W 4<,ýFLOURM ILL S TUFFS, SEEDS, ETC er, Coal,, Lime, and Cernent. Wl SCLL 1WE3BER WAGON, WiiEN YOU WANT !RIGHT & SON$ rtyvil le. iIl.unim mm caum vaiM 6.M Pv 1a1 atwemZe 18ick à mi6.hva mbE« e %dwhere hmi Mathis good and suà frtie IaA11 le I. 1hoàe Aa a ouieuprmn<fti Umamafvtvlom sdaltin W cimt .saiMmnreM l ~g 14vae, l a vi b lelgihollb arenailgena ~uk gral ouh.vst.il iesove taliiaam oetn la Ibm Iel aiN. . Ti. otelau 80alsrira.cl28 ih ds, w.hereaie oarehiveyoOtou andlormitlfetilei. 68U hitUpiO g-ihreevatear, mmtlMdsutapien teh ei lnwwgtet vie a"il ii.ofletiri . eplendil amineai.. 5111 b« te, it bmauy il n led lieahyTe p Stiandcgrai" , Iý nsa N.Yaihe patnelmw i2Mrnoemi« y re ai fille27&e tJet, lma iea a lierIr poffl h coitif , ue@ theaa '~ugIeno tmb, loci pfan f anail, " ainal io by r 'Me. ayarmseednti geiî.ei oured.aTnuelmnWi maanvile seborne teri a n ovrl yal ciiigham.aviaeol 6 atdeali- IkowtSmaa. Tevate ti u oim arevi ietefr, ieamm a ce vo thb~ff perepeeego shyrea lite year, ltbaedam uedAn loclo * U~> lehbigoo and lioumnaffe oue at ii.ndnc.oaimt ti -MO mr Es at th osuymt ent vef h. a ae lu seerehot bouc ïaýaiadthoîrtmn hoohwu.t at tIttelo there February iit, by ail means and looki L.Pmrie land tea lnul$loiii o n e ulong lime. Boy nov -itl vii oon .. Thre vmu gol ni Kiùndyke and ini the.Cailra i ountAlna loug lin.m Il vas dincoverod, soa trial trip ta Aniienas un Poli, lat may »mluexpoctod i eaisnrOm a ehomne In the landi oi heaith andi plsii ;h&yn aymvaybolhekilfor. Wliyufotgo nov? We vWii ho ith yon. Prou fate ta ail bnyerm. Addreuet m one, Vont iliayMmitc anci Sîncere Frtoud ~.Slocum, WAUDONDA, ILL. wis.. CENT. N. I R. atAibLEr. norme Emmt sed ee f col04. mmni 0 ai 2t 4 nuo siles11 1e &m. nuas. iipe .m. arn F"t. e43 14o4£ lt et liée dit il:1 le : U. 14 8 u 1202 e l e ROCKiCEELLER OIT S CONOREGAIONAL bfob seriqa&t m C im Io-». a. m and1:. P.. mPister meting Tede@êi, ealtsM. Y. P.aILC. I. gue. Baundar evealnge t :40. J1nior O. [ ) =oath .N . a . . e Wt . A . i o . .No. si. squt emon d futigt Th.rsys oembuonth. WtiLLwiOG8. N 0. 0. .A. 0mu?. . 0. 0. . 04 ?h9r$dr Y volilutâo09mauh1 vomi. Luvre aspice. 0.,r.1 JOR 6H . iAGAil Pont G. A. 11. meet9 mmra iti Olor betre luli mon. 1 i. S. LzEARçO m'dr.1 tl E RUUECRILL. Adit. Mail gainsSouth ......8:648eILn. :2 Pi. "a golgs orthi................ 10:8 ILe. . mail ovet landi by stage arrive.' ai le aL . 1 ROCKEFELLER. MIRA Penny Conper vlmllaýd vlîh relatives tu Chicago tant veek. si. Rolit lRoahe.W"i hCtïeAgli Mondae nd ut Tîeday on tbuinlnesa Mr. Wfelmh trainDeerfli vimitei over Blin.lay ith bhie broher, N. IL Welali. lrsq e. ionwaernît b C>irage, re- eentiy on a veek or ten decy%' vinil wtlî relatives. Wit acrivenia retiîrneni lant Thoat- 4*7 irou a molthA viait ethie houe la Alluny. Wis. Misa Gertie Care ba returued tram ber viil; viii ber moiher ani endél iln Albany, Wia. Mr. Burdict lima been on lte 8mick liai, for 1h. long ivo veeks. but lm aine. bolIer ai promunt. Dan't farget tliemerpentertain. mnit ncziPriday nlgbi at the chapel. Il proula.. la ho a grand mucema. lira. lMayvarrea, daughiletu-slav af lir%. 0e0, Buck, vas callel la ber homie lu Chicago $lism vmak by tlit-I nos afber buaband. Thbe literazy soceyiynlu ruly laOb fiaumblng coulilion. Tbcy have mlxl mubrm mà" lte entolutt r1. day nlgbl promises la bo a codht la lie euierprisiug bembers. Don't for. gel il. A tareveil urpria Party va sgiveli at lte hbo01i Mr. ald MmIe. sný titeer Tueolay *voulus la harnot of lier, and lire. ea.'Buck. A large crawl ai01ansudYouag spenl lb. evroulât tugaines Md Waclaichai, Lighitlreiebamesvaseservel. IVANHOE. liore bussard os licay. Erae*eewilb viatel et Wancauda on 114t hUeyo. Wil Puuen cernies au atm luaa ilug trou e eeela o1 a telan. Mr. 19«Mtg Gtbbe hbas ted the 8. R3. iva bonns la AlanTilua. lit. C. M. Pomiel hbapurcesed *» am on vlcutter af Chas. Danler. Leu alimon ia vieiiag biesairni lits 4Ch». Beeviltor th. prenat. Desa adi ath Wolinhaa isena connu"meilthéleliane" a. vek viii scattet foer. lies ftmae Bryant Whvla fis ailg Scioaî aitLme Faresi apeni lltSalut. elay and itutnday a bau. Rev. lir. Paul, of Chicago,' accupleil the pulpil lu Ibm Conreanal chute h on la s.hiiatli. *HEf ilres tva lUno sermons la gool autdiences. Mr.ixo id Winla vha la on the poucae force lu Ohîegfamcopiel îy a Erieul speni a tev ideys -laut vek th h lg Parente air. manir. ichel i Wrz. LMi't. îe-."A nuiter ai yoau1 people trou Ibis sn LiniI. hervooui uaneon the $dci Frenk Woer elay e bcmupaay ai ,'lclally vent ta e noadga on luat Wi eek butxla gnia ble tg)be bAla nev boudeor. l'rici Oeile«n. iThor-appcaeltiey Lava ai1h. icCrnici Aaleghln paty rainGle VIwvent attendlalit itry batteaitl vsa mofete M CormstctAs eniisel lr md frote. Cla ewlus Iot their mialebee tbey gaoiIbere. w»we n u tetsmo.selM.ed l'Clrelt Tho Youg peuple are ooklug paJ. eek. eageily torad t lie masquerlo a il vie* anbgon dtliiu ifvill & Ca's. 'The Young people arceleîjoylng the tl, b. gima by ilas Voodinen Poli. 14. ý*ity b«M ede lAcay re.. illino ieighilg tiiee lye. Have yoîî TlaY5tvry grataici te th. VooduenR et tey " ben fllin cas.tor piovldlnig $heini vth lheoaes- i, Egeito dieti as ber boine t l a.ledsrieioiiai joiî limen.. *qaIay ornlugJan. 30, alter Fae eBolb hlia ue inobeci1b0rs8. W.learu i" Mri. A. A. Payne ta ta :of *oiZt Ibm(,' veeke. St he f anlly enjoyed a leighi rida b. aur fute pauantt. lit. Payae M. buasbeba Uid Ilveamal belindmtninladay. bua 011.4 hia position v«7y eecpily hétetffaoe sud va are amrs vreve a W ~ ieni or Lake Vil OM Mrli. Westirook mati broilior rain theiiOMalla l 1mai l vii ieho trac Im risenthle pay enittid "CaI Chicago and lir. Beydam u peutlntiir- afers., tolM oite andl .retiln hoi ibeWoomani lu glr haln&Y eveilug vih ltae Cieke'a. Objeutiommble. "Ong Pebrunry Il. ('olue Hfenry, lira. eylarmhired I n"u lre. Stark, PlesenSti ilg, o., maym, mhvycnsqlkttolmaivas bail(î.y a hotu aremrug ap anti tler Ivo bote rgae. npMy bey '0 *'hltne l kst4temliga auo. am ý tl » lmrc ae, 1I sr avoihn irain' ronp bh nalng V«lnls oe aIlc.lIug oe xk d nbi eeâ,oue."Me h- olg..Cure., it la the LWa illi Ealy lleea ar fanaamly.qulekeet and piSi cs ln teieily for put for constpaiton, bilcmaas, A mocal la angnouncedt tab. bell ai onugia, Mcoud il i urcai aMdiligug P. B.d ALoinsand lb.vll. Mr. Clakes readenae. thie benef t, iroubies. Y. B. forent., Lbertyvilie. Once Grix tz vas quiserionly oi lie mînlter. A quli Ais ta b. -.WA CO D ,"bal'faday wville vrk ig ait -rael. Ail .are luvitel. iun .L osl r W UondAhbs o t Co's. jebonse ber'. île vas Corresponent 10e no 'meut ion dte.book. L iok eaon il i e tua the i*ek vhez bis foot becenie -Ed.,boa htuMdlâi.litgvastbrolien.neBe AsRuadà are biocaled, novm la bu atout- ulcely ni preiot. Di: 9carce ig taleti ance, I'REMONT CENTER. lie. Jan'mBianareporimilon lhe, IThe statua aifte poatl *ei baveie M. mterpti 1t. Cerroeopandente nahtd. . '. ot ia n-b. Gad"e locumetpoi ulb ie IunLPxIPNT dar griren n arlieble Fred VArI, 01i RoSera Parka, là% . et vsiclyvsio i mpcwad.nî lu eNe yemtnt pouding the vmek vyul bis parents tral ai lm eoi. s~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~I oemyiociwrehsnila el Wirti»d maltly are enter- AI psmia wttàig lire. J. Dal y in upn liami nrlpa o1tanng coupffy tain Chîeg aiet'ort**Vlu* i $.*pm4ig luth,.noe ecay iprmot.VIA Acten vliald kokeller iîîfii t stnetione vii b. Andiov .Pelsrioan, -tf ai xaegen, l.rdu at .l" w ea. la eacit athr et carre- "pnt ht stpdy aldlionday wvîlli iA. BSlet ak ae Zurtch, vuse be .ms4 gat. T., oai a rtlII eo Il.Os fib Voîtr.e.ld-i Ol Conier e tavriby Gergeu*r buiasreturnol eta ilst Dr. a iRii' 014 aite a nthlae vi »M4 pVersan lu Ibeir con- igaitaîli vms a. Cibis vs 'Wa<A lis Bava ueekiy, ~ lii. M aimmai e. of Cileaý-1 arieeeyvsts ~us4o rqIte. ouzo v .brncbjand lire. ltrueltrou l*0 brolite h gevUses. CiyW11 ,uasheamd.ai»Win. - véasb 'W ý W tee. cahieil1m 'A a teubW M tits i&kl gote cM.e ab ehiWuçaa«IL am1Gabor Md otgql fi lwoaIon call hÉgkfvek gaao "0.29 u " usil lsuSaor charmA i ol i% oyfiiOSUml. lavsThor v ifla tquf lacieasl mm aoOuIl Me sill e tibrtic0 luea. ues It iueséofàaiber of wvmk. ieblmWk Tineulchic n, p fle m cieas cagei Ua.te iUS&-am mal.*aiea, ai Iùva,.ve l. 1 DO aihma uaeroa theuoon botrims bel vas gai. t basimlongaDI oaipsc a feaciamer ale. 8 my b auemuh ibrob maontbusines e v.agla t Ttir jon lbam. beare eWacmla in apl ij lleeciS baiig moieiem11 bail thik. Pla laei idayeea4. lta lbIitais i aii bek placela1. mmii taleMwr nutyigwt ahi., Bau.prna r adir.Bx tel ire. ell ris. .a Allg le lir. and Mrit. P. iU. 'fnpp are riit- lng Davidi and William 'frippn familles la Kent, lova. They vril ise viil lira. Mary Dayton ln Kan unmefoetre re- termina haine. The brhaem Wioak place bere Sait. day. Oaiy one hornes. vm sld, Iat lielouge o Mlalr. folie. The fermera 'Vaiael iheis borees tac igl la saui lb. putchaser. 0110 Joansoan lomensta b. th. Chanm- pion yod chopper arund HlluDay, or perbapa la ibistlavaReieutalnai piles Ilirteen cardaea of tI a veki. Wlao ea beai Ibm record?, The rnagniacape enierti.ineni, Iiat vwu pomipmeomisou ceoliiai ofhe lni- clemcncy 0ilte voegbr, vii b. given at lb. claurcli Sauday erenlng. Pob. G. Everycme la taviled la coa. 8ev. Gmay itemled a leciure lasClii- Ugo 1l m mdq. Th'fie r u 01 a lte Chrbula Rumavetaceuopiel tie ebuteb bout S880"7 o-n-ag, titme beioni vahag meeting. JolI sun.- day UeV. Gray viii oeccpy th. pulpit an muaui. Do yoa hmreavdtling bles? lits. J. C. Atalus. la risltltg lier danigter Mr%. Klnlark. liu SinpRoa enterteiued a Yonng med friand qver Ssnuday. Nmie Roi,. bas hâda aevere attaci af ritouMmaa for tia t eel ndaja but te recorerlui« eolavi. ailetorides are mow An aid'er aul cai voChave oanc vile v. have Auch "ae aoeuili oveaings, Mir. C, . G.Mf nike lima been on the stik lis1 for aomeuie, bot et-tlii vrîiag la verY souclis Amprovoti. Mar. aullira. Ed. Illeulelleut ta Arllngion Reigbls on laat Bunday ald voe e navel An ijotil Wedunaay eveclng. A aniaber aiof Uri1yçAîug:people etiende a latice aet oLid shermea home tva ilef.ffsoaui of bore one eveuing let me an d repart hmvlug hail a rery enjoyable Ilfien. on amoont ni bail rosde Mies licymie Votler vlio lenen in Long Grave vas uabletla gel borne lest SrIdaY ta attend th. scoible, vhioh trathor spole1 tihe oveulug tor lier Eriend (eq).. Vii i lay MIN lie tiainka Ià a retter senuticit for any oue tu take a Young lady for a alelgli ride anti theu ip liet ont tri a dcop AnBO lank. "e Yom vanldn't do anYtilng like that-vanld yaa Vil? oas mlterioon tla# veek a lump expiadei An qr seicol bouse but no grut me ange vas- doue, oving go the prosence of minI ci lir. WeIchiba cego thle teacue ad quiekiy and qulelly e.xliagulala theIbo"ie On lait Fr1457 êveulug lbe Young peopie ai 1he Prombylerlan cbnîcb gave a cap$oiable ei lhe bomne af lira.lfletsedt PatinS iboeeming tièes as à gu.atng agcuttail our geulel mcinôl%"Mtr Ur. Veili vwae muc@M tinlu opturing lirai prise. vllh v, uaebanaýoiuecp alsuceer. Sociablo vus Weil etiedlald aiA promounool It a iloffl acceasin evety v»Y. ilta ualotee thai n Physicien ecomoale apaent nloiene; vWhou he dae, youi uAp knov Abat Il la a goilonane,- iii. J. P. ivem ilesgov, 'Va., vries: -1 have usait Chapeslsiun Volle. Cholem a Dlqstboa Bemedy lu ny practios mal Itlaï - apreven tu ho au oeeumt Imb beet. ibsagb coursea mmm bal f16m" Wih n ie. 1 5laIeUBIIU In'laMy immenéoni very 11màk oil #I-.mhlc %-Mi- I c lsàl taithe mIlq& g y, flte CtIim Tie . v .savelia.lie ite Wakogn drln ue pmiven mal uloyl a on im m aoxcellofr$h f oli- ois au.e h u h u ,svoral, veOI106suffrel o koi ] m veekMtel lu a oSlf"e ulo. Scv uhipi~lc e. asbut aIl The enterlan1 maiM Ila vec- ing vwuoryuide sseoia MM. fias "Imslatlou, ovevo, e-X."v hop AImy oteotd ner more MUAlemaugies, 1105101, Vé., vas MMta Emialhver, 09h eillb.a luavitga eiol ltearisâ anc. l is ticlsia fmaOlm rauel . P . oventin Tihe nityvle hle rneHl tetom eve to lo. fA,'large nub »M Marly i eighPie@ erni.e bar « bewsitloflira.ngeno lietGuite halng rtoaeaComersii anacilt 'fe dancingaseboou t rne eall TiceitivII e anuhIin IM qte ib taf' pe. Aeg ui Nr. Benjamin George, af Topeka, Nonces, ln vialtlng lira. Chariot Lauli of Warren, havlng beau moquinteil v11h her vlien abc wuas chilti. Mr. George viiieil aunallier 011 acquaiutaacea In Warren lietare lie retura hooa. He nave te issoauri tlrly yeara mgo. The Oaraee Ainetuor blams baud viii giv. a concert et Grange Railtlatle netr future. Aterce viii aiea ho iven by the liad boys aMlr th. concert. As Ibis ilatle tiret boentfl for the boys va predici a crawlaI houa.. The people at Warren are intesin laelb.onad. Don'itafrgel ta palranla. tb. concert. temely Stanley and Wili Gage. af Wiimoe, driltve oui te Leube Cariemto camaI the party ai Orange all. misa Btie >An. a1 Wankoffl, aimacen e the p&M la egtereltr& na attar ftr naou. The eMortsoaa. on a"i bey antî liada omnag vIte Ma. H.nry Shepard heipel te gel; tionsla Guamet. We voidme AU tbe Gageboys have returneoit heir tempective houes tu Wliaeby lui trne. lieoeniiy as lit, aldlira Henry epard mocauj1uaaled by lit. anu lin. Chaalet Lamb veto returalng tranmmlie.WlitSheramWoduring a terinee mn. JMetarit aet lira. Peialite carriaga vwu llppeil arer ald a olite oooapaoIn umpe i 1,1 lite dltoh. fTora ea eogh mov ou lt% graund tom taeak lb. fti, ue daamge vwu dost e la lit tikor lthA carnagel. The ladie veikel l,, a" Whtmroesnditmparty bovml lit.rr Whutrno'rn siel. Afin piavin ibrougi muav driftsta hoyrenme Iambea Cornera aboul ti rhantailafi. leeving lire. liernans ornoe. VOLO. Bne malsud ot forget the chicken pie supper at WeM shall Pcb. 1I. lir. J. W. Torteno. vae a liebroll' viaiter Seiurday al nday. Mir. Manilra. huma lirvias is&ohd a&e pleamol tu smme ilcux aiboîte Ipla lie. Will Beach aud Mie Eii, Sulil ver. Groyaleke callota on test Salarday.,1 liadeam, uai mye vldlng bellm wiii &aein ring at Vole lunb.the r fture. Thle bin rock shoot et Vota ou lent tlatutdmy vu% vell atielidel sud e Vole lmlae ae auev bleekgminlh aliop. Herbert Davviiii li e thé, proprielor. Ni. sud M»r. Bravn, af Qraymiake, spots Thurglmy vu Sidney iRussell suid Earlly. Mri. J. IV. -'farenco coinuonoed loeoing, et Liy la"e loaday Jan. SI. Miay auccoms attend blu. Dogkled &lI bout ivonty-ilve chlci- sus for Mri. Gage Batonger jîrnal sou i fbore Manday nigbt. Thli.Vaffey sohool vitti 1,0 an enlertalnineita t Kirvtibl&f stur. day evenlug Pub. 8, benell aofbte achoollIIbrstyý Mrs. Clienhert Sun0ea q aile poori!. abc vonlil le Plusml ait have *Dy of $ii.ladi1.8oclitnber,.lira. huler la aaltolIntae " liai., TflicBay Bee's viii gir. a citicicu pl upper et Warta hall Feb. 0,> Tiocketa Adltei, 25e ~illtan Io couta. AU are corlleltyii. A uiter ai aunpeople troux Vole aitendeil the ieea setrnu eI uoEenrp 1ai Thuàd"sy eeinfi m ul p r n a u iîe é "e g0 0 4-Y' >oli e Mir. Tb«rna- &M am£rW-i~vi vaoutallelta $bu O4»P' aaov*lth à largoe l a fvood dlibthu~îe Wel Aiorm, liai Touo am iol . avas abUigedl rmais etmimsn 1111901 antillthe nézl doy. A miaWho liaI, beon cuployel by Sidney Buaimve ontte cmuhUN lerm eaoie eavalcit aoflita*Imotiai bied n'mail d etmlfer Oroymlmite Tue& dey alSalug. Ttcénoa vhe o sthie vatob fadeauciglibot her erleil ln prnul..aecnamck baeahI jouail m ne gave up lte vaicl e"dipoil hie two Pneone dallrasenti tor ihi Ir e.....lua_pr- nw.. f.adantI Tiiý H Hu9kCWiiiiéýji F 5 a 'a a a a o hay of the stalks. The Sterling Snoi r andShredder.. Hunmer Sulky PIo>ws. Brableym X Payss uir't Plows. Bradleyls and Doiero -Watklng Plows. BUGGIES -WAGON4S"* TRUCKS. SALT, CtM,-ENT andTILE. Roi». Twlne. Etc. Real Estate andRenting Agent List your property witlî me and I will find you a cuetorner at reasonable rate@. Amnonguuneraus chaotbargains I have fiie following: Lakte Couaty Ferme For Sale. Oravelaka. P'our larme lu Vi-ruon Tovîashiî.. Fo5l.4IAn-A caole" loi es by 177 Il. 14e acre hupravel tarin 5,iven 4 b aThird Âe--udmd 1. Errn1 ar.-. jarel Latlilmuli aimâarensemilecortli ai GýWWU VarIia la,. lirame« ii.ri. isan au atond.. unmc s anmieUa 7 ru0butm hnb i 110f1.aodva Wanted Naturel farus la r.-tàI. Aids iti tîoubi 51elotem'ara im.s ~~j!ij,~~rcleawtaIf. 4V. Ilt'.-t,1, r mciiJ'llplnn'd ah impavel Pra.Chare larain îa e~ Libertyville City' Pr@peuty. adjecent tuaWin. Centi-al i. IU. êillailon. aut Uaitmg" lot vith eligst 1rom ecdomb«oe nme reaaouiebW,.Irn,... o lelcitein. Mlade anddritUtuas. 0lA eimprcved ftmon haiiis of (0a&"icheai, foicash, or au reasanehlteins. long tine eatloyrae of Int-romt. ceaxi>n. t tMS acres on Milwaukee ro.d. boum. lisichoie, lois s"1110)lentst ft lu m511tu f literoaln. e. g ooti voi 90( wle * gouaz i-esc tmia ILmier. Pre Sapietmi.,iai nvi-rT. Teiuae-Cholce aeru oras,. lot le =as, ."laceon tunse aIalier mo.0 -.ts f Mt 1 n.Mr am iti hp iki fteaa. thoranbo ni.lre mv -main hasmes. nalvetrerlads vms. pieuiîed puature viti tie avn prinaa; termed reosomabla,. Vie J. M. Pr ias 9ra.280.acresan Mil- vmee ,Ave,. il mle. sont> aiLiherfllm: bnenrommLert.iveofr. e<d.'llba8 o OSm ace nsc iea e i~res u It purcheser. PrtAelkm; termeA lu @mas>nearJboetyville or MlivsekesM. Witt par ,,mmi.difforeuc. Subscrlptlon News Agent LIPEINSURANCE AGENT. If rou veatt j liy, Bel. Beutor 'frae.R.1e se k ,voli par poilto ensuit Cali and See H. C. PADDOCK, LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. AUCTION SALE. 7 shoote. d0eiticAema, saint- Tii. uuderaiged, bAng cant to amibot i iaiparbo quit faralng MUi aliaipublic sanon 2hy fukj a on lte Soam iCloiaenidruon. aile cultiveao, plvuiumt, l.l s,>nii.eaai Long Grave aud ebout ployaý, sulky piov. »aomf ,lva mile aouihvest of Prairie Vlev. hay tallerY. if acmcoing loe, Mondor, Pebr-ary 14, 1>13, oum- tasehay lii brnotu, 4 due rnouing et 10 a. mi. lie toliovîng qnfiuiy cors folIs, deaMU, propomt e-vit: 2w van laa...c8 y. O1a augrialor, m00bu. 0" cld, w igt 2m4; cava aamng la wom, Sdb, wark beach sal otY, 50 Mina, 2 lambor wagons, i.ptlng flttIci tuai anneroua la wagon, 1 bayrtmoka, 2 Wood racks, I Evenjhinuviliibcho sld buitcierrteck, haorrke. Tiger nover, temerve. licCoruick sell binder, Ping Dooa. TUnil OP liIAL.-Ail vsuée « ISn slypor abupiov, ttnsg. nader cash. Ohmueve 5 Ufl- 2 vMiag eulvaors ïmy culiva0o, aiuie.yen vili b. ea lag entier, potatoe ligIs, seoiero, beakable noie, mheig4 p MI, bcs, ho., coarn piauler, bobsleigh, luierest. Na praperty remavel mun bayoytrki viiraye sud puleyim. c u 5ied for. ,eb@4W iulinse obe ousE. S. irrx1w »xPi. 100~ ~ 3 *s~.sk.30bu. 0*elseiM nm, W. B. -APLECY, Anctilneer. S U. saIcoa,10 busltel rye, M0 buahis cornin' ncrib, 8 lanasll'oity- bainov, 2 aieoks ai claver bay.r.,l 4 utacks ai coru akam, Fairbanks i100<1. H.APPLZI, lb. scols, vine pneu aand other articles af aja.g 100 numerans la mention. ..AU 'I N-.ý 'fatus or BàLg-AU omniot$10anti anden caah. On sumos over $10 e cr0111 Lbertyvlilie, IlinoIs of ane yeat i bc givenon ang" aigbl ahupshm . beniable notes beerlng A per olIa 'à»ii pe avî~u iniere. NO prapfnly remavet ntAlIupaae t aa4sll neltieti for. tapar ie ga ted Um SS Rauvir HELîxil, rai>. ptai Luef., andm.. JOnN BruN. AUctlAaneei. aim etve ne a ooiî. Thlacunderelguet illul etnIpnbllo anction, villioni reserre, a11îiieÇYRm. £tisferma, 2 lnes vemi ai Lîberlyilîle - ald i1utile sonthenasl af lendees mlik.,ýî pila, Soi Barday, Pela. 1 1i 0 m ellt 10aa0'61Sk e. ni. elalov: F. i7 la iu~ ss 5spriqeret bIà k lou e ldn,7 yems al, vaiglil IM. bar ymare 9 ysare aid, vagh Noamncolt 2 jra,. , .bay horso prairie Klmg, 2 yensl old; 7 brooti soyas 30 lans asloe lay iAu bora, 700 bu. white cota, staok traw, top buggy 'IOir., lauber vegon, caitefod entierant beit, iiuîupng equl#t or aivoli, baron coun caties, hay loader, neaniy nov; ab.e tank boter, nest double harnesa, mi as«.tuma 3 bba. eider, Suef, slinpale Ifdpaient airejner. 20 ehppngcaa,15 me 116ra, cler br WseInnov; 1 lie n iLchiar», beste, volor coa; I2oaialves. 'fraus v BSaIa-Aii suas ai 816.06 ,' and unlor, cash. On anme aver $10 e D cred0QauoeoYeun iihoglvea an Todbookable noies buierng 6 par cent nèee* Noaproperty reinavel anlil motied for. 2 peu coul off fer cash. MALe HuNeAMiàES, Prop. a e... t. W. H. AppLET, Auctianeer. M îGentsa ," * Tbe aunetalgned being aboutte ulve la i htmienta engage la. trait - garaigsvin »5B At pablie aaetioa a on n lbelP.tasfrm a m oakefllet, t W I ~ alesveli Lbortyvlie. Tuolay I. iocO s.a. m.Ite, foiio 9 peetlj Heving bha y«» x 38 i ol oing a= ,ri4 turont a s I q >,i mm l Il- -ý- --- -- . .P .1q 1 A- i THE rIROVE. 1