TO THE YUKON. N EXODUS NOW WELi. UNDER WAY,. 4 11m .a e e a . t e h ip a A re o n t ft nta >-tý tarit.u Cty. a urrying South -G- R. s fatr Lit. oins o<ha Eldorado. st e iatadoxu ten scuilipsasec o- m h way rntsNemi- YorktuoIllue S carynsgguhl sek-ema. A staîl tai em ailing reateh liastte suaine dem-ti- *_a4a4d t e ai -softuf i.isuneg' J4ciitesteamrss-t-il tîto-iui lit these nov miatins- long voyasgt-s auturd L -~5Hornuaret-e Co(' City aud ha forinerly of the Male tSeain- *W oe ekinu o! California euuand stcu<, lei $"sm part ofr<te lied <batitifie<aiti- 00<*<" os eoCopany l -ini-lu bu-is iu<peust- * wil opersie hît weeîu Saut 1-'nîtisce « Seattle and1St. %icheeh. 'it-'a-m té 'Morgan City lias hues'uiStu'd uin tbu- Ecie r.o mfor a ttripo1.Aba ouiandtutu' îtiu- 30Mta shins- eshoonir Nlie (G. 'fttrs- ýws6whlhe iettNew Ykl'ot ii eici-uihuer, »M o -or ahouid b-iithe<bu' thil'a. ue. Ste bas fift<et'upsutu-n-u-e. iThe I antne Harmiet< <G., suuuthîr lonikie in u, uontfber -ny aruuud i<te Ihucu wkM about fifty goid sceller.. Ttc steuhut- ii, CiyofCointobia. w-belet <Ni-nYork -,*Dec 1-hi. s ffîy voyug's.iuvluulbug '»WtZ Bye vometu. Tlhe s-neoce Ex- bisadepartad for S'atli' a fi-w ils> s uso, s- . A1m Sriati nu pasactugers, inut bas ot-sîtto- tpbeatlo5 for 260 m-to wiih jruj liu;e u- lt" ~tde. The vesspes sîb litiorîun< it- l~for the trip to Alaska include <le 'l Ata, with eluteroo for 12t) pasi- uu5«Ws'u.tha steamen South iPortlandl sud UtIle pilet boat Actea. The latter 1M a Party o! feu, lucluduns- Ibree 'Vtohmsme t-omten, who deciee <ey lpater ha ittia piot boat <o the aeget «Miller PRtOVES A VALSE FRIENI). lsé.a i sier loues aiu Wltc 11albr .hith.Man Me rsta 11P to a feu, tisys as-o Richard Conw-ay -a" Niholesa Wuird w-re ceslimtes lu ÉW Uasonade Conuty jail at Heremannu, 3&,Ther hIkad each etber anud naoldesi %MUlekemetand miconfidences f<o eachl ;D*Lq traquently. Wiiard eupeciaily lileti %0 taih. a" hhbiprincipal tohul eto!couver- eilo. w-rabis f iteCous-sy uccatl a Mordifai invitation <o isît ttc Wilerd taruhousaw-bau tbe owuer sbould bave tervet ihie Élune. Couo-ay w ait celi-aus-t Imduysago. WillardWbrcme a tee man a veek later. Hi@ meease came ho the tesu of a pardon haeî on infomationi o! a IWeitV nfiehity ami a friande treast- -" er. oavay had vbated te Wiljard f Muea a on au ha was reheasaîl sud hall Jiimi Mma.Wiliarti ail filat hier fond hua- 1md ai atMlid. Me pravailed upoti ber ta go vithabhlm. Tbey iet<titreasemail lebds'en, not tha mumans, in the bousa u1rtont protection. IMPRISOtIMUNT FOR LIFE. Eslbbe andi Mm..New- fen<enced ton Murderlng Ltter'@ Huahanîl. George H. Dublinansd Dre. Ausilia htew, raoantly eouvicîed et Eureka, Kan,, et the muflder o! Mca. New's tuaanti, bava beau senteucu-stuluile imprsonnment. Wheu arralgued for sentencea %obue atoudy protestaîl bis inoence ritn. New made tao maternent. Atte contclu- " o f ha trial sud wbile te jnnyw-us dshbratiug oponthe<lecne abe brute dsvn anti acknowledgi'd te murder uf iber hnsbaud hy herself and Doblin. La<i'r obe deniadt <hi.aliegesI confssiotn.Josejph Nevwas mystenlousli iurdeci'slehst Oc- tober. A feu, diuyu ater Dublina tient to lire w-th Mrs. New. Iro Break Sausasar ilt. - The tubail<oitreaktti- wil of Suusser > e Hannibal, Mo., who died anti lerttbis l.tmsn, about $150,000, tu th<e W'istîiu- IÉW Preabyterian Colles-e o u sltontto, s bac beau begu in tie ucourt tut cuion -JOIMa. The dei'easi-d tsd no childret, sud p.geldsd for huts.wifc w <lu sut sonuit>tf SW'liaum Il. Maruubu, îresiulî-ît 4Mecollage, tuns ttsused us admîinistra- Mm, The onhy raîstis-es oo survivc thea Xjëuoeffli arse us-eue ItisgutusudMlIns . Ia. ý1 *0111Thonuiton of Lits Atugele, t'ai., chul- ;id _floa hait-brother. Ttc> hrnust <hie s.a uit againete teusti-es of te ?w*hase r Colles-e tuerulic urpoité uf < Ie*akIng the w-lli. Throwu InSu le>- Rapide. 7*. nesl sussulttî laltl 97bariel Levereuz ot North fuuutaads, 39. Y, beat hilmn wih satiltangusud flitrut ovar a parapet bite ruihidu uof Tutu *ImMa crack, Thetcerutmas ful ut 1~sigIca fdoes and IA-vietuýiz mras fer- *IWW bsuised and eut, lut lue mautufv1d <o i k hld o! tha anuebon i-talus outit tsoiu- M-blo th1e hrapide and sias ereseued, - Canada Luis er emTrade. Ulbog pressure in teing brous-lut tut hen r fq the Canatilan Governnetut ta close Ibd >yea anti Skegua> hasses <o Ameri- ~ abogater.T'he regulations enfuce- Ml ~<h.UsiatiStates thovrrmenî un ~u~~lsa ondsgolngtrous- th<etus- hrorlakilliing Canadien rude, lbeitwne o!fl'ictoiainiiud 'Van- 1~tIi~ a. snferng. t-At ABflas, MdLoui EMeComus *,Melectei Unitedi States Senaior, lu ne- 1ÎîdË r<hur P. Gocusan, one tte Ieulh t'L Té Wàk< Slkiln Aserica, u ,i-g.u liane., proposa <o astahlbah a ,là" Plant at South Betlehem, Ps, Poker Players Expehieti. M011mr PI&Ylng bas got sevecel theologi- =iot"tdent no troule. Pmeiadett Jet- et tbe Westeranlineshyteriau Thi's- IMM Semlnsny t Pittabutie-bas <'uta-l- tIstse studeate, susiiended serin for a 4111019 patioti and ccnuned set-s-al ot- fer Ibis "paralcions pratticc. &aia a u--;f o Pa-la Suspends. MW eNtionahliant of lIsinla i., quoi hsumsasuNo Mstileint uit ete m- a made., but Il la tateil <hat dawooitm wblet atuuol, siihlb i tid bgoke ont la a vacant builIng la Cal.,,anti #prenat n0e iidlj thirtg strucures w-eecon- b aiaezbon, ba h aSmuseX< BUT OUR APPLEI. lu Peralela hi Gen. Macc. The nev - gorerument of the republic of Cuba mo,. 1111igmcent of 64,Mg narreI. e eeived cd froç> the uountalas or Cubitas. iu at the Port of Hamburg. which If hadl ts officiai reideuce for more The arrivai of 64,5W9 barreis of Amenr- han two year, tothe town of Esperauza, eau apples hi one day at the port of 111111- seventeeu icaguem trous tbe Spaulsh cap- hurs coustitutes a new cause o! auxietY itlaiof Puerto Principe. From La Es- ta thý Gerusan sgrieulturisa. The ccop perunit Prealdent Masse aud his cabinet of 1896il the United States wtt~ large lssgued their orders ta the army aond the aud the Prices were low. American 5P* ('ubsu generai, Lope Reclo Loyuaz, com- pies were sent In great quantifitte OGer- mander of the ecctit forcés of 1'cesident inany, and cresled a taste. The crop of Masse, estahliihed hie hesdquarters <er, 1897 wax susali sud the prices wre.high, coustantiy threateuing the City of Puerto but the Germen teste demanda theus eves 1Principe. Two weeks ago Gen. Blanec) with the Iuurrased cets. The German ordered the Spanish commander of Puer- news apers ara soutiding he' alarm. They to Principe, (ien. Jiminez Cetellanos. ta are tlilng the orchardists of <bat CoUn- miate an effort to dislodai' the Cuberas try that they are ioalng their market for trous La Esperanza aud if possible to cap- choira appies te the Americans. "Th'ere turce <i'Caban Govertiment. Casteila- viii Li au Industrioexpianting and graft. nos reeeived re-enforcenieots t<oIdiot eti ing of appic tracs lu the fetheriauti dur- aud hbc îroii'edto do bhietient. NO tîews ing the next few ier%," wctes Consul was received front hlm outil tf us e.e Generai Meson to the' State DePartusent lîor<cd luin avejia <bat atter a httie et Washington, "but whetber aaY appla which lamted two whole daYx he met de- grow-n ln the humid climate of noriheru feat, losing <lie majurity of hise taff aud Europe can equai thi'tbent Auteritao fruit oser 5lsit>uîdlers. lie rereatcd to Puerto lu mora than doubtful.' Principe and the Cîtinuos follosvcd hlm. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. The tipatîluth attalions ot Vergara sud Valladolid sturteti to re-enforce hlmn. Both 600,000 ort Inttulions were uîitru<iug ini Pinar dei 0600,000 Wo t fProperty st East Ii roic, u e. lno0ree Grand Forks, SMinui., Burrnad. tîteir pcolonelceiot (jeu.Bîsuco ueredit A larg-e portion of the business district colrn on tes lueuib r mediateforth of East Grand Forks.hMin., waes, iped <Emst n The ge stae oreraforin<e ont by fire. entaillng a lues of user in 0 Eothe alhe glintetPrnipl e itl 000. The baze was discovèred lun . W. rii < thpala tbtflte incipgets nt Hines' saloon, sud hefore flie ice depart-fo inotcbusfthisrgtst tueut could do effective work <lie daume u, (laneî. The rbgl<ixg croet in iedfo lied creptuder the appeoncli of the De- <liccethatG. Titi' ruo r uccettl is- mer@ avenue bridge. attuebed Rtussell & vautt -î.Cltoorihene Doli's saloon, Rtogers' catrethie Greait getnt leader, 'w-us kili-tl. Norberu grain eievator, D)an Siilivun's, PRF'lOt;S RECORDS ISURPAýýSED. William I)obmipr's sad Kelleys sail(ons. sud ail these buildings werr destroyr]. Itrod.treet Sees Mîsny Reagun@ for Eu- A eudden change l ine uiîd saved thi'u n h utok entire business district front rmin. Tliis x roeet rut eporutiook la the' second t<hue w ilîlu a yesr <bat <is .. îîd'tlrge iscvofimereii reporusness district bas heen cleneudeut by ire. aud idra ie,%ili on n ROBBRY TAT IIEAVER DAM. sitatiesprlins isrt-cortis siirîtied and s îry g-encal steadities, l prices of stot- ive Men flind au Enire Houerhntd les, i-t îîîr<iiiiu<li nîttnotahleftentre sud Steel $30. oith.e tle .situaion.'îît lis w et-Quota- Five masked rohbers brote mb te ttis cf creals utsb" te nîîîst aggrîa.ise btonne of Mrs. Auna Grirxt. a widow, n t 8rt-i-tli. w hile <lui-e of sonie' iuikes of Beaver Dam, 0. Tbewouman, ber t<wu igitou hetras rralhi-r liire îlceidî-d wen- daugbteru, tbrea sous, aged front 10 te 18 net'u<hou <bey didii vc ek ugo. Milii yeara, sud Adolph 1olltt and John Pau- %veatilier lu frciuciti>- îneîîtioîîcul usun lii- enstein, teri nads, sere bound baud itfuence tendiiug tu cheik retail uistrihit- aud foot with ropes. Then the rothers lien of osuuuiiile gondîs, clilt> ecauose acked whera à mate cotiniug a large of rlie effiect oicounîtry couds. Spciug sum of money was kept. Ail bey secur- trede otn.siw1,as tusial ut <is <bine ed was about $30 lu mouci. twco gold Of the Ycîîr, but cotnfidence lu tili "Dira- tratchezansd sonne other jeweiry. Wiiilc iîirod. As olready iutimu<ed, <lie ima- the victime were hourd the thieves wet merise carrent lprouctionu of pig iron, nt nhe ichan, co eaa<7t Sitiniiitig te utftl> 1,0<i0,(0tloise a heartily aud took their departure abouat moulit, lias itigunte< exeroisi' au iuflîîuee .4 o'loc a, i, leasving tésiir -vie"ons stili upon he _<re-. *of a.bat staîtie,. but de- beu& About santour lter one of <hein creuses e$îiorteditre stili oîîly fruerionai. soceceded lu gettiug free sud gave file The outlook in t<le stcel rail rude lu re- abattu. iorteduaafluttu-ritig uîe. Qitite a sritît- W'ast Nsw Meico's Vseth. tige lu cereul experta iu iîîdlcaed h> ce- TIhomas A. Edison,te inventer, lias *b<trt tvýitia wcr elu..fottshe Unicîtedtu ramte lsrgely Iterested lu <hi' gold fields tt-sa aatl<icioid arom <ete 011iYt:1l uf South Sauta Fe CotiityL New Mexco, 920,00anti unîlsagauuiste,25),900ou. t:- sud he proposes <a o ituteta plant, t>2> ]net birui-Isudionui-u exporte00abse- fashlind etter <hi' style uf bis remarka- sow at w ccl,.lîîn ofudt euitcteut hie mechanical device foi, extrue<ing iratos uiuyva ic s fals- tff sttitswe- gin < troin the gravel lieuluo! New Jerseyoi .4;tsitthl<iiucagît which staîl jîut as reudily sure hi' goii4,461,000> iiilicisla.rit soet.' lu New Mexico. This iltei eiioince- ment hat rames ity private letter trous Miner. ta Wu.rk Erigrht Houe. New York. The wizard ha een engag - Eiglit heuio %icu 1 (otititute aîî ils swot ed et bis iabona<ory for te pat yeor litiinnail lie bîtîîîîîlîîîîrs toai fels ot iiul makiug experimente with the iuw-gcu de nîoie, Indîiana, Ohioi, ul'iualiiandti sold ores whct ahound lnu ulimited quat- %ýVct Virginia oiti aid atutr <utte' 1, 1898. <ty in South Sauta Fu Cosîuty, and hi'Titis impotirtani<tirovisituitw-us rnde ut te has beau tafartsuce-ssful fbutthi' bus hi' joint eonv-entioniof citali mies aitmine ramte une of a etroug syndicute of New îwuece. 'The actioni affects tic welfuce York sud London capitaliete who bave of 400,000 orgutuizei Cooul i,îu-ru, the ce- iessed the Orîts mine grant foc a pcriod ducedurofutlor givluf oppottîîîty of two years, wi<h hi' expectation of for workta o8.000 more men. etimnated îîu pnrahasiîig Ift 8<au egreed price of 85>t he ceduced outputut 1891) atîd 18947, and 000. The tract of land conveyed hecehy te a rnuch grenier nîîîîtec, isitî theli ati- to Edison sud bis assoclates consiste ot cipated outpin u lSS. A cesolution fav- 54,000 acre, every sce of whieh lenet uh rig u advane uinîîîy oftheu cents a ton lu el<her placer or iode goid. Iadeed. Iîte ominers lu <hi' conitietitive dilstrictu uf le ail historie grouud, for if eoverse (te l ive Suitesafuter Joiue W6, 1898, tsilcd oldest goid-produîcing region on Americun to carrY. sil, sud In ils midet, niear the tuwn of Pennsylvsnie Statehoue Faits. Doloces, St. Louis cepdél i ato-day suce- 1 <d-tîiî cahapcinu t cessfully opecating the oldest gold mine thadueiigcshaPronfte lu Auserica, the fameux Oritz mne. lu as< wiug oft<hi' old statebouose et Phils- thet vlelîity, sud for miles acoud in suy del1îia, l'a., fell. No huctît w-au ilîta direction, placer gold Luuy hbcssasbed from hi' historie hbuildiung,asu hi'srbhes whieb thys;ont âel audtrain'e pubre ih collapedwî-re lnit conuected vuitt t, a ay;teguIches adrv le r illesi section of <hi' wiiig net t<hi' enut Nw-aIl wl<h grave] >ieldiug ft$.50 te82.65of lndeîîendenee ball turing luscu roto i gold pen cuhbie yard to ait average deith out under flc eetoeîtio,î planes ,iiuw lcitni uf 60 feet, sud tlic uîmmetrce lopes Of urriedi out. 'The oicident wIusduce<oe iie thie surcoundiug imoîîtaîus expose great .ipised tate ofth<e _building. porphyry dites hîuîlreds ot feet lu Miited lu . Cove-lu. width, w-blet carry gold values ot frous Sparts tramntiuengîi- set tice <o <he $3 toe8$5îper ton. timbering lu <hi' Fairview unltntIonte Sauta Fi' rend. ulue muiles 5 est ut W'il-1 Ralti hon Englimhe (oods. liams, Ariz. Whiie itîcît wece llgbtiîîg <ha Thece set-lts <o te a pcubuility <bat, lu darmes lu <hi' tunnel a nuts otf rocks sud( additiountute otiier classesaout ntufue- cbacred <lustîccecavcil it oit <lieus. load- <uresi gouds lu w hici <is country ta nue- utuster Lyotîs sud 1oreiusu Matheu-si censetuiiy eotttîttig wi<h foceign matiu- St er. eaugb< tîti fa iully iujîîced.i factuýr froctht <atie oftuthtir issu ionti tries. bleachesi cottiti-u %%ili sîton lic sddcii. Piano CumuPany Assigne. A hundred numîies-ses uft <luse gootîs 'lTe ltitvkett-'utîteni> <'luo Cotupauy have jut t een shiîîtîîlfrottiNewurk cteo u icinnti. 0. fer w ti-h a ceceiver Manchester, attd ltgotitittiusare now on la ti-il n test laysaiuo, basu asied faut for te ptrehias-tiflarge ettasigu- lI Chîrles IL. Steilieiis. wi<h asse<s Plue- met, for <lie Englishi <cude.litecetuturecl t1 <$175l,0t00sJad di'htu at $200000. Cotton gOW8lis t eI,,it -. îtrtîd titi u suseli ceaie to Enaud ilîcotîs-lNets totukt Theutigo Playeti Poker. experct trokeu. Nots, hou ever <lie t- As a ru-ouit O tif n vestigation a<ithe teution out ittuititirti-rs ashutlcîti Wes-terni'ilttologictîl Setîîiuacy o! Aile- drawu te Aîtîeeii-un gittit i. tnet cilite- shan ity, î -l'o., <luce stîîdeîts bure becu cause they are cheupe, lbit lso <tiiart-e andîlsesîn ti ter u ssîeiîded foi' <bey are tound Ioubhfcrtueî-riîîr teE .ii s ttoiti<eriulcotduet. lixh inanufacturentutfte saune %%eigb<. The Ameriran goonds are meile of a iruse twlsted >-rn tibaun lie Eiîglisb. sud are Mdust Krep Ont of Kansas. wl<bout the' lliîîg. ss ble, w-hue uîaking Spcrinteuidctfi tisurance NIIN-11 ut <ha ma<erial smuutlî aud tif goud alîper rI\isi5 îs.ttd titi urîer resoklîth<le Il- suce, causes if<o taege tudi>- andt oet i-t-tise tf tht-Lite I iieiritttt Clearing the ereugth ofthet Aitieicat gittd,. 'Te Compaltny tif5. Patîl, Mîtîti., tu do housi- usarket for leaclîed cotton in<ts cour-tiencs lin<Katiiuo. try bas fra,ucnî,ly lu-cii urer<tockcl. sud MAKT«?OAWN sbouid th.a i ca entîxîuiuen< ccsîîl< u I inE 4L>ATpS a regular expert rude titi' eltc< ill bc to keep ha inilîs coutiiituîîy ruîing andî Chiea-o-Cattle, commua to prime. to prevent te iiriodica-l ruuuirrg oitlitait ,ti «<o$7. tou, liptiagg srade-s, tinte sud diseharge outru-I ci -orer. siit < i 4..1 iieî,fi ociu.$0 base led tono rutcl i îiaî-ry and discoutent. <o $.ts; svbest, No. 2 red. <.1e < 1e; -îîeîî, Nu ct. feit, L ; ss o.2 Hurricane lu Olm, <o te c; ct-,No. 2, 44c e 4o-lc; butter, A bîrricane I lt-silîi uiiireds ut dt-r ehoice creeoiuery -18c tu 19c; eggs, fcesht, etks lun<lie iil ield ut Olioauil blet%> 5C e <o17,; liitatitoc omuunuu ochoie, dos-n telegraph snd telepbtuue plee lu )i2c <ti e n65CP tisltl. many localties. A treemeudoistairnluas- lîl5iut<i xttt siîîiiîg. 83.00o la compauled the siud sud treania Ver- $5.25.;lbogse, .itoce liglît, t3.0te $<4.-00; lowed their haudis. 'The village- of Alger, 8esl ii"teîttitiu <oeltoiet. $3.00 tu 84.50; la <he Scioto muait, was cumle<ely suitb- 5luiut, No. L, Die e o 3e; curn, No. 2 mergeti and te resideuts c elled te swhite',227c tu 29c; tuais, No. 2 Whiute, 2-lu.- vaca<e or more, ilo tesecond s<ory ot to 2(e. <bain hontes. Nt. Louis CattIe, $3.00 to $5.50;hou, United States For.ige Tradte. ei.t(l tu $4.00; siteel, $3.00 to $4,75; The fureigu Commterce uofteCUited nNu. 2, We e <o96c; corn, Nu. 2 Siaes ur ha>ea 187 reas al ec - llw, 25c e <o24; tte. No. 2 white. 2Me BIG GRIST 0F BILLS. OVER EIGNT TMOUSAND AWAIT CONGRESSIONAL ACTION. Tha Ottout for iHa-allun d Cubai, Legislatbuu-Talk Abolît Baîakmuptcy Mea.uî-e - (laneral Appropriation Billeota eCiosely Sraled. ,,,mgoow liard nt Work. Wathgsegrrespondeneu CONGI<ESS lha nov ws eh , downta <o !tu is unt, and te proces ut grindins- out billes le in operation. Oser .'5,488 bille sud 107 ,, ,, ~ - joint reeotalons bave b een referred tute Itotise C.Mtumtuets, s uod 291billa and 77 juint resohutione <o Setuate conîîtltees. 'The caleuchuucarue hioltpirs tatti wtieli p-tht- s-dst ofte cotu- jnuîitpe-s is <licuss. , lFTî"ie lionnse bitssu-t t, Ill '<wttuf<ie greut apt llji.ti U ' îr priatin< i lluIsoe <o the Su-nore.'lthe> crry $162,000ih,0004. Eievu-îu utlt-ct ua-t, tel itsreý. 'llîîsî -lu priilriaoubhisnart, lite 4v-.oi-it<iab uf lis- ijit ti. Wtit huut iliert-u bu- luiinieuut lu tlouteul. 'illut-uute dilereneesetîncenu intetus ht-tu iti luttiiu-lelt-l'yhi> uuiurec ittites tuiditîtis il ltheigneotifttiret tf the Presielt-t, Crurio u tIHbe rcîturi ne]ai Il ru s lliiui>u- ititiuu tuiltlite let- ers lie d<it, Iltii> iti i rite th-t-nîuueruu aie- îucuuucuutiuuuu his us c listîl> ut-tssbleandt lit fir-e-aitruuuujîuinutu- t tualit eirlidI> lth. lonttr tii-enut-so tilut chbisct-trc> usti<uai prrcuîîîcîîhuuuîn bîîltlîlr-uh dw tlîuîî tltts its- tht-nu , tte.u,-w u rite <lui uîr. Ait applropritionîruli spiout u-u ltgtth îî-îî-tîîcî. aloi il lu fc.qrsiItt>. us('l, i i stîttofiet- uie ts,- lu-guoluu front f turr-t-rai-t. Itiau tbu ris-lut tuf ssuuti.uli tties, tcep li -iit s-stttfeititttIliy a tuuitst-litli, iose or lu> a ui-ciaI ores-reltrir le Conutittu-e oui lttiltui. Ait approptlriation ill ,1cui 50 ittli acontescte(] lei-h--on i s5fetin te traik t utnutl>ite y le- teit- outirelum-iliue. but i e1i<rcuueî uîuuuruniuuîrs cu-îîîîlt ut t selde usmi-etuI uuî ar-c eruiec <lta',oui-e heîturur itttit lu><ui t( rtîsui'. uluetit- luift Tii sesii lxtttoOit-s ttcegt - lus-, jr liie Siiit-- fuil- tetut atit>rirs- <retttyl>-lu <salucl- sii-te 1,a11 luepr, stîlutus-furi t-tttrrs tut ili îuluîtu iy <ai-s ritlbodyl. If <u tire ltci tuf<lte Iltoisi-riret- ttituuittoi-ht1,i bill <hi-> iait <'asilithdistiIiris niulltcit< it b> Ille- Iltts..<tlhua> ue luridituiltut- 'uuîîîîîîl tu. titi l'îru-lgî.ui fitlesý: outilif cî'turtuîh fronti <hit îuîuîut-- lut-tu- ie, tu ieu> u w-lict-he<lt-Ilotîse ai(tutusîunuuî ilr ut, t-nuu t> a Ites-tivl-rd fronutu ltti'te tmitit Ils- on u ilesu. Tht, ' thtîtuuît ii-tn u inuiIuur ,it natuin.'lTe Iiu-tu-isht-htlt 1)luyai, tut,- plictiltn tflIfs ti r ,ni u l- Ihccc ctiiri tesof t i ' tu-iuhuu-cufuistite- cieutgntu tnt of Cuia ta. lu mwuîîd itutti iu,,îîuîuuutu- nil> lu,)ruie fir il. 'Tii,'So-nateî- estluî tiotn la stillli trlu-uint iie.Ittutsu'Coîniit- tee oi Foreignu AfOui ic. If <his courrait- te sitillepourt il tuttutru luI> ot,<hi Il<uitt tlunhin<he 5tliitiiof Lout L otv- t-ls w fi-, ss o juî<îîusd inthî a <ion tient elîsuud wi<tt spriîîg. Ilt cortld nutvorîun op forc etuierecutio' i thouthe liretsitun seueial uudcc. Ont-e ounte aeshcuac, i islit hi'c cled liionit uislieasiou uay,jpro- sudeu te Specaker ss orul cotisent t10 eec ogîtize a intîruiber uftire euîmti«tee for <bis purpousut Then a two- tied vote would îpansu 1 ituukrup<cy and Curre. - Ttee iliu rtîlui ahi aoutla hanktcîuplcy bill. "lite ('uuîuuîttue ut- thi- Judicier>- lias reported!ut bll îîeuutiullhtesuie uaste "Torrey buil.(,n.liteuidersutu of I owrabu te s-lnie<uiiiuu tf <ut,. J udîuiary Coniumittee. lic i luti 9intiitt ir tut tts' (oumitlulee on Ittîi . 'lliebl wi s l urrutahîl> te rohetl lutfore lii <tt I-u-u-us yas stetia h rde.If inb-is dormi- lite trie-nus t]. <utireNi-I-on bil ttulh uffu-c <îlintus auu saltutti, unitees pree ci udted by the- t-crs tut te sut-t-clbte-- -enolhuir sutrits- lilte tox. At sil evett, it seins suttl, savit>oihrtif t<lueMouise itou-tes tutu>bauiitc il whut tiver <is su-seu il uwsilhi' tselbll cettoced trous (ten. 1lt-tuuîcc-tius cituuittce. There lu no0 ticohtilit>-. buutevee, tiaiuitntciru ltul v111 pste Sont-ie. 1<ls-utr te uuîeuîed lus thultuotI>gous, utt ,mntus- 0 it ticel>- aceptabhle tii tliir(- adrtri' tirle Il usu- 'ire dîfis-cu-tces ti-sr r Ie tro hodue tc ett<cd li duitiueîc. Te sanie- usttrie ut a liiaou-uul or a cuir rene>- bill. Mlit-ru ut i-sedituce l!o htht boursstigre(a-ct-c<liit tzees trtu îruabilty of t-luepassaige ofitrii; uicluic-netre titis Fssti. If utt-at-or> - tite apprîopriationt bills nia>- le uit- t-il meutusnli ient astr> At aia escr-t. < t rtthttucsuI <iiShîucntât- laîiuuu"lite situa ttuios tuaptly duscîhb- -îhy b>SeiitreThuotuas Il. Ca'tr u o ito- lanaroirto salitl <ttolua-ut lite Sî-ua<c <o liaes s a<ns tunial b illi htu ed unte jetaittuit te moietary euuiiniuu.iotu wuu<hd te lut "s(utinns-w-tti-c asniusl <ie tu<' The Coîtîmitie ou Itirers and Itocluors la in aession asndlgivinliIîeuaigs to <buse interestî-d luisuit uapprop'iaionuîs. I<le leaerthal airt t-focttlttt iia river sand tsrtuticapproprîîitionnbill wiru Il(lironade ht'- foreti' îendutfte sessioni. Suulua <ill bas te sautepris-Ics-e, initilete cules, as tiue otlier apprpruiationîî tilis, sud in uuîîelly no framed that it en pase tlue Mouise ty a <wo-thlrde vote on suspjensicon do>,sithout dehute, 'T'is tras tha case li te hst Itirs andtisicHonse is eqital. iy asa esser ounte question o! interntailoi- liroreluclutu, Anottor bilh o! iimjortsute is w-bat in kuownues e caui-scelp)itig bill1. 1Iltrus broughtl efore <ha Hutuse liitteet(Coit- s-rena under a speciul oruhcr fromnt e Cour- ustiltea ounIHuies. lIte Fif<y-fo<inlh Cogregseit wat platt<o siecp ilutitreSenale, Il% oppoietitîs basltte 6itteft ofte short sessioni.wheu oppropriathont bille wera crowdlîuig eucb ottan lute salI. Tbi'y used th~bactiles t deteet il. They ouIl bave no sotitolt<ortuity lu <is session, foc il hate hotus-session. and Cougres h not contelled <tu djouicity tha 4tb tif March. lu tros- contruet vrt th<is stand w-bat are kuossu ne tha etter cuir- riers' nutdpostal entrs' tilla. Bob bsvec reachesi ttc calirtdars bu prerlous Con- gresses, tut them friands have neyer heeu able la get a e siteslIonder fur talc cou- sideru <hot. Anotterebil attrevîhus- îouidershIe aI- tention is whistlis tuow il se ttc Lond bill, Il renntes te rotes for uccodeluss a mt- ter litte rallit. auîkiîug stringal imibta- tlunseaaifs-ublîts-<ie sets spturs, ud #%il îîenioduieiubs uulica ut.This proposition hie feraturcu, and the prompecta are fair for ias passage. Arusy snd Navy Affalira The army and navy araeupeciaiiy Inter- csted la legisiation thia session. The Cousmities ou Military Affaira lu consil- eriug a bill pravidiug for two additlouai regimeuts o! artîllery. The proposition in strosgly fevorad by te War Departuseut. These regluseuts are waîîted <o man <ha ginou int<he uew fortifications pitîuued sud bi'ing tuilt for coast defense. If the ap- Propnlation for <hem lu piueed lunte ceg- fer anmy appropriation bih le h l able ta hi' stricten out on a point of ordirr. Should a sî'para<e bill for <is mnreuse be report- cdi tront the commlttee it w-uuld go oi th<e caiendar, sud rould 00<tecîuusgidered nithout e stuecitul order trum tlre Commît- tes ou Rule, ils frite, <lirefore, ls pri- Marily lath<hbauds ofth<e leadersutfte 11oua8P. Ouce lx-turc this body, <ha bill wouid sive rise <o a sharp discussion. aud prohabiy poe. Judgiug trous <ha liber- slity sbown by te Scoute iii te appro- priations for fortifiations, 1<It-oulti rend- il> liss <bat body. WILL 8EEK THE POLE, A Canadian, CeptainuBrnmier, <o Try Hi. Lîîk lu the Fromen Aretice, Cnuit. J. E. It-ruier of Quebee le aut <o joi<ie lontg liat of ti-en st-ia,tetrieul <o findtire<lue uur<iîpoli-. Oit Itiretli1 1li, w III stact tutrth t w1h utik prir f Pellt, li clutuins- a surencuitduatuiageulout. Tht. exîiliton-ljI hi-adfo tuir<le uothencou-urt tut Sils-cituansudtiti-n tili hes-Iithe jour- tic> oici-lu ii i.rfle ile-sitiott t-tiitise tlhi ehiut ~initl wartt ul<ureaclu, h> ses.,te uuîtrîl-cu sctîtlof Siluerin.'1Tis vî-e-l l te une thtî%tils ui-il lut>- ui ns-Ilit tuMiliui ce, Jackson, ou, isterecetît ue Ilvit-ciit.)eecta to rnacItthe <utile hy iituu oftit In., atndl lt' utlit-s ti- il lic, utihu. tut itaku- iluttîtlxn tiles a a un lt tis e-si-i. i. s. BtUNîusîc fuulintA fi,- c ingîuîîshl,' isutcehi tuttir-1,theolue 1 lut ltîhl1211tut> n tue fuite <uuî tttho, lc i , ant.t ktau hiu<le juui iii humfle 1, sua>ot sîuutahs-rg-uu. lItenie u -ilt- ituunit ts tht î-tvisulutttu< Irust lilumfor ti.u>îes lu-uhuc-c simi lutb tuttimu tluuulut, atu' lut'l..tari>- <ouioce tu-itu furir tutu it cuse-u u-t-aut hitcuclias tcreriffly btîuhiuhe %te-sje nu-tuc,-(f t utcir îsîioluccuc andulli-ultt- Ilut mithsstIl htle plmeuîr ofuul-liuet f-ud ttto<uits ît-i' cumoule lu- s, il lue a hle tu rs-ut-t l,<tule 55 thiut duanger. IN AN ICY GRASP. Greant Daage Wrougtt hy Snow, Front snd Wi.d iu Chicago. ohg luaulut Iely h't uudt-rut-suit uat ws oils trecels and rcutofljitu eîuuled wthite, tshile ei-ry tri-c ttîod0ou-aaint thue bluo f te ut>lite s dlemoud dume- aslowisni a tunquoise seltios- Ituin tsehf oas nultut-doua, fui tele auogilded te icy voaîiug utfte fallu sici-s, austrei asnte intlciuug saucnduulfcut frîngsor ti<igs and tranches. Duo-loued ujîttu a di as isloalîtefoni <te îsuînd as if Itlaiy ock, id iunt e h-uI t flue arctuezoute. 1< sman o-alied ut Ils îcîîskiticîa 1,> stofut now- siblluoctuded est-ny ethurliou sielt caur hume sud f0 cîuslmud îis<uresujuu'custuos- Placs foc teotentu thtgratît polesuttid mtc-sofut <sis<ed, tuselesuw-ri'. (tuhls-us-isuffîeed mauce <han sny uthuer Ciltylîuu-uded interritoriaul shocu arsi extendinus- rous W>youimIu, Datotat,Minu- ueota. Wisconsuin simd bma on te mwest and uoctt l'eiunt;lvaiuia and Ni-w York on te cent. Ituiirotubandu 'iW'estern UnCion tt-es-cntttautluuritie-t ogc-d lunte uratu- uit-tt <hui thelie stsIructino! <lu i-ncstt- 55 as cmttubitedi hrnu-t it-uul> tu thiebt- cls-totu tlue cl<> circee N ut inttis w-t-e as-i-uts-s buyontl a radius utflt0 mihl's troînChu- cuiso. feir <uytît uil oui't<w-cul> ivt,' iit-ntualtzationu ut tecrjut si-rici cuusedth <e pricipiîal trouulee roiicoudo ,înteciusgli Chut-os-oand l ecluush>- loti- fered nl tii- <ueomueueut maltuy ft<h'he is <lus-wides -re cutu- pîtel; dittutled uad train dispiatching damte <oui stundutili mmtlidisîatu-ers eould lue sentfront <lue tutu ut utleutu t inui >bs itatioui , stmecei-tlu- ctomnitiîon su ntu ubadhy hamnîeed, IBut the tarue sN rouislu tius te rires issu nulte oniy trouble utu tas neut h> the calcoad. Titi' tcsy enutu tilandI i-u<ieqieiit srretclued etunllioimofut<hue t<cs dehayed tramus aînd sdîed es, elemeut ut danger to <hter petiutu. C'ticago wasu for biturcuit off lelegrnpb- iîtîlhs frum umerly ai <hei' niplîcities tf <hi'ecoutry, asud <lic sonms avoc ant feetesi <le City <ilu'phuottc and fire alanus service <o the Point ut teusponuey disaie usant. LUETGERT IN TEARS. Sohs Convuiaively an He Telle <ha jury ais Stoni. Wi<h a susilc aou ieustuse sud t<uetanot conufidence lu bis mutiner Adîlph 1, Lttet- gert toukth<e sitnusestand lu Chiecs-o. 'Te count noont sas pacted and the steru cye of Jutuge Gary rovcd eoîîstuu<ly aven te hreatilesely expecantt rans-, cous- mutudbos silence as <bey f ned face afler face. A uali armiy w-as denied entrance ta the building. Shos-hy, hmîusively. Lueigec< sseighed the questions sud gave tact hie ansmans untih i' was asteti o! hs icret wfe-tbe firet lova of bis tretîge cancer. 'rben to <heasatoniabmi'ut,te utter auseuent, of tces-et audience, te irou-ti'snted. pisouen hurtInt to teans. Covrnus-bis face wtitb bis tnoud pslus>t ic sobbed colt- -ulivi-hy; bis ebotîlderls shoot sith emuo- thon, sud his touu'a ehsued in bis deep clitent se ho tried <o go frward witthbie stony. At the atternoon session the examina- <ti o! ofliaemituiesa by Attorney Hermoti was ou slow- that w-ban court adjounned uottiîîg pertoînins- to <he 'alies-esImunder o! Mru, . uatgart tidseu brous-ht out. M'alter Nash o!f<lue West Hoboken IN. YIl Poulice fuund $012,(M11wortb of cointenfeit uîoîuey bu n vac'ttbouse, 1< s-as ailt $110 nuIes on thielIant ot Mou. tresil. Ttc bouse trouthaeui' focuus'ny octijtied by Williami Hroctwn>-asd bin coiifi'iteites.Abtue L.tS'uiitb sud 1Wil- liaim E. %iVaguer. Ttey si-ri' acrested lu Aîîs-ust, 18)5, chars-cii îith counterfait- The Unitesi States Buard o! Generai Appraluans lu Nets Yort bas ovenmuleti <ha proteat of Charianl P. Colos ef $an Francista anst th.easuent o! a HELP FOR TIIE HOO. Seretari Wilson flleves a Cholera ]lemutisHaillen Fouad. Sî'îreary WletsîtIle well piesst'd wlth, - titi ci-iuts of titi- ixpeciiie-ts ittit bave hteu s-tutus- Irtii ttiler lisdirecîtion Inl lovatt Iîl N(I-lintisksut utig lit, laut fesv uttuuths lit thi- tri-atr ietîtt O tf bts boi h li-ra hi>-ittou- latot utu fuir lit- thiluits tile liueurl-s filest Ira-( ru h-itudu- otebtil îriru' ssor t 8tt.t t1,1ilt a -u . ftilit- îpeopîle i thte t ultsd Ilîstes. The wtsîu-deîîuuu t--i uuideets hum tir l'uts-,- 4't)Iiuit3vlu,%itu. lut < lrisi. silit-rt' suivit Itiui uuulc-l uts-sf<litt w-i-ciahi-ul Ou Tbîueedaytilie coostian sud dipia- viti a distot - <lufiit lors ii itÀl is w eli t rai p rpiain bl-ax 1118d b cuuoil.i-itilil, ti .-n-tuirtul i>-titei' .- mteheîIluierariu<lo ril wus onss filsb of eriiiiii4 - o- t rliitu-tu jtctttoi-i-tt l> Cuitas i, u-axili)ii. %Ir.i<ligle> atide a -tsit-s'lisrfu-l>licialt> siot te o repchelart-ulire <o oas-t- ciultiti lun uthe tlue uîeuuîtrii-vru- ittrtilttsuil t, rnit-t-fe-ely cottru iuusry, litî itlile shuwed <bat attuItîtu- tutilit it-ru isi-aui-ul iithotiut the <n-uri uelttes humnuutlilng tutdu tsitb shoîutiuug tuu> -ft-usfront tit-i-titui'tt-<enu. 1litfilue sînate Mcr. Ti-oreurcol- llt-utîd i uu i-e lir ct-tuutfu; Iuil-tle <iîuiiar <int t < iids le <tuttI id iti ilte ilas s il ç ireaditu t 101- tti î,u:u stu-tt u SilarNe as s-oui %sasta lienu til y a -itiru!41 ta olcuuailu t iu% rîuha" . luit < luiu-t i-î ec- 2.1. aod. atter dehutte. suIus tutotde utîfin- briska :i[ xiiiti,.r ltitfil. etiilel e- ooised hîusiîuu-ss Ii. Mc littîs-rî' s eicored tuiii cu ia-o unoirIlui-u c-oiltiil. TI i s-ciithtte e s-tus-t' tuf ao ei'uu tti l ie tir<le la ,hiiIIi l l e it'ille tlaminer moi utstiti- al-ut (eay o ii nero io ieA tr ti tý,--ttY flin t-i-lfuieliphil sti<î;A ,I.yCe aota<letoal reuulepAttor-h gicui rt ti -t li. w-f~i1 t lte tleIltlue i hr-rttii,iftt haldta tîu n cara- -eruic- lf,ý a lti i fi etl al uns-tile bull utg i t uta ss u I,uîutiniOtlahomao tur, lt-tus i,,,i lîut ti<ttiil t terrilun> b> - iiu-uuuîîtu lî' Ieuiaiuîs sudi te ti. ilcit utuli u-i le diuu.uî- llItlî-c tutu- bucultg-ituf tu ui -itiiut iu- liI'tiits ltheli s;i tl u-lî. I tui gu hai" <u- tt-i-'l' u< ut nu,- tei-c iury - Thei-re-uttiittit sgt uring tuti ut- li sut IîtIs Iuu-cut its -ii -ilt O! Ilice ittisir eito-rai %vit ic tion rlssa,- 5505 i tvu lsut> l ittttt ili file <e ai- i tuuluci ti-i- t- uti i r.Iu t titot, il- - toe it I-e .t <c l huscs sîe ice t-x"titi ýiltttg cit luuu'r<a ut- ru - tttti, ti tutu--t-,iut-Io, sut tu-iititu ii i q iî t .:. ut in -t- titi i~ -it i -t (lr fuul tt tî ruou aiuuuu fuir titi> othtt'i ruiîu-tti ts uftt îtu i ttutltreut 1 ipstsiI rt- I . -t tt t I.ittluti, ut-t-ttiI d-- iucuiNtuphuuîîrîu.iflse utit-ttt' itt- t ii-ttrîur Ofi tutr)itIirte tiil".lth- tîît> <u' rs-lt!u tuu, îiuuîsi i ît i-tri. 'lied tut sit,- iti- tus--, ut tu t t ým ,taîtt o fit flo u t. Ii> u l tt - it tii i t ititur ut l u,- tuu u-t-t I i>l iiî- uîîîîîîîî tira e ut-- îOtfII I-l:it tuk!,>- ttuti iiituut i-t ii-l ut li-ut lt îu-iuuî u t-til t uu.. itlî t I t ll. hi; u t h.-tuu-!. t T htccus >11i iitco - il,, uu- t atdotaiu is utIii <hi' ii! <lui-i cis3t1t;1.1c%%,&.,cu ut tititii-tut-u titi 1uc'- -tut- fui. tutt ,,I tt ] tlI' <toir a tf t Il o. 't i i i. t t-,tuy tf u-suucuîtuu ttuuitrttuti> lutlillul <tituite I i Si-s tut l it t " , l'lte f tuu-îu tutuuîIn lutc ut u .uîuîiî l tit ti -iulttiootandu,, thebllt itu i-- S ttt t i tul,. t Ie tu t rl tl Uttt uti uuk- it <lui rîuuutît-e t it <lu-tuIf 11, t9; - uri tut1 t i, tub tf- o ui uti.r irututu ti i ri>til it-cu tit iîuc t.uci;13 * - c utut 1 ît t , <I1 rtlue dusi titi cuit It le- r. W - iv ituii s u It c-l t Ir- u i' IiO Su uttii <t r otut - i ti l i t - iuuut-r (If t Mt . u -i tl 8.- lsu- i u-rt;t>iftheut I-f-uuLi.' rittit ut-l ftr-s t i-t t p r -..ut- riil. t ui t r . Ui' Ilvtisori:l ii tu tfil- t,,illitistu tultt l- lit-:i-ii .. i I-fu-i i ui t t:îtîr 412 T i -Il 11:11 <Iz, Inst-i- rk.tst tSi, lu i hp 1, 1- c- ititutIftl. luslg sîil n tutu tII t e - uIllI utthu l i it S u r, i u uti r tu r Ntt i rt, <te t- î, u r - i littiti. unu tutgd , ~ i .cuuu u tt . luit ifrosnti tu-tu-t ut 1t7 -ti tu3,î737.1170 rlitI t- I tmis- Iu, <lu-i ttuttu, tCot<tt it lii tut. ulî-ltut .q SZJ t. li,u tr i a,. - uit-lt t-tut"ti , t h nsuurgentî sîtlu auul î,iîî fu.t it. Suîluru Sttui e oý. ittic u -i,' i e r,>ti-%%tttltt fus-tir ' it iit,- tuuu l ord tuti .tutituii-. toit i t orluis-g tui . i t'l Iti.u i,-cî - tiulc s i RESIGNATION 0F DR. HALL u iei.u-ui uYliil>a vîîol f Srurprime Iliter tire Weuith,-Slitrstii îdtttu ultuht. ettîl'.lie d-main- 1ttr- eit . G ilneral. ud- c tf <i II uti u ud ti t utI 5ith the Theiii- lthu <t-uîu-lcubrtru1t> 1.10-î 11oiuut ti I i ld'tt Iluli. A li-t-ly île- lut Nu-t ltint is ili,- ut i t lt.slt> ti-diitu -tum tuu. it-î0 i- iL)1,>aitlituut tmile t-ut-tgu iii un o Il ru t. 1 lias' j - lt titi- -ume î t i.. l. i . att ii l h - itttlti .ui I t-tlt-h îîîîls uttue i-il utuiti suit t I.1-t, l'ru-att 1iii, fitutthe 2.tît aîuiîu s i tti îcîîuîuuî t-dii - ,uhtk ti t tuu tut i l. ,c licn tu'u îlo .t-Ilt tli tutu-e i.l,, t.itlor <uîuuls. tt t ttt i tutI titte - i -c!-titi- itfte lus <li' i-sigiitu<tuti ut- ,li-c 1,t iciifit il tuttiri , tut -roi ut,, tue.l,àî tf tit, 11t:0u1.ututut, itsu s- l utthit. ttis lîuîrtIitIItt itt .li.h. Su-rui,- lieo. Iatwloru at ie, uuu.uutoi l, ie ci l. L iOilutcr- ssl.ur ,t --s e,-tu-tu-,l tut NIe. lir- o-nt titiout l] l(-fitu .ir oui Lilgi- J.,airuî- ~~ ~ j ~ ~ I.>,fNi tl niu- il it, uuu us Ml. if l,. uîdh <lict - iii - I ut iti- t-t lut î-u tIi si-tu. -~ j j ru- uuut;uîuuru t iittii ii dî uultf iii tu ut -r ututlu- uts-ttuot et uutu- utuurri-l, nu luttl. <iii t Nlirsîl lui ru,- uttutIlus-olu 1<> itI tuti tu il -ut. i't .-tiuu c i-s i u i 'e, * ,titic.- ti lu. ii l, l-'uiei t i,r, citin - Ir IiI I atu 5 t lîtu triit i u t luruîîu'ul Of tuttI ~ ~ ~ ~ li <lui tutu;s-t-d-uMrttu, ssiit tl-t-tl> tutuu- lit <lu- tti uglt - sîuuuîs <l,- uusuuci iut-I truiu.îuuîu :IPtu--t-uu i tu-n (.or th, v> luuuu-h . fs u,, suiur> >t t h . <le leI ilMflil] r.-Iz. titIi- tf uit, ltutrttc-fr . tîleylia Sta l M our o n th lîlî-d hr t-- îusiurui-s il .<i ug. t As r t-tu ti s- l ..îsu . ibi thuuîluur> - 1.511uîd wCthpi i tut-lcNrti,.u tut icIr. <luiroh ut htic u-îîuu lîîîu -t> ptrucs- i tiltl , 13. - < tt -tuutit. tIuiluîs-lier a ndo tit I. 'fît' sîîî.îuuîu,î îî'îî r, in l ui ss-hij-u lc ui lluii r. it- utli > h m Vtu11,asd il, Ofihitsiul-u uie--tlit-[c-ttu- i.i tus ttIti-ut u tt .lu r« luftA îti ts- fil -iub('iei l 'ui titi 5 li utt uîu u î, irttt a sot-u e arer, , lt-u usuiituitiuurii Ilîu IIur ils - arîîuu iutul ui;tiI il t ,ii-. uuuusi~ c- thce seo ifl ii ii-tiistîutig-. tr)tuossi ,,'- u TI l'rs: 1- it it l ilitu .tif roluêm uiof i e tsuu .1t tuf sis-h ist , tIti' ttîtnupr."i';ItN hi.iI%-han lsl hlum s-xruu-tsitý , ol h i uui ltelsîe t j> ' t lu IX tii., iute ua t at n. sll kmtoile<t t lut itr. ie t iutl1oir ithtlavensuce. uu< 'i-'nhos. tutlda s spt lu bts onut dIctoCn.traltitPturtutourunisuco.r h uuIeîrLa rir Iet ff fifile l.v:lètlg . a dt.tail f ut i i --r. . -t ttu îtl N (Iftt <lerina, oriteLItaitaittif titi-iou.tle'theînet-srtp.- N.u1tpoa lie. is g and e r (tti l t- iiitli ief'whIt't i. M . ll i,1l -fi & C". Iî oi-îu lth tif clap r . is kno n liai inor tirat $1.tet0 <tia e é îtutil t , uti utit , t.tNi. Y , l i e m rb> a n miilfentuîinlit-ilt-itcttn-tit-cdtion.s Tiiti Iiuîîî tii tuhte< 5lusl te a titis 1ulhuti'l lis hittte, hît hit. Ii.ttttutti, it..i', t ii-ito iilii' t a ;" 'ilouutit l'tlllus-ttti. i ri-st uuuu cf tti' iii. tuît.i lt. ii ii iituc tb N mý 1