Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Apr 1898, p. 8

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ir Th prfflsition s mtted bit Gencral ni laimlIal;bt bey gseau '1yalskme mon. r . m Nia. Appiql vwt e wiigl- .....T ePare~I~ iv ïWu., J L S y nofold ndthe rclï of the Spaiiish ouf rit n iîî vltet Wnablm#»M.~ ygorernmeat 55're bot ln theforin of wîerteiy one Partyy biait Peesen s a eltyfliowlai Di . .?hFoeo1C"XVal Unief memoranda, the texta of wbleh are liteBlon b luetcDr.stB. JN . Tglasawek Wsdn , WI SiEEDS9 ETC dongaeabute gaiven. The function of 010crs, eitier bmediation t eWm. Wood went to FaktinghamKetore îsc Pulerize h'bte Ce n are smnt i te a t de u."Pi e elr ulassiewn aetier ini our tenunluta nda,. Steel Framne Lever H r 5 î Pann ence zand the mnner of ieataiO. or Itler. ~l hcg ens sudyaelgoctalergirH ro/L A AS on oare Dot extîresseti in te Sptn- t Ilatto. th f Ie o in Ciaoe 'a s= vnigceustereg r- by îcinorandum; but fronit Gvnerat Quotes, Oro, 1Iac boolinlg. Ail Interoated abouti! C cnepaorep:orts of re- fn la icfast çrneoOn, of mdlieury, wason oui ured. Ky0oeCor Pa m-"eade's Fouýie l~.u ber, Coal, Lime, and Ce IIrt- r ng te ialt pýc-j M ay . W. Smitheytane mi"t PoserSmith W atgerumIe te.tndready to glie te îsMs eie urycmehm at la êaivaI hiaolelia !Drop Corn Planters. o g 1 l o r r u en s ta n s m y p ot gr iv îe th e 1es , l e e k f r a a o rt v a c attn.ef i e a .- WE SELLan teri. I f îîeacee siîbhe bueinriorelîba Henry Poilie, of McHenry, sigautf George Wuiteahleld quit workiug ils50 lvit tU er by direct tieg,tiktion or indirect- Tueday with bis mother. for the. leclirraid in Waultegan lut H ummer Sulky Plows. doolnPi.. M. Mr. and M»a. M. W. Hughes were aidyl It1L ~ V VIiiI< 3'A (i des penî FuIr Cicao vlaioiie taanM.t NWuhael ait l Bradley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Fred Monatian, o hcg.vlsltedl aî, recept 7 i40 4t4359 I1,10 rltvaluiiblîîî oeîya tel ry alci. Bradley's and Deer"'s Walklng Plowi. WMN OUWATb tot lire 0 M 128JOB Vncent bona auewly painte- ru thton Il lu 8ti 12 4du H. Fnller and tamlly moved litoad, t &B.hbb ot ao 8s .3 à 1241.4te 11117 rooms over the Caah store Monday. egn the.»assn vth. biiuimWuIl 102 BUGGIES - WAGONS -TRUCKS. UI u.UIS sel$laiae 2 1i14 Jo. Basa busreniteuJoie. MUrgnys biaareov or yawwuwd.a ieu u 0 aueadwl ove aou 11rl21. . M. Brown brougbtl ag rv CAti. ON Mr. sud d Mga. iliiusbi, of DlamGad hood Miouday nighî. t umber Al oar ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. Laket, ver. ou our streatta lut; Handay. Il ia espect.ed ihat there ril hbo IrNRGTIOLNAL Cituroh Bîluîtty er Miss lIORRSimpbon, O! Ivanic, wua prucbng srvice au aouai next ln. A TbauT ad IE met eoig t68.Jinior C.E. tnggles whea u i eeti oft a le uew boys orgaiff or amines1 ast weebie, tc bat. w~viii bolitthenomeîetaas leai year. irsi astnhciialîdyvnugtu a was bore Ttîesday ln the' lutereai rut Mer. fNe reeetity completed 'n course a e C -A N I ý& &O.Ofsu e a Chicago 0 t. 0. F. No. eut. mot-t aoaont aneti fiortit T. V. 1lcuip reiiirued Tuesday troim collage. Thurlaysof e-limoný. anotheArknKastrip Hesartagaln Seeraluewcandidat« es elita 00.A R.MY.N (t. Api 9.G M urnee M.i W. A.lant Hlturday ~ 444444 ýr'he O liflhu li sn C» ormnl tili ou lte ,lcb eveung. The camp Rosibas abolit J0. 0. T. inoot Thitrsday eve "nos (of tbNth liii sud ve are sorry 10 Bay la net thiriy fAve momberi. week. LxasTra liootea. C. T. împroviug. Jame Mahcom, edilorofti e«M JORN0 AA ot6 A .me r.Ni<i* s pending a foisdays ceaI, and FrankRodgeru, bot of! h m in B n és a d M w FO R pnih norbfr fl on.wl rese n d rllu.Mro. E. J.Cook ai WaUkagan, ver. An oui towu Mouday F R SALE OR RENT. 1. S. <iLsoso. Corndr. rsnwitg.efoonriné Moii oii oîtit 9:2 dyMr.F am m droturued Thur&. Thlrty-ilvea enmae a generation. 1I alt. IbIs vay o! Calllug attentiona te the'tact tithut tili bave 100 ACRES mi gvr hagnd , staveek. Zarrives.0,anierIofa.u pies Weto al& t ierla. mteB. A.g oldlngand Ray Jouhnson wvent H u hue y UIlag lire. boxes <tof ~ of *e Jed Ooald Farm 2.ý uliea fot tof Waueoida sud i6miles Ws tdl5'aS l.i*t teluigvood Priday of lant vuai to DeWIIs Witei Haaek Have. F. 1B. ~3' Boheteller, tor Rale or rëui, attend s aauneistie dance.LVLLlrylIe Prfrt elROCKEFELLER. liev. Dutton vii dellver atemperaac e Ourse. mehorul athielle tom, Mar NotonIva i, Ctîcgo ît ayeveuiag Aprîl 17. Ai arIieaite. hMagnes reoenhly formait met Moaday StVe tll uldownto 0 8)Acres If wated wvicit viiimaie aàfOue dalrY farn ant week. M. nt Ms..lseh ounaaonsd uected officers. Thte = 7,eaa.ry Blet ObtainiDlugdmtsaniabstractoruthtits brme 1 have bai lIving Payait rom iChieago was Crystal Lake, vlsited relatives'sud LANOO elet;ec.,S i bloyd: apinu 91o a rs .T:e t'.L. Co., as vil as myselb, havgiug oe vr nda.friands la tis phace sud vîcîuîsy Trias»., B rohr; Ci. of ltrck #Uo~.~poahs, they fasht tiat delay la uneocessiry, na urge me te Close up w re rcelitly. la.Sr uhr h aebi ~ sIvbci Iprpoe a nopty us a auo a Ioue rî in lC hicago Tuesday. t enduplay<lie Grayalakes noxt Battir. Easter Arka sas. ravelilg anti vlaltlng relatives ln ~t ~ l sa nntato otiacrua or entet antd aI Loy lîries ctastlî'Wrng iu Waukegan Tuestiey. Thcutu e ollla oa o ut.scos I-Misn Lors Harrison and E. L. Te IoUigrsllosve FrnkThqwbslii hemouigHarrison vent to the clty the liraio! adopted -by-tbe WglrrenlLCemietory - GoOu Ad LokItOverVoin o r Sdhia.o Bedob roa reortheieveai.They arpeet 10 piliciae Austion:M Go ut nd oo ItOve Y If r. nd lis. oot fontTreortva bicycles before *bey returd borde. WnHamA2, death au outered out We vii avelatn mtieoit Imeil a .Vîstes lI, su Mn. Basly oeran. Cit. Davis imoved fromid the(Mynci MidAi sMd lian froid us Our baloired-- Wewil!lv lnnmdeo sin isda . adMri talyovrSn acirury ltweek lti e Dolej fam. fitrlnd i ss4iiM ga r. Cyntiia0. ________dey.__ J. E. (Mynci base Moved front lha vos., iberS!dbe Il Mr. andLeverF.Carm4lt9 ndhe s uOycb farim lato lie roome Reaefrd.bataliodç&li o! Mis. 1 wlll carry a full lune cf repairs for these famous 1*arrowsu ereWtitkegau callers b r. Davis.ÂAudiev Redman lie Vos Ou &SaelS hmio ut as caieil nat mu ~w low, Plvrizrs.Mpr .aonttulataion lb. lyaol a rnabas moved Md a mont vouty uember ber machines. *0e.. Milk Cans and the 1like attut rate pie ltehsewn oiiver vlew Oto ls oae a gatéldbis.toluehof ca htlioise anti pla e oubor anti pcs.Mis. hpere @neexpecta to stay for Itoats rOasdyfer lie aumme, esPn'il.n. h4-7w-%iaverhe Champion beffore u i Unsystematicallv o- ewda.HinAshaviag tbom paintidand l il Bfsolled, filatvwhtedeeply aym* DE7IIf Vouas itaention te keep thebe outs lupathiaig vitrelbhe roaed amily il OI ae utrete l ioyern sd botter signife thon cver. Paries ve aie hainkial e ca look back on I îipy y Y4 Slcum AU ON A.IL s ud bitder for thls scs.onAîlit iipuy deaAlgto camnp oui aund lie Lbeir lue m oneoth"hallbeen astbtanug ilpy y u te purchase your General LîtablieLLl aouitdoi iltecone te Wu aio. mpe bc.1B. byn.Mr. Kealbiar, o! valmorganlasd >e-ied. t, lia a opy o!fibth os oîl. Merchandise ________a lodga of Mytie Workera 0flie lloflu paceti "Monthbrecorda of OF Mis Aua edderofWsncouda. in WorId bore Wedzgosday ave., April 6. Ou meting and a eopy ha sent Io tbe bedpug M@. T J. eBrie whte ele an Malinina Hall. Another meeting 28-11y and tb lie ounty papers for L eL ec fe d M I DN I (I iT 2I~ beliug Mi. T. . Mefilde hiiia IU. libe belti ou Wodundas eveanagpublication. MAY A Là*s, L f ic fe d April 2. Ail ia.inggo roi chaoter meuilera siouid hocready te ALMtA 9. iiçse bIs ade J. bsthai evaning tas hate hllbéCommîstet'. DROC'KFE LERIIcmO Jrbs td cloraion triât date. - - IL U OS. laito nter canvass Lng 1utFarfli ad EMuter Huntay vals properly cala.41 ROLLINS. -----. _____ in ow ntcauanaugfor hooks. We hrated aitlte@M. E. churcbhîltHans- 0. lBook vas luWaukegan aHiittis cihbl uees.iluisnaw yori. dey. Tite moring servIces voee eilMi UeWltnisedfed n Mga. Chas. Kabh andi child -a tended. The sermou vashnaIl k l&U0f AneWie îieifîual Mev. nd__ Dultona ssermons, excelAent. Taea.d istri.t Mga. Buentow veut toiPulhlman tibaspecl mtal ne beipedti temaillerb oheatntu;T e a b e on a o s vei bere thtey vil apeuti a day or âservice oeetint i yl long bc gaiN a leu go. I s e o la o s 80 vth relative@ tien returulug remlembereti. At ibe clm ose sarlp- John Hook. ot Orysial', vwax lu tht teb Chicago homo. t.onuva takau for missiéaary von vliity on bllurday. FRTPE IMSA LO etc" Thte large sua o!fi$75.50vasn ROY itovli lugas saàtiig Fred FRTP E IMS A LO The Fauter exercises is the ChipeI su hscrihod. Tht oveng servies Huebker lA it artin vîi. sn umdsy eveitel vere very «'voI COUsi.tesl et sergo, instrumental mast tai attudd.Mac rmdirecitius lty the childieitandsud t a number froin bre aiieuîdt't thtntiiysc ýè 1a in tie a',.l'lie y election laOraoaeie tsay.t inLake Cou nty Fair, October 1892. i viicit retaterid. favogred the audientce vith a dtint sole. l'lallad a&itMrs. Wions'Tnes&iy. Asa Jeice hitt the pieaueetmku The seeclons by the choir er. very Auotheî naîn storut ou Fridaty wvi bI a tnp te Wauie arueday msacum-goed. 'jhe recatîatos vege ait goati maies At; disagreeatie unsier foot.aniittsdlainutlmeudbta nlqii hlo ît tmlytL A D~ trpt akeaiTeda eoi &Dtsoe ta uc im alben Sr qte hlo ndlml BDA LLA H H LE puuied lîy Mi. Tiegatilufrein Spenttinilllugforitheoeuson. The vîsiteti nt ber pats nal Waiiectuda otn -Leithtoa, ltaelater wilii probabiy ciuircbwonvas idsnosly deconated 'vitHuMudiy Wl tn o h eso f.8a i.F vlthetht stars aud ttI spesanud pîtitei il sadnarte eaolou'8ulth F I remain lu Ue cotuty juil far a white. floieUns îaeîî, (Ot Chicalgollt uiling Tue ldeviks ert-reparetititi ____ aboui for tiorge Sheatîiîtandîiettum. GROUNDS, Libertyville, Ill., and hle services may b. 'l'ilite fndts voi e goten p by îLe VOOICotkili. weeMnathe fuedt wete gottentnatigîthenOif secured for twelve dollars to insure or elght dollar al Ladues AId .Becieiy tut puy fog uov Mr%. E. L. Htîsen vimeteit rehatives in Grsyslnki, vert' vhttona et ira, b. cash for the season. ds Ilamber utodeti. The 'Itocieflelowa,' Wacnda liui Weduesay. Hieldon'it. , eod2:1 7ï. Mid- engbt tetitîuk thetladiles o! tLe aid C. D. Smnîit,ot OaklPuni mettie saÀ large luimler frein <îîayaittke for their geuxI demi,. business trip te 'o o tday. attendeti the Aid S#ielty itelt rn lr. weihig 14 Im. Mrs. Dvigtîu has uuttved the Hny Ms ett aie otfiDalte. attdîîbe ira . b aU b 1aliUet ha ibi bacittutbrse ttîliy sixte .hm ld stand. If you Heurtitir tîua l eitin tRs. Jo itît D oo ! c iengysîtei aditre. tinkeianvertAniter raveui Efs utattitIl.syoaul"ts it eitt w iitsîlov le Btzehhale boue teLettton rs. ohn owe of e Hery vsite andChrit 1111et wer li Lirysiat.,iavîte hih bestvà e boubt' 'hIorse, the Morgans' oceupylng part efthîe Fariner honte. vit J. Frut anami ly lutidai lnday. an t1rdut"viityeaad3'.afii atin dt sp.ed and endur- E. E. H1tieL~he barbier veul to Oak .i.liunsd ieatcei Mn. bSmithitavs oui fronth<e eity Ittiet Ilio ut ltuiftiiitellsyn le agbagindgtie hte, sped hewek f auerwiù isWaucaatta. 'l'ite prograuîe vas excel- anti retuugued Tiuunray. RYSDYKS HAMBLETONIAN sii~ n 2:08, a haîf ln peut h aeirtEseîwl I lent. Titomas Carbîli shot ant i kllerI ase ~ps.a 204 git.parets.MinsaDalay Ford bas roturitei frotntgul hieh mousanenesvon teet tram bi t irai t a, a8Itisett'are lot ronmrkable goh lstyle anti extra tronliug 2:0 git br onhl vcaio ad il Ts ipto tff. t onth urgeai iver n tu ittltu-anîtl ctala Haitieft, Jr., sou et Hatilet, ion of Volale, col. Al are ds- VAHOE ber due: as toucher ai tlÀe brik ite conaty. lits Rece lîent as lietti iy Mn. Kirk, ant irsld b! biauldenm reed, breeder wfIl be Farinera are very basy ttis veti "choc]bouse Monday Aprîl 11. The LadIes AId bociety met aitlins. Ilitelten, le horst ke1ttt e tlucoht aitîtlriou a ntHorner n te noahrth u C~ 5 Il àots to be settled for sowlug rDaIs. Doîiti forget the memorlal srvice, C. Daollttle's Tbunsîy. About onty. ttb il uni tîy. tuti îseuu-kîiîivln the ilouttitpaît et Ctaok 'rulnly as a Mr. C. P. hlcitih tbei la Chicaga oMr MissFraua Wilhard aitlite Vohlgh ir rau ioeryod iruvbr el ex'trta gttî os îtilttta~ lastMarnday.E. citureh Aprulil . OUn pator enjoye ti euâelves. 1ev. Mr. Duhisîn, osbtis a appeclatGeorge Himitvito reslded tu We are glati lu report that Mns. invitatiotn trte yeuug people te o, bc Hnesvlle tvayears ago butilivea u J CEadJAEinTY aîia rpm Duides a o lie gla.proscrit. Chicago at present vas dnlvtngi LEY Mr. Dletltorn'is baby basl heen qulte The Busy Boe soctety met la Iheir fractIons teurne vhen they IL IOI.nck, butla nome botter. hiall hst Frlday atteinoon, buisa fev becanse frigitteneti aud tljrey W. R. CHURCH, Fair Grounds, M'n'gor. e. - LLNOS. Mis. C. H. WoOlîldge spent a !ev mure prenant, the stormy vesîber aud hlm nofftheb.wagon vben teviteels ________ dsys la Chicago hlut veei. very hmd rouids bavlng binderoit theut rau over is body andi took bis leg off -.~, ~Mis. Augas Witz boa bleeh autfrnng vary mncb lau heir rori ibis sprlng. betveeu the hlp anti tte. [Htnw f6Hr Trte i asevere asec o naagla. 1ev. Mr. ani M»a. Cark, o! Mciienry lies lu Cook ouny Itopisi. 5O ) F r a Slli n - c os.TotrMr. John Wooridge as been vlsiing calied On some to! tîbeir 'Vola frionds M. L. Yocusu, Cémeron, Ps., mays IIa relatuves llntisvielisty a ait des. Mondmy ape"dlg Monday ulgbl vili vua susffoerrfor ton yeses, lrylug __________ TheMaser aU I le W>~~bamL. Lobdell aMd fauifsand Tueasymotaili lds ai plile remedies. but ThetBaMg.r J.lTseedheantimfugisil y miFo thoul auecesa, De ail' Wieh iaxel 2 0 3 bahllest Mouday evealng vas véil Leke . J weSal si tFo &ve vas recommenditeme. 1 useti The above price was paid by the French Coach' ciamapion !eaw-yesr-old paclag geld- Mien Bianch Husen basou gone The 11113e girls o! VolDanma viîat eb.Ibseffli ure tA a permanent HersrCe for pEilRehs o.hd h SI. trotting. Poli geaI race bors Grayalakol to asalst Miss Whlmore tavo orgaulmod au --Open Wlutiou'DWt'sWiiHa ae a e choic of McLaughlln Bros' Stalions. Noeuch et ïbalitare evor ral.te pontsilfice. i bU' vili 4 memubessbtp o!ftourtea.DWt' ie aebsn tani.Tbey mae s Amvdsy afternon ili *quami. F. B. LovzLL, Llbortyvilii. Stallien ever Steod for service un Lake Co. S. Amuas imoal, ity Almont, ]Êre. Aunal.Keiluer, Blanchisud'. MasJeal mon. Duringtbe amer- l - bfre.erirI a-mpre hme1aéu viI .gei sa Ar.MiM.Dyke lest Huday. Te Ils ie PTory eutwo slllc tin ILUN Titsîioebos arenvit T he nnsagis arogvraut va pre n .MLBR.tif ul bay with suberb action. He mustbefen Adsss sind qalrlssta is. C. H. Woolrldge and Miss Cors lhiitorti. Haccoes toth@lb. Opea Miss Addte Pollock apeut Fauter teb aprc te. lm edg e leIite - Haîf Day, ja Wag7,evore peutons cmllera aet Mga. Wlndov Club. - vîibraen. yisaa oae.The Easltei servicesut the Volo M E . lph Spaftogi haa engagedti 0 o. hands of his manager, Mr. George Vosi where ~.C. Payne !Imsreeait l venît cbnrch Banday atiernoon vons e; Kennedy for tvo montle. it may be seen by those Interested.

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