.curmd l bis as*frange lIaI lIe zmtme et ut>'prolege sud ut thl Mon voitel robbed is vas te ome--indeai, h. soueedt e have forgotta *Iailosunt te roblie,>'. ge 1brougîtl iaaliat' homo te Vere Cort, asti thon ta Londton, vhere 1 knew jYe utid ot' ber. "I houglit My> buahaasuth ie yacht un pur. Poise Ihat hoe mgît go ami>' anti leave me *~t lu mcc ouI t>' Plans. I knew litaIlhe cousit nul retst thet emplallon I offere. 1 kuev miae thal Ifliho remaitetin lau-eg laund ho moult vont lu knuw ail about MSdaline betoro holie lumweti>ou te mrrty her, "ge I bave laken my revenue. 1, PhiI. *ippu., Duelhedsaor Hazelwooti. ou titis youi wedding day, rev-aI t10lieu the finait tain on thbe nome et Arlelgit-uavail thet iret 4_ biot ou one' of tho noblesl escutcheoutu la the landi. Tou bsre marrieti net oui>- a lum'iîorn girl, but te daughter of s tehon -a flon's daughte id mias et ofprendi Beecîmoti u7r~~ Ho rendtthîle ieter mith s bnrolur fluait s~tsi"'f-JM nit forgtte-the ductlesai gave me un bis face, mbicb aflermarti grew mhite thia for Yeu; 1 mab t10 sure lu gîte Il te as mt the Poiler ut death; a reti mnla Y_-___ lrete son )meon ouîr Vedduug won beorehbiseyes.the Round of:tîrgaîg CHAP'rEl XVII. Mît' helti out a mhilte packet soes' s e- fast. Coni ilh bu truc--oh, uiercituu Icar- Tht' evenîful dît>-came-Lord ArWgcla ure'î, anisie tout Il montieringi-. lHe en, could t hIlbu rue? anti Mataiîu e remarried ti a u tariY tore off te outer colver, ani sair, iritten Tht'>' muat part. The girl be livet viit bour. on the' euvt'uonto sil tle pasaleuste lovt' of bisheurt, te * ".Net," Rai TorIlArigI. protidi'. "Ibal ".A wedtimg preomti renPhîlippa, taitr>-ung mite wirbu ieIt' orshipeti, muet *totre la ait>- neetfur cun-eamtit - l)ucb(ess of Hanelwooti, te Lord 'Arligli. go front hila, ant ibe muet set' ber nuomoue. aitould there bu? Itut . u arc, Lady Pet- Ta le reist alose un bia weddLng tis>." $ho muaI bu lis ite in name ouI>'. dr.Ifg aIt bae su own>' fieWnaMY ueu' Lookiug up, hoe aam ber--she mas at tbe relativey, 1lhave no m out fitni nupoau- ord CIAPTER XVIII, 0f ber endi of the gaihen-; lie salir thetoit,1 reltivs, ilal rivvywoud b fPusi LrdArleisI tareti aI tht' packel wo ieit lentir igote and the' ameepung tree- bie for uts; tlerefore île mrd bas flet ' beet esllgfentl s leirlcu lue ieti uIfe bad.gi sen lit, sud amandîtl(lit'saw tht' white Antime il ithteir grace- beenenlghteed e tuwhe 1 it agl atincendttht' siorstatlene inecribuil fuonouruth le golden bir, the radiant 'te elaitumyu darlilusafor te>- utm. o l "Il la a 8ange ýmarritae fur aitAr- eul:'A metditug preseuit frontu lbilitîpiî. fttcranti liegroitteti nioui; le sanuber legit,.,ulisru'etiLadyly'et'ra--"thlicofiltDu ofasutHazecimuto 0Lord Arleigb.l.iuoking ep St tht' picl oresn aisele peeseti et is - tîtI liluk Te resdu ln i n lis'veting de)-." lois y alung-tbe auncetral Aligîs of etIakinti, Isuitsure-s'. 1 jik on IViat coulti Il meaut? l'hillttpsaet finie* wai htleo-aonSe proul. If tley rouît AS iite otwat iRhtwmate ite. Ituloaltm-ait capciu'u-À lifo but hî'nt.'Tbis halve' sts>sun. teat' noble momen, ilat AIltht oumani atoi etiit Aftht mc- mt-d tb une Ortif tratIgtal. lit' woulîlicy have asaidteluthia Iughter et ding couslatcuInluthe cululîl îris-luît'If Ab'ihf cat'i15ge frtont fthehotel litee h -liurch -a h c iteler iltbis bontdu, a lsîraîta tire s filit? eariag cotaiingtw laiewoueYoug. iutlmottofru-Il ceeplinaî,vî'r flise us-h- Slite jauselfor a feir Minutes te lok talr, claruingas i apriugilmortullita. te tc Iud [lt i a t ffor. l'ciîunthe en- out itî er favorcie, LaIdyAlicia, snd lIeu ether oltier, ravi-r sud mof.rtisctle. vope coule a auset -cent, wiî-t h' e ie-ami' up le hlm iad] mooud betore bhln The Young giri,.as fair anti stetlies' duchu'fla 5hiut nard'. Il wtinoitfamilîlar iiiailthelereof ber dlicat' lovelines,, Soltit's ittur ebitntitrougli theto uancage luubuteafbiat forsit fe- iiiles il iicughtiniluthîe pritie ef ber daint>- beaut>-. $he viii, ber lue t' '.i' et sith tttaIih e rs. hec vviidld i efure hiet lii tottiihave uwalooking ai the gorgeous Tîlian near -ber face Ilishoti tli itunlautat rodesu'îea ius'l lie'r gasduttaut- Iiuîh . 'lbon lue lhilm. - remIrnterodetili'statgc uots: "Tii bu "Norman" abe sait, "île sun bas ttr, ;.Itmasa ps-aantspecac~tiisecîlerend alune." Wintcouilituttit-it? e Pdthuise rubla it)o Iopa etf bioot-l' tu, a-tioue ate t-îr lover as lie Tla lcl'le tnnnctistehlgtbtisket i amont terrible un the t' ie Ibrot. greeti ber, fhe liste tat sîtotte sin b is -uatifMu'a tttscti er bat as trenge picture! lW'at a trou. ertés, flic pride outbhamannen. asathotugli Maltilint', iii-dsrliiug," lie salti, sitkng lraI face!", h. Vuluplae br btor lIe ibute onu lunsuottoman, "You have takeut noui utteni>' mith outotretcheti armea iha ho urli l acesudrtief> fpuoiie otohaegrwe-tes. lYoti mouitilike nmie. Leavê e trelu on ber koces at hbis ite. talar su talc. Lati>- [te'rn' face soffeneti lemrataone for hait un huer. 1 mant 10 -'Ob, uty'tirling, irlat las hsppeuetil 10ed ndit ar mtItet asthîs ked M) e iIIire ." tin-Whainisthe' Matter?" o tiailer itarIlewTs' alls trup the id w iehait Dep li dun itîti he lad been ala>-feue hlm ouI> hall laoe.rl>' heore. se t Ptubnaai nhour, uct il Sfeeeti lma fges ince '[ho>' maikedti ontofth hciuîru-h tgtrefle elaspet ieh' rusrmetint bis Inck. lIai tient lic hltaclet ber )olive tht' gailer>'iîh SMatviraetht'>-atout] in the sanuligh tlii. ber hl unhaifn ae oven lie.anul tle caresà.a a mile on lihpa. tumnedtluber. surprisei as ranch as il tilightet in-otti Whal is il. my darlingi" eetieti 1 M drigm wt, h sk n a It' a dlblydmntrtv.again. "Dear Norman, >00 look as thongit ýb8aioted volet. "uts>-heaveut senti lt "WI tare you gnieg tu t Iuik titt tht' hadowr of detieîlbat passuutover jun. M e rgh sS1nhiý ov * ueNorman? WWl Il bu tf itet" 'NIaI La il?" 1-éan~Csd ticth logether! î1lira>-laverà Of boni tvise aititul1 hnonm inatproet@ieatdnteý 4âéýnuotiepeu-î,îî > u ii noe uven î,uc'dding tiaj, If net c ut m ite?." fie sksat eif on hi, brenst. chapet bler armesround Bie thon the e lanomelunîle sk>- shove ,'i" bis paie, cîangedtitfae as abct'lldnovez "m I allflot bu long." sai Mntalune. douebtor e. Th rori ýpolnetIl i" i , Y u ill infi lure," lie it'uurnêd i Soe tthIe ge -ladn at - h k Ionrnina. If lbail kutummîtiiiîotha 'This ls a favorute nunilout minue. 1éi sl ibm coulti lie dbah thelt' andutbriglit- le oult bave lîie Ttr bafiii'e-i'n't o ulles i t otii voi tuen." neas froni t ? IlIe,' m ouit lay bi 24cbI. LorulArligl. i. '1h ail hls lunsen>-, Thestick wusas tii'îtbit> usinde,' frot' jiuvti e lite elitoryaluh-oie al fi fel. TIen, a bi br, r, wuldhav ben radywliiu-h ieeusna a ningitilienit ii-m uritnla tlu-. l,tine voire. hie sait; , le fllog lilmit-uf fronft tle greni-uthàltîuipt- tIc fnntmuna te-.- îu. ft T'urkituioi-î *"Yituiiîut oirail. andu1i i-snot Ras> te te iin -ritt'Irm Is,.1 toràutseul t lluiuUgt'ahI"i, anuuit -utcit. huItItis ltter. Maîau-aie, sudt îl l masw Ibm i-tutu tou uf ittlue Arcîî'gîîs t l Ilua ug le Of"*iti:usut itîmut ýgoc,ipli i- yu i u i u .crta îi.' siiendtlier hiuit-ui nt.,e ni . uic - iit hu lrenaanâk -jt'ti su iii5 ith Ia nuiu> Tii bu i'fititii'd.3 afnetr f.1ailit, t.oiel ii um ng 'i-klai't. TeSuaul-iiugrua.falinug thuneiesnui-iuittttti. tuni~tiThe "uîthe' rulita, mniait- uim li'nr li' THE PREACI'ER'S SALARY. piepet dr ' lm- uimiii-ii.fr imnait uOp.itA M-1.gehaIal. Cutrcl ha 4t faale u1suit ~5 i- to '. te hut- ihi'un il Iiit ucit IllitI lu itwi- l r~i n uitýhtaie ..mtt fie OrL ordh Ari,-iJIm iiil,-utc and iiil t- ee-lîrne. nl ii-ai,,] -i-î [srI Atittl'a>-s LIVer>- M". lod ai fuliu ti lu e'ti u't'îtm Ii'lotitg. r'tI-ittolmi liil. lt eco eriIons mot fisc Uniiet Bride' uuulbriiiI-,ri hdlu uit, i--1-r>. inul tIi-ru île h.,ogituît t<ii--iîi*îi ii îg igaliîth'e oiest, ans' bitheai. ho )littîtsu jutri.u i r cr.ii h 1 (ii-tre 'n- ii li .!ti'li,-îîomli * what ttuiiit-liIi cit- sIsut î1ut v 'Aitiiiîu1troui ciîîfo-- isuu aîté-t ' re as-e onit- hi'ut>. îtîlt- 1 I---t i -ii- , i.-s ur tm-îtiine uslui-s l i'i i I- ht t l]ie îî'uau-uîur ouiglut lu v alas' theu'Iv.1 5t iiu ns 10i, i i tr b-uic' ima-. li uut't omi li ~ t-i d %îî i ut i il-iii lugingt 1 gi-tanul trage.;ief.re'tilmu-umi ..lntlàlt- ài i iiîg glit Iihit-ip iiitli-i --u.] îi-uiil . I 1 lin Iii i tuujuet ao s i.ing lirNeiu- -future. WI Ii i.is-Itu uu uil.e-~în e iluku-,I thlOIi'uier itîtdaut i lnî'r Phiuii liiiiulN R it t' 11, t-it- lt, u n itliii t ilaa ir TIe i'irciait i-i i li t iiîi-iiiil i iil'. 'l'h' lu-Ilur lu-gmit aifalisutît ttut pmo ,tn i uiîrt vas thot' i s uint, f-ruuî.nlm u- andp-ti-i t-uu1' i. ut It.i it% lw.' lla ie, "1 dey timtiuI lfi-tii-Iit'.,.faif.llaa - it i.ii \in tmi .- -uî Iîî-î a ilnet I.Is l.,i ilelu al s t'o *te -*1at'siiiuii die tîi' fi-ah th- ArIi'si. Viîti ssii ast ssI'i i.,, i i tu? 1Muaila tufleo *park, itiiî- sul~i OMAru-ei. 'Vos , my ni>- g-fig îî ,. 1 i 'Is lu the iii iîiîuîi'c uituu.lg. ihingli ti-y îut uil hieUf, t-,' s ir neu -ut.vsuîleaaus. i îulliiii.Isasîta foni o er 8. litnsu-alrut g i rect 10Iii ii-niait. jai-t',fi> tuîli t-îcti-iiu t i -tti us c1utmrsu iii t i olios-texert @lkn. thet'>uitiii'ilof nIlcuutht- îmîmain al- -Ii'utnttu une uuia i îio gef-inutints l.u'?'oiti ciii'. ht elowexe une ltns mak ui ituu ii-t.I s-Ont,,di ne- ti.o s îî10 ii-u-l.ý à aii ' Ailhlieacuftaise, of course,' saut "Nom 1II&uiiiruli uti ' Ii tis pfltt' e i i piuil wucîýnu timm a- îîi "'ii> lcll- ii'i ii- deu. " leihvenet,'r e iii ult. 'u ,s M- lolt . i - 'ilfulivuli- '-'hlu-eus-ouinegr"o icoutes, antdthey've a>' ife. >-,e. Ianfui- w l 0 i i-t-. u-t ci, lii, iii g OIfltlie Iil d flt - Ste zpkimi nil ' . Gint besh it' es h' us- ii> lve litil I iti-si thatt ciIIL 'Vis.autl1i ieu-on si-emnigît aWeili res ot îthiltii-liugt'osulits tiaail suIt'.. uîuîtaise frntu liq fiisita, n. luIutr ttiitdtiio payfr e. TIc>' mere tri-i..f uit u iih mtetu u m e u g no 1setiuls iI su lis tilt -'Te-it -u wlo uas liccoing lper- bave liei't iiipro ts-ili'Offlt'i Iiatyi> mbrliîu l haivrc iu -h. 1 lituesa tei,.utn .oitlIu1 n'i ui t>îucb tno » eirilu'ut.I -tftu cuu Ii' i' sulI taLnereutantit Ii-l ilIr-ii fui- h-r bSi. andtl I l I gtiiii it-i-ul su iîî'lrt' Il sioel t'eu ft'e tr.'s sut'ueo-teitiittliiIf il inin Iifut. $iie Ilu-tuits titdi ttiiibiiuii-hy 1 tlbrssu ItrohleIc: self. Lord .1riigh l iuuii,i i iOu iu' me othu'r parnIlt Eiimintiii. ilciiii--ti - si.luu ue.lieh --f. 0li1 Vîts sit i'ui - ' lii l bffl.. ath -n hsmtnuti', cii ttus ti-i- li - Iî: s ' i ri su-ot>- is alnt tit 1, * Il> darfiii . Il-.1iii- i i ti.uc-l, ws-bu i'ti rhi-r inuss o-'i im iillu i-. > lo n'i haeioi.uuua ouiw i The crieuai' topii ili iiiutu ranitueun- "'î îes uls- tî ni itcu i uîiîi t r eli- îu'i,i ig 9 yIlleh. Voli uont trance. lN'ishiiig iii shirt- Iùýtia >iiui tfi' tor>- trf er îîsn,'iif,-, ieu i-'guI iiiii; andliliY tut' inea icit uluss ou su-nt ait fatiiq-t anduteuli-itnfia c ni4- iitt, I..icI iAr- mronge. Ihumu .hu'ie -cOi-n i i t i -n-t i1. a 1uîî i ititrlit i-reti' t gu i toue>- for Ileigi bail nut itisl)ttututshim] t te 11f7itlt10 3-ou Il"ien letIt i- iel iliti s tnli l lî- i> .ii - h. , Sili. I lhave-t 10liii'.ant lIl ausia ge hoteu. -utlhiit titiont, :I Bej- ny tut>- to est-ii-mt il, iiitt ii- i o h :ska ji-it t itle ii--- t rylutte yen gel a _ *eud exlwicelsi ii.,au-i iIitl>- .lniit. iii' uit> ai.She hailiiuiî-i ti t il 9i, '.ii-l-k utnet>-sermton suwhile 1 ahi itere oeul aI oite fîîr t'e a .t'-î. - li. î i ler'litue l in th, i v 3 ui iii ta d i1- 'lo, t i jinu îuyIllte a nclub-i ant Iif I élatol>' dame., us(aii 'litiu Ilm' dititg Londion, bu-te, o itieriîu'c til i u tl, ui1iall tOut(01>O 0, - u, ikina tinuuuunotralei iuuîmttn-iuiluI , sc iv i-ngli lins irIs all Iii tie c bcautlfil. lii toI tu i îiigact'.U--y 'ii.ile as al i iulit i, clt-tnt. Nuis, l lu tatfalc? I l atnbaa- cm, Chitiii-ntiil." le Raidu. "I i h Iite l uu hiIu. Ik ube bi 0iii'uiufî- - i R ice yen ui un> swi ie. tadl.tA cleil.i.'nuueeacl etlei iî-iii tt i- - 'Tii- cu arpcii 10il sii it great tunau- T'h. stalel>- dame i-urtsjed iafititist tu tle aud hronisei 0 lui soiîi-ihite fui- lit-r luotus liiil, andIui î t -ut itadi s-it 10> juititd. htul.VT ou i su tîult-n utiis ule tii-s- î,i-un i. îuig te e lisit 1ikiuesu'ow «'elcome honme. mtut>- ll," sho Reid, ut.Nargtet hiornihai i 'ufiiuta >u. tIi- n rali o srntttetl detrenisllj. "If I hat buu ut that yuur o1. Voitmi kututus iinie.Ituu iubt ur ieiîi1 eilt 005 i ft xPýti 1s uttl haie matie 1* hýIuâ!ttu lavsina u-oiti-ll tarmuhlito île, peuplle sun t-lu ltuenu t .Iatyuhip t'lit 'eIlt M> nI. lic4 biitur cuitmuuandtîtil oueu, utntîI hi-lt Il hjsr efilîl icelnnl ii.' li t i l eufon hIeintit' th juuii- andi a, Noîlhina cutitlu I-(,bt'Iic-yseu I-ire t-y- îe int tif tisaIt isut isas ulattItie,1111U.up for a si-teh anti sas ri-ca ti> 1start eyWtng lunsîîinttue ortur," respmtuîse eiu uînta t iietitiiresilutsInleounte sucoutil usi-ch. henuone of Iarti .Arlt'lgh. kbnlud. Upol i tlPiuig hiielftt a luiscton it il ou>- utmeni cantie tu teebelieltht' ittu S "Bis lorstiîu su-ot' Iote fll me tbhart'i To make Mu t>- tun-hort, le suas cnuitu. log meuueti outte' he I sias ra- "kathle ouasi lueIbe sterafn u zMut eli," I 1alter lavitte lîroieunitthe' bouse,ilng ut>, îîl'y -- Mrs. Chalterttîn; "huni heouis' nottfell pickt'tniup a laîrge paucci or pste sîtl " i<o- u' e otg u )n-rt ntel Tht'>'are fuletiitinomm. , uly >-ilhedis hàpockefs usiîh nomue uofUt- mt su-uil'ri- aI îingtneacy. o - as.brigt tînt cerful. Thc;- look valuabie jeweis. Thene msiemo'bl1î fui)ýr " i'1 sald' iiutiî I. or te bhotfiful biceccâin te parti, Il but tu Prosecufe Moit. andlbls setencet "'hfrlteIuru.ibIrfle whilalithcpliat' taties ils nme.(of wua, unter tfl ircunistine", làfetteute tualluoh -You mi l ave su-atlmisc8îet Lady lu-ar>-. ising t't ee uînia' lenuisi anvîtli' e. t,'lie Raidllflue 111 t PI uieîln g's auitie." "A*ýttentvant Isient te aue hl iiisîe Mat- lunes', *I uSIa l lt'd i tîtit anulgo home. *sah spokie Mcs. Chiatterton ftes- ganet, suit round lber in dtespeate uireuins. ou've bitIllte si-illantîy lichaealcool>' lte deuir, selLady Aloigh soir the atances; jet &she lad otte orinaret lli en thotl'Il bave lui sol itte 0111Y pnIn of maglifleent courusait elhiaIever li'- ouae-a bateiî'uh ycutîg girl, ber dhuaI- 1 mutîles -'e goIanul a yohe of yearlle' las ler lit-a hodoir aIl biue , stler. so fait et face fIat selledazuie Iltle. (,ali te 10jay >- u-hai Iusuî'yoe ai- -,white lace, s sParlous al'e ...nan-Tlie muaient Iaw ber I îloughî 5ft>ooncns-at , dgatil>- bung lîl Pnk sasine. aeinic estccription of your ilcal eyesile luendy.a'dIf >yen sta>- unosuer meek romn ual mas a niscrel ot elegmnue, bhy.acintheasdtbht it fglI. Forbitu I 1I11 havi- 10eire ut)theterfnriuanti put1 # mail lîbrar>'. ail filles' mill île a plani entecesi nu>-minI s-liait Ihave a chaliel ruuirtgnge ou tht' cil tuoman -t luxn>'. muat suceastuli>- cartiet ent, sud tht' clildren.' Lsad>'Atrlclgb hldchanget iber "I asIes' for tht' girls nome, aut mas *"0f (ourse." luioglelthe' prearlier, GOD AMID THE CORAL. DR. TAMAGEON THE SCULPTURE 0F THE DFEP. Pleklsg Up s Curai, If- Sa.4 .eFPets Like Crylng tint, "There la a God, eud 1 Adoraetua, i"-Cou.afort for Fi'athful Chrialian Workers. Ou-r Weekl>- Serios. This plcturs'sque dis-outrue of Dr. Tai- mage lenssbs bs-a cerâ antirt'adt'rs Ilirougal nionteti reiues cf Cointempla- tutuamIin la fil t fraciti-al gspel; texI. Job xxi ii., 18, "Nuo insliln sali bu matie of corai." Why do yjuisy tînt. lngiîletiramaI' lat? Wlten jon wanî-teîî set forth the suplerior value out urceligiton, juu togèiet aside the onyx, sihiel utied for msklug exujulile canneote, anti tht' aapphlre, sky bloe, anti topez ut riembie tprimui, antitht' ruit'otf frozen llond. antti ere jon a> that the ecfoi, ibicl Iola amiracle of chape. aud a transport of couortar ltIbse irlu bave stutieti Ilait nIsi-utly of mentiont la compison mith mur liol>' religion. 'Nu mention shahl bc'Matît' of curai." At Si. JtîhnahurY,1'I., inas usefitu built b>-tut' chief citizen, a. I esaoinel s ipeu-inît' on the afitlf, I inot ri-alizeti uvîsî s atîti> cf hoied <lîsieautiiuild suit las hlt tut the tenmple etofuse plut- tif -traI. Iduîfotuîî ssoudec ibat ErittHtcke'l, flie aneatsai- it, witie lu <'e>luit. si-asa senîrauieti mI ic ii'cuthte "lîu no tme ('itugilt-e dis-en, lati lrouglit ui) foîr bis inshicu'iiiiuu Iliat lie ltlmlf llntui ttitht' sesanti wuenI ciear uîdî'r thi- %,ave'n ai the risk et lia life, agol in n intanti agalî", Ihat le miglit kuosv miirt-f lthe cotai, tht' beau.voet silit-h hu' îin -stes conutoleven be guéeiu'h b>-thomtosu i hiiavt' ouly accru il above s'. ser, sud cfier thet'poli fs.mitwicl are is acuiptors sud ascibuits, bave diesi sudtIltheferghorie tif thtsaubînarlîte fiosiera bave expireil. Jobîîilumy test tIid nul ment u ti elîrecinie tis divine sculpture iuifler cotai recis alounir the ses- Na ont' eau affordti ludeprecinte Ilient .whrite places of thebecî,lie ut otder lotis tdirectioîn. île nevcr changes lis plans for tle ibuilding of the isaus anti shores, anti fer tîncountedti iousauda of yeare tht' cotai gardîns sut tht' curai casiesand the curai batîhements go ou sud up. The Aigerisu recta lu une lean (1873) lad ai wtîck amîdti he cufrai 311 vessels, alîl 3,151) aîlitra, s ielting lu pro- fit $W, (M00. But tht' ses-ular aud mocitil> value oethe cotalInis iothlitaas cuitilaret mil h tht' moral anti religious. as mheu, lu un> test. Jobi employa il in cosupsrisou. I do nul knos boisau>' ont' eau examine a carat tht'asr te l hîîmhnail mithout hethinking binseif otGoti Andtlmrsbpiug bimensd feelitng tle opposilt'eofthecgreat IniteI surgeon leturing 10 tht' metiesi stodeuts lu tht' tiaaecug roomup lon s bu- mai ey-î'which lee lt'li!i luis and. alias- ltg uts mondera of archtitecture 'anti adap- tation, sbrwetiden if(»< lafsbetiallait biloauapomerfuli>- lc crit'tiout 10 tht' ahi dents, "Glentlemen, there is a o li.bel I bafe hlm!" lcking up al coral. I fî'cl Elle crs-ing eut, "Tlicre ilas (oti, aud I adore hlm!" God end thb.Beautîfut. N.thlua su impresses me siillithe fact thalor (lotiloves tle beautîttl. 'The muist iî-ulifîîl cotail ut tht' uvurlil neyer confma 1human observ-ation. Mocrises ant i aîtsels he bangâailp for natiosta l loik aI; lbe moy xgn'itle'grams snl rotuntî Ile dî' ti-sta ipeari au t ot't i titi't-u tfoîunaîi folisaget>ilîpieani t- irtai aiglit. bat fi inuîanls ofruîlî's tif i-irai sîhuevi p1 tsi-ut i thîuk iilie im liîit i bu t u C e jw delicti. int Iitîaîgaileit-nesli' aitne i-sou aslk.'lThe mnit ,of i ui' ,,kt'Y s. iiyu'd on fi>th ifîtingers )ftifeilîu' , -,lie' iiily -at-s heun. 'The suis offlituaI wii ui' theIi butý. ioif ltaI criiirti lue alîtu'ie-n ui-C. lot îuig garuititrei Ibis worI idt)idtîlnzu tise batnitas race anl lltttul a gliîu heai- e'u ti ilîeuse tti i,. leileittiilg'u1'a am glaît hat lie lias pliîtcl ilese gar- deltaofutihe Icp toulpi-use lîioseIf. Jobl, iv li u îdenstî,îîîli l kbiîids utfîîrî'clus Bus, es-deinrimaaItti'e cut>aitdîlvaute cf lthe cuirai ire utîtii ua îîuîa neul mith or hl>ru-iigii ia it lie pi-bs aip tîtt coraline fîîiâi n dîulîîu sit igai 1Itad ilungail asidei' suthailliheîîtbcc beatiuful tisale las ever beard of aud cries ent in e-ttsy tif admiiraion fîir the sulinîr qitalitiac.f Outr reliiguion, "'Nu mention shahlie madie if i-trai.' Tabti my hlautîfnadtî u' isillwaik through tItis htsuer ofthelu'auen wh iii' 1showsi' 30 flit I e ecqîuiste ctiai nul mai-lb>- of lieîg conupareti ittiflie rucher jews'i cf sal'hristian tioul. The fical lhinmata atrii.es me lunluukisig li t i'c c la if s turîteti up lîbe t'îîtuîîs l, Itn au utb ud- ding afmi an ut :îl'ru -uitig if agea. lIo Peu> tîcia Ilîcre are neets lttiudnt'ds ut fîut dleep andt 1.4100 tutu--i loiff. W~hot uilt iluese reefs. the i-sliids? 'rhe tipl> ics, flie conuiliates ll. ThYmu-rt- ulot sîuu-lî orb. ers si ii lunil tuelicpratuitis am fi-Cru'titi-st' masutu, tht-se ceatures fif lieses. %W'huuîl gnill meutitin Suuitlittg tto 55ha1vamt1 agregîlion! W1h.C uaîli t' ite eagen Iui'ttes'iîilte tiue 55huit tii'etuaI reputrisj la il lthe fîîîîdalts utftti- islas a nd tht' tint esuI'n lthe ntaiieîoreutfon tfliCaîp-1 atout' cf a complleti-i% us m? Il puzzles aih flit ai jillts taluglu-ns fiînuughItou'.-maîîîY yaesalthe conallitîs sucre building tht' Sitndwsich suit Siuci,'fy islautuus oudtille !tlarnasatud Gilbeîrt gitips. Bat mort' aloîuly andîulatderful>- Occîimulative la grace lut the hi-art. Vo oitsumeîlmes gef tis-otrtgi'ihein"îe thet' ipltiilting bv île sufi des flot go ou motre napiîl>-.Why, oît liste ail clernit- lu bilild lu.Thlit1- fle satyàuces of lie are zoohyte huilli- ers, oeil liset' iiilie simililhayer on lisp1 of stiail laye'r and fuisiueil grief oit the toit cf fossillactigrief. (Inîte dîtea flot gui up raîitiiv iin -ounutI. lîtit, ileseîtic (huit, il got'stii,. T'lthtituiiand mnillion ag-nss'iih nef liish ob u. 'loU ilnuuter bu' ftilisel. Oit furt'vu-r t'h forevcc! Ot of h flca fen t 'rthiy diaqulettîde siili gral- utali> riselc Iectefs, liei- minIs, the econ flicuia. t the heuispuenu's uitgrandîetur asdtt giory. lieutt lk u os lîcti n Ibis lfre i-e un-li aI time tu buill. Btt u-at us-t- buîlîinlu Iislfr e ascenuparel milli o-aI ir esiail liilditnlule noeil:lite lean as stripet altelI ta Austrahia. Von teillnie ire do nu lantltu muet, nom, but try lis entd south eftlihe etItator, sud yont bd the favorite borne of the coral. Gouto the'bot- test part or the' Pacifie san sd yeîî i ut the inient specimens or.oral. <'oral ilan chilti of the Oire. But more wonderfoill de) the beaus aud fires of troule bring ot the jewele uf the' Chriatian sont. Those are neot the stalwa-t toto sho are asletîî on the' shadîti awnuît thoRe ivh, are pouudiug amid the firîtice". 1 do nof kooivf suy aflber way of getttn a thor- ough Chi.itisu character. 1 wiillshowt you a pletere. Ilere are na fîtihîr aud a mother 'Pl or 35 -eam of agi'. their faîlîil> arounti themi. It la Sabbath mîtrling. Tliey have prayers. Tbî'y hcnr the Chil drenus catechismi. Tliey lhave liray(rs t'i* ery day of the wieek. They are lit honi-. hie circurmitancea. But, after awhile tite wheel of fortune titre up sud the mai, gete bis M000. Now lie lins itrayers o Salibath an.d every day of the week, but hie ban tlropped the catéchite. The wheî'l of fortunte turne op again, andi he gels bis $M0.000. Non, he han prayers ou Sabsth morning alorie. The wbeel of fortune keeps tuniug up. andi be ban $200,000, sud now lie bas prayers oitiSsbbstb merui- lait wben be feela lîke il aud Ihere lan n compsny. The wheel oif fortune keeps on turaiiig up, aud lie hap hbis $300,000 sud no prayers at ai. Four lentf duvet lu s panture field inanetlota rare as faniily prsy- tr In the' bonse@ of people wbo bave more than $300.00. But now the aibeei of for- lune turruidown. snd the un tiluies $200- iXl0 otnt of the ")0,»0. Now onouSahbbth raornittg be latn a titeplotdier looking for a Bile lcunder the îld ilieu aitlilerg 0Oitheli hookesse. île ingoing tu have uirayers. lus affaire are moîîre aud mort comîîlicai- cd. andi after au hile crabgpies bis last dollar, Now lie bas pra> cr# every uticrit- ing andi be heure bis grandideldren the' eate'huitm. l'roiiperity took hm away froun (sd; utaivernity drove him hbick te God. Hot chinte tuoliae the cioral; bot anti alding trouble ti> utake the Jew'ls tif gracelii the' Roni. We ail liste trouble aud yet it doe a great desi for tie. Carst Specînsen.. Airgain, 1 take yoîtr band. and we walk on tliroigtgis garibertof the @Pa stîtilook %notrc particularly titan we did at the' beaîtty of the cotrai. <ne speuimeri of 00151lal calleti the' deuidroplila liccause il la lîke a Iree: sootbcr la callielithe' antrea liecause it la like a star; another ini callcd the brain corai beeanse il la lîke the cou- vouions of the' bumnas.brain. anoîber la caileti fan corsi hecuse itlal like the in- strument îvitb wbicb yenu cool >-ourself un a bot dey; suether speclmea la calledth ie orgau pipe coral hecause it resemblea the king of musical instrumnents. Ail the flowersand ail the abruha lu the' gardens of tbe land bave Ibeir cuirrespundencies lu Ibis garden of lte ses. Coraliumn! il la a nynonymé for heauty. Andi yet tbere la un besul>' lu tbe cural compareti with otîr religion. Il gives pbyaiognomic heauty. l dot', not change lte feattîres. Il due" nul gîve festures witb wblcb the pern was nftot rlglnally eadowed. but it sets behinti thet' entures (if lbediorneliet per- non a heaven tbat »bines clear Ibrougli. go Ibat oflen ou firat acqualittance yoen saiti of a mon. "lHin the' homelleat per- sou 1 ever aaw," ivben. after yoîi came to underatand i buansd bis nohilit>' of sîul abiqIsig lbrough bits coulitenance, yuRaidi. *'He'is the loveliettpersun 1 ever 55w." No one ever boad a bonîiy <'hristian molli e. Whateer the worid nîay bave tbuught of lier. Ihere were two o ho tbouglit wel yutîr father. itho lad adutireti lier for tifty yt'nrs. andi jou, uver wlîom site lent iiligo many tenîder miniatraîlons. Witei yen îbink ofthe angeia uf <loti utîd îîiîr mother among them,. site outshines ltent ail. Oh. thal otîr 3 otting îiéec titttun-i di-ratandth lat lucre ln notbing lthaI au motj-h be-nitliltniesthe humait iUUtitetttinci as the' religioîn of Jesua ('britg. Ih maien i'verylliiig beatiful. Trouible beitifîi. >tickttems beantiful. l)imaiîîaîiul ment beau- liful. Ev errîllcu hetîttifol. Work that Endures. The duiraiity offlichersîn 'xwork ienulo nt ailtte)lie cotelared i vlitli th irstiility of otîr work for God. The (,oralinl goiîîg lu crombie lu île tires uf thte lent dîy, ut onr work for (iot i '.iII endure furever. No more diseotîraged matn Cicr lived tbaîî B3eethovenî. the great mutstical cGmposer Utîmercifully criticied by brother artiste and bis mueicsometites cejectei. lDenf for tu-enty-ive years, anti forocti on bis way lu Vienca tb eg food and ludging at a very plain bouse hY the' reatialte. lu the eveeing the faÙiY Opited a musical instrument anti piayed and sag wilb grett îtîhusisut.and ont'of lte aumbers they rentiereti was goemotionai that tsars cat down their checks 'w.hile lhey sang sud playeti. Beethoveu, siîtinglunthe roui. 100deaf to lîcar the'siugîng, iras curions lu know ithat ivas lte muîsic that ait everpoireret tem. aud wheu the>' got through be reaclict iiup sud took the' folio iu bis baud anti fouîîd il iras hie owit mît- sie-Beelboven'a "Symphbony lu A"-and liecrrlel out, '1 sirote thaîr' The bouse- botlelt suad atoodi abasheti to lintît at their pour lookitt guaeat ras lte great comiposer. But bc eer left that bouse alie. A fever aeized bite that nlgbl, anti no relief could ble afferdeti. sud ln a feir tsyg hi' dietl. But Jutt efure ezpiring lie louk tht' baud cf bis, nejîlici. rbo badl hi-ciiKeul for aud bildarriveti. saying, "Afler ail., Hummnel, I muet bave liati soute talett." Peur lBeethoven! lis work Btîli lises, aud lit the ieneutt cen- tury tu-ll lie hetter appreciate thoitn Itlras lit lte nineteent. sud as long ns titere la out cacth an orchestra 10 play or an ors- tîrlo to slug. Bftthovcn'a itiiie symplio- tues wili be the enchantaientî ufnatiotîs. But you are nt a composer, sud >-ot aay that there la itothing remarkalile abut you---oly a mother trylita to reni your family for ttat'fuluess and lieavi-i. Yct the' saut nit 'tsbieh Yoi, Ring Yiiît cblld to sleep wiii utever cesse il@ mission. Y'eu wili grow oltiaitîie. Titat son will paso out loto lte sorld. The auna mlth tvblc yuîsang bhiitu0 sleeplst niglît mli go mIl hlhm ile lie lives, a cou- scionîs or icouscious restrat sud lus<îlr- alloît here and maY hlîti en 10 huîn tle gitte of a glloustt sud triomphant bere- aftî'c. The lullabies of this century wiii Ring tbrotigb ail the cenuies. The huin- bleut gound accotoplimled Inlu ime will lamt tbrougli eterîîlty. i soutetimien gel dis- coîîragt'ti as 1 suppose yudu. aI tbe vast- nesuf the work aud SI bow lutle we are doing. Little thinga decitie great thîngs. Ail that tremendous career ot the lest Napolcon banging on the hlanîl of a brui's inu io, ou une cf our Amen-can rail- eit te ber mothe,sud te woA mas eue. recteti. lt as Imperfect anti badtl te h ail taken out again. Bt diri tht' mober (-bie the chîlîl. Oh, no. lSbe aid,-'hue Y wuted te help tue, sud site ldiiam iiil an tshi' coîtît." Andîlmo0thlic mtheîtrllesi t c ht'ehlî, seil white she bcteithe child 1) she thouglit of lierneif sud a.i:'lerhala eil oea> be so lit tyirlîcîr uiri. il tbe t ast. <lod illi 1,k at it. iliay 4teicr7 1,iniierfect. snd 1I boomil la sec>- crîsketl. v lie tua>-havi' lu nke iltîli out. But lie Ftkitoia t a1 I ot ltii sent' lite, sud lie ykituwS it la thest' at a1I -sut do." Se lmei-oînfurtetl lu yoî Ch('ristanuw ,rk.l"ive t hoiiiactlmii oitcorsales made île iC c- *rallîttît. Anti then the>- pasitel aîîay sud otuller millioun-came, sud the ivîrk iiiwn. i d erfîti. But on te day irben tht- monlda * ceiemptieu shaih be tonnutumatti. tîlnd te naines of ail the' millions tif ,I'lristiatts t wbo lu ail the ages bave toiied on Ibis I strucisire shall be rend, the stock iili ap- p Iear no grand sud the' nchievemetil m. -Io- rionts andtihte dursiity su eî'rlastîng taIt "nu meution shah lie ode cf curai.". * Neglect-8oclety,Ilelils arrogance, *selialnes sud luxury, loues siglit of the tact titat flite tailure cfnltions and ail formas of civilisation have foliowed liccause nations, aociely andi cIvilIsa- lion bave negîlet (;od'a iawa ant i io- lâttai tht' riglits of men. 11ev. Faîber Iiucey, Caîtîolie, New York City. r we- e'lea t'teny ourelves, Icake sorne' sacrifice, we canant gel the spirit of trot' love. Thougli sie msy b aie tht' mont elegant trasir the mont cloquent preacher. tht' very filuct anti mont beautîtul churches and have nol love, ail our efforts are thrown awaýy.- lt.ev. J. K. Smith, Presbylerlan, Louis- suIt'e. Ky. A Gre'stl'orcreln the' Woriî.-Charac- ter la8Ilie grealest forc'e le tht' world. Iloint' gay iione>- la tht' grealeat force, toue say itraitîti.nome gay love. but ibuacter la tht' grealest force because it la tht' force wvîtcli îe'lermines tht' dl- rcs-ion lu wbieh money, brains anti love abalilibe naet.-Reys. J. Dunlop, 1'ebtrsBoston. Mass. Patient Trial-Tht' large sont, the gtrul>' fret' mati la, afler &II, ho irbo bas been sttbdued b>' patience. Escit anti ever>' victocy broadeus the mental vie- ion andi stde1 lte emoral atature so that tht' proficlents la Ibis acheoulgo forth lu becomne lte oatera of tle cir- îles oft heir activity. 11ev. Davidi llthllppaou. Hlebrew, Cincinnati, Ohio. Followers of God.-The religion ni Jeans Christ bas Ibret' Maîde of tuliow- ers to-day. (1) Tht' rashi foliowers. os thoute irb do flot eront the cent or sac ciflie; (2) the' tllatMryfollowers, et tbose irbo are aliraya lookiug back. warti; (3) tht' tender heecteti toliowers% ithons iro wmut their loveil ones to t rigbt anti be Christians. toor.-Rev. A. R1. Caudiry, Disciple, Council Bluffs, Iowsa. Tht'Awakenet Clturch.-Tht' churdli abouiti awake ta iIts gliest posailltiei lu lîarmouy with tlic humant' sud pro- gt'î-utive spirit of -tht'sgt'. Tht' frienti- ]y 'lasltor wvho goea te tht'hornes of tht' itoor presu-hea a gospel of divine elm- pllclîy sud sutblimer eloquence thou i-an be ultereti by miusiclan or onator seneuth the gorgeons temple tiome.- ltev. J. P. Brumihgam, Methodist. Chica'go, lii. Uelcei'saligiî.-Tbe neir creeti of the' t il-et-flstt (urcli entbracea tire pria. tipîc lise tiniversal fatherbooti of Go<l. the alîlrituisl auttority anud leoti- t'rshlp ut bis son, Jeas Christ; tht' trustworthiness of te Bible as contain- Ing a revelation from God; tht' certain- ty of relnlbutlte for in andi tht' fiuai itarmony ot al moula wlth G(oti. Ieu'. C. H. Eatun, Unis-ersailat, New -York Tht' Narrow Way.-Tht' aaying et Jeslus, *"Nnrroir lm tht' way," 1s nul ap- plicattie alune te eternal lite, but mido- ly beart upon ail buman relations, for tht' way la narroir and straigly> betigeti that leatis te business suceons. 10 permanent political faxa. tu genuin. anti lasliutgsatisfaction 111h lit, gondi tiega of tht'e li, lea green andt ran- 1101 iti sdgt', as mcli as elerna.l lite.-i 11ev. Frank Crans. Methodiet, Chicago.i Opllmlae.-Whlle Ihece la muet wlekedness on tht'e ertit, jet the woniti In steatilly growing hetter. The power of moralliy. temperance. religion sud faltb la msking focrigitteouanosaili over tht' moriti. Jeans Christ la te ho iictorions over Satan andi cvii. sud la 10 descend le giory anti have po-wer oî'er ail tht' nations ut tht' earth, andi establiali a klngdoin ut righteousnpom, iieéc nsd klndnes.-ltev. P. C. Cur- nick, Methoduat, Cincinnati, Ohio. liuman Nature.-Huîosn nature la noble ln Ils origin. Yon are a spark ut flod.- Tht' alerta of Edien loftIhum«g nature le about tht' shape a cyeloné teaveis a Western village; yet lu the detîrîs here aud there, lu theo marvela of mans Intllect, le bis longing aflor Inîmortallty, le bis conscIencel. lu bis hope IbsIatarts anti atruggles andi trembles nway Op 10 (loti. behold a s gliiemer of that Image dIlviue.-Rev. m. E. Young, ltresbyterlan, Newark, N. J. Omtnipotent love-Love la tht' great. cst conqueoring force lu tht' unhver"e. Ilce la a uittle buudle ut flesh and< blond 1ha1 caneot falk or' waik. but It~ atretches out Ils tluy hsntils, andtihie ttrongesî inu le helti a wIlîng vitîlou by tlint ialîken toucli. We are ver> fvt.. Ie and Ignorant, il inay bu. but ishen4 we tretrit out our banda tu Goti le lin tuken captive by us. Love la omnipo- tent, sud eves Omnipotenceo himaell surrendera te it.-Rev. C. W. Guiiel'le, Balutiat, Cincinnati, Ohio. TuE 81DAYý ý INTERESTINO AND NT U LESSON. genectionseofua levatine*sg âtudyins thsecileuptural L.sb»ý telllgently saud Pr lai»j. r Leeaun for Jans.'$ COMlTlI-n ex,. 'Titis au>hi os lu n ut1ot u amweli plenned."-ttlb 1 àIi-ait4 anti Joitith îe sabjetro tle leutuon th!% mcek. and theIbo la* tîîîîîd lu Malt. 3: 7-17. In orîter tli nudoratanti th 5île immense sensation tat Jh~ lta Kcatiseit mong alcasslrW itîdea. si-e mustrmehrtht4 ivere b> natutre a Deople given te, S teret in lhinça religions; tru71ek, _ t-hietI7 tle outer forme rs ut ioSs,>1 hevcrthcieaa an>' man irbo came pue* ing a neir dortrine, or a anew foiS t lti dottrins', waa pretty likel>' t« 1tîtecl siider besring than ho wguM., 1to-day. lThen, again, lteides ut l tomu of hesten mas b>' no meanc a5 Wý Pcm one.t',foigli John pre«Ceit 14l Dleutanti sîarîîîng fashion. l'h. 3. louiketi for a lime mbett the à(" shl eorne luestabllsh bis klauM thcou- off the cule of Rlome, anti bb lt'" loug eppressietipeuple pesnesud V periîy. go that irben John bossU presu-li that the' kingdom wmast ads d vromrdtu loekedti lu ear hlm;ad ltaio tle Prt'pnratiot hat be tienîamtiod spiritual rallier Ibsu s political uU.l curioslty sud ln ma ny cases à tins " est bll fbem. But wiren lte Pitast anti Sittducees came, be muche te Ill witb terrible siecuoess. .John u »M5 Persuasiv'e Preacher. He titinetlot"t lii n'in these religions lnonopoilsts, but l tt'm maut irlat (lotithougbt out 115ý lic couceiveti Il.i Tht' time ofet t emêtila nt baud. Johin menant bîugli perbap. oeves le 1flot fulI>' underalensi >. mautbaL Christ Inu bisaperfection nfeenil -II te those men snd th"r eouDUrymb. 1» b>' their own acceptant'. ur rejectbo,, hlm moult pas. jutigmont Upeta lb Iselc.Tht' haptisutmit vat w John atministered wass"Us$0 togi suce"neut ln lteseune tatIIL blia $t Peatance; for h vas but àa *b reetance airead>'bottin. And vue îîever forget whât readera et the versions are su likel>' lu everlo*, U rpentance means nuDt upi>'so.1W min but amendaientout lite, ch»et l anti viii. lTe baptlam of Jeans b>' John bansMo' dfleuit thinga about l. Monnelta le vangeeted ltaI mill remure part < diffielei>. lu thse iraI pace, " 5wmai a baptiam of sorum for aMe; vitit w Jeue oulti bave nu part. ltvo@M Sbu mockery for hlm, the ous perfeb«V's being, lua ubutte10an ortinatice u't* a menulng. But lthe baptisaisy=n tht' "change of mind" the metaonisý Ub Juhn preacheti as lte preUluM ery tg ronditg ef the kingdom. What ZJ"% à mandeti ut Ihose irbo came tlubhlmwuvl the' »me in eacb cuit', les lte #ge pie was the saune; or eseb-,met d clasof men, ho demande I a O spiritual change. s lesvlng et t. e laklug ou of tht' neir. Toelts wemeldl- lie commanted Zgeeromity'; tt telE err.commerciaFJlàbnel> te lbo. liera. an ahandoument of vielessela ottetileuce lu ortiers. (Sec Uleke 3«.1 i*'i Thle comun telmet'O .vitbtthfe muaIt' eput off andtihlbj" Uput ' make resti>'foc tht' new klngdcà 1 te such s messasge Jeans hissait, we ceverenti>' nay, couit iltd s klphty; dit'ne. Ht'ha i n ala l atlSW. bc lîsîlbehinti hlm tirty y..uset life. wiltb Its simple pesucres, 1l.ie ut metditlton. lilseiaterrnpted eU ion milth t'ePatter ; noVwrsate great change, s pluage tatea f o surhing, exhsustlng ite, a litse ri aç iy auj liniure, viitt su ,vep«q Wright ut responulifty, s a w~ au@ burden utfltedain sd tor** felionamen. Was il nul mit a that the' cousecrsllon ut hissh hem anti treinendous taI4 weI involveti tht' mcl strmmensarct eç upon bis part, sbonidti tk. e telu baptise "unie the baffl et MIu4&, the nem kingitoun "*Tofailli l righleui-s. t li ileu lu attempt tae «piais 1 an explanalion jon Monitrend rspit>'of Jeans. ais vreei 11* aillun. Te tfaili ate mkt fBd rosI, 1e make cumploe goodtieansd ceauaopbeeglu By bis obetiieuta th ie sb e ils self -couseeratll e aft.gîtý redeomina men. Jes tua e sud resurrection tend.eai. oe.M goodnu for ail mon. Tieat wnu te bu thé Way b>'wle e ne>' vpp luguodnese 44t T6,sitalushow ltes*the tem lovacti t; lu b. 110 boula ur meu uIt a ue au ergy thal sitould bur cd live,fit for lte ý nq Ibisl>'W <let due Irvileme Jeans eten lu i ut bis mauhood b'the bapllua. settingfot b. th11 hati ripenoil la bis ouplit, gis its fnllhasent For many claesn.@aMlgees1h conactommstor utJeiua sîà oui ut place. Tht'e i enougi for a ver>' tIl Itg ut John, tlb. lute" the etel er anlag leU»b gatiduces. lte slto< strange tel lte rMg peritapa ite- é4Ie tbough u of ht me cno >ê Silence; lte I n wi*lt un aLil the meeIet and the new; laneees Nativil> lhe central peint et tory. Nect Loason-"JoansTes 4 Meiapcltiton saMI& 2é pleit>' drivesuni te W. >v tirive4bt aus' rele Well andtrufly àdatai. pepil>' shall drivt.bi%