I 5...r inu.s ,1wsuauy. 1s'wNE. RO LLINSU. AW. <J.T. U. medial oonteaVwilll bc 111k.e yagr le lala uwlvt baisufed I i s 0ones@Wsvorth thïs Fr144 elven n. Fýý' ,ýI1amnpion JM achi WImes.T-W R.. r ,~TMETAULIC. <3oroW.Ifed udMls uHook vas in ibis vlcltlIty taeeoltli DMIty heues-â d 4601;0 ]OBTIR Frayer v isti rieuda lu Chicago $un- Ms u. ltnlisgtseea roos and qualîties are rightit t viii hardjy palnimse.0.J. * e a WUUSmha nioil. M. Fr . 12 û5,fu aus bave bc- a d cWion siderablo ral h BE T A R H .* li:hl:~?eWAr Y 50 Li.PMu u PMd oads.a store that courte careful couparo.we sotiel 1, 09ng 43 f 17187 s 436 41and uev surrey cliecp for cash. Da. lust few days.. Ev rery tm ua buy bore a ierad t o tbsrelvrb.ts 'a 0"" o9 52 6 m o37 n.1joe wlmigtou vas a visitoir at ysovs,(ulycnldrd 99m r 3 o 9 1 Joe Vincent vas at (Genu Junctlûfl, lluckers Mondcy. - $kfllr101058 $2 4 6 4906 03 Wi., the latter par t of lust vcek beIy- ule bldnadetvro O 8~.Lae110 13 92 M031 -o e-7qir hede ndgntwre LtsI..ns 110 18 6 008Il,? on i lg cetile. Wauconda SuudaY. LekeVIla 110 4 1011 1010 0 1 22 J.W. Farrell bas receutly purrchamed Mrs. stronk hal caveraI Chicago M > S g a 00150 BOUTE several drlving bomses wbh h le ilariasoeHuii.bl i pvo rftbet yn onteOr IM oeiayUl . tttbîg up for sale, argprai ove Suaay. ilt eveill oes poiaîet o tiîoear J Holiday. . oesvs nWlcusnth .ere*Sheldeii hall ucasdaftrîtrevi-they vîll id(1you lu temmil.ttouy.savlug lu the a .It E ay . Bsi e t u e . t E .p r o r e s w e ckI n iW i s c o n s i nuth e b o r s e a d h e ' s a d a n d y . I t e m s y o li a r e î O W b u y i n g , ac v e r y p o i nl u at l i a î y m u et s y l e $ 0 P r . Lkvine jn ue. î i In«lartter ad r fieud e vtl ea- (George Smbith, 0f Chicago, te visit- lect about tberaituat tîey'll pesuteLr witliyîu et Ouve. -é. 8 4125410 F0t hu t iu n riuebid en ytecr bg relatives aud frleuds boire. La illr -l a oe îî~ 04 3os 70vil Io The uaric all oisai ulaYtuey 3nd Fred Kbeldeu, Jerome and Sidney llookf,dlýrles 11420 l 4ie 7 1 13 la 2sboire, at Odettea paria. Sel eel nbcils e LIb., 71233 I l 17 18112 0 MiaMyoioehalrt1 dt Pr,,V'îOW 7 ai4) e5 08 7 27 I617 Some ui aur people are srrsîgihg go the MIss MateJa short bs turue"d Biyl 11 744 &173t102attend the-celcîraîiîîu July 4tb ut Liiitectafc hr vatbre Ohtaoso 8 12 8 14 6 7 M 1 14 ertyville, otthers ut (iruystakti. (larence Edwandmsaud brother, Roy .Suîîdries _________le__51 100_aie9___ Fouir of Our Guîrnee young menzi wîî are the possessons o1 a Dew carrlage. ROCEFLLR SCITIS. be grudiuated front itelîts kegaîî bgla W are glati to bear tieat Ure. Dota- of Al ROKFELRSOIT sS eb"Ol tue latter part of tbent uoîîth. lutile, of (iraymoluke, inla ihroving very leiarrg "s' 7wCoýNoItEOATIONAL Cburch uuday ser The c. E. social wa poorly attended îîleely. vIeas 1neâti. m. andi 7:10 P. Ian. Prairllt Friday etcuiîîg on accequInt Or lietho qprge Shelden is cultivatiugg i. iiîîd. eetlîîg WîducdaY aaenveîla. Y. P. B. C. E. relu, but tbose proefut hall a une tliecocrn sudtelsc must mcy lit, bas the bout t-.__5ý5_2 M2. 'a*--- sunatitrevoiags .ai1:4&. Junior C.F.(ne of C. M. Brownue drbvng borases orn feld lu tbc county. ondhdwelstk iaecugfrnw k mlt.1bteDtr lit 3 oeicoet. riute eralîroud bridge jaisîsoîîli :e re sorry t: biear ::at 1aI Sîîuî bI tkuIIOCbGîAfrne 9 oea.Ibv o PullLine of R pair ôn tfan . D'r~Z" Cam No 412. M.W. Anpot . dc e liitlvstrang bas liou very 111, but «litd lie aSieraI Rood second [aiald wbeels ou banal and for sale el. Thratas fochmeai. eWARREN.egtuModa.Ride a a dBicyc.le Don't fail to Boerthe New Championt( N G. WARREN. lu ste of the rain îulte a fluter A polar bicycle la just eiarily likre a peor horse-yoî really cannal Mo a ai n es beorewbuy ang ion o. 0,T. raseriThurailay evulnus aforea-h 'Fiue growiug vesiber. îîltîînied the dauce at Liucoîlu Lusks tuttease huyuaer(igtero oe aa ýr Mahne efr uyn . l. Lp:sT£a BlmucK. C.T. Carl Lamib Suridayed sijîli fliapr- Sstterdey. Everyboldy enjoyed a goodtnlttie.atdbcyuar dntbmounvrei '.sd JOB Q RAA4"~t OA.Il met nt. W ~înhm adE , t Shlti M up" justi rlbý. Itlosynto uy agonit weeel anal Utàey'rê yger -Miurday7-nght on or before fuit Melon. ~W fnotice Wbsstr o m.syu ifeuakdfo tthIDdna Id (2 C io sa0 .. d î . M s. E d w tî p o t e r svî o as n d tîE . J a n e S u b u e r g. c s to li r i alren ou .1Il L .1. I itSf.l , a G KAI~ uB (iGnidrrifilu eeiî aphtnew upoiuîbggiea. tueuy tothens bave ben purcbraslg qualty itprlîs. scoch together bre-.you g et v le 9* ha let ce 0W (oVa cn.Dayton, Ohio. bv 888 ~ I¶onnauorth........... ... 10:03 a. In. (Or veteran carpenter, Il. Hiranig Mis Mande Edwarîls bas returuci . . M laeladby stage t mai 10m- . ba built a fine addition to fim lios tii lier home, alter a short virait lai ROC EFE LE - I LI"'~>'~daiet.ibssrng 'tCueagi>. lier absouse vas greatly 55II ROC EF LL R LLI OI . "#rtlatk a.M. io srig lteittiecil. sbe reports bavlng a good W ILM K N IG 'ibe giorloits Fotîrthlinot l te,îme vhllst lurite city. l ~ i WE CARRY A COMpLETE STOCK 0F RGEFLER herc alit we celebrute-Graiiauke tbeA I enrrCmteyaO ti., ockefllerIlois. RO KFLE. Libertyville*? ho von Cntre eer ey ffl i~ii&r MW. FLO RrST FF vras a Chicago visiior Weil- The Warren Couietery Society lteld viii lîol<l lis hurdyneetigat in. M. aR I ,F O R I L S U F Î nenay. iboir yearly meeting Weduesoaey, J tare lrge a 'wl'hurbaty Juuce d. ttn jars. Popp vas e Grayalake visîtor 15th et lirae. Mary Laub't. ast tuAs viii cte t ecetingt: attendH T :1 Mooday. lIrs. M. L. WllonsudMiaitt r. <0. J. beud for b3rnutba. l4tuetagt i SLELELS, E C oa.Wbltniore vîsitedti teir brother, A. N. Th uamcinstr btoe Mir.and Mra. Frank Sbaddlea vere Dicksou sud famlly, lu Milvaukeo eatdst ûbeonmche. at ara butgc Chicage lieiteraenoeta(irauge.golug longent sud nantt regularly by vmt tb The dane to 1'gvna r nge limig DeWits Lttle Early Bliser@, the JohnKnlgo~mde shotHall lest Frldey iiiglit dîd nî,t Iistefil -famoits uitile pille for constipation ct lu-n e, Co , Lu , a Cenient. relativs bore ibis vcek. île ovlng to tbe iiîclenîeucy of tbé- ail 8tomechi and liver troubles. F. 'B. Lu b r o l L m ,a dMrs. Specht la vlitbng relatives anid veether. iLii',ELL, Llbertyville. _____________________frieuda iu Chicago and iver viev. Nabum Lamb ibldidnîg il flue ad-_________ Mrs.Crokbit ani deglier Aîîedition ou tiit bs siready coiiuidil)ii AE Mar. Coukit an daglterAllisrestdence. Ca vo e y more,? îNey FX AE WE.SELL were Chicago visitons 1est Thuirway. net no,,.),i Mr. A. Rirwiibas font c borne. 1' J 1 ' ((/\ , CladeFango, wbo la vorking lu The festival alMutav'tilestt îeek C('hebaO'Boyle vas ou our treets o)I Iceg, vîitei bi pecutaSunay. eu by ftle Christien Eîîde'îviir of Tbursdey. TH E E B E W A O N e Chiago viâtedhisparntsSunay.(shico ieuwax e grand l iîi'vs-x. A hne lMn. Charles Riîchards liassleut a valus. Mrs. Dean Ayuley, from 1) iamonut time lm -qrtreîi. :bicei'.a WiE YUWATLake, Ils vimîtiug lber parenîts,Mr.saudi Wn. .Allen sud lai, s itîîol( iî fe fliumes A>elil vas e Slîîîd&y coller et lInsO WN Me. Burdlck. and litha boy, oîf Arlbglui, S. P., fiave IFîex Lake. m l iThe echool lostei Frlday and nov sudla Wsukegaii ilie ttveik. îlaalty Mia s elle Atvcll li vlsîting Foi ~imê the UiIEm*lJ bclîireji are eîjîying eanDce iaca- lier vetern nthre-bimh , ù -Lei' fJ.lerd hl h oo .om. 9 tien. 1UI0UU I itoufauvei,it n te aiis (ieo. l eRaley mhobitbos ein vi-t machine tif(Case, tl lcîîi',sd Sa ittiieiJrwaay.io i lienli', Cndoefille, Jr.,vasaaicii tit CALL ON buyiug 1sboî'îî As butle mailing faimfiten- W iP lrttii il t ToileSonkulr teetisont Siîtidcy. îly a shor vasAi. wO bashemwîrkiig fîr tfifIuni L ou is M iller sianlaoFranik Il uckcr liritaîl lIn. Jnlîîîa istctka ore npjîY MonliLiring iCo., (î'îgi .Il er.i.in teci lculy W R I G I- I'& S ~over the arrivai of(tu ltile girls. WholiIteti su il Dow 8 ist iFliîntîîin luamp î. M r. .. A tw,'Ill alil fai us pluie W R IG H T S O N T'oumtain f iu, nîglit iiîîl ,h ilielmi I.1 weîm Aritili 'îviitors neceilv. z5 arni Juehid(nf or l odien. j'is Annsa<ilbient vîsîteil bersalint, Ï- Liberty'vîiIe, - - - - liiOs' The lam ey ceorises TueadiîY As Mn. Simpnîît is abolit teai-ver lains:Mrm. IL. lGilbînert ai'Fort1Hill, ec.ntly. eoyosl îwyaowil maiet al, t, onetiosey ibsiLbis htlula aiistnisiy islîîliaSiess edBrt ile loYti, If BIackhaw k Morgan Stallion, record 2:17î. Mid- iii tue ibîhIaIl ai'll, lok ul beuîlSsîîîrdâyý night is a fine coal black, welghlng 1140 Ibn. SPItIO IHCIUYMr.AN ARI&8 Wilcoz is eroctiug a uieliarnl 01111Yiil'htertm (luir loi uit o im % h red trlglit lbas loft James Atvcl[s Wllmake theseason at nis ou stand. IfYOU hoNrehiden'e liii fier(- wsl i l] faî it- nîgriLth tho hy port . it fi lw % lii, lis t Mr, Frot,*of i .. .i bl <uiid la e ohgse îlnltibatflproveoibheJplace. ta by lrs. poiio loefu thi'e ow.want a fîrst class road horse, the ogn -A b. averhrie on, isVîii'b Ilel Suverel oftourîîmW.. i1'. t'. lsi', li enBot %WuIlcy,iof Digbtii,and Dighun can't be beaten, if you want speed and endur- -- lae redDeite jt«L 14Zj iuiedt be yeurly iî'î'tirig ofut ibt or- <irî, uf Chicagoi, wce eoou lo netoahrI salve fon itclilig Jdipalil1 i; lve3ys genl;niiinfî,r tMoncou îîîy ut Grauy's-: ati'-o f!S îîîîay. ac redorse tha ..as gtI- ingt IE im tern A rka n* s to!Pa tbentlu tva m 1 e o~nsbîmr .t.'A ': ::î:.ga"î.e, ;~î ~bre o DmoIl its Wiicbh luzel Salve tue grecit- w teaaie i-lir-Sop ieIo llevit-yl i jr f 103qatri 3 eoda2:04 gait. etptccure on tut- market." F. B. Wîllbun, Seubaliîir aitt 'i'tIi ,I'aI. .. 1.iîoy, siuile 1sýl srt tli', RMS:$1 to insure a live colt. Ail mares dis- - That wevo old toit leflt- rt-te, s-1Ile sut an 82tutrî -ot ie Aite oet (t4 RoL linyv U.Itseutil I rerie Mi't'l ont. Ali Irtîî uMS:ia a Fill- gîîrrev tir Exte-tîtiion , ('sariruoi-l-,stst ultvîWAUCONDA fut "Irim u îth1g yt ,na î' fi nilnaal Io i llr enterVLO.posed of after being bred, breeder wiII be bindera, lustra, tir I 1,-tîs ti.iicIl un. lk.,- Lst'Il sîii ilidisu nC' . s ilt- axs i harri ngtîuu rislte-r JMr. Sîimpsio, bpricipl uof t, IrotIv4 lMr. J. F ront vas anilîEgi i s ltion oti held for service fee. Ail colts to be settied for art, jiot aistîîui'Iî iiiotakî- it,sif i sai 51I-"t Uurii leit Tîîcday. mîlîtui wua the ""ibJect of là happy hyier- uIsia., eek. as soon as the nmare foais. w e uiluler-lI ,tou î and r alay aîîtli' iî-lî'-r.E. A. lGIdîug waus et(hilcago Vii tuir lprîs ni m tit ndy eveliiîug, 1 'lautii-ill'y M a. hviol ton in lunthe iîck lîitbut lest vîeek. lis plipîla. lietw x v u, in ile rt't'lpîiit . ,îis y I IIurIiig. lin. cuiti Mmi. '.lolI pttax i 0 f a proeut trîntlbispiiti, it esJcegant Mr ,et h.nusymaiaptC A. P LE We bave s Corîiuail iof Csrragt'si'îsaiig intub oh ilI o-Il t l'iiiviii Y day ai Cury. eetlstS-giolil finnttniîu lace..'3118oo oirs ;til . Iteratenueyinuapt . .... cueaii tWeiîailna sud 1Lîbertvi 't tI........................iiO. lynili vax e Lîbertyville wvl e matle wo 'diitstirih i Dv' Sil ey valh C.sci.l]iin anti aly. B R Y IL L IO S cnllen Monsiuy. ereem ssid refreslîmeuîîa vert eseve , evt'nîng oiteîaccolaitif tue reuesiu'isot.Afr lilAi 'Ih'inwinyoialiawat tsa IE T V L E L IO Yes Y s, ieareGongS tobitl îfIlheury, vas unounr anti a grandîîlgîotimlue isnepiuteil. foilire. YeY s eaeG igto asloota Tueiday. Politien lu. bein iig slu'llrîd lu lic- Maisa Jeie (iolî-.o! Elgin, lis vlitîng W.Lampliero lapent Suudey andtioMn- (u-w etiiwr takK of ltte aittilliitim'iit sitb Mn,. A. J. liayliiiiil anti tamlly Eastern Arkansaw June 7th dey lanChicagou. Lletyll, u m gowtv i on 'tiiîiiîiy ailin alieofnia. iîiimoteril rîn c ttbrvi 0 Mr B. avis of ilirtyvllew" o tola g rov i cndy iateiiifovr ,,t iar iitîl<tIer 'tisbo fneîîla eivl ne Bt nut toa tay long or glio Ine nsu ifny art'ilneudy engageai vitb ar tmsrîtets Tîîesdcy. E. J. (iil in lead tiouriniiuo,t (-tin- itugosmIIMultie ti i leM. E. Ichurch a firasat lUiîejI)rotulaI'îl. (»a,,i thus aoI heve .sortics ewpois- J. Spencer bas cnoîmenceedbais gnîinlsiimlg citizi-ia stîtd. i' lIaoui (son- Eyen3oim vo is înllhy ivite t i tc- toes andte imeleitudsu-c the-talWinio-n Wlieutallnu el s rcsoy to millutaiLake Zuri. alily knîîvu ht're sed sili hutor iei- te'ndî. T e Hm l t o s le harvi-ste 1. W. (Gardilner, uidGrayulskt, gesei feu iusîrcvforevenhu' gi',.hlu vso . andîsl a hh-rn a unr sireets Moudséy. utsî thn o teoe u'n o t ui Ctibu i unri; tuie yîong dIsnulirgetiÉhi, dation Sitmmmdiiit acupeope gavne un ti'nierteitiiiiîiîtte sanie Unsystematically Yours lmas. J. W. Cosok la visljtlog iiibmheblîii ,a titt tis atiiîtiie puiblic. r u'î'nîg iioi rîîît. clty ai proscrit isitlig. Be i in otiiy uitour sîuîuîuuît andîlwîtlî 'tir, _ t' nod rEvtn ,j E. \l ~ Slocurn, VAUCO NDA, ILL. Elmon FFord endi geuntuleme nîutie ont saying s vunîî airîi slo-n ou. ..tnun hEesol Ir. V u Sictini y pent lest Suîdey bt-mu-. didtas sorte uffice vu' lii"si.ak lfor mfatiiting alevey itbolier sous lins. L. A. Ctile rettmnîcti Moniticyil) mtiiiiitdsueî'oa. Fr"nik isidît'iirgmet Clîvcntlale, anti s'aIl ng un uONîlfrnlsied etinigli luin t Grei Rce ore Tottrfrotte ber visit luila»itecîty. 'i iîu. Th retRaeHrs rotrMn. santi lra. C. L. Pratt nturnetlWADSWURTH. î IW ' îîsu i edot' ai snlly, atfLart' frnîthe rl ty lait ui'ek. Ati(-iiinjeer E. E. W'lml piiii uliuss aitenj, ud ntMlra. t'. D. Smit , tif ns. F. lts le vinltlîg fH. C. P5ayne visaifeant Mutiitay. Oask Park ver, gelesntstuf thelr parents and amiy o Fot Hll.Miss Martal Surià ttaoie-tisltei vont îusr Mn. atnatal tis oert Padldock anti fair- a R A T T A N 2 .013 . M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r. ant ra.Ii. tHarrisnît .lt r.Wàufs eieWty lgote ato u en ok cagu visitainu, Ttienay. fai Seue ivsiim lu r-I A Iihou'r of relatives santfI Inda o! Sire:!f Palniyra Boy 2:07t, "IîouîPluuîî fouro-ymîîn. ill 1 I)(Iug gelul The Alumîii sAilI gloe tibnue t tItivos IMr. sud Mns. Mîtchlur. Mn. asidlins. Jouliîtusig siuriseti ing, anti Grattage Boy. 4, 2:àî5jý trotinîg. Ilusîligri-ut aciiurmes r)i Seuttrdsy evu-ing. iluî'i Sutîîrtioy eveulng, Afi flg Ibeir Jacelt Theobolti l'ilieu-eolurting toni 2-tîl edding alîiivl'nssry, alsti lins. suid tire oîilytsi iof (hi'get of titeirn almu- 0-se raiiied.MlinatadlMia. F. E.(Green tire center- à'i"Wiiltii%",ferni tilt st eet. iîu I>Iairthday. Ail report a very GRATTON i va ,Y lkeulhuy 2:24, Iîîe AliuaiAîuîot, by Aiumiît, talnlnig guentis rmnithe ciiy. - lin. Sellir, ot(rus,Lakle.as flien ui-pît-assît tîme. Jr. Re sas groat as a ieueloiras le andSmtihe gneit as a Sire.Boev. 1). C. Iluttoàan eiîresas-ti tue a liite! visit tii hiem uliugiter, Mme. Ed 0ie Minuti i alit long, yet reli-f As TERMS $soe(lhe Sea.so, wsu Retenu Privieîe. Address ail inqeinies t graductes lest Siiiiday evenlug. Lui. :ohîtnhîîeuliranhaitliliât ilrle by the use lair. Meadi bas opeutet bis market lin, anti lme. WitFî'il-ik ntirned a!o One Minute, Cougli Cure. ht Crttan Stock Farm, - - Haîf Day, Ili. vhsý-b bas lico ulsed the puât mouth. to) thoîr home Au Wuîîtcgeîî lest Weid- hreventsi consomption anti qulekîy lire. Ueo. Johnson As vlitlui o nestiay, 1cires cta, croup, broneliltia, dlauglten, àMre. De Vol, o! Terra Cote. Tliere Is e prves îîînîuî.eîîîia(ho pne(umniela grippe andiailtiliroat anti Mien Wood, of Liberiyville, vîstitid looks itheib eptit m~ i liebs betJaon ig troubhles. F. B. LovELL, Lierty. PALATINE. isnimailing lit-n îîuuîtier an oxiendot n nilie .Snt at anu ue-plt.villa., vîsitieAuîtsnlace; se are ait very Riad M.adMs .Sihadfml ro-pttd Mr.ltay Wilson islavery tick uc aret-, luivoîuîuut' hi-r tii thi u me etflier de>'. Louis Seheuer, 00e tir <nrtcliml IM~I70 aer. cliiuul. u gutu A. Cook attenetieibe repuhlcucon- mou, lasat preileut wrkiiî«gaî Winjters1i GILMER. FIRST PREMIUIM STALLION ire. ?lhursaten ehttaincti f1u1-119l8 Died, TburIlàé.y. Jane Olu Pulisal- ventioi*et Chicago sasdelogate tant brick yard. , A. G. Sebverman dîi business lu the lflo~ Chicago recenthy.l.it-llie y, jvî!s- uit W. IL. Coutîni. Site week. lire. Ed Lux returliethornte 'lues- olty Tuenday. Lake C ouanty Pair, O ctober 1892, ObAMse'gay îu'ou"I enu' arpost- louvems hit- esonittotideys (Ad, hobes o mmeOinenft exorcises gvill ho iay alter @pending a fev daya visit Chus. Ray, o!fMinnesota, callei on pomea util JoUneît' 1h. l'. t îuî hlaîrlisreiisudcode loaesi u- belli n Oakland ibail Fnîdey eveulug of Urase Lae. F. Thomnas linday. J. IN. Scblenulitîg ntaui'- a hmu1',ii.,8iuulîhli dno.i t Iiend tnî'slmDouirier ~nthis veok. Constabile Berry, o!fatkegau, avais lira. E. Kînie, o! Chicago, visitei et trip teoChicago liundu>'. l-... Filliitr:lile'slaty iriaI. E. viuiiut-. T1. V. fflocqio returîted from Ankan- s@Pen oniOur sirecis lent Tsesdey: ve the faciory Sunda>'. Bd Reise antd sntomn mglius.u, at Mîtmît',aJutâme ¶911), Tliiàmaiy. ly the meS Monda>' cuti reports tirae. Gotulet on v oîder vboso asei)lie vasafler. - A.(G. and W. A. Sehiverman drove toA BL A HA ME Matt ltlchmnut'sm ia. .o siuu-ii I. PIrîaigiiiieut the Luthoron tire gain. There leat t-cla- <ac tDyesILmad u. luae.A D L I. 1 1 'tlm.