PING AS HION EY.1 9EV. DR. TALMAGE ON TRAPS FOR THÉ ~UN-WARY. the Itoucytige unit Ils So-Tetupîn- tion thomàt 1. Delloatn siuslAttracI- ive, btni Iutinlugasd iemt'ictve- Amnrtirsa and N citar fort(h. Saut.t Dur n Ws.hlngnn Pulltit. Dr. i'utiiugu'luir,-atîusiil. asuorien- fnl s-sr-,.fr-,i-i Ici-- is-ir.Iuu .:utei tpIll Ie iuuu tr>. saitthe- litu-ouris- uuii putliuaiu3 ui t iittgitan,. T'e'lu,- lu-t i . Saueluvxii.. 443.'Ididt'lit laift i uitt lle huine i- silthelins- s-uith li,- rut tu s a la M) hunlati.uu loi], ,1inuust t Tnhuitiu-v> eiu.u a tiiat iii'u>tiout, anr chitest,usi lu tlutîIler Wl'uts-u ng lit i- sect#. eoivtcîtrsos ttîg tuu'sgiuuisanui peutsguuusoa o rî-etoutu-r ruuîiug theliu'lii ot po t, lund atrmash. uoiitriuis vru-aIune t anduitSîs i uuusrdauu, nuechanutaisent for'anu, -lovs-r ot coutur,'. V rgtt -iiuirt- cul tht(luf- ic i Ichis fablueof Ai nos ut.uit ilutSi, utîtel liaitl Daid u d usSot,- muon aoii ere-iniashîsuit u-eckiu-t nadtSt. Jutnits tutu-stet t,- uiuai--s f bls--na usifue totu-densa lile wis- >-tstsu. uA îîrîs-s-of f-un- butut a i.teisu'VivI'i II's. tus o tu.guuts. Oi tnt tritai uug a o inlb l ;ifrote'ctiun, tisirs i jii tisiuli-(afuit .ii ntus> but l, rui up lii-the r.ulu f t liis-r. taliightlsi, mfrightitcuail theu- vurld i u,uuu f the titietis- Te . 'ttluuu-uîii sa piu i-h &Astii once buu t iîîîuhuil aîîsit]Il bouey hi, -- litnutils --Issuut u- a dormitur>-liits suutists-s sour-iiîtsu aud smiti nui e i u-uuts ni. hit- i i ut ed toIuîtrs ut rt uîn bu- -isuhit trio. of uaxa by tluu-r uut-tli.tuuu uhio-hlitr.,- t-s tm lainern siitou iseai utuijirlt- ailiuiili tUesiistidtif-ris- T%, aloi tu(i thesce crur hiapo,-thioi It if u:litc extra ls~îuti ro-euuu- ite.ti %'lbuieui i-t tii-- u-r 1177; miuu i ulult lie- fuite iiikurbsîi sicithe- ugit iii'iituulci the Isu- li,, ,s uIt iur andîî -uîthe- ou-n Whuo .uurI-i-lhlituun ite itiiîuuun tut'It pionsInt, tllug ltus tu-i-lu uintt Ii(- îti:ttiî oromitt, l-il unus usa iiiiutchat-s ir> att--r.- tie -sshuoit îtîr-l -It--ur ouîuiri tu-slion atiusiuuit ltuforrnt teur ius-cîii, u epîs nt su uuiil ,!oa. stîtu i potitiilu' ttielîigtî i tuls ilthe- huis itiglitto i.luidt lt- 'i t t lut J'orge- u-uîu t'tî l uuout i. trila .edSphli DOI i Lu-i uchat Iltlti ,iurtiting of the bI-s lut tiritiio' llnu'I-lesl c 'îIe ti. ollit-r te' iti lrut--fIristî:1 l ît- alu-'uieu -If Ioi,.lo thetlu-t lu-s uitIls,- lhiu.- S-t tutu ail Pii-itcmtsu,-atosli-ut nue, théi - ft flb hua-e smmi'f.inin-r -u-u. i-itiîIII. îclt dis, and thî-tiulsîa icochebur 1s- ai]lisiou tun the- lraiuiîif sri-,-.andIio !:: , i-ai- tileur indLut hIu onut lil -iuisiiii tw o'uur t hru'- su-sussh-o i uu'îils,'retgu, suit touittI,' isuuihol-tîus aut u--s'-,r ru,,. t fi> far (,for trît,i-u aîreuîî istît.utit tii,- tIi.iu- uvý,, Iait,-gaI - ttirii.i l'Ite. Icl t siw t -in ti i 'ii-tus t.1t5 lu usai t Iit"itii III!i-.tlii fliil,-Ii ver ut..,-ruthi' u't î-Iuiluru t fil thise if ofthtchoi-tut heluis vI- Siî A uîIi u ttia. ti- thesIolo fi ffl - l.-i-lu iu itiuiih luItusi l..I m cttlIuý Trhu-suîîu-ru >s-r- liîtet - 1.u4ut otiu1i lu, i it hi,>(hit- uu:Iî fortmotlu a 'h. -- otii- tu- - isioluisîttu- buis> a r i huîîu-s . -t hîu matl)I-rI-dil, i liii- isuitîî"s Itii- tri-i- li It haitlslrtus -l ustheulu'grl ii it pnIfuiii uy ut iu-utan-d 'it .tii.-ic, ntuu. nd ilî t, lit kwulil gtil,.- iititlr <udrtasI iisuuuu.ii ItIII.u-iî ci 1u , 1-k suho . ,ît i hi,- aIîîît l i, le , diu'utl iýiIiàtîsl. ouI us itusnidt lu ulititI luf us . ilu a-i ut-fti.. tiuI- h. "t i ruti fu-it it.Jo ins tidl hufi -u oai-uI teru i-uttni h 5 u bvelsm/itî uutt--n maari,1 A slk-.Iil il'hlit lsI, iatii. i. n tb ttss!utheed(rti.,' cht ua uscusrut u tinos. anutil. hi.I îîîîi hr - .u as, su lu rnuiuiut i-uitt of u, ici il gi. a-tissi'lu- uitis i . '- fiîtiIIiuiiti huuiu' I - i l itih but liimitIuu;z ut uan cuedîe I 'surlltt turaîiuture uaou-utîilig li deuttstuîi. -i ossin us iii -tIu,.Iry. l'ley tute,'gouit. huiuesb. t-a ltfit iuuuuîk ti l tomun- tIset usa hsiI,uur-I uusiui-- up u-ut rlIut,, lu-sI tramt-iie iucîuîtî'lctia lt;-ît the b>o)sint, thueraoiiuiiiu tl-t-uuulu suil a pile of îubtiils-tionsok uî -sert1 titi.t suit noti- ts tuts- lit It t-tu ut tl biookts lie nji>i ruiiis. AU l t ti' lkYl> u tiers' lt huiiuus'uoruN- 00*l mauu i-t for pure it,ratureirss u-i-ii-t >il, meuuanouithli.-.îslili'îiiitg hu Eluu. et book ici nt,îu-io alu înuuusssîîlua ,otr u or in wsuietu ngiatsuu.'irisu.t rîou onerIl slpation. or ushsui l Ics uo 3ilutit tusllu lint vitth ltu-su.rl-s'ethfur cit iirriagu-i stitt it, lliuh ivlsil blurr-ii,-cfuî thielt'par tuour l. i us-îiaauîo f 3 ir o1155 us i-h rautur. Thte ukhiii isa>- iu- v tracrtîi. usndiit bheupiout itutt' s ami otal jing, ans i-h t)s>lu' ut vo -i-t am it bouuu- (tha lonathans too,îîicis s iii h rosi, but your bu't nturu-stusinurii.u3.() morsîas 4f-t> tiurtiiluil. )-tlutin idil trbu il. and toneti i sute ouit umua>li. u, ti. su, tait restits t ha t 3 iu l uîîuîy lti lu,01 the clo"tIs - of-th tu-eiuu-t 'ut li t liii e, ofta i uîitiuiriiutut hfetilui,' I diiibuIt ta10 s ittle hotie>' siti t hi. roui t tit uos mYtbaud'. amiu, Il, tIutadît." Corrîstt tuttruitre is (loi; areusuottlt for teulianuption of dîsuustîc li,- 1hý auy cthet canas. El41iiieiteti.maritalîi figuca, siy corrnnlsotuitssu'e. ictiti, Inimes gis-en at luuutollli-obituîos .. destne meetings i hrkolait(ilit fi-. gate-arut lu teutri 1iiini noi I cnju& perjuties ore anionith te ruinonuss ru-lu Wbeu a cumnutii:tzng sur 14 gita i boand tborougtiiy tuffeui c-tii the'niode nos-lc, s in apnniling lient, But sui une citî sas.- The beroes are sa0 nrit knavistil ii~the teroînes snu beusituhli l7 untrue, a, tht tutu utthe torj so4 halteilyne e luitss flenrapI -uacias -co.1.- flaia6iI1_ esat yoting mn or young woman eau, by the ln ltile unay barre tn.aie ot whIst e right literary and moral Insprovement uf enher? Weil,1 know gaad men Who thie apare teu minutes belle or there every play whisât and ciibre and other styles (1*7. riIele and ahouiders iu prosperitY of gamteilwitbout a507viager". 1i bail à and chariietpr and tofluence aboya the triend who pinyed carda withIîlis wlfe and ioinserm iWho rend notlîtng. or rend that chiitdt,' snd then nt the close Laid, "Core, whiici tcdwnrfs. Se ail the firestit of Do,Wlet lin have irn>er."1Iwili nflt Knoll Ani-tic o ltîerîit urtcdripîîixwith Judire othue me-*»us uiî-iis .but 1tll hori Nibypick ut, tise lioieîoibs tiat yitlin t (at] »ar'-lit my uin id en ousoi- liavtei 'intorat hé fitryrc ,es mi îw iii -i'i(t i ihthe temporalanid spiritueli tiiig 3yo vtItian eterutid poisn i l le 3 011riiiti lof splelndid youtiig uiii t hîît 1 woud tusteIl ? One boiok iny for yiiiOr Oinile -on 51'liai, lily faisiily'. Coule'. het lin decde every tiîîg for this world an id ti' hav e a griof ards," n i wiîuld go itutu icxt. lit îî s a turnîlirpoit with me- n miiiicngrie oudmasy, "t'orne.eli s have -on ien ua tsokstoet i '1in S t 00u e ne da3 lgaine -if rtthat ,'or luti, n cerne- 1 ivl'h-litii a t.oik cs led.-Tice 1 tî' ilry and iiiottinj doiweby a marbie sab If Ittîiskiii." Il t ins îI'ly n book of cta ,.,i ilo the graVedilîgoirr. *COMe. let US t raitls, bttit os il iiil pure hlipye. niliiI ai, sgail' n t skils1." Cou.sientiîîiis (i is floit atiiedu ttil t1 rhtîss'i hiii i'i 1,1ig liiiis lre ioly R>' 53iOg. "DO o 70 wirk'i. ni that (jie ttlilisive eY i it îîî iînk tardi Iisyiug wild)un su> barmî" eteulOpar (-utaluow othein,.ona] ith liwht I 'irlîtpu nuî. bit low cliiyou teed if in ilîliglît 1 %veut ttirougti rendîîsg tua"Si-i ii thei-griat day ut eleruity, wheu mie are t.alîuis of Architecture"anud tus "tioim iked ta cive au accourît of our iuluence, (If Venu(-e" lt ln Impoiaible for nie 1tuide- sainteman ahouli gay: 6*1 cas intruduced scribe exeept tîy sn)iug (tt it gave nie tel games of chance lu the year 1M98 nt a rupture for gond books enduinu everlast- your boume, sud 1 wet ou fron tlînt sport iiig djmgîim( for decreîit Or timral books a to soethlug tmrc excting. andl wet on Ilînt cillititaiîe wile nîy lIe Insîn. Ail downunotil 1I bat my business, sud lbat îîrouîîd the churîti nnd the worlil to-dy my morals. nnd bast my out, sud thons there are btuiy hives of ltellîgeuce occu- chalos that you mcecou ,uy crinlsansd filet pied liy aîîhori sut anthoremnes trai nare the chaîna uf s gam-sîra donna, sud wiiuîe leus itrip n ditillaiiouî whieb la the1i an o my wny t,, a gsmtlrs bel." ii'tV necutar of lii'uveî. suîd clîy will yoîî Houey et the tart, e-ruiai caastriophe nt ttirîîst yiiur roi uf iniuisitivenées itt (ti at. the îleatiîfîîi aeharlue of perdition? Stock gamtiling cornes loto the Penme Stimutatltigllidltiilsa l" rme tutu the cataloguîe. Il muett ie-very esutilartiug cntegiiry uft(euiltntilî dsllcoum, biîtta o in lt the stock market sud detionît- ilentil u.Yiiu Lay, -,1 caîsîot tenrthel big anousmain mîîmtuoncy ruuthe ehlauce tlinte of ituxictiig liq,îor, sud huîw nfiy f tnklug out n fortune. Mauy meu are lutin coun ike itlunti, me au amnzeeit." doinîg au honet aîsd ut,' business in tic Weil, t tiit latni creit taluyuîî (bat 700 stoick market aud 7011 are titiiguliramOus di) lut lobe i. ho îlot brag about youit if yoiu do flot kituw that itla junt as legit- 1 toal asiîîeîiý ee.twusite Ilin s futfroin blae ta(odean t soks un il in ta deatlu nou ii-lli' iatnlou1 rejert nleohuliarn, ciiffeé or sugar or four. But nearty at l ut fîrthte, rensoli thalt 3 îu rejert certain tlbe outniders cho go there on s fitanciai 1 i itles tffood,î- you iiî juîîy dii't ike thte euimon tome al,'lThe old spider@ est up -test,- of leîî. luit mîultitude.a of peopile the unstispectiug 0fies. i had s frienil C h aie sa,tsîrîl fon,îit or utail kîîîds (if who put bis baud on bis bIp pocket and t1tiioxcanitt. 'Tt3 thtsil acuîh that it mid in Subance, "I have titre the value * cie tîeîî uîii ktlî'r litii io ook at it lit $250.000." Ilitahome iS to-day penni. *he alîylrcelyil> stiti, atiîili- thcy l tiIt nid 1I tu'aN'bat wsm*(lie malter? Stock gain- dlîteilnti: or Ihey ri- un o îiyciby iîstin îuinx Oîi. f tieiTat majutity wmiîrare Tie- ila, and îi iii>tiitt t tl, titoiiiit l I-il;îr ied yotu hear ntone word. One greut tii-y ,rTetriutitu.-d it, lîd thiy take itlu ockfarn nes iwn anud choie coturnua îîoî e tlîî-îîii iîîi'. or ifi-y t,..l happy.,,of uewmipapl-rs diseuse tiir traud or their nul] thé»), liiist i-l-trlti- tîir itatlty. dîater, sud ut are preettut cit tir ihe 'lut iiîi iihlianîîlt juilep suckî'd tentures sud their biography. But where i throiuigh tlis 0l«ti,0 1 t)ilt Lonîg it'sîlî 111,e soi-h famouafirm atuka 54X) unknown r piazzaiart] il i tle diltet. taklizfrîia a mnîPink citti them. Tht grî'st steamer pu; a o iqi dt laitki-tîiueand lsf whis- goets dîwn sud ai theticittle thonta aTsu ai. *ky. 'icy uit tl, iiie il, but it ie an ait lowed inî tie same eoglfmeut. i-ttiIiiil iiasaiuot lfabdy. miud anîd seul, (;amtilng li gsmblng. whether lu tocka i nui ietr iwhie have lit (bey wilii. hoîsgt or trendntaffs or dice or race borne tbel- gla s i.çnes of It %tiuuid cent thete1m- tiug. Exhilaration et tieamort, but a rav- ti tr ailnut ernal detrjittion out(hemn- iîg tralî ail a stiattereut nervonm systern -ie andttus uil their families sud tht wbole aînd asascrifictd proper(y sud s destroyed * iumaî raie '.T'tey coutl sy, -i arn sur- oti ibe het. Young men, boy nu lot- r> il ins igiitîîg ont'îs me and'my tamilY lery tickets. put-hase nu prise packages. e and nil tie worid'm populatioîn sa ver bel on nuotiaetait games or yacht racioz, t rn,îi'h. lai(t hr iet sEes tlu my lIpst. and bave ne fsitb inlà&,iâk. Èoswcnu myste- If tîîîîvlet il rolt uver my 1arebed longue sud riotns circulars ptopuslu great income for Ild il my bels icattihtroni, the sweeteat sud amai Investuient. drive swsy thehu- il Iilt îospiiir. li.tse mont delcious draft zards (bat tiover aroud our batlt trying ilitatciur tlrlled nalîîman trame."Ta'ota entnsp itrangers. Go out sud mLke curlie'the, habit t nfî,te iltomes te it setan subottnt living. Have God un jour aide tatges tnrtoîîs tlalîs i'rî' tried lu lden sud be a candidate for beuven. iternera- tim~ue. 'i.laplans woairî'comme,'deul intic lier ail thets, aof sin are bankeut yuL if bi Ws ~hen a mil m u aed lu reforrn. ic flou-crslt tht @tort, sud there are picoty put .hit or iilleim 11111itlîi' tp or gait; tbilpfut tbande lu felti thê gay charger tof siruiug druil. oli- niilnual shît or ta jour dnar aud boldtdh(e (irtup while .y lillîýt ec yt .o h17il t isplaied sa mucti >iu amoutit. But. tarthtr on thebahrre r Itiii,jr ltiîiti-t nattiir ît lk dled day by pjiongea tu the bit iluaaluuuhtiInextricable. -s jany,îIf Iluia'thi, liîliiivrn-ie let's ahl I Tht e Ut houey tant ike (bat c-hurt -s.uîtil iliitî -nti rily 1111 (ai) Jonathian look ounticeud of te raidsud f teiLi lo îil the-r- muî l a o ui for the brîînght tii bis ip". but (hat n-hidi Gui e,, îi.i. aa jd l1, ha1tol-it.cil iu s siIdti puats in thet iuîetîug table ut mercy, r' imi tîtî - ciililu t-ls,-ti'tauy t bihsit lre att invtteit toabit. i1o-ai i'ci (r oas i intlui ttat soor kiîgO refli a tboy amont' tht molîntains of Iiit. tlit ho tt' i-au ii. a -ili, ittizlIl nmtudinK IL angeriios place ,g 1(t il Ii, Ky ïi-lti sip sl ht? ofl,.lun] uîtl lits ftbttîtand the guides.'The boy r l s ioai I--ru.tiio iiliii iii fuî toi 1 on the iii-igt (if thteif unrat said, 'y lii iii îhani. anilo-tre hlet"0lit.' caa "t'i-r' .a lt.mir 1ienil-a gi."~Con-e d liai ii.ii liuil a îî i-il ba an oaîssy rorn ther,." ud thtetattir. "oi "Ili-Ilîeî th,' manîtht it- l1-fl iffils,' drink u ii full off." 'No,"sailliliec, '"Imust f. -i. i.IA ii 1 -'ou lt Rsore Oii f geliaa tiul f ioNe," And the guidet ii-in,. if, t Iol-lail îîi aîinithe bOosu rushsi-i (unar'n] tt lul~îl hum tiock utici ,. of CI l. su( a 1hî'v lîard lalsay. -Iaint ,o :, ni o iiit,11.1 i.î'(lut nu,a , h ,i, uave i" ic fell 2fi)0 ftct. Binda oflirey l li.,5 OCiil N'r ing ,.lOai - i f tii,- ,llllîi- re îi a ls ife, do>. ale tîiri îînîai guI-o t-i i. itolilz5iîtui îalisand through tht air and lowcriug gradualty tu u uttfftrou io, - 1h,' iius t' it' utuiiîii-.liihle placeei teccrîlse a3. W b liiI îin-elfîr i-tancie'. tîsi s-meu'of sei'k Itu tt5 off (tic vdgt Of a îuttcitutu lii- r.siiiai(r'- ali'îl Thei'Siidn, wshlen you tan as atk hurt(JeepuninthIl ty ypîuaiof the foet th lvots a inana fîîlIji,-uf fîthttc aery parudiat of (hod? Id n Ile bad, adlits flourilisin lu Wh,'iiaoauîumay mit nt the king ban- ttb'- ltiîsi. ou-Ie bis îrîîmtsritylu ithle slli ,uitn iy vil iiiit-i'go doian the siepsansu il is if, andr it hidrcuii ti theli ha, iut -dtr the refileai-nd . houes uf unil bis iiiiiiirtîiil dî-la i the siadi-. liiiinl'i keti? "Su eter thon huney * u iiil nd oswIt, litit(. oca;aigsndithe(ticon ye min " aya David, in the il, ail îir I-li-lu th ii, "()s IdJul rois«' îruih utf ou. '%itt hOney Out Out(he laîiighiîl>ougg"ntiv.-uit the' clrcans nul rock woluid 1 havesastiolttut thet." 511 te liii113t ti-( liii 5i)iq.Iiie l oai (,i l dto the rereant.Ilitre -ihoi-ygati- 'y . Id <ru ' %leiu tl iîît0iîl tittîout crt,,i ftiîttthtetliîssomm uoft(rets ut iti, "Y îîuîutoîro laiu îif rîl. lit aiiini'l nu alit uitti a roilmadei-out out(he voud of Inibis î-î t i, pet kig ut tliiir gtlu i-il ei-îs l,'h v(ioa 1 iup it utifor ail Yîur seuls. and in,,kin otalîîliir 11lilialuîi-. Iîl -The Loirdut Looetti the- uny of therighti- lî int tlîîir de--troyed auatli-ilnod ans. ,but the c li7of te uutodly saliliper- w initoi.tlht istiullu uiandîi-lucliiT i- t.' t-iare f tht tocbiddcti huucy! lui te inurll nmi-Iiiaf uit slumso îîîî- Co;yrttl. 1'418. ti ' l ris 11i,1.t'liiI. 0,50 niai td kShort Sermlonsl. il . mîI îî arjillisi '1 l i-, - . t . ii u of in St-î. auilt gain ou r toi- 'r enr tll i tay 11'tiiiuoisii iilfv'ir v'ni> liiiui' iy thi,' riglit kiîîd of piîrposi. ingtîuohig. thîuIgh ii î-itlîtîi- he hai-llj i-Oîii'IeSyIll O ( lc- t i îgtîiîŽrntifl tii cra bi utto r.i. oîiitA tliti-Itt-t andilaOIf titliat lu>'truie. ilt i.the dut3' of tho 1 4 ouruii-onitilliii iig il,(- liii tliii' i-ifl tlrioumto niais,'Ilt r:glu?. L LS 10t' i io' tsuitiit'l%%as1tîlilst ii is band ' t b t ep %vus-i'isti ouImitcer. Let usîstriae ao lkuingright itunIii lI lii-- diggi-r tt,îîîtiiiidy yda.R .A.R -' toi tii îui. lîsife. TiIis ifatuation ii ti 'r'lutud'li 10.tus.t ut îiig îirtî 5sul îuulii maityit 1 t Caudiiry, Discipnl, C-ounvIl Btthiffi, on :itua.liiu-gli ]liîtotuinesi lin' iriî-.iiig. N'oi'l tiiii W re flot groping ry aîli li., be-lth ,. i-a.iiuus& ulit s îîîîî ;i, îlri-tu li(ht-euI-rk. Tiose 'hu alo lin l.t iv ioi iti-nst s aniroiaid', IN-ii s lanil %oiiu-l,.onui thelgrenat 1robtî tisa of lit bitn :a1iloug si-nul io ttheilii ll oif bttasve sisitiigiit uplitIlleii xitt 01Y ast rilnI iîît Ostiit h luti' gh, 'a tt tiiglit On lu ica 0,tiasit]nîîitai îand moîrual tissrstiiin ti lindtuIbrs-otero orMc iiîutioii. Iiiipropouîrtiloti luis lly s3l il r tout dseL t thingtas bo e c-, ra uiul'il1 itiiin t lii 3iilr tiu-' i",nul iliLfg. the fiirtlîugt 'cgiz i'stituu lI i t(oîu r Tienris Iauîîlftr a tlin,' tha t eva r>' iln lias r airt lit the busi dýi ilîttui tii i l 11 lîur tihysicai ind î lui'ti isi. ts S. tl. oltii, ut.(iivetil it ý h (iilsl itlitiol, is the prjilIoufil. itt-meiîii iftoIn. NMalso. ils tî-r .1 ititusu u i, otidu iiiiii ad I tobid ii I tyli lope for Sottr'ty.- Tle t'yartso ilir thi moitnlt ltî'ttitii. uou ush COiti.-octy uuti t' irt Iuurioti.thegai' 'nl-.c'l" Ilg eaci-lie n harbugell. 0101 m'lien mui ii i s bhtt., lulit iuu theli lt ofte ti-nîi ti s lil,- utlîttîs lut des-ut ivhoe.. lii a iiIae feel the' îmoral obligation laid iqs 0 io ur-stedtlieoceau i uy limes baveoi- Ibhumiî y. thi-cross andit nknovisl Iste t iced tîîut a aSoiîe uttht e"t rOonlo t'hrit a l ttîettmr Kitig do (1107 mâi aOuus, fronituuiriiiig ttil laIe ut ight. tietost mmeiruof svclety. The tri lutin got up tii giiiil)liig îrnctil 1 tsoi laIstîat uhîclireasusl i (17y lsî'rd ut menl-u sto isînt iiuîWoard u'ithiaorks frein the cross lisIts(0startîti cîjotîgit fî s Elitopeau excurso o5iSii Ssu lnt.-RIt Fin i'ivlyJr., lesbtr uuladeit iitiiiout linie3to gi- t (eir tau, - ad .'a- , ,Puebt ouLgo goni) ,t,,tii,' huiltor ruirond stationî.aRclfuilt [an- 'l' mîîuy ihere ilàua euuupli-t fastitntiiîn lnueI&e-Evtry tine m-i lisdu 'rry in gaiins' itIoflitd or the riakiiig of msney ni-iu euror for trulli, anuittits lsft v1 it on possiltsiî'. It seenis as naturelfur inberltM eai efs for new ' otuc. las dl ils. thernftaie os tua est. Indled the hou- At.rahaui, andt cvery sct'kernf(cT (rut Sirgur for food in oten uvevpowcrci IbY thte min, hOu lis aitlbits mtnd optîti al (JUBAN DEBATE ENDED CHI4EF 0F OOTHAM POLICE. John -mcCllogti la at the Head of the oucca lnthe Big Metropolle. DISCUSION CAUSES A HOT TI ME Tte poltti-eoSriaioner t Nec- York IN THE HOUSE. Citybolsap nîîuiti Acting Chie! John NI -'îllsîgb hi-f f utpolie o'utfie big Ime. ttibtits tîc'iuiii'fils ciditcitizen ut Spi-i îî nd .i îîoifurt uitiii-fuirt uneuu. %os ohui l ut--u puts Spehe Reutnut Cuurranuu îniyti,th nu uuoint- 18-.0. InI 172 bucmas ClastonVe'raiety-Atteiptuol uiuprng (haeBiliig.rency heaiiis,î tfeuleit -Itajoniuri. tlgçsulu inaans Tnru,lli hue ulion-se gratusitig hii-hlis-r,-uul igfilo luthé. au.. ni,.-u solo in d,si-thii . t iiu huit ulSi suuik ii hand ltt austh s uiiiii siii uui,,,Fo e 'tgi A i,'gur-s st-rl( i t liol u- th ,,r l- ost bu -lieuiun es uto uhe u Iiiiunt ilsus-c tieltts lsitig sn t t s luîuuu 1 Ruu'tuu Ilît ~ s, ~ clns- t,, a d )ediss u -uhanals' Iusjî lu (-it utils-i-us - i afk l u ,te ittuI suîs:î-us untitît otuus ,aba-t, u tirs- su l r îî utnuot îu ii utusisa h u ahittIli-l 1 ist sîl- tiiog thtisli-r lii uiihiui.ii l'uts> 1N galut 1. liIi Iiuit tiftthe l l3'~ , t h i uiti ! u il a i iiiiiiit sHivesec fl- ta , o ..l e h a s are lced t uit ut -lua u>ut lii' ittusi lu-. i~~tu-n nhtiu.iffit itî %thi-ui. illa u1utstIié -u l uuuut, I iliiiil Nf-l'a ll ih sisuuaugsuuu uttc ui er Ils.tli';-te ti iuue d e uit t'- ù "rnuitt é s,,tu> ia ii' S tst il-îîîî,Iw 1î itts. th et t-lhin Suýilet e oa gos, tIulir 'u. l tr t ul-nolu--i ,iiiiu v iiuuul 5 ii li-l h e netis ro ,, uItta igtis ts-n l i i t uili tirut - tu1 (ihis'iai iu u i ti i,- th -usittheor the ll Ciiiwaîîus I.t u lh I otu- thensulO a a utsu itu ti . -lt gnuu tlg. li ,ecacf cl nif usihh Issl t i l înssiuluit, tii- uir unt. ihuiiuihîi l a- tousiton reuu-bhîst o itus, s .11ui- tuh .îuîiss a a suut u; Nr inle th. h-o-r icet atun e nt-a s- s-uc i uthei- lrs l easuit l-r -tututhé- Siu 1,-h v e ta, litaul, stx ir u tt ht Applru oil s ul bi u u u îu uln--t u rnuii'uumitle ininpr's othtcepinivil bb'V ito u i d - curnuI l rhsusts-l" 5 1s'uît. th at ie as-as ntve u-0,.tl tht i- l mini tc unl tu he s-a l> ti.tti'l, u u 1t tliti TI hé-lu raI s éiiut gih i- reu- st-tus et> ryltns, (hao agaluui tlu li ui, u tti tsegoleie lis T hte 11 a at.Irté etr are I d ouil h ute Illthi'as îunua lié't sul'y It.- vit(, u s it tt ot t..eîl h , lu ailt themiioue oc fr lus au, i11 i . Sînaloit i ntitus i ruuit uttre t lussîn 0f ti 0fvoteuidesan osto nisî theiiSpca,,e1rasil Pries., uti h aiiaof teaira o t à Roroiaoaile tht Slottcaen direl- on(u'Pra o oluiffise Dv-pnruscut " thes o-tiioun 1 th illtionto (.Co mit. Thisthetea tîhr vana te " luathmetousi cis Thl -utio uuf of teir .u un5pîotîsinu tc-as Inl lspprop iti ry aPtuuru lnotper cn Ilth(au uis -iten-sactt-sufnduu-tuse.uha- ut iii es-tuties uitieothicthePont- - nb,. tin . su>taarriir, u uetais,' itus-ahl uusoesut sutlappestoul>aeb o t petiea r a s iaiui lin (thr. laluli'- h gaîle 114 tise otIret n reisu. Ti sth ellap pts-iilsn ueta>. s-ui u if u11thta stut the Niatll aidc- a tusl-it red-Itai l t e gnlberu~ii-s are naappéit Nî. oit sul casîtnionuilI te rehis tanticea 'lUsf - stuiate Twhuusahuie s asnui s p tî t r olne ('uuîuthe-aa a reetirreliet ut th Pe do>e la.iTt fstheu soteo-situionunti I lit t sat contry absorbunah,- iperilcnt y thi--t a lu> C a ssi, <ake ris t Msiis dni. of(tt îhe tialhnssuiftes Kagluisi l, le et- r lon n d s byi u auîstrfirctoira uivte ut, Ni r a rt ie t dsu l îi i -strut uir -ufi t etin e Juhtusuitr i-tuand il(.,ul ut f1ibis d suuilatit ifiCsnsuutts'n.l ut pe il oil, usutst u uigint ifi tîthe .uituuu rut u-tt u les-u lls ghl tt tRec- h ,nuîug li'. re' uthlu lu ls i-istii truii 1îui tiD'a it unt t hic ta b,iiu lat i d u d In.The tui'iutii.. 1îoiuî . nllisiStiu b fr 'iigr tiuusg a rP ul Ils,'ofsh e rg e n - d estintiasronusisuei oîi Ileiuisini tu-isbag rl-. ittietîi $i't ré u-usuinT e I tuluyutes ic, tIi,' tiicuhi iltuss'ti t tetu iotéather. ston o n1 J hno miiut-.t-saItud tiuimsisl i- isen ii' i y of il,rsult tifua su-Isu> îa,îisi o ni -.hQa E N é4F TI'IE GLD e IE 1, rtiuluiih i - sus e t i.I a t the- i it ai,étOr-art tli he d sc l if t le N -r. irs- fir îu tais luusn o s ,îît d M s is ea ie H a tht Poaf ..u t aln la sti-tnIisu i psti u > lt- tiutiith iiu-. snl ittiîts-i- iiiit Mi l s-îati-r- ut gust js lu il, tsîIs'i- f1h rsu t ui Nin. l t ushei,,tts- -utof rus lu-t-ttss lu o i a îia u Kt ht îltsîî Is ntitasitîîuau(-u- t-i -n u u-.ticOF , -,THEiO LDEN WEtt I Su T s 'y Th utirt int ls,-i iltlit-Sutu-m suiiiu iiHi litsutls, ,iiî t -m. allé] fis- ,furunt sus u %asifsetedMintue% ItuuiItePotofBan tu rlinix iti ' i iiri' ert o er te ai.! (uuitiuriiiis abuusuttîî'uuîc îlbrtuti cuispecch i î-itci l'yi Si -uiusgî rf I s -s hsuu if aliinal ;, e (it - o i. lt. héhI( s lfi,, o hesîuît t it uurusuvlgu ioht-sa uilua . -t-:apovrt netIii atn- s rgrt'lui titli til toîu aiu' ii -t-' ut isfti it' W est.','it uî?lîsuî hronuSui1tti uihuIlriy ut ldis, rtif io it ý, dC lfr I eu lrl a couht Lw chtus- I by u iiuithea-.,-ish .v-n iitgiuun tth' -rs h %a"onfn'SnF il i , i s,' ru't-iuu ntu. l ut ing -a utt-ui--' - e st u Thé, iu -. it uuuuuuinlisr ttc i-a s a-st-ut- - o frls- alrticig uquofth bilii t of 31r tiu.i lui tIe suis- Ii uný is , oft sssthe tuutu- iie t i~ ex uIit lu,> iq i:liisot ui eîusithéu'allit iu tîît is- l.ion.u titis elluu t> ,thof ual Iiorn uruuuun- as~ lii'al iitiuMr.i lu iit ge have theI u utt éi V. fut--uhe uis-o ti, t'uuit te týi i, usuuus;u:lis. >t bs -uus tn> hou luult'th i- iitai t. ii ussia sioiu tu,-asu K' gni-i n iti li tuttuud i th t i-iii lut1,' sei va unos si-iit t ttii'r tisu sOtuu,isuai lui î,tu uîîîbiitiiti-tlîii. -îi R. gr (beli iuiuiui dur iacgiuu ui ttîu cuist s, ut,- IIAYONETS BRINO AM bitîttar>' ForcetQuetathe Spirit uf Res-it luntia-sua. Adluici-a si thuit aliuitevi-n isnous reigis in i itîs u u iand i i iit tus rnlizts tflinta fi-us ua> sagi, ltit iuty sîas 51h15lintly o file isuver-ge' uitnans- i.tttiiiui Altihugh fict oise ns vinsîug o a lia ieiti3uuu, oui t-'itssy uiglt. trocuiisi'utiitiidto t, - jiosuns-iitothedi,-it> SîîuuuIs>- tutu. li'nusim i ariv nti'u roinsu 'itindel Ilio onutsitIsmtonisri iug suithu aifini-s- usliteil t a n2w5ilss anduit usouuuckeu lnsflics'ruiinîuda rds, în ilu Pradot,. uulsu- n uut if lhe fourcss Siliiiru' Iv,îîî -. Abotuîti,'souusu'finilus' -iîîussuî of Ili tIeuratt> nuroii' uji l ndfoui d sîuarturi lu, thu- ('uants-ide l tut t-'uus 11,iiiCuuua -t reet. oui ttheue ilh,-ti chartouturlie ut fieuldt stillu't c utcpInitfed Inlus ioition lus rake Colbn andt <'iaeons stiut.. It ise eslimntcIflinît tusly 12,M) wt suen t hli et s'yi, iuu til8ti t, te n'gsuisur garriniu. Viv'his-" tu'î iîu îit iouu as lu the cash- sumct -heatnartiusiry îrecautlons, In uivssof theft- fit ile ti-lwnnai)- î,ull - t l I lissui. T'heusaunta radec ot the vouutes'r palace guard in tbe Pratdo c-ns ueustteut. but îî cordoniioutri-gustro kept tic emv-rosnt s listais-e, p.-ritting nu une to nbilloiielitisesotiiaeens or tu cross thtetunnk. Tiser- in tîo qîuest tin fint the bitlerest feeliuungîglant 1;P11. Blanuo and uit il- oui'taeutertainin usuottîrvatiu'ei inu'ts sandu auisgte b- aîiuutu'îrn andulii tIse s n my. TIse s-,ititeett uitfer a lre ouein l'arooi. oruit tiuliity, andutuihe t-guiiar s nr rn i)l esilhosti'l bt att- tu'ieristy tmore gilu,,ritu-siIlui tlu-m ,ttî-ru ti-s-s. A rtgîîu r sufis--n slithtlint Giitu It se,, sa'uldstt tis'tugo.iuuit dif the- rv-t'ssrs anu sunuitreuI t, utirs' ou ficIse uitttiîrs ohr lue- pli, le bulis-s cl I li'>' uluit-ie tus Sesvrat ot!i-i'snd ment us-i tas-e notittut Oe-i. Blancou tflit if tue Confuirmsuuatu spi-usi mnoue>- lsaiu osvr to-bel ehuefmistendt o f pnyiuig (the troous they ciitakée rn(tv-rs Into their ou-o tbande. Long arrears ut pay are tibi due tu tue autuiers, andi grealt d'titiatlanctiou a causcu thteritt._ 7k ar t %-t ut et ,nt 1t- Int Ile au- or il- l.- 'ah un te, hic ilS iru luiru. NO MORE NEW STATES. NvoNixl iOtklohu. 1o1ul .suta NI.I.t I .ultAihle 'tIilîîi uî- t 'îuitiuitu-s-huis't'urrituuniei liuns lI-il '. tusitd uCthle A,'u ntauu, Okîs- Isuittus sîssl Nuýs NadIi stustulihidib nuidt> tiiitiitsa t n-hrt li-st -riîisy. 'ilticse ,ti'rritini-i lu us-su-utmsnt irig duli'gui- tinis lu, I l lit.gtii lui lîiî-îsuIfuir stlst- huiu, ibîut t is îns' ttiliitu-vhilit 111( urglusg su ilteini vaun.s ufuir Ilio cru nsuitto-v as-nia ullisiuautIto luiske siI Oursé,ru-tonti tiro îii ttiurs- bls. Ia. itî tit in Cionugresl tiiot us uiistkcuasîssuhui- lu suhîstiîg tioc un t brui' llu'aIuii ti-rritiit-s ilttu, eb'mis. ts'rbooitof uits, î ii t luit asulrthts-r titis- tube uiglut t is's-uuîusustlts-d by tusktug usi-lIb- er Nec- Nux-o. i, tttilshinir nA rtzusa ai Ibis litmeu.Nu-svadha, uu sis a s-l lit' îîpptia- tiusoutleas tisaististell uuusaitsiI t îurîut- naliy an eanithhelu-uints ieus' lusuis-s- i2uîugrensitruie bu-iug toohist> in ii atti-rl or thîn hitd DENVER'S WAR uS ENOEO.- Big Store. Abanudon Tiscîr Figtiî Agnsathe emsprn .ttr a tiglit tustuug lt'.il".>ui- nuld v-rtiiug ituîartssu-st stuinîýs 'ut Itu-tusu' auhict ntt-usuîutuul to ivlitilttaili- lu-th, musru-udu'n. Thi'. lu-o-,, t fHt la t tel of sus itlillig ttuui itti,- ctii luigt' Iîrust-ýnu- usuciài> . uit is-ris us ir ,. ~ etilui isuet u tt-s-1' NiIh,, i gîîiug tulruig Ais D-ihîîu-i-* ItîIIIII' ufIt al stioi uus-urs tIlit I..) uiutsatigi ' -(utiti> s-suIt uhu lginii uu -rtuiuung fluî iunieiite utii ii1, îiu -ihtiu i utsut caifuit the puiti, ut.- t uu1:,,k tht vrouuut c hule Ibm larg'e ipllcs%%uu ptacticail; il of s' TRIE SUNDAY SOHOOL THOUOHTS WORTHY 0F CALM _ FLECTION. A- i'itantt tuterentlnc, aud lnstrnco- Ive Lesuio., and Wtev-clt 31.Y Ds Founut A Leartutd andl Concise ga- vie. ut the Sale. t;îuh-s es. h-i lut lItuen th.-ui iioit \ iî tt u1t wtb proth! * v irunt. lt,- r-i fi it isuitiail of n 11,-u u-r ,j-ui-iutthi.s tîuruîd uit Juos' unusuitr I ui ii rati)i anr m-i,- uin li-g iuhi u t us ilIi i- tiiii thtiu Siuit> iersi- -ift tile- o uit ii:rallu-ts lut iffs-ru'ot ii,- i ini.' ýituir ia Suitîsu'outtheli-us.ilialli t tti-sîl. u-ru- ujiît is',s ru'i.uiti-ui. uit iqurtast iT ii. i )-ii tutuy 7: ;6--. st-îlt i,-suiniiiive utiri ateyit>1i- uluc Ni-te ýi.Iukui-oates--u (l- li, ttiu' I'ij iuuiiii.tr3 Luasi,'tke >istttu-uo a tiiu-i îi'u- osiltutl. i-ittn griot.-r liant utof .ttiu - u-irt iuthtIi muscruusi, i uuît;t andhouI7 &esioi paia us trig;ri-s.sof tt liiit'it Nuit ail rua- ers c ilI az'ré,u-i ,i iiait)atu-iuiptil niuuyis ut thu- sirsiiii. l- iiîiuat li-ilîitiii-ai-ruts in linus uni ont ul iaiuul3sss ortu t uu'5-i. Theii-genîruît'iitjiu- ut tl- s- rtîîîîinusat- îhîuitti'uiin-tî' uulauuutr lndîuruîilîhî is o thc uco kiughiiiu I. piausîtory. luhnthonîi hrui.u--': lin therevised versioni.f-uituuuo uit'a s. t-tur tu-au. uu tien ye îurs>x SuNoiuiXtt'lýrlltc it ît-tîuru' i iersp drav ofrî tii,- lin> i -uousof Ils,' tite. It n-ls and uMtll i.s Ii,- habitt ofurtientale 10 hbe ostentautionus nii Oiiu pu-syera. chaos- lut' publicelacs annuit it freu'utty tusiuug iouuittiu's u-uuieil to attract at- tentioni. It istrup thut us iu-uu maucha uisage once tuectume uuuoîtar> su urtîuy andttsun- cetrmn Wnight fuiwit , t suithut retti,-u lug huas conirar- ut sins ta tht truc us- tutue ot prs>er. It lamIsardly to be inter- rei tfroun Christ's usorun that tiec valla ail vvho pray i n aiuonipiciou5 manner typa- irrites. tIu'dt-ineles us niog by tbe nords tisaI oiuii that (hi-y ui&, be seeu ut metn." Vbeuthat in tht mutive ut a prs>er, sohethu'r It bie it pulpit or pcv. ou the ttreet or in tht hour o! exttemity, lis c-aroiog tlm appropriat. Va'in rcpctitiuna, it i ta be feateut. cex flot coullil lutb te *"lsathen," that la. the (leutiles,. The Jeu-s themstivea c-egît- en tu the samte îuruci-u'. lut it c-is à heatheuisti practie, nen'rtieems, une log- icalty asaocinted it1h tht nôtIon that (Gui must bc e irsuiaitu' by a stries of utrest tics. By the c-ay. tht une of tie vers prayer ustih our Lord gave on this oc camion rnay Ibecoie a ~van repelîtion. t'erbapn itl lestise ta lue it regulariy asti part o! trequtut services, but it cenlatutr ly be ut ao> spiritual vailce1IfrMost u! (Lose c-ho repseat il di su mchtauicaiiy. "lotît Father kuocef i c-at thîngs yu tisse oceu uf before ye auskthum." Buu commenta: "WNiy tii-nu prmy au ait? Be calse Ive cauotmetieve îuusesm c-e desire ausd if ce du-aire, Ivewull pnay: almo, et caiuse tliugs worîti guitiu are wor(tisnaît luss. OuI>' pray anîs-ys s to a Betug c-ci iuformtt unit siltint'. in feu- ostuaum in fiaitti." "Atter thtis manuertierefore pray ye" Niotice aciluulythctut c-uns: ".Afts'n ti uusnntr" loi-a uot menu "luntiu preels foru." If h-nus hadt musnttotainstitut the ts-giung of oa('tristiaun itual.i woulhîlave' sitibu dlffercotly. lic iî throughou( luis sarmnuo, dcsiug cithi prit cipits. The pinuiiulc he i-ns troyer siiiuul besiple audsh atuetre. 'uu" iîoiîli tirs aus ta alooisig i'stts'naui, kusosss u neeiîsandti-s auiilitia u pit'13thon); IN- itoulil osk inifuir thue ttigs ttîuît o n aut. Su,'uttte o tt.. itîigs us lit sI mhuuutul siiru'andsutiris, fuîtar n,' iclualî in tibis,"msuel pra)esr." uosu-i)su u-umi t l-. "Th(-î'oi.iu rila ruiy-' is -urtîs t truc that if osv- lre (u tuaveuuy tfortuin îuaro,rIve 11udtoiuît tinduitlusIiuttu't. 'l'hy kiuit'tuui-ut-v nlutliii , phrasse insommeiuuîtlniei îutttiîuîn litnuulet tblt saud vst. i'hbit the' kiisguonimi conse, the nei%,su iii ý3s phudges himme to ut'> b' su the a iori,,,ktusgitu ndi tiasten is 'unililg ini us Ir> ntly pusslih 1,, lit-essit. 'The lin îg i-f t wit'lsl t iiiubji'it ouit i' uit t utt u.n the nmo impouurtanut til iii luit tit ucieil. 'I-'îirgive ii, i r iuh ts'-is l ite fuir utrtuu- ui> un lu-i-ut uuinuitl3' ust. Tl ru-s su-t l-t'îuiloi r-ul'us I'ealusu uln tuirpa iNi iiir uei ns' ituus'oisr lb .tiio i t rrcn-us , il i i nt ' ljiiut>, - liit iiiu Iity. -Iutl-,r s rusi -il":-lu-ns' th,, c u sI*-rliii ru-t s-i 'rl i th(-' i-s h ont." tIl "îii' Li-it ii itpiiIil thai o. i, t -u ss ors iiiuriitsof ith-îtiuur uturîuru-(tiouu. 1, ting ralieunr iiiscîfîîin r uuîîtur. MNc ,rvt,r tte'lit ru-uu'itut'. gand ît 'îuuir-is ii 'ltI- ]ti( so iii "fuir tht, iii, t h,- îî, tIs th, ios u'rali tl Iîî-luîig iin t iiigu- Ié-l1. 'IThei r. onuiuitti h) lli tist andiiii- doiu. nui t, ut a î-î-ur ini tii, ru- îî'i I i-ruiut. 'u'blu tht t lu,-ru-ti uit ftiie- ma3ci-nsei-t to ivi-,s - t îîtîî". iuue Ise'lbi iuurd.ýii> h,' i ilt ili'. If Jt'uuaid lui-t Ojii. itui. sVI-tY t Iviiiue cores-lui tain, (li-tiii livr-i'lt> t, uise ii'auretM iir. aiiiuiiuu-ituuuliy u-tre's rut L-ttuti si.i tîlu us hlu-tu se nemi it tlii n i, - wa tiusu-urenoîuni fui lu i-tuhîiii s -tii>luie h tont tutui * ri,iiiru ut it Ii, uiutluru-uut i, exprsit; thiiiugii uoit iniui-iiul Teainlg Mtis. N.itîutt-r ua uu'- lui lii' fiiîuil tri 'a %Ili,-t) tii tulichîti t3tiigs ttat otiglit uu-i-i iiiid ibut t ruisir. t'rays'r, ins l uîs ti t I(u>%tla"uluiî-î cuousitn te Iv'tiusli iuil'fuirnualand ismtuatii le 1;-. thitr-uu tunil îfing peuple'. an-i le ii lbe - t ttî l -ityps-d phirases orutt y. 1uillit anhieIi'ii ir sr eting. znii Il-i,lit,, nîîutiiî'd illuttunnluisîouf chu oh i r,,. -u .lindIi a'îrntî,,lii'nIslutinphai Oa."ii ilii',fuir uo ti Ivut husi lru, --..u.ipronîii ur snias utf,îuuustiouua andI nisitu' uuî iuti tian tir. Th --itu ot hinuk i itt lnuiuvyiunluraysr in in( impoîîrtan st thtil ls-rt(iousuty:i bat ouighit tio ami, i iuil toii bhua ucertaliniun lu> un ,. lut ratiller rets-nrlui bini thru h souteîîî' nuuuituustuuit-iani locallti;i iati tu iut ot utbruug uloir ru-alt atlu h int, ei- i lpyue at,' (00 oflts i' onîsronplîi luitshirt. juit as o eîn s Gfuitbecotues.s ru-ut i. urn3u'r tieineiis tunres i. Agnlu soi-h danigers Jetsus uu-tnusmen, andi O toi, astis urt mirunguide es-esunoto detu-itt.gra lsiss. 1I uru 1Thee. grae tut tîituu Ihmu s-ithsrus'vrThou gocat. il, lhttl,' slulty uuttes tlu cetThon ,ul 1,-t lils., Isi os- tas u(,tr ivilla ho slm- piei o(ettiviet. i>uiteit -U' ter Pain or provssocationl, sttlu't trtutilfutincas o! word isll ti iaotiiit-r. hunlllty. klsduesmo; lu gra entst of dsly ot perl'tstlo If Thiosushontls-ast tait tus tii (heM, sPt u hoself-sacrifice, titioi'o Me ,lai- Ing toc-n oe! utcfor Tb> trutb'e MaXeOr Cor a btsther. Âse.-C. G0- Eaatt. The Houa. revenue biB W*a i~ unWednemdy, but thé,seu~ the quorum by ieavtn ii uajJ. n aa not resnd. The UlsMom w groin cievators traine ai>tor tsmi sud avas kîlieut hi g vote of la te 'I& ýMcEuîltj'5 motion t emcoald«oe l tiy wbtct ishlbill tazing gss and o light companies tsiltl te pan s ta*JU a speciai order. andl the .otim 1M tiy 30) 10 89. Mr. MItchell nIOUduo«; bllI tut a tai o! 10 per senton* ineumne, ln excess oet*$m'Mo et ight cumpîutitei. It wts retejg5f te Resvenue Committ-en. lu thu seo il pnîuusry etechson titi o! Seatoif 04W slo ,,auvtinced to third readh5.ltll 14 uiietaitid lu provide tist a PrimSOg* ttuîn dititct shah cotala sot '210 anudnoutover 1.M00voffl aih beAiuidthle prirnarY eiefflOI. - mrents to tic revenue bull were tU~ the atternoon andt oue offersd hi U*U 'iemîîie(on wasaadopted. lit l 1s11* ttc Cuomptonamndaient vblg in ttroc-n out ut the Houa. bill hi the to laInlihe lione on Thursdy b0 rilîtite retenue bill vas advabft fil uîuutrenîung, anc-are Mr. BSmyirs X~- thetaationtofutprpettj ln flt5«V* andulfuîrthetatuiton o!t rsehiu. NIir. tiu>~taxing insia h lu-r -,it on gros. receipts. 8 M iîuie fluteto recnidertb 'i ciii ,,tu groin tax bill *18 ('u-ueuii f thamotlo W- plitil t h.,' flowing Wmd Sente ospent niust of the. day l9 iirng" Il irqt toffok L*cek v1. the ay lictore o-tin it adoputd, l.uuuiriga's umeosîrent taig n.11 tuît- ouns-tiieh they dose tereet. (senator Fort faill U c-onidtrntton fer bts smendimoM tosig that taxues boult beeome a'- thtlleropetuu'îon May 1, lntssd - r1. a.î (eoiniit in uthe bil.- flut tuk up tLe Tempiatea * tan" amendaient, which wmm day betore. Seustor Cmraed tecouitdet. andi the vote Wal- creilanui then the amendmnt flé euh t'y a vote of 18 yeRsato 24 Liludiunrunentl.wtiieitook tau-lîuptiun clans "corportWU.ll ifor onufnctîîting putpuse',tWI, aoiut aurrytug. otuetIL.t - ewspaîuersansd for the bse-e proving of live tock." WUa Le vote o 31yestluIl cai. putrick intuduced hlm refftu, billt, sud lit waa tetatred 10 thé. tee on Muuilcipltiea. -The Scuste revasse biti wv- i ime on Fiday. sud (bea attau b ut aomnewhst vutn speechbub tLttiet thIMi wl s es"-- -paned by avote o t84e» t Houat wua Dot lu ase"id. - - Aithoughtt tire vers opijr bers o!rte senatepisset vbW t Northcott calteil(btIld t 1. day attetnon.n, ator Cia , ceelu tn eeafitbis lmprteOO till tluSecond resding for the Il ainudaient. The aeed ., restores the original proviimito l. -thuit a prtmany eleetondIstriet éabat e, alat o! sot lent thsn tvoasor ai -Il -ý file ciecîlon ptecincts. Bematsam14 Li oiad Muonts, thtitoller (vo mnbn Il cut. vottol for tic slmeust, "A I A adopteut. The biil WaS (bsn thîril reuiding atnd the Senats ThtHotîse sont cuculet i o5 le abusiness un- attrnited. %e tOn Tttcsutny Cook County i l te belda ai-rh-s of saîcumes. h Le sui-retwotu-oîîts'tticlts tu the bifl. i ttîlttg for naIbuard ofut ime 55êi l- îîti Cook Ct'uuuuty in lieu of su li I IdlsIt iss-sii. îu ii uudt tier providitli iy Ls hu.ant ut fr-s lu-o-'ut tht-t, tiotb ta unrle iiilu îlet'Lit theu' tiiatregular e e Th.-tîu. 'li' uuk (outity Deone s' P ltus'- aredIn ho pposle totti and tOe tp purt oluoi,'tih Mt. McGoot(y Lad dil Kit op. îroviliuutfez s board of (bies n. ýosfr Cth'icasgou sud an appointiv* l ly of rs'iî-c ,fir tec-boitcouinty. ,I' Lit tilu' t)eusuvrsst iv- aorneint va» lat P'I NMr. Bussu- niovei tl ir l on ttI&j ,p! tiemoctats utrî' Intetusaulatt(haleÏt« te) testiauoff itebate, but vhea sa vo*e y tokei-i tluuui tht quesltion it vaLS e« it'r- te) ù :11, a sltrict party vote. Aaaeni tu impouurittisudmieots (o the revenla le liuiiiitl'ujI)ly thes'Hîînae asaose W se utrucuk olit î'utirtiy tht section provl Lu fuir t- nîuîuuitneut fa huard ea!ian urs tel su-nî' Istuullh uboard ta eeetel. m suisr aiii-iulsituui(opteil cas tane 19 b, îa-" ti,' tiaiuiiiiuu tx tevy oftu#~ c. a tsutuuourîuurattuuusor tbsody sta t ,t hi-s: taxeus or uilulniuhriltt money m Lt 1u,,,rtli tus auiiuitit uc-atiiott huî n, a jIi lletiii uxiu nstuiu bond lss ,Pd ilsr i-i-ti ut tlut- taile of the taxable ILi-rt> - 'rsso irtsliiti recen'thy aere !t'ii !taioiisstousi luog. on tlîehr vaY te*, kî't. aaîunhOullitofthètu, MeIv1 mi819 tendîul 'l loto a Iot soe, l'utt, lits àniîOishnnetaeyti theu uuî-ure--t ftii usi5U nd, useq the faruier, asket for te àid~ spaitu'.1 "-Wlitidu) >e-r waait the apad -tel aok h elufatriner. 'Mu-i(k is stoick lu the bug." a4 'iitis1 tvusetut o dlug hlmeout." "hloue fur lias bie sunkr, querel1 tutrineîr. -Vuilpî ifktsasidPat. "tjsi,"snlîi the fariner; "%sUlUý c-oti aisuy watk oitt*' Itpgirro.*' nalit Put, '*b. can't.$ hsu-, aliti eallIltrut!"-AnaWems Emprea sse sd.wlokus Utuonmý rthe Eniprewa Fe'dere o à t>' villaineur tlonobtig. c-bae ab quute rstniphy. Wbm shle d&ITOU numiuily lu an open CsrITae, Ii lier mutbcr, (Jueen VIctoria. bp not mlud whatt Sort of *etiO conttr.lien favorite cielOl yeilow phaehon with yia aitbier servants c-es!tblack go A musIcai moullp Acting upon, (Le Ie«(e s-rysena tIvt o smile, a ufseturer bas substittala îoouetraii for tthe In steaut of baltint bbe a bit or chee or lai d the tihduln l a double bOttamS sic box. v'uîie playm a rions popularaisft et mica, ic Insisîs te, redis-V toward (ha moulietoi, amnd bear bel ber (bey tap Itie lb. ulnd themmlieives prIBoiitS W - The LeAsY teM A plitty o! Buffalo polî to ,ç:knra Falla the ethel". th c n-itlnt8flc0 c-ile t"La )auy c-ouuas c-ho Lad basa . Iakeu late varloisvIi e 4 shiettftth. Sic tho gt l- si)lehiuiid, but. ste qated "po they turs It eOU tlmey-BtuiTlo CozatiM In a pire-foêU stroiidsbuig P. (bta qmtai uImo il!