible condition boive. the dep" asudbthram. Tho hart vas bumai unearly ivo momlba s%« aM nd e .Brothers have beau cigae to lobabnmd laeoscar.of stock vtthou shelter for the atill ew-dïïïs ago. WARREN. William Odoît bau been ahlpplul hickory muse 10Boston. Nmias le Shepord, cf wilaost. la M titU« bar relatie . 4rbi LounFVoI.,ci Hlmneevilll, has Mi»ÈmdO .Improvememsecmnhie tam ta Warren Ibis fu. A veek &go Sunday Cari Lamb aMi his rocamaIe lir. Walter Clongh. o Chicego.vlaled Charlas lamb'i ismliy. -lbJohnlcom'rat kreceniy pur. ebosas100 acres of land of Elmor P liserai, Oabland. Californie, a par i o the G. K. Steuarfis. W.@hear ihalJo.Vincent vin givd up '«intaibis oomImfs apring. Wil Stag, of Garmeete10 vorb lb. ThomresaibvheaVincemt veaint. lira. Pranb-'Bhepard ha. beem quit4 III for the peut Ivo or 1hit.res wo Dr. Jamasca,,of lillburnu a cllof more than a vse &go. &ho t. loi. provtagnder bis trastme.. The oebneeiub $medhm i int, i»I mes vth lir. and lirs.Jot Slvestt" hiavek. The irIMparël th b. sawo asigvs by lMr. Md litre. James gBmeby nome Ivo wveo xigo. The dancing master, Prof. licuro., Wankogam. did moi put la mppuanac Mouday eveuing et rang Hml.4A largo nuaber of bis p=ui . aitemdacevwth the pialaitmddjmced outil about haluPose 10 cclock. WNIJPrice Mdmi ie have aoved la Aurore, for the viniez, ilf yIN* the lb locaOtio bey MabevM ) hair home tbere iudanalsly. Tbe boat ishasci tair maymondaeu"go vi horba. lira. Mlary Bas"n Prie. chtu remaims ou 1he home tara. Vanra sIn Wàramgladly velcomed b.e rata amd smov hopimg 1he voile Mud sprimgs VIII afford more vater fer their stock. limmy voile are dry or luar]Y su% thathave nover tallidbefore. A large "acaes or ptcvimg ha.beca loue ta Warren Ibie rail. A puai u«aamres have been ploved duriug Dec. an umusual thing tbing la Ibis pmrt of the atate. MEL.4NOR MILLBURN. lira. yul. visiisd Wanikegan friftnda l Wednesday. Mri. John Wedge visitaid Wankegan frisnds one day lest veek. T. V. Blocaux, 0f Wanconda vislied ilburmu Monds a .5 vk. Soott Levoy bas juaipuicbaued a 1ev fond gfrinder of Amdrev Siraug and lamcvursady fur business. Frank Lucas and Harr Willium nre .agage tu casting sud griading ted aI aey Piaes tIb lecak. Ail iehime a job doue give tIbea aocil. On Wadmesdy Dac. 8, Qhewuvas charaing voddiag nt $he Wauk gm M..LPareouage. The ocmlimg Portioa»re Ivoi buovu d bigbiy ccon" youag ecpl. The svenî vas hat marriage a WllaisN. Lewin, second sua of Henry Lavin, of Lcsteau Mmd liaAmale a. Strmmg .1 auhler of Andrev Stnang, 01 bonu. Clarence Ansas cMcatmen est Ima.m sudliseIda Lewin, ~ta r the goom a bridezsMa. WARRENTON GROVE. Thos. lmdd speatté e fevdaya in hicago recmlly. linr. E. Gibbons la quise fl vAit wpiiqi tever. Dr, Fcley ta il at. FOX LAKE. W. are Very WMorn hur of lhe ioaib 0S ise Auna Witt, a1 Loon Lable Mri. and lin. George Wall, of Dlgbtoa, vicitai ai lhe home of A. Tweed reeeally. Mri. admi raenry Qnedelmfeld bave rnovei 10 the home of &noir nou on ac0touf Ibeir poor haailh. The oy.ternapper aet1fr. James BaraUable. ou Wednesday eveuing (,S lut« v ue vslargely atlended. Mr,. C. lMal tby, ofBurrceb. lov al vifsiting relatives andi neiat ox Laboé and othen pointa in Ibis couuly. Neyvasw»receins bore i"alTue.iay MOruIng 01 lb. dualh of Walterlileiiu, of Dlghton. vbich 100k placeounlion. dey evaning. A potion ta belul circnigted lu, th,$ viciaiy 10 B@mure signer@ for lb. eoltuaace of tb. Sunday malla at "Ii o211ce durlag lIe viater mminhs .tu IWiln b. oi nuoh boent 10 the people of t"ia ommnaiiy. lir. W. Caine.s peuple vers cahied &0 Gags b"e reouiy by tb. illuaes mn?7eab cfMlra. oaine's mvw. The luttea visbeli ioudsy of tbiS veek the interment beiug ta Libertyvâk ecelmetery. Nova vasrecielva bltvek trom Georgo E. GanigerIo.meriy cf thj& lae whotla oy oaboarditheman of srn slip lioocay staioned et IhanhalChina. Ne telle many latareng Ithgbs of thai Coumtry Mmd »o People. W. viileadeavcr naInme bl$UMs Ume to give a brief hietory of hu travela relmt.d by hlm. Mev, J. Y. HunIer preached In St. Chuteas lut Snday. daY trou a viai tanChicago. lir. C. E. Boue, yul gv, a tua nt Thurnday trou 110o4 o'clock. lin. A. Dixo« vialited.lins. B. Chitlenien, cf arme a..btulrdoy. lir. Heyiecke, vu enoundI"lsiwaek oolletig lte -MliUburn InaLue Mr. Brlggsof the Universiy, of Chiwopruached ln the Buptial A Utle sua arrivai i lbth home of J. 19. Taylor oami&llsocu*etaithe home of 8. B. Nove laml vee. Ml.Leber bas ,elurned flma Chica- go ami «ponts bcapeimi the vinter vilb ber danghtor lira A. Barumi. EverycoeIbatlfa iteretei ta tbe Cbntoanmseutartigimemltanrequustedl te met et lIe huroh next Saturday . t. tarr,,cf Emporla Kan-a, fonnuriy of Ibis place vous humling :cé laMM vend ami va irg~ suescu avint blld alghty-tw rabbite ami tbtniy-tvo quslse. .aNgy bore svas. toubled i vAIthe Furniture, Undertaklng, Palots, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Etc., Go to ISAAC HEATH &SQ Libertyvllle, III=no F. BAIRSTOV Muufacturet c Marble à Mud of EVERY Having haîtyean.ezp the Weil Digging businegsa prepamed to do tbis workol notice. Write me for rat Libertye 1 Keyïtons Com Husker and hrddo... H usks corn and makes hay of the staika. HumrSlyPos The Sterling Snapper and Shredda1ý r. Brabley's X Rays Sulky Piows. Bradiey's and Dewre's Waiklng Plows. k.r BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCKS., Lumber ANS Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE. A. Rope, Twine. Etc. C.G..Schanck & SOu. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLI1Z4 McCLURE'%ýàs T MAUAZIî ~<>jge NetFM R TM E! COIM NNO V u« he y mbn. m* eaeu"essa. m»« or CHAS. A. DANA b .ai" m ed.g REMINISCENCE aausgea .dSOk ..N aZ ,or « la, Il Ee 4# ,~O astm d'O P lwm7M %" , ,,. 2 """ ",r" .s@.sZaèVG.r.1M- ri bd le be abo..m. M ý en ANM ..HO, a. îu 1 i oiIUYUKPI ru NEW ZENDA NOVEL utSe e. ,oola -&5 . u id 111 EDOISONS$ LATEST off'i. 1 b, f n r -a . i s ACHIEVEMENT zotsius.isenaà, m THE CUSTER - MASSACRE u~aso.ituM.aal lu bý.. m. o mme of s « W ~..0 or lu t »àma p* . 64 plono m. beoz&"» s MARK TWAIN Z'es. ~ZL'~. O m ~LADVENTR NANSEN 0 e.....>s...ILLUSTRLATHON 9 ..C . Ldaom, W. . lb.o Nmb. .51b. et.o»a " . .6mvm l iu... 11h *MW" i .p.. cap. iO Md.Ii.. à.. Nmur aa £ = Se"ro til o 10 Cents a Cegsy _____ $1. a Ver leThe SS &EcCLMURE col, *200 Eut 25th Street. Ne 1 it.