Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Sep 1898, p. 1

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LA-KE~ 54 0iNDEPENDNT* 1.50 a Vear in Advanc< "~"~ Lake Cnîîntv. Illinois. Friday. Septemnber 2. 1898. B 4Msi P. Omo a" Vo l . No. 47. LuDerYVRSO 5 s--0-% ust.7 II..»-ài o No ClwYVat. SO* RSREUNIOU Uf THE CONTEST.SLIR NO There fi paeitively Do cleW as ta WhoentredV. ane &Bros 'tor etCraeWith COldeîto nd rwin T eI I (I S itDonnelly and Crady Appear lIng reuest ayngh.19 t lO detadFin T eE G N s itcourt Tuumd*Y. sems the robber or robbers <Bd not The vesther coulnidnthaebnN o The Circuit Court roms»in the Wan- blm)w open teisae au at irai reported, better il miade tu oîrder, for the lb..UIUDhCtUWI8 1 thn ~ ourtBoum voscrovud u-- w 'orAed' the eoamiatioi laok, soîiiersb'reunion atî;mysimke Wedues- Thaiuetrese elilti ythheeauriig or tihe Ionueit'- heulethe conclusion 't vau the vans af day andi Thurmday. It vwax the largeatN G EFETO rail- otet8 « d enacta18ic eexperts. A shot bsg containtu 3Ifla laînnumber ever hetl in the cmuni!.....I MrItbve gw.dilacsd __________CAR- regua mi mer On the eoaà lu ilver was tatoua which to15s faitsi Wednesdsy aigrît the camp lire MAENT in evury pas' oe . l Ils'eiitie F~ i m~ erE h al i D ress (joocis. 1110111 t the pogliasi C grWod, of Betridere, GillinarP, Of Me- takeu lBad the poi40ie bren robbed Stsbbs vere ihere mmii regaird tieir mmd b botter la evsry way Henry and Jolee,of Lake,,nouned the as li orsl reported, the c nase oudcomrsdes vîtîs anecots ttllad their - 2 evp e sju tro ve -. . le ~ l eoallry ay 11111111111t @end Wods praidngthecouthave bau pisiheil ly (oerfament inimitable mnner. The grounds e icsju trcie Shir. tat as sN B biger oes vascated t orer.The avyraoffiielsand un dou bt the chancesai ver e ui provide iciîthreines huent whn cy fdtor fnd u erc e ooStl obir tht a »Met bthe PrDM higny fr Gadyand iere, 1 Bl-apprehendiflg the ibievem tbcon bottertaud@, doit raclkm, tainmerry-go- _______videre, for Dnuîucity, &auuud ibm- tSan wbere private Individuels are the round, etc. Ir wa. the politicien"m selves presitl. ltarsr. opprtunity and titiy vere aIl there MATERIALS OUANANTEED There sas a ienghly dimîcu5sIon about with the poltiBeai "gia4d and' fîr ail NwP a d WA$TAM S Rpay andi su taulie necrssty ut a stena- At ivauhoe vas belli the laat con- W ulaig"oeayad prograout PURE UNEN graphen Lewais 0. Brockway vas se- ference of Lake couutY W C- T. U.aurpbtsii hrd elired tu sctantclerkofthapraceei>dngs Auglat 18.A pisaniday. iceroad5: and iîîterestîng evenits.B a k ~ ' k KJohn Dauneity vas Put On thse standlmimd the rayal haspitaitY o1 the B lack nd U a cy 0 1 O W@ c larr , &Il a vte y«o temad attorniey arnes questailîd ltonivaunorIldiensairesa large and Griat Inaterest Mania!s. am to bis home, poitica. etc., about Ilta Jirtirtedl audience. The cburch wua laterestathe ii comiiig ecautfai ur CialiMd .zailluS thon. MW guara"Illec.pacity as chairinan ai theih lignea- Weil i flo,.bainesi transactrd. sangs is growinif. kroinmitparta ut the 111111111111;0;ut a auisgwon.tonial cornittera for thse pasit two yearis sang, papiers reami, speeches mnade and camîty se hear repartm of utended and events prelluintarY tu the convia- inthoda diacusmird; altogether it vas îexhibats or ihat extensive prepunatiousa _______________tan, lu what cýapai-it!lhe caited té a day vei speut. are belug made tu attend the greit. conventioniOit Augmiloim]latt the Opera tleadiqiarters oftihe tW C ,. U i fair. Weaher peruittiug lte fuir nofS STUIIE NV2.03 Co., Ilouir ta ore icaiawered tu the the fir liiiLiletyville vilii hea placn ii afvre iha aie atuVAUKEGAN -ILLIN Sa4tubonIR Co., imât "As Chaîrina t a the Seustoriat imor people to rat. Easy chairs, dance thon bas ever tururdl ont ta any Comiiter.- Hossaid ho calttd the hanmacka, pure valer aud gond litera- precedins fair. The couni! blait been Ail sizes Fruit Jars and JelIy Tumblers. ."NIIandG- WFuit m ...o...conîvention tu order andread thecaiti. tur vUlbe the dyavtag letu:ca. prstt auoghiua-ith martif Y ~Atrthat M.Dll fthe Ne- Teewl i ht Hio ni&t i detisiiig tuatter tiis eek, and MUifier M . Lbertvvlle. Ill. er eeaio oittelJohn lo foryucntrt ajae oscn opala io tn ue f o att _____________________________________________________________for tentporlary chairmua Ii h u et the uoiiioirltv ateeeî DM e~~ss ~~~s5 ~ ~ s~~sI~~~iW"aecouded by Thosua Bover. 1 A W. C. T. U.bas lbgen formemi ati .rSyaaeginf iitîm t j u W e ht~ a rl eB u am o lw a y .1 N i ri CI tol tu t aatt a m inute vhit ee - iinsel i v tîs o ue ver y aear est ia e up yo r ntil f iot it'o utas i j e_ _ _ __ _ _ È plaintif tDrugt thew combua dancereco-arn- s ioott aeBufwt e l e ru a o s1 liliere w l e a d n e o nfl m nd dthe a i e f M ichael Hu MMa ey ve i e m berb vhich tanks vei for seigbbors are ail g inif mil yîîn c iii I lje Ot OV.llorL,0.o1.1- J.iamond Lak rk PauilliOn, forteînpurary chairman, but if the thse teniperaiiCe people ofthat place. affirtomien IL. LIWrtyvillG. - Illinois Dianiond Lake, Ill.. every iatur- detegatea vantedl ta choose their avn connty oflicera arr varking bard for Cl n _ _________________e__ day evening duîing July and Aug- chaîrniaut ey coutlai. 2itlng as an in- the amvancemeni aitttse temperance Republican Caucus. uèb C.mecin Sauray uly16%Sacethe t)entcratic National con- cause and mach lusel'est 1; manifestemi A enncmis aithe liepubticait votera cf Dr. 3. L. TAYLOR. na, omecigtron aif9'x. 1 theunatid 1 vouid by parties viattemi. thse township of Libertyvîie la herby H eC A D OK otelover -Trlgg &£ Taylorle.. dmac ikt aItte rail as tu vhoaatattdlichair- calied tb meet at the Town tHall, Ra saeadisrneA et 00110 C A.BiLNSK, bie.nîm. Mr. H ussey caine OP andd tlir HOW Thsy Die Garna. Libertyviliet, ou Friitay Sept. 9, 1898 et vas chcmBrodwy OucalePar ttli b 1 dali ot "lie diemi game. Thats b ayaatci .nitrhh upi iLIBERTY VILLE, ILL. I.ldae a Buava opoit PrkLIBERTYVILLE HOTEL propose tu sarrender tise chair to atinm mnini Of Chcaga'& toagh cflzteuss, eeciing test delegates ta attend the Libertyvilie. Illinois. lbstit ' " canuit. t stattau tse oît sspeais vhru they ttll0f tise deatit oi County Convention ai Libertyvitie, - 5d 55*ty nusi1cr5arma. 1 smraathonuit he rll. ieum i ttseirs an tse scaffolmi lu the Saturda! iSept. In ai i:30 P. t.Cep aiodLad nW odCuny WsoSu uMWih corridor"aubh aId Chicagaatalt. TausaCOI<LETT Dro. A. L. TRAVIS. oWUing31oomlServie Fiet Cias. viteli EJilcer Fi îny adivulmi bave or crirofhodCiaglitGEEAAEN FO iicýad.itr. fur Cycitsandi> mmoi, gogeOurrt. TrrorvasaNcotenapermps ande oPerhoodicalsen &u"ea V". sa. .Li vo s aunI TOs . . lrm'ý-ir.itBonne m'naty. 1 callei ]duopinion if these persans Surv of thingb OatErPublîeshaers aLowestRo aes. opeW e na ttetinsal tu1thse W .DEANCEPI. ~Henry aud Lake. In Lakeone onue hicis Oten go on '-bbiid the sceurs" Tbraagh au arrar o1 the prinien we tPbihrLo e R es Islcet efchromie aîsiumtism. Cor. UMli. Aný. .and Clir-li Ni. sid *oe bave a chatruimit. htckirury bireeectals e smade1tuaMy lime paues fon races Rockefeller. - ttni.LmRYIL,--ILLINOIS. Cit. vt"àr.i vai Idclrd e jil.t oiiduslise a haogtng at ai thse comilg Lake Cauuty fuir aggre- Watch tî pc o agisi ilg n Dolanavaii chairulan. tielia hey are carifil, accordig- gald* ~U aebc ~m Farm Property. W. H. MiLLER. lu the crors earinationIt )oitieityl ty, tisaI tisyd athave à alistilfg Dr H O B Y UN . TUNSUBLAL ARTIBT, «IdrMauy tinigs the samr. Whitney wmone. ît te bed en<is 10 i ag CGonu to Ormany. DrH.S0. B.ntYOU G . Wboyw atacra hv o sei iihvil; vas posoibie for brave man-to bang an unconacions M. Frnk iirnmfa, fS., ai FremnaiH e.C e Paddock, -Lb iy j, 51>0 goad lhair, eut caU an ut"tise coismittttte on credmentiais ta drav mnt ould hhoarribldCtir a nsr at i h si uc 1PO17R KIMNM01C L . CROVEBalca sansor CIGAR.S. u eoitii ns vheucn ventioni vasaaa Bilc ig in neye! sdusited, con. ocrait Huer IStaendana, ior Europe. urO ------- Illnos ote 'ý .W . Trîîniy 'Kor olu sson about tveutty minuttes. denned ipnaniers, if itlet iunHle gaigs ta vtsitiRObi aidhnelit _________________________'PUs Srague ft.Siiho.p oi.n Y -drluit -'Atasdravit up hefore' nid urceasary, go to demis f il of vhiskey Leuaisburg, Uenmnvsul t tltA UA L s D r. eenlissati iluitaS n nii5.Doiteely They jiitaadapted tb em r ira ger ugalabolster np th ir laterlg iany-tva y ',arago, sud bis passage ta Drt E.H mih e t.dtitt'd triat lhe did nat think courage- Feu-bave ligenafouai trong titis country e1tisai l imelit a saili DETS.PAUL MacCUFFIN, L.ake ouunîy s detegationu itard Ira euangh tii stand thse ordeai vithout vê1seti occupied sevety-tua miys. ÇY Office over J. W. Ltters bldg Atreyatonuila a. mamte calicod an accolaiiof the anoise mre sont ai atteauient. TeSaedt nuii esls NOYAYPUBLIC eihcr titue. He catted t-ice ou the Painter, it la nida. drank vitiais! liS e iediedm ll ae thii, lber initiai HA ours: toll2 a. M. am i > s JIIspecia tntonJAA PUBLCletosmTHATi l li ey.H eve Iihm attetio gien CtietiOis ri-ciicofa candidate fur irgiblatttiri vaier belone the deatituacthn uuu ms i rvsbshm LibirOryville. Ill. ausd Co)nveyaneJ»g. lJohn iiînavau testitied omn preciset! Mierry, thse vile mrderrd, It vas Sept. -an e1Yr ep.lth. m OFFICE WttH LAKE C01-7NTI BANK, iesneiie.aenng1wh aesepce onld >die anfthschiitgiy. -- - - -- - Dr E . A VE , Libertyville. Illinlois. laitd tgai toain nfail the actions, bau itovever, uhîn Athe guetaitsvent ta Repubtmcan County Convention. E.__V._HARVEY,______________ __ obot vs-ue')i, lcbo heVas couduetltibte sclallolmi, Merry A ltepitbic&iconty conventionu has a fine Line of Steel Ranges. DENISq4Ak ' mdepermnent chmtrmn and bau seernemita have muo pover la rImle fram i viila hetdut the Tovu Hlait he ovwicE HOUES -citîsnly a eeîrfs eha lm i chair.lie bordered lapon a village ai Llbertyvitie. Lake Cauxty, Cail and see themn. t12 A. 1î1to laand 7tu àP. M. ,,U~T'ef testitied. col iapse. it vas nieceacarSuladam- Illinois, on Satunda!, Septeinher iiiih, Heebalai Melcmry vîteil20 ad Bonne lminîster ahyoetlincitsaA.1 19atI3>oac pi.onh- Ga lake - lioi1~K. . . for Dnuetty, amnd that hie deciarrd 2binalle buin ove. prooa paîgm omntn Ae Seli Steel Ranges for -Wright, Parkhurst & Co. a maorit! of ail, mitd that Donuetty Besîg ti sitfar froîn "gamue**be vms candidates for tibm oloing couaty W. B. !UCHAEFFERS Lib.rtyvIUe, ilinois. val e-eted. Attorney Pierce ques- handed abg dinut ni hiakey, vbich Offcrs obid Lak Couiy, $35.O NURER- -~--tioued Ita. He tmcid of the etaoction nfIlie eagerly avaltourd. And, evru theit Coat! Judge, Connty Cieris, Sheniti, seNlesUSEo on RY-e P---.--0- a isetatoraiifslittiee, anîd ni a mo- the-liait guaris .ay Merrynyearly Caunai!Treasurer andiCannt! superin- 3 5 cOneitiRuhi 1Ln (r -P.0."e Issues Interest-Beariglg ion tmade ibat t-onnet tyssinemme ha temi ou theirnaîds. The piiesîs tendent ai Schaaîa; aud for the tranuHoAY $ 5.0 ,..t.hdenoutauaTs rap-- Certiflcates Payable prnted ou the ballotm. hâta exercinea te i i tl pawer taumsecion ai sncbi other btiiuen8 as tom!H AY$ 5.0 vines aiMm lait Fruit&t. The cross ixaîtumution ni Doueaat keep the juan apt. oeryCueblttecnvti. Get Myplate. ou l stok, a n Demirid.deveioped littie. Franîk itochnil. tif W heu the drap lfrIl, vithaiot a feint- itbavlug brten resaivmd ai a meeting................ Aiso have a good Line o-f ....... ~-.----------- .-. ________________________Mclltiry, vimo scted as secretary ai ing Sceuice, ai breatbed a îighty igh 0othtie Couuity centrai Cuninittre that the convenitn t as the urît Put on ai retief. 'jt ta) the nevaPReýe! tcs vottlsg precinetith ie CountY lbe HERTELS PARK. .-..A.... the no iHe ietiedta patcaié reporters i lokd s hoghMerydolaeda priimry district adt tCook and Heating Sotoves. Hail Day, lit. othe conviottan saini e la isad tiduird -'diemi gaule.-prima! elertiloni oallue ccalid L)iitnetll', ttald ito e recelvemi Boulle for racis ni sai primar! districts, It im This rasatbas juint been opoueu-mi ne ammii Mcienry credeutfias, and naid ho Spectai Race. iberetare rcarnendrd tisai primiarY tise 'pu"blinc aimvryi b&ulie celu iagI Uvsgvuterpnmfcrite Ttîursday mof fair vert there viti be electionis or canteuses bu aidin nlgrad asutereter r o mnay iin ced.'tiat Hle aantestifird that the amemi i rce-for-ail race ior hores sucis priman! district l alolmiCnuniY Tise ticu aytion 4ix60 Ill bas ibhenrecort utfthe conventtion pretstted vas having siarteoi aver ibe West Side ou Frîda!,t3epteoiber iiA >liLBRYiLIL nues bard vsondt 110cr in tise cautitti M ar e is officiai repart. Otiser ultsese Drving Asociatian track lu Chicago- autishe osoual homr. Tise nepremrniaumoiiIETVIL.IL iProf Snaiu'sorehal viii iiiiesb vîLL I8E ELIS ta TU* TOua OF e thmse W esb#ni - it' acrai Tuusday irsttidabout the As eversi t the hargsata i startemi ionr ach primat! district ilul lue k E IERT t.MAN GK N o th îe lts ane a m.bove a thie case vas <can- bave gone boetr thai 2 13 It vAit iean detegate for eacbi twntyi-"Veii vtm oIr.u HETL A4GE N rh il . ituuemiantil Weduiesdmy. jnterestiug race. A large nnlnber of or major fraction titîreot, CH81 tnt the H IENRY BI ED - ~A odne dav Tie'otimrmiii' ofni hie à- ne' vas Icp-ud Chicago parties are caiig ot to ltepnbliatt candidate ton ireideut ii HN Y .D RAND. Second W dDîmîbuI ,lmA ia I. - Duudmcey p1orlill hn vtu)esm theevisut. 1896. Tise severai pniucary di.trictsi mancoUasKLL0akl~Âv. ..~ s.,n~.... cliii te the stand. Hholm itu>n> u iu enlim amu d-eae eelaySren AniRlii le cuosLL, T AW f EchM onthk ilous and IRh lino ut>taiuuit-thei- main.,d satee Ota Raii Conty Couveationî8asfnicvs 109 CRAUBER 0F CiUlttE. ------&gas.'îtfroun t taims îuiolmig laitn. jakMreo uotsbtptdtw: CHICAGO e.m- Tîs<radjytestîhtedfin tithe intccibialwayn Jucis arie, niAntiuîli haapittmi t-vit itieand Federai T i Market wiII be locat- beuifornth ieîinaiorial coriiitter ta ni-k-i bis tva-year Ol oit aflag.nt tilts Volt£' Ptm!nsai Ot.01 LZ IS.L . arais onel al-ltvo-year-old i-ot Yarniad the rcIl or ,via ed ln the Vlaeo tisolenlt oode.leamitd odta coneOntf Wdausday the secondi lAiituii Y . i -- ,.m.rssa~î1sI tinilic es- atPI sauistated iâmtfis. rîvîî,tirant Z t ...... Attends to calta day or night . - ~ ~ ~ S ERERlilV ILLLE, !,wmitt uhi ,.-msntda Wauiuegan daitheousltgfaleB *ce.i .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. T........... uîmi ta iu mioatiihairman uat<uithat timi AUg. 14, ior a pmrsr ofI$110 Wauk gali. * i u tesithtcnee: Mi. Strong's Cottage, coppouite Union CIbpr»b VIT L AiE o ,vtbl lntttiol tu el-t itrois mati. _____airiu' > VIA ATRIIummel's Corner, Hi, ueentitn -lited liusseysnmême àiod ot ina t o(tr iha Donavan vas Farrn For Sali.Sbaadais lai 477 h ,s'* arente oAre Unifair Thse I.aMllbtColuumuptian jFor tise pnrp<me se atiel- annlmîated itl dhou Peter MicDnmott. nit stithare iftunaIAniaisisav-lle tuu i ati E I v î i t su l.y 7ejj uining Lve Stock, Veieles nf iail Sî.at0rn mîmittse. etutumml foarand u tsn. wrlcitslatn fi miles nortb ai,: ucm tleIougIa aor c te kibug tandiflnd actertiandRU maI- ati uDntlî oiy r te'nt use ingajU'lb u ra icSafrleuhrat a. ninoo5f dard olu b Aduinisi ~Be sare tu corne. Binif uhat iontuiio Aicufaaif Douavanfor chair- mente. Appli on fi ramri .w.i~esil - Illi 1 the Factory Cost Piano isantJouauset. '1be farta utecrreil luty oisat un1 th dont vaut and get aarnethini yîuuî do mais "Yai re.- and hie tnstiiuitisai ihire vaLuccm, Milbunn, Il-cc>î l s Sale. Evrry effort in %ou eatci ismflc.- wn.nuo olcuill made wiiutever. tHe SîpLiiemd Toa-au tsbitter lpTunviigs~u,~ BniAlSdmeCe. vnt cvjainis ifa,!liatt ta cm-id e miorariy Ctaow0-',or Sali.S P NobWdMrkt-r«ato . ai.Ttw 1 Cowsiu Fouref rtiBaWiCe.-ns.Oniy Two Days More. mitisMg.-5 4- on i.1393TYVILLZ, ILL- reuigowofoteW..UPosaneimials - - ----~- ..hiicii. list-iiuouY -xplinliutiiW'1Ihave tvo car lunoaf cchoices Ws- W. S. kiu LLOi K, &oe aet i piîntanît iif a *Owmittee unu cedentials ecousin cova for amie-ito miltisers andl ARiTURc CiolKIli.Shrewd Buyere from ail Sec- ai"os: aitgV F I ' ~ " " E R N E S T T aAV I S ,m fi. 'F h e y d c a ç t . - al.11 abaituai H unnî-y clîn i f .r ni ui-itala sp rtag rs. S a a a i ,A . W . I}L ET ou HIipii E X C - 1 i r s T k n A tiv a n ta g e f t. b in e flto fa i di U.ittii t he. uit m roti ne a ncdl L ati , tir Liertyville, Itijuo i. tg 1. A. W LL A)M Su e g i , v lm y ba l t ii u sr e -ai Mdi-'nî eiui c ii -C. Li. WnNnsiS. Iit lha posathirtu parcisae Piasan a &B O S & tb DA , r Roi kewiii ioike. tCheap Etcursion. trm in eluilaiiu s ep vus easnî ri.rILL. lre Thes cait tuncre.iaa, ne mm MlndiiuiO uti!Op.rg h Wsomml-~aneettise priera and an tnuidred fl Casf mm' 4 ads q uality. ILLINOMS TUPFS9, Cernent. UON, deents, ONi 4 good st*aii t bargains or ght one*? bg boagne rs, carrIgft d have, Ofl t and wvtil, d toaver -W e for tummbStoe aHiL BL'7Ii nthea tuslU t.w va.w MJWUO. ONDA, il if

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