Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Jan 1899, p. 5

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- I U roceries, Fruits Candies, Figs, Mixed Nuts, flat-s 9 Dates, Pop Corn, Etc. You wiIl find everything RIGHT in quality and price at Triggs & Tayilr's Libertyville, SHE~ET fIUSIC ATHfALF RCE! During the next 10 days, ail sheet music formerly s6ld at 10c wiII go at A 80 EET~Ç (~~3 l tsA SHEEI 4 PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. SLocal items of Interest to Libertyvil le Reade rs. C. M. & ST. P LOCAL TIME TABLE. TOCHICAGO 1O 1t fI 'MAU Au ANIl À A. A. P1 1. p 1. M "làN P ltua.s....... .. 83....6.1Z11. . .1.156 ...d. ........... . .... 01 . . 127 4 8.87 ilod.. . . . . . 5 . ..... 1.6'17.51 Warrenion*.. ....s16 .. ..1.. 1 >5I Lbrt Ijk.. ..... ý.. .... 7.26 Q . 2 . . . >' . . 46 Evîre>.t...........6 2 . . .7 . . 1 0.21 12-44 . ..84........ i . 22 .... . .... . 64.4é5 1.3.a 7.541.234( 6446 . 1> 0 1 40.5.6a dh>-ri. 'rv Ille-. 6.4) 7.24 >18.(X .. 0s26.l29 X26> .. 003 60>.. '724 A24 2.12543 7 j Molon (irove. . 467.37 8.14 . ý0:39261:Il 4.04 6.12 7.01 s» ,:3!.7,17 o 2751 .0644 Edwgtbro<k .. . 7.25ý 7.43 8.20 9.61 10.4.5 1.17 4. 12 6.18 7.1>110 42 7 43 9. 42A 1. 12 M0.66 7.0 7rO . . .,43.236..2..... 1.19 4.14 6 .26 7:.l 01 175 42 .S> sfoi..... . ..... 74 .27 . 12 .1162 .11040 7 440,I1160 FROM CMGo t ** *1I *1I %M Au IP. Il.N . Il.p liPH N. PHAU< AM U .Pns. t 72. Y .01.803 5 Jk2 X,414>111254 Maytair . 01.1011. 14 0.Il14 .4 .161.61 1.0 -1. M0665 F.Mrot G1,8 . .06 >0251 . 417 .1 2 .1 .0.7 1156 100.5 .,l 211.lton sir R: os.1lu0M 2.66 4.2w ô.bu .20 7,81015 2460101 (lineoW . .210.2 104.47 66 067.210.20 1261,6> l1, 2. Sheýrmkervfleo . 0.2'8 I. II I ýl .&î I..6321 '1.28 . 2.15896.13 10.29 1>orfloId,...... 4.%. 2322 20 447 617 .35 7.2.T 2 2 8.013 Itîr,.tt . 8.42 102 4M 6I ...7 ..... 6'40 42 W.loi'Y>,II» 1..'. A 000-- , . . . .... 461118... (iurnee ..... ...... . . . .....1. Wadîw.,th ..... .10......5.26. . . . 96 l . ...... . 010ý. 8...542................. 6M@4 .... t Dlly Exeît sanday 5 Suda>' OUI?. . Stoi. ('n Signal A-O». Soîî>ays ui>' a train wlIl la-,' ondout a 522 P, m.and arrivo ai Librtyvilke 81 5:3>1 P. u. Q-Ou >unday uI>' a train wiil W6,0 Lbertyv1ie at @alo a. nm. and oonnoct wtb No. 1322 at lion>1>,ut. Village Offloors. Preident ..................... A. W. WaId>, Tr 'e,.. Tho.. Kru. 1. J. Hprt. Jam.s MGreg,,r I. S. Iea.,n. L. B. Xre.W. b. Trigus. Clerk .................. C. B. Sml"i Treassirr............M. B. Colby Mfizhai...... .............. W.E.Daisaf LIBE£TY VILLE LODGE. No. 492 F. & Salurdars of mah moulu. Viting krthern aordirlc0lmd. B. W. BULO.LET. W.M. CU£ CAMP 'No.176. M.W. Of A..nivela A irsI and tiLrd aturds if raAi onth , Q Uo~pa, u l or =r hrware mis. " Millu e gbors Wa'S veloone.1 FP. IiTAPLS.Cierk. .B.E..V.C EICELNIIJI CAMP, No. u7. IL. N. A.. nirets Il,., tirst Tlîurbdaï ,f ec inonîki st12:v01P. m. and 1thethird Thursday >1 î.oth moulAhiIn 111e . n uWoodu>eu'a 1H11 love>' Egu.'o hardJware slto,. MIam. ANIlsIoTUoNA. l.ra>i. MRS. MAI4Y1. STA>'LKS. ReCîrdr. ___________________ 21>. aud;tMrs.C. I.L Shermnan speut Si>nday 1ut Runsal. J. W. Miller shippeIl IV» 1car1loatis Optic l Go ds.,If togo lu Chicago list 'uesday night Optcti (i odsPremideul Lelaul aud several of 1the G old Filled Spectacles $ 0 elecrie road Iiflleial>, vere in tw Warronted for 10 irnre at ..... .Ib . 3.0tis week Chas Buikiey kiled bis moîrrei mare Ail lenses at Iess than Manafacturer's price. ,saîurday niornîig, in conmeîjiece ot a obroken ieg. NUI TPLI REVo 0111 v Bert Menner, of ISedon, la., a imm.U'fl-MRlUAi URli il. the guettof W. C. Situbi>neveral day'> Ibis veut. Fos.l>. futîr ibuti. >wuer ean biave saine liy caliug sud îdentifyinig C. H. SuiTi, Lbertyville. Edilor Dulleid andi sou, of the Waa- tel..I)s>ûr>iwore pleamanti calers I linOIS. 1tlit 1042 lEtENE7>3T oflCet'luesday. Wm. Hrevesonuo 11111e daugliler ln slck with tousllitt>. Mrs. F. Protîne spent Beveral days In WankLegan and (hicago recellY. Mre. Maud Wilsonu, of Chicago, vis. Ited with J. Austiun sud fao>ly a ew days Ibis veek. Mrâ. Henry Cal>.r b siowiy rprover- Iug trom a severe attt(-îk of îîeliralgia of the slomaeh. Electrie road ustters are qjuiet, alîhough Ihose lnteremted are4 >uetly aI work perfectiug their pIons. Itubt. Rogers mî.vedl butio.'ougiîîgs andi famlly mb tIrm. J:. M WIIIIau'm bouse on Orchard i 0. yêcety. Ilobt. Lyous inConti nedtoIl0216boîuge. baving uarrowly emeaped that dread disease, illaintmatiou uoft 111boweis There are revival mIoetingm aI 1the Methodial churcb cîînîîotuciug every eveunug aI 7 o'clî,ck. DIr. tianerville yUl presloh on satîiîdîy nigbt. Mr8. Hiram Enox, Who î va alicted wilh heart trouble rereîîtiy andl wb,sî' condtition for some lime wveîry seri- oua, la gradually lnîrîviug. Ilegniar servicesa 11the lretbyterlan churcki fundajgnsorliug. oulject: "The Saviors Message,-lu 112e eveulîig".'iI Thingi. Serve a Brave Soîsl. 'f bre wîil1e a meeting tlouday uîgbî iu basement of 1te TbsniHall1 SCHOOL NOTM6. "ltudder Oranger"~ one of Frank Stockions dellghtful atores la noW belug read i n nlminue Jisîaixenta sa au opeuing exorcise. The ianl week iff Febriaary bai besU cbotien for our annual school enter- tabnmcont. Ali the rooma tu 1the school uilparticipate and the entertalument wiil be given entirely l>y the puplas. Watcb ibtis colnmu for detalis from lime to limeý During the ' t o w eeka of the year 1the 12gb chool room devoted 1the tlnîe >ofopeing exercises 101the cout- sideration of clirrent topica. In ibis way th2e pîlpils have become somewhat familiar witli the great change@ 1ha1 characterized4he lut montAis ofth11e old ycar. Th2e pnpils of thehi 2gb scbool have proeured dumb bele ad are nue, being Instnicted iu their use. The uew roum on th2e lirsI floor la utilized as a gynaslum. It in hoped thal snch light athletis may prove the source of a great deal of amusement and ti athe me lime lbe beneficial. Four of th1e nine monilia of the échool year have pansed and very few of the patrons of th1e sehool have ahowu Iheir internetîby calliig 10 inspect the work beiug doue. Visitore are always welcome-our work la aiways open tu Inspection. Corne iu wilhout knocking, occupy auj vsceuI sent, examine auj work yon wis11 and paas out whenevor jon choose. Iluch a vtil pil i unDo WaY Interrupl us but wiii 1be a source oi encouragement tu pupli>, andi teachers a.Ilke. E relo f Gratitude. la bebaif of Excelsior Camp, No. 387, Royal Noighbors of Amerie», 1the underaigued wieh 10 extendt îauks 10 Rev. FaL.her Meehan and 1the CaîAiollc Club for th1e use of Ibei diaties aI aur fInstllation hall supper> At our lait. moeetinAg a vote of Ihanks waa exteuded for 1th(t'ourtesy. M»s. SBflAisÂ., Musa. WELLB, bMis. WEBB, Commttee. .A. Appley sells a sure preven. tîve of bog anti eicken choiera. Cal ut Coullîy Faim. For Saie. A model Exolsior lucubalor, matie by Geo. H. sIahi, 09 Quincy, 11i. 1IIla nuarli new, everythilng lu partot ruuuing order, bas a glass top, copper tanîk sud boier, copper lszup, soIf regulator vitb moature pana, tested thermometer, mosture gauge, sgg testef sud a oeilf egg turner. IS ham batched 95/-8 of fertile eus. This machine isa1tue latest style made and basa&il 1the aew improvements. Il cos% $30 anacl vil or 2>$18. P. O. box 40, Hghland Park, 111. licerm.. Ail iuhorest.eil î.re reîjiesled il, Hanti Us Your Items. bepraet.Wc vanî 10 niake the 1f6uEP82Dxi<Ta bu remnt. le wi um uAe-completO local nevapaper. Rand us FîrmanCovlie vb rus o Avr-your Items or drap thom lun1the it@m 111 o train, moyed in Calebi Wrght's, box aI 1the fontoth1e clair%. bouse on Second street Ibis week, sud ~ . expecla 10 becoma a permanent resi. Rend This.. (lnto or ilae Mouey t10 ban approved on real esiate dent0f illae. ecuirity lunsms Of 100 10 $5,000 as M, - M- m Wheler of is.- 5'..intemsat . J.T. Jrnno92184Waah. =who.tville SJohn Frest, who lbas been emplloyeti 0»' theihappy4parents of5a byH. W. Fcllett for sonie lime, Nbato iîud Lake, aretohîpyprnt ti I i l l lo0111e0layl'y 11e baby girl, bhu Monday nîglt. (reat- M o re 1 n u ra ce acts 1 s Ioy '(,iettwasboue fom o dest ,manun 1the lat i cînsequleIIce. ý,j lhiic Moilay li expectmto tenoan cliurch '1 ucsotoy oveiug, Jan. l,'aive t»>' Moilla next uî>utb. îlit, given by the J. S. C. E.. A pieds- 2 »The amount of illsurance in force veember iMr a t evenlig bas lien arîauîged for 187,lu11e îlbuuMuua Iauaue o. rc. M veher>rurhoiu.forme>'ly î,t 1121h ltfretbmenls mil bu tred Amm 189, i te MlibruMutel usrane C. aco.>iv >>îic.ti g printuing for a $2M,5.Fîguring ou a buste ihal 11210 amîîntoai bjîutîu oiorul Cî sgîî 0>001crn10 of Insourance bali been lu force for lve yeur>,n ror H vr tie i e ha"oms i lise Noneoucb Encire Club met tu Dec. 31,.'98, the ctuai0tupoIic>'huiliers 1for éaid 5 1Ii Miss May WlliliunaMonda>' years woulti bave beicou lut ler cenît mot than the rliter. èe1v enung, sud enjoyeti a very pleasaul «ame amount of I lunrauce if placed b>'rme 1lu a .Albert l1uth l" ,a>Fitzsimmous, evoîiug. Misa Onrce Harrington cap- goui rellable stock company, or lu othor word,, if ciiteit.. bis bled ws'thl a compl. treli lady's prize aud Mr. Rlobert Ibat amount l usurauce hall been piaced wîîb caion o.filis, but it s sîturdy coutitu- Rogers gentleman's prize. Club meelsg me, Il wouid have saved the polRc>'huolders inlui ttt, ion yl 85511 bu ilo >oi lie about aiti Miss Harringlon Monda>' rIen. Milburu Mutual lusurauce Ce. in lise yearo 6g.l>l. îîîg, .a.I $14,765.91. j C 0,1111 sudsil., of l>rîmgbar, fe1e. r odorvlle vîlI preacli Von may boldti 1e Mlîburnu fa1e ili decroase., tohe. usBloeys> bs> a b etbodksh churcis on uda>' anti1 answer, vhy pbould it, wben Il has graduIliy Il ek r.C,îu iilermm oug. 1The Love Feast viii begin lncteased? Note ti compoelsou. bered in Liberlyviie am Mi8mo Idâa aI 9 iii er reîcitg service 11e For lve yeafs prior lu 1896, 1the Milîburu cota e» acramenLîofth ie Lords Huppe>' l 241 per cout more Iban lu my cumpany. Furilise rMWmu hoyen, Nb»-'ires"u Kî aml il. 1The quàrleri>'con- years prier 10 1897, 34J per cent mre ami for Iv>,' ey à train. 1 rîohu lllPre trnevîl i. b eld on Salurda>' ai yeart prior to 1898, 39J per cent more tban lu> my lorml boe (ou1Mlwaukee avenuie, 3 p. lu. On1 Sunîla> eveniug 12e Pastor compaties. wviire bc sîli inotli a bride wlîbsu a 1ev. Johin Lee viii preacb, The above applies oui>' on feaim pro8ert>'. tep week8. Ne exteuti a hearîy ivl- atFiyEdClrend lo, No tlhree.qtiarler claus>e iu my tarni politieo. comle iu atvauce to tilt2e uecomers. LawSchnrocka sud C iark Laudeldoce NIr. DuBois, taitier ot E. L. Dultoi P, wen.kto Chicago t.. Ideuîîify one of 112e _________________ 1. eupioyed by Chas. Kaiser. bomle Aîoî akrdles hcg e ilteo >ars ago Mr. DuBois con- Auecves c oce>bem 1hiagoado- dutced a barulets s hop in ibis village, tAie alleged roliber vas kujosvu 1 fro- - a A * buît bas since iive>I in Elgin. 1 ...u ... hee he aited util he C. H. SMITH, Insurance Agent.ý Butler Bldg. Libertyville,Illinois. rGO TO LOVELS DRUG STORE FOR SDrugs, Medicines, Chemicals, >I PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COMUSI'1 SBrushes, Trosses, Supporters, Shoulder Brace, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Books and Statiouery, Dy@StBuffs, Gluss, Puty, ~I SPAINT$q 0114% VAR4SHtEf. PATENTMEDICINES.» Famlly Medicinea and Physicias' Preoriptione oiriuil oompounded astail houri. U ode Carefully Solected.- Onty the Bes~ New Store, New Stock,1 Rlight Prices. GFJOCERIESe 6ÂNN0 OQODSI AND TOàACCO. CIGARS.1 ~~y ê Co. 0111 Or LIBEATYVVLLE Henîry Law7rence ceasetl bis noisy à career long enoiot haîve t1e grlp1 lasI veek, aud ta îîow. a quiet, edate indîvîdual, ilutloîîl>' tryiug t10 shake aoff1the diseusoe. TLere are a great îuonly dollars ou the INDE1'ENDENT bIbsritrptlou book vbicb we anîd Our credîlors ougbî o10 have--especially our credilors. We 1 beel aory for 112cm >as we know vhal it la 10 vaut ourseive. informnationti as iteetirecelved b>'q relaives bure of the death of Hoseai He7ldee, aI Mudehta. Cal. T12e de. ceaseti Pao tormîerly a remidt of tai bs conut>' anî a brother of Home>' Reudee o! Ibis place. lioodpolsoilg,ca11sd b>' culting kils baud on a plec Ofut9glas8 vas 1te cau4to e thk. At Ilme ot golug 10 press vo areunu- able lu report lie uicorne 0otue1 Lakeide cn t'etry AsociatIons New Englaud stîlpur. but Itlta saie t10ven- ture 11e attogllsl) i 1111dîsposeti of lasI niglit uetted 1the ladies betveeti $50 and $60, t» sîiy uohiug of other quilîs sîld. NVu bîîîe the>'net receipts vere $100 ansd lieliese the>' yul reacis that amoutn Mms.Edw'i Dymnonti, of Jefferson Park, formerly ofuthIis place, uuder- veut an opralioti retenti>' lua ACi- Iospitaj, at phicli surgeoune.m moyeti a six and tîue-blaI pounti tumor. 111e vithstood Ith' ordeal svth remark. able fortitude andl at presekîtlas rapitîl> recoveriug. Her muy Lîhertyville Irientis yl hopleasedt 10learu of ber improvo4 condition andi 11251 the opertian va& a succeas. appeared, wben tbey recognlzed hi. lie vas oshadoveti îy 10>11delectives vheu ho leIl ithe saloton, ieiîîg con. satll utider oîîrvelllance. Il wonld seem no efft îwill ho matie 10 puah 1the rase 1 tAie bank omIeilils lIneveut th1e rolibers relru ail notes, mort- gages, etc., sectîreti by tbem. at lesst Il la ruîuored 411c1i 18112e casou We are lufornîctithoiugb vu are uot preparedt 10voitcb for the attheutIcity ot tue rumner that insursurcemPaflies concerned have deeldedt 10rebuith 1 Chicago Presseti Mietil Furuituro Co's building receiill>' urneti As 1t2e atoryygous Ibere vas about tua thoni- &and dollars lnstrance oun11e building sud lhisluurers ldaIm 1the hu.inig was set on ire ta oltiain the lusurauce. W bile ibis cau bardly bu proven, jet the compacties w'lli do uotblug mare than ereet litildlngm al gondi M the unes bîtrueti, vbie catiliecdaue for consideralile lefis than ameutât 0f Insurauce. Il îo allegedti 1e>' viAI ight the malter if ail attempt ls made 10 coleel tuil a,î,otiî of insuance. While 1the alove s simpi>' 1db uLmor, car readers eau talle Il ýor uliat 1ý la vovîli. TWO Cal; oada otfîold irou" vore loaied upli1the ruisa Ibla eek for shipluont 10 Chicaga. WIII he Choaper. Usue sof asetylone gué machines lu Lake canot', <sud there are several, vlU ho glad 1t eiarit11.11the carhiie freim vhich 1the gaz ta protiuced ceaIlhe made b>' a neu pracesé of manufacture for ouae-ha>! cent per p"nd. This vili undoubteffly inake acetyleno a ver>' popular met4lod af illumination. iligton St.,Wakgii. 11 For Rerit. 112e Pidiip Davis tarin iucated ij mile ws' caot Libertyvllle contaiuing 5>4 acres. Appiy 10 MIos. F. PRoviza, Liîlertyville. 1311 Food Mli. W e vili do custoin grindlng, corn and cob or îoixed grain, rye, oata etc. Wednesdays and Saturdays. (0. H. SCHANK. Food for Baie. 1 s'iil receive a carioad of wet grain eacb Wednesday. For adeionflcar ait Libertyvilie for $3.76 pet ton. ti D. IlsBooCa. Executrix Notice. Public Notiao ià horekir given that the »ubsorlber Executrix nor1the isluâtwli and testanilnt 0f Michael Welto doceafed 1,121 atte1iO 1h> (lolîntyCourt of Lake 0011184>. 6. a terra Ilieroof 10 ho hoiden ai lthe Court Bouse ln Waukegs.n ad obnt>' on the 11161 Monday -39 LMarch leIt lm4. when aun> pli>>'. ail peraono havlllgo&Ima agalumt sald >818>2>ar nolliled and re>8U.>stedto preoenl thie samue >0said (Court for a>judlisi>e. ber9 HS8NNAS X WILLTE. EXeCutrix 1 A. L. H ENIan. wlînes. >0 mark Watiktigit. JanuaAsX>'.1064 >4-3 Gyppsia Cure. Diaeg whatyou .at. a ustren oIgam is am 4-M M. M-No thb prep-.a We are Closingî Out.... Severail unes of Shoes, at: to 50 cents on the dollar. $3.50 Shoes at - S Misses $2.00 & $2.25 shW at - $ 1.00O& $1i Children's Shoes at loos ti haif price. Ladies'20c W'ooI Hose 12Zc ln Clothing, Underwear, Hats and Caps, Gloves, Mittens and in fact al Winter@'Goods, we -are off ering'ýlexceptional BARGAI NS. Ntot ,Oheap Goode, -ýbobî for;the".Bargain Counter, bu good reliable Goods at BARUA IN-COUNTER-PRICB.& M, B, COLBY & Ci DRALEAS IN EVERYTHINO, Libertyville, Winter Goocds 'Sum Puiiiuii-u ýOc Chidren's ail wooi double mitts at... 50c Chiids fur top kid mitts................... 25c Men's ail wool gloves ................... 45c Men's Rlbbed Undershirts .............. $2.00 Extra heavy ail wool, f leeced iined Men's Underwear......................... 75c Ladies' wooi drawers.................... $1.50 Boys' ail wool worsted sweaters....... 35c Ladies' Triple fieeced llned hose........ FIels her's Best German knitting yarn, In Fancy Colors. per skein.................. Smail Bed Biankets per pair................. $2.50 Boys' Reefer Jackets .............. See Our JOB COUNTERS of UNDERWEAR and SI-OES for extraordinary values. The Pair, P. B. LOVM.x., LiYI Ie0, L. B- LITCIELD, «â llr 3.R.Libortyville, . BiIAciE, Guru«s. Until February I., I899-'MO The Independent * ~AiDWeek1y Inter Oce Both, One Vear, *Z * To New Subscribers On)>'. a Illinois.1 C. R. SIIERIIAN.

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