Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Jun 1898, p. 7

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F Ponai' Bau i îfle the ,ountry 10 sub' Treas- bidiviti- lention s asked ce "nes. ha uew aodated tuking esîrable r bonds bs au the en- elarger ittet te i bonds t astins hi uts, a. Bon- ePr large ofidtiler s, vidi the al,- fomu lu e. Cou- ut day'. 0)0000. n reneh- on Sit>.- Ili munis a'.' cent, ktintis of '500O anti $.10t0, lu termes Unitedt la. tbcy ruedlons the ad- Depert- e le tise Il Inveai- ut theni. fubeip- or more pigeon- SM)% or 20.00.- o-bol.. any re- 14, ait eman u subocvlb- i$f100o bis appli- the mase at no ou. isible for >. wouit le î1 'ple t'- o! tuis lul.i-s" a îpearî'd 1 a vboie ,the p.- u,- Tis u.' f- trtaine.i ru. Itîsu lu bc put Wben lhe ir titi, If g bîdjeru ted ta re- Iment. 0f y day. to f the cur- re able 10 mîtht ho Sau issue îlte new ger on sc- the hanta lion. e rndse a tii. Treas- SCI .1 the e las t ali.,tt r anmaunts bc enter- , ,,iis or T 'ie vay o sass i . e.' of Ce- coq lie gela a Dealer. itigo, mau tinate Mat- Timies. us euougb viien they . Paul Dis- opinion cf "0uba-bound t for puiui- tat In sooe t on the cs- ta setîbe Dp. r i. a name@ Press. iation vrai ut il vl be expedillon in at 'rampa Mexico ta ros a Cuba 'n urgfedti 'lu for uni- pc muet Dot 'h golug tu rsait' as ta of souvenir uts ~ sà4 oi mSD isDO flUROM5 *0 atwem'tteipote et euttr ec ofla grestly esgsrsted.Violence ia mîae Amd Hast K". Ptnkhom Heip ObJfflloosble. aud poitely go.0vcex.M vron hm ftteql upon a ffortunate liter. stomacb OiO~ h~ or bovelq by doies with purgatlVe9 whlch veaken the intestines. Une ilostetters .ItuBOLÇOE101Mras atmeb Bittert. . 8, Chicago, Ill., Io Jms.Plukhau: Au Rany vicea. *1"1 have boom troubled for the past "'A,"'the fond inether sIghed, "you twa yen«s wth faling of 1h. vomb, sy YOD bove uiy danglit er now, but wl Ieucosrhom. Pains Over mY body, M yieu love ber whlen site IRi ohî't headanchies, bâcitache, nergmumensd Seadily looklug ber lu the î'yoll hoe vealoiema.1Itried doctoes »sld serions aeplIed: retuoies lthout rellef. Atter takIng "Soc iiineyer get old. Any otne two boIllesof yeure Vegtable Con- ,Mn sce at a glance thai she takt' attier pouud, lis. relief 1 obtaincd vaa Iruly yen. -Ollago News. vouderful. 1 have nov laiton acterai ______________ more botties of your fumons mdicine, Thes'. la saiaa or psople snd eau Ray thast 1am entirely cre&." Who are Injuret by lbheure of coffes. 'saMor%.omFl4ayL iticently there lins been placed in &IaiCnuil. Oi hie, to Mms. Fnkha.: thse groeery tors snav prsparaîon "For a long lime 1 sultered uih esile aGRAIN-O, made of pure gans., chronie Inflammation ofthe >5vomi, tbhatetlles thc Place Ot f e. 'rbe inost pain lu abdomenanmd besrlug'âou 4deiiote stonlsch recelves JItwtlioit di' feeling. W»a try erousal imes, sud t 0s1, sud but few eau leu ilt ronn cet. ceatIvsadlmbeadomy tee. Tt does moi cot aver one-foorti se owa suhrl bl od y mach. Chikldce iay drinit v ils grealthing. Was subjeci 10hedaches, mIa benelit. lrpc. and 25r. par pe"e troubled witl aicorrhoe.Aller do- Tryi l. Ask for GRAIN-. toring for U587 lmenthe with dlffemgît physicians, and gettiug no rellet, i hmd Irrelstîîs.given up al hope of being Wal "And %o thats George RidgelPy*s &ain whcn I test o! tic gret gond 'Wife? Insurprls6ed. I shouldn'l ihink Lydise . inhhm's Vegetable Cern'. auch s voinan âselsle vonîtibave ROY pouad vu&doing. 1 delded Immedi- attractions, for lm." &tlt i0gltatril.iT1he reniaitWei ",That'a because you don't know Il slmply petbelle!. Ater Iaklng four sl. Site has a buudred thousanti big. btis& of Vgetabie Compound andi round etiraetlons for lin, and ail Weil uslng listepaekagesof Sausllve Wsah Inenteld."-Chicmgo News. I eau samy I Ifeal 1ka nov voman. i desua it My duty 1tu nounuostheiants nie Vienst Dlly. tel my feiiow sufeèrers that Lyds Mur%. luîuurlreou.-Wefl. John. aretE. Pinkharfs Velabie remedies have y00 vver goinin g ve anybody else a cntireiy cured me of ail my pains sud i0 chauve Io lok at the' paier? Wht, snferiug. I have her auiue lu th&"i the' latent war news', auyvay? for my reomviry, for which 1 amn grie. Mr. . purge.tî--l dout know. I have fui. Msg haven bies her for Umei not filulbeul re'±idng the aceouut of the gond vece sho la doing for or se h)all gamle 7.t.- Like a Puine Od Irish Gentleman. C>uthlaig ilests 5go CosamptL Ni. iomîe or tihe' Loat euîerailniug pas Kerot,'.Batau, wil s«top thc couille t gaes.'.ln thi.' jusit publisbed "R&ecollec- Once. Got. to ur druggist to-dsv sudest lions" of Mr. Aubrc'y de Vere are tiiofi aa npir bottierfret. fSoitln 2ad 50 deaiing wltb nid Unies ln ireland-the cent hotties. Go ettnose; deis are dan- of Mr. de Vereis Immediate an- gerous. __ __. cestors sud of bis owu youtli. IE WeisemW.,. grandrather Wail a very popular county le wax tella; ber tht' ttesi Scandai, gentleman. vlth a great love for the "$top!" AI'-cr!ed, Jst asBolcreached pjsr, whîom ht'niaias "belped al s the Pnd of the tory, -I vont is«ten o plîî-Iî."litere leanauInstance. gien bY suother word"--Nev York Eveulng an oId tenant, of certaluly rthiler a tight Journal.unue. A young man vas tried for murder, Haills Ctrrh Carne. bat iug tillei a nîu'mer ot a rival fac- -tu a cEliitlusLclire. rIcs75 COUCIL tion luia faction fight. The judge. re luttant 10 sentence ini to dl.ath. on ac- if nînarealoys lnded y tefrcount of bis; youth, turned to bliimand compally il$lreity rnu6b ocu*orne Mensat vbo are lune.J"& there any ont' ln court Who could Wh-re&un.speak as tb your .haru,îerf'i 1 *hall re-omunend Pieos Core for Cou- The youih Iotcd round the court. uupion far aud wde.-Mrs. 3iulitîau. sud thon Raid msly: luatead. Kent Entianti. Nov. 8 lWtf. "Ther.' IR no mari bere, my lord, thal lu Atitr'elia cîrinit begina Aug . 0 1tnow.' enumier Nov. 20, autumai Feh. 20.anud At that my grnaufatber chauced tc Winter May X v alk lut the grand jury gliery. t suw nt once hî,w mottere stood. He - talied out: d y"V - a" sque.-.'boy that don't know Purified B Iood a trientu(IL vien yonn set im" "ite boy vas quick-wittt'd; lie an Wa» We.k adNeevous but 000dm awered: &lad* M m ltelthy and trong. 'ii.tbe,ui is l iyeif thaI ,La roud -iJs-s@ feein~g .ry duli aud coulti nul to mee yoîîr h,,uor lier.- tiis dny" iicep mntulig. Afier 1Ilbed Isen Iwo "Weil," sid the' Jutge. 'Sir l'ere. bottes o! Haret.suSrsagiariiia I frit more ince you tîîov liait boy, yull you tel like mnyopif ansu - ssoon hathy sud me whet iou tnow of hlm»i' eront. Hooits Sar.apariila purifleti my 'I viii. niy lord.' su"i my grand. bloo aud di me muucb oo." Roy 3M. full.-r. "sund viiat 1i tan tellijenuIo Dale. .iammoud. Min. -dUcl. tbat froni the' vpry tiret day that i Ia eve evbD;t Ii 1mnteInever Hood'a Barsaparilla 'tne' sanythbiulg tiftbilm thbat vas nol ood' il h old tenant endt'd bis tale by trltinc is banda together sud ex- ..And ho neyer tu bave clnpped hie St*MS5dlS. t"t'upon the boy 1111 Ibis Minutler* 5> 'Tht' boy esped hein; hangeti. SBakçer's faorbl b tedetelmeît o ain Ci'cl~fUate, ~<, endurance o! whait cnnot ho belped. c' ___________________3 andithat IR. abouit wht las meaut by tbe rau rmr good old uord ltck. A guood example c ' c e le b r a t i t f o r m r e o t h i s q u a i t y i . lt e d b y t h e a u t h o r o t " han a centurY "a Q1 "A Coonial Tramp.'* ediiou>, nCtitiouS, Qj AhAil.tslrailiiboys arc tsuglit the' sud fleah forming 'yqi1m-ceesity orfruarlung against saee- c' everage, bas Oar 3 biteS. uand tht' ut'tl of o tr,'atiug therm. c' wel-known <YTwo litti.' ft'iiowR. (] d8Sycars nid, Sland gotie Into tht' busl tu pay. The YVellov Label 1 on the front o! erery q l'oie. pushet ie bi atand dhrougbl i package. and or Qc ot qhîtl h the iîead o! a Most trademack'i.aBelle 'a ,enomous Snueoattuelhtd to one of the Chooltieeon he il11gers. Ua-c"QulcV.Chareyr ho cied, putting 'adowu bis band on a ,lump. "Chop off NON£ OTIER OENtJINE. ' yjuv inger-tht' cuate bas bitten l." sans uitv mvClîsrlev. vithout bcd ltion, llftî'd liii a xandl choppned off Dot only tilt dam- WALTER BAKER & CO. let.. aged linger but two others as wel Doucetr. aa. Then the boys raul into tovu, ove.' il ngIll, distant, tu a ubernist. vho piunged ______________ Itthe bieedlng slumps tutu the strongeat sus niamniouandnfterward dressed the Iry Alen'$ Vot-snec, À oqrtabe abaken caionshe hcta esecesi s aa~~ rewAt this essos yen.'fet feci ivellen. uer bu" va- eex ons anti bot. sud gel tired eziiY. If you *FIl 15W . recule-i have smorditfest or tight aboes. try m.. 55e10 J rI as leins I Foot-Base. Il cool* lisetest aud .Mpmo"&, RI, MireswalkIng easy. Cures swllcn and Itrlievea corna aud hunions of &Il pain sud gives rstanti comfr. Ove. tanl thousanu tsioil.Try Ilody Sl ya - druggitsute dshoesstores for 25c. Trisl package FREE. Address. Allen S. 0hzý sed,. Le Roi. N. Y. 'The lîctret Rendy. A bustiig agent for a patent churt, ~S~'Er I~.# or nce, I nvateti the odilc2 of a huay merchani ..CURIEu ÔO IpSY iTON. -' one clayranti proceeded te10 tliver hit MATANZAS. CUBA'S SECOND LARGEST CITY. The muty cuthodral. vhose cerner loweret bis velce or sesmedt 10 aut to .1000 a-as laid more thautu bret' con- keep the matIe.' a secret frein bystand. turies ago. la Imposing by ressont o!fIlu;sciorn. Ater tdis dhIng bail gene uîasaivout'cs anti rude architectural on for nmie lime the manager *ailte beauîuy. The custom bouse. erecctd for au explanatuen. "WeU, you sec."1 near tht' heginin; O! tht' preseut cen- maiti Murphy. "if Ibose fellevs isougbt tury, is long sud low. vitb overbangin; 1 bat mouey mabent me. lhey'ti tnike roof ot redtihes anti pillaredt une.' cor- me for a loan, but vbon they secstus ruuor. Matanzas rejoices ln the pos- borroing myself, lhey thînk t'Itsnu session ot a aplendit nov theator. use." wbhic Is saldt le b.theo ducatlin the .uird oaan Wet Indice, net evon excepting Ha- u erdNoatn bmana "Tlonter et a Hluntreti Doon." A subinerged Island bas heen found Tiiere are several bsntsemely appoint- 1.000 mles due west frot Gibralar .-d club bionnsansd casiboc. 100: for lu vhlch effera -a curIons prehîin for Cuban cilles, as lu Parla, Londoen anti geographors. Il vas discoteret by lb. Madridi. club lfo flourishos, at the ex- Prince o! Monaco. andti vii oon b. pence o!toinesftie iiîstltutions. The placet ou the charte a iedut hie IHI- vie o f tht' cihy freinthe summît er drographlc OBcc st aiWashingtou. t he 'libIs above San Soverino Caatle ls The unten Island vas discovered maguificent ant i ncînties more than qlute by accident by the fluce vbile thirty mules o! uudulatlng &bore lino. tustin; eonndlngs frotu bis yacht Prin- ces Alice, andthIe formation vas se- THE RIUI4T OF MIOIIT. cordin;ly nameti atter the yacht. The Isand la uppae totebave beaenlit oue War iu Ail Itu Horror Bas Been wilk lune a huge volcîno. Its shape. vieh Us Sisce the Birh of Tine, lis, een deterinneti by caoeful sounti- War bas bien defitiot as murter lngo, la mucb tbe saine as dhat ot a giorliti. Tht' scafroiti replaceti by a îîtge cocet bal. Tho Istd sailano trhuiîuhni arch a-nuIt perbapa be more danger o! Interfering lu the leaut wfth figurative. A condittion o! thinga (tail- învigation. mince lils highet point le fieti as extra 1.gaI vonît ho more ex 1couic fourloon fathoma belov tht' sur- act. War lm the paradox 0f jnrisprii- face oif the a-New Yonk Worit. dence. lb sanctions thal ,,hich Ih bac________ forbiddten: honora tdAt vhich l pun- l iyCo' n l tsly. Iches, anti rewardtai:a vlîch lt re- î taby la saidtot have more blgamists proves. île cribonlon lm the reai.t. Ian any other Eurepesu country. This There la no question of justice or Of la mate possible because the eburch re- Injustice. There la a question merely fuses 10 receguize civil Marrlages, sut of victory or defeat. The R1omans, the etatî tues not regard a cturcb imar- vho. whatover their gasMmay have niagenas indîng. 'Fb.remut I&bal un- bien. vere ual ciuiisz, summet Il Up crupulousmnumarry two.wlvca-oue ln semnence-tsc letl-WOO t10the i vIltieseanchton o! tbe ehuret. tthe vanqulabet. W5L' snd tumaulty au5te oî,r lt thtisesanction o! the lSv. emgpntaL.Tbey appeursdau esrtis le '.t 'nidIQ&kàmmà E"Aftr- mnh--- 5 iý&hien. la ayuhrawt Il bites ihe g under s luxuriant gsitt f tai hme colon of pett. It octet f&lis le restera celer ta, v&& tain. it vin stop thie barrou comiel out aso. Il fes the tain bulbe. Thie hair beoess tbtck baIn, smd short tiltbecouais loug *Il clasas thiescalp; te- mctes &il dasituff, ut Pteviai Its foemahlou. Vs -bave a book on tte aIs Wtleih vo vin &"ytI The txiraeling AmesteilliMuet expeCt to be "taken dowu" oceaslomally lu thie O1d Warld. vbeu hiz love for bis owu country lesda hlm. after thse manner of it patriotic trurelers, ta vaunt It a. lit- tic. An amusing instance of thîs kînd sn related by a correspondent of the New york Evçnlng pant. writing of a vieilto Greytriars, chnrcbyard 51 Bain- burgh. The sexton was s man of Aberdeen- shîre. sud took pleasure lu sbowtng the v isitor the grave of Duncan Bsn Macta- lyre, a Gsellc poei, snd ln interpretiug tbe Gaeiic inscription ou It. ae If It were tbe chie! glory of bis charge. Hi@ lipart vas lu the Higbiands. pialuly. The' vIitor lîsd been at Greyfrlars' bh- fore.and maid ta the sexton. ai the' old i man pocketed bis tee: *"i bave meen your Highlands since I was bore iast." *"0b' "said lie. wlth lInulatable High- land binjection. "And bail yo neyer bene tiiere beforer' "No. 1 have neyer heenIn luSctlanti before. Ililve lu Ainerica." "Oh! "r'is a graund country that." a *'America? hIs l. Indeetir' a The old man looketi up In utler suri c prise. "*Nzýy, nay," h. saiti, Impatient- C ly. -the' llieisnds! A graunti country!"'t A FATALITY AVOIDED Froa the De.aocrat. Itaan& . Wbeu neuraigia ia accompenled by s F duli, bt'svy psin near the heart, troquent- iy b.omiug intense. it generaUly aiesl !ataiiy. M.'.. Naney Flynn. wbo livec mr.Gu&ben. mnd.. survived auch au at- utacsuad ber &d vice Ie vortIt beeding. "lu the fait of M9." abs said. "I belrau te have trouble vOl> my heart. 'L'iere won a sbsrf pain In ml bresat, whicb be- camne rapidiy worm.. The doctor wss pua- zlet and, ut me uuder the influenre of opiaies. Uescsharp attacks foiiowed one another et iutoevmla and i becauje wesk snd bati s ha5gard lok. I wa. coustautly lu pain, seidoinà lept sud hsd no appetite. .-At the eud o! ivro y..> r,1I as confined tar myc2c mont of ibe urne and the duc- tosmged it umi dcatb vas only s mat-ter of a short lime. "One day Inotlced iu pcasn item sbonut a . sr tb y D r. Will- lia' ,Pink Pale Peu- A Soios Tie . pie sud I , o ucioded to try thuin. Wheu i hail finiabed one ox I ntieed au imtirovement lu My condition. sud wben 1 taten tweive boxes 1 vs., compieteir cured. 'Those ptil bave doue for you what we couid uot do,' sid oec of mypisysicians: 'tbey have sased your life.' 'lbat waa twu years ago sud my heurt bas nettlroubied me sînce. I believe 1 ove mi life to Dr. Wimaffl'lPnk FUIs fur Paie People, aud I take plesure i tellasg otliers &bout thein." Among thse many forme uf neoralgia sereheadache, nervouanees, Parlie"l, spo- piezy aud looa.teu sia.biome of these were rouaidered lacurable outil Dr. Witt- lamis' Pink Plls for Pale' People ver. formulsîrd. To-d ytiossande lestify te having heen c=retof such digeaues by tise». pille. Doctors treqetly prescribe them n d &Il drugîst oel thesu. FItting Up a Boys BRoomu. The followlug description gives a gIdes, maya Karper's Round Table, for combineit windov-ee&t shoe-box and hookcase that cau be made lu auy mise lu flit the space Il is.required to fil]: Atq s grocery store purcisas a godd clesu box such as canued goods; are packed lu, sud suother one about tbe saine 1 i.width aud beight, but twlce as long. -Remove tht' coter ef the smsller box 8 ud turit Il on eud; then arrange s asheif I luit the lefti de. To the top iof the long box nuit a strIp lwo tuches BvIde, sud 10 It fasten s covor vitis tbinges. These two boxes are ta ho at- rtacbed by meaus ot screws. A bookcase Is to he made sixteen or elghteen luches vide. four teet hlgh. sud an Iuch deeper thon the wldtb of the seat-box. Four shelven can be arrangeti aud screved fst througb the sides te secommodate books, and arond the top s %trip ot cornIce moldlug can b. mltered sud nalled fast. TWENTY-TWO MILLION packaes cet Ibis braut were m»W lest year. Thal's boy gond il la. ASK 'tOUR DEALER to shcv you tbe plaques and tll Fou about Elastic Starcs. AccePt nomsubstitute. Evcry Groer itempiEamlc Sm DO sl delr. 'bis iii, in frzm tou1155e n. SAPOLIO iLIKE A GOOD TEMPER, u SHEDS A BRIGI4TNESS' EVERYWHERE." TII EMSTIN USiJE m s IOT Ch Mr T AILYC- éam SI Thees are the portraits cf Lieut. Ritchmondi Pearson Bobson anti bis galsent ccv otofmoen uhu sont the Merrimac lu the moutb n! Santiago Bey, and vbo wiIviilit iiistory asusinon; the bravent of lie vorld's beroes. The nintb pic- lture lu the group la liaI o! Naval Cadet Joseph W. Povell, who commauded the aunch that follovredthe iterrimae. brviug dealb tu rem.-ne lbhe forloru liopers. Ilobtion. tbe leader andi origlustor of the plan, ln a naval cousrh"-tî'r. witb the relative aut t,!liîeutenant. junior grade. G eorge C'harette aas a gt,,.se."s mate o! the' ilrmtl--aasou boarti tht'cruiser New' Yort. le liv.-, et Ioweli. Meus., and la 31 year» oh]. J. C'. Murphy vas the i,'Oswaiu o! the lowa. Oshoru Wasrren lignai ms barn lu Stuart, lowa. andtii31 yenr.. id,îe bms been lu thc Davy everal 7.-arc. anti vas une o!flth'Merrimai's original -r-v. lFrancis Kelly vas aico une o! the cccv of the M3errimai. He li a Boston man. aud lin2S years oit. <.-rge B. P l'iips la 34 years alti. and wasxbhu i Caînbridg,-port, IMans. îe e'îiistei ou the Merrimme asaniachinist esoon afier the' collier was bougbt by the gîsterumeut. Itatdolpis Claumen vms ecoain o! the' New York, aud mmugget hitueilf aboard the Mercirose witbout permlission. tiECOND CITY OF CUBA. face. Theîr Ides- cnfic . One it! tu the .Tte biothers are eucceed- xudti4uasNoefr lIanQaY. eset hy families. bhe latter by clans. sud uuab itsat1 There are lents sud passions. There Matanzas la tbo second cily of Cuba are races, nations. empire$. But al. lu sise, waesth andi commercial Import- Iwaya the cofict o! Ideasa. lvays the suce sud la noted for lia btalthfulness, baIlle vhich ensues.' Hllory bas the quainuua anti beauty. 11.fore the monotouy of the. infernal reglons. Il a-ar the population of the city vas 60. la mate np of groanx. Tht' leccon vhich 0(», but tviudied tb nue-bal!, thon- - iseugages trom litlasthie riglit o! saute of lils het citixens havin; joiîeti mlgbt. There nover bas been any otb- the Insurgent army, and other tho-' or. Thoe eriy verriers bai the' vblri- sanda haviug been acattert'd or kîlleit1 vinti for ally. Trhe monon vas ibele owin; la the exigenc7lea o! va.'. The servant. Toait I hena the sun stood province bas awaym heen noteti for lits guIl. The lorrer' of Binai gleained frein patriotîBtu. their breasîplalos. Mon count oasm The San Juan River tIvidea the clly lh.'ir faces ant irBe. *Tbey encroachet Int Ivo parts, the Puebla Nueve--nev anti conqueret. On the rock-bounui bll tovu suad Versaulles, andtihIe river lhey founted a ine cf king%. Pregeut. lespanned b:,- severel hantisoipe iy Vetngeance Iucarnate taîket Assy- atone bridges. l'uebio Nuevo containe riait. Tbey vere svept Inte chaîns sud thie raiivuy depot snd ont' of the most remained there until Il eccurre tat Cy- beautiful aveulies un ail Cuba-the Cal- rua tu change the Euphrate&' course. soda de San Utevan. Fn.' vo ille%, With Alexanter, vho chaaeil Lings il la lined wtb itnposiug villas, ail vith blîhor sud thitber, came more mlght. piliared liorti 'm-s In front.,îîav"i, lite When the Roman t'agies pouneti upon the terrai-es. sith uîocaic o! back antid their prey there vas more. There vas whbite marbie, or bloc anti yelov tie a aYs Mure, lu hisioryv there Ia 1111e 'rbes. camas o! the oldt ime tilieti gar- else. 0f justice or Injustice nover a tiens are coloreil pea-green. sky.blute, a-ord. Spain nouovL it. Iaismight rose-iint. lîvender. purlîle. crushoti that matie ber. But might la not eter- straa-berry. anti ye-low but the colora. nai. Even Hercules lo tend. which elsewvbere ouoîtiseoin tustand eternally saearIng ai the lantiscape,Milear Actors. ber.- ione il se perfectly vith the tropic Saine of ou.' actors are veallby mou. aky anti foliage thal yen tailt t notice Joe Jefferson la ratoti au $2.000,00I0 anti the vliont contrasta. Ail the bouses' Sol Smith Russel l a close second, are set flush vlth the pavement, but vith semetbinz ove.' 81.5f00.000ta bis t'acb bas ils hosutif nI gardon at the credit. ,ý sîtles, filet vlth foyers sut stately boe murphy. o! Kerry Gev faine, puaInit surrounteti by tel iroti rallings white net as ich as Jefferson or Rua- antd stone pllars toppeti vitb urus. sell. la lu no danger of gelng te the Vtfer the gt'eat conflagration of for- poorbouao. Ht' lias matie nearly a tuil- ty-tiurpe yeare ago, lu vhlch more thon Iou eut ef Kerry Gev antilil bai habof o! atanama vas burneti. the weili brought bium lu $W10000 for many yesrs. toi o lancra rebuilt thefr homes on the uAu amuislugalry la toit et Utis pop- h,-ighis above tic ciîy, a-bore ocean una acter. It vas bis customu jears bretzes biov fresb sud cool andi th emgo 10 oitentatiausly borrow $5 ou the vi(le-sprl.sding hay afforda a charm. Rialto cvery mernîng ftrm a certain lu; picare. Untortunateîy. perbapa manager, and alvays returu Il In the tht- nid anti uncoxforteble public bu!lt eventu;. A nellceable pint vas Ihal lu;> remaineti untoaciieti by the flames. ,In asking fer Uic money Murphy nover I "IEOFFICIAL PIIOTOGRAPliS 0F UNITED STATES NAVY." Over 200 views of battleships, gunboats, monitors, toepedo boats, torpedo boat destroyers, cruisers, rams, dynarnitu cruisers, and ather wsr craft, besides portraits of promineais Army and Navy Officers, including a caniplete deecripticem of the construction, speed, snd armenait of each boat, toge>a with a large, authentic, colared zusp of the Eastatnsd Wei* Indies, by the aid ai which the reader caun ot only fbru la accurate estimate af our naval strength, but follow 1theooq. monts of the contending fleets. The wark includes over m views of the Maine taken before the disaster ini Havaus a Wbo, showing portraits of the officers snd crew, and supplemented by photographs taken alter the explosion, depicting the divega ai their work, sud ather incidents in caunection with ti ad aud memorable event. A souvenir ta treasure mlter the war il, over. Remit in silver or by money arder. Price 25 Cents, Postpaid. Address CHIICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION- No. 93 South Jefferaom &L, Chàngoý Ili. Me Isa't Afrald. "I sie you bavena't offered t0 seil yaur Yacht t. the Governinet' '*No. 1 don't think yachting on the lakes wIl b. any more dangerous tbie sommner than il bas been heretotore. The Speztard. can't get theîr boits s through the eanais."l New, Girls, Step IlI A1ce-Malf la s»tllere da ne M"', lu tihe vowld vio la good eDm 9*1 h ie 3 a Ot HANIISOMMIELLUSTtATUOSOS IL J.III O. sfa.0 P t-«a i. A4t CIL W1L555.A... as.Ps. KEITWS ENAUEL It will mot stick 10 the irns.. viiMta 1 other oolored Woods vlthout Isthe Itftb white. .nd it m"afihirt vala, ýdri.m l â shirt.. coUsis mmd culoo10k Mek. ev. Injure 1.Insfare ltdome Dot gis. g tsto o T roor wl 'o.met have 1% p is Bonmid ul am arnem sud we vili m um lm .U CEIT 0K for Four troublaie a REMTUHIaREL TABMC&#. C I WAR PICT-ýU - THE INIM.- FRl rse uth tsmî eeletm&std £LASTIC STARCE, W. lesuld). Ta induce 705 te tgy arce Ih uat po us Mad e"stuhé ekl ailauclamsfor ils aprilt 1 omy arc truc, tise maksr en lsd an sl pial capon.., a omi"i.ofthme GAME PLAQUES, zut reprWhductosî f tc Unvll, whitU t Sb i vu ABSOLUTIELY PRER by pour gpocir omcoud-llos uusdtel rhe Plaqlue e40 luhes wmccu=mfcrc=ucrae f au"YMqgMIe dvetWslugwhster«, and viii cunem the mocmtegt aMeadu. 1 utaeturlng cc br sa efore gave away ici sluable pYsanle f »tomer.T. s.Thpaz=.tfr s a apipece, snd can te ols<ml.d mml be marnait pedffle. Ttc subjecta ae: Auicmn Wild Ducka, AaaerkcaaPlseamat. Engilut Qual, Engl"sI Slpe. The bWtae a dscmely embcimet sud stand ont BalerauM& fE.l laqu la bordered vils s baud o! gcld. _________ ELASTC STARClI 1 MV Te Set Thu" 1

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