Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 Mar 1898, p. 4

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dm pgomtomfee a IAIr LieiviIeO as m ouud-ilaas niater. e aN NagOeWB on APPLI- «Scin Butter Market. ~ot b.e£lgin Board Mouîlay BI S7 t Ilj, oi!eriîigs. 108 tubai, J$W* et t i bat price, lbougb biti- i »Joa. Butter Iataet.k, 211e: Ugsw*o, 1hl; saes rep.rteti foîr #e.,MI 01tube. amea .i.passed the bilexteîîîiig boed bin tiiAlas, andt «au. for tha rigbt of way of WqpoM l a lta witboul a division, ou*btbee aim objection froni Mioe sà enators ta privileges WeM b the billa Caîadian rail- bét5pOt of ie Banale civil service Soilce rerornrend tbal ail deputy Nicel of Internai revenue, store- psqm gagailrs and i] dtepîty Mosisaesfotonas abail le removed ~IA elsasiliati services; sudnayb iIa Goverurnulpriutlug Office iýêez lagai, placeti vithin tbe serWvice nd tas ot iom', by béý la lb. olmaiieti service. hm la been lio perceptible lnt thea itualion u Wasington the pam iae esuitndunless Spain 0f nmre overt att, nouelas W" Ummlb. report ol lhe Naval Wtqf Iqnry bas been matie. !MUMal l be tasvtry uncertain. th lb avans tiespatcbes s-, ~eCort axpacts tu corne ta Moa Iisueet. but notbing nNgseba intention lia been ,UIby lb. Navy Delariment or Ma Piosideut, There lias been ni, «P a lb. pravailing sentiment tu «»M dt van aiil Spain bas gaI bOM belore thia busitness eu<ied. 46blvesameni bas lncremaed ils MM Mer informaifon liat iii llead Me me" ansd conviction of the Bd= et the .colored pîstnaNter anti ý ob&as l.e City,a. o., to $l,5h51 mmi mu d ba putsanie tof mie ~ieebie talent Au the t.mploy of ; 94ubme anti if tht. = 1 .9 aiJustice tii 'afrk (initht. Oumwnof mpeaker ie4 ln #Joh ftthlB.ions.e n ittiîig as a ÉMipM ate o l. boie shal 1be t-on- sal. ubjecf mater <f fte q.eoo.aderation, iiitiled over bOghlae01 preredents. bM. Ieeti 'olgroundlv abuseti ior the "hMb hua poliiesi .îpponetus, itIedeiaioiî elilveti îîp la pafliy tiere 18la îîîîhue doula thug il aili faclitale BofitaaaiPubllic t liAiess îy ».e.AndthAe great appropia- m na ravena hAlls ali alwaym ample logitiinste apportîînities lte making ai paRitis peet-ibu. la heb bella f ai ecretry Lotng M-40Mprorineut alicile Ilat fthe qWfhh3' reporteda tl yiîîg if a WooSb#a$nuare largtly the aort of %Sbflaip builiders uiii, ihâve abAt-b tue! ouîl 0 thte U. L. t aar I)rieam. Lo£posilIvely deiiiem tie obsum mt tie fIl . S. as i-on- Omo g seurngoptins .n a miaemSi sesrIbg i i âplions upan any. <Of course, lu knoa, but allie ame .ond Washington ahI lie .urpristi ahu e i hootitig tu fi" the tarm ad iilrlperi sisbove a ninmber (if fîînîîitalle le bili are not nom- muppost.d b ebemg ta Unle Sam. lt Oenea eprcbabiiity cofaar avîbu M. MOaalmen popular iiitureit in a la pmphlet h taria, luit bmen JUIff by tht '.t S. Geologit-ai W b direction of a jont Cou. SituaI raslution. Tuimapamphlet ~sfan, pages of amthentAc Olplive natter reiating to the I 5551.55 ai1 Alasta. îîramtical dowalésfor prospectors andi miners lmps lo! lba Forty Mle anti tht, 4mgnbeold- uing regions, sbîaavng Il o!thIe tîîoau gîld ,, rock..Thcuae 'aba ieire 49"biaphaniplet atînitibtter ri.. An e aritiiig toaia Senatin on Oimsa.lvsafor t, ashîîniy 4011 re beba prmmei. l'bey 'ailhi' guled gratisnly thet4ett.Btit.anid For Cliectan. iMeneb, smnautnce îuynlf aecaniilate IeIrfor Toan 0 f Liberty ville, tlo lbe apprava1 of te voters rW. tL. AiTiti oi. Tas Cieclor's Notice. pUyera0aiTown of Frt'iiit ,îlavil mil stIvaune Mailayi4andi iatuir- 'tuai aeet ulîlil Mardi I.,Asts. For Sais. milrage, auiéout'îd'iiîr. Sry I Bau. MARu PAYE. imatwi 'y uffl.uî rt riy MbsA itier, tha-rm mu situe,5 sea',i bas,' 1,I-fb .every farmer eip<'i'i" s$b i bbrd anti.l,ai odandqnickest reliefaWli illorisCracntF.,sl I <lI aalauii'aatdremu 9ebi Uc aglit I I. hoU pues. ahelsasme esd d.lleAsu& WAà SOVAL AShW 90W5<5 CO.. Nf W Called Home. Tbe jnmber of deauba this aieek 1a an Indicatioîn te tbe Ibougbtfîii Of tbe irailîy ai buman flfe. The dreati reaper bas visiteti us sud calletIram aur inidta aId andi young alike. I7DWaAltO TEAIKNS ECKEIISi)N 4<*SE Dealli came suddeuly te the' above named in the U nion Depot at Chicagoî lent Monda, igbî, Marehl 7, whlie about ta board the train foir Liberty- ville. Wtbout aarninghea mastrieken doavu with paralysiesud dictA n a short tine. The remains wera brougbt ta Libertyvilie Tuemday î'veniug asud nerred iu Lakeida cemetery Thurs day aflernoon. Services aiere fieldA n tbe Union cburcb. 1ev. G.1D. Hetîver officiattng. Mir. Reuver's teit aas -I go unto ni, Fater,' ant ie haidaliA part: ItlAsaet a cristians funeral I oficate to-day .lMr. Casey liait bis lailluga; abo bas nlot? That t wam the dominanat purpose cf bis Ilie te do the Fathers auii amn sure no persan bere present aill dare tti ont. Be aim boru n the Village of Lanesborougb, Mau, November 20, 1823, Froni Ibis place the faiil movedte 10Fowlerville, N. Y. lu 1826, aibere the. decasiseti at the age ai sixteen yaatrsA dentilleti bimuseif aiuib the Cougegational cborcti. October 3, 1854 il was is pivilage ta îuarry Muas» Deborali Peterson sud for niany yearm fbey traveleti lifes pstb'ay togethker. Tbeir union ama blesaed aitb a fariiy of lve chiltiren, ouaeaif iuam dieti aI su aaly age. Immodiately cter their marriage they settled ai Adrain, Mch.- lierm tbey resideti tiAI1861 ant it was here tlîattbeir chAltirén wêre haro. Mir. Caey descemîdot fron1.)ne tif the. olîlext familles n the Unitedi States. 'lietint(sey itîveti frein Englandte h iieýwlîtrt, If I , as carly a 1658 anti lu ail the lgillcauit eveeîla tijat trîîîiupired t)nunr soitlFsonie îieîîber of tht. family larfieîpated i il aaS dtitsinctly a nililary farnly, oîîe <f ls niich iiiiigeiled niembera being a ietîiiin ai lbedeeeauud, Goeral 'Tboa. Cases, ebîîm l'n,-ident Carîlol aif the Frencb Bt.puti cmatie aitcllcer ni the. LegAon of lioliorn lithe alI utfI<64 lin. Caseysuadti us fanAi, movedt o bils ihe reflîlî-uîc t'o utiles îîorlb cf t.îAenlyviIe, aient' they bave Aut-e madeîiî t- i bulte. lAntflic tcio<f Mir. Caâey the i-ionmuuity lîîse ait hobiîiîeti andiArepetl<ti tizeu sadîthfe -uîreu a i lnn suidi lenevotn Suppolirter.- JliRS. MA (Y VON iMRIXEN Mira. Mary Voni lrixeni aas lornlitii GxRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. for the NIJEýP]NDEOIT alo orders for Job piintlng. Cl on ber for rts ~'A4**44*44444Q444**444"'Power44d~ Oeo. Hernean recently dug a avaîl for recommendeti by Congresarnan Posa4 W. Weldner tuat gîves entire osstlfm- ' 'rPtiitèso rylk 4 ee lion. He ,dons a Cnta anti reliable JoîbfoPottitrsaf<ryielauc n that limeeant i bi prIces are ver, 0eet lra Arny Whute.1 reasouable. (lAve him a ricl. Ha 'ilD Mrs. Bebecca Ciiurch. of Chicago. suit you. carne up la Grayalate tu attend the Misa Allie Hughes, Norfok. Va., 'ama funeral of ber brother, Mr. J. S. Shar- frlghlftlly burneti on the face andi nack. Pain aca instantly relieveti by DeWitt'a man, anti remaineti rayeraI days. Wllcli Ratel Salve, whiAcibealedth Ie TeGaoaeBà-eo lbetr iujury witlîcii leaviiig a st-ar. It As TcineaeBchlr lbetr the farnous pie reiitiy. F.BI.Lo'îI7LL, main their friands in tbe M. W A Hall .Libertyville. Friday evening ai progressive auchra, Josieph Brehbas a large apiary. About 1501 invitations aiere isueti Ha uaa8uccesa'athlices. Hemarkteeti lre (Ch" wVghtman, aOf(Chicago, over a tanof iouey frium lait yeares ctîp and ti cliii ba suppîr of bath ex' aWho bas been Ail the pant six aaata, tracleti anti cornu oney uhicliha esella but is Dow Convalescent, accompanieti at very reasonable prit-est'a, '« eigbt__________________ cents a îound. 10<1 tanutiepantiou geling aluire artilittIf yaîî Amy of*je .9 PICK UPS jelje Five yatinîg ladies, Misses ChristieAn eterprlsluig laaia farmner 'arole lirt'hn, Lit-t-e eiier, Mary LisI, la btie seeti <epairtmet eta Waaington Lit-rie andl Christine Schiiîitl.gaI up a loulp veu ar at!andilbock le"îof blair for stîme lobacca seeti.lie nfrmeti gentlemen frien<teout ftr a mligliride tht- aecretary taI lie wanledth Ie Siînday evt-iing ta Jot'Stalie. ailera .liablle AI- bra&nl, bul fiaI bis second tiîey iAuîgetil iiioiîiyaile gagliestil l<Ae-as"Cîa' iiifleywr afler inAtl<iglîl befî<re tarting lat'thiewx ,lia"aidI hywr anditA r-iriî i«g h' yîîiîg flelîî 'ai. I out <if1 lii iii tii at-iIliii i 'îtîle tlieir atytral homtes. I'imAt." APTAKISIC. Mrui.Lt'iklinioiîsvî'ryliîî' 'a, lOi lîîg A unuali alioreeisitlyrtimoetifroni f-vin. SKlondikessoya mshe recelve i Aitly allers titi. lPiiistir ar ieii iboulei-but i1),il11àiofmarriage iefiire ie was fty miles his niney - iuthe Yukoni. ille uaileti lisue Bru. A-ill,y tîîîîk auritn<î i'(:ii'agu eaciietitie usines and înarrled a man anîd PîliuîaiîlaNt , 'k. aiic aas uannlng out $rA5l,IIIHI a mnth. Misa Neitia Wolf. <f liAîîg , bua 1 'at-ets vaeatii aut îîîîîî. , Deeining a score of pniqusoals a day lira. Washinig watt lîînont. i ah<a iiit lue giOost au tryiîîg ài4 bhe suirprise party hîîîc îVt-iliigItuat-cte. Iliitsiiiiilte.4iii Alaskat. 'ie misstes lita und Lla iiiMerz. <f... of tir sAter lita. lelil. As reqiiuA Ay th iiiîî-' a w the, foi- A (lui iliug bee waax hi-Id Wed eîInt'î i Ilîmiîg îiaYaKart- tînt-4îouî aicblilagB MinsaMary l-ers'liîirgei. Tueo even- r ulîL iii. e( ,i h pbi Aîîg aas up,rt ii rani liayluîg aa l tc 1b iin8:le i l aepuler Inu«v ---MbdbAdis i t t:îa fe w erigrhode. Priussa, Jaîîuary 21,1827 IClias. ltiiiphaR faiuiv, fcf taîiîiî aîii detilu Alirlyill Macu , p~Laki', utlît Mailia! t Jîîbn leyersM. sait did l Liertvile Mtch7, M4.-y aili sîi«ii titfin tueir iîewiboîue Di-teaieti mas marniedtutiilltigo N'onin 1<Miinesota. liixeli <ctober 12 1951 ant ixmii. Mtr. andi Mrs. Waaclîiiiig. lir. a'idl ehldtrt-i< llesacdtheir uniîon, fourof îi rti. Mat. Witkesni'.%Inrasuit Sri. mijota survive ber lins. Aogust Wîrtz, Mil- Wckernh,-îiii tout klr. and M Bru of t'remooit,lira. WiVn. Sage,.îf Gagea Mî'ybu8t-fîat B filal iilnAt i, JohîlBrtnt:, îf Liiiertyviile atiîL a eecit iiîayo-i-irreil lie Atioipii lAixin. îof iirnt'e. n cariy aeiding orf Mr. fiergiîiinî, îf Lake' flaie ue mmd tilt-!lGermait Luliieran Zurich, t isils Enurna Irstiiiarger. elt-îrt-ii sd lhas slwayu liveti a cou-.I of Lonîg (rov'. tMr, anti Mrs. Mite W ittrsht.iiiî asut Mr. Rersi.iîu)erger, xisleîît dbnêtianIle. Fliiierah servitt-sof Ibis l'lace. ' aiîînîlîg flicweiitiug 'acre bllit 'edaiîeKuay filithe IUnion gli-atii, îeingîa <<iit andîîlil ti.s i if lue etiîirt.-l, 1ev. Juin Lee itislîgas Iis teat lîridi'. the thi verne- îf thie 9thii 5uim"Lord, miate me ta tîîîîa mll'uendanti the Notice O1 Final Settlement. iucasire aiuîy lys. Iluternient aa S TATE OFil iIANO18. LAKE il>lNTY In îaite.ic i irit tiurt. lit Litteaide ceineleny . lie u î "fit rt Ih -i tat.- T .taiii i uff). %ls UNIh liC iiimOl. TI Jametoo-,Irui.. .Diaiiliuuii. iia Iluontq iirtiuilo.Ptr lliiotly. Au aid an respet-teti remitieîît IlLate e S-ut-Ituai- hiosanna i Ioio,'tJohnî Couty alsei a ah i ber boule near lonyMry 14iit-u. Âlite Mtmi. aii d aggii Counîypaucet aas-y Moccliicrfrci-rie Mauaglt.Iooî-îrlo4mira Gages Lakte Mardi . Iluie tialiti f liii, of idl a<iia iff., dioiei Iandtiiseh if joiiiarmht-relu "notilteul lins. Wm. McGragir thua commnity liai the indersjiiîet. Thioma Diifcv Ex- iu abIcb site resitiati]oues au uruturo ut fui- asth 'aiiiandiîi tuhalu'it dlii James-iuDufev, limuosea,.11,ahiontilt. foartl esteemai anti l.Ï,:~Apil tA.1i.l. asat thetom,î'rof iii aâemd n orlby reaidant k n the ft rnooii of aaiuiiay onruas coOn Decaisati mas ixty-lbree yaaru of age thi-roiftir ao tue umunie muthe itarutlit th.- Coîtt. Lake Corani prli t'toit] Boue i aînd tlava sîîa.James, of Liberty ville anti Cort ltslmianit.orf namct roiiti ou as wpui Exoî-,tor andîiamilie,ti havi- tiî- 'aieni William, iii Seattle, WasBI., anit iieta îti apltît. 1it lii.ilihArgi-[in u Balitr ru. Nellie Cola, of Bî'nton uh îîr îAîtîî it ,r. daugblen, . Mil bIlat. nf iruiiarv AD1. tuai Intermant uas Au the. Milihli1rIt Ttýrt helý iiosmDunna. ceinelery. Eaie.iitun fyte iaa avii titettniî-l f Hiarold, the nfant sounîoflMr anti lira. Frnkî Fry, aiha reelda un thie Albert ltaîiIes, place ael ofi ban, tiet liarch i. l.iAe 'amiboru Ccl ý17, 1894 1ev. John Lee' preachei tba uerai sermon, lennent An Lakeitia cane- lery Tuectiay Mardi S. He seileti for itexoitba 141h verse of the 101h chapler of Mark:. "Sufer the little <hiidren t camne iIo nie anti forbiti tiiem ual for sut-h lnthe Kiiiginu of Heave.i - Card af ThanOea. We aialu li expresaur hîurtfeit graîbit et t" uir frleîîti 'hi no0 tiîîtly asisteil us duing aurtiureavenie,t cod the uti rial ioi îir son I van. Miti. anti Buis WE. Laoimi I romu hiiover thic tmàiitry, liane cu)rtis-if praimie fur Ciiinai tuîîîgh lteîot.tiy. liealAia a iinpit- lu-her iroîu Mr#. C. Nhep, of Litie iiiwt, A rk. "i. assauffiinug fribiiu a vt'ry a-vert- <'it, 'aen i1nmai of tht. eiues Ibat Ibai lmbai- !ft--t-i iy iiiiiratsCiiugii ltmed.iy. 1I-<'un viîîîhî'îAlu ogi veo ila trialint aiettriiig- iy îraa'îîed a luutle. Il gavu' iii. uronlil relierf, anti 1 have liila-il remaaiii for veny ighiv. aui-h f1i, ithhplesare.- For a«W< by F. A W vELILibetyville. J.i. BiltAt <us. blurmeaL. H. Lnrca<vuut-un. Roctefeller. LAKE COUNTY BANK .... Wright. Parkhurst & c. LibertyviU*llilnos.. Issues Interest-Bearling Certificates Payable on Demand. 'liitgiviiig day, lVer. 17, aiiîivermary tif Wbhiti.iirli; Di-i. 22, Fore. jtflers' day; t'eti. 12, oiilt-sr f Licolli't birtiî: Fil. 22, aii<iivt.r&ary of ~Visbigfti<a iib: 1<. '27, Lîog- fellîîai tay; Ariiîr day, litniîîril uiay; J tiîe 14, Flag day3; i'lîîtilg day oif ea" tern; duy-ion iii vlli pecial <-xtrt'ises are~ beldi i1iitv4, iii dracîrîay, anti 011,cr îlay. t lfiiigiiat-îl Iy îrîiipaiiiiof tiirt. are a fî'w testimîînials tuaI Ipat- ent Mediic-inîe ieîîtitu is- 'I.ihave lien niîait iiwaik aliahuf i-rtithea for niany yeilriibot aller timiing your uini- tuennt 1 rau for (fllre. '-, ltout nay eye. sigit fieir yt.ariiugi. I1Oit.tiaBbott. cof eye-'auh andîîlI saai scd.' '-I bave bee Init) bever -inide 1 wuam marrieti, tbut the. day aftecr timinîg yîîir remetiy 1 buatspaciîg likeneas lîmkeiî uI the pikotographer'i.. " SenteUie ago t lent the lise of bolli arma.s.thortly aiter buyluig a box of your pilla 1 struck a tmai, for heu itoilarsj.'"I-lbava ieeu tieaf for many yeans but siter nsing your îî I eard that My aunl bcd tieti and Ilttnie len fhiaucant dollars. Nol the leal obuoxions persans lu the w<rlti are thace Who ara Coubtan tîy Iiauutaug belote themr friands tiîe fact that liey are ual apprecialeti. Bîîran nsture le Dot un barren nîmr s0 uhorhaig bled as niaItb appraciale virluas, îîaitier ln At blint lanuits. lteai peuple limera arc abo do not receive tii. conrbeaies, 'ftelove andîtrespect 'auichinAsdue themu. Auit verbearAng, seltish dispoA. hiu As poorly calcimiattita causae1the bniman heur antnt.dremponsive ailS love sud admiratiuo. . A peranu aose fnientiabip tsaanltli hsaing eau alays I<e Aiiti<it-t irespect, bt so aldanti <tniven i tl. Wbeîî y<îîu ear a persanî iton't let yiii ln upsîiiy 1 IIible tari fre.-ly outil imînhm.r iiivi".tigitiiii Correspondants Wantcti. 'llie laDipi-tENi),T desirea a rehiable corresmpuiàd-il it cv.rytunnunity An Lake (County nul huai repraeeîlem An lis eciîînî. ittaniueti <uvellos ufor lis litue iii tding lA hilemis, a i'îpy ai tic pilper, ailîl fîii<unsttionsavili ha flirumilàetl lit- at-h authl,înreîi t'hîrre- p iondeaîl ntiagent. 'l'lie iada i bbc INOEPItNDENT aili Confer a faVuun iy deaigtntiig nme persan An iheir coii mnnily ta report the neais aeetly, or sM O ol m atslon requires. GU RNEE. Arad Cbandler w~as An ChîcagaonO busines staTuesday. L . W. Wakefield as i A- Mwmnkee Marci 7, a gIrT, aitiglîf. cght poîmutis. INIri. HîîlclîiaoI, t Wereutoii irtuve, vi.e elaiîtive i -Iîî,iîi îîîdayafler- lira. iluî,rY <mn,, ilfMilwaiikee Tvultîtucitt W. W. Ap1leard's lasI Tuesday. the ftilleraliforAliraul iFuller 'as beiti hit Fi day îiîrnhilig ntthe Mlisa Amelîl W tîi'tnefl wut ta (bicgi>tluîila avAt-r. l i ai spend a few at-eki. aitli relatives. ira. 'T. C. Frelleil eotertaiîîtd iber daîîgbler Mymi. à. DeMttîi, of WVcîs- wortiî ltelinat part tif tiaecl. blrs. (i.eîrgm Heathi, if St. P'aul, vusited lber grandiulîtiii', Mn,. Il. J. flouse aud other re.latives hiirc Natir- day anîd Sîlioîl<y. The W. C. T. V. ccîîlest for nei memlicralip clî,sed lthis 'week 'lliîrs. day. Abjout tirt l îîw î îliitrn wert. atideul. Aruolg thoins 'are several gentleiîieii as bon0rary ît.îluberg. The Horne Foru'm leuîit I Irder An Iîeiug orgaîîized here. Tisin A a male inurane aaciety for mnjandtiwoueu sud particulara îîîaY le leariieti of W. W. Ap}leyard or Dr. Yolnng. N1îeî'al luduvîemt.its 10 charter meînbers. BUÜFFALO GROVE. Joseph lireiîn and Brn. NMrgarel %Vciduer viaileti their ai-k dater. lIrs. Kate Lunzî, ah Elgin,. Naturîlay. Between the. show drAfts andi the moti the roada arte in horrible ciînîihion. itla Asneitler aibeeliîîg nor alcighiug. Miss Mary Leist bas fîîily recîîvered frolîl tbat famous aleigliride sud As readyti ta lke atiother trip 'teu fictu riglit party coinearomuti. Peter Beyer la candidate for ammehsor. The eataide of thetownlof i iWleeling bas beid the offie for the pasl tweuly years and îîaw the west aide afs a shoîw. ORAYSLAKE SOCIETIES. 18N SBIU N Lodge No. lie A. P. & A. M. bold i e vr mmunlationà tMatrdaf evening ou o ,bereful moon. RAOUMI K. MAUDY, I.Wtt. J. J. LoNOABAUGU. SeceY S CROttIS ha ter, No. l3W Order PEgtern Star miit irait and thlrti Tu.aday eveng uns. E. B ii4IImAN ,W.. Mita. A. M. WHITI: Se.WY G BAYSLAKE Camp Ne. laitM. W. A. meet 90.fonil andl fo,îrtl, iatturtay evefinsis of eaeh îumonth. GEOROR BKAPPLE. V. C. JOHN CMINTIAN. ClerI. C OURT <OF RONC meting st andBolirdl Sat irilitys f eewh ionti. B. B. SEMN .C DB. E. V. IIAavzy. W. IL. M IZPAII Camp No. 255l.N.A.nieet aeclond and fdourfh'Tuestiaiev.,ningîieach onth MiMIINELLIX WH£ZlýOîK. tirad-e. MMit. MARI (0. MOMBILL. "ec. IONOREGATIONAL Cbîîroh Stinday se. %vWslesioa.rm. ad 7:30 p.. Pma>er mt- Ins Wetnesday eveninge. Y. P.N.a.. Lmeet Bunday ievenings ut &:ta p.. n. abliatb Nchool 11.10 a.n. Orayslake Vllague Offloors. Presdit....................... E. B. Blerinan SF. C. Wilbur. 0. Barron. Trt,.,a -sF. D.Batteruhal< J.WAuk. ii0'. liobarlaon. (7. B. Harvey. Trasurer....................... .Neville Pollue Magiet rae........ ......... C. nors Maîi-l............... ...... A. MeMllen CI.rk .................... Dr E' shafer. Mr. andi Mrs. Eîîgene Heuttea aent f0, Chicago wedrieaday morning to b. goue a wt.ek. Thê'y bave matny rela. tives there Misa Annabel Witniorc bas been THE GAME 0F MIS LIFE. @heaise O~a Vmaryl iea et 0.19 ase Plays WeU er- ILi On tbbclinks ai tbe Ialandi Golf club nt Garden City. N. Y.. twa mmn crt bmving a bot Uane, willi aucceesahont aveu. Tbcy acre gooti friends sud coin- plimtcd cbilioter ou Ibeir goo" shots sud loteth b e "amy miter a toozle. Jmst ma bbe younger une atppeti milan lbe tas la drive off ifir thc atxtb ibole a vsymager cart cme apianing up bbc rondti Iat crussei lb, links nemi that tee. A atnnnins young 'uaonia im driving. She pulleti np sbarpiy near the tec sud cailetilomit tu thc man about ho drive: -U&eorge, tsar, aan'b you coma boni. muwai suot deayiinbean?" Thse man straigistoeti p aibb su air ai digneIntahebcinterruption sud ne. piieti: "Nolsnoa. rn piayiug 1h.gaineo! ni, lite. ' *"I aisb you'd colmedm mois d. *'Nuoalut ow, "h. auarei. -"l'm playingt too weîl. 1 aiauldn'b quit thia fer 40 lunimeu. l'in baaklgayroc- anti b, tua stortes."1 "Wall, V~U drive up sud doan bore sud aait for yon. " @he mut. r As &hc starteti off George, douxar. md r g cantinue bbc gane of bilie.lHe shicet i&isdrive sud tout th. ballluAnthe! biaokberry bobes Au thse ravine Nea1 droppeti a new alansd tout oua sirote. Thaju hoebpped bbc bail an tbe nibliet: obot oni oi thse ahir sud didm'b gain bbre.tes. li'naly ha gah onb ails fseveuan sd aimabvnkered Antube romd tisaIcramiethe fieldi. Tbare ha toltlava mo ura tran sd the rngIofi bis lmper. Fiualiy b. gah oui of the bunker sud 'aitb a beanbitul lie uset i&i brsaey for 0a ibrea-quarters iran sund overmbot tic bol@ by 50 yards Autou tceball grasa Tbere tbe hallawu loeb. Tan minutsInter th.eaiwagger carl wuas pinning down bbc road ah tbc top 'f peeti af bbc borne, thse stunniug yng e'aarnu itting ver, erect sud statu- ca eque asudtriving aibb superi akill. lu 1lte bock af tb. cari, aiutb bi beau dan- gling sud brandiabing taia golf clubs. Mst George, tear. Th.e gaine of bis lii.amalover-Newi York Sun.r '*biser," mAd Meaudering Mike. aicuit yon like ta bave ail the nîaney yon usuteti?" 1"Of course I1aiald. " aas the naturel reply. ~~Weil, tien, 1 bAn apprasci you os Mau taO mnlasutell you Me aain ielint.. ives a gondidem]. la ho able ta pent ou tympatby su co-aparslon n ativana. AUl the maney 1I us fuir the preccut As 10 conta, abicb i soebin you canit bep me ta aithaut mmm. "-Waab. ingson Star. A Was's tWar. "Fari, Conte for a S.iegrsia Plea-," m»thlb. entAs'a attendant. <'Ticra" puali sand reati tiWdacumum,tistab's fraonanc aifni pa%ûtiembre sking su appointrntii>anti sic nmas me pay for lb. telegrai Woulti su, cone5btsàaoman do Ibai? Tisat goc o n ber bil. "-New vYork Tme.. _____ t lasnul su unoammnn lngaccoard- ngio a ravaier n Ruasia b muet a hrtaoaa. wor axanin u crtain parts 0i tiaitcounry aearig bina glosas@ ho cnteraci lb.effects caumetib, tise r.- Élection ofathebbc in alnter lie. Ausralielas le Ames as large as the United Klusioni, là as arge mi Francs uid aimnt @ quaigothbbcUnited State. information Wanled. The smtminlstrmlo or tf letale of John Hors. deeaietl. d0isirtieInforma- tion mta tbe aherabonte ai Fretieiet Hors, son oa idAideeaat. lAst knaaiu or sean a!fbuima aI ft inie ai tiebuilding ai tia Wiconsin Central railway Irangis Labe cont. in- formation aboulA bo addreameil ta chsu. tempé4 1LS, a Grove,l. 47-4 6 lbs good Prunes..................... 25c 9 bars Lenox soap...................... 25c 4 lbs bulkstarch .......-........ ........l10c A good Tubular lantern ............. .. 35c Lantern Globes ......................... 04c Ail aur 50 cent underwear ............. 35c Carpet warp colored per lb............. 17c ' 'white ... ... .. ... . l5 C -zýýNO OODS CHARGED,-milà,o Grayslake Cash Store. Grayslake, - - - - Illinois. A Plain Tale..wI:ý The foliowing prices speak for themselves. Gai good table syrup ....I......... 20C 31b can pears ................. qc 3 ca.ns early June pears ..........25C Can spiced sardines .............. 02C 2 lbs prunes .......... .. ......07c 15 bars good laundry soap ........25c Bottie parlor pride Stove polish .......0e Oranges, per doz . . ......... ... loc 1 lb good mixed Icandy............. 05C Lot of $1.00 7 5c and 50c corsets ..... 29c' Cotton bed blankets per pair*......... 35c Ail our 50c underwear each ....... 35c Lot of Linen and celluloid collars each 05c New Star F. H. KUEBKER, e. Grayslake, Illinois. A Full and Complet e Line -k, 0r F . - Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverwae, Diamonds Always on hand. Repairing of ail kinds neatly and promptly done. YOU WILL FIND MY PRICES RICHT. Anything you want. If not in stack wiII get it within 24 hours. E. B. Sherman's, GRAYSLAKE, W. H. APPLEY, .AUCTIONEER.. j Libertyville, ilinols. limving bail mu41% expelienU lu AilO- tioneerIng tamibthe tonee ars, 1lam peimed to attnsleeslangany part 01 Lake ad djoining counnUes at veaFLow Bates. batiafacion Oumi. auto@&ed.lve me saC04U. I LLINOIS. LIBERTYVJLLE MARKET. Correetetlit. tht- Mort-hants every Thuirsday Buttor-Cýrétiuîcry ....-. .....s lm n t . BîtA 1-),I ,Diri .. .. 12 Nf le Corn. . r .... 17i e in oat.4.-plry..-i i 22ai ll,an.-Uar ti. p..... . . - 120:e 12 fin (Jdrî. I'riig. a., t.'.11 .....1 . lu)<(4 13n lCoi îrn oi p. o . .. , 120 5 (q non vu 11-iîg. i j...,j45 lau ans IIiMi I, trt, I'14J I . 4 î5 (4 aiO ilîgo,1crlii li i a a le Ila1 , k.lîi, c ii,, o<~a WelI Digging. l-Iaviiig lîadiyeutrs xelieionj thie Well DI)ggiuîg ,usiesm. 1 amn prepareil ta do this work au short I bave a feu oboice Poiaud Chbina noie Write me for rates sudi itomr ai SepielOben farrowtîatal1 aili seiliressoumbia Ai laken scuin. eoiite Tbey are large groali! fli.i'as of the HOMER FELTON, cholonee bremug. C. 0. BM LLbertyvllle, - Illinois a <o Fi Lii 1 Wil ne wi Li ~pi< f {be ae ou ex j u( 1, Scbooi opened Mouday alter a two weeks vacation. As 14Mm limbe ais ter l Astliivery bai and %ho conse- queutly unable to corne, the directora proeured the services@of Mise Lydia Snmith, of Liberddylle, to tescb until such lime as Misa IMinto eau take ber own place ln the sebool roono. liemorial services tn bonor of!Misa Frances E. Wiliard were heid tunthe Conigregational churchlutmmlSunday evening. Bey. Fredeuhagen presched the sermon, wbicb as very gooti. The cburch was beantifnly, dettorated for the accosion b, the ladies of the W. C. T. U. A large number of people were in mttendance. The village board conld not bave a meeting ltmailonday evenling, a quorum not being pyemant. owing ta the absence af Meuars. Wiiber, Ballrer shail and wicks; consequeutly, there being eo mucli business t0 be doue, a apecial meeting ai lbe calleti Wed- uesday eveniug. March 16, sbicb ail membera of tbe board are refluestei 1 goattend. ber motber lo ber borne lu ilainenville lmat liaday. lire. Fen'l on lbadtbien crimg for ber daugbter lu Chicago. Mr@. A. J. Leonard. of Elgini, wum bere visiting olti frientisanti naigliborn Ibis week. White bere abe atbeudeti the yemrly meeting of the Ladies Alti Soiety of abich abe bail been the honoreti preident before abe leoibere 1ai nm mer. Mr. audlire, lien iieîdee andi daugh- ter, of Mumner, Ioa, abo bave beau viaiting friands andl relatives boeansd n Waukegan inoo efiore Christmias, book the 11:40i train Tuamd&ly for Chii- cago. wbera tbay ahIlapenil a aeek or lau before tbey returu to their bome. lir. sud lMra. Orlando Richardson enterbainati about fort, of tler frienda at à euohre parti 1aI ;week Thuraday eveniug. At nidoiglit dellgbtlul re- freahrnents vare served, afier ablcb dancing wasma ndulgat In for saveral hourisud nveryane aient horne happy.

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