Cow~y e 1314-1n 6 SPEED ITER HEXHT IRAM ____ATTRACTIONS Than Ever Before.ý Plan to go. tlake it your vacation week. Perhaps neyer in the hiit of the agri- c-**et society ave indwdns been as fWîý -i fra essful fai r as Fil Aroufld tp Cour, La~ke ROUK EFLLMR Mtr. King îîîd tauily I.peît Suuday ut waucolîda. W iii Kîàlgge made a luaistrip 10 Chicago Tueïida3'. L. fi. Litebtield maide a Im.4ineas trip to Wheatou bMonday. Rebool opens Mo<uday Sept, ,witb bette? prospects than ever before. Will Knigge and wlfe &peut Sunday st Elmberst .lsiting bis elter and lamily. Books for the new higli echool course wllbha fulnu t W iliiKnîgge'a furxîture &tore. Mary Norton retîîrned 8nwday eveli- ing alter visitidg a week witb relative@ ut Carey. Frank Croukilîte, Wili Juil. and Lester Burdick madîe a century trip the other day. lira. Hamiltoni and daugliter, oci liasoîî Cty, la., are vîlîtiug ber bâter, lire. W. R. Morse, lira. Lanage unda Mi..a teven returned to Ilîsîr home in <bicago Wednesday alter visiting a week ai P. Litebllelda. Misa Nelson, e ho bai, beeu spending a few mnîtfia t IlTe. Holcomba' re- turned to ber homne ini Chicago 'ruea- day. WeternaUnion Toiegrapb Comipany' lu WChicago, le speuding bie Vacationuta borne, accompeuird by a friand, liorrel 1107e. at bTe isdvattage of slarting ai tbe vcry 4 begia ning of achool il akiekîu n u<rk canuot ha ove? astirnatad. No pupil catafford to nmisthe ith dayof Septeaider thua year. Thbe ladies ufthlie Aid Society' expeci to serve cake and ice creani (Ibis> Fn- îtay evenîlag ifl tuewieather à& suitabla. mR Dott ffer troni the heat irben tyîî excil get refreshmntts no eaelly. A IR A large number wilI tale dvaaiage iSS it. outhii, aw coru,tliudy vliicb bas SS Il. rîcently biti-i iiiaguated ila un tiimtbirig îcnîol. Itegular ligli r. iîîeaiadvatiages ivili be givea to ai] yîitiig piopli .tlndlug ani dcsirauîî tii take cp bigher studios. a1 I bultirary auid musical eîtertaila SWli meî,t wich haîl bliecaiaed iîy titi Laies' Aid Fiiay eveliag uf this wet-k bats 1)"n deierred until luesdey of acît weé5k. loet ail t.ska notice. This wii tlti a very Laaureiîang emiieriaim ment. sud witi t- admission tee ua tiftieu eat itlil doiitiletis bc lurgel. Ateanag bi eame 1e at * ibraipurseq $100, has been vkeand alil players eligible, IÏ -ther from Lake Co. or flot. ihswil i nsure better bail" than has ee been piayed in this 'county. 6ood Bicycle Races for liberai pûrses -,are a feature. of the fair._______ tMiss the,-mow- ST'PAIR s 'i& at ýy lie uesietît a portion uft Ieir Sulu- Mer? vatlu11iîcimslmg abîouti anomg lime Mruat lake. Next Sîmada>' roraing lin. I il. <iii I of mout rue ieaurîs ut tlbî.ipu. witii l ehlnr-yautlute liglht itou. mst ,tbiNi. tiiiuafron thIe uppet,-i led Ly the uldiglît Wacb, lui the eveuiiag bis sermon mil toucb one praeticel pointe of lite, unden the liuadiug out "Lîgbtboase 1edeetionài." Yelu are condially iavited. lFor broketi tirlacea, joncs. insecl itai, tîuni, ski lsaeameesand espteeldl>'piles ibeele onta jeilable rentedy. DWittN Witcli Hazel Salve. Whea you eail for DeWlbt'e dont se- celit cîuutenfemls ortrauda. Yon wlll hadîsappuîied vitit DeWittsa Wlbch Ifazel Salve. F. IB. LOVELL, 1iber-tyville. Cheater tlpvlia vas a Grarsake cageflut liIveit. Jac Tggsl.otDundee, waa on Our liuuAviand Home? Guu À fc wllb tue meaalci. Aln eIIeIlnaUa %m pm m ru am a. m. Chltaajo1 24 jmlIFrt. goeon PrarieVIV 5 10w 50 s Laa lle 002134 a.l . t10 16 E610vin 50I 24 UT11i1I 0 02 'Dallr exOalî'1;10tay Suday Ul, MOIt, onlr on ied aL. u 'f'. ,.U .aî. Lii. Lais Villa 7 01, ila', 14 16 &) Il 10h (lra Lake 7 -1 .1:19 4 45 7(a il(1 29 144 13u1225B Luthtol 7 33 i9i01 7 10 Il 60 Prarie Vl"w 7 ai Iil t 60 7 2 12 B? AptakIi, 1 74id a10 740 1 02 Wh"Ils 1,11B14 73610 Id3 Oido 935 6.7III 130 915M ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. CoNGIIE<IATI&iNAL Cburoh Seadar ser vice&0 and 1!80' rayer meting Wednesday eveniana. Y. P. S. C. F. su-et Sundla venla t 6:45. JUltîOr C. B. at i3eok DAODCampe 14.4124. M. W. A. m0let moîttiD..1>. (IFTU1. V C. Y.41 F N . i. a-t s andt mii tlith W" mu.Eioi. N G. Gro. A. OIT.Sat 0 .~.r ti.11 . titiîîrsay evé,iiniu f glo? h W,-k. LF.Txi BualuîK. C. T. 8atUî,a n igil t orb.. fti alli -,11 I . ,tni,< . , dr. tE (îîi.!t.alLL, Aijt. Mail g, tll t . 4 î M.i 9:..21.e DM. Nd wàl i c iIK tri h ................., aUt. îleiîtti t Il a. lt HALFDAY jack tIbaptar la vluitiug frleîîdB in Minesota. '» Mra. Peglow eatoartainad fricada fron the eitr. Eunia Gilemion lhes staried Dp his uaw eider miii. Biank anîd Lonie Arnold Louk a trip to the cli>' Monde>'. Mn. Mareb, of ilighwoodi, vues eau .o. î,rtrealt% Sîîaday. Dima't rurget bu attend the meetings ai theaecli trc b Suîday algbtu. H. H. Pagloir bas aacturetl twîî con- tracta f or matou wîark la Waalegaa. qtlite a number treianlucreboklnl the cincîla et Buritagton Wcduesdmy. Lake Uuunby iSeudu>' icbooiu di reeneaut Lake Bluff nuit rnonlb. Are yoîi goiag. Thîc0dance at Herlela <Irove wsa Vll uitended Baturda>' tîlgat. Ail report an excellsal ltime. lira. Joeepblua Giesen sud daugh- ter Belen vent te Mianesota lait veel Saurda>' la visit friendesud relativea. The Bell Day Stars crossd btse cith tige Deertield'a t Bail Day Seia- day. mcure Il tu 56ilaveofuthebStars. ona Miaule Comugb Cure surpîsas peuple b>' île quclmacnreh andI childrma înay tile il lu large quanties vllbout the blextdanger. It bias won tor itecf the hat repapltonutf mn>'preparation ceed to.-day for colds, croup, tlckllflg in the thiomi or obatinate coaglis. F. B. LovELýL, Llberiyville. LONG GROVE. Ev*lyhady Is gettlng ready foi Ibm tain. GILMER.Taet Surday ltb fr. Hans. flle Frank UIricb hunermecled a wlad- Kam Febîrnaui wmu around iaepeclg ml lor J. hehgmaingtudy Charles Gnose visited hie brother bslrmlgmcIeStra' Fred Gnoéseleist ceeaI. ev. Stierle matit on amotbmi collec- Mir. aud lira. E. Puots celebrueid tion trip Bouda? î'le mil ha absent their silver weddiag. Bu&tirday îigbit. about Imo ireekh. lilas FaunIsMorse VsîtatI friands lu Borne INDu>PE7<I)itT correalloadeale Waukegan andI uranea lent yack. lils Graue Maua, ut Gages Lake, ara regular b>' Ibeîn regniaril! *hile epeut lait yack wt berbar ter, Mir. A. othenseaucanof tbthr regularlîr ia Wbeeaie. bebag Irregalar. W. aea orny lu report ibat W. Il. An aggreaslva >oung aMun trot Hall Morse le serimîusi>' iii. Day hin comltsg ver>' popuar mi wllthe Frank Ulticleh i ealertaliag hie tainrmex. Why, the>' as>, hubehlo fathen atilt caiua rp nbsbl mise Asmua, of Chicago, le visitu< 10 Lsbxon Groue, ipsyunhi&ladie bar parents. oLn rvteyugldn 1 living aloag the Way aven comm oui ta Trhe iew.W. Il . osiaî. , of to j I te road 1 bld hlm tIbm tinte. pasird al utlem t Ellenwood. $bat Uatt rma atuecled by choIera morbua. fia Mya: 'iIy cliaîce I1liappeumi 10 <et boltI oi Chamharlain's Culte, ChoIera gua i Dlrîbaca emedy and 1 think Il vaslb.nîiu01olsavng y> Ufe. It gdlpvêà. a loI sàe mmn B the erope vere poor. People MYF: iaWeII yoa ongitbtolu hathankfitl for Vhît yus have, il nightb VaSu." This ela ra.eaougb, bal thoaela SUe Frost (OUMsOlaion) lu, thai, 15 ts mot nu. houai,- Waukmgau laut yack. a 1 ;lMr. and bars. L. CJ. ÀPrie@ere Chlca- lia go viaitora liondar. Mr. Barbalu. of licHen?>', wae anti onx atreets TîîasdaY. Mfr. Nîchola, of Long Groveintle 0e guent of Chester Suwlas. J. Golding vas la the cît>' on huai- te nasau Frlia of lest yack. t lis Aie A. roola,' ai Lake Forest, le seunduug a fow dara lie. Mrr. Sîmpson, of Xvmuboe, iras on Our dà mirants Saturday of lapt veek. V H. Fuller and J. E. P'rat ere cly 'S vlilors thie tiret of Ibm vaek. I Dr. and lia. C. Ir. Wells mutartahnmd relatives front McHenry Tumada>. t li"sIrene hue>' ld vlsitung ber parantes1Mr. sud lir@. J. Y. toney. lilas Edilli Tnrnlille vlaitiug I Irlande la Chicagoaai Praenflt vrilthg. Arel Stevenesud J. La<Id, of Wake- gmn, vere WMencoda vialtais SundmLy. Clyde Goldiag went te Chicaoffo u G hie wlieml Bande>' and returaed Mon- dey. lIra. L. E. Hughes. ut Duod». la 0 visltlng relatives sud friande la Ibis a place. Il G. C. Rltlerts and l îmmly attendmd il tîhe prohbitiomn picale ut Gagea, Lake d Tuesday. 1 b he lairu social wilieh wua given b tba llaaits ortrtieM. E. cbîièrcbwe li attended. ltîV. Dimttil iiale a short vIeit ai Evaînt.uniuu.l Chicago Welnesday ut Ilit seek. Nilr. aloi l rs H I c(;Iîmren. of Chicago, lire sî.Uudîig a tew tdayis la tbis place, jais. lanek, ,Ir., of Chilcago, epent 9 1mi sanuday lithi bs paentes1Mr. aud i Mrs. Blanck. Mns. loliobdl, ot Elgin, leq the gucat ot Mfr. and lira. V. D. Kîmbal But prement wrlug. Clarence Hill, utof Chcago, @paut lait Sunday with bis grand-parante Mr.I and Mlre. M.S.1Hill. Mfr. Boarlîn, Mir. Huilderirad ad Mise Boerlin vare guelte ofthebaSouth- auie bouse Satnday. lira. H. Golding, lIre Woodbansa, lira.lKent aîd Misen Jenks speat lit Munday ut licilnry. Jobn Kaiser leamailing arrangemnta 10 apend the Vanter in Germaur. lie Wilu ve about Septi. 15. imues Ford andI Mie Uazstibnret, of Cbicago, callatI on frlenda la ti place Wadncaday ut lest waek. lir& Hogan sud daughtar, of Wsuka- gan, bave beau gueule of lMr. and Mlre. (jeu. G13.ucb Ibe pont fairdays. A"Probîblîlon poBltical meeting vai bord on ou? streats lnt atuîrday a veulng. Thare ware tbrea speakers. Mfr. and lins. ichard Bonner, of Nuda, called On Wanconda relalîvea andl friande luet Suuday aad lionday> Mfr. and Mr@. lilt>' gave a lavaa partu 0a numbar of Irlande Meadow- viaw summner Itaart une avening 01 rlet ireek. bar.anud lire. G. C. Robertsand lir&. Harrison iattendad the W. C. T. U. convention et lvaîîhoe Thurada>' of luat weak. Waucouda ntay hava anothaer brée. band. A meeting wuVelienlat lion- t day ,veniiig for the parposa Of 1onganWuig. Wal. Tîdmaral ilII Iei. Dr. L. WVerdexî off Nanda, maâtes yregular visita -tutrias place for the apracice 0f dauhltry. lIaeau hafound ave?>' londay at the office ut Dr. oDawrson. - Frank Hierouiib and farnuly. o1 Fremioat Ceonter, hall a flua pîcture .ttakea et thebaucoVnuda Studio the tiret uf thaeale. lr. Hierun)irnus VIIvieil relatives in Gar mauy tria« fail. NORTH NORTHFIELD. Mn. Baxmanu sud fmmilY bolk a trip ta the City'. The Y. P' A. hîd'a business meeting Mouday evening. 11ev. Stlerle laf t for Grand Prairie on a tVa yceka Collecthng toar. Mr. and lira. G. Miller, Sr., front Dcartield visited at 0. Plagga's. ialMier fron Barrhagton la belag enterlained by Northi Noîthfield' frîmude. liassnueer returuad fron Elgin ad -Anrra vbena she bad bama vlaltîag. Alvin Rient, the (ryatal Lake sport, epent Sunda>' witl inuepaeta and lis- Mr@. Frauzer la antantalaing lier eleler, lire. Plapp and Miss Dalle fron Plercevllle, 111. lin. Stauînard Who lime bean viaîtmîg wltlî ber deuglitar ai E. Plaggm's retuirned to the City Tueuda>'. Minoeu L. Trier antI S. Schneider are euîjoying the balair sud rejuveanig lirmezes utf the country aîud vleitlng friende aud relatives. Evaning services wene anapendad lasI Banda>' iu thm U. E. cbnrcb andI la liuthereof songe vene practiced frorn Ibm new song books. City bantere Who coma to the country and shoot aaytilg bat cornes iu their patb uudoubtedly bave coma to the conciluo lItIIlreahars ca- not oniy tbreab grain but aie aao %blm ta ihresh ssuch persans Who by their racklauanaas sud lad aof coamon sane a aliapt tu appropiate country propert>' me thongb It vero publie property. Tratîs umara Veil. Peôple bave learuad tui DeWitt's Litl Early Rilerarae rellabla 11111e pille for reguiatlag Ihm bacela. ccuuug coust. paslou aad sick headacha. Ther don't r<ripe. F. B. LovELt, Llbmrtyvilie. 9 THE GROVE. Mr.lF.nhng au.b a bhos e kll.l Aibutg. 31uigb tula uisacban.c 0 oata ont Baigtllsfim. gTe teelO buaed ont thkeboam Te* tsegl thred anaiot b i the b laze P hrual thre aot forhesome ,themazed hot I di a oumbfor aI ne iibands vOieo btdaudm V oie able 10sle ta bOi bond Iladwate tcl eiheIbaon. ma ir eter.Mi ak car theuauonet ouned bis sIsals lu ta Nit lrcd a ouncsa omptur.the btie vas ause Cmtpay. T ih lohavu &Ova allglaii 0W, unlyk athepi var aliel belag alov, wbe20Iomay er bol ava a oedas4 iWho 20e cents. Whu Nn otal for Doewt5Wi1t0b layuitM4 e. a- O'tha &&WB he a$ pe on", 4 frltbai.. n' ot We ilîl balp you n lu13< as i eamm@mu" M*SU Oreater Resuits Your moitersecurma Fou sncb axceulml raalW tarthe, sud the amioniiia wVmyeSav on oves uIls llqU by othera, anable. you ho acacia insu> dditleaal aid la making yonr borne alhiacUve. iýýj 1 Mr ie um ".$m utda Jon eihid>tm ltop --on.the eat. Un-' Fred Hilote mnd lis aUele spant 1 ew days aM Paw -Paw Lake, Mlch. Mt yack. Mrn. snd lira. E. Rofman vlaited aIt .m home of Uir and lra lalsobaide? ver liandar. Strange ltesar noma eupOa latuthia .wn seent awfully amuaed with such ilir talk au 600 mile bicycle races, etc. BeemîngI! Our Glen Viev coireapon- len ha@agnon à avacation. Also viat la thm matter vltb Our Wheellug litais? Wake niÇ snd le& na lieu Nme iiews. prof. Otto conducted the services at te lnthean c hurch lait SuadaY. lien. Irehow la atili confiaed t0thb oa- Ital but will h a ble 1tulie home @gain ia short lime. The social givan br insLulu MaMahaider Saturdar evouing vus a dclded succtes. UnusaÉllr plesanma 'mather pîevailed pormllîlu nmer- ns lawc gamma lutIbm arly mveulng glIer whlch vocal and nmuaical enter. tament vatt glven lu thm parlor mad. ing wllb a aupper marci. Tho»e ren- *riag amoltolia with piano mccOm- paulment vere lia Lulu liaichalder, lise Eraeml, ia loffnian,1401Mr almnon, lUr. Knaansd lUr. E. Modfman. Tha Wagner and lick wreatUug cou- aest attradted a large crowd Bt Christ fuumalait allNaurdai aveniug lant. Wagner, of Grues Polnt tox the Win- alîîg honore. Them brai bout iaauted inateen minutes. MicI wu&m@ gi bhroca i la e"Cond ta] six mInutas willi tbm aîraugllng buld. lluIb'nac ac're la good farni for thbm Cth AI cstcb eau arstic. Jas. Zimmainauli wma to bave remrmed tbm conat, tbal thie Gjrus Point pmzty protesal dwlire upon OConner vai agreed npo u a referme. Von invite dlsappolntmetîWhOi yoa axperimant. DoWitt'eLitte Emall lieere are pleanant, emar, thorougi lutie pilla. Thar cure conahîpatioz and mileaeche lait a ure ma roi tale tubnt. F. B. LovîtLL, Liberty villa. lire. Vantz, sale an d tua daugblers 1 have now six 1898 npoda&e BIcyle.lft sMd me It la améllus 1: in tb. seBion for sales on Wbeels, 1 VII seili tlem ehap. Omo à gel; youi pIck aa àbupgn, wbule lter lait. Rockefeller 7'- 14é 6i Do- ht Ion, Superlative. Flour Leads The World. Us just right in price and quality. Made in the famous» Washburn Flour Milîsu LHi. Litchfield., ROCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS. WE CARRY A COMPLETZ STOCK or GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUPFS, SEEDS ETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WE SELI. THi wi3BeR WAUON, WI4EN YOIJ WANT Buggies or Farming Umplementsl CLoNt WRIGHT &SON, Libertyville, - - - - -IInI [hgAI MfRV1NIT19ES Dld you know that 1 have 3 or 4 good eteam threshing outfits, that 1 wii seUl at bargainu or rent for the comming season to the rlght one*? Did you know that 1 have several big barglns in Twlne binders, hayrakes. mowerm, crlg wagons and the like? Did you know that w. are now and have- bpn for sometimne threshing the big oats and wiittu wheat on the Grand Prairie Beit of EASTERN ARKANSAW?9 Did yoc know that wm would ail lie vmry mock plaaa.d tohavier more of our friendu and nalgbbora go with unanmd eon for tIbWMW*mo that i enDotlabat 'Ibere la theauluanit li il - , u thatfilies and moeqitoes are Dot arai« atblck à mubi, I"s " alglits are invarlablY cool. À ftne contry with a HI&L'k51P Climate le fonnd belng faut settled up wilb nortlhein fmUl. one crop, wlîleh le snte, uten pars for the laad il vws grovecam 130 Wby Not Gou iLook. liar Do GOj .Eaai Trip and Bny.. 1 Like It There,-..oi> -e. m,.so WiILNY If yau want la <et s homne outoraniovu ur laveat lu a <"6 tlihng. Tue oaa Ihat always tays ai home I in W> sure of chat ha sOemiansd Icone in bie oua l. . oVa and coDaI>'.. Drop Us a Card Unsystemlatically Vours T. Va Siocumi, WAUCONDA,1 Farm For Sala. For Saâle. 196 soie.i tpwn o utitoch, kutovrl Pure timOifi> aa, JuIl s Mis. Wlc' tari» I mlles aorth o u aliyM d afflaaover, Mlibumi, miar u go butterW faclu ieblt <ae.S 4d ?ruat> 0f9<go" ate>. <bcd boild. cha. ihe m tbalanesesq a 446 Bicycle Suadries of Al kindis. 1is OUR and you can't afford mi A good brass ban( be in attelndanc every . day. BioyoI. BqakIa~.. Mie. zain bbleeuentartatuiug two yonng lady Irlemadu f roi the cit>' the pail VeeI. Lit. and W iil Hoyt, of Chîcigo, rode out un thair bikes lest SatuLrday, raturing Mondir. Frankull111, of Chlcago, .and bis brother Wlmîfleld.of LaGrange, uceeUic gucats of lira. Todi ana day lest et m. ks etubbaucoagh or tlclng laibm" iliroat riald4 tu Ona litante COngli cure. liarîleas lu effect. louchas tbm igbt spot, rellableanad Juel Vbmt iu wantad. Itactsatonce. F.ll.LOvELL, LIhartyvilia. 1 ý îi,