Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 9 Sep 1898, p. 1

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1- N-D-.5 1.50 a Yeaé in Adva Lt.AR Libertyvilie, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, September 9. 1898. ma Iei t iayle E, IlflnoiB. quality. UFFS, Cerent. ION, lements, ON$ -IllIinois« iSA W1 uhîs vay of sEa , t aul tutacilSdoW kansaw. tharvetdi ready to >nd crop on- atoe Crop Il drawy ai tro 66teN re * ae» eM vo anatm. aaq il i yo vii iChic ito u t. p Wabs day atm ALL IS READY.Bu FATAL ACCIDENT. A SURE THING. BECA USE Eiaborate Préparation*l Bu Four Barrngtofl Boys Inurod. one E.ctriO Road DOvOi(loete En- Complote. A Great Fair. Fatally. couraffini A^l ^long the Lino.. W H e K ow s I-l is G et ing Thât next jaun i iil occur t1e Froyu te llrriflg " ei ew we t'reident Leland ad Secrtary Tay- He Kn ws Heis G tting largnt ad bou faireverheld III i gealthie lollowlng secouis t o .a lor of the mncit haked of eloctrie rondF OG E 1 0C N Lake Oounty la a foregofle conclusioni. terrible ,-,ilload accident whieb were in Libertyville Wednesday. n 100 ENTSUnisal ntugront là dupayeti by inu- icrced i eur tiarriugliluit Friday. whte very retîceill as t0 their plans we tending exhJitore inluail departuleutm A graves train wesbwekilîz Up were luformed that the eletrie rond 10 A s~~~~p ansd 1the rlvary for premumi iuuel tua poi~t about a quarter of a mile Foi Lake le nflua acureti. .W E YOWAT.~ Worth for I-is Dollar, boet er eijbit. that ut previoua fairtseout (fil larrlllgtou. Tue car contain- Secretary Taylor hait just returued tiN o sud of a greater vsrlety. ing the gravel ploW Wu Boit to the Irom a tour of Inspection sud investi- CUSTOMER Il ln anut lu Lie alune a great raciug cugisse andth te cible attacheti to it gallon of electrie motorB a& Detrot CROCKERY_." event W th1e exclusionl of agricutulrs 1 ra lu tue cetir uf the train, the eund bicli aheore a todut ofcone Improvert 0Fnîd other exhibits. Ail the fetures lapping over th1e toremost car and drag-niotorK aints: place laut w*ek. Thei L âmmm..- LAM PS OF f the old time fair with many uew andi ging on 1the gruund. On the fonrtli gentlemen ceemed hlghly pleiceli asaa pleaalug inovations lu addition toeucar abeiti of the ploW Rat FredOMentie, renalt of tMr. 'laylursriaitl, andth 1e OR GLASS WARE. OURSunuexcelleti cpeed prograli bave betin GlaPluie, Fred unuzmsn and F taut prospect of the beglnuillg 0f1limedi- arranged. Nelîher lime or empenne Bobon. Ail of a cutionethe1en ut th1e LMe andi aggresclve opperationu look- lia benspre l nak Iia u '180ecâble eaught lu a --irog" andi beld lug tu the cupelOlo Oir rud iOo lier clore lu Lake Cosuuly ONCE And What He mont suceceflul utlauy fair ever bl-id canmiug the plow t0 Atert rapldly lu-blid wghln a lew mid6hl alter i, eau begli 1go dlaplay the asuroant fi aeConty. 1w fith our liilêfl$)ffitingmenulfy andi yet uecceccary deliiys, o tc r1elrevreybeoefel Gets for his Money I1eie tk.ehbthla yeiîr araplng t hein off with 1the exceptionî teude t u enîbilie the rallroati people surpines tOit of anay prevlon yeur. of Bulm, waboie- leg guI taugleti op aill nea vigor andte l put 11Mnain Oe tc"pten ndne hn Il AS tailla are belng engageti eacli day andtritihie gravel oant rou work. wlich goond tîmor. Il ic the "enidllit thf '«Oe y mnnerStk Topatt Stsn tne Cetna NEVE t9AS aîkllit w dontck oanirc cannes;tbunt lid hlm cnspeîidetiby î,ualeg until aura.'mn inrStTletSttaSflW IM PO RTA N T A S TH E A M O U NT ilitpreciiuine t aI they are u b1 sse liu e wa. release.d by soutiono. Frod T ey starters out %'ed uaday to cloe Se , Fa c L mp an pr t v id pl es in force tilis year wltO tbeir etiolcemt .Gleake wasa thrown nader th1e w11els up doute necessary Ilu cecure a riglîl-uf. HePy.catile. bugs , sheep, etc. Itl;unlikoe it fa car adîutiaecut anud mangleti su aay tlrongli the conuly andi expreuietiAil uaI bacul possiblepr-ioes ... CHANGE, He ays. llifarmers lu general andth 1e cevcrely Itat lielived but an hour if- lhemeelveS aietiopeltil Unit by the tact -agrîcullurai protincîs luebe placed ou ter bel ng brouglil lu Dr. ,Clausius'oi f uSleptenilir they wouid bave large - e xhibition ali lix 1the faciltea ut the ii-e. ïretl Kunzaan and LGuo Blum gangs uf men aI work gradugý %anbDorfl & o. is posaâ t t thefuir directuru. Thca a ie t Bhuglt te b ave re- Tue franchise Ibrungh Urayliake E came generat internestprevaille luailce.iVed aiîy injuries te o muln;teluaîîy- lbai boeegrautedt 11m santh ley hav'e W alflaMWnt Gentil Fismàtm n....... depuJieii. There are euîbucintlc thiug lut afler rciehlug hume BlIum met w itOhut or uo opposition ac yel clam e h be xiblted linent un ont- cine hit examlued hlm itwami fornut erty. lu tact thinga are aasumlng aà wousis êBTrauUsim ov. as. a. dloing ailithera audntii la thia laudible Lilas; hic apine waa injuri, whiee ieidly rosy hue ltu1the ejes ot tue WAU K EGAN, ILL INOIS. TIL 1111,001 r ivaîry tIbatuis g eLentmatîchi an i{îînzmiàit igd bntained injuries flu railsruitipeuple anud prospectsi ot Lake Drrhals alo a . T CE nparallelid auceffas alnext %ceks the rnaghI ile oftue client. count! people secuifig the rond are lhTe ite ouyi n h vu rudm«botbeuts at any lime duriug the prulougeilIif Vou att mftou"vrL.OV O3 IUDiserm P.OW. Mahere wLlbak dtrkncc lon utue ipeople#% ti" -re douilgoa- 3000 TA4ERE. agitation &long that l he. Obstaclesalt LaLeibe.rveYtyur lpcil rmeontîeE.J Sodiers' adSalireS' Réunion ______ day evening uurug July and Aug- St. Ftrai strostisObave been arramîgei Attracli a Bis Crowdl. have butin uverconie aind talons conie-,b suit,___________________________16fur and t il i liepossible tlu comudani'10e twentletliallmai remnuîou sud ing shighlY imprubabie Ouccurs cou-esl¶ent Dr. J. L. TAYLOR utcomtclgbtra UYl oi ovnei lire 0oth11e Lake Counnly SOîIerst" triat i IwukalihideU G.ood music. Tickets 50 Centa. 'The entries for etesbtayc race are at ialr acudilulhl IOae tmno 0 rd teine ato alo...... C.orA.ud sel, Ibe munie faite Wedueadiay andi Tharaday of li silPetemuier. Olitoo rggSt & .tarp. .. BLNKP o îîr, eek wua agrand avent; anti the olti RésidencOe on Broadway opposite Park LIBERTYVILLE HOTEL WE1If4ESoAV. rd lait a great time. SunayShool Convention.H eC eP D OK LibrtvileiIliii.l:,b(Lmau Taoi-LNu. iii' Thuraday f ully three thousanti pe- The Libertyvilie Township uday Libertyille, ià-noMM-. JIU flJ...I4 b Mlo ie gthered at the Campp pounti Sèbool Connention held th 1e M. B. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. a.dsea lusiisi1kr5Rit. ilrai (.Jiat .-Ia y arlyinuthie day tiiey bosgas comlng churctl, Liberty ville laLIBERTYVILLEltIr- DUiUBroae Servtice Frot Cai. cI',îtia. ,t mnuL. C. Teai.sauutsi eukWothbmnunuandvungaordtwmntLB R Y I EL . Dr. A. L. T RAVIS. Msqîreafr Cclt nt onicflIAlvost .W. C. Giis nl ht.oeokee 0 u inte eenin f a!oad ted taya Siieciai atenionlledandat istructive nti Înteruting pr) Spéiaastntion £. M. t heW. A. Z 94Tr oe. ti igiAblhl ;1 g î j'opà èiJ asa alarge asmtbnage. su. cheoolworkters prmnosce it une u ha Rîoafanei oo on tresuten ofChrote Re Cr. xlw. veua. d lii a. ý>dcat..Lt8 LJ.Pýd-tTe ollicers electeti for 1the enguingmotisrcveadneetngp h pRala L dsIW odCu y, i LIETVLE LIOS Jhu lile D r. g E.C. lit.%Unar. yeîre "ollowc. grama lu a>ich .theyhvebouts RockefelleILL-.IllinoLs.NOiS Bui le. cEC. .Itb.l uduI AET O _____________________chas-le i. èieCLuaýsilly D.L.Jl ............. -.... FredlýtitDprinlogêmiteItlien ut s townshiipNesaes ndProii H.MILLER, uuaCi! ij I C A pu.A lrrieý VicePreaident Convention. Caret nity prepaèreti t PbsersandwestRio aes W. huirt ban1-............ id Vice Pr.cIdeat. papers and taikle and i inplriug musialebiseSLWS Rie' 1 TON01ALARIITic5 "e CLaaTnrinu.éa. ie Ntiini an 4,m.......... Id V ice Prealýtint atinst 10cm u new effort nti aIllu 111 hycinacSugo. W heu Jou waSaIà cleau isavae o îîîli. Wito-.1.r FL.iTC.....utlenes-eeus-r Watch titis space for Bargains In VI iago Phsca niSren ousi hui t uit 1ont"A i-cric- iIl. Ihi itale! Brothers'à t ie- }cecnl uti u ialtee . G.M. tsltuE e ahfium andi relaru te ir assinUa. - --ORT L IAR Tlluii. or iti--tl,-rd . -di «nF.E)nîiiefl,5Fli, iiGeorge il. Burucît, iH. omiiets, varions Sunday achooll andt heir 14ul dour te0W. 0- Triggu 81mw. Store titi,- B.. Ih WW. tdi'l humas btriuig, E. H. AmeR okteeawt eue nry 'nsornausldKtndur mos-etaa. ii CLa i'ÂttIL. e 1grealest crowti iii 1he Offcierefor t]liencuuiug Jear acreH.C Pa d cau L e Dr. E H. mitheli ,lk has-criît.ry of the Anocialon anti murt elecleti ai followe. A. lr àIl Caiq ld mi oidiermi aere premeut than ever Joha Croikhite ........Pr"bi I.ut DrU.H S ihL MaOeo.J-B[A tt cao-r"lisenoeda........... i- ietii 00 l Inclîiîm-ure. It aie Omt la i ebut ~FakDyut . icrt O f i e Der J . W . t lI g A ll e ! an d Cqu sellor t L a . ii -tii'A.,grai g t ah m i- M r F an Doti lim....ue, rr OffICe ~NOTARY PUBLIC Ya'. Ii lu od1111115, uf fe Oclnlei suiiai acs our: tu 12 a-ma. andtui1, ~. m. DAILli Spécial &atenlion givnllCollections -wtil,ast.-itlSji , mi W a. -. - In h oi.i le hebsns Rpbit. ac Librtvile.Il. ad oueyacig.LA&£n CoLni iy xAEa. 2s iie îu sescsion Col. James A. Scîlon matie a A cancuaoutO the publlcan volera ni LibertyVile. iii.And Conyicng. t.sti-ty .atida Mc.1hUe lalk Wtl u le otiersiand ti S e- t townsthip of Liliertyville ia limreby ~,rîE Wna aiE ul-nn ia'a, k Bte. autecy, 1 i r Chs lO-p.etdlclieereti. (eneral J. H' calledti 1races; aIt1the Town Hall Dr. E. V. HARVE Y, Libertyville, Illinois. C,-tn ghf.- e ktia WI .Sîb, 1ecli.nul a p lree- Lbetvleo na!Sp.2,1 8a DETS.M-du t) . 1,1 f i. biî. 1'r l enaiet, wuaspreseutnltgave aneerai 2 ociock p. m., for 1the purpos. of OFIETOIT LA EIl.1. W. Anis-. mftbis Il uirlIu ct'actions arlay orfselecting lin doegegislutetndilie COU TV -CLÀ . t"'.h elbeA&riLngo uny lite. Tliey are Counft! Convention aI Lîbertyv11eH B e E GR t.2AM.ltb&dtOP.. OU T u25CL*81 cxý. 12.)ide aplîlteLra aid Ir. hîiblis asukept Saturday Sept. Iîl as; afn B..55~~ K...... . W 14hii i,,îtlaii, busy muiuig andtiatteriloui aimotaug Grayslake - Illinois.B K.. ici arl di-- h1 i cts-lwiws-'i ks tue eple icilabic elociîionary TO.CHET hsafn ieo te*R n*! - Wrght, Pgrkhurst & Co. C. M. A *, î,. i.rn oîrîc-waueza-BY1 DS-_Caî.ad setem W. B. SCHAEFFER IelVlO Ilni. ti,h:Iý5 1i. 3.1h, N!l...>a-- îeeecl r inea oI C ta Lait Salurday sulghI Cuunty Juage NURSERY. M-..Y-du i E. iori'DepI Commiader of Iliînois, anti ors-tD. L. Joues, .Us Wiukegan. receineti a W sIS lR ne o Olle ilm »util t Lon Gruv P. 0. Lak lseu Inteest-BaringFiaMi-ti e.11cr. lit e. tout f te day, waaia maitef tJeffort. elegrani ,latlng tIlitsi on ien Lied W lSelR ne o PrsithleaudtOrnamnantaiTree.Oe - Certificates Payable Kîi 'ill. e .hILt lu ,ilay itb Spaint. 1Hie iiviiawar Btioud tilOI vîkuif but it oii tai ut ampoei <Litmi priesaone auimated slum.k4.a-W 0 O ffd Mttl o.l, 11 1. I b-sDecalle t lb-reiellion asuy more; 'S A short lime allerwaris Osbcc wau a ti - . hL.F MILE 11:--.'. $76 lWce War" andt ocutackil paiatnbisason vasmci orae andi for hWHiAY $5.O I-lERTEL'S- PARK. -....1-A .... sa~t.. ini lrl'i etaîtcti. madearrangements tu eitadt Half Day. I. N. J. Mets, ll-- Th11e tcimgiug of Ith' AppiIo > urtet 8:s)i n Compny allO C. T. Heytiecker.......... Ashaeago Lie f This rescrt bas jusl boeenopenedt u Cti 'La a'ilhai1t-j. Sli.luwmalaii etr.A(iu orsti o hcggigdrLl rn the public aud wil l be the soeee O a tct i T. I wtupuacii ut l% aukegan, Waucouda anidIee1 MnakPit grand do ce evey Baturday ev elng Lk il eea ipae à osatP it su long mathe0easaîber reomains goodt. i em.>TâoiTtaNî , LkeNiliNCtlii$ lye malA iAttegrailui voit tin M tr. Jioniean0 K n à M rket 's.-ifl"lt,' dîsiî.t1e Qrayaakm? baud played startet is o Jitruey lu tbe bedtie in ad 0dB u 1te coiiuly. iuA V - 'dancing.ov éro.é mui. 'e rehtm ehr ah fnuia I LL BE HRLD I1% TUBTON FFRIDAV. teîîect. pa&rote ir w tobient laidsneuthei lre ttack.l e ieM. musie. lSe.lelresIlcf paien tudeuciIB aerved.asaiis ~.MAL.MNG" Ilrhîl ~ iiC.a nTi~ 21 lecreumîninbegali lu break up len11ecm aauutOeflu . Iil .In ' F K,.nîii-rowasount tve uctttdk anti ahen 1the brucet ,il.wunlkuaib ecp ON THEE dwar-t E. I 9O ýW. lIir..l,-,lesrwa o; uwn hecp Pls An,,. , , mi. W. Am,,.-ntil evcii the ..iy cnidelicea o1tb1e 'j uieti of lis Companiy for the reaun thatLBR ILIL HENRY Z. DURANDI eon ededa i,i.. bhiW. 'rrpeuple scea tew hutred who re-.Lie au detlieti, wilitlie ulier- îrAENiD CUUBELLOS T LAW. Of Each Month. 2:30 CLaie 'SOTTIN<i. $25 matiiibeiut olae.Ah nlgbt le recrnutitue yetuw lever huspitalît 1109 RAMBE1 UPCOIiIEIICE ~ Kiii i - i a M.tliai.mi ent ad 11e yUlf(g pi.pardaitaii 1ne auivaiinnCla wui use eyerce-enby - CHtend I Ce A GOh.Ma k t wiib l c t Lî.Krin H ..1,m Pa Ment o- a nd tte y u aypolednedte CuT. Lias FYmST. iL. l-- JorBo. h g,-,imi,.n'n - Ilaterwar-d tilt lie was attinVtrîayS gen ed n heVilae f slmisa",K. - the hoapital un New' York. e riayS gon ed n he Vllageof îit-tirtl. bhine! t-rz To Our Correspondent@. Throagit bic consatlexpocure te --- SHERMERVILLE, Vau ilte-. (r alis. Veii'i.,Int NWe go lu prose earllcr tOsn nanti te lever strie en patients, tien statut- V IT A W A E Rl..MILAT .... H t i.$2 1 a.)lim e u enable yue tillr e andi ally contracteti the disese su.d for-L b r y i l , 1 1 VIT L ATR H mm l' C rne, ,,idialtu.Saincîi(iti priler attiîend the fair. Wetdébits daya ay lun1the houpitai ah Sibuuey - - ~Pîtlirnira. A.Id 1ti o ute ili tommnications in 1the ahere nollong beltee habti nurcet Th uâlil CeuPtOlFo iepui'pmse of eelling anti ex- Tir Tas-. h a P. J. Itainalinomfce by Tuectiay nightua h le Jatent. ...n...., Atelue Blctis aeomratee.*' And Kidwey Cursje j e changlng Lire Stock, Voheîlèos utail 2:1 CLu.ra?? tiotiN. $00 Infect ho tture publication lhey mut Whou lie as e neahat Iîupro'ieti, ednc:M-,SrogsCtaeopoiuUo Frs e is e ApIIcsoum- kaia netaienerytbiiig a an!- Victor starigtle. eti eès,, S hoetucinby that lîii. We have pur- lae use takela um:u board 10ea ottaguapitatU Frede b luat os gtate1Prker Brus chacal ticktslof adtismin tu1the fair slp Atanuts, bouiifor Camp IWlkoff. thn le tn ionslr.Pack't. eh g Baîli Hi-te Address:Be aeuyr- lucome. tring aut YOi Maiigis E.,b n. A. p. Anm_ .for aUt out regitlar correspolidenfaVilàie un the jonr-ney, .typhoIt lever Pbb1t0'mallF. don't aant anti gel cmethillg Yt.uî. do Si-ista toit. gr mn(us..Volz aOleiî caut lieubt by callug at out faitenet il» grip upon film anti On Sagurdoyaaffeoon sud aveas ata s(tiwlli B<ii Bdc'Ce. asu. Athougli solelclassee bave nul office belore t12t'tiock any day of the gratinal!worketi ite deadly couorse. Sept. 17%1b at the LlbertlyllS Townbiihlp antalse -iiuLaEanr-viLLE, ILL NoI'lhfiold Market Aus«Iolf. been "lIleti," tlaey no donlit aili, asiwe fait. letjamliiiL. Joue&wais bota la Wau.n- t he. toiaIlIspeakers will dusImité 0om5 go hoprem befoe 11e ar-IvaJof a T u?..WOODUM.N, Publiabermi. kegan nlnetten Jassego anti alaays daliver- attr-e onlsuaject& duelgnald. tabpoum, Q mail uns>% Mois are knoau lu bo e eerai recidedt iere, being etacatet ln the l In th er-noon mBer-ett Maraisi, eto. WsI nîneshene anul laI 1c li tlisFarm For Sale. akes bigla achool. nHo Woutd -'W» 1 Am» s robibitionist; Jiidde ril- uwt issu1(163 acres lu 10W» of Autloch, knowu have hocu a membler o!f1111e yeam'e Darne, ,subject nos annoUlioed; Ohiver HE1ELS AK nnntber of pemial races antIlà ace asltr. Weîlafrax, finites uorth otf senior la. I1,waaaboy smon g W. StewsxlThae Pr-ohibitofl Piajof xx,* HAL DA , IL.arrangest exelusiela for the West Site Mittburu, ucir gond unbutter tactory. boys sud loneti by &Il Whou kuca hlm. Ilînoi"la.' Inthe.éveintas, O. W. H A F D Y, LL.DrllngAufclaionut hleWO faits ParI cash., balance eaay i H. ae s promnient l u 1e socialflunt- Stewart, -The Wuansd Lemo bc10 rlac rcot lu ieclu ve-Ipophi wih pcitir mekes ntilage rote ccu a soe imetuing11e firmeua. pp! o tri»oratires 8 lonso! 1thyongpeoleut 11 10» earmut P-onIl, 4.2l1l 47.2U*

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