LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT.r WIIILEA HOT TIME. SOME PEOPLE OTIIERS Democrate AU ree to oinatiree aiC CAN ENDURE TO lTT'liedernocratieconvenion ell liet TO B N ' ,irayhlske Wc-în-sîay to pt<aet' ilà noîminatilon a candidate for reprisent- TO BE THE .,E~rI. aIe from tit ighili senatîîrial TALftEI>TO UEJA III MPLEditrict whicb :15 conîposc il Lu' a llcdto ,rîîîrly aeî',mjuplisiî laIciuyaO ;vn îut wac 1 ttiraly, if yolîi ive i-a.irlat Witil 114, YoliiiW0111(1 k '111 îl-pe hi -o tîtiîiio -' ujîlh iîU iri-g ialy va a îîlîî i ît affair, pie ni troîlu ctî iii. * liii ~ îiallan amas isore tbî-rc s ire tw ,r,,vi il inrýeî'îîi il, ithe regiliar deinocratile -oDv '.ijtiiou aud to biave jîrîperly pro- ce,'ied iii jlaeinîg if thet r retiiecrilve EXPERIENCEcandidates ili loî,lîîî atîî1,on ai lji thet trajîsae.Ltuji f al liusiness befî,rî-the e 4'iiîveni'î liii aliiilas an leq,1i, el.lCi'th(- QUAL ITY ~~v-vil jrciîiî'i iwliiagaîi li euiiid QUAL ý[Y 1 h the eîiîîrt ire ibher (A<i oiiî'('i zanbornl C . cteg wll-trw11 h %G-U ARZNTýYÇ"Taden sand Gents' Furiùiswr." -- lriulthe a t iii' ii iùijje eaiied tht'eîîîiv<-ntiuin ici urder aud Kaiser Back. Li bert Yv 11e. Ill. reIet-il itei îiîi nitîiîis fîr <ijai rînai ~THE BEST DiJîliasau. <of 3icl-tury, <asnomi- Dutiîd, lbut lî-furî. th,-oi- nii %%1 sas putî M,. itîjvuy, utfW auki-gan, by vîrtilie 1f lîî nlg tiien seüceted y tht'- euatirial SPRICES Ar.-AI5iiYs i îîittet5 îîrevlcîncly. teppîicîlfor- w <arîl sud îîr(<almt-d imlsi-if teullîurary eliair,îîan. ioîiiiy put liîîaavan csiEt' îet<îfri tt'e-<n veutiohi Dr hals0alw y. O ICEI îandîliftetheiîvote d-cci-tI hlm ir Dr. hares allway i lieali atita- oiîiveitiiiu s vre i, uff iceover Lovell'Drug store 1liere iili beii- a hnce- ln the' ses-iojî fîrthsltlî, <pe r-tlog icith.. aniKsa raa i T ie1<105TO m'Pa-Id. t)iainoii< iiLtke l-I'î wît'.i iui. ii ue (If theln<-sîail, pisiriy <-lti i..ibertyv i le. - Iliin oi s Diaînolid 1Lakec, IlL.. ic'Y btiir- lat-1h,, h- ot<iainta.sie <cf ths ___________________________________îly e -tiflg îuriiig J1uly anîd Aug- rcî'iîl. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. ust, -ullimliiilig SatttriIay Jul]3'6 -< he l[,iîuellv i r.ýwîl h 't. 1). ottic ove Trigs &Taylr'S. (uî)ju iisic. I ekut-t i5) UC-ts,. Ruiikwîll as sieretury aud the tiraîly -noueo arsrlgB& ayOrC . A. BILINSKI. Prop. Ieî,itiîlgelit loIailJames Maleilin inî the u'1 a I.lIt ýi a sp.maie ci.paitY. F.îib appilniîd a itÉtdlluonlrouwa piit lakLIBERTYVILLE MOTEL eiiite-o rdnii.1feewr Libertyvilie. Illnois. w eeainfr Bo Cil. i riu aîBulding. 1-9i cmpiud T.,o liiDoîunt'ites siatei lloe dil-ga- nld U<viV liiwhd shrs..buci. tiui. tht' (radîl înîîîthei' thet 'l lita DLalnln-raanl Service Fîrst Chas. gav-e te ii iriiîf-r r#i).le-iutati(>u îil,îtne Dr. A. L...TRAVIS. con~-rf- -lt -c ciîiîr-iieîvenitionlias toiiîss s wI IL . Ja. i TU i8 îAD 1T 0P. M.I W. A.DIANE . ,M I.yryGe i -. Mi.. Ai mii ccr-, i'. Th.i- iiraîiy îî,- lgîîl iltum lipeeiai attenioin faidi iiithe' LIBERTYVILLE. - -iLLINO. ia-- - irt-atui. ýut ot iiiroiîiikbcliiatlclli. lî-i' .i PAUL MacGUFFIN, lise ver toilait' f the- Lak-eîîîîjty Rockefeller, - Illinois. Attoiey audCou'cîiise'llîr ai Law. dleîgiiîs retîîsed tii Vote, abiînlde NOTARY PUBLIC riteuif-ecýmtl h ltwt criaiaitt'iticii gîren ..îu-e Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. I Cîiiv.yaui'lig. PhySk-lHfl and Surgeon. ()Fic£uE wlTljîLAKE COîisTYil AN1 akciijl kne'ociaLa B- eTEiL sînuLibertyville. lihbi'?T. LAKE COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Go. Libetylll,ilio. issues interest-Bearlflg Certificates Payable on Deniand. QAeneral Market Northfield Ill., <P. 111F. Second Wednesday of Each Month. -~ Lt Uuo---------IllioiOs. Dr. E. H. Smith. DENTIST. office over J. w. kutiOr's bldg Lbertyville. III. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTI ST. OFFIE11 iOCl4- Grayslake -Illinois. W. B3. SCHAEFFERIS NURSERY- Ci,.. ili. l t F Illinois» SAW >&HI intere.1ldt 1 ansaw. harvestdl st ready to rid crop on toe Crop 1 draw you Chicago on St., at go Wabah*ad day and you :NDAI, ILL. , f ri. vu à home for a m ee . ee latefi as( le î vee . e viastu re tu la ale te le mor." tison, Wla., vh tb p AI ateatic troîn K.»iîq, ber parent*5W5u rm wahhiega ib 5*1of et. th moD 6 unipe b Cil liAi SlaleafmuiFnui-ruai ýThis Market wmîî oe toca t.ouT~ - ed in the Village of ISHERMERVILLE, VITAL WATER Ad 'a-ý Hummel's Corner, The .lfllhble (onâunupiol Fo Pr te li îîcîrt&î s #! iiiig andil i- anciKldey urea , ý -huiigifig t.i< suth, \ilî'is<faIt kands, ai tlji ai-ui-ei'riiiJOg uit u3« -aalaietFr..on Applicailf- kl,ý,alli ativ-yIjgaday iii iug ticlit iiliil conias ario. ]W 8l- sdn- ii i'cihiii . tiîig wit yiii dresat1 iliii'i salit îtîîd git sicmi-.tliijin< yîîî dii -.ii IIBaTsvhII-r. ItL. Northfleld Market AssociatlOfl. C osing'Out Sale! Qulentire stock of Generai Mercnandise must be sold within the next sixty days as we are going to retire f rom business. Ail goods will be sold ata discount ranging f rom 10,to 50 per cent f rom f ormer price. Wp havea lrire stock. and now is the time to secure unequalled barga To ahyone wishing to enter seli our entire stock ate f rom cost prîce. _ Yours foi 4angLiter anîl îlitî'rrýiptiiiî cccii «mosiî-tîcu trnnnsa'ienl the iuiilii-5"Il'i ti< cit'ltheafruîanad l)alliîî' A.- [iradly is tht' i<,uî mjet' -tf<<nc ud Joihn hou î-iIy <f the' otiiir eoîavî'utiiîi ts istinctil et oit<f ditsrî ,icunit- Wiiîli sertcier'ît-i sud ini fact t'rc- mît îe tîrl)ia-t4Il i I t ti'cili- n shirt tii liatsil.- tirmIiy s î'îîiic'itiînIîilia tt'e ist <c i rr-guiarly <rgan izI-it aîîîtii îta iieil ît siI lieii-thal;thIbikliine Cu. ilegaitiofi> tsirtit-ileating ini the - imiîîc-iy I-iiveu'- tiiîii as irricgiitar.1 tri-c- ii',ir resoliition-., but the î,tiîî-t croisil aid ius jilatti'<oubîi Iici il- na il -idt uaiitlicr ti n.,- ' i> fii'1- ieitiasîiît'lthe f.ii,,i ii<ig Iilistrii't cuiittIi'- tu- C (,imii-E. J Itr., cU' t>M1). i c ccýýIii A. MJ4. m, ii'-Ic-i. M iîra Cîiit- ii> f--J-iiA Si - J Ir i-c,.f * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b rtheti'tihi< GJa;-iiiion cc amJ;-ilii A fier iau li-oiilVi'Otiili tIaIl Iiijiiît il i-îlte m(icrat-i zedcîacb thler <Il) andî timl kei ttae' ituation i <vir, iii îiî'îlîrî îg theNt-sati' ut alfa iri >X itiîig, i il tbtist liIariiiil y ,eetjild an. iuli(miiilii 1i 1ARE INTrERESTED. l North ChicaRo Citîzens Wil Hoid A citizena Meeting. A eiîiliiitiî iasat <eCks ,,Ih t hitue s'J'iiii s it-n ig ouni-h ) elete-rîiiroail lrijeci reads ilu paîrt:t liticuiar, have ben î-urreut for sîîîuî-9 tiln lîî'Mjat -il anieieitrii- rairoid IIi Nurtbwe-sttru li 'Pamstiig tbrîîîîgt itIiodotit ajaî Libicrty vilte tii Fox Lait' audothîrs (If the beau<ilui ltaies «ita sieh the' wetern part of tiîlscouuîity Is ctî ablaîdsoltty cutîliled - 'ihe prIject bas îakauulcîiie fiirîi; tht' righttf-way lbas iicct'iseîu-îîeî betweî'îî ionîîolit sud Fox Laie suit stirs i'ym wlti e mode inametîliiteiy îîiîi couîtracto lit. tbuuttaut caplaia lat iîîîî'i <f tht' eiterPrisýIuajîtl tut rî,acl wili e Je o<peratiOn by J111Y t, 18Isu Cafa <<flnadc-ii nteresi, hmonah tintinrers, mîrchalîttansd «fnt «f uîîWî Ictihet iiiireiit'uii ttieadvaîaagî's ut tlais dire-ct anîd easy inîîaus ut eîîîîî' nîja îîietuia)n <itil the' rici atîrîîî Ilig coîutry iyiîig wcs4t uf 'lm? W bat <iii Northii ic ago(I, iii ilît it? '[i'alice ilalitatea tinît Northt t'h uî i-;laiive ito tîî' iejit'li tii ,lie Iltrivfti trui hi prcipi Si-l <'trit uneîi. A iiIc-itiig i-f Iiizeaus hatii lit î'îtiied-,) tcc-iuili-r sitym and<icijîiaf i'tf sti-liiug thc' rondc. tins. ndePendent Candidate. aiiî ereiîy aiîoînct' luyi-if t cmi ii - r business, w e w, ii - cie for the iihtii-i- < if îuîty t-ui uirli- <ifen f îebuuiils siihjecit tiithe a liberai discount ceelsion c(, tht' votiurc at theîî1-11-4l, H. C.t<Atiu, l«Ltertyvilt Iî,l' ýr trade, Inter Oce.u i M d epedoellemi FQQTE SROIS. t7.'.L uIt SMI vol, VI.INO. CiI. CountY oificrc Earningc Ilurinu Paci Vear. 'lhý-eila cîîîîsîderalîii, IjterestIn1 cmmîîty affaLiraIlii ccîiteiiiilatiiîli0utthe' rihîîîgec tii la-etrted lîy the' coming -i--it ion <f celj jty Oifiei-ra. 'l'lie cin- il itiîîlî of the cdfi7eliin ia îatt'r tif gi'îitrai itî-rît. At iv tbe S-iti-jîer Imeetinug i t the' aiiicrvsirit î-port cof til'he <i tii s apil ntei tii s tti' w îtilîtbî eoiilty officers wax iii ahile, "lie iiîl,à Itte(' thlila eigagi-i -jîls.ii<f Miles 'T Lîîîîî-y, J. A. Min',oi îtJ -M Silîfusîi. -Illity s irt-at s un hli couî-îîrt lbonnîe thii, -tire s .-rk iitfi re the 'ta ir, and thiir r.'liirt ,iia.4 c'ptt'il iY the' 1le tic aei'iî a nsd viiochers t Jaines iirrie. treasucer: A. L. itcjiilee, tien. Wm. M liagail. recoirde-r and Iiiit cicrk, (George Il. Brown,î. sent! sund ,m, %. tarviîî, aclaîîl i iiriutindeni, wire ail î-xaîîincd andil tîîîito ic eîrreei. The earnlîigs oîf varlias <aiicem are ilitercnintîîgii nauy. Th e cîîuuty treasiirer ias recelved friiuiaitl icrt'ine-iudîng balanîce ou laîîd ilhuirepourt frîuîn Sept. 1i ¶7, tu Si-lt. 1, um<, $57,-221;.M2. i lert' wam oaut jî <f tiis, il udiug salaries iii 11-. 4, '9M, durîîîg the Yt'ar, $4i4,91l2,013. 'tic lelanet fcîîîîîîty fîîîî,lc oun baud is tlaert'fcre $12,111,76i. Thlitreasurer airtndlii uleî ulg unâ itasi eprt,- irjuding il fndaon halaitt tuâo!rwport irî tit sa padî, 2,0v2,g, a1total ilaaiic- ou haîid<ifntl3'i.gatoa i lioue i uoalî'rk $14,347bas29. oW r 1 ie -cl i arile yofie as iillr tht' ,ilanag ui yu x iitie ruuie J.âumie i97tu JfiiA. 4 L. ,tht'oulice jaoliet5, '97ituJoie 4ut s ,tilte 165'J32< sas oieett'd. Added of o iis th6,53rt' si-rt'clecdfrilA eîedlfût cahru- îngv. TilJ-cti,3<- a otal ruieinut $;iug,ý2,LS ec, actcli ult ie ofic $7,G5u6,65.caIl isperk ý o hreoffice <siert' .t:î3.i'sa rbclbaiîIe due tht' wecsîty foua iis iiite baasce due the esityb sas ti'offitcer [<y tht' i;e wiicl v bh t u ri-î'î've i a rte l ra toriiiieasurier.rcep I lui) ratragncer. - h' arig frîuîi uce 1, '97, i MaY 31, '9m, iera $,24j.15. The -total collections wt're i4,isi.311, and tht' elpensea ut tht' ocec, $3,60.60ii. Tht' balance due tht' ciiiiuty sas, iberefore $39870. paid uver ijîtiflic- trou cofera us the'litote. l itcuiutysunp.-iuteudeutoufihuols liasreiicAibg tr*pait sourcec, $6,445,37 ut whicb ihere are nus due tht'inail- tot' trondi iliiiihisreceivable $943,- :17 anct initribtig land, $90.35. iiiJ lin.n, 'tés9, $ of4.6 u slch fi,- 52l.-l.i c î -ii-'îi.Expenses of the' office- suit' - l,5iiiiaving a balance due tht' iiliiy iel$2145, 0t wbictnlà M- lu r. i ai îîw itAilatht' reveipi. ,i, bis <i i e thé' lîiiuie a geucrai imI, J theuni nî-I.iiiiu ut am'b îiffic'c it 'the 'oilnity, aid aii eurret'c'àageucrat GOOD SHOWING. imake expcIises. able publie interesi. 'Jhe ehauccry ducict cotalu, 127 lu t'îdlg thi d esnofsuEt'iniio luei rltheici iiontht' uue Itiu er<i lAi-i r elstivil) t' heago Tetepot' lii, luit', tit t'e ChicagTy 'eîbcne cîilii-utheidakeîriun tt' Teetî-u c" 1 ii-irlii- si srd. tou the devcui- (,p.eï luii-t i îîlcîttc tt' to cu s îl- <'i iueIlu- I i <ys if th waulilegan iu i) siiyshttiiî waaîdohf WaiegCuuuiy a vuitishort t<uarraîndugtoe Laeîîiibei îýue tii iiui- rraii<i i oe xZuricheiii at-let, siicitiiL-e esZur iih. l- -îîîîîurîî-eîmi utheasxtenmias i- ro-1, i--, r tu'it asir 800ut "c c he.Pero if -lrs i- of t th iiae îîaîue - iii, ,jîi <jjzs .,t lt' uititlat.tiiaiine. Ther Lake ' Cuciility s btrt' sîitficliit iuiiul sK liq sglît t iv arranît îandîiwbcre .-itizeli'i alit the service aîîîl lavor tht' ia)inenuîlt. Ere uiauy <eei-s the Lake ci îity Co'î',iji-empiany <vili bave coiil!iii'iijî miti Naiiegau< Iblivago aî., ijîiiinilîie tîîwn Wet-stou tht' W tsi-îciiniî i-etrail nul ri,îîd, wllihîttil tii,- toiluc îcî îady on tht' i u' <ili cie it faiut-iit'as for aihiirdîiîg a vailiabu- a1ei iiiîîîta tiiLe ctcmiri'd Can Condomn. IbLee t'l it' lîheursimaliy cotiatiaclis OU th,- trî'îts iiithte effeet tnat tht' 'lî-ctrîc- riait <ftlats eanuiit eademn- 1riijarty s bîre lat'easary to set-lre a rigît-îcf sa3. 'Ihe lipres.sion prevalte tlîi t iiit'a RtîSîli aii<vsy ciinpanly c-iîîccfiuliIII innciatrie raîi<v a tAn uit. Ailfiilîo<f tt eiîfiafany i'xiataia theai' sltilh USiitiilii<v *ýNvliilc a itret'ctar compasuy îr a comn- pasjy uîlerati hig satîîuîny iUe an the streets, cajaîîît c'ondcîîîî, jet a rals ay c-îîmjauy otiifg ihein right-if-way cain cundemua wbiert' iiecet'ury. The' lîrtilust'uttieetrlî raîlway <vilosin tasîr riglit-iit-siîy uîy iiig the stnet'<'t iroîîgh villages licîîî<- or iwîî isbiîe.Peoiple cBcîîld ititi îgîlsh lueîoî n a tri-et car linIhiand aiif ci iî'triî'rail %I< y - ilursccmiie- iiîiier tht- lutter spiic-luiiil t ii blig 1h ti)riiruraiiil îiderthicgenîarstraliay hiaw Wantud. 'roi ahy of îîîr dclînîîleiît auiclî ailiiilg the farniera se woîîtd saY, vo eau fose a tes loacis of waod, sud <vli luc plemsec tui balance aoanni4 bY aichange of prodiicla. W. a10lco mo 1 O a Weiorng eaablsiment here r ouai iiibc aceiplkd i exobange for Tht' crimtnai cýit' t wlicme up the- seond Monidai futhte terni, alter tht' grand jury ic ihraugh with uct wurk. lu is capetted that J uclge Dion- iielly <iiipremlde. --Every marrlcd <voman, iuless elle aus iaetu nau uifiriiiiaîtian tici uarry a -rote, hutds bier uiappiueuls uudcir <id il hi-r cîsîî buudc,nuit tht' kiepers ut it art' love anti patieance,' ays Mir Molses 1'. Hasîidy lit"A Tati Witb i îîînug 'iiveýa' lu tht' ociober Wnaians loiles '< îjî i,- - 'Neyer reasuon with suî .ngry iiiau, saaid tht'e esicrîlsage.Il oes no goîîîl udir aîîy circuuustalncec auci wheiî tht'uinnlu yciur ltiiiait il sn siarte than Ifolly. M btîsiwitt ih arotit yuu, cuven ihoUgtil Yu['havie the best tftht' argumntiiif ierettîre, lu everytbing, uîiieums ît te a Motster of coinscience. h le geucratiy better tu yietd than tuo eiuteiiil.Not ihai tht' site icni iogasisuiiy aîlilculàve; au muan eau respect sa<vunianu le tanti'k Lug lu st'if-resipeutaud every marrled woman bast ber rigbis. But the' bout ivay in whetu ii cre thesierighic lvs aîîi by dîîiug aggresslrt' bâtie for theEn. LLrt tht-lu be taken as a roatier of cîînrme, taking ih for graniedi hat yoîîr hjtikaad'i tirai wish in alwuYs for yuur ccuituti, as ycîîic asys for hic. Neyer torgct [bat jour interesia are. or ougbt tii li, icientIlcat, sud trV ii cîîuvijîccbina tîlat hicu<vite l is ibhut tricîîd aîs'ihfet'si c-iitut. "O Iat endî neyer rni-a-t auiytbiug wbieh bo iells jun of blu owu or ut othar peuples alfaîru; and i i h maies disparagiug reîîîarkc tif RaYuyne, iep the tuaw- teige @trlctty tu yonrseit. Even the taw caunut omlpel a wuî,îafi to bear ttutiiutuiy agaînsi hier busi-baud; che la a toiio if chje duos su voIjîtarily. Lai lu bca yaur chiot ibjaci iti please jour hiîîbaild, aud'eiiiit natblug iuu muet' trouble lu tilsencd. Ih scialmîîsit su multto urge neatîlsOf persan upun auj st'lf-respcictlig- woînan, Yei uhere are nîauy wilVea whcî comle short lu itis respect, wbîî tailtutia tbe griovolis error of thlniklug that John i cineanit uatter. John doesa mailer D lunch more ti an ly une elîte, anid il- 1 la any urnesmore' importanlit tai jon ahonici look Wel i n ble .7.5 tha> rin Ibuas Of ai tihe rest ofthe i woed. e etulk a s idi&Souh b te innIMgtu r ta@ f a !PRlt-.& %»wil1. s0 1.50 a Year in AI Day Dawn for Careful Buyer-. RGHT ANDSMINING FACTS FOR TN! LAICIK- N tdsilic gla, .....76 Novelies'or ..................4 Flan e1s1 inc-furTailiar MadeGowns7~ Black Ooods -For3'e s"yweaVus Storm Serge Ïnc For,. o...ý......7 Octaber Tsrm 0f Court Beaine Next MondaY. 'flic October terni Of COurt iîc aeariiig baud. Ni-Xt Monda!y the iî'rm beglua8 and the' Grand Jury will Oei-upy munt ot the tirâi week tnvectigaiting the' crijulual docket, whiciî Promises tu bc onle of the' mnt lntt'reciig that bais beeli beard tu Lake -'ouety for norne Tht' crijuinai dockit cantan8 ori, mtirdcr cane', that af Cari l'ethke, iri the' hiling Of iBev. Samuel ltreakwii, ai Higbwcksl. la ver, Probable -thit ilethke will nos cMine su trial ibin ti-ra. lie will bu brouglit np ibis tt'î n, buit ascheobam no lawyer yei. Ont' wîll bc appoiuted by the coaîrt, alibe fir want uftuime ta prepare, will îik a egoliîualire. ablcb <iii, nu ilojîtt, b' granted. Auoiher case wbîch <vili aitract cou- 8iderable iut'reni la ibai ur Mrs. Rose- moud Carpenter, who bas beeu lu Jaîl ail sommer on< the charge if grand Iarceiay. Rer cane <ii bu rcealled lu couuectlou slth the wholesalet' heft Bt Highwooît, whéreaverai ihausand dotltara wortb of mic<.ing articles wt're tonnd Inulber Posbocsîin. Alnang toiherm tu 1<e haudied lîy tht' grand jury are' aix cases agant Saumuel Schwarte, muoint01tbemu fr sieatlng hosties, oue agaiuci J. Hiarris ut the came natiure-, and another agaluci M. Kubelaky Ou ihe came charge. A case oftihe People agaluci .Joceph htrehm for ascauli and battery. cam. mitted at Bliffali, (iruve, thai u1 the' plet'vcJoseph i'ett'rkort tur sellng whiskey ou Suuitday.atd <vthont licence ai Dlamnond Lýqku, and the case ut the' îwolie va Edward lîNel for tailure tu talée care ut bis wile, are other oh- chacles for the granid jury io surmanut. 'Thamacs1>ngdsuî' <iii bu bruughi hp fur the assauit on Charles Warncr. The grand jui-urca siiuîimnueclare as E> E. Puuii, M intlîrap iarbor; Audrew Sirang, Wadswî,rthIRobert Selter, tiracc Lake; Bnyn Webb, An. tloeh; Alia('itoyle, Girant; Wili Wtt- mingion, Avon; Charles Harr, (urnee; '11w Sp)eimàtn, John B. (lavin, Rauban itotaford, G. K. Adalus, E. P. DeWulf, waukegan; A. K. Swtarne, C. 0. Won- ban, libields; Frank Protine, Liberty- ville; J. Bi. 1>ellein, Froent; Henry Maimaun, Wanconda; 0. H. Comatock, ifarr ingtan; George Krueger, Long urave; C. J. Knopp, Vernon; 7Wilmoi. Deeriield; W. E. Brand, 11gbi- l amai Park; Chcxlec J. itoberg, Ilig<h- wood. Tbe commun iaw docket contium ceveral cason ut Iniereci ibis tertu aad lu ail thi-re are eigiy-nine cases eutt'red. e Ainoug the lîew cases, are the' Van N'iisaiugeu cssen, the Chicago à- North Shorea M'y, Co. va tht' Elgin, Joliet .t Eastern M'y. lietitiun for cundemnation osnd mre va Win. 1D. tO'Brien et ai. Thte ,caseaof1B. A DnUuii et ai va John W. - . -45 LESS THAN WIIOLE$ALE PRICES. CON, TOMORRO* ARDB IT AT THE 1t1I TAUL9 0F TNit FAUT. mous£ ce TAULIs;wED NOV. 38. WAUEHA. ILLINOIS. ataUlihrsL H. C.PCIocki ÏI tl es, pr ad Raniges, A big line for your ln& bottom-prkces. Cali LIBERTYVILLIE. *14w. SPECIAL OFFF*» Tro nw $4 Ithe IND~ Libertyvillea Lake County, Illinois, Friday, September 30. 1898. cets, rices that UFFS, Zement. ~ments. 1 AAAIUV rAQ9:cz 1 1 at- French Flannels, Pur a few ciasouly, ai. lm, M a mlwwoý Heaters,