Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Aug 1898, p. 2

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POWER PLANTI f UhOQUAUb@IE FALLS TO 13E MAR. a NES8ED. Rusaeuae luerary Tiu. ObtaIssed ll ýi bapply SeatUle end Tacoma sils J oiePesser-Troiyî Mliuseurt, Bondly - lugiby a Cloudbursu. Gia CSbeap Lîgo end Pus-en, '*%e $poquahaie ftlls rus-en ConspanY bé5i losesi ail confracta lu Cincugo for tise sMécpletlonutofsngiet plant for aupply- taeSBeattle uad Tacoma, Wush.. vifh edc- ftie ligit and puswen. This enterpnise. maii darfaisen isy Cicago cafpial, le perissîlo -lMg ment unique andi wonderfui develop- soeur f u ydraul pps-cr yet uudctakeu On tisecouosfasy. Tise Siioiinlsie faillA, ,atweuf y-twso miles retru esuf f le, bus auî nu- toeIseu vetcal rail uf 2701 fert, or about MW el giester tissu Niagara, andije tise 1USiy ovterfuli of commsercialuîltility stest «t Spoisane. Tise ent ire flow- of Suoqual- vàe river, equai f0 30,000-hou-e pos-ersat lS-n'aiun. le confrolled by the couspaxu)' 0d tise plan of Installution lse ncbi-bu *Va amali asilfbnal exticuse ton dams end resenvoire tise entire drainauge trom *155 sous-fielde ufthlie Suosiulnile s-tfsr- of~edu 1000 square milessel be ovuîl- be.making nier 100,000-horse pîowecr ,~e;ever tise business ofthtie ndjate-ut gtjeo may demuns Iti. AIl ipccilorny l buS qXpahie of meeting alf present needu, »d of u easy andi oconoricel expansion f0 1- Mtattire.grosing reqiiremeuis. Tise ts-n -r bouses-li laitet fonever. as it la beuot o! theu solisi rock 250 teet bu- us tis te creat of tise raifsehere tiseus- a pense waetr seeels conneclsdirect to Sesseratora tram s-ics lise uîeetrieity ia xaninlited by wlie to eattle andi Ta- ee. Tise plait seil bu completesi sud ln aertilon Dec. 1, aud la expecfud f0 à&,a greaf isupetus fo businesa of ail 4"d eep$eclly te Manufacturera, - M Uni ae tise bossit et cheap andi bl.Ugatand pus-et. Contracta tlresdt,"mda assure tisa inaun WJBI1'EoWN 18 PLOODtiD. IC$Mdbusut Do., MoncliDamsage et Tro-Bridlg«a Swept Awes>. A )@burst loundatesi Troy, M o.. tise taig1t,0udnztise stores niong tht ant. ides-aika s-re s-ept as-al -aeral igissay andi railmrasibridges d entruped. Tise felegraplipope@asnus pluc~et. -seheed as-ay, asditif PMo tis efltasMorefliat ouI- *Ir dmmunîcatlon su setored.1 -, w1h. eicis So-a flrongi tise Ufs bookmsud sept ci- - - e IL Thse Bt. Louis andi bridge enst of Ihere s-us de- an sudarceiy a bridge remisu tlie eS tonfergeveral miles. Tise In tfie cit s-tII rescis $10,000. neIwbe la tise standing t tisa clubs, Oq éNal auosalaliLague. UI ..6l5 B3Plttrg....50 43 .3 bftdedphis. 43 49 ..SB G5Brouislyu ... .36 57 ...52 88 Louisville ... .36 61 att..242 Wauinagton. 825 a ite tandlieset fise clubs Ityfi62 87 Coumibus ...48 43 7 BDetroit . 34 56 ..57 48 Minneapelis. 32 68 Ilt e aa Rllrod. suit as been rommenced ogge thtie Wbeellng sud by tise Mercantlue of Nes-Tork. A short preceedlagas ere olgaat tise railroasi nuder a cou- t.rhé iam aetgahuan tise *ivlaot et tise ,Od. »nauait!s man, sllbt aud killesi et Se hom la West Nes-ton, utmptesi suicide by eut- ilrast l s araser. Wiscu the me . nffled Evans ied fteh Se tertied blusselt. Evans auver'sfid trous is ie f or a was iatoxlcatod seien ho cous- Prlicass Murees. Peeturg If In repot cd tisuf tk*uve, enteneul the reoilcuce of Cbeakssaloff, nurSaimfuseropol, tbfI Goverameut of Tauridu, ln ensd féelly murdenes tise fs-e lady companions. Tisay in lutiser aleep. andi alter tise bouse or valuables de- \I,-uare Drowes-nt Liison. tise departurl trous Lisbsoa uf Bailes, presideut of Brasil, hy ti linen Tisames for Amer- BisenosAyres) fs-o taersr edirylug Mnende f0 bld hbu l.oseito colision. ss-ampiug bonglets. Nu tes-er n sut snty Mi f5. Lorsin andiClevelandi eltbo ieucsred fs-o mlles <ast lionsmut Avun Point, Ohio. <oteet tise passeisgeras were teljuresi, tisougis noneofuthtion O.DedsaiDe"s. 0. Btraesad, mlnlefer f0 under Cevelandi, la deusi aI 0.,as Ibo issuit of a diseuse Sud been s-ssing ss-ay ton 10 Vveuat famine andi suffor- *W dulug tise cumingsInter, -4tes bas issuesi un urder Oiilaudlug of mure emigrautu a t5sfcounryunuleas tht'> Offec t teIstl thons syear. kï!.t Wa"ttry eslroyesf. ~ ith ie Robinson Baket ~èVIeOhio, tise lungest utise Unifed States, ~~s.Luise.afbout $100,- be lu cti ,tb la areIlteportai. Q »5eriw Saccident bappened thq ba 3ellows' plcule train asuposi et gacveeftioma un lit retum trip <Off Idiewild te Pittaburg. No one wakIll. ed. ansd whie quite a number were bàdly shaken up and bruleed oily neveu needed medical attetion. Oue woman. lIrm MeCielland of New Florenice, Pa.. il sert- ou@ly hurt sud misy die. Mies L.sdalr uf Apollo sens badiy ifjsred, buntm'il]f ft'eOv- er. The accident oecîrred nt Iflaireville Iftüro. ion. ubere tflbe West 1Penn a"î- lien, ronsigtlng or hiteen coffebes.wons backed ififo a blind swilch. kuovkiiig awuy thec bîlfper anid tbruiing tbe eIst ar f, whici s a rowded with exellt'siontuts, over an embankasent. Thse Po»eerCs w~ere throssn violeoily front thiir se'ata Itto a confuged hli# sdiasdmiii prevalled. The cries for lielp riquick- 1y respouded to hy lindreds of Wiliiig resculers, anid ali were soon triken fr005 thse wreîk snd cfred for. WAR ON A WOMAN. Kans&@ Men Coaspain of a IBright Femsle Teariser. Tise yousg smen of Kesirney CoufstY, Kufi.. have waged seur onuMiss Tile Ps- vies, flhecount)' onperinfendcnt of scboolo, livenupe in addifion tu ber ssfsrY aise b tryiug to make saoeme noey on fthe aide fy tescifg. MisDarien lises w ifi lier pureifs on a tari in a achool îitrict fracficuily d.popîflated. Miss )uî les. lier father snd mother compose the schuol vofiug population snd tbey regularly nitA in accordafîce ~Vrilî lw and elect tbeiu- selvs as the three uenbers of the achool toird. Tisen fteeibord electe Misa lDa- vies as the teaciser of thi) sciool sud votes o i ine montisa' terran t $40 s tountb on thbe nos-resident taxpayers ot the dis- tricf. XMise Ilaviee' srhooi consista or two pupils%. Thse compiint Biled by the mnen of Kesrney Cotiuty wi ttb Attor- ney General is bascd pon the proposition f bt tise Young seoman canuot draw two salaries froni tbe Stste at the sainie tifnte. DISTILLEItWS TRUST FORMED. Organisation ot Oae of thse F trongest cmble«s Ever Effected. The Unifed States Spiri t@ Associationl i'as periiinefltly urganlsed ut Cincinnati, Oblo, by tise ciection et tise tollowilig Msee memnsraOf thse executive commit- tee: Obairnan, W. N. Hobsart. Cincta- ual i; secrtary, J. Walter FreybwfS, Clu- cetunati; treamurer, Y. T. Coriof, Peoria, fIl; P. J. l*ennvsay, Chicago; saline, Woolucr. New York; Frank Curties. New York; Chsarles A. Weib, New Yol. The plan coniprehende control orthtie entire output of &Il distilleries in the country. The» wiel upt deal directly siti thse tradte, and only sitis sncb dintribut ors as are la the combine. The distribsiturs are to boiy troun none ut ber tbon those la the combine. These regulations seere made strong Is anticipation of nese concerna. Alil existlng unes are lncluded ln Ibis, the stroageat combine yet orgunlzed. KILLBA WIFE, BASES AND SELF. jealous Asdre- Waaan Shoots to Malei@ IsWhole Paraîty. A volleydofbult fri,mutwo revolvers out an entire fsioily intihe littie mninng toua ut Ciseluns, Wssh. Andrese Wasgo qnarrèled wltis la site early tbe otiser znorning over a Yousng man sbne bsd flirted tlia a dance. He succeeded un kililng his wite atter s desperste atruggie, in :' leb three shots trous bis revolver peu- ttsrough lber bsody. Hie then directed bis weespon t bis tifo little girls, wbo fay tereassing In tiseir bied. H1e sbot each of lisen t ce snd bots are dead. As »an d fte t ragedy ise turned tbe revolvers te bis 9"a head and two henry isuliets crash- 041 through i& iabraie. mdl.. litaite eReope. te Stirer. A speclal f0tiste Denier Timues troin Washington saye: "Information has beau reelved here frous London througis pri- vate ebannels tu thse effeet tbaftihe Indin ~lunts are fteise reopened te trer eolnage, and thse assertion issmade that tiis weil occur au un eemectedl, euniy date. Tise reportf Cthse Iadlau commissionsla tu be pubilied bete Sept. 1, and this la ex- peeted te tisios some ligbt nieon the de- talla ot tise natter. Tbe aunouncement tbat the important if ep uf reopeuiug tise liaita sl litseplace cornes trein s source wbicb la uinally rellable. ibere lnaa atroug effort to bave tise ratio cbungred trous lOto 1 toe2= toi, snd itleaasaertedl tisat a sillinguese t0 assent to Ibis chsange bat beep evlaced isy botis tbe United States amd Franc. Tbe establisment of a ratio ut 22 te i wonfd baie tbe effeef uf lncreualug thse preieut price oftsilver, but Il would, on tise cber baud, probably prevent forever the restoration ofthte ratio ot 10 te i. Tbere le nmre disposition to dossbt thse accuracy ofthtie Information, but théis dousbt uppeurs f0 arise lurgely trous tise tact tisatIlin la nexpec-ted." 1Threa LtvSs la ODanger.- A mysteilutamaunait seblis may resuif lu a triple usrder seasinade sipon a tain- lly. reidlng la tbe lower part ut Beltil- more, Md,erl on a recent morsing. Tbe victime are: Mis. Hannsals14111. widow, aged 33. 'liale Liils5i aged 7, sud lIra. Bessie Whetler,. &W 29. lire. May Wbetler, seho la separated tfrom lber bus- baud, buarded seltis Mr@. Lillis. whio, sitis ber tisree cildren, ived uti 211 Souths Leusmers alley. near tbe sebarves. Short- ly etter daybreak tise police iseard cries of 'Munder!" sud. basf euiug te tbe bouse. tuund tbewumnen sud the litile girl bleed- Ing and unronscissus truse ounds about -tbe bead. evideutly infllcfed witb the blnnt end ot su ux. Tise only perlons wbo seere able te turnisis any Information regarding tbe sfuir seere f wo Bolseusîsus, weo ais te baie seen a negro lcave tbe bouse. Tise victimes are iluas bospital sud tise pisysicians tbink tbey bavie littie ehsace of recovery. No motive cun lbe amsaigned tor tise crime. Trais, Coltde on a Bridge. West-isound svy passeuger train No. M0, leavlns New' Haven at 3 p. u. snd due lu Souths Norwalk, Couin.. et 4.07 ocluc, eullided head-on tise itier sfteruoon selti s s:witcilg trelgbf train trous tise Dan- bury division on tise Washington treef bridge. Isaac Davis. a freigist brakespan, s-us killed sud tise engineers and dremen un btS trainas were more or lent lnjured. but tise palfengers suffered ouly a severe joltin:. Zola Wiuss a Libel Sait, Tise libul actionof tEmilie Zola sgafusf tl 830,0. tiselParias1Petit Journal ba resuites inlua laSae Denis Do- ie out'2,000 francs upuis M. .udel, fisc apenlteudent o! odif or. ansi of 00 trancs carisupon bise mu Union 'i'ce- f oo assistants. Tise tisree a-s-e muictesi lug a bandaume lu 50(» francs. c aci s daniages. w7'lit Fîteiille, llnatansi, -bd. InquirîIn fulooDrranta Lite. If Ias been leamuesi ut San Francisco Cbt hefatis ional bureau o! education is lacre..ed muiini' an exhaustive lnqnimy iuto lise Ite gqullzafluu in ut Tieodore Durraut, ussien fiscdirectionx 'e VAluailea eOf<of speciliiofs ins ci-iuinolsiiy. 5 It*t tanin Czas* e w e-cherme. ~iag 5 a-st- Tisere le great unescliisnail aides lu 'LfloSslainvies- ot the Chinue"situnation. glilcistI.regurded a se rising au upeu MI # le saiM beflncu Grint Bcltauu andsiMuesela buy aettebeeuyla'jiadinsatu sien 4tvMslvsa5s b ftaoualbe tIhé daigtreu*eomplceau,*bllle anu "17 b. owmeoie bâ' tise PRO* andncet tfi, Intinsatioq. ibat RaV*e oflitiona te Britishs commercial cdebeessousMitaf ceuse, lis thîs conneellon tise teryla carrent tisat tise Prines. ot Wales' isur- rd deporture front Englaud seas in ru- aPouse f0 a dispalcis 1"'m ber sinter, tise doseuger Igipresa or Rasala, bon ring upon tise Anglo-Ifusion relations. Itllan'ell knuwu tisat tise dos-eger esupres in tren- uously worklng f0 conclude a deflute unu- deMsandinir negsrding Anglo-ifusaîsu in- tercets in fthe tarr Et, and it lm said great importance attsches-u(tiste meeting ofthtie sisters st Copenhugen. lteplylng 10 a question intise House ut Communq, tise purlianetsry secretar)' for the torelgu office, Mfr. Curzon, said ber niLje9ty's Koc- eruseut bad beard tisot a great poweer n'as enîleavorini' f0o btalu sa port ou tise Persiau golf. Twotblrds ofthtie trade of tbe nuits-as Britisis, Mr. (COrzon added. viseretore tbe governusent was especiaily ififcrcsted lu tise iatter. Tise power men- tiouedin labeyoud douht Ba ssin. WHIAT PRICK ILS HIGHR. L.s- Visible Snpply and Large Eapewrt flund the cause. Pijns weekly trsde review msri "Pros- pti-fot pence stimtlsatesl many kinds of' busnless. lu spite ot recorda, tbc impres- clou prevuile Ibat delsy aud besitution bave legitiuiatly reeulted trous war, and uarger contracta are, bn tact, coming fosr- stand tfr iron productg, ultis a better geieral demsnd in mont Iudustrie#. A tew lubor troubles only calatteution tu the ftîct that tisis season bus licou remark- siîly frse troussucis indrances. In apite ot a promise of 700,000,004) boabels o! sslsi't this year tise price in 2W biigiser for tise oeek. Tise disposition ot termer@ Io isslîl hock flîcir s-beat tox prices more like tboftobtoafiusble receutly accOunts for recs'ifif 36 per cent susaller tissu Iset year. Tbe visible supply le extremely low. but, exporte nftishe present rate tiscougis- ont'tise year would bave liffle liftting pow-er if tise cdp in about 80i0.0004,W0Of busels more tissu bomeneuessfoc seed snd teed. Fsiilursjs for tise week bave beens1916 lu thse Unitedi States, sgaiust =37 let Yesr, sud 21 lu Canada, againet 29 let year." OOLD-SEEKER KJLLED. F. C Fleming Fallu 200 Feet toj)eath ln s Glacier Crevase. Frank C. Fleming of Chicago la tise let Eseteruer f0 loee bis lite on tise treaciser- uans Valdes glacier lu Alaseka. White workiug bis way back to Vldes arrose tise Ire mountais be feulluto a crevasse sud dropped f0atise bottera, a distance ut qver 200 teet. Tise body w-as recofered sund taken f0 Voldez. s-bere if s-as buried. Youug Fleming and bis fteier bud n'ork- ed thior way aerousatise glacier Is tise hope of findni' gold lu fthe Copper river colin- try. Tbey guf discouraged uitiste trip upon reaciig Copper river sud tiscues back. Tisey came f0 oise ofthtie numerous crevassez and s-ire looking for a place f0 cross. Tise tatiser advleed tise young mais ta be curetai, but bse inaistesi ou goiug Up t. tise edge ofthtie crevasse. Hie feet slipped sud be diseppearesi. Witb s great deal of difficulty sud danger a VOluEIteer s-as los-ered sifi ropes sud tound tise bodiy, crushed sud msogled. TOO BASMPUL TO MARRY. Girl Who Caaaed Ber Lov*rý@ Suicide Cuselier Own Tiroaf. At Columbus, Mo., Cura Have»s cnt ber tbroat sitis a batcliser kuite uithtie home or ber fatiser. a former, and tise attending physicianasay that aiseconnuot lice. Bilatise youug girl weio, becasise of ber extreme basistuineme, qeveral times retosesi f0 marry C. L. Fait, a yuung farmèr living fleur ber bouse. On tbi woddlng day, Jniy 5, aise flatly retused te allun tise cereusony ta proceed alter tise gueste seere present, sud Fait seent bouse sud killed imself isy swallos-ing mor- phine. flaflwey Wreck lia Kanasa.. Tise test mail train on tise Santa Fe roed s-as partially sereekesi shout tbree sud une-hait miles n'est ut Emporia, Kan., s-bon tise drivlng rod on tise rlgist aide ufthtie engine broite, sud tise audden jerk euapjsed offthtie drivlug rod ou tise otiser aide. Iu u moment tise flying rodan bâdtimade kludliug u-ood ufthtie cuis. Pire- mas Charlee Foley of Topekawssecras- ed tas a pnlp, iardly un unhrokeu houe remnaining lu is body. Engixicer Jameu Robo remulned ft bis pont and sueceedeel lu tuniug off tise eteum,,and thun i sig tise train. Mfr. Cusse * Accepta. George N. Curzons, thie parliameutur aerettry for tise toreige office lu London. bas accepted tise office ut vlcenuy out mdi: lu succession f0 tise Eari ut Elgin. .11 Curzon marriesl Mise Mary Leiter, tWe daugister ut L. Z. Leiter of Chicago. Ho s-as formerly parliarnentsry under secre. tary furt mdia. May Build Six <crul.ers. Tise fome correspondent of tise London Dsily Chroniclesasys It la reporfed tiser tbsf tise Italien Governusent lutendo f0 propose tise construction of six armored cruisers. PMoneur Mine Cissisge Handa. Tise Oliver Miniug Compuusy bas se- cures possession ofthtie Pioncer iron mine ut Ely, uorth f utnluith, linis. MARKaTqOTTOIS Chicago-Cattle, common ta prime, $3.00 ta $5.75; isoge, sipping grades, $3.00 t0 $4.25; sbeep. fair to cisoice, $2.J% tu $4.75; s-bout, No. 2 ned. 67e to 18e; coru, No,.2Z 3&ctf084c; outa, No. 2, 2lc tu 22c; rye, No. 2, 45e te 47e; butter, cisoice cressmery, 1&- f0 19c; egga, tresis, 12e ta 13c; potntues, choie. 45C tu fl0c pet bogheI. Indiauupols-Csttle. sbipping, $3.00 te e*S.50; buge, cisice ligist, $3.00 f0 *4.00; sbcep, commun f0 cisoie, e300 to 14.510. west, No. 2 red, 67e toa(68c; cura, No. 2 s-hite, 33e tu 35c; auto, No. 2 s-bite, 27e te 29C. Bt. Loui*--Cattie, *3.00 lu $5.75; ibogs, $3.50 Io *4.25; siseep. *3.50 f0 *4.50; what, No. 2, Tic ta 73e-, corns, No. -' yelluw, 32e to 33c; ato, No. 2, 23e f0 24e; rye. No. 2, 44e f0 46c. Cincinnti-CsttlP, $2.50 toa*85; hoa, $3.00 ta $4.00; piseep. $2.50 te *4.25; eheat, Ne. 2Z 70e ta 7ic; corn, No. 2 1. Roeber R, litt, Repeesenfttve I. tastrd I.fI.P l 4. Jobn T. IMorgan. tU*sld trnus Ilnis e th ie HassILan Repsblic. States satol trous Albaflia t. W. F. Frear, fostice .1 Ha- 6. Sb.lby Mt. Canlons Utetd w&ILan Sopreme Court. States fienasr troc,]tIfIinoi. BANKC ROBE OrFABOUT 119,000.j Blchlaud, MIc., Institutiun Loofesi by six men. Six rmbbens securesi $5,000 lu money sud about $4,000 lu notes trom tise Union Bonk uti ficisisus iMcb.. tise 0fber nlgbt. Some of fisc robiser arnue troustise Eat on a handcsr, ansd evidenfly basi coutesi- eates s-ifs s borse sud carniage. 'lie rig s-as taken into A.ugust a aud left tisera. Tbere osere tiscee explosions, waii uaisk- enesi mauy peuple. Alvin Bannes. s-io luves rieur tise issuiss-siorderes Iintu tise bouse eitis a tbreaf tiset tbcy souslsishoot hlm. George itobaun sud FEl Barrett as- tise rotibers, but did nfot niolest tiseus Thse sate is a complete s-rock. iitrogi)'- cernu iavini' boots ucesl f0open It. Tise Insude doore seere blosen out ansi pieces s-euttIhuougis fhe plate-glassfrotut feufy feet distant. 'Vie chIaeaad ut ber foula seere left bubiosi. Tiseisaudear sadis- ubles i uIf oti ifnot ho usoîl to pursue tise roliboro. Ol8eere bave seeî Iinfurniesithst a man s-uss seen Sets cen Augusta sud Baffle CreeS s-aling on tise railrossi track, csrnyiug a large satcisel andi a ridle. No one s-ho sas- hlm dard f0 make a move f0 urrest bisa. Aecording f0 sif- arseés, four urthfie nobberssecre on gurd outaide thb isk, seiichin la sailaf sooden building. Tisces'chasunof u dynamite weee explodisi before fisc uotsey wsecsced. Tise banS la os-ned by N. S. Whitney ansi P. If. Gllkey. STAMP8 PUT ON RELEASE DEEDS OmiaI Ruling en tise Tax Leur au Ap- 0led f0 Bonf Eaals Treatere. Commissioner ut Infernal Revenue Bcoftlias notiflesi Cllector Dnuubemty of Peoris f bat a lite inanrance polls'y dois nul require a stamp util it la issued or utteresi as an insurausce poiicy, and lu- surausce companleteauao aamp policiez us s-al Ibrouigi local as trougis general agents. Wisefieî fthi company or the in- yuted party payaefisc fax lanlield ho bo 'net a matten aith b seicis isenterna] revenue lasani desi." He has aiso promulgafesi for tise Infor- mation et collectera tisrongbunt tise coun- tnry a ltter f0 Secnelury Hedenherg of tise Chicago ceai etate hoard. Tbis lot- ter "eedes tisaf relens deeda require reve- nue *temups; Ihat s-len a isole or bond la given for tise payment ut mnney, sud sep- anate netes or bund&arue gien for accru-, Ing nfereat, nof only la tise note or bond ton tise principal aura requiresi to be atamped, but tise separate bouda on notes gviston tise intereet must also bu stamped. GOLO F840M SEA WATER. @Chsa*b>' Wiick aternenm Were "Dons,, fer 02,400.000. Tise Electrolytie Marine Selle Cous pany, organîses ton tise purposne ot ex- tu-acf hg gsld trou seu, wster, s-lins bas iseen irossgbf lotogi-eut promincuce ou account outhtie sileged course ou teuvie, preaislenf ansi eseral manager. Roi1. 1-'. Jernagan, Isliuying tiosaunde o! deillir., s-uib fis Govemnuent seennifles juet f r, vins te bis departane for Europe, lies suimpended uperations. lifs fonce uftktit meu bas iseen discisurgesi, ansino uome about tisa place. eau telanything: as f0 tisa future. Tiso rompauy wss rgarituies lent year, and iti la dsaimed tisat 2,400,000) sisere, ot tise stock isasi heeudiaposedalou ut $1 a sbare. Jernagan, tise orlgiuator ot tise sciseme, ilaà a Bpflt int mlaer. sud ise mal el tisseveral isuissresi tiousunif dollars' s-antis ufUnited tatee bonds, purcisases it-lstise tans o! thse dupesi sfockisolders. BIG -PEACE CARNIVAL, Great IPeefisal ta Be Bl in eChicago lu Octoisar. Cicago s-ill have p a sivul lu Oclober. Tisere sel e twelve long laya ut pleasure es-Sdeul itis evenfe of importance. Tise ftelu vai111buglu Oct. 3. Tisa caleisa- flou s-ll bu tuade a fegular inatitutfun, bolug rapeat es eaeh yesr. To Chicago if seil b. s-bat tise Mardi Gras la tn Nes- Orleana. Citizen» a lu ass meetng a«»in- bled nt tise Great Nertiseru Bote] and formally decidesi upon tise abuve. Tise ruil s-as laeued isy tise Chicago Commser- chai Aseortatîon. Foiemoat of tisa geaî elets ut tise runival s-lll bu a pouce relu- liraf Ion, providisi tises-ar %bal isue clos- id by tisat time. NO RUPTURE WITil GERMANiY. Von DiedenlceaWiII Tiink Ts-lcs îMe- ture Pruvoklnig De-sr'. lu spite euthtesterenfertuluosi lu nouse quartora that Genîoany mar Ifften- frre lu fhe Pililppine pie, fisere seema f0 bu Ilîfue urInal toundation fer sncb be- lot. Tise German Govorument bas lime sud ugain. uccersfug f0 -Wasington ad- vices, dslclaimisi uny sncb Intention and despite alarnsing repent s. nos- sud ugaîn receives inlutblacountas!trous Mana.tise Wasisington autbunlfles are incltnesi te bolieve lu tise Genmunproteetatious ut neufralif y. Even sonld Vice-AdmiraI von Pied- enicisa. commauding tise Genman fooet ut *r 17~4' vIc-ASBIALvos tIlEtiN.IC95. Manila, b. rashi enougis fa endeavor tu tiss-at tise Plans o! AdmiraI Dew-ey, Ibis country' neesi bave nu tours 0f tise fisult, Des-y e>' astoug enouigis. sitiste latesf naval re-entureemeufs, to carry oufsury pller ho may eleef ia the teetis ot Ger- man luterference, and shoulsi tisefs-o na- tions go tes-ar lin la stlefactomy fteisink tisa s-e are mueS stronger un tise ses Ian Genmuny. A London paper (hus summesi up tise situation reeentlya *As ton Germais ansi Auenlean sisses, f bere cao, ut course, bu nu comparluon. Tise Germaiss are ânue salIons aud brave men, bust a naval efruggle hetoveen tise Unitedi States ansi GermsnY seoulsi bu short andi complet.'1 Thisn wnusdanger of uuy rupture, how-- over, bots-cius tisecountnies, Tise Gerussu Govermnet knos-. bof i r snd Vice-Ad- mirai von Dledericbs mny ho depeudesi un nul fu commit bis country is the marter, INCREAS£ IN PENSION LIST. Maur Applcations.en Accnaut ut Presesul Wan Bel" tîted. Applications ton Pensiuns as a resuit or the Siais-Amerlcan s-ar are ulready ioniing loto tise office uf Couinilasioner Evans in Washington. Lida M. HooS. tuidus- 0f William H. Book, C'olpaNj F. -rond Wisconsin lufanlny.sins.ton *12 -'r monts. Mshe le the finit applilcnt. $evenry-one oflucre bave aiseo led thein applications. lMns. Bookss-sa bursavesi early inftho confilet. Her u- iuand enlat- cd Mauy 12, 1896. Ts-u dasa later is a s faken sucS, undi un May 15 diesi ut the mil. llury ispîtai et Camp Harvey, fleur Mfil- s-aukee. Tbree day utrsr lire. Boois ox- ucutesi ber application fur s penabou. usure une probaisiy aireasi>- :.4101 cases seltis uch a basic ton a pension elalus, Tise second name on lise listet uthfe peu- ien bureau lea tisIof Elizu J. Tonnel., s-tio oxecutes a claime for pension as tise s-Mos- ot Elijah J. Tunne14kliSfes ou board tisa Winsles- in Cardease barbon. Cier Clemis Bayley saisi tiure a-ore M3, 000 applications auisof t tsea s-ho o-sut pensions ou account ut service is tIse Spanieis sar. If ail those s-erg adjudi- id ln tsi order Suld, soldicra, s-Idos-m andI dependeul relatives ut thi. s-an seulsi bave a long lima te s-uit. That la nut Probaeble, as Cuemlssionen Evanas-wil soun creato a ipeclal division fur the con- sidepat Ion ut pension claitus gros-us' ouf ut Ibis s-ar. Cordial relations exist bets-osi the odI- ceessad sodilera et botis ai-mIsa utBSn- tiago. Muni' Spue aniiad American is f- cars bave ebaxitedsi soasis as remous- brancea et the camjtaign. MAIN STREET 0P DAWDOI4Cr"V AS IT LOOK&S TO-DAY. IRIEF COMPILATION OP ILU.- NiOe NEW&. Autsonif les Susepect thilletan Intat Wola Strangieel -Wlist Maies a Puier eSoisnu-Wouaun Gls'smera Lire tuSave lier Baby truns 'e'lte. Ciild'. lfody la Exhuseit. Suspicion uoffi lplay 'led fise-cornter and Sfiife'm Attoriss'y to inquire Jnto thi' destli of Msri'irf 1'stterson,. ths'S-st-ar- sîlîl dis ifite i t a farnesr if Irwibî. Whoun exisumndI- nosc sei'nry ixîîicssisîu ft siitb hlîl mssi i-s teiîrostainfgulationi. Jliîirs l'ai frrouIil s ublsl,' tgesItislos-- Pr wl fis fleur eiilIre , [ue nll-t 12 yioarm ot ufgs-. ?Syxsiésiîî.itc5io h '"figg". ai liistk.E.rlirr isîi'niii.Acco'îrd- loiir fe isefis,'isiglilîssrs fli chcl ess bave li-fe iliiii i l) fi'1113 test,'l. tt iitpesi snd %vai.îî s teîî nîfî ilse001,-r îî fiait il "~1. ' Ili îlerr Isigt if scnssî are loY ftli-'libille- girl elis-il. 'l'lieralfierr iais' fi. tfiteiei.,'Iet M otf sislle iardii l ifijir,.ii ifn ilf tiail is isffl A t. thl it- fus' rfuiiy i off ile! e biiielil'o i.iiîl.tai The. u Inît CsssInl: ,sî-il n. h fhlffifarie.le r yiîiia a iloor lsoi. The .-iiiisitasifi if fht lsi eran sîîîs lff. Aixi . ifia I bpli ii,' it -, sue. g aî.îlx dsnag siviciiiui.>sss. l isisoiis yif'ili ea ii fi. fislii.iîbi, es tîl ui'l,isîaxîîîîxsî -Yilbî îîais f...ior li.lis-lc lis thei aré,Iln , h itiifiti i <iifif. fisc nelle fisrîsssgbsîîtit xliit JItix r.' ailfi- ulixg fulx ine.xduelirs a i. , liiso'r s sissîtdsîw i. 'T'es- liiiiSp blrifgituill. i'- cisff-l lit Nooii ils',. nit lxi . 1 piif fîf tixxliig iiiglit ani i ai>. andîth l'heitîs')'- euîlis. îîi s .iai- liicsl uaesit3b irexsu aIliruiili,' fuîllxbxsxx', f'nreiiae.àby ôsSynodIcats. 'riscoifnîr.,bc'fxs creet rnil%çsy sys- tenu nf (juianci si-îAosîîlî1,siaa Mine lcyn, dicafti'bnsr.leitifi.l Iy %%". IB. >McKiisiey ut l'hicag,'. TSi. sii ilei- sisits'isfciflrols b1s lt fifetii¶ .ýI. sutayCis- <'ius isîsun. ,)îirl.uli. <liay Cmityii. lIn., dueil l iwii'eitii--s. "ss11w od~ninli ai Qîiiîî i uf0îb.îîîell i5.I<l.Tlhe cyxi- ili1fs1s abut liii - .cu i le.eftieres- fiilsia astsi rii'ii' Il. Ctapiiitlirefa Ili tiiieOitIn, m3îia'u. -s.-f"1fi, dbai'ie fîîr flic gis otifk.s ud iiiiixiIsiisii I ib li' i pli euair % iii ilîbiî f. ssilii o iiii t dI.a-rIy 1i55Slin .Il asisxiki-ly. F-.. sHemSalsy, t'nt M'y Je.. 'tiress. n)' ri.Iiek 1'if Miss set ix srioie cot'iiilif idueiîSl u is.Isio ut isni' Isu,','xi kirisIainxîlelî.îîf'îî h>lien bueoliasîs oslas' i,- iusa is rlxii' f0 fin'sfIt iliffrîssu 55 iliii' lair iliill;3 n'isul' ild. 'lue chîlsi as trsx fliaidusli duir e fgoal Itssck gît intir liiifgusiiîat fth ishis so i', bsm. s xfîatusIlfilllilitg à aail'> aet xiss- bs-sttmy felis lîkî' ixlsaîî.lis. sfsrfîîl i. e ry' hi. tii',ry Intela lr .. 5ii31r.. Itîsshsil- ftse-,i"i. '[liszifiirilIst.:[. axil, fîîmxuiîag aui ir, lu,' kî --r et-)%ise i s sud îkiid be-r fxri-ii" v. N,-iz.lltirs hi-grdi bsr crisa &et nîl sfrfsr-I'il. Iiios Éis..Btiek S is catsiglif of t;sliii-ialialIàeil lxjuil, Bsulet Thnungh Mer tisant. 3ire. lore Mfu.wifs'uf W~. If. Babi- cils, s bisoling ' iisfnii-iiir i Metrespoliri, sissulis-nrocif i rts e -airf t tise rcsbdeai'c of il ne. A. Ii. Dlil. fi al-sr ua'bgisbor, din îîîg bîssuoufy. Se ift no aillxe Cx- luiinnohir AtmsyN sllor s Ilar>- sie lhasl l tas-fiferfuuiut of auig ber raiditland îl eio l e'a iti orunxîxully. bshe s-as iystoi-mral wst-in située ti'm Ira, lia- vis' baseu el- axaî -sluiscd flatIclii' csuid bw-or lis-n xtrouble- uo ilîxîgîr. 'The-Ir,tnnàu- Dity e la fcmnl iotb-ks-sl ..s-u o tis- lrair- xi"eof Nlrm. Ilienrfe auss flic sud rate tîfaif aetxig te, fîiisaa' fus'famil>-. Brief State lhappenlings. W issl V Suu i l.a us tii ur lilving' s-et if <huls'slurg, iandil.syonIifu man leuoîssîl.1. Itico os ru'c i, lu lih>a Santa l'e trauin asdxiiý.I îuossufb>kiis Ast Ke-w sas-e. ;srg - mnsi-soire, a Pr- iieut farineîr. afnd bis Ificayraulalons, s--epixiofaax1>-k lîl selsils' iruxsai gtise raulmossi trîsîkS ithfiss borne axx u uugy. Ths îuysteriîîos ili'usslslseruxui'e uifAllant A. 'si foýui-rait ClI-slfrira the sh. le- loumi tsu oiiiîaauuîlfier os bsn bisIl.Ioy Sill fli ti iiauili: ' lu i s.'he ('isls-g. mus 'r A 5f if flff'issIWi Sie50 rosuad l îlytue n thi- cin,ui. iisfauar th, I liuîso sxunrafrsi fIfik lit Ameu11-lui. Ils' il îîîed by ofhersfis fias Appîletoxn Ifardii iiboleti-,mabers lis' die i t1iofuf ru-veu-alin l i- na a ice.Pl'îeras fiaufisi in liiniblasr fise' uasfie of f it Hi-liiess cIl. I l, eiv lui hi'.b sufinîal tas muil a itufissxts-netmsr iluadualis, Dtt fur froitTerre a--use.. l'oui J..4'. Si'-g. ftlu- tixi.isng bookksep-> en ui thel.' i ii i adl Il i.misilpi tValley cootl caii l inii f55ff uu iltuî xi). u a ins busletien is lat-el nt (']ataiicga. Tenu, Mîei'g ills.spp-ea'uilfroam Marion f-o wo'us li. lîsfors n d siwif luhli, iont*1,54X ut II assuI. Iii's'ifuuusy. lie tinsa go- e al l- l-i Marioxn. A ru-st s d of $1(K) stasýoffîtsru-ulfir lus. ir WViu-n Illau Maiy uirk 1sf Dnla bi. 'i s soas gnuuluufs-d fraffil"Forf %'iurfl i st-fui- naary lxi SI 11slueir-vulaa ,e ieilcusi bu twfiai .aris uf t a (ro«bi.' iau. S-iseluof fIai, uiil uaerubi îtiit nfuil taxrd- r-lil aii tus ish(isu'uguuoteu-kyjtrdg tise oh ler dai>t. Ilx sae sfauu.inaatire stiiursuvisorfa t'est. 55lais-luluuifbar-Isu cippaiscl riaisliai- luis. It ii lu e ref uruis-til fi ls Work. Teusauditror uitbliesr-i-ouitifsin b lolit eIfbj,<tete'llu,-îx'iusiasili oyss titi's thei reeirisoflasut s iirgiebsi tif graini prisf cet iniitalu u pog ies- trfIc - ffcct huit flu' btolu' 11 auraI ut it îiuiliza.iifisxiauuluf ifuse-f tise sutioiiii '[su-osi oftluit ufisot. Th'lis lea ui'orner. It'ndar fthe'reveuse lais' us unenddsitîthselui' cl tensi sidotn, Ise boiardinu s-esth irslIai'1ues'duiy flir Sept. 10, osbis-h fis a sr all isepet. 13. 'Tuhsudy of Arthusfr Leosiand a-os founul s-tsfgsesilsst o-en tue <levaf in car ansI fhe sixtî fluoror f fise WssrxiColsi Btocage Colailusixy'ss llasui t sf <'ic'xgo. If la sup- poiaed tireft coxuirdo sisesi s-ona eniglît us hi'- i-s-idoss'r lise edte ut tise crm. Tisé isufrd of patrdtons bas vaide un ufn- favorable repuort to Gise, Tanuner of tbe dbw a duhuuM4 to - - i t» -- of deafis. .) Henry Wnbben. s wsll-hsow" uaý <liant and proaident ut Pekin tor sg years, fouis s large dose utf orpsls*I suicidaIl htent. Mri. T. W. B. Kidd ot Bpdrlgfield 41* lu a Chsicaguoisoapilul. Mr@. Kldwua tb0 oife ut T. W. 8. Kidd, edîfor otf 0. Bprlngfield IMonitur. Burgiars torced un entrausÉe fn tise q chant talloring establiasment of Kim. Joues aIt0ftfawa-ansd earrled away iae uîî sifs andi îies-e goode valned sKt*111M .Iosss'phB Iftiau, s resident ut Palm <Otr- MauYyt-a~ru, comniitts'd suicide uitlaie. hointe a-if ba cIotbiline. dssrngfise Ais- ese of bis frite, s-ho owus illinisa iieigia* r. Citizenx ot Itcrwyn, rasa, Rîverede sud filic sixer villages along tise l)ep pleins-s river are dldin lu tir comiplainte- ot flic Suiidsy icîics trout Chicago, sebicl magie nigisi snd day isdeous 10 ibaîse ssl,îrlso.The- trolley cura s rinti' lisusi)' Pidiiiî îparties ftisege suhurhs Ssii» Thefi-tfriai of Martin Hugises. fleuris iilsisks. W. Taylor. Louis flirt sud utherl uion ls iiiiifese <larged i etis osasoît s-lt intesît fo 511 Chsarles Spires. a non-nulea ineir. cassi' li un stînupt end inl Judge L. M. lioui'a court at l'ana.,s'ben, ater iii use evidexis'e for tise Stufe nus lu, sud Iuîf,,re ainfisevids-ce for fthe detenae hll' loin fukîn tise uinsnietrs'attorney mtii-t-eeld inl seeursng dfigciarge orthtie Mupternteisîent Julins Brochofuthtie- panau rompnnisiy hb a llae tise mincis'un- lidon, irongis fieir prealdeuf. George )M. ('nîseco. aooiion taf0open bis Mine seifisfiiunin uîmentinder orgaisiation and lsflY 'li) <-cu itsertfu fr dlgglng end tur- ihisl siisulîplen cxeept pos-der und puy dais lslî,ri-rs sandlioiipauny ten the State mdOildbi prise. Altîsoigl tise minera retugue4 flis, isfen. ifla le-lies-s ituagreemfent[se- fs-ceesthse l'une. comspusir and tise men still t*ho alld oont. abicrb sel tle tise Pintent ands barils-t fouglitesfigie bets-een eiifens ansi ol-rntî,rs sven badilunthe bis- tor-y out lilisoîs us ing. 'lis ee llvc'sOre huiet and flite cin er- nouis vere. Injurin uaslire s-bics partiy dextrîs'- thefisi' fîtcl Rcrs-yts. 148-13 dNortis Stafe nt ret. Chiîcago, early tise ofis- et usornuîn. Stsrtiug in sus adjuining building tise damues spresd tbroîigb the louer Part Of fisc usuel strucfture, cut- finir off ail chan" oif tescupe bytise stain- wsYs. 'l'unic e xaizetise gusetselrousesi trous alcp lt'y fisc flamus. lri a frcigy of fnlgist saîumbe-r jfunfsi'iltr',m tise Win- slows f0 the aîds'ss ok. othera ucr rces- c -rntnm hd-lr isrtms-uts. s-bile a nom- ber o-s'-s' Il)i n-sîising tiese treet in sapt l'y hirsosiousail..ii-lire eseapeu. As JalIen J,,s Wrighbt ent@e-d tise lni- suIs' corridor ifthfiscjail at Cren le S f.uons iit 11ill gavaesii. Jsîîîca Allen. IfixilAllen sud .Iiii<'ruthis. nil desîserate s hsracti-ms. bail gouff iiid'ut oft fsir s'b'lle. le arde'ed thicii ar-l. seisreipon tiery dus uifsilaî inansondi sst biun aeeerell. Tit i' aîs-e uit,' rameifi fischeouWsde eur- rîlîr oas f l ielier tise hasnîta let ber gît'-tfi-e sorsl.cflic beys, but Mn. Wriltf lsboskil rto'.l'[beybail tise jailen ssisd, siitland siistill iim. bîîf hi- îîlîsîltsîts-by rs-fsss.s-sltfolet lise sife fon hi tisssfi. Vliisaaisiauefiuai- ly cisife Mr. %Vsnîgbt issa ns'Icssed, badfy buttes 1s fif siriuiioy iij fred. Louiîîs MeC, Il sis tis'îtded tf0 comsmit sicie insutise îr'a-s otfIlisme dulse N-li'ni'i t SprnKnsllll. Mr'Cillorn. sho lissd le-ul nanlut sfI,'stliii f0 Mies Bergen forn nore finies, askiesi fiscyouug wsemn tuî nissrry gba.înd. sî st trsim ber a coutes- oisti that Keaiselsltinsamisl tiîs4compteic stits. ost Hrry i"rank. a soldler 0f tise Ser- r-thIlllinuis. lii'dsllum hbit s previons ,Iiisupiu theiscaffections ufthfiscyoung n'omsn. ie fisoucist, aisd affer pieadlng n'ithis er sîninat sfl day Io give up tise Ciciago mais héi drove to ber home lunftbe eveninriansd swmiloWées a boggie of lauda- nons. is-u physiciens. . imted tIr the yotiiugs eman, inied fa reaîsre tise deser- sfi- Yofini canotulife. Mias Itergen mye tiss f i e fivs ie is lli marry bila. <loi. Tanner bas fesfendes1 ezo-rstive ,ecmeucY f0 foufr ruinsrs. Tise liffeen- Ys-sr isfteuce of Alsner Ifeds, confvicfed of iioglusry sud lârceuy lis Novenit)pr. 114.. bsJersy <'iissoy. s-as ,ssusmut"u tsi live yeene. Tise ts-D'tY-yf'ar sentence lmpossuluion ltrsfeLIpeli ils No- vefrîlser, WiII Csîuîty fssr uan- slaugb)er sas rouswitttcul f0tbr, yu'ars. Sise s-sa ouvicteiof killlng a man nametL flscoan d isnDow bu tise asylius for the eriniisi Insane. Thes live-ys'ar se'ntence un~oi'lspitus W'lllisus t'. iavitt lunfDe- u'-u,'r 1fl,l effi-rsioffunt)',for gt- telfiftesl gaeuit . 5e-,'inuti'si tsi foui yors endsninsîl uf-îsfis A csimjnitlOn tii neveu monibs asic grieilSaiient"T_ Cuninghams, ahi, wsssosvbces-dibuOc- flber, 197,in ('(,-,k C fty, or sman- staugister.le bis-si s monî uîsued Cas- siîlay. At l>îs-ofifr. Lu'fiiS N. iI'efgrmuet uauiltrbal for niurdîr. fOr lie wax told by fli c sriff htisiJseph Ti 'ilfiiil oas jad. Cis.-veng,r asdrik'ivrd %w e 'ne in ulove- atifis Mrs. .Iose W'sois. oair'ify wbdos- ansI a îlaîigbfs-r -"t J ospls Myr-rs. s w-r'sbfi arnuser. Tiinil tifs fîînlîbîdeu lis eI]hntthfiscbonae. sut fils. attenfion. uf Cli-veur-r serf- -ocon rfsid l'y f lis'raltiser. f iv'srw-si. ifif.Ifisef)' jeiilsoo s fni fui fil Yof n 3-ftinf aili ilîîfi if lis'-i-ver ce w ber lficup e ne o fy isTilt, îrilie sa îfifl kin h ini. Tise'bu ,usnidili ft ciles e bhlm. lie- wsniever blsio fia lisunnel. sud elle flss-r'fiins'tisiuglif fotils ig utflla fbreat. (fit a rec'efstaftf'rnsssfiidisc net T'llord fictir lcr fft'era îs si' andîl ogtberrfiley safarIs d tî,r a rauisie tlsriiiihiifi'wouie flerir . Cfevenger eaw lisont and fol- fowi-d. ltddenly oppeornfie hcrose fseus, lis' iris- s revolver fr.m bchi.ockct. TII- toril f"w-tht' 55eapo u fd stuntesl fa ruts, s-hsn Clevengser opesies ire. Tise tiret isillef sfrfisk him vicfimt s'is e ocksud lie fs-Il. ir-venger tîsc i ratiupand lhned fs-if nioe idiots ln tIse proctnsfc sody sud tbeu bout Tltfond's face aiti tise butt of tise revolver'. Tiltord waa only sfuaned and lie îinnged f0nrras-i f0 bisfafber's lionne se ur fy. s'here lbe cePssrlesi f bsmun- derous isosut. Tise sheriff wseuttified and Cirveuger a'as srreatesl. lire, L. NM. lavidsuR. site ut s travel- lig slesmen, diesi of teekias W. berShome lu Decutur. A s-colsbotome elle s-as in- jffred lifsant accident un theo electrie car une, Tise car rau off tise tratsudlber lcg s-sa broken uud lockJas- f't lis and efedlier dets.

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