Dont Cet Rattied or 1Lot YourMdauomA Wlielm cet Aattl.d. *eto Ek im ne 6» , Pm t WJSBiAN pu.hem: :,vîîsend &Dy respousibie piywsf ddld~GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. utMyrailroad sMation iu Lake $uny, Ais .a R A.L1 d« j'r oe2,19. Ili., au outit flioTire Tigiteuing Ka hrant MuhrUi.S. l u rOC AN.Lacal ipUkesa. vrioO Jue24 89. Toute sud ive bases ci Wasisers,,Ms emn0 nioiadbrciambciioflsdaviifoi asorted sines. vitich ill ]i Mai for tise IXIDEPMJWE?4T alsRO orders for job printiig. CalA nh o raifl. * -b laPont-OMM i e tLbertyville. an ordiuaxy former a lite bleue n second-chas matter. tise tasof Course vould le.t indetin- ately, for lve dollars ($5.00) on tise GAYLA OCliETi gs* the.evenins lt@i.boys vent dovu to boat the Finit Quartette and lncieletmIlY to accola- folowlng condiious: Tise parties giilM- oa!o I .F .~panur te girls bomne. Mr. Aibtit t o at- BATS AD SOWSOUAPLIiug temra afair trial for fis mouthe, Ai Rlsiioreu larr No-unilu à- Uaturday Attendaitii. ,ei. vauct ie or not. If tbey d o cr ifenna Ras LMn-W.'WM TiieCoibareSalOnAil conveintion IIIeli ers CA n- haorrnet. Ifauld ecde if crseJ. . ~L<oNo&BàuonHSoeil, 1 tstFriday van earrled out ezaac ordins for tem v yulrensve tsez»ai o? 010898Ciiiter. 1No. tu Order £str to prourmo pjrevluusly dlotrtitutold and every fo hn w ilrihv hm em uSStar maieet a4tbUdTuëday eveiIn' mitlor Wels the vayn sebat exes.Directions for timin.gM.WHITe S azon. n i a stil atpie. Tii, addrsm oxpe Cue Inec o.Me.A .ivt;So. Mr. Fltc. of Chiîcago..vms unexpected If popl timng heel wold oly RAYBLAKE Camp No. 1341)1. W. A.- meet and voly gond. Tiiere vers maur'Peope give t tetint IIteond and lourtit Satirl venilias of prensant fromt out of îovn. Tii. olovina ilietu ntinits attenIon ~'elcb onth. tKoPE ~ wni, b-lgrepremed: WauksgaD. An- temora arigld condition t ail turn enouxsuc tavti. Ci-r..Couds, Mian. off Laue.Villa aad rWn.. ilt uld ivaelnMore to b tON RITàg Cek ondivMulbfi. utiez. u vouid tem tIan tiey ~ 1'5551 t.. . .RT0 oNOII meetinus lst sud ird onue hundred and ive guesîs vers saated at have any IdeI of. Whtou a viseel gets COURT OF sligtlylooe te vtergetsiu >~.__________________________ Sturdas ofute«.i11H month. ~ table stidinuer Urne sud rarslake ladies tweti isesisuldf o ti spt. ud ADSDa. B. y. HàaSVz. W. Bl. wore hospitable as usuéal. epieseniitven twe h hudro teuoead'LS ORTH trfrnMilîbuil) exteitded au Invitation tu Just the felly, a moment% tiought will cou- IZPHCl o.sBNAm'tsend et titernetea.iwmaod vinc anyoneboy quickly ,i ualitroi Tom S8it and Adolph Heydecker *asnd fourtii esdsetin,îy eV,,Ultioghs ilId",In ti eAef.Tii i ne i is iaon vrsVaukegin viair , lmay i.M.xU onau-L L.lec. . a rsIt of vicitpaltrsas veit aslut - theil histe ne f te risone fr. sud Mis.N. F. Lui and ochMdreu I COGIEOATIONAL Cbuisb Sundsy ne- mon fel tteinlve* botter equlppsd fur tihe vity vbeels go so quicly iller bien< spent lBaudy ai Orayalake. Lvae-iisa r.u mS i. Froye? r t yo'r 'r.'kn. vas InaWedesdt evniug.YP. iS. C. K. mut siigisiy lbase dnring tise dry veatiier Aby ac ienb o udr e n d 7t:m . n.lîîist USEL eVbdau ga spngid anuei Alaite summer previons. Tise weber Wells ltaitliaturday igi. Everybody Siooul Laus. tu. RSEL Olong rMay ih vave, gels lu beiveen thse sioulden of lthe reports a goadl imne. bit________________ Ms. H. Grillnlasquite i11 ai Dr. Oe'te us o te euspot. snd uhe feliy, reinailg lter. Tie oulook forltse4ti t ilWadS-Lu-ins. Amdtht~s'ne.4 htbrae. ail vinler. As sonasbeo m d W oth jsdoii. go every one btter M»Mie yer. of Hockfeller. visitud wth Cbildrou'à Dey exorcises nexi Sun- ttc neuim f tsubrveeos Litaiteante s .ymaie a day of il ai Liberty ville. Mr@. Jlm May Iis ve. dya ielata iucs ~ M5lK~. Tie dec~ed Vt îrnrecflaely gves 1Thte Vadavorlt .itae bal club vent lKï"ttctî ntoved lis laumilino 1lh ouse MiaMr vel tohsbea- auttm.kti1 - -ocils mi nuday and played tise vacaledba' Don Wiuitk.teudiug achool ln Kenoaha, i homefo W»b1 offriugs of 472 tubs and bide W&7 and tise iseel ta runie, W 1i - -io- - Iîî ut e-lo okciitis creui- Mrnud Urs. Reltion Miller. of lAke Bluff, vacation. j le, no sles veru rnade onuhe lthe r hisre'beuenkepi rlgid, vithlotfion CoUienanees aller being besten vsisled at Mr. Witells5 Ist W'Si. 1f n. J. Taylor and daugitieratteuded ~ board 0f Irade Monduy. liixieel being perléctly flitand by te score of 19 to 7.Onssi otluttddii-c meeeteerjiein eoaGr gbbmdoftadeMonda. Sixt ntootis, fils tigitl belveen lhe sitouider Lm ody iecemeYusp e a tMn.-*,a aeVla ai rdy etFl eeig 04m vould bave been tabut, and te o h pk n h e ,tee 39 tubs of butter or 2,34f) pounde b o ilitMnsf.S a. .ia e lîiamq Mr.asu rdy vent. Hw e dln oMion eontnittee declared tise mar- ntt pusdtieelytrbyChicago. Tte Vadavort Cramer! Dr. and3Mr#.. Brown hlud mm ogirsîtiith sl 1 .sdMi.Hv enndlî ~a B li a p r c e. B u te r la s v e t i c; p n se rv i tg t ie o o d tu b o t s fe lly s d C o m p a n y e n jo y a lie d is tin c tio n of1 le- e e . M is s W ilso n a n d u d r . llr in g to . ol T n ed y fro n t a v i il a t L ak e ( e e v a 14*btpc. Buaesr lte ee pne- oudsu l on oni-ig one of tise boat payiug concerne taCiCiago.anEu ev le orte etpat magon I s ol odtise ser patrons itise <ciitY. Tise Gakdale Cemetery lSociety yl bel, 1,98 tue.lion, if iudued pnt btter, tisa ith Tite mealtcontent under thse au- Mr. sud 3fr,.. ioitney. -us ltgnal sad meet viii lire. Margaret Hiver Thursl-y agte poie hee hrear open of tise W .T T.IfJ ree tu sîrsetlin8ilmywt r Cin fernonn, June lotis. vase btiwhers. Tis la proven ly tise ex- vas iseld ai Lux Bron. hall lent Friday. In "Mo. . rpîusî ,.b... u cso lssnu udyvl j[seitel tisaia Spanibiu sdaîaiun hnrd Ivseevsr Thse conlesianusfor tise medal vere; r.Ea:ipnadduhe.o àk n colcoe elFl wt Ca1 frCuba la lreated a Mino udod fwel hr isses Glen Waddell, Mary Carlson Forest. wsrn vl,.tinit wltii Mr.ud 3,.picute i lu Mivlî grave. 1fr. Cisurcis- *nuyi amuilin'.Sm- a ves have beeu used for a year sud 1aCaîo, ri' idof ii tidei'hlet veet. I oem Dl boch bers another Yenr. F irltýt jnitrtiu bonm ll Crlo, rod&Mxdrf Ana4 he eels visere tisey have beau n Carlaon, of Wadsorlis, sud Young Mrs. Grf» nandIlNeNllle. of Ws,îkeican Tise Bouton tovniisip IS. S.conven- _ jattémgh tat pan oul b lveukty montise, remaining lu preclmly MasterKnox. ut Ottrue. Tise apeak- vsited bers hlitast wows,k lîle1r,,. Nînivustionu yul Sa teld ab Rast Boulon M. E. Ils*o uylinglii vuidplosetisesine position evisen Iuaeried. 1ît ing vas excellent. Tise lIrsi. prise, a visted ln Wautll .Choyrait, Joune 269h, tise Nevpor lova- ý,mugeisas vooid te seuln of lis si iilver modal, vua aaded ta Miss M. sud Mrs. Geor Stewart. ot Waukegau. siip convention vUI ib. ield ai Rose- ilos wer * Cutl ela hakla abeolntely imapossible for tise vahr Die Waddell. Second prize, a boni, ver., the giests of Mfr. sud Mmr). D.. White- crans M. E. cisurcis July 3isl. Fa0 tamaye ils position or mini tutu tise la Mise Mary- Carlson. Tise jndges nof al days last Wut. 1Mr. aud M&. Stafford, of Antioeit, _______________ hilly toIe tissuntesplievouldfihete eCoilst'ael'b Mrs. MCrmlck, Mr. and Mi.Lange. of Chso -. ts attendaitlise evezsing ar'in.*ie ~eOuF Gae isa cssagd bi viel inlproper condition at ai MAimes Loais eiard sud Mnute Me- guI o1thiselndailtu.IMl.Peter tsiî.Baplist churei ast Holiday, sud serl vulli *9 bs ngelmeacodtonehiehy obtalned by Collougla. Beades the abovu, SIvu l l ansd parn of Ibis ve.ol one eujoyed Iheir finesaing. men *dm about tise f ting rtt5e lms odto a songe vere snng by te Wadsvorlh bl bve $M oor lsss %0 lovent it ai>- uoing lie Tire Tigitening Waaier. trio sud otiturs. Anu njoyable even- Pe,rt'Boyd ha',x.ait thei.- ,nsI of utAt s meeting of lise Yotug people'@ Met' Ourattnton u ttrcte t ths ng u btiby H.Mn.leum-arn d Rose Austin bal, tken bsClub at Saturday eveufiug tise eom- Boy$ * Vsk subi»a SfM,000,O0U lu bond% u atnio a stace 0 it Agva a b ts..stuted lest iMondal'.mitteen for lte 4tis ofJuiy wr p ki lad nleder antiielty n1 tise va? point (tise vieel taving beeu allgistly -M.a, r.Illyeictie b'rpolnted, and tise program a rrangud a guuae. timovratloiloe- orne te previoulsummet) by tise te- GRME.rt. alMr.LuII idrtaîineltl i r. . .Coniey, of Chicago, vîlà -de- »sueMe. l bidis am n si. sfondS upiuc iai s lAver UliseE o ratir.on sudx. tisais yu Se Lsd Dr-J- W *Sithebig 1fs an f$dt elui yexeineta r. and lira. Jantes Dady are enter- Lux, sud lamiln lafit Iundar. mle sude Ovtiony f amtere w ll bae iMIi~ eUoed a paeminm ononue par TemîyItna. i.GlosDoîtrail. Everyone viso visioteS 0bave à Ail8 vis sel isicisisstoenlolonge lipisle igcnatyfot ieciy wiili e pleasei to 1.-ma .that site. xsi atuiabepleasal tirne conte I to uama. Tr a&. vii slol gel ny of the bondaas viossmn oe tadln iie J. F.Bouter, nofiRussell, callud ai C. t. bu abouit as u.hiz snsut eTtirysue fsaitleadr wvicis iey are tunnedl isel taitaolneyer beau Iooae tuait M. Brovn'a lu&i Monday eveuîig. 3.vered. »Ms UIamsuanl ivestors tise oral oly as Utile go ligis n sd ronmain so Tise C. E. Society axpects ta givu a Mr.. Wright. of Sand Lake,. ùdti it.- h l -M1fol'las nt a propar nam@ but lM tbey al utey vant et par,.aMl aommur im at toast as goal orden mas isn socil ai& Montosau mItis e nt? br laîgiten. rs. Guet>gsTiioer. letw vuemroly a vord ta dorlote a Certain klni id à; maacertain ti t îiey yl set iu tiseRumetliusinier. Il isa. tise futus, aud pantttti. .Frun, bers uie Welat to ler of fortification. Tise Spahish. delli- th l.U ~elemeni of economny, At cau bc doue Norman Brovn aspects tu apend Jnly ,asugfitr'.Ms. Wede.. lIon of morro la "Anylhiug viicitla WE me iu a. itte i tme esth weeé dy ut 4h 1h sfrieudai sud relatives u Vie. Thte Scottis.outusi' ifue'. gave. (un otround, lie formi of wviîciresembleaF Il Avitîu athe. ise hvisu te dreont.near Wautelba. thefiue 'one. tsW..ut,.i 'sdyrIlsgAFi il avoida tiseorathof havlatise vofeea Mr. aud Mn. F. L. MeCract o f iarge crowd vs.fini t ub.-ar tiu'n. Tisey tisai.;nthtie ed.' Moro oenlie ai Ban »M a uilr lsed annxaon ea o tld sy disiing, a ielîtalvaya Evanton visited t J. 1. Brochsetslise IIsoxii ven t . .buit gu(el ax ever. Juan and Moio Casle at Ravana, are Pi IqM a rvgndoued ajoain sel u bel gocoeunrforlisene inno islacittireI of te veut. Mr. sud )Mis. Vertou Slmith i slb.-he si itar iu construeîloti, snd are, inauanPie sdcpedS moe tsai a w~a.SOprofilensd paiaataking, viso can an experteuce social vli bc givun ai or f ieir parents, Mr. ,and Mis. J. M,,rili. Amerîcn senne,. morros," in tise **vuadpedbymoethn to tlletî ua iov muchs 1 cul out of1te Orange isal ni Wednusdayuveuiug Tisa drus.' down truie Bioit. srriiit blie, itue ensetisaI scertain clameof trou- Wb"vo lis te Bouse, sîtisoug thtie viseel 1taisave tI cornu togetter and Se by tise W. C. T. Il. of titis place. Tuesdsy e,,î u d vilii tr,,laiit'n.riumli OserCldar motds dbenelath le goutte te inovu 10ta- Humer il. Oipln, of Ciicago, vis up Li. the o. d r mntr. petup ie Set gis i tie igid. If be erra ou tise sale ideansd Holiday and CIalotaiDr. YOnn<s Isud 3fr. Hennry Ewaris. of Rollis, lii a If yonu have "itmmer tae" yon don't Miêt@ ûtliser es 'ihtint es ev mu ets nfdryvealiser aoter relatves in thiisvicjigiy. hanse vinug Ts'day îigit. Thslt lte. ii-need ta jotanlie army. If youhiaventl, visiis oenedMoedy intistoisn bis voit gales for nangitt, if isc Lonnie Fletciser. of Ciicago, callud ne,- additionî vas ,leiat-1. A large ilrn Bu teopoiionagtaunersels il a uitile btantigit aud tisemissels on friends baeuliiSunday tanushi le-nfront oral l. ..i.e sii-lneaîlprsp o sgssme n.ANi ktkMàm tisaI mate il prseicily Arn- are quita dry ut tise tinte, thon tise vay goWaukegraa. He droveuop frontus-hallàver nyblse tii». .large tomber of privâtes lu Camp _ ~befor tisin ta vin. Tisuy bave mselthomediiud u aerCnd isety. M,.tr Ma netaieii*rlotbe, nMcKinley are SeIng turned dovu in - #411do mi tieseechnakiug. miicis f ors hetre au iseraken Mn. M,,l l tMIie-nrn. ast sdât sud tise piysical examination, masalishe M ecnnuspaler he 0f cours hevywestsmaure Agas-GAGES LAKE. nturu-',A ith ina,îîîMunday n.iîiug tn vîsît Iowa ligote Register, becnse tiey bave ~Uhacotiioiaale tie "ntrAngothsy iel smr tea-',-rparents se.-ali dys. sii'-' nsîrued "isammerbsa.' A bassmmer be onue ~gp' maoublisiiis Sea usinltory renaitiltisa» ou ligi unues. 1Mr. McClear lasbuiling a înev b in. ,-st,îvviasiste'n wl,', eeaiese ,-ra iîichtreoe tthIotmn h te lae ffa oteunliadouu- If peopetiing wmeissvould eep Scisool cioswid toefulat ve for tise da-. vtcsiiusoe tts1bto ots amitie ann ecure adjouru- tisem, nid aliltise timnsand painled, summer vacation. 1The,-maiiiaik-l Oys aultise mrail iltuh@hebtatotesi. bM vitliont consent of tli ouse. te ol Adts vtesvut I Fred Philipe, of C'ic.ago, ts visitung ,tju.Lae bl,', y ai"il gn,'or ,,s ia lls amsu la a pisysical gant, and per- if Itr eui tie ut affilet 1111 ois sudlires ire von»oui aut friends isere titis veet. 'ut.- uin. t Drun" I.J..-la-t atrlasuid fort ina very otiter respect, ascualer paU hie c sentre 10ouitia aduru- tl bssadti"aewnotad Miss Efle Motion., if Chicago, wass s juiiiacfounthie .iîitiii6. iwiii", itelitti mte mAl prevent blS acceptanou, for a R*11éer f enaors t gl a ajoun-iustead of te viuels golug iraI mould vîlor at isome tlals veet. I yA .i s li.ele-y ".'-aihom,. one,.unbli »MImion iOi tuh Bnae.ia O ltebd As mortisies a litrfoerougis tis cern as lut tiie longiTh'isa veare Pre- lilas Lottie ('ltrd, of Ciicago,'Dot sîstho IIuL ~tiieorsreared s ertinasparei tu prove, onu road-vagon iaving speutuuniay aitiser itome hure Arue- 'iomidriaiidl .-., ot. lue longtard marris vould JWlphiag not yit accornplliud canu-ebeeu driven by tise vriten tour and a Mua-and Elvis <Iilmonu, ot Chiagoie,'iier .tir,'s . , l'k'eirso irritatu tiseliait ltaitishe men vonld jUe Be Snate wvl i .pl tise su- isall Juans. Tise vieela are still o<d pont Stinday ai tiseir itomure. nd'tu isulslieTbiuiya' nib nil ovI o aa >atioa resolutlou bufore. Cotagreasi even mitise tires neaily vornnoff. P. L Jorgeusion, nf Waukegaaî, vasx ______________________i__________ IIOUDtt. Tise adjournmet tof t'on- POLLO<K Ti5iE TitiHTE)utINWAiu<Et CO. caliug oitstrletaboritue lstSunday. 2.-- 04oLon wit ill depend untirly upon isov.JAMES5 POLL.OCK, Mfaniager. Misses Ada Manchester aud Maie B0OOT on PEOPLES' COLUMN. ltuSlise Setiate acta; tise HI-msclas Wilsvortis, 1. Jamaes ire viiting frieiadn Au Chicago. W.- lise a fontd of $20,1101to bats on For Sale. Ici ajoutroaut îay lime, allerlira. Clarn-ce lloyd and ciiliren, oI Lake Couuty resi fustise, ai six per N*ow six tuntm isseo WICortol. C;nerrisS for Sale. Des Plaints are vimitig ber pîneute. Celnt, vus pnîvîlege 10 puy oun or Gond veil and cisterti. Large lot. *5Mt. 1.I have 25 abilsofIlcaraflue 1Mr. and Urs. illa Wrigist. beflote tiaturiiy, and alma privîlege of 1. L. JAMEs, Libertyville. 31-4 cherrieis for saIe. E. L, Frisiîy. ou tise Mabel Gilbiert, iso isas lbeunattend- partial payaient». 'Fi Ane 0 suit . aboe leaders represieuiing s rousti ospfl WILSON place vesi ut Libery- iug sctol iu Evaist,,îa bas reuned' borrowur. We also bave s fnnd to For RanI . Ci l~eay fmoe iau il ba001 ve been ville. lhmeutinndtsesuin'r ouanfarnsatlvt' pur cent Esiraigitt. e nueroutu.rcnyo _______________thegaliote______ No Comnaiots.fn xpenilo 'or ex vacstud by James Furney. Modern ILaauinagivitos lisetSacttorccivilimort -*$ 4lcation and labsaor tu ovrturu ltaé Vain f 0t 1_0r.rwligtaoI' mprovumente. Apply tokY. PIiOTINE, - omete peaute i isipbut erMisa Nacrai ltictiariison is visltirag WHITN*t.EY C1il NWaUtegstt, Ili. -If ~IOiea gansttie ovcigsiIlufrludliti Waukegii...____.Building Matali. ' isbouleu-t psaedbytieM. A. ltatgli.t iited Waiukegan 'l IIsIs.lafil uicted viiiu a rougis Are yon agoang W10blaild? If lacgel l M tSe, sfu 1, ecîr afîîntî.l'heotfriut in î,îFnllasy. ftrevî'nisî Yeaat'sd lest faIlliitda estiment@ onta ilblindés nI materlal liebsUfron tse omnitt.-.Tis lis. JohntBaHou, ofI Waukegaui, vw o ur.- suvere cougisthoan evur lbefore. tf G. H. SC'iAaiiK à SON. 3t-8i laber on hecorporattion 10ise »y l-a wrVChi olIer surdA. J ,'onleiving mlianel uief, snd bing recoin- For Sale. '~O8li orortin i ay or ~Cina oeauesu A MJ au oinu îenuddîtutry s botlluof Chalutier- Honas sud lotinluLibertyville. I. B. -atoM itise b11 i, cis utemilymoaes isvtrau>a'ited iiisiiiiss lin xtiuke l u.isns Congis Kcnedy,tay a fnlend, viso, RAY, Lîbertyville. JuIr M , I prescrnt eîgmaî bout îam operalîve, dgaltb W@ mdsuf cetlfrtîsn.,t vI n ivng me to Sesapoor vldnw, gave- ' Xréseil on , oe te Huse alo E mi 11111 lisitas AltaVn uee ' e Yril te m, I tried il sud viti thtlauetLososrSae tIema ats l~asviditing nt langlat liua. grstitying reaulta. Tise ralt ottI, Car uidn osfo i nC foowUt toutvasbrise all o totr « alism ' c uloisglosFor Sl luC Iki faOwt Ioria tie blîlvuint iner- - i tieV.S.ýXrs. Joli» Foyers, ot Elgina, il erlieved me very nl nisd tise second F. Wrgt'aaddition ta Libertyville t$f* ms n hmp? gveumetvar ~a a~ ou Mr. sud lirs. M. D. Slmith ud loin. 1totie hbuabeoluteîy curti tue. I IuX1I<î feet at $mi u p onoeasy brtis. ~0mmaes, ocasu tuprealyexepts Ua .ShUOW&D OmFe Ily on atttrday.ibave nilbaid augond bsai lfor tventy Enquire of F. P. DumoeND, Libertyville, ~'~t~lapeaton military sud naval "09,p.priOavevnge. teuam .5 i. A. J. Raymond asdtîlira. W. J. IYeats. Bleapecifuily, Mits. MARY? A. I~tî la lme 0f ar.i. uausmer 10tise _______________ Torieuce mre ralliug tan, fiendo ai HEAIIO Claremore, Art. SoId by «ý pro amat tia i vhstieir men oni F EDLboityville ou Friday.1 F. B. LOVELL, Ltburtyvilue; J. R. Lot@ for Sale. ýý,wilhug eigst liauts a dsy-fn'y- VD OUR STOCK. 1r. snd Mirs. ('harIes llaugist sud BEaAcHzER uinse; L. H. LITCt'IELD, I bave vor choice lots rlgis in tise y- 5t.,-daugisier NîIie, îf vîauegsu. Ipunt ocketeller. ieait of Libertyvile for %s A a s to-W l lurs a veut .mnerican 5.s.p- SuCaâ.lifornBrn.iadattndi bagaitEnquire of M. B. Colby or 7ý»sî8Mffl cousld ot compute vils aioria>Cresent Food te Buudro atey exsriss ut ttded mysell, as taternaIl mn vant tise S1 1 îiUamil wAtnvs siovu tht tise men Ka D .Bs exelisevsit1 V ier The Omaha ExposllOn of 1898 boat sltuated propetyinAutise illage , l « *pyrd o heClde wer HRESC-- NI MiS a. hEr . . B.uson evllidg hur Beau the Ceulenulal Exposition for a home. M . A. B. COOK. if »MM rpyrSo ts lde ie, (Hkui<OBAN OM laugiter. ir. dsil Rsasl, uotitu iîcisoccuired Au Philadelphie lu A , oe Iip.are isuili tisan lu suy onue hvrso îe u eaiesms neieltCscg 1876 avar oui of sigisi sud Asnexli 1 flu97, oli muit1I117 turs aovn .hus.iliueys. Mr.suiMrs BroaandsolW tt-lie WirdsFair at Chilcago luamparti- WHAT I HAS COST. lilnod It Asis s .gnaitl aud As tga, viatted mtt Rangis; Brus.u-r- suces 10tise miole cotîntr. I tts i yteWîeihv le c, . ~svr" ea sy mI et tates luthe Traus-Musissippi negloît lglmed ta Se tise eousi Frarternal tise grestest mut snd fl-sis producen lins. Cossuln.0 Monvle as are Interesed and a vAsAl lu Omahsa Inanîsa Society luIlîlinote. Tise ROSECRANS. lu tise uorîsi. WiI lente sud 1revfnt uoacle o nsa at,1. iler î»ug tise couiusuce Of lieexeO- foiloming iseta and figures deuoi- Ill icLadies Aid Society iseid tielr Hng Ctalets. For sale by lira. James Keiin, seeOmpanuied iser iiiott, frontJ unue tuOctobur, Inclusive, bs te ta nisof tiss lailu. »«M« Mr inPiislimeeting n te eisurri oe sann nu anrh. A ununne oml Ob Wdmedai of let eet. Env. BLErINIClt, DlJEitiLI), ILL. bue rmiigouih udYrcmmue aal lbas coat euheS terSei C5intg a Jarsar igse u ningusa jutta eu'ilAgent Ior Late Couoty. Mli nsd Mrs. John utisrind, By your excursAon»tickets oves ltae one hiousand dollar crifcate for au- IPWO algee n soingthat lchilîdren, ut Wtugan, opent Bator- 1Chicago, Miwantes làMt. Paul H'y. sesantutduruug tise viole of 1897 As 18o51rausns ise ss eusui ai rdr il ecieprmtai- dyngt n îai mt Mr. 0. 1AuIlliuntrated faidier descriptive of usheusîîovs: ,reWnarPrmes inU~ A Word to the Wise le Sufficient." You had botter "ae Ini a good supply .... .at th e followlng prices ....... 11 Sais LannoxSap ............... 9 Package. Corn Biarcis................ 5 Galo nse K eroiene 011 . ................ Coin nmm l psr lbis .................... . 3 Ptgs Joyaese Colles ......... 2 Page YeaSt Foam............ Fall-CrsainChses epar lb. . .... f Ibo ChoiaesRaiins ............ A gond ouatier Corset ......... New liais Dilalila par yd .. .. Lonadale Bleed Muait» .............. Table 011-Clous par y........ 26 01 25 094 26 29 0>6 061 10 et recelved a fuliliUne of Mens ready made cloth- at $248, $3.48. 83.98, $498, up to, $898. Th o abo yé stoc ki v a bougi s t &bioait M e 0ou0ltaédollar ... ....and wvil Se sold secordimqly .. . . .. GRAYSLAKE CASH STORE. -aysiake, - - - - Illinois (OUR WANTS tha e srpieht. Ous tck was nov e mo Ore tock Frs Goer amore ompets.l valesfo your moane yoatprSesul aluefas the Iowest. 'a I'ati y Luu'd lliirt e nai.... 35c0lien'@ 115.00 Biset Clay 's aIl vwxal <vealeis ..... Oc Saat s' ml vool s weatr------------ 50e meus$ $10.0X) Stan dCay ies' Smlsa Hihumaed ldbc-gradle But"............ <battre hudlerveur...........Ic Boys' S'401 10utIL tClay V li 'us' (iatd an e tU derv u ar lse Buile . . . . . Ioola Coites Tlaread ......... 2eladies' 326 SItes 2 tk 81 k Hibison No. 2 to à a yd ... 14 Ladies' $1. 001 sud 1u 25 1 rmming Fealisers mad 'ips escit le Worsad .. , .. 13.51 Worsted ....8.650 lLorataiL (lipp-ns 75o For the 4th of JuIy e have a complete assortment of Flreworks, laga. Paper Lanterns, Torpedoos. Fire-.crackers, ,per-Cap Pistole, Paper Caps, Etc. at prices to lease the Chlldren. F. H. KUEBKER, ew Store. Graysiake, Illinois. 31ces-m -Nsw andlSeond Hand. Ji Complete Line Df Sundries.. Repairing Promptly Attended to ........ E. B. MERMAN, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. FRESH, SALT ad Sunok MoNus, Lard, Sausage, FIsh, Etc. Fruits and Vegetabies in Season. rry Our Celebrated Home-Cured H-am and Bacon. 1lui? Wagons maku negular trips titrougs tisecountry vits a fuil ainsi. If tisey biave uni ealledn you please uollfy tu nI tise fiel. WE MAKE DELICIOUS PORK SAUSAGE-TRY IT. Egga, Poultry and Faim Produce btea iHgiteat Market Prie. Caued Gonds for Campeis suddOullng Parties--Sa"mouî, Sardines. Port asiBeaus, REt, i iccoits muai h. e ttled lie frat f eacb mont upon neoirît utststeîn,,î'tvs sam to sBon on a yeny close margin sud sud glît not exteel m ,'v-er thînti' jars. RITT&SONGrayslake, Ill. F. BAI RSTO W. MANUFACTUREROF Marbie and s. Granite CUCUMBER PICKLES Can Se plaubod any trne from June 6t 10 July let 10 Se anie olagoud crop. Tiese Sqai sng for you to do las to Plantl frontone hall to an acre, suid yoi mil sd hIlis.he "Oslnt ouer ud lie muet of il you averealiassifrout tîism sea mollit of land. Tien yon vi I uetaieklmg youcelf liaI Feu l ceê oit51 vlc siie of~ a a = ensiusU~ WORIC EVERY Deacnipta. ceruepsedmms sa""e. .46 weeU WAEmx p*w.i, A[Uk te - ý w, I*iw