Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Jan 1898, p. 8

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'I INO FIEE i% Do tiuhSo lo =i=s it gisbat - ?% vmnrnm" 48. =nie, 1 g 11ka esI l m tgeau ti lushéam myu fi ka n« r gm oho lieuam bar.l 6màm bo vauie n iii.b suamuitld bul tter ourb ~Lsumd onaf aahou Smudi i ag lsu *bmd oMte btth- mmlS mrchbause mem- oMbb« wibm vnthetre le plsm' bal - miuit tie slaiuil rNfl.. cliii hotabos MI1818 i eMM W ttad 11mma ul WM ba ho uh mppelt hem- à Agaes leg"u mt le nohbins, mugia vesua sasujad Wte Ose et o1>0e oeil U& - «Oemenàa A oma, fle Ilie sastfla.rauatg. l Ami *smmu nois b au~ ta $ady iopu« a. à" iguhdeu baued et dit 4i .im atér le SsiI. GiS6 imagO i eoaftuiry meo aimlt ho m a ptpai Nome atlatsa. e a1b ttbm toga bas wmusod »i mâ te iai kh. Wbat fit? 14Ms vie a deve. gne abVJM welu avs.eaaoum ed MM* oitu i a" mi&ig.' ~1l qult o douo *0 ob ti ntum i le i 4w aintyba bis." »se adae b~Soionekib, voaldgr ive lejaie. bail mmdne loua IllctMAi bond, laIan ai ýA*MId a.vlh umeand lichez ' aisglgi ald-bandai ltârvultarte mjlat wttb e mtth mA" auy1I li S te lov ami clail -But smo day lbm MWvt1h.ntulean « *ic "Stop tiai Di( tb laI you l olq ui Ow a" luth- kitlt i u tMr' mi vy yenCRI IMIDI osmuysiroko mat2re duteluairt lb nas ock t rt e7 oma.t ram * edbaîete aitec hlm, *U bkmbbil tho ba, oMoi.d, but deci». Stelt b " hmGai ieut oms pofadtartu Sumu *a sur country &bout tvIe uMatttcain aour civil iAoeutlAUO v omen te ii*a dsure lIe van et aven as large as the rytdiM. Brudea put tu- î4w near malt liqucis &Bd lI -lu Mn1 or plesegi'agn- ir liaSi Vos doeo tm p- Ilie*M bu villa gelFoyetn. dkb bifoso airtaaathai j pea unàS lb. vai 1,- Mole~ ~ th uddeoail c0,0 toha, tihe, Rhtad kgWI i l idci- liel 4t aqI uitomber ~bonmBa fer Ute, that Fou May - lsd.hbber boms" aoliouarablîccl, .Mmberho evsuper- hem vms vehave la viSé yalen F o tkg q ouhae pu b* ou wE vBut Fe'MW905 ual mait èe i lt ,e en if b- ad id aI lu a,1 Weoil .* -1 MufiUO toi ert ad oa a »W d- l -3 o doe am 5ma4*¶z; tst a!ff bu à"ohwbind séet % tae l&i lothe thv Se troc- bieet bw. ur ibes"Picn- tebét o miala a isa* th" osrF mi er mvhlteuCne§&- debku siIIaLIIIS mlaaih ashue- dodo et eosebol t maleaeoble cit mmd iilaismiiaa tyea mtae- Myavie yeuam isiad a',anli M ti bhma * m ie d toaliIlp lmI n gigigi uadk la te lmugi dcommetto ush mhe s O B u1mlte pilmt la lemet lhvbag lanyis a -ato emy ganvdc lum l. glufam m l ui niitait oulu.vst mm1 siien bm1o hi ema.he vi«»su wiga cuei et tk Ibal*wt ohave Ib oralanmdtai bi t,% i vor mNtaav" ound utdstteioahu- c aS dotoi a ImisKais big delsanse' suies Pou tî it. To m i nsaiuaibit em m avoral fe e lem vie muent solktt blo oepaliee.ler Wau. g Amo e Ib opupatiouu appopilateforise venin I 1place the foloina. lato 's"y M of Wb" ite shaisiriiy eeterad, mimduail lb. otier sha vilmtet: ItenogaaPhy. 0 and yenm Mr làd beiantmsry &Ili tise repeueila»"isla Oeu eentWIcea ,- filical mugi reigionsus etiagu. Satinai Pl banki. the votk imahan sd honcrabla, MW Who se gral a right 10 o, toütire,,for a traman feandag.le tit savingi bauk-- Mr& ra. KQciWnWskofied? Copylatsam tua lainbandIy a prieWofW -a uathat P do, Dot Meoadlbe service et ban pemmn- rl .b4. ummdas an»eansis n-nY et th. a grmlcat books Gofu«rday bave beeà de- &A taidfer bari itng. FimanoIhey sre Il sa flettsasudicotedlloers and muode tenhes and beehkoeperm, tori v he ba are »peclalhi quailed by ptence and m- nscrand ood eaigmituala wblei ti lie Copkw lusitute ha taraugiOet no t mmmi oueliled, 5and leagi5phyfo Wv"ic l ah lu spsdaly pieogea, au thomouna et theImughOiMvil tuti. Phe- mua lih aihofl a Deslaie, &bcie- tel vork. As vorders a in iou mi saist percha a"d tuaielale and lainile "ol sand CgI@lu asd-t inmmiosi a uporosiin, la taira cella. Au posalutrmmes sud i pmtsdmfta bat. glWeli en appolatrnost au qÇ efa". taitsofli, smi As ogrphtm.aau s tmhu le auun- oruilesterktohchier a ipeclally endea, the it fleoh of e eoti cili, kg divise amaimsnmt, boab a L- - 1 As» philani. battes aimulu als t- ta teu nla Dorsee G t mi tien Ibmaum-d Mkill0gOsGouu ettisa> vie. th"y Cet as acleallUensd thomeregpripar- lie U mRay decteas on. là" a"dgo torth1 te a venk vbh meson butl vamea coWg1 se appropriatily and de"loîhido. u the 1leturnaplttoras, fo ye- knovtlim1 briimnt oneceai et lira lveruoie md1 l iis.H*alletud" ilus WIlard amugi i. LathroP. Am phialob,eealetar- ersgoteïmr ovu 002, te, vblcb service ticra la a demag appallmanad terrifie.1 A, pigagharOfet1h gestel, sud Il tlic puoteoUlmotf eelitis crts caommt hWlede im, fo liai have ma pahos and1 s peraila Itbe rahugieUtte sta men eau met rajah, Wltums&aUtbon vin batsvenigi I hela ustimu pry. r Uew U ,MPirOY mt. e h yaeg -vo f Auioan 02607 et yen *111 bute te igitgou ravubaties emaine, do nt wait t utl enFou ensm f digaster sud goun ftler ta d-4 and *aU te resoueicet yonr tamili bava isen r acallaeed. but nov,wvil hi a00d booam 'and euvtton.d by aIl preapanitui, le- Liboy tedo sem Ia Ofn G vuk liaitih 1.vorli muMavbaunasloug as thoevoilg a tainda. Tu-tu nsalttuto routho ambridetro i-luealppeet vlich tbara le asurina> ad make a nehmiti*n.. Exeili Ime la vhieb yjeau, s clm n leaumlig hsw tO maie a 111111d houait pt or <ut amd. l'nl'my-nattes- tien the lb. nlsGi S11*MO clMs tae b imufsetutlag Otflapsilmalsema- t, isas. Liaist. do am.thligblle te "Muhi .ndbu ige9s i e 49tOem ymi ara b. TomS la Gai. b«VI eedelu Itedo eu baiut "trust imu fer.8 ti t»r L men. hiotaul voosn Ugilu li blil G tme aloni viti lie 4s9G ismmi of vomie vho bave von ho day. Fb. aunotertofi1,olmt la a M rimi in ma nou si k beyonib tadteuse. amal lne batist, vetotMfalu4so ai isp aSti. A" yen as- e baninotleret 1h. tesimaml ecesmandgi kg lbLordl of Hont. Attoi ail4 you areamnet fbip e baIllietflite mie. AU buavela, on youts"d. lTon vil ha v fai e Pg<-' aIe le yrouK temaveds t uaoeid 'ýMa vis ban k» n el torus te MaU i baie e o ard. Abe"vce rutaalaget the gala 1 isSi m lard. Ile beidi me. Wheu lime billovaemito, 1 Sheam etfait.i f short, 'lic mhmaipif long. 'tish Hab. cus He temp ItalL"'Ptl kepyrlIgt, lm tri ___________ te $ibut Busse. au lOetas.-JTbe <enmm uc aecouvm e d toi, Tiie goivu fa M MaL îlle uvéeuI «Trei ptefarg f obm. neoduelsPr' 11th»a4&HSefa viat -vo <mlla IgIa-4tlifa, le lu a tg Me h" ioe "»s am ma but imboermiu.-Dr. N. .ubindana,. m.pemiislm Ch,- LAbO Chia-CbiIit!Lnty donmsot N mm 0Mr mm Us e Steogaieloies leIr bint asayesde aboutChistenomch bi e fer gmc. Thminmm wM t1dda sont hlm mo t tmuver, gon c»n Ié ado thffl kg IMM g-ami. Dr. llayd- v . Prubymua% W-Nov YOur i. Gruins ot GeId.-lf vu ibave oue puls et pane geld ou- if Ier la urncer- wti vt Oil ho aved. Tb& vilut aie- u ai- bawsmne graine of pure geM and w ite-, nd wvomuit malmle eoro b fi the pure motl, @as vin It'lfa ' ixed vtth ean mucb duo.-Bev. W, 0. 'artaigige, B&>Itla, Çulenatu, Ohio, b The o rof etDatfd.-Tcueeta once ting notable about Davidi, andi liat la bat atthe tini wheu bhas mnt lde- tuesei vlth orrov ho semu ato remenuuer the goodnu of GtQd,a"lm l- . uilataly riss ahoe bhu a amae,amdUgi attalea a fading o J nd gladamus- r Iev. Dr. Wilson, Congregallenalist, r Couccui Buffs, Iowa. Cause of Unsut.-liailimethal If h. Mv knedlgmeoft ibla-ooitlfa tue knovledge. thet theu- croulsarae talan. andl Il lme ibs feeling limailthe whole questiconvilihavetele oroopo.- t ei wul tali Idi oi0 o v a hiwlbute tbit pu-edures lbe vIi. aud deep un- relt ofe-a-B A. J. Wells. Uni- tanIa, an"UrmuslacoCmL. Punlbmnt.-Fie meuttfartul pu- isibmeutet te lb viau le a hbm W"c- eftmm Thb. vusItblhng t1hbalpfoe to Judas lucarlot, vas thal h. vas Ju. las lcKmntot. The wret punimeul for sahi la lic tact et belng a alunerl. rbp> gratîrovard fot deiag gond la lu hating dosgood.-ltev. 0. W. Quit- lette, MetbO<lt in.cinonati. Ohio. Cbnhat's Teachngs-Wltn Chist cane be brengil eo phlusophi ami madIe ne defaultions knovu as plilcia pimi familogic. 1 doutIf lIer se à Mia- gie "lh«oleo" lai bs magmas. ChisI aunnugi op and pioophlad. Il le lnpomsble te nake phllooPby et h. leachinge ot Chnia-Riv. Lymau Ab- boll, ocb~realonailt Brooly, N. Y. Thme ICinglio et Ged,-The Chttrcb et Qed le a ai he Kînution or Qd, it lne a igu antI ssmduol ofI il rety, Jua as h lb tasa" tne o et bmBucariat ar-e Ibm body anmlWbod of ChrWlW. kmev lIt &lie Kiadoan et Qoe d on marltboeassusetfthe vwuieet tha cimbnrob ernot mm, n' t«eChothe,- Bfah.pTompen, Uple"niaà4 at.Nsch- Patn.-->o&eUteull IlImtluoaiensafmati- ton lad implantios ofthe proben ef pain and ui nfeng. tbuimaflexiat, mnd mua oM Sated. Oflon the mmIn s muh, tene e» n ot but fi 1km al thepins- once of *0 laSailuamuMyuteloet pats &Mi auWIng v. areo bute laa chuo erglngla the nlgblandugitblhn Ma- . ~so »t a ca'.-EabhiD. pbillgpon limitewr, driaet. 0h1o, hoeffetive, numt o e -m appIal Fi e Poo m me or oah 1 eqs1,d 4qstig a-mhmmpitegiuiIJti le sUuda truapour ama be o * auhial la veib oe e M 10a Atvud mitatilwp"th" stha lal-i ~a7 PaU l uM noSv. .a«S L. *m mpsfbsr i bsuatfpma e -po" Uspi vate h vogutess hotlé du OgisOul elde<UuPolidte ugtdàolth »lemtyofeto o 't, andil:h.ulItolM ta 10 dui*sgtb. aaries for lai eus 1 *MrtlIMs. och. lua dççg a b li ~tll1g.OsIe* oiIluiceas a" u- 1Ulgo éeglol ef Chit.,anin l ouiamdet ai s univotaipeso.- > ow. itW. flemi. FpeàbylUnlan..e-e epatiouil r-.. ldam sar euuboout Af- r û*r . 18ai.js-e liai, 't.aeb.î-Kildaa iliiOcolrtilMenI s. Ljy nilà tb. Kankakee CeunIr Ci- i oàiat torreDyke Andrews, mn lu- auss ou> erdict ef $1,000> it tha Il comvl i1.ltrosdi. Tbe mWva puca lu a mniespete. and i ilIl*:keaatig by both aida. ika iavrsa nd tlimaur arocopnlious *R imatin tber rW&Y trucm Indianapolis CicaJogo bat mprlug an& h"gi tellohed mâa. & Tbcy vira It he.Ilinois itro slotage imideaaaltiag ae ateela aride fron t lera le Chicage, he eeduaeoverad kg 1Illinois mirm 1 luctveCroiln and viert1- id ont of th. ymrdi. î'l' b oveul el, aud the etiluni aoyai thal thont thé nergroes ettaceed Croula and thon a avay. Andrews daims te bav taken poitla tnhie figI, but vas levins lime ch of vmy vien Cronie drev big te- dver and MosIel ulb.thebbck. K-Citi Clos-k la adictui.. tlvo indiceta yte teturnagi agalu man G. Hoglsegi, ex-cii celerk of Bock- cd, hi, the grosâd jury, echarg ihl bh tbe enhisslen nd gi areey of *,000 e tyfnde. Mn. Hagtaine!isetv. 1as it li eeik six years, beltvas beatea et piaig. Dorisblis admnilstration hi a appointed coilactoet of paca mW soute lb. verk belui vitheulretomnera e. Wben hi tetiroed tfinullceIl svus mud tiaI theri vas dne tlb. ty trom oa $1400,Mayer Brovwnetlieg i b r th dealdaney and Hoglsnd nuaiover 1,000 the nazI dey. Thblauce, viti eriatb, rturucd 1. lb. li vilimI. se tima apeediaid kg lbeMayor. Ceoal camlussi a. aile The grand Jury et th. langame Cir- ail Court indietogi aqelhofi lie cou haies terin ifthe ellegagi prlngelgi ns met Th.g ame ehargad vmb enapimey >ditisugi. Tic coupoaitesferumed tle tMauil iCosi Aaaocltom mudi antm ile prioe ol50 o<ea aton.,clairs og lieyvoweuesupalsulte agiveucotle rite te csuumetikbhrizosthy imadiad. auneelbthe s.a oftheïr .nploee. The vmance la vmgei tu thelr enphoyei, Il Ià ni. vas 7% esat@ a tes. £umna" la KUilue lamaes McDoumgh. s Chicago ame qrtimwaslnn Baifreagi f eight engli oas oni hlm var ta the round houaie Potleth avenua, Cicago, te take et se traia for bis evemfinn rua b. va on rous by mn ouagine sud iustnty kieL. ili body wosn iod S lfty foot amimof he coulai,.mund. amlàting on the truck. was inn over kg lime locomotive aud the me car mttachod te It- Bas ,i suhît hris Toucher. Bl. B. lIilsapiàatoacher hi lié Tayloi mettentzsix ales northeast of Hîllaboro 'as aumllogiand udhsten kg six largo boys, nmo et bcunord brum kkukles Tha samull vas comminelleinlarevenio forth epunlabucuent rsome ettheir aui ae n uscimon. Time ai% oya vera airent id sud plaead under bouda te, susweri bharge et tiel. et Harvey. Boiglari enlenigi the Harvey peatofne agi blev open lime mate vlth s chargee povder Ibaltbrev lime steel fSo t Iron, a large desk aud hait vmy merdieth rou, satteeul easeandijars lu averyd ectionu&W md cmea enily evciy viadi en the building. FThe burglais geloei 00 cents le muey ad about $10 wcthc grocerieo__ Uhmen ou'l tLike Carao. Tie coaI miamu strike liungutatedà the AIatmin«es a asoutab on accesr or tho mppontmint et James Carton, th lopoud StfIne pvoaident or 1he Miner Union, se mine superlutondeul, bas hie aotlaiandlthe.seaie.bave returned1 wetk. TFb.saminragahmad limeirpoln wblch vas th. ritiremint ot Carzou. Tw. Mlet uta oCuesu. Catli Bechua nd giFrmnk ilgm agegi 70 sud 10 yearu, m-sperlively. wvu etruck by an IllinoisContrai train mt emlig itltRockford amuginsluatllikillI Poiem aWat.mvos-ks .leitol. *The Peotla valet vonka voie sohdu dean decroe et court teulthe bonduioldie conumitteu for $i,50.000. M ' ethalaE mppeiss Tonm Jackaonn scdeutally &hot and kI id Graver Morris et Louisvllhe. Tovuiengiliaman vms killagi by train vimile n-ulking ou, the trock nu Verona. 1Gmadma" lPage ot Oswego, eue cft oldait white setileis lu Kendall Counlî, deuilb. ahe &et& 90. The. infaut cilg et Bd Jackson oet veaqun vas prohnably tmtally butu vimile playlug wfth matches, The pianoteb Bartlett Millig Co pmny aetltoekford burnei. Fb. lots 820,000 lime inatirance $10,W0. Noyai B. Wood, a veteran et limeVFf second liofa ragimeul, aud hlm vite d vithin 2-I houra cf eue anotmer. Rtural fton delîvor, vîi ho i sta4bil mm-uedlihe tuevuetofNev Berlin sud1 aend Grave le sangamon County. -Madison 0. Seyder ot Litîlelen aud Y. Bannehoif of Rock Grove bave bo appointai as feurtb-elmm poalmatin John Mitchell etflIllinois iman bhei id viee-presldeoth ie Ueilod I Wom-ker et Aumerien, vice Jobe Kane, ceased. Gev. Tannai hms psrdcuid Bm-estL au team lt.e.Jolietpeultonliar,. Lar vwsnenvieegi le Chicago lun1896for-hm IMandugisentoncegi te Ibm-e. yeam I. G. Colemmn. mu old mend raspee ciien oe t mwrgil a nt of Inte tried 10 bainshimeltait». Halp o betora ho oedigi. bol b. vas bu inj unad * ib. Normal -Town Couetl base tisctue i vIbGeorge Cadtou&* Meipf Chicgo for plianudspilacm à complets sysleet vfateil wove ta, 1 ;1Irank Battis vw ononidodagi os Iila~ e~111b af~ fta-~ ~NtaR mSiNG AND iN8fTRUQ1IE SoUy tr fblamr listurcORaM i Cii- -, Th ouba,. u muisu o t No eO ak Iteateeucet uailevatimghnaca bas been luaoi 0do aàOr§te ulmama --WbMeimo Food tfer o.kt- . tt baineisa u Inllad& . Bldytag th* Seiptaral la.O E The a«Y e Wood v-0111[à 0 & *e tIeignlty sud Proitsbly. tu II and aMeuoi,..vll llbities et ISiM @pe- and *Reste et *$M » . onu.or.loauser, 23. race The antW al ceabaton of Jahiu d1W Golden Teit.-"Ye are tbe igbt of tbe vas Va ore!ila Charleston WU & M IF welV',-Matt. 5:14. Clun banquet, viii quuebesand sud*W ~. This letton la ond lnleialt. 5: 1-12 bis Cimotia glespon vasusntmnnd tle( C a-s ad tren.te of the beatitudea. Compati- cibl ter paltentlsry ter threa gorsu for ,»b- mon wtb Luke 6: 20-ý2I5inlamoaIntasenet- ceat bing the petoci uet Mliatufhd. Ina, tad of elght beattudes there ne Tic Beckferd baiebaîl club boid a Oie fout bemtittidesa ad four woca. Teo so yack'. eanuyaI, la hi rtarilsaUMM & seuut ltithia differeuce. and inqulre huoq te pet Itasif on a aeusid omnola titaf. bat beutlug lt haa on the relation or the tbem MliiAunafll.01lf. ue vogeapeis, la tou large a question to eu- fallt Bwaa couve>- t h ayouî B iuu- o- *'h.pour lu spirit": We ara so fauIl- or R W&A cnveye te he selum e Je fat vltb thami beetîtudeu fthat ften vo con ville. cap pu. voundcratand tbem pe-rfectlY. eut. Vireanlu an rteillan vil a rri But et the vety begnnig e meet dfl-i- t b caâteogitIres imu »d Put &a at e-hilmi- mftla. Does fiâImen wat veeau Of th piovciuents beibg mado la ReokfCI<I -gfrt.d.uptilng peuple? I Il ited vatér sstnt doe, thora fn aimeat a repetition ln the atr-i Forty fudftme.uts for gambilla« ba- third bamttude-thengh as ve *hall ne And baca returned againat o&dafa et thb. fka f a net cowurdire. But this tit exte eounty und towa ef Kaulfakee and Pioust- bealtodoinienna momcethîng diffèrnt ul. mat home arif o. Prof. A. B. Brille, lu the newv Eip- Il ThaetIa fl owd lof '1rade leeted Mle- o'.(Ireek Tesntamuent," of whlchlihe Oefiat sl Woonr prcildont mad n-obole4 Bob- volume ia mat cut. definreailthuit: "Punir we t ( . crilermuid B. y. Blaasm. lnrettu helrovu ent"m,. Self-uatlmtet la lthe fort augitremnre. i~spatlvey. ui eet the matter. and la compatible em Thoe1ev. Johu C. Kin, presildng eder wlth rail vpth ,l h nbe bu fof th.elgWn muni Naperville district Ev- *ll8ll of theniilvea. P.wcTety lad telia * analial Aoocatic, minlii Ms. efr enn peaes lnto riches. A blgh ideal cf brin angeiel A sstoiatnmagin. r%. 11f.Ileliu benestb a&l. The Valer manpe s as" ~ rieta ateim o IÈID jue hie mblegneas of te lb. king u as a Goy. uIod Ui. Staeubeua of issourni aton as he renilue wbet a mn la or onght Fra vlalted Siruafoeld and enlOîcd a el" htebe. Ponr lu puieseoriPeven lucharge- lIti *tbrougb many orthlb.Principal utrtt*. ter, ne man la beggamico bha a visien bell Laten they visitai the espitel. of man'a chaief end and chlef gond." Sncb ea n F. B. Belnmnad. A. J. Ferry aud J. T. men have the klugdom of heaven wtbilit IlMeKnlgbt bave been chouan delegate thiema. It mhould ho remembercIatlm, bthe Iudianapîolis monetaty convention by theai beatîtudes Jeans inlis reolity dem- d athe businesa mes of Godeberg. . lng the Mllns of beaven; defiulng Il mie Heuty Clark. 8 yems eobi, vwa drownid by descrption. Elgbt dîffent qUailtica Bti lit Eektord white skating. Haevaa theof ttihennsr ieh.Dnmes 83 charaeterlstie or but - amn of tbe 1RIT. B. Warren Clark, not.»d the men wbe belong te the kiaçioul. th r. travefer sud I etrou oriental topice. "Bleisgauiaethey 1hon;1 uo": smrety I a. A 14-yamr-old boy employed by Walter tliere maua i hemuse lmtation of ti it i t'bIfil a sdieniaker lu the. SoboinmanThere la uothlig lntrinslcnlY vortby lu t 7 building, 2SM Deurbotu fftrIChicagogrief. Roth'"g vblch cusures future coi-ul- i, veawucrumbed te desti by tb. ftelght .1.- foit. W. commet soppomi 1h1 Jeu« e-meutt meioly h taeftee b o=nuplaca va-t.statemeul alt ail molv ova Joua thol Th Rac cers o e b.AttrisaHunane MW barp by theoMalot et lie. B et Le elety bave tailensaction a iluathe loi- thîn ng erduopan un ie b.hfie auehtgR ilOe guoe an of.5,0S Pbnld.uthe Mont- <We "hIl net mtempt te lisait or ded» n. hue le tmer peu, nd reuden Shrts aiTha nourues awbo belong to the klnon lth ,a lthe1011013 Humano looely bibau . b bn c- eve ara lu ne danger of mulriu "0n tif ed. the soupe e1 the. ona. Tb" mo e At Galesbuig, Juge iGlenn dieogitho e wei ugh -hm moerciug Muw ho Idmotion for a clairtriailnluthe euofId c d, «b« Itlfa cuete lereelvo ultimata lm Johnson, envictigi et th murdei ot ber coufori, and Ihey know vimeu theur griotf et'r hache". C. F'. Jolimnt, 9ai stimd -la ouly renocue for "in or siaful vorry etban te th Jolet Pamittlmoderthe over flthe at1 anuot ha belpadi; fo os moetenrs lotr. sncb grief confort la lmot proisulu 13«. Bl i IL Berh for V. I. VIllar theb.miaues&il ,go"dly aorrew," jeou na y" san end b? of laits Bluff groeer, miabltd lu thePolce in confort. Pil ffhies lmt tîaledglug bouse undert mn 'Blauaed are lime meait": Hatti te bc ammed nana. Ha saisbeons PhdSl" e quete froms Prof. Brune on talapa- r Ir aynsd mneallf lmpsired kg takiug almage-. ' tablo sufer vtoug vtth- N terish cure eontalnlng ecoclue. eut btternea. or douta' for neethe John F. Burke, a couduetor for the clana who lu thia vorld ara pe egt orNorthim Cbl oStraet BaillvmyCOulioay. the vwon. luthis case ve shoulibat' la ro, va» killegihy falliag Radear erst hexpecteol the teocher taend vlth thecose- art ,go LÀaliall treet tunneLl.ife wu reuov- mou refrain: theira la the kinadon et b>l m. iug 1h. gatia neaur tbe UandolPb slreet heuven, fthet hing the unir timlg heY die ,go entrance aud lest bit balance. are llkely tu gel. But Jeans pronielue Il e- Llazle- Nenyoiu ot Carilville, viecle et the wk the empire ef the olld arlb. mi f- John B. Richards, wbe _wu shot and la It lot n delusve promiset Net ie- rfe a killed by Capt. P. Y. Hidlcy, bas oued gther. It ln ai 'hast truc as a doctrine Il' ber unele's cilate ton bie fine reuldence. cf moral tendency. The meek et Ens- te, Mbm laims that Richaids bauded lber the land, driveo front Iheir native land bhy Il deagi shoitly hefure beval khled sud ahc religionis intoierance, have luherltcd the th] Ic uetutu.d Il te hlm for me keePlug. continent cf Anerica." Ov tg Polo vas saken lq a tarriiSeexplosion "l aler rhe tensIfor hegerbmui oerc dyuamitea lgbt mles avR Rwblcb h lalrrgtounesfothyha ci- ecked windows and plantering. frigbt- e iid'Pbpanuoft eatdec cnetis ubabtaanad voihd egi iretion lm deaier te 1h. Chriatian heurt Ihan thia. mi owte eittriand cincn. Six peundaeof Il a inhe etitode eitbe usallafed; lthe ta "lY dynamite bad hab ien ma yuy»meYounug promise of tulflumlnt te mil wbe long for mg 'of men te celelvata a vagidini and Il explod- lime bea tl bijî. But ne man bhm the righit t et aceldentliy. Ne oue asuinJured. ligbtly and euaily te claime IbIs promise no beaustoe le Las troquent desie, tu ie bot. ai Manager Joues et the Beebterd Opera ter and purposca te colfoi. To bouger w et bouse bac made a virerons Piteit te the snd thirat afler righleouanesa menus to cd mt Cty Cooncil .cilmng that thea muOhbeslong for righîaouancss lntenaehy, pernit-d te augi privai, balla. vbk-b ara not refflirigi eutly and acllvely, ns lthe eue greatest ec "e te pay au munual lcmns, Sas the thottr ibin lutife. au the tblug abaolutely acces. tr Pe l, bave rufued tbm latte'sinaless by en- tory to sutilthIle fe the @OUI. A u to tertaiuets and concerts. ,Thi era em man wiîn ihioka of righteousnes Onlyon lut, boune rompu"nu its thot ethéi lieI hieme Soundoa sdoe net buger sud thîrst foi a hoe rabaled or 1h. ohurchas ho char'ge! IL A man wimo Las a sentmental admira. i $M0 a year, tbraàteulng te Put lu valel, tion for goodriea lit vnetry. ln romance, efîa shows f nnday alternes»end giveufingeinlu m-a lire, dw ot ubiter and i rat &f- 1 prit, if this la ot doue. ter rgteonîness. Wiat o buger and Pl arar .. .itidon, a Ci-cgo lavyer. lu n thirat for, wo aork for wltb ail or nlgbt , I a Savannah, Cm., butng for ioule trios kuon ing tht et vouent bave Il or die. m >il. of Fred Robinson, a sailor, vbo fa br te I t inoucimuttheîLenortflti do obtaîn e $1.000000 lu thet clly. Tbe tr la a mei-cy f roui hicr fellow men, lin pi.cUlar eue. Curtia Robinso.,bla luth- many cases. but oct lwayn. The un- sasd lh. dlaagreed nme flime 38o and ultînuate meaning ln ihat mercifîîl mon ri' afepmted. Bebluaou's mother gietd saolirtetire mrrcy f rount(iod. "Forgiu-e bla tailler begrntu lire vlth a disoula uns or deht.i, a, ive furtive oui debtors." venmuet the fiime ieing propristor of B Commentatora renuerk thut merry is a slou. Beveontn l hey anaed 81.- peculimrly Chriatian vîrtue. Of course till- 000,000, and nev the eider Bobinsc' merci la enjoined ini thou 01> Testament, siaters, ad brther vaut lu make aura butllnîg with il ue n- îîy tings liai 'Y à hat the sou la deaui beoter they takle pou- seeui tu un cruel and buvrai. ]eue mcion. *Rî>-no-d are the hure ini heurt; for they The Illinois firemen'. convention vas aboali Iaoc 9,(d." lunis pri oct imîllelty lbe bedd t Cbamupahgii. Decatur was select- and 8uhlility lhii, sentence 1%laperbapi inl e. &fier a bot figim, as thme location ut the grt-uteto f ail. Itilatrne thatoitimlar nerI summoer's toumnauemt. Cilton vwaa stutëentutadLalu-,in made hy 1uiloso-P M-seleceed ai the convention city for l»11. 1herg. lîy acireut booîks of olimer religions. mei 'Tie election of ofifcera tcr the ensoing But ini 1100 t "e thucie other statements9 ycar resulted ai foliows: Prealident, 0. D. nie lui a foint whicli hus mode il eumy furt Wmieux, Monmouth-. ucretary. E. W. theni tu hi' inteî-roeted inaîsupport ofacet. 3=l- Barkmnin, Penau; treastîrer, C. p. irisi au d other î-rromna. 'Thux tLe orientale m la Bock, Monmouth; statlatician, B. F. devoté-c l,îinthet ii- muet ho "Pitre lu Staymalai, Clinton. Âfter adjournnent henn." tlîtinlu, free- front nny dialurbtug fîty- the defegatea vote given a banquetvimicim Ihotîglt of earilîly Ihinga, lu order to nt- died vms t ollowed by s ball nt lime V,"aker Oul- tain the mood ut contemtpjlationuwbich ou- era Honae. ables him iiisplînoach tîte divine. Butt ibogi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b FrbraonoulmseodIoro Ledois it lunuhumrd wuys, quitte imposai- shed sfor urit-ynbuildinge second f61 CanfaiebIto tLe thouglh tif Jdcini. Thme phrase 1 li- for-tor buldng i 5 an 6 Caal f et Junturt)se aial theso philosoipber@. mIent, Chicagoonue recent atternoon and The mentence intilia. tltongh il doesnent Id c. danaged lime building and contents about say. Itt ouîy i>- lth pureinhenr nI sl s been ff0,ff0.Thb building in ovned by A. M. God. lien-e lime u.onim cunuot refer le *. herisaet sukgmnmndlaccu ilethatignorance of cvii vbich ls Possibleo îIPcf by manufacturera of machiuny and crugoeuh to chldm-.' and 10 lime mont protect- Mine 'fui suppliez. The Cetnail Ochoel fui>- et lires; for liaI woulît abat ont trinenlm d e» ply Compiany la 1h. henvieil louer. Other vision cf îiod thm etntejomiiy aven of eccupants cf the buildieg vira Eulser- seoil men.,vit» bave heen tampleia&. L.abtan Company, MeDovell, Stocker & thootîgh llioy hure îonquered teulptLtlon, tolCe., Chicago u opnymg-dv T ~1bey %albule callod tLe eblidrec et rie n ch yublethe .tug i Gts-e od": Il lne tbod imouelinlatheogreot- buta- tro htoexpoinea elal u1.est tOt It=e kers. ('ompaete illge.s rioom a;othe Bo Eter-Lakmsu upay. tirafi collect of lime "Book of Comcton etdAdjt. Geu. Roe bai ismoogian om-J-r PraYer:" -AlmigLty (Icd, vimo nil the au- 810 coufimling lbe tellovlug eleclbous: Eu- the,' of pence andî lover cf concord, lu uame effnl.U Cook, as lieutenant; Hiram H. knowledgc otfvimomo tandeîh out etarumi baily, gaiti&4aa hleutntjunior grade, and lite,'. Lîicservice lin Perfect f reedmon, Cmrii Uyglust, as enalgn, ail ef the 2d di- detend à»tu hy hutmble servants lna nls- cent. viaien,4bttalle»,nauval ulitia of 1111- mus cf our eut-mica." etc. r hapred kguat .uaulie r ainu"X mif Dotla mdbanoe him.piioandbavagia toa roulIa eu iw te Ptheole b endegWimte lie nliie por tCrt l ilfeatebn inalionoaf grouut ýTora bas been giva me bave necso hat imé laem aslOurnet sre -,-n th e corrmius li ls rulaous fontim ptheru iiith prti peng ol the aU uabauIternatio em nal le ae nethe omuashentveu ,rset-e. beae t hclrg st, Ion limonte crrnndIatrench letion lu timetallu. n a.Oet mitepeetal lint t euulryj Heilo. phcommedsteiLnden '6« alne beraun o fexp lcargo liaierQlW -..ý tiomn vonld aand teea e hi-CW ffeIl badrealotnAnpeueloffl pe ululatiet ofgilatieunw iW, isinpreee tee commi euon ima etons werbver muavorable Ill tiihed nato uset mon lima ve meatsoy lulb. tehfree eool batera a nleutoa l f1he naions iuin UotOps Brrhon letth o nd fr db of mntle asinteraisal.ii t h Ibmm ig f .ties.hé $Mdt m .tcm.lh acau oa em«tmi.CmUb the tuvui. or icbo ptrosn o e u muey sar eran lehgtsin. pie vasM udu theumghcntàlb.fula eida i vde0recent pthde o hepe 1m Amontig te osacealI 1lc b odiateote mu er ceedva h e mm-id heit, gi r T4 mlb ~u honm vs erlî snteastaeophe e. ffeitorneri;th t-Urlha i b >ut The pomesvode ilsd"11 hoPam Let vaMs gslyaedand ad m,~ bunuisacnas o telimo lah ym-e- reintwfhne ie iivr ovm rictl .i fe heeter im oteole. la ie paaIm tplu ln lgain eralewn a IedblW tugraimeut labeasa oi h rista tris ove clal ienlimeuatl orm e uipertn dohevinevora bloeg nbmus.. mong vath1emsaicle.sIl itht ba us tsarf- legislainge ie talle te, say,20 . Candles lu tbe Klondike arae$1sus apleco. timus uuaking lbe mnlucm-a hlles- pensa hesti. Yong Mm-. Leiter basnraieiat lhse 90,000 JObuahela etfvimaml riglul la cl cage thha %viuler. Wll tamtTernia. tunerai drvaetm cd bouse. Herc' a vafinhepntIfa severai aclersinlu isa onuatry. Thp Emperor cf Chiesm » ayalb. fa".1 wltb fotîchodlng." Helu ingrent leuit» le bheilled vll iad. Il mer bave beon a meun trlcd Ilor 4e~ Luelgert alenographeuta lequit u bnpe tiemey sno other vag te frunt lb. expert vltueusea. Vem-y matiafaetoui trials bava e bfl », eully mde Gfsalitîboal Ma&ti 0f ipet atone, wvich U wvastouai veaM.90d ageat vftmhagi Wg otd rak f lantoa h"ki a. umlitoitý ramnandabile l hefe tctliI e m. speaks Ulé uently SsO*l,0O»i . A griLl mmmi etus ec e tbe la' b t th lut Thsst-ical Nee.-Ovlag t» I meaures nudertakonec 4s mou lu bis polvale tasaihi *lo Wite Bontot." quite filmticg tlie AMW sbonld ho dlscoveus Ii u,- 'Il appon tataI m x, . 1 sut of obocutil fhSm a .nougb teasue liai ba'>t erst angi thonpu etbu lut anyhedy a buel j Iere huIler davejoph les ý' le ate ho hoped IiM. i the V,44mv.savi > ud0 ait I e

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