Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 Feb 1898, p. 3

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Iiet jtouso .dy"lasbm "Bousllr ald I1ne. smillng, but tavoi ..Tou muetaIl i corneuad play Isoler tilns to-iaorrow afteruoou-Madge, ton. b ave got suother court markd out; and when jack cones boyýe* (the *rector's @on) "Ive arc golnt to have a cricket match. N9 DAlI waslu the' Eton eleveyukaow." f Wî utnuAdmuirai (Yiilcton your cousn utus bbel' remarked Jue, wlth the flearest approaçb tu a suer which elie 4, hall éter accompIhejet bu er lire. ~C( [e, >ou toat fot ilet your*elf fitgalat ln," Raid Tom. l'Thot would lie inimont ab laitas if you liked him toi, niuch' 4 01 4To lbe contîniuti.)- - ~ 1 ~ ~NO WONDER SHE KILLEO IT. A Mlac:hievous, Parrot That Doouaad a Touug Girl te Be an Old Muid. Andi nu you never hluardt why MIsa se NIRS.Elden kllled the parrot? outld thé kînil- ly oid lady to a reporter. Weil, l'Il tell y U. ________________________Miss Eldeun'a fatber, you know, hall been a aesaring man. lie was a big lute CHAPTER 1l1. uud wlîen abc arrivcîl witlîlo retanabie man ail a a bot temîeturIat be neyer Intetwililbt Joue andi ber mother distance, abc contiuu".etl, l lu n bigh curl*îl. and a voire like a fog humn. were sitting. Juue wam by the wludoa, klewa oyhite flu ajuaeat trYlugtouwork ln the' fading liglit. "I have amenl the lovely serapbh' se-efe sDot0carie otsforauytlig an "Coruehure, my tltrlinu,* sauidliber "%%*ll," suidlfinie, inlber unsual vo(-, em tcueltefoanhIgn mnother. "I waut to talk to la "aud what ilalhe likt'?' existence ext-n-lt lits uauglter and aî about Tom.'"I deeplyr regret to 557," ëdbe auawered. parrot wltii a temiier lke bis>-n *'lien lie beeu Ialking tli you?" cried gTgrlggY. "thfat bheilu goi>d looking, and I 0-icli lie lhal brouglit ivtl i liu front -lune, thl gup. 'llow auraitr of hinoj that lbu dt-a«fot ren-iillte a hair dien trhfe Hast- Thât bird saunonedto bave lie promlaed me flot to sny a vorîl to any tiummY. fiot,' refl-itiv(I'Y. "t1 bave ai- humat inte-lligence-t. il noUI oiy pi.:L,- one for suixnonthm." 0578 ynfrount the irgomeniit ntfltlfle1tltu >dt t) eetlu eiuî'îcewtii tut' case of mint '*Do You want tu have asolet--tfront cail hlm La-dl da, aîli ahalil, aheiher rliidren. but; ottered tht-m In te toiles me?" atiot lrs. ltlvt'ngetliy. itnaeppropîraitor lot." of tîtome frot iwot t iy hutdbecu "But.*' Raid Jane, iluia tronhîcil voire, *"OIt!"sa"'l Joue' 1looKiug rallier dtioip- erd.icoliiitetema. "how teani,1promise nau!-ti i wlit 1 ido 1I lited. Mlle liait qiti' Mode oîp linr i: itl tlliîî iteta nlt kaoi Yon-n inud? 1 lkeiý lm.Imid flot b like 31r. iBroieleaitoiio- .iAsfi îtiull, girl ina1"iibiu was vrty am verY fonîd tf hlmI n n miI- va My 1eiiosidereil that lie tIuooî in îîm liglItir'tlY. thovugitil ltile mtolf-wiltd aud brother; lut 1nuni itre' o ii a liiilîî in- andtIvoan a sort if tr-a hu-ronît.1 oi t, l;it gll i 11,ca une-ofrtlire e l ualitln v0lutuirY shi iddi-r, "that 1 du 'lit love diiertittg M rn. Eliniit-rrn i ti(i,ta, frîî'tîamui be,-tatse' ilit'- çapltiii Ot hîig lit no hlI." tinir legitiniatt.-îcu,iî,a. it- wosgtndinotigli foirlieîr, tnulle of It wam intiuittsleiu 10 nîiroai-h fte-%nil- Later litht'utoriitig. niliet-h I-ci tins thle 'yio fig iniiirou ndilthinzg'îvery roui- Jeet if Tomt aîy More t bat 4eîuîiliu, lbut.nvtreu g-loin a l-'rn-îtiî ~r Ag fortiile for iîiîî tilifenr bole. î"lite asuNrs. lli-iliadinltuitet tii iut ii-n boiîtgalmi, tifthe- patrti, iiloo lttut a ptin tîiîîlîî tit Ittllig of îîîaking aud heur thet enatlotf lier î.ubasny. mite niaudde'îlly a Itiiiid:tletmtioiatt ioi A egl fultitlt biîultitnly uttesary to hatve a)me- ..I ..ltii. I wa u il. n i n g'Im' ahe' rbeiio-t aglii'.i t. Aît ifIrnt Illng to tell hlm. Mlthel-r,-f',rt'tt.rced nt the-fial] t, iigbî. hiilien. uwfl fuat, iolerbelax, fi- ier th iîi-eiof tmar- the Kubju<t ahe Jue camne loto, lier rîoi 1 le tane." mr huaI morniguandsutlthe renuit if the lnter- uilori-nieti Itr hinti u lber lii îd ru ryit9 wtre i vtt n.10 i'lie eiY si vlu'w was that Jolite prouiai dt i vth flt-'tvt-î. litailtiiet a very dentraitie gentleman aund consier the Miltier surioiiy fur the -"1Ildott knîtw itiouat fît," ithe attivtreil. tand tht-y were su eotigeulil ltieb etlfretmouthu, sud thaton nChîristman *l thiitk 1IIIItalif-t-i tltolftilly nervîtu.. icamet out here ti %pendl a few days so daY saie aould elîher cousent tuihbu en- lasI1harevi'e-ii-béniltta real liumi-r an b be flur lier. le went t bthe sged ta TorlP or '*outld ftuaiiy tell i lm party before." bouse wilîinome fiear, for the captain that bie muât abandon %il botte. Iji0tit 70tbiuk yoo batilbulter go on ball a reputallou. Tbuy lucre utarreiy Tom camne lu the Rose Coittage lu thé with yonrri-a ni"sad Agpets. st-idi>-. seaitd on the véranda wben thalt bird bigbent spirts sud went away erestfailuti; &1fltber exern-ses!"'rt'torteil %adze, roaredt: "Get oui of bere, yott scoun- bo.liait epetted wonders fromieintr. fflutigiig btth hAutls lto b- n beybait. trl i i r-kceybu uy -,t'esonotf Jue's moîber: indcc ie uhal l herc imsut a dloner îîsrty et the liait deo 'lbekeeybu nyu almuisl ilareti tu hoile Ibat Junte wonlîl bu everY Dictât. Juuy, 1ivonuiîr if La-iii un bodiv-"The youtb ficrer walted for U'slling wt amîiles sud bintuhes and ber vill lttke Yeu lu tu diluer? Tom catit, ofbils bat atndlbufore niortiilug ias out mind prepared toaept hla. Now bi urso-e" tif toind. Skie prompily wrutig the. W» fabuoluely flot one @tep nearer thani'I l UppoS." re»msrked Acnes, lookiug lut bird'n Déck.licbt that waa ber test1 before. lune hal iraldy promlsed th@t Joue with sehat Madge calli-il bier t-rt- beau. six month heure. shu itoulil consider the dtllaiie. '71,m wililibue aat off like att routter; Il asa the thotight of that Iarass- olil glove now." Snake Saveti thes Train. iug delay. sud the uocertaiuty ut the endtil "WbY'" asklediJoane, lookliiglber ettumnit l'i an A. J. Wootbt. st.ailoued at of if. wbtch bal prompled i b appeal to ful lu the façe. Fornnythe Juoî'tlou. loit a deliptrsie en- Mms. Bavera. He vrss druadfuily raorti* *"Oh."* relurnupil Aga"s, "Peplel aho are coutiîer tli a huige -drttiensike one Seulai wba %étoid u bw l . o fond if eaîiteunnut ntIfrusnh faces uight rua-uuJY- -Attnacici l)- th ib are Mns. Ivers feit for hlm-ftit, ton, es if generallY tirust oId frientia hâke oldlgoe. of the watchlin'm Ianltrti. vnbli a-as@ te bati bucu 10 lanie lu out havimtg beeu A flash carne lt Jue»es u uiand tiuut uoith-îitfu.tuank a moe sucusaai ,ediaitr.sîlbî tremor tu ber voitie, sIîa anitre liailt roiricîl opand %vouit ilin large "T'ou mueI remenibuir, Tîim" abuetorti, aiusiatu 1hber-rinuttemltr. gUntlY, that Jane la onîr cighteeh, sud -I think Ibat in a very ipour mniil théIheiod> arîotilt .'The wa-e't.i Itt rain bas meen uolhing of [Ife yul:' býtn" sellsaflil. "l'cnoîi g-turall i- witi unriy duct. auit liii nlilîîrtint "I suppose ft wiii eovr le.'"buieomi]. w crni tlt l ovua ahur Ilth-havi-(],n(.tt- ih W'iodo luteuld lai,- ri-a-lie-i foîr bis an- lent, larcius with a igb tîtat àsou-tIed 0tti-tu. 1i.neveu huard it ýas n vitut-ilit gole-niant inluail Ir4tuiitnillty Lave bteun rend bis broad t-heat, it, i aî-rtg tht-m afi,-r te i-y atr ,r ltttin i. 'îo n titu.!Ia idilg on the 1 "I "houtlldibusttrry if 1 tbought ao," an- dtrty."litf-m iluti fîaCaytiar swered kilts. Riveraoftlîry', l"with '*Yre n'iiît-d adge, ttI o utiiltolmIvti toiing for amCine-irth aunecouraglua Raillet-1 ciananot sbare ikidy il) get l .lor titrit.ortirty.*' youua' îoomy view.' "'Andi." routinueil J.l nomi. ttotîat ht-r ri-Ile,- colleabout tht- Lant-ra. 'hey "le there auytbiug lunteé wrtd I coult I lilttitwouasup. -I thilik n Verint oasthave tîidl iot mail fti-ve-loltmeon. ,but do to make ber like ul it-'le masi. a vtry gntail ht-rt or oîltîî hi, eau unitvîiya-rtatiitm.l liodly anund rat- rita' the "Ton w-lu ta, rather aurtriniol if i tell lîke or bu aioui t7one frîeud îtr oie si'tiritiar trucin lu lec face or ait on- trocî what our tientllan a nulil bu-" etttiorl n"rushlig tct-. "What*r'--ageriy. "As t is laei ita-lt.i tu- lt-lut, in t mi Tl.i' mi î el ta n ut-nid [o I lit- spot "l'rY not ttl)iut ber set that von are no smuid Agnt-n. e qii -It hniLîk il tutt lit nilit-t- ethle î îîî-îîaî nn- .îi n devotti tober."moin' ronsrtîltoon [t it irk ttitn,,ti r-frigliti. ai ttuiut'ceçl that a llg sculie "I could utiatt a part,-"lie ansaured. ego'. "And surely deceit tan ot the mas. lu a fhe éeui.ig arrivt-d. andi e tOlîîîp bail taki-n Iaîauen'.îion of bis Ut ttirn. le gond woia'aheuart." ledfor fier tbra i lier îîarty, . aua, it elle" 'luted I a moin-t. lin lîttle, Not long afleriraril Tomitook but [pave.lto ivilt nearritaonsîîîtî-'tht- atîte-ttl.t Ileay vos-ngiemaluîttg attgerousIy iu Hie wu& goiug toIllte ruttory to aol, bis of ber ulesA carniage. She %oIgo ii~thte- gîtvofo ti- anti'rit. ls lîend was sont tu ive hlm soite luncheoiu;lbu coutildw - or ad Mr%.lItrau EIliere nutiit tin nthe air, andtIlin rattle o-ango- I not keep away fr'ot e anj Mitre thait -Aitnles. ber mother bu, iîtg diliiot h, Ille iti i a btte'r-kîý-î iuuay tuitle. Woods tbe motbb tan belli ircliug rotunthel,'light.initation on the nuor- of i-r beailli. liiîo tutavy ieuctc ht At tiret lbe waiked aloOiy ant i wtb îia-t- ueshuthcta i nepl 1lnske)anY i ifidt cent eyra, bot. ansbielri'wtiiart-r tht- stttîtlite draît iug rîouIltitiAgnitellie wasti- luen-t. andtbati migbty quiet, forv whee bs ovewu* bs fet nvisitarlyof thueIder lait-. tutti ow 'ommfa,"t-htewiitte of te ou -oing train liaitil aluppe t u tnr sud htpe began te busnmeil oitb lproieandil digli i utîhe bîttîvul0mon-eititan Ilîmiute na. .I smooth bia rutlfietibrou'. Jut Iwiiuthuénight of isldent- lovu loking tnoiret- it- IL l tong stick vlîfineuar ai liard. V1Iit c galtelie mt Agace,.basktland stisaorsin ful titan lhe bail ever nut-tilit--rit Not titi lie matie ai tht' rîiie and trt-uck-k bad utn:floa-l. Site lamilliletai bni :en the transient islhuitiittiii îî n- il a 9gooti uifI biow ou bue bt-ai. The haad. etuttiug oulmr hi@tbîut ntemli t of at-ar. wlgîi îio î-D ot liard enougît.itoundthe vey-sieetîr, fr shu bal100 sail u e îîîharppyJ JIi. b f ie. sinkle xlilbitt-ui veuom ami a hiilng I an soherosa rualie pIasei ttfi orptn- 'roc 10 the part %ltlitai laîlid on frro suyd andot be vc ses tu putllerfulions but-self. -lue emiled ti aT'uiu.ant uieîkd toile. Wootii raisedthetbcstickfor an-a noyei su wlhed 0 rticul bt- fe.lina. l btsrare a ih sitkili ait tt-lîîtî ibzioUI-r llow, îî len tht- snake gave al("a "iarnso glati you have etimeahue sail, thathbu aa ina auvuuth tettreti. Stime 0f nit Ini t-.rg tltt-ottglthe irit- -rr-u aud pulleti off a garden glovi- to give hlmin 1 ber baud. "Yoo 0-out mnd ui oliîg Im the gua,liseeiug flua. nauid tutht-ma-ieu tIle ihantera tii ol eis. Tue Iran i t-ipt1 baktfrmalli ou-" Ihe-re oîua uootiouht ool-tatteri tîîîd J- Ii. Térue înlenr afin- the signal sud Tom took the basket. He aiways fiil îî as thr eu tiandu-îitneiili a.trt utlte le f iue tr- a oblgeil tu do wbat Agîtes saketi, béltcOe-iimatiia i. iouithavi-esn t liivi.Inte icko iic Tee a utterly uevoiti of vaity thîîugh lie oa., onntt okj. Iua h ua liiut~tt 'irei-ard for tlsînork. bcrfondiloefth el being morre tha aub on ifhm. iMll- trieti nil to-tu-t-NI,. ithe- kagititu Put au ndîtto Il- existtence wsafon ofbin i sout-hls mre hane Brîttu, but, wbeu Tom uai fut-ced iii lt-tir1 a fîv secontde Iter.-Si. Lîouis Retlub- couint aly 'sansbc oa ealuecally rare- ber Itu gri-et some ueo arrivais, mite iti- Uc.t folifDottabu slgbt lier. voIuitît-îly glatitcil lu bis dirction, andti "By the way" lburt'martutk. 'i havc fiithis cyts full. Iîiulntly shi.u- at-t-il Rival& Rip Ian Winkle. broutl>un ad Badge s fait-ligfronlir itoi, andtIv aiirall'tu fi-cl the Ne-ar tkhe rit> of Si. cliarir," ln LmuonI my at a-IltueyOt Yttit5 adl-u îttItliig tif Ilointtliit- reki-tt. r-cide ertn Ilarmu. a [armer 561 now. Ant iebu rouraet a golil langle Oh, bI fatrtos Mlle a NIi tilubut-nIf, antid tr fau îofrtegiae ur wtrappedinlutienne lialer. bow belîtiena ute f-t! tfliterstofat 18 o or 2th3e-liratrast "'Oh, Tom, boa- kiii roui are!sRail AR-'JThe irtY niant lit ltu ditnert. Ir. Irokr (ItIlleti acs tti8 ior ug expertas meni nes.,"Yoo neyer fîrgettauj ttne. 110w di Iltttk lusiittniattlî i ut t-nit ehte andneIhouexptse( rt e- besoîlfol!l il isellY too itc.' otr aie. Jutot wlt - tii le ur ta Bt ail the tîme msh u% as eaouily wrtn- s-iittitly avet-il front hbit, iiid tkita i iiit alefforts bave blcen lu valu.a derag what bc bail btought Jue; for, if wiltît the stefite-st aliiiareuut intiri-t ii linr W'ieu tartu'î eft litîs tntel-n home .90 Iune's présent were baudaomer or rîîtll,'. ,nei-gbtirn-lt-ymtîîandl rtltootuutg a .earn ligeand ient NWest bc took up it ooll akeailth plasureouI0fhu.. tiuud giauci at Totut, îvhu-h lie n- variahi>- fat-uiuîg. Gradunliy iiro-nnetis bugan "Put it ou ratm." elle Risl] 1ntI.îMeitt sud riturtieul i i t-dîr. og-'utniitatlcrlnghfe looing op sud ltting a littIe trt'mor lei 10inut îuî t in aî u- by u lt o thedut1î icttancielng bcll lm be ber voit-t, sIte mortoureti: Adotnis; haie no ftnrontthai acore- Ratiid td urugai bte-s yt rbast sun-m "Ton know, dear Tom, huit- 1 baii prian- ber eyCK' nd ttlTom, lhittgh outtihotuglutat mn-renwotatl ile ya .Itn wlie n -k "h1." rpidTm rsly -tl leruade-r, tranaolaleillherlok and fe-it lis a "OhrlrephiamgltiTo, bt-laid,t. 1-11îgo andhe-urt aiveiloIvih bpiui'. sulie ever a-gn. fils fienda 0-ere orer- s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Twr uifetmglt 0liel.IIg n "oet-ihe endil(if iiiittr, by an ,t-il-Joyed al the i)rospnet of tue 81*11 bîing I fldi" adge and give lber ber." detîtlohih Jutelien-eelI> ueîloed, baheltibrokpn. bot t iwo:aouI> a feo îlays i,,1, Tom bort-led lu the t' po hure Juesud hi-n fan fî t b id fB- rk,( -et naau .rouni e Pa- graetie ere pliug on le sdin amoment lbe bail toopeul, îubrttd tlally awaku-s andti utis raiionally. peetd hl wit looi wloe. Joue wssail up and plresenteti il to bnr, Site coutîtd buu i e sicep raille on lue Iras a a tilDe distant, BIe winbed hlm to knnw not baut thank hlm andlotk grailotua, sud sîrong, vigorotntus a, oegitlng 180 3 lilialsthe wsa dispiesseil ai kils havîng pr-, aving ouce attrareti ber aittntitoni, pounda, but belitas suiraitti u i samed ta apeçàk 10 ber mother, ant ihe no- iint meuraloaue t ain J, li thret. :kSd bbe change la ber imanner. guemat U ai eudha boninultt. i11o-ulegbsnofuimore Iban 90 )pounas U envasse et il, aud, fooisgltfellos-, waubln, ad, beiuuu mtetstouined b utclili tnl inîotgty oe i mue cent dos-n anti hombieti.treuillaent, ws auluquel. blt;olind]be lm reatly a livlig akeleton, "Merci Maige," bie utald, pren-etiug is "*What a cbarmiug tîiplace Ibis la!'fil souli st-cm front isbaappulralte-e osigu*.la somethtng for joui frottabuauo, planging loto conversation oitb Iibal bis teut Lboues -voltifcul lbrougbi f tI P! d p ci tl T 01 bi fil CI t,ý ai iý ne 01 In il ' ni th th L: f. Mý lui Ai wl at 1 h, loi TI un un wil Df hn bu El1 b big col i hu Nt TRE BIJNDÂlt I AtCaly Bit-bardil l Iitaagoreulto ILLLIMIS STATE NEWS da yàbail. ILLINOISU LÂWMAKEBR8 Wu. S. Maxwelli, nriomiiiuui cttiutn sd OCCURENES ultîa ~~HEPioneuert- tIt-itugtaut- U'liupigii. la deial . 1Wetluit- ba vaa t unrday lu lbe OC URN E UIG T E At Etirelua C. Il Barnuy'n lit îryanud IbTeTtur-luî- ulnaopsulb PAST WEEI<. fuîîl stîlilu- %, i ,tntivid b i r1t- ladvite tif 7s( t4. titi-nucrat., witb the cii-euthuitai- ai-t- it ect-it tlt.f liib.tîitou. o bit vobeil for nilirutifur ttit ttIOll ,ae ar e v- irit n' -rl) ieudf. tî-. t~It ht- lbil, tiiliiltloaitlM ithil, s- (i-orrge .a fltu -, vot-'l i o t il it- ttil, iiaiietil -ilent ini l'dire Lior sanu0,Toue t.ani Lain- i-ua u ('a.t lioîtî. ndiotla st-ny tt-it t. ili ut lit t1. n aappetizur 'l i-aî-iiatii -uufritf-i il i iiii.t. In~r, fit-tbîisttlit, aborub ail fieltidiuuo lmate-h Coîuîtsny 1. tilt. Iit-là,-tri. loit itutil, itht- cat-y aYs #lave 5aflziii ]getae. Ihy (lbe m-a, (luiîug tli horltngrutai-tirbe lpou t îuîroîî f n t tî i- -r. il iii. îi1,1. stil b t-îrmary in Ge1initilty bustIarru-ls of nuiittuahave cjcji-ut iliiIîilit- -i tiC ti f I112to 15, titis M 11 lldfoj;:eSt 1-t ri dfr-rcjil frott Ieuuruîîtii lue "ttt:iurt îîg it-tutI-r--it- nuttut-. 'Ft-n r--f Ia.'I i .-- l. t- lt- e tiutrue utitf .n i-ilulot tiitu t I--ti a l ii t-t' t-li)i-t-ai iii NIr. i.iriutifrgMa-tlillttit- tlin t -i rq -l!it-ttt tut u t îîîu tibiait i bih. Nîngîti..r i-igiueil. tltttii t.tii l itp ttu itii iitt i ttiotid- lu itou at-n lit t-i tit iiiliii --i- Ilinisîtua tîsbuuasttri tave lit--n nalulito tof,- isiaîvlîîu-îl hoilrteu litig.i t-ut l inry itttti tt i-i tal ~,î -ila r iîua.IDaktota. J. IL. Voittit; Mir. biv->,ll uxilîttiti- iluitrance coi 1 tuau-itiii bit i-rluuitt'.11 tho. t tio.Irtiftht I.% Nu-u ist-tit . Il. Ilajues, Otttîtu. îpartie 3 penr et-ut ti t ioi-r it-t rri-cett iittt-tir )iitt4iiiita, ntit in tonrit 1i tiitil b'. Murteilith;Sollîtt, Cout-ila- na m tuit- i dttîttituîdîîg for -autîn- ki-yit tut.tIti-îtl. Thei-grandtuljîtriliad il-i tiikmentthbbc ni-t ily. NMr. Sc ialabill' utit-1oitlitieuputht-5 sain- l oi, -uit -' it iIof aceiduuîtul îiealb larsa roundti t ning: tu]ltliîuea niai tntettîltîlail aaui rutng rfruo tt'e ti-un-if thu- tutirt-itt- îîîîî litlt-t-utruneur's jutr> o- citit îvpitlgaîed tas tllphouctu$-l a yu-l t-A fier a tot ionm tinflîttitft(-n- i ii huit vîa tril. 'l 'lo- ili(i tue tuf John-utaiketL. lrotlet- of Ilêhent tbtrite ontlthe ctitng ilS lau-uhalfn-til nuiutt-tof Ni-K iil,y -us ua uht-ilI3 lits E. i-irbe. %ahitbnut h itatIf whbte rit-eu- tableti, the- Illoiuieil juîrueui i-aviugthebb % littuictintuf ttiritt-, l Aitltt-ttrilîtg1hubisr-vîlt--n t bi. lhontue in<'hicago. bitll asu utittle-lbinti-aT'he Scoute trauusscbil iii luîauVucsa 18.Sl ~- t ti-un9 noin-c- ' fi un'tt. i- M-. Min nue NVtt.lit-e NN'aliii, Ketcbam !isa rtd i oitutu"[ tas. eitelutto -bolloir b, 'lt '(f':ltfy 'I Chiago b sîurnitutirtht-itIwttocîelle - i i iuituî,-tut- u, in con-t- Ilit. tbla- rtufiberhe tintauti tIti-slitetilt-blIri- Pislu luul' I es ,tc le ii u, -t-lu ifh in. tn [bu- irtu-talcTîuée Bt- niaty ectioe-bioîtllîty a vute'Itf 28 Yetis Titi-r lii ailit-s.i . an, K tch en-lîuusoit- - tindth* e [o S a>-a, actîuîg t; votes Iftiihi-tucs.- k"t-uiiili l it-tth.. 1 -itiIii it-otub I'uuToldoht-i rt-rtire- frui tir[le fitl. fat-y mt i--c lut ilife r oe-vt-uit i - but,,-i ,r. 'liititan1-lm - taiotiti it Joseph, liiC. li .IIuutiir. a no-tl-kI uoînu nuira- matie a suuriuubotut-r fuitrtieuit T 'uies- iNti.t %]i i tlu,- n'ail ii u-i, îî1114---un%%a lui tar nu t-it-r, lit-ilai Slinjing li, ageil 52 udey. lun(bhlous' htovcy'u iltâta î mliref t The îî. ii-ltîlam(trr-.1 in it-ht- îtîî -lt-ns. li,'aî tuts Itutu-otut stuîuau-litrou- litatiraurcn t-ntîuuiei .i îuir cent,.titnftîr or lt- utf iî -.& 1.t'i as- iiilo i ii. Ili- hliilit-,n ciuutbue-uiti u It. ie te net rt'teilu, t-nrime tilp ouisctond reIlt- illiîg tt bittais nciu tu h :-l tî-.tii .îIlita iuuarîliug itîlîte fuî-orut'm uit-fotur Au amen-dainuut wn-n tffu-ruil luiIotey sndt Ilet tit-n-u uîuuo. I'iîîlîi-I tbo pout ii iuu heititia-ntai-u t [o ln îl- suloptu-u, u'ît-îuîîtiuîg ft-aterneal bun-iuint-yi gcihi rultgaltitfAiîîuti'ltinlgt iti-. W un.. M r. iI littuItailîhome', for Nsititutafnumilt-kîu provision of the bibi,- Kiitta-If ' thiîthll. I-K Ilitttit, ittîritti L.yon offur,-îl ai auîineueut.un-lit-lu iai gi-ru bhar(]iuin(- tt t-itl--. îlîiiî- lat ct 11wttRock Itiinur Eli-ttrie lIaritaud. sîloted.l, niakirtht' tan 1.tuaut-utd of 3S &h >1ttts tisItrîu.1etie.ît-u . t rttiglutitl l>- îîîîî.îî-î u i it pli en-t. Tht-billi ta.,[liet adviautedti , W> li grOtia ______lu-tttî'-îî toI't.kIt-lant oitt, tuill lie ezn ihil t-es i îg. liahtitierge-r'.lpiIiat-yv lin. ë. lIioc te i ut sut, tuîu iJanut-mit r-alti tite-islconstin file[ue-to ll uibcaletu f sncondtrend-hu Iii Ct . ltzigli - tatutiiut tttiurtu-î ,v ,1-hluiti li tIti-utrh uloti Ore-goin, Iixo-n sud hit ot tta urlel e-tellb rand unit of tiioia dilit lui lutit.lîîîî-it lo~triu. ti:ltuilt onthi-maurir. lua li elavumuanitt o. Sein-ualtrtor, are cittrre'titut uugu-uk 591 tA t tt-tn î,lui-uutire t tCele a uit l he lîîu-iîî-i 10secrtr-the dten the bull tias se-ut harktu[o iu rit-d Sitttîtvlt ut hi- - n , otturtf ii t-i ltthe it- dri-rl ttirloir'i u. eits tif ite i ititutu i tit-tiai tI l..i-oitnl-t iolot n tîîtît1'ItiîuTi- osASeustot- Ct-no it-l uthe Senabe Friilay frit Iotîli i-. tîtir i .~T-a iiA t-tlyl.îa Pt-tf. %N". ..Frank- ville by un idi the- Houi, amuniueuuta tut, forGuvrilr. ttoio-ý Gucai kiulin Kvc-j. nucuae.Y iutnc tt I Iina te Scuaie primarty .cletuot i bll ime-ru 5 îîuuuîuteîl bllita.uli lu tnat u tti-Iie buThur-na Ob'Neill, I rush tuttin M ion Nlsg- tou-ciitutrted lu, anti the motion irsa cr. wal tîîîîtu tu tîlite. lIn. lîtugîn- 1i.rbe Schaeft.fert, 'ami>ybu-:Wiianm Stetumît>',riedti: lie ie the bbbilmatie a Ilucial snr Ii-u h' lits-utr tîîltit. hîlIn-ut Iarte.làu; Misbaa uuietit-lu, Breexu'; M. ut-lut- for ne-at 'buraila>-. Iepuhlcana 1 TI. Ituuumb tiubtott-uandu Theodore ualtit e Democmaba bu malle baste te teste FuasiharBusntes hj iiohlacs. Tnomt, Treuilon, tut:t part iu the exentiRs. the t-uuuutitutionalty of bhe ues- reappot- flergefhu- vlliagetif (allivtIingunfra i t nKm-ter, s puddler for s-bon tloumîntblai. Il in probable tirat Uey nwarthévilageif aill, ded ron " r'-warrant bildbeenitouei at Eilasdvile, o-bu co-operate s-Ith bbir political elle- jurie-s t-eut-ivu- il ltthe oft-ibis-na, s-ho entwtuiebi hume a fi-s nigt lm l-fort- 'bat-ging hinuro-ibh the mortier of Pat-lu-k nies lu a test t-sue, The las-limes luo forth Ibe iitniîit'tifiihbuug hîm. Bat-at W'abnh, ohosu deati bodtitrssfoonilun- fet Jtuiy 1. If ibe-ne o-cte no indlications nufuiteti [uttelilut-u isun utouîy &. luit-deunilthu leuthbe Clover Leaf Ilaifroad fibatthbbclaw sooull catedt e--- di-ut. andk the robbluht-riienttrbiai nu int o n u tf urnnig tif Jan. 18, bas given hlmr- ventions for nomluatiug Stabe Seustors t bilty.Ti .. ten eurhedth bo- aoi f p. Oit the preliilary beat-tua tbe sud Icpnesenbstivt'i aohl be held ash bruirke u-fit-tvilttirre. billlti t ute-oaiee- e r as nut sulicie-ut te holt ihlm usutal.p tbc muni->. Hit-at jive l-ur .ant iehuva-as tiiethargeti. Thelitonsereventue bibi came up in the i ________In zero oesbhun s borkt-tlanti Itauket Sonuateun untesita>'. Thal istlyiras netol Big PFire aut Tower Hill. brigadueuof Grosse Point cdisertefought a plitineil oth the muasare, soetul oit cv-u At TuaerI-nilI, tht- Arlitgtimnblout ire fibltbreabeueil to deslroy the vit- erytibuc afttethe unsetimîs elatuse andil buinedilandilthi- a lole nortilpart tf ts-rt lage. They wonuthe(bubaflle, but -n-$5- - muertedltheuSe-uste bill. Thisacation ren- oua in lAtîger ifrbtsg vipe u it. 'The fl00 s-tbu of pntperty wo- e droyed be- du-ms uemmmnary its bint sent barlt-kthebbc Fair t- t iîg. Shute anti lity GtoaCoti- forete cire iras broughh fermer runt-ni. Ibuts ee. u--'Il il;probabule bsI anut.her a PaîtYsm lust i i 2.11xl. 'lhi,- buidbug coal At leat a score of peopie s-ute Injut-eîi "ti'nvII1lait repareil. A coufereluce cent- 810,(55IM. 'Th(- iltstotfll, DrlI. Yiiug'a uof-brY the cola, by the flames sud b>- brokeu î mi aIadtluul> be uaiu IL lit-e andire[licn-fiuof Dlit-llinu~ltt-nys, val- gtiss. ei1tut) draft ua muatîre Ihat ulîl bu st-- lied et $1.tgwl enr- s.aiîtuiat iv-ling ta-lotît Cet-nie ailton is the itaent vlctim of 'Ittblu [t nth braunchesu. f log tut Ceittgt- b'uumhy, vabiue $1,(Ob, at- t he- air-cl!l)iig btutoes-ho baeuuen bt-r- îilshlgor erEloqusence. f iu nastu. roriaiug nihotul girls on the West Bide Tt scens thal 1Daniel Webster s-eutf lîlualt. lu hIla Matdkisch. of Chicago. The girl is 13 yeana lt. A 'Tle Iuuinuuuî lMati-lu 'îmîuur la i.o.on n'lan trurk lber lu the face, sttitting ber flablug a-heu bu a-anled ho Compose the f f0 liaviutliai.Tli- it-n v - cowci i in ~ lie [be-a carrie liuer intut au alley, lipîteil fiuent passages in au oratlon. Oute of l lie ki-tistiitht-, tutoluAfut nnteit analong ht-abi frot liter lenîl aitullied . A lis tlogt-auîhi't-ansa lth hlm on ah Miii b C-iitjuaîiu - tt--tutr tuelrugtri-li tb, uutmlur-of- persna uvre nuar b>' et the tinhint excunsion to Baabpee brook, ou I tturi-itei-i u i t- ut-n uuuw ounu>-fli illatinute-. CallteCoid. Webster., ai tintua, s-a8ses t-nthhý,i:it-intuteth b- îîîttur ballninte- Parier:tghe enett trm fouir pausen- deuîîly abuot-betioth litaos-n titoughts tut liglit il.,- fru i>tfuut muui- e m tre ans ounu bhisue Iat hebu itlit îs book out of lyter.E ulttlt i lt,, ,hltru-filet- uouuut- laQuiucy asrd Paitîînburir, Mo., on tbe Suddeuiy -hlilnt bu extendetioe tii fiefîrilaîIr. uit-. gru titout lo ul i Oaha, Kausas ity17atdiEatern lvis- boud te the oîurbnhuug t-ileusasut- cion. lutu oittif tire Kanas lily, Pittabung sud terunl the inenorabie sentencea lu the ________ ltf lîilmoslad tulabItlicasenters itou IBunkitt l1111oratîonuatidrussedte 10the l To Mue et bbc (uin Cl-..s, futi fron tbu îuu-bhburlîîg farmhouses.nurîoatfte uvoîusdlc 'l fltt iit i., t tril iit-n il itiElgiri Tbirere ,, a , nil nuîffefrihîug arutunt ande usa- ii -u,-t- i):tttittli litît-t-î'al Iîb aa eugî-rn, andl tt-y madie the bnat of the ginuing: 'uee-il ejnbv atuuî k oîuiiantpi tl!xe.1i-u t-tt- 2.1,t).iai ion. (.otne ilown ius frein a former tuner- d 'liii futroîn-ru t, ihoiii tie-Olibliats at-ti- fileteffat." -On the aireuglb of thîs pt-et-e-P di-t-i tut-t- t'- uu-îsît 25lu-m ,t-t-tnlt cauh Frant S. Wr-igtht alutîtand tîil himself tient. fi',lu fo lqtic l eb gr,] il( iii, lu it ttuuilixtuk for tht-tilbdemi. t-e uther uit>-lit ('bit-go a-heni-a mut-- --imu fr ioti. hlii Thl- O>n tîtu ut It-tn. thlit k flt litiititis via> iuuint for cuitfestedemî ,buzîlemcnbt-ouuItNltd tut- tati rt-ct -s-t-ft-otîîtit-- rfailtitrt-. 1tre ini liti bbe facu. lie lllues-n mar- Nu ude - r edn tc rîil lust thatnfuur nn echruandl boit bot-nue ieHmtrt on a eds t S'btiaile e- uwi Iiiu. a, a gt-tuttI t-ttttni. WngtbiresecIlectot- Accoriling 1te1ev.(0. IH. Caronl, e E-in urînîIii I-otl-a liitu-rt- laaki t-tr the 1'. I'. Collier Publiuhiug Company. vir-ar of Si. SteplucuaI, Bir-mngham, t en,1ctll rt-u,ibi-- nu'îmuiîîg uIl t tllbît lite oaa udur art-est sud lu tbu cuatuudy Etugbiuî. about îtio unia of rite ore t disi-titsvisînt inic îrl-uf- , fîiutt--of a polbicmnu ohen u-ie t-ulthe- fatal thtron t athle brilles andtibldugtoonâut tii-i C-uot, tý. i lh tttt..I ivtinvalifd'uth. Ile blil rtufus»eu btu enhlueiing e-ct> oeutai eacb of bbe sevemty-llve t ~Ittcui rr t- rtit-. Itl.îasîîiui-at-b $1,500)front the it-m umîuoiî tshiot. -bittrlt In Birmtiughatm sud lils olt- Siuu-e bit conviction andl ai-tenee foi ut-li, audfilue ta-o tons of rit-c th.,sr Brie! Stute Bappeniugis, lfe iuipt-iuttunit for itnutîdt-r tif Chai. ilirownn auny anditinl-iteiy wasted Mr, rui. utcSuit- it- o'ubolia-as L. ilasftitusu it Jacksonvlle, Chai. L.. teai i t-an might have béeun of ver>' great i ttsril ufrota tt uigu)i t liiuîg t rîtins îî> it-Dapetitsluta -bîuuged hi',relugion andtic i- :tse lit feetîlugtUic t-eceubly faminue- I ait htit,- conte a Romanut Cathhuici. klt-. Draper'. stirtcen peîople of India. Tbiere areII Fvu- lutint] rt-u]tI,î-uîcîu-rs u rtl[btti- luatur. Rcv. A. B. Mîiru>, anditu it-mmiat ove-r 20,(80 plabces ot- nornilp flu ag- h wiuter îîî,-u-tittrgi-f it . t-theL ml ,uty l tuf 1h-uitrh have tner fonaake-n hier,]anti, amdift-Mn. Unîne-'onsestite J 'u.Tealu-t-. ' :k-lutioutta. lit havi- lutteail tiitteur ltoout- oh--rurhsu Ib Dora Ill jan-, a.- 1 14 year-. liii actiouu n alul l,- ont of compîlimntit- rcfrtr te hrhr fted Iuîtu ii utii". tuc I14 uita. ittt«i tu-rtej, u tIi esliii. tht' outy ltuuuuan(blitîbliu- uîîîîut ytl>.uieii lffolloon tirhart ari>' ifo iîtt ii;u- ifNN.rîriso Aguttiufon- tu-e,-jt-,90I0h-uuuyOanî i uoi ttbon.',of rit-e l a îrl>' irown eaa'c btil îîitîlu-îtb. 1liqt-t tliiltig i utig Lt ote'i or te deiiih pelety l. u:ti vedli it it htouuntry-, amidIratt- utr-e frît at luvir. au Tlu it t l uii if Sîîîiîh aloi L-t- Ii-t -îtcrFlenr & Carwititîtau îîuhat-e tire con- cd, nta cotaof over $20,0001. e lut-t-tr îIîîîîîi1 , vtiti- ait. nut-uc-t ft-ilue- cîî-lle tufuoîîîutîtaxe-s Soloun n lAil ils Giory,. @i 11~~ 1~----------. . ai Quuleiruîbcb liave lutt-tuevalid t tIirîtgitfui tt r- uIr.k- a75ttotie-ui Ve lt i-e recuitil>' rema doeltsc'rptionm titIt: laI-u lu- t'iliiilitluite asîlung tif etstatc-ufi)ficfut-Ansn-inuirof a dontlion plîtr i> gn o a goodti At 'tri la. Rleî~1,nut-t'r, il yîars i-tut spriz- -a astnsationuu ly illig ivu soiba a ituttr>clergymfan lli ant itî>muut o cf ni-iuvtukuî itl it-utl 'rsilt e uh u rb tri-iru it C'on-t indu-t-sectiou 56 of bbu lis auttai itl ti rile- lrinl rpaîl resuit il nu> vu ue air tiis - -utu-of îuiug tut-i u -acIetirlu li reillesanfiue oif ronut isitt 27 bitirl-s tuf beansanud a large ri iart-u i nitutri ' utt' suîuo.r.$11) int 2. Itfuit- tat-h i-eutr flt liaru ctatei-a nie-t>-tu-or ondlid aitî e-oîhlug terôt- hiI' . TI. ti tittuaht- tf itw r- vosir irîteu-ttitui tre Anstîr. 'Tire- lu la ile- r-l irin. Thvt- iitenc-e'of the C -utr "f1 -unattfitli,, lt-agitlI ti ug i îîîîîltit-s atu-ulfurît-uggru'gaîut uil ý < ctrgtit s Iiife gtui l utl. On be u-i Quuiîu- I iiirut utfn-o i INS bu u 5tTiti-yatr- tîiîiiitl W. ".Beiuîîuu, bCha riest;it ir-tallerltve . il Il-tdit*;:i Ll-uItirg tif Bit-ghio ltt'., a til Iîivu r.Iut-l yiouit-. bCorneliuts A tutin tt- ISuittiiu i te d tse i le tv d agvl ýar,. fnit;Il- eIntý o Abahan Ii-tton t-hlu hrt-n lutie-îlailtuu'l seetouI-hand fi guh2titu-.a itiin uitnif 'ult-it n cîtîu,qcoiig n uie irdrlIo hy 'bc iti ulleus ni hti lîtutîti-un hracing "motî-i u irtanlo aibîttz-st-loi lut ug Ililutfil r l ui-r teo b ut vu-r huuit utrt-s ofio ut tîîuîu. uhave î orfulil tlti-nurieî uii-tii-ja h os iii i tiiJ. 1) . Prt hoifSi. Iliibu fur $515,- j 3t11uc Itîtifîttr.intlire MNiatuiili lCutnty lashor nîa -i nitii it tuIbetitultulipas- D tuail. 'l 'itt- i.lttItî 125 îuîî-u. '.%Ir. i 'rtiCouirt. hîn. vvuuu-î-ît iust uî i st1ljltttssage-, - Yr'Soliuoti Ii aîil lis glt-> os ii sticlt Ii ra-îra-sî-uuîil a c- ll s, t uîîîatu.. l'ni> iiibt li-t- saitngiisflite 8tate tf ituit art-uvIii-iike otnt- of tIlieu." Wi' 'hiu na(br)gîtii 1 2 >titra tItia Lake lier iu lu- tti lut .1t(ýJh t.ti ic hards, ne-toi tlot adfile t uafle- nuxti ionation F honr- Rlîttinîîuîîîîgîtuu u, nivus til îî y a Iniytit tf llttîîkn-r Hll. Tht'sunit ucln rtu pni>- nuas of auu utrenl> different i bu-hetiglue it tilti- i-'rtuu-h h t rt-eht-ru-r î-n - r u'lnîiî'ther-ee ir,] :ttiruler citarat-te-r. ug. ('bicruu. lain îtiiug tiht-rluitut tuf rty ofrNMr. Itit'hita, shi, lu bu Parc Mria rrr vIi. rv eu-eil, lilit-t- ftil iîg. liotnt-rt-.t-i bavi- Weuî Met-el>'toi Preacb, lu lo ti rot(I tlt gi v aoirumsailgtht' bstranut-tt r ru--ttded. 1h oaa fîundîîlalui A niliisisb i-r nv in ust1 i>'b uttrerai-h lnln àlue' lfnire.uflt, Igil tîiliitiai mtg a t-lu-t-[lub isu-îth. Vultire-an-ut oct-t- ,bnevl ilitail t :1llttiu' 1.0Y. A fui iaj-s Il li--a'I,,tuce ht aafîhtRchrslfr bftoriptIlIi eg et At M îotunutaur-il. Wabah tLuî,.Nu. le lut ] filîueuhothit ibid t htiirbavtuale utt usf u-t tr ii -t-t o1 -3.-u-1r-l.0lîF.. ui -fftitit bal utbulbbb uaner uotlu uvaltti-s'loi aritnItati f ll ii-gilin isald fo uiI<. .L Iu - th., 1utolu.tty. Milas Kettyon ts h iealit tilt ituaIi tut cur > - 'fîTi,- ul gei- ut -t rszinuiib liiit irua rda dulit-un- ielIt e î-'il ie utr, atd buil i ln l- ut lN4ýý illi 1vvele "[ciller. l'hrles l. flit sheretored 'ffit hniufourafaifIelr -me osr oiho tut g hoig tulrvo luln n -utioitaltn-inns a uit utrin- ueuulur tnttivtstis tus. Richarnus' uttatu îîruverl inolvîuuut Nu-e-l',lf ,t "B th i l t-igrand i t-itl t-uitoruthebu$fille.- (f anul the uxcciitt-a hlutoui bts propty qq' fle lîti t,-lut>luoitul it Aondirinjzly. mi Ilnluithart-r unut-im tuuol> oui- bs lit iig, nu [talu thbu font fuîtbeneiibtf bist-ne-- ()ittu.' il., sîtil 'ouI> trete'"- Lir t-lu-ir-. - lura rThuetla lîtuifmu ivilaillentt.801W1%Itul leIJIournaul.a INTERESTIl4a AND lNSTII OI* Bellectîeua or<ua eIotng Ca -Wholssome Fod fer Otsdylag thse ScripturalX telilgently snd Proilablyn Lesu for Febu-.say 1& Trhe ('n1 irtuf aîthes-" ho the suttd*5 Mutt. 9: 9-17. Batthes-ila bc es!t hun - ftuuabss--s the New- COV*but Th Olu (I 'stament 1-iottés witbIbV tit ut n rt i îtiug fr-the tuIàlU* RJî' iiilt- otiiiqi'of a bing si-hOs1elt* utuuti lu'filin- i the bbc g et o Thet pndouuîrs preintetil nsthe ~~ piîuuuuuîu orutufhe Bessiale ren-c glîu iuglige.The Jeis art-e . - - ittîtîî. t atiuguloî otpt-lest ,, lîtu i ,ilaîîuîtluî',at- nbebls , -- iim i 'u- ipt lttfor (Iod'a sitttu.IV-loit arund lunsas tt tirs utf Nînibes-; Jelm t-t 1wcî tepluuîie, oitb ls saer S tit-t- i , tin- titnuite; Judes la tii% lit-er îî-tiheJes-s ane advl--ldfuir ypastu a by-s-omr itisliuîg (btuinîuîpie nos- cOti.~ i-lurtclu. ate--i ot of ail atIO1M5 il], îkîîuîîî 'i <elllefuil.e i1 lit giicn îîî sîurrî pleuilo- unC il th, propunîhr-tlris aes iaumo YMrIgut uf [t- Muuuauab. Instend et un ,- triutht ile tvosIput tu10desll àp:. cru., as a nîuutu-tacîrur, thuat he bas " (ý i-i nthl ni le iti- arifali wr-iln Ilt*, un.ut rî-je-uucteIiddeiusiotr ou, In (uuuunîu. nuit uulir the poweru-of teiiu-l'ug autldrejeting the NoSatrM,!-' %Vha lias brouugbit about this - uîlîdtuuîî If (buhI)tiuiilaesot fiel tant bus giflsan autl-ling are UithOU vîî'utnuuue. lutta-are Ibeee stoaaha tu liu eaiaiuutanuiljtut>,led? AM' tuiuitu thltuthe divin.ecaueh uO [hi-y bu aboatu iin acot-danee divnie uît'lratiuns? Do tbsy s hbs pot-posles? la thecessa. hl' preaunt position satind eltid of ree'tne'iliation s-ith the 011 The kospel accordiag 10 M airera th@e uquestions,.l Ibis condition of thinga caune ln*,, il intqfiliy lIte conurse uhiei 001 - sucti b>' uninîappeal u the meunI o t hedivine mtholla ta the priat-ipies s-bl govrega. buman conduct. Il condoctsus e pition of the' Ol Tesatament t» the Nus-, aud decla-es th* meheus of the nes- dlspenààl<em. os eI every step Ibeir accord t - Testsmenut. mThis gospel la tbe gospel eftlb. tins rejetled, These tht-e. ane acte-ise the gospel,.flvenytId*g' centers lu onu uf lIene king>, r"Jection. Thte resulI of ail Ibis le 1he the nation, The klagdom ot Goiýh fromn tbum snd givun luasa.51*5W forth the fruits lthet-ef. Cbh. that lthe unclesu spir-it bas former habitation, brlnglsg seven aoter spirits more birnslf, Ail the pat-ables see lie afler chapler 23 ctsut n-b @in sud tht' impeudlns d final miracle lanUih lssthaai et" tbe emblem ofuthb.nation, E. publie discourie lan an àara Jes-ieh authorlîîes; portt-aying aet-tu-asd hlabory hbidebIdsen, 8 musant-e out Ieir father'a Itaig ibh the inunry, "T.e se-peala5y J lion of vipera, hos- tan je damnation ouf belrlit uloom anti teparta forever- frnouW pie. Tu taire the place 0f the bas go sigaly falle# luan-ecogdse pose of Ils clectîon, s uew bo# le 10 bu (lods peeuhiu-people--B ho& s kinsdom of priens.TitIs ehuba-h-la toundeil anslte&dvl id knos-Iedge of Christ. Te 1* s ies- lite, a nes- covenant, asa utituthon, a ew- ommanduent aoë eîplîne, nus- on-dnant-es Uc closes tbe sccount orthe1 roluthon kuos-n te blstu-y. ,Tb* beglas ultI tIhe king ofthe J3w'e - a'itb the blessiaiuorthlIe s-ooeId usg ahil utho-ity ln beaven mnid b lu ita begining (iod aes-ltb is people lu the fleah; Il ctis s-wtIod is people lu a relation divine su" JeassEmanoul, lod i tIt'Us. MatUiews abusiness, as la generaIty i- - lersroil, s-as lIaI of as .upley. <« , collecter cf Uic Roman taxes; b of putblicains, te s-kith b. belon@ tas at-uleussct-npulous, grasplat is 'ral>' teaplsed, The verny tact let=- ý îhuould, ct-i st-h a man tu folioe ' l w. utarlling pal wrould roule op.lg Thiquestion about *tîgllab Ws niene Incident. But Il bad au bating ou the prehieut et lle beehî it brnughb np bbc s-bIc quesls e relation buts-cen the old covenant s tus-, the las- and Uic gospel, -à[" 0111110e Christ. The IisIstatoua cxpisint uelven. Nos- lIat the Lord et ak mojourniuug in GaUlee, heur clea b i i.- pies bc aud or faut? There la 1h. 4b* liolught; the o'orld bas ealered oa a lia and jo-fol cu, lins-bi-h sous.oeu uf the olti et- baie lent s»me e hl ntiicnue. Nuit L-ssotbi-Tbe To-elve 8$ t-ort-h"-Bat, 10: 2-15,.. - A Ple« for IlgypI. Egypt la pstt-ced anIdu-y .The "a's la les- anti Prcleaîiy uscees tes- vetu« - ug the land. The fatmer lisola N4b.s ma7. There cas b. f0nais-mol uMI** besteed lawsateu'ed. la thon »A.sug' for bis neuti? Yen. On lthe sv4»0t itountaîna ef Afrîca Ihere iJO Iu coeda, bol Il la suies-,antino u> UUmh ", But the fier>'SUsua ises, th. Unio.'1» > aultei, the 15kes are OUed. he-Nb j.,ý los, asdtihtelandte larets'u.d tho u sîbe es-, .Tbey needtheURoy ao blens the s-orld.-P-eacaesu Thse if.'emoce.h' Responslbility la s vomi of @l

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