Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Jan 1899, p. 1

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r LKE OINTY INDEPENDENT.. Vol VI. o. 6.Lbertyville, Lake County. Friday, January 27. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Vol.aiml 0VIprve.hNon.iani1a6.î Ready i~ oney IsTHE INSTITUTE. elgers andi increle rapidly. fI lathe conversant with and study our home ' b ' ~ i g Two ae' Session et Grayslake the carcasa la wholesonie fond,Whie il, B.Pireea aoerrilen Lest Week. the wool ha. an enouOiOs market. fruit Irees tient adaptedti 1 Northern Aiaciains Lanip. For irât lime lu Lake CountY ltleep brlug bergerlia<i.piicker retutrus Illinois. The apple la tbe mont proft.-Yutýn t U 1 w A la d1"s a K.bputrote farineas-'guI togeher" for tijan any targuianial. Ameica lhan able for the farmers, andi Mr. Pierce o o s hUs uy n w -8 JWN pupos ofdiscussion and Instruction great competion iu tbe vool market detalleti the varlelles best 10 lavent lu ______________________________ Inl the science of agriculture. Friday vlth New Zeland. Austrelia, and andtibent tb thrlve. B117 jour tres. VE Yoekow ftewonl- and Saturtiay Grayslake whtbrown Sut Amerîca, fiette tr cbîetliy.roi gi'owera near by, vîmo kuûv B Cthe VERY one kn ws of the ide open 10 v isîtors, and the lwo days Soulli America lathue grestett atterr ijulimte Condtitons. B C U E derful stars' of Aladdlfl's iession inaugurates the establishmentl growlng anud vool growlng countlry ln The last telk on the- program was 1. You get advantage of first choice on new gooda. Lamp and the riches it of a permanient organization which the voriti. The farmers of America by Warren H n, of Ru * ,who I.S appol u ieegosa hssoe E Lamp and the riches it wvîli meet ilusannuai session. The mUet Put fortb a Unitedi effort1goli.' guve hi@ owu Practîcai experiluce i l hr epebytes od thSsoe braught to its posseSSOrIt is hat speaker-s Ibrouigliont thie couuty provo Ibeir wool anti overeote that -Darylng. lHe f urnîshiet many lu- 111. Lowest prices ever1'ffered on high qualties. the saine todas' with READY wre pionerei d, .atidress the meetings c"nipetîtion lu thiemarket of theworld. terestlug suggestions. rCat who on varions topics of general Internet. Mir. Pollock bai valuable suggestions The inailtute lias been regardeti as Ro EM BROIDERIES AND LACES: MONEy. The mech t That the farmner eau and éhoialil une as to bow It coulti bc doue.le aeco a iepfnl thiiug. (irajsaeke cuter- ElB lIiEitY-Hsinberg and Maiusook £dges anti Insertion- to match, and buys and els tor cash gets the as ranch Intelligence on the lrm as gave interestiug data sud Mstelltes. tainei the vîsîtors royally andi the Tackiugs ail over Embrolderj. business. becauSe he can give the man wihî manages aujy other busi-. After bis speech tliere vas a spilrited mears servei bj the ladios ini the hall LACEBS-Vaileiinnea sund Liuen Torcheon Etiges andi Insertion-to match. nes@ interest js yearly more discussion ou the -Silo" brougliî about Mere among the beut speeches of the 13IGCER VALUES than his cOmn evidetie anti these meetings whiere by Mr- Hughes paper of the day be- whole convention. Thej spokeworîtis Muslin Underwear and W/hite Goods: petitors. You know this-we far-mers gel together lit large numbern fort. Ilifereut farmers told their ex- for the fermer@' vives. ant vrinspesos reseectedtio poriences anti manner ofbuildJihg.Mot Il le 10 bo hopedti sit the Dort tN'DEItWEhR-Nlght Robes, Shirts, Corset Covers. liravers, ln ueet know this-we can hl ah discuvs certain lopicg 0on whbh hey of theni have been succensful villi silos Instituite viU hoborhei atLiberljviils, W HITE oo ds i roe iwsfrlAgre a/ ther by trading for cash. We are mont familiar are one ut the best anti those vho have tested theni îhînk altliongli as jet uothiug delituite bas -((OSCmrc ogCoh nialpoe îusfrLnei. vaus possible mores ationg îtehue eof them a good investiment. 19 sas îde- beau tecitied to ir l;wl ca -- -* phenaîû.a tianeen. lu tiscievaltaueswee l ii e Damnask Table Linens, Cloths and Napkins: and w nefiIdveet o ay, by iuterebiuging liteau, the tiet Lo use îtli util tbtj bad made a Dumreul 10theGroundl. LINEN DAMAI-by the yard lu bleacheti and unubleaclietigoois. Rquilngyaiir cash business. methotis of împoviig tlieir tily iarefuli sIuil of Iheir worklmgs andi Earîy Snuday muorning the barn ou DAMASK CL(THS-all readj matie anti ready for use. "Migla one of work are deterununed nîlon. tboroughly untierstoodth ieui. Step tue farm of D. Ç. Watt, near Fort NAPKINS l-u many grades sud sizes. on.Spelates. ..At oune o'ciock Friday aîteruoon the caret nly vith the silo). Hii l burueti la the grounti, to- lustitute vas calied 1<. or-dem by' Moqtinterestlng ofail vas liâtclos- gether wilh the ngeais, luclndlag Si~ 4lp,) j~ C ,Secretary Burke Ater au ilnvocatIon tgseson Saturdaj afernoon. Il vas seveal boras. aud cttis, a large & c , Taior an ' :: :OF :z::::no Gaylae opnd y::ea xclop oge: ndg :s::e~~:z:z 1 z v: SAeohimn roue I ltr. I B. Prof. L. M. Spafford,1 of .ntIoelu. Thé b uggiesaundvagons, farta Implemeul., Kase aio. andtiaberdashers. - the prograin ruisill1, se'cretary f tht MUk ihippers andi the cause f thtire in nul as je MOUSI ESTABLISiIED NOV. 25.143. N.10 - LberyIne ofis@ remarks ea ptke vof tîe eeti1 'nion1, Of-Chicago-.'Jhliefermera vers iow.- KaierBlok.Librtvile.ofpruper car-e of -,SmallFuist'otaleep egardiug the milk business. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS.N.1 . O - -.-the Famni -, lie IIreas8etil It pon bis 11 hoaln amiers anti skippers sar- vsy Chariged i th Steeling Horse. ______________________________________ Dr C are G IIwa .LONG OROVE. heerers tlual Dot ouly in amalfuit a behînd eastt-ru Mil[ aipperasud Il in trank Kuovies, fommerly of (iras" Drra.C.harelesaCaellowaty. lnxury, Lut a practieal niece8ssty ipon ail their ovu fauit. Titre are 4,4001 Lake, Itely of Waukegan vs np be- Officoover Lovil'8DrugatorO ie .S"b enqut i. every feaiu, anti a '-inoii-v naicr" for farmera shipplug millk tu Chicago fre'J colle %au Deusen lu that citj, Mils Schveltztr visiteti Laurs Stabl. the fariner. vorth in the sggregaît 8611,4W,(HM). Tnesday mnnlg charget i vth borns noubaVon 1 To 3 AND a TO S5P.M. Ma&Umbtitmggdk lbai bis lbarn Hecv. A. 3. huart, of Autiocli, lu auj Theire are 3, 146 lctused mik delers Ini tealing. -'Libertyville. - Illinois raahluigied. atidreiia upon ,-Attr-action o f Farm Chicago vorth SMN,000, and the star-t- ThecomplainMltiermchanged frosOe rt c kd fi -'----John Hckrtoveller ls again ai Homes" tulti 0f a uine cf tiluglit deeper lilg fact la that th dealers art on top. Ibat serions charge to "nnlavfully Dr j . A LO . Long Grove. anti more useful thian the- auperticiai Wbere la 1he trouble? Every fermer heking andd turing avay a boras bi.- Office J.vL T Ag &TYLOR * Ca.Hnstasceibusiness at knowitdge of the aubject attaineti by vho sips illk la 10blâmelinieiUdl ni ogu anoîher vithout the ovu.,'. As the season is weii advanced, and we Ofieme rge&Tyo . Bsrrlngtou liontisy. soine.îHepolitedtio1the parents nDot the dealer for the latter& suprem. permission." Kuoves tOnk a hormis i O10ii lot ida.Solomon Mloof,of Chicago, call-d ou tht advlsaility, je. necessity , If the sCY. It ip en a e f e erd bte owgng 10 lileso eford vîît siihaeoe ffAsnvsa urfor « on 1.Br.2 o 4ada. o p.IePa- rMn. or etTusa-home ting neel anti attractive. h od"hpI tvnoo vr-ttour uveieocnel n ans'one having the cash ta exchange for ideuc on roadwy opoeigeParkfriens boe len Tueday.they have daughter , Ibat It uisy bc thiug e'se. Farnera aretIocaurions officer roundthlm andi tht rlg et tea liswl idwewl o ol u o K Llberts'viilO5 Ilinois. The lotige look lu over thirty ment- Ibeir joy to came for andi keep it go 10 sblp, anti psy 10011111e attenition 10t)nuiuniug arm, nesr Spauldinga tv'wi idwswi lthl u o ber tuIngîl let sssin.anti thug their- sous wouiti not -yearn whom tht>' ship to. They &UAp vîll- Corners, the horst anti buggy rft Dr.A.L.TRA IS Mr. anti lra. Reitlilger vitdi Btfor an atractive place 10 rest ellt,-routcontracte andi los. Ibeir mous>'andi belug itcheti ontalde. Dr. . L TlitssMers. P. and J. Ritzethaer's S nnday tht days work wes donc. Au aîtrec- mllk oftentiuies. The ferrmeflsh ouldti Abils herlg Knowlas clalmeti that We handie ail the ieading makes of *goVui fLJ L . LITOe AND 1 70 &. IL sternoon. rive hume meas usnich to ail, lu the go mure crefllj lu titismattor. Dont ho tIi nut bâtiethe horms Intendlng 10 lb« attse Unton paid t he Katie £isoler vho ia vorkilig ai fer-mer il la tioubly necesarj, , Iolaltdthiuk ut sltrpping lu etivaee.ft everj- steal Il but merl 10 gel nmre Dicttes stoves, and wiii guarantee ta put a stove Iralelo CrulB*uIelif.Highlandi Park @pnt Satrtisj antianti kepît ram ocittja great deal. thing. Try tuosblphobstqçMiîtyfor belonig lgtohbrinontin lhe country, in s'our hause, as Cheap as you can bus' . MUuto CrSe hnmt Dn.gndaj viiiber fuths.tMr. A. Chinu. o! Antioci spoke brlf- the hlgheel Prioens ad oeftt. iffm d Milion bo lutentistitoi reuru l 10tois SRockefeller. - Illinois. P. glirhI Ld une of bis r-lb. lj on -,Catt - He toit ofthîe tiffer- for jour protinet. Thes lilli Oblppers lua. Glsaeon staffortim tee tust a'the smre stove In Chicago. ___________________frecture mas a resuit of bis recent fatI.eut fvtdg, paenre% anti care of Cattle. Union collecleilun1697 $1N,("in alu ho d.tlt not give Kuovîsa Permission in In comparing staves, be sure and get t- e I geîîn alng ice>' t peset of thegir peeuiiar Iliîf t lin meplaces deble, ant inlu'98 $120,000 ilubaad deble use tbe borne. Knovîesa stte t1h18 -~~ DrHe tB Y U G. Aeaet nuieva b u Wmes udtd.iuei ohesforn o! ftht farmers. The Union bas boughl fact, wvh il tésIf wvallue 1let in the name and number. D r.H .si 0 .a B .an ugo . A u ggt su i se atr i l eve Win.Ly apdl ia r e r eaa t are vs the price of milk per enuf ront 80 cents convictt lm anti $he jutge beiti hlm 10 hsiciOPOBTKBand Sura.en. tercuina nujbetm as uif of vainable pointers for ail. lu 94; t 1 ino '97 anti '98 anti nov mlk the Grand jury lu bonti@a o $.Wehv jutrcie alrg sok f &perPUTEBÀMOE LG hti b>' ai, a oal ie lieS. S. A. Harris in -an atitr-ess on la sellîng lu Chicago for rive ant ixai novles Cîsimeti go bave hotu lutori. Skates which we are sellinu atprlcem hard #urnee -- -- Illnois. her vsa uprsayHrailn. Fîmners Mont>' anti How luUse ia," cents vher-eaA before ah mi) cents s Cau catet ai thetlime be commîtea lh. Kreers snurpiseveig ut H flfty sait litîs Dot gihat;farmemu do notle t imltifor- seven anti eiîht cents a offense, andt terefore tidti olkuov ta beat. Dr. E. H. Smith, belng promeut. Thtetisenner- Chor- bave money, il b. becana lt-ey do ie a lu tht e andmllkseii or 13 athetmnbenst i~l. Itea !bi nI car,- for if ariglut that tliere lu a ceau"l, doiht at vu soeith a et1 a DENT IST. vua aio presenl. scar-cit>' of il ut rtmes ant ihe closedth îe farinera for- the management of__________ Office over j. W. ksuter's bldg Edna licher celebratet iber- Ivent>'- vlth an tamutit alîpeal ho those before thelr miik business, cailedt tem COW- Big Blow ait Butrine. = . =-M uur~ sLu ia loi' 's DALtirât irthda>' Buntia>'ant i tia fev of hlm ho1ubiibtiâ tir resources for a artis. eXposetithte rooletiness cf A proposition bas hetu submiuiledt berrs:o8t In1ima..La.ientis1esulGug.. day.dealers anti explainiedthe e beîâeite of Congresa andteIsnov before tht vas Libertyville. 111 ber. Didul vNe have a go-a.Urn timo r . H. .ge. o ntne, vas organization. andi mens comuultee to misteiner- IETVIL.IL Dear me, it las our ovuu fanit, if ve tidtihîe lest speaker- ut tht afhernoou Fred Gralîbe, of Libertyviiic un "Bee uad revenue lai onimitation butter !roin Dr. E. V. HARVEY$ unt. sesion, ntibis remarîs on -Silo" K.eping,' presenteti soute facto of lu- hvo 10 teu censporti. tvaintro. l'bore vas a srprise part>' lent Tuea- vert iustructire. Ht salia ev years teresl. Furty jean ego therevas n duceti by Congresaan Davitison of DENTSdeyiajeveung given in honor cf Gilbert âgo tbe sil'o sas unknown anud the sncb thlug kuovu un this country as Wisconsin, anti la a change. mmci -OFFICE HOUiIS - Febîn, ntho bavink reacheti hies tgli flsoodi lu the filu obt-couic prachîcuil lue ketping. lHe gave the dsîireti bjtht darj inter-ta sof uii.X. itobandeto&P.M. major-il>. About a Score Of guens frosteti by the vinteras blast. Nev blahoryof bec culture inu the tUnited Wsconsin antiflîluoia.D Orylae - inos. veire preseul and regalei thematîrtis tbey are bousedt, sheltretianti fedt 0States. The increuse o! tht Lies pro- IVudert-iepreieulavsartificial butter a ir m ieu Grasikeupon tur-ke>' anti other delicacles, be- tht cattle as they shouiti Le. It vas a duetlunnlb.- test twenty years lhasnhîen ia taxedt ho conts. The Davitison bill a ' ides playiug gaines. Amoug tht greal ativantage, a gmetinventionanud 3591 per cent lu hone>' ani 85 per cent proposes tuolnmenthestitel to toncents PAUL MacOUFFIN, man>' valeeble preetunts given vere &fivonîti become more lopular eae]u year. wax. Ever>' fermer shonîti keep lconolaprtutorelkbutin, d ___ Atto-ne' ani Cnnaîlorat av. eigbteen-csrrot rive cent vstcb Chain, Thtenmeeting vans Ihen aillOuruIed ftoi becase if le dots al IbeMre anunally anti to let the two coul gaz stand on ________________ AtonyadCuulre a. a pipe. etc., etc. Austin vas hher-e, ni supper. gots ho vaste on bis poperi>' inuitredstiata mar-keteti nuter il& natural calor. a ç NoTARY PBI course, anti plajeti tht voîf by taking Tue evening Progreni vas an Of pountis of houe>'. Pralcllj a&l lulerlue or imitation 'j. OIE WITi LAE zCOUilTT BANK, bilsbhast girl home anti compeliing impromn affair. but gooti neverîlît- Hon. George Waitf. o! Grant, gave butter lis nov coloreti. V-Liberts'ville, Illinlois. wallasee 10 use* shanke poules.inluet-s. an interestiug taîk ou the Postal 8v fSbsprpstany-ut ecm _________________________ ccompaniug bis tbent girl. Jmet yuu Tht eeungsession tom chiltiren idtiing Bank question. Ht explainedtirIe lev ig vonit practlcaliy put an endt 1 at, the noht lime yunpIsay sncb a Dot mateialize, but tht Meting vas proposeti systei and nti o r o ft i àtht butter-lue ilustrj lu he Can teN o i« &TTOasiETau cOUssaL..uuA T LAW. ater getting homet. or uraysaae, vas elected chairman. aDything Englanti couti du the Uniteti las probibltiug thh.mnufacture otr- An increase of 16 paunds of butter per 110ouCHAIIIJER OF COMMERCE. S OiOES. Aler apr-ayeruduita solo byMtr. Benghali States coti do. Ht- thonlgt it wouiti sae of butter-lue coloredti o imitate lIat ni e ICal lesden- ont f the bojs guI saved liat week. of ryalae, there vas an extempr- net ouly le a great nstiuton t1 save butter anlt la eltîimeti liaittise week, fram a dairs' of 18 cows, is the Couts. LAe and îL. Te las l phsiioy l .on eons prngramt. Jobnahhau Pertitn, moncy for the poorer cassts, but iIl alites embrace four-fiths of tht popu. etm n'oeetuisl-sra iSXT . L comp.leL- he u@inbal stui. W ploneer editor 01 the Prairie Far-mer, noulti be of immense educetional vaine rtion or the Unitedi Stages. tsioyoeetuisi sro John lieKay, S. F. Clevelandt, tirs. E. to tht chil'tren. Ht voultilxd e TtUieillts eiislpsu qmite a tev of the pupis have betu B. Shberman. J. K. Pollock, anti R. amunt ofdteposit ah siloor les, aund altx o! ivo centa on ail butter-lit B aum 's St cood. L ER V ILL,~!E MOTEL keph et home b>' tb. grippe. aro vetmog tht principal haebuaa , s btfrih e anunactnreti, requires tht menu-.tO 1 .oe.gatsdls. et compattd. i la a hantij thing for the teacher speakers. Exception vas talen 10 tir. poaltor. Ht couti bave confidence li facturer 10 pays pca lte ! 6a4 sud55I7Ieyi*d hf555a5t. 'b bave sanme pupilis vo keep hlm Clevelautis remarks b>'a men nameti that bon2dandt tis tht feeling of in-jear, tue wlolealo dealer is requir-et It wili increase miik and butter fats, by Olnlnh-roouServi-e Pigt Cas, j p<>re4on lailtht nught>' things ihat Fenton On tht grount tht>' ver-e o! a oecurlîy vitInatlinal banliuka vonîti e pa>'a speciai tel antithe retaller uslng it on your dairs'. Wlil more than flad'iiarers frýý.ifâts anti Commecial are dont l Inse uieghbtir-ooti. politicai nature ae ut oo!place lu doue ava>' with. Il vonîti not beneit n'net likevie a pae pectal tex anti cri, _________________ a Fermer-@sitts. A vor-ti>' ar-tht nitlionaries buitthuitcummon uîr slleieee> unt !1.pas' for itseif In saving grain. W.A ENE t .PALATINE. enaneti, he Chirman linaîl> dedlig people. produehtai galtes ur cor. TY ILL. --e. and ChuruantetSt.,t frituts that Mr . Clevelandi .banîd conchude Hon. Jolnaîau l'riaits îoe agmîn N î lh~ l g al lt s rsrl-i ' I E T S U F f roi Barragon Mlod&j. bis reuiarks, buh muaiet ep ont 01 on dlorer. Be atiseti the- fariner-snot losgetqete r ae W.B.SC AEFES Miss Ljtii Blinue tcaime home to polîhica." he ow 0v oer yuLh tituotby lecause Worua Than Mumpa. W. US. SC A ER es ber parenta over t3innty. Saturday Morning. they ripeun ouranpart. le recoin- k oei ageljafioeivt -~ ~~ UREY Unlleamm fLogGaaB.O.LaaaserthPumae rec iieîwhlier AIthe Sattday mar-ning session tht mendedt ilt itlbcsos'î i ii orchamd siLkesFoet lvgealgl ftfle ass Cas ()emiesot o on roep.o. Loase n O-ovu1h fr- o! reotis vetkLu we fry-iV onéC h Q K aiser, A gent. Cc.II is Aluna Oosswiller rehurnedtt atteudance vas large, the hall lelng grass. Clover la a proitable tblng for o! yphoiti fever- vers repor-It" lier.. lo.11 ilîtt ivtIh several intr-eti people. frmers. Alsihe lover tlafile lest foThdiesvs .1rttns0lb LBE T V L, ---ILNOS Vines ant i Smuli Fr-itatis. M».iartletl* broier la siovi>' An lnterestiug paper Oun "Poteto bons. unleallhj condti4on o! the laie Waller, OetmYrsouellmtea~o-î iiMrecover-tng frou ibs ver>' serions _Culure"' vas reet 1>'C.C. Carpenher-, A. K-. tearnaspoke on the'-~Relation -ant i pAl versifaruoletri bon alun______

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