Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1899, p. 5

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,roceries, Fruits Candies, Figs, Mixed Nuts, Dats, Pop Corn, Etc. You will find everything RIGHT in quality and price at Triggs & Taylo?'s Liberty ville, m Illinois. SHEET flusic- ATHALFPRICE!' During the next 10 days, ail sheet music farýmerly sold at 10c wilI go at ASI4EET 45 Cents AHE Optical Ooods. Gold Filied Spectacles $3 0 Warratafor' 10 'saa . .. ..$3 0 Ail lenses at Iess than Manafacturer's price. mismFOR TEN OAYS ONLY.UUI CR.SMERI'IAN. LibertYville, Illinois. More Insurance Facts! 'li.-atw olu' . u ,> t fIraUle lu forýe lecciib Ai>31,l 1197, 1il tise MillIiiru RuInaIinisuraut e C-. sa> S25.1152?S. Fguring on a bois that ilais amoui î,isiiran>,e hial jeen lu force t,r ite jears prlor 1.. De... :1. 't.hle cool 10 î>licy lalders for saîd 5 years sa>nulbave lied 31& ier'caent taore Cbaunutie sainie oniaaut a>! Imurance f plaeoit by rue iu a gaod re'iall stock lcompaîîy, or lu other sards, if ilitaimait <u Inaurance had been placed sith me, îî would bat.' saved the policy blders îîin(lic MlîburumutililIusrraucc tCO. îaIl ve yearm S14,79->5 1 '1 n nnsy lid -the Milliuîriî rte sil] aereave. oui.1auwîr, wstli soulil h SIait hss gra4liiiily l»a'rca,>eal? NI'e (lus ciîui. l"ar is.' yeors lrloîr (o 1896, the Miiliîara >',)st 244 pcr et' more tban lu My cî>mpasay. For iv,' years prier b> 197 34& peraent nmore anîd tfor iv>. yeara pirtr t»1894, 39.j per cent nmore thuli,î>ny ,.umlaules. Il be aive applilea oîly mi>sartom>pr<>elty. N.> (h ce>' 'I r>rt'r i, n , 11My tarm>pl i' C. H. SMITH, Insurance Agent. Butter Bidg. Libertyville. Illinois. G rO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STrORE FOR SDrugs, Medicines, Chemicals, )J4 PERF'UMENY. SOAPS. COM US. SBrushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Bram, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Books and Stationery, Dy Stufs, Glass, Puty, 5PAINTS, OILS,VARNUSHES. PATENTMEDICINES. Family medieînes and Phyicians' Prescriptions oar.Iully 1< oompounded at &il honrs. ~ode CarefulIy Selected.- Only the Bes6t. New Store, New Stock, Rîight Prices. *ERIES, CAN!NED G00DS, CIGARS. AND TOBACCO. Keep in mmnd the Woodxen'a Bil 1$0 be geiTen bygAcinge.Camp at Liberty- v1l on alJu 17. Good munie, a * gfod supper,9g1ofilime. 6 Local items of 1 nterest to Libertyville Readers. . lnesd WaI>n AEa,.t'>al; the Grand Opera lhouRe Fait4444444464444444*44* ('leag'ooueay (lii, week and reports o the play a fine one. C. M. & ST. P LOCAL TIME TABLE. -A 'Noble Resolve' will be tlhe iev. il 1 1A *~ John Lees subjeel on Snnday morning TcA ACAHICAGO »N N Pt lu AU Au virwa at(lic Methodit cburcb. .-The Aus'l. .......... 6I. ..A............126u1PX lx 2 Wadwotl..............s57siau. ... ........ -:.0217..Business oflf 1e sAl I .filus cVeulng tOurnes........ .............01.01 .... 20.. .......... . :...5a2-',1 Warrî,nt Le........... ......84...... ......... t2 5. 13 ujc Ll,rtYv;'llk . .-1 5 7.26 .....12.30 ..... .........1 . . 5 lladaut . ) . . . . ..60 . 2 . w ...ý ý,"loys will le toy,' sud no more Evercil. .7 .1,21 12.44o... ........ ....7 6.08... >i2.43 84X.2 foreiblellustration ofth(bt Irite old O.erUr7.l.'e,2 7 4 ..... .. 69 j 1oý23-60 s"' 44" . 7.:4:O'2"" 1254lu .-f saying bas corne (t Our notice Of lats ienlw .s64 .31 8 1. ~ .0.1:0 .515 .31wb.10naa.li05.f8oungsters tram the MNoroan ir( . .e..1 70110.»7379.ô 106M.4 Edgel,raaa . o k4 o .7 4 :.l17,01.42 7.43 V.42 . .2 0,60à6 iret r01<m came wlioojlng gleefnllY l>r.a(liu..1.5623 ..... ......69.14 .2 1 7.47 tho 645'>t 11656.60orin »huI Nay7.1n.e 7 47 8 . 12 44-4185 6 7. > la 11 '6.6 taingb:N sootueday o &ch ou,. 7.4t)...................3......... 6 101&y, taolirn fanted away!' AN 056 NCH-Go PI1NI P'. à1ImA 1 Happlly the (cocher', taiîîting vWu Un.1>. Sl ' n...l7to V.1262' I11.40 e&5.0456: tu 9li ,:m1.,4120 ak e . Mayoli Sos6 .7 184 4145.4 410 7.61 i6l 86 »'îatuled by lut a lIllametarY eknfl mur'st.lÉ ... . as>1 '1 f,'874.7 .,6 .1 .68 0 .61 liiM U.571 0 1-1 Foi,ot sasr ... 8 61 2 .10 4 :'55 :4147.10 '.' I11.14 14.Ô& 16'2altl1» i r) the ( la îleds ofthle Youung X,trt ,a rov.' . 14 >. 12.0 4- 27 8" 6. 20 7.10 uu11 2.00 6 X 16 lircilins (tft»s a 5 scuidary cou- til,' ulw ..... .2i1". 63 2 6 4 .)5 'AS.247.22 1 .2 1.01 6S.orti .2 l'la,'rnrvll, 6.6 » I 2 6 .466.6 <261.2. . 2.1 09.613 1 269 ideratio>,. Ihi-y ve e (obave a bhî- LIvorloîl . 41»2.1 2 a4-447' 6 61 .2. 112 210 il 24 ly hci ld u>raacd alu Earî..............4 2.,-» 4,47 6.172.3512. .... tii.t)î>y c oe l urto conalneaonsof ll»n,ut ..... 6 1»37 . 1 >61 .45.... l~ l.ltsi'tY vîl, . 105 ..A 6t4a. 7.1.ô.01 Wai'.'nt>a O25 . . . . Px 6 à21fileA. ,,tsrly boys sîlI always lie boy@.. <,il. 6. su ...... ..... .... ........4 Waslasrti, o . 1£»te, ,.. ... .... ..... .....0. eor'61 eepiîta I ir frn ho." l.............14... ..... ..... .........694 . A * ,ataloy 6l>nda oîiy 5 04 o> Sinal tr Blkley, ut Moutoon, Mien., rJ>Sn>.>, 1d>.wllla,'-eu>o» (511. .andl arrive et l.ll>.rtyvIllc u cumpllr».'tiuig us ou Ouîr holiday 24>.»>Q »> ,a.'lay ul a ran ai ot. blccyvAleai loa ni.and 06>0i5.t vit Ir editil» Froua bis .tatiouery Vie note Nu ~o t ulfil (ai :lit lapracticlîig lay ibt tplace, .ils... IMi@..Alloe [).Vii&@ haile uips. and ie riales liefi, meetinlg sitb good Prs,.................... A. W. W alid' TI..h rî,.i. .1..Hi, yt. Cl,-rkr....... ................ C. . Smth Troasur....... ..... ........ M. B. CoihY i',,lo M......î, ..W. B. DavIs mari>>............ ...rihman LIBElt7-Y VILLE LOD(2E. No. 492 F. & Raturdaye ut .act, mq,nl.~stn ,e r cordiaiIjy w"' I ULKLUT .9r J.0 ac. Soe,. A ECAMP No, 176. M. W. of A., m"'tâ ~ rtand thiard Nabt,àrdas ru qi ?ot A. 1'. MTAPLLK. ('I.k E XCELSIoM (AIi, . so.7. I. N. A.. w,.tii(l.' irt iaj> .Iyof cad g fti t .2p. w an> >, tird Tii,.rd.r ù i v'ng. in . Wodn'o Hall Es.r Leishacw' or li'. Mas ANNIt 5165 Irsle. MES. M..nT 1. 8T41>LK. hcrder. Miss Iday Hoyt sas a Clalcago visitor tbis oeek. Lew Illsr>v im sialering 'iitti au attack of thei lgrippe. Mis>. à,,fl Gtray vioit-1 lu Cliajoa ,,e>era61 laya Liiis week. %4 ATi)-Hon6eeper.-niddle aged lady pr.'f.rred. Apply to H. . Ei1l, Capi. 1. Smiil, ot Chicagu, i isdIt.. lng Walace Iiulkley anad other rela. tives here (bis ersek Paul Mac(;nflln le!t town hnrrledly Tnesday golng t( <hîlago, aH bocanie he imagined he sas goiug 10 have au~ attack outhes mumpe% and ho conldnt gel hume 10 is -ma" flut cnough. .lrlu lba, .1Prairie V.Ies, ws ad an atmi amputated mastbe resuit o! Iilarles retcAived an a coru abredder is getting ai.>ng nit'ely under Dr. J. L. Taylor'a prtlielat care,. 'i recicy,' (lie professionai talîri 1rlolcr 6isitins lu ail bis digniy. Wt' re giod (a> a.oll ,urselve ofaIbius as- sistance dîuriug (lhe -"r>îsh," ater wieh t rencby suia gain l>eo>mü al saliil-rer. by bis own laoce. C. A. Apîley shialped bis large lloual bounal (o Marqu>ett.e, liich., tiis ecS llaviung sold him (oa u offîcer tu lie ltâte pcîilentlary. Hie seigbed 1ilîli IAîu>.andi %na55a avag6' looking least. Wac b.' 10 thbe ccpcd üe>,vl,'t »o Mra. Etta lliéin.A visiting n NaPer- ville, ibis siai. F. C. Smithlinla s.îleritig ail attaa'k of the nbeuulatil. C. . Sherman atlendî"l ith'evcl shlow la i hc.Ago ibiss ecia sguccesah, whîch lm not âsurlrising An. tciligence Ca us as but few mortla are eneîavd sw >1 bIsin [tuurai alilityý (.lai se are tiaded i.tu knuvhabaiy li'I-"apilicalion o01(liai abiiy he A, mneeting witb 8iessu. We prediel (lie world sili beur >1 Arthur, au he s Chat Chas. Applî'y in haviîîg lah,10.9uPî, iiîd of a felI»w, if lhe bul muters up corner Milwouakee Ave. snd Far treet the Icoper amnount out *'ticktoutive- painîeci. neas," and noue viii walch blis career _Laikesalde (enîeter y .8po.55»co>l>wmlwth more Iterest (hau ic Liberty- mcct i wtli 1mc. iW arleu l'rida. 'li rlîl Jlanî.20. ti.61rgè@d %N >luco. day tram awi'cks1 m fil tanpleisnl bis second day's vork lu frlt.uda. t»w's Sanli and iDont miii at Wanke- GIes Frmer, of (%silagaia, wsîlI gar> lasi Friday evening, when shorily kuovu lereaL-itîs, vltli .1h if>', balter s>,. »clock lie mist.ook the door reeu6peratlug At Chadbu)urt>. Ns C. The màmps bave inva>lcl '.'s> (li County Mouse asud mi% patit-uts arc ai present Kick vllh ibat lfoî.oable Affliction. By a mutual agreement »ur store.i are nov cloeed ai 8;15 p.m, anad mîli continue (o close at Ibat iaourr rîtîl Mardi lst. Services ai minai hours ai (lie Nen- byleriau church Sundsy. Morning theme, ..Finding tbe Christ.' In the evenlng, -,The Mgisi of Little ThAngs." The ladies of thse cemetery associa. tion viii give a New England supper lu thie Town Hall Tl>rsday, Jan. 26. An aniograph qulît viii be dîoiposed of nt (bat lime. W. E. Miller ia in atiendance upon a meeting of county oMeers from varions part& of the state, (is veek ai Belvîlle near St. Lent&, eonvened to conanît andl discusmethodi relative 1.0 con. d ueiing counniy Intuitons, poor .,f the elevaior saah for the stair door audltell headiong ta (lie bard fluor ifieeu feet lîelow, inlicting injurie@ fran> vbich he died Sanlay moruing ai ite o'clock. Deceased va. a relative of Mrs. C. R. Shberman, of Libertyville, and s and Mr. Sherman attended the f unera wbîch was held in Evanston Tuiesdy. He vas a manon, being a member of the Blue Lodge o! Evanaton. When quIte jonng be spent sevorai jears on a faima near hlosecrans and later removed te Northi Evanston wbere ho bas since resided. Hand Us Vour t*ms. WO Wsani O Smake (ho IND&PE?4DEIÇT a complets local nevspaper. Baudun. jour items or drop (hem An the Item bol at tho foot o! the glaire. Food Mill. We sl do enstom grtndlug, cors and cob or mixd grain, rye, cata ete. Wednendays and Baturdays. 'G. H. fartas, asyinms, etc. 1cltoK Mrs. Frank Lockse anal son Iver are ac o ae botbsic wit th mums u ther, I will recelve a carlosd ot set grain Chicago home. Lon>îl Shermnan As ceach Wedîîesday. For sale on aoc ai aticiading to Mr. Lockeca duties oit (be Iîibcriyvllle for $3.75 perton0. trin u ie that gentlemanî ca>iduct'q a î! D. HEsssî,K. naî'ss sand Iu Chicago.,aver slieh'li lis ncil oIe sufe lm sont (o presîde. p>ulc Notiom e is hsly gIv-,n iaa th:; 1,i>. Scott, Wlio owax î>jîreaî in suloerl>cr Excsutrla fuet ant îll ai týtamsi'nt or Mchael Welte'r d.v2caad vIl> Chaicago soiîietimî'>miace andi bà" mince aw-tt.ilig niiiîcCourt ut Lait" Caunîr. &it a terni (lacrof tu. b. holtn ai tic Court been in a laspitail in Uliai city, laE Hoge lu Waukegan ln soal Coaanty on tic 1 losly iusprovît>g. It slI probst>ly senaa lie so montlîs lacfore lRobl. eau bcsîp .rtA alie iao(il.'d anal reqi>îcat.luprc"rI tia. ,onc tuh said Coaurt for adjudicailen and around again, 'he lecuiiar bier sun.e al(le uiîr. n bî~l li.kne l6Uo.s.ANH XWELTER. Ex.'cutrlx ca p sas broken, aceounte for bis Amerîcan Garrisola, Kuiglil>ofuthebcto'dîous recaverY Globe ta ine.ofaisangrow>ir>g lo>igcs<f Libertyvile. Candidates. or.' onbaud Te tage tu wsest end ot the Town a i n u c r ly v e r y m .e t î g oa n d t liaig b H a ll a s r e in < v d t (la is e e k , b r e ly ]îa.'înber4hila tam an>t sizty, oshîie is (lancers sîxteen teet îmors lu Iengtb. exccpi(l>aliy gu(>d te -rioyco,îa This s iii greally inîprove (lie bal au a (lie(>'ratdry desirable place (o 1>01>1dance. and the Ifwoied ite rgltto. t mdWoodmen viii derîveflirmt beneflt fram If ouiu b>l licrîgat ,> rnesv thel (improvement. am, theirs sili be tie tbey cure te doai,?>u111a lais a6011e (iey tiri dante I lie hall ine plattor>u bave a right n>.a t» votecfor jîniver- has becu removefi. w117 Il'n6(ce, How s no >l hem did lme fCiaocptlsehv s»a Feo lide'd. The,' nimber(lus A ujîer !Cl'g optlssbv vear ~ ~ th so.'i>s (or beilaber tsa> se,' rdoptions 0o> tire tariuN. n yer waxgb> h onj. una Nlret ilwaiikë.e Avec. 3>161 îortli of the vil. Mat a s»us>6a>.'st oavvote. Theegcthsîaate lago' sili a ves (o laîucnabrg a large ta lie'pîae"aî rmiialac.' nage s the 'use mtoc'a fi'siiTlacy sat 500 ases, of djue affIL. l >0and I loi 1)lie"casud modern a..Imr.> 1>1isg' arad ,,lIî,rwlhe r lno>ve (he 'Iliailukm te) the. t>riy %% a.le ave.' cana. lu I)c(an2l tiy 0f lac ,ginis>g e»l (la yeur auîd >na>I'> tlair rasacsals ýfe.r 16211 Ais.> frh,ur(lcgaudir inloî>at anes sulurlas Stil sme lios . raaîî>fa r sud wli glarlly wos)nicuu îrther ofdl-. (hans ta> m ihap>y faaruuly >of intellige'nt resîlers 'rh',s'sitin iiarrenao til couler a fasir Iîy sttlnug before aelruary. We îaced aIl auîr e atîd- loîg aeccoulas before (biat (tâte. This bing (lhe sessuuhen most people niake np tiair lists of usys- papers anal magaorliaek. <1W taken for the yoar t» coumme, lt us again cuit t he attentioîn of THE. liJuF..E.u.Nrreaders to the tact (bat se procure for any pald up subscrlber oîîy puîblicaion in (ho world at m >uicales raies, just viat they cast uns.lin ail (he prin- cipal uewl>oors aud nmagazines of thia ontyMe have speciai rate& lu most cases laser (bau (ho ciy anli' scription agencles esn snppiy (hem Caliin A sAi youîr liai. Edwin Brooks. owuer of (ho ntloci bank reccntly bnrglarlzed vaa lu (ow suWeduesday. He asserts that (the perpeiralurs o! the rober3' are knovu and sas ber.' s>luoupes ut diseovering sonis one shu couid ldeniify ihom shen arrostefi. He s(opped vilS John Jamiaon shile in («su and jour friand L. B. Morse in ofth(le opinIon (liai Mr- Brooks tinka Jamison kuova bomo- thlng about lie affair. John Allanion believes Brooks vonld do WeilI 1 vateli Morsesas Se labo n known 10 §pend s dollar or iwo c01lMet vliile J. W. Mýille tbinhe OJohn Aflagipu uy b. mixaitap in the 401 hiUsL prip.'rty i f (lhe ual comes tu o) lad . i tl moracinedeilte a'ona'liî- mi> un IS r,a>'led 5<re oua<ttlita p<î lliii thec porticiiarg. Inal<f fi,5a'< t>in>(tr cu.ted part î.' Frow as ieloit paper se gleoaithal NMc. James t'iniaîgoa l ivalut (bat place Mona 'utlv igh(. Jan.'2. Deceaîaed sas brm n in îtyvll' pril '2, 1851, living bere about twcuty years, shien bc sent (o Biliown ususip andi setied on a feam Afler a vigorous buminess career as formner. uîerrbn an sd miller heretired Inlu1"<2 bavlag ac>juired a conilortabie fortune. Four sons andi lbree daugitera survive hlm.e vas linried Inisthe Catbollc ceme(erY at lieloit. The local la>dge, of MYsîle Workera of fIic' Wurld, field a public installaion of ofilcers In Eger's Hall lait Tne.dny ulghl. Atfter the Installation a banquet va. servefi, sncb a oue a. la seido> enjoyed ln Lîbertyvîlle. A socil idance vas tison Indulgeil An sud aIlwh vatatendod prononuco it (ho mant pleasiurablo eveni o! uhe asason. The !ollovlng oMeers were installod; Chas. Kaiser Master; %Irs. Mariha Praline, V. Mier; Ueo. Wiener, Clors; Hi. B. Eger, Haukor; Bd. ilulbard. Condusoter; F. P. Dymond, Attorney; Mr@. Bolit. Lyon, Sentinol;, Robi. Lyon. Ploket; Wm. Bonne, Josephs Bond, Mrs. Chas. Rainer, Manfferl. Read Tis. Mont o 10 lappo,4 n mrosi nts noeurly ilD mate Of lm00Io 15000ea ex »but. J. Ir.JUDoS, S usi- ingia Si WsuqsmDi. 14*1 »6A>Ar6i. L. HMMiER. witn..'66 oMara Jansr>6a .11>6 .-3 IPalins lu the cheest sien a person 1bas a cold indicate s tendoncy tosarîl rphcamonia. A pieco o!flfannel damnpened sith CliamberILtins Palin Maim sud bound on 10 the eliest over ( ho seat of pain sili promptly rellete the pain aud prevelît (he threatened atlack <of posumonla.>n treat- ment sutl cure a lamne Wack lu a tes hour. uid by F. B. LovILL. Liberty- Sville. J. R. BitAcH£11, Gurnes. L. H- LIre NFF.LD, Rockefeller. Dyspea Cue Digests wtiat you sat. latureMUyin tgatbld ren struiigther.zhsusteidgtvor- W =55 ItSbltSllOVfdlU s it tauinc.N te5w i titu-o r4m md smaru F . B. LovuLL, Llbereffile, L. H. LITC 'aFIXLn, itocKOelUOr, J. I. BsÀî-Eas, Gurnes. ýW e hiave68Illliiiiiý A few Overcoats to close out at Low Prices. Also some Men 's and Boys' SUSut, Extra Pants, Vests and Duck Coats. Our $2.00 Duck Coat is a dandy, rubber lined, high corduroy collar, heavy weight and weIl made, just the thing to work in. C.M.Ile derson&CVS ALWAY8 UPTO DATE. ' NEAT, SYUI and DRESSY. M, B. COLBY & Coe, OKALEftUIN EVÉRYTHING, Libertyville, 11111101S45 clearing Sl Underwear, 40 and 45c Men's Heavy Undershirts,- ail go at 3 $2.00 Extra Heavy North Pole, ail WooI Fleece Lined Under Shirts, Misses ail Wool Pants, sizes 26-34, worth 60 and 85c, ail sizes at . Ladies' 50c Wool Mixed Vests, slightly soiled go at 3 25c Ladies',Fleece Lined Drawers, smail sizes, oniy 15 Odds and Ends of Underwear on our JOB COU NTER at haîf price and Iess. Big Reduction in Ali Winter Goods. The Fair, Libertyville, Illinois. Our line of boots, shQes and rubbees is complete. Prices as Iow as the Igwest. 4 *Until February 1, l899-mabo * The Independent * ANDWeekly Inter Ocean, :Both, One Vear, $LI.Si: * To New Subscrlbers Only. fý 2ýýý 1 1 . 1

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