Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Jul 1898, p. 1

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, Kaiser Bocke. Summer U nderwear. zanborn & Co., -radionssaidGents' Purism.".. LbortyvlllS. 1I1. LibertyVille, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. July 1. 1898. -"yu psy th. Freifft.' WHEELING. rSHERMERVILLE. £ The Lake OountLYBau thtblsweek The lremeuà plculc vas velil James Woodmaiî vîsitea u br C rasn sent ot circula»a 10 ail (boir pâtrolis atteuded sud a gond (lune w uvas euedy S calluEsattention 10 Ibit part of the by everybody. The only trouble vas Harry Wagner matie a tiylng tilp (o H a s &e a eeu et wblcb retlures tbat nomie partout of more of tbe de- Everet Hnday. thb.nue and cancellatiOu of sthisve ielous :stula ,tll tey coulti control Mu. Henry Hacter, of Cbicago, was clampa on cbecks aud other lIte and ti l okt teir smds over lutou Cuba. s local vîsîtor Tbnroday. documents. il means tbst you muat Mr. ant i ra. Wldin otk a trip (o lMr. Cban. Schmidt is maklng an bel py u xpnsa sitib gveu-tbe clty Monday. indetluite etay lu Chicago. th-A o111alcbcsdnsubaltraft. 1,Ior aerilctecs dr kdepstmser a io ceticat of evunuemst bar a. vb cen ituraI i rvneatm o attachiyug louârtlngor s attuilof Lbî'eo he b winti0f oir unain L bu de o atiftabl01 tbe snaine, tbeY therdatuve ( tAcug tause helf1ct Wrtevenbu cekAdrftsouse<l erf-et utes of ces. FraItandce detis, ntes, otgages, lusserie dpts, c. aotesbiect b ev enuseipse!c.,y- are faues, g reenell!accor(ingvar- aout raues eued y scb pap es. Iasoucîdes ptent medicinesper.j fIlîWunery, telpaenmsaea, el er- 1 dîspakb ea ahne muefstsanartIclesp sd nacustes nd0inutmarns artimen tuin. Aenalty is rovîeti foru non- lobserA pnceaftblta pr aid lforv on qampvaviliobutfosaeamptant sud postollices, sud vu predlct (bat until peuple become secustomtu th le ne- îîrder uf tblngs mncb confusion viii ei8Ue. Teauboesand ot4er@ Iteresteti are informeil (bat the AnnuailuIntitut. viri b be ldlui (hu Centrai cbool building, Wsntegan, turIngtilve ilsys iegiiiig Jniy 5. MineSllea C. Pst- P-f E . . s 5. C amp- commanding al, Bunkerbili norîli of tovu? Jutilg b b . heunnber 0f DOv buggIes recelveti S theliistationi,thie1 Younîg Ladies of ibis bnrg vilii Dot fafi short of buggy rides these nice1 ,uoonlight oesilge.1 Lait t;siurday va bati s regular imitationi of the stavnlovn fliood up1 sithIe depot sud foi svhile tbought tbe agent wva golug %0 set sali for Cuba by vay of Moise creek anti Des Plaines river, but Ub. tîde vent clovn sgain iovsrde ulbt snd 1heobIml o Abanîdon tbe trip. patriotic Neckwear. Negligee Shirts. were Chicago visîtors 'i'estiay. Those cberry trees lu our immediate vlclulty are mncb sdmlred ïvbY not venure nearer.> Henry Glus, our honorable J ustice f tbe Pesos matie s business tip (O Chicago bMonday. Misa Lulu Manchaider spent tbe past veek vitls her saler Mrs. E. J. Hoffman st Wilmette. PainLers are bnsy painting tbe rail- roati depot vblcb vlien fnisliedvilii preaent s very trlking sppesraice. diplay of lrevorts viii t&e place ln the eveuing. juUuna Noble, agedt (n Yeatrsilieti Sundy morning &fer s brief illmess. Tbe interment took placest (Gras@ Point Tnesday. There viii bu a grand pieute ai Hummne'%NorIbIiti (Irove Mouday juiy t. Grand Iluiilnatlin aud tire- vorts lin1the eveuiug sud a big dance. pour prizes (o bu avardeti. 001,11 munuie. Several of our eltizuns are on tbu var pstb on acconunt of1t uarly train beimîg taten off ais Shbrniervllie ALL 15 READY. de *if*. .rg, - pi --twlermr asneswi Dr. Charles GalIoway. 'boit, lProf. Hansen sndl]dits j ..e vlsiting vltb bis numerons relatives liais Wi r ., -Flnmîey are engageti as lutrutra. sud frlentis. busies to 7OttclureptAilaces trai (ffigelcvr LovellI uDrg Store Gooti Races. iFosilt Oratiofl. bsns t7ocok r al ri sons nsevîaile s U 3 s &T. P.M. rand tLnapay of FIre Works. Ail toucbers and persona prepsrilg ug John ltryker speni laut veek t mt bcrn Bli Dance. tsacli aboul arrange to attend during Norh Northlleld visMug ngsd vortîug ma urn Libertyville. - Illiniois I iebu siove ar.- ail amsuruitu guste tbe uutire session. M. W. MAliIN, on bis olti bonteat. -- placeu t Libuertyvuliie Juiy 4. Tire County hnperlntendeilt. 3f' 3 Miss E. ilubert and i M J. ArnoldiDEFcU Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. verrîont. ilausson th. apied i 1rograw--mt ts omneen tSri. John lhtcta, of Wbeelng, vas fure Offic ove TrigS &TayIr'a. siuiii&ri ani thru yu bu omnuid Tsgi.ainEsfs-UWestern esteu colegeNspeviil. Tnaday u e o J .v r r i g e &C .yl rE n t i e r 11 1 e " adm îe c i t v ini e le T ea resi g e il c l t ii5î g T e s a y -norits --- lIie,-bemt tient. user roLteilu thre Nu o biieteeper vh Jias once touti '[buhoservices o te U. E.churcbrelat.vEnmtbre.dwl revetn ible s 2 U, 4 .j 6,ti 5. sj.. i. LilbrtyviliiCtracktutioemtertain tbhe viii ser toerate riai bore.r L etvll. l'ark -wd.i hugo iitoîbsu aric iîenthr vuru suspended i vtis lant uday lu mFinitaus t nesidn iwu on Hr'.aîls tol.erute, or urus sugberetitehgonin bot u8atmurt étemlinoisou. tlar le C. cuîîahonir 0f the camp meetings at Falf ugoim s ____________________Illinois. dlit r:hul ora liti, anior Cigtlg lb l ael J oeuohrldrrLitgton- e erybody tu tovu bas fuab. Dr A L RAVI. liîiil(i th ru,sudasrbu bas fev inaimpotnt froiélu iî or(uiitug bus T'ire vorid'a population la stîli on Jate Alntes delivureti s carlosd of ar.A.LanRA ISî,trea"an liesbas e loSes aYruin aisya a posalbutlt(le incromeuea1.&this i, the cae ut charcos to Wbeellng Tuaiday. i-,4nslaiai o hou.GaLbto Noartliwyâl pudblfoi u aet' i.anî oniuctJr u lybv BOU» I55Li. 5.:. 1 e I A 1TuU-iP. IL l iliccle i- races, fot races sid cîties, but lu smsilltovus sud lu (bu Noir. Stîle ael (hfurappy parentsudf Johnetlot Dr. uand'a ouse. a of bpeeliattention 1ald tu (bu athielir -%eDut» are tii buîf slà vry country tilose for gasolene or oil onlylie îer aetehpyprnsoruvdttuD.K k'bne.f %resauient 0f Uroi Ulu intlsm cuperlor .ri-r. 1rizen are tu, bc are avaiable. Doth tîntis bave licuna bb o.Jb u hre usnhv Rockefeller. - Illinois. assard tir the buidcycle races as brongbt (i such asiate of perfection Misa Meulier bu grsduated froin tlb. secued employmlellt iu Chicago. _________________________ iîiiic lens f re-for-il tuse nmile tibt theruis Uitie or nollilug lefts 10 Nirtiweterii' UnîveruIt>' sud bas red aggis pendo lizieveiugs in N Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. i 1p9iint olgu i-2ai, suinsolijbe duire inlutiroir use. Eil-etoves sýceetd a poulilil as aengagant Deriel. Wby t is tstiUFretit -olîr îî-î omuît bos (o uillîu furuen cuauug anti principal lu the blgb sebllti Miss Peters, o! Cbicago,.lipent SuU- physician and Surgeon. toile race, îsî, bicîycle lain, t-.trimuuîug tu keep odoriegs, où Dovuers (rove. day guest of Aanda Fo(z. sssuSiC OPOSTEi SUi iOt" -D1E 0.i ',ilîsnttladiesn uetmile free- prufurenceles vith gasoline. Every The E. A. Suunday choul celebrateti A. C. Anges made sàyiug trip to Gurne. - - - - - ilIli.f iît, cuver uhetelaille lt vss, farunhousne lu the landi shouiti poéise« its ubildsrena day li Hntiay. TheiHilgblandi Part langhinday onu 2titi, hlici- suIt iabrella. f'rIis Liibeunîse, sud (lis blessiug (thu eb v oult veàtbuer vas favorable sud a large butines. Dr. E. H. Smnith, assardti afur t-chl.rai-e. baitable brlng dorirg(bu eternaf sumumeram crowd gstbiered tu listen (o Une John Nelui s udat faniily IL la DENT IST. prîtes %III bu awartidlun ai] atbloti coolting to sonne burtieutdivotan l iercîas. Conalderinag (le smouut .o! regrettedtu » tte aire goîng Lu imovu Lo ,office over J. W. ButiOrs bidg 1îîi5.îiply couti not bc measuruti ibey preparatiou tire buuday seboul certain- cbîcsgo. ...Thlai aianepromuisuaobu iiue îîfdui 'eîpIode,' as popularly ly tiîd credît to ltself.Wbuyuvtlrenuacedt our i" is iiar i . ii h llSliireet g.. ail oaeuiuutt n~[ slt t Iii r. Blubert lbas lake sil top lu thie overilik th(e faut that J&eub Anten Libertylville. Ill. Illu sptrr( iebuWaukegniis vii play prove, uvery occidenit is directly rigàt direction by reinoVing iasoi irites polilu. ____________________________ 1îcked niiîle UIriaprisud o! munie tusicabie (iusoute sut o! groscre- railfonce along (h. Nrtialeld- Ms ayi emb .tWdea D.E. V. HARV EY. e"t,-iît players tarder t(bumnaugei- liessuess vllch, otiervise iirecteti Wbeling rossi sudreplaclug it by a mi"ii Mafr emHtLos o vîs be OENTIST. iml ltof: _irykllu ii(uLbry oîlirmddnuois au b ing vire une. This latnot uly an 'm'sîster for a mioth. vill'.lu "ai. 'ibu purseî a libellai uneulitacotilo» use lu tbue honubl. povmn10te osbuILcsa I anal ThentLtoberenlobu&cbut Igoiuggta OFFIIE îlt f0à- a ot icontent la sure to taire lbu a menace tou emrti turing Theav earn a hOselsila(.fov. Lb. t&, 1-1AM. 1i1t 5raru'1 ' m ]L liroan s MiiI(ry lland, îî1 Chicago. Thsy Read the Paner. snjovSturmn. haueia o!Julcat Evermbodyisvlcohe. 05lae - linu. %111 fnrt4mis munie iturIng (bu day. Tbere bas not buen a tîie for yeara orhtuy vrybd awloe Tberae tac on(1e lIlltefa bicib,l.y (bu vay,tle aofî,lthu buat %shunLatu County peuple have resu LETheW rsacey truckcnto! "DocSp aati W.B C AFES bauids sii(buie t. the nuws of tire day as, carefully antiLEVIW [bu large sud commrridiotias main utat îcb leigtb as at preaunt. NoU lsymrondti znaer la 0on (bu se et-t. e oa lreen'wr got NURSERY. ihalt on the [air grotintis snd tiru dine- mattur wvbat tiroir (acntes Lb.reaos life Mr. sud lire, W. . pîaxe' are vsît- their iocal reeli'vrln n u~.. îîlîg bal il wiii ur fscus(tu of!tih. nevapapers bas irresîstible lng relatives lu Mlvaue. George i'blster Jse onsliered an laciu.Sladaiiuîsiîn (tu "'i' -publlic anti aIlailord, vtb (bu grand- charimeagainatthe(bu tuptLous 0f1 Idrs J. Richarda retumuet Ilbber authority ou ail questions preaining vinqcs aud i imiillFruits. taulit,uilluprotection frm (bueunrfiction, hîs(ory, poetry and il t(ebu omne luPrairie Viev Moniday. 10 (the var. ('onsuit hlm vbenlu Octsu lmifoîr (bu large arocsti sure tu bu (leru. teut. Whbile (hIc applils more par- Miss EMfe Butebluga is 1îstiluglber donbit regardlng the naval moveuieuts. c Ilia (u tOii hi-ru yl bu a grand tLulcary Lo (bu Cbleago dailius It je tinter Mirs. Lippe lu Houth Milwaukee. Jate Metzer Iis tbrovlng out 0. F. Butterfleld M. D. Ç jimpclay liti ile-works, tuv and iovi, înotreu tie lemseipotent vi(b veeutiy Ms enet adl illgeog i(i ru fM ir frliiaeti by s granîd tance iiu tire big publictiLonis,Ounr veekiy illinatrsted M"JanteWr avegn nuhdr nfoto .Hrn vkLTitlNAltï SUHbF.ON AND bSls. aîti uilduig loctutd r'lt iree ssunliary - .f(bu te vsr finasmany relatives in Ksunas. Uer iter Eva bergers@(o give 0one the impressioni LsaTvt.. -..-ILL.iiOiS ;iliielir' fron (ebuhbrasluiucelliîer ofiii uerstud reallurs. ïvery word is bas taten ber place until slle returna. ibat 1e la trying tuohilîagete .ro.e ______________________ 1__Lulîrtv ville. T[bbuiltinsg habei crutiuler, let monte fact lun Lb.e'Th. M. E. uuday schooî vili give a lectors of Lb. drainage canal. PAUL MacOUFFIN .ý. ai,riily dectratud for (ie icca..- progrâsa of (bu var shortid scape. basket pi-uic go thusr lumiers anti WEST nIaFIELD Attruy sd iiuusiio a L.v lii alaiijari slime rrsigrlfor 500 rTliiIs as(rie o! thoeu vbo bave nuofrlents ou tire fonrth lun'Wnm. (lrtie vaisceeu lu this vicilnity NOTARY PUBLIC Ai excellent ircluctra, un- direct( prsonali lu(rest lu Lb. conllet Uacblngs grove nOî(b of1 the scbooi H3unday- NOTARY PULIC ,iiluig il 1iuceâu, IrtiaChicago, viliitseo! those vbose hnsbands, brothers bouse. A shlort progrant vili lbe rpraeetlaîv ispeclai Attenutionagieil n ri tl, 14 naieufor thetdsace. and sse( heuarts haveculistedtui to egains o bu contested for rp are dolng irmateutca w sudirr3vil î b lld ( pet fgt(b a boslaie for freudoni vhicb Lb. vinnera vlI be avsrded bknoL (firica 'iiTH L iASE Uga NtdleAdIlTuneuUp youn wedtlnghuils forrBlen- ti,1 l.Coiiuiu urly san t(y Ile aisud humi lt. W,,,vii inti the psiZeo. Everyb)ody isinvitedgoiicoine. Libertyville, Ilnosutr 4 .ad Toute. 30aa nay bu assuruiti9 a ctrutsnual INDEENVENTS var accourints on (bu TIi. tradcibrry fesitival beiti t tire ___________________________ iieiratae ,f1iiacîraiu vens.Theu umuîde pages lmtereting. Iteadti (m. lhomnU o!Dr. Xenuicotkriday nigbt The ronds are guttluug iliraiývd L HENRY Z. DURAND. lrîr-tnîra .1irebuLatio.uuty Agri. of laitgve vas Weil Attendedu. Tirer. qutesa bit. i ATONE ND(e)NL.LI A AI ut-uranil Society nuit i Lberyvillus W. N.ed IL.ivoie.lanumber proeuet gromn the If lu vaut o! a tuitiruhieptîîrnauitLik -tzuiuc bave laitoruti incusssutly tur Drrisugtibu present mon(b ve have neighboring tovus. Tbe InclemetuT ontou.. He las a bustlere p briug aboutiLsuc" a ceebration as bas sent notification tu0a numbur, il, ilfat veather prev'ented no onu fromt Cherries are gettlng ripe sudoit wrav i CHICAGO. tver beforu bei evuli atumpteti ln mont of our deliiiquieit subscmihers of bavlng a goot imte thongh it cherry pleters lu (bu trucs Monday. l Sgtatu aur1 ce.l-raIl L .i>i-- Lake Connity,nti (bey (tae pride lu i lr dlinquunity. As v.e are cou- uecessated (buse lIving st a distance Emma lis qulte a rider, vait on t(ebu Contr. bAsE fasjE... t(bs grand recuit sure tiu crtrwu theîr tempating nome neceesary sdtibous to remain until mornlnig. goond roats anti rides on (bu pour ouies. 1 j5 faIbî'rh. (o oup printiuiz equipiment, vs are HPalie bsvuu îrluotn * ~~desirouls (batpersona tnovlng (hemi- T LL eruo rd esub s oiugtri etertu eil, 1.lERTVVILLE HSJELL Ta1,e No Chances on the Fourth. suives intiebted 10 un ravoir us vîbh [set veut, as lu fact aliost lever lierodoutiace t nertenetc f Md u"*#y urnu.alà bd tiu.oskfr.t I otgo tu roddilusiu. ogLa oieani(ulable' on several communcations [rutticorres- ON mOE Service Firat ClaI» I)Orît bu aslîaiuud lo be pariloic. your paper shows you 1tue lu erreura pondents. ovlng lu (beir le arrIvai. lMr.(G. SManger suit family vited titi Bedliot sfr.tali-tirf m ii.u Don t gutoverbieateti earfy ir tire day. timîtiiy remit.W edn dn u tAilcorrespondaneiiiieeoulti reau uns B. Febimaàns kunday. W. A DENC.Dun' cury orte poderlu ourlua acase o! uuuessi(y lu (bis instance. uot loger tirait Wstineday ulght tu Was not (bat a deligb(funi litie di C,,3w. Avý n r- i. DAl s ~ Dn ar loupivirbyn ve useu il*.Ounr incressiilg business lusure publication. shower tant veet Friday uigbt? 9 ILLINOIS.WAaugh utthe lîilir major-demanda increamed faciliiesud if Ailt(11e fanera are euifarging ltîirr0 UBEITY VLLE.- - LLIN it Doli ag L b'mnimlr the several buindreti dollars t'ou our Un With 1he Times. borns lu boIt the big cropis (bis Juar.a _______put__a_________________ u(yrbione.books" vasumpaiti up itgvriuld grestly Tibis veet a novr(Gordon Job proe.o! Miss E. West ant iMrs. Furlsy front - W. H. MILLER, beap. accommotate uns. thbu very latent pattern sud severaf Chlicago ud tMrs. J, Wolffasment Suitu-9 TONSOltIAL ART IHT, homt drive aiiervons horsu on (bu fonts o! baudnonle Job type ver. day vitb tirs. Hebhar. Whou on AIOst Clou Bolu. laestveet's Issue lib e notice Wbn ouvst a elatim'liave or a Fourtb lOhaCi.iBrt atideti go tbe fcNDPsaNDETe<ulpmsnt. re lative (0E.Ciugman It aboutit have gond bair i-milC'lt on "llD,îu't (liuitpovdur isa aresipec-(ur o! Friîlay nigbt sud eariy Sa(urday 'W.eare botter thon ever preparet ItodotonuNorth Wautegaii, net North CitOuIs milAtiOS O OF IAlt5. jîrcîîua morning s ain st)rm approachlug a gooti vort ou short notice anti as ve Northlleid, li lor t.u W. C. "ite sSh're SoIi, l)oit encîourage miitboys (n lire clout ibst in the volume o! vater afvayttkeep our ornies equlpment '-up F. Knegera bteain tout a Ilveiy spin '-> rpméue tIr I»,pn evsr i vWbicnbtfet, svept rvrLake Couuty. vithltire (imes' w. Suiliont sema i ta@hrg imgei oriuue evegalgea Sui rîday inuuiiu. large canuti. U0 rn h leLil ________________________ lo'ttlate'any chances v(wI Fv sdon-iifIcle af ulugprluting ai rigbt pices. Ou0 ort aud came rneur serlously tujurlng (bu s. -IsAu racked <auin.ugliat;tîmue. IlbWvasrio antraitvat.? 10 standstuse test. C&Bisd antia. auuPlss driver,. a- U NDz.nh'KnL .i fouli lows rovult(bu înoutb o! a nuit the formera. CroPs are grovlng antiget prittes. One o! Long <roveas sports toot out i murnown i anlt r nialr .îy iai-nrraoadiîrauiî-sun nefy, bowever. Corn generally la lu -oniy about a tiosen girls for a ride ..... t.1ra ....Do'tprt yîîîr ngetiiaroetet after excefent condItion anti grovlng bI eonriglug e ngtlngaul bm or BLACK OR WHITE HEARSE i~iii rapidîr vibb filfds ifelll, ryd ln near- On gaurtiay aflerao Jum.tveuty lteourogbgni adop Whlb' Hrncia uîluiund iiitai Mi.tlIug harveit; onsibesdiug ant i ng liflIs. ivo or tiaresAuliesnoviliof ghIl gd voitmalcontinue. CASKLTI'8ALWA'gS ON5 LANI. --vsl, except for semae fodgns, bu' "a aY@ bluck lets, IlThce vangleCaf curch cei.brabeti 'b1u.eisOrdons FurmiliéidnlShort SuLky Inlter Os:afl Md jauhpaUdaUt euemeauovrandpsue elu;olov.« bu 1kml aiue ilsi.éM.u h stlnuda!. Tbe1 telsaueslêfel, A a"We seowb4Voll t ie e.b f Wp 514 usppreelaive -- -Primes Ieaonable- y fuir $11.78. Tab-siue mI baula inpropos.; <aillons danul .etu"4 lofl d b. proguM b.lig lbe ,msmuwtL oa.1W PSWIIP 19 - -gélIcléa mue. vu 11",airil> - - 1.50 a Year in Advance. GOODS 0OF-THE HOUR 4Shi t Waists VOUR CHOICE AT 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. 45 Inch 'l able Oiinlti.l, emt grade, per yard ........100 3t;1i i i l'lretluus, lilb( chaties, per ytl, ......folc 34 inchi Cycle Percales per yard.................... . .7 Ladies i24; inch tunlrellam, cal, price .....................Sfc Ladies, liiei Cîllurs, uewest tyles .................. . ...fO 'fille do Nord ( luil yard patturnq pur ytl 6c Ladies '[aà,Ilome, 2-w kiu în lrikti lots ... . . . 110- Moe'î1ulto Nt--iii Mc yd lîlîcus colairual .fc-vfîitu .. 25e Men's, Womens and Children's Underwear. NOU SE ESTABLISHED Nov. 25..1843. New Process i ne Stoves.-.., Ardthe BStu. ArestheIstAndaysth. Cheapest. ine e the Superior Points these stoves over ai others. o trouble to convince you that the new process is the best and cheapest. =.:m =C- mm LAP DUSTER - 35cto$ILL. Fly Nets: Leather ........... $1.40 to $3.00 Horse Covers--------... Stable Sheets ......... .25 to .75 .2 5 to .75 Some Great Bargains in Slightly Soiled Nets and Sheets. They Must be SoId. CHAS. KAISER, LIBE RTY VILLE, - . ILLINOISi Nothiug unforseeui> ut&rveuing the PRAIRIE VIEW. Long (h-ove seflool viillbave Upa ul atrday Jly 2d. Thre ili b. I Wi. Whigamu bati a dapple p npeaklng an i lîiging in the afteurnouli.Igoldig stoluil ruesday nighl. Lverybudy la 1nariy inviteti tu bcu Seine of Our tovusmen bave m presient. wbeebi, the Most notlcable b*IN Il people vonld cave the 3aril (si politlcal.' bhey Manufacture h would ,iîd(oUIteti- t'oslderable baying bau beesiad ly If kepi f!or Inspection alakuquite a 1 itis Vvinity oousiderins Ia 14 bail (tbawI.> lt voulti sso bW a pro. tbe lirut of J taly. itable buminess sli et vulie u (raudwa Foote le at pieeat .@pd roducing souetiig [rein notlling. lug a few weekm l itb ber sonOiS f Cbas. C. Meyer anti force of hustling andi frientis in Elgin. carpenters fr001 l'alatline have 111sf Erunt iLanison la pla7in n g l .i bult a new baro for Ueo. Uitk and L aud of the Laviesa" at thé (W5u embelîshed i t witb a bandnonneeupula. N orthern theatre lau Obix4loUs Mieyer han cuverai otIler jobs@ aruund Mlr@. J. P. Fisher, of Lak. VUY . (Irove; one for Jacob Elslr Mla~ Marion Brett, of WqSm= aud atiother for Henry Brockumn. spel t Hunday vith Mr. and Mis. 1. All. 'Htancilittandi Chasi. Stalil arce iiey. dolug baverai good Jobs uf roua atnltletaie gradiug lu (bis iooality. Thue Vernon J . S GideInto tihe Stocky commiaaloner s ire aill tburoatu rdyveebeprhadaei maàkiug donc by the iay iîîudr thei, i,"ry ,herobt"réu u U p e r v i st io n o f A it. s ta l n cill a l t b u o ! b g b b r e d s to c k e l f o z . give th be stisacton.'l'uho ouer of Gratosia Stock PM gîvus(bu ust atIs!actili. li icontinues tu ni"* ez.b«M HALF DAY imlroVemefts, egteeft ap bd MIssClaa Maon isîtti elasîv ntaIeluployed. there at preSuiS. WaMNkCara fe ac Vist-îuk. tivv Uss Helen Wlgbm book . Wauega a ew ayslas wek. for, Chicago lMonàdua nuiwmB ktev. Fritz l'as. Losei lm us s l of 1iaidback by ber abt« UboM = lectures wbieh veru givun i thelauwho bat been a&teud« sebot d cbnrcb aud gouete. Chie9go. lkil Normal. lectures ver. excellenit anal *.ujoyud M.A Naurlbok1 hel lîy nlauy. Aga Wf rabro!yUSS Clîago fu very day [tir a pîlay atth uri~ng bis abesues *UetNortheru' lîext veut. lie wyull f.,ed t. ) wko . spend bis susumer vaeati,îu ritl i bs paent & b e . t>etectv s A »e t 1 W « k b q A nluxber of Daif Day Ieoffle 10 locale l.the J ~ ga= eetiou 1the bau t o!heburiver Ila sltch une posi tte .olnilMI anti enjoyet a oneC of tb. piul atniday aiternoou JiLu 18.emfplored ofl0! of tbe n upper vas served andi all report aad sveui plees"alPxi"" Vol. VI. No. 38. NORTH NORTHFIELD. E. Bweb le improving sud earglne bis ba.t . Fiel vas eteitaliig compSily1 from Lbe City. Mils Baiman etertiied Company froni thu City. John Weulina ansd daugbiter Ada toot a trip (0 Naperilie. lira. iiemame trou Chicago bas buen1 vlsiitlug vi(b Mrs. <i. Piagge. m. Huct retunsei fioni CAMP meet- îufln Michigan lest vet MondaIY. Mr. John Wolf frunm innesota lis r canliot .demed yours st ry Mande We bave .Mid- 40 IbB. If you lorganb 1 endur- idnght. haif ln ANOIS. ET, the FAIR esmab ht dollars trs lrttiafg e nortb pur ouuiy ai a ILLINOIS IMAUKEGAN LAP DUSTERS 35c to $1.60

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