onatub tel whlch bal ocepWbd bing f«i *M.tber," hea'brnptly hegan, 'i hale M~ à favor te sexi fyenu." Mmr. Elesme're, keitteil a lttIe faster, L kcpt ber c>eanu,,blir -iork aud dld net - ril .Sbe was vl îsg.of course, for ber sou to make lus requet kown.' 1 want yn,"']'coin prîn-cedeil. bavleg gir e bis inother an oppil îîtOf which t abs'i- dl ot avai heracf, f0 express ber rendillie.3 te servi- ban, "i want f0 tek jiine teicoic b ers after the fimerai. They wlsb ber te gi. te the rectory: but -but- lelber drcadltul affliction I tbink Jlac-k mut l Mîsilgeoulîl ic ton msicb fer hbc,.bî,wever kîîîdly til mesef; and I lîcýre hr-ehe "asloilbave lber avri __ irouais lidait l, juîst an ahe likeil," And Tom loolkeil cagerir at bis mother, han ngupo ber anxwer s ith tbe deep- 4c. Ellessmere e-aia,"-an h.l 4.. \ *, _ - ~o-isty. bui Immenoe fait.adgecaî .sii! and did theIl h liaughY instinct. KA -,%laShe was in reality fiîorîgl faelflnh. ah- lr711IW. RhorrsIl" lubiît iot oetlber cay, sud badl s-s-cvlittiesy impatbv ti, hcstosr cîce on lbî,ae nvo atuBlond onial ofedetit. 'i do ne uîite sienbo)- Macb an ar-T rangement lis pesilple." Abe' snswered liu CIIAPEII I. "AsIf my feelings foir Iltîtwo celui"da cold, Mtllnu sanieiîr. Mes. Treruilncc.BotDallia loitluncheil bc esmedin letIse sam ineltti' r'heurt, g n rîint esIcanil,'frol and wre at log ln the pretty, mibady -'ru reture ottbis ur girl. tfor hem op and coutraelitt elt bitter againt In dratiing roletnle Leedon. Dallas batil 1 sesdreailfully sorry,"muid Mmr. "IlIre lis nitter. elle atebusuebil lîîîî'f enirelr tu is de-ar valaiet. 'Yoitmui p îrîimiâtnie îtte "oVb'il iî,tT'lhe skein ensoaltercel a frfend-lind tolil lier ail lts stcry, some n rite une wcrd te ber.'"voiie tbt if cocght t,, boive warneit ber. pric parts cf li te ins'er. It., bewerer, tonoh et linanothî,ler bhufit- îe(iîa" <s111peakinin ethe saine!h "Ilianetoiststoi] se ail 'salady lrs. Tri'- bour, dutlstg srlscbsibe bc',igiict evi'n col,îleîtîd. ccuym1afiititc-,i,'e< "if she o Vanlo dcii.lsr'el.Possible argumient ti beur. bf.re l,. c îre t Il centeie bri' eeif m niîd ta' taIl-"ah t." eould be pesraded: lout îîtimieîtl .Mmc. tuiciit te 1)iiilliitiig tii flicw rlil tbst yuuPo Ilse bal loet nrloi l aitbiig alsit Ilais e 'revanionil utber oir ay ,u. pd lualiam, are gil e omacry li-r." day kîsrd Jsne; but. alter ail, ilatwas a lcoklug very eîiisriifsîl snd nuls asoiiis"And iiin aie gziîgte arr' ber** re-0c sucere lîtail. tbing likc tilrsit i. bitloîc ic-..gavei'ber sîrîîi"l T9I,ui lounîig onit off ilareffliutlun 0cf; "Andtyncit lut mtetl'lilier t bt roisbis wîrd oftbonneind cul ha"dil" i 'loîti t f fto Sa-cawîîrsl t,, ii> 'tlcshicb couldti a loeeilberlic hit îî wîircti iloîmarieget"tarit,î' ,fiumeisi. ,-,îîîî,t jusie.fltretii. "It %vas Min., tir-tr O'f.(> euroe, sheb'l lac by suy Oecelie liait mails'u) ii i l nisaifîtthe' ir' lying nios, sait]Joueî' ;riîeiiaeil ber, cf smariner'?flît " am' eus bol»ieles. und talli-dif ors-r 'l'lîçiîîgh," atrl; rep~enting bfos raIb cou-fa "(ifciiersi'.grniles MmI ra."îva clos., sh'inia . it agai i e iis thi.,fuet, be n- i'--,îi. -"Io infut c jsh i t ti. be L.ecwn wtil tbiekiîîg bon, r 'y iniisîsaflile Dl'aisKan graduslly Ii reî-,îîr hbic spictoo. anîdl s.t for ber sui'-" maierninswhen li:i lii loie.-Ancd yen %as auIe tii eý-infiarkchn isiîleflirtici nls.u hei L'aniîu e i îrt thlnk iitIsiaell"--witb Lady I)seigprhs'fîl. .At tffîscsnd of a Mca , Elliaere canclowen te the î'ottage ls Dlian is.andut. indloos theil.'li-a iftilt sby. firfnîgbt. hasing Ilc's'i n., us-fs lit fier lady- nhrlroga aunf'eh' 1len. sotbheri 'Itir i lsu 1er> oeis-iîi'd 10 dsy suliiîi's uuii'ty f<P a ns'liCowesi 'kisn'i flic girl syltîs great 'kl' es nil h,'lisitsil îsîs'thlc sefilciitiitfuomir ber baud i lei(u4s'ail thc' 55a> home, anddha, "fle jacot psafii"observesntrm. Tri'- rl 0f ton agi' a nlr ltse -reinlea cil ber etttOece teithe rocoms n lîlebbad fr, volutis.i, aisItaoril aille.'. tbn hab'w iiloilmt-'tic iefi'a iiiilliosls- cîîutîîlbis îek lîa'n lrepsced for lier, and ebinb Weeci Matar luusse keis a fancin .ai. Btif1 asdîd îriw ienIicilf il, fti'he &tha f tlîe us frifî sand ceerful as gsod faste could s yeîî base giîs'siynur nord tu ycur c-u- stteint sen. But fie ctlitisghftlihat, if nîshe these mi-",lic dut emairl.lbe ssoillike te marry If was iîîfiniîliy to*sine's hunfitthat nat Dallas frcwusansd epeux and sbute IliiJo.Ini'xbs eckl oit ber abeuls' fer tbe time at the1d cigarette i-ac owitb a siap. wlioî'b1la a MeastisceMcm, Trevasiiuo'n prnohey liait; er here Isam uotbing te jar cupoea tricc f h bisinenwrrlr'l and p1irpleIleilnlisregarîd lu Joueslbatlit-a'sîbsouley ber aeitisfeelingsi. Hec sont and "But ai' esasirei fue posiirely fbaf ahi',vmil iler des;îlr batiil vî ar tnu is.iitim cassai' fi, ecber,.elle ceuld le Il e. siver Minui] marry 'lifli. a acts' of tiuging alame an,] anger. weuh Mca, Ellesumere cihnelshe lesci]. hie "INhat mails'ber ft'll ypu Ilhal'ride, of wlîh lle a lcîls, salaitlAllr, and, let et ail, abs' nosloi bcho inus'ile n C "011. ssuim'tbiig 1 icialî ontloi îîg s' eafonce suber remetecle b'rIvsislnifl s,, smule aetircd flic solitue e-icb grieveil WB wesld litmi>ci'soses' cilas'ewus misiit alala.srtrieh'r hi'leiîg b &syc, a.hourIsia couirt. Bttfrange te say I ut the]fall." ,tscb fbssIt(Iacb nd ulet cet trunei'.fer, ie treuble, be th% "Anîd, afief Ibatrosir islsiewnt - îîîsglune ïauidais,]îiî-isensl'00 sfoosrros witb usns-omtorts us M's ha away. andl yîîc te-e es tîrî i tigefbe. s', lueur thers, the afigun, I.,ius'f,,dtti-rc l i sit ii'l'uei'scosuilarthat ahi' tooka sud--by the s a,. lDaI, nst 'nad is secret tlî l ilaionber, suft. vitb s asthers i' tuant tifnssrs'-Toruiiwhe ue te boreab milethinkiig îstnsîlT' ick istintli re. Hc Iive-rass il be'r, ctissso abs' ieil t ate Bo,1sedcli le tt, "Shîe sîcact saii tlu ste marrMina s'otra-thinîg cas iot a-sil s lblier dcliîng, thi'e s'fing, cimb 'Mr*,Ellesmere unse il Rive"." ithé evsss'srdr'arns-îlof Itafla îseî. the or n-irked, Jîiinetlait *ifb ber hanil WB -il ~ 'Mc. Trs'ruiii sii's's cf once bom cata. ,f Jonecs slte'cs'l 1l....hkm:abs' saxSintrîcîs andl ther coulilwisper tegether P the land les, "Wbr ciic-icies» ha rri c s'fisabe aot i hls'ecr nue n be nas gene. or aitbo "ysont lana riry amubtitisi% a -mafi. tbi'i-barigs'. 1>11Jolî i.-Il>surs' fîîrquifa', 511it cilent.th lion kniie-: he nsî l'Tomilf0marry shat bhln. ansI Cagsahi'piqueid te-uia'lii'eut Tsm'adelinacy tue-ard ber sas perfect: Ii ahe saixil e i-l! Tlises b . f aslltstoilesee, nodfsl> i ý n a eîiting trifp,î'r ne-rconeedid hi' enter the precinecta et anl bi grlIsth' iefst. mnuchscsuateailclîîttiareI»ilCsfitf ingîtg ui: sevenscess, wbatever hi't Ing cretiire in ail the w.ird, sdel iefnr. euo f:olarpt atore? ear liave tf. l id line ffîr la thoe ctirs tI fem'tlady.,&laid ret Iic.scinuer dl'ttili jShi' coulttieisrirthe thîsishht outi, i'ihs'f refte"csh-r, nicvnr, ,y sedi ber gsaal stiisigfi" -sl. iiic sî erls irnliiiI l nînit sulse woîrd, idit bc remind ber b litschilsiIssuf cîs melI frrnt ber; ph "111(l 1tbiit lie haitBayInincli ,ufisiliber.,an bu ansaNîa 'î'rs-na i,,,,, i,iler h itutris 'anliteIl'n,Ili aeii1iit il-imfthe futu:till- se c-as frî'e asal ir as«M .As for Juit'. cchat e',îld hcli, Ic la-ne fret'te do chat -fie e si11 leptto sUut "5ho.' essifl i ." sl a ati i iia if 1c -itii ing lier iî ui',ill ie-c usrîtb feor. couirse.IBut isce dînentt isîcc> ltujloaose s-c'asi-eh uîî ali etailîheagoîinu iA-I Jînfre t ov1lm h eilns- iithr,' ler cisîsi-l s iii nliat sliac ci-af? olî- mitîa Turc l, fîInîovhed b;sliait ht "Wi-t isar lfay, >î,sr sîtomber-ictîill 1 If if liait Ila-scSii hiliguîgfit diis-ieat"-1 out the norid. be rouitfil cetiread.ptel euh fbhink C iat mvo .rfi hab git ans1iii iyilsgaiiiiinlîîîe,aa.ohe.i',urc hld. tii-tii-ctacitii- f0isber; loit ttiere ivastl frise, Voit ceiis rîrry fisc" Ass iNm., cigrdi'd if li-tail. su his- iii'.- ns -i ici i î'eîîs îsîg îr loftingin leTom; lhe n-as la 'reaiii lss flsu iiigi i5ficîiaycsssgi tîilussr1iIul cet iii; acing fros tIen dîlatesof bis ari fa'e. -sfc iouils-ss-,ici sr heuii'lr ft ii the instincts et a truc' and "l, my di-ui-ant fIl-eî, i,t i't suîî a> Nra, Itîi-era c lrisî'd iiiCc i h-r beau Iuiiislrotsngentleia.of thatr' lie uc'ilîîa fslîîifs',. gcrue îeg cler, ifty eaalut(i ssirsa-fisîiurto ilîîstheî' rb- Tuev " if ositii ne w bat 1Il fo" îr fi t i-il i ier iier-i li, 't. Sfeit' bi.i Tch îitNce. girl! file wcoslî loiats adi ffsrs'at al c I lilist.' andil siaitiî c li iiiî lat afinRIDES A TRI CYCLE I ase, t1 iîssil ins '31, I'o-lifei' I ms teidln'iiliig '-"l-I t i"'5 a ii i ffiii iis-tiu ' 'iif1 nllits' a alîîtfîîr lier éatc, if I i-îîiliîlier 'sii lsiîlAt lunit Ili,'siiiîiui.neuIli, t).c. tDr, lîac.dnnald. De-iasOl nc cnt, hotte tiiigu sus l cîîsîcrlit auîn'cs-,,li suteaisyii' --l ~,henfs'a nIAuthor. i Il ' IJ'on. Mt acfisicetC isa'fîl 'But thfsgiz till nt nmilles' rlit, short '- Iucfarisg, 1Ilf si, ilusssik >iarc Al vsiuni 1ta r. Mcdotil'asanctu- Yr of j ,ii r father lyîiig, a i loi4-id i ustai- lu' fig quitifs'Di...r' I. I iii ii> hudsry li.-It miuir osast bat if wast refs- te leat liit-ly tui lîîlbai.- Iet-Ott lookihatiin f irîc îIli -ii->""' suring te bear bisle oI t s f11 ull and ib fers litithbe face." uiig'-s NImc. ires aliisn. 'Ibi'donsliglîtt kinillyIifsli linh l sout iiiiiroin declarluti bt hlic tf n cl- Csail ais irfi c as if os' ir-iehuîîdcit iîî h eh -fieil srs'li ses- faie tr veli tocrîîaitod ciao, 'I chul ic 2 a uar? Yuuhii,îsruecuîîî-t fs-eCii nutsiiî, ic- i se aii, ccii, ri lefore tIse year ends, cnd fliatta fer on; ei ibt u'ai".cigiiii, I ia-uaolislimlisrse omel - 'sehua--i. lscssiigti l u -isi-tlY. - si id i 'iihtave-usi ,i-î-is qitarel u aotflc'tefPglc ore' ar.'l Is-isu is,- s' c ol i> Ifi f'c i - inig, lia ' roi - Xsiuîiî i îîî off usacorne, lie said, te i Mm. ru,"cvaniilsi n ,e--he l--frcoudeîli'a -Oh. ii sls. ii, hae ios teti, t battf f ie fglit fell inhlbow miaîs us, 'ba in h ii'si nîiîf c-a i Ari- crus ,cl smsili lîcîfor gelig muîue f o-ylihalll fi-n cciIfronti nfg te is ý it p er'ythii C5 li thlu-si ifor flis' ciiayT' acqua inftufle liih Iobert Flcocer 1t saIi.- -fthflicwoicuiu sit- i yiiig ftic eas 'i the l'and - clAlec F-ort)"., On edsesday ut- ri fîsîîtn .1 imu t liii fifl ti c ii r hosiir. Y""ii ,'îlu i'i icîs'tell iii-fipaic r. e . li,-n f i-ocons fie le sf111 uit horne fto mn i fioiliia crCiibi ui ' lsilii i sc eiu cuuiriiîiî-'if i11 -i',lit t riiai afgi-s andîtfcut-îuîs. cmi icter teeuli isii~~ .' fsiiiiieiîit, Bbcti fi lîîiusintione-,iis rndîî f' coia lnofi'tavoicte pont like 'luiit,' eris'tdalagetnfi lit, îîîani"s, i fg euamis i fi lis- cilss. asit ~isiiuîg -f iSt-lcuîcni c calkiig eei-Itifily abuiit, *.Ifcc ->ac abe ",onus tîlr In Luisis iiJolis' c-i Bowin-i condd otiens n semer ,lit I îuîrr li1i." îiilgifren tir. u-ivîs-dcfkî-Itetuait nityle oet miule Icna "'Bat abs' si-h." iiaritslmii 'Ic-1 a aier.- toc It nt tue ieftic lnaglnestri aisoii, cIl -nii in slit lasli guttîn c 0." 5 i51i nd la fi 'IlIAl"'lt Xf Iai 1fr. Macdlonaldulmleauderi'c'tt Mot m "Yîîs iiare.'rigbl- ,"sasliilasit. pll,1A nrus tf i 1s onstf.'lîc lsi îîîî-ag -il i saya cee' filafionO liiitri-ycle' onithe ~ lg au suills'ly ii nui i t f-c,'b t i iiiiiti.si--.g,iiig tn uic iin sIis isatali ord iglucca rîls. lfie taikel ery don>f' tiluhsI"igcîiîiî'. Jliie ganilcîlut andîî"s n-ihiii afslyanîld'cdaliy lo hie visiter e i 'Bbc cas foîndsf ctinsustssfsscn slie sais ts lus, >5t aittue Ilteuî- ssges f-sC fhrcit. ns-imBs-etfisnovetits, If w as refrea1 lu yo. nd %uts s-c abtiahnegsi nir tusr tamun -sl. ibranuohir nussil fs-fii ss,-fîsYfing uic Iiieuhlis geîuitîue antI genecous t lig fss ss-rfor ris 11t.ils uul l'e fond of i es nlinu su- l i- o uiiî ce-serlci uircI- IImissu i fissu iiriiîie ttî':1m ik ,B ri "anil ut nf' ci-uIl-ui suîîh frl;imitc~ resul indoafs loics,5 i-ct'r icoîsýil fi,-,,,.nci:cedu'ul uforenucet ot iln Il, i ber; >sssr -etînusa gson c'utu ansId imr'fal tln'te us1C uscsuuIs-lattac eunI-lécialy sîsliglifesi wifbt jiou wlihave rl ls ,ýecrJy Inu Nvnî -iero. aIti i-rn suughttàuse- ou h fsic.whigssltid nunis ltlis-c bc ceh Ilandtls ex thr limit bcamarresliiet. "-Whuif c f'aI iliin )*isl tave of'Ila ' a.iff e ta ecci n i Iii s iend pt treeu'l tifsadmniratiton for parts of encie ina flic fic, stujici il oy - edfrontcabirasaing cilgh, i mu"Margacot Oglin," cli %v'sas "suecufe-a "D.n yuie fcissk -?", Ausi eab'mie.sani-c ash uay teinquire ii fier fthein- w isat in the flaitire of an cc""lie m nitfuslla ouit ler Iainul - w fui-hbe claspo alimai.ens Intebring ber s'nu'r uiiss'i'y Ilsutspots' is-rnlyof Inn Muciarcu, and re-- narîuiy. -"2ii> flecr, ,s irsue vni -ou vras pissuîsalfe. cndltflihi-nisst fi si--i asîliedîthilow- hal hfnse ltetfrted n have,t'ti usilitt it speil;syurhans, u fu a Ma lrr d iiascs..iscifntt efo Pc lusb l sfectisseate inatisce; yen casuct ecasaf S bohemsf cl it s esic ied ufisc . s res-gisdlc 'rsnsgetîe out I.suig oanme SewousniixdaI frTint rus',,d r .qsnqIl pve "Tliuifs usils'truie," anenla f)liau. corne It erhacnuitnmalle aisit Ilsetîs sensiloInline auc nds!neotfpafthos "for thenec grav-sly. "But me it mw h sc thsnh o.-Jjune tii. Ani.w sn lbe contse, ms'fs u id fiee sce cearcb;t eflc priogs of Inuglu-, cas'?" a~~il to bise shaf nuis ai ber tscflul i fiscnuittennis lic close fogettier."liec "Vt'7 hali, tbiaseBecsas thn as' einiliI iglia asst gsîîssnsg Mils a cuiitnult-it uuîDr. 'u'stii i tas lirsugt tfli civie')lgef oe er ielsarlacb, frosnlier b; the theuuglit f atber sactinuz rctlmc ds- ot ieLolna "But rons aurci; -isuilu h ave ber aIsferinguandsuithe tucfuttancere ih s' ie tpets ln1 isisftg" I bui ecaflsackgiirî! 1imuâitf rife 1 eula ne ofbc'tekc-.s uil- AulTom th teca uicele In subistiini w hidi sceans ncw t least te me, ber aII ex plain." Anid Tcth isesarguf; ireau centi% nms-f"leeidi."u tc lg "Vuin ssnat'lut d l nutîing etthe idfcismnybes etwl,1nsl h a e,"maPueIg- srt," rejoins lrs, 'rcevanioc, qhI . Aigba snd grossis. prîins'd ail aldmore lasder on bohlo lsî ,thotîgli t banetue u inst on tic account write lber une t lionffondent mother il it s, if-if o<iyci; teliçc," Spoalktng oe t McCrockeff. "Yeti Jaue w-cill let Iisi l4 the elilefil andsfDr. Macdnald recognlzcd very rcadllyi Dallas lonkeut htglasb ucler cf lier lie, Ah.!clint more on flic cerne ans i vgor of bis narrative. "'Yni un st srious*"" eaitbdid lineaIt than te do evecytbing i asu: mort serios. If , it uiwrite te fer,hlie t-eryl iat tu.sacrifice ail he bail anl Iow 1h carrdes 3-en lrcercstfbly ber,abs'emillIluhette eabise f"etig ociu flic morfl feo'ber? mill.ile bcalticen Imprescil w-tb agase and ttiut sonethieg tmaY Couse cf "My daclîngit. oM. Hivers ai te Joune 'Tlae Via; an"cdrfreltt II;bti, if3-eu tare ileuuf, ter prIi e wîîî that suglt. "corne atndl it by me; 1 ilwsnt ecî-dîscuasesiepliod te l cannîbal- rIse oip ln arma; aIliibe miserable a t tclbf0yeti. AmuI ry ontlte c sud lq in oeg ftue ceve-diellera."TrI Brut the ahi mufI bas' m, su muragitete reurself. hocause if mill ncube if Itn uftrc fl, u eod Beutnale wll atch ber tite rhusanYulr u adhoitso ub f ep eibut ue t muna onceaolntrectouf.te 'plientl"a dcii i ntirîc nuaso t .rettsnamf[l-- mueh c Ie l -n m t bsel.thu-cu' s-s su,, s orunis itc sfwue Citiu tla-ieurutemura ua l, thcree sfirueiinfgraua-The tiug a Wh. suit eftpost 'sad m' ils u fsadsurhît te ille. If th, t- kan cand' rîr thi flure s nor the uis -ru'heu i il)il ihsus ts r th i' cs v-r>sutf i-uicIla 'lishal De btuepluontulirtSeilssur, I li si , sic rt an thie.un-u le ise iilIllerai lih aWte'iisas . ifteut, aut r is wu.srct-r iy peeflwa sryait t hIr r I. us-sa> Et-Cii sab be Ca, hs au clin tgli thicat rt I filt air rn 'oi stcs a suies-f frul-Ir;- [itIe riualirute eintîhn Jeuitilialîcîn raila. tisu-tsresu- Sa-rfta ausososiiî ss ns ent; sou, und bira' Les-lu aru stsufiula-me i siais uuerthua ilte day, '-i 1,11His i as Pi'nIM stgonad in fia- fiisoviettsa La inai me the staff rt ua>-rittttrhans i tnhe' oé w heu, fi. ian amu llinsslmrrfuuc) i-meu t 5 tue ino.îsua ur ir-'ilrt n,and I e.w &hallfcchutai)î'le bil forsorsuss slio nid cge c-uthnnuf utthuonsa>at tris, buf I dnna." D>avid, thse Shepherd Boy, 9 David, the ahepherd blyi4', a nufhint tl is fther': s 'li,l'fhs'r arn fîsuuint n flic mncy buIs sahere ufts'rCacii n 5niuh n vas hem utfcwbis-b ;csabavs' heart] Min ili be lAmb etf(ssi, w c-bnis-bttian-a; s'e she or the n erli .,Davlid, fias'beple t cd boy, '.raa huissiifut, brave. musical 9 ail poctin, I fluet lie offen tarant the i ccp le bis reîerioi,'hs'r'e nthe soit- c util liestruckt the thart) strisi t Ilat 10 i fi crilliet thcnngb ail agealDavidthflacboy -(J ýas gaîbeithie niuaecial for tDavid the n us'f sel Daidilthe eman. Libe othar y s;.o, Diavid e-axfusnI of ussjug luis heifs'f tiengthfle aplsngei. ced lie bal netie'u us' exiiiitg ut th us'Jite of fnthe.".iand heu lue hou'nus-e amonlie nail, "rite sc ccie nf the- hors!aro faîii et ap." David ne boy, lite sîber lues-s, bail been fond if hunstinutheflueird.u' nesta, aussi e Iran Iinea the urlul mors orffthe isl-et te ind an- maey i-ttc nere limiehr ber u-c itI mmti E he hersit, man lue sid, "-Afsflictheatoch, se lic trcs- arr tii-r bouse,"lint os> lic( ne bail henni theber-rinf hsucirersr seat frighndthefurrelibm es!sr insfu pruesa- ire sictuice, seldmileu li eii-ane a man1 ni sauid, "The vsireeorthficent sd ach ne bleudtut saime," liasid flic foy blon ln ition hi. a ua-t lrîing orpncf l sarsuca nil ensusuiieut tis-y>, uidt su lhaituosl nagintion lire flicskiecniedllsei- s mm tf ivine emrîruiîs-ry. fle icvtine hlnag.r-s vrectinut luin e bri-alxoet ight caii the benils etstars, nuitîlc levnaini'e aman and îcntr, -" he'l1iu n ese'r hy beuvne, the miurh efthiii ta-r." W'hcn be lin aineaaait ld rue, tibiaig oethflicgousI- nais otr(led, bc aceiau-(] toush-r tfbleit-f atg of hi. fntscr'eshoelf, crCns maey cacsansd te ftaunb ruthtis ime clien lhe nulel ibecion th' Bethbl-eemhis.anul e crisaosut in the font, -The Lord is usy bhepherd." If (bodllviiiipnoe,.t1'silI taib ina ;u of fh l ahebs'rlaidlustheflncalîherls rook, flic sha'phuecî'o lu ge, tIse shi-therî*s paStaire grounds, andstheis'aepherdus The SuIepherl's Plaid. Aed ficat tb h rftr-replaid.I, i '.ouiî mc licetieterons fer nàituait gruicg ouftet rougit snl brsuiiig n srI te fret ounaflie- dil aluna ri. TIse lpotfies':tocsaufit rt ie 'veet, The secrvanstscriri liesuseflput oun 'afin wahile îîîuiiaiu lier liiti ic. The sbep1ril mises muet 'sa-uca ssîcuudirobmie n vs ich tu gui out auiid thes'drnis, snd lie re>his ansd fui'-tulue suis arumfli euugh as uiscel auîroîrruint,-tus ilaix juissel s orh. The tLord mmm Blîoîîbu-s, ciuig saut ta hunthfie fiat iufuts onnsouuce' gai spps mcl, but itelatinu n aur-sfent ounir iumincit>. 'iraru' secs nsufhirg prtf-a moins abolinflif. f1t issu, ttic oudinauteca 'epreseefni abefo mrrouruîsthe habelestas,î buf 1 do rsaSupsîone tisai limer(a'xs ns more balo about liat s ils thian choisi lie bcarl of au> ether bisifluai 'sas bacc liet (Christmas i-m- iin.1 urlea.ltt-aomnuug n muse, li' e wursct'n-niiifut'isgsurment. 'l'ue icisor. amundîîiir' isuhaluu e nac înîg tus manin if gcrurî,I ae tu' I 5havens'bic-a a sacie n its tics-a- surrsira if, oes-frctise tech ansI t'.îefuith r ifs nu..Xlfisglitht- guiistuflera squncccfu'sf esr il,- tuatisf ltus nsrisiec f lit ni i,- a1m-havesn fi. u mac 1icrs mtarf suceuctiesrefuse n iian aahb iarcel, Ne:lels i ne acîceor st ise- en e uelct flue aa l. uusrt igt, itligirdlrs of tu-uit>, ftas-robs of tplae-, saiI put on flhe'bu-esitel auilfuit fîrust aismeni fra ur tauunsaaity, Bsoncitities i sfa1isurfen su-uc the msi-nnfa-as ruiba'. 'atiglethaft buuugieC saboeut tir he ais ritChrist? Ileiif a badlge cf cuthuriti? fa if aralmn>ni nt ut arues? Nor; if 1s a fessai. The dia- ciles, fef are ilthy front the wisnuîoes the leng a ic' almmctief lntit to e plipî aupssn the sactas onîi luiis ini>-are te ce- dline at flic orai, au susrsussmashesq fleur fef andaul tihersthenuu p inthi' tcweltotedcy tht-suT'flic n sncbsutaccii thia corld cas rougb 'umusk, rîttel curb, hand nîsb, aselJ. lisanput n th e rmiuiet. the painvalientufort ur Bsab,lhc Teatorn were to 1maii. the cruan us mare fan joutle bise. the 10sf c-Ss to salîchuhîsbliu flac mobs nere1t uraasse bine, O Bep- liuet ofIcset, lebai t luu'ofln; icigbt scrayl [For flics, mnhuf Sireciitu Iradoc. wbsf nfgbfs ail uusîsatemcd! ls' fril& np- on hies fie plain cilmtent ofeuar humeain- 1fr, n-cars onu-vrille,unul muhile esrtb sad beanen aed bell sand amasel aitfIsc ah- ciegation, wraps arounu lbinaifthe as'pberl's Cucld seenuains and flic midnlght air RIE BUNDÂY tlsat test blo." Ificb Pasture, fotintalf tr tel pature, for aii the Bck ot the God Ti Bbcesbrd'. Th, t,1l1 et Zsîsn ci(-Ilhu A iiltrû vesmothiisei iw"v-il ield tir ccli.fils,'gelIef e-ri-eus. Th. Shrphcers's F.td. h. nu! (inulm a lucussmng ovnr hiuues lfitie sf is-s 1,ti-arsiilg' ucss.ac>yglatil - cîherda s ciset Aliusapulling ubin oîck lieu,I hcsissiissc-u t.vic-l uîîeffu, a lu libeller frsture, hlIers' lusa ciansuWhu andcilliaii uîrinusaidîuî n sifis il tir oy. te liq suüs fi-0s'a . i nsfe bais lis-vr leh eu l'aliefi heC(,rtfuit ii a iavius nr-iîsed is> anîlsaflu>foinumalilla, [e tuila tîiiis y uaisu. ll ssci' villiams i ire s-as Il souissiig, imîu'szim; Auseuîs, ufts-r slut thi-sîs, îî tîsî s uiou-ri G>,i 5151- i i-lii-'. siscc tsllasa. ls' sitas l-ur basf i , sl ktisuysthii(. u or a ,«,,cv (if uausîi-ctususr w bal 4;0utla gciug lsts Io sl T,'m, sIiilsusu ire- -i-,I th, -hcis- TI 11fr tilas, le nuis , "fi the Lordilacgry fsustld su . ssfisn si tsi 1,-11 s ssin Mots lii si- ' (ia sr! XitIiflcthe -lfsirslu ttiCcrsl1' tils -rdIssa ns-iiasul roîu li bu.-iasbiesn polie i Isu-hinrîn fittu>r it, snuti ire'situs l hoice sits-îin ilu 5i Is".leeia-tn acaicîssyv îsstînplolcr Oaiflis-uer iii- stras-kithfi--i hiusî a'. Tirs parcenut dnPsnulcacisCs'thu' trusufusuie 'r I(, toissfit IvIi ilsi- si sr--f fii T'I sbt tiectiilruuuarn- iuiy frnuel fi) hies. tfinandiitroe.ila' Ilfisilo higi ,:1,af-l ce sut fis- fîscuzufsfrsont mhat auîurce (ai, i'nu tigb flit otttisubstle-,-o,gi-ilso eba, sn lîîîuîî-nic ss"sssn Sike-huanuldrlh that tru' 1>0 ciin555sfg0l oi.lium fiiii1 laina thoissu'chlrîr atntdilala sçrwluu mgtlu.]the cIiaur-s-fsill Ilfia iitisithflic liii- "sua c sf5 lu'es. litsnasa. "fa(»Ml augr; la m fusfla t.tsft îbem a gounaai3ciii cciti Ifs sue"*'Ne. i la uibpirl'is crob age ! Ml NI j fc t Iildrnu' usn eni-i! iOh, ithi missI hîuiîtae utc hetter 1isfnres, Ims-fat e snerry bîsmsuut .i iliU:lkti- N ut diii ciii t kuusîî %viailmsssuisîhave hoconieetfsaSis>lonug Dicer 1)ilinntna ir-e 1hce ;a, lif u iss Indr suiefî'îîîfisc tsc shetslisrl'cmi!ilhin the majîsuiya nudn il iiii, auy Ans ris-t. Oil. liii'me-ru-iaegft rouillies' c itt our araa, aarc> uug if tis auilsiai su loai ni)cf, s ndaIliiiras f(rein unaer higbî'cr liit ofetcua.y. tit, tîs-c nilil 1i se smule rîfthtifrts'a, andsitIns'ver> tientfie ahoufiat! If chirist onmca usarclii appel as 1 'uifseof (lCrsn sharsuter w iniBcdilut beir bansdn sd dus ai-ul fsor juin, nsut silais" lie uts-n-p shadîsenoftroublse. flic; dru neutfa fl gnre em hilshibeelcal Uses ef Adser.lty. ian eartb lna usîeilthe gisîne..if sthelî. iio WNheur t wnesliisthe steamer cconliag Isod in ii bs-ri-? Ihe cruse tucusnue I uIs esaierla y .~ It in finie ne got nncr fbese uorfiil lisr in sa-eri ersons tris-ilto get if onut e; idescf lauw wie %hallgi-fsrtouit ibifft suIf>, huit if nîrldnîl uet aIsanonut icn ss'ariî, Yrssî sest u r religtien ailuruier- baii eu>, i vmas snist ihuf the inigineir taker pfanninug cofintsamasit icinsut earass aut su ncot in usscb canes, I cen tofi 1oisr religioneint-istaoetthe anuiusof sut liei fipuithirisges'. ity haeulonamn. tunerail nanhefIBailler lcf nur reiionti op,. s-kaictuts kn siIandw catihil the lidast the ls tu; 0contes'toitliait showmi' > e l h'eeisp- aou -y' srouneilthe hutte, I cipectusitfia, o ld that (Ced la, ion rivslcsifisc cui. Ah, el~ ur cfr s m-r auchba ut e'. Iteit any -inueaussi i-sas>-.thece is eriver le-feneltion tad or isi.?ittsly lie remonnsi tise ciaifer,(th, Ibsuf! I beowil, btatiat Jordan lmi asly lng becs' esume timea lain uur Chrîstians lite oth lce ecp naahing, andl flis';hullgo dis ie fiiour i rictuel vimioiîuslusbsiag mnuedis'r oastie tis'tiller banah sn wh-tufs','rias>- m nd salli genti sppfluane-srfilI! Theuuthecelosiîw' flicgreat Bhcîisaeru. 'lhuis fis-cd nu ,nmomasne iant trounble anal Isack baes- hae voir'e long sgo. 1hc; aire gafresien- f,,, ilay ici,. ofls usndsî rensenes that nis'fîîilanaloes'Shepert! one s tiet i su i havem uisuil our vision fer- Alas fuir îhouse c-be arc fiualîyrfouaitl osa- 1 -msr. 1 Illme igîter ci Cur jos>tocutier site the' lnlosure! T1he igbt oniltheir sin me cn oncecs'ginisef rttcucortiisanits, aussi1i osls mif Jack-ais. Tbcj are fhirsitiug tu s% Mf fait thi-undPusfr Cetqas'I .y. 't'le 1fior their Moudei, Thhe ver momient that a 1 ii galber ail reur airrMv tegetisirilu amis ina;lhe trishing upoc tIhe hulis a c uss' cigimneto ene einfusle@and iput hseucllhoielookint at t fotre bthickel. s theinlimier Colonuel Breakheart, Thi-ua1IThe Joy of Vlctery. wiii omît, 'hicb et these regimeafs haa lu June. 1B15,,liberle was a very noble ha gemned for you the tueter victorien? Cor- party tgshhcreil in a hannsele St. James toi taicir tbsttacier Colonel Breakhesct, aquisce, Loulou, The prince regeut was ma Ini thtint etfwar. mu ina; rememlcc preserit, and the eccaiouunsomde ranci.ha t the Bouth and Norft, fthc ainetion waxssnaieut b;music aud liauqucting sud h vit wbtber the back troopa neuf l figlt. bat jeneta. '«hile s quadrille was being ferait- le ,îhs'a tie; n-cri'put Inte the sfruggle ou cd,aullenlilet!flcpeople ruahel ote eths ustb iles they sddberoicalfy, le the Wiindws '«bat is the esaffer?lifery ef reaf day ofet cecuit; if miii lie tnuînd fliat Perey bad arined witb the news that ha fl w-us nef the white regimeut t finysthaf Waterloo bal hIIjttugbt seldfliat Eng- vif Raicl yocr greate,êf successeq, but the landbal won the day. Thse lance was black tfopis of troubile. miinotunend l sauluuseil the part; disperseil, lords, fa- tel diacafer, '«bec'resu bave gaineet oue lie ndel sicicus rushel Inte the afreet. pli spiritual aucesa efreinor prouperity. andI in fiffeen einutes frontIshe tiretan. se you havs' gaisiel tee spiritual auceesses ntucement etflathe d Dettesthe bouse th, truies our almerslty. won emptiel et ail lis gueuls. Oh, je w( Thece iscie animal fliat afnsgglea esee m-beare sa'tel St the banquet et this al violeti; than a sbes'p w-bec YOouuirner it sortI or w-brinlg in ifa gaYet les aud tcbv- la seil s'atch bll ef t. Don:su le the tien elfies. if you could heur the sireet aIrains fa I scc a g-coup ot mec arounsi a lest sbes'p. oethte gospel trusepet anuesuncit Chritsa A tsiowmmasscontes,. ing unît&eilles the victory oner sie and deafli sud bell, yen tl sbep satd frics teaicify if, but il usnseore muoul rush ferth. glati lu the eternal de- pli trigbfeued than emer, A tailler contes liersuce! 'The Waterlooc againt sin bas Iu abat. puts esmu nbis griisf unI cares'sa'sisen fouajaf. aed 0cr ('uueseere-inch<fie! pr the hcleep, andrilifscess aiff in ouslsdie'bath cwos the day. Oh. the jeys et thl ar et fight, Affu'r anhie moiennec breaukis clvatiou! i do siof cars'esbat setaphor Ifh tjarsiagb the thichef, fiesacys, "tutfnu'is huf cecaparigonu oh avs', fi ltateait have the peolr thicg," fie cocnes up ansI mea, thuif i ma ueif. Anionu »halhbriug Pe tays is sarme arouud flue abeep snd it la ocie aumile, Ifstaitah nofser, John aciother, immedistet>- quiet, '«l initheblat mac Beatifut ifihpardon, teautifuîlfb lu i thaf i-ntsic? If is the abepherl, Ah, peace. iteautiful nitb anticipastions. Or,i crout! If lanner usemeus0,Yns aenslecousu' eut esrthe pfrrpastrate oethIis lu mpccy, te pullt r ock.ac, The tuaraI, ml n-rdi jute riclsfortunces o e li(ol sIi iceb'rorcf troublie w-rf ineinathe Warin Shephecil Il golf strosin cf diviune c> npaîla;. The sbepbers ld f eutîs'i tir play heauti- lu t'hece lanne lpassagfe Itinik onis in-sfuf munie, ansI somntiiesathe aheep wn-uiS s't tecrref. "'The lscuis'l cet-I lue wmllnsuifgatturar coascl hiuu and lista-a. Tu lu; my t hra." ie 3-nus keonthat the ehephecuf ieiiseil; shupherd riala te you niib the ai ini nids-nlimess îiayensl spins tIuse cs'ln ecy mnscofe u baeiuhsîlfet rois t e aie as 'I'iey mssre er>- eaaity liruineil, Irntlit s'hn cour sin nac etpfhia prdue. Oh. thaf g( fhc> mecs' bruiscul tcy vece enver meiuýal athia Bneck nuul heur the fipiet ut the Pd. The shepherd neul se eaaily esche (bol Sbeîabcrd! ai aneiher uce, le miould suap the olI une Capyright. 15155, and throw ifua; selndgef snotetar. Thes Bibies aya itilaoct n itb our Bhctsberil. Sort Sermeon&, W'hnuu tire muca true euttofeamafil s'aiii u ~ lrn a skeplieslu RI souai, (lodti nut nsap hics lu fîaina ansi ils inany glartng tortuiiff l IRnuit tiec tharuinbin saam n Hi-esentis ndusicistores.loustuan ciuîcaîsrns' Railat IvnIngv "The brisculac cecihe miluI ct Ireak,' (Lcd oet s hia rle- eeiiIm ng un? Tises' W'hec in the suer Isccgiuug hîees oetrte motil fus' no ustuuil fuIsSE cnikeplcism The thcnufenseg risiaiheut dninteenalu inulueh(- orlulifIl rn simsonl ontlye- t riCefi. . les-cthhaï: CodtIin lufefentt-ina hhcais andsII 'rele t iusa huueuhf; saih sen-surif. sableIe eocbrgra'nii-r ailvaîstites titan si if shahlit ciei, u irai us' Weil. n uycor fhi w -i v Anai n len tst ferlitus passeul awna; 'iiiidli.-Ru-v. Itatus'-rf Maellecti, And rtainsiliss' amis",son tBui nd iifel til al.itfi-ioklyn, N. Y. Hîosi asset f0 fhinb, han- imeet teu A, 'The h-us-usmc tof .Lau is tiena If ha.In i--cniif, if bas lis-ca mieli: iulus,,ant lie s'-ntuelitsc~siripîturail. Tes, The Shepherd'a IIa kuII unuma nu' iiii-st louok fsrivariut.uad s Neet h 1 eak ofthfli hephserd*m'oge.isgî, uet tgtr-enic .%lassisssiitmcne se tax' a 'l'u'> nafeu hue strayin55fslicei- asutnidime tissu ia' u-erainluy msuni gogai tler, le Ibesilaîh ugain. Eves i; ld~iicd ha,. hl-s vrnn omnirlltmefad iug--froicut he ail-i fet ib le inn is'.m ii'itlu u uisarfiîua eit uiewn tfte S ecthu-liersan wachi. n u amtfsr natu rre usnudlIo lme te perte-cff; is fuseLa on theicr5 amusian ahifin. (Ont ieifsul itaa ouasu f0ils IIa nis!1t Stuuphanculesîià urîs fisecriiticimaund ausi er. ail fililsicauout fiins, oaillis'e rfaint sîcufieflaofuthfueecisf aus iega. T'iren Iasai;t >-ct rcscnirîi ishînutts o lit urs' ihosea, cincu nmiîmihome nhule cOrt if cruamsfiu 11cm, htB.['si NILiS. Erau- i la fus ehatch i'iir-tfieis uio~r ris gelle.Itucils, Ni s iur n nd cciituant t hfin.uu If une sut (huis Th olian ofCrs.-*ilw k umore- uiliit> tissnusa dot:srursn isizi-sr to-lj:u inna sy 5 lluu'>itcîl. '11l'hisintlo cauîgbf a rIra> mhccp'îî ta e fi lserS i-îmuiiiil ut f '1liif- 's lufli sihonsl le lugsgued l ifb>-thei' iaresrîrliug. ezese flu eNilor'llit fthe' tocesufthéii' fureliA ('tiaua atra>. If misuht lfdi l. sas sisussu t lnglueut ct'lslfiendioii. T'l' irn.e- tus Lcss ftha mv%,neare tui-ilimultu-t n ucd Ile fuel usuWff yl* Iscu'il-sr. fearer,s cuigli tofu fut i-.%oosuri ri ul,'i>ruard h a ,i- liIt'r or1. 'uîsouî-flue tu-s- tili fmIflac iCi Iitu'li, if w555' c i ur cfictfhe iî' 'Tlansharp tilts'etfs srlllyi> uiiatislt wi cm-urt u tofrimt I.iesuil>lu'fi-lut If Is eurîr trin fte vmuasa u ait t lus->prcisdbns-t-i tute ll-oesu,'ti -sar> ci-tu utrst (d, te er gra lie 'l'he crc' saoniucid iina rs-icirymuenduiesr ot.fi. r-lshrceî Rus. J, - Jorams ansi csiieacy, flic an-i-i-fa-c f i';l'ý Iuuigiuacy 'rt-ssttyternicu, Cluche- aslil. "ibe uira' legs fte çfteir yu, lie nasaî l, O quicer > sîm îiii gel'to 0the gale ,i toite--ritngeo iegai Y'su liavene cns' haf difs-cs-it fBeets hetufe I ouu i ii In ot aheela bhmve diffnrenif umarks uisasurt bcna i riur i-i forbil I bu'tuc' lonute' eta aiseetiinsuea a ed maurk, sia ieaus-îa MlIeSnuaki', liitlughum-s.'sundutss fagin- mark. somnrîiînau tasicht mark And ulegt' fruati, flunjnure n's bluuusvhupeako. Sisu-ftincas a crouoeil ssurk. Thue Lourd ittInj uress bilaui vsm luebiru s andis auk 0cir SBîîeîshs'i fo u aimarkfer tai afue-p. iî r sster ofthLie sfin. if uiiufahles If lma a nulmach -thu' mark utof 't risme.ttstomfi',aud' aeuiii.Aln "Itlc'sau'd are ther flisi ire perseaeutýtforo hfuse coir ssok-i Aln rights'ousnssa' anIe, fer tht-ira in ihe binag- foigue bs han lauirer, If san reach t douao e Ieuen," a rolluntthfias' mmdl:a aruit angue. if I,'îrfhermore. consfier flic ahelfers' luerea flih' solitudeli' 1(1nniauet etfflie patuce grouadu, 'rîe uual ahsphdtuîsluseul grave.-îles' . 1',M. Mîssson, W'aahlng- f0 fako flic shu' leîsunînliem unutaits le ionsIiu'l, the suseer sud direl lithe aleien l tb'<rans ml 'r st the smiter, The shs'a-1i leing eut et do.ra f0 pint sîs u t a1acmîng ae perpefnslly, fbs'lr cool n-a» lefcr titan i npit uth on lrfin iso the;huaIbees hel liatho ot aeseahece te dy ihneh. li Ieaf de. ITERK87)UG AND 1N8'TRUOIVU -4 llecticuai of au BIes-af in Ch&=~0 - -Whoeaome VFe"sifor ?i.uuht'c âtudylng ths criptural I..sUle- tigeuîensd Proflablj. Je... adthe sablists. -uitexr 'leI "'îe Son etfiman il AMX en nrf thei. Bihruufbala;-Matt. 12: &. Thie wk'.srsh sesussu iàtealie feeed, sut 12: -1 :t, unI ifs aubject in '*3s itfis Sabhihui- Tii ]c"Son un est-n larthpr trontIn nou". ct s-isnutsogud'ai place fbana siartisa us ruc'iel iulgiea by tise parailil - s Mark.sfsb2: 2.3-28 snl Lutte 6:141w v inrilu-iiiaifuthfle disciples plUchhsg -a issuthen alabihucland the Isellng of e amre smili fe in'ltbs'u-sd hauul ourreéd trimuthfli tirsftre ofus te s inistry la aliiese, hofuire tshebosngo!f th- twelVs ad the Becusca n ofliceMount. But ti0» - et su thel.-ineidentiarcely affecite ait lthir f-au'hlîg, sansiif mey ho sald tagalia buis la-a-n ici r-csfsimca remarkeul, tisi ut'1 Ive cru- stoifttemtng ua scIenehl's- il atiudy ot the lite et Christ, thse qusel-- n of ilafei nef tbecs' important. Mat- -sa seenîs f0a itredue'the fwe incidenta cre as chic lut the- grocing bostility et t'huurisees. Eaptanatou'y. his et ceiac appenedluttfefissce soc th.- grauin is ripe, ibaf la. ho laf. ringsi -rf; lysuuer, TIse place wsU lien bere niaeu- Capernaun. ".Cosis" tenus et coeiu-cneftulldan s'eun but whist riscus->, '«c have neosecans et kiow-, ig snlaf speuiuufemergency balt kepf fIs. niiples seaflotng ihoîuffend liat ther 'nre u-suuisrainidte traunagrea speefectIW -11 beossi rifle ofthe Pharisees. wisleh rohifoal rufuhing the bushk trotesgrat bbch Snbliath as saseeies etfitors. The l'bnrisccs ldoguted bis stepe for fie c;y ptcpoas'etorspyieg open hisatartinse ôftlseins' cause et ceunplalist. Tbe incidentf in f)nvid'a lite heu-srtiý- Id te a itoud in1 Baun. 21: 1-9, whfl- "c 'Have ;e net reanda lic helsw;" tis.tWo id tbey nef rend in the leu, directio r t he pricats wbich cequired tisem te 40 sus; sorts o!rimanuel miser on tse'babs-- uth ici casuctin witb tIse temple @- Ice, The word "p)rofane" la ussd bUS na techeilcam ense; f bej accu f0 prefsfl- bc Baluiats lucuse hrcahlug tihet*e" eueoacfsetf aits; but le ceality tisey m amnoring flic Sabbathb. brmaklng It u- epalfe fo- thse morahip efthtIe peuple "fIn t bis place la one grenter, tha fi mpl"sTIse feu-ce e!ffthe argumsàtJi )aie If the needs of the temple wot*b naIse if nighf for fthe pries"a te dîmegb he trasiions oethIe Pari'sem a"i 16 orb ocin thb SBabbsth, baie miséore sali the wiedem o!oflie sou or ma.Who s ýgreater fitan the temple, ha aumelsut s set aile thosi' same tradition&a Tise quefaioci la trout Bom. : Ow but i snssighf vivistbtrough many of fhe p. hi-ta, Not enly Hesea but Amas.MsI [sahaib, Js'reuiab. Ezekiet sud otigo penchel thia doctrine, thst reveoh ce werthy;ansel easing te Goil omluwbs.m se; exprest he efferng et humblse s»4 ini-ore bhaurtc; otbenwise fbsiy aresa moé- mcy and an offense. le Niarit thia verse la pceceded liT a ss7i îg ebicli explains it moe' uUy: "The, - Sabbafb cas maeal'for man, and 0nfetU m - nfb.theSablbt: anthaf fISn of uits.PU sn Lorenuenu of tIse BabluatI," Tise peut, bar afppreprialien'sa et tIse tifle Wisle Jeais bereuln uaortfen unes ef binu« sx ihumi trenugluf uont. Tbe Sabbauth Wa istaimheelfor the' gen of tae se al! su for the wuirhi cf ied, Ifs tte oletws. ccct cunnof heofsuta sort fhuit wil mftulat nd craisn anassctrimitj licynni vIsat geint fur iits îles' macîh lma smani better tisaset hsep? '«e mn;eint thie quett. If qi- muan la treestil las mercitully tisa a a hbeep. It showc a ferrible sale of aoclst7.,- Hesrod t he Greiat, who paf f0 desth neur fit hic tociif;asd rieur relatives ene st anoflier uing bis bloentjmileli,USage vmaifealtIse msnerte ou bis oun eulm. TtotIs 'tafusthe- bift'er s'rasuco! Oetavua5. ifu lustuer te hcoeeof licrois's pIg flatt ire'ou bis sens," a pu la Oreuis. lahe te-a ostahalit amroiait n ud. -fIt siuislnef base iusghtereda a pg mcecl eas cent roc; te Jewtibâtis. Teactslug fiut& I Th(e iicteissinorethils- unlay queeaflit nvuiuf a vier; sdunule mtrater if If ld nit gui lrsyoiau tIse Huait. iudiesteil lif Je- ruai To satiaty oui-a» playse'aneecstle ani ta nihuuiafer ta thea'isiscul pndu ef athers mvho ace suffeciusg lus certaily peu-- misuaifsleonu the Lords utsayHandIy shiy. lit neust abject ta eitfiir eote. 0f ceeu-s for th-eluicidu-ufelitu fIscnarrative ie mueat mubisuilute nmdern s-xsmples that carre- Kon1 Fer instance, la If: nlghf forrmes- inrirafe ainsi lunch croins fa keep open sa Siiua;, and for people' te patrie lnu? 'The quesatiou auswers itatl h -cas- ie-e are liueashonflictoua on ct c-iri banc ne hontue. sud ainuit buy thse* w-atisiraones'public place. la If rwgis tur phmb> suiusasluniae s'alla (îthier tiss -niecgti-r catirnallaI oinsuay? This aies etvrai r-n hseIf, for isrff e'opfu'. The usm itii the- su ibhr i-usaitauit baben ta tisar condsit isona longtfinit': the uext day s'ooIS lIrns- sloues'juaf as w-off tebel hlm; but fifin tis Nvrrhistmec';tflic abistsvrais cnaimnîmiiy apnrpiaa-,If eut oolySu». la>- collea cars'tl upen thse slek er dia tr-ma-I tIre tisiet ofsbbfataam io urfî neser usbjant, Bait areininae question la a rery dif. feu-cnt tusie train thnt ofthfle time o! Jeufi. No Jen, us' cf caust ni) r'spectable or scon- ns-inuiit ia Ji'n, suuiteven thinsof net i. litg iviîet ea eigbt *pend tfiscSalihats. suc part etof, ilurecu-estion, Our diffclcty !A, Bu-at. viftIs eause. m-nfet tise people, seccncil. s thIe gre rut enspto>'ers ansItIse suppeaci oeei- fies et btusinsu,bauth of ithch eusrMesc upen the Ssaaday cecI. Thiene questlosI s-an lue settedul u mu.Isua' prnaiple oulp; by tIns'exerciseeto Chrlisan adgmmsL Ir c-cars' tu appeaf te tIse Mos aii l m o liglit. we final htbsviesmet Intevpuet-"ie tensingue fer ocures. Tise ftur«is cern mscdiss'nt, litersltyr lntcnpreted «a digf~ rbsnisceea moiAI fou-bld the muida. le tank the recule on fend thse Ore%, bI ftait]a minua atehup hbI ore à" drive teacsrhumb;weld teehil i Iaoo enrtinietbut flie thlogs necetea" y Àg tain lite aud te carry on unkflwou Wue ait exciaion that f o o thfe It