Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Jun 1898, p. 8

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I 'V' ~ ~Around the ÇountY . L aiVhépeagnII. vm m ri m c in '11 Wis. CE-N T . . TimE -TAULEC. Min Bes* Wilni«M I iJpfll Tme hocl tbon"la lurecel111a meV 1<lu Iefe %ma) Ui aurdu it vIllia. DYbe.allai of paint. -a ~oavalire.HerLees lnbeen OnU1the jame Nlvillewvia arM :Ns s san ge u o u au mt i c a l mbl t hbe p ulativo Ve a tm u r u « w ws O N E RT H .S.In l' In FiU . 38 lé The SundVca nt holPion" Wva. eldM MliaMier of Indien*, la vliting 6 l 099 a tDlamond Lakie lune 101h. ber mathe?, dri. Mila. e iav mi Om i an gr. Ebar 'Bmitb die lulatvei Evra Nlileo OeiakW mot&@ 3480 980 l MWedneidan d Wall bUrrled aUrday. OU Our met lig onday. aie la@li 7 9 8 111 Charie lik ellfltr-canagder.Waeone nt.E0ir oT»8"7. M ayl ale aa mâ4ouaW10 2010 16 recénlly; il came near bolus a a"rionsWuod ale ê~. ~a $~il 102H $06 7 le 1022 î ~accident. M». coinle aiategau -vigliug« 'i - *iaiimou"epUr@. Emma Batletii, 01AutimclI:relatives At Preaeit ltilg. * uuaYOli. itebe itrm athTsd, C. A. Golding andj oba Woeh vere S itu oiiîOU nal. tbey &asoc «Und 0on lra. Dykea. Lib.rtyviUe vialionsunda. a.m. . ii'. i. p.ilP.ui.amu. IMisaBrgai Bausn, trom GraYa*lale Mlr. Young, o1 Chicago, h-a opened il 12 Frt. visitie ber relatives buebr e glit esud Coer cotlage for the esn eVinsla u 1iil H1OH34 in 0 Il 1attendait the fanerailof ber cousin. ROY Pircepreaob"la lth1e litbo- 13 4Lae nwta 7 et11140 (Mdua Eva Dybue.> p~1~fliU I 1 16il " ' 's 1312 " Acodtrubr itesdtedia% cburaîh lini Bandar eVeaing. Bicycle soi7Ol lede crwd ron boe 1tu00 e Min Olynci la getig ogmadow- 1 mt iW740 Itiad ncg071ri la ,comumecemfent exercicsietIRotk-e- "r»Yfraum édn A tiisie 7 '4 i10 7 H30 1 0 tiler Tburiday aflernogufland the ve'rayfrsme Olis ud O C o9 41 10 Cé l oi4tA I e o e lig la, o au i l,»% d, Mlile Bron. maintain lthe paPula- aThon ndugas evitSndabtlf 117 of tue ivauboo morcanlite ému- To.Uiluhvaln rla o ROCREFELLER UOCOTIES. prium and eujoy a Uboral trade. The mother, lira. Barber ai'preeeitvilftinî. Col4GRIOATIOI4AL <JIuTOII ufdiî -'public vilt do v.ii1get acquaiitid Mita LuluRBil, Who bas beu vtiilug vices 10:wn L n d :801p. Dm. Prayiir witb lbem aud tbeir buulnesa moilioda. ber grandpuenreflhi r.ied home SUDl- Meeting Weduesdal evsillm. Y. P. 8. C. 9 . 6E. Parker, Sharon, Win.. wrllen: d&Y. Met Bandar ecenilia aI :05 Junior .B. ol bave trieti DeWitte W"b ua lisa Mr. and lira. Chu LAuphere, ut Sci i 8 0elock. Salve for ltohiug pilais la ya Mc Her, villoed Wauoinda rlatives DIAMORD CampNo 4. d110. ta. W. A. Meet sipe ihom lu orminutes. I couaider udy Zqll ,U ne of Repairs0o4u jnu. grt ami tbrd Saterdayevoiiinflga h DeWitt'a WtehBaiSalvue thé gréai. C. M. lReynoldsanmd IMands vire mntal. D. GainTs.Y . « et pilecure On th@ nirbet." F. B.- suants of Mr. and lira. J. 8. Reynolds _____________ 0.o. p. No. lisi. ueigt ieecnd andi fourUi Lovr.x.. Llbertyvwle. SunfflRid _______________ TbraÏîaatei , u Nth. N0. M. C. tvirta, one ofthie subtaniell The Alumal recéptioi v. field at ORO. A. Ont. Sec . proaperou farmers of Froent, bai At the home oh Prot. Hubbaird batur.- on't ail o -se th New hampon 0 G. . met Tburadal evengings of mach jual bailli a ne o ar i OOxf2ti vllb9 day eveuing., on'tfailto se te Ne Cha pio CaoLO.U0T. fot atone battement. and iuruountid lir. and lira. Robert Harrison Machines before buying. Veni. LsBunu c.CT by a haudiotue cupola trom tue top 0t îêîurned borne trom Chicago Saiurday joHNG. RAGAN Pont 0. A. . Met vhic bhocean lobk ail over Laie couty. where lbey vire viiliug fr1na ________________ fa... rmlvii on or before fulil 0eîoo. J. t.. Horcher, tbe hnatliflg contracter red 1. B. GLiuASoi. Con tr. of Grayalabo. vithbibs force 01 crpin. N. B. Duera bu bal! bis buildings 0EB CRUICKILL. Adj. tors, la the buildel and la squipplng it Paintsd; 11M . HillAUbal sien b"dbis L H .f L itchfield, Mail soins soutb ...... :04 a. M. 9:22 P. M. hOlaWlin oneta home reabigied and paiid; Bellth - - mmi OI MilOver tdby stage arrives oa. m.ain. amproteclors fol barn doora, etc. 'Turner farm u led;* ILLINS . opne'w îLu OiiU'Wanconda yl have tine urgeai céle- Mia vaDyeava bruJue bration July 4 thât hma ver beu bild Vis:CAIqRqy A COMPLtTE STOCK OF O KEELE.1874 and wvutado ted by lir.'and Mr%. le ulace . otal1 n i Roci ROCKEFELLER. John Dybeà on baubsglvingday 1875.Wof a dalillllathe an dluGand a! M IN LAFLOU!?,MM LL STUFFS, Witt Kulggimade a buineass trip taevBu ee xc lay einewt a tvrmnurbail lu Oakland hall. Chicago Monda. via veiexce iofa Kig e aru- h E. L Harrison, UmaSbooimaker. J. Uir&. Julius Bedka enterained ber lng drus cuttlug, etc. Shre vieau E. riNa .DnlCwe SEEDS, E6TV mother tram Des Plaina Ibis veet. Dyactive perion, tac, ambitions for lber BovlisMin. Gruie n, 011011Huit ovu wgood, aivays ready andi villlug 10 bord. UmaLoraHarriagon attndel the ?mtBukad vite tram ,Hal amIadnYrone itu eed anti looing t0e ommneiieut examcinuai B arington ~- LS0.--~-viited Ur. nd lira. L. H. Litcbfield muits their Paibvay lu litse pissat. Thurada. Friday. Tbneeari igo llhinltd vltb the The commeucement ixerciièel vire M. E. church ai Gages Lake andthanbahelidlu Oakland hall Friday -oveniug. <'n l Mr. Welch. lira. Herchberger and llved a ouuiiiltnl CbHalii ie. The propram v as very gornd and eab -mi L nie- nd Cem nt bree daugbl.ore vieiteti as Long (irove Whonu1the Young jmai. letering l ember -via viii reudereiL,-, s Tueda! .prime ofHlite are anatceti avsay by Onace Mullin vwu the firesi paduale 1 __________________deatb It ilauanIrreparabie loa te tbe ai. part. Beresay entltled Seoués lira. iiiasey Aud danghter May, are vorld. But our las la ber gain. vwa given la u amasysnd Planig WE SELLapending a tev days oft ibis veet vieil- Déatb claimet iMIa Eva DybeaS atur- manuer and bovéd %bat midi sjme B ta inTrevr, June tb, vblchiieaves the sorrov- liati boe s peit in propeation., 11 3 I E I R W G N n .lauilîer aone in Ibier home. Abert oesabet-hCz , li-Q cu X W A fl ra. Ram Jevotfrom Chicago vis- ÂVxaib-nrÀeN. fle" vu vWal andled anti vu one ied vitb lira. Fargo andi othor friands At Ibe roîlieuce of tgirs. Eliza A. that the Aminican people are very a ev days a lt veeli. Dean lu Ivanboe, Wednesdéy, Joune l1 much interested in lu Jt nov. UM WNEN VOIJ WANT Misa Cou A. Dean and Mir. Elmas M. Welcb'a misa, vu entiied 'Che Fiant Cronthite la home trontAveru l eeunilet inlumarriage. IRuina ut Time" aud wvu delivered lu a collage aitiReluit and ti iiapeniidthe Tho ronias venubeautiiy doco- mannel iienotiug griat ibout andi vaaion vitli. people. atet wttb roses andti vnes, the gnatea lhori'igb blutiy. The munic vas W u o f uvolff iii e eIlliet vitb clusiiers ofuthIe pluk t eieiit ansud t al ueixrcsé Roua Docber toit Tîîeday eveniig and red roses, vhich setemeii 10 have Wer ucond fr edi CALL ON ~~~~~~for Treval Wig.. vbere ahliexpectii 10 savei their nîchoot blounfor tiblouensfo oe ie CALattONd te anomervith lira. Brotli. occasion anti niassesoutthe a»Me apentilovera ornanntedth Imamntola andi LAKE ZURICH. Ur M. aud lirs. Jua. Wilson, tront Rock- vile feitconiti over the table ln thie Louve, your laundry At the barber Sfard yvit alieti tvay a lait voek vllbdinningluit. % boit. berpareils, lir. andi lra. Gao. lardon. AboulStygelaaaenes0t- .5mbro ty epeae u rn niai- euthe soiemu tcoreuïniiy.Jne u A ior fct epi iotf lir. Welcu acoompauleti by Cri and 1the beantîful cloot, vblch lsd beauChcao 11, - - - - - Illinois" Luélla Herbb«ere viati bi preamuled tohbride by the Ivanboe, MisaLera Harrison vu ilutloil brothri a elchl a Deertiielt Wetinea- choir ot vbio shte bas no long been Tueaday. Blac the leader. obiimedth e tweîve etirates M. P. Limey, oh Barriugtoii. vas lu naau'Mi?<RlilMIBM mM aaNm rn dey. ohfaon, Mris. Paul begoin the veddlng lowu Tuesday. IeI UI lE liihu lI IJIIUtAA large diiegaiou tram Rocbefeler Mazout andth ie bride anti groom, pro J. H. P ibee Made a business tuip ta ~iWiIV LU5MV U'Fifl'4IUiUtI'~ atindd he unemeting o! coupre- oedid by Rila tWells vbo shover. Cryital Labi Tuiidiy. gatilia chach a etGrajuake lut tbe paihvay vith raesant avancedThei tmM màgn fmna DIM y«.thiseli ibit va bat is n er atbeautitlé gtonlchrce lugb tb. halls and lokt heir jplace Tesabaa isagagowmna Fida. in front of a baver of vines and vbite voîb dnavlng gravei thia veut. . Mnt .Thé Cbildrei-a Day exorcises Ly the roses, vbere &bey vire met hy thée lir. ,Seip enterteiueil a bousehul 01 eofliciating elorsymI. Mr. B. F. Paul. Company boam Chicago $unda". ~istern A rk a insaN v. Sua colvrelOitf17Per- Thon ollovlti the varda or 1the formai The graitatcourage MM aibaov formedand wvu much enjoyed bly a smariage service snd ibe groiip 09 rets- in turing to1on cul s0e in d 111 AlGU@.. large cougregation. tîves Andtfiainds,amuid theaunifies and The Palatine higb sochutaime np TEF at v* vouIlàDMua "Mhébsn a yae u189m turn-Out.inluhebtoraum0oS bars n0o tirn blended aaI such &celles, aud boIt a plcntc on the lie aboe Fn. Surrey or zxienlou-top Carnage? Ten-ahovel CullivtoMi, Mr. andi lir*. P. Litchboeld . ail. u.xtemidt Iboicongrattilonistlur- Tuesday. Eliers, Mees.or.Up-to-Dxli Horae Batlo? If you tild 7011 ick. J. Gou, 0. W. Myriet. lira. teredth e dlnoing room vbore the B. Branding'sfileld ohautrui eu.t ah aaj..itAs m9eb mistakon msa il you bailttyour shirt. Bontaiy anti danghter MAY, sud lKr. vettinfi breabfast vas servait, sller the village in le thé beut ve have saee * We under-buy andi nudor-ailI auy other doater. and Mra. L. H. Liciel l ook ativan- vbich the bride anti groom saidtutre- auyvbtîle. tage of the excursion rate@ and veut ta wett, and smit abovera uf rose louves Bort basneauigneti bis poeition a. Waubuabaud PevaubeesLaiLe Sunda". toobitheit 4sparlure On the 4:4) train section foreman on tbe E. J. a £. 1My, LI 1W* bavé a Carloaiof Carriages coudes ant igaal sol thera very for a veddig trip toibe houe ut the andi contemplasse going vest. llucessm i cbapaiWacodamiLibertyillie............... .. n .H rnhtevstt ai-groom's parents in Michigan. t0trhlm., chea di Wauond su Ur.J. . Conkhte iateil auk- 1Thé paoon. Ur. Avertitbabeen far Chas. Saliptidamly, of Palatine. gen ibia veet in tbe Intereet the t itlrege yiara lbe toucher lu the Ivantgoe anti Fred Beip. ut Whseling, vitueset Ves Ves ~Liii Couuty tinnday souciaiAssocia- sobool anti uany of the Young peuple the.el é at i aet ohe Ye, e , We are Coing to tien. At tuie meeting ut the cout! eau attrîbute tu bf.u the Inspiration ua UnlonaBuda. aid tbedoent hue couultte, ut whlcb lMr. Cronbhltewish@allea hou eenr eli tuvbt W e ednasta hevyganiter ime Easer Ar an aw Jun 7 hbal em mlongraulitelime. ThéUmd edduîgeeig n amsI ,,E « ern Arka saw une ths via camala, ilva. decidotitoi boit ia sa lleader hotb Je cburch anti 8047101, tbe village hall vu.àagpandi &flair. "u Ibota s tay long or go atone sa. un aem rad igge i union raly sud piculo.nt ILaboe Bluff,un and vhielutter or im a B b aptclaanx et ful hu tm pouméi.G *lhuaanibae ou ev poia. Auguel 25. Bec furihor parlieniarn lion dby t b i viee011tber TeL ratcId" tme rom end 6 *Ib u an hae sude 1 riands er , gl i v thîe feelingst T héL .Union basa hall tes=n il to" uthe lite, and t e bstaelWiuier Whesl andi Oss neady tao ail connly papers. bol pi villai eau oe niméplyteDnusai the lattera hame 1e ba*vetei. Luat Snndday morning 1ev. J. A. Coloeil]et'a wIvtbl the hope ial&.he andti ani Sturday. Hope tbey vohit preacheti a serm<uii lu Ibmebîilen andi her hua m MA moule lime &gain cast forgel Iheir rabhii's foot. atimnistretiIbe rtilanceof Atanttheir ho vlthtfinda 10 vliuin hey LBR. Ljnsvitetedthetldally Vofoufanthave e eareti ttiiiome8. LU N VJ UCON D , ILL.bapuamluthe1111e augtoîof i. The eddinç gifle vero man>' anti The tîuti for the punehaate o a flak '~~V. Slocum , ~~ ~ an su lre. Fiank Shatidie. The besuîu inn hn vnei for Iheovillge la inea.lng-lel the dinnr se fOuath JO o ,f the gooti orb go )ol. communion outhe m orda Snapper vas cbunrhsetvraiohohntioceher pueint obaorved anti Mr. anti lra. B. 1D. Put- Ur. audrti rAvertlîl iiboI ainug e verotieRcan t eal u e ae The Great Race Horne Trotter amu, lMtr. Hleu F. Gleaaon anti lf.v. in Sparla Midi., aler Juiy 15 aeroud a nd voit lu taentat. 3 anti i(le adwve vte ig ui', cbuîub CORNRS 'elophone connections sté belug ueubrsliuiantigirn te rgLI uilti UENTNS ORNRS. matie vllh Dr. Farbney's bonn udntir>. Q -R- T TN .0> 3 0 ohf e lei~hl)% . Nov la the soason for a guiiuhi Jauinna main lhue. The roîmmeurîeiij,,it Exercia.'s oh îhe stor>'. On Saiunday liaI the married mon Sir ohPeiyr Bo 2:71 chmpin uuryeir-ld îeeuggelti- Roc'kefeller Ncboî' l lia'l'unatay voelieHer>' Davenmuii lins n,)%v iniio-ed1 gave tibo singe mnname lesauun iu -U» ofbMM10 :7,capo fil-er(l ât -lasm bal-scoro 1ut la8. antiMdOriles Bey, 4. 2:iSj. trottlig. Hoth great ride hbloroem couduetid lu a iînre chit lgh- urKoin n a r,(fllîi' iade 0: rois th asaoibu(loueu lathe 1 the ouly Ivo of h e gel ut their ire pion Iraietid.umfor ulsttuuiîuîrieiuehrs au nd i,;eH1. iii atihe oPlne, mae t r gsvî'l esou, ut wg np? t DRAYTON le br WlkbesBOY 2:24J. tain Amils Alirnit, laAlmogît, locbola?5. 'IL. plogran l]U o-s Élargi .1. (teul] r. uthel gurne.lîd Offi Cael lreîa'a Dayuon si ailîît Jr. Me, waie eaasa Race Hornee sud i viibugreat. ai re. wn m rv . ,n ueelii < i .Stun' li., Ibigs etek.dota ilse nith x T~RS Se 2. eaaa, ii RaaisPrrilri.AiIal ii hilMai e the large oiaiourb." if filoudteanti rela- boule Kulgge thiluke bitlsos iigit tgiim es voeevery ilntearétlug. Grmtan StocR Farmn, - - Haif Day, MI. tivesi Vilo )gaîhiereil 10 vitueuse tieuhav'e a cu*t4her aiet on. MIe. J. Bartleti, of Winoni. Xianu., crowliiiig î'firtta 1uht8913 lauidueting Chase. Sturm, of Prairile Vlev, niadee mîtlira. 'Waido Blan, of Chicago. ara gwom-__- _ _ _ cam. Ail îLe participants lu the Pro-Lia1 parents cuiii lut Sanntiy. vîiîltng Mrs. Emersan Ingalls. ROLLINS. hbonis, oh Chie-go. gam i oit dlta ibeusebvesantithe Born. te Hor Meyer and ti vl,JtiuoA large Party 01 young ~Opte at- (). rda GergeShedeu nd i ttortub, ba no«ruMlylabred10, 1898, i Young son . Ail dongveil. t«ed tthe soctable biltieti r. Hum- livar vokuaCiagoiitai on 'Dn liil nt ( ing be ml urat IInthe v ont sarn heeutlbrti - U. Fred Grever veut %o Chicago phrey'i nev bain on Piday iveulng Huai chicgo rury iretnt oleeîgthehugtrng0epe un.Tetnel itiis veet vih s loat oh droaseitiport. lut. Omdy L baa uw irl Woder SImini guven by the chai lb.eaime Our chase Iactory pat i aduvitonti lilas Justie Harris.bbau ei inîiui.L k he'iyn. bsa 1 irvod lire. .telu sut son Sidney vola évenu n uthe chapel vsa grand oh eI conta par cyt. at milb for lMay. poseti orsaeril deys vbich bus in- *~~~ ~~~ ai e usnsranaiactors lu rayalabe ant i nale ta the day'aiicaa h aé0faryugmnss a efr vt ig u ami Gable in austn ltiîtI iLth e vula u ruîay. eaie.Te siso OrYugmn"mt erfrA ihber munieo ui g u M"111eLaielta. h f Fike.l miig aikQuarette titi not fai te plate maite prtii regular lnlpa--more liter ahi la impravlng nov. NM. Sraltu lenlunvol>' pour helili t. Rush:c O rUalk. a tehen a large audienceiAd anti auanencore on. Mr. Yer--rmai% rlcui trou Ar- vr rtig a Aias, be le alling quteà uS a ancoorhmoocOU lies t *l Our school cownee is veut hon the meula snd a rapreCeutative of the Ger- grusul vrting.nauIl la an lnleresting book. bagtfotstotiiipeiigoiim uier,vih acaol piculo nexi Mun- M" ilBaptini ortier, oodled the Pal- eh- hi a uevatpiano.» e 'I isa fl peopla o! the comuuhy-.iI1e buyera-hmi tiudtuibie i storaes eligbili. The e«umici la a uiguid Pué, aAM s ie t prlceu aid q»Usiiauarcrigbit iii ardY Pus muskr OMrO la a stage #bat cou009creni ul Oparls-WO aaUcitIUivesigailou. Evér! iteum Fm nbhm in Price tyis01asitélie al vortb-lia ai vaye lovesi, qualit onidoeid. Signal jairt vii prove profitable lao7011 go note Our Jane furnieévale-tiey inui0i4yon lu eay manéy-savinglu the iteumyou are nov bullag, éver! 903111for quallty Mdnti lli'80 Par- tact about ibem ibait beyll pminmter villa yau mg once. Bicycle Bepairiiig. [ries il (inde. nd baud vheela tabe eU xchangefor DOW '98 modela. I bave nov several good second band VileneaOn band and for sale cbeap. a a (ood Bicycle À poor bicycle la jusl exaaty lte a pOOr borse-You r«aIIY cabOt trust tbem. and uben YOD 1are rldillg ibem FOU01 nava10fe1 *'dzsseéd up"l juil right. It pays go buy a good veeel and they're yoursa ai Ibis store for pries you are ohtm, asied for juil tbe ordina?! bMade Qnaiity and price scorch logeibar boe-yon gel value, W. have lb, kinda that bave aeoréd victorien. WULL KNIGGE, ,kefeller -- - Illinois. MIDNIOliT 2:174 Lckhawk Morgan Staillon, record 2:17t. Mid- night le a fine coal black, welgblng 1140 Ibe. Wii make the seaeon at hie old stand. If you want a firat cdams road horse. the Morganb can't be beaten, If you want speed and endur- ance breed to a horse that bas got lt-Midnlght. 2:17t. He bas paced miles ln 2:08, a haif ln 1:03, quarter ln 31 seconds, a 2:04 gait. ERMS: $15 to insure a live colt C.A. APPLEY, BERTY VILLE, - - ILLINOIS. "lie W'beuinHrse FIRST PREMIUM STAIONU5 Lake County Fair, October 1892., ABDALLAH HAMLET, Wii stand for the season of %98 at the FAIR ,ROUNDS,'Libertyville, MI., and his services may tbe securdd for twelve dollars to Insure or eight dollars; ash for the season. anti mucle, flue stye anti extra ine action, tva bli aîmiies vie, hoaleti May lut, 1886 andi vasbretiby Rut Brothers, Bag Bridge, lIllnais andi via aireti hy ianbleioiiian Basbav, ion of RYSDYKS HAMBLETONIAN bis firsi dam, a bIact mare of nemartabli good style anti extra trotting actLon--aired by Schail'a Haudet, Jr.,ý son a!fIlaulet, sou of voiuulecl, bis second dam veasbred b>' Mr., Kîn, anti ired by Sanieruana Binober, a borsée bept by Jacob gaultiermau at borner lu the north part af Will Conut, mand veil-buuovun ihe aoulb pari of Coob Counly »a producci hextra gondi roati harées. J. c;

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