Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Jan 1899, p. 5

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Croce Candies, t . 444 4w, 4h-irri.f.445444 .4 ut444 a . .. 1 w 4hIar' H;4i-1 M. i ne144.45 1 i4r44444 i. 12J4444 4444 1.444 l i- atV a ..w lu4 anîd pI>up, tbeu 4puy4a4 )44445 lu2 44. 4ance and take 4 advt geof<4u445 4r54444 huim offer, tbe 1'rm Jo4urnal 4,45 1'ive Jears free5. The ladies of Lakeaide C4.ruetery Assocationî vil) give a N."'.Eî,gland' Supplsr ut bîbertyvle lov.î4 Hall Jan[. 247, An autorapli qsît l 1"144be and a sofa pillow sod a% 6u4't4441. Th ere 6 Ili b..a practl4.4.pigeon401 shoot t1h44 îïrlday> afternooA4 on4 tbe H'and Us Your Item@.. W. %U4441L - make 1the4 512K2'1412E5i ia iu>444c4144444446 14wapap4r. HaloS un .our items or4 drop taeanLu u te itemu bî,1 aibe foout f1hestairs. Road This. monley o u anl pprovedi on rosi estate moeu424413 1lu sumo1*ut $6W tu S5,004) a& 5?,, 144e1455. J. T. JuDio; 2184 Wash- 144141041 4,,4.aukegafl 14. 1t! For Rent. ,ibùepbilîip Davis farta locatedi Lulle ment ut 1LbertYville containînig 6i aerea. AppIy W àà Mus. F. PROTINr, Libertyvillis. :iîf Gold Filled Spectacles Warr Ici* o ar s a8c t .....- -14,i ' 4' 4 W44' 44441 4124 er.' * srki ug t 1Diamond, 4lLake, '4)111444th e 'e Ail lenses at less than Maaatrrs price. w'14r ~4~. r rç?I 11511V 1 in444744,44v54444.61l'remby4teriincblreb moisFOR ITEH DAYS VUILY.... I] 4.444431 M4rjtj vng b'e4., -ýHe Main- , f.441441 .4445444 1-is (»It)ry." I lute e V4l4 'I'l 6101445w 4'rw at144r" 10 whil4C Ibis lWe havel-mý <ver ri Kirklandl a tàoillhtless bohôsewife Inventl a uëow Method of h 4P!C ED P H RE ND HER~.warniîg lieds during tbe recent cole ,ries, eatsD UPH REA D Hg rentp. Kirkland hall an electrlc plant 4 Local items of interest to Libertyville Readers. :1aîdtelad being cold one oftheb. -electrk llgbt buibre w&a put between **...~.*.444.~444G444444444444*é4 sh84144444anid the clrrent turnerd on. The bei444sole0n went t)plieii tek. Fruits D ates, C M. & ST. P LOCAL TIME TABLE. kîiLlîlain g 44ftht i 1CIICAGO.................................roIbeëry, andi fîîtljer asoortatbatIfw M A M le é q À M A, ~44I444PlePli ParIMMEPUi A41 444-f4Pet . 44. .. 4 .....1.1) M41%il jUs4t rotent .J W. Mille? le vili 4...a4.... .... . 414,4...B.64 . . . . . 4247 2 4'0" Popr . C orn,,i 44 . .. ., 0. , orgIve l )'ire rlIntintlg thiât liec i.1. 'A M.41 ...4 . . .1 >44.1.3 If bir. Miller will! kldly etonaider bien. i.Irt~l4. 4. .7 25 V . .... . ..........4 2.4J .6 M. .4 w 9 12.44 et M j. r L i- 5 , I49 X . 4 2 4 e4 . 43'7 jélffî, ,414.4 44474 îî r avi444tîig for5 8d N uts, Etc. 4444'447.544 9447l 444.ls44, 4 4 144 -(l;ý .1 9 '01Lef164; N II,",..'il M 14 . :0 1. 1 4 .6 l iW, -1 454 7 10.361 il7. è W,419.406 s444 454vPi144<l. m 4743 .w94 .614414U,4CI 1 1'. 4 i6 I.4 l.4ILI. 427.4: 43 . 4112 M M.. .444 4.4.44 7 l'à7474423 ... 4 44 4. 51444 4 1 A lîIîî44rJr4' oîas~ of halt a [m siI,. , I 7 M 1I,11:11 - I 4 . 4.éfw 7.4 14.à 74 ' I 41.74531laliPs 4.lling <)là Ibeir frien1die, Nit îîg lietir(-b' .u.s a t,*w Miniutes w itl,' FAOM C HlGa...............................uapeakîuig. Ibei sbaking bandéealai,. . il. P4 '. .4W I:. 4544 '. f4.44 F le. ", t4 I . ', t î14 M;44 94 .4) 3 .455 >4 5 444, . 4.1 l .9 4 1 .0 4.'w 9 II.I4jIartiIg f4 i tl4rt.iiily J. a biîg file- Il Il4 O44,. Ir7 4.47 7) j 4 ILI441.441.07 l .GN . 3'. pri. tîîr , r 7444v ,ther 45 44444 1 I iwill find everything 44à444liée44444444 044>545.6 4 4414 LIIl 444544444 Il r?,4444,, . .kt444],, 4J.Ir 4.7 il4 4 '19 444 7 511 4 .9 -44 Iý I l, 14 m4î4e44 14. 4444.,' and1 flot talle A. II444 ri ,. 47 6 *14' . . 7.42... 41444 9.ýN . 1 w44. -r4.44 I ly lIc4t454î44 ,r uality and prce at .4, .4,4..... 4 .4 . 44) 7 ..... ~ 4 ....4444.wo~î~4 455 . 4144*4 ..le.lwib 4454,444,444 4 44 . 5.4. ,44444 .,t , 24444. . 4... 4944744444 4 4444.4744 .1,445il. *st..i4 I.4I4signal44 t11,44iUg. '-MenJ grîîmbl6 16444444 U44 N- 1 I . i . 4b It rt41ali~k 14r44 becaise lie puitié rose4s on thornsb" ANc Wi4lbtirat arIlin is 5lgle ffe'FlTh ittn44I1l49 havi I' h4) 444444t«44' ir" 144,4ghtl4t1d be tihoroi.ibly impre8fred Il 1 r, t.4.. .A4, W. M4lier tire 14i1dre otthe immenête nuîiber '444.4. 144.454,1. J 4. ,Mrir. E. C.'FIiîppe4r, (I44 r i4'41t Gl, of gr444< r s an 61d kieker.4 vitb whl.I. T- LS. r l a 11. lited with i rs144. C. IL. rj(,riiitii Weil- t' 1444. e.,îîîtry 4 18 n w burrbsned. ThI. 4..1 , ,r...,.a,4 - - 4 .... 44 . . 4m444 i44441a.Raffle and Dance. Musgi, ,... .. .. 1.414~.. . M.H4 Il.' cote54 4 y44145îi At 4.th7e liait1ay tCltb House,iW14 Day .4.1444 4,,7. . . . . r5444m4îx, iaîî' j>rf.rr.l . Ap~ly t44 444 Iéta14y &eveiiug Janusiry 2',he 64 Libetrtylé elle. heî a granid dance 61*d raille. Proft. g-S I~~~-~.,vg6m , 4.44 4rk ikall4,4 41 4445 aîk 1445444 ,1 o ,14114Chicago Orchestra vii furuîab 1-jA Lr ~ ~ ~ ~ 1IIfl VILE .01iGE, No. 492 F. & tKI.Li 444;(;101)e %%"451 ,4,dîCObe4'y 11hg, .1144. 2 . 44444444'fr 1tue 04.sCasÀOI and a good 1E CAMP' LI) I W4,4A m, thfe grippîe finiew 4Ille, but4144441 Fo r Sale. ,ng the next 10 çlays. (,.tÎ44 14r1 44ifinie4f4447i14f11 h4l14 ier di;tis4ag4114r, ILIl-- ay4. 4444del Etcîior Iuctbatoi, Pidel sheet rmusic forrnierly 444..V')44444444494 46454w,1koU444. - C. IL lberîî4Ltîhall54pi1rc441 i 91J44l'y .e'. il. :ft*41. of Qulncy, 111. fil s A. t.4'4lII~ .r, .F .4.5 44441bl4?yClo, w44îl mll-,i Icarl 444v44.ervL444teery.A4.s463t11g in peirfret J at 1Oc SAil go at hibitîî4u ut 14144 441444544 a17 l,%4f4.4 444r4ILI..r441î4f 4d45145,asa a née1445top, 4.'441er E44 1 4447 MI '4.7. ;. NI.A.. îtn4k ami,4 trouer, clpper liip, 4self s 444 444,4 14444 4~ 4.4 7 44444 4411144514 4alti, 2ait 1th ' 1.4144 4 4ipr' . 54144145 444 1411151 al, 154 1 4it 4,r t 4 W 1-.9, . 4[L . 4 1444 ,- lIrI44 r gtfit'444û mo seur4 arf4 t ili 4444444444444.44 441 44 41l447444444t4I. 14,4.4411146 gaug.., egg Mi,.A~1 .,4,M 4'4. AM Lé N. = e1444 6144, b? 2'v atsd 4.' -of lertliie eggs. '14 ,5 e n ts ASH T 44444.44444... <'744 r Joui, L4e'44 hubj.ect 44u1Si.1144.4! 144<r1111114 marcbmnv 454a.444 1atent4stle .de anîd ____________________________at the Metb'4dint 4h4r'b. Ili, e44.4444411Là"baI the1 ne14W i11>45Venfe44111. lcolsI sub1j4444t . 1441 4l-, . .Ai, 2444 42 4414421 5144 54nd4 114 444514fur $18. 1'. O0 tbox 441, __________________________i r s~î ied ix.L. W... 444terf4444d P4ri-1' ,i î44gli1. Highfland4 Varie, Ili Our $2.00 Duck Coat is a dandy, rubber ined, high corduroy collar, heavy weight and well made, just the thing to work in. [bur fine of boots, shees and rubbers is complete. Prices as Iow as the Iowest. C. M. Hendersou &CVs LADIES'917 SHGES ALWAYS- UP TO D AT E NIRAT, STYLi and DteSSY. p M. B, COLBY & Go., r~I'bPA~. 4.-i4.n . at4144441e5'41441 bIs week aeemed 2c pur lbird. InstigatOrs 0utitis444triai Food MliI. DEALERS IN EVAYTHIING, C . R ,S II44444line m.44444liab44445 Mort, 4744144w.e51l445 sbot WeilIendeavor lu, organize a 144441 ett 6114l do eustom grindlng, corn L lbertyv mile, ~~~ ~ ~ ~ lu Ill.nom s. ail 1 444444 , 4444 414i4'444elu r re and Itsldesr ut thebe~ ~ a a nd 4c ote or 1444414,4 grai, ry, oa ts etc. L ib e rty v ilie, -Il i ls Li eryv l4,1 44,444 % 1K. 4444 4444fuî ~ 44t s Broute the.4* -4 44444 e* iol ia 44townW ýl4 %44uaduy oeillet 1 I -à 11 recel444ve a mrload (if alet grain M ore Insurance Facts l. u. 74Ou 474Élist 01 î, 444 4tiu)lilg 4grouiî.I.(414 i 44.7ediueldaY. For fsate un f. 444ut e.,Itlt Clo, no' .-tu nei4 , ann le t e 1445 44444444 144144444 las1 LîIbe4t4 4ville for45 $3.7.3 pet ton. e44444 4 4 ini474 ii44444 l444i44as!4LI D. B 1î:ilî, .4 ~444444444 4474' 444411,' 44~4444 î4î145t45d 444444 44444th. go'4,N II, W i te o c l l'44I 44.4.4 4444 4444144 44 44441114 4444 Lun44e 4f )lis c4'b445î1444414 S tI. sIbri glyNotice. 4 a n . ~~~~~~, n u n q ' . 1114,d i-4 t h2lir 44g44 4ti44. 1144 5 4444 b 4le4411 444 4. 744 44.454 44J 4.Lie4414 X ut lb . lasGvi i a Tio .'l lu a. :il. 1 lla7.4444vila1.444 444 1ie.i474ti-6.4Leur li, Lis faito ts, 4ý4euo44x of t ta 1447. fi fi. b44, . ria4454 417l 144.4r444 ' la,444 4k. 144.IF444444i 44ail'5441444 l44 4 .4444I444 4444444464445444I4k, 4404144. 1 .7 .. 4 '4.44 4144 4504 4 444 4P4 44444 4 14 :,i 1 4444 4474, 4444 4444 4454. î4.ê .4 j ~ ~ ~ ~ f a4 4441 44444 y ~ 114 4 44.4 714 t h,44 4454 1 4.4 4'C o u rtt 4QI4L égale-,4444 c o u rta ge.46 44 ut 44 l4444444'44~444'444 4 445,. 44allai 34. 444 445445t44'4o4444 a taille lot Of1F14'iaa , i lle445 444t'. m 6114444 15mo, u4i,&t u45 X444l44Y)4i1c 454444'4 4V6,6,44 44 ai h.r4444~56)44bsîl,161144ut aga..ia 44444.. uI e 444 44~4, .4 44 4445 4444 1444444444 44444145444445 ~ 144 4..445744 41 h ', 444414 pb.ri' 444514 i 4414445.4445144.4 14r14 4445 4 441044 ol 4îîi 4.44249' la44in4.444541 (Juillet44441 y424 0114544444 li u. 1 1 1 fra%'Y-1r ri, ]u Ie..itfrai rtruai*o 4,4.45ltpit pit- t ietl t fi"e"A S r m e r c & tu D.45 :il. tio, voit 1o 4444444. Il44.444 .444 44' 4444144444t_ 1464 tIî 44a44444 1445444444 W4 44545145444' 444,iipiii ll4 . metting tortu1elle M r, tu444. 44 44151 a44.4.'44 ' d442444444 . a,a"stedtul)641-lit 44444444 444444444 44 444.44544445 4 ~ ~4~4 I ~4 4444 I 44 4 444 44 44,4545 114'5e6444414 ,I4~14aî-etf445.!-.,- ffor41T644.E44444444 44 14,444 45.4444445 414 9'k4444447444', il4 44 u44,ir 44allure44. 44 r 45n444f4r4444 îsf i r r,,. i44444444544 if44.44,44i5î4g w4er, îîl 47..:ý g ',112 4414444,mi 172 c C id e s al o id ub e it t. . .. 44444 444444441 4. 44,4Ui'644'4'44a4 44~44 ~ '44 46.4.Mr.274444444444.4,94 50c hild fur op kd mits............. 25 leu, et u s el of liaimust p riboied attonr ai a eisb e44î 4.4 5 c2 O M e x a h v ya o l o s .. .... . .... .. ... ... 4) 444<1 ~. I iiirt 442i Nliitijal l444ias4i 4744444447.444 4ttii-4444451i. e444i,4 eu 444 4.444543t4i44'r4'44j Ie-44litf ait vii rOilpcy rele"e. en' U ndrn aa .. .. ... .. .. ... ..,. O2 4444'54'444544 '4444' 44444 '4,444444 fait7 ut,444444 4of4414'44 44141 C44442144Y 44 4445 fla14 4124444444liait4 1 but î là5 a-44 a114. pali 6141 p44444aflt 14e treatene, fr~444.44s.' 44.4le,4 4r4444 444 44',,., 444 5i1il[51,'4;4444-4ou aa 01 0f p1sUiI1li45cThMsnflss1454544. 7 5c adies' oo..dra ers.... ....... .... 50 11, 7-;54 if41, '4A41 I 444M3o 4i 1444 144 f44'e444it44and41 iieit4egit f l.? 1.4 ieunio4141 .ueA lameubc I 644 Batna,4and burini, on44o4tue ,.et O'e 41 $'.004E tra4h4444 ail W0 1,4f 44445d47ine 444444442444'ýel li.. Meiler e, -i,. î ,,' ~,,si la l e. of T ig e noi k44a4fil, 44471451t itof4441. 'FI FTh sin teu- 5c ancy Cwol r er sei ............. ...... 4 - i t a tl , l 4 - 44iti4g m e te 74544 w 'y"-4h 4.4Il,- i1i4l444et74 rg144f44the il4a4a43411a1a2le \..4454,4444444444~ 4.414d4.4 44 l.4î 444 "11119444444 4.4444 C4444444F.5B.4444 1î4741a4î r mail. e BO'llanetap e pair................7S0 eto jr. s4.4'4 oeil4'474444 .......4 1 of444444e) t4lis l .44aou4vll. 1,. * N aritG rate .I 44 'la4.a,, * 4. 1l-4, et1.-, 4ot4Il 11% 34, %hue io4 F44 ffl cot '4' 4.4'4444ait 4. 4 i . roflsngat1 *eHli*L Boykfler I 5 a i s'Trpef e Jc e ts.... o ........... 200 11-1 4 li V4fit4 , 3f444-4t de-44 145444r4444*iî4 ng4b4 k74454' 4 4.44 ou444.'gli. Fle she 's e441 4424k itt ng yar4i 444i1444. tis 4 .444 llu4r, 2 5'B o s'444r ace4 . . .. .. .. .. . 4445('4'4 1 il. 7,4,4e o:i u - a grandi e. o_, 1 ;1 4ý t iiog t tui11 %44144J, f 1rU :u ,a N D R E A nd S -I E 6utier Bldg.Luberyvilaloii aS il. ,4' 4444.1414 a ' agent .'rîiI lo-r4' ..î , ii1t.s i lro'î4 tforex ra rd na y al es i ilili 44445iil 44'45 1oua i ier 444414' lir ( . C lte)l l .« . l 4 rl OBC tp n *m C u rey l m 1 Mattie ýùitlo.Y l letoieVlr. 1 4444i y 24tiisha.444 1 l.44 444. 44' »Il-], f 4 154 Iuidiget o, a .U D R EA n H Vile1ibu O Laver lave 1 4,45 1444444 ail 14 4,4444.44 14I s a eU ing the C h au~t5 fl Or. arel'.44541l44I44 41 L be1414'114441414(4444411 4 Of gdu let 444 ý'4 544 44444' 41i4Ia 44444441 t m t t h ue. olt 600.. ilditel PEHFU ERY.SOAP I CO US. ,f 4r. 74244SIr, 1,4 <'14451 444 1 44544.,î î,l i biî , i y a r 4,. 4444 tri 'iig viîl tan B LOVEL, LN O tyviiie, .u H. for hfr o nagteat.1p lry4444444.14414141 4 44444 b'l..LT4I i tL , IRook e ncy. i t J t .u- ... i m GO T4444444441444244454444...1STO RE4404FO R421site12v.rssuportr-;.4elt" PA1~TS O L, AR ISIE l.,4444 4444414444~444534445.11134442 444tuillba .p44a14441io he ll = DS "Uh 9» h a r ,14jE 44 444 Y444,lt,, hîb lal4.444247 .î14, uîdrw b' sw1441h PATE T l~EDiC N E . 4. 454 4544444., .4e 4f i î4 ,444i4111 144th e.î,,bt u touv 4444t5144444 44celle IFp4lrP244-944024Id44.,4î4 IE.îsnCyFîjle a1d[F M"4vi 4444 444.4114 11245442 11e . T rutrles on U44444a11Y a guod PAITS,9ISi AMM HE . telrliilor avelatlyhec rlia lis 444t <h4 spiatonssui 4e4lMr $'le dse eivaew it kmte 64444r1ar4144 clrlie mlo4i it ta l i sM I L ~ ~ P I I 44eo pu44dat l hur.41444 e hrl if 44444 .uî4 ueig lnai-, iaC44itu iti 444445the 1oat 4 ties. n Bt h ,O n eY e r , 1.. ( _________________________ 1 ,145.7Sr, 444 reme W441'rlou r fi W4, 445m(444 l rthe Là&p.'4 G OCERISC ANNll elced.GOODS, CIGARS.lion. 414 r . Mor<,l itIi ougetend ::lof srie ohetingulga naes T he INew usciesn Iy. A N D TOBACCO. sî::::;î::4e wusteveetion of %%44 iwll hg, i f el oigei oIfsc.y f New Store, New Op LSEtock, bo oge and 11e err a Ttlly pienye laul p kretdi s1ia e for ~flfl1I54a~.<ft N*EL hemNiral'e ire. EhIY outBrownIlt.umr.Iny'. ater canstaihon in A few Overcoats to close out at Low Prices. Also some Men 's and Boys' SURtS, Extra Pants, Vests and Duck Coats. Figs, Mixq You in ci Tris LibertyviIIe 'SIEET Dur ails solc ASM.EET Optical (Joods. $3.00

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