kshburn A CarIoad III?.YJust Received", Cali and get our prices. m- 11,They'li surprise you. FOR 6NE WEEK ONLY WE OFFER: 75e Straw Hats .................... 50C 18 lbs Granulated Sugar ........... $1.0 Full Cream Cheese per lb............ l0e Pound-Can of 1. C. Baking Powder 15c 2 Ibs 15c Coffee .................... 25c 1 lb Baking Soda ................... 5c Kerosene 011 per gallon.............. 7c 10 Bars Soap.................. ..... 25c L. Il. Litchfiec4 ROCKEFELLER ILLINOIS.ý WE CARRI A COMPLETE STOCK 0F GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUPFS, SEEDS, IETC Am - .ALS --- -% Lumiber, Coal, Lie, and Cernent. WE SELL MEJ WEBER WAU(ON, WI4EN YOU WANT Boggies >or Agldural hnlnlt:, CALL 0ON WRIGHT & SON, - - - - Illinois» SRIiîNICMUIT3 CRRiOUN S Dld jon lbînk that wvalied gone no far bto beantiful Eastern Arkansaw. Thal va would nol ha bore lu oeil you an 1898 tara-out lin1the forin of a Fine Surrey or Exlontion-lop Carrnage? Ten-ghovel Cultîvators, Bindera, Mowerti. or Up-to-Date Borne Raites? If yon dld yon are jnoî as moch ntlataken as if you had bast your shirt. We mîîder-bny and undar-sell any olher dealer. We have a Crioad of Carrages comlng and ahali m»H then, tory . .... ý chamlep ai Wauoonda and Llhertyville ............ Ves, Ves, We are Going to Eastern Arkansaw June 7th, "a t ullu aay long or go alone de mauy ara already .ngaged viih a firai clote 1110e promlged. Gouwith us and have nme own e pota- toe ad 11e like, and oea the1e ll Wîntar Whaal and Oal. rsady to ha harvestel. Unsystematlcally Yours Ta Va Slocumn, WAUCONDA, ILL. The Great Race Horse Trotter GRA TTA N 2:13. Sire of Palmnyre Boy 2:o7à. chamupion four-yaar-old pactug gelmi. lng, and <battats Boy, 4, 2:m953iÏ trotting. Bath grairue boraes eand 1the 441y lwm of tbe gel of Iheir ire ever Iraineol. GRATTON io 14 Wikes Boy 2:24j, dam Ana Almotmî, by Ainjout, Jr. lie was grt-al ammalRace Hiorse sud wiill lie great am a ire. TERMS i$301the Sea&on, wItb Retors Priviliag. Addmis &Hai lquirW& te Grattan Stock Farm, - Haif Day, 111. si. 99È 80109oaHobo ROUTE. Soldiera and Saliora' Aaaolatton. 'lieexecutive cmmunîlllee of the e Lke i'4oUty Siiiierm' and Simr'Iltmnoun Asmociatimmu will meet ut 0. A. il. Iall ili Waukegult 1:391 P. ni. i-ri.iay, Jmîiy 15, i01ft forIbe purpomte o!f lligmg ipon a place andUrnlie for holding thte Iven- t1c114 animal reuiiion. Propuailou lor groundsanad etitertalmment wulî ho received frmw plam-e8 thît visb luu1bave thee tenloii. (omalsare iviled lu ho preoet. B. A. DUrs, Pros. M. W. MIvIN, Se4'. (8 GRNA ~MION QUENTINS CORNERS. TRANSPORTATION CO. Ang Grever nu a uev top rig. 'Irat 1w iiHSperb e r,'whel itano .-Campais sund whaalmaîî a" amure CITY 0F CHICAGO and pleut>' Ihan aver. CITY 0F MILWAUKEE Lente Kigge banSgoue to vrk in sud 1the new sud popuIar oropeliere 11e Gilmer ehoease aclory. City of Louisville H. L. Bockelman ba ha1e lumîmer an and J. C. Ford theagrouud!forhbasnev bain. Bftween.Cbîoau,-.s ,, Ili-hi 4dwBntota John Schneider in eterlaaing R arbg r. Miia.. an( i waulme,. il. frieuda from Chicago at proen atwrt- $1 Daily Excursions nug. LeiVIugdock, foot of Wabaah Ave.. Mvr.. Ueo. Baker and Anule, o! Frac- Chicago. evai>' muruiug ut 9:3o a. m. mont made a pleuent cati here hast sud 18:30 fnoon Suntia>' exceptemi; the Tuesday. eMirau arrive rasons aI .:1o 14e 12:3u4 tu rrIves sI :20 p.mn, 1bave rasonsh Mia. Marthla Wirharl, Lillie Hants at~P. m. arrive Chilcago ci,4 ransd IMinute Ahîgrain vent home over Zi 10P. nm. daly. 1the fouîth lute efriende @te. galgulnatsammer âaleaves aetlb1.30 p.m.dý a.iysd:illp.ma. aturdayonly. P. J. Bookelaun sd famil>' were 3>' Ibhis route 1the tourlal reache, callng on frionda ber@ latel>'. Win. direoI bhart ofth11e Mi«higan Fruit Mau sud wvUe, o! Hait Day, alto amiled 3. sd*alo the mort charmtng nnm- ut Ilil.cornera the ame lime. Merveofl raglan adjacent te Chicagom. Ou olpite wsagn 1-l te tansaîly diseveed Excel-, u cho lcl aaago .dn e WjeslWtl Md at uhs. Elegaul ouccrau liund. The speatlg sud bOmai bet a leon RHutier. sntn" l.aeeaiiol-edte u ~ op~e1 It abovodt bat lb. e SoetveilI fllld Ave a lt.-b vmm aeMsd lae. mi ~x». baud wdredu" »»e bole.ui.. AVOUâ the 1@Unty. WiSl. CENT. R.R. lIME TABLE. (ln affect JUne a. l: a m Pm PM am O&M. (Jhica -8 m 19 21 100 Frt. la 30 Aptalilsie moto " '44 a 040t 1 Lion 080 '0 : 870IW B atelier '8104ondsi44e9 905 10 d Grays Lake 8a. La92146 74us 92M1l01 Bloisa £0 'u du . (7 10 lu le n.k ila .10 3.6 i7 910 lu 0 22r -Delly eloovt fin da y i suudy Only. a stop onlu on idgnal. S.M.n. V. M$ l. P..mp. M 1 . @ . .. tao avilla 7 01 il '29 4 34 14 50 il lu Ilas 8 7 (M 4 m U1 M ajke 7 1 4'l N 44 7 1140 ene 1.23 ilid49 44 71fi29 ~ ihln 72 37 1841240 eVîvlo, 17 13 il s s08,7 27 12 67 Anlaklal 7 44 S810 72M 1 02 Wheellaff 8 4 a8ale7 Io1 11d Ohcg 2 45 1 10 £210 u ROCKIEFELLER SOCIETIES. CONGREGATIONAL <Jburci, Sunda, aar vile@ 1:uoi8. 8.and 7:3o p. am. Prayer meeting Wedneaday evouînieg. Y. P. S. C. E. meet Sonday avantage ai 4:41. Junior C. Y. att olouk. D'AÉODCapNo 12.là .A. rn:t inonth. D. ORIFFITU. V C. 0. 0*(. F. No. 815. meet afflond aî,d fo,,rtlî Thuar*daya 0f emch rontim. WILLKNIO. N (0. Oa. A. OaT, .CeY. 9. 6.. T.meet Ttimurdayevenng of Pah JOH OR01. AGAS Po t 0. A. R. meel B&LUrdar elght on or6beor,. full 89049. 1. S. OLKABêOd. Oomd'r. 0i E CSURCUILL. Adjt. Mlgongasouth .... @:048a. m. 9:22 p.8m. ]aIl golnu forth ................10:03 a. m. MaWl over land by otage airiv.m a610 a. M4. eiait8a lla n. FREMONT CENTER. Chbas. H. Woolvldge bat been con- finead lolthe boute sud part of ltme lime to bis8lied 1the paeuttwo veeks wilh I1,14 old hidnoy troublea. Min Lizze Dryer and Mr. aîmd Mrs. Beekman, of Chicago. aipent th1e 4111 vlthitheir brother, John F. Dryer and ulster, Mi. John Erbart. 8. B. Pavker, Sharon, Win., vrJtea: -I have tuled DeWitis Witelî Hazel Salve for itchong pilesand 41il alvays stops thein in lwo unluteas. I cuider ]» W lti's W Ucli HUsselS.lvt i te greal- est elie cure on the market.' F. B. LovIELL. LIbert.yville. Ater th 4.411 E. W. Brooka anmd C. E. Jeuks %wer.. C'hicago visltors flirlay. Mir. and Era. Trennd enlertaied relatives from Jouborg tiuuday. Water Stanley', of (bi!ago. seîeu Moudmy vilb Irieud tiu Ouîr village. Mr. and tMr$. welsel o!fiChicagoî, are te Ibest0(0of tMr. audl tr, Mort. Hill. tir. Vandemeyer, of (>hîm.ag4,, visîteml vîth trieudo ii our village Stuud.my smd Monda>'. miss tiilîle Hîchilummîo! ofElgin la spendlig the11eak wîlh Iriends lu Our village. Wilil Spencer r rnedcol 1the cil>' Tneaday, afler spending the 4111 04111 lis parenta. Mr. sud Mr@. Dondon, of Elgin apent nda>' sud Monda>' wlth friande iu o0v village. (1.0. Omian, o! Chicago. vas time gîtent of bis brother, Ziby Om&man 1the finet of lhe veek. Quito a numhar of oui peuple veul 10 Moear> to attend camp meeting serice s uuday. Frank Tekampa, of Keonha, la 111e gnest of his brother, Wm. Tekamupe ai promunt vritlng. WlII tcOurven came ont trom the cil>' Bunda>' tu apend a few daja vith relatives blaOur village. The Misses Orcee and tiaid '4ragg camne out from th1e cil>' Frlday to spend a few daya lu the. country. Ueo. Hapka, o! Waukogan, la epend. lng a lev daya vltb relatives lu our village at proetu rlting. tir. and ltirs. Theadora Wells, of Cbicago, @peut1the tiret of 111e yack vllti r. and tirs. B. E. Dueve. Mins Clans Mange lett for Whiteball, Wiî., Wedneaday iuorulug vhere abc viii nmebe4r lhomne îh lber olter. Perle Pratt and friend, o! Chicago, ave apoudlng a few daya vîih the for- mar'a parents tir, and ira. C. L; Pratt. Mima Netîle Murray', vho han heen attending &chaot lu lb.s clIy retnrned home Friday tlu epeud bar aummars» vaeation. Mir. and tir&. Erekine Gaka laund famil>', of Chicago ave opondiug a few 4iaym wit l rivee là Our village and v1-Ity. tir. and lin@. Barry Cbariesworth returned 10 the olty '1'esday, alleu- npeudiugma few da1m w mi t r, sud tir-p M. W. Blogbee. tirs. Iraim Hx bugmi d44ornmmIied l4y ler granîiau.gliter, Miss LelhhUiyucb, relmîruemi 1 4444$villageSalnrdày, afler hnvlug %peut 1the paît fev veeke with lier aon, L. if, Banga@att('ravomr, M. 1). Mir. andi tirm. Mm- (inuty anmid dngh- ter», tipooco Mmo.die andiLelti,' Uc Uritnly and s--, Edgar, lBmoy Chaieîîd.-r (and, Merrit ticlvacken emre ont fr4,90 the cil> Fridaày lu »pend th1e smnmer wllh MusMary (Jiyncb et Meadow View. Fombo! ii0Jli>wvu ibis yaar note- hrated lu .-or village 1the tiret lima lu six yamrmand il a s agraud sauccen lu aay 114e leu& conaidering tbe many eelehratlous andi plomban about us. 'Ihe foreimoon axerofiées vere heid lu Ford. tGroin vhere Bey. D. C. Dulton delivared the oration ofth11e day, vhlch vas mnat ighly appreelateol. In the afternoon 111e racesanad other amuse. moente vent caliemi, afler vbeh cama the walgm, bc u a tegniar valkava' fr lb Unon.th1e score beiug 21 lu 6 ln faver o0111he Unions. In the aveningthie graudent dispIa>' of firevooka ever aeeu in otr village vas d1eplaydad d aa vitueaed by au lqumeuge crommi. A grand haillvn given lu Oakland Rail, vhlch a large crowd attended there beiug 96 num- bava aold. 0O Conuer's orchestra, of Chicago furnialemi 11e musie. Ou the vhale ail vaut off nieely sud a pluas- aut lime in reported b>'aili. The human machine starta but once and stopa but once. Von cmu keep I& going longent and mont regularly b>' ualng DeWit's Little Early Rlue», the Laaint 1 1111e pilla for tconstipaliou and ail stomueb and liver troubles. F. B. LovELL, Libert>'ville. Faim For Baie. 167J acres lu etion 31, tovu a! Fremoul. kuovu uàthe11.Mary An HoucbSon farua, I Mie South-emst0o Wauomda Good buildings, deep weon »md tIvo xuuniig spg. Vor trme, tuqlr Ut. SOrb. Ivuu;m atfflets.'1 July i111wu a avery quiet 1da7 lu Onr village. Jay Parmei vas ln Chicago on business 1maI week. David Young vimîted i hme sierm lu Lake Forent Snnday. Mima lreue McClure relurnedMi alut- day from b1er vimit lu Chicago. Mir@. Joues aud ia. Appleymnd voe1 ln Milwaukee 1maI Weduenamy. j tire. 0. V. Young, of ltoecrana, vitilted nt Dr. Younga Mat week Thura- day. Mv. Il. Dilley aud family entertalued a number 0f relative.s1the firet of the voek. MleaPearl Smithlha.atlending teacbea luelilute in Waukegan %bim voek. The lurnieabaebatiltoam von a gaine froua Milîhuru tionday mornlng at Grayalake. tir. Coleman, of Laka Faremt, axpecta te conducl services aà&1the Christian cburch nei unday moring. Tbe W. 0. T. U. social humiWaduea- day avening vat altended by oniy a few but ail eujoyed a flne lIma. A large crovd came up on the Smiurdmy aflarnoon treainshonnd for Druca. laka te @pend 1the fourtb. Milvaukee papiers ware velcome arrivaim baro@1the firâl of 1the wek whila 111e Chicago papers e e a avlflg a rest. OuI>' about one ieuth of 1the oleuii&d coolmi bc auppliomi. WAOSWORTH. UIne 'Irityuar vaàhere for lthe Fo4rth. Home of lthe farinera bave tý,ns- Inended haylug. Wm. Waddall lhipped aeacrloami of caille lmnt Monday. WiJi end lPred Neru, of Miilwaumkee, spahI 1the fourth at Iheir amunIe trs. Henry Lui. WiII Fnrloug reluned hare Tuesda>' aller .peudlng bin lourth yul, hi@ étêter aI Joliet. John Kelley, of Itumaîl. vue acting as alatlon agent vblle Ed Adamswa celebrating 1the fourth. WiII Feudick bas aecnred a punliion on 114e Si. Paul road àn paloter. Hîes vîfe la salyg for th4e praenl vllbt ber parent» Mr. andMitra. Tom Strang. Vre. Heury' Lui aud nieca Min Marîha Neru reiurned home lai Satur- day aller apeuditig caruivai week mn Milwaukee, Il waa a quiet iourlh ut Wadoworlh. Mir. and Mnt. Wmrn spceut he lourltl aith Ih onme of Mr. waruj'x Parents fiu Michigan. Tomt Sraug, (ico. 1100e and John lieusinger veut 1<> Milwaukee lait 8stuhrday tlu 4,1w .tli dpluy (if tire worka vblcl eui,-.i the Miliwaukee Carnival. Ql ile a uninmer of our remideuta mpeut their fourth ai Liberlyville, while otbers vent t1<, linme.,Wmuke- 91an ali ueighl,,,,I.g pa-,.Ail report a g0043 lime. VOLO. J. Iti<'iîr(jwmivmsIt.-d lChicago om Tuhenddiy. "v Mts. Jobu itosilug wao 4 îrM visîlor Frida>'. Dr. liosendeucher was a Numida vîsîlor tant Tieduy. James Darrow, of Wmugkegmu, callemi un '4olo frîeudm Jul>' 4. tirs. A. ltaugbt aud Miss Mary IRaIghJtàatlanided 11e lent meeting ut Mr. Il. Compton ts visitiug bie d*ughter and other relatiîva and friaude lu Elgin. Nick Proa&, of Kenoaba, Wla., la viiing hie parents and other relatives sud frleadt ai Vola. tir. Elsa Converse, of Chicago, le visiîlng hie parants tir. J. Converse and famil>' near Volo. Mina Leot. uo!Fauat Usynard, Vermont je the guest of ber cousin tirs. C. G. Boson sud famil>'. tire. hennie Coninsu, of Monaviile, vas a Volo callai Frida>', bar moîher tirs. Ricbard Compton accoiupmiied ber home for a few deys. 1ev. Clark sud vile, of WenI ticliur>', aud ez.pîealding eider J. R. N'anBorne, of Rockford, vere pieauant cmlers ai Raaght Brun. Salnrday. Th4e Open Wiidow Club viii giveaa akel lavu s&cli a ithe remideuce 0f tirs. E. L. Huson 'Tuetola>'eveiig J iii> 26, for th4e bondIlt of the new M. E. clîurch seuls. Ail ladies ara remînestemi tu bring a basket and asîti 114e lîttie ladiee lu Ihai good work. A fine prograni vîlI 14e renderemi by thein. MILL.BU RN. D)r. R. C. Taylor, of Liii>' Laie, mpeut the Fourtb utMiMliburu. tir. I.. ti tartvealhor hait 54ue lm, blîilere for a &4ort vIit. MMi.COU '*OsUMevuebarnitu Qoen, COL.i.lmla a"eiJtue M. lu0 e iis hum à&e lahaucat. ,Her laî ueSllueevua hfftbut paeiufl,, aid mg semtin*oe 1e héana.é. Albough sha va a£Mat uffeter .evasuvery patient navet p"plalit uy oh lut forvard to 1thebot f e departute froua tisa old vhich mah. knov vas cloue all baud ta a batler, buppier aneabahve. Mile wvau anactive meinher of th1e OmIlolio oburch havlug jolued lit lu ber eariy ohildhood, &ho vaalwaya remady tu belli the pour, 111e ohuhch or tu do auj chrtable deed 111*1 wutvifhin berpluvier. fille vili ha graatly almaid bath la home sud chuvch for slehanasra tcs ad falth- fui vile a go0d and lovieg mathesrand9 blghly eateemed hy aID who knov bot. $l1e vwu marrled to Michael Wagner l une 27, 1546, and ca i la c11 ountry the folioving fait aettling lu Chicago vhoee h. vesided ix iLmntnhheuilo ah. movod vilh 1er humhaud lu a failleae Freinant Conter where ah.é llved outil bar deuIl,. Sevon childireîî vore boru luthon, lvi> having dled linufîucy and &114e oniy danghtetra.m Frank Dietu pasaitd avay July 20), 188, th1e temaaing four are John, George, Andrav and Martin vho ail Uve lu Preont and wve ever nur and ready to comfori and relia,. thoir dear agad moteur thraugh bor short but paletftl liuema. 511e bai et uonu»1ber bo anasial aorvoving humbanai, four aona, thlrty- live grand cldian sud matou greal- grand chlldneu, bouillon a bout of ueigbborm aud friao"u. Tfof nenat bok place ]ionday ai 104 o'cioa.k aiSt. tMary'&churcb ab Froment Conter and vaa vary largeiy atleuded by nima 'frienda sud neighbors wvIj paldol 1vir at vespecte go the adear one jual daparted. taearemt nother thon birt tas 40 Tl'o I-uri. agalit 9*0 more, W*- wliali meias 4heefront9 amaIu U,%. U itil w. me,,t on iothu-»r sior". but thimOUI oul .a LeLtter landlliai 07. And W"e know le m7fe hIn Ooio kfflttg, We in, im he iom Our4441hormis &lurthat 4h ie1,4 Tiii 141aem lmvianni ta, W la- 14144 4-ver tncrp Witilma o 4nd saut41 oiIeerfail moiber. As 1lime ai,i$14444t mdaa4,f r. Tiiiiou ,r h.avermlY Fmilk4er 0--l4t tle tèmmIg Or demtl4 Ani tro,k im.r fr4,m Ourir 941. W.- viila-ar oui loima; ii Ibti4-1m4e. For ltH im 0414 44 .i'nm: I3ýk 14447ai4 040 1,,t. heur rIl op.trl-Leil 14,714-r 1th44m4giî 'r <44art dune,,r, ,evtrase b dear mothlm'ogain, m-, -ri outr -Y.-yeaund w-"î m, 1m0r,-. lhil at f1.-l iltht 44r4i1y .-:m-sm aý, 144444 ie. 744 44.34 4 i l.4,. i- -.t J-. . - , " 4f J,- Aia. l litmm4547remoe * 4446,441 )t4.(4TEh1. FOX LA KE. M r. Ireu i ock was a Chicago, visIt4r imat yack. l)gibmmm Gimanger, o! Chicagmo, cama -)lit 1,4th Il.'Vodmuen luicole li1tGray.. tllke. tiîs May (aliger, or Anti-l, vîlitd with baer parents a& FFo1 Laie Sunda>' sud iMonda>'. Harry S. sabin ta engaged 10 Ieam-h th4e Foi Lake ncool fmmr thea cotuliig ocbool yamr. Mir. Miller sud vIle, of Chicago, aire th1e Suent of tir. and tirs. James Atweli îat Foi Lake. Griâce Ricbards andm Walter Knomll. of Chicago, ave vislug their aun& tirs. iW. White et Fort lli. tir andtira. IBrown vera called lu Chicago lant veek lu attend th4e funersia! of taewaunt tra. Smith. tir. J. J. Knoll and vife, af Chicago, vera 1the guests of th1e formar'@ motbar at Fax Lake ilunda>' und tiondat.L Mi" Mary Tweed bat returneol 10 baer homes front Boscubl, Win., theve shm attended scboolifor 114e lasI lv., yeara. G@orgo Knoll Jr., vite and son, of Chicago, vîsitem relativesata Foi Lake overBunda'. tirs. Knoll vili remnaîn for somaîlme. The tianhIa sud Cievelaud biotels are filied wilh gnaste sud 111e boutes &round 1the lattes are unuoitmall> famit 11h, setu. « The Foi Lake cemeter>' society met vith tMr.Orlandom Book 'fburaday J une 301h vilb a ver>' large &&tendmace. The fait nieetlugf I he aoclely yull be with tira. 4liver Hook Thpîtaday Jnly 14. A cordial invitation ln exteuded 1u ail. -'(nmMinuta Cough Cure tu1thebeot preparaio 1 hâveev 0,r geoidor unem and 1 Icaul BEsy ton lunch in ils praime.' L. a.Religmon, Merchant. (<kil. l-is. F. B. L4,VRI.L, Libertyvîlle. »qiý Liln àla'l. 01 "a - g "l 1,I lay bs lmm-,-mî.-tiulimaihy VI ii lg lber roiaelutlitr e. 1i,u.,re, wilh c,,'ie leti4 ,bhr Si mis Blmmd, o lao.flm oPeiîill in uantumni silice Ibirtl, anauil Iat ffl1e4'A sitiî Mnrl. (7o. Straug. Atýe î-.oido for biladil nol oeenml ti A amnber ,of leaciers fron i iert arcgveimre thaji lemporary relief, untîl u114-uilg th, liî,otîle lu Waiîk.-gamu e Iriemli ('hmmlerlii'e<'olle, Choiera tiis wee0. imaim] Dlarrbu-n lteintedy. Since givImîg tir, sude 21r.m tim-4,4w4èim, lisiEdua 1144(1remely 14e flan 14,t mi icou roubleml. Lli buru, Itou:nStewart andmi îytt>îî W.' 041,t.1 Imigve vr.îtitis testimonial lies, nv ('1414854, vixm-Il ut A. Ji. astai evl4ieII4e o! omr grattude, 444, 51,-virsthetbmnt <f fie week. Ibat yc,î u-cil il 1t> udeeritte yotir Silo Ala %aiîusu,. mf ew ueiltvi,)mo remuedy,>'. <.M. Law, ofNe ork, l(eokmk, lowa. For saeab>' P. B. Ub"ipînbs tbe&n Vi.mtiug frieu Mt aI îOVELiL ibertYVile. I.11- BRSsuEn, Milili.îr sud lsite Villa for soute lime oRw L f I--umLkokefeillr. returned to ber home th i week. tir. Peler Stewart biat a nev Voue pianou. Auyane Wiabling anyîliing flu AUCTION SALES. tue lIna of pianos cor organe viii do wel luaConfanit T. srkvesther. k'Hae 'rite uuderslgued yl sai et public Io givlng a part o! bilaUlimalutat antoon oubr farua lu Grant tovusblp kinil o! vork sud 18 mcompeîent Jodgaon 114e aid planât roai, 4j miles.vest o! oif musical instrumentas. Graya2Plake sud 2 mlles fiautIof Volo. PALATINE. We are sarr>' 10iamru of the sevore IlInmofo!ti. V. Meauer, of Long Grave. Heur>' Hlzmaunueniertaiued bis brot11er William'e famil>' frogn Jefferson Park racenîl>'. The Woma's Foreigu Mîiainar>' social>' o! tha M. E. churcb beld Ihair mnt hi>' meeting Wadnesday afiarnoon at tira. Dr. Wood@. tira. Tiffany' from Elod City', Pa., surpnieed ber mother tir. Cooper vith aununexpeeteol but navrihelen welcome visit Satnvday. tMarried. lu Barrington Juna 29th, ui th1e home o! the bride, Min Rose Riobertson lu Dr. Black, o! Palatine, Rea%. Hogeaman ometcating. Died, aItiMrs.iR. 1M. Libbe, tira. Laban Puinana, Mouda>' Joue 27114. Deceased vat one o!fPaisiiuas «ouieb setilera. Funeral ut tirs. Gibbs rasideuce Thureida>', 5ev. Ilulcear oftiiaîig. une Minute is not long, yet relief in ohtainad ln halflIt lime b>' the nuse of Oua Minuta Cough Cuve. Il praveuls consmmptiou snd qikly cures acide, croup, bronohîis, pneumauiu. la grippa aud auIl ttMmd lune trouble& F. IB. LovfmLi berty. ville i oclocir sharp the falloving propert>' lu-vwit: f50 sorat standing cet&, tu lots lu nuit purchasers, seller renervvng tbe alnuiv; 40 4) 60 1bad o! baffers,,1I b 3 years old, aIl choies nlik stock; 1u acres standing timbor, purchý%eve lu remove aIl tîmber ual bter $ban the comlug vinter; 2 cooco yonug mares. TiXiws OP SAL- Mll sUlusO! $10 sud uuder cash. On dis over $30 cradit vili 11e givenu null Dec. lat on good appîoyed notes haariug 6 par cent luterest. 3 par cent off for cash. No prapevt>' vemoved utntitled for. Lous C. STAxFomu, WALTER4 WRITER, AUClioneer. Fibm. Beekers Excursion. The Chicago Miulvaukee à St. Paul railva>' coupan>' viii aell spaclal Home beakersa Excursion tickets ou .Iniy loIn, Angual Sud sud 16111, Beptember 6111sud 201h sud Octobar 4t14 sud 1811, 189, fiuai raturu limit 21 dayt fromn date o! sala, reiun louvue>' muet comamence ou an>'Tuas- day or Friday ouI>' ihiu the returu Iliuiit, ete of are one lavasî vegular oua vuy fesplus $2. For further pavticula*a appl>' lu agent. B. L. DuBois, Agent. fIathe people o!11he amiuuiy-Ihe bnye»t-batdu mf stores llglhillty. The exajulumUton te a rld on@,, mmd prices aud qualîlea are r1g111 t il l hardly pan musero. @i ,nature Ihat courts careful comparison-We solicit lnvic I Xvery lhetmyou boy hare la priced lu you ai lte rosi voth.iS vaye boweni, qualit>' coualdereml. July Signal WIri yl prove Profitable io Jon t oteO"tOur furulînre value-Ihey vîli aid you lu emmy mnysavlng lautu iteisyou are nov buylng, evevy point for q uality sud style ebpa fect &boutl ei hst bl heyil pan mualar vitb you ai once. .1 Bicycle Sulidies of Ail Kilids. Bicycle Repairing. Second bauid vheele taken tu axchauige for îîaw '98 modela. 1 haVe nOvF everal good second haîîd wbirelnono baud anîd fur dil cheap. Ride -a '<Iiood Bicycle A pour bicycle l mat xacily like a pour bovse-yon reaaly CslluO trusltîmhemn, and who ynu are rldlng 111cm jon nover feel"40 d up jmîalrighl. 19 paym lu buy a god veocl and 114.7v. 7onteant tisî store for prke yoit are oliansatked for jîlmi 1thé ordinari kiade Qouallty anad prim:e aorch logelbier here-you get vaine. We baYv* the kintie thaI bave scored victoriea. -WILL KNIGGE, Rockefeller - - --Illinois., MIDNIOIIT 2:17ý Blackhawk Morgan Stallon, record 2:171. Mid- night is a fine ceai black, weighing 1140 Ibo. Will make the season at his old stand. If you want a first class read herse, the Morgana can't be beaten, if yeu want speed and endur- ance breed te a herse that has got it-Midnight. 2:171. He has paced miles ln 2:08, a haîf ln 1:03, quarter ln 31 seconds, a 2:04 gaît. TERMS: $15 te nsure a live colt C. A. APPLEY, LIBERTY VILLE, - - ILLINOIS. The Hawbletonian Horse Il [a- -. FIRST PREMIUM STALLION Lake County Fair, October 1892, ABDALLAH HAMLET W.Jll stand for the season of '98 at the FA#IS GROUNDS, Libertyville, Ill., and his services may bé secured for twelve dollars te insure or elght dollaïe eash for the season. LIuu a b 1aunIetIlgh, itlli avy bone aud ,,us'l,-iie I4style aud extra fileme 5'1i, 1040 blum sukles vhJte. fomiemi lay lot, 1886 sudil as 14red bly Kirk Brothers, HLagBridge, lîlinoie snd tn s iru-4i ly HambletonfttiBashav, sou of RYSDYKS HAMBLETONIAN bis !rstmlOîil, Maliock lumri- o! rcmmrkabie goumi style and extra irottbng acboiOi l > Shul'o Barilet, à. it o)0f Hamiel, soliof Voluaet, bis second dam vus 14ied biy Mr. Kirk, amd ired b>' Iaulderuanietm Bincimer, a40 lne kept bY -latcOhSsIUIlerwmaulit Homi-r iii the uorth psrt- of WiI Cotinty, audi velI-knovu lu th1e aoutb part of Cook Couni>' 8n a producer of extra 50041 roami borse4. J. C. COE and JAMES GENTY. Ravinia, Pro)pls<. W. R. CHURCH, Fair Grotundr. fngr Libertyville,