Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Sep 1898, p. 6

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w ommu:fflor L r MI I w w~~ ~ et b aga etn - tInd a a fut iMra-le S ba au,*%i ba-r-fAta t om a~u 0e1 . st. O*mjý. M yutii. 1 UsmaM mm &'m> , 1 u âl-aar hm a beau naemm ~ le ssias #lg~Cuba ~ aui~p~~ahl ru- - - tiet ba euan oumo ~hIsI~s i- h 61 hume « te bay aui. Au & ut he ma"battes la 0 *à r«me§6 t Kiier. u@Nom% are aamnel cma Wt m at"b. Ise I.ttd. et na~ Md zw maval vitecj of ommomad neles. VAt heuor - ~UJAug esortlit.. ecuqe m 20 UpDofl.Crdma Mtnm 'Mdaivsantan aIfl bonrti et 21) 4MR~Man-la&4eè meet u.d.rt t bon". et 15 uoeth. h stlamaied liat duringtt evan- amreuboiu wvlalcbbave arisen lan t» Be hllppne t!unlngtht e htfew Pmsuton u Slî2G »Menrbave met1 '01k Usthsaet the. banda et the Saffl * aid.,..Juat befor, liiopeng THAE reet domnontraton at New York lan onor et th, BaMn0tig et va tribale veil deservet! by tire eSicae antimenonfethtAe navY. Tht arrnY bas done voll. but the. nary has gatheredthe iea'. ahare et the glery. And! il mai behometsset!, nov liaI Dewey and! Schley and! Samapton bave taken their places beaide Deetur an.! Ferry an.! Farragut, that the triomphe et theCUite.! OtaffesR1cary vu esarprislng as they reee gratdfying. It les ate teusay liat moet peoee ere decidediy nnesy thon the ver hecao as te tho effeetivenese et the Davy. Our vcrsirps batlht-en cunniag agneunt!.%--,masgtheir rnaciaory eut! jammag their lures every lime thoy lett porL The mishape et the Tema& bâ.! beomre a aubject for humoroue comment andth le muid bank misadveutunea et the Doiphin constitutet! a stock tepie fer the novapeper paragrapher.. The country vas digtruettul-en t vlsornee ane-et the flgitionand eut.aoingquali- tie ef theuntried t! baiie an.! cruisera. But vilth te rat clash et arma lie uavy nedeemet!tecLf.Thore wusene mort machinery sashiag, ht more turret jarn&g ne meme nafing agneu"! The once h*oodooet!" Toxasa quit ber e-au- tankees ti&@ e&M went tirougi the ver vithouit tartinga arivet, The Ore. mile.!ton"uai te HoM f. huthte battitetf antiago and msuta for Nov lork -4ur àmeta et e-lan as got! condition as wben aie lott San Francieo. Tie Deiphi dodged ail tht ses th le West ladie and! gave a galal accoluaIet hegV ait uait a desen flghte. Titre vasWta e scev ooeo n the Norh Atlantic it kW àmml Menleje ca te.tity that Dewey% aquadren vas Op tu the hlk- dub" e t-enmr t- huUnt te lest, fHeure t Aslàia ticheAmericanWi- tome e i. mpsaastest won d.ubly wansa. Tht vemetls cornp.aing I vent le m manismore or lmeof et oud. Tiey returne.! n e blase et gloty and vietory vhk h ed..!ils nadiance ever hothasipeanad sailers.The United! Slates navy As al rigit. Long may t mis the wvis!si dleeowagsd by tliemes. vti aillitse Cun-miaeea ver, aile le peuetrate the tougiem nikel eeI. Me. ]Liaey pro- ducs.! bi brMfiant invention for giving aa tunsely hantAface la tht plate, an.! aucesefflla maahlng op the proje- tiles at the moment et impact. Bitts vbich tbriek-aly beli bao-e paaesd e"ftleugia amverlaed Pl&st thle ne da59% bacanse tilepointa t-ual. net ntieOprl iED v mai bol.! tegsh long emeugi le break lan linog t.e iigtty temptred tace, vilbbvue mode se baid tiat t conu lC g£kemlie a tlameuti peint. Suliesqueitt e the ajptearanceoet rai-- veyis.! armer lie makera et projeciles ha.! hotu bxylng ta, proette a abot whiic b sul.! combine tht neee«ue haxtineaanti btogiam ateenoirle Il ho @u<tiopta the bardenet fae.andt oit! togtldr until t bat!wet!ged ils vay -aigle, Aldtich ceaide.! 1 Coget, Mlgan, vhere1 9et leWetity land! ovue proallnet as a Splrituad stricten witii coaumptioea, hiW mtbee'. home te dit. Witen tht quter cakt i b.d llaken te hie home hoi the undertsker instr-uctions front, hingea andtiIeMrptio tneral the toin couit! Do lan the flunerai car, beoe n et pailirerra ere secure eaeb etier. Tte ecling place.!lan a lange vanAt, coo Seeter alar. lBie melit elracted tu hart a lmilar( tiat *"he migit converse w »esteomnorUsblyundi bc e v vert.!," ach e expreaee sol hlm ame maay veiuabl revolver an.! a lenip. Huta frInmnelghbbertae te ho linteement the tA.eccetrie Il Thc e IlGum u litre Frederlck Alfred! X on. Germiany, iethe larp et labor lu the vont!. On1 et the great Krupp establ more than =5000 men. Governmenta bave rmade titre, lieue Krupp,. th vocthy suceesenr et the a le olj 42 yeare el..lel lu 1"mode! hous.." have sel ibrarles, boapitala. and Pti hie direction an.! ce-opel present ireti et thAie tatei *WAE'S DEATI I ELT WHICH <IRDLESi THE EARTII WITI A il RARI. AND COUNTESIOFbINT1o tue. Eow vleuRegal ]Uepsssstattves at Ottawa, «Noté 1%0. Mari et miato ab(iAout Seohe Ehlit Mm j, K7ynrnund). affi>ontr et! govemrnorgêeraiet (Canada, ho Bue, ceet! Lord Aberdeen. corne. of an am- dent famfly. Ris ancetors have betu lt -tployer MOTO. t.e pal roAie dilbaient are stetun.Wan.! seliers, an.! be bhstel-1 Thlrty-tour 1ev.!.!la their tootattin, Ht vUa tt!u- ýe pueitas e abt! at Gambritge, antiwon taine n i. soa ndt!the Nothus-arebellion AnlaS.. i-ual Keupp, marrie the daugitter oft le Hou. 'employas ire Citarles Grey, a temeae besnrty. a" bools, bar-bs, they have tour cl4ldren. Tht Ibnt of usions under MElaI.r«eetnto ho popular. Tven- ýrtion. Tii. tyfIve years ago. as Lord MelgunI. ho diliment ba esvs recogniset! as oue et thtetaoet bell- ...TA....... et te van belvreun tAit Cuite.! States tirrouigbhi ie body efthtAe Plate itaelt. 1 bs-en a member et the Reichstag, but. Iliant cross-country ridera ln Englad, Mai se Do oeeimagine.! Ibal &tnPrerlos te the yeo 1896 a fewof et tilike bis turt!y tather. bas alviys ce- jandti en.!mOityfret-rens uteeple- Asslrcan turce, voul.! cocu ho engage.! tt ien t a baliedmet whth partial sac- us.! dte accept a tiUu f ron tthe Goveru- 1 choiera. Lady 1Minelaealditoeotei ltlisouI-et -the- rey apot. and.! et tAie ceas. Thie ioltzer sAilA ln Euroj lna!met. beet lady saaleatun nglat!, a vere- aent bale ofthti-e vile touglbt thc Sterling-Wb-elt-r n Ibis couotry allen h ie practîcet! on.!gratin- sItt» gai dtstance frontIb â tittt- baticufoesdl n breaking up tAie facz; RCetpet iulaL cIe.!lnaiet Ottawa. Tiec tamily reui- tuÏimnithntleluoly one. Tire Le.- but tho effort proeetltoo mucli for the TeeA cpsae att fl lgdoettetaWarwick, Eoiburgsiile, la vblcb wîtuesmet! aooeral engage- sAit-lA, wrbicAApet bt-toue il ouit! get paiper wvicA migbt trite lie observer among the eleut nown ef the greee seuls betveen tAie SpenîsA forces an.! entlrely tbrongh tAie plate. TAis Èasce81momeviiot tacetions, bultAie la ne. place. u thi. owland. et Bndant!. AI- LBu estives, nue oeilosithin tht-fattl i beeu tAie cat- almoat invariably vwhen ure.! that no sucb t-ffoct vaa la mie. aBat. itproret!. reforge.! Harvey plat bas vhen tAie sentence wra Inditetl. Tire 1%Te fclgbair lu centrai Afurlca la iteen attachoti. papor reterro.! te An a recelpt origInally VblcbtAie British isldA-us bavs-bt-en Fer mcny menthestAie rperge.! lai-- g1-en by au elterprAeing icm etflBar- eaussi.bas aloccurre.! vAIlua.tht- vejizet plate bldIt-liils uperlority. anti riaburg .!rugglatla, an.! lie forai jiuti of la t iis ono. So tuee botetht- lt loo.! athougb thie final rIctoi-y blna In lacommun rogue et tA i lme vodeus battîet- S Aierra lt-nt-. result- te long conteal bstweeD maer an.!1 TbiAtl'une: Maglan tht- lsofe 100 Ilite. been ivitir- ai-rmon-es te rnit vitAi ihe armer. TAe' 'lteceved .Aeiy 21- 1795, ot Mn. David le t bis beundary. Many cengagements next moto on tire part ofthtAe antilleiet licarlet the timm ot£20, la fullioet*al hamao ht-ee fouglît arouinolKbar- vas et e oery extraort!lncry but vriy ciel. Ince the joar One, vien the Devîl lteeta. vItci le ar atsouit of thre six- soccestul tint!. He place.! e capetof ARmSa suckling baby. up le tuAs day. hteg bteIh degreetDoutA. The loin; et Kbar- aott stt-el over tic pint ofthtie allor te "fier tAie ceichration etfAu.eperdenly. Usa n sfît-t! by tht- Engliali govtr-n proteet u, aund Oie 84t cap ensile.! te uignu-d) "FENTON & HUNT. mut eti5,0010. abel te gel titrotigh. *Lungetity to Washington au.d e.G S<odN in t Ceatrai AmnerIca tht-bloodebet!elit AsCnrs"-hldepi 1egr *aost confne.! t te narrow SITS UP AN IS GRAVE. L'd,1scvvs At s iteia etirip oetlaud ertiiei by tAla fatal bell. Cde-it -» 011 a t-vmoua go urA anupra-Willard AldrichAMme aRis Cotanu Mode SAe's a tender litle maidien. togii Lord ont! Ladly MAnite are ornA- iŽOW a erem.enthe ax1 e e u sîna- tein iA1, W itu t-broya hal- i itl ocltj people, lho as e man ot :1'et Barcle lu vbich 150 lites ve. William Aldrich, an ercentrlc baitr A tcb.« lnîut- ody -great elrgy ant!actlvfty, ant iehola AUtAefiiliî wsdocelor who dieti et Miea-akan. n.!.,- Wit ai cmlog air; sure ho maie evey possiblie enmiavor, flivtlcet!. A ce I Aut aasdoe oelier. togh 1i at-r r ute dothat bh o tceae hho hie duty lveu lthe tiogret-. ut 14 îîed 15 orth. Vet have toit! bt-rgo, In- ailparts of the domtInIon. frornt the SThe Japanuee fougbit tire Formosan Aun. ther'11 lho a big explosionAtaichti.Pif. esIàbeseIbis joar nder thtie Troplc of Morne day, 1 tuon! SÇeueer. hIlcb le 23 degreotanorti. At Tire occam iable. Ewcy. 0 be m8 oseantiret oune continent or PAie suniios upon me svot-tly CeirA. terigites are vtny dostructiTe etof islande vAt-re tAla fatal bit Wion Our glauee mat-t, îuaocta, Tic Fronci cule lit Tonkin. çmoem bas tiare bot-n pesce, vAile tAe Tht-n the popd eiuhtr tera and blatesru &c tW mentisahe tr Il vas laid. began lotOes oLeugit vli Its beundrriy An.! horomea disertett bwsgeo dm.O xmnn ,eeIte i.rt-c ont! ccouupauk-.! )y An.! tht "oit!man" Teainlte ant-A.. he vte sows ias et !scî. Pn f. on-n "aet sAc loves hlm-oh, iecrta utuoI!rie rf lu -etb»6 &Bui thore'.!lhe a bla explosion rier. efthtie Paris Acuilemy ef Science, ,g "TeoaiASI AEBD f be coul.! tuovi dlsevieredt! tat hbey ha.! been matie . T OUNAS F GEASD.-BaltimoeHt-rab!. by eanow termite. ~~ Itierce Guae r~ ~Case*l tehemAmiy. p upleit e io t ATiegratettece.evh slwo "What'a Uit ilfference betvcen an le ittdeho te simple Qlz -leîbillrpridum edby the. contradtion aa an d te c phisk oyl. l '.erm ait am, P cranlly, rdent-ilbis eva coinlu uit pro- expansion of metaljesullng frottie "WU"e1wh&d&*teoffl viens teeAl@ ewtoand mt!tAie naket vas action oet beat anti colt. ;ule iedt! hépi. ter.av lSu tcemtructed lu le ibsape et an -'L," Tht lttIs «M.» 01,815la mivara rive 1b0gsI alona: 154h auspfflena"-Pbll W.vr iita bOperpeodîcolar Linoe a aalîght eleiogfe« mI.cihW_ S ipl ts. Quiety Lighli.g Pleut Sol. W. B. McKinley et Chicago e. reutot- Ing an Sestern syndicate compose! ef J. M. Hiarne. George B. Macomber eat! Dr. HAll et Augusta,.Xie.. Mr. Wallace et Rochester, N. Y.. an.! ether geptiemen ef Nov Yort. bac puchasesiltAie Thotasea- Houston ectric ligAl plant an.! btegas pleut evue.! by tAie sanie compeuy et Qulnry. Th- purs-base priee vue $M6, 000 for bolà. The nown -ora nul spen! $100,000 An repaira. Thla la tAie sanie aju- dicate teich ut-cently î,srchae-d tht-ettreet ralvey there. friet@luxe itapeusagg6 Peter Deormont!. ont-eoflire firet settiera In Douglas County aut! an oit! mercboat of Arcole, int!oad, aget! 67. At Beerulatova. Judtge J. A. Arous. eget! 84 yeire. As desd. lie ivas dodo.! th- final Mayor et tht- city lun18110. Etvsr! Kick, an emipiuye et Hanl & BitsAep'a loggiug camp, vas kilied et Port Angoes.n Waah., Aiy a talling trot-. Ht- rame trem Bnlue int!. Augusta Michael.. 10 yeeaâoi!, va" tille! by a trolley car et Tiventy-firet andi Peulina streeis. (Chicago. Th- girl vas deentee!au.! hard et heacins. A mertgage or $'llO.000, giron by tAie United!Muent-ries Company te Otto T. BannarntdutGtordon MacDouat!of etwo Yourk, vas recorde! at Rock Alan. At beere var ut-venue stempo s-presenling $1,749.50. The- FirsI Evangelicai Luthoran CAurcA ot Beartovu celebrale! the fiftithAan- nlveraacy of t. touadiug vibAiservices An lie magnifireut edifice An West Senth etreett. In the mocuing G. D. Seertig- icua, D. D., et Chicago preace inluGe- man. Iu lie atterneeu Ber. G. B. Bar- aite et Des Moines andi ether pestera gave mbort c.duresses.s an. ntAie eveaing îlev Du. S. A. Ort. présidient et Wittenberg Colleté, Sprnngleld. delivere! e sermon ln Eugllsb. A large number ef people attend!tAie varions services. [turing tue Btfty yeare et tAc chunob's existence 1.112 poreens bave hotu beptisei, 241 veidinga bave ht-en peetorme! eut!596 tbombera, bave bot-n confirme! lnto tht- charcr. A 6-year-l! sou of Mr. au.! Mre. Wea- lt-y E. Jackson, ueé et Ingraham, till hien.! fouemtont tuto a ktIle ef boilig sgoal), roauilllug tu leati orlîblu a feubour-g. At Clalon, n plattet-tu orer the at-v clty veil gavé vay, dropping a numbor of men fittecu feet. Duri! Thouepon biat bis skuli t rse!by, th-talA ad ntiAsdy- Ina, an.! John PebteranAs terriffiy hîurt. Th TAsoldAers an.! sallors et the Twebi- eth eoageteieul districtetfAIllnois nl Ibel.! hib r avuâtaldistrict réunion An IMont Vernon Sept. 29 and 30 un.! Oct. 1. Tire réunion of tAe Jefferson Cunuty As- soclation laest-bot!le! for the sente tinte. Four membore ef tire housebot! et (;us &. Weusel, a saloonkeeper at Calumet raenue and Fifty-flret street, Ohicago, ver- polsne! by eating vhat tirey sup- pose.! ver- muabreunis vAinh a.!bot-n Asti An thtesalon by an olt! man nio bas net ht-eu Identifie!. AI Decetun, John Haemilten, 6 yeara oI!, ville piaylag An tht-yard et Ais home, homame euteugic in la ire electrlo vIra. à empanlen, tire 9-rear-ol! sou et James Lee ,tried te tnll bIa out aed vas instant- mly tîfle! by the abat-i. Tonng alealton W$m borne! andi v iiie. Tht wve beloasi te a privin t ileuppilin. bad i ab ver a trolle -rbl e l Fao Ulgin Watth Pt.labe on ea trike- Mots Tara wad Peaubees a Muctor- Uml.eo.esi Double Mas te End IUt. Lire. Xlgio a Web inisars Sîtrikse. IOur hundrod at. lt-iemorployée Or the Oiniutng dlepairtaieît of the Elgin Ne- iouai Welth Compîaniynt Elgini atruck Sa a rt-nl ut or aliff.-ee(wlvth the mon- gomexît regtirding the Ilrico utf ork on anew gradle ut wtchtc, ritte Weil ciaiming tWy. were uiabe tlu auofair vages at te preffluifcred. The finiherx were fui- >vwed hi dtiegirls cîiulkyeti Antthnt do- Brtment. The dispute InvulIcan ildiffer- nen of 1% rente oune grade of wateh Rt! 5 ctnts on îwo miter grades. The- managementPlants the- workmeit have Dot tried the Dow work and.! annot tell exactly avbat celi eerne. .The- finish- oea amen thet tbe w won do'eaverarge ts thaïe $2 a dey on thut uurk. and de- mand a et-ale bui-t!oin $31 a day. lntae.etitàeLgaae. Onie et the mont pecullar assoit whlch li crnme ailnt thie preutit terni orthtAe sontiera Illinois ea-Xlat.. iiiîrt nt ille lathât oftJlie Knel-ht. appellent, va. l'hrilAp Lobr,, appelî. Rthii srtien are nomiment fartnera of %'iaAiigtui Cun- r. Koocht wax a wthool director an.d .ebc lot several bushtels ut <nul ftont a lehool bonse near hA l. ulie and! rofuse.! t rttua AIt. Knecht an.! tAie ther <tiret'- ire bat! htm arreat-tifor areny. but lbt vraa actîuittei An tAie Circuit Court, î».d e thon broinrht 0sui1tfoc datiagen iîgMîst Knecht focr5.MM.claAmlng that hoest- cnret Aucru-dit and! puice etuerai1tethat Raent. 'ThAi court gave hlmi $150 judg- mout, and! t0 rererse Ihig Kwx-tAitappeaul te the app-liate court. ]Rouvhljr Treete! by a Mot,. Dr. L. C. Davis ut Carrî,lîon, wou i. bt. been strete! fuir fading ii t-.lai.tht-e ty &fier h@S ball pcund"aorte miort t.. .d ., é. ceas horseutAppe!. tarer.!and! teatheret und then driren ntl ot îwn hy Indignanît citin DvisA. ent tbihe rne yeecs &go, and! Anduco.! Mande Henslen, the- daughien et a veAl-kîîovn cittlen. 10 lte cti hlm. Thé girl'* tailler Alnally cern- Pelled Davis te manry the- girl, and! later a.! hin arnesteil tor makhtg Ibreste gtainaI bAls lAre. Diy promisAng te Acave the cîty Davis socuuu-d fils elease. but re- cently hie returne! t0 the- Hensier honte ad recale.! a disturbence, whon ho wue gala arroated by onder et the. court. Tries Taire' ay, te D.eb. AfIer taklng laudanum. Harvey Fluber. a prousnnt islonary vorken, lumpe! latot the river nt BeAvidere with sulyldal u3tent. Hua!reopeoople evr thè art n.! ho as con plidout is ther aras etlied! as manager of the Bolvidero n.!. sion tiree yeurs axo Ibrourgh the Anfluonce tf Jack Warburhon, thti fameoux revivailat. lAnee thon lho ha. heen engage An tal- leonauy vork An Boone, Carrl andotad- JoInAng couintie.He waa no !epAy Inter- estei la thi. vorkt t liehoneglecte! his anly, leevlng them te tAie charity et the- Sury.lHe bht!lht-on critlcled !for Ibis and! An a fit of deg.bnt!ency triol! tu ond! bia lire. His recovery As doubtfui. Mmploolon Kilts Two. An explosion wltb ftal resulle occurret! et tho sarmtll ewnod tiy FrankWison, locate t telve mAles northoasgt et Reye- port. Owing lu the- tact ot vater, the boiter oxploded,. arelking tht- mI and ail tbe maehinor. TAie concussion vas toit for many miles diatant. A dosen mon were An die vicinily ai the lime et the- Be- cident. A spotator ihomsi nmolAsgiron s MarI Gonney. vas bad)y lajure!, and dAt.! trom the effett. muerai heure cfte,- aar. Wilson. the owner ut the plant. ball bath legs broen n d ii lNey die. tev" -thae., FOur drathba sud oleven serions prestra- nrg An n es dy twently. BAlt- Martin et ileonhoru. lu love. at- temple.! suicide Ay esllng boa.!, et matces. Wiil probably dlle. John Spit, Willilam Ilictutan andi Jaclu Wellaeu-, pioncer fariners et War- ren Cuunty, diet! sut!deaiy vithin three daiyg. TAres- .-u iveore seocrely sceisie.!Ay uhe- exluisitin ot a eincîîiaîing pipe lu tht-licr- rlsu.i atreet pomuplug station.,lHarrisonn sud! l)eiiilafstreres.ChAtcge. Stîppriiateitent And!rews ot tht- Chicago Publie soh entraouidera II: essetiel le tparche icBanl ItAlanguaXe In the wsoels mii. tavore tht- tannexationorthbAelPhililp- piute. The msnnlmge Sf14. B. Millon'prlaclpel et the Euroba pibile sébe'ol. an.! Missi Ilosalie Coîbura eccurreil nt tht-boume et the AriA..Tht- cerem.ony vo.perforait-t hy lIer. FinA Aie iueaîî. Mlaa Lanretue love, a Yoong vouisu et ('hicage. ha,buought suit aeAinsi Hersce M. ('nmPbeAl. a premleent cntaee tarni-r, for hnt-ach ut promise te marry Aitr. MAie &@ka $10,00 danisge. l>inii-i T. lgullivan. w-Ie vas emploeot lnte idtrlhutlng department et lit peut- oce.h-oemtumtte.! suicide et tue Somerset Hoel. TweifthtAttet-t an.! Wabash ave- nue. Chicago, by torulua on the- gas. TAie(case ef The Pstteet AUlAnl.vs. Dr. R. H. Henry vas ronrîndet! et Peotono. rpaultlingILu)rAie acquAttai ut tht deteut!- uni. The dortor ot-cedot u provintana alibi, Aie being et the hedmide etoie eth or at the tlme thot ltie ehootlng oeft Wir ee v1Lty, tAie 11-year-oldt! on et Chauli" W. Ley et Chicago, tafl e. os- ten *fter tgeluate foot! tht- tamliy herse. tAie fathor vent lu seancb toc tht lad. Be wss honnîffel te iild tht-boy dca.! hoaeath uhp herse. The horse ha.! steppe.! on the lad. Charles Perry andi Mre. Grittenuat- et!s aet n!ptndenceP, Iowa, on a change et Aigamy. voeearroet! vAille An camp amie llekfrte nd t!adînittd their gulit. Pean lctI a vite andt tret rbiitceu Au lewa eund the vuman drs-rte.!ber bua ndu et -t-bl. Baie. az*aaài. ,aCts V-, uuguv. lUS.Wben ho ceoigne.! h .! ne idàe et eve, %suis having any ete vlth thre milita-y Bei-vice et big OMa- try. Flnfy bt oIt! atinet vue m» strong An hlm tbl Ae tbei tht colouey of thre Peve.ty.drst Refgiment ef the Nev Teck MiliwIde Tse rt e r vith Spain brute eout an.! ho ove mode e brigadier Centrai. Ht e ti teIbtlaý anti toua.! biaseAf ga nbet-e bd*aâa- eeteos bat! ho e eten. AnDlte tront ef battit- A 9OSTONbPROOIGY. Ucacetally Waulpatetes a Type- wrter vîtb Hie T«. Boston bas au accompliet! cipple.! lail wtetmtes are as ultahie as lie du"ee et mont beys. Hila bauds. be4ug W. L. Durnut & sou, grain bujaee t Deour, wvon laIe oinntacy hankruptey. TlitA isbiittes are $70.000: emsets. 88,- itiO. Th@ essots ronsiet iergtlY et à Ba.! ot Trad. rneunherbiP la C"»ag n.! book accouais. Tht creitors are Chiean" grain men. Serretary Padd!ock et tht Itate lire stck comimitîtooan! Ameitani ilote Vol.- eriamrian Mener oxarnAnedth te cause et the siekate. an.! doatb eamoalg a nomho tf herds oetlie ueo. Et!vardaburg. Tbey dere.!the- rase te ho Tex"s loyer and erderel the ferma quanantinei. A horrible accident occurre! on tht Chi- cago snd Aiton Italineeti BareBendan. lVhile painting the ralir,a bridge ovor Apple creeotIhe ainggtreslle jarret! by a pasaing train, gave w.Y, precipitat- ang Fuank (Ovens of Carlinviile. L«teeDr- oei an.! Enmeit Milseutf oisiana, .MO, a distance etf Oty ti. Nile@truck a pilt and! vas instantYklly ui-t. Tbt othore tel Auto the ore-k ant! esrape vith miner brulscs.but Darneîl lest bis renaon fromn the short. TAie men bail bo vern- it! tuer tht trestir boots vera dettive. A pecuiar epidemir amens the people of Arcola bas made Its appeanrance. The nev maisdy Brat ettacks the victIntla the foeapart of the t id. geet!ally vork- Ing At. vay te the ItOu ut the eranmina, aed leaves a sensation asil hongrhoar*y preseure veroe brought te beer. lit thon desceete luthe!erUgthe optie terres veat and! partlally paralyse!. Tht nasal organe are aise considccaby die týrbed Aiy tAjOi eo. vhlrhbeare socle of tAie ymp oms utgriîppe and! jot vidoly varies ;crin ýbAt disoase An other respecte. At A. leafnedtllreugii a reilabl. source that the Webah eh ilraed Conien, bs bert close! a deai for another piece etfcmai reate An the - leaaroe treet ravine at Quinr. An this pert-hae» thons- ve to piecte. eue costing .StJO anud the otben $1,0l00. Thix purct-bein as1 addition te the pçoerty alreet!y puîtiee!. vblch amuonutel te 911,0.00-Prote an officiel source. obtadin uSt. LouAi.,ils leurne! that the roat! la An earnest about building Auto Quiloy treni Hannibal aut! Camp Point. The Wabash unt!oubtedly meas te, huAli&Ate novpesetger station andi froight dtpot bI he viclaity ot Third and! Deawre streots. .lulius Brophi et tho Pana Coa] Comi- pany ant! LouL, tverboit et the- Spring- aide ('oa Miniag Comnpany, vho bat been An Alabama for two net-ta gettlng lu- gether a bodly etft-greate lte th ie Placea ut the union miners arnive! et Pana tiie othor nooraing with their mon. At tbu SpringAt!o mlning nouba the negroover. unload ud .!wore guoatly surpnoilte fiat! depuly aheritfs on guard, vllh Spring- field rifles. TAie negres voe bat!iy frlgbt- ene.! an.! many wiahel te icave immedi- ately an.! endeavor te gel transportation home. Th-y noeebld by soeeou the depulles tAit At they lett th-grnant! and! gui An amont the twhite minoe ri tey vonit bilA tbem. Leter gume outihem met vith the union miner@ et their hall. At tuAs meoting the negroea rli the- union min- ors tht Operators Broebl eut! Overboit, vho ompioyed thern at Birmingham, do- colvedt!hera by stating tbat theY ver. ainkiaitvto mines et Pana andi coul! net gel suffit-lent mon te vpuk An them, an! thal Ir they would -cme te Pana they wout! psy tht-m 25 cent. peu ton fou min- litg an! board th-m. Tie mon state! tur- ther that wben tht-y left thore vere 160 Dithe ieeail told-men. a ton vomea an! la number ut chiidren--ant tt tht-y knev nothing et thera heing a atriko or aay trouble entAilthey neache! Caine, nitre ifiteofe theni lot the train. Quito a numbor doserte! et Centreliat. Th- men aie sait tAt none <if thinol Pana veîîld vert under the exlating ciconiuatances. Th- rew ot thetIna1Iro t0. Smith fougllt a lre on tht- boat wAile offIà Lacen Park, *Chicago. TAebhanse staute! An soute hi..! ling wu ou. noac thchulers. TAie mg made a race tocrlAie shor-, andi during thetrcan put out tht- lre. ' Fra!k Long, a collecter andi timokeepen tor the ElectrIcal EXcnge 172 aud!174 Chtns treet, Chiat-uo. has ht-en missing toc at-votai day.. eut! bis friends tour ho 1wee cubAit. an.! posslbly murdore!. Long oves la.t st-ou y Paideut Thedt!eus 0. [eaue ufthAe Elet-rel Ex-bauge orhen Aie vas sent to the.llndIa Trmat an.! Saviags Rank te cash a chtck focr20 i ov. Tanner as pardone! James Ai. KiAhouse ouI toftAie Chester peuiten tlauy. He vas conricted lu 1804 et lie merder et Newortn L. Fovier andi son. ttence! te the peuitentiei'Y fer toUiteou iyear. Strong doubte have areen cs te hlg gult. 9 pressot! An the .ujitorm et a Aieliboyr, s yoeug man vent AutO the Saratoga Ho ceuteant AuInCicago au.! eske! MA 1Sestroa. ithe c-hi-r, ton the psyrel .mouey, vhici she bat! lust place!lan àvelepes. The moety. $SA la Bn, ho eaid Dho d bat hotu el.ibyMiesBarber, t» .bote reshier, te ge. Tme t-ambler duliveret ti MO»Y an.! the polit-e havt net iet toui 1W wyam ' COOL AuD CONFVORT ,AULE lie foot perfect freedent, doi. avag witi the bat! efucits et tlghtmltes pro., motta cîreulallon andlas au n eey te lho Ila attendAng 01 cured-tec feet. Eruebe MINÉgadil lie (tidlY)->jiý -er--pres Mr suit I l- Mie BuAho-certaiuly. (presee hutier butten.t James.-show Ibis &)W> U.tSe a tele ithen sdga," hlm 5a a.ltro.-New Terk Journal. A dog May not pose at a MEr pet fermer. bur t eri b.traswteb " bila. man ho la alwaya given ael partn t h " XLUT0onrua mea.L 'I lu Beren he vas eue man ont! ute ilatn. Belng At veent te rw» butAIit- lest A, gave a as tge lame as. ýAt the t ho placoti veral creva mâ ho relleve t-monuvas retd vihra er was An- castl ula. di ber anti tai enter a idIt. urle.! ic. boei, a odrescamne evta t. ldivldumi. Lâlic - - " 1. Tht tauly l f We , WagrWck, EIL I wieaIAtbas been arille! sic. t.e elg- Anal anceeor lu tuas eouiitay, 1W. Orsen, know*t lu Warwick blaterju a "The-Etaîgrant ot Babury," . twt- tlet! thon. something Uke 250 joura agea Ameng Oea. F. V. Gceene's collaborai ai1etators are Ocu. Nathanl aruau. ý»ext 10 Waaluinglon the gresteet gen- Oral ot the revoiution> and! Cd. Obisto- pher Greene, cousin ot Nathaniel, vii. defeate! the- Hessana under Conit Dunop. Aie wue a taientod an. Vailant ofmcer oSp ta me hile fie ta rival trot et hie cousin Naun4 ,wben ho wu* kulk'd An a nigiit atticiupen Aiecamp, in Woeeter Counby. Oea. Greene'@ tatiier, (Jea. Gerge Sem aGueen, lathe. oldeet llvIa gradiuote of West Point am.!hm !mis excallent record An thie civil ver. One. et tien. AF. V.'G re .es brother. vWU*a odicer An thiear. 'during the clvii ar and! boa eeg at the battie ef Rlnggolti, On. Anottier ofthAe brother. vue S. Da«»- creen- oftheiDavy. H.e lh Wort!en, on tAhe Monitor, wben ah. bail bar fuinttwItljthé Mermec,andt! uc- ceededt!te .comment! bec Werdeu vas Injura!. AHe died as comminder la the Dnvy. A nopiiev ot the gemermi. . DaaGreene, son efthAe nov an ol3eer of th- auzhllary criser Yankee. lie ln a graduete of£nup- elle, and! serve! fer several jean la thie Davy. (ion. Francla Vinton Greene mil.aa Mrece t te hpieu.!Ofet t West Peint, and! wben tire ver between Kmiua anti Turkey broke eut bn~e iffl marj at- tache at thie court oft . 1ttu*rg. Ho vont wAtb tire Ituasia aitaethe ,wax, aund as a greux filuof. tSIe- boeef. Greene, Shoteef sa&! eG.- balzan vere lnsepmalethroug the i ver. Greene vwu twice deeoraftsi fer braverj. Whe orehuuele teh#bi eountry be weote a couple of books on the *inAuy eperacoqs bOtthe..ver, whleb ited Snob e tuadoL. 0rusuerueigne! hie comme la the. army andi vent tai civil lits la tutltes, haiAes boon taugbt typevrrit- lau vitb hi§ tou t ethlie Boaton Indlue triali gehool. TIGHT SHOES ADANDONEO. àandala Arc #Nov tho Correct tAta. for lundourWemr. To prt-ert-lire correct conteur efthe tet, the op-to-daetgrl vean. lanisi &bout the bouse. TInty are c taelanile et tAie one Phanaoh's dngittie algbt. have venu.A indal oet tstypo gies Imm qý lai e er th or TI au ce NN A bj la ne a P fr elJ of ne û lu ai Pl dg 'Dg ni

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