Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Jan 1898, p. 2

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ti5lel"ëe, saie sd t leai, "se one piter respect tban I baie foi the I'et . eal nd d ite; 1 mess urto iti ta n ad confidncellier.c be be hleen Isyn goe frr ocer il daui-on<e sta mn- tu teme. If sut ut theic cgib- ht 0tel-,about Mli, Ii-ou l elIl. Boanty tarIlue, leo tcOnsmder Sert tle ..y idie curiitY lu viii 1 "t t tegay t lu . I tiougit yeu mt happlît arried ,sty deer; Uni ~'htter dtattpa'ifttilt te nie te Sund h il laotthle cite." 'caste n re-a'1front Lady Ar- b er bands mine ieid bture ber au ost atrait, ticirir it iloi-e & ks yuu tie questien," Margaret ZaL ..but, Madîhîne, viii youitel 6fll "ou do DtIlire wiîi yeur ins- moiat, iolci," awantie brief ccPly. V t-oh llr1 ne, dcii! la il anY tanit âns? Mavc yen dsplcacet hlm?' (te tbrouai no fi it etfsmine, motier. ase hinieitf." Citroust yunif is"îe Hic lie [lytiisg te diaplease yen?' ta. ae saswrd isti.mliSiaie 'be ha n ot-lodecti, be could 1j8e hum se." MMÉ, If yen bave net dsplensed eci â1, amid really loi-c ractiotie., vby Pm -artrd la Iis arasSe tasitin? mhi ent, Matiline. liai Yeu are lus m »y.mte." W n igit, mutoer-ani I sasl or*any more; but de nt sai me ta e1tei ye. Tic sceret ssthu,i ievf vIlwit dailmr tUimelier," sic muver. ei Yeu kaov, my imliag, tel il ew, a erlt yr rm îIviblrautatiUt vas My ova chili-I loveti ler mo, air!" andtie cpoor Ivoman'sn"tee as rmokeit ,ua soit.. ".Ail tichenrd vas bard and crucl and coli te me-tilte h sner Ws*; ail tiearoihi disappoîsteti se-tic eblti meridt. My liest antisauticlans te ber.liai tien. mi. vien sic vas aile ta cen about a pretty, gracetai, loina chili, ticei-tri loy ot my beart anti nsn- shine et 'my lite tic doctor dicti, asti i was lctt ajone ý-tti ber." $ic pansai ft omee w minutes, lier wiole trome aalaie iti aube. Tic esnl, liendlug deva, apoke kintily ta ber. "I sut qulle mure." bc ganij tit"at If youen ci-d it lias cen tirongi loi-c tor my chili. Teilnie ail-bave no er." "I was blicthebouse, air," sic conlined. "w'v he cpoor iorr ai cai-rieti hume deid-iu hicsltting roon, i tti ny-vlti littie Msdlnc--aud vien 1 soir tic con' fution liai foUeveti upos bis demI I1 thouait o et ic'apera in tie ceken box, anti. iitietl ying a word te any eue. 1 tuai it anti id Ilunder eiy aiawl." "But tell me," said tie cari, Miltly, "wiy id yen de liaI?" "L ea icriuiremember nov," sbc re-> plied-ý"Ilaigomelong gmine. 1I lini My chîif motive aras drcii lent my darling sienli d l aicufront me. 1ihouait liaI If atimngers oppetheticbox sud fauni eut Wio aie iras, tbry wvulit taie ber ta raiti ame anti t cieultine-ci sec ber agsan, 1 ncv liait lie box helti ail lte papers Maatina te ber, sa 1tookI htielili- eiately." 'lTitn, et course," nild lie carl, 'yen inoar ber bJatory 7" ."o," she reptieti, quickly; "I bai-c sci- ci epee thticbox." "Neyer opeucd til!" bc exelaistet, won- deigly. "No, air-I bave never eu l oucieti It; It sa viapietilu tey olt chai-I jus sa i bretagbtit Ilaay." "But: vu bave yoet mner otwetlr be msbci, saitlvoînt. L "Battage, mir, I di snt mi teouo vho lhe ltta chili resl, as, lent, lu icoveiat lat. I sieuld discorer nmre- ;ltinga»ise hlii e wuht compel nie t ive ber ne." Lord Moantiesu looked tibai inluas- toliment. Mev vomanulike aie vasl rOiceneibr,"asd Mrgattlis- ti-ngti asd vesies. wmat hotter asti h i hte bands, but t10 iadiilinor, .what love uni Selfliieu did Md Ntterassumi ot nu ecotinuou bret c oninet reveal! 31Alghtventy linen a lord, "Admuiuy daugiter, yen aay, in living, ala me îa ist Is heart~i butmt yen wi.e la% aier' eruel fashioti. -1j iol tie yen to ber. ir," vas tic mointrole camne tu Mms.Dora- r"ply-"al oei- if yen .111 go." wieoold go te Beeclgnee an me "t -1 il fnt lose a minute," saidtich Latt.If hoa mccc uM Smiedsent escri, hasaity. "hlan imie. lMr@. Dore- tai trmWinislon HQom, 1h vend bu. liai you kmcvmy anime, anti uy aller-sic mwoulti bave taI bleu tic dzngitera alto. 1Iam ntic BariletMount- ý antheictrutitliIt ellihal tutell! deltaanti sieoîslatiy Madaitte Charle. iotat ttlicsepraiens » ovlWy ooti" muoly itilin hils vite. CHAPTER XXV. CHAPTER XXIV. on hbenlg tuis Mrgaret Dornnim ntrt Denuhsm mcne D $oce outil vus more frigiienedtholiat cir. Sic rase picarrieciout ber lIntention., One frain ber kmacs andi stoand rfure uli. tosInentai eme excuse to bevr -I bave dose arosa, nilord," e St fei Wjatos Hanse, ssat «Idat. -"I be ut yen te prdosne-lt van , r ezpeditiodi, streng witi te loi-e ail, as1h hougit, for tli estca. go tie a»the icvekest itert brave. Sbe<'ld vient I loveti aid cieniigetiwoara 1,tic greier part et tic distance, grandi lady atter ail?~" 9Ms disonalmmetitiecrmage, ceslvbn 'Do oit Ici ut loac a men&tnt" hl i d à& terestaindter et tic vay-o' -ic "Iercla niy dougiteir?" orl'the Ptc ervants ta kiaov mhitici "Bic lives net tir frontier,lut ire -m gel«inthinva deliaittul moe- connut ea-tic disanace le too n est," cana, bruitîant, gamaiy. Tihetged- reiltMrar vet ui t witi rues. tiece iras Ia "WedeI, ireare near teaie bau n fLyn- of ret wly mow-sboa,. lie veut- tes-lt je not t-euty mntle'wlk; ire wsh as an sudaeel. vill go toiabotel andi ge ai carrage. I-I ~agret Doi-eiist vakedt trouah eau barti liutire tla;a suspense." the sit ell decl injte houait. Ticy icaciedthelicprincipal iotel et roion ti he isatte a <eai ioulaILynton, anti Lord Mounîdeco ci lied bue- beas er, . doubi liai smade bar ily toi a carîaae. Nt a moment was bo and untear. Ticougi mnmulong be î.t-time.pressai. ~ ha CilualeaMadaline--abe -"Yn kaotohle iras," ltcsoli] le Mer' ber luve aud tender cire otfgrct,,w"vii yoientitheidlievner?" lseencc tate inli ha 57 iedid sut Iini lu iisk here fiis ji. wovng aaitilngot ber totk- tiagter liveti, if aie. as narried oa 5lor positon, aie hald iattered i ajiale at eaie irai bing or a03thing itstt beieving tliaiho aie bl" plc- hic une îîongtî as tthatlie bai abest trtcud lut nbltbooti. Nov fournîi be, neyer te lose ber agîju. .e te ber i terrible deuil. WiatlHe st ailhiebicftce saddhy i band *todinluMidainea' during tic muole outhle drive. lbankiup *.lgber <vicoti'heves lii tic bhatl fottatd tiedaliue' *pe aart viii a lerrilied M. ,bigi rond bordered i ilaitreeg, ti- 'an- tramne tremble1t. Sic mai n rage drive mihitliaavenue of 'iîiît s as oeeWhro moul fojn yard off ie til tiuleven recognire te pctiarentue, fton, standing juil before bier, lok- quaintnid ow eer flotue aoit lie bai ai a vmou berwitiltomtu.ijdignaulniùi-ret ougreîîîy sete ltie tille lîtore. ~~~~~~h hm i taie i al l tuta- He nu a large nmansion.bati la irl -r oc- peit e r curcedt teim te ait it-ber tii-i lugh- 8sintes~bei sa ny aie neyeerIci as mitresasorusevnt; ti' Onul a-ijtoodi ooking ai pacialtier- kmcv tint tic carri-lge liai totîil. ,aud Indgnant, iauhitç, &aie tremlit lai a'ry aorl, ieaiî,nld tee hie chili ~ lhesei. coireti preatti rhe fe4udni tuecfila tl arge hbu ~iumie yen agai." ic @i, t gay mii floaere anI covre-clailhinla a abarai i-Oce. dus matina, anti uiirgureî îlot-am * sud, aie fr1l os berincas vras i eiblini lictore hioli. --My lord." e aid~, 'yooc îltiigbler i i he crieti. "wbcrc la n-Y 111, and Iuni atrajd ta lition a prove too muni tor iber. 'Tell to, i ii de billa50 noaver, but coiered ebol i le?' viti ici bands. lHe colete ie ua i'itl ethîîogiiî. Meri hili?' ic repeateti. "I "Do tou nanîn 1tecl me," tic îîke.- In teyo-vieic la aie?." "'tint %o ai-ts bien kîtit in c.mtîlî-r ig tiuopeucdia"ti mue f<tibte sortaiteortliter iisîony ailthlee" yen r-,' uSctb. coulti sot boer. "Site hus ao brn iîgit ai) in the- be-l la dMc r ? e demasitet. tiat &aie Jla n i hetiti, esaldt Margate wu'a iii ber? tFen -"cie tueva notiing el-e." sauver me!" be imîtioncti. "lt vs vîrbedl> unust-tic astI ntq'iasiei amthiiug tircrttt'ily uusa. et nie got.lerici *" ualib ut over lier. If ente"- nIlad Moualdesu lonI is Pale, tInuilnan d trigbteneîl. %fa isvtte.tergoîlen liai igaret bcd tie viy. Il seeniel u to teta ve vua itteln tat Ia tntbistiemil aleppeti beatlua, andiaa iii hav mn ing otlhie miel ira sepreiti betore hua eyes. liai Ih "h.v Mis knger asif se suiging ut a deep ama filletihilecens. 0C Hav tuI* ber. But ti beaven, confut 4t be tint atter ail thil 51.- vk e. utli ears lie won retlly going le nec Made mm St iw we met ptrent m lmn, cltli mtlstdnieVe ban,*ie mid; "andi yen sienha teunet tueitloukinaOUn à fu trily. lu tic usine et face traind lu golden lair, miii da yen. yul bhai-i yen cdoue bIne eefull ut passion. poetry and s ?" rmv, si-cet crininon lips, sensitive, ai JUM ebr." l&e abic * iclile, a face su lovely tuat Its pul r ad ?" asietiti eri, Smint-lke expresmiun almoslt rtgiten abtimm .bim. Me obain at tin a passion oet v g," tved tie meaplua der andi grief, of love unidieetging i& tien ie amya caofetfear graina Li esissi bis face revci- dre i iatthe,-e anarm âky. 1"Madah inte sali gSeniy; anda sr hI& ildenenliY. anti e fkd i ii udner; "Madalite," xIffl teth ice -man-"Llv- iaiieatai, Pl ."h-I--do nt kuov yen," tie repli, il be ( iii be 1lUmtie. tarPrisai. lf*W 1el d iiivieS. POT- Bic valyng,, vin i. enterai ~ht vasaclla to te tic unli 1 W" itel fullIun le mat . -te ber,lighbî up tht godasbau anti le p*moscale nch" mineface ati attliybeaty- Wl 414 *siPraat."I ho attcrcd h,, r mesn e etootiup, t» UWno M eber iuitoîbedU mie appear tii, »As vw» ii itlC,;tn ba cli retrait? t 451' cblunber alu FtIs.But i<' n etartle tien. uIsetr-be ai- i Nailie sid es Tacamw chm e ,'.., mis eade-'l rao mus o ..d*dot loat IlePnt Mm . »ecm ceUai. chpesng the ber caiulu iutba «.amd lady Arlett mâd tlhe cari a"" ja" al. cici ether. "T«eauetine Mahlt, it al 'at ym m -f to traoenc. Wht can roc have le sarr A niien thoeugit oc- Cereisite ho. "lau LiadArlelgi meut Ynte Mer Mie adt& "Lea dArt.Iir h.bu ,eteti lau irei -i -Ne, h. hm aufltgle do vita wiat 1 have telay MW. Mleva-7oudo nelook stiomg-UUi1IWin 1"11YOn vby I s- htnY it meri eaneite bin te sai why sicic ad umi LerdArItigi. Ht - ber alla. hall enicuNtihai t righttnei, upoues le nc. ami bc mlt doua by icir side. "Madulnt" .» cIMa. "ulli yeook at me, and -m tml tac. ittiagliakne dinu smtMu'fy t oI Tel hli estou- laIl am tat"et »kesCh a tiOt M ea yotressnethr, ânevheuyour baby- cycs rcsteil eneM for eti7 t feu Min- uter "I do cet jesaber Yom," atesaid, gentRy-ml have cmevc ees y a en ctre.' "My Pmoot ci" ha esturaci. lua steo-s me fnof etteicam aidpain titsic vas alartlci by14t,"Mlabard r' "YeTom emUsthtcesetleman I mued te see soncténes ltheticurirybore tilsi 1 uniy jan recher. *he usai se amuse n4 by ahswlnt m is watch and take me nt lmfor ivrt "No, I acFwrMW Yeu,, Madaline, as a chili-I tlljeu vise, Yen ver. tires or tour daskmi. I have acter accu yeu mince, altisita1i]my ave pni a fortune al- meunt.a evchtg ttryu.» Te. haver-scMuid, wonieringly. > Who, lissu. amnpoen? 'hitIla uSaI I vaut la tcll yn a uti- out mtrtàlag rue. Maiallnt-ear besi- ru, itousubunge Il mens te miter that ame agmaltTon have alvays leraie tiat gond veninWvio baslest quttted thecM e e ravier nether?" «es, atfbayn." s crepsteti, ncn- l'y. "And thst uretced m an. ticheeviet, yen have alwsys bellcneà 10 be your tath- cr" "Alvays" asic tepcatcd. I'WI Il inlaor itartle Yen vmr imcb te hear tiat ticy tm net even distantl reistdt. e --liaItiche ünta vaaatmo- ply chassa, asn u tattr-methcr beesuse shc bed jeu lisu hm. tvachili?" "I es", oumisvhI,"mite crleti, trern- bhlu liutty. "Wbo art yen vito tells -1 am lisbetMai iet Mouaidean," he. repuis. am.%84jsYen l llov ni e, 1 yUl tell yen tohat cise1 M.» 'l nems saflctiy. 1 asu ye father. XMt»&-and, the but partet My MIe bb ecs aPeutln 4Te be rosilci.> FINLANDIS LUOKY WOMAN. ans a camete Gl enouthe taca Pialo With Uce. 1 Ilt nasec me lmmemeiy ta bear and rend altit tis stuif &bout tic repub> lcai veUMm atht Mounicpal cauivea, rmsnakei ai atout voutan wih ia atrong- rminded volne. "Wb"a goûaimca - tici do? votes m'O ths lunés Liai tell an" tic aa't cent amy balleta. Talk about lte lierty titt e Âm.erlcai woanaeey Uil jopleame, Ieut I aay aboti' TW* s$and la a paratie for vont- Se, lndeedlr' "Tee ane qulte rigilt, dear lady,""tl. 1tantTpt te mil-mannered returned e taveler. "Âouea la ns place foi voxncn. Ton al Utght temoi-e teFln, lani. Piladla tiheoitiyparailse tel voen tiat l'tt ceste aci-en la ntj waittitrîtfflosn te tctet tilla oatt efor ltheeyur Por dovatretidenstei bas lis atrbta." "Do t@U!" ezelaimeti ittisn,lie apeclsoied Ney linjgsitistffa-agisi vWhowtt abcofethe Party. "Tes, ratjSns olag te teli," cealla lied tilt returseti traveier. "New lx Finiat éoas vite visi woh«t, oplace beri-el th(le ce.leplane as man soCIiliy. mbataMy. Puhitk-UYh îiofosgleeatll, or juil any oid way, al the Antericeatyemitgater perte h, dotà go .In noe ountTyoet hil IUIzeti ont are tic sexes me nearly taponu anequl i OOtIig asdttee." "11ev lias lthe experlimexit orkedT id engrty iedtheticatout v«nii. iC -Ilba» becs proetetan unqttaifiei "a ucee," thc Irai-cIcr answerui. " rfor one, do Mntt aiseviiitithemni wbo malti tier vere tire. kintis 0 - isl titis vori-juet plisaitea, bleu keybai liDen, andti mttltt. I' foundi iatlas sprcety goed Ihingg t *rely ouane a nY rate tiote regahe h-ing won's s"tua t i iand are Il Ly torfflati. For lover a quatter ot Mien1itury tie gy imsa ve ian -dmi tedtI toisexes te ail deparîtment, au tlst lim gil .tichenin...a go ehaitnee te gel ci-ca vitûthetimen piy; lcally. la tic Univeraity ot Hedlagn j, tors ttrearc ove.rIt) voeet a ay deit", ami tiere src tre luistlr la e'iubs et vomnit. About 1,000 voi are mepoyetisa teacliera Ilu clte of varions grades and It la o ne i ,tou iAlit te sec Younsgiromntes ln lng Young men et 18 or 20 yeozs Wv le aýre prepariué ter as ceademlJe or cet et xnh-elal course. Asotier (bonssuti i enîplorai lenpasofflee. raltroat t ý-totegraplt hureins. and otiter daim ai aiente ot publie servIce. i,'uIy 3,000 i la b"anctu anid oflte elgltty PIe r- lionnes la LiatI coCUmb, tty-tWo bd t ri womne apedatlsem"u As fer't -k titiesla l.'Iétudot ontetfthem the Oh irn by a Ma1CL AUlart mamaui. se vestes. ilton ycfl, Yeeuines Lda arc e u txtddM ihemt Ught te ery l te---n-" tir "Tiers nov," taule La lie vOl lai viti là* streng-mimiei vole.' UntedOn ~l~.1W~~u i Paite et Fobepan. Tht ettent et thes ve ithsrbs thie aunier et peisen te' whomtbOY gi-oemptmannt or e. ieamouat et food tiey cSalibm ste te voclil enpply, la mmonttbaof whlcitf*eopsle bats RAmY aiqu&te lMa,4 atbhieverubei tata ftaI oetasleimli.aht astw isuh et ue oncibal lb.quanllty oet 'oi stop, p91eW by tilt ocetu lt t tiose et Mau, mueit be esno s. too se sun example, are touilti luaci-ccy mud 'o lte Co stny. at one Ulie or anueer inntng tic yemr. Tie grocenu' sieli-es are alwaya piled bigi wti cana of Pre- aered lobte s arim stiaalmon anti ittai. wville ltestore tiat conît onot tamnimi a die ci umi or a effllted heu-ina its sot yet becs foundt. But tiae commsouplace tacto, wville tîgnîfi- eant am lmticnting tic oniversal une ot set tuodan au auxillary article et diet. are fat tram tornîablng aun adaquato lMeofthtic ctent laevilie the es anti Itu tilbulery ci-r% arc reileti os for a pterminent supply et foodi. As a tact. liialug la9o efthticgreal- est Industries ln lie wirîi. cniploying store alnitusing mre -mcansmnfd blilinla iir eturus lies stauy oti- tri about wblcb tiers la mach more tal. hn Great Brîtain. accoilog te the loi- eut &aalable satlatîca,34000 i-sade, inksEt»"caier.tamN"t Opala mm maemw tvmm a" BevMo aat tieUs0e IaN yt4 M» W" taholltm£1tt lis ht wu ift oSate»onele l noceut" IRgittut,«utlte U e etui cIrisous ta uap the umm t ui*0 clitàtefttt b etla ttlaf la thtess~ ftehe mi e « ue nahoca" *» fflWà abest ettet appeat ie tb'at eta tt U In weittee t. tee mly' t e tîn. It t te heilm le tniFat a e u 1ae tinout trouble. aur hal auM fla abouti!i o entaut taffecceates. ase- "dAitefei tie danger arbag tran cîpemuit, the o mvi01 kft mibefa exceeeiiy bard. Isulis <ai a" mii- ci deep-t eOberlsmisa t achoulet fiai llaloctisi, ail the ev hbas»e tede la to hait theIn boolta anti let lissait te lie bottoni of et. ma, vice iall pow c Ohi sud wtt eqtl. tu bavelbee ntth*l bw ste tef thi M ai8 tutw ami«mb e- tw the lub batutce otie t tw the eattie, ber oet Union1 Imo. held s tendm la dm1ir chiney MAULIO IN HEBENThNe _________________________teri of Am met~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~a a ponCeEiot 0 u~ îttto aoPiin uacdl adv tramlie cmantiIl a ua iupriang Tc he saket mlisetvale n titi~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cw 1iiaot o eiprata ae i igr oe m i hgl i artIle e ili. Tc ingllli cl 10 cm scatchmemeime bacmeaa p fn-t. p 1a0- ans ami naîta, e le.LaoihsdisaatIaT tat a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a« tatldctn iII s en retb leîa.n-in igfra off e sooter sa foti uaibe tunt on v- vIcimuaibe ept.ant ut ie bridge try rîtai tbleai tnoa evey mii. Igu et ai -rater il nnatmaltfertee 1ALNINA HBIGntilCeulta ic reso-n r cea havng _-oo mn e cSs, ereem-in lg eutnl et lie oand'atlng r ployd tuthe isbrles anddü-ig teîtla onethina d a pmlà,Tic lai-tous~ or fih, vlued i 1F5.00,000.Thcale at ai finirsbotthet le nof lhe hae zugieh e geatfth ntes. her IstholIt oflsprtIbisnlntamInohei nt iro th o« an itla ot urpisi cîTecUes2 soedwti, ibIs belug tic ase, I~ tha fh boud ori 0 ipotat nmarte oner as b elIanthali m-eu app aril -t itTe- ls et10et lscraboerim match ti a potlo d- o6,8 poune pe auurn o eab ihabian pafoiucr mliamnl fodaredis, u'ellTi a fac tudiatingthatin on tort ovrln by ita lieaxostul saliftrIadis-f<ot anothr "afoodmuetbe fund appeawgtc mas beie til aandn h i-o eneMI a" riishtale i jmot ver mal.sinofver tra bmnraD.mstma vefr rou Th auprinci all a ofar a rea rt-teneantir f eue. T e a r an l oee fr li te forerlu, o lc T iftely r tulaRide, t, f lordof aene yordthera ertiesB 290000ex-amlo t tandemlinitc teingairetanemof3,ou aod ntio nulie otor nv.a0u000toua, a to ta l idera u tic meni. ig lnsitîe.lie Tht and tha re au te tdctareunierahoudoclaus Suila maine.lieuia hIn îep aaTae Dortll ai Bi-t Cooketet ey ant Suhln i so proreasîa th lit of reently rode atile ldave iauT Utcdec me ani le eOStflabsa15 e oer laset lpya mi lt.eyels, ati Suer titre arai13,000shoentengathe in litelfor-,pur on tire tunthlswcters 2.000 toumit eti- non, vie Z500.4.a00.ent etbfiai, villcase.stfe toera soi coabl feiFrance ttawics lite i ofmthe Dnringa litaey the r a5ltice- 6,3cÏ paytler mimhcaptmraifo1e1,000,000Weville lies. vha ltarethetieir atmillieli di,-i-ote$ apper aolarge Osilng bMayseavem tieaney- foamittai bsfhsm humng lient.aentes pertlnieha ThtDoaifltaeila rebuta hséwaudei ides. i - ant lbsterfo t h o rtm.g-sl e r, T tn te- hisan eaimusi g ite so ws ie thea. iai yens qoth t Dutoi ba i n2,00 fi. ai- ul fandle m and te tie .tndem 3,79 sudnor theiteste t, villenu. totlar d ute w ld.înpau là he Tu s lre selto leypolarsaq <ri ttt. 'roud oro h i.hee Ig aiqimet- ew Te Fenliait 1,0u. a e teeutiOu are sDor ian ttt a easnd tfea d-1 creva a lit put- florlsa cet l ro 'atile ln ivme tinutles on etiaItal Dt pnsua in m i ke 810, 0 1 tons uatî di itrie malie.e TlI eWe a" ete nain. plae, iaierflêtS h ltla11. tse *8 In th deet wutanadtelem ni-e uteli n- by o a pmi-set et vi le pae.n, or dcii- leale the el', e elateetStan. Ne bOwipo s the"are.Oi D t lmetiag0 uelgathe o r- e Ttic te4i-rmll yaoku MenW tie et 3li 000a ton Tseof Bah. wil lie li hl, lt pt nea onthle citmwat fes7 M uet am t*0- Aye I R ie 15@aiend~te nl, b PlWrst lat ba 99,00OOOestena lu . tol7, trtitS. s es andi cnormex on t ake s toe e- t$end eema 111 r way cmoisean soufloat hil ebaTi --- -"Wh 'gme- t oi attntin Io M- OtiUttil - *10 dia« ook W,», -TheFrézel m W vouhlI,o*M5,= i ttt ottA5auh e e àamdises... tu dom*iseo SMl MaSIu dsets wlhb tA t h s Qt mte wtiTen.t.t.c sud iwtth el" tlt 0" bels ai eedtefr tt »puittU 11#11t1 esutxttag 10w Te»i .t.t.chi cie 9" IMM Ueuthetiu *0 tell eos tue ttap Whthe pem 04 ipteinq tilti5 ofti ta deetir th*titleb.TUt hosO hW Wb et mt4eithat the eupotto hmt IS nu et Maiet mu#wttttte qu isIer ugisatastrstàtté the st"wT'v 1et itumsmitnlml ttdismette ill et I l 1w u th b:e « h Th meitle t1 esh*semir *1. e intg etig w~ t tmc ettvlu det preri e Fi. the, riptr eattse. M111tem VUWt eiiii tseettoe uss mpuIsio e the amt *bd 40» duh te Ibn usosie t ubtat et the dlssse aon lIllmo4- St' Mm setinocetIto esport le d lWl pdatsslm" ektubtieutesit trle sW.k "àd il vetitIti i pUbi*e ktht Of " litember teste ei tr tt- hu ai ohswe' ri, le t p luttm 1;j tkAc thewueS Of ettuherlloStI. 1MI~ et th ust-e vst ilelssa hei 7.1 » etabee lx nth talttIl î F a %"0"O et a tutti qstre 9tlMInt ont soe eays. sbu he itLeglsltqe sVIII t a - lu tet~et suri legItit. ka Menton vStag. have done s. r*eft t lu t*6 shlmst et emttle witubn thet t INI4 es *Ultieu a ettffitt ioulietâtâtil hsoui tiatatutg u mlamosetlsn at I tis ltc 1, yis.cbie; lNational pieq erido. flaI k.Losia, tai Ual..oeil, ywtrdecriael. for the ppop. et tZ. eptls au <almie, badiy mhtmd ututet Mirce-là,or -lumpy Je-.»' inpt- it sas pha. iteu gretly tsmmeil * o-aemtieeet theChicage UAve A ries th ycsr thettal]Wright O09uMC d ttie laeP@rtd was 71%M ad à, et Wh" ithe D :net 1U weredU wtf ML52. total welght o edevicimed oîî61.2W p nd- etprre p ,lotx &-IULR ah" w the grestent Dam, - gmeetlnomaymeotc<ttI. came te the trsi stoek yards, Chicagotrm ow oa. %lhe t.1MOIS DAIRYMEN MEET. 0"u an te Pape" dmsu Dtte, mntkipar a d P ssdlau et C w .i s twcnty-lourti tannai messien.f et U du tate Dairyn asA uoelstioen s th et Bced Bad. 1Pheee uit a larre nth Lace of iclcgates and mes intenalci tW. eittiniy ani agrkculturai US- Vu !. A erdltI wceoffm as extend- gai the wiciters by Mayor N. 01. Zie- yol The respense vas made by U Y. A o f fl lcvU le. P ol essInonswere maie interestini i ,je Idress of Preient (Jeouge H. (jLis, *i Debtîti, and paper entltid 'The te abbe Cou," by lrot. Y. C. Curtis Mes, Iowa; *"Mev to Maie Butter h Cnts per Pound." by A. G1. Jadd of tt n, sud *"Wintcr Feedina eorDalry la tuouticruInol, by L. A. Rpies -1 tJtcob, 111. en re won a prnitklcltest et butter in, Lgon thentase by r. . A. Ptb- Tt ge ot St. LouIs, sud a talk on thec h emiiesi Test ofthe Acidity of Creai," Irot. Weeins etIowa. P pu Chiemms BipmneDecraaed. e cages. guat-bound shipinents oet*1e c4fleur and provIsions for 1M 7 .hw r cresue of 187.te tous, or moretitan 5 lPa eent, comparci witi ticesitlpmenta [M. The aggregate fiures for 1MW7ta 2,50»24 tat a"ofetr lm02,78,7m .But ter tie taet tbmt provision& m mord 82,M5 tons. the mio-be wooid ebecs worme. Thc deremattil hip- t ,t are attrbuted ta ticecompetitle New Oricsasand the South la the Ti , expert business and et tc e o limsM: Canadien ParmSe la thefleur busimcss ai li Nortiwcst- Thte total uhipucats yc train for 1lm were 10848tenus,&l lent 1111,463tonsloir 119C, a tLlUiog of 205,0 0 toua. Flour ship mte fo r Ple 1wcre 388MU 1tons. ugainst 3M4,80 g l 1890,àadecret ot 15,709 tons. l Msiotis, tic unir dm showlag aunu le te, uisosotcd to 6M,.575 tenu,. againa ,0 to" aslm 9.Thetsipmeittse o visions erigisting a sCiogo are not, urse, to e e ubJect te the competitios :tide ports or limes, a in thc etiera fthoei Worh llIinel., p le torticomngt report of thé litates ý rrintendeit utPublie Instruction viii n ar that duing thc past ycar »12 county erhntendents bel 1.048exainatiensi appllcats for lIcesses te teaci nt 250 rent points. Tic viole number ot u cants examleed wes of8 26,et uo Il à9 vere mes and 12,444 were wemcn. à awiele sumber of inet-grade certIf-i. es Issigndtoencaexamînct vas 1827 1tic numier of second-grade certilà- s vras ,7&4. Fint-Mrde ertillcateà Te issued te 1,106 vemea examinci second-grades tu 7,M04 vomen exam- 4 The mes applicanis reJeetsd nm. ed 1,17» and thc woec applicants Ut, makina a total of 5,M5 rejecteti. n umber otf fret-grade certificates r. tred vas 1,131, and tic number ot sec- d-grade, 5,872. Piastant and Iatxpsustte. Ln Deainark tiere llu a curious lys- m of exchanglng cildren iurlng tie timer. lie countrY POOPIe tend tir littis m te tile clty people, mnd tic latter id- heir te thet country. 'Thc state avers trec tIckets, amittehoolSg ti tbeir ehidren acemdlng to the >pUcations trou faemilles, rTe ebilren trtyci miens, each one earlta tie e ofld.ltlctlem pin- ad on the jachet or boie. Bieuli any cf tien go ati-uthsy ae lodged at thet rst station whtle -iarts-a . A-e, ht ou- ba-- h " ýuw wulie epesa tissU tSh on bd=u et, utem b m* e tSnI bi fti tIopanaVea,sefty. M4&. outo. e tas ain alm e stttt iv4Ame te tutt dtiltL oehs As . hW thsle %tte rd e9 elu itte sau#" the pureta0pi7 et tetti repeitlcits eniat àpeed tte th# $#et* wtt thte tita, tb meimtt revents iellia ebemIl VM4 troic'ert eescludo IbotMt Soepir t)rwlurl tved th.t fer- citusdeitau pic Mtiti Mo du "Odlttaoty*tC the u Itk. 1. pTb*, Seoutuf OetIU 1 1 d iruet %ase au gptla ,bu 1% e*Mole%ttte awtelpq9 $t$& nate t14604 Q* MAM atttOlel.a MM"ess* temt. Mes dw tm T ht tatt isettpet' go%" that bqm mqcetul e*ehlta mm c k be b e tlu ues eotea ix- tth* eaur etmwtiseet a ptrty Mr tet a ~meyselles uhees t6 le »dtduits e eturlbosate qpeslto Paris. lu tbo M«." r.f 1wr %%Toec eceestt tht t4Vte Vls "bhlh Ma cts teM tiertiflst tes faileti e tu ws oct WtiMesIjp ne % bati co tiior ttoset 1h. q ma"le alieeeutil thit aIWsiaMasy. l'h bill prepaio ty tic su4beeumits th* Ilune ilItnne C.aeamutte wu le- dM Tttcdsy mtteeuoun by Obatinsa ly. Htetaird tibtIl tic retithe fIlrd w, praimmd wWretrreil bock t. tbo emueftContitte. Bt tic Desetats mreuteti fixe rndng utibh taI, Il vax lired prtuteti ua nti refrrsihaei te etmittice. A revenue billvawuaim oint-ethy Duld Ileveil. OsettflP'gtts5ti %,Young lady Who lateli jeerucysi )m Wtibledon te lenion bail a very outtorlable melventure. Site roal, tic statilnsjour as tilt train wus rtlsg, ami bail nionir uete jump t ti' Orsi comportaient uhere mhe qpped upena s eat. Net uatil the nu was la motion dld sic notice that ebai a single fehiow-pausagci, a u. Yunus. vcli-drcai. but et a tcwitat forbidding aspect rb. .youog lady unfoided a ncvrepa- TandI beguta reti. but us tbe fOrsI tien wax passai sic chameci te mue &galu toward the ailier teti of ýcarntage. Thc man vwaxtMure, but face waa no longer accene. He ap- wrti te li grtiy atatd, ai WUs adng Intently ln tic direction ot the bna lady. A sudies, overvbclmisg ftur tock ssesionofetber. Ailli te stotisuet, LUwAy murders teubîih sic badt ever seuet ruzbetd tirongi ber mimd. Bit ti berneit doosteti. Sic thougit et rleklng tor belp, but ber tongueter- ted Io stove. rie monster-for no lie senici ta ber -ookcd asxleualy about bite, appar- iily te assure biimucit tititthe timta wa ripe for ie murdeomu design. es lic atvani te ticeien cd et le carage, came quite close tebhW anie-mîrleken tchio-paseogr, asnd t Ia rIit ant i@ bsovercost pek- LWtt be feell«II: ton s imite, or a rolver? 1prlsgtog te ber fuitte gitenedtirai-cicr tacet btIntlaics- air. -Wiat do y70 e nse ese, bait- &latins viti ler. tie bet toward ber, amiled grlmly, ad nid: 'Excuse me, madae. 1 offer yen tera boumanti apologies if 1 have alarmai ,ou. Suci s tiug vas tarlicat frons 11 tieugts, but theic t e, 1 have te Mgitetaitic nuirt stationandigane tau enteraithc trais Yeu bave becs Ittlug on Mny bai." The retulalon of teelîng os tic ladys at cau e holiter Iiaginei tis" de- Kilic. Blotties iook the place of pan- e. Fotuntely tic bat vas a mot un. ImposuenNauce. W. ail have a predlcctlos for blgh- wndlng nemm ThFe Witel Mountais ar Weil enougi; but v. are more, desp- ty lapresied by Mont Blasc. The Bon- baoris la a smore peertie place titan Ox- frd, tiotigite nicanlug ot bath stucs in tic même. Moutntuero iU«e ur caru andi rains noui expectaione bigier tian eoulti ay niere i&ack. outai. "Tic is aRiver" la but a, nicknanie, andi Ye-t ie accpt tic equiv- ales Guadatqui-ticand i Bo Grande. Bridgeport la as proaee as May ho,. ville Aicentsittbus a nemote andt, - malle aconit, andi yet the latter vori! signifles oxaly "'the brtdge." Andti ils, it luq lu utefy c'aes, vits atMeade. inesanua le lîtiby ai l mpooui SworL- A Famit Admitteci. Ai Mondeof tt ip peMItneye-O. paper -offices. Hene ls ont, citrntclti, iy the Atlanta CoimttWtton: A Gleorgie tarner ishaît son. via1. wrttes i-crac, but la ton ntodest ta tub.ý mit fi for publicat ion. One day, vianýl the faermer wm golto aIowal, le teck, Sa bonie af peinsalong vat it hanau liaud.d tien te as itor. *Tiey're prctty fair," nild thet titOr. -aie riyme luamil rtgbiat, iiteetU iomethntw voitg vitt bIsa est. "Weil," suitheticfane1 "I vc't" dsagIl ; ho bas gait corne" Fus vit h taUtoerle. Tie fony my ofenettihemeWqlees ane ntking goaitune. et the We'*#. crase, Onteoft tieun ys UlitaapSi '~-i--~~' 4 i j'

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