ItWr agoButter Market. othIe board of tratit- IoudaY S.Offeria, 301 tuba; sales, ~I9c. Lant ecli butter soid meeuengo 2OS20. The xPvect.tifor lt ' last weetk m ens, 1095,000for tmeneief o1 the ,.tWaig Comauy of the liehlodisl ohnrcli. This IRbieb arosfroml](oneaby the laicidentaI to the war bai coogrSu nueor anoîer fitveuty odd jeans. The bill bY tliBoune vas a fsubetttute *obI,, vhlii anîborlzedtheIb in iving sait foi Atheînouney '*,oerof Claituaand wthl Ibure- h*. iboktth Ie Sente. 4WaêlSuIDole,,of Havait lihas Inov j» Waaiugton utanly a we', lb. pgte ?aiton. on every suide for tb. disercet maniter lu li t onucmtxg limnel, un Sfor bis aod adlllkassuulung .Atbougtt lie lu iatinlslip deep- les.utetinlu îceig ieftuiiutatlon 11 r&UftiAd, hb. sm a() îio qutiotns of ÏWUnbeam who <ail onu hlm; con- am" hinself wtb giaitig fuîtl u- sr1aQ&%[PXinreilp t» aiq[estions ked Ml-.i-hwijuamo, for thbm bas I et dheeusuaaot lits part lu S0anextiol vouhd lie ex. 0 ali umt's as ofTengisve WIêet.&lapoiîinou the part of ~benumîmer 4-f SP-naton ~g~ tartnomepo8iltive il~ tbfIis govertunaul aBfot ta)nllow s vote hàk*fton tue tmenti for tbe of Hawaii until the adi- bas madie atilîner show. ta Cauliu policy. Nothini bois eau agreeti upon, but Il Ioff bal lbe sensIota vho the matai are lu politlil Pr esldet eu ilney anmd ,.ta aunuexatlon of Havmii ut aI lb. alovuesa vith l~ anlultrmtouaCuban ieelpng andi auxiona 10 Ilsgtue. Au nytmatiou c bas licou gven lbe haw seuie liai go ofton hfor Cua béiat bers et t0hlb.suceai of a b opo onffe Indelnittely lb. 01 taheb. avalla trealpe bWAmintucoonectton vitli a iat itnmax doue tla lep 3«àWg ooardice diaptayoti by llb theotem upo u iX. 00 eb.Tuler 1oalgbouda payable la QPU optiorathe govebmoult 0fUipOtid by -a rmajotlj of bu liinet calaulate te *ta" esteminfuît for tueraliy «Matl@ieta. Atboogb lu votei At itb ?&lien resainlion vwu la1 4.od te lprenant pelicy b =da lia gohti,.there ver. .fo nualona Witiug le si'l s.vating fot the Latige Ilot, vbleli apeiicalty $taled *I bodeabeoutdit e paldtuigolti . qelvalnt, Whl t hirip-two LApgmiathellaiiet temolutlon. Oebody blaine the couaituonte SuIitite Ioncalling Ilien beIr-aplittersa The Con. 1960ordecavicntalu tug 1the votes ý&'on l.thToiler neolutiou msud NWMWIWeBta offed thoreto te rO b. cartuliy aludieti tu mnre orne Mteanti tu mnake trouble gre Iian one Samtiudr. BProetandthe b.lenduna cff1tue 10Si is uCugnemâarana mal "M09011In lu lnlg the olti anti pil 9 game of politica. Tbe V us bave, ien înaking their ýwII the objece l mîllng the mmntmal .tumpalg m squiare ibIû V& ailier and gotti. anti fer a Se aeliniiurattmmt appoareti fo Mpz tu aidtem lu bnInging OOI abouit, lot there lias been nidov the administrathion ~piste Ils purpues of atldhtug BtaiutimantailîtanPlasc 0 *l"ulatUonn aS the saie istiating li ntention la insais on"tt altianti o util Inter- iel btnaila a ecuei. 0f th cI liter menmy my thIig su alempi te befutidli s. 4The fSeutle vhlcb la conollt iver oukei ied iat ttI broataide àI4 L gtiold tae Toiler naoution. ibt a& tIrst intendedti Ial Ibis aIles aouid be quîeîîp anatiiermi lions., but opoît couitierat4on, .ffbltegu leaders decidedth lat as Vati ~eAction of lbe Seuite, Mblâwtdil ltnal le defealctibp a ut* ie. an.,sd tuaI action v» ItWoalL. Tb. alier topuhuican h ave mieefl tiehat lb. coutry ai one. explanatton of tieri =8 01 id Si.Toler remt tonitanti le ivou-t Iroogli peeches et ko ente.sona freali uinsoctal onatarp May lie ,liéIlta;nol ilsly thal the -JlU-- t a SatokU g 1tebe my Ie eXpwutm "0 LAMES MNom grS'io. Rfen lira. Ibermana nie vas vell atnded. framk Clark bas pnrrlîaaed lita ChUle iRay, of lowa, vas caliug on friend hbeslIMI eek. Mfr. tephon Young la moving onto lira. shermmafata. lma Ad& Machester spent a fcw dagt laChicago lam week. Boi eOorge, of Kansas. lR viitlng frieuda in Ibis viciaity. Mine Muse Gilimore bas returned Iron ber vliit lu tbe cdtp. The tadim Aid Socety. Imet wltb lira. Wmn. Biertahn Tuenay. Ulma Viola Plielpa, of Chicago, opent laat week ith ltb nde bore. lira. John Jeffera lias been on the aick lst for a couple of veeka. The Epworth League viilbol lie monthly business meeting Fnuday eveilng Pet). 4b. nt the home of Franki Clark. one Minute cougli Cures quickly Thata vtat pou wat F. B. ILOVPLL, Wedunadai' vas Uround Hog Day. i<ucdler Brns. reeeied a cariood of wheat. Son. of Our people enloy tlpping over la a cutter. Our mayor la a littile aack lu keeplog the aldewalks cleined. Mrg. J. M. Pot, of Hait Day, wau seen on ouitaieela tant Tuesday. lira. Lockhead viii note lu tbe John lanoiiff ahoua. lu the aprng wblcb mli lima beught. The formnera are diaualng the ad- vlsabllty of raingimgane toastera, aa the deinandaeiua &o «ce"d tbe anpply. Ail tbe avallable men ver. gitan an opportiudity 10 abovai auov for the ratiramd ompaup durlng tbe recent blizards. Th UbefMauopo la coming la Hall Day &gain tbe itb of lob. Il amer» 10 lak« vel boes tiIbis tathe tibrd lime lu two vodka. The local camp of lModen Wootin wmna labc lu a proapetens condition hevlng aditeti largeIyt t eir monter- abip of lote. Aeooaorinhoei& Mount cf stock sliippsd atheIbnumbet of buyera tbe farinera lu Ibis loeWiîy ouglit te b. gettlag ticli. liet0fthe Young people oai bis vicialîy are maklugpreparllomato*î- tend ltme manqme ail m the Club Houm. sontDay, Ibis (Friay) niglt. And tint»they kick bocausetg i d ut4 mnovsud nov tibey kick becaua. lbey have gel l a cli.people haie no business to e moitIitb lb. weallier. Mien May <idloy, cf Chicago, anti Mian li, Urliley, of laIe Foret Uaivesity, apent Smuday villiS'boit perents vbo are ocmpying C. W. S;hatitlea bous. ThXe Woodmen ef Vernon camp balloleti on fout nov members ualt saturday nlghl. Chas. Miller, WinI Blaciiff,' WIIli chimler mmd Wln greugsr. F. E. Mali, manager of tbe GralîcaL Stock Parm, (genoraily kukovo a. the %legl Inn, wvuonI Tuesdaj looklng ovbr the prentaea prepatmtory go mml- lug extensive lmnprovemenîs lu the near future. A numbar cf mitk.ippers fron gbis station viatti fiesf th. vgIl antireportel le Is prI1 ofnkl trMM elgbly la ninety cents par ean. lumY cf thoraSliiuk tliay bave enînsti If 137 bn.aktng rneo0f fade. <rman mother Caoeiontl.nL lir*. H. J. Mesurs la ou the iai]lt. Mrli. and M ta. listdie are îliting Palaiue inonda. J. S. Gnldlm.p lamiying R gooti many bouieanedeys. Xiai Bertha Walîronburg ta vtîtttng finuialu Chicago. Oraudnma Moem'n et a inement isIt- iug ai ber son'a, H. J. Mepers. W.lbave. betind it nunored Ibat J. S. Orlitiey, coutettpialt going t')tlm Klondike. J. A. Perklus, otf Auti4liaty, (i., was for tbiltlj peas t mîeîtioitoi-tîred bp plijaiclihinfor thae tiofczemua. fie vai quilkyip mîed îy <mi05 I)eWita Wttcl RemetlSalie the lamnoui liealîîîg maive for plis sd sktidm~ea. P.ii. LnvEXL6, Libertyvilte. QUENTINS CORNERS. Fred Grever vaa lit Chicagto lait Friap on business. E. Quentin, 01 Clicago, vas ut ttie CornersltsBndsy. John Moyen la lakilestoansila biackamltblng at present. i Ontriâbool la pnogreahiug nleely *ilb Heny Alisrd ai leadher. Our tfltory pahid a divîienti of 94k a cnt. for nul tait November. lit. Ja. étempai and wtt. madie à SaU ut H. Bsrgborn'm Snimtay. .Henry Hill-an ur lavu collector of iEla hmaibeen cmllng ou the lax payea. 1Wrn. K»1960, Of Lake Zurichi, amiled at thme Cornera on bis vay hon. Sun- dey. Ueo. JuanItu sud vile, of Long Grove. mai.e a vîsîl 5KtIthe Cornert à"ait day. If peîm have auj nova tle publIi plea. b]ave il aIt'W. Queutma's store. It vili bc forvardati. Are glai te report thaS Wm. liergmoru la quigale an au fier t long alcknon cof lioettroubles. J. WertpbaI ami fany Md Chas aHot u amH.L. fBattegin, ati a iandt a H.L. oekearinlnn.made ,JmmUay 25 thb.tfarm luovu as lbe asllferezn vea .011by lb. coumîl court. F. Orsbal wu Ilas bayer, prian $00 par acta. Mrn. Jacob 81 rR. baubouli L. Jmaclela muveas cre jet bers aIt #t Oamermsuanti nIbuilida bou"elathelb apdesg for . hme. A. kbwum cédébKsUo aUj Mb auteGWmI«laimtilng Fort niai frisnas Ibis veel. laneli ulver in au Ibe aloI là. 1r. in in taluattenda"e. elir.ideyCartilSû)wedbis lot boums on Bâtordmy of Iai violk. igaler LesTweednaud couda bl Tweed viaied Grus. Monda r.eaiY. Kfr. William Wallis ta doint quite a buainhu grtudng 10ed for lb. farimr Ibis "Mn. litas Annie MoCrimidle of Muîlburu. la vistliu bar AunI ine. Tyler Gilberti epotilu. Ufr. A. Kirvan wu a nled to Waaoo- da on Tbursdap 0f lentveek 10 attend bts atera fanerai- .1Ur. William Caine andi dauglitet vote celierm at lb. homeo f lUt. Tyler Gilbert Suuday aMtrooon. The. posamaier aI Foi Lake receivedl information fron Wahington laivee Tbutaday tbat Foi Leke Font O.. would henceforth lie a Money order onc. Oui old reliable carpet wnver Mfr. Henry Quoedonfelttand vIte ba"s te- turnedto I. bu Fox Lake borne. AUl thon. viihiug borne grovl i over oi.s viii do veil 10 cli on Iben as 1h07 for the.INDv» Nnhi Iseoriera t GRAVsLAr No.OIeS. J.. K ýZ ie i IJ a n .U 5e . - -- - 1 BON llutndtbl s oadavevanf Du. IL KV. LE. V. C mis PARmixas. W. C. Nu.E. ir .1atea. d(NONGBE0ATIONAL Chu -lunida er ~etua us...am4ti t- bis til.. IM vee l%wa4Uy aitaaM smpese padyhmbe n MOMU.Ils VA FomtmaRlu8. Huee' ienevo le 964&1ha u4 A omavi I vu, Mlslumua,,bovever bbonied of tb* plot Mdsud aapepuedrol foIe. Tbe y.uug Peopîl e doo dob a me guéa tbey MitiBot have unta long after miulgli tholin preeamably by eeldeustlbejy yen ouglin-laouor tva enov diiabefere arrllng borne. The Orayalake saboe bas ared for siueuteatatnmeai go b. glula the. Woodmen'n 5"11 rlduy ,entng, Pfel. i1, orior to preoeut aometluat iba IIb. mntellales in anmd enitl"a nhlby bave se. ourol the PîI Quarbete, 09 Evauste, o*Ive *1.. mest .s.d v1tL This fil ecu11pesoft oecfleboys, 1, sentmi;awly, antiWho te lirie« pomaisf etugbsr 1 ilsiios. The pries of md- la $WsulY.Se cents. The pro. fur tb.hebol ltbrary and ai. was a very b.d vrokli er. dey morlni, Whoeu Ilree on- ànloolb. forvard eud of a rate vbleli aootion lhe main WO, enus lad been dovu te eiglal train out of a enov booki tio bUi, and comlmg up lb. mieer dii ual mevIt wum on tlie main tradli and îw tile gotmg aI a aposd of tem rbour. Theii. ralenglober, m1Mr. Woleb, of Chicao, wu. illei i ita il s, vble fiae vum badly injurei; anti won Wmaks.l. Mr. Strov a i 9îte remalusand prepared Il l. The Coroners@ jury Mon- sbt la a verdic t f &«Mental îussd by carelesmusi. The aremovedle lia borne Tus»- ruing. Ho teaves a vile and hiltrea, vlio vers lium end- Id svlftly beretof aa idbus. d fatber. The vreck vu ot vway util Toudsay eîeniug. at beau mucli trouble anti de. î traine n scoui; oflbh Dvia an" la the hollova. At aortaeb th ireman la dolng bam anaifrtint on 1ai14reaay fer nadir 6 -m ..- ... bbu. lu- o.... The Fox Lake CeerY AisoolaiWh o bav met vllb lin. Harrison Glbert lit »im v,.k Tlimrmt abt ovingt go .bai rayatake VIllare Otfloer. . m m condition 0f the roatia but lev vers r. et .................. . BShorman nlaala prmumdSeelectlon aIofSncns rilarron.s a vas 'hmîoeti. Tbe n 'l uellgTustees 0. a ? . W tes. cei lae &relyrqstt bat Ilere i .PolIce lsMat"..... ........... C. Mrase Tere n ahfi'iiattends».e. Vîilora orii liNarg..aI...... ............A. maNIllount a i ou velcomed. Dînner vîll bi erveit. Clerli....................... Dr ' Riafer. l'lie auovdriutti(msud Ibe vlmd Iba glane.sain madeIliona) are reapoual lii for a gooti- telght tiv mny accidents ialely. Bon.e 0f the Mia Iielim uha Ime entertalutmg a tradli. Ti boys icor lovu vont for ameuterride bt ulafe ou s receut eveunug but mu Iteloa a btertton Wisconsin wvimnebled ulaf suov.lrlft sud bidke lb. culter mandonot meon for about tite ypais. ne wyul mmd up Il ver. aeen vendlng tIber vay bon.. vil mals luit a s@tant qy. baet, yard <eatilug lb. cuIter an uticrrylulfreiglit W tbe borae) aniuoheb boys expressed The Ladien AId lhata pleasant meet- nîrncî îî binsif lb.nazI dmp. Boys pou mould img viiliMra. C. C. Morie lait veel MIles a be morearefl. l iber. liad beau W.dusaday. Il ban fnot been doclded vbo vas girls &tous- vliat ouldbave.becone brl.Oelmeigiib. of tileui oetenxmtu isb. it"y - orceta Chapter o. E. S. viii bolti a firemn a BUFFALO GROVE. neektlebasket social on the occasion Imbu gto Bruant Brunkhorat la gettng t> le- of Ibeir 2ad amniveraary Feli. 111. charge of' qulte a mnie"a. Umaousanmid ibeir vives or svuethezv$a for burtai Christ. Utîtridlilla lurolng hltafat are tuvtted. day brou@ hiopanmdcaies loto euhl. deallies, Frank Wetdner ahippet islitanit tva Ou Frisp ceie'mg Feib. 4. 1898, wit bodiy vu calvea 10oiceago liomtiap. blie ltia meetng lu lb. cborcli fordamy morm The boya vanS 10 o bo y how ten purpome of organlmlug a atinging clos. Uetz bai a blibday party. An ilaitactor vlilI be prenant aund a savonu chi Aloya Itaupp viil butîti a nev base-. leion vîi li e given. denlj mmd mont barn 30xB0 lu lbe apring. band mmd Otto Loy durnpted a b.dte of vood lu lia. Cook, vifs of Jobn Cook, of aesret ia front of A. Watera@ gale reeentliY. Gago Late, bo liai been 111 for morne There ha John Papp bai Ivo carjoada of atone limse, paused avY Tueatiay ntgbt. lap vith andti Io0f other materl~ for a nev oih. la lh@ mollmer 0f1lire. Geo. Fraser, vîi!blIc barn. r.0B.Duan dCo. ltex Jake Uclinidt, Ueo. Niokol and NI ira .B rvyat t oo. li e Hiniberger ut*l got stock lu a mmcv iM. ThomaMoad lad tbe mia. nlc.lY. hante.1 fortune la break lier vrist lait veel vr £runta Branliborml bas aald bia btey TbursM&y. Gb. alipped un tbe aide- pA stec .i go Bail Keallier for 830. Nov let val anti hofldig out lier band lu lier roll. tryiug te saisvebrnaitf lb, accident veli Tu1 John Aumen biai lhe plana for a novhpee.D. lkyntte oswe u barn vhlcb lie vill bulltion M. Loch- apeet.Draibj o eboeAtluma" ner& place. andi lr*. IMeati ta g.lling alog cely. vhteisva Frank Dover la mWl ll tb oms.,ant Ilta W il] C.gaubora, of Sauboru & Co., voy go Il mmny iten4stolelof gilng bien au- til.r.a a IetyIlIII., 'vîlieb.aI faunt i otber fareveilsurprise. Bdi Brebi ls, a nautilin Mmd bis my lsore Wednadap lob. fili, vîllia underl aialar Cbristi»a a uew gullar, no lbey fuliliUne or vcofeina for aprlng and vbo vu1 cen mle munic galore. nommer. Anonéthinitngof purcha- notifai Hamu Popp goI lit a vlklmg cane, toit à uitOr overitmslold eall andam. raukavl goiti vatclianti moukej butebysex- Samboru andi gel prîcea. for the fi e. Nersrlid, there are more ît iF. D. BÂrTMSmAunL. day al 1I lb.ntheair. M .B Igë uSli nol"la The farmers ou Buffalo Gros Ave. lt.W .Hge asele aduo vwre busy hamilng linge tlath BIgs 51<1Chicago lut Manday lu reaporua. la a G&al limou aali atfge of lthe ris. legrn «Y"9titm ber aidera nmolerm lag etlen ine lbey moîd. bubani, lMr. Petraoî bai beau sImdc presatai Uta. Bmupp lla Mo gatng go enlarge hbythetut tfin SYoigêthrbomig libaie Intia.,1 Mmd pu% a bOMemetl unie ber bain;*mI 8:30 a.wn. anti vas badly ljursd. vlfq. Tb ne ont larmersarei pto B-ile vissacc0mpewêd by lber couain, Young mg iganti planning for a big han ir. aror not eau. - 5 . vîrwiobai lieou ber gueml &blg Sa !ortlb.paal Ilie. veek. Mn. Pelermon Md àaine GILMER. paaaed avay Tîenelay îtigbl afitflitlng ul sovete Aullering. vilain b. J. Bea otek a buinessi tnl bChit-a ert cago Wednestiay. The ut-rt regular meeting cif tlb. a ivo isa Clan Amii, of Chilcago, la W. C. T. 1. o! Grayalas viii bc beltitoaa vlallng rota#ves bore, nt the reieunce o!flira. A. E. Foxi onombet t Wil Asmua baigoue te voile tn s Frlday Fei). 111h. slgbs VIII b. boat Of bicycle facéorj tu Cbicago. proviieti for ail vlablng toatatend, domime. Miartin Moi. oIdt tvafat cova tanmetngnt Mn. Etivarda at. naUei h ldr. Gridiejaf Prairie Vlev, Ita v eol1oiol0 ia dy »lneetdunclo JO] Misci Emma Cuines anti Ema n'clu leum1groat aneyon. ont ep ed grsatiy Pstera vont 10 wonk lu Chicango Tue& uti ritcuecmaothl et ip i na. p a Joily leigbtug patt, anti do tipal Henry Fisher, an clii salier, tileti omelhing for -ioti, haine anti native Tho oi tat veste Montiap. H.vas lbnrisd ai landi.,, lins. ÂaRL MEAD, Cor. Se. ympalli Fairfietti._______________ lira. E. Lothnîn dti lait vesel F. day. Interment lu Vairfietd Lutheran CemeeryMond.. S. Muu'uaand Wife' CO A. G. ScliveraentF. UIrithanmd W. ,garnison t.. no. Hall veut in Libenîpîile.toatmtend the. 1a.tor.d te iltal by or. mime'Restera. otlon nmie aS lins. F. Clatk's lasI trs. vbt.vs itaturdop. AgSclbr, -n.,cama fron.lime RoIng "Hrne Milwaukee, Win.. lt attend the fanerai of hlm olti connate, H. Fisher. Tbee rm arc very bad toi lb... parti. Ve lbats tu hovsi allionI eveny day. The mail caier bua bard tîne la gel Ibrongli amd te - lt»Ina are delayeothe b.E. J. A E.cF i tlta cosy cach à cottiandi j nosais! C caNp te gelt itiet 11 if jon commence ..Liberi early te une Une Minute Cong ug e' It cure. cougliacisoda broinebilîs. e. pueunonia sand ail tbical - and long troubles. Il in plemaiml la ale,sale 1 ta mise sud auretoeute. F. B. LovULL, L111ertyvilllo. J Never Mnd.- W.' Kno*' Our Bpelshi" (Jet Them-WhIIe They LasL U isExtra Homy Wooi Goals ere 96a nov.................... à$1 t' t~ ~ '. eraeyPeauaveg$1. 76 now ...... Tviled BIne Flanuel vas 350 aov .......................1 Ved t ' e ................ . Inpcrted saxony Vain t'1. . ................S :: liens Heaiy Wool tintiervear double bimeal vat 95. nov.......... .76 Wornen'a Atolles. ere 81.00 Dov ....... ..............* Mena s- Rubblina."......... ..... .a Weneu'm FeiI boea nc ad 81.00 nov ý..................0de ;3Mnei Cottoni Plaid IJiesaGooda pst yd-................. ........ A% 30.In.h AIl Wool Neurettai per yd........................ SPECIAL NOTICE After February 22, 1898 our busine» wUI-b*- run on an absolutely CASH BABIS and no goods wiII beave our store unless set- tied for by cash or produce. Grayslake, - - - - - Illincit. Special Offer-....... To our customers whice you should flot fail to take alvantage of-.«..., At Cost Al Our Boys' And Men'. Overc~ats.,M Men's heavy ail wool sweaters 9 Oc Boys' 66 & 16 fi55C <Women's Alaska overshoes per pair 75c No 2 and 3 ail-siIk rlbbons per yd 02c Fancy dreis buttons that were 1 5c 20c 25c and 35c we wlll close out uit per doz 07e 3 lb. good berry coffee 23o 20 lb.o ranulated sugar $1.00 We wish to cati our patron's attention to the folbowing: AfterFeb. Ist, 1898 we wiII glve only 30 days credit to any one. Ail the**,- having accounts. with us wiII pleas. call and settle the same before Feb. IOth, 180&.- F.-----UEBKER., ,e. Oraysiake, Illinois., New Store A Full and Complète LUne Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, .Slverware, Diamonds Always on hand. Repairing of ail kinds neatly and,, promptly done. YOU WILL FIND MY PRICES RIGHT. Anything you-want. If flot in stock wiII get It - within 24 hours. 1 1 E. B. Sherman's, I LLINOIS, About Job Plrintitug. tVa de joli »nlnttug of every e»«e tieu. Commereld taleey.a qpecaily. l>otigraant ille'1. litémi onton shortnotice. Thpieipngï eouuty. 'Worl aidpricea W. . <l nd gel ealimatea. Onderp ,. réeftls promstattentonx. ROLLINS. ,t0 Jease Mimd anti Mr. Sanford are ____ _____ quit. iel. ataýLuibtI7,W@, Minois. LBRYIL AKT V. Mandie Etiartia ipeni Tbutsimy 1 LIus zsst aMRKET ai Ltb.tiyviiie. XVI AY*enim foronaet ii b Mmbam etr Tuset ing m. O rapalale, ta a Mai,,-*i t C " f a I Iiltmes. 19aring Btt«r-reanme ............ s m st*61, FlotiHavop* paeisla ~bI nBttme-Cioe ain' .........i12 à i Neillie 11eLampion, o! Chicage, laet mut bletm.It*i* goil~M Eggspimrdoxen-------------...t4 4 t vsins as W.MSples. g u sa. t elé 4im uss ned oans irbuhi- - - -f Oui posînasaer Mn. oHauiln la -ces**Wlsd. * Wot-try.pear sd......... 113a4 auffenxng vill a asuaro coîti. - 0.'No..tsCai-Mard, pur ion---------....e <soie 65 The adies Aiti Sociesty met vili vuCood-Roft. pier ton ....... .... 4n«n(i us Mia L. Etivardi Tliureday a.01 Oa.oýn. per buaei nhlle.t...... 27 n ,-me week. d La ý arin$ aumdtPerbued............... 20 0 2 Seve rn t ~m tàaed 11011111 Furs irMd- Goata.pea..................66a aUctinn 'MI@ontheWu._______ Stabr. per ton ............... vS à 2e place Tw*. Tmursml5r. Niliana. Pertot ......13 i 0 aai la 11110Coin Mmml, per tan.............. of 12 8 tler. me flv M*g tat bs 1 wiII pay highest Ham. p-, Ïieibn ............. 9 4 LNaie We batà PnrAdomdpnioealba-....4w0 1a DclSluiety evnu q» price for ail Iwumt.nDe tbafl...... 73Ue OtarnosDotUM asti lo"l Heryeg tVeil. tivoa. dressedpet lb.... 70 o atended dis palI jiq..t aioit kinds of Furs. __ rna et ~ ~ I etnb C ASPa.M EL F roal noson CHASf. 540 rguls..,P-.iLb ForSeme 0isW ~~t.yv t ve5VtiteEU.MU u inons14-aia Md .311 , 0 E a: PI ul am thi ry sad accident ooeured as. Ise, on tb. O. M. & 19. P. lu thie bemvy salor fliait .eaday. A muov plov aurucl mlly 11Used Fborn i stevana mlkiug ou lhe tracla on bis îe village. The. body vua not atil the nazi day b.img burl.d la mnov.lir. J. J. Longabmugb anm uneleo0f th. decosi, vau and Immeduately vent %o lue antid adeageme tnerai vhicb vu hleld Salut. >opoek ta Me. Congregalonal as Ibis Place. ltaialvu in oe cemeley. 1Mr. Stevena,4 Who oe. ram iLanin sa IAlb thea"mwua mao Mian of Prmbnkavf ie &Mmaaaeed rhs deoeed iwauan oz.mplarY un of quiet Induilrions babit. ocummeaed Omo rea imae me UitIe liom.ebicli hoe-vu up for oeoupmucy la Marcb valobe mmrried. H. tuai. b.ed, taller and noter and ser& and four brollieta. a , f moie disant relatives Mant ffrteada to, mourulias elry .HN bai apeut considerable ao putl 1ev yem. vlb ita i lin and fanily boes ho el mias hlm mand liiaunuy on Mmd plemat comotenmuce. otite oonnunity heartlly Wu. vllb the bersaved. >Id Wlea ther GOODS..a BLANKETS. FUR ROBES, FU R OVERCOATS. roulil Flnd Theom her. 1- 0 HtAS. KAISER, rtyville, II