<'fAMP It Xi î(Coumtinied.) ulhat darliog? Ilos, euuht uiuyooe. seur- Thi' u'uîui of ti'it-uîl' si-a. îîrccsu'biuai f roinuulel luy suet hIli'ings, wlth sucl a aurul lliiy soî'nc i'is l. 1i ibeu'r éutchî c-bll, auuî'b a ILalcaicci, sîuit ta quit thî'm rui ula whtuî,r ais ui li ia' nure cliht fia tr a utc sîmcbh as 1i)uu Plulm in L.oucdontu n'rebto gui cut lic [ uy unté ouu nl liole.uu a hi'arthe.a. su'hfish, 'Iluslatiig? 11.'ii at word luuaisit) a cirIn u'icur for bacth cuhl comîlenucale fuir lIrunie joyer, Fuir hum Dow. wOs tîî.uî i lcurlccs'.mi'n<a si ire decicleul cpsrtla utvas utferl>' ineiumpr-heulibli Ici IbY a lit fir frccuti n.s. 1Ellu'iuini- : , lier. Tom îtefeulu'c la'it* -iu sIe "Il>' lavi- num 1lco iav anubtcus momo uog %vos Yonnue anil téa'utul sîcl] fondcîli't res'uis il o r rit a et cfl o lc ucf pcor Tom tuhu-aso re; w'lut muîure icato rat ialli t tn ilii- Nisnil, uft <>îhuîît fenur. 'l mbock bas abouthit likre tu gi lnu scciety ! Biiuu', liePse n terrible' ta poser Sir Tihomes tiat il iras -'hiei' bisr muthers. doirIu . haill il la feard ie Iill oncut reeiurer from it, peuuadeit hiem. Btut Agit(-»' osorcis c'en lie bas fallet) Itti a naier' o! aguaiby from isinhy latalls'ien in a tenuder sîcuit. c seh nctiig sauu rouse Ilitn. naal any "lut for bathf art yetu i Ui asny sulc day bc mras utc. 1*'î,cîur fhi' circumaetaoi'es, lu-avu tieat larhlue!" crut-ci .Agies, %ile lu ruail briîilie ci- n t hiir, (lie voirî Dit ihin <rar Ji.i lier 'ye. *'iii iuîiu ie bu dci c a. !'uiu oîîglîf ftu reuiru lui Fiugland? iPocuur meizc'd secth convo biîcimî, or scîmîth uug ore Tom leui's t-,c liant.' girls, sudc i hâts Il ti apî,'uu ta hein*! Su'mnauîfxar nu, uîs ssue.riaii'l d tîuu u ulr. s icu .»%'xiti.t cf ut any unie iria eueg'c' an taper %'u)i c. cil. i ks)fcus -M -lVin' 11îuîîc'lî ")h," salut Tcîm, luit us îluuuî la fielu, uit fiur piour M r.ý Nîc il. 1 tiuk cat ou hiil alteruna nt fiur nmords, "I chl a,( Illu brt' mocnt si'te fui lier; cf i-cuirai' if In mther a deli ofithé <l iiiie. on5fe i,sOificuf fuir yoleîu huier 1 .a taire' yole ",hIif' %%il] plut ltf cccii. Sue si flot cuihll.h the jillir th1c, tralait uont ho sêtat u i,'uiiiNi wiiiuif iyolI. 1 Wcoder if allie tu ru'iei jodie art ),,lin rettirn.Ouilioui uhc.uu tict icii'iul iher lccun 'Iceaulul ta us lu !é cufu ptu a'oaris du'ii- il, ss 1 thiuuk foung 'le- s ent5 aurgui fu lirelicga!" pleurale are t' t e t tu ati n li-m 1l9 juter et ".1 liih ei ill ic tu'li bien taillei : a.lie tirait. lus-e m>u buuuîlu't locve ta dean Jani', la Mîusireniions ucci tu lie paertuil ftruî trai hietevle nie a. bi" "Yoar âffèù<I.nie incube "<ut Il %volatilli m ona tell bàr ien L'fET FL.S Ef " fi) Loiictiu lierre, 500 kiiiaslie bu ha bc 'lie neosn cmu'ica Torud the' lepeal cuie' fioerimt auit fruit ynîur osen cicsr, sund I rern,. No thougbî of tlue 4acuefit lîkuily bami' beard riant huudruidman sotbfouNcîîa. te acreri Io hiuaself frouae the mistor' u lilien' die In Iuuuilou or typboiul teeir t'ue ut lislakinstoîl enîerî'd bis brainun a fronît imîpure îuilk." lue "ead the leuter: at lie tehi wss huer To'um. ccul> tucu rends to taki aileron, vo.' mourews. Andl Jane, tireu relateront bareel jeut tui biuuiArlt tuaI, wntaenu'm iusîîcu'c. ureatsre in the inahl, iuit fuir puus out tbst pneu iotiis lfeé sboîuld luit ho eudanger- the ponrierae oi'ni es nho..t anguish cd hY a vislit tii tbe metropotia. tabs se noe fuIs taide tc, compreheuil. "-One tlîing." ail Agnea, snith teIrvor, WahAti cunhil fhu'y do fir lier'? 'I'ey laid "I ahi gu i, te1 the liait ëeey las to tiiler brides tugeehier seul stasde ail morts seca the ilsnisi, and 1 lan't tblnk ans' of plans b>' wblch ultlmsuely hier grieft <ing selI es-ipMr ntyý tsuppose, W" lt. lie lighe., oral atteu.i hotucs heaitatag, "4JUae seul not cîcuaider me toc, ,bas. thty rtere lier tlue kinàlesî letler omlettus, seiti she?* that iseo ayntpaihiziug youg haeas coulil "OMI<uiou!" rephicil Tom, bcsnihy, a devise Ill ho, trenteniouualy gmateful f0 yîîu Abdlisus thes reinseed their steps abri7y "Anil sud nbeu accu are in foses. shahi hormaetu-ard, 11, l'aris <biy receineil the 1 irrite you ralasuf lit?* h <ould ftl >u Relis of Sir 'Thualau' dosait. athoosasil pariculiera shbot sour dsarluug The reJoiiinga seud honora tbat benil ihat aervsntu seuild nuit aluiek of o'nutung. beau h'lauuuu-i fuir rit. yoiig cupies nre- Andl so'itiug uà usîsîrali> n greaf effort lic tumus wëre, J'Y 'Tuour la especii rostueut. ' theui." fuuegnî', Ie ipartiM t ai 00.fur<h Iili sou!" rrueul Tom. 'TIat secli 4i N'sorth. tii attenud Sir 'Thuoas Zevilawfuiý la.ftilly giaui ot ycî." fierai, sud <lune rc'ail .11ihé e uauug suan " shrah rit, lu, >ui, tiiu'uled-1I ,gcu'a, c l h rit ie mîughuî, po i'r'inue as tiu-. ir a tua' Voire. 'hoptpoisé. jeani cjil ort nt hoisg oan-i,'luf Il- r tînt. rend, luki ' mueid. '1<.. are coqauli. sca kulîso ail tenider, tfantasia wnel hî,î u lcave, all.I' tarmututeit tieuit us cti forr fuior hii. uafe' ub I IY, sold tarot.- bien flcur sh,'cf lut puiser JaneFEI b. uf un IiicsVyla. cc 'Sueirasd îuinuuîisl lu; estin'usiiiiia ut .- 'on u le.uu bofut il'lit fint uuak'i. r- si-r> c tenout; o i'îuîgfttac i'1'Imuitty if- feut a oluus of m-eu'ut Irrtai t5uuiua < othuullîr t but.l <c ciel', îlî oSsifiai 'Tom fuir futr:'i b aîlf ,py uséii r.eaveslY aswti <ctuu'a reu'u'uîcu..n lin Tom' su afil. ...c-' .sa ecil luun . hiall lies-n nehona Jolenui xic rtl-,Jt ahluiicg *Il- #41 tiiitinti'ablsit il.- <imli>. licjtil ul drema-il a. "mii laI> -. slii hi-ang biun ah'bnomtli-iucllciiauai.utcfi slelSir Thuuucs. cula.' bord lentî I'-iithOOiiu te li>in ré raluth of tf lhiîa'u lurst- h.wioihi u af us . rui Auc n u - -o ug aiar, at,*iiuci'Tht i thia. u<cuu as Lc' ar. y cI fil Ilnu 'asi' i ii t * .cclcî o s iuaîî>. tî 'cî T utts li si u l e u u c i lc ' ' ' I ic-cc o u n î n i c t u ' f a - u 'it iflir n , ru l id hal %[e b s -sl s ' lil "m laI . agns' laiflah-tu', nl lt h fr liho Tl'e 'Ilîs n.îcc ic aucîl Sm t'hicro Tul c urs' d f Icu r ic ua 's nutudoli iscuci ,uî h.uteXcich 'r' s îaîc.s a auuî'cîcur,' u-'î ai-ile Flai fi sîi-hou) ucud s cunera in a a br ut . J le:.n, . o1 stiu l t lihiki- aIlc cir uitaie litse i n ce tar ea ht . t r i, jeuh h uc -- ua o j ucc i grés' îîlich u il , i s -iraslu f r i'ii.iti teuuIt ii.'uth tuifd sun ren Ni, '['leIulu . i ir aiet diiit ' t aI Ilc rend auyaNuIi- iucg a chapguis hitrgine cilies ne aditedi; f luit- b' brt h-a hot- ,,r'ai a1 laîui f uiy hxlki. otie qIuter efi binckI itlk nhcu'ig ditr nt le,, .,a.,elay huîuuafuie. sut' fi- netu. sîgbt la ,haciicha. sule auil.' ,roaui etl un.I Il th bear hîcuunu-a irit Nuias maty)gn,(oalh u b , c'fuut iu'fis t ed flcali; a, lu n n wun in'mi ig .Yrt. hi'uuau- muid goaasc 0te bu-rle su'c'nalyru nj y antu bli aie-t h as fil'luuté) itai fo'rci-leii- flu h fll kcr '[hma oing IitSeci aitlu'd rangl sthail i <li' uîuîuîîuu' uuuitir sih tadu l il ftu' n>'. s n llt ttc.'> oîu' oftlo thjriein ou a m lue huionsiedth diiuiiui,' rlm "ut hriî t lu e b" maslul u ,11t 1 F.hI'swiui a ul Nie. buteuuuî'cs ae tau. uice ieer bailin mi fi- ti aI uuucucth eut tîca fui,,ve îîîuîîo b hpy an svié i-t bu gi.,aI i diii "ci hu hate. i'rulma i s-et ae aol 'I on . andî il d ba il hi"idc uunucg stuc rngan uthé neos mad liii unît laveli usy. asseiieig abt. c'cuoîc fu i a i li' u.uîu ito laya fuirle ' ('c liiil îîolit u bont lue ici iisi et. tîc l'%rt Elef nr aoug icliiI. i n> iivuu maifn. ucuii shas te rrr uit 'ril'cîu ibatî tbccccchx ed leult ué nullafo tin mlei- haluîtl iv he nlie t cîrfu i licou nso- hI na. 'l'nu-s lwîî o h cdh-re tac.ii iu hc>a tiire tuh n elhdrus( tlcsi, ofrei aeut geI, Ouni i tcht'l, sit Ia t, l'a n U ,y ron i ul trucs sl1m huarci u Il,îr a, futbr uide o icccitu' fuir Tuahu"s a llt mou il Sîu reastt toilu'v lcr.'sîca pecild thaveii'ti ,hiutu nuir hîabti euranli ot tietDgt- lite vssulic tu,.luîicr ahaîhc gurai. tii d tlier .,il asitli Eîîto bu tîr culcduntronr, ui tarte> s i ccctron 'Dit uncîaýle a le li> os n my fi- o ler sli'r jcuîialc'c ccii eti dcl> o c i i r, s il tiercue luse tuou,; Peuplehf- r uac dgîî ,âiee - ut un i . ',' mon ccllnaru quiîte s ici-i- ttîosanfuu Jîîîî,i s uts snîîu' u-l ~ o, ad l.' rh. u'Iî"t wactuli aluis. bin n' ho dCI <bruroad Jut, muit allat tîcu- laid,>'"uiicuINO>ci héilciiii uslhistc aboiihutendt hro[ie abat Ii u'nioauni shot,' flic .ited iii 'ilIIi ce t sr ticeuri lion" forl al.asonu ile Nî'ucc lodgi l, tu-it> oincctet cuucui ilioir iIfc-Iciîtic ordnae nul tu tns fiie ib ut mullah A . t Ililcar nîteinî t . ottitis bo-auîste inuon béit it tiflut ic-e i, éu-un "l'ose.' lu i r ar i" ugtic du brcuu'u- thwaring uncwho ,las athe bcn ai, on' îîîîcl li> ciiik li luch tais.v 1tIiî' onis nhuit ol ucifenul-ci alit bcauupiil its e tviioxii i( bc liere onb- nd toff, oi-r'. Toust rit'. t icouly (11 hcii ulo-Iain, hu le'i lii chu ctanl. Rhuiot lia e tuoî i tuec a ldanenuni tuccath I,c111' acnco lte brini i.> 's, o"irai- liter wathil a, ticauvieile ut Louluuu ho luctl fui-.I unma t1ii', t Jîîe an d uthe fii-lt tim hîar hua ver n w ici-oses Jiii* i-nle;nti S booîn th aai as otiaft m un inut nec tîoîn uic>' saue. consr Icîtui einacIbi i then rlTm hferi ssrtionr iut'd btien. an tuccic'." ý lla gant [oht habe chbseto crorsIle be usau'a lnt cisw ae lier br r hoinnistua bYoth lesaa, Juiuueer ofsui-u Lonrn 1u lîcîct 'ee cilpoual l ue Wosbetsomed tuear ut mel angi s et heuii atii. igl pin auThom lloiasnreit Bdot, ifan s t talc t lot ie n'.b. ste'in ni Inhthewr he t'ts njoril lu>'e g ingý se at 'd'I- tîio mî elt n iiz t uit ironidet vieet douato 'le hc etter iasingaa> ber thtarad at Buturefo îîcc tersla rpis. iI on olmneta Tni beesi" ar stie t-ties aigh. t I se she noot aclu is moe n'sig, laner 'en telt tar ts c'i o, eo pae seduh ilatiîot. d ai hdedn t. uln' aiter-fli Ilufelinemtc po<uuuiIe a on " th iae seid mtrre- 'epItmak. me ttsl Lndon," lan'. Jane, qoIshthe b ides ijrdbygigt "tua tbob iit l have îtingguif Io huere suc don;t wIb is , er e fybl ses. nt dspoy be bat yole nre tan happ.',d"Se'm'h h ted 10 do rer wtheRuda hd t ldner thinî hèe i s utilt elf ih stu r Ilha s tî ai du. ab her soion, tno" a et hain i tbes noa> catti t- anc wontmc heiuig ypu dond kiech budis- tern aoent," tile prerse ter hnI onei ab Loul ea-n ".Nener malle eur,"i e.ý, nemyrbas. , Toml gae inm. estin ,h seahd muaIn au hase hoai casl yen i"e nd Buet about lie <unsip if aiet alsos- miusg 'f um reen wrtdon uu ai0 el theo that Tos iswidue s'a ber position, foa cuplen hape.- da a ke horti."y and Juse. uben oungl aîondh baencyds met 'Y dntin! re iîe;"o ohto voe nfor pueu < sueon1 ountersi avi, hlTphereup ! To o Marns uer sonrl sucm Unveitat amheyng ab hultue. miicuet maige as bot Lau Ad," borig Anes aboluit an.I ohoue bit denou hlmin, s'Il terau se ahool ai hoc uthe boy. 10a To'. so iiuuui heo; epmsh feit .Teracupe sen s a int" aosy s' 1<. AnSh e mrainutait hensehy sibv mt "M cohi arleu bsppy, u;"o lt usae, nurse vigorhuild ber sehc ste snerael I baveno beugb."ea! ogt aery sue aien ambl intess.Jug ses, inflence.0 rinbngou bes aout sLondeeon "hyin l es rte diinug Tsboubtd ber oio lain and- Cisent tradc' ehuai mc n te oi ) 1 tuen co' onc n'ith bir; Tehapsel fuati hc . boy?" satme"jalul, wp lit. qie grtatetu for er denoboth 1 "ant maille yean mepp, buys Jnucrelions bliementdpsud rnuilan fvigite tam teDr- hoI' a iacidr xl sTm se. bet Inca h. bait dune halmie teg ing tear, b.lant sseeta, sqeezet. "'But lie odri bIs s ma ria. S er lisde ftIe It'a a dfrel t ount bav eetg love ," suantconea t wite Sir ' Ths, ornote h ell any ?" eto rpoc w Jn botmm utteu grate fo be Jevatissv tami 13uy."e a bni hli fTo liecoutnnrd SOCIAL CALLS IN TURKEY. Dife.elfront Ou-,s..sd Thc Iney s C.uulet.d Cerem..Ial. Sucial usîta amosi thie 'rurks lau', lt-bh orale tuinctîcuis. If tbe cuitliehotat bcose ofrut iîuity, the- ady's enter gar- iiuiintuu vill ic'tales fey n servanut ln the ves.tiue. A rurhlsh lady nl luave fi-ne then-nîuuichif, or uoo'lng aihI gar- mhent lluît coet-n licrn'huoie bodyanul flic'yaîuaba, or veiii, Iat clivera bier fisc'u. Alshe h otats fru-elor yellow leuitheur, n th imluintedt umnedui uhuloua, IItuaIstit-si-ins oi-n ber mtIff aippers. As shue uti-rcctîe rc--euiiouin rum ai the tuhids pîceuut rînu- trcumtu e iv'u uan anui ui- citt no ie ci-r tliehtr w os uuniu. Andiltu et-aiounehicrt-piles: "f fluaI 3,1m uc-i"Tie lady of tue liusie es- l'unI cilier lathef lu,- iuu"on Ithe dilvanî i,- lttiltug buýr social rant, sud ith<e 01<- ur oo bon ciii iNiurue. If the cahier ni'u',ian huldishu' dors flot tsi to exprssa Ii-r blhcf t Iaflie onlîl ie afnfue boy. ms lieruu'n Illte iiilher repiets: '".ltsy our c'cIlr'ite oatIteecuiug tusfout." If Ile c'cJI'm '-d's socui-cuc l fic'eruotou' hon ahue Lum' osus iclase ree-untly rtnutited tnouu a o juîuntuî'ieuhi udst niaku-.'ontue ciatceful ulutstin to t he event, to sthch thei-oflu mI ov i nffly:"M,.iny >oor frir-nis etturmu lu i hIe sstc'ty." Ail tht-se are osei estaiiu'tphlrses os bu'b mn>' ulot bIci- hi I Iar tncîîuui. lu a ver' formoul c'ail thte ladY osthi moLe f uneeuloven.ihhn t o lu've tietune sclirunly dclosa iccs. 'lh, finatcl em- Stmicut hîuîlf on iunur li fte'rien arrivai, oeil thIs 1 laiuiplîsassignaol for the cs dutýts to ucie lu. 'hhee are îreentit iii icunuormitable.'arml>' onl att rfi>'borne iI olIjc, oliuusuof Ihe tuuiiclh. ti1ti e tu In>' lli hire n-,kîicîs ot îu'ucuslii glass dishea, a tj)oon i hou' er fildieul sp Imus. oauIiiilleur It lorge glisse-atlu'd it hi mater, and a nuit- lc,'r of simuuil gtnsoi'sfilleul m0i lu Iîitts uot sut lotus cccors-reut, l uuuter, ln k mncI Sethoos' At Itle- inst u'xlIeiu'nde Iltbu uhtic'ulul ii tuio u mit fui dua sitîs at thîls, iluit tliaîtts'us go trcuîghs il ctlu'11>'l cnOccfglu. E l auty'tabac". ihu(t sîuiii)titul5 of preefies <srouhu thuetîneý dths, liet icp uislaiher t hreu' six)ons lui 1< eîuuît>' glass, iben drinks fromoneeOr tîhei' lth'glsas.m obich contaîns trui- ch>' n o sky.nt>, cuhcred l soi umornsynlît andîu fi îuulh> drtiks mOa tur trom ne uuo! tue luuc'gc' î 1)(,"'5 hus ii;one tafl fu t hI 1tuti, <ie ionýb tess c'cc<îus ln uen son undt lisists ihon lier uatlng oit crinhnlng, tiilci Ot hia n eleItoutf ldies I tue Huppie huifis ojeration tabeab-sitout tl Mnutnes. 1'irlushia il quarte-r of oittoturn tl thee etîier t tsris aguui tus us-thisrutssbtut th biotusslI rotets va ouhuu'nt lu',andi os ille flic-y anreîuensîînhh>' nguhmg itie peolitunottîcu'truîy is broîîght bn. ltlu tise large glasses of sbt'rbet os hcbl are posseacirotui na hoorui If Is tise pro- pier tblng le drink ooiy haIfthie cou- tents et o gas and ttht-n aet Il doiu. seben tb. hostessmsure tIn ssttIhat Il b. fihuahueul, As arntily drinks sfie maya: "P'ence 10 the bousehohî," anti the othuer replies: ".May Il ho to your Atter tht- glosses liage itiugmalleteb comîuiete cinele. tbe gent-rnh convera- lion bt-gIns ogalm, and oheneven ibere lea npautse (as ott' npplis) l re onte ts aune <o su; for tue tentih lime: "Nasel gnera," ooh e nus "Ilion'are you?" And lhe person tnvnrlably replies: *"I arn feeling bhoer Mîu'e i have accu fou." l"hnniiy, nf 1he lhutnd ntllipt 10 go awas>. lbheoenerapppara, anuitatter tis tics caier msy rcaihy go wittb ro- priety, If aile Randesînea, utIltip ucutver go" wsithoutsaoying: Iîfiyour îper. Terrible. "1il>'grsllfnther," Rait the ahot- cierk hoarder. "twe kblun cl man seho insishedl iat Lthegosta came andI mlii. edti ieows e er>' ulght." "Bort of nihiblu' specters. eh?" con. jmoulte hue ciseftIdiot. M I hed bhl ln "our atim, &Il dey. and had hardi>' @yen a klns or a look for me, 1 ohould teed a bit jeaIonoiu Wby, 1 ahould kuiaw If was the rlght ane-matiirul tbîng."- ToIRo.neatfthie lenst awsre ihatlhe le pltntlng a daggi.r In hie wife'w bî'srt. 8h. doe',iliove ber child dr'aeily. but hie canot lie aitlit ail to lier. She cati sarae hie a eîiiengreat dentl licter that, ieahi niî 'l'cîiii'a : lie iiolilîl liagil otterly inaclî'quilte coînsolation ti, lier if aiiythiiig happ,çied tier 1c luabaîîd. "*As If." abc pleailh, "lire were not huiidreds andciltlioiîaîid. cf hea ltliy ihil. dren la.it odoni, and ere il oin0siiry "Airy!" echoc Tom; "why, 1 feel fit te lie tiî' ied iy.lf: aind thiîîk hun mach flo-re lii. tendier lonigs s'. ijî i îff.-r." "That la mire prîjuice," ansovers J une, a trille ahoily. -lot. îny dear." maya Tîom, "unIs thiîîk licwiveil the litile chali ia at boulîe. lin(] lic,î rony ie look.o. Aind there in Agiles ulwuî s loî,klîg after him." Jouîe sacatés ber position on Tom'. kêpe andil aka tie the o'indow, on wsehl se druiîoa withliber fitigera. An augrry aWî'll- iig rhisa in ber thriist; it la a fuît minute betore slie caoi apak. -I do fnt knoosewhat litiinea. ItlaIIIof Agiies'," ahi, cberveii, pri'eiiîly. "And, au ahi' hum ini'er hait nn3' fierience s il c fi ldren, ber lcickig îî ter b i catiliard- l3 le <if mnîoilvalue." "I tliîck that in rather tiigrtefiil ut viii.- niyg Tcm, îi th mor,evarmthi ilon ia usurl I to hm, esîecal, n lien aurns.. Th'iii s as too muîcl for Jolie. 9he minus IiernuIt ciil iaiiihir andîlgivea vent to a pas saionif so,!,sand l eari.. For sasonder, Toni i,i-a iiit ly ait iionceb toianc iber técra, luit it. looini a ihade' aily and tpiirturlca'd. Tisi. natura4y Mine June -" i nîh wedail oer couie te Londlon nti al " ahi, so... Toini clioa's iat wlah fmuot alncerely. Ilii, biwevir, linslbhe widicm te re-main ai But. itt ale"i 'i n a> fi Coaerat- UN osgi, upi)he' lonne sait go lîack limIl. nliebrlcy.hip. n lin i a îîile' le ti'mlir '«'If t arn only tii le Made misîroîle lere,.1 ivoah I baltner Ilci'dues ntt aîak. andt Jiini,'a wratb iiiri'ai'a. itîci, tlIlier bandkerclilef friri lier farce. aid. lookinîg at him wth eyea liaahiîig thrîcîgb bier ieas. ahi' criea. "'rue cbild ia as mach mine as fiaurs'- niach more mine! Wh'at riglot have yuîî ti, separitte him front me or to deeide what hie shali do or flt do?' 'rbisîinbe tiret tinie that Tom han.yp acu Jue in ansion: bu' ia a tend drii atcliccedan sd s litile frlghtenedl. lie rîes frilm hi- chairsait crnes to- m ard ber. But ahliestarte uP to ensilebila and crie.: -Djo not corne rieur me! do flot toueh nue! Yoîî do fot love me! Oh. My dar. ling Mortier! if you vere oni> alime 00w!- And Joue, haning worked herseif up it a yImrozynm of anui&h, diige berseif down anîl hune. ber hcad In the sofa cîîahlous and soie aa if her hert would break. lens111. vesiconeil the icar o-f ticiaaond the artinf TarkcY ta bis iîaathe u'iii peror of (crmniiy wsnagiai cl Iane çiccr - minilftuir, »Purge' iBancroftt, mit ],,,-.a s cth bisi i . t'au le .îlccir tellîcsu.n e 1'oi ccil - ' c ('icmont ofccthe mlirrlgosine or yîîbatulura akicneer cîr vcu î'teraalnegmand " , folonatr tr m-lie thand ci c a item taicabeandi'thialcîccsiul iuiog5hm Oh, ou fis oîîcncl arn!Yoigvsth cim liii iig. iPnia st a'eind nt rthelfienoor ttas T it S icarîorneof )r. l'siîogcs a tatface oce clccuilv e f'thors oc but, vis cI tio> u nîrtyilo su a ali îcîonraîstfoi oeterai îs]rdi nt tA tîîroa nis,' ,! îîî' onutccîîcme tîcchtbat tlsîl i elisRa o'ei off Ell hea, Af'.tri, 'îhui, iteîcil sc thluisitlasit pro nst lu hatiio cca o'hiM Sicihî'n tîîcl lci'f tro hclcgurrcchatig i tie -lii eî.fri iii rtc tl o brei'ai'ril seriicî, sitfle teoit' cuulacît tuic t1 crshuil aspn tî'îyiu 01 acnicyd h vofaîr. 'ih'> i'îci'id t uc a. îcc sii;' cus tiiusi1ltoam, seag'cii isan tccl'okly eau 1119i cIIle i do iot hifiDr. cfi lu dc rla achat fce allg e coc ld it sîcui".outn înî oî ivimoiiri'fb.ryfrcglîta'duaîcra io, iit. Mstu'iiil lorti. 1Beholit t'trouhl. v'r otie uuny na f ae lîs Ii c'nuc hatbadtrai ncmntsboffaIl maitioAa fahovii.t. brat mcfunithe heaîls ofmenttah edschah gatwir Soeavie icin î'ioi ut ftiegtnu ertc.d 'hisa Auil fac,". tht eaosi .Ai the cits, land with cura,i îdn a r,îu alithrc cies tn'afo ifgau inga ea is., serinas, ath e u plebt hi <atoe tcuIat. j t ui!h if a i he un oir s, fir sesThe co tanm o amn thecn aueliciis e ue he bil e eaudhune...ilfove lcir.100.e ash]lite ls ta otniuîg. iai'ifg b drcdight trsg the d'. em r yo Il bi hoatne Peinge ut her or itfftesliioluicIrsa'h. Boui ousflilnt atir. tehes it hoss. ATtrhe o1usd ytii slen luyca fi' atinuu id I'e ouîliha, alsomenst eilai mratanu k'idinit, nte ne'lgtuali o tis. teni 0sgcof îte . 'Ieir chyoitu' is sf Bouî hlm, silie fter filot cc ire'. ares oft luis h Cirghis' Ag aes htwy l thorriblemind ut misils Sî'lui cijaundie'. 1'eîu t tt u igo ecs, lon te locited ru fr im ta th'nclic bus isnsuorne uif oaildtohe atc fiPO hi' cbc tes frun bs hc'ckthu luisuti r'task l uist.e i!the luie îuîuiucullalotomauctn brocrtuitire eg rfthe b thgucul.heaic l ihni.tues tîandiloohiaiSpe. n <bea, offcuAlleruie nha s lis ci urýn 0siu ae s heuu du' ha. oc lem.ys'blu'tedtie ond for himaî'lf and.aileti! lii uuculie wirus idiof'rgond retus Tiril ly le acuan Do eau iif. "tyhuiortasdrcatpths tale l t io(isoeil O tuitcîuiuid horrblerainor iensStépliei niabusluitels ioeuialle So ai guoct e mui ub olthsirchare!" and t sthi andur , m'h~il e pltl i iow ieglyu te bldi. front pai.teml. ions:au ..Orneitausoa sdfrpna tieuiioulits he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ li swildae> adtSslup tad uty f amt onsa ratch kil- ifrau t hshow ynu to-ay fe goisieiuesalods>tiue u hionte .ihom suis oe sen then gaing aiutche aven. toipben bob uing dresîlhctoty to nxit teh cornosu ote forua pirayer i and St'îi e fo al cirep. hlcun mes-.p,ëi lê4 attr dht't sea o iphea. t111p.e aflai'es,. ,« if ait Cmesteak si'tl f i, int i. ie- tFthiIbaro!"'at tephn.foiugi.t ba as.s usepli eil ier goailggard orea doIt, ui. Befro aie anbie or sSiLdisae e ae rpdpona hug knso eere yand src golîîgho . C' herisnsmthe water se buui n t forenttasyo yu clnb l dryuIl antur innwi aondofabma tBr ay ireto! Jesos tepe sebat poIntheaile eheAu looChrjist aill hear th ta riteoehrclkh.o ingsi.rittst Steichenu. %t tes semin 1ii egsonwit oienil o ue>' ha- m e fhesvcn, shpof IgaiginoI, fa mnnc' k e ali i ilofid u somein - Wiet loku i id ado eil a hofnin Uic i-caue yhlmasud mohrne aae oaI oit.su entepotre, outaire àlenp ou intta Ifornseaeruunce btsotidpoe sa hoiui ow he us u aaeicoinA m a flage Be lthehohoaclusth mteitb'r i motved cosprea more' havelistar la he halisud ant. ait croppeaiuIL0Bcavtebitoi, of dans'o tnes uat hpoit tiluthroont suit orksndfiSuChrm.is as, "the Canst ick. h lus ai pats t I Sehe bus, btba ew ba - thec au'mei wsec somae ludmoe rand fics- menis f ictue bu he art gaisgainthere. lu reiiioateru staide agadtmgPrg lu ou af l doour ynta l iit thcatalg entuopa.laouiand tcmeinee.an hisspacen. milnpstuse. evere inreang adirtioe neyactvoée meandmtnsiag 10 pnt' 1eta ie s gnestg. anof'larene ol bacrbauiate yr t not'eaioste u Delgateih het r aseall andfpbis nt- a. I id hbatamesoaithe utapapes auu l'h.i]parte onrhbsebistle, basthie ahenst1 a' aimasit iu"mecsgelinlmmral hoser roont siierethe art zai tere srend aul opîlios hum nilatuiince himi u'raog- ur fereil yo nvalk omsoth couis orld, xsnit dnsinfluteatlte plkaes ,u eglise ndure e nul urpe diln ,dmiratin. i"neactiv ek hriaîîdauinta sncb Sthes But b lenveninathe galler iwhcch the olins hu' tad butetircucu lîcîtie ms nd. gbiui thelhir gsthouredofhru'aenshe1til tiraiethsoe osafthel hl tluy diiaflo bTheiuwt ole ser barealte ni-huit uueenazeui>and ciiuug hum go niame cross rui'lhereare toel terareluila- oppose îhtagim au utnyoubiaus uot kil tioý,nJoNt»tmaut il "Te ugofu le bîtthn. i aegn.le ie o oisi liihon hell nig Ciroudcuo rsl acre tliiilIeay 1si-cf his dn t Steîe sphe is-.t e t." envrse ouhe praciao icuo eord wa feonituci ite tan'alieron' il ue and pu<ie and icaIl prsd sudhui sireica ail linut'scnu.ad tliepe îhier clor'iezaegâsop iîui su afre lic sîwiteatuccl ii Mono bin acluneinsuu hosgt tobes.h aide rthe hui keeti auululf1lui ilhng ihuiu-w fuît an sc'p own.Thaeheact te Iithuuake a t .4,',unîehnbot,ci mi], asaumoYeu crauotl- tite otJonayofuhe "Tho e fior uutiiigr,"mus i nkat i h'nclcus0 Padrtr hlabg tebisr t he Iande uit t'b1iteiduîaluofcis lIentodiseof*uise fcousuit.nd 1wec ~an theacssinafoci-cahein ea fNu Peuplori te s ui cruinî'u'i In'îthairpaitrluetaisnulH mprano'hnd W' afiey a hoisteldoso J'slythe lie aslaatepin op agtic ulu acuifluithe.'I'i sobtios bu' rshlanl ticu'esuiiso' hosie thun iaîci acu .Te kilfugiui uebria t hlm. nil hes eounuilboutm iou taotheioudut ice t gbsolpa'dhth, cfi'u haniloettoayie, inaila ande s 5- pV isc raanesnche trsco tie 11i'. io, il. BThyliali tuaatil the pmildinso an'dît'e iHocsit a uubeur inthe a mue t-o al Chir, lonbfot <thsot 0. f gustf- mn smolatul a ltendliîl henven Osursi' ontu' eut iuooad osthe florines o aI orctis bih and ndumpa.nd af f'5 ulr ai uvole'-uc Jou.tesley n sînielcotn Sythe rt bisclmationlr seulicdofesminonrapmily tuic,.i,!eahean teythe contltuiîil . lcas"dîgot irel nroui r tire ep ihim n. Dyug Pre.hn 0ft <hirinu','the il uit gne kisseil.c'îu as on uuonsumldlit seandcîtuc cpauuchioi> go ou-b, sdertha nt anîîybuteol)ieru',ublia>d e. lus fint tlandsib oa aift- sianî,lgsiuîg Stpbt. i-u.sk uo liii suifli' tss tebcatn e tnt s eucuonos tt Wf ohavtre Druy oIlncua hue o.- cissu. Boolt'@uuimui cuf buis theui iPs fnst os -r ttîsdokiotoa <u ulst'is bn-ciso alul îcieluc aabutfocît ic cirer't ofcgla. tPo i, ul oftin'lresshie Ïthha icf itornea scia, rclon n te mfluorin t"lbox' acilu r'l au eicueu wirs. u hî-uîtlience solu shuteruîuc ote rngulu cthe, îe clie ofap pa<cbo .cm a on tels iaierlab hc ic-cubrntîgru osio. Seen lstiueacbutru' ihe e' of- ove ata inet huck ugiigit buas u'ilu rhtumc clu ucu c ta i ' udc lii u,îciac' liscois - god0 y si ud 0cr f vent o as fr utn slit eiug uuouuer.înuctyi iacct o i Mise srgu sane futre nccail soc' ke hn'î iciu u v i g, w h tu,(u e n ut bcii ouurailr hu touir fle ndgaris;the gsei nil gtaz-,o'lucrevoosfccIlci.acuui. Ilcil glemnu ioalhul e o ' oIn ici fs il crIcancime s, leloct suu uiiiciu'autu b'. Sci ipuir't. Ia n f Je.l sud gin fe s nu' lnu e of butirbluaso- ci n fn'ou.IC ie Ilcuîcc' it heo ciiu'uîîu' se ni t u'aiiu,tciur if ', . h n t eei. o l i itutctrui îu iiitheiraisu'3'4-acgcth uit ['ckcap Path' o it- o ni ugte kyc l oitbc m'onîtuouu 'qu liing reoîcue t e ruil h it [rend uoethe'fc es-ui iconeh .'ond i t t hli e s lunit 5f 1 r hit, d ctî t 'y cu rr r iucl> î haIlalfitfit ihenfutu-r sudt <te sa d ,3 ut cuîclisuil(- ccsai n dirct l.'1, luit Tsuuici 1 ii. ce si.)tu' rl e ici aîucu san'hnc-îul k'u'uifi gcais t rainuuun inuta, i'n <csa isi n it>-allni hrci r' 0 cc clu got-uî theufritue sti)l el iî'cîu l oiig clon icatscoincclit.cîcucî' aretiI lc' iutclbodyc beaoq'eu, h ue arw ulra if thd->' i:anedi'az-g ncioicui.ifî i t, u con si ol.lu1'uiti crieurs, i"f n« 'y i coll ncoguM e 3 cii n tcie' nus, o na's ynuucc', u n (],' 1 unae u n tîcu' laicus chaîgl ti x n trac'eit s'ndlu 1,ruot clos]ci nîîîu kc ti, Scl I suicant u cîuai s luih sud iculur uan he nuyniîut tclu' li s ttiy i c i,' r i l îtauien lct clinucticu 1 cullinu.. indit io 55 iifi tcy gc caiiiciurceg gaitt.'n lcih u i nids c' il 'lig t liut uu hi ccl lit ta cuuj u ui i er î aicui reaI ic'c"tetr 10 tcuciar > stadtflen ut shuut n t i s'icu u'rif t ir uyulcgok iic h um nis ri 1'>cccici lulîts uit u i cli, so is ouuler. ui l ciiutheu e ak lc ycoiîtufu î',, hticc r lui' Icc iltiî iui- ft ilc up uichut sn len te Iiu'u'ofapailncîudît, ciii u,]uu-tif l uv. 7 Xii isca lrei >'t i .trau soue lîcr t eau th gcuu lI% iri ra t u vircifli". i or u ri(sruciiguhcuor citcru' ut cc i luiilu tho-i an tillt ano s eiu t'rcîîcsnucuul- gca îtcîl 't 1f sieý ic ll ul s oic icii lies n.You dwuLo-th stu'cdî'utroîlify ithhîre i- uputul la, u'ailcuutileîstuupi'lai- s, liunc e iîîut toisalt a cI>'cccmc fodne n enday accktt e l <isl' co> chu NotIc- Iftieymoutlafiuc'tieu luur face oc's ai atnoy cu sîcrithi, îîliiic lifi!rIlituas lis ' chaiie ud atns ilusitho blec. I s on îuîg'.. icbî t t i a ecugitaic so h i i îcu Stephsuif a ookstire ponrci hist, i'ct fast ielu il, but det tviiil icatuc Pr, is-o u reu asvo tes frui'l I'u l-cikiiig c ai' o[s'n tgIle vil ioilict il cuit, bîon Ch rit Myleots>.limi Ier Eagtillecls. figcorîit îîrct cuuli %ierh'iglt Son of Ma. Yn aI Ibertift luaud yulookcil. buiug areylit calil,'lgitt orucl ic stile 5Mil biderend osin hies inritec casicitlisay te. taele lifs osculiuts ofurîl is,cîîîd, ru A-lievriteiu te lquiet. (>outWaonde'harie %ià110?suic' tye aut it? lsise soue acribing ld malSaviaur', sperisaire- 110aiiti- butauI M utd? v pri ance, thatduenbalble th a Igîeomsi% do .nit canli e s t hIm.n'itb c mliuiio o nllaitny1.0dcea i.].icîr, lt lr wbiuunssooe%,tatgouc r sihth o thr yippueîtiws, aitrilscsnorkDaheshlant hseli's'inscpritmtio inlis!Iiuimiitu, crste oand îiit reuasng ia bhael'c m. ngait lî'li ct a os lis a uigea Isi'rtipiug ags uicentueso!.Christhsuft.îhun fast 'uloth asl, u t]et te onithou'gi uParo unno, bu o'.' sl lane i i asseucunpi.nBtir lunstmaul catr l i ir.un îîîutflàrt uro'M' yesn as, lme <utc slaie's %I ngul il oti wiu'nil Tis. iltit. lo o esan ttrsocii ue]rn ohlmani.'ig ire (o fuir t lnhonliuuuoaks e t, sert tow eri sii>' u nt elgii vrt lî, uistuihsl.heneth e soris t-aLestus. liaody hlm n o @ i hve o t-i oua<atacula'r. il ucks'u's Il questdmions lfutou'. Anduo 0A %Ir il hlî Cimtou CrtbPays,îde.lbtrrec1 u lh'reoce insatileborave 'tou Cao yonotUns c hitu? 'reîîrîîs un (hit reau Saiuuîrnaauit ularus eu' cui l oe tabc bau',bofneîPir es igtcm oui Iunlueibure luit ihoughini t onr cartb, and aberygsaeu oructare,<boi body u t>'iî'mgstlà< guis"Lor %eshuilierceve vescpoewsai cpt i forkilsTe ! l'ro- lselit ho lno feeble 10ormnhation. 1aer Aaicp ln Jeaus! Fnrot ýthec 'ihs bindreit and thirrgraves mas ho, But there la sltii a bleauseu aii'ep i-'oin sbc'b mno'ener o ale <o o-p. Yeon bave at-en enugh tir uoe morniisg, Nu onme calti cestt - xaiiiine mors îhaîu live pîcîcurea i a huis. lTuurefîirces atoll, havinii ein thus (clîaicr tuf divnîe Sflihoe. Stîcunx gsuhiîcg pl lo -aen, Stepchen ic ishuadît cg brui> -r, Sîtui copyrigtht, il". ', ir"t Sermon l'i'te i Ici dicoil lB.e>. 'lii,' lu i uan body cihuilhltxc'to tus lil u'o a ci'avred tmple-, os'lh %%e u sîcllu 5,hu în ue andc tule- tiluot, iuîîîuroeiu'h suitlu iîîî'tiIeg cf asie i'ati'ut tiitue ltius ctmccu',tiîr' atul huu<luof u il ic'hn, ig'tin. .osc'îch Sis urinanu, icin's-New'ov'îrkl'if>'. ;iutl't-a lh, miglut o.clreti s's lil Ing ccli ap:wc, h t Ii l.tic'N u ut,, c ria'e theu gcales soutIng tiosmul uit dur apptuuîuavl tiI lii'il>' u'ati'lingifo. ou ichi'oulciiti'c andiillirar ft uuJi,> fuI i lepsuitiluor'c1-1c is tC.enc"'h l> g'iu'd l-'r iit h fii'u-î .'ni'g:itliiiii, ?.idlnclhi'tiu'c. Ma-nc. l'us i hxtictt, utf nt.Xîiiiiutfli lic i' ie tsih'llui')t.,iccwo iltus: chu tue' ote Icilhý fil ti < ofi c <crtu'tîh.kn ttcan' hcî'i u'o'e Unitot i Ii tus' s'u' Idune laui btttieue n'nt olîcu- :ocuthe li'othu un luinci, itii' men of picl', 50'ho lire',ai us utysplit il g off dc'c-laiu'.ct ion and. os-oIn frcii ton utbig tes tturn tuîu.-le, DidO hullIlIpson, liefînew, Cincitnati, Oblo. 'l'lie'Dritier ot f uiiunity.-('Iilrisli tht- lolher cf bumauhi>' anad lte avbor ot tle lott It ta admttteul b; <ii tise etireuite-ra ndltntple'ietiioi tumlsaa'lea cf tise sorl Ibt Christ sons penteeti>' putre-. (Christlved andI practhcedI oual hue timeaebeel. Il la net rcc-ordntlcnltile t-crt-Iriagnt-aseu a iuumauiu ais', le ilue'r attemuleit sehooi, yu't Inew mnore tlumn anu;oftIbm' gneot mn'îoftbis ca.- lIa-v. Elosarit Nelfugti, liethmolst, Clu- cinnati, 0. Exusanaunonis nt Ponipeli. l"ornmsu'ly exc'avationso ai I'ouiotse.u sei-e matdt- sle!; so-ili a io"tc' 0tise dlseovery ot ont snd ans'hîeohgcai reu-suree, no effort h.ualng iituulat wt pre- serve tise bouses, Tb&> preeensm-lu itbeu la ver>' differesi.anont- ouneet ilatest tecationsua a nbouse ln wbIuileaU thé Intertor arrangeentns, turnnhure, seul ducoralicu, etc,,baine beeu prcs.erneti or resicreci. The Engliish isguage of to-dabinsa no resemblac teo t l1Ml effl OIVIRI8 WORM Iti N 'I Tt le NiLds of 1.41* Uubhsa' .aBUêur Eýmauh 5 et&" the F ie& c The wos'k Ot n dîner ltanttendsd ~ mafay rlaks, but dangers beeoune trMk lar througb long cui5tom, ao bis takM. uaity iasa cw terrora for himu. Hesdg. sceuiln'.truatingtg 10the proper workig Of lice ineha'lcaoi by Mwlîleb ho las p- Pliu'c'lt1h air and 1tbcthetrengtb of tbe lite Une, ss'h lotuers andl pull. litai up, 'lice living sudt, wcieh il the one gem'- cra113' c'.i'l his', , 'mai~le of lodîgt ub. luer.o ci t iî'i îîeî iandibreastplate 0o' eotilen. i>îo f liierutîhor, f0 pro tee! i t rotiitiairdlusage, cau extra sult 0f mothers tatilîtt un, wblcb John quIncy Adanis, 70 years of agi,, anid ener>' nigbt -t'le cPut bis bend upon hi. pillose: Nos, 1 loy me down tlui.lcp 1 fray île Lord my acocl tic kcp. lie olcr lie to. feelie ta employ eîtbui cf th-iî' Çiciiiar fcrirs, Ibut this ir.iyi'r cf Slejîhci s'i ho art, sicîit'ci'. 0si earn-et. is ni-corelenanp e. sc ir1y .îil le abl.' tuaoîîy îlt, "l.orcl .leicc, eý cile 0 prit.* <Oh, if ilcat prayrcr.% Oucocsereil, bow Rasoit i os ta i t11 l! Tisi. n uit laclever enoagli ta il.. l'r- Iccpo il boa treatedi us a grat cPalhuilier flint, c' ,e ae e1. lUc tri-atei butit f .a fl,,c' iii i; il'jclios aln' icliillrcok thie tîtht ct lot liter wo cnlsoc shah i npno lmcre re-gret aliat leasing a gialst. cari, ileiîîip bouse fî,r one longe. liiaiitifiil aud i staiuîî.. liol îyiag inîlîloter ic l'bia- i.liîoa -mei, coýrs angio lceaitiiily c]epiet- cl il Ns len iiiliee at nmcmrnt el ht hrew ni) lits handis aSiO rceil out, 'I inavcite 0 theiliglit! tStelphti. AateeP. l'as. oit now, ud I osillîhow' ycu one more licture, sud ibat ii St'ieon aleep. %Vith a pathos andt implicity ptbliar ta thie i;('rilittires thei tntanys of Stephen, "Ilei'feil alee." '"Oh," scîc asy. "inhat a plasce iliat wsu.to siecpp! A h ard rock cîîîlîr hîm, toîîostalliiiu tros îî ipon bina, lhthillod atreuriilg, îh" rnmal) bow ling. %%'bat a place i w toa 0aeei Andl set rny text takti"htit soyiiîîorutshrlatxr tai descrilie bis dcepartuiri', sa 5N5iil O ciait, no cainteateil oa t .o'O'fil 5055 ýil. Ste- phen bail liveci a very laoincit lite. lits î'lîif worb liait been ici cari' far thle pisor, Ilîownyafflongea of lireaiillie' cistniutid, luisw mafif bare feet hi' lîad sanîiaed. lios uaîîy cota of sieknesa anil iistriaslhe lileaseit wîth minitries of Linilseosf and lcove 1 do flic!kuose, but fecînu he sony hi lîvei accd the' n-y lie 1ri'ached andl the sony le dicîl r know hie aa a lahorious t'lriatio. Buit that la alil ,sr nos,. lie linsapre'su'il th ii, cp tuthe las!t aluting lhp. lie han takin tîci' ast invailît ftramhi. ,iieniie. 1'hlast t.ne 10 whose crush- ccc neight be la siîoi'aile bas bec'n huri- 'il. Stephes is ileail'rThe discipiles cointe. 'lii' take hlm utc. They waah ana>' the lilcoci front the seound. 'bleystraigbten onut the brufiaed limite. They hrîîah bai'k tiie taicgled haîr front the bros,, and then they pient arîîund tu ijouit oonthse calm cotiiit('liaaco'of lîim wa hadillived for the poor aîîdl iieil for the trutli, Stephen aslei'p! 1 bave "enu the "ca drîven with the bor- ricaîc iînti the taiîgled foant caught in thie rigging, and seare rîslug above seaye aelemed as if"about ta stormn the heavens. ail then 1 have aeen the tempet drop andi the icon crouch andl everythîng becomte stnooth andl burniaheil as thougb a camp- iiicg place for the giories of heaven. go I havec@@en a man sehose lite ban been tous- Pd snd driven continu dosen nt liat itSu Inficite cali nluwbilh there wun the busix tif beseen'. illa6>'. stephenasalcep! Imas, oorha an.. n. fougit &Haie jsday. .gsban.t oerty sud against abuse, Tbey traduced bis Dan.. 'rbey ratticil at the doolrknob sehile he was dylin witt. duo. for debta be could not psy, yet the peste of God brooded one hls pillose, sud seile the world fadeil heaven dawned. ail the deepening tise- llght ot esth's nlght seaa onty tic open- ing twillght of beareusg mors, Not a aigh: flot a tear; flot a truggle. Huah! Stephenasnleep! I have îlot the ftuclis icitell the seath- 'r. 1 can neyer tell by the setting sun NN bether there il1l lie n droîîght or uot. f conuct telllîy ahe blosing outhelicwind sobether il seili hi, fair weather or fouI on the morroso. but 1 cao propheaty, and 1 soîll prophes, shat weenther if seul ho sohen you. the Chrfittisu, crame taodie. You niay have it very roîugb non'. Ih may be ibis weecit one oneance, the ni'tt siiother annoyance. It f1,7 lit'thia rear one hliireareen,thie 1111faucther hi, reaniîeîint. li'tore tliia ecar lias giasgeil yciîîmas liave t ta'eg focr lreact or as oîr a aî'utîle utfi-al or i lair ut uhiceabut at fliclast(Chriot aîill c'nteî i. andit îrk' fna s ili go oult. andi, thiaugli ilîre may tie no Ibandl tailose yoîîr 17es anîlno hrcaot ciiolh ici refit four ilying lîcai and no cnîclie ta lift the iigll, ahi, odors of (bonis haîîging garden will regale yîor auul, andl at scîir beclalîe wililiait lb. charicîta oftihe King. No more renta 10 liay, no more agoîîy lecalise gouor bas groue titi. uan mire stnîggie sitlî "the searil. the flli'. anud the îist"bat lîiarui-ong, cielu. everiaatcng peae. Stephena sleep! Aoieep in Jeatus! Itiesseit ateep. i"rcsm sshich npeer naki. b weep! A caim andl unlixtiirbect repose. I'iiujiireil hy the lastoftftues. CEf!APLAIiI JOUX P. CUADUICE. gocti Samaritan. 1He devotet biuWf P'ody anti seul te tise voundet aà« iOî lng of the Maine. Father Obadwî* tus eue cf Ivo sons of a widowed umiOUttlk tD sebmentla t.mucit devotet. lie hm 4 uter, a nnu,. Bluter Geridot. taî%w lersbcro hosphtai. Canada. Ris f&thu', wh istleti JusI as Father Chadwieb s.m ceineti bts commissions as ebetîhie served i ltis diatinction both la tbe art>' andi nan>' urIng the civil WUfn He vas a bulder lu N1ew York. Chsep main Chadwvick sait: 111 baireOfltue iseard ont (the bMSlne's> odiers&W that tise>' bail neyer sahiesi vith g ere of better men. ant irmIy th'balleve 1h. stateuneni. They vers loal a"d brava men.- Tobacco Cb.ees 1taxu. Tobacco ebewins mumbera eR* MellIodiht Churcb la AlbwuiavUle. .A4 bave been levîidupes b>' lb.W* Lori a qapecta et s ZNoton TO MCAIAOUTRi 715E. cannas ovenals tau woi'n, and &fiera rough plece etfseork Ibis cannas ilfra quenti>' tom te abrecis. Around bit waist the Étiver weau-s a bell mati e t bairs of lead fasteneti croisarue on a lctier band, lits. aoesare of lat hsavfly wu-lghtel, aselisat h.esmumain- t.du an erect position esiy, and the a»- tirs uit shth wsehc .entera the vOIl welgba about 175 pounda. This t.amue' essar>' te eîaabie hlm te alltk te . reqniredideptbh, The etteti. s= --I'. wlth windows of Iisick Zhi55c us i front andti Ivoothers St ée aside et I. se tisaI b> tubning bis heed silgbtly le- ~ aide tiheiemel the dîner ca use t some distance around in. The air lubhng la o! strong, fiis rubber, tilfengis whcb the tresh a&' front ahone ha driven dosen b>' fhaw of a puntp. This tube, betor ruscblm tise openhng bnlb.theimel throe vttlcb lb. air ia moppledte 1theb.divw. is llurted.,through a ring on the. bem. plate t the dbver's ieftt souler. ?bb lasuetthle msy heableIo ggmp* qubeki>'. vithout banlng te grnp. Ul fY In case ho needs to signailte lbocé, et tb. potp aise. On. puli en lth e nuemnsatiteh. aat more air anti tw. pulls varn tb. pomnpera thit b.e lu pb- tint toc moch. If the air vemreU plied I n exi!ess tihe suit weulti beeme n bioyant liait Il voultitend te shq Afber being passedti biougb 1h. sb.ea der ring theo tub. goos arouetisud en- tenu tbheitet it the bock. Prom bha. the air pauses tbrough a dîat ubbug lobe tu tise top et the belouet, sebere tb. single tube dinidea toto thre. braebss, one ot whhch goea dosen le the notrft anul tise other ho the ears. Atter tise air bas been bresthed 19 passes on desen male tise sutt, lagitIMe fbis .offilentiy te onerconte i cet"l, degree th, bydrostathc pressure. Wth- out air lnside It the ruliber Weald bit preaseci against tise dînera hodyau*,, limuib>' 1 h. weght ot tb. wsIoer, "0 woul drive the blood uap tntu bis b".l Tiser. laumotier ope.tng In thebo sd of tihehnlmt, .tbrough whlch tb. foui' air finds ifa escape. Tits may bhasM comlng up fe lb. top of tbe valer bâ% tise torti ef bubloles. The Ilite tole I shich the dîner ha uewefed and raiueil about as.thicit as an oruhIna.ayClotU IUe. It Io vounci seeuret>' about bis w abat sud faatened under bit arme. Three pulls upon It signIt>'te those abane tbat(tjhe dl ver sishes tua coins Up,. Il la possible te une eectrielihgb unler seater, but Il La not vidol>' dams. If a dîner bas te une one bandt inug luis tiglht a hidi>' andlcipped ia la i seuil, 0ffteu h.works b>' the sens. et toucis, CIIAPLAIN CHADWICKC. Prient Who Mlnistieed te thé »ifiu and Wonsd.d eofith. Mainst. Chnplatp Joisn P. Chadwick. of lb. battiesbip Main@,. figureci In tb. naes foUloseng th. dilanater ai Havant, sa a