Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1899, p. 4

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et *0 oft-omes at uterturIile. m s eondci. lssmarrer, ~e 5555 CAD X!OWN ON PPI-' 8491n Butter Maket. the~Wflb Elgin huard oft rade- let 20c. Butter li seek, ï» yes, go 200. 1 ,The boue s a.liary cummiltcd bas Ak B50oficîlaction, but Uimus f0=umoSiy outhtie opinion y $tieicp once ut ctinMiîssionsilit Ulvoluatfei amy by epieseitalses Waaet heu seit@ lu Cougrussa t aotber vote vas Mades for tise ratili- 'IMM o f tho ireaiy ut peoce vitu tise Qmifurmialegialainie iduptedao rt-sol. tO dia(ing ise emiaora frmiu ihot * e to *10vole for ratifications, vitlOisi wo»r »nIrent ut the trealy St-osIer Vekju ailadnuonuced lus intention 40 VOWe aanst the ratificationu, tniess *beghami(re of bigs aoI.'intnîsted b" hlto vole for it. If use iegitlattrin' SRoe hr statos huloved tise sentimsent etishenaJority of ibei cosîltuents, tbffo vonîd dosibtiesa Be similon sus akmtions sent lu otiser birking sris. Fer Ifs tvelftb annal lime tise ]seiadle the civil servIce clause 11 _C" 1«M!teauve~.execeutive aoitjslcO appr%fitioni1111-lise iasia 4ur a meiseua." This ime, htwever, tise gsfonuafloo vas carried a itt11le arliser ..W-oo 1»M0'.vs5 end- anssotiu nttj. qui» 0" the appropriation for 1hr «Mlvi qle commisalue vas sdopteti tira oo67tofit, white the lsousse vuosemwng se a cuminlte utftise vhoW .The total vote ieiuîg a his Msis han one-Ihird et tise entire @baàisabp, it vas eut surprhsing *» 0»n is yes sud nay vote vas taken tSbhoU. &buaiifse moion usiade- â~I by a sesai suargin, ibut ihere *1gaeila dey vbeni viliieut bede- 13 he b IuiIy of Agonillo, vbo h.8 #0" for teofflu.ou aPhillipine ieue t te Uniitd tales wa aqual'ofa Impadausce, bo ould lBe a * 'vam moebar" of lise diplomatie mi l. Havontgsiuy officai reog ellice bt ha bas leanued @or-etîme iga, by tmre ieakage ln official cîrcies, "Mal en. (ils huit beeu lusirecltd net te ois foies la deaing vif Ifse Ina ni- gants, vitfout furlier onde, and ai ornescabled lbheInforlainnsu (oAgulu- 00o4througf tfs Pililplue Jttla ai fSg long; tIf a s vy Aguinado fbas bom pulini np sueba sif front tu- mnaont Iroopa. Agoueilu t.a siso aeaoqrsgemeet frusu the auti- lis Congrema. Seustun bas offred a esunion, de- ,l gtisai theDUited te simice IInot t* 10WIogovere ifs peuple of muy 4W-ooelrjy vishoni ie consent of f» p peop1aletmiseinaves, or aubjeci tbit lemforeu r t4oslnion agat PROBATE COURT. .Ukle of George EH. Bury, Courait *çMdoadminitrator; daim sgaiiut ené" à"Mo for b.mring Jan. 17, 1899. yý IU,5 O*wot, Ai&'y Ciy ut Lake For- -à> ujpplicaton ior the confilrmtion «,a speci amswmeni. i'etiiou MM uiI s Curtia Weuîbai. ordered tu Mao Nommensit cf cost u iof u,'s ~ll fLorîn Briglasu, Cceu. 1all- visttl Peiion for letiens oh attuhu- istisMon. Bond liKetianti appruvesi. LOUMaisgraeied. Prouof01oh .raip OrIe onie. Inveutubry ippruvers. EsSae of ireue Benson. Fini Heu- son. Petlon 10 bave viii sutatretion r.enaisL Ordersd ftmAtIviii be re- tordait in ,ihe records of! is court. Batite cf Julia (iriasnt. Anus tira. hian. axcSuix. Aponmuè h abiidn'ss revîrd. Appns'seil RMate of Henry Dowe. Win. Citr-. maen, adminlainsior. Clalut againset Md.. Um~w Scober pari lots 9 & 10 blk 0 sunderalu'a le& add ........... 700 Andrew J Dennîson, bira cf, tu Jobn F Lewen lot 3 Parvelisa adtitI1Smith & Adams' N ad wd ...................... .......400 Mary 8 C Parkfnret & b te Anna Nielson w 43 fi lois '44 &26 bis 17 Lake Bluffwd............... 750 Martinîs8 Howard &AWvtu0 Hatils E Tisoi,, Belle M PrkIns, part avi 846-10........... .. ..100 Fît-derueSW liorman & v go Nel8on A Steelo lot. 1, 2, 3 1u, Little Fort vd ................. 3100 Mrrage Lcensea. Rtobert J. Bractenîlige, Chicago- ..44 Mi8ss eunie Belford, Dubuque . . -..23 Herman Ludwivg, HighlIandi Park. .23 Miss Ksîberine L. Eruibsek, UHlà- land Park ........ ... 7-. 20 Malisew Dosumer. Fort Sherîiau. 30 Miiisalsachmulit '" Il" . 25 John Nordstrand. Lake Bluff ....... 32 MAs Kloa Bisemati. Chagrin Fata, Chias. Hi. Cary. Hgbvflod.. , -ý .30 MIss )lunule Cuumsingg, HighlIand Paorkt 23 DEERFIELU. Freol Ileyer's iso ciildien are qut. siet. Mai Horeuiteiger i.s erY ticS ai presieul. Mr, Landau uhtl is iefints .11hed tise irst O! Iis veek. C. W. Pettia attentied tbhe eiton ut M. W. of A. ai Wiukegau Tuesday. Tise Bors Vlueves Association heitI s meeting uftheb dineciora Tueday et tise tuvefhall Hilghvay commissionora mt mi the tuvu ball Tueeday (o makeo tnt ondens 10 puy for grave]l balnlg. George Adiams veni up 10 Crooka10n, Min., ou busines1ai s% esud bas nol eurnesl. We expet flan (o report s bot tinte. Mis. C. Aniea andI Mis. Miebael Horenherger vent tu Chicago Wednee- day tu visi relatives sud frieuda. Abert ls doiug tisa cooking &gain. ' Hiery Me, et reporte a HUIS1 girl as tisa latent additon tu0bisafamily, ai arrivai lent Saiurday mroning. Ail ding wvefl iibs ring. Tisa Woodms dîid noutabob hir meeting la% Faiday migbl. Aa ifs tovu bal vas being usai as a morgue. Tbe Installaion looS place liat Mou- day nigisI., Sntuitishe glatI tidinga, wvanar to bave a barber. Once more vo are to Be able tu have our faces eiea up sud oui bain irinimed. by s living erponenti uthlie ionsortal art. Soon vs vili ho able o 10e00ouboit girl vlhoui borros4fl srazen or à boras clipper. Foui Ferry, ,tf Columbus, (Gi., sufferod gunày for tiriy years sud thon cura itisaPiles by uing DoWitt'a Wieb Hazel Salve. It isbas Injuries sund skie disease like magie. F. B. LovBLL, Liberi> ville. BCIiOOL NOTES. Fur tise irai four montha of tisAs nofuoolyear ibese are nome oft If records matIe by ont pupls; ln ifs gnamuar ronmsar Rommel la@a nol miased.. a day or been iardy. Tise tllovlng have not been iardy; Mamie hîrcis, Juste Bedoratedt, Mabel Muike, Lydin Landau, Etina Frantz, Sotie Gllovay. M aggio Zabiue, Vrgis Porsons, Arno Franiz, Lawrence Zahtlse, Fredtenlek Zaimle, James Dufty, Hssry bile, Franîk Zahule. Liieboess bas not been bent fut vaa tardy. Iu tise prsmnany ioosnl ise ttloueg have marks ut perleel: Carl liomniel, Arthurn Besa, Caree eCl'ar. Thosm vho bave uot heu tardy: EUs CouS, Lorti Enecisi, Edna Bs, Martury Rut eht, Annie itec(envaid, Mamies Rectosàwald, Leo Dnity, Htugo liuhn, Lunue le smen, Louis Boeother, laR&M satea. Finai seconst antdirupo.t ni5- CorS, Munebiule, Desie Dufty, provad aud aduinatrt.r iàseisrods. uI Iomsi Henry ScfesSI, Order on ftle. Râatis0o! lalierîne Eger. lienry W W'A ihumus Heheaki. Georgie Karcis. Eger. Petitiounfort.îise sppltuiiiitnt of Lavis H. schuctatnssltoît.WIIEELING. Bond approvedt (dîngros>ted,lirui of heisip order ton filicMr. iand Ina. Rilsvg are boif sufer. ]aSso uf John J. itage. Aulsîsîtîts- witb tiseIgu'ip. triton. Clains igatisit etalesies. Several trouslibes kated to Des- Btato o! Michael (Gratise,.iuisard Plines Huliday. J. Graham, admiitlaltrator. litttof Teeg rd ha o a beirsblp eider on tile. 'b iitsgaeeosnvim Ritale ut EdwvmntiB. Hartru. Erins hi mmes y. Mrten, as.iniinatîil Final se.- is pp io u m aving genenîl aouatisud report. Continued W tJais. 1, bs "ta. Ratite of Chies Bill. Joamer.Maurrie, lise sixtis gratis bave liesu iag eltor. Final report ausitiîsrisu. spetîsi leasouis on "Ilîsitiu." Mlon. Approveti sud reuîsýr dils- r T-eiigh sooi clasa in nov rndlng cisarged. !eýv dLt yCulslm) Raaite f Mlston L. Lgtisotise SrV r iiis bisLm &mma . Vuruîsv, atiuitrutrix. Loaih s pengier inate a (rip go bis CI" jeas per aipulatioutnd isifir ,Il ituelu ndu t iis veek. vallt litprobeclgtu. REALESTTE RANSFER l'iîiîp >SîtgIer, Sr. lais been cou. REALESTTE RANFER 'Hr.thIdtO tisebouse fur suneime. ~a s SJacitst£iW.t luWm «Bar oh tlnsn ltti 2 iIt 4 &- - OOL4«OTES. 2"d i v l fili :1.Lh 1(d ttii,rN de'tie cuming annitainer. 46gllIc DeBttîsaà.of i, Strga- Nineustare isegtutiug 1tu isirb ifs 7 »Il taict--jlut 17 1,1k 1:1 sr. ..Wgbimsd Park -sii.. ..... T- iptpr r.) m u eng dacorgted * aA Calisli ., tSnaaisJ ails scolon dsalg matie by lise 1(149 e25 ftIt lot4 lIR21 it i ià bai1 Lake Biisf sl .. lî dîts 354&w P Street tt lit-t1ris's' Reports for IDtecushor ippearetilasat 41~ eiV fIt v w75 fI lotI 14 vet. Mauty eeivett lover marsis 06 I*g igisana l'at sth. . . . 270(1 îhu umeaî,îlAndepurluscsît. te rtsuit tif CAe ruver A , Atils E b tuWm FHall ovesio-tlktiveness. - tàv$» f -if 128 ae -sec îeed 'T'he U. W. C. meeting lht Fri., VDOi KBrna part litts1 0 T Littl1e For ti umlvdd~of j As. Il Tii*sy aàGeorges tev 0Adel. vas rentereti. Tise club Solda an eiK leeliste to-day Frlimay, For Rent. 'lise ihIApDavis faim tocalad s tu0 ilss'est ut Libertyville contuing 'ai acre. Apphy te Umi. F. 'amvul, 75o Libeniy'llio. 1314 i wholesosn A Goofi ShowlsU. At (ho annuai meeting 0f (fa MiII- bun iu uurance Company bel t aiMlii- burulasutSaurday, (ho folloving Of. lcera vers elecied: Prasîdani, G. B. Stopbpa; secretgry, J. A. Thlain; Trasaurer, W. L. CIov. DrecUoz: Morirnej hippIe. Dau1 Las and Ai. mon Webbs. We prfln a tablle, ah ovlng numbor of policlas vyiten and aioanat (bey rap rasant, durlng 1898, Maso nember ut ex- pirationa an teinelcroase uvér 1897: FolIolen vritten. "a................S 45M 5M . exired i ..... ..... osM 9s incmtea .......... .. U 0 ToliInssurances lefore...s.. 25M O LAKE VILLA. Mna. T. Jones snd lira. Frank Joues vere Atilucis cillera tout Moudmy. Mr. andI lir. C. B. lHamihu viiid relatihve#lu (irayalike one day lait veek. lira. E. J. Aikin lama been enler9iîn- Ing ber dotier visu t. a demcoensa le Chicago. 1 Misa label Haslin visied the gremier part fii vowek vuibte fausi. îly of Sm Lilviler ut Round Loke. Bou, to Mn. and Ulin. R. H. Sher- vood, on Frîday, Jan. 6, 1899, a boy baby. AUl concerned are dolug veil. The mmny frîensudofuJuke Clapper, vbo vaso aubdly injured >t tie1er. bouse ashaortSituse ago. are pieased t., tissu ct bIs rec.svery. Revival services are :- dm55 heli in the M. E. cbereis hors. Tbey are cou- ductod by ont negular palor, Ht-v.E. J. Ain sud an evangelsi., Rev. C. H. Currena. Mduet of the eblidren le oui vlciniy are fiediisg ont vf ai Il la 10 bave the cf leken poz. Loy sud Eva Bolisslng, Maey Crag, Wils Pester and (he Kuppen eblldret4 are the latesi lu corne dovu. The Modern Woodmen sud Royal Neighbora johhsSOlIn bving a publie istailalo0f olcera lai Vnssday evening. Af ion ife coiemonies vers over, ifs large crovd preatnibad an cysior suppor. About tbirty Young people msm- bled &i the borne ut Mr. antI lira. Shs'p- "a laoulii riday niglai os a surprise 10 lin. Frank Tbayer, -ho maksa fIa borne Ibore. Ths ovening vas piea. autly spen& le gamea andt conversation. Itefrent vers served. ilion viief (bey depariedft isAihornes after bavIng apei a very pleant evsnlng. M. a. A. Faekler, Ediior of the liieanopy (?Ia)>Bustiler, vilh fia vite and chisldren, snfered ierribly frosu LaGnippo. One Mnute Cougis Cuis vas ltse unly renuedy tisat bolpedt (em. Il mted quickiy. Thoussuda ot oiens- use ibis remnedy as a poctilefo LaGrippo , andtI ts exbausting alter edcs. Nover talla. F. B. 1LOvELL, Lbartyville. Doe'l gel scared uben youi heint (roubles yen. Mut ilely yon sufer fromn indigeston. Kodol Dyspepua Cura digests ufal youeest. il Witt cue every fore of Dyapepzia. F. B. LoVELL, Libotyville. APTAKISIC. MisesIda lieux, ut Naperville. tas silli siaylug wvus ber iter, lirs. JebI. Tise item lu tant wves aneya, refer. ring 10 Uncîs SaM' ougit lu hase mentioned Pullman &lao. lins. Risbisunreoived a bandauome Nov Yea' pissent un tise shape of a nov inger aevhng umchiue, boungisioh Mr. Wooiidge, ut LIb)ertyvilis. Vhe long andI paintuli llunesa of Mrs. Glus ended in dosaSl ait Frldmy mon. Ing, Jan. 6. SUhe vas a vuman liketI by aIl viso kLewber, faitful wolber huabind sud cblîdren, aud thuti antI gonerous to ber nelgislors. lier be- rieved aband and esîdru bave tise sympathy of hon msuy frienda. Ia Grippe la &gain epidemie. Every precantion ahould ho taken 10 avwd ih. isa llpacilei cure la Une Minute Congh Cnrs. A. J. Shephord, Pnhllsbcr Agrieultural Journal sud Adyrtiser, EItten, Mo, maya: **No one wîli be disappolntin umuslg Oue minute Cough Cure for La OrIppe." Pleasaut to lake, qulex tu net. F. B. LOVELL, Lîbertyville. For Sale. À norrol lborne, wolgiug about slavon bundred ponnds. A fne drlv- lssg borsfor famlly née. Vll be sold as publie auclon ai (irayalake Satur- day, Jan. 14, ail P. In. HASET Moeo, Keepsi. F. BAIRSTOW. MANUp'ACTUAR 0F and A. Granite - * Mmum.,ts. L5ýJJ CEEVER V WORK 0F EVERY OesCnlptoie. Çerr.sadanc. Saitcied. 136 OsaS..i WAUJCHOAN. fil FURS WANTED. The, hlghest market price wilIIb. pald for ail klnds of Raw Furs by CHAS. BTgMPEL. Long Orove, Lake Co. fil. MRS. . a.MRMAN L" dtlîr. _________________________ . A.&Pploy sella a sure proves tive:uthog and ciok0fl choera' Cali Menst u Qaity Feli Overs........... ..$81 9 Areto................. 1 10 Ladie...'.... g Boys,'. .. .. ... . 7 Chlda' ........... 48 Ail 60 cent (loves antd Mitions ....... 38 SILKS. Ail 85c andI $1.-00 Qnaliy 81155.......... ... 69 Aillifie's ,......... 50 Liuhng and Trimmug Blîka. ... ..........18 Dollar Billk Velveta ........ .... 76 80 cent S11k Velvoil..... >....... 75 60 cent Vlvoeens ........44 SHEETINO. Ile.ppersll iR., per yard ..... .............. o4j Lawrence L. L., par yard................ ..îss Shaker Flanueil, per yard................. 03j Amsokeag Fonthor Tleking, perY v..... ls M ira. Sherman lea utlsorized 1W recelve aubseripionnandadvertlainentg for the IrSNDE Y4DET abece orders for lob priuiing. Ciii on bai for raites. GRAYLAK SOIFTES. Born, houSMr. and Mlra. C. A. Powleu GRAYLAKSOIFTES. Wednaadsày Jan. 49h, a boy. AIl doing RIBIN OUIjtld= No. ilsa A. F. & A. M. weli. evsnîns on or befiivsfi0, Gêsatra rayalake Lodge. No. 166, M. W. W., IOBEICTr..MA;>IEN. ". W M. holdthi sr insiallation Friday svenin. J. J. Lormo11341uon. BSec. The folîowing oficers wlit i holuatilo: SOROIB hattr. o. MOr1er Eastsrn Erneai Moore, M.; Netie Jettera, V, Istr Wst in ndthrd Tuesday even'g MM. kanda Jettera. Sec.; Sarah Longe- une. E.B.Mnaiaiu A nW. M baugb, B.: IL. lcbey, 1. E.; F. Sbafier, MRa@. A. M. Warru;ë . Phys.; J. J. Longabangh, Attorney; GRIAYOLAKE Camp No. 1341U. W. A. mme,' John Mion, Con.; W. Tucker, Sen,: .saecond and tfurts Saturday eoe,ilinucs of Lewis huta, Pleket; Mary Rail, 0i. B. emozMunthe . "Whitmoru and 0. A. Frazier, Mana- Joua CnassrNa. Mort. K E ..r.v.C. erg. C~OURT OF SONOR meeting@ sest 1; li ra. Fred Wlbur enteriained the saturdays of ssci.montis ' fliowissg ai cardalanslnt eek Wedues. E. B. danamA,4, .. C. dây: Messrs. aud Mesdames Kuebker, Bx . V. BABvuIC. W. R. hatersinêll, Thomuson, Shermsan. Dr. iZPAM Caa - o stN.Amwts.,o. al ra. ltckey, Dr. and lra. Brown. su out1 "dy eveliis*aue moutlulés Bste Whitehead aud lMr. A. D. M.NLLEW5DBLot-K. BUOU. wiie t(besfile Comspany lixa. (1..moaan. . orgaulood a club Io bc know as lise C'ONGBEGATIONAL Chnreh Sundal, or. Ïellowablp Cluch Club andtu tomeei %Pv@it3o à. m. and 7:0 .lui. Pruyer m,'..t-Ti lng Wedeaday eveuna. yle. 8. C. IL m".' weekly aitbe dîffereut bounes. Tî uaaevenlinal;t 0:" P. l. Sablati veek'h meeting vas wtls r. Btter- 1 3 Lm. &al so.FiDcUd EN, Fdd r., The friendB of Mr. licLaîn, 'of W CT. lUeets tand.1 i Ev...I" Scn W abmot fi a112 t. tîîciuek. asowbo %etsuivoral ..eeks o. ~S.£. ÂnoNs Prp.. the ]ast few years ai Round -Lake, viii Mas. Y. Lusa. Ase. $'.. be griî.ved lu ht-si'oftbiaaccidental îleiib lu Waukegau liai veek. lHe tel Officiai Paper Of rayalake. titîvuna elevatur shaf. Funeral tout place lu Evastou Tnesday afterfloon. Mr. MeLaîn ai une ifiilved ou a liarry Wbeeloek apent severai daym fra ri ear tuseli, but neliber hlm. o1 ibis veekin South Chicago. self uacr famlly lhkçd farmlug, su lhey E. B. Shermian &peut Monay sud relturuied tl, tbe iiy. Hie nan au bon. Tuesday lu Cbicago and Shbeinervile. est, uprilis yonnig umu, and viilie Mr. andi Mms Witt Wedge ertertalued uissed iîy a large number oftriîeua Mir. snd lira. Dalziel, uof Io, thla Ai thse rayilake District Court of week. Honor installation lait Satrîrday nlgisi Tue Oraylslte euetery AýS84'îatÎuu sabout prescrit tuse met vIlla lra. Jolhu 'A lka krîday COlin besug vei lu its intauey sud a Jan. 69tLL. . royal gootl tinie mas ludigod lu. The FrankWoot andson Hrait. of ...*ni ors furuhslied supper snda Su nrooabseud s HeraltI. ouull tlfl sMremil IL lia. Canaille Duo-4 anme Christm, as ,es sossg er tile eniertaluied tbe conspaty vils ainceChrîimas ... seorai Chuies voeal selectious, beveral Mytle Woakerasumes tlnug iti bas famîliar m0oue vre muag lsy ail sud a been cbauipad rotus Weiiî eeu. couple even foit so yonihlul ibsi tbeY lng go tile t2 nd pdhibFrid.y ýeudnîgs conldaIsot coniain themhelves a u of nascii montn. - lu.iulgéd lu a tew fandangoes whl.'b. Nei t bairday uigtit tise Joint iueluded ail the newetsi danc~e stepan. istalîsiionu fthee M5zpat Ci) t .. N.- Lasi week Tuesdsay oveurred lu Ci. ot A. and (naymake ('amieî MIV.. ut A. 1lgo tIhe Iais v.ilii Bradva&Y, 9so 1 iii Ise beld. Of A. W.. liraîls ay, eOf(irayalake. l. The Riisng Suns N. 11il, A. F lc A. M. iserai mot.-helI l'àtht'e sgegtoa bave cbauged ttiscî meeting ight eb cureh . Tbursday ssternoonu,1 ev. tirera nrd.ay ru tise Iioulay tuor' Fredeohbagen t cflelisg. lir. irad- before fulmon. ay %%asàvei kuovu luithis vlchuliy. lirs. lIan Mead mas esîledtI luthse; isvirsg leen bore ala i ed (an the Ciy tesat eek ou aco'oui t,1 tise eriouës! oltI farim juai sontti-cai uttoqvu, sud ituele of a relative. 515e relurnued 1 letiS'55 ,auy tniends. lie leaves tu Tuesday reportirg tille patient usuch mun ubiI oo, swiduw, four chli. boiter, drus., moilser and i siler sud a »Inter, Everit Mvhll lef Mou . lis hiàiha',. ail tOf shonà bave tise ung ofthefsStaigeBord of 8Superviglord, The l)ielratltus for tise Fanm'r's He w«asn of thtie ftor sîptiu td te, lu t irrte "'1h1it e iel s'd iere nudtI repre*lbnt ibis couuty. week Fidoy alla Salurduy bave taken Fred Poiler bas retutied frein Mithli- itttng ftrit'.'Nrv ceffot te ruaietii gan, visere lie stleîded schistralisud t iursi Fat,t.r*s iiltute field lu tlice hon ýh& aifthiu Ct-sîtin utise Lusnlcr ouiîty u ovsîet.. i lier,'I lal; utue Co. Wibui à Douglas lsasrsug dit ollier eorssîî su inie otale htisa ba soived pastnerslsp Jan.ult. Ilise fisa ie harlstmier,ho etI the- farintera in 150w Wilbnr A l'tetr. ds1 nsra,'iy tistir pr' ste bere: Mir.E. W. IUphaut uoved bi. gott. t i exI dt(bat tht-v are t'eilndth ie, is) W.aukegan 1h15 week, wbere lie vi iptmes. Tiere msii lie srîlrestlng andtI be eugagod in a forger enterîtnsse. lie inatructive papers rt-ail ounsinost made many fieuda vwhie bere siso every toipte tisai; montinhuereals ih' viliigreaiiy Misa hilm, but sîis imir iuËtbsssdsu.srs sui t Iëiisssoua ou every1 suceeasa in bisLin, udertaksng. pap ( lu lb.'eveuhung ut tise20this . ladies viii aho tulnlhulee rasys 1, Grime &à Shtows sold ifehr building tmrd fle ei.tertainuieui of filons hofirs, as veil «a.stock of huriture. touvlao eau be fbers ai tisatilme anti Mr. Strong, of Waukegan, ibis veek; prîzea «IiiBe gardett. Adinigt),si or rather tisey e«ChangeadIL for Wou- to ail sessions wilii Ie irmessnd every. kegau roui engag. Mlr. kStnstmg itaeh body la lnvired. possession ai Once. Enogene Wllmingt'.n statted toda 'v PRtOt'EEDlNt.OP(1FV55LA.E .tS t (FritIssylfor fle Plisillîpl)unes suS bis' (hiitYSL oo, ILI,.., JA. 2, 599.j regimeni. thse 4zi.iRegu1i8î. H i. tVilage Board riet lu regnir es ftber verisito Waukegr.s. iuesday te o. ittl'soîî'lShr as it -s_ îsîd bin farewel.HimHua say trie, 1 ithî aPresieu aSheraIl Whai. bore isishlJ'aboli' voyatge.sile' sa i' ibutRihardsotnt, lais allttat,)botter. return. ,lo Itu îl'W iI,.r lasetl ehardo Robt. Sadieu b or1 ontltsh ste..'k tf .testI jenriltise mes'tinrg ulli Wetdises- h aruesmstnrd luie'r god..'Ui uesdav utsy sght. JaW , .î:. l.iucar. r 0 Tbe,tntasBrts, Mi. Matden ho ried. oiiled 10 ,.eck a change ot cinage for r bis bhamts, a., wiliiprebabiy go KSoîll, A ti tett-ettli g .efJasisî 2 et tu Florîda or Meict,,lesvsssg ie' rn4, tlN. w itbl4i'r'ivut Sisermon tia eeit 'ste si8aiu(d opet u chisr. sud a quiet recoveîy. : rinarees fresent Ktfrotltrail. %%'i- ('harles Wigli.jn ala ite i.'av,' Iurt liareieuniari allaî sd Harve-y. today (Frida!) fer Suinaetr, leva. Mitnutes oltreoîiîî,.meetinsg rest visere tbey slli uike a short stav, anitis)lrtivt-da rad. afier vi cbthey viii go teI, KE aoso M r .11,1. hy O iiir si itarnîru thlat iCiy. l'Ibey think thitis iîgso mav1 i le menm ho. i.., i t e t*u tras i tbe euplt ile lIstaitît tf! ir8, Wighttraîî ti iiwtîl l t îiis', . aday fier visu Is fnoubleit viih sthaîb . Aetss,'it-siIt-u litrirart. hope fIl Wii,ud tihsttm'ili. iiett je moettîiotv V. l1,cr isudiliarr'..uflitt bactaris ietter. foii.îaing his te siiusd sud orders lie diawun for , Mot-io.n î'arrled. à hs revival serosives ai Hinesvilie V is ~ itAiLK rtu rcontinue Sun.iay olterlittenlai :1 o edort W.iiey &.1oririlil, fi-releetrie , ud Tuesdsy, Weduieà§tay snd Thurm. lîgis service., .. 1 $13 44 eday evesiugs ai 7.30. Jan. 22ud the E. fi. Mettre, for eolectsng poll cUrsysîste umeetings vilii iegie. ILu- tax ..... .........................0 t treat lunlise voiS id giwng. Ail cG. A. Frazher. usarsisals saiory... 30 0 Christian sorkers are aèited io belip. F. Trevor, à tIsyN ialtr.......... 75 Mr. Bengali wvîl i siut atlie regniar F. Fiaiy, labor vils t-us.... 20 Buuday services. E. V'obe. .1 dayn' labor leseitg ieliug SursLodge No. 11,5 sud gravel pi . in ()0 Sorosîis Ciapler No. 329,fiseld aoineht A. Boyes, 2l'dsyn' laitor ciearsing insalationistu Mosoule Hall Thnrsday graveipl i .... . 4 On6 Decû. I9i. 'T'he musons, wive,, andi J. lar',, 3 îlays' i.sbtr rlesrîiug aeoihteartii vert- tuvhtetl sud nauy Igravel pst,...............6 (Q rospoued. Miréa ('irty ItaugisIsam E. happie. 3 lava' titI,t'r 'leanîng Iustaililîg olileer for tise Ciapter sitl grave] lîrt................ 6 0 Mis. M. A. Shsermuansacting as irund kF. FisrY. 5(aYis' laor cieulnlîîg Maisisal. Min. Jtohn Lee, of Liberty- gravel itI........... ...... 10 (0 ville vas inatailihg otileer for tht- L. rni'y, 5day3"ai.rrtIitsing Lodge wiis iir. A. D). Bueil actiug as gravel lit .......1........10 (0 Grand Marsbal. The Easterns Stars W. Wetlge. 5idaya'tlttrs'leauhug 9provided lise supper sud a gusud gravel pi ......_ 10 001 aqulsatiai une IL vas. The tables Moionu l ivWlber and }Harvey ltai fariy grosued vilS ail file good ibings Morili A&'tooliey's bill for eloctie to est. Afier p.rtakîg c f aupper lilht sserviu'e le ViliagA Hail.t. (baèia vbich mens serventlin he iusng hall of laid ovel. i.. acet'eldsie rt ider drawe M. W. cf A. tbe coiupeny danced for a for sane lotîttu carrieti. cake ti liens of a cake walS. Dr. Brown Motions t'y Bhron alsa Wiiher finti caliing flefilgures. E. W. Uphan tise fîsîîcli#he ..f lth UChcago et FoX claimed tise cake, tbuugb ail fle Laite Fectrie Rsitrnad C". ho se. daueera tiers' ust .îf the saine Opision. eep'ed as rte-il. Ilowever the ful d anîu ntssli Vî rd trl 'li-ttaiiou, oye; WiI. about midilgis is eitguuottisgisls swers' lier, aye: ItIliaî'udoti, oye; Harvey, soud aud aslweuî isoule vtiiîg lise oye. Motiont t'srrhe. evsniug oeeofîttise mosipleaiseni e Incs Motesnîy Wilber sud ichlardlson ever openiut. t adjoiirîs. Mîtion carrled. E. T. DEVoo., Clerk. For Saie. Rousît-vsry ebhiesPolanl (ritua - - - Illinois SPECIAL SI B!ig wtin -Prices -zc1.--RegardIess of Cost--h.- Meus amil woll$11.00 8LuI94 at. Mdeus aqil wouil 10.01 us ai.......................... -.........U menus il 1woui 7.à4J ui&a ai ............ 6.00 Boys' iiiak CL.AY 'A Oroed 10 .01mHsi .....8.50 Boye' alilwuol $7.00 Suis»aut............ ...... ............ .. XouiS LtS rown aIl wuul $ 6 ut. ai.......................4.00 bMens ail wool $3.00 l'auisai .. ... ...1.10 ufsiis ail W0.i1 .75FPauta . ... ........ .. 1.39 boss'ailwuoi .75 Essee Pasta au...............................40 meuns Bouvy $13 010 Blajk Braver Overcoat, velrsi collor, ai 10.50 Mens l liack ieaver $10.9W0 lvercoa4 ai- .......... 5.00 Mleu'* Extra iseavy browu lisiion Ulster&, beavy ail wuoo 111114, large iurîi collar, nasiy solS ai $12.00 Sue*suai.........800 Meus'it eavy Ulsters, tornaerly $800 now .. ....6.00 Boys' Extra heavy Iteefera, bal lor or siortu coliars worib $2 60 198 UlsIeouuot 10«.u Our cîtire lin. ut tlvereosia. bMena $1.011 ail l u l uerwear a&i......... .9 Mens hùeavy ilee.ied flnlsled Catuela bahi'nVderwear a%.........59 Mens à76e beavydleeced linsd Undwrvear 4.0 Mena 60e beavy ileeeed 11usd Underwear u ai . .. 38 Extra beavy, extra alze, 11-4 ail woi bed bisênkets vere $4650 ai.. 3.60 oure oire linsoue su d Se Ulsghama ai pur yd .... .......... ..... Big rednaoo lu prices ou ail Our (.iivea and Mîittens. Almogi ai your ove .......prîce-Bargalus.............. F. H. KUEBKER, New Store. Grayslake. Illinois.- J Thir? is the place- Where you wilI f ind a large and varied stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ,ANSILVERWARE. Albklnds of Repairing Dono Prompti y. EB. SH-ERMAN, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. tlust be sold. Men's Overcoats........ $2.50 to $7.00 Men's Suits ............. 2.50Oto 10.00 Boys' Suits .............. 1.00 and up. Childs'Suits............. 1.00 to 3.00 Chllds' Knee Pants .. .2 5 to .50 *Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, * Felts, Rubbers, Underwear, Hats and Caps. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE, - - ILLINOIS. GRAYSLAKE CASH STORE. Grayslake, 1.

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