LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT. Libertyville, Lake County, Friday. December 9. 1898. 1.50 a Year in Advance. Correct Outerwear For Those Who Have a Nice Perception in........ . ress1 Between our telling are, and your seeing are, it wlIl be easy tc "Ta" &M ent éis' lFarniss." Libertyville. CHURCH TRIAL. School 'roechr Fred Bunles Faces Mis Acousera. Thée littié comnnitY of Fairtielti atteuspted te probe thé aléeged whip- ping scandai $bas crested sncb a sensa- tion recéntly, Moudayaftérnooîî. Fred Bun jeu, thé accntied toacher vas bronghi béfore a session of the Germen Evangelical Lutiieran church for au investigation of thé case. 1ev. iHenry Bl. Sucon p, of Chicago, président of thé district, préided. 'hie matter was net settléd, as the meeting ended lu a rov, another sensation for thé Germait .éttlemént, in which Jacob ilees after ant excitiug scene snddeuly léit thé room, threutening te crry thé casé into the courts. Evéry male méniber of the church vas présent and Bunjes appeared béfore them te face thé chargé. Thé tory o! thé e as godeé Lbrougb vith sgait and arguments on both aides vére préseuaed. how ood hy Aflter thé chairman vas elécted Mr. how oodthe lBeapréseuted bisaide of the casé,asà- îhow good they : be weil dressed serting that hie sons@ désth va. due dJrectly tao thé vhîpping hé had ré- mived from thé téachér.tMr. Bunjés thén saaid hat hé haiS not admimlstered îtndne puniihment, that thé vhipping was vithin, thé scope o! justice and vaa flotthé caille of the boy -sa déth. lembers of théeonmgrégation, who ark néarly evenly divided on thé que.. tion of thé ieacher's réaponibiuity, vére then caliéti ou for thir àtaté- mente of thé casé. liy MAhi. le mont of' thé méinbéra ld comnîéncéed appealing go thé chair aod ahouting dovu eaeh speaker as hé expreed hie sentimentsa on one ide or the othér. fn thé midei of Ibis tir. Beeu gût up Illnole. Dr. Charles Galloway.l A. Oflceaver Lovell'sDrug!5tOrga ioas"n o Ai) 70mt . oum. e ra - IlînisM arket Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. , Pi<.Df5T1TOUo Ufce over Trlgrgs &"Taylors.Norhid I, -mouas§--- oN thfelW. t, éa. nIL 2 t" 4 and &5. ta sp. m. onU itesadece on iruadway opposite Parki Second Wednesday Lbertyvîlle, Illinois. o ahMnh Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. ThsMark-et ilbe locat- mou" a. PLL, A. 1 0 c30l.N T05"1P.iM.I ed ln the Village of p épécial attention paid to thé SHERMER VILLE, srttnéiut f'hruti bénmatiam....AT .. Rockefeller. - llinols. Hummnel's Corner, g -_____________________For thé purpoasf ail iming anîd ex- i changing Livpe Stock, Vllles î, ail: Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. lu is, and li fat everything and sny- Physician and Surgeon. 1ting to lié fond u a fartn.. Bso1 e stîré t4, coue.. Ilrinig viîatyt Gurnee- -- ------llinois. dt.n't vont anid get someithiiig yw~i ZdP Z=-- 7=- - orhf laidMapet Association.I Dr. E. H. Smith. _ _ DENTIST. ELECT OFFICERS. office over J. W. butler's b!dg ___ Annuai Moeting of Lake Countv 8 te s' I-ca , 1,ri t l 5 I. ItAILY Agrlcultural Society. Lbertyville. 111 , Thé aunnal meeting and lection tof officers of thé Lake Connty Agricul-1 tarai lSociety vas held al; Lbrtyvîlié Dr. E. V. HARVEY, Town Hall Wduesay alttéroon. But 13 inembérs wveéiluatténdance and DENTST.iît«ret vas lai. O FFICEI.HOC, tS.8Thé secrtry's and tréasurers ré- * LO12 t. iu'îiiiioalti. putas vere read and approved, afier Graylake - IMinois. vhich fllovéd thé lection o.f ofiluers. GrayélakeTvo ic-*ket. vérélu thé field andS thé - - - réspetî candidate recétved vote. PAUL MacOUFFIN, - follova: Attorney aud Coausilor a% La-. W E PMllr.... ..... T3 NoTrARY PUBLIC H. J. Cater .... ...... 7 011:0< Wimn LAKE CGOuNTT BANK, FînRRTVIt-E PIIrStnpcT Libertyville, Illinois. Il. C. Cor .. ...... 38 _____________________IBy roi) Ci-lOy .... 24 HE RY z.)UA., lHuniiglton------------------i. HENR Z.DUR ND# Sri ti\t VI<E P IESIOENT. ATORNiEY ANDitCOttIELi.otii ATLVI, 1 109 CHAMBER OF citi&ÂEtCE. 1-1Hîtlngton, ..........36) P14t(O<1J.l.C Coe ........1 Slate anti Fédérai éîeu-:SEA, courah. Laua F aT, ILL. . E. Cllhél..-----------------37 J. M. W oodf»an-----------------..2l Warren Heath.....-1W LIBERTYVILLE HOTEL TgzARuBEIt. E. W. Parkhurat .... Uim tBaiusu jmt Cngo""s th tsé i> EuBondd ........... ..o....o..t. 28 oiuIug-roomI Service Fit Ca&. DtxsE,-Onsf. Bea.iurtiO tî C~±lots tîlC,Mmé.ai y. R. i)ady, ...-----------------.591 T'avue. Géo. A. Brolîhy ......-3 W. A. DEANE. Psg. E. S. Muhke .-24l Cî,. ila.Ai'.anI C,,r"iDt. ttuutington ....... 23A ýjBRTY VILLE. --ILLINOIS. ýi.~asi . 29 r E. W. Butterhlel ...1.4 a' - W. B. SCHAEFFERS D. Gibbois..... ...... i NURSERY. Oeo.Voe .... .......... 35 bI u'Oné mle suth. of Long (rtee P. O., Litsae j. S. 3ridley-------------------. 31i , . . I.P.Thomas. .....2i il mnt..5adeanlOrnamntaiT. G~5 raite. E. H. Bwn ................... atnmnd AmalIFruits. ~Fétyp1taoav'imtelstik.a--VJni. Austin---------------------.. 1il *Thé direttîrs lecteti are Dsdy,P B utteritéld. ibbonsuVoévta W. H. MILLER. - is btveu Brophy aud Gridley for 8 TONIhOiIAL ABTIST, - il th diréctor, vhich yull probabî! hé (m détermlnéd by "-drsVng sitravas.",- ~jW1îéu on vant a dlean shavé or a Thé ticket lectédla a good one andu Il à; hair et cail on l'Bill.- thé fir 0f 5411 ylélu ingood bauds. Bet ,Ioor ft W. Ç tuaSitsboStore 0 jrauSt. StiotioPeni étéry ihîr County Convention. nue<miiSilr tng<. 'rhc w. C. T. Tl. Conty Conventionv lieélist. I.Iertyvilein the Présbyté.M - BANK... 'right., Parkhurst-& ilartrille, Illinois. tf an ohtîrch hat Tiiéiday moring, a rn i tt veniug 'vas a Mot lutretin sssinlu thé firenon -a praisé <cd prayer service vas bld. lu thé afternoon éxcilent papérs on Co. diffrent subjécts vére résan sd In thé évoing reportant obole eud nationalI coav*Utona ers huard. Thie li. ri iabibn «O. dm4hshes IL D. llaiduar !.7 =4h bogtlaap xt1u ai e i, SHOT AT WHEELING. mSaloonkeeper Uthris Utz' Shot by F. 1 PT if fer. 1 lu a good-natured eoutest to decide whether Americanu or Ciérmans vere4 better drIlled ln milîtary tacites,g Christopher Via <as accidentiy ahot.1 sThe accident happenéli at 1Utx slaloo Ln àat whéellng, <ber.- the farmefN are àvont t0 congregate. The cornédy4 rvhich euded in tragédy took place1 elant veek Fridey.1 0 OGorge Comb. the ouly Yaakee pires-. Reut, hntly maintaiued that nu soldiers iou earth conld surpash the Amoricau r oldiérs un the pointa rmised. Ptiffer,1 athe apokewman for the Germaine,1 ciauglied at Combe astaténient. The rdispute became no intereoitiug that the smen ilnally decJded t. put thé motter1 to a test.1 D The (>ermanh linednp uder Plif-i ifer'@ command and marcheli vith ad- mnirable precision about thé old bit- liard table. -HaY foot, atrav foot," Comb calléd Dont lu dérision. '-You Dutcbimen get hack to your beer glas... sud letnmé show Yoeu boy the thim thi.îg in done." 1 *-Watt a minute,~ intcrrupted Utz, g i' will get Yen a #un and give you a 1good show." . Thé saloon ke"pr aecnred au old Jrusty shotgu, n@eof thé muzalé-q «loading, doubie-barrelléd kind. He é 1placed It in Comb's bande and toid1 -him IL vas not loded. but would an-1 8wer thé ourpose.1 e Comb tramped about the billiard1 rtable. Hie wanuted to do justice te bis1 native land and proudly vent throughq Dthé variouul mausuvérs. Thé pro. priétor gave thé ordéra. ? "Forward march!' ASSUME CHARGE. 'If yoU byth"rgtod" hrî!adOffices. HaeNwat the "'ri ght pa e Thé coîomtsions iof thte'ré, ,nttv pac eet conuiy î,tiicérs arrivédýtiia. r;'o u have an lnvestet day, vitb Got. Taughers signatt ,in nt aflixéd Iheréto, andmuonday t1wt- îîîî'îrc Not an Ex pense. took tbétxrfésliéctive positlioiî. Mesur. j,,ués, Hétîdé' anîdtlirc-ii dîi motiug more than keep alî.tg in, ths oi.i rut, but Sheritf ,rIMuu ad Connty Tréasurér Foote, aéuî,îud t,,', TAKE SHOE duties and remponsibilities. Rhriff Grlfu ilu <IIbave bis m 't Vomen: the jail, that linIn thé front Jpart .'filf t E 11.1-l' 1- 1 heidi h' Mir. Foott'nnew nflce wyuilm lié 0-r,' 1wITb.' P. lit F in.'Khpid 8h thé shéerif uséd t',hold thé forth t in ie, th'. - .' - Ed h - i,,v t .,outh-west corner of thè court il, ts, The est of thé officers wil have oflJc-sý Men: as before. Thé, ail have, roomna t,, 1Ilv, I , q , iii solpl thomsolveu under the' uéw srrîîgé Children: ment. Thé nev Treaaurer viliili ve u, 10 1ý 1 l al titii et nt iiackns hous on Weét .tréet ahîl,' tht' Shérif! yull of course -go to jail ' Mir. Foot vili llnd aàddtional dtuti,,' Inconnection witlb the raue'cîit' Thé réviaion of the revenue law mode bL theé taté générai c*éin- hîy luapé:Zsi eaulon a yeur <go là to affect thé county tréasurers c. ho wenuteb office Decembe.r 1. ln4( thé niewloivthé treasurer la to l,é ex-ofielo .npérviaior of thé «<seus- ments o! the couuty. 'The new h.w providea $bat in counties of lbus than 125,OM luihabitanta aand inuder township orgauization, Sncb auoi i Laké, thé Iresanrér sabolIbe éx-icteo supervisor of aesaméutn, that thé couuty hourd saaliproviîte hiîî <ith a suitable office in waich hée shali keel. thé aassaMeut books, <here ail <i, w<1mb may Inspect théni. It providems aud lit thé churc i mmédiatcly both Cornu vaîkediabo3utthé tablé. turu- that hésaoli kéep &téoflicé 0 frnt, partie* léit their sea, and a généralinig thé cornieront exact right angles. 9:10 iu thé moruîîg ountil 5 444 in the bulbub enanéd. Méemberxs hook thir -Itéady, aim, tiré" afteruoom,, évery déy exceelt Siniay ista iu each othérs faces, thé lie vasl CoMl, raisi thé veapon, and point- aud légal holidays, tic eau apptoint pasedl, thé chairmai, being utiable to iug it ut a béer keg on thé end of thé hies uéésaary ileputié.. maid î'Iérkm, tui restera order. bar. pulled thé triggér. Thée(lermans hé palid iy the county. Mir. Succup lnaiiy nc.eeded lu ré- admitted that le shoveti goodt train- On or l,éfre Alril 1, nt'ai-h y3 car toring the meeting to au appearaucé ing, but prévalied upon PtIfér to rep-e hé la to assemble tht' vartotia assèssor.. of harmony, and a comiittee of thréc renient thémun imilar drill. Ptiler of thé uourity and i gîe thé,,, théirl was appointed te. try to effect a coin-. took thé guu, and, In reaponse 10 thé instructions. Any auséuu,,r wiflly promise. ordéeru of Ut, préased itt hl# bissoni- negiectlng or refuaing t.. îomply wi th Franchise Granted. der. Then,,iL, trampéd alont thé lus instructions linaulject t,. a il.,,. A hi eua metn odytable. and impriouuuéut. It in thée diay-.,i Ailt the irtégirmetVilge oad -Itealy, aiti,.t ire!" ho,îitéd 1tz. thésUupervi.u.r of aseuamuta to i-ait granteid t' thée('hicago aud FoiLéke Ptiltiér rai.,ed thé gun and took de. thé couty clérk ,'acb yeor. a titi lfalroaol Comnpany a 544 Jeaf frxuehieé liberaté <lmu t thé musion ukeéper. To r,,ciîvé frous hlm thé assenaaî,,èît i,kt go riii a trolley Une thlotiîgh the vil- the ,-tuterî,,ti,,î,of tlose lii thé little of thé ,oinity, c.ith i. ct lage. '[hère vas Soîne ..ppoition 10 ler roî,m the- charge-, wiuoe préenrce lianku AIl township Ma.,-'îrs '111i gratiliz a franchbise of that in tL. (At Mong,.,was .înautt)ected, ex. on (or i,éore .4.0e 1i t tcad'i. ,, iut théeîmotionu to that ét-ct nnaîî plîié.ei ttyo Pli t..thé liner. lts ret,,rn tht- aseusaméoet.. preésiléti. Wé pubîiih thi' franchimeritor'lii ti'tirn fî,jilioit, fth "i.' ..'r-ia lu artinher,értl nin and tuéelrovisit,c thé .Dr ler s4ssi.i<'tî tacandhaidu * 1' ,SN qui,,t.,l iei tt ., Ean,-, of tié,ilaiia, <ère mu,,,.îo,uto retéié euilliotsrcggcîiî int.-rt~sf 3'itri. rema thé. wî,,îît,, an tî tonce ex- Ireail prîtprty hlist t eén î.. nic-l O btua ry - lîréccéilgrave - ili ts as tf0the ,uanis iroî,ér iiitation. l. it- i ii i-cc.d JohniH. Atams <ax b,,rîî t, ét."é i t;,. , sué a, we< t's fr n nîhé<ii-b change'% aîîi alteti natîi i i. deen, S,-olantl. Jaîîtary 3.1859-S. 4leti Ita tiil. litreandi mter théea,,,. thé aasé8eutot fr roqrty a i tg tvéuy yars f aé Lé<eu tii[ii- ptitting il,ratîoii that hécould not origiî.ally affless,-,1. <il ici t-i'litii,tît' berry, FEast cano,la, <ber, hie lved for 1r,'covér r innthe chotk. and i îld Sut,- andi alferatiows itnthe-isesitii tire years. lu 1S4lehénainé 10 Lake cooîity, 1IlI., vhere lhé remidéd uoutil is ulati,, vhichi occurred Nov. 17, 1898. Four Jéars ago lhé vas co,îvérted tbrongh thé Instruméntality of M. Ed. Harvey snd unitéd vltb thé Gages Lake M. E. church. Foîr aciéraIyéars hé bail bééti a mun! ferér ironi cancer o! thé boyehuy. A physiciau froui Chicago performéd an opusration at bis home tv,, véeks lhé. fore bIs deatb, but thé disease Lad mun itsa cotirste. Ail that human akilI conld accoinplish vas doué, but tr.'in avail. After services condticted by Mir. Eli. Harvey, o! Chicago, and Rev. L. 0. Cummings, b! Evanstou, hua rémalua vére taken to flms early home lu Canadta for hurlai. <JardcT ofThanlcs. To thé mauy friuta vho so kindly assisted us ln aur laté bereuvement we désiré f0 express ouir sincère thanku. e A<RHURaAItaIANg Not CoeîVInaed. Wé are ln recelpt of a lengtby comi. innnicatioii froni Jacob Bées, of Fairlléld, father of thlrteen-yésr-old Atbtir Bées. vbose dé<th, a. noted lu a récent Issue o! thé IiNDEENENWasva attrlhnted by a number o! FairtiélS résidents, 1o a vbipping admniutéréd by téachér BlimJé0f thé Gérman aminci ab that placé, lu vhlch tir. Béém denya Ut; ihé, hbitWlfe, or any o! bis ts.mlly ara convincéd that big sonsa iéath vaé not thé resuit of Bunjés' pnlshmént. Thé letter récites tr. Béés version of thé motter, vhioh ia lu substance thot hbis on'a deeth vos cn.tad b> a beating admlnatéred by Banjos. anîd thot thé allégsd *vltch nséd by Bunjes vas lu resiitY a stick thé thioknéas of a man's tbqlmb, Mir. Béces iSéuys lu toto thé printed staté.- mente that Buijés bhsd been proctlcalIy vindicated, assertlug it go hé his hélléf that proper punishmsnt vould hé méted onît 10 Banjos as a résuit of su investigation. vhlchhlbis ltter states vas tu havé li en beld-Decémber Sth., Wé présent tir. Bues satemeat at, bis éarnent sollcitatlon, vithout cofment, lu thé absence of proot of hlsaflégUlmoa. day aftertiooti.8 Plifér <as go tilîléti itI réniorsé ai <'bat Lleld(lue,.that lhé became1 wildly vleénînt lu is self-reproachea and threatened ttî také bis ovu Hie.é Ut iéavem a vifé soif faml',-f nimal ciftren.t R. W. Coon Favored. 1 liou. R. W. Con... of Wankégau. lias securett a pltîm, probulily one of thé liet politicai positions évér séc,îred liy1 a Lake ('onuty man. Re has béén1 appointéd général counsél and adrisorq to thé Arîcrlan Paris Exposition Comni1 missilon by Ferdinand W. Peck, com- msiîîner. Tht' Chicago Hrald sya it 1 onue of théeutoat importaut pool-1 tions lu connectlon vith thé American Commission to thé great fair ln 190.1 lu receilng this appointmént tir. Coon la not ouly greatly bonoréd, bnt hlis réputation as a iavyer andS conusel la thus recoguizéd. By thia appoiutméut tMr. Coon is to thé Parts Commiasion juat vhat auy corporatiou iavyer la to thé corpora- tion lié serves. Ail thé légal business vhich commes hetore the commission lu fit bnsy vork of préparation for thé UnitetiStates show tu France lu 190, la referréd to hii. tMr. Coon vîli do mncb of bis vork lu Chicago, but un- tiI hé léaves for Paris, hé vili remalu ln Waukégan at ia lav practicé as much as possible. Ris duttea bave began, and vilI continue ntlithé lat gleani of thé exposition @hall havé pasaéd into history às a mont marvl- ou. achiévément. Th4t ia vhat thé Parla exposition is schédnléd 10 hé and that la vhat Mir. Peck and bis ahI. as- sistants are éuiéavoriug 10 do their part ln bringing tn pasu. The vork of thé Commission vill b. lu thia courntry antii prohnbly the falof '99 whén thé àcéne of operation vilii hé harged 10 Parin. tir. Coou'a plana for Parie are as yét, of course unthonght of. Crouit Court. 1 Thé Deeémbé.r tr, of thé circuuit court convened tiondày inWaonkegan ivith Jndgé Donnelly on thes bench. iThé session ViliImot prove a <cr7 intereestiesone a. MOMY of t6" more iImportant ces"é., e contiueduntil tbe spring téti. Ther. viii lomblhy- hé only une Jury casé lrlsd tlaisterme, that of James M. <onditvusRobet 1W.Iftle u anmid es. Oréndhlt nm-uw 0W&UU6mu 0 8 cw al-11lé ie icict.tothi.t frul ii leva, ttl1 s, rvdt thîît li'e tîlii plot.,i, in.,autî ie Oiape i frieti county the tirai year tiei,- iîîm i infr-e but alter thé yéar M ie hésiallpl Liih thé persitual propérty iîacéa.swiiîis nil thé changésa of roai îîroperty a55t'55- nîcutu. Thé net lîrovideis for a boardt o! réviévu tii c.nsit î,f the' -îî ity ciérk, thé ébairiuan Oithi téiîy board antI a citize 'atii le atioiiîte-d by thé couuty jîîdges ou or belore Jluné 1 of eaeh year. Thîs hboard ls t,, réciew, thé assésaméenta modle by the sunirvi8or of ases8méiitsThé ctmpenisationii of thé board o! révié,,les ilxétiaîîd pldi by thé coottY board. TIhe township as8éssoré soiiiîérciirs antd clerka Who bavé ncted sn boardl oi revié<, alitnot hereafti-r havé the, power to oct as sîîch board tof rèvtév. Thé board of réviév provided fot ira $his uéw set shah m,'t ,as @oun <ft-r thé loy takles éhlect as posuitle anod not later thami thé second àloîîday lii July and salalI enter at oui-e upuin thé dlschargé oftsmdutions. L eaaTo.. Suniday aftéruaconmî. viliui,, ting near bis boni@ t Warrcitoun, Fred Krtiéger, a sixteén year îîlîi [oy se- cldentiy shot'bimseif n the- foot. Fred halo abot gain,,naiti stî,rtt-d ont alter dinuer t,. scout tht- vioda îfor game. it was abolttune ocioik, yhén hé thought it wîîuIlbli a goiîtl precation to lnucork lits gui .8 loung as hé wax moving long ho0 iîe réstei thé barral ot théezu oitahin loft fotîît and starteti to lover thé trigger. li thé attémpt the trlgger lpîtèt friim bis lIngera anuti théeblovus iiah chargeli, mnut of thé chargé tîîkiîg üut ftct inlituséeoiid toe, blIvitg thé cuti aof fit. A Brihght Blare. buniday ulght tht'e suilth ky aéeméd aglôv vlth ight ant i uaiiy Who sav fit vre purclidau ti thé cause. Thé "ttkokie" iiarmhiî -liî,iil. south of LakeèForest <<s -on ti,'If in& big tract .of land, uîîîîuîîîlly diry et bhis sadon, iying in the shampe Of a dipper, thé howvIlac, théeî,tlî. Near rIl eosthé Laké Foreat andi Mon,,,Vit', golf ilake. Thé ire star tmadabout & mfise it et Giéncoé and svt'pt rapUBydly hoisVys. Thé iîs lmhaui- !aédo !ýn o a.i nd bay, and it i,. ES FOR INSTANCE: tp ut$.0 35,840 laému t ... t.. 2.54), 2.86, 3.00 $2 #1ti p. r pair fo'r ail cii. s. a t .. . . . . . . . . . $2.(X1 per pir. Extra Loy Pa1»., 2 Bars Lenox Soap Free 5 ~~LEaDES2W LYO9l HOUSE EBTABLISMEO NOV. 25.1043. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TELEPHOnt NO. 100. Real Estate and Renting Agent, ALSO DEALER IN A Fulline atk.jlSupis, 0F -TH est ShoolSuppie Seals, Desks, Blackboards, Charts, Maps. Gobes, Chairs. Clocks. Belis, Erasers, Crayons, Pointers, Wire Mats or Window Shades, 1 shai be pleased to make you specia, discounts and net prices on the best of everything for schools. it wili pay you to consult me before giving your order. H. C. Paddock m Libertyvil Overstocked. As the season is well advanced, and we stil11 have over f ifty stoves on our floor; anyone having the cash to exchange for a stove, wili find we will flot hold out for profit. We handie ail the leading makýes7 of stoves, and wîIl guarantee to put a utove, ' in your house, as cheap as you can bUY the same stove In Chicago. In comparing stoves, be sure and get the name and numbeér. We have just recelved a large stock of Skates which we are selling atprlces hard, to beat. =.:a =C- mm LIBERTYVILLE, IL.. Buy Now~ Fur Coats With Beaver Cu ffs and $IÂ too Colars......... $...0$ 1 Fur Robes Excellent quality for $6 to 1. the money ........$ *t Blankets of ail klnds, both forDi t rIe street and stable at.. . ih BAUM'S STOCK FOOD. l'OR OSES, C.ATTLE ANDi SWINE. u écononîlcai smyroï of fal0am pr.'v.niv, 'i ,lnease -Iivréaua m iltow -Itaiseaseatl. For"eeiby Chas., Kaiser, Harness', Vol. VII. No. 9. %anborn & Co. c "Y. , ý