Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1899, p. 2

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"*#à WORK AT FORT a Bais .Ater Ceptur. 001100egaza "Tton poate Vigbt -Ille ffly eav Vet of ohbers 5~j iadnaspeti a policemnu.looki loto tht dark .Mod. bousitt 'etsgagge-l hlm snd tht-n re- $9 #va anti heltiup nine igut-ts orFoVrt Scot, Kan., the other A mob of ralîroad muen bas -Mag dieu to avouai' un asacut B d IL. Meade. a locomtotvt vhom thé robbers roithet anti dihérs vert vountied dturlug pout ai tht outlaws. George éig i u letakeas for ont of the tugi- "dvas abt throtsgh tht arm. Ine » ~ mea dump aund broke ieshoul- L ter tva mtu Who hati cutereti a Kimet a sonith-bouud fright vert Wu i501t1. Tht car vas set onit t "»anti guatitt outi oMtcrs arriroti- 1 ATLES A HIQHWATIIAN. IW0 WetaiyWuaded onua-Susi' Iltreét tu Ut. Louis. ~b .Lahiv. a veli-kuovn tîlior st tale as mortally woundoti in a et street encounter vîth a man ,2 anu.attemspted to holt i hm Up. as ou iin ght vith tht "tfor aiatbocs. cadi iman a e leas able. Tht po- = 8 bdtu o ob upou thet iRaIt .É atien, and adveace tht tht- ý lethé tsoneaeaalant vas s man 10 albbf lgrndge. Lnhiv la 35 ears c4rd boa 40 m "châlt. Ht vas uiil lsaicaidt escapeti. Nie la the ili-etoy brick building at ear the Auto estate andi Arman Meenutile asavoltsalt dopartint Stt ý aid eavy los. Tht Oire ýI b di. t str7,anti hurneti 'SW 1,the 1roct andi devni to the Mmtit7y,-bell, dama*sgtht bauid- S,atatorcfthé slzth tory vere W icM ." ndthaelu the tonies bue Pal oessune t r the Looloa JIues.M. 4e0Shévta. reulevrlag*,ente I lu F'rance sud la the @phare cf Frecb jugaluéne ring tiheIlut year. ivis cud*i ou and luttreatlns dtails as to thet liranco.Russlan tre&ty nefotiationsai t c Petersburg. He gays: '"The Orat article1 ef th draft trésty deciatedtbttIt hda Dot for lit objeci a u, uodl*fi0 n Of th@sE Muroean territorial statue q». M. Hàn-t taux rerusnd te counterslg InsuhsIL tresty. eeltulng: 'Whyit ila a epeti- Sat of the Frankfort tretY.' Count Mu- ravieff respendéti: 'yon yull neyer Indues the Czar te iluà revenge treatYr' Neither M.L Hantauz nor Ceont Mntsvitff vouldt wItd. The proltm séeei inSOluble. vhen Count Muravif bcd a conferelice wth President Faure, vhe ieidtd- â st Mittini that lb vas very undeoirable tn have sucliaan article, but that. un tht other handi. It voli hé impossible for hm teo returu lu France without a treaty. Ac- cortiiugly the tresty vas iguct."t CLEbMENCT ITOWAED 1'<DtA'N. XcKlnleir Pardions the reoubleaume Leach Laee Bd BMen-. The Preuldent bas pardoued tht twtlve1 Leecb Lake Indisus, seutenceti to veri-t eus terme of Imprisomment sud fOued ai1 the Jestarou ut tht Unitedi States District1 Court for Minnesota for ressting theé Unitedi Sttts marabal In makins sanar-t rest. ln bis recommendabien of pardoni tht Attorney General says: "Tht lav basà nov béen vndicabeti antithe Power et tht Governmeut etabliseti by the stern ant i severe lesson admluitîered. lu MY, Judg-1 ment no fnrther puishmtnt la neeesaryt tu enforce the respect ut the Indiens for the autharlly ut the Federai court, anti 1 belitre that exerutive lemency shovu t1 this tiras viii hé heueficlal." Tht Secre- tary ot thé Iterlor coucurreti la these vieva. BOLDIIRS IN AN ACCIDENT. Serions - Mhlp t; aliers Of Ponrth . Ohio amntears. Twe hundréted Mbm of thé POurth Obie voluteéts, vho vert gathereti at tht Auditorium ln Columbus tu hé' mustereti ot of services,vers hurieti trom theit test- lng placeat au esril hour the othér Mu- lng by à suleacollapsé of thé lmPrO'nsi heds. Tveuty-tbree of tht soiditti werU badiy hurt although no fatalitit are re- porteti. ln rdér te accommode tht men. temporary donhlédecked houks had been bult ef tent dore anti of sauatllug. Un- der tht veight of tht soldiers the struc- ture toppitd over aud colapseti. Lack of braclug et the bonkite nthé reason gven for the ccident. The men lu tht lever bocks suilleredth ie mut. PARUMER@LAY@ RIM BROTIRER. Ohd Qurrali éewé, Ciing a Fatal0 DabtaParceuL. hetima Afrsr. auéseEeld l plaut nov lu While aitendiug tht fermera' Instituts a ki the ~etdavor ou ai Ada, Ohio, Houer Wélcken, s vealthy i C=âat te place a fat-mer, von abot sud Instastly klleti by i aatbeu terme, sli that the hia brother. BIrd, alto a fermer. Tht i sever ver la bel- Weicksra hati trouble about bye yue ao5 "'e.Csasr, lis sj, bas mt ever the sttiement oftbteir fathere s - de Witte, uluister etfuance, tte, anti, meeting on the cructieti tréét, ~lfuEthe debt ot15,00.00tisé quarrai va, reneveti, citb the remitr eu~t0~0~ootracted by a for- tisat Bird @hot i brothen urea tiennec. çv-ureci. tva et tht bnibetm lautilur otan thtbisert j suad eauMainstant desth. Tht lsyer lm P*ichse Cetianial, surrendensdtu 10thé authoritiea. ' stete thé L4otlisa Pur- et et ."us omU"mous- Thiiveu Art bcctisfni, *id; chtj' a thé place et beiti- Thé Rlock Islandi depot at Peabody,9 lain1M0 Delegates iro Kan, vas roishet early thé other morning1 tBba ttes "tdtbriée lu tise by unnvis perions. The robbeny vas parclime" wers aaamled lu probably planueti ln Wichita. Tht thiéves 't e av italen of 00,. Stepheflaeut tht vires @bout I1oecleck. shutting aoff ýsmtbo pisce anti mannén et il communcation, athougi o naesvas1 aaI" auiversar?0etthat la thé tispot. Théest* vas secessfniiy blowasiail &Ut thesa cotets sercot. Thé t- t~ Mme. exact promet fi onknccn, but lemi Init a02u 6 enia be $ h 1,M0. At dayiiht tht folloving y ism ja y ung areeistir-morning an unukuovuman eterétithé »No.r^ N .C, vits Rock Islandi office lu 'Wichita anti aikat Fort ,<ub éosse -a .thie praton te change a bil. vhich hé di. è~sae,>pi~ilaDilansa, -The itranger thon ashed Irutthe t*Ire ~ ~ .ii~~r<kadviet orking Il rlgt anti upen hlng in- - ~.k~5ui.bIad r eruétt théy vers onutamilhtdanti us tuv en e -vaikéti eut.Officers have ne ebhar clév Iidi cnd 1ondite vonk op»,. __ h uisis, vie fti5ailidASà"uet l vne An Insanetromp, alving hic aame as W. R. Deebiman et ,Idlisolùm k o te îsestla acIdet ~ Posesion ot an suginé an the Southeru t aïbtT é e nt on. aiw la nthé Citico furnace yards t .Chattanogs, Tenun., vhiîethé cnév vwu 1iS~e sd V D. a uénemrall absent. Noticing tht man lu es comnSna nt1s, wera m- thé cab, tht suginerrsn te tht surlins, hiL T*utitoeb i u talnesianti va juat lu tij o ecatch Ih as fIe t -be i5 a"ddeuqovry a pae t thévalve anti tarbustheis pieei grappleti vidi the maniée. vie . e aea'raet imépti. tught tesperateiy, anti enîy atter a bard alis t iird grain elevator stroggle va, he overcome. Tht englutér a trtigb çAy heothr suceeedéti lu topplng tha locomotive jute dis auneset . eWoduth éls-Ilutîme te prevet it trou dauha into a * w itailt contents5 bslg entlnoiy long lisée ftreigist cars ou thé siing. Tisetbis on bilding la about mauoain 0&000 EngUlne MURSud VrMs. Killoti. hiuieunl Pacfie passeugen train No. 10, ,ecUnmeva Eagasver Moite Deîth. trous Omaha anti Kansas City te St. 44Msal teeé,ofthtiséOro-moetA. Louis, vwu draileti about oeemile vent Illém = D oac"is engravera, andi piJefferson Cty, M. Rugineer Charles 'sue et the tPioer engravons of Chicago, Ilawien of Washington, Mo., sud Firt- ma u te viaiment Instant death by ialllug uuZou etf Sedalis vert killoti. Ail tht troithtelIran tatnvay t thé Northweet- raivtb thtetigeption outhbie rear Pull- *m station lu thât City.u. leit tht tracks anti rau loto the bluff. iledue te thic tact that nu lîrez amoug M9eCo KuocoétiOt. t ht ulet oacaeugers aboard vere lbat. At thé Leoe Athietie Club lu Nec l'?eek "K.Id" McCoy. lagitimateiy a mld- The Myterî ilaSletyt. t puglitt. as knocketi ont by Thé mysterions dsappearane ut At- Sharkey, a heavyvelght. eveu teynty A. I. Maccil uf East Liverpool, spectters .8v tise ght. Oblo, lant Jniy viile insane bas been lenréti op b he bbc nding et bis skeletou in Xia - i Chosé* ties.... raviné almuet lu sight t tise home of hls bai hotu electeti Kug of Sa-.prenus. He bdhatiisuetihimmelt te a trot te auceset Maieton. Offiia iInter- ly a etnap, tht body talîlu, oviug to do- te fiise effet lias hotu recelvet et rsy. Hé vas 35 ytas nidt. Tht identifi- Tlie election u abhiti ith- ration le omplete. Paru snd Vauahîs Hersas fluruoth Ira t erais for Anireé,b The stock barn of Dr. C. H. Pheipa, ai Srun, a traveler, la organlulur S. Marys. Ohio, vas tiestroyeti by Oir. tien la C4iîmisan toustiet dur- Amoug the horss testroyet vert Ethel coudet nomer bus.c utcPru. uy -A . a ton _dSuntnt sn l astera Oreélanti Vires PneusGCeVu. sa rmest of tht, ocieuion of thé se- ,, "vire cmbiné, au ativancé ci la les fr vi»e sud vrc amilla viu an- mil at Clevelandi. Ceifesis Ceoge Save& *vrttrulu jeans randsi sycei' alto a coa e aym anti e Ire vere prstratoi a uai je * poinu" T h naI a, lviltli *t th. Laus il amutaseh- pravatancartandtth stock et PtalPei ZW"i = l etgrt e an ithe- R ~ ~~~m fI rlnecue l St suas fractutet- rm i1 th cl st( ti at le, tic ti tte ma to El tir nui be] $1 the ing ga bu o SE et t] co coi E ne of ne te tl 'i !-year-old italiion Eticarti 0.. vith a ret- ord t 2:14, ovueti by Etivard Orpisal. HinumaEprt Paun ])éad. John W. Deat-boru. a minîng expert, sai te hé ccli tue-ntunthie fer West: vas founti deat inl a Nov York isotel. Ho vas about 60 jears titi. Dearboru dlams- rd te le tht aduptet brothér uf Chief jus- tice Fulsler. Ensginer ie taiticPet. Witihuadebt-sinthuutierlng aiong et ftty miles an heur, Horace Webhér, s vteras" LAeéShore enginear, felltiocti lu bis tais f.éi au attack atflhtant dseuse ntsc Boti Rend, Il Hetét Pire tn Plttaburg. A frs hilci broke eut iluh tislt Xcibelicu t Pittsburx resultesi in s irop. ety loeue uha&bout $15,000, but tirtc vee tacrifctd snd Ove people coco Daovn a a Bu a thsTui. Mm.Floranca hiteble, a member oI iprank Dania' Company, paîing nt bhe Brosdway. Denver, fainteti chuisting a bath et thé Alberb Hetel anti sit Triamaurer Round audnti grd. At Baldur, Man., tco men gagged asud bount Municipal Treasurer Harcouvor aîb nabebisthmutf8700. Théeiigissytuen ecatpet betore their victlm'a cries brougli; brip. Hold-Up Myst.t-y Clearet iUp SetS Roehrook anti Chati Staveil. yotho vie etarrestéti lait September fo beIag sp a tanner antiWho vers Chicage--Cattie. commun te prime, $3.00 te $6.251; hogu, shipplug grades, $3.00 te $4.00; sheep. fsir te choIe,$2.150 ho $4,10; viseat. No. 2 t-éd, Mec te Oie; crn,. No. 2, 36e te 37c; oats, Ne. 2, 27ec te 28c; ryt, No. 2. 314e te 56c; butter, cheice creaserj, 20e te 21c; eggs. tréb,' 25e te 27e; potalots, chises.r3me te 40e per busbel. Indtanapolii-Cattit, ahîpplus. $3.00 te $5.75; hugs, Choice llgbt, $2,75 te 84.00-, sbeeP, comuion bu choice, $2.150 te $4.25; cheat, No. 2 roti, 09e te -g0e; cernNo. 2 ce 3Me tu BIle; unis, No. 2 whibe, 80e te 3ilC. Mt. Latiis Cattit. $3.00 lu $6.00: eg, 83.00 btu $4.00; aheep, 03.50 te 14.. haNo. 2. 70c te 72c; corn, No. 2 Yelioc, 35ett- bu36c; enta, Ne. 2. 28c, ta 80c; ryr,, Nio. 2, 5Zite hoNe. (Uciatiuo-Cattit, 02.50 te 05.50-. ees, $3-00 to 4.00; siseep, 82.50 te 14,25; ciseat. No. 2, 7Nc te 73e; corn, No. 2 mize.eti te i38,c; als. No. 2 muzet, 29e bu 31e; ryt, Ne. 2, Nde te 58e. hberit-Cattit, $2" te 15m0; hoe, $2.50 to $3.75; sheép, $3.00 te 94-Mp viseat, Ne. 2, 7le te 72c: corn. No. 2 Yehius-, 36e te 8c; oats, No. 2 white, SOc tu 32c; ryt, 56e te lige. 'roledu--Whest, No. 2 mlize, 70e te île; crm, No. 2 mîseti. 85e te 37c; oats. No. 2 cite, 27e te 20e.. t-je. No. 2,.8Me bu 57e; cduvet- seéti. 04.10 te $4,25.' Ntilvankeé-Whsat, No. 2 spriug, 6e lu 68c; tata. No. 8, M2ete 84c. eaus, No. 2 nwbite, 27e bo 21)e; nyt, No. 1.,54e te 56e; li i-.No. 2. 44e te 52c. pot-k, mess $9. 75 te $10.25. Bafifalo-Cattis, gooti hipping steers, $3-00 te $5.580; bems common te cioce, e-25 ta 04.00: sbeép. tait- te choir@ ceth- ors. $3.50 ta $4.50: Iambe. commun te extra, 08.00 te $&W0. Nec York-Cettle, 88.00 te $5.75-, hoe 03.00 te 84.2; ili.ép, 80.00te 84.785 whcsb, No. 2 reti. 19e te 81c; comu No, 2. 43e te 44e; ets, No. 2 white. 84e té 80. r butter.aamsry. 15C e 22e; tas. W«b em n e te 2rie. Bsare sali'te b. réapéasblo fer 1114 bdae.lisPaclf c old-up sud pe iI _"orX*ed éli, " =a;eç Tt lnovr untila iduljng i Nmage City. iépnty ohâqea WIli ss ho ~beçà uorking on tht aise iq s im iiu c1a saet Young stoveil lis matie àa vtteu confession anti divuigoti vheré thea hooty. 1 $11,000, la iiden lu thé vuade abot ueaty.fvé miles enst of Kansas OUtF. Stovoîl telti mauy deuils connecteti vith se robhéry. ____ TUE TRADE SITUATION. lt non Ocf Qulet tregth -cosuimtione Are Aimet tînitaecly Ceci, Braditréet'a viocs lts trade situation sus: "Tht situation la ont ut quiet sua- iluet strengbh. lu whoieaale distributive rade tunnelIinventories have eccupiéti atention,.and dists-ibution la thia braisci e, Iberetore. or only seusouable propo-i ans. Rebail t-ada rebéecis tise quieting dowu ufthbieeager tiemanti ruling before te holiduys, sb It in siguificaut that tht isjority ut tise reports receiret inceursJan, lu this sud lu tise vielesait israncb téter io collections as aimoat uniformly gondi. Export irstie, psrticuiarly in cereals, cou- iues wcolunp to maximumnufigures, chile 'ports front bise nov grest industries of te country are favorable. Bank ean-r togs ton tht cek reilect exctptlonally cary sannttiettlemonta ln a total ut 1,765,9W0.000, neariy $40,000.000 larger 9 ian ever héforo reportoti. Whout. 'nlud- a sg boeut. shipuenîs for tise ceek agave- ste 6,M0,268 buaheis, againut 6,2.2625c ushels let veek. Corn exporte for tht 'tek cggregtato 4,844,288 busheis. againitn ,659,745 bushols Ist vtek." DIABIOND THIEF CONFES@SEE. p @tolt Geins lu Toledo and Pawueri Thon. in Chicago Lest Mair. c Tise myattry of sereral tilamondti ief tsAa was matit dean at Columbus, Ohio, by the t- confession ut James Lyncb, colorad. sud e te arreat ut James Nelson, tormerly q cochmau for E. L. Hlumau. a vealthy 1 Columbsus citizen. Lynch vas arrestel O eveaida&" age, charged i vth thet tist if au oercoat. He matie dlscieiures te ls eitect that he vas couctrutt Inlutbhé obhéry of the reaideuce et George lb. 'omeroy of Toledo, vbtre dismoudi val- t éed nt $6.000 vert securei. -Lynchi con- 1 tesétti alto ta tisa .Rljsan robhéry. He a laima that atter the Toledo rohhéry he tl reit te Cicaga vlth musiet ftht property i on hfie oré. e maya ho pavuéd Ice 1 tiamentis May 18, stter ho hati beau Itien- lOttid by James Douigan, a tation. Thon-I santis of dollars' worth of property va, recovered. Tragie Nows troucs Alaska. Tht steamer Rosalie brings nova of a veunatiomal lyncblnxg vbieb looe place at Bagle City. Alaska. Jack Juliy. s saloen- teepér anti gambien, hati coilecteti a gang if tunah arounti bisa anti vas terroriitig t mîusg camp&. Ht vai vaibéd on by a vigilance commîttes of tcelre dettr- uined mencudtiordeteti te Isave lou. H. retuseti. andtihie next day tht viglantes haaged bhln te thé 11mb et a tret. AU Cars Ara Stoppeti. The Est Liverpooi-WeIiiville,.,. sréét railvay vas compietely bled op tht othar dey. Trouble hati heen hreving fur sev- eral ticys hétveen tht employes ufthtie mati andtihie managemeut. Il originateti lu tise diacharge utftiobormau John Sbodg- bill, une et tht oideb men, on tht ruati. Tht men dlaim that ho vas tiischarged ou account or bis association vitis union af- faire. Lite Lest on tie Fast Mail Tht Oirat accident to bbe Union Pacifie faut mail occurreti chou the trainvias runuing at a bigli rate et speéti. thirty miles vest of Lartie. Wyo. The aide roti et tht englue bruite, tearîng avray the cab sud teaning up thé track for a consid- erabis distane efoeetht train came bu a stop. Engimeer Mark Wright of Laramit cas struck by the ro sudantiistautly kilitti. Severe Storms ta thte fetb, A stvere cindetoru scepi orer Mobile, Aia.; Jackson. Miss., andth ie Intermedi- aIe country. Tht vînt isMev deen tels- grap limbles. vrecked bouse, anti uprooted trtéa. A iseavy raim tbst folloeet causéti extensive vashouts an raiiroadsinlucentral Missaissippi. ____ lieduceTolefroph Rat«. Both branches et the Hansas Legisia- turc have paaatd tht bill retuing tele- graph rates. Tht bill reducte tht charge for day commtrcial messages of ten vords trou 25 ta 15 tents, anti other toisleul proportion. ____ MVusKilied hi au Explosion. A big bolIer hélur testeti lau Botbs shipbiding yatrds at Barkîug, EFlganti. huiat andi tht auperinteuding ougineer sud elght mon vota kilieti. About fonty per- souo vert InJureti. roue fstaiiy, Fira tna Peunnaîlvanta Teo. Six business bouses anti tiellinga lu thé business section et Tntti Crack, Pa.. vert deatroyeti by lir. The bassvias $60,000. _ Lar-ge GranartsBu f-. Tht large grananits ut Belden & Co. sud Perrin Brothers et (Jonessté, N. Y., cors burueti, vltb a lots hbtwen 90,000 andi $90.000. _ _ PFitti lteSOnceeesi MortiL Gov. Smuith et Vermout lias appolutoti Benjamin F. FlOolti ut Montpeiier as suc- cesaur to tb. late Senator Justin S. Mer- nul. MAMUM(itkî5b5 ______Kr . Grate eet ue itiès e eta t ie vuWa.geol dealer ot Chitego. bas #ééd a 10 la thé TO DI[ SOLO. Unitedi Statea ClrcWt unt s&btUafer au Injonction "' à le. M.Palier. man- Iodai Clty to Freern ~.Co..- ager.sud R1ch12 dMan eli, &Mtr, r straininir theinstrousproducing the play, mity-Drm Of the Palace Car *"Cyrano De Bergerc.» Obus CI"@u «»gmte flct,4n-Cu.Pmm, Or- tbat the play la stoien itow a play wrlt- doe I&uuRlaaCurh.od ten by hlm twentY leur$ ago under the - titîr. "The Merchant Prince of Oornville." VLIL3AN'S dressa He declarte that hosse years *go bernent la shtterti. hta cap, of bit play to IMevsa.Mansfieldi ile s at ereseansd Palmer, but neyer board anythina 1Iaeg 1frthesget i rons thcm. Nov, Gravoss aerta, fiber are -. ar om-produciîuuaplay ouaded spou, his work. p5xs7, onte of the Mansfieldi denled I al kuovltdge of Croise richat d m a nd bis play. Palmer la lu New York.1 powefulcorpra-tain similaritîta to the a@me set ln thé baostho th ita at:py vritten by Rostandi hoth lu langltage baorucys.accet t- and i atuations. Gruxs'play vas fSled for the recent decîion copyright lu London lun1996. j ~Court ot lIllinois. andi the feudal towfl Lirtsh »lselay et Waelth Attends et o Pullmtan. ovned Vanderbîlta' BaiL Sby the cotupsny, Nesr York's soclety »Wells, accustomtd people. Tholi -ttilaucy sud ilaih dlplaya of weaith. are -'~l '.h<tors et tht Pullman talkiug wlth wlde-OPeu cYta Of the time C ompny ortirred they bcd sud tht things theY mvaw t the the cloaing of the Vanderbilt bail. lPire hundrtd guens nit, andi the neit step, will belhc appear- vrert pregent. sud tht jeveis they wort ance of the corporationla attorneys btfore OIdpytenioade fSanad nme Judge of the Circuit Court of Coolk nlt pa cs htbaatna tht ut lu hau vlnt wth the requtet that a decret lothe Clns. aac ia oiidaer made of record divorciug the palace car As ou excuse for the baill Ivas muid ompany from every lisse tofbuinsas ut to have betn givtu ln bonor of the sou, s wuerabip cave that for wbich it vus et- beartiltas coliege yonth, who la about ta powtred by incorporation ttt trauaact. corne mbt bis $W,.000,000 fortunt. Hie Suit B.gfu n D1804. prospective bride, Mise Elsit Freh, vas The pructédinge te cempel tht Pullmanu fot lu attentisme, as she misatti couec- eompauy to live vltbln tht iaw vhich ec- tions on ber way frot Europe, but Mica ted it vere commencetiln 1804 by Mau- Virginie l'air. who la to marry Wilie K. lecs T. Moiosey. tien Attornty Central Vauderbilt, a neplsév of tht bouse. wias of the State. The frit proceediluas vert smong tht guesîs. andti hc vas tsly tht quo varranto. Tite lac thun comiteis tht, belie of tht bail." Pullmasu Palace Car Company to dispose1 of the iolloving: TELEGRAPH TOLLO LOWERED. Plant of tbePullusu Irou andi Stemi Company, plant of the Pullman Brick Kansos Legialature Enacti à aLrer Company, plant où the Pullmanu Gas Comu- akinS fil edtiÔo. pany, the Arcade buildiug, the Hotel Flor- Tpiegrsph toila ln Kaunsasre rtducad ece (naued for Mns. F. 0. Locticu. who 1 by a iaw vhtch vsx tuacteti ThurBday. A wax Mis Florence Pullmasu>, PuIltuufotIdlsl' lobby was ou baud to remst market buildingi, two chuitb buildings, téuear. It. pltadéti thst Kauss lhe public sebool honte. the vattr maiu*s1telirsaph vires hbel hes operated a t à in the atreeta. lu addition to this seversi luas uring receut years. The adratte buudrtd acres ofýIâu sud 3M0 tovu lots. uto the lav repliéti that ln tbirty yesrs er- BOSTON'S NEW RMILWAY STrATION-LAROHST IN "uE WORLD. If yl hé tht parier to gîve tlie preatut erY $1.0001in lu bclehst yieliied àptst fittb ai ccupauts et hmam thé firet opportnnity 818.0W. Thé Sauate pasatîl a billte- iU te put-clise the tivcling bonns, vhici dnclug the charge for messages front 25 ly art of brick auti are 2.000 lu nusuhor. te 20 cents, lu the Itouîos a sutil$tittito la This lte inrvollu inTise People vs. bill vs.xttassed retuinlg tise charge from Pulimeu'a Comupany vas the rlght ufthtie 25 bu 15 cents anti other toile in proportion. compsny tuo oci property other thsn thst Day press rates are rediticetdi trom '%'s 1 uecoaaary fer tihelinrpose cf listinicorpora- 1,3 cent per cord. anti nigisî press ratescou tion. The tompany va. incorporateti iy front i4 tu 1-16 cent tper wurd. Thetetoi- Ad àaspecial st-b et the Legisiabure Fois. 22Z grapis unes are placet uxuter tise saumer--De 1867. Tise incorpotatori vert Geore hi. strictions as are imposcul by teroturt f v Pullman, John Crerar anti Norman WII- visitation lac ou the raliroada. lat liauts, re. Tht quo watt-auto prot-ottilga vert PLOT TO RESIST AMERICANS.coi hrought on Sept. 1d-, 1894. Ilbwas Plat-éd ai on Jutige Bakrs aetiar. The folIow- Aguinaldo 1le iipresdtag Trouble nu Ina Fehrueryilb vas st-guet ou tht do- Aimaig tht PilipInue. Tise existence ut a plut 1toist Ameni- eaauhoityins 5hicit.Aguintaldio is tht ustrlur spirit,.ahee ouniade tknowu 10 sa tise Curerumeut imn the dispati-hîs ta the tu Wat- Departeut frotMatij. ten. (ie, c]i 4 Ci-n. Otis saidt tiiishbd auin lotateti s Aguinaldo. Thte wheresisîtts ot the trou- Shi blesouse Filititto chiettain sitîtut discio*- luz cd hy tht Êliials, bat il alluars u totoif csrtain that ho is nt Milolus. vittre thet i Filipixso parlianiutt t-. 'orting sp en- mn tiraent lu fmvoc ut retilugtht- assertion ut American sutisority Ini tise isunuis, Gien. Otis. Iu bis tilitatches, ban tx- pres-se-I tise nbibi it-tiitenee ilu being da able tu cupe sithis fîinntos army -shoubt i a couflict ut-eur, lit- saiti is force wcas i large enough is ut ti n>- t-ilrgency. fr nieu040,000 une]Bones. Dr. R. J. . tillutsxperituenial teel ight-lucli rnfl-, for tise construction ut w - - hleh Congresapîtrtprlîîtoti 40,00, p istrsl at the Sandy îlotk proviug grounti. gh cun veut 1 piee untier a normal fiigprenantre of 36J5001 pounn. AI- tlseugb the air vas illed weuh lyiisg frag- n meula ut steel, nu oeewvmslbor, as tise t ut-mg t-ho couductedth ie test took refuge Galoot . PULMA. beinda sauti bibi hétore cacis firng. t mut-rer et the Atioruey Central te the Vemien But-astiai tase, W pisag Bled by Messs. nes&Barri, Ativices traiu Maaiaae state that an attorneys for Pullman-@ coespauy. Tise insurrection amour tise natives ia stîlli i court took tht issue untier ativisameut fermeutixir. Thtre bave héon narrerons Vel. 22. Tco months ister it gave Iti eutrage@ on oonlti, msuy et chou décison, everrulint thtetiemurrer anti soé- bave hotu tortitreti aud Irovu lt thé talais« thé pions ai tise colupany. Jtitge rivera to hé estén b>' crocodiles. It las re.- Baker helti that the biling of thé tevu portel flsntsacouan taken by tht natives p wa, vitisin tht scope of tise incorporation, cas boun t t a siako, drencheti vith oili lnammucb as tht tovn vas huilt for thé sud buruedt t deabh.là empleyes of the campan>-Y.*&zIiah rnGip Défotestii tPréme COgti. The grip lsail I raging lu Washbngton. Thé toloclur October the caséesn - Tveuty deathi reenitedtinsuthéetualady9 gueti taenetheb Suprenie Court. Not oun- uring thé votk, andt teniy-fi-e trou tii tve jeans latet-Ost. 24, 107-tfiti thé pieuonia. Mont of tht latter i-et-e colis- court baud dacu Ils tieision, reverelur éd Ihv tht prevaillur epidemic. Huntireds. q utige »aktt- tiesasing thé Attoreruy et avernment clerks are sabsent tramn GencraiS Positioni. terdsoo lkIae n h r pullman la ituateti eu the t atiak thortest aann Ik Ia i onth ues rr et tise Calumet laite. Tht tev la blIt conre fvcnm eUl ohiosac ou land hlauging to tht origlnalij dis- Curs._________ tinct corportsiens kuecu as the Pullman Enterhamy VIII Tectify. Land Asscieation ant i P Uilsna'Palace Major Ratebasy i l i ve testlmony Car Company. Tht firat excavatians in thé Dreyiua case te thé court ef canoa- v .etmatit on Maj 26 1l». Wltlila tien. It la not yet decided ebether ha t-e months construction bat bagua ant ill appeair lu pereous or bis teitimeny hé thetotundatlaus ut thé bouse that vête taken by tebegraph, If he appears bef ont attencard to turntisb homes for thé aol- thé court. t la untiératootihecwl ho tre ployea ot the "moel tevu" vere laid. irons arreet, bot S colug sud gins. Vive bundroti mon vere employed In thé prliinat-y ork. Within ve mentbs Zola la Séfa. thelr numbr ona increase tote2000. At tise Boy mrt tPolice court lu Lon- Withln tco years tise cty vas compîtteti. don lt ln etiuiet that a warrant bas hétu Tise Hobel Flurence cai tht last bsuiding iglued ion tht aret ut M. Zoa; Ant Ifi1 ut thteuauy sundretis to ho erectei. nuis a warrant vert lastitul, Il la ciîted _________________filht tise legab PreumPtiou n iseuri CAPTURES SPANISH ARMO. against thé pogamillty or bis holng extra- _______ ~~dited. ___________ Fermier rénidentseof Cuba 55crtéti Wbiable NtyiVte ure. Ouua. Aamnibîos, anti Mche.. Chat-les Munhérgot-, cisc woa founti1-1 Cen. Ludowvabe hotueueésful lu cap- img by thé Nev York Centrai tracha clth turing tht arma cwhicis Spanisis sympathis- bis ekîil tractured, laq deati. For nînet>'- a ers bave héetlseeoretiti lu Havana. Ou Oive heursprerious tu istieath, altbOugh tht Sveniug betore thse Nec Yearn ent- wholy necousclous, tht njureti man vhic- mounies Cou. Ludlow re«irot Informastionliledi ulh sorts ut tuneu vithout casation. irest vallous sout-tes ot gun* anti ther liuplementsent car hina held bly former Rsiea5 Bis Debi Vpayment. Slpauisivolunteeresud etter Bpanbsh tII-. Tht Rousmirni GOÏét-unsest 541 itetée uss Opal rbl ea s yt ~~-that 78,,000 robles shahl e Pald isas -h lat t otiles% andti aneédeinlacap.j thé riai rievet t sth tatu dt hetM "M'ma",dem tétseS,éet pps- e but port ladl te dem el la t Mili Dot pinc abis 0 1101 Pii ha, Adi ef t thse la E auxl Del to1 8,0( th& kt1 WhI lnu ahli Pin, val pl AIE Dl dec tht e anc me or the PIC te ita thi qui nic pri as, *hi Pol lac th, @all by Wmp î fIrcssgemarpbut Iboîr reaeful Smsbmlus«la au-Bs e"d-ims nons ots ieb Etivés., ch United Statevîl fore thé liss Utile business exeepbt iat of a routine h thse Filîpinue. Tie deduleu May character a traasected by thtejenate on I t. a ltaraeislvtrvith the natives Tborstiey. A reaclution offtrtd by Mr. the Pluillppineas. It la hop"d *Bd le- uer etMatehnsetta dîreting tht Cols. red sueh a calauty vW h. avertei, mitte on Foreign Relationsa tereport te' t l reancluafor thé inaurgents tu de- the Senate whether tht treaty of Parle n"0s wvat th@evresait l hé.e- t l te- MalleamY provision for thet daims of clii- .toi tram Washingtons iaiiPrttonsesof tht Unitedi Statesallgaient Spals lt bas orderéti Cen. Miller te land hie whleh vert lu existence betore tht prén ope t Itloelo. The Americab eOusuad- sont, sud thé statutseoftari elsnarttr ,A la directedt ie h coneilltoip tovayd thé ratification efthtie trésty, cas adopted. enatives, but et temarne tiOele héle Mr. Caffety ut Loulisua continued and ructed ta nusé fores, If netésaaFtu téPrsctlceily deoucludeti bis speech hegun le- net his landlng andi itablipMonaitui forde thé holiday rectum la opposit ion ta the th testeticamp. ID othOr 1 vo i à. paintéilaitNicaragua canai bill. Bille vert ier in te *et ou thet dettuaive. He vil pasudt ta ratify agreeengt& citb tht Or@ a gun unies attacketi bg thili t7er rule sud ioatBtd retcrvatiaa to. but if thé natives vlliiuli ehiled t Indiaus, to grant California 5~ pet cent ot tsabliershlie letea dminister A duosethé cet proeeof etash sasIes etfpublic Amerîcan retribution anti matheaa- tendu ln tise Staté anti cesssifyiu irceks p. ID firat sud second riais itostofilces. Tht leu. Miller bas about 3,000 soeiiera aet Judieari Consmittre bait tht- rigisi of vsy ilie, sud among thient re mm et osh5la the Hanté for Ibree hours and tht fol- rty-first lova iutsntry. Hé dllélan,0 bcbg bfi of miner Importance reporteti e the supportutfevrerai gunabuts. fer trou tht -osutitte ert padiatti: Ta pro- misrai Dewey notifieti leretaty Ltong vide atitionîl cirettit jtttgts for thet tiird the Navy Depart ot that lh alsat anti sixth juiiel districts; tu regniate Concord sud tht Petrel ta Join thé tise terme ut court leiiittsrn district val force under Coi. Dyer ntIloilo. It of Tennessee asdth ie district of Butte. net kuovu hosv strong a forcé the In- Mioat.: oe retire Cousins M. Potster, Unitedi rgentu have et thut point. Tht Wer Statêa district itîtge ot Kaussa: ta amend epartmeut bas information vhlcb seemi thte Reeta itut"i sa au ta esow thé lndiete thé natives have oniY about United tate it' ve peromlttocy challenges )00 standi et arma, ant i Inlaameuet lu criminel calts;: tipermit ahip ocuers t fairiy rereseouts their fighitng powet teafie lndî-mnity bond«; te allow iegmàliy Iloilo. They have nu modern artillwey, appolntedl guartlînsi sne parlions te Ili the Ainorican force le veli equippéti Prosecute putt-nt claimsasd tu relens that respect. There la no tioubt ut tht the International C'ottni'ress Company lt, ot (Ion. Millertate tefeat tise F111- uf New Orleasafrosu liability for $8.1W5 tes In pitetid battit, but hie bas beau ut liternai r-venue tas kret net to be tht augrosor, -Dis- twucdlateiy arteAr tise Seunte Itep eu cises fromt Mardis report rumori that en Friday the rasttlntion offedrëdt -cei 'tsiaildo bas gene to Iloilo ta take cern- oui tis hiMr.Hteurlorn tMtassachusetts. nd of'thé Insurgent terce. Ht bas hlth- colting on the i'reideui for Informatitî's) ta susumeti' an attitude uf hostiltZ te alh i i lstrocUu)of uttht commissioner* merican nothority, but ativict truacsho nagotiateti the trenty ut Paris. tI. 'n. OtiediAuiéricau officiais te lhé- gabier vitisail eonresp.tutl-ce andtier. ?v e hé iii aublt chou forcéti te asfinalports relsbing to their dcork, tcas laid hé eistdon hbveen peace anudlcar. fore theSnoat. Cisairmon Davis, oneof Thle Instructions ot the Presîdant relu- the coxuntlsioners. deitet that lb hé ré- e ta tht administration ut affaire lu ferreti te tise Foureign telatilonsCommit- ýPhilippine Islandts, an rounsuibtedtebotee. bat tMr. leIaiîltei that bthe Sen- n. Otis attItani[&, are compréhensive aie bâti as nttcis rigib tt-ichInformation mugit ta fuiiy uîéet prnsent conditions as the mnsessrs t the Foreign Relations iveil as any contingencies that may Comtrutiec. andth iait e l'rt-idënt abauld ls. Tht President urgea tuat the con- determint-chi-ther the 8Mnat@bouill inter ot the forcés ur occupation &hllU hart IL. fT-resitîtiittuwax adopted la aclatm that ce coma "Dot as Invadéers secret sesmittu. ln support of the resol- couquerors, but os frienda. te protecttionnforetihy tMr. Veet uf Misouri, lu le natives lu their bhes, I.n tiioms- opposition t)ixpansiton. ir. Caff"ryoe syxentu ant Iin their persnudanti ré- ouisiaaîictlivre-iat t nettle speech. ioua rights." On(lu tirtity the Iloute. in ctumibtee et Arttr prosnizlug support sud protection the chut-. rettittut-tctnsiétation et bbe thens vho viii oo-ocperste uitb thé bill nskinz aptproprialtot for tise itgiais- ovrrmeut ta gire effect te theuet béie- tire. exetulivt- andi jutilîal tapenses of su anti purposes. the President déclara., thet Covertîuîenb fttr the Yt-ar entîittg Joune lt. chule the miiitary suturittYmunet hé 30, 11)(9). Ontas ptint ut erdr rmatie hl iprelut until thé' egliltion of tht Unit- MIr. Druetry %Ien it).) a tîuragraph op- 1States salli othercime provitie, the ma- propristinir $12.îemt ttorsustitt a series or cipai loa sfuththerritory lu respect ta cisarta of thecuiaitsttloi hartora ut the riabé rigisansd tht re-îrosaiou et crime Phlliplîinî-s was sîrit btn train thtetill. liq ,il] iemalu in torce: ail ports lu tht loi- tht Scot-ae tht. itsrict ur t'ttumbis op- i il iiihéopenedtetathe commerce of ail proîriati- iil sas lakin op. As.tased léndiy nations, ant i al goutde cili it.d-bYthe hitînse, itht- bljl aptirtpriaîed 50,- Itteti opon paymenb ut "sncb deties as M6.000, 5as airiat ctsinintes of $9Z.23. ial hée in forcé ut thetime of their lu- M0. As repîrlod hy tise Menat Commit- rtation"; andthie officers ta admlulater te-e on Apprprtsions. il sîtî.ritbea $7.- scal governtuenbal affaira are te hé se- 2ftlJO. Thtesapprtopritiotn fotr lt-u-ar cted as ferasa moy hé practicable trou rent fiscal yetr won $u,42ts.flti. The ai iuhabitants et thet isande @iesttaitey ontebill graîîing extra puy ispon mué-i ive aken thetlorbetalleglancé bu théter-ont lu ufficera ittîleniistt-ii mou of the 7nibeti States. Tht Instructions adequabe- United toi" atsolunleers caxs uken up convey tht purpose ut eut Goverument anti passedth iiout suteutmê-ni. Thé atuuing central of tht Philippine@. Menattite-n vnt imb execulire sessian, anti aferevard atijeurnoti. Watson Weald euccéd Dewey. luts t-îl-tnittiiy r.Iarf Commodore Watson bas slwlied for thte MInsthe ntin Mtiolna tr. g speech omvand or the Auatie iquadron stbien Msahstsmd toasec timiral Dewey relinquithe, it_ Unîesniellnst territorial exptansitn.tir. i" vcwey changes bis mmnd. however, there of NovwYYork replit-i. Te Nicaragtua MIieh nu change for uearly àar. The Canai iill cas tht-n taken stpîtntd tir. Caf- Ltter olOcer han declinot i al efferi ut tory coîttitîtil hi. seeth lu uîiîîusiîion te lilef. beiering lho eau htietserve hbis IL.tis rs. bt,.Mouto>asd Cbilton sutry at Manila. Unîestise las, la agagt-d in aet-ttené i ileussion uf thé menties], hoc iii retire troin active duty biuding pocor ,tf trositesin gt-ueral. The test Decenîber. lion"s revereei the décsiontofuthbie cou-. iiter ut tht-chuil,-tast Friday. dieu tht Wilt WelcoentAuseritraiNavy. appropriatiotn for tise stppot o f the civil A dispabeis train %lrtsmouth. Engianti, servit- ommîînisstion was stireken ont or ays tht Amont-au sqîîsdpin la éxpectéti the- legoisialive. tiecîttivi- anti jîsîicial ap- a arrive at S1itisestiniuJoue. Thé prupriabion bill. Tite IlIons,- 17sptécial bannel aquadrun viii tasie part la the ternis-r iet uproce-td wuti hlie ronald- -elcome bu bo giron bu the Amont-an erattun uttit thnaval x.irst.itnî-l blItas mien tipi. The bsttlesblp Prince George wvuî on tht-bill for te coi-tficatiotn tf tht avwa endi tise aiîtdro)n sud tise Bute of York, of .Alaska wnusdtiti îf titi- uvY. Abolit or vhom the Prince George cas Daaei, test-ut> atitidaittipîtl ttsf s -t l-uttor bill iii taile a prumnont part lu tis e trt- v. -eciîr- Doules. Sensttr 'itstit t ifîttttis dwtt-tipit-îi the fi. Gises Ut Ille Déad. itttntittit oft bih&- K-intt- rt,-r iît-rly nu, hotte Tise %dece stursu vhieh prersiied Sun- and a s it î iîî-,Iây vtilsped aItl hin Jay brnught remuants utftbodies ashore ut sutfport ,tt lits r-mditlitîîî its'laritîtg that Jisathamu, faits., train-, the graveyard thet-niti-l tiNat-s suiliitest-r ationitt te whero se msîîy persons lbt theirlilvie isren't li th -t ftfit! country vithont frn thé t-aemrPortand anti other M. their conbi-it. '.Ir. TitrI&î sa. thseu roc- 'atote outs A huxuan ieg houe vas giizet inbu ipitkil theli,-Nicartagutatcanai founti, andi tise a refer tcont, huttont-tiup bill. lit- hîititt-tin-ittil. unStttito- s If Il hal une timo hotu about a body caeuth--si.ibsullessuletl whiclitthteicition ut thtetii-ahati tom te butht- tliing îthecli--itcluaiîn tif ieces. tMr. Tnriey'mspaisist s bill was pasited Iii- ________________________rî-ctiug lise- lrî-iletl-t.bu lîittti'ytuaa- Naval Hespital et Cvile. ter Gent-rai T. 1l. Sttîîîlîîu s major gt'n- Siepi have hotu takon te estabiiah a oral anti rtir- hiit anbiaIgratde. Tht aval isîsptai at Cavite 5t tht requet }hîîîsî tevotti-tilis îînîiridî-iattentioîn te f Admirai Dewey. ModîcAi Inspecter tht- bill for tii, t-usifici'aiîtioof te riminal Persons, chu hati charge et théeisealtb et loasotf uAlaska. nuî iteti atjourumnent te Spaulali prisonors ai Portamouth, N. vasnhtall ail bttt tin paie-s ut the bitl!boid I., lias betu detaileti for bise vork anti héttudi.posesi ut. wul woon itave for Moile. Thé hospital ___________ will le thetifrit estahlilati by tht uavy NévéetfMineor Noce. in tht nov posessions. Whlle prescsing Inlutise synagogue et Destns AtîetiInterview. chi lehowas piston, lu Nec York, Rabbi At SaIt Lake, Congressatan Robers Sehacismet fel euilntibhe pulpit. matit emphstic tioniai of an interviepur- Caution, N. .,..bosnDow s Pieuiful sup. potiog tehée f rom hilmi, publlsheétinl an ply of piste artenasu vit cator. The fioc Eastemn paper, lunvhlb e vas wo matie ta ls 20,01X),000it- galions evory tvonty.foun ilefeuti plural marriagea. bours. Tise jîttges tif the Nec York Court ef @lter* Leét inuas Wrech Centrai Sessionts novtsapetoa un the Advices fteiu London saaYtht chauinol beuch lu gou-nus ut bck allât, ciihlarge steamer Auget-s, trading htveen New oigaeri Haven and Dieppe, vas wrecktd ou thet oAreeortaling bu a report chics bas reaeb- jtty at tise outrance ta Dieppe harbor. oPitise Nnry I)eîartinu ai Washington, Fiveci he cew ere rowe. tise sutunarluie torptédoboust»huilit for tie F'rench uarY are a success. 54 Jutige Perkius oethtie Circuit Court ai Japer Cettnty. Mo., bas derildt that s trust cea..u collet deittu lu tht State. Tht populstion of Dawson bas deress. @a tu 16,(«0 anti the cunt et iiviiig ha, aiseoerse.Gn mueeunwb btindwor$1 tipi. k" Bar tise coti ens thu ari lun et qu - ne Wn lai âd De wil lat, rel rot ILO bel à liai ta eh, WC chi lez foi da ci wl fr, fa Io es W Pl Dg of p ILI w im IlPl .1

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