Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Dec 1898, p. 6

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~bl,,- Viï. file or au was ie&.Isomi " fromtb. quiet entwe.rd op.- v' oqg tate- nSbuuegU [pelrance et the abolis out Jeffersonl av- «Ù.9 14 im .tha an.I muWh 1«e iiýe g i nue ouewould scarcely reaie that e Vejett e d M id 766 thé 115 lmasor< IIIe. fatelibond Isl, The Chinse.empirebhm lent becu bihtiere la golflg on vîthil lhe continuient liv.. te iiteWn. Uam New iare al otronjr a" * ait dvelpod It eossldered tie meut exclive teatoiy business ot ropalrlflg air the cars ot the wick. N. J,. having 1lent hotu bis -to la a bond that la Invncible; hfe llown oa the face of tbe erti, but fi bas neo city, no lattie matter. tlpwards ot one a.arly tbI r t y «"neo De 1755, but draws stragb troun mean rirai for thc distnction la lis but tie instant tilt ait oft tese breaks huadred men are emPleYed ber. theeum ar go.lbas v51' 0115motons, and 4therefore poesSssneel nelgilior, Thiuet. The religions "Wbat le tilt dreaiful crowdr qI are brldged eover by unterlala wblch are jeu round, vorklngIlike licavers. mend- t r a iue d ilsverattlty. Thé Spali budbelonga tanatlclsm ef the natives amd tbe wild deutknow. Eltier Hobson la tow" conduclors et electrielty, there la *gain litg, mjklng nev, replacIng, panting stumite te verk entlrely te the Polnted luger type of and difflcult nature of ithe country hav, or shirt walaIs are marked dowso~4 a contluuouse 8eo! eiectrlcity. Differ- nome et the parts of dlsabled mtrent marvelotiay for tie dreanidt' snd Ideellat, ratier than served te keep It the oni. nineteen cents."-Cblcflgo Record. ent niatertls differ in their power te cars. on an average trou six te mne.hlm. OvIng tan.vh e calculate and execute. aide woend longer and more completely Tic Judge iterly-Tîe ncxt perses v couduet electricity. Copper làsa oodcar are brougit lu daily, wlth disablcd au aec:deet that Tiere ceuld nover lié a chance forti thfanay ther région. Front the 1Ltb vie iterrupis tic proceedings vlfl 1e conductor; trou la flot sgo l se cepper; metuoe. Theburnlng out o at auer le b,,teIhlm bis ewner of sncb banda te vin trout thé century enward explorera bave entered expelied froutlhe court-roooe. The glas la a non-conductor. or lnsulator. a serons accident, as tic 1wîring muat leti aru md te many-ldeaed, versatile American. the country and a tew bave even paris- prlsoer (entibuslantically)-Hoorale- le ami, given matérial, this xcet the otten be donsecntlreiy over agaiu n f ii OANAIUT . trated as far ns Lissa, but, since tve Puck. couducior affects tic rate of 0ev. A immense amount et Inter. entallieg a H5 A MSLF French misienarles gelt tere lnit fl Uie-"*Have yeu beard 'Songe wlth. aimait vire viii Dot ashow se muci ledc- expense et ai leat ffl. Tii. vnding eh* luas Ber Owa Plantationand*j1. forelgu, test have eot desoetd tie ont WordaV He-'.ive ieaid a lot et triciy te 0ev as.a larget' vire et thceofthle melors vth vire leanuInterest- *a sucees%. Beit fthe capital et Thilet, Tic ron- lieu vthout mosic., Atter th"athte eame material. Tiis power et oppoolng îug occupation and requires conaidéra- Inlut t isemofe the venid Si lane new "Ou it viimot bc vcry bard te undestand Incident and piano were lsO-. thieflow et a cntrent la clled reaIst- île skili. Bachi loop 6fvine consista et tblng te me a voman makleg à succes ven the expérience ofee wbvirécent- dlanspella Journal. tne. our fumne, Wvilc are bound sreund * of a business enierprise. But a fcv ly ventured ncar tiat section la ne- HM. Joueea-WhY dont jeu do smue. ____-_ But viere dosa lhe current comme wiii luuialîng paper and protecled on b ave se fat been able te bondie a lurge lated. tîîng te support yeurse-li? Tih tisa frein and wiene deles Il go?" asked one tic corner. vîti iingiase. Thes. an landed estatead moit. fiveturm a Renrygavsge Lander la s tiorougi -1 us Lînkîn', inadai. et starethe* --temme viti et tic lîstenera. tien bouud areund wtb.ltisilallng tape andsomo revenue. Farmiutg or oper- Engllaiat u d basna&ltic Britishlo lvsetofdem endies chaîa etlattera m ______ i "isWb*n vic uihe sce- aud adibundle oet VIre la Put i lsu_______Re ofapatainlisiengnral tadvuffTWri'eYt vas tii. loes t t d irIbutin' te me relef.-Puck. -opoý bmvi@e rgy ton the werklng -ofthti street cars. proper place lu the trame et tic mater. . conceaed te hé a masculins undertak- bitm te make a jonnncy te tlie "ferbld- "hs"sI r lte,"aapcue iM U-a oM mubed la produced t thc power bouse et tic Thc burnîng eut oeta uter la etten due - ng. But Mrs. Lelia Seaton Wilder, ef den land" Mr. Landor made lon frutoftie.." aalr n ltteorr, o" "Bte -la 09sbu*w an. ib il 1cempay. vere the dynamo.otoIs bti thecrapid startlng et thé car a -un --Decatur, "l..lis. denontrated tiat attempt te explore Thibet lu May, 19M e clely gsIr lievrled" E oioitefono4omua Nselsn- verk are stuated. One end et lb. dy- tic full carreut tien rushes tbrougi .a.csisd.brLO ce svl but lie Thilitan suberitles preventedli seau@elok 5bbb «MUN&M oflooai ulba moula connected viti lie trolley vIre; lie mater. etteit jumpa over te li lgh ne asnaryman ceund& Up te tee ycare 550 bleittraini fengtecuryylsedticptat.ti>dog ptb tmbwsak. '-- um. 1h éthealer end le atlaried le ths rails. insolation, and begins tusing tic vIres Mro. Wider, wvi e laa daolnt ouenLipÏiu Lek Pass-liee aulest route-'andcmpstpiogpl!-Tu. 111111! q mgict'eioe two are not councctcd vie mad even thc core or middle part et lic veman, had notifinitmore Important te it vas Only lu tic mlddlcetfJuiy liat Pruyn-Haeyniad iihni M. mubia lier. are ne cars on tic line, ge tiat mater.ilooket tn atber vardrobe and. bar- lie entered by lie Lumpla Paie. but aieny about eldi Stiffe héng haleS fi lie gco ther. la mot tien a compets circuit. ý"Tic magnets at eaci aide et tic me- lnt a glood tInte. Tien ber husbaâd vas açain lurned bock. lHe ultimately, alîve' Dr. Bous îhauttil>-BurOd et Tiers tu ticretere ne curreul flovlng for muai aise b ou44ibvre u u>disd. leaving ber viii a large landed snccee<lcd ln gettîni acrosî eu-aîe im sllc Wy.bvso. au endbeW ne uun c0ietber along tic trolley vir, or ln tie lie current dowlng around lieu asup. ecatt. lie nover dreamed oet uking talun te Manarowar. Seonefft ttat et mir patients-Broetjn Lite. blv » Mumh o ba» cf rils. But let tic trolley vire be con- plies lie streugli ofthle magnets aned charge herseif, but. ln commen vitIl bis tellovers, eriglnally tbirty lanonm- Farmner (to Young îblt)-Wliatae ____ - dsetbe n rnected lnnsaiy way viti lie rails, lie aise tic limes wvilcimake up tic field eofe tbe lm u lsSni ber, were rcduced te ttetresttbav- yen dolng under tic tre. viith at asU ~ crcut l coplee. d ic urrnb iiitere. iin ler.arecarcnt7. a-an overseer and put le lire. yiemtrav-tont gradlually cerme te tic conclusion apple? Bright boy-I van Just geing te 9b?.* mu laobe gm e h- at once begin te 8ev. À trolley car chine verk. torging. lathe vert. aud Revs, Flanas AIÇI> sIOOTS. eding abroad. Wbcn aie returned home liaitichéair et Tbibet vas net bealtby llmb up tic tree le flot bock ttus fSp- Sw efurnisie aci a cennerlien. and tthemny tier proceasefi golng oun lb.thefrein bsr vanderinga aie round lier for toreigners. pie wblci. 1Itse.bas ftoutedova.- aunm utai 0e itairougi thc trolley viredovit Biele. GreaIt cars are lit ted Dp bodily amputated just below lie sieulden andOplantation le tic condition et a bypîcal Lefti it monly ive attendants, lMr. I'ltsburg Bulletin. bIIe ibrougi tic car and litemecianical de. by Innocent looking machines, and tetic eusrîgit vas taten off ai tic elbov. "vldOv's Place." viii ragged fencsLandor vas ai the mercy et tie ne- Jlnta-l v ant te boy a doit. 1 dol't ~U s i I n dvice-_ and bock ibrougi tic ralsaltiehétrucks laken ouItfrontunuder ticu se To lie aîunip oethlie igit eareic bLd a 111-tept fieldsand revenue lnsufcieni tives. Hc vas engaged la buylng 9a tnov viat îbey cutihebrccd. but U la be dyuamoý-" liai licmelon ceau bc renîoved. Wicela book affixed, vilh ci egradually Icara- te paiy cxpenaca. Sic stopped tibs ethoeeta a place called Tucker vie something tic stiape ot a fgreyheoual, %-d OWOM 1-»bmI6 O abus Thi ldman tout Is audience along vIlci bave become flattcned. a tbing cd 10 manipulate viii firent dextcrity. once, dlaciargeo iben everseer. Ioot bc and bi&searvants, Cianden Sing no d itb a short. curly toit and rougi bair. ffl 1licéotailleeofthticcar and pointed et lndicated by tie bumpltug ot tic car au Havlag a tondinesa for oetour lite, complet. charge nd coumment.d te Man Ring, were atlncked by an ever- Do Yeu tecp doge IlIete it? Vaaie- ri. " llr ntnns m A hetie varaosntaaas ie rcsuued. lu goe aloitg. are grouud down tMr. AiÇâis quut laI be couid devote vont on ber ova accomu. ab@ asactu- ivbcmiug terce et Tilîclans. tirevn No; 1 drovns 'em!-Puneh. .but,*-Teo lok ai thc extcnior of a car ne gnlndstone. s agnea big vcr sou.etf bis fu e0 gadbouRt- m ýr eilwoid eao ou, etn.tee n nlyld cl cu et e" an ~~iaseash W~s «e"oec vould reilise viat complication car le brought mb utheahope one ultirg wiadvantage. But bc bad te ci- lt lnaintnjas edtc i ff. ligitly bound, as prisoera loIe the kolddda a I lany i ti* ' ~ ier le a ti arangeent f tc vi- lrec menthe tOr a tioroulgi Oveniaul- ercisebils ingenulty. In rowig a boaeet polantte ionr"or e" s lu th..ue dpecnee i Pine"o eleh.knwicedmira soidt t.Smenird Ns ~ ~ ebaig. lPeople bave,"aO let: ngad cieamig oethelieuceanisin." be encircles tic oar viti t th tinp oetomn tic taroS. Tien sic aelfttcd oeetfetftic province. At Onrt tMr. Lindor knovnastate cmarrled ladies, but mo»n nom e*w au vier. tie cntrent geSoua"atdviiIl Byilus firme anotier car iad calme up Mlergit era, pressing lit againatthliathildent and mutpsptible oft udr ituscît vas net lertnred. ticé 'PoiD'or thliesingle unca weuld abject ten a des. On. ve i tftraied gentleman and bégaum pusiebng thc diabled oeena iet,wvIlci i tends do*n 1ev ta nuinier asulieraaltn nseliu o rynteItmaoun ytégedefrlr-baoNy. 110111ot MO kIMM i eMme vs. beard mtlogâe vt onder i 1slng. Ticeiltieort e ogaole aloid gentleman vent mcclte ttic ivre un ahéier pur- aIl te vent. Sic rides on borsebact cruel sceurglng oethle untonlunate Misa Atiquat-i'criape yoa are aet »ýaW tic electricity vas preduccd lu "that; lu and toot bis scat.-Detroll Frcc chose. Planîing bluseit lu lie boy t______of___________Ciauden Sing. Tien, out preteneetfavare oethle tact liai my tamlly «mas b- ite x up lthe lafront." meutli1gPr'ess. tic boat, vîti a continuons vnîggîîug couducîîng bita te c rottier, tic Tii- oe ateMylwr inC N O tic tex ai vhlci tic molel-man turne BLEE motion et tic viole rlgit aide et tic béton@ put Mr. Lander ou a pony and Iudeed! But tien i sutpps.e o 1% Mi tltla tthe enremt e and off. Tic trolley pole BLI UE N HENRY GEORGE body, Poche propelabils beataait>. tut uiacroos country 4ua spiked sud- tee Young et tic tinetealereMember le tcus. h oncie ik -Mn. Fucis la an expert fiaiemman. Hie . mm" ti. n U mma vee tc iruadntc cSonai o f v . r Jor hn Hallacifies b as an cîgit-toul rod. Wicn be bas muei about tic îrlp.-Chirago News. ~~ UNs Ne ~~~~ J e i car. Leadngt rou lie buse ethli Bolten Hall. on et tic taie Rey. Dr. rcacicd lic rîgil spot n thc river beTiireicp-staceIe 0 ald 6m aa umclpole t ie ihcodmteluancien ii& boat and adjusîs tic mcd bv enlsi'l leo e oid I1 IM *Ibadae - t eaa evirffe vic otnd of iethe- John HaIlpester ofthticFittiAvenue udrhsami nsc a st hr vr oun.Telenn 77' e 1. .; ~~~~~~~~~Presbyerian Cinrci laNev Yort City unden ilurar upirt ofsuIla ata uotSu, ' hebri gacsotèm * « ftt-car. Thisla laIcase tic mterme le as eectofl i U tis 'alvtu rOetde lt rjc ue t i unn ine tt be iccallcd eut of Iiscar for several min- bsbe u f atewi fbs te eidhm h utb ie ntelovely blue eyes tint meits fh boIfore 1 d"d liiaion htk. ute&. for yltieclcerent cie be en- boto hdu okut îbls menti. Atter experlcnc- km gît it te lie bouse.-CinciRatîlâna. * 'aItrlctoffem tic car. that t. tie I ainladete lie tactliai the ubroinbaontinheokqIe youn manla oe e themontentb»i-Wiiiie Smiii vas pîayint viii fla 000 "« Pnm aon t 1- circui t ro ibehns eb~ omgmnl n ttcus nh ai-ig auuere'Lieto leie litWJoues boys.tlh«g It Uls niotabrt-ieringccshtlnbisdlthlmMr liabâou& aboufý Is 1,es. 1Wien tue la cîosed. however, as Itstte belevera ln thc theerlea et Henry gFuthng cauil iVn Inaetoint vr. oe ae &mohrcflhm .IM&ah s y isaays Iovie thec(car la in raies aGeoge and bas arnayed hîmseît vith ir uch evisc4an Inenftit. Wl te avent kowtos aO va m ie.hae'tarI. thé current fleva Dxltesa aLigil- labon unions age-inst capialiste. Tice-nyisuInention oance et oftw sert. iiIIOc. dTCILbos o ontajeulayuwitos are lie young man aseems ahé satlsfied vîti Tils invention consista etnd Ivo bisra- île lot and lliimate neofgit aglaienti olvieg wvida, nelIed le a piceet.r c W t WP. m rbTor ncib mtehi, au-le.- ko ta u th rvso»o hiiLbeard. Bach wbeel la mde otacol etien 1lam a geod boy fton hein 10play j Bltn al t 4 jan od ndva oe barrai bénida fastcncd togetier se as dle, the moat terrible torture et the viti."1 'Coreiln Ieland. Hie lo a me-itoe fine te Icave a groove anound tic cincuts- many ailci te> Infictcd upen hlm. Faiber (terxtiy-What la tbls 1Ibae educatIonnd a a fiel e e e nti roeaaotln ihTic spitcd aaddlec il vould secun, la ene about jeu ganibllng? Son atlly-I Y ort City. Whitec at colege be becamo bout attachienitle veund. A iandie MS. LELIA aSATON vuLoan. dcofised mn iconteriblesteture otni f1rplayi ste-es. Fter-Outilié a -~dcl neeldl cvnso a-belpa le pa> ot tic line by caunoti eie ymngh erbetrueùl raaleae.Fte-O.9 deevin t Huxeln Athe lavink eoflb- vhe cci learevelve eutvard or ln- dilly ait ever the plantation, sec% liai vhlci it causecdla test tbld lu Mn. Lan- long au it lstonr ouet bing taecat I deit e a n wonu yard. Tic Ive Uines are baibed and cvcry ender sic gîtres le carrled eut te don's ovn vends.mid. But dent let nme beur yeuplay, hevcntay becorna prtnre, tirov trou lie test lu opposite direc- lie lelten. lets ne broten tences or *'itvas, ic ngid, "in reality te Ig ton money.-Truti. de clivn ttis Omi ecomvin ermeot. Whe-tiona. A ceg preveuts the vicci troun vent gates spoil ber cropa, heareanmd veoden trame et a ver>' ilgi-bactcd lira. Iasleig-1 sec ienc, Ethot lien and tried co-openation ton lie ben- revolving oulvard anyr turtier than leasetlesa micouple-mis and bandîca uer aaddle, trou li ckurtet vici noue that even> Damebasa a meaning. Tins cdletticciplocuas el s.ti O n ncesaary. When tic ceg la vtolently colored vortuen vit ate-,Onu. maiOve or six sbarp trou spiteasltct eut arold menus 'brave,'(Charles inca élit.ftic plan v as teldiasrthetsf1 agllatcd the tdoberman teova i. bas bond, clalming at once hem respect iorI'zontally. As 1 mml on tus Ilustra- .a"Rcad is aheg ii - per cent. ofthle profita, dlvidifil e cagiîsomeîhiig and rspldly turne bic and teally. Sic banvensa end selleaail ment ertolrture tic spikes caugil me le îcrutngly-0. t1îuov viii Dick amount pro rata ameng tiec derknts wbvecl Invardountil the prise la sccured. lber crope. tien @pcnda part efthle jean tic smaHofethlie bort. My gourd bar- meez nia. lic mean. boulonsa.ELés ail oliiers verklng on mmtory. Tiey The arrangement iy wvilciMr. ]Pnche ln Iravel. speedlng ber vlutcns meatly lug been augmented by tventy or tiirty îoîd me no lest ngt:-Beaten Glebe. Ilke Itandthesysem seme tati sumaages ta discbangc bis siotgun ta ln Washington. mounled meR, viti muatets and LiteCanc wordsndpu - greatsaatisfaction. Sut Il seon pnoed atPor IgENS evt iebokhegords, ve set off at a furions pac. LiteCrnc(vendan p- lupacica. iccupoys vr fviitte ticheien eand puia lb ln place EBA DANCING SOMOOL Tic boracuan nidlin utront of me icd dersi-Pa. Io It truc, as Siitspss5 toit te vert ton a correupondiug reduc- eanlbiàii soîe. tgtOPPO- Jersey City Mîntater lestruclslu m Hiebyman iat "ah t i wna a ste r l ien se as le incrcase peofts. wvile telie ius moet iticboit end oethlie People ta Tsrpeechoraan Art. banda vcr. uanacled bebind uy iact. Mm. aipers Ilia>' butav er ben s firi rceled o dde beefi tainthegun vilciie tens agalat Nus ciset, For tiirtcen yee-ns lqv. John L. Scud- and lins ve traveled acronsacountry ton 1SeauPesmea ie, tbuas an moaet au plan. Tien co-operation vas aia- te faate atm, are IWO strings. Baeh cou- der bea precicdjn e- bîg Congrégation- miles. In erder ta acceicrale our au>edccud -os-tbs ens ulo 1onAd. moncleevîit a trlggcr.- In firlng tic al Cierci In Jersey Ciity. Hc bas oe-a borsema.flrode by ni>'MsodeIahlng oriea-il>benstu t Young Hall tien turnd bils attetion veapon be achzes one efthie stringa cd e- dancing ocioel labils churci for uy pony le mate It go its iardet. triia.-Yur f n etilyabM 10 lv, ge-datin tro Conuil ~ iti ils teti and gives a qulck bmck- tic yeuing pepl e oattend bils SUn- lanvhIlc lie ior.euau vie ield lc Fiudtheviel eran> abiI tlg 187. ie bas sîCe ubl Co yard jerktoetbs iead, and tic veaPon day services and bis congrgatin ap- côrd dId ushluosl le pull mceuto et c atIy bandaeievolan. I aioul legs lu 1887. He aisvîlci îc aImaed provesoetaibeoi. laMninecudesounofla a eddie, ne donbt lu lie boe f etaelag thilut yen ouid bc joralons et ber. bilsprofession. Uc became Inercated pla dlecimhergcdMr litdninla cases onttelet teth the _______et__________aime,_______a me ramplcd le deati thie coiert be.-Boat îcongfdetll>)0tIlyDb ln tihevnliugs et Belsuy and Henry br raril.l bt George, tudr vieva bdng elong theb. Tuea bbI l aatind me. As I Iaed ni>'body' torvard Iruti. Robbini 1 I e-. I neyer Invite mameuneas ios ied i hlae Thli ued et loadiitg tue gun le isseegoas te maînînin ni>'st. and vitu my an>'bod>' cre tuai a sane vouan could aenimvas an aose belb ie igle ingeitIeus. Tic povdcr liat oencdb>' arma pulled violeutl>' bactvard b>' tiche posîlltate lie leitt te-Dryt. tiawsaaoteoftesnl-a r. Fuchs messurca automatlcaliy tic ropc. lhe flesi vs. nubbcd off my bande Little tlnrry-Po, vbats a atoregoe dovtrnieoftheatteand euL lat îcthevexact quantty requircd le tead tic and knuckles liy tiechâaleoftheIbeand- conclusion? iPa-ADytiIng tiat 8Ure ticremnthdrtandbsa ovuentlandailc un. Thiabe obtmîna by louciing lice, uffs. lu places the boue vas expose-I. te toliev aoiniehiio chac. Ta gte r'u oun social II&. Speakiug on tuis snb- plng vîi tic bbouktmtacied tle c-~and cvcry tug breugit me loto terrible an lutaif fIvr eln u jerI, M. Hall saYs: rigil iband. Tien ie terces dovu lieI coutart viii lic spilies and Ilnfilcted draver of ni> dea t u uudn't be tweut- "Noon soul t prmlte t ildpovdcr laIe ticeliarrel. flloving vibi deeper vounda. Thc cord. tiongu 1>' minutes letere 3-mur moîber vould land wîtieut payîng te tic comuunîty leso > cn ttcrmo.vli. stroug. evenlunîlly and unexpertcdybektoe for lie purpose etf lndlns tiAEINRT.ticvaie e le piviegetiu acordhi presses down viti ltew. Tic main- gave vay. Tic soldier wito vam puling ont vintIva riitecneL iE O L & B T Y tevau f h piilg ho ccr-redisla idravufrein lie barrel oteeti ~ t tie otier eud vas unioesd. and I Clevelantd Leader. enes ethefunent aled bai . l tl ean.s fphebok- tahe tvws. ys ail but tironu lite muex- Site did Dot be.sitate ta express alart a auuOUMurtsman Ibisatentr. b ela cteie byPenet.f gceucen snuidbc gldlie rghtari. gncsoiditheYong otutun fuur ~ in arete. u i adeîc b'We would lieretome abatte ailuaxu vftbifloi oissa& u,. vli, v ie tipnul rgpr-tien. exceptthuaI Open lic vaincetfland resoe u a a acquIred n tRact uground. On tt ruund va a long log i>' -We bave at colonelwvi e a bthigel- ~ a~yducd y lginin fas fova "lie tic exclusive et Improvenienta. Tuis tex et saving Wvodand be bas got selit t ovWod siapedIlite a prîs. Upon the lent and diaecet. atnd subordinat.ei- ý4 ast car, a fume vire fla burned eut Iadine- aîouîd be coliected b>' lie ll gsI emi. î a aiuaeamvvt ae e ir dcu bsIvsmd o cers vie are Intelligent as Weil au ~0*10taticmelns and tic flash le led dl niuent and a certain proportion te pald dtonea a le ae aoting ia evser te s ap d efnal men bcd mnie by litl rv. ' uwaluLHrlda' im labpu.recul>' te lic gronnd. Prou téiligit eleSaevrmut. Tita aystémado ave n iot gng enfa-evle ororOoes ain raBtv."t-Iînd eat ncohavrod eux . au « gpq a »ning arreteur, lieenrent goe ate c ould dispense vîti a borde et tex do, andla e-pt1bclafognnlic yardte c ourdoar eug h slre notamyitterBu M asuioglt ofSar. o bv yu sterling box aitie tront et tiecr. And gabecrs aupltylaeruen md taula oudeeincotya home 'Sgh arthe i lmeWahnto Sarhlrew atk be~ r- the complication beglus. Tiers gaîîy eremsimt f goeraetandla tie-rear ofavie monvtotag. home as ftranepart as îîey nouîd pull Utein. OwciIîdncn.meatns ov 14W *ebo - r- laearc si poits idicacd octictops!cent_______________ do__ inla illitovut Tien ic Peute ppronciedand for val lie vord polentuadov - ~ ~ d-.the sbmting box, ecricorrespondlng Tvo i'cara ego bis vite, nmue Yeats xXV. JOHN L. 5rUh>ltEIR. Ttou hrOe Pminutes icaed-adior n inpupilBi-Yesnia'au. Tee-cir- fihneu b» t dive- te a cetanze-meut oethticentrent ider tikn iulcl, vas strîcten vîti ai-reund alilete . Ailbils lite, partic- vitiau an ch etfn> face." Weil, lien, write a aeutence contaliting ~ Cur- viri la alleved ta 0ev lirougi the binditean ad aflcrvard becauc bcd- uaî î olg îte Ilatoc, Tinfloe he orue nilevn. (Five minutes later.-"Now Ils*mil"&li tw maer. Te Iteloror heboxlaulidde.and jet oé,tee. la ciecntnl de- pae otblbs-al n vr-teeeuinr eoigIRtetJebnuie, jeu nia>'renjor.Jene m $frav. neole Tic aneeni t tc boolee-@Pite lier lirulules. tuIng elueeofthle tind vbici vas go- lie laigrand! art vs. arrangcd for.-1a orfrthkisfpueit 111 199 m "b lufer Usiea'numbe ofisimiittrou etlticidciurcbluarc pic-y Tichecu uurinaarlote-vas culmin tionice tabe-v tint b - l bavel tbaveta rl tusth vanw oont eo »M s~aaB i Cen nend, eIlt vwilcilurneos. tihemearu mîsute t4e ppse itttlmeot hlm wvîbi is varlous coleg te edment, but ae-crns crcumtace aTrutI. ebv églraa fi Ia IUm% i»Udi> terling iandle la turned. Beneati tic droggatsa soU te mont medicines licane v as captain oetbils base- auscd tule ist .iunpleisanb cremonyetako h yswoli u t ,"flo ao a M » i a f e c f h g h e l a a e n ýb l r te a m e t Y a le . 'I f d e n e t b le u i- t l e h éd s p e u s d v i . A tte n tM r . . m - " 'd li t e t n v v n t j t e t eli e t tisoje a r st ,» ar a vm am N wetl tcu iraci y a let li me i d r n d Mavicg to d ls p aclan evraa v con-f 1 dst m arm d e i lteaun bonnoe- ilu tact Pint. Tiese points are difreet- ola hrae *h xc e *-- ýwemft g »h l aitate aroud he erimter noverse le tue caak. Our iel ptrons are more te me-to a clergyman et me than a rock viti thei teettlied te a log and John Henr>' "1"1 iouid probie- b ave 4 ogeiflla11 àbmWm snfedcb a i tOntien lie nexl, tien tctisvoevibthvieii. a y7trallng e-t tue Union Ticioglocai their bands tea apost igi lanlte air, been thic uuiappicslmenoenerti."If etih m li t laia om ofâ u aiyels Demaolnent. t cbonttie and tluset usnaafor trylag thila nmedy and that Semi-y," suld he thé otien day. sud allowed le romain lucre tor tveity- i daopdtes tr llhv v iii i ut fi Nm e a trsus t icese nte n. Bachd r e. poditi nt o f e otae ln r ' m l d c . o o l i our h ur a.ilu vs . discovercu l a exam n- been a protoc l, but i. e t on : "Po .. a or of oibis ed t e r o a geni à tcl os ugar vin aconernitompari t fticregu- beiveen tlie Ongers wvs.qulteigi, Off.", Atten viii htierc vaon otulD e. *am a Umtomare»li lichérov et vicela nndcrneatbbbringe suri>la ad l tov ey enttey aom --s "Mgé VUi -la thin' Ires mbplay a differeul vine leadln dvig uhmauesyen n udon.cxepein atnse lepasse$@dir E. iee ieposassui ngrehaeid bt o u ii icdbaie,-OItu 1- w ~ a nU t vIr resitaureboxesconaat etlong elle t vbe ticluare n dmI» nt etxuc pllt n lt ilc i mie ver. s-anjeec ditethole T iletas, a ciarusd go Tribune. ,40 lie mqpMOb I Ibsa veil le reasaanc boxes rieur uteuours. Thewo Iteral tk.A uhasgrdeadotest-lr, n obri a edn ate. At 1110 WUmaM t wir rssace on.eTic orsal oln col et "es tey send ton a decter, and thIc ritd te iteaer de, n oratis nwde- ltse re aerd can benuete thli eeu. A enia ulnt vie ad be u ui a s ticrcarala aatstartangthpuI lu lie erlcdcou-ldce'thevrage oveofpthe ange-r men la- jtrontler and slleved le reiun te civil- grmiulated iniaelf, atter findlng a Mel. Il Ws b v s geatestro un Te rt rosiationc, e-ud ie Nes N tmecutaelles urettertm foaletcme evx pec o pecipln._i m. th duig ie atevramrelion-um otaeobig-.eSt i"

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