"SND M MSLLAS.1 tU55Wlcb w» -TKraei lu onhappy Young roman la q4 viles a &MmAtoala, Tel. @"Mt. fer Damme le Valenca é ies. falier la an officcr la Saum.MisaMuirala te ~ 1mtremarkablu pcmPc s anat tue merchiesa fli- ta year *go ait, vas laCuba. ýewqnyvilit amtiny ot r.- Xb*ie, site attentptei te Bmake aacross thc conty troat r.ltlrplataticn et Palma OUF At lie latter place t e cm l-te UnIlei BItaIs. Anueffacer par etbumaity ln is besom, 01.ili mieral. condiionet itemtees. uraie them wvih »di &%Mseed te Youag lady senrsouli bavm lhem. p"Sievermî elomas ot sol- ieteli but ene êestalg a doec &=kmnte Upeiab guerrilia teï erandmioverturited IL. oahoiuiesiber' pftsa, but1 »atisendi te lu. AP -b bei a drink trou bi baIlle tbe br=ala bIa band&. fftm bMWasU - Itht e ess' tes painhlm beMe ivtl te kma ltpm ne akl et te bore. balla ranadiabout hm, bat, oaiiarmed. i. seemed te mil aboeotbhemj'lb nit tue niaanmd rau sean b.yooi tue ree et the. guerrillas. Tic girl bai litie bope cf eaplal viit iber lite. But ber gnadangel bai ol dcenrtsi ber. A prty ot Cubait sefliers rie iai teoleathe gueiril-t lu sa tue boise comeIal.le rua nmlii chuimtei. uni rien iesamy the. »MonIers an i.rmam mcg tuem ami etopped. fRe va. eaunetel tnlgiteasd eut at bis mseama, ami se verni liaI b. made ne attamplte moove wbsu a »Mlier thhev a ope ever bis lump of the Cubans tmevSenar 1Lnlm4 uni théi, anger taer n. bous. At sunrime tttII uM Pen tue goerrllu' cmp a miel .t*ery osme et tbem tu deati ep iite adu t te gang. rie. rau opturse a a nui Ister lu lte dW. NOT FICTION, SBUT REAL LIFL. ts.! ot a DauubtmsVs emelle. aa Trenly-flve le. mlieaW»s ata- Mammmmae Myt ioelovaeR" la vbIeit ler.s, a ohbhag out e t.e «- uie. Il became iseva borelia Ire youa people rw" rU .elS" i Johna Sli ha" n" iayJe@M a v a- gugmi te b. muniel. lTbe veiiig day w»autse. M mmmv laU thpreparatione a ee se a mutAe motter o e t ble tae 1- came III.On accoust ef ber Iflamolef FiGNT TO A FINISH'. Dlueltet.the Demt tb Deiwsm2wwud Amoricau end 8Sneaa, The. battie c0y. "Rernember thes Ndaine." stili ring la thi e etetoftth wuunded Amerk ans on the fild et Santiago. Round about hep tthe boies et the demi. keeplng ilient compoulonlship vlth the wounded. Groins and migibs liled the air. The bruabvood, thick and sturdy and straiglit. trampied down by thie boors of the Rougli Rider@' borseg. vas smturmtei vltii the.bloui et triend and teeutil It ne longer liii trorn eacb etbers dvie the talien et tve nations. la tihe distance thie sharP report Ot the guesmld of tue onward marri te aemile tiiliunied« r ilist rvoie. Il vuia lm90 vemt George f111, vmmkng and Sir William Draver vas la Cela- mommion qe thie igli aee. Ragiai rm aw vt WtbÏjihits lhe precedita pear liadi llacked mai mptrei Havantand m0aislrutllî O- cupied Cuba. Sin William Draper (tii. saie thàt Jolned la the vrit.ing matchl nithi"Junluàs") ras laitlb. atlltaii ser- vice ot tic BasItlanCemp&uY, sud vieil on vaca.tomm or st leave Itia ta caetera te vamir'al viii aven the AMiai vorli. Orne et the andef- logo brouglil hlm te Mantla, vioe he stayai long seuglitele iaratbmt lie- aides is' liluea plae etfmilita Milu- Portanitilvawu unot valuable trema- ure. Rie gpee*y coveted th. place tor bis euntry, and r.,olved te ladUce bis Oovecn e aut normo aexpedltiou agali I..Wth Ibis la view ie maie mau speei te Lneandmailaidbils plama battre the. govrrnment. On lie ove or te var iritit Spaisbobâ. litle troubtle lualiringlmg lie Cabinet le i$ ray et tbtnbn& ni.fe lestno lime, but ieft witi criera Su blm pocitet te taire Manila la 1h. aamceofthlb.tm. and lt motI. later be arrivai lietore the places vitharmai hipe nmae. Il w» uuuprepurei tor attac'k. ftrrhoui $ia rILLIAtam Aas wr ad aibeen la proenc .bsteefti Rn- gland mmi SWutnfor nome mendtei Governar et Manna b.d tt non.et raru alarme. But hb.wva a ghllng Geverme ani maide a atout reamuisao te Drapers emmlugil. He vas, boy- eve', com<elei tetalt bock mand tie Bmgeicommaider pvepmrei te enler ltse plee. Witie a tesiIie stor u nagLag h.e tera&. ami vilboe a Min- h.p te mmm orr anal.Hl tiseurled bmusaitud f oremSa a a eiueb, avouai wrbh b.wva.orei taengagte luai sa«iec ttaiB battéme., la vbicb bhora» aougb t." mui litsmone- marriage lbai ta e psmPOmmq. «Mu u aBflit erithmatàa$bu&' la a miotn ie Il bonus aPPEret . rasvm U I Iiend ota&MM se bedtie sanord drtmkblig ai ngronuimtXitat tic motuer et Mary 30JouesWram ha. buL.mdnt s uds ll ba bd O l* este ~ees lb mm rberaavitw me.& Arangeetsavrsamae te vlctony. il goudei tue rounàici mer- lieu ttteu11110»"e ps ils ac- = mê5,moeb lMd gida 5seul 1ber te tue safmla. aMd II rastes Immnste acton-lb. trctenfte se are- niaflisIth. " amIsauffllulatei gpt"em.Ou.titrr a a ttt itber iagiter valSi oeetli5. Metveage.Prom teima totf tgrams tis Ulsb as bot«aldo ritby ,*V mai .sud &f»lbe teni dis- reuidlelt bave ber mthi tsrsette the ou tue biadsa et nhici loci iuagcn g irtueMalla utr B" Dai rue aperst ge a bonmiar iemitywpals.erli& t h intook possession otflte Phlillptes stremm et bissé lrlclmng trousbis tem-la ue aine ot li t. forttag. m Pi.ais leauti gaewu va tsei Neit MiWlimvu e u rn uponticoutlrecbe teu a mmurinstl h ic bilete b. lu lb. place. Ainorlouitauldilr, rime. tace dovavard. Teimortaiuuai resell iaot tu pli- 2 Imy vitiihlbinmmiagalusta t ie Imperthe i ieWhillmir mal tli-m va. SUR, .as eue lu deth. hm. t.lire.edailaedtue leath eb hlci inWla ebni layble t gb4tboghapay ha .000 oSpanlali dellau.Tihis swly la ige. lrdpo~ bergain ram struck, tic hall et lie fOum armbeme tei mi aia i gn. pro d hl- gipuateti vas pald on tie spot.aid *gua. 'neraitu e lrus b leste lmton t . ettofShain.ie reblitlsu huabisdemillet rue. Cavite bise n.e pt.icvbleo SUd? %et b.. ne rould idrdilotus _Madrid__ -body vllb mauier ballets. ne reeli I4(OINE 0F THE WAR. rejolce> te moulisieeven tb.elltea te laedMMnlte il» s btnci.Quiet as a Doeb, by amy fl" Wble Nuafsg Saitb e re, tue bullet strtkng lieAm'ii,* ceidiemsft AsnIrm la theo cg. 'Tie tmgeoftthe Aliengs1lite .numes et slilar bh.i' tac l, t-a ltigtheotillserd backtale ea- vhs gave op tueir lves lu tus van viti a seusneae At a glance b. teck la lie 1pla eau b. plaeed tiat et a roman, sl situton. The. gleam oet berce. Biteb J)rotiti Pbiue. . b. di net faitlnl baluci la tue eye efthle Spalard con- tât gilng htue, tut vrile the mon e vinced bim tuaI thlm- veudte a duel wvasa higithe wic a ralng ad mait- lim le tic deati. He réturne tuelirs, aidCrtina ticevoudeaI. i raville oah.rt tst shet &suer *bot torari bis u»-. vws engme lu iaenrkt laI eah.mt la tmgouters equarter. A tuailai. el'oisiberiati. Whu'be l. vr brute estIho S lered,itmd ese nlY iti t lisdeat ieMse Pbinmcy vmu boandorse ai lhe Cg et te Spaulari. The.Ameriran, vie Kinga Oouaty hospital. St. vu tandl, bai iroppedlu bils tracitu leSoniehlmaioptei citiae ft hlm country. iavimg t battla lUne, wresocalby bis com- casefoustNm er Brunswick, Nova m À rade. vhs bail licou attracfleiteute Sela? "i1cmm'î minci la tiermoite am spw b b srfrsrîl Slt omicryagn icueIannteuniei rneu-Mt. Lois Repubtlc. ma," sic teli ici tellov nurses. *"i eau numea. bovever. ami hala iwrat "HBardgy Wo.thWbll." 1 am goîng te do." Bbc offéed ber mer- Th. St. Led. Globe-Delmoa,'tenu vires te the Rai Crosa Socety andiram bd ruat purperts tu b. a truie stery or anmcst.MbveteTmpmitn "Eastern veman" wvhs usai tu e ., eteur veeks nuncIibe e »dîcra ubeve. la torel oismi;ngber trienia fer thic iong l lIme Ilteck ier to irei&. tb. ers- a SgUORiTA XONICA LASRE1) TO AWL O Lpuperpute Il4 "Tbere vu nmeuras. el _____________________record of a guest vilebail beau greet' ti O MMastey boutai ml bande te a taayiium Ibd tat sited ai uer bsnrvrofvitu amy degree et dl venu l brlret iiil gcars promptitude." Ber she bau reforme& e 'iIW tllglcirumlmitrdouoltes et bar. adtitis la bon te etorm came aieut:- IM yegg ady itrom àa tale Wbelacemdete Mary Joues Oueeventngi 'at a privaI. enlertaun- 0111e1M tt, thiugilh m bJoti ras 1 YasI la bihtitelilient ment cfseaim i, ahe cicouaiteiei ab ,M oêf tmeemt hitto csislyoung la uless u aieles&certain blimep. an oh tnricet ofthe tam- by motailecit. Mie tri iedoe teaguments etf11.k #D pertligu aembteber trIe eadstte oDtu a lite "Aht, mldean lins. Smiti," remmited 1 -«uY up 99oiagb"- tla w"thr aper eb. Uitle lb. ercisuastlc. "lier amre puIl b. la bis inmkea rec- Isepe. fep h rwdtrilial duty. passed youi lieuse îesteriay, and dlrmi raiute devile ena Sb u ld i etg t fthe lite thougit of inoppf Dg la teses, yen.'t b« ber eiY bai JUX 8101te sitie liai catempialed. ai tramstat "Ami yau i4«t de IIl? liaI ras MW lesI.d ite.i b leyn M ~7day silleaauliea lieruiotâtes levlag very uomintaiet y00." bw Mufflmesaid deveted attendat. The otefs "WeIL ne. Vomi tee 1 sali te myseit, tbbleuC01yen 11.nide ii.hm, mimd le a total vreck. b. l is etvie'I b ave jat ou.heur le CamI opon Mis. sI~"ald0»O ttue Sur'lent. bol ber mini ia gene. andihesiclqlet mith.. i ite Oty-seven min- 'X-Waig mites)£lesca"mmbave constant rar mai atlsmllaa.Twes- ute* te dream. That vli ieave ut a111aateMpt te iecmo faami-ty-dve years have passte.te be.- ire. fer our tl.It. hla limndly vertu amener, vititt ram& "I éaIteutcame iemented. misud ung tint lima white.- UtblWmg talr nute try." seM- ber daugîten bas neM bea mrmî,fruitglpêl 1a. lucdelis ueerl.Ctteinber a vaeille day. sevrmi Ponisit reglienis ot intantry mouue t'nuxasv. Miss Maneslcamys iaI Bile xdk1M Sitb tsli Imaeie lb.Muiy mardi te te aound ofthte bmgplPes. cM9 %-" w»vith aime ue mclisa niagit visite asregularly à u ltheb.aides Thic arab tomnofet nientaluista- «Irs teantui vos-t." v aole issfu- . lie ieliaOnt b. b.d ne lime, fils har ls gray. and lier. eret m t iIa aee te a" yto tie doctrI on iti nurses iltue t escémsfrtsntue droakea vak fu l ace. Te lb ltes, I r nalie arm eitsrane o iot. "Ti Kiaga County bospital. l'antd the ieat 'W~ wtlMkly have excitant- jca arai sîebll aa hlreioufe eng." ilia come , te a bui.Buanrmamiavol pasiles tWthle bsctet O th imr.subrone=tigbu7.ar roIlveotisIoliio mt lot ton onea country, mmd 1 Eut...1 I borne iante wved. b g igteZomie inst 0f itb tthe ntoa nti sl lbnIb. aile tu pull throngim." b. rai migl."uliule lie gernllabutic h iilr 0b. cautial la aclunlly ésimrei by lie lilgulaudei lrnaterred 10 lb. Lelter imspital aI «te l.111e tig ecmesrist-te eIal. lier motter au lngas tmstve ie ie r u. Cheuuiga Pakthie wrnei bas-i Ilritml Il Ja uiber iiMelier lires. IbusutbGott.Tirol oo.ler., and Oumlly began tuo tellte ~gge s-ina hetY.oung Tus n ag~emtenttban neyer beca I oexpresses suri paia nt tic seuad $irais . *ven ot ire op,aid day a", man. t thebroien Th yong Mn "L bewoud lfmie native milan bmgpipes au env atter dey veut aient her dattes rilla Ns mrna un, rualg t li ral ont"l ler 1ta"I lirhoe rwu ovrSc' otch fieutis. la ther estimationithe @ha ouglit te bave been la bi.c& ne b uner ercoea the mol. and i. iba vaits.d. T'Pie .sa secloag Gokal a mk'atl ttcmeriug aie touai Il Impousible te, sito'r 0 le e omradetle linbutbe le true. Ifrie ever pgn o uturhalat."m iodleroia.fthe"Wll rsaen emI moi qMidtet impatit thei.Patient Ifaceumintlimegrom-e. fuW0 M O lmé«Jtus,"b.t--aild.am boae devotion lg more Manaremark.- trs. inaie-Wiere la jour tlion the nil receven." They wrenis- re"e t» lt viideVil', mle la emuglit temaie 11i thuabauci ut Aduit o-le la ah tue store, ediiiagtaken. Thte bard voit aud bol veatber tWb1149lainme"md e viiibis ImPatieuce. Itla agmi te hils meit uîeaiionc ,Socety As 1 Have Phenni b a memcd lier constitutiona se Ilia é.diul.amavecorn- tOt li bas never mide lhealîglteet IL" 1Mns. Itra.-Wbat! A boot? Bon il enuli etelsttetvî n e - effort te pereuadeOle iangbisrto'leavc -Yen; a ledger. tull etfup"asud un- lied. ________ vcic ber melier. -Q colectale bla-Bo erk rtWeetly. lie bsn Bsielles likete ubue sortet toli lTHPlE CANADIAN SOLDIER-" -~ lesta.but ibis lu eue lu regal te,.t.. When the girls arelu douit au le itljoepi Bers. nb.titcva a ihing gii'l'i tutInpeii1teA Partiersmityuslesse tguOVIstli dorot "el, tiey taie iber raiu md adj VIna-bicsNear FinitInte. r4e-Can eurfrieds d tu trIýks1out1%e ille nirthe.Canaiemntimre li te bicycle? Bilsteali 1Mai Wic i .Un'mel mem M thedisticOt meusa. n ever uncrmeie lii - - If e ss**a'*: umjierriul, Clava - -lugo unla31011110117u emgiM-XoiteU ltan ' 2 »"eU'n- . w -m- eamOS la çurmu acroclm thek.. tram cauadlau erellaiiamddeupgildaon thé lover lake diie. hMe a plague that hisi appai'entli.noe vesser orzItenft, ex. cept te perlei under lte glu?.ofthtei elelritt Ugils. icit It doese in ceun- leu$ahhsiL Whlle lb, "Canadian medler" le tli panlkcular peut oethte district descilb- ei, itla la n Inu e lb May lie teunsi tusevaniti ever. Wbsncvei tiers Io treai rater l jouriabes toi the blilt a" of et ime elleIlsi te Il eaob lear. Il blclouge te the vont tamlly ofe ei- era, and ln alaun titeve the Mayi Oy lte rater iy aid the mimd il. The episemena canadenas ala au qnatic lu- goect li esence la rareli prolouged moe.titan tour doalalultaIlima Il laye lis etggsami pioffle ter future geuerallons. Thi.ellge are dropped upon lte valer. Eaeh ia providei rîti aa uai] epeolmg, loto rielithe vater enters, causing tue egg le alnk to tue bottons. la i ter dais il le imtcbed, ami às ang mamgobeslua lis aiveutureu cre tan beler tic surface oethle rater. Aller a ter dalite embryoliic y cernes tu the surface lu the torm et i cocoon. Wbeun agtl Mores tue ecool opens, the Utile lnsect hursts its Dar rer confiues and acan off a fluli-ficia. ed "soldier." COUSIN TO CAMARA.- Da-essaker in Kaa.ss Wih 19D1s0 Blsaaru" i iy S@Pa" tRelatives, line. Ifemnettà Vletorla tableR Cathesrine Wlhlrna Mar1y Bell Camupbell, a dreiaier la Wichita Kan., le a brut cousin te Admite Carnaru la chiarge et lb. Caislaequai! n of ete Spanlob it. aIMra. Campi belle mallier vas a ister te Admiri Camaras tier. fier tatiter vas o Scotch deucenl. Me vms aamed Campn beiL. b. vas boe s(a Grenade. Spait vimhere the priacipal membersofethti Oamaraa tamlly live.. rs. CainpleU tatiier dici vimeti 5>0 wunaioug gil ghs ras edscatei la Aiorica.nas li atier bailhoneem luleresta icre.1h mohenhai arvaugai tonrlier te mrnî M paitlmb ecul but sie ran awr ad married a yamag Peummylvanian Ber atelier dlslnieiited liern u ont oft Is mmrrugo. lime )ju reus-ndi ied d«nertlyeter tue i se.l. Mb. v» as man i ain. butE Oimi a divorce and th. eteumorttett wr uaiic nommme, (3mpbel. M ampb.hils morier ha. rernaîneri Surate îhnougi s-Hlthese 7eam a àm. le ne coymmla'hltott e »hter and daugliter. The. motici 9"e la Spain i vti ber Spanimi re mys. t-noperUVo e ofTob"tco. The queteo etloa ashe b.Injurious seelial effectu et tobicce la &bout ld a the prarlIce et uulug the 1"ve amcng elvllhSi peuple and, appurea, l as tan a. ever tnom, settiameut. Pr all, ho-wevfl. the gemeral testîrnen, physîclans andi eristlts venul founi te b. almosft unaulmous tint dcr certain cendltl moindusedinu erallon, tebaeco le a niennitu a Eapeciafly lisptbens been a chaugt riers btic ns espe tuce 5tndhes b teen maie upea bacterla et lichm lai. One of thi- lateet aivecate tobaccolu Dr. Norman Kerr, an M tIs physilan». ib ssthat il v( be Impossible ftoi l, vitheut dis atyt te sciee andl Isuli, te denat the. smoting et tabacco as alrays jli.On th.erotrary. as ilutlb. et satimtie paroistl. -or loberi et uarcammtlacal Intoxication, toi le a vali. s- emeiî lu wrdlng meri Impulses. lu lhe case et dies.luintles. or w nu tv out aufleuil-Mon , tabacce, lie i become. s-frisai taiei, ciecnini tuinllilghesrtt astialleytmg lie gi log etfhbtuger-. TolacSa moite lu a dlilte&t etila e§peCtu.hi aile ma a prophyleettc ag'aluet ye foyer andila e eroYiag the ireh citolersand pnesimonia. TiI taio la grealy abufai does not am] question, but Il sugit neto beh gettea thal il aime bac Ita proper un A iSerinsaon oumeae. A roleresi exhortrle aid recenod lb. courof àt sOeti n 'Muec Gs-eat ffl:" "Mly brotberls?. memey canuse treubleilais voit'dam auytli tueir an. e ar.I.de dcviile l il wirlWben 1 oe auman vidaip fuller uiouiey I say termyseit: a ma nult eeds a guandeeui.' tesedmesiltin'bite borneen lie op dat mtaifter bin. ut i y«u in de iteuitut er my voico momy on io* puman. iring il b" ait"m lai Il on do attar, en vas, oneulemmne prayover 11:l beln' coms tffil, Doa val b. Wbca naguIlePopéee m quIt a $eosesM.n->*Otil = 1 Ithere mai , o Belu thie M" faet "Doetor, do yeu treat rieh and poolr tlaitedSBaues& Damerons suticealivo alike?' "No; clrcîîmistînces aller Iflrot ladies"oft tamt 1= t ilprenanit cum.-Ll,. lira. Dole, the vite et -the Aipelmii- I"W. bave te deppest ire» 1Iaoir Havaaa Whwas tbe P'eslient fet tismvon our lot." 'W lintanbore"-Pbui. Stormer reptibUr, oceupies the enviable adelphia Bulletin~. position.MsDoeueteh u Aknae p. Cate of Massacbusetts. $he Ue-*"You bavent a inid abeve a 1i new bat." Se"Aîlyen baven't sur in cati a teir pears yeolger "ber, mmd ndter yours."-indianapolis Jour buabanti, aud the. report$ that erne freinAnmericans wbo bave travlei in13 Havli my that ee ne oetthe , M MiessPassy-"l dreati je think et mi raicltiatiig vemen In ail the, ellguiulteitb birthulsy." Miss Prt-'Wbyl gtt Did something upieasant happeu tlisnT'-Brooklyn Lite. Hickm-"i canuot go te thme var. 1 amn near-sigbicd." Wh'l.-"l amr. ai siglited. That le the resson whî don't go."-Buaton Trauscrlpt. LFidiler-Yeu, Bouton bas iurned ont îla grest many musileaust-'yours treuii" i meng the. number. Quiz-Weil. bey ma You blame ber?-- Brooklynu Lite. "I find tweive dollars a higli price tor a tuis parrot. 1 suppose bo speaa - ~goad deir""u not ut Alil, but hio u:. ' derotandu everything." - Fliegende aT ea c h e r (te c , sa - i b is si a . wrim a sapant lîy the Uie.: *Thechais ef algbt vere -aliug fast rY" Brigt Ocboar-The peoes ere puillifl 9 down the blind."-Ex. a ~Te irai Mat-lov cr ai Ir. brigbt itlei la thc West." The Meecofl rns DR.IULM. Mate "Why flot? The cuptaiti bas riuiamis. There instae Umt te ber tact, ime" swepping the horizon irltibisu 'y a" avoman botter litted fer a ilg- glmms"-iudtAapeis Journal. 'a ume pootsonte lirt isa e la Mrs. Doi. T i e ea- is? ta n iy i e ould net hb. touai. Mr. maid3fr,. fiel. ien shelle wyen bersting arouad ms, *litre In very almple pet cinterlltie Coulai pou?"' lemee Barnoe- -style ini ti.ielr Ifoaelu homo.. Bctii "Weti. that wonid depend s great doml are lovei mnd repected by everybo* ts e â ge oft he sgge"-Làte. hiutth. capital. ammi e eto uet bitter "Soute ut th~eesommer, Young mou," eaemy e9 the republe canent but à&di remarked N ies Cayenne, pensiveii. "Ms amire the. Prealat and hbe ecbarmag mini me oet Dree china." -"Bseef vit.. Prealdent Ilole, it ioitld b. id,) tbey are beutituir" -c,. Aei 1h5 le la a nattve asuf.etlandsmms, altiough get broke noemly."-Wasbington Star. 10 bis parents vers Amerleame. Hie FIeasbei-1 sav îesout hresek È- tatis an d motiier botb veut miny rldlng ii. morile& olti man. Dom- il, ye sa go te H awaii as Chriti an mis - b eto ni-D on t sy! W e i, as 1 la if. sinleC. 1fr. Dole iras educated la so te speak? 7i'lmser-Tbe satdie? WeU. P, biamue ll, amdi t rau vhiie a tn. t very rare intervals. Richmond Dis- al dent tiiere liIM ho met the, girl vie, Patchi. Of w asietiuied tae h b. iti O t lady " lu "W by do't they revive that seng tt P- th l an eid of &' mt'ý- ued te b . en popular a tew peurs o ? " l e " I o 't m e v h a t o n e o ti m e .- re "Wy. h ram le ibis: 'The paaib ri.cavalier stogd ln is rtrat." --Pimilm ordipbla Buli&pin. UCce l'rauk -"Wel. Wilie. vbst dii yeu sec aetlthe rîreus to-day»"' WIlUI ýwo vas epecly piî'msed iitiit. hbetlmmd poules> "Lots andi iota et ttl; but the beout wcre the cou. densed hors.#." -3udge. To-da.-Never vas the Chitian ce- Hogam-**Oi Wonde'r who s lli b. li' ligion so effective ais It letei-day-Re,. leut man on emrtlà." Grotau-"Oi dam- T. T. Manger, Unitarian, Newv Haven, no. anny more ilien yen. But it la te Cenn. b. boped that bel lile an onniertkr, Â Noble Motive-The- moive ut our - le wiil know iîuw te hury hirnsel nation le aun ne4flu and noble eue.- Idacently." tndlanapoliit Journal. Rev. W. Il. lMorcianti, Epiet'opaimn. ('orne ou. teilova.- crIî'd a meaqut. Smo Franc",co Cal. vho b2ppened lu overh,.ar a quand lis- Giory.-Doath means for es.-b eue ot twet'n Mr. andi Mn%. Ileopecli; "thia la us the eutrance lnto glory-or theseO- acinch. 1IbhennIlle -womso tell bar ètrnnce Into glooru.-Rev. Mr. Barber, huahand heo wax the mnt îbin-sklnned BaPtInt, Columbtus, Ohie. rnanu @heever knew.'lladelpliu A Puliît Artiat.-A preacher sbould Record. b. au mrt.ist iiose business I ite<o-Andi nu my oui dame.. Lottie Ligimi- Malte mensteed his message.-Rev. F. font. bas beeme s queli uto comte op- James, Epiaotialian. Piladlphie, Pa. ors! To tblnk thut 1 iiii't have mer- In eed - Th re re Urn s w en ne rie'ilLott s. ten Ye.ire ig ! Ah! if 1Ibild In Nee . Ther are im-s-Ifen100. d Oh. weli! f i1lied, Ih loa't wanta to b. comforted. wben ire pray atilleitats dl.nareino" te lx,- kept nearer te the heuri t f ti.- Ultl htw' eaare o -Rs.v. C. C. ItatlI'resbyterian, Nev -ck ýler Yo k City.P ur Sins: lie '*ît orget bis 1er ork Aty.eariy vays." 1 bitînsi oul,. ne Bay nry 1'ower.Tii,.secret ut poer lunlte lus. andieti golftli-km as If tbey vers ie m a te ia l r e i ti c o n s is t e lu o u r a b iiity p i - a e s * % V i fl - t a th a t. L e t h lm 0. t la bod oftheteres l naure bave bis stick lit tiioa:ir for a streke aid Be' Rev. Lyman Alihot, ('ongregmtlonat- be'iî drp i It the- noofi whlstic bien." an lt, Brookyn, N. Y. J-'n lu i n unr ma- Olrlt.ltl tr s.lr o no Oh vom intrstanrttentola biew Judge--Why dii you comilt this un-. et keeoai we commîndththla untle tac pevoked amauit? Prlaousr-1 vantai keepailwe eteait e hm utilthete get rny plurn tuhe papers. Juigo lai tt great dap.-Rev. Dr. Cuyier, Pnes- _Wel. wciyounb,. gond if 1 jet peu Ob- yterlati. Brooklyn, New York. gelrlnrinn tatio.Iav roe IEWLiton.-Tbe- Christian religion ls te vint te kil the artinse irb maie the. r, some a sortes et propositionts concerta- pic-tureu.-Nov York Journal. 7aii- ing Utce, mmd divine purposes require lu. "If i ver,. a man," sie,.aiti. "yeu tellectuat aaset-itev. 1D. 8. Jordan. uld net ind me bere to-i.iy. i'd bo Unlînnlmit, Pale Alto, . *avaylîfgbtlug fer nîî eunItr" "If Qed Wit Heip. liovever diMecuit.yeu vere a iran,' lie repliesi. "yeu eor arduous or reeponsibie yoor vert mai vonidn't fid me here to-dmp. s.tbcr. 1, It as b., test assured, that God i viiiprove tee, venudb.oaval, liting ton *p ea yur suficice. -Rev. J. A. Henry, country." Atter that. ali be bai te do "l'y Presbyterimn. Philadlelphie, Pa. vas tet gain papas coueent.--Clevcimit >rob- ly t Ne Reform lu Bpain.-dOpain stanis leader. ho tintouclici hi the retorming ideas The Fatiter-That Young man vho un- vhlie Influeuceti even sucb barberonsa used te cmii ou you aud staî se iste la mo-ceuntriesaas Ruseasand Turkey-Rev. lu the uavy nov. 1 understand? Tii. naLJ. M. Scovell, Baptisi, Phiadelphie, Daughter-Yes. papa; aud tinlutoftILI Fe et IL Is# boit lias been disehieti! The lent ave Revelation.-What dues taltb lu Qed I1Ibeard et hlm lbc ias belng tuved 1l. gjlgu mete unieesa i eans ttai; he bas The Father-Well, do't lei me "a bis) smet speiten te tis and reveaied himocit te arouni bere ai i houre et tbe aigbt5 L!ng- us lu tbe portion ot bomanty?-Rev. j. or.pou vii see hlm lx'lug toed eut.- eul W. Atvood, EpiscePalimn, Columbus, Tonkers Statesman. Blo- Otite. Mr. Blmpninl a great enthualUt on oue. llvlution-The evolntàonmry tbeory the stîbjecet ut cheat pretectors" vbicb 'a lu- sa bginntng te Impant sometbtng et Its he recemmends te people on every ac- l imm largete.. aud scepe te ail our cencep- essieu. 'A great thing!"l"ib. ams. -nheî riLors tigeofe buman lite and detilU.-Rev. make peeple more h.omtby, Iareseé LUIecO J. fH. Ecob, Congregatieiialist, Denver. their str,.n#tb. anid engtheu <bir goff 010 lve. " But nitat about oenvains. r sl-torsr" nome oeuae mat . Theî d i.at Chitia PeculeityIITrt. Chria- bave anî cheat pretecteis, did theYl7 wtl- i- gn pecuiaulty Dles lu dlfferlngt rein '1'bey dli net," sai Mr. Iimlaa, 1* *tue venod lu cbaractcr. As te Srert umpbmmtl, "and viens ame tieY bev g the decent men everywbe-re are the saine M, ieadý_Tt.BtA. pat-outwariiy.-Ilev. Dr. F. Cran., Mete' A cergymanlu preaclici a rallier long m aisen- s Cicgo-11.sermon tromthte text, "Tbo« .t fler Deathe tfbom Seak* Dites. veirtici lu the balance and touai vaiul- esn utr F011120,000 et, the population etfla-.lig." Ater the congregallon liai lia bacce dia areannuill kiled by anake-bites. tenei about an leUr. sente bega te get li et Tbe mcnl deailîl ci ail Indien reptiles reary and vent eut; etiers Mmo M-i efor- appeats te bc the cobra di capelle1 loved. greatiy te the aunoyance li thle ses. rliicb la greali dreasilci hle bar,- minister. Anotber' porinseat$ftti leggeiHindoos. Willi a dv lu tre- vliereupoit tbe parsult stoppad itbs er-