Other Oannii When you w anything ir G rocerE Fruits, and 0 115- 25 25 25 02 30 30 120 10 I00 1 0 05 06 -09 07 17 06 a1'. Triggs tg Libertyville, Pi, Organs, Shee When youc glnn't fa! CoUCLPROCCEEDING8. LîanvLdIPT. 6, 189. £ 4 PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. bomd prnnt excep Mcrr. ' Loca itms f Iteret t Liertvill Reder. * minutes of provions meeting reait. item of1 neres toLibrtyvlleReaers Movedl by Kéfn and HoySthugIB tbeY io Local orrected In contatfl treasurer's report ,ND .... Village omceoru. Fair neit vcek. athoots aprinkied during fair was rend .raIu....... ........... A. W. WaId,, Fedora bats for filA. HANBOUtN&ACo.amatteras aotreterreli tu treet coin- R eusiteThom. AXh. .d1..iJ. lu e.ecks iii 5 n0,te o ostir fdrto ng Re i te . Tusem James i~I.N iL'f. Fred Cbreiiii nmpent atrrday ln lit.misethyt eterdareof L. B.More .TrlAna..lanthe motter. Carried. 0an1-the best of...... ........... W. K - 1 ~"Ntrip<75. ANqoi.iAN &Co. niatter of lirs. John Barbersci vantthebestof armi ..................... in Myrti.. Hoyt lasvislting damagesi reporteit as folow:' .n.theUnefloflcommitteeo lu vom was rfre h n te neofVaparnimo, uJ., frieuds. daim of lirw John Barber for lainage VLELODO. No. 492 P. & (orne te fairud bc prepîted to taie f roin defective valk would A.M.Rgeuommufleatiofis 'nil&AI th bnSth"atupon investgation vo iud I§aturednr Of eaeh noith. Viitiiis tleri, iianee n the eveuiiog at.Towu liai it Keuée for lirîi." Rteport vas eordi lL veieomed. H W.BIULKLE. W1. MimaBessie Vandervere vbo là the necepted, on motion of (jicason sud CMICAM' N 17 M.W. f A. mtngocat 0oflMiss etb flope viliiremin Mone. oirnt ani ilîrd mau of oaeh mn..nti îuru t<farwek l regor came in and took bis meut. Haturda" P " ' ' .'f'"m't irngtefirwe.Moved by Morse ud (ieatson that At Woo'lW's5hall ov .0's rn Aaçiwa A. P.MeatsEA.Cle rk.0.F.Lyci Y. C~. wn mde WialWiv.,tnswe out ari XCELSIOR CANI'. o .I. N. A ndjlIiIng Dr. (ialloway'm property. Tefoiiowing bilAs vere rend and on CA. NOS s. 41.w. favorable report of finance comrnltte no«,tlLs ti 0p.m ndet ird Y .1 ini. MisaAilce (orlet asborne front wvrrants vere ordered drawu for .rf-.W.h innnth in th, venng. n Wiodm,!In,* Eranstton ho viniwitb ber brother saîne: Hall ,vcr M* ar.dwaref UrAM al. dn bA eaeofasec foiot &Wooduin l iblishieg .......i Jmau ANix UYI'x. OY urin bi leve 0 abenc r m i. Fmahmnn. treot <omisiour anAl > T MS!i.NTeLs.~~A.or N lMsrnhn........................ ;t MaKohuer received a box velgb- Wm.Y avImon, labor ......... ... . .. 3o Fair miinery ut I1.> 1'KOTINES. inig 751) b. the tiret of!titis veek con- A. L. Burge bil for moue of Augnît f$48 34 wuna céped iaced o Neweu tnoveities ln neekacar. HN-tainiug nderci.tbing. lMr. Kobuer ie Ta l e Ilo IuN & Co. n putting n a large stock Of vnter lioved by licOregor and Giesson Dol DuAl asthelou .tfiat Clef bave notice publiaibd pellviieglhstelmlPiieûat goua* requeshin otisens to, report to W. C. the .'o.ingtar. À AKansas mou a v eteued ho the Triggs au sIstrie treet lampe îlot s A eain, erry-go,-ronlfld viii heOuo peuiteniary for six yeurs for tsiaili n workiflg der and burning. m - iiioiS* Aihe farlrou de et veeK. pair o!tronsers. lie adonbtieefi hank. lioyed by Grogor and Triggs thut Pclerk look, up onnt oi A. L. Hrge MissEsie Joues, of Osbhkoàsb, thlafi tbat ho vas&flot thoughtlolil enotigb nd report et n t meeting. Carred. ts the glest of Milsa Mattie Wnîgbt. t0 tube the coat and vent.Trranrer's r rt wns rend s SA C. F. Wrighand fnuily bave nved lirm. A. W. Waldo nccompanled ber oow:Açn bad ig.lt toîbheir nov borne nouth of ovui. inlerm, lirst Martin and Mms. Tofts tu s227.îwj. Podd out duril moutb $46.2 1 bi ave n few more pairs of tbose $3,50 thiCr bomle in Soien, lissa,vhero she Blanceo baud V1548."196. (Ou motion shastoh sidu$ 1.t4) M lis. expecstomalle an sxtended viit. o! Keru d Hoyt report vas aecepted PILOTI'uF.. Srh, Martin adMm Tluaen h nd piafe onunie.. i enta nndlir. Tfîssjei te ioved by McOregor aud enta cha. liahcouik aud fariuly viii moye Rumineor vth Mrm. Waido. the exgension of bours for mantain- int their nov bouse 0ou Divimiotu Attend the fair dance at bhe. Town ing lWbis duriug fair week be ieft ln gieexet week. Hall uud heur the nev scule Kimbefl the isacretion of couulittee on lire and streetUghis. orclks1 ev. J. M. Wbeaton sud vile, of pilano shipped frenb sund direct froon Movoed by licOregor sud Morse that Park Ridge, caiied ounlire. Wheutona the Kimbaîl facturiez. 'Tbis baud- an additlonal light ho placed 4091 feet 1 father lMr.Ed. CookkbIis vweek morne igh grade instrument viii ho aouthtif pisusentlimita o! ligbt uystem Jewery, e fr cah o ou asyon Milavies Ave. Carried. J e'wel ry,Dnt fail taclsd sec me sud gei noid alter the danefocahrouay Moied by Meoregor thât l'resldent JorblftOtaiîpe D p for the fair. tenns. Do Dot Missi this chance. iisrco hoapitfrsd- àhloi. PILOT[4 tional policemen duriug fair veek. lanos, M.an r» . J. Bcklwjar ainiDub& wnn nvnrded theeuotr lioved by Keru aud ot ha eter. s ira.th ios ay for eretiug a bonse and barn for maraitai ho instructed to porebaste une cnj utetin, ftheuisses ornMary sd irusrd Hockmali ut Vankffln hiabi bsbeiof tlmotby sced and nov ou Aun Qonln, f uenili Crnes. week, 1Ibis lsamnys ilrst venture lm park. The electrie ligbt vires bsve We.utbecotscthuin, but Xe Moved by R emsand FHoyt ihat mar- extedeasonh asfanas . F.Wrihta opiebiitrci makea ueas of batalFroansn be alioved tu ezebange extndAmouh n ft aC 1' Wrghts pin, b wli akea blcce"of isune dny's vork with sebool district Isc.renîdeunce on Mivwankee Ave. ebosen avoction SAslie is but(uIthte No. 3 for the purpose of lainlgaie etM se .vTbsyer aud oiomu iKeiseY klud of stif thal succeeda. vaik. Levi loved by hemn and oyt that cierk to e ath aioilii returu thim veek froinisu extended F. Urnide proposes tuoite sdvan. ho iustructed tW serve notice ounlira t 1 no ice rftnfi(Aii!gti'Mîtc ee ti oprniysdavriejohn liaydam tW repuir sidevalk in Libetyv minraiwithin ilfteeu dsvs orsanme viiilis Sherman's show tAie liev. John Les anubject onu Huiiday waters ut the eolug fir. Ho viii window. moruiag. H inevenAlig atîlJeet m iAI lie bave lioti sulphiir sud minerai ratersn *ýhon it choolie a Wife." ou the grodtdi, «'clear sas crystai and mie jaueoHIeath As aiAn colifiliîed t.' tue îoid as ice,' vbicb viAAliec furuisheni 01111111111-1---me-boumevnîlb n comlination of coin- tAie ibrnng8t one ceut a glass. pliantsh, ebietly ailirni sud mropmy. At Iliir regolar meeting liondny C.R. .511ERI'IAN. Bis co nditiuo ts srious. lgblAie village hourd unanimously tiuîm. ElAîs rehuroci ho da Urove, agroed Ilial the village inla luno nay Libertyville, I-llinois. la., thisi week. Ilus sonu (ly sai] fiabde for danugeli, owiflg to an lnjnry the iatgliiher Maiid viii 'lot t rln t"outi ,itaiied hy lirs. lJohn barber DY wvA allfer- the fair. falling fon an alleged Insecure side- 0s ~ iller, Culer k Hnnby e cnel tWiwe1iuk. A comnmittiee nppoiiitedin- Wý i ,-nlaîiso!fubîice liiIinota eumvt. vemtigate the nialter reporlcd lirs.ov iers aud aprngers, fint .ee t uri-r bal no e-nse for edaim sgaiust rm* day wiic tcyWili 011r fur sale. flbc village unduthbbhourd concumred aIub A ba Lbiu ek recelvoti the' lateat !uiliiir repoirt.tu mu 3et a~. ilîery, ,iresn flots. Allbrt Birhour, or the ltIi. tr. S u i er G o s i1irn d'mcp, etc.M is.cvilry, tr,,îmA E.. in home 0on a tblrty tAu tAra leuîy tater sud dangbler miys f.rlough, Abert laslooklng wvlolA Wimifrei retîurued Thburndav i lahlndmihearly, bltinAsnnt cburred nitb ej ________ utodier hife. le look@ eagemiy forward tt r,îativ's. tuithet ime alitu ie eau diseard bs l Must ~uuifî,mm andd(bl naicilizeus garb agat.in.,, - s~AOcur v goiugtortùea: wiliirt iig n ia surpmrise many ho know theio [mnit lialA' Wiicim' 4th, [,fb andt acw4a ho Otewer Any10 $3.50 Coats and Ve s ............. $2.60 11th, Goîud nîtii,tile osulpc-r sud a "Y 5.0 la nl oa3.5 pildidtimne Corne! ,;. lohc-r than their uîîlform .noth 5.00 Fia nelCoa ...... . .... 385 , mtbev are in the army. They 1.40 Ladis /i 1.20 %Veirt Wrightbias returiied it Boit are 1 tot eAîWüd to lay aside the bo 1.2 ' ~ ". ... ..1.00 tm restitule hii shudies nI the ili tuniforiin ouaimy ocason untii mulstered lfi 1.25 .............. 100 lolIegoý Clark Wrght expecîn 10tu ont. l ...00.....0.t, tI3-IoIt ater tAie fair. T .75 .......... .65 1llai AuAcaof the M. E, ciureh niAI1 The News Prospers. t .50 S mmerCorstsàapeecb nScial ln the paror 1tue .A fAllie ,mu-story building in hoîng tu .50 urnrer C rset ....... ...... 44 nili kriday eveniiig, sept. »I. erected at Attioch for J. J. Burke, t .Eîrymiî e nlcoie. AdmAissin1, edilor id the Amiiocefi 'cn's. lrotber e cclits. lBurke in velA op the adder o! soccesa, o Lawns and Dimtties must go IA.W. uîcEriy, of Chicago, &AIIbnviiîg buîit up bis palier and huai- as tan tleraesaI he ouiugfai M .8 nes il Anon hie bas une of the host o re ar es o os.MeLiroy in a"starte-r" of fainle antid aquAp)penipltietlte couuity and an e lu ls Aie f eblisliod end lucrative business. g îîîan-if unuul nblity i ilAin fTmo cstcesi4fal lu tAie uevspapen 0 n busiiietii. . séi requires energetile ustliig ài NEW LINE 0F HATS. àlîm. Henry Willilams retturned last and good ugmnand -teEditor a T e reDandies, Cali and Examine T hemn. iveok froni Chiekarnatga Park, Ga., Buk e d urdtment, es h asy and reports Amîurs conditioni as croniieni bis aors. I uhuclu iproved sundthat bc la lu a faim %aterecovery. â nlmAIwlim ed fLetter,.slgA F .C . SM IT1H & SO N Y }rauk lieu(ide andtw de, ofCul loru l&, uncýwi a it oflottrs aItcny Mit.. HomronHendee. Mr. ieudebas mAtiet is sktii0A-tem., sur -muver- Butler BIdg. Libertyville, Illinois. h-o nClionafrte iltel i-d .-A:, PW.KAtu. yeas îîdIbs s te ini unebc basm r. w. A Au. M. W m. X. Nl wlfer. aeeu lis parents during thiat urne. W. M. lINATii. P. M. Ji. l. Egera Alnreaing huslinessGo> ban ncecesilated bis umploying ad- 1 I r w tltiolai eip. Wll Meng, o! bt. Louis, Siice Auguiti lot, 0. H. cbanck bas I HAVE Y UTRE a couipetelit tnner is§employed Ii i b mol&d 471 tonstf bard cou]. The hot1 îvîîksbp an Egr ishoter pepaed ouYit a remiillAe price neconifits for horate nd bEorerslau bistter rprtho r 1omirs. Wc seli the tu atendtoorerslu he Hu thal rosCaSaiLzifinti Lo e is ý o a W t rever before. rhich As mined Ar, the beart nf the 416Ladies jackets. Made lu ortier. I.eigî reg<on. andiAs emakible for $15 11 u. HABOENits purlty sund ursblity, freeduni Choicest Flavors and Ice Cream Mml. H. L. Goodrow recelvedenau rder front îsiate.aund cliikr aud ummîl peri for one of liAs Ainealigb gmaIAe cent of unI. I la oût e north Io,% Kuuipianosfor Father Mlehn. T he more Iba u iiy othor liard coal. A ....Everything Nice in Candies .ian..ii.h nsd for the tirettlime'untrial viii demonstrate fil superAor * *~'ho nigbt o! I4tù and sold aAt'r tAe ol'tien. l'rice as ion as anj irsI dance t specbipniee. lir. (ioorow n , aset)ai. 0 .SHU Select Brands of Cigars îeîî s "a' heril h fotîî Ilîîîgiti< .BUU .A toeount»y lAboIt Hailet & Davis Pianos. Ilenm Catr va.Au pýIngield the Are ont put tbougb a cours of cou- Love l s D rug Sto e, 11.el.fAr ! h,is eek ou buinless liticlin.- tructionIliko »suage Ihrough a nctiou vîth the btaste faim. Mn. Culer machine. Aiiey do not Iry la break Li berty ville. 1r ru ota ee ntebsoyo h eodfrqii osrcin file fair were asm mny eilhbtoIAI But ho maintain theAr great reputation Lpromincd as thue preaimit Jeur, Au ail for excellenice. Our ku! boarde do classes. 1h viii ho s gret fair tibis not vnrp oni o!fline, the tlccbdose yeur. flnot chauge, the bridgea do not check Beitisb flaue3' ool aud siik vesha. and splil, onr patent *arie sakes W sa Oo * ThiILAnd:Easy o $1l.00! Sii 11).SANDORIR Oiun 0. that impossbip sud bj loopingth _________ Mr. nudt lrs. Citas. 'Hoimes and scndi board bridge initactl insursis fis c55TwogIi n i dagheMldred, of Pottudam, N. Y., Aluingitone. We have t» 'beet piano THE HOOSIER BU XTi.RvMsîNATO. a nd Geo.8. Wright, brotber or Olsb os the markte1&.j" th priesare n For exerminatillgailH inds ofr orins sud bugd on vines and .hrubhrj. Wright of Ibis place. sud bisdangibloe 11<1101 ias tialgmenM ti v i s Boy one sud spray jour hormis sud thor stock villA ly.011, wvihibwU Itouo. of1Iophiulti, 1M. Y. an'IV" lahm or t bh ltabha"Vis1 prevens aies vovying b*s pootSllAs. t's Choap, Try M londay. lMr. an m sNolamý«Kmssty pve&' çwo » oWg.uiw F,~or ppnîlic au cion or adni:. w. 5iluoViFý. t"i Ms (409. IL î J. *E>. S. ýeing adjouru. Cnrried. C. H. SITHr, <Jerk. LDurilg Tre reat Lais. lm County Fair The lireI grand bail of the ftau soason, le 141h. 11&b aud ltllAof Heptember ill le given by tbe gentlemen of the ;boite Club during oUur grent connty Iir, as the Lîherty vIlle Tovn lsaitoun ednesdny, TbAurnday sud FridaY 'ening. Arrngemnt iasbve heon .ad. vitb Prof. Smthi, of Chicago, mud Prof. jiertel te furuiix muîsic ior .e occasion. Prof. smitib'a (rebestra aid Prof. Hlerteisa abilities need no lin roductioill A'àIbis eounty. lDoes uni is proveo thie soiÀ,ltide the Cub 10 -i a - speni-btAls'in-tb.r..n1-1 Uroniot et ue aud ptrsou nv nla sblgerder obutoaieta sudnfor )tntUOt, resn od re ane lu nnd asui iit muiutiererdiesa1 o! ersousandur ist reoube beard~er8sentiments maot L ulittu ouIbs caineutof eshal es, iîng asrethe Clb gfives euttimets.u beUI mnelis ocfatbenClut b i b tun lsn a hel ub nowvsnt sertapLoote fl Iboembiniftah lvelo asno allen ehi por&Ilted i knny vayto n r bee of ty om ters by iu . ..tilmait ba ers Iboelinil b pald te unir pe eiiiug.oA ohrdtobyviseienitllb. inineru as siiga fbrulsd, ente pr- evnngnA vordb notho isienlg The Clubias crica eye snd roes o aiinta i iis ainudared itboutin btue.mn rtele ui rpsi teupper i lithos stndd ytho ldie cf hnge. AlvoveAasp upper volvolid aervit e hhe ldicre Ofd phecbpat Wh ome of he gond bingr a o is teretiher e. Tme andpertishate bu Aneeytrepect a tioof sielsdirestae -used T suther ollai bies.tubivo repotmi gndU bailadiems bae s ruuod. a titolr netai uets TkeisA Crornse snd gel y es ie cruAcond. e or emnd ee. Cre suwlyoure Hava"iacigars. AUl tbese things viii ho on ais. We sny coue. 'onver sbaîli orget the good lMeu yoitlad Af you COrne A ieu Kimbili piaovili beli te furnib lAie mnic. Thilustroineut rAill ho one o! the latent styles frmn te great Kimbail factory sud ill e sold altor the dancesi for icas tbsu faclorj prions. Iuspect it and Abk for apecial cash sd tirneho-suit pnes. Are you*going We the Couuty Fair? un. rueoiflr the bmail giv,-gle.. or H home yu niAIrua auugi a-t i feufa leour bonI fellov vAli uhanlbiiîr vAîl breair BIleanse you mulsser lài. ball or th., Fair Y.B.i1amn <oins t,, tule nuty viir: liea boys and girlo %.fill . tio,r, But borne A vîlAfBot mmiin n Aoc- thm., rmî. kiu mccl me neut t. H tdi F airlr blm. LevAs B. lackman, Msif., aunouncos bAs desire ho f omm a clans of Violin pupils u Lîhorlyville,.and vould lîke to hear f rom ahtthons wisb- ,Dg iustrutioli,. vitAi a vien lu feorra- iug snob a clasa, povided a sufie-. teoit ulthor eun A"ie seed. Addne: Lavis It. BLACIIMAN, (Ainvlov, lt. Winner 0f Diamond Iedai tu ViolAn departulent of the Chicago musical colioe. 43-4 ^nnounOemenft. i bev»y inuOlinco that 1 ami a candidate for theoffiice of Superin.- tendent cf achools. ubjeci laO the dociaicis cf Lake _ConutY ePubiieai Couvenci. dut5 W. 0. MoKaxalz, Iavinia. July ai). For Male. Perd llmnthytmeod, June ocver, mimYke a sd&ti clcvor, red top Mnd bna gan. Seedi mi reasonabi Prie«. qstemple, Long Grove, AIL. À For genft. ilubs iÏ~e 1/i frumpI-«;;ý in the hands of amot Colby & Co's Sho. your feet are sure 10 the trick when it com Fit, Style and Price. If the shoe fits-m* put iton, and if the price pleasês YCM, put on its mate, pay the price for thé, pair and walk out cf the store with a smile cf satisfaction that will proÇIB*i' that you bave been on a visit te o COLBY & CO'S store and have Sot- *'your money's worth." Ladies' 65c 75c 85c $1.10 _~SIIRTWAISTS- Redced to 3 New Style Men's Cloth and Crash I 25c 50c 60c M. B. COLBY& Ggir DEALESIN VLTi»G Libertyvilie, JeIIy 0JI WI*1H TIN CO ve- à r e yu L y or .1 l- 200a The Pair, 1Libertyville, IKeystone Husker and Shredder. 4 Bradley X Rays Sulkey Ploi H-ummer Sulky Plows. SBradiey's and Deere's Walking P. CARRIAGES and SURRMES. BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUC SALT, CEMENT and 11LJË .... Lumber. Lath, and Sh*i Grain, MilI-.Feed. Flour. CL ISCIIANl N GC Illinois stigate. .98 .25 .25 . 25 .27 .25 .07 large ws of .25 .98 .90 nd Shoes. e, Illinois. I i i i o i I miNai. g Prompýiy 0 ta ....... ILLINOIS. mon. and Bacon. nIAià a full of lAe lact. À E-TRY -IT. îrke Prise. non, sardines. tatemOih-we Mm te r thîrti dais. tysake, 111. Marbe and' WORM 0F.