Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 6 May 1898, p. 2

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se lut IM -vqu w. dmt theq ett pin fon tI gy- lu tiy a«t 10 -st but -e i. Y AT Qui ribe Dsnct o n 1ei h - PE DE Ity haspaad troum oU tu errer insu ~IW» u u grgeon9o Feetuefl Of Pont likeIy toubhomme blstot4el Wben cont pavee: Man's Lire. trasted wth the recorida, where eitent * WOOOAN, PIbhSn fl o miey a reident surgeon ln SEL of husiness movenients atperilideilatthe . . nu. n. . . t - Min. scpital, BVoukyu. N. Y., has country's ltorywhen ws, was the final auxem net à.,Pace for ai, Young amabulanoe renaît ofutaii elas4tins, the tCiOperTe surgeons Io i lIO«e Stanialaus Zazon- with wblch the County han recoiuid Fk nadrver for anllC Groth ot Brook- the outbreak of botilties witb a foreign El~~~ TOt».II~ ~n ier-e kick trumil aborne carused power le flot only proot that the ulin [ILED TO TI EaIe. 'L' ounfd fracture et Zîîtanky's tligb and depression of the pont ir weeks bu7. aujthe jagged e-nd ofthî1e boue eut have largeiy dlscourited tbe effeci usual- au rter, Ao iller;bood -puirted frOro the lY wtuessed, but turnishez a vloable MCL.UION F A RSSIA w0 d. A butIer raled lSr. Barys bon- index to the sellerai point of vie taken li' pilai frOF A Rnibalsuc .n Whr-n the arnl"' by the business cosnmunty salto the Ont- 1'LEI "DREYFUS" TRIAL lance, lilugng aient. rear-bed Eastern couse of the peudlng waR. Little or no _______Parlway and RockassaY avenue Ait heel effect upon general trade distribution ot raUgrl in a rat Sud auapIR-Pd Off. D)r. an untavorable cheracter la perceptible omtluutes ta Cause M vch Coent Curmaley.vpked himalelt uaulan then, lu the reports ot the pant week. Cereal il*lt. Petsrsburgp and FusIlier Sen- quite naurnalir. pirked al, hie cage of ilu exporta show a conalderable incresse this COMOI tieusi D.iopments Are Epecte4 truinunls«. Then tivo boya.' dsatched week, wheat ahipmeuts trom, thia country k1fliddsefu Iowa Amoy Oficar. troua the stable. rushed ail talm. "The sud Canada aggregating 4,160,996 buah- -the man*@a dylue," they panterd. Dr. pl, agairnat 3232,000 bashels iaat week, tbormley tarted for wbere the dylo niain 1.1Z,.000 buaheis in the correapondifig Iotd »5cletm snd tInfomaion. WB@fit a sper-d that would bc loudly ale neek a year Ugo, 12t;0,000 IiuWbcla ln 1806 he Enssian *L)reytua' trial m hir- bbas plauded on s cînder track. The stable aul 2,555,000 bualiela in 18M5. Corn ex- E it closedlu nS. Petersb.urg. ,dlni was a mile away, and the surgeon,.inunoi- porta aire Mlon larger, nggregatinlt 4,261,- Y £ Mite the Goverumnent. uni torîbuir torn. spet along t a six-minUte gait. tROM uselu.g agatuat 3,3(U3,000 buahels laat Imtionasl developrents are expecr-ed as lie got te the stable tboroughly wiudell. wreh. 3,657,000 buahels !lu the week s malt of the rigîd inquirres belîf made lie thun delicately lotok u the 1)1er-ing yrsr ago, 2,142.000 uhelm lu 1896, 1,- lb.impri.l olce.ThePrr-"~artery and lied il and saur-j unougb blod ttîtt.000 bushels inl 1895and 8,0bu- vtcted bave alrr-ady ber-o reinourd t 10 takseîî Zuasir goiag. Chf in 1894. Business tiiîlîîres in the Midi brin, wbere. acrording to ilîrir 5.-l - United Statesa il week nuuubcr 245, a ke, they are le rentamn for lf-. 1'brre DYNAMITE STORES BROKEN INTO. gain ot 21 over lesat uer-s ta ih. andlcorn. le ine prisonera. lucluding li or-~uug -parlnir nltb 244 l b -rîitîln the we mn, and the crime nitb nhich îbeY Maga.. ca t NewOleansallrgîsrized utf17, 254 lu 18116 ait 2(K lunt1,S. me rharged uathe sellng ot miulitary hy Spanlali Symspathizern. a eUnets and informsationiîiconeervig A derîdr-d sensation onu r-raîcdlulNewsUow CRESI'O IiIID. detense of the empire 10olleged, agentls Orleans the other rvcîiiog hen il ut ilsBt thse Antrian Goter-rulunl. 'lie Ino learneul tiaI the dyntamitle magain aîll îî enezuelan E-lreffident Ilet Ieath lui, ltelpala accuseu were a prît y r-,uurlor svhicb Major Quinn. the nerriii charge ut thIe Head outHie Tr-oupea. irc Id i youfig daugbitrr. Belli ut ther-of tthe City dutenara. kept hi@ asurPlY Oft ('.r-eral Joaquin 'rr-spo. thr- forner -T mre sent 10 the rensotcul parut fSbrna ligh explosivesl. bd been bruir-i open preideut oft 'r-liZielai, n endearur-r Ille. Thae others îuyulvr-d iu the cou- anduiaaquantif ty or d lauloir- rarri-d an aY. ing tu compel lîr-ru.andez to erngage-in balt ce» lacy inclodinga anumirorn iinor alt Officiala rlaixed tbt thethtbeves taid tie- orarthie t1001ofut tipo. (mthe huila )UV ebef f the lusperial army, wne,'ail île- unIr succe-rd-jin se niî,g a urusîl i'i-jaries outhle tatu' of Zaiiona, rlî,hr-d 1 cri Ied of thelr civil rights andutiltary ily outhtir-explosive. îltioîîgh tir-yre- tirhead utbis trooand 10 re-r-1 iila bal- Bei Ok and condeusned Io0servritute in Si- tused lu tr-l the exuct amuoot. The dy- let in IaerhuaI. 'fie gllnldm satr-n ils for tenras raugug fronilien Io twn- nainite wsa. tored in a brir-k magazine. minutes atterwardt. lima triops nîiitUli- -ve years. The avenits ut the peu- urar the "New Bapin." a Coanal rhlch rou- cd their position.. Ther bout> utf(-nrralT h, les la cansinu mur-h comment, espe- uertathe r-ty wth Laie Pontchartrain,. Crespo naa rarricul lu Barqiimeto.r-lu5. fly as.the evdence agiaiathre uYoung and un the clge out hie sanflt. Il la lis when-e it ira takeis l uaus. H-ie nr nm an mdber rallier, ConVi-eas auprin- lonesome s spot a any thiet coulul de.- cvmad wsa taken btîr ;-ieral Batalîs. CroSS pah. wUs regardeal as ut uitIle wright. sIre, but was br-uvily bult and WBas goveno futt the tedler-îîl district. M'lth ber-t _______thouuht to bu secnrely tastened. Two un- thle exr-epton ofthtat distric-t ini Zamorb men OU&HAAS MAYOR lis OUT. knowu men in a skiff roweal by ai feglo nl the countryinlaqîiüt. lle deth uf werrau pasnigout the basin the fol- (jeneral Crespo throwa uch grea ter nult c 6,*Appueritd by tihe Supreme lowing roring at su ualy bour. but power into the bauds ot Presîdent An- Unit couVrsuaisa Avalant Moorce. there in o evdeuce ht1 tbey ucre cou- drade. Mali( >Uaba'a isosational mayoraity Content nected i wtisthe robbery.DEACTO D 1 eluded. the reterce appointeul by EA> NADSUCD. ed I a suresie Court to hear the testinson> POWDER WORKS BLOWN LP. barb letliga aaist the present Mayor, Aîsia oedr oupay' Mts u Ns Bac Bnk oler itaind ak 2. Moorea. A yuar ego the Oma-AlnaPidrcm iseMleutNwele chate nas hagel sd I he r--- Dover. N. J., Dculioyeu-Si. De.d. A fr-w days ag9 . emu .Trr Ii M tonoilng Moorea was electud Mayor. Au explosiolin crurrr-d lu the Atlantic- rnsiier rou the Meclianicif' National Bank gene r. J. Bronteh. n-bu hadl been legolatr-d Powder Conipanuy*x orksalatfourr N. ot Ne-w Bedford, Mass., nus tounal dead appe it f thse Mayor& office . na a candidate J., aud the plant la uow a mafaaut ruis. 10sbin a hi nfic airertors' rootu et the fluet Sthse contention whir-h numinitteal Six workmen usre illedan sd tour othera bat. Il wa given out lt it eranse ship [unes. Broatcb retuaed 10 aurrender were iseriouily injîre.t, 5,111e prbhll uf t li asapîîopir-ay. Later a triple Bale a nocelabls Moorea waa dr-dr-j, ai- fatal. The dr-ad arr-: AlfredI Barir-k. ýsaaîiou was a r-ied by the- latumefit - ging that Moorea nas ahort as district William slnmpf. Caapmn lIa!. David ofuthte offIr-rs ut the aut tlîat '.%r. Terry mt2derk whichoff bueha d recenîly Sebheer, Wlliams liac- Yk. Eisas Abers. corinaittr-siasiiride; that the reignation of male alrnhic hofe ue obdny The works werru atuated lu an solated JamsaW.Iliervey, the assistant raahir-r. art l n ie as tIsetautahorngbie pot seven miles fruniDouer. Thene lied ber-n arorped, Rand that dtaications BS liaNortabskaruet holdig pulic e re ,tellbuildings lu the group. oaul aillbad ber-n diacorered. The bank officia mui hod utilBisscrsu o ui have been dealroyed. The norka bave Intimule thaI the defaioations are about "d oldauril is u,ýe.rcoud qai-been ruuuing nlght sudd iay. turnin.- ot 8125.000. A trust foud ut $25000 un- e. iecoardrd tuhMoroafficec surren - ud, rders tur the United States (lourrumifit, dur the will ut Sylvia An towlandth Ie zsd Mores Bratrb srrederal.and a large amout ut ammunitiofi tefUIdYprevent lurome utfn-hi-h igues tu Hetty it appealusituth ie Supreme Court. That for etp 0 a tre uteprkri ie- aai u aebrouel Ma o tpe sul rterof M ate tC5ti bouses. 'Thia, with ail ollîur explosives, ami n Ie abie-t t MyorMooe wn dualrovr-d. A tusvmen wbo wece in Stuationa la Grav. Degsd ahortage. The refurue's report the building mauagrd tu escape, and tiley The sIranship Mad" iblrings tht toi- sas fltyonucass gidatMoorea. Th'@ ran abouit thuecoutry ben-ldered. They lowiug intelligence trom St. Thomas, Dan- sialon muet bwc eviewed by the Court W conlal give nso Intelligent accourirutftthe iab West Indien: The atnîctent cenaorsbip ws lagfuai. Moores'isone otlimaia%cause ut the explosion. tili prevails oves ail nens in aud ot bot protrineal citizreus. ut the Islandi of Porto Rico. Nesut the Wheit Short ln the North-est. doinga orthtie outside worîsi la nittsbeld Race for thae PeuRapt. Nultur jeans bas tihe Nortilweat ber-n trous the people oftietatland.- Anc- PWfOWIng i. tihe standing 01 tisa clubs as short utfn bat as uow. Country casionai steamer trona Sen Juan binnsi i bi1'aten.IB.-al Leace: stocks bave rear-heil a very Ion- point a crowd of retagetawl or rIa W. u. W. l. theru botng probabiy les.i thon 2,000,000 Ralrminfg tales of the ilaud'u local et- Xuelnnati. .11 3 Phiiadlphia.. 6 6 t>bula beldi t ta im ine by country tains..A battaiton ut Spanlah troopi bas Nltlmgre . 7 2 Pitlabnrg ... 7 8 bouses. ouly a very solail portion ot which recently arrîvesi at Porto Rieo trous Cuba, levOi'nd.. 9 5 Louiville ... 5 10 la conlnsct n-heat. This cuplains n-hy tIseald more are expecteut. This h sîguii- otos. S 8 Ne- York.- 't- 7 Mnnuapolis ubeat market advauced over cnt, os the troopa bave hertotore comne laago.... 7 5 Washngton.. 3 8 20 cents l nue wr-rk. The wbest t l 1drect trous Spain. But il ia on a par C Brooklyn ... 0 5 St. Louis. 2 10 Contracta las ot iniaîgbt. Close ctimates wIt.h thse geniera i militari aclivity pte- prî, -by elevalor compsuies show tilat ufthei>.valing-the dally driling uftrfoupe, the dur P'oflewlng la tise standing ofthtie lubfs beat su country store andl lu Ceuse tor- toreal n-rk ons the fortifications ot San bri à thse Wetern League: n-ard ouly 1 prr cent un the St. l'oui la Juan, tise minlng ut the barboe entrance i W. n W. L. contrlsct n-buat. 2 perrcret ou Mt. Louis, asnd tise hurrlcal arangemessts tur the tri [lilianapolla. 10 1 Kansa Ciy.. 4 0 4 lier cent on the Omuaha, n-ile tise North- torins of dynamite anda bigb exploslvez nut il. 9st . 2 Miwauee... 4 7 cru Pacifie- sud Grent Northern ruada lalise barbon. The situation in Portoth 0ohaluis . 6 4 Omisa. 3 7niake better showiug, 12 ta 30 per ret Rico lh certaly grave and the tbreaten- d £lanuapois.. 4 5 IDetroit . 1 1)t> elpectlve]y. Tii, honever. givua lttIe cd scarcity of foca lIn tiseillai ad lu- r relief because ut the siusal amoufil lu ternal disorder, reenlttng theretruni arecr Lsogeetee. lad.. Sufera PIre Less., os onr.Ntfrîsyyasbv perbapa the muat sentons phaes. Foodcr Aloât the enlire businessa portion ut Nrthwetern raileras md to muet sncb a prîres bave about doublesi. Dur-lors de-Aru [fofoeInd.. nas dustro> cd .Bl-stuaitu. iîgipuini ac enrlare that maladies resultîns tront mal- at soDduryirfie. The lunch waz applied to paid ftur r-bhoie millng n-uhuaI. laArnuor ntrtinar _____ n aamigl an oepb MeAteessaloon. Shiney & C.. look a good deal ut thisehat tl, Chi- Burns.on Lakse Superlor. are apIeeut dealers,. but $14,000. The Baip cago. Leiler boaght about 30,000 The wuoden steamer Servia, troam Du- bei dt Obrcb and potoffice wçre buntieu. bushelasud put in store la Minneapolis luth ton Kinsgtosun-itb a cargo ut Cors, gai >lIer beavy losers are: lartin Brus., and IDuluthi. O-t outheî -Counntry silpply Ivnsabsraed on Lake Supenlur. Her crew n-I ptleral merchanfa, $2500; (Gr-rge Sirey, muet go tbcen-boul for coutry milliiig, aal the sailor. trois three other boat, Cl gaverai merchat, $2.00(; G. A. Wnlker. wich lncreasea tise tigiltnersofuthtir-sit- worked al ad 10 aubue tise finies, but bqi lrssggt $2.000; J. . Porter, jeweltrr, uation. n-th no uew wlr-t tu couse for n-ru ullsable lu do ao. The Servis n-as su- q1,000. About tuenty othm luusiesa gndiug outil ir-îteiuilr. A mapitll for tien duserteal anal sunk. She waa owvied Ci bouses n-une detroyuîl. Tic total Ins abotuoneventeen neeka rout>tic lawgoosi & A'.ury flet. sailing uni aulonti tou arîy $60,000. Minneapolisamille are grindîng over 1ttJI. rousClevelandl. and crarr-led 3$e,000 lu- tia 001 a n-reh. andu Duluth uilla are adding uance ou boat and cargo. ai BrittisFarimer la Pleasesi. lu the coifisunption. Mdinne-apolisanaîd r-s Thse Britihbformer la Ioklug tom-ansi Duluth ogtbur oîly hava 13000,0(X) f CoassuerclatCoums.t. te,10Chine.a. i Ie large profila trous the nar. W~heit bas ail grades IV public bouîses, as agmiliat Atter Carerail, ...lderation the huard n, brsen selliasi for thc lutit en dn>-s nt front over 20,000000 at yr-ur. in îîen ut this ofutdrertors of the Pbiladeliuhîa Miuum la, $10 te $1250 per quarter, nhilr- lu lie ionien-bat oartliîug situation. Ibere arr- bas decided lu sendl a commercial cous- sorresposding perlIodlu 1895 tihe price not a tew nho îrrdict $1.50 fur May sud tuission tu China fer thle purpose utf ex- 31 tris jst oven $5. 'felîr- ice ut bread la July wbeat in Minneapolis. Ir-ding the treide reationa been thse eh sam riîing. and iiny onîen bous-a United StatesanadsiChns. le écsrer lbat nilI affect bhe feelinigg ut tie Tir-ed t tr-Poouffal eftrpol TIef. g a~ Os lc. Wi BrIlas onkugiai twad ue f icbaa Couse at laIt.Tie organization bas Prot. JbKB. Moore bas qualificled a t' binrmane continue. collaîîsed, sud. forin tua suai tleasI, bher-Stabe Ibepartifient iun W staltgtou as n Abadoes l 115 înis. ili iii al probabllity not bc renuinmu'. Asmvitafit Secretary ut TIse lng John IHalan, tirs iiîg tir- burire Mria atu b leau ueeî etPint( oht.a Oarnle L. Taylor. nîth a cargol uolim n-ru out ut i. Ail eanulimose vhivh A Wcsaut PoittyneCraduaetsnsq gai. ibat a ff toiehad nu rail r-onnecrtionîs were evr-lujesl Atced tof i ty- WsadetPoin Miuary l Luâ ok , t enroieribu-ill f '1eThia @te-pn-as the du-njh low lu the poo*. ademi r- teWeat.oin ntryt i kuN. C. Ther- barge bcer-uit tîaîeuîdyseg. mangeale uj îbbhuelimn o hurd Soule ut thc,înni uIîu. nhiirh iiid ~ . mmaebl ndwthlVemn ub l ot turnied a nhî-vl fur luter-fiyrars. IAKEtirUTTIN liuasabandonealI.' byte lug, vicilr-t hut1 ere birig onnu-l.andîjthe Iroulier. UIKTQOTTOB 1 «Rit n-te, anjd drggevî aulore t 1,ook- wîir-liu it uîrulled ii Jaumes îîauitoii.t eut ligh. T1he crew ofuthtir-ug nus re3- offrredinlutaie granîuut une -ghtii ut a hicago-Cattie. commun lu prime, 8 . resi. but il l atrancdti-heimen o the cent. A lively igit la sntic-liiated. $3.-00 ta $5.50; hog-a aiipng gnaudes, barge were lotl. $3.t1) lu $423; ahcep, tain tu choiue $1250. sucdea obl Cm.Ais Important Dectiiois. tu $45; ir-t. No. 2 ced, $1.10 te $121;.l Suiid u MaieCap. TIse Indiana SatureCourut, in sesion cura, Ne. 2, Vto u 34c-;flets. No. 2, 30C al Lieut. PPpn-and C. l'Il' ut Couipaliy C, In Indianapolis, bandej don-n an uopiniun ta 31c; ryr, No. 1), 60c to Cle; iimlor s M'neoted la votval inSltrugbl lu lntihe case ot Lenwla Bautu anj thena choirecreamcry, 11k te 17e: cggs, treuil, Si eadwit s esîvu atSpnng ih againit Ela'1'bunithat la ut great inter-9e Io lic; poternea,.cr-unontu eboice. P Camp, Mobile, Ai. lie died lataî s upnosub a ou nr-atiScl iS e uhl Be -a inpor hulitamIdelmoidulmotgage seCunty nt bigh rates ut inter- Indisnatpois-CattIe. sipping, $300 tuu .«Or DOltbeag orderea tu C'ua. Lieut. est ansi tu huor-ns. Attornerys 55$2; oa horelgt,3.0On$.S amllvnai s anative ut Muscatine, Iowa, tiaI thufer- thIbisder-..IsRon a lperro .25abou.,mos choir-cigh, 3.00 te 34.50; .a«d iena 41 yeara ut ag. sny one n-ho bas palal interest nt a higherr n-at. No. 2 $105 to $1.07; cra, No. 2 GeneratNeson Dite, rt hn8pretpranu ule white. 34e tin3Me; oats, No. 2 nwite, 31c Brevet Brigadier Gciierai Edw-in C. MA. pat six jears tu recover bor-k tIse exrè.stlu3C. oeuU. 8 A. retred die ethi& om is au action agaînt iarcrediton, provid- Et. Loul-.Ottie, $300 te 35M5; bugs.a, Ilt u, i A. uiel ua Ibsbu e d thec Inulasfinal repalul. $3.001 tu $400; aber-p. $3.40 be34.75; e Et. aul Miit.Wî. Depsitint Buy* Horaca. nesl, No. 2, $108 te $1.101; corn, No. 2 70 sppren heu Dutet. Llet. ol. mit, U 8.A.,yellnn-, 82C lu 33c;gasta, No. 2,SOC te 31c;. To Spprs. hes Dules Liut. ol.fimtiU. . A, icr-arge rye, No. 2, 58e to 0c, D5'îti~tr itE'. , tFtI noOP m A.- r- 'lied Itle shuore uuu-dr mcn tir f the irl.îm-,liSattiul> îîuigit and n t dey- ta lIa; nlica li-litui t1iimvuloto-lMa untit y Itih- ,8;,he iu ilit-c , . liluIf von t y vumî-l ely. Iittl l ii t n ht'î. îhaîî aburatuui un-o.lNai,.1acli-l ablle lu sorr'e t NttIule iii un u.y i-1r, is sui ua âgîham t u-i T- tîlîl -e-i l i-l raslera auul fise gluelileatu 'loui lr 118 ris nene opîtitud 14S cumlas. Bi-t bt,' nerir-an gnonus re lie-vt-ethe 'Amer- un ur-sarl -iratlrluer simdandtr-tIt.fin jd Amernriau-ameniirn tl rîuînenutht-ne te Do tetter in the uvuiu. 'The action gan a1 once andl tbre spcr htu r-a agements durnu thelr-dis!, tbI-e noolti rhn waathbu' ut,-,rumcthiîuulittrelie inau mnristilulai t lut' lagilip utf lhe îm iil îuadrnu.iu. IDn(miiilt lu'e uura i,îse colliOuie lr us Skili'u, aloi thel stîilla. iiucii lîuînh- 'nu>ii hat titli- he Arit'i.It tiiiI us'ut--Iulîî ked. 'tir- arecc iti nium atiîîîos.liîv% -n,' hîlat li. i 'neui u -l, va.tIi- iroyed. Ifrt l,-reI lia(il iithe lc 110 oulî hais t-i, or-i't 'ut I-y Ilî-le itlU rda v u u .lI ttl «lu'1 1'nuisnliit#-proituliouaruthii- uil-ifuitthe aIla î fotacii-itiîuuuv the gîiiili . u.r- hilua otjiil tic,oi i lthe Aul. i vii i it tu-- or se-vtrai lit mica thlic la rt,r rt-maîîiu uIt-i itb Ilie- chic .tf ti ý t he rll.Ilu unish mii i FA~ÂS Spanlsh Batteries Are Speedlly Blowa to Pieces. DEATII AND RUIN DEALT OU! Amercau Wuruips for Tbirly Miue Buicl Forth a Stors cf Iroc. Spanish War Vessels. giiis II URNED AND SUNK. dore Den-ey'i Americun Shelil Do An-fuil %v«c nt M@Mii NUA~NCE FOR THEI MAINE. rid Advices Admit Grlmhiat Defeai and bthe bioss t20Me. Asusatir- tquadron Aiment Anist- tis te Spuouati Fleet lu a TeirrIfie alie off Cavite, Ntae bIse Capital ot - pilippine lîunde-Osie ofthtIe cat Naval Engegeme5teofthtIe Age ri hIfeina NMaris, Ciriltia Oud kli a Are Bu r sea, Whuie lise Do- la de AustilaBI.lo-Up -(thI- e. A-ti- uk lue Sa-e Thcni trous eInt Captai-cO me ft uituaIle-Outthle Ntva1 fr ton'bIl' i Nirt, lins o-vu totglit tutti ulullr> lia Aniericaniimrîu. lTh, lImeua l retunlIa'nuiI andtit Il iieuuntcci aa- lihase ht-ti au eig-d isn eur a>-y -ru. fie .hiat me uqtiutrulOfuthtir led States, tqýumuoodIure lDewery coin) a;dng, r-ngmsgtvianmd ecoipltr-Sdeu-ti-- lue Auîatic aqoaîrneoutSptainointhe îor ut Manita. an the Philippine lai- . teorta uftIhe tecriier-lumtilu St ttir oe uscil vIt1en anertemulegur. l-'ri the trul drift outIle dlvjîatr-eir- fwuu [lmin bimmu (jrsIul .ilre lIeuse'>. n i-i t flisre cîistra ti- lipinpue ac- 1, Bialtimore, tuubiConrord. andt cmigli-an euhlie giîuluat I'rtrei,-~ St lie aItl il. 'tile - Iîîtîîfln ut siniîke - t':,, -1, - 1r:. g. 1-11 ai tn,î-îmmi-tl tillen. le s1jnîbv It 'ittrli ii.11illti-t Il. hurt 'ieui @bot -ul-î ilIemirlu iiu.Cis îtî r Don tî-ljuan tl -vi- 'il1 de .Susle.l* .1 lse if 1.110 tolus.A- r-a tliluutli 'iic i-nîlî.î.uFl- atleidtlhe simili ,ti' .ri, - u i udr-rouval - îlîu-c îlAil 11 110f .1i.tiimg II "-, viult iirl t iilu- mull IriIIvMimm' u t e 111 andill--i- iuder Im ygtiinu-t i -u il ivu-. . lt- îruuîîîl. r u bue Spaiiulu. ( Cimii altunful. u-orinarid- t r1ni 1,ui-tir i.i..... iiul.- ag the Maeini i'iîbimuîusuilleul. totn- t;sîr-hli tile> fru-ir modore St uîîtejît ,îIlI u th- t li e-. bi blifted bis t,î c frntatleu- arlu I 'lisittia to ie bale de 4'ubua ar-nh amallur ste-i Bns.- Up M ir-ais ut the v proter-ted cruiser, jîlat hetore the C-lis- Tuie SI i >,m î,îituih'm hl tina surît. T'e'lee ini) of utthe IDou tlnroumgi t velu4-tlt l-mtil tt Juan le A at rimi santtended hy a great ut thelît- li ul-uhlti uNIttu', -ut iî i loaa ut lige tanîig tic cren-, ber uîi- barton, bai muit-cii dlu--i r-u> t mnrder alao heing tilled. lish a ujheri tslu Ilis oiullal brotu the tenon uof the dispatchea it cti t Ii'mîîmîîv ,ultii i euiscertain thuit tîte Spaniih Asiati- ouithe par t uitftlis- Sinilslî ai leetha balen vriil ut alandut fat ail that hluei lr-îtuhikuîî1,, uov -i uii vas naved waas lanish bollot,a flimsy ss-nr-i utîtir tiec;m,îbîunui lutlmvai sort ut salvage, n-bleh t.illnul prove aser-informautioo n u 'mîtihre hiall> consobingtol the Spanisi people. .iaveuege tiheMaieiî.' Thisr-rusblng dr-fr-at in but tic bugin- ning ofthtIe end., If thc Spauli vessela Terroir Taise.a Pria.ý ,rhîr- lett Cape VendIe are crueaiug the 'fie Unitedt States itoitltr TE eun. nhich la doubîtiai. tir- sii!neyer hured tIhe bit Spuinaisls taIr-ns go bar-h. Spain usilI loge another fler-I. buurd froînt ('înna. Spvain,. fou M«ientiie lIse Norths Atlnîtic sqîîaeron Tht' prise hall on board a large will tigitef i is gr litnCuba, redu-- prusisiolla and riuuiiiy iîîteuuîeï .ng thse fortificatins out Havaîîa as il bus Spaniai trlslit Cubua. Tht those ut Matanzss anal Cabanna, nile iait te lace leuinules otff Cardei opens up c ium m u n ica tion s w it b the li- a d il rate r ac . î u ri îg ut-b .urgent% itader (iontsz andl Gancia aalndrrlitir- guiîhoît Mmi-tiss fil supplias theus nitIs tic arus and mstuni-ligthbbcSîuanilîl'a Idiot îouae tiona tIsey au sadi> ucedeul. Tic hattîr- litnuinor. Tie r-sew ofut tirtî'-rigi Muamila Bny la the tiret ctîautur is tier en on uKey IWr-st.*'Tue Guiuui stoey o ut 'ulîuufreedutu. Tht atory nuli ut 2,0t;5 tous nuet, aud laeuneon tint bu s long aile' est prizr-s ratluîet. Miunts for Cuaslt De$ense (Innl. A Clesveland, O., tri bas nr-ceived a rutmbioneler front the (invecomient ton ail more disafiaing ariage. fuor r-oacI defeuse tans.Tic order lîvoîvea about $100,000. Il i. staleal liaI tht-ru are 100 dutfemme ghrns whlcb the (luserment dr- sures tlu int alung the Atlanti- cuast- as satin us tom carrlages a au 1obtaned. Mexicain Renuder. Word ha huer.reolves inluNew- Orbe&s- fr-ou the Mex"ns border that s mnumiser et mursudtis xpedItIona are hetng fittd eu4t lu Mez iferuthe purpuai«et om"ln su taia ui- l.ittt,iiac lte ic - la ruma the 1-tleaFni-u b raiio>four '.m-ualts aoe "liîî iuîurt..-........; lietat Ne-surîl t ofplae>." lii unvi-v u . Aiihuune It tar .. IlumlîurTrrrvr 'Plieiinon I l Key Iu-lo gosutfuît utf NirGaudit---------------- lb, Itu 'ruue(> luriz vîtibis t eut nu mitre ean ue er-uni- Id l'y "fil- Alger Wirn. Ili. Asaislauta. 'lue 1Iahi1jltitrlîla oe-IfcIrry inasocintios usi au-Iita A.n oec s mu s lov iil li) Su-irr-tar A- offerlt ;a - 0 lii t hc gra ves u r iiîiasueti kilI- iillîo nili" s tuiiaIlitir-bîuulnuitteuAciin thble Ilun ,(d in lis'vs:,r. ia. 'Tbis alid utii-nsut lîer- snR gaulîrt giviuîg "1 1re ,yDpaletbs neni eubesointo 0 luttain îformion ueuhalsevrrtai nî'ni.eratlîe Satnuuisa, Spaniisi, semaed lu Bolixi uifthlie îurs'sa. larbor. relesiet. rho, -va] Drie court bersnIs 1.ait- r-r eucp- ane (uidu, tr Havana. gcargo ot ed fer tIhe e c-aptuire lnam. atterI ih tlîe Ter- fred. blow- seuito lb' It suas la- tf tue ,nici Ail-sru-elteul at Kilugaluua -Janiai sl in Iifie te aitrds a%-au baudutout, Carjîarsuo, Jigîîari, aud unr-r irmportanutin. tenion ities lunr-udr-rh Cîsîsl. Auj aire cura- er-thîmtinlit 15 S.iillmllgo. 'Tie reuel a ive tatou uossr-si of îtthe Itauoed tonn.j T'hu inurigenmt luadirs inu raster,, ('uha ire ungeuml> a1maing forn fouit. mar Be BoinharalesiAgain. If 4il. Bleie-o ouste. an atltllt lu nu.îluuî lii'ljii cni'a t-nîîullshed lu> Ad- rilirl Sa rîislu mît M luta )u sthlis-u' vlîl lu e uiitîîi.r Iiioiniidieuit. ererdilîga arr- secret. A diepabob front Manils saya tic SPats- lards avse eaîtured tic Air-ricin bark Saaunoft, tuaitetl nith coal. Work on fie old muontors linbung rap- idty pusied lu coniplellona a League le]-' aiv sunasy yard, b5ilatîeiî,ba. 'Tht fuir-niuabeui Aniran sbip Sben- iiudoah. neponteul raîtured by Itie Span' ibi, hrristsl iu literisi.l iately. 'Tie aviuuent t te Cushieing n-as thse firaI ser-ns hcu'ahibowsii alir- ia cperietie- unI in lier ninu'yi-tirsut son-ire. A,& tru-ut-r Msa.) fîvunrdyhan juat aet-ired a Govermint r-uatrur-t ton r ak- iîeg 10,01)0 altil 3ut11(icalilsan. Tht- lr,-îuu'b nsideruta ut San J uau suutgt refuge ounîsoiml lti' Frenach cruis- cm Admiîrai bignaît île Genoiuilly. F a mrs i e a nduit tiiilltiiu arv' killbîîg m en, numenu an dl cîmluineuiinî l' u Rien-. T hse conuditmonms in thr e toior Une horrible. 'ntihaliaruri joutnala urge J.ipaa ta con- sent lu Anieisaunylug àapa"tno crui.- tas non- building bu theUt'îied Statua. tien. Le says titI lie Spanttla my la Cuba n-Db bu torceul 10 uvucusute n-Iis- ot thse neceeulby .ut tise Unîi is-Owi ~6g~osthere. Nie«y'Tik, 5uitan and Cicqal Are.thseVeosuresEnuanesi lu bthe ingt M114 00901 v.. enillé Iugagemnt ofth.IsWar- S C A ê ~tpaiaIsLtnd Defessacu Perlili f - IDainaldand a"ofutLife cf tIse De- - Z tfenders ta ietored-No Cansastîs Q- 0 ousPIcet Morro <sIle Fines. 'lie Oiasalàilu New- York, morltor lPart- tan. andut ruiser (uliiil under Ad- - ~~<Ç,uIk anbourbdesî ti.Spiaibbalîr-rieis tid' __________________________ n-s-ilit liliior andîmlu course utf ronabrur-- su-(ENE tOF '11EIF IEAT NAVAL o.itiMIT. 1,111a lt theentralace 10 Mlanzas.harbor. -TIîry ai-ne prr-Ity tburuuuigly dî.sruyed. CASUALTIES 0F THE FIGHT. lTir flIgéliilrwn« Il-sa-t ircî lll Y Siînnils1 rruiltler 11,ii,îi l nMaie Cluristi n. t'a dnto. sipati.n outheur lru m a i lrateriuu glt a a n AIiinai ifgîmp, lir.,.smli, aîlicnt- ofut370, .nIL.i îurii tn h iPoint llaya. wnile tie l'irtntîi, New slî:îii ,-cIIlier ('titi liiisilaituî lu- tuini-etu e fr-surYI.k nd ujCinmcinnaîtli w-ne nerr oterinng lîlî-li-3 iuiru,-îi. ~uiCommanude-ra ufthëlr-Stil-le erlýiluses for lie îuurîîîer f t t iîîîg nul titimatly Spmîîr-fi înor- ii tui, lu-Auîubna. C atilia nul]lion ou rtîîiî lu .tia. w vitia îetraroyîîmgthie svîrka lime SIriarda n-vena t ;It I , .tieir creu.oatîiîb Sutt1K) sin,.11aiîl. - .vu rv'ra iîiri viîîv vul i. a ruriracui ,nlrr-xa ra e uî likit(î,n îu III~ ~ ~~ - MadrSts îue .4 iduiîrtu muniaiîîîi....................... .. .. . .. .. . .. t. . S ii, i-.u gîuîîlsata uIlia gemî'î-îI iIIîalci Sîiînoiî uý-nuîs,-ms iltlîy Ilui i (Madrid bit r .....-..-----------------.... ~ 1.%'AsIfiINIITo> . lai'M0ITAIl JsY. LARRII-, (iRDESI;ITt 1<> OttaZ. Nen-sut Vlctory Offif asià,. et .sth tUnited States OturnerreBas hesCaîîs l~- Ist-ceA-rins, cf th irstiu-seil t,,smundei - 'Thu rtiall lm i ilîlti i s mît îliilsis thli ii- t iîur Il. oiituîu f tîe,-I-uiri 'liii lirinda-t igbuuîmt tî.l i ftire u-Ivv .. t--r.,i A b1, ii luu i,,,ha li ml The 1 11t-in i "f II, pI 1 t i î u g ' i v i îipe g C l l l 1 1 1 1 1 .I i m i - l a t h ' . i - i n r-m u i i ' i I La T if lu i tL i u i îtr I - t î.nuutt l i, l t, u -i %îu i N ti u- t i, i t m itl - 1 l 'a it-ut- tt il , l f t- î ,-,, luî i t4 KIi '. -ru- i f ulîî u-iiî u -Ini . f ii l l e i t t tUt r . lth e l" îiiiofî-- u r . u i . h i - - "iil i i .. itif a imri îof uui ti r a lt î".lIll a i-u, - - .îîmîmItrl., t itilr of i"- 'etuV i vo prnîf.uLIIy nias '.l1-Y vsuneiic-vs . Saml . A 1 it .. l,, .t , t II ', 1 nilig liit N.-n YorL is's r istabe- l' Ntl Ith 'tL itrleýy. l n e h' 511i i l a .-, i nd-Ir a.uîîu ;l , -llun. , f vm.A, l5ii it mtth,%. uu.and tOmiuI Ir-t tii ii-lii lviiIl irga-.r-lingi lî -mfîî jI ,uîu utur r , -I îj. . -b-malt .-4 1 1 loi ý litti 1umlita Tia iotl'uni imî~1l lî-i.1 ii li. it.Imeniad l i,- -,,tIr I i .1-1 '- îu -ril, a.~tii--- Iu 'lv gm uIlue u -,, th. ltarta r îu ndii lispa ttui a l,ýt ie I Ir-SîImta.imîiti itib.- tr -, .u- i ~ ,n 'tiimt- lu u If-1 I ~îelst l'it., lu- -iv rlîm i . uave " e'l il ut uc- Ily l,-- r -g I i ', -i.r - 1 lî.t u, tbu-il .tai lîît I I l ius i.Lti u ., t a.-.u - lit. frî- v i m u. ;, - r lI. l- i. c. I t--t- f iet itîte , .-mi o uug..'t- I he i I r t .aî.oirl irl tlir..uu1;13.angt u ttla,'jb.t rolîît Lif-rlit, r-- f litu., - Log. A I th,- uru l ub-le-ra u-cr usa il I.uu vîutli-u,, rii- tî.-u-' fr-Iut - ii'i i t- lt. i ' a.- hert- .1 ie îi-r' ila ne'o rutîhîtll aje.t The muIir,ît mil . , .l- Tu. tth.- Ail ii ,es-o le-r -iv liIl s Irîîv, a lt. hai aiv".fr us n fîem ! lr Lrs L ,l.îtri :L tîlit Sttii' .iltuI lit> ,f-, i - 11.u-.îu, trI-f-Itr I-I-u im .-trîto lînlti t i.,td la dren u-ri lt 'aubl. iz St vo-111 ti j,-î ,u mm uI ilu .t,ît lini- ltmm T ht in.y tro Irt n s 'ifore r., ia.n - frr-tv toî,tCtilt,,oc dtue io -,gil- of icloryt- lrit, t ur ni l -- dul titn.-urefrînl (ti- .m.i>l 'a ,t;ý,Itiii it I s liv 1stin ai-r îîf Seisat..M4tttIllCaisimitter IlIiim ort. liîtliîu ,v -i ilu, fr--lut ut thllt ot-uvu Tlie SIîemie t eli ii o unAfl 1 I) IlIiia euoo ota soilýu pape, d51 - L-ar e on -ni.y- f-,. male . .ýj- t .ý,lelut-luI. lu-utL ta' t,,iand h eJ'ff. l t n ittit- 11r.,- m l i OitIlliîig the lii, lie-r- ' i reeutl ll'nier- - ir < u te uhe î ii uiuu no îii h. 1 i ioft lra5urlii n-iv ti lui , -r it. .i y i ; l tir îît vii ti tîmu'IA lsln0d la '-- liîv l v-11îsl i, i- cvI, î 'aNAR BULLETINS. 4 rMitill l i a-.1u- ii ivîniu ith Il e .iiitv-nt u îpIul,.ittr- - tînt milinla .i-s , I '. .o ,-.l-i ii Isrfî. t- - v.,, 1, tt:L tt- t l iv iiiuu lie utttMii 111 -I, ti vvlîiî-lI I,i-,1 , p;rn it littitm iltof rut l'em st uîiere .i. ti-L.n t h-v-ft. a mitii înuîîî I - .i li- t i î .I a Lr.îtî f-- ll i tir- u to-fm i i/l i- li i t tteIui it ..f î tr-i'. iia- lut e v lltti I t - iILtui ti ia- .int:IIi î'trîip- - -j,-î,î-iha W-' ru I1-1li.lit--i ;Ili Ili îî.îî,l-. Sr. IL.uuuS. -îlî, !_r \,î . h t îi.~il f.tii't> nc,. A1-.u i.leu $li1NNbtt Ir'. I S i 'ut u . r-ti,- i-r ), 7W -ia îIllta. îeî l i tut mrîI ,tl. _ILI Iii,- Ilut il,, 'i. ma.îe ,stîuavl9t4i tis ir Atm L-irn , n ir-% Sllmt L'i-muîlaint. ., tr'lm IlIml-l ttîti,%%m-,, tl.îv ov lI.rvtltcI'l i a Lt-o ý1 lrl I titiumtw-t li L.'a.uiî,îiuîuîtr te PORT 0F MANILA, CAPITAL 0F THE PHIILIPPINES. t ti- tri î,r %, iIi u,,, i ir- lc -ît - %' Ii-li i l, I I ti ý - R u trLl ll l I .o , t ~ é t / .M:k

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