Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 12 Aug 1898, p. 8

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Eat You Bread Superlative Flour Leads The World. s just right inprice and quality. Made in the famous Washburn Flour Milis. L. f.Litchfield, ROCKEFELLER - - LLINOIS.1 Wt CARRY A COMPL»ETE STOCK OF GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFPS, SEEDS, ETC Lumber, -Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WE SEL.i THE wBBIR WAGON, WHEN YOU WANT Buggies or FarmJng Implemnents. -CALI. ON WRIGHT & SON$ Libertyvil le, - - - - - Illinois Dld you know fhat 1 have 3 or 4 good steam threshing outflts, that 1 wili seil at bargains or rent for the comminig season to the rlght ones? D id you know that 1 have several big bargains lni Twlne binders, hayrakes, mowers, carniages, wagons and the like?, - Dld you know that we are, now and have béen for sometime threshing the big oats and winter wheat on the Grand Prairie Beit of E9ASTERN ARKANSAW? Dld you knov&bat we would il bc very much plsaad tb have uaauy morsoontr finnda and neigiabona go vlth usnsaddae for tloiealvea USai it la co au huttaire in the senmse iil is maèny days hore, tliatfile@ and mosqnhtoea are not De a ulhick ai hore, ihat the c iglais are invariabi! cool. A fine country vith a HEALIRFUL Chinate ls found helug faut efflted up witia northern farmers. une crop, ehîcli la auire, often paya fo the land It wau rowe on. k So Wliy Nul (Jo ud Look. Many Do (o . . . .Eiansd Buy... 11 Like It There,,,.oàZ' ýý ý S Wili You, If yau vaul la get a houai uf youîr ove or Inveatinleasgood tbing. The one that alvayis sys at home la oîîly sure ut ahat lue aeaa sud learca un bis oun l... owe sud eouity ... Drop Us a Card Unsystematlcally Yours T.Va Slocumn, WAUCONDA, ILL. VOLO. lir. John Richardson waus s Chieagu à 09 klh i lSoI1IIIBObOl :isitôr Tuna:y. sdI,îe oln are iiiti.8Ationaville. e - . lit. Benu Ctusasunuaà, ouitaVile, h vas à Uole ealleg Snundsy.0 H . C. Paddock, o! Lihertyvîlla, wu '.calllng au Volo friandsa Isai eek. Misa)JMry ltaymnoud laviiiiug t frîiada uaSoha Vilt a gn d Hampalse te. l lie. and lire a Jn Brovn. of (raya. laie, viated aI Sidney tuhiiellia lai lira. W. J. Tangene sud sou Clyde vagi calllng on friends t Ractefelîen I& lai nday.J Mi. sud lra G(ageu lisec.0of ýS PO Kaunsa, are calliug on old frieuda audb 117R N P RTATION CO. nelglibora ah Vlo. na stugthe B»uairb Mlinsd lrs. Richard (Coupton gdevhae l Seaaaersi 1eelnroed home trams s very pleassau -.CITY 0F CHICAGO and vialti iîgl lait eek. CITY 0F MILWAUKEE home rin Engturay er ulster1 Mdeal»Wi ouandl lolilar uroelleffl Faute'acccmpasied ber forsa viol.c CIyof LouisvîIIle ev. Coi'ua, of Labo Forent, ilîl1 us speek at the Vola M. Eý. churech uuday and J. C. Ford AÀug. 14 ai :30 oclock tu the afternoon. O JO".BtJsIh snd Bnt0n lira. Grimoldsby and dauglitet lira. lilsîc.Wl. Thomas, of licleury, *ore caila« ou ai'Excursions aidIrlanedansd ueîghbora aI Vololat 1.1 dok, foo of Waaih A e., Te Gatldiscreeg lt «Very mornlug uai 9:3o Ba-»lu* .tald aut r. (tilla at Flnia Lake lat »aunssicnday excepted; the Fridsy vus very laigely ttauded sud rivs »rt* rAt':'0u tLe 12:301 Il proeu bcdhastamonh enjayable limie. a 410 p. m., lbave resort& a a h Rsigslttedufse m. ariv Chcagooitretrnvus quite sevsrmly bitien by a large aao do gbelouglug ta Albiet Mtt<în ai8mmeralo aves ut 11:30 au b lGa efurianlant voiR, the dog 0" $MOp. m. Saurdsy on Iy.- vs kîLleal ~ess o ! Ussioanrit 1ornai minute la ual long, yet reiefi lia mdiiuoi camg anrua- obtsiued l b h a Imtimbytheiunie gaguca ad o Ch0(iicago. of -one minute Cpngh Cuge. It a m diacoe Ea xcl- provente coaaumpton sud qnlckiy Ruai Sas. mlogant- curensacide, croup, broneailîlai, 04 Ulmbor. pasumotalasgrippe and ail iheosi sud ~05O Bmroi. luugl troubles. F. B. LOVUaz., Liberty- villa. Ssg - e Is 3, Uo!Fai la A^ronthéZUùntyOUlW WiS. CENT. fR.TINSE lu11 effet Jupe 5. 1Iwo:) 01&lago ' 4I215 i Wieeins G 1au 7e 1 A, e 49 î14 PrairiVi e2 ii Lthtn @ ai @ 5ai 166w:()Il eoeki aler tIo 0:1 ,j 46 4 aouls 10 14 3 M > ai i0i Labo VIl"a Pie 24 3.16 7 18 Da r, c BoCauoir. 1 Buuday Oniîy. a ftop lon ou ail. 5.1.n. a. lr L'aie Villa 7I01i Ilau 4 34i Rollns 7 0 4 le Loithton 7183 s5oi Prarie Viev i74 n 58 ô£c à tak*i,îlO i44 51 ublemo m9 45 1ile 639 am a.rn. r1 la e s 20 949e 89 3 7 9 a i sus5 10 12 10 le 10 29 10 22 vP.m. a&. i 4Il la 7il 60Il1 7 le Il 40 17 30 1 02 ,9e ROCKEFELLER SOCIETI ES. CONOREGATIONAL Cburcia Sund&Y mer vices 10:30 a. M. and 1:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesdar eveuinérA. Y. P. S. C. E meil und&y evnluga ai :44Julior C. E at a O'ciock. DAODCam No. 42X-W. Amoet1 mota. D. ouirmfl. V C. I0. 0. p. No. 8. meet second and fourtla1 Thursdaga of eaeh rnonth.k WILLKNiaoO. N G. 01o. A. OST. eCY.1 0. G. T. meet Thursd&Y eveninga Of Ose"h week. LUiTEBIJEDICIE. C. T. JOHN 0. RAGAN Poat G. A. R. meet Bturday nlght on or before full moun. I. S. GLEABON. 0orn'dr. 0 E CHURCHILL, Adf. Mai]lagIila aoutth .... 1:04 a. ni. 9:22 P. ni. Masil UItin orth ........... .....10:031. nM. maill O".?land l'y stage arrive&a aL1 a. nM. de parts atI lia.nm. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. (i. W. MyricIt van a Waukegan vislior Tueaday. Mfr. and Mir. Hulcomij were Chicago vlaltors Wedaîvaday. Bert Terpening fronI Clleago visit.ed bis famly Monîlay. . Littie Ethel MeBile ba becia ick but ut preaclît le boiter. Mn,. Dr. l'ravis entertalned a aiter frein al uîiaoîa, Wis., reventiy. M.iieaud lrm. IBoothi frîiu Trevor, Win., vialttdi t caley'o Moaday. C. M. (iorhanu ajui wîfe [roi» Waiake. gau viaiteti ut Mr. andt lra Belfaaic'î M.iuy. Mn. ftiuzu i a utetalnluglbis daugliluroanad Iheut fuuuillîa froua Chicago. Mri. and lits. (jeu Beaaîey are enle.- laluing Mn. Bealey'i aliter froualt. PaulI, Minn. A large delegation froiuabere allen- dadthie Woodiuea' i cic at Dlauaoud Lake tlouday. lit, ud iMra. Cle reiugned Frlday evening feeling quie cefretiaed altier tbeir Vacation. ait Ilu ou vi Wonda Kuigge froua l'atilin viail- ag hec couxlua Cura sud Luette, Heruchergît. Suime of Men. J. Rodkas foIks came up roua DePlaute to attend the f nueia f bier latîle baby. Mina Gertie Curie naturued Batunday. afLac visiting for sonne, ime ut ben old home au Albaany, Wl,. E. Mantin feo miMlîbuenn ueasen lu or tbun lent fbnrday. Thora mueI ne souti atrarctionhure Md. M'ins. ie Wait Krauaac taturnied to lber homuelun Chicago Woduîsday, &fier vimallîog ber' parenté for a waak. Mr. sud âMe. John ilesion, lic. and ina. L. il. LitcbiIald attended camp ineetiug ut Lake Iliait Bndsy. Next uduuy uaorcing Mev. J. A. Cole wiii give as ualsaouary addreia go ubici ail are curdislly lnvlled go joaten. Wui. Feuldier aud aon Ario vira bawn to hiâ bruther'a coar Wsucoudu whan e awaa elplug hlm asffev day. The C. E. i.list Frldîy evenilli sua a plounaut ineceas, sud iueited a ceai nuin fur the C. E. Christian vagi, 11ev. and lia. Cula have geituned freonultit aummer vacation, uhicl they *pont ut ktllsdale, Midi., ai lh hume of Mr. Cule', parents. Ou 'l'tiiiday, wbite th t Ironabe ai-re tireabîuig ut John tuaase's a bi stuok uof about thiniy tons eanghts ou lire sud beilig dry. Il burned &0Lut groulîd. Royv. Mr. Dlbbie, fonmenly pailun I Ivaubhu, nouta <uthnii, Oklahoma, Il t'mai unlain vacation, audlbs spoe home littIe inme auakiaig banda vii old ltuckeîeller friends. Itev. Cou mniu, ai&ueliane out pan ton lucre, u>ow ut linnaiy, Oklahoma liedl pfauuuaa:l 10o make ua a vacatiol vsit, but oaa ueieuîed hyilhie«. 1 la puaibliaeho my cuui un a ntesir Il ltie aummnen. The infant daugitaer of lit, sud li@ Jiîllns Redku dled ilocday evenlul Little EmmaniaRdawss houinJue 11 boeiug alghi veeks old Aithe limue 4 bierduh deli hoe lveta ailtiletvinsa lt. Tie funersl ua ld ut Fairlelq T huradiy moraiug. The 11111ebho blosaouied ouly ti aay In the vorl, buut a shortlime. The parents haî ur moat sameute aymp1ithy lu 1hi boun of bcroavemeui. WARRENTON GROVE. Fred Scbill apent hucday and Moi day an Chicago. Win. Hutchlnaoui ha, gone Il Wlciu tu puirchatte a carloadc libeep. Mca. John Suallb, uf Chicago.i vauitlng tLe faimlly of Fred Suil il weîk. 11,1. Eger, of LIbertyville hi rai iuag a wvlid mill fur (jeu. Chevalii this vîek. 1 armoeailuthis viellityhavi aboi ail Iheir grain stacked sud ibrechiE yuil commence ciii vosk. re la ig Bd hi r, Ky in ta- idi te au n It 'la il. Di lise. Rl ysu, of Chicago, la e~tudtu a sv eek's heo vlsh lisa niacs Jaes&asuasd famly. Ur. sud lira. XMue sud claldren, o! gsSt ul !mueamre UmIs tiby cCé i.aI01 Vlith the A, Party trom iChicago ae o<ýiciig. P. -1. Usielan, ut WaukegmaI& l ,peuding a51ev days ai home. ils. Lucy Andrews, 0f Diamoud Lake, la vlalllcg ber afiéter lira. L. C. p'rion. A merry-go-ronnd liai struck tovu aud la well patronlied by lths litli folk@. Mg, Webb, cf Waukegau. vas here laet week. Heienl a candidate for ahegifi. Mira. L. C. PrIee, lira. Jay Frics snd lir. W. L. licCiaîn vire, at (imer Friday. li a ielt, otChicago, vus the gusiof Mr. sud Mgs.a. M.Maluaw th. firai of the veek. Monater Norman Pratt captured saUne black base Fgiday of laut veek. Il veiglied over tive Ibo. Mg. sud lira. ]M. W. Hiughes, Mg. sud Mga. Jo. Tugubui vers at DevU's Lake Tliuraday Auj. 4. iasJeue Wright sud friend. 0f Chicago, are apeuding a fev days lu Wancouds snd vlclity. The manyt rienda of lirs. lieui vire palned te Mue of ber desili vhich occnrrsd Tucaday Auj. 9. UM Lucy Spencer, of Chicago, te visiting ber parents Mg. sud lin. J. sipeucer ui preue&vritlng. Mr. Duiton aud G(. . lyncli boo s paely of ydung people of -*Madov Vlev lto Foi LaRe Saiurday. The lades of tbe M. E. church uîll glv. su -c nac a scial on th. achool grou:d. a Ssurday evening AnS. 20. Everybody velconse. The noa] large number of campera are comling te camp oer Bang'* Lake tla.year. Fialaing liaibeea <001asu thîy go away mallsfiid. Wsaconds wus eli repreeent.d ai the Modern Woodmiu picute ai Dlamond Monday. The Lake ononty Unions von the bail garn i vih the Evetelta. Score 4 10 46. PALATINE. Sunday Jualy 31, hotu 1 MUr. sud lira. Chagiia Buip, a ion. Misa Loua Bickuai retuned froua ber viait lu Chicago Biurday. Roberl licCabe liai .vek'a vacation ubiiic hovill emaluay athome. lira. H. Sciaierding . an recovered troua ber recelai aavere tluaai. lit. anilira.Clark iniertined gnuauae froux a ditnem Sunday. Boni, on Sunday Jnly 31eh, 10 Me. sud lira. Lonle Krenlgor, a son. lia.aBlanchi SchuerdIug Ia viiling vîlli relatives lu Chicago Ihia viek. lira. Thuraien eniartalned s lady efriend [rom Chicago over Sunday sud i onday. Misa Lydis Bicknaia apeul a te'. deys with relatives n lu îanGrave teceutl!. Mr, sud lita. Harmoclng are enter- tainlcg finonda froua a disance ail; ah preaini vrlhing. lire. John Sanith and daughler Della are vialting frienda in Baraboo, Wl.., ai the preaent urilul. Misa Tillie Baumgarten lat.nded the rCourt of RaDar pieuctel.d at Lake Zurich Sanday sud toporstaà very nice time. lira.Thomas Cahlov sud utile Um Hecrietia apent Suuday vlth relatives lu thua place sud aise vliibd hoi humasd, uho lies very lI it liesr Wua. Youugsa lu Bayelugion. lic. sud Uga. Heury Hilemanu ete tai nid s large crowd of relatives feoix FChicago Sunday sud a uic. $tau vuswonenjayefi by *Il. Yire vorbs au ht eveniug sud a daluty topent vas aptesi liefore thom ai oqly Mga. Bitsmsoi nknova how ho provlde. et The lauman machine @are but onci and atolps but once. Von cau b.ep i goiu lonosi ud mii rgnlarly bl calc»g De.W tIit'5 Luth Blirma l faona111epilla for coatipalion a ail atomacltand liver trouble.. F. I LOVELL, Liberlyvilie. FOX LAKE. James Dalzil l vs a Fox Lake calet Thuemday. M. L. Galîgîr sud daught.r lisy vire Graylabi callera on Monday eveuicg. Vetettnary surgeou C. mlaen vsiait Fox Lake sud sîmo Fort BilI proftes- sîanally Tnesay. The social et Hon. George Wat'& on Wdeniday eveuiuag wvuquAi. veli attIudad deepîle the tlbnasleulg veather. The Fox Lobe ciuaiieey îociety vili meet vitIa lis. L. W. Bolng Thcra day aflarnoan Augnt I151h. EvarY. body came. The plcule soclelY eai lra. OGl sOn Frlday vus a grand inuuseas thon baing ovin seveniy people prneuic. rn la a plly we couid n& bave mare auch aucleties. LAKE VILLA. lit, sud trs. Sablei are camping out fur a feu voobs. lise Lyda Ifapple vus lie guest af ber aiter lira. C. B. Hamîlua afeu ds lait ueîk. H. 1P. Lovny'a bsrn vus compiated uilîuanvseutaifroua the huai the Brai vus bntned. minais Mubel sud liata Richiarde are atndlug the Instituts ai WiJmoi, Win., liais yeb. The gueita of Ibm Labe VIlla bel eujayed s marchmallow rasat luat Tueodsy evmuiug. Mr,. anad lis. Charle Douglas, of ieHeury, spent lait viek vIlla rela- tives lu Lake Villa. 11ev. E. AIbn vîta bis famlly la enjoylug a short vacation vialiuig relativem In Michigan. lira. Coas Pickering sud oblldren, of Graymlaki, visMed lier alater, lira. G. P. Miauer a fmv day. lts k. lie, sud li». Iîsciman sud dangliter ai Chicago, are vinlilng vitb lia. elackmaus beother- H. J.sisoan cf thîs place. Qulte a uîaaubeof n people !ram biee atteuded the hM. W. A. pîciale ni l>lauoud Laie lait lionday. They repart an eujoyable time. lira. H. Pottll eteurned Itatvseb trom s vimît witb relatives at Steveus Point, Win. Sio u» a coompsuied hy bietuiece Missmaie Potier. Mir. H.Il.leudrice ba hs novod te Ashland, Nebraska, 10 accepi 'a poi. tion ai fageman of $Wlitt'& tehoue Ilion. He slart.d villa Lia houaiholfi goade lait Mo nda! nîglat. lira. Hondrlckoi ll tollov lu a fuv daya. A troel Party v" glveu thei lait v eek st vbicb Ihere vere about s hundreal guetta. Tbey vers precsut.d vita a dozen aalid silverteaon aud a pickie fork sud a <01 M..A valcia charm as a tchens of regard by thett [iaRe.Villa frimidi. lir. Reudricke viii lie greatly mlmsd lu ciMIeR aMd modal citales , iiiii ucg u oe lmis."i Mur8e lm Wa5Os li 11a ~ ~ »à«d nomN aa 58 . Ohal AseeusbY have ou, usnod threslug vîi heir DOW Thée DhlIsamilY vlalied lu Chicago Sunay te ocoasion boluis &reanion 0f ssvers ftaile. idra. Buii.rsld r.iurned 10 Wauk- =a Friday evemlng s~0a 5 Io veekI s ivthfblond§&liue. . MUls Mabel SacRue geturned 10 Wakspn Saerday svoulus ater seversi des avlit wltli the Misse8 Mlclure. Maloses jauni* s8dGrace Oqér r.iurned 1tuIzvine Park Baiurda evealng. Thsy apent ihréee vekI uii fglenda hors. TheG0r=0s buse ball 10111 n àn gage strou a Chicago ate 8-497 et a gose LaR"e. "coe 13 Io2. Gurus. battuy B. joues and T. Jeues. Sleveralmesbers oz Ourues canap atteuded the funerai of lir. Smlth ln W vblc hIh vu omdected by th j W .cap0f Mot i.b dea veig vus hrY Weil atiended onsaidulg 1h. e ther. Aboutorny. fiv aesprient sud AU îuJoyed lh. event. J. W. &mia snd tamlly, Mg. sud iMg..Visl, ies May leooullough sud evegal Others amaendud a privaI.O plcnic neom North<Chicago lmliaMon- day. A fi»allirnu vashad by &Il- PRAIRIE VIEW. Mmiii Lauon h- s onl o &0 ev york ln thestilahumse. isa Winalemman sd mia" Smous, 0f Chicago, are vlatlng Mima Laur Spragus. iss Wesieganan la about 10 Com- mence a six veekuo coursseaM a Chilcago business collage. Mgr. sud lir. mmiii lPest, Of jefferaon, Spelal Thuraday vithhMrt and Mga. J. M. Ufridley. Quit. s numbsr t&0- thi place attended the Mi. W. A. Pîcuàe At Dlaauod Lake Monday. Mr. Asdud»g. Fred Etuegfer ye àcalieqi 10 Long oQrotv th.elOrai ofth1e> veeh ou accounul01otheb. moe n lleha àof their deughter-lu-liav, lira. Herman Krueger. A fanslly rînnion 0Of tlaiDaviies va, hlà.d a ghehonmeofbir. and lita. C. M. *Wleux Ias veek. lie,. John Davis and faînily, ]Kra. T. Davisansd danghhet lira. T. Darby, lita. il. Jamison sud Bon Davis belns prenant. HALF DAY liouday on buaineis. 8. D. Taléoota grand.rnotlaor di. d Tneeday nigbi of sdvanced &gi. A large number froua bire altended th. M. W. A. pieute at Dlaiuoud Laker monday. At prisent vrithag John C. Peglov vho la lu Churdan, là., la vety lbu vih consomption. APTAK is c. Mes. Woul la eut.rting Comany froua Chicago. mim a Dley Wolf la vlsilung vlth s relative Mai lly.,Lake, Wisconsin. limm Xa MmIe sud Emma Selely spent 1tat veab vIllafrlenda lu Chicago. A uurber Of Ir l uoebol afong thoan lra. Wlfsd ir. Uchar attended the founerai ai North Northl- field, of Mr@..Rage. Quillee xollement prevalled over lhe Apiakie clieeuof1liai vek uhl compoe t he rogular correspondent 10 varu tbs specailit te beep the graie ((tros) lulies ov field. Quit. a number cf Aptikilcitem tob lu the Woodmou pieutc froua Liberiyviliis aIClybouru Park. A nutmber of themsMa vent tbitiegrand opesiug of Rrtelsà pavillon tait gaturday evenlung, ai boil dey@ vote quie cool a large crovd enjoyod the dancing. QUENTINS CORNERS. promeul for a veek. lit. Wm. Brating, St., la atlil alliug vi are aorry 10 SMy. Mien Mary Courinoy bai taken ur scluool for the vinter ita. Phîl Young vu lu Chicago lait Fnl- day for ILe pieutc fruits, etc. This uent bha svegy dry seuonuif bertwagons canut lu tuas ssy. The telephone people put ou nmre more vîrea on liai main hue ltsv eeb. The Court of Sonor picutc people aold very near half a barril af Jet crean. Fred Kreuger bai put up suiv vîina mill; &lao Wm. BrantngOr. bad oui esi up. Harvestilu la preti! vell along toud horesuad the grains are veey promifflu. a. Manfuau, of Chicago crocbiey lame madi s buainess ceil at the Cornera lait veeR. Wrn. Buscliug Jr., lia qulie a lot af jevelry on baud. Re Ihinks nome 0f eul.rlng lte tradi.- "The Court of Honor picutc ai Lake Zurich liai sunday vas a grand succoesba put il; mlldty Bqa"uciy sud solaiy. LoI. o! people clalmed tbey busuof no sucli crder. Muaic sud lecresm rau very short. SHERMERVILLE. PtlcelcaI, Cbrist Hummel& Bunday tbe 141h. 1. invitaions are out for s parly ai Misa Lulu Malsabader'a baturday evsuing Auguat 90. Theo Bobo toob a uheel ride 10 Vunle Bab'a Tuemday, a distance of livi miles, anddvwu completly ezliausted ou reiumnug. Among the patientsetaithe Chicago PolîlUie iospîtal la Mev. H Strella, wuolasrecelvlng irostmout for bis eyemlgbi. For lie pont fev yeara bis sight bas beau very usai, bul Chicago profesaionals expect la fnily guitare bis vision. On ths 901h lt ai t5:30 p. ua. at Chiis ummel's ?4orhilield MaIl. John Miok, of Sharmerville, and Tony Wagner. of Grass Point vilI visatle, a catch ai catch cau bout, boit tvo oni oftthreesialls. As boli mec are cou- aidered prolesaloualand are lu aplen. dld condition sud &bout equai Pmat.hsd, a good ouleat la sxpecied. Oomm on boja getinutie band vagon aMd beapoit. Buy satiket m "l ~omt som 0911o114 W. vilI help you lu mablng h suMeoemopluS1 Oreater Resuits - Vour money secures you sueiseien est farther sud the amomuts v. mye Fou over ths pstc*I by ailiers, euables you 10 bouge Mm Suy aioiMWi9 aid lu maiig your home attractive. Bicycle Bundries of Al Kinds. BieyuIe~ 1 have nov @lx 1898 up-to-date Bicyeles ka âi àas il ta gsiil11 I la h e sesion for sal «son W heela, 1 vilI sI»il tsu ch *ap. GOMe ë Set your pick at a bargaln, while they lust. Rockefeller - - - 11 MIDNIOIiT 2:I734 Bîackhawk Morgan StaJilon, record 2:17t. Mid- nlght Is a fine coal black, weighing 1140 Ibm. WIII make the season at his oîd stand. If you wiant a first clasa road horse, the Morgane can't be beaten. If you want speed and endur- ance breed to a horse that has got it-Mldnlght. 2:171. He has paced miles ln 2:08, a half Iln 1:03, quarter in 31 seconds, a 2:04 gaît. TERMS: $15 to insure a live colt C.A. APPLEY, LIBEfiTY VILLE. NORTH NORTI4FIELD. John Stryker lam ben ai North NortbSold for a yack or lvi> lla uck fruam theCity l. vlsilng ai hume. lit. Macizer han engaged lBen Feonssai 1drive hlm hearue. Johu Puey enberiained 8S Kuedier aud tamlly one evenlng lait yack. Mary Plagge came ont troua the City last veek la onjoy tbe iuvlgunatlng country breeze. 0. lei vislt.d one day LenI veek vila hisialet, UMca P. ltltzanllislir, of Long (irove. Mev. Stiegle ielurned Satnnday froua bia collection 1ocr. ReHi l looenter. Uialugcouay from Beivîdîre, 111. Mies Clars Ftey in laking a vacation froua ber vork aitlHighland lPark asud la havlng s 1011! lime aetboume. Lent Sunday lira. fige, for uoany yeua r enfideunt ofNorth Nuelhfteld, vu bone u ber lant reaiug place. Sh. dlîd vîcy maddenly. 'lIlie fîneral cemmuon va conducted lu the church ai Wiaeeliug sud the baudy vus luterrafi in île Wbiellncg eoey. fier desth la certinly a aevete biov te, th. failly lu uhoun va ixleud ont sympathy. LONG GROVE. Wî are <lad lW bucu that lita. Quentin in agate able tu ha op. lien Emma liizenthaler apeut s week ilh lra. Biaucîlif at iliitDay. Henry Eitzenthaler lîftis tabotter hall et Naperville and Intends lu rmn a thnsahlug machine. Mev. Biierle again filla tle pulpit 0f ihe Mvaugollcal eiuurl ailterun ahence cf noveraI yacks. - - ILLINOIS. DEERFIELO. Nira. MWarren, a! Lîbettyvîlle, in ipendang a tîv days bers vlla aid frienda, sud relatives. lira. laggle, molLet ud AlborS Haggis of ihias place aud an old resi- dent of Ibis eu.îuiy vs, hurliedae Whs.llug lest Suuday Auguai 7. Mr.inud Mes. Mrayer, aofGisaviet, formerly c!ibtis place are the happy parents@ of a baby girl vlio cae #0 gladdeu thibmhomo Weduesdy. lira. P. Rtommel snd eblIdrea, MrM J. Antis and lira. M. Iorsaherger vif speud s fev days ai&(ir&Ysla b@ i cuuuaaing vais ihe <uesaiSof j'irs. Z. B. Stherman o! thai place. li. c. Shormsan, of Libertyvillle. aauiunipautled by ber cousin lir. Jobhgw licLeau, ot Evauatou, sud Mga. J. XM. Woodman sud daugt.r, drave dcvaý froua Lîtertyvîlle Weduesday sud open& the day bine. C. W. Pettîs sud tanally atiendma the fuuerai of Mrt. Pettil' fails a#. Barclugton iWai Snnd&y. DOesaid vas auaid setiier. seventy-llvi YOaMs0c age and tLe funeral v&asthe lareai ever beld at the above uamed place, -A jolly Pari! couéatii< c! 111[m licEllose sud sonu tlrvig, of Si. Loua, Misses meMho an sd WaticRi. si Arlinglon Hoigiat4, lira. Mayera eblîdren, ,lUia. Rd..Blienaehi ai danghter Alîne and Milses ROIS Jouasnoi alad Marie 81101106 101 place, vent lu Iligbloud Park, o" tili veek sud aujoyod a dars along the abore@ fol d Lake MNý Batllug sud luuchlug figued sntly lu the program o! the amniemont and aIl reened icM ihal feeling of.aaiisfMliton Ir attends ý-plcuickerna" only. Ai undonhiedi! every oui Iruovathe WHEELING. couniy ftilt viii hoheid froc> Bepember 13 t 6gifîl cnulve. t Frank Clark sud John Amie" nomsa us Ibougli Ibm fuir dosaa uûî tLe Chicago lot Megimont a eecevi the luteemt end the hearty ieam, Who are lu tbe hab>iai«dl co.opegalion of the Lake eoueîy peoupie recarda, pessaedib rough h«rt:S, 1hal It jauly desîcvîa. A good fait morcln< t aI ' ms. n u uan l sbauld be ihe prîdeasa alau the aspirai- layer the national century m tien of every loyal citizen of Labo record, asowtlia Liberlyville Wiu county. buit hou ilaan Idisi fair te b4e course record. Hlavlug coversi, roalized?ly the inilferelaceor cnoya- tirai 144milea lu Ivo bourae taiy- co-operttîua or posibly. by uilpuaii. comlellod bterîturu u acc0i lion? No nuore tbau aacuinoni ea u,, he bitlnsbîlity te gîi tbiraugh., liad uibout puPîls, Or a taciory teuauldy naads vithîn 6 mlles cg Wou vilhaut patrons, eau thece bha ~guo a<n. Aasther altOmPi yl be. 1.i tiret claes fain, but by tiae unuiid Ihe couaîug gSnaudy. Baerali co-operallon or ithe people. -A vorc. vill b. asîlouifi aloug lb. eu" le the viii la auliciut. do the pan<. R. LandWelir &M ______ risme vin laiks lam li. oWbèo IeOc... md Iudspsadsmt 9Mse m sli* i ed arnu Fm efer 01-13. TaIt @àv-"MEgOet 1

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