W6RED IN MEXICO UN 0 AMERICAN DISAPPEARS AT VERA CRUZ. ÏM Loua Employer* of RichianrdiHoard fdlo à4m HIlIUàdet ie laContnaed Ab- LBerl n-?e.A. Etitaon. Jr., Obtaîne ard Uâvei Raisîlte in an ExperianeUt. Pri1 col. tpania-du As-e Suapecte<S. givi cir&ard Heard, s-bu aas 1rohbily mur-dot 18Wtilr fpalartialu in ca (rit!. Meî. ascplu'e oftheils' Wti'rs-Pience <5Campas; of .9t. Louis. 'rie lirarbai E %tU*er t Vera Cru. ILl.ay'laierre, Oeld"t of Lie totOil.i.syathat the B, qià sM, orouint i th io'.Epitsnse a-hi dEtar ba. ofgrs-tia renanal ot $1,000 tlr., Oi *6 i iusovery, deui un alive. andthie baul i3Mim GoCvenumn-t lais ltee'tuotifie-sitira 4W bia dispeamance. Tirris a suopi- arr ," ontint lieand bas tts'i'ui idtiers- s urd fir ils body' hÉI, forn lus tas as u itIfita l b@FM lAmrenîs-nd atîti fnitistl> t 'iers a i -> eoacademnedth ie Sioiiiautls uîîd tirere- phe br ncnerdth ie enurity' of tht-ti. M. aro ~isieec, bcaeveg.Rasiatititlit' ditssat a 1 "leWYee tlirntirhe Siluaîuîiuio it ad uting tes1 a-bo itirirsttiis Or au.tn te ua; Fin - kmf i sapp<'tnianc ie lrt h(- ttiintllien;Ome, bit 1:45 In tirs-afhcntiut. lit'birs ota i. obscesbecnseaen, Asiî of.i ublis rututîl e- itt -S h,.ldirI clotires. but no îles as ta proir- sile a-besvboutts. Ifilm-ay linst.asd bbbna anti ever; byna> Iî'îîulg sut outi Nes Crus have hloc eart-u'ii. luth natFl *0 iîghitent descton hi' fîuuuî,f tuhe Uiing aman. Heard foinieurfs live.tla lun PiUint, Pa. lie bas reltfivtu-oin Penn-ar «dvaaia undiOhio,. hit Ml.iuce ltiseoflu SUt hnoa- iteir atdruas. lie was aotmur f M8 bare oid and immitanruot. ho UNEXPECTEU RESULTS. lt tos Uealnsenti hi TouonaEdisonraEx- t' ~u.pe ,a Bom nirlaHia.[suis.mt A alor accietnt the lr -i--trieuiex. u bd*àW i -MiIadieon Square I(,iiht-t. Ns-a- aIr taIL, seslleti ln Lie partial dt-aauîisb- lar ýjst oethtie desk utTf itit E.dîiston, tri .5*..andi a sever abus-k lt t i erta-t.ou île oa-ner. One t-hie toast iilteeutiug Ilisnies utirhe exhirleiot, lias îse iiutdeuti- fhrutisn cf the Carke n uncIssteill- nt ghg a3-syvtem. iliustnattig b>' men.uoutM, OtVàII aitak cf sater auitmuinitutre gun- bai ýj% bqmb oa- niacaaving unoctale s-iii-s-- f t$W wa i ng @talioin on tiesrear'tia;on i ~tpodv h airahur.M.FEiiwmauo a fru *R@Mba1enting bs-lore tire exhibition sas hal qpM Stire publie thet other dit; t finad a bel lët"of explitâagtirs missaes-eaIaàirel *M Borne fiteen tet as.; tramttirapi a-auinsMr.- sdia' desk, in a ra-er a «*"omiset tire smalilbombiaued as t: !Ë la tbe tank aainuored. Tirougb mu endlveiee of thew aSTesu alan saisi-i bu@& tire honnir la the deek a-as ex pîutieî, lits Ï o mtire deea 0 iaditg ood, and siaI 49*4.gngàaportable eiectrrc liirt et on bu IL ff.-UlIates ea- about Mr. Edison, but ni b'%m »&uried eîeept for tire ahoc of Pi, 40 tm*mloa. llire tesk aa nunhr oft ci iildaUe papese elonging ta M. Edson IY l; ssUwe bla-r t thi ta, a- ________te c, «AT Y£VUTRAIN RELIa UP. eh IftOt "tBa.Di-an OPas hi New ed Mxican Baudits. ir E-Iufewmatioa es-rvtitrous BeneaN.au W letirItire.Santa F.' rai, N. 21 te fiéesa..beldi op b; bandilts, a-hard.a E-u Strain t Belcut anti cosapelledth ie pc .netam li ring ilt Ia alop &about five ai amoq & itf tirt station. Tbey gaînct ia te ireexpress sar andt trretal CX~nui ae out inlo a dîiru a-baee s Ushe d f dynaamite, tie; bina- Ila ,,labi pechpete th ie content. Jui bh bss cir wemcm.;thleygoa .tnt kaow-n fii ,I mtise biers ceape'i on bans« that lx nt- laguitln. Bo tara.is.nknoa-u noue e tîtàt1 paleugeri waar aolestei. it 1abaELeageu tantitua. Pl 04@a-la t h tanint et tiraclubs g I&dj ~ad" as ae-bal Lua.ue W. L.W. U g 'cmaii ..20 7 Cicisago ..14 14 f, teelmbd ..20 9 Philadelphia . 10 14 b 'Uret« I..8 l Brooklyn ...lit142 X2ew Tot... 17 0OSt.. Lui.. ... 9 18 tl BUmmre ...14 9 Louisvillet. . t) 21fi t. 'ltliig .15 14 W'nnbiugtou . 6 21 ti - ti $u FfieaIng tes r tanding cf tire clubs 1 la tirestern Leagnea gW. LW. L. n JXMataapoit .19 6 MiIwaake.' ..14 15 tl FinI el ... 22 -é'Mneapolis .10 18 KaMSaaCily.15 il Oumaha ..... 522 Waing FIeed Lot. Mocir concevrts @ratîse!lin SnFran- gàm muaritimte sindes b; te eesilt of aa bnte trasin Atoctnk telling tiraI a tuant à au« arive t tre r ngiugutil tî ta- t <ra h as t-a, ole sui urvivor of the walt «Me a-ie have iecu imprisouiedthe cie 0 elutrer. As-eordinuta lubis to; try hichit iloubtasi hy mass. s'lodo theut sing ~ warezlu tie IeteeaIl'oint Barrowts'hei. wb sie anti al tirm leOEtie-t1ue tu-lNtir. Mhmo e elerrible "îîuria"u oftniu-tr uIf^ ulileir no ntcrie'aft battt. irdy 10ramia irasever tab ahle tîa-iiafatit. btmcerhî ba a. 0m 'giraogiregsey, esrta r; te r of tire Alabamua branchu utoflX - aaCotton 011 Cusapait>, itîs h.or- marigiei onter bbcenir,'c'atu raflaa- train utiîîlsi.' Wjren tousi ie a-ss sîil tailt,',nl- - bot legs and ioti ronis tt uns 5c- .nM bIs boy. He moit dies. fSater Vos-aera Paîher Dle.. -1»M 8. Foraker, tailler ut Sentsor J. ., DdigaAs-e Recovereti. A, fweS of trocpe iras relieredthe lise.a and aotiera aI Ka-eta, Af ris-, Untes a-env tuperileil b te pris- et the natives. Thie bodlis ofthLe a misiiosaanlcs bavebeeuunc-s-v' Bryntu tepe AmIde. i 5jSCah, Nei., tire ecton otcio- ofthtie nea' militia comîas; by William J. Brysa- as beli. tnues. aas tletes, ILL Bryan lpmaleTowa Ws-e&d WSde ses-mt at tire cisaeir la, auierffa, Spuîn, iu s pro- fatny. litL knoa-uthetire itBol id §Te a-rkmen aee kli eut- id misty-Ia-e persotia merely lu' sueng tiemt lig goveiflor outhtir m4w exploaea aais occidentaln. rercoma tram tbe a- tlaids, The eau. - bheauew rtate set 'aebu. lait l beau AjA- *ý îiSL SENITRE AITACltm 1 peaedAttemiPitu D trt sW, rflt âtstenttlu NhUl1,1ut PtueStetrag- me at Cuampruiu l i"niivghaM, s.. n'bca'o tite'Sitiiii dNintli ruti- lt ne are t'Sitlesi ut u ali, it :Ili houheur thelout hitr iariitg 'llii tIt t ne la Rituatedul uuîtur Ill e utî otu a billI h.l i otie-storbaii ,îîh:iîg, Siurtly aftO' aigit rtl Tui ruit' « t.vIl .4uî1 lzdcaes- tir e au iî t -', . tt he ai a- irsi doilgeli anler htua guIiait uuit cnP- il ith bout. Itothit uuuîttiluit, wi lto- ber. ll'lile thic cu tt:i'l' rat-ty itedi (sunlit' corposrel tuf ii.' -tu. ul, and resut 'iarEe a nu l ai ruti l-rtttita< as-ceus'. Mlisun Iii,lthestaipo.edtlSpati- irati eaieuliafter Ieverlyi Is-ating svte 'int'i'>'. .tfn-:utulut ,esti-t 1. 1.Bogas urutsrtsl tiat Il.,atutard lus- n luali cartnitigeoad iaslus ituilla'na abled. _____ NEOROElà IN A PANIC. 'ranisE 01on salRiv.er-Itring. Vis- lons of Judgemett IO. ;vefah hutidrs-it lx'gue- nuligu Il people in thue ne'atcntiatioutt tf Janti, MCa.. irtrîyl;iueac ii titori'nae ne tire utler thsï thuatljoîlgîntchu,; iarrise!. l'belr rvelauu su is tule taiet t tire srati's tf a î'rcc tii-ar the Wu.'t' alndAtlantic- ltailroEdsilrcbtunintg raI; thre tlit uu aesltSîug natta)'fi-et lit- ire air. A plilce ss'rs-uauît ltetea lel and ts"ieie u'iirtautt'ltls thfrEltge noms-na sîu a nfi-iutniaài idilici! oun! Min, uttfdutitig us.oîItak uhisîti 'bispc'r, éutnitof thitin<are s-S frail-tt aring ucarnI;allir 1 tîtiir citithet stoff. alit, it asilISeoseeti titat anu ho onc o ail tu iet-arflc ans-thbtl muil tak antisarne 1tras-LicaI js-ks-r 4io u td tire film tif oit. TOWN SWEPT AWAY. 'a-s-c Ton-nad. olescestOclructive. W'0n- ai Cunninghamu, Kan. Adestructive torunado la-CpI rtea-s-sf apart of KitEtostun Count>'. Kans. The wu of Cunninighamn a auaota-'pL tbe sortir. 'T'ie cloud tniivèelni n a Sta-as-ni; direction, demolilsblithUi ,tIl taoeliver; taina, part outhe N'ias- t nd IWestern tiapot,. sud liont outhUi luesu andi resieueportiontofuthte ,l Tieerer' sc ssy ive biouaes heft autila. Tire atorn aas 200 yards aIde i everythlat a-aseaaeut s-tel es. pleoI r thir l about =0 minutes betore il rok tire toiutn d naetl te tircrcol i. Nobeora-naericoaiy iajured, al- ugir a gooti fdsl of egl-kss ilieti. Tire Alaiaamna la Lannttted. Tire tattlcabip Alabamta aaulauneuel Cs-mpa' abipyardnaI]Piladel-phie. is Mary E. Murs-an, daugirter of Sens' rMorgan tut Alabama.irallth ie irt 'braaking tire traditinnal bottle cf s'ine lte prow ruthLe big igister as lt ali 1011 tire aalu.gSueltroasi tire Ais nia te getJuin ILs ati-oc cicient bbft fore tiesasa-ina uf thehut "abu w'a-ic de the crille la place bsdt been cois -lied the ntunstriia bull, ttrgging a-itt a-eigit of shunîtofutous on tire ri1tno eilaktors Luetu &part, and thbiteg ta cf steel glided lgracefullyin theLi aler a fea- seconde abesti ut sebeduit se. Atten tire Alaha.ina mod scurte t1 tuldtilinlutire Delawasre burc towcd il rk Lo ils dock, anti aorkiitvisa-arma vr il, bcghuning ai onrs tire -onk of spaflnaIl for serv'ice. If the aimerrLt atras-teti for aoa- anti ielîveretiprompit. tise $bill silI hae reasifor comssion Uslaa &Year. Thre Alabamala th itr a launleti of tise tir-e issu battis. ilX ot il& type, tire itlerà bel hi ie 1111 loi sai the Wisscnsin. Il primet. mark i itcngescisof deiuugn frint i ira tiree, tire Oregon, th*ise ittiis id ite Massachusetts. Tiresa til treille«bvoirv, boirtirte arrange mnt of tire belta-iandtile tit >illouet tilc aretr,aaa vil an a cou ideral nieicreaume la aille antI tilac oeil Tie main istter;consista otfate hirta,-n-lailusIntnrreti anti fotitee li-lt rapid-'Srltganal, cf -bIs-h tel re meurted on tire gos tick. elgtit il 'oadilde beta-cen ltaloi-rets, antifbr lrut% sIne.Eg aheeti foraantioutth. for urel on thea gun deltk Four arceurount Id lu a ausalî redoirit on casemate de-I LIM on em i aie. Tire broaihdc slm lochir gimats-ad of ieiag usounltid iestint sponsors. ara mouinieilin in 2MPorta in al ti eseune s tenst rain fosa-ard and airaft tbe battu.Th geera i dimensein»af tire Alabama are t fla LeagLir over al. 374 tel breatitr- Iltat;feeioad tue--a 20 tact; teveiroarti abâti thse afti arrel. 13 test 4 blectes; draf!t, 2 fect 6 hacs-i; duaplacemant, 11,5é tons. Tire guarantecti peed inla litasi: el karols andtihir estimateti home pcvq 10,000. Tire sacoadrilr;baller; rouaisi tf meeelatpotunder napitl-lire guin six 1-posînder rapîid-ire ganug, and ffo Italy Tbs-aatcned b; Treuaoa. Tise lRane correspondecnt tuf titi Londc Dsily Nea-. sas: "Thetisager of a s-a et s-riasbas beln sunnouttetiasudit ninisteru a-iimeet î.arliament eI tbe b ;ining cf Jne. No doabt nua- ail. itat a vaut negolar plat bas beau courco elI agalaut tirs Italien monars-ir. It ta- lires-te. acnea as, troas S-itteriaad, s tomne front Paria, scmce froinLondon. A tion a-asta liraconfined luarepublicat soliirtaandl anars-bîsîs, -bila thecs-l tala wecre t luii Ilon sith Ibeir lait Inca. Tire tiret atteaupt urthtir revul tigus a-ul! ira-ocbeln ta gain pua tioen of tise renter utthebtua-n. ors-upyti tire rity bail. 1he central putoffice, t tele'grapir tffice, Lue royal palace sud pi fecture, Installing ai5oea klnti of pi siuorY goverient. Thtir etraIdelrt ibis provîsors govertumeot a-oltira bela au Ranooas-ment of tire faîl Cor - usonarcir asti a proclasmation cf a Fq en-ai repubie b; aàimanifeste, a sketch a-iis-ba-m auunal on tire persen of a publicandrputlDe AndreLsatisea a-as arrestldThle uecond as-Ia-o have liera an indica.tinuteotirnfaune Juin Inlte muventent, granlina cael tirleut bomne noe.san et thaeblase oft Italien Imelievlcommunas, tol alti a revolution anti genenil ir, avalg railîra servants and employs. ®rdierlu toile a-a;tacatire Gotrermru tire po"mbilt; eftbranrnportiag troffa.'1 Dig Raid cf Buinsr@-. Burgiai. matie a genla raid lu go, Ourin, Neir,,a les, nigirl &go.1 rmoba'bfftl« ut @'911, I %Î111 m1 3f' ion masina atal taadiiy la He ndis tries peope are grasulg the. ia tIsel It la îbcowltrg an-a; oas entahersof active andi profitabile lifM e taa-at untîl warcloatiu hase îitsssd. Wt',terai.praslurltY bas lie grea lIs îîsenlalatircd tîmidity of Eaulmr captaîîl titat si-tuaI business doueslu t'rî'i's. railroati t'uirugs promise bttai fîîr Mauy iiîsu satîontir su for APril. auà pa.4iiiî'tst hrotîgli -]lî'ariag bolises for the %Ict- l, it Mii ltiitvasgaa of «W lier ceti utîr Lt tI51ar. The key ta ties ituatiOti tS prisritrîy of lt'he st wicb altagetir- er uur'rî'-tdenlcd tmarketinlg of breadstttffà lie.ta cîii.td, wilh lire prospect Of go9" erilta iiiîîe. Thcse pt'oapests anti as- tuai it"îisof n'ireat faoîîlîtg t ..7iTli lîîaiela for the a-e- k gin8t 2,3J1illieig litiyenr. nitir ad- vanir-t.alion other grain «nid cîttle, bave tiroiluieti a deotauti for rails. c'ars. car mas. LiriaIs, feni'tt'g. agrîsa-tîtrs ti ispleliet. bouta andt siii"ea ant i al texstile gondsa nhe bi-baas sot antilrilsîtti frntn Easternî itndictatiotn@. Expurta uofstiti':t du nul ditiiil, lait in tbree sî't'k front. At- iaitir portilIluar fineu(4iîis-have iera'i 7..15,i5M btsilsUgîinat 4,771.742 bh ris latîtat r. aud frutu l'îîrirs- hrLa J.-.38123 bugheis. agaulînt î;lnlttt7 huai- eIa lest >'i-r. l"niltirP'ufor ltti tw"ik have' li-en 9-50 influe lUited Staits, îîaiuat *248 last y'ar. ssi'ein(lutiidetaagaiitiat 317 lait y"Ur." FOURt KILLEIÏ, ÏTWEN-TY 1NJURIID. Reaultcf a CaIlilsîn aon the V'andnlia i PRalroad. tsi 1 A contution trini a t asjt-ia Iwitur l it officls t ffi suitthe iis'sonutu ui,' t t 'audllia liso and leut11:I![f tilt," cîtt ut II t'olliu ille. 111. 'rl'.t tiita ttu t, I.n 1w (Ta h a- srîtstion train su, nu-kihlu-il mtt ight, a% c(hý alier tiieti a fti oii i s ý'1 :t4 fl- n att 9 St tourLit laie ln theuf.r,-nîs. ult clle tOat e'sa a-e nijami~. 1*ia iltlil, ocuu'turrcd ait un a deppcutI. 'lh,' -îîîîtsî riltt tuttrailte hudtu fh bs-en sansereil ltarejetait tire-dasuaugc-dont' fs La thie trankt btie nu-snt bs-s'.' ralus oand usais lsi-ku sttarti at tii' rSfs tut liftes«tiles ait boun. Tihes-tcai stas goutafitusI ustt eeh-tnides atl holir. Suit 0of ulsîti> , i t out a-anng, trth t trites 0a t aeet-tirer, titi' Ciginut of <utthesl»itl l1 atu-tring Ifls; ayt.irotrs-bthet rubussut1t letls- car ut tire costtruct-ion trainulaiti te "dtii-s !ul.ing tiffes-t. Si " FIERS AT POWDER WORKS. ts - tI eunsuccamsouatAttenapt of ApleataCause th eun Explosion. 'a- it An alîentpttotasadelu- na rns-et nigr Lu 1ta lawap Lire Nitra o Ioder Comtpaniy , t-ruots utaitliguehiailu-. is tti,'t O fte, s, a E-uttts, New' Yurk. lFor s-vrt'a ils ses lts, stuatuituios iootius- tu e las1 Iirk rt ing am ud rtheii> . tua riteîudtetu lugtaln a lirte tiniti oait eploclhsion sas lhu-utnîul, ut 1- a long t,'otlii-rioo-t as-id shed ns foittil i% Ilin hues. 'lie ire wast. seou.extltugtliet4. la le il sas foundti Lut incesndieriez Irai! îsluf In ldalesipilesut raigs sied plips? îith kero-0 -su-le anti set, theta-on lire. Ilure coutlatau th (t oa on baud a Govertinietit contras-t, sundl 'Il uiedouibt is felitirhat the ta- oside,-i s looking ms-ut tyre Spnnisb spies sudtintir Ltautirora of tise lire, lis-y escalseu. C -g Luteit Ktondtike aNevo. leF. W. Motbuth If)awson anrived st Ta- le couns. Wab., brloglsg Klondike nea-a. dl a Tire .prîng cleas-opa bati juat tcommsetts- tc tl rd. tirea-sterannîa n th ie creeks severai fi I a-eeka enliler tiss a sL ;esr. Match.a;s vs of tuat th ire nlers exilasted lu wasb ouItfroua e la 08,000,000 to 812,000.000ut oi! ldduring w Xthie ta onLi'l -crk. There s' aacus- h Du waaiig t do tirnI tire mire are plan- t) e nita10caretoly huabandth te waIr slip- e l-ply tirat there ntigbbha lescugis for sîl. in 1- Tire tireI a-aublng a-an donut tiste Forks. il *-El Dorado anti Douns car inluApril.a leExtensive placers a-ens touat nd lnresno i la s-reek, ta-enty-five usileirelose Dawson. i î1- the surface grounti pans n251 renta ta 1 c-tire pui. Ifining Expert Blakusoru. aio ei-cuducteti a party of prospes-tors ta sontir- S- esitera Alaska lire montire sic for San e- Francisco anti New- Tort mca. bas eo- r çrt.d an Immense ledte outfrai mIllitas n gold ors 1510 milt. frotte Juneau, hata-cen 'a 3ynkutat anti Lituya baya. Shore placera in have been a-onkedth iera efo e aisku- se, mure bras-edti Iie utir te ledge a-as te founi, is parti tiren Sin daImi aggre- t- gating 2,000 terce. Haea-Iltaetrortir ci. macbinaap for extenmive detelittrmett. i- Cuel. Tiromas Andiersona.terie retrned la trcin Alaska a-Iista-to companiqa cf la- c'- lsaatry, cnitis-ises Dr. Sheldon Jackson for ne linsung tire overninentleaho;al Abig re irntotufreinticer la Europ e fr ose la a Alaka. lie sa"a Jackson sisoolt bave .«; orat asuertaineti a-ietber inastacortirent luJ waas obtninable la tise upper Yukon coliu- fr Iry. Cen. Andecrson leamedti ran Yu- 23 kosers tiraI mosu lu ver)' stance. 50Colline Mua-tnses- Net Nameti. si. Vrr At Topeka, Kain., tirç coroterla jury lu lirath J. S. Collins naurder case des-ides tirat o liti came te hma deati by gaunaient a-ur ouoda inSuste b; sane Person oaknown tu tirs jars. Simipsoin la enoininateti. dn The seveatu district Popollat s-onven- c t ion ati lus-inaoln. Kau.. renuminsteti abi' jerry Simptun of Meds-inaeauIMge for teCungr~ sby acclamationi. is- li toroppetiauCis of Dynaite. s-t- Wbilc oaidng dynamite at Venedo- %vos cua, Ohio., Albert Bocoffaas blOa-uE ta and sltatue. Ha droppeti as-an it thliaexplo- Ac-- sive. _____ as, u uldts la Dauti. 'er' William B. Otadtistne, Englanti's mont lui- fameux modem atateaatan, laeid" t Ha' ca« -____ dus UARRE? QUOTATIOIIi tire sre- Ciiago-Cattle. emcomnte prime, Pro- $3.00 ta $550; inogea, ipplng gradea, at 013.00 te 14.75;. abeep, tala it c hois-e, $211 lve te $4.50;, suieai. No. 2 reti, $1.44 te $1.46; the corn, No. :435e to 3c; otioNo. 2,21)e Fe-taiSic; rye. No. 2. Site te Mc: butter, Ilto chiroca ciaamery, 14c te l16c; eggs, treliru irhe Ot. te lies; potatilca, contenti tcichîe, ouId 00ec ta SOe per bogheI. le0t Indianapolls--Cattle, siripplai, $3.00 te ilcf $5110vk08u, s-bois-e lîgit, 800 10 84.510; the wiretNo. 2Z $1.19 te $1,21;,ataro, No. 2 liber a-ite, 36s- te 38c; sieli, No. 2 a-bile, 32e trk teu 3c. la in t. LouIà-CattIe. $3.00 te S5.50; bots, tent 13.00 te $4.75; ubeep, 83.00 te 14-751; a-lu-aI, No. 2Z 8125 if1,2; coma, Ne. 2 yeiioa-5Billete me; = aN.ie3lste33c; rIe, No. 2, Me te 68c. <tIr Cins-Inatl-Outte, $2.50 te $5.50; bots, Six 8.00 te "IJ; aheep, $2.50 10 84.75; Mllke wbIeat, No. 2 ati, $1.21) te $1231; colle. Noa. 'natid 2 mhxeti, 87c te 38c, ont», No. 2 mixeti, Sic as is tu 33c;rye, Ne,2, (Illeto Me. t)etroit-Catle, $2.510 te $5.110:bats, $3.251 te $4.50, alsoepl, $150 ta $4.50; ave a-ieat, No. 2, $131 te $1.318; scru, Ne. 2 rnag- ;alla-, 3»e tea s-0c aal, No. 2 a-bite, 35e tLied te 31s-; r;c, 0Oc te 64C. unries Toledo-Wbe.t, No. 2 rail, $1.42 te du.. $1,44; crnm, Nu. 2 mizeul. 3te ta 38c; este. No. 2 whbit., S0s-to 32c; nye, No. 2, 63cste M1e; slover seeti, 83.01 to 83.15. Milaukee Wiret, No. 2 aprncg, $1.35 àubu- le $1.317; corn, No. 3, Sic te 38e; cas , Na. pceP 2 a-bite, 32e te l33c; rye, No. 1, lie ta 70c;- ati'. irnty, Ne, 2, 150e to 54e; p9xk, mnt $11.751 te $12.21. Buffalo-Cattie, $3.00 t $11.110: butge $3.00 ta 84.50-, steep. 13.00 ta $4.50; :uor. W tent, 'Ça.2 red. $1.39 la $1.41; s-un,.No. a-iîî 36C lu 3kc. New York--Cattle. 83.00 la 85.510;lbnge, i83.0o te *4.75: aheep, $3.00 te *4J() wbest, Ne. 2 i-ed, $1.541t0 $1.55;: cels, Ne a- ur 2. 4C eo4u:;eate, e. 2 s-ile. $0Bl a-iar 8&e- butI « mqaaaaI', iC 30 1h; oft a-if B,t pas dee vs-i D'u. J' t ILIiINQJS TATE M ocoUOMtEE DURINQ PA8T WEEIC. Xrxa .Upisotlthre @cale - Clsater la thaefRomneyCi IllissoleSoidiawa lis Neeti Alger-Damrase ry Fioda. Standti he b.Scate. 'ni' jintt esasftrence of uit it riont 51Springfild ruti-tvslf liail- exe-tive oitilt'i ilu1h suent'favourablie ft utliti ale in tilue eautLisrîitIn t-' 7hi're thirr-îîu' timnees.ilou ,t« tnnr, bave bita-fulthf(trs a nt, thre otiis-tors ula iîî,hug1 tieti e)1 aIun u ttu,slle. etin ui-sa5.îiilt lu. 1-i l te*l t filiiut't- 'iîîth i'Stttt 1 f 1.uî tutus- i.1 il'î'.1 au tuuts hiuîîîuiuu.J. . of i'.fii iif IIcfts' tf BltIleville. IW. .I initgmeltas dilelcituIsfrotteiii it.'t oîsguiiitstinoltetuahi lE-st Ii etin oatf the' Stuitu- leruititu o lie hf icti in <u.eîîîn u a -iiti mtes A. t'nnvu' (nît hrci'out - usn of tuuiidl'ucin uttil- tit g %luuduh sriku'ett neon utiattilu)ttlecfliu,hîi1 fy he l'iiiti'si Stiiti tCourt,.i hangýI tiet t lii'iu't,'ru "Ys siluititleciiii' sitiilg lui uit iit .t-î'l il , iii uti tlutta ec Rtat, lit,. T'i lu entt rrcslfluthte' .ttîri'>t ha-aurai Ait t"rltu c il te itil CIiuugî ifforitir Stiu us- Ti'r-tsurer t iii ay tuf Ilinoiu s liis.a", on :i!l .r> tut t in lu-gai] titon t 'ee tviel irs tuft lut' forîuîsr St I lu tai îilt't i:ll ar geu'dei titi issu1 boxt, Nti uttil'.cosut suai. 'lh.'> ilî'îlaI titi lit a tgui i.' fuir $ f t.lt t uici, %%s' thes-nt Courîf' 'sit. flua u ut Cirult Coturt. shercthei uon. Theîi aîsîs'ugincd te A î'lluu us- < '(,att. 'Iii,' a" vais!mtait ru-tis da l ii ii 'u tili ut i,- t helai. 'lttui lietîtur tit' lî'u tttiv t> haail a utgnu't'ttil hi,','h meut ss -us' lto l l' ýflic- ls,'o lotie;. Jothnt IL hl ie-t Wuidih. t-o'itftf telttcli t fît detli-il utilquiti i-al> ýtiti oncl auu rraigs'iîit'utt. Tlue t oiinltim rs'tinu'uh. s ie it iiied, tiaI a coîtt ilttai isi- oetlt i-neat suas laidtlOithtii' it- ustew nîl Ituas-c'ho- lau ii u t.ilh Court b;il te cnsiattun.. Ftood* Cause.-et lDa. Tise bnc-atl inthe irc (' lt-si Isou diasti-atut the' sun-s%ý o cuve'r anu -il tut tuant 15.1 aarriug lantii,, t ait lei uipat ni vrilter sE. ia reo' ti-e lî. It sI fina sitbuit 5.i,11inor 1.î i crs-at wast.ubui'ri'd auiil i l te a totaliunit. 'lii'sun-alitut1 thein batîka on thtc Misouri sud en, opptoslie Qtîiai-..altttien lîî sot ahi.' tocs-mss thc- lauttount Isys. Mitt-lî sta s-'%uot.til suts and in luhLb,-nrr>'i tus t sui rhe Ilinois riter uiveritlust ing lanîl,, for nian; nmileslh rire dama gs'ti) fuar unuhtos wtt W. fluzzua-iComitu & Wlliiam Butazard. îto tien apoliglaitia., a fi-s' tiys agitft ", th bis wite andl chlîlîti. a tIi. b; asallooiog carbtisuhs-( irdan stayimtg at tire MWi ti l Tire guesta at tise lutei nut a-as ieisreeased. ShortI; sfte a-eut sur iris a-If.' tutbis ytur ahle a-as ontL lookling ut him aunce anti a lIalf rofs-Srblsic teen minutes Itnter bce ssden, gîtes naa as-uis.'ton li.s t alitay. bt-s-,.asbard ,tnintu-i bati lately brokenth ie hbtit, s-bauge affes-teul bis mîild. Ilinmois Meanltu Dire Sone.'comarîint hb lis-n Alger, Wasingtuon. 1). C., a, mtua rifteas-lt'.'ick xs,<iu'n tiersSixtir Ilinuis. n lii, s trc men-tal bosluitoi. lFouir ftufL moula; rt-t, o'aing tett i, ufth1e boaplitir h ere un'f- alraw spres! tiser the uîd-IY offisnud mntisftthe',toi menus of rt-lit-vint flis-li cumnatdpa, andtinu --(titI tr A s-umunttice front tle Wo Corps visis-utthirsini'herut delegation lutettai s-iitrib cirase ta-euve 'cts for tlot' h Sttate Medistul Metl 1 Tire anatualiiuutetint ut tir Metisal Assot-iationusas I btaîg. Tireassocutiatiun vsur nie $2,Of t tsandth uieHli tfatal.An ffort null bc raisut$2.00 tuongthIe di Statut to dufra; eîpensti'sin isiation fuir saiigirer standr edus-ation. J. F. Pe'rsrY( James S. Itot rof Tuas-sl Clark et Jacksonvilea-er jodîclal t-umîittee.'The c usentedtby tirs- ominatiit eles-teti, anti Cairo nusc Cplace utftu-il meeting. Sncf etate Iaappsl Tire tigitRI1ev. Airbot PI Obîcago andi a iroat ut offieitetilnt thre lsying of th of tire new a- ared HIeurtIFi Oloorcir nt Aurora. The il lng creetet b; thre Sacreti gation. lisv. E. J. Tuiente ie a lruusisounest aructure, about $15,000. A pase ut Vernon Ct.1 aud Bourbon Count;. Nu puraoe-4 sud captstreti Jerr 4Mas-un Coitut;. wto-atir a -n la Intire Ireeuttite. CItar t.Mas-on Counol, bis acuas) ýe of farns larrenies at Fcrt a a so caplureti. Chu 8, ratini cs-ouped fron t l ) a;lîrus-ber' bu toaus@et 2 insauity. The uffis-ers bave W etolen teans a-iish but kf Mo.. tand! aa-warour fond o te ce ays ha rescautir escape u, as arylant. o Tire detileallon uf Moi Cuorciret Vunualnatil Mcf visite"s. 'l'linetv -il 1%0Ise 111.01.stat. (iisrlatlau Bub"Fs achoal Aaaocatil belli ta rsavetion et la THE ~DocaKtuY. B. .Hnpklns. fur nfifeciyeuas amunaee ofthtie Kteler lhauteur yurde u toftd a intdi, &ged 5T1. Mille hlr184 K t Wustl cotmîitteti raae-@ick auleit' li Terre Haute, lui!.. l' Kremtinsl et Caup tirfro.nt Iffia train. Daill 'quttan. at1~rduir e Thorn- ».s lit4n.-y farts. rieur .Itlttr. viWt lriiek b)' iiîig ta nd i ma.. tly kUid. ra an.d op-. Tire anircvrsil' of thre bartie'of %la- the' r.port.. alla hb es. m4,art u înnui l 0daly itu ; b t1otf lt< cliiiag.îrihol. rlablx-'slied Dewey întm I elsI. Profe-isr 3. K. ittalleton, o f ~lfA l'ing allatf Oh (lioî, irasl tir-tii sî'i-'.'fl% super-t rint int ue iutend.-ut uf nu' pu lit' s (,l oCharles- rthalt tiertit. t,..,î. In se- verît i 1mî l ili VII rtil. sounîIf Ie. .t!Shtg.liItàil. W' Bell. p1111 orti .lts- lii t ut(Jiurch, 'o' - mla-n si1rowed tiî' î'liii's Pondieunr 11,1.1 îîlîuîîîî 'arit.. l1e-tIra Ilîlt i lartnI tif ()i uithttrvd i- uh sMelloil eincier. i'- ~îiafieli. t'oethfe iiîii -tiiiid tc' oit'ii h luIf ih i l i'I' rst ithof Ilh- IrritIlîtil mt, i 'iiîî,îgi theu iir.' M i-hilJ. Sîhaui e. for t lirty ycnri; a Iîiiati('ai- poliveitisand el aiikiîui. thbe îic t.et ,il f l iîr. o.r-if th-ii. loîrth iiis oîi tf C lagî, t millier iiext. dî-tl atffr a 1 long iirt.-.. d i it rhieoîçria i,"i adi, n, . îrksILlt lie oîllver., .%-trysîili'houbaie 1-1ri, iitgday aloi pid. T'lut' tglitt Ithe pM fuîttsî'.k andîîl.ré nutt sîilT'eiaieto t te.', ti ulI0111 rtlîi'. EiuitS i'n'îITel: ik";t";2 st-ara îîl. nIl. ritt and lt " ' tt-tt tar whttji l iig litI1-oti Lîsti"'t ii wl i-ral inid r.] siit avenuesîîît. tlig. ui.'Iriii1,î'1- ti; 1'. E htil, tsiii for tîturiythtiîrtt' 'lai I vi,I lsii'î. ilut mii tititil stheiîg it-f 11 Wifl, oaîtii,* ha. -lIpt'tirs ýI i e'tg hie Six lîîîidiir'ttîhîgtvfroTnIi loiv l.-1 t litiîîisurtt 'litu'iî lItotilta i it ail- fort ita N. ittai Bîîlîrii.,iof Ixx',iîitj,tiî'lugitieera' v'riedi h. îmTel iial iiillî'ltiisl 1'iusition an rîtii' l a the 'lîrîu, n th..trt tii 'asti f<i tiwtte. iti tt-Nîrlnsi': tsîla tttt i i litrîîit w ;uuîî1. .I'rî'niiih l 'jrM. hî ii i it i t J-I le-ir. friithi- Mi. î<tlu'tiwlt-imimîtg tril fîîr tti thof 1il-agoi--.. iî (îrii su Llu f tht, t dt' t'iaftril tlod l ituii h, ii iii. i i i t i 441 f toil N ,if titi' li îîîlî'rit. it'is.u i.I'i-% etîîîî' l't dfiittli. C tiiîîti i -itîtî i t iiii lloti f Iir- 15tit el'rio ittcr sýrin t h sI iiîittch u ito -11,itii re it. ling n Tirs t . tiriitigl iig' tItti hal. îî lîî'î t i ' i atfle îî ii nî'.i tr'ii îr l'ire . us loin tilr - - t si tiiif cati l or itn 'as îJn..s'iii.. t o . lie. liiie aires if lîîîî'o iltlil ti s'S-t I î:.1 irtil hý-lîîyn lo- bu aiding. Thesi. ttitii ic' îti' tvitetf lirethnoig h'tils iii3ttut it it ils' m -tif lcrt if iî'.i I .'.n s s ' it't 'or t ti i ,i rîîîro wtr' lî ti r jî i it1 l r w i'. ,, Il n i i iltuia I g 'Pli,' t nanaiîlitîa. tît.'nt i t.1r I ii i h fartmif- horif l'ri. ii, 3b1<tits ttiI!,,i~i bluw I).,ti of ion.iiri. 'l'led-î,rtiitiiandi. liti'b#,-a ideiol ' laere. en s ulie itii. ,'-iutsitlig fi ofr vr lTefrct'. -i yoiîlinntit oftgîlI l , iche i rai , friiil i . hatc ltit î'î'i.l i 'r'. nI fi, Deillei' . 614 s t i g .,r.74 gt ii îîti', r h ir.i tunuittaret . miaw. maletire burahi'. i 15 O 5,10Wtrr siid. Hi' ail t.î1,148:x) al,e luNiliute; r; lii muibn Iitt i<ie«i- .'i.7:t i4 îlle,' . 2 .) voi i vîttîtiic tillbon IIot*e .73 liceeld that heI' rish, ill,83t sI' .:;uaJ vîiltitî'rrs er naptper heI' tlax ne îîf ti'iiitthe ii'r.utfl ihîltîtt le atii. laif w l iiitèti't h it-of the î' ir rit) til> leail. Filt S- tla-.club@. Tlh ii'tcisfront theLia, i. t lhîtt lelu-î<.î ti i.i( " iiuistiei b'ft tg I mtitlfiaft îhe Irvitng Ma rt,.Chicatgît; 'ilii nitoi(',> 1t.<ik Iglilda: 'P'iger'1111, i. tle, llt,wl Nee. Si'pringfiiel: Coj, anidit itm clubIh. alP madei('top H. Poiole', ( Flrédil"eirirk Hl Sei over Lb.' t re'uît- vasiitonît. JitxiStutiirt. lîiî'î. ; El .1 blonftigiitg t ('1111>.Jeri'rîî' n t'liluitl iiu if.(lîiî' uni liai! moi0lilticys Jaiiti'Maltritaiî. CI 'lîî'go r. tisi tt, liiiti ,tut-i)ilil fti 1,' liliums . lii tii'îî ftif l I' Kriulii.Tl h,'Souîs tof l an-inttus ilr.' it î tit i, trî'ii.of thî'tr for lliît ls. t ifiî'îl Itîi'i'uîiîltis t i l n'e ii-ltdiailt'. loig li i tIi' îaaailitt>oftifh,. t.îîî ii ttitI't litf iisg tsli'iiottfoîr iîîii tat r mielc.ht' i tif theI'lllinoîl istt,] l eîi'nipiueiîtiit ti la lx ilo nu lttiontoiLupfar-Tire cmwahiîrli 'li'f tlivis itsitli. Katamicountemnnutitfis itrîiir anti recteil that the' i'îî-ainîn'lt' loiii eting.! Pitrentor. Col. Claîrke aiiltl i'ire ti' le Illinois BrllefRoOfirraehlistaff reoîieiitît Ittel'ti belli ut <.alei t).- lunly lu o nituiinivatlia frntîîî lii, ii', Lu otrib mituderln-cliief. Tlhe' Strî'îtir <'ui-e mbs monumuent runt~ e4i-i.t- lu-w otlicrs sud Ciii. ('lt 1mtifde al i n L îd tn'oof bis staff remmignil. liîn lociors of tie ' anme nlt of a couirt ltiflf in ac'uritg ig 4 lard of medieal Eti-MaorRobearit C. Laîhi, ut ('ti c of (lalerslurg. La at ilitin.tg. 'lh.' gr:1î[Ii jury la sand (C. El ritasesi'lx ssii.buit'iiij roundl thrcs' r' elicti'd lbhedtstruentRUagaiaft Curlyles ýfonr in olllntrs rneoi- n'or. Hi' la ehargil téIitieiIi'at>ttit.h t uommittn'i'niwee zen, n'ltb nnhiiittngf tirgi-iPlielr il chosen as the tw<b th 'x'ob ent outtf tratin fatits. îierssotol rifcotEs, Who %ni-r'on bigs h as admiajtratti r aiîgînîrdiain l euAuie, bsudling of different <totaeR, art' a P. N. Yeager of bitter lantîteir ilinunicîtitsî of Laun Chicago ipriests% andlsoveal tof bis huuoii.in t i'lvi' te corner atoi najîntet finauclalît'. One o'%Iîr. Imnur Ccneb Catbolic favorite seirenIes. it La si, was ta I ses' eburcir W- moueW of bis ehi,'tts, nrillug tP the- ut, 1Heurt congre- gages travailie lua tlntats'lf. NWbctt ris. pasior. tolli uturigages auOIIIlîlueieIPd he ho'i anîd oil cort colect the mouey atal aiill;t he proce la bis oWn persona, use. oitL>'.Missouri, Fotlir-lams isuotmutemreeruts-eh> apsaa, farinera poluteil la lîlluoha are: H. C. Éllileti1 rry Cboutreau of ut Bittbot, Geo. E. More; int Le. Cet intaIlsrpatton and Arthutr N. Peibana at SaishurY. INTERESTINO ANDO IhTAUOTIVE LESUON. Reflectionis oeua levuatiI Châtructea' -Wboleuoma Foodt for Tk@ugt- btudylag there1aiptua-atLeesO ln- teligently antiProt>tabir. Lesun, for May 29. (lleu Tes.-"Aa oftemn sa at al iE breitl antd dinkut lsia cuti, yt. do shon' the Loird'.ii hti-irltI ir cosne."'- Cor. 2: 2é3. "Thle Lords Sguitpcr" la tir suiiect tf tibis weekusi's .situ.aend te passage ot Scnipttnt'detcrîbin lu inlafoundin la Hal. 261: 1-6-30. Tlîe disourusa&bout thre de- trustion of Js'ruiaalem n ere dselivere.s on Tueïduy outhtie prason ns-ek. (Bee Hatt. 26: 2.)0f Wednenala; ae lave no record. It waa p.'nhfi.hiupetit in retirt'trn'tt at Wlthany. Juta ins a-n rranging for the. berayal utflis Manier. Ou Tharadny nornssng t Ib1eaine netcasons lu arrange for tlîe pa.savi-r meailitat eveniig. 0f lb-enrauti tousans o f strangera a-ho tnté ta Jertumaset for lire ft-aaL, culufur' aliiel>'fet,' ottiti t-s'sri- as-csanodatmoiia for ite us-s-iiiontî sirenlativeis or frietds. 'l'lut iersIbard lun its' anar,' arratngemenott wiltir ersons unknii tLu thire fore, sud il ttti tire cust4>t forrltuspoaerisni shott'ail lssialile courtua; fur attuela gu-titi. Jeias sent Peste-r anti John it.uke 22: 8) hutt rs' il; tu ireqtîtcaof a crtainiiiuan, lu bc resogttlsuai b; lb.- itcli.r h.'et-arris-s, tire priluge ofuîsin is ullputr maint tlîat eveuiîîg. 'flir,. flac;îeîured for the meai, mees-anug thse lanrb. the, unleaveoi breati, herbe and,î ine neceuan;. Thbe ajp-n ro«u nas salarge tharnier, thre fin- estmotin luthie bouse, etîtu-runlb; an ot-t aide xaIra-ay. It gnon' privas-y andI cous' ftrt foi'thLlord's lait leitite bouta wth bis dbinl,-. Ï Exptunatory. Theu narrative ahisiîld Is' rend un a bar- niuo utftire gospel. The finalittncident afti-r tire utuniItrhad gaLberi.d lu tire Pveiiag wasa ui'tmdintf0Luke, tire pante' log round ut tise pre'lrulnany ruap ut a-e, witir th,- re-larti, "rke this, and idvide il alnttng yuinî'vi-s; fuir I1 o utuainytiuu E tt'iotIdrtink rotnt luttis--fort tif tihe fruit ufth ti'vine, toutil the 'kiugdor of GCuti ol s-tme.." iLuike 12 4-18.) Then thers arnute a aetuiimuiamîntutin at -Iis-b sboîiîld - grentet ea litE' 22: 2 Iler 1.-e, -or ýit-tsilu'fino-tre the trel.ninr; s-up. tuna utt-il the.hi sing ot thle dhsi' pli-' ft'4 t yJistis. tiaJ'ratieIl uta]; ly Jiilgt 13t t-210. 'i'au'uvuiet i.' hauiovo-r M"ti 1tr es-tlîiî,uab îotiut o' tabtiis. As Lie; tt',. lilspokelu tf lits I-rsyni, nuit ren- i 'ialid tiuIiti thiiui-itit>'oruthLie lietnyt t lattt. 2291 'Il-»,:Mark 14: l1S21; Lake '22: Joh itln 13: 21 M). Juda s-tat ont. 'Ihaetu. ssetti-y 5,-eatili estlngthe k aaaîi,' ueuI. Je-,.ol ooklirmi, gave tbansau .amsi digtribuautltu olis disciples as a synditot uf nia boudy; anti afts-ntbey basi finishesl î'.sîug. lie passeti arounrd lie cat, . a na moiI tf hi.. blondtu.'Il~le c'on- chidtes dite crienhity said attern ming a lîsîafilen utflte i-itsum. John doiti narri te theui' îlt ntltit lia of tise artsbui t Tire ver)'s.îttuts-'en 1<Jean tisai one -uthelire suu nha sure eatiunsalth but siroualt I ticru;bîhut hosi boa- gree an ftae- soling dioator. ftr b; ail lawa of Orit entaI hiaqiualit>', cvt-tau avo,'aenemy Wa-t.iti not causa,' bannits une witb a-s-a hi' iad matst at able. laticatiof snali outhtirur Mane 'Lo-rd. ilal bpt't" isuinlg cs-bosuan otb,-r, b.'; liink unI; ot theiteaeve. Tim si-tht- itî-raiti oftrurtduen mcii dout. IL shows tiraI tirey ni-s trac met et licant, a-bu knea- nbeir nu eaknema bat gouldl tnt utaicraanti boa-au; temp» la . t a lo n c o o h -a r r y lI t- m i t u t ie s u p r e u s ,isi utrsîns> utire unei wthoti tireymni e- ovesl. e- -11cibat dittieth is iibaud wlth menir l;thelir"..ual, alluioniîu 0thre table classa .r- c h sountry. 'l'bri' aere ino ludivi tai îlate. kîtves un forka. Tire fcod rsu beulucIl ou a large platLer in the senter sd ,r tire table-iu the i-as.' ut a lange compunir onsi-nirai platter;an sd the asuu tsm 'E 'ill tlîs'r flugers. 'et 'Jo-tratook lireai! of sourse the. ur la1 leat'iiil btatiltittit.uaed; resanilini th-u. sat r ackpra suihut saliralier ti ol- wa ttne s-al ru'aa. "Thia La my body" T.'he- fanionsa eiuIttNsttent li.lhavesert a.ti'r4'o about !ihe dostrin,- of tire Ludi sui Paptain uiruithe Un- ntasint of thin phrs. > . andthie correxsponsing erai appliles lu th. liwjue .Lairge ârtog fClriaeMron atl "sarrini'nt" anc mirss-uiousl; tawfort editisatise astutti ioly ani blondta.i ('bnisl. Otirera irtut liil n tl;un ,i. brPeI tandtinle atter r e'csr.tln. .A 'r iiehb tiiy.is-si dostriies are opposeti the tintatuorellites'prelaiou of tire langîiai uffcthy lu'utr Savititir, wa-bath aa cson niîtut figure of speech. lie spolie of bit "I. ef ai varin tlimnesas a dotur, s *ay, in sili(rul. asidas tie bre-ai ut ite, Ili Slikettia.-lire ssnu>trttoiuiiilaugutage. Ti tut clingtof tire bru'uuulitwax lu express t ,,i sîiîroria.tii lu;thte'dias-pli-a tif bis Tel urlite se thein tour-e tof sourianiit ai sirnulir. tutu " le misarrulondt of ire ea-teint r- lus' " lu the treviiiie iat »mttrisbnlrenties"*th n, la mny buof t he -tussit"omttil "IltineliTireIlitter word iun iained, bu e-sir. lnues',sacouait 122: 20). yl,'l'~lie tires-lu e anun of "drink tt i o buit ni; l-"'tbs-r's tsugdut" isa l undefaLs-, In Like b; ail. Buit it is plain tirst Jea 'ý1y' i uuputkiag utfsao.'ubiouwith hma tiassip fr un- u te.'nfr raMier sinsumstaluceat @01 irigis atsars' ltorne. 'ltlie Thaiytoan ung non' pnohshly, Ift Itoti usueal ctoarawa fIolua-et, I'saiinn11 the 118, shs-b eluietitire pagsover cemoi cr5 nie, 'Fcuchlmg BiaIs. u,lt Tire Lord'* supoper, the moat asencti a> ,b'a bolis- revelation of tire love af Ccd lat C4ais. ban flot ceasedt 10ha asmijeet tort- conttioln, sometlment bitter, acunetit tire ut a woulti-behurmanux sort ltat affe tuni evens perion of scuabiltY, sornetn a-îjg a ane loîls-cbutsruu< blidthat boti c, ticsutaa&W repels..at tire sae tint.. WI s, ontrquemitouig lnthle leaii tbe net-ce rer on tis as on otier mattera utotsipti ueinterpra-ttiOu. e a-etiy aeit doubt a-bu ,? ail tIse argumtsa that bave ever hi ainsi written andl spoken un tiesutriject hb -iî nuongo ise a tauppiche fla epiaiuMs Tueeit, lune 1 Br dItection of the IllInala Wo0* ommupubllé tate centrai Coarmtte, the Raepubhlna a-mui votera 0frIlt. evetel countiea of thet State are resiocatedtu t @enrd delegatea te a ftate convention te hie bellidiSprirghleld. Tucudo;. Joue 7. 18918, st l10 o'cloek a. lu., fur the puflpoue ef seetlug a svsmaa Whro asinberestoi- meudes to tirelitepulls-aîî Suite counvs- lt, as one of tire titre. cîuitllil:ttt t bu &:lied tu notintiîon to lai vueldfor et tirs Nitveurbl-r ekics-u, IM.1 , ton tire fui- ltnrat-oft1ila- 1Funji'Iroif t llitiiols. A. 1 si i tîitel it iit Woefitii Iiti' i-' pt.tîi-at.î Stlti' Cet'ufral ('ltlituiitil, iefîr the i'ltnuIng ti, yu'iî r>. Alit fer tu't aîai,' ttitof sîti t iter listî as mi>' truie- crl> 4'Ottiu' tuf, nu'if. Tht- sut il tcl s în w'iJl ie cotinuu of iit'i fi- rn t i.-t ait'rat icoulitiew oîf i'il9 let ti i' I 'iliui t t i.ti. 'iostî'o ottttiuy 4'tiiii'eTti tîti f ntîtsi ielil fetuta ftial. "' iii mele r 0f]ix'.it-sAnd t1t' iiiaîiiîar tif ht-un seftslit >hall le- as iiti"it.uft'r uni lt-l. Tli, ltui..'u tf rtj-u rusî'tî tiitiri fie u ii,' ai" .i i ii i i tica tiII lit' tit (:.Il'it'i'geli,'afier lut ary itilitl> wit.u- lt .u I tli l tr .! ,, or<au u îîî'îh'. uuîl i il l ut fîr iil dî iiiutt i wIii < (M ortirlinsij l> frit'iti li.t Coosk (i is tîîs lh-, 14C tu.!ds'i-' gai.,.; ii iaIIlami Pli lire u- ut4li us.- Fsitu ireqItla ssti, I hi-tir). i ai is.Ka(ti, Blitlegat. ii imii. Mai(ntiut 4ui uu Funs, liagifii. l'li. lLîs'ili: i. >ulKnox.; 8sevetîsais . h'rtîiiiîi nlii.Wit bg lu LliriI. tu',- -ti 11tîl . iil!] tii,' ttir t-mn1.to t t, tiiitti <iiMrns. I. trnce Shtsttk iatiîfiuttî; lIra. Jnin* a ite, s.E-rif ar). ILLINOIS TOTAL ABSTAINERS. Canventli.n uthltir-Rames Ctlralie Un- [oîn Ha-id ut Pprlnaleld. of tu.' hiîiiaI*tui if (' iiiTo'ital îEitiliu.uîi. îi'liti'ii iti..lii et Strinit' le-il. n ii i'! - t I i. tfr'iîui Iriut. t,tii, B4lid-t'uu 'îîu ,tisut Oio,î. ',cSteintg, $ ,'.itiînandi Ilîitu i t ans it t.ttli'tn i n iithe <rn- ing by loir 'tîruî t k)ilu inte aftiîsuîî i, i' tks uilu tciari' .se lutli ter'. uttu'tit 0i, tasli-i i Mayor' iit ui-ii oftii 1wu iuiiîs.î i 'tu'rîîii t, uitytiii i tii'î î i f l. "rit ni-ti, lit 1 1.r-, I Thli ug u . ti. ti.e 'ii tg ,i'tu f, 't.. '1' .1e titis. Au iiî tîîî i i i iiu'tîm-ti , I.,su nei t-i). i, h itt . tiO u'sitii E. ,'uîuuur'r. h -- Siît iinzEi[I i.î for.lt i i,, - % l ic u,;: n l t imi" i r rr Itaîn . 1.O. D.t t iof a tedi riatîttea lit, n iani-.1,y hi otutlI s toulttills. tu illi 'iiinsdil i-uintll log' n E> F. Toi ulit,'.hI to Tiremrrlutaén ho' -iifltauG tnuuitLl ae tre ttettil nuuît'tt o. li' -tluthe- if-uo dr a ir li-rite ilbndh .iEitluuii-it 15 ti te- fn tbugh betoluIt.' grtuittl. rif a i tsgntsr r, uibrt tua. ni the orao aiu-t.s;u.t'ilirt 0f le nittnuit (trop of u ift, hi h t(-uî'beatire b tiThetai. in a -' r niîtt itn frit mther' gn l.îtttt nigsi' ii f ui ie. lnt w uru tatheft.- rttg's.a lîlit .a oftuh'gent à- 'dy br'etip't. iiiunihnid- nlicla unire- L y- alIas rlo e l-f , lve ClaInath-du. d tance si)lgient. ofIlia luintu aIl hi. Iitt)ulil iXiota hnuls t't'.i'uittof te îf n t t' tii> aigu' îîîttulu' lu> h l'athei'i ud ssliitiA wt->' ithe-igr att'le fr iii I'ier'ia e P- Haniti> ir' ftwelve ii.sInt'. ti ir Ie'lesil h; t'aies'lo fI'nda <ai. nsuditn hM getilUs t1il eIn'. o (Ifie olie luraa hioulit. uti A1 steaer tiigrtîti îuuoui i utsteu" tut-ud thon hlue sititîsut ns ti h e ea ta- it la es. antiyiruel. tilt' nnur,in tea m' filwlag a<.-îof ît 4 i. tîtl ohi#4is ,U ati tmesilsI n'uisnu. t"luii'tttLy trselling 'l f glie oflire..utut- irwîr m Wsea.m r as -hsIo. linr"ah.'tll&- men onît u file'shoretsuok utnthf fi ruat et Sialîr' sandilog the wtkefntk ho tht hâlegfîwb aheîîîlt-'ltîton 1 r. <n lidoa- Ju n atuiltiilit niît ot idn tlyutravlngî.? 1- that w a frdtheltottouLisît. h r Enrid',ucts theI. LatinAnsaielone ,,do h Cuotslas îtI 10ocsp>'tire wtirplc uin"Weilrsltut râcamuo flic La:-tInell- t-an 'ouulleln Ilst, for lt e t-h 101iiiît im c tS'isi 5 10 uba. 4.7 lu ez lu the on- g aenduea. 4110 uill. tu 1 un raîhe d 1h- o' ui a f-ai-nntireotîr ters ldwtr mai unire luoe' s-atinA enlta ai [tI- in eat 'cgg"wblcbtie ntiv-Ad ris au Eclngîotilair ,flay Tirenti 100 laae cf mll avor 8 Ils rend n C la of w lu AIn n mof tie yo5l a,4golden casexico 4.lulg lt-alnge rs; t otet1dirs. Tr bl la s'nt Atpt'$10,o02000c. urJ A ns-ol iheoe' tl a a trea atun ,et.- unstr, t at r- snie lie itiad rsluin e-n an bu'lisay. Teseli aeo lav )0 ry T slii 1t sfeursteat i.,yand ai ®r ilat irntifliilreila o