LAKE ,COUNTY INDEPENDENT. Libertyville, Lake U;ounty. Friday. February 17. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. "$12.50to $1,5.,5 Marvelous Values are everywhere apparent ln aur Sprlng and Sum- mer LUne.. 't'$i6.oo to $2 0.00 '" Enthralllng Beauty pervades the entire assortment of aur Spring and Summer Goods.. 't' $2o.oo and up Unrivalled, Magnificent. is what you will flnd ln our Spring and t' Summer Woolens.. * WE KEEP PACE WITH PROGRESS. SANJBORN & CO., Tailors and tfabetdashers. Kaiser Block. -- Li*ertyville. Dr. Charles Galloway.I Ir LONG GROVE. Offie oer ove Vs rugStoe ý Ivrs.Htempel wsss îuit<e il] Offie ovr LoeIl'Drugtor gettîng bettarý l'i is BOSOha nias1TOI3 AND ôTO S P. M. - alentîne day Sas cimeandsl guise. Lbertyville. - Illinois hasppy hi' isadiS rosI gel a rouis' _______________________________ lim.Ptten. Puestemphle, sasuîî Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office aven TrIgga & Taylor's. t.e14, '0 4 sud 9Ltoimp. n. itealdetice on Broadvay upposîle Park Libertyville, Illinois. tram lthe clty vlsltlng aI Isuw n,'sd relatives.1 Medatmes ticki n sd Dege lcok as tripla NorthiNortileld litI atnrday. Tbey tisongist it qslti- c,l so urfan nonsh.1 bira 8. Feisimaniatltise grip 005cr-j - 1ing arounus ber, but by caretuluets ansd D r. A . L . T R A V IS . , o e re idi es s ec e es l t tpg r Ithe atîset. nouas TILL 8A- M. i To a AND 7 TO 8 p. &.ialc tizuiae asculil hipecsaP attention paisi 10 the treauent 1f Cirouileaeuustlsm. Rockefeller. -Illinois. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. Physâclan and Surgeon. Gurnea -. -- -- 11nols. $. Dr. E. I-I.rnith, 5SLr4US2* . O1~lOover J. W. &Sutler'a b!dg m, i', 2 c. r. ma 1i liàev-i. n.DAILY Libertyv~iIe. Ili. Dr. E. V. HARV EY, PENTIST. -UFFICE ROCKS- V,, OA. M. i t', i d 7 tu P. . Grayslake - Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN. Attorneandio Couunsllor at Las. NOTARY PUBLIC OFFics Wirit LAKtE C017IrTYBAK, Libertyvilie. Ililnois. HENRY Z. DURAND, ATTOIz! AINDI (ouNSELLoB AT LAW, 11119l CHAMIiER OF COMMERCE. CIIICAIl0. 8tai' andFiri .adn: COURlT%. Làaa F 8T. ILL LIBERTYVILLE MOTEL .ad .#wy luul.Cgttbraaabss. Diing-room Service Fret CI&&. Ji- P,îatr , Cycliata and Commerelial Tras eler. W.A. oDEANE, PRuise Cor. Milw. Av. and iCiurjh S8,.. LISERTYVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. W. B. SCHAEFFER'5S NURSERY. Sone mile south of Long (irove P. 0., Lake Co., Ili. Fruit.Hha-1' and OUnfamiantal Ties, Grape- vines andi Smali Fruit@. Gel lUipricseson acimtljild tock. 6.1-99 W. H. MILLER, TONSOBIAL ABTIST, When you vant a cleai S aava or s good bain eut cal uon "Bll." EIiOIC5 SHANDSOP 0WCIGÂ. Ns't door lu W. C. Triggs Shoe tore go Seau" t. Shos' open evarday, eveinuisunduis lac mornines. LAKE COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Prkhu s. O Lity ParkMins. o Issues lnterest-BeariflI Certifictel Payable on D.mand. tise bousbe a day or tma vinstise gnlp. This ln a dîltereut specii's ut grlp tkian 10 iave il lun the skisulden or nose, is it îîst, Wallace' lu Ist seets Is8sue it lnîsuld iave reasI Frmia isteas] ut Emma Ittzen- tkaler. Mus Elîzinlialer il astlesi with bsr Christian nissusasd lltely. for lise present. vils ber curunse ltkevisie. Tise Macisuer Cissr tîsuitrip lu Palaine let Frîday evenslîg Il vas s sony sund nther 8 fa)ou (e fr lotung rosS tise usat day Iioys, ti islI lisser du, We wilI khave t'i gel tue humasse society alter you. We tate Iis upportutssty iîefsr fsr. gettiug il, ta intrnm tise jpeuple of Long Gruve that thebe uasher insu bas ssciti lu ton us tise last seet tir twa sd sent us raîben colsi seathser. If soyons doubta tiis, just exasmine peoples ears and noues. PALATIN E. Miss Sema '[ongier is stîll ou tise hlct liât. 1 Bien Wannegar sas is Long (muTve Suniday asternnon. The Maunecisîr concert andsi all Cham. Smiths and su e spent iStur- day wits triends lu Palatine. I% Lydia Beeckname carne home 'sad attended thse concert and balil Fr- slSy igit. Itîasss Lydia Norduey'r amisl Cara liseis vIsiteS fn-eudsain Palatine Tues. rity evsung. Boin, 10 Mr.aand lins. Resry Thiic, sst 1luuu Gnose, a son, reeently. Csn- gratulations exteudesi. Mirs. H. Sehlendiug entertauned trieuse8 Saturday. Fes. 11, un lisussr ut ber daugiters, lins. Hlouse, bîrtllday. Misses AIma Gssillar ansi Marîha Sauera, ut Lonug Gnose, vlsiled tieuss lu Plaineua aurdsy eud also attcuded the concert ans i li Eiday îslgkt. tirsund lins. J. H. Scieidiug en- tertaînesi friands trou Evauston sud chisicgo, alo tom PlaineuePb,9tis, inlisîonruft ISu irasgter's birtisday. Muc'a H. WH EELI NG. M. ilaIs@tilt veny ull. Miss Lanna Forte is rectsverfug. Sebool was closed last Tbiiaday ansi Frlday on secouat osuthtie cisis. several of our yuung meuîn mlsyed un tise city vers ot oven Sluday. lin. MeDosald, skia basi a sale lasI Wedneaday, vîlI go to Tennessee Ibis ispnlng. Hla place la ton sale. TIse elgisîkianual enlertalument ut the whjeting tceliools sulI tata place Batrday eveuiug, Fl)ci. 25, '99.. Generai admission 25 cents. County Contenance. Tisa Lake Cauity W. C. T. 1. silI holsi a Contenance aI Waukegaîs Tues. day Mardi 71is Tis e ueting dtming tisa day wiul be sein at Taupernco Temple beglning aI 10 u'cînet. Tise evenîug Mass meeting viii ise haIS ai une of tise cisurcises. Au lnlereting progsu ls beiug preparasi sud a large atteudance hoped for. Thome visiig la rpsaisi ovr ulgit viii ha enter- laqeSb thse Vauk«gOn ades. Incorporation Artclas Fled. STRUCK 6V TRAIN. lfalt veet artises ut of Incorporatiomn r tof $Chicago A Fox Laike Elsctriej oscar B. and AI C. Drury OKiled ai r.a nirsîsi ere . iesi witlî Recordnser Crayalake Bturdsy Night. Rtagou) si ths- ,sut Ilorune'in, Wali- 'itire ('enfer avilenecrosseastlie l'i piivpi illeofte ouiI flWiecsnslîs Centrai rails sîîsitrackinli 'lb. sni-îssl ulie t tserod nsi rtIhe village of <Irsysîlîe sîeeurrf-(] an lu'- ai ltock.1-t'l er. and thti 5me if cessi. accient terrible Iliits 'irea sltas ui reusemeut oft tbh corpsoration la troin Saînyîlay iiglîl, wiserrlsy lvi brthiert Marci 12, l15<15 tsi soitollse furr îfiy ere itrleil Ita etfirlity sitisout a ye5i'5. suîrirts lwsriîîtgo and Ithe'entîre coli- Tise capital stock IN a5.îi ud the msîiity standa agist lsttise aisîîlien- memberm or the'corprlaation arc tse liensa uda manuer oft tleir deatîs. followilig, al utf Chicago: John %V, ls"lie. - nvr boy4," as tiey were Green, Cîariet E. lSule Ilr , Wins A. îausîiarly called, isasIlu-e,,tss thsevil Itasass, lStewant Sjsaulding. Frank N. juîgé îsn sîleuîsuce rupousasmeetinsg ut 111111, F. W. Pinsgle. the loceal lWg fMdr)WOmn Article Il ,f tise Palier Ras Ate t Iseetige 0f Moent Wote i ars p iied lu coustrisst thteu ai Atrl. rselgtk l-sttts rsîsayIrun a1,0151at t Icîrtîs ýtre s:b<l in thie rs'ar 'W. W. Ed- eateru n e (,f Lake CoutstV, Illinîois, liuth-, 1< geltisheir bors-,andssirs. whie theuce in a wnterly audsi rtberly tise Drury lrotisers nere iisrclsasig directin sersîs Lake soluty, llluola, 8ome grocprenesMr. D,olttle glot rcatlv and tbense lut., and asensîsa MHlenry tu euveaissibiddiug bigi. rie'uds gousi chuty, Ill., tsu a point <'ntise state uiglt rose svay' It Sam abiout Il i25 hlseIletweeis Use States .,Il liusi, uo i seala r, lie issiet and b ltlisssd tisemaime IV sacunal us.roasi tley sddta reacîs hi. dss'tiniation. Heisse il silil1, ese,,,nes,' aliruîsrhsey ere slnlvng a sinsgle rig [bat peuple fbas e fsr 'lot dcd on sor avisg nIas tisela-ilaccu ut th- l>nsry iîrtlirm siecIded viii isst dlv,, ige thse terriinais isve 'ot the. rosa.Aft the-touenhat kbelli I sII(i., navslake Suruday eeuîug by (sîrosser K night Desth of John A. Wells. Mir. lolttle teatilled tuaitlhe heard a Laoi F'idlsy nîgisutaI bla home in train linke distance, but diii fsot Isear Halfiit a, sixW~5 1 yloive unuestise whialsle su4AIts Ugh uigkil ys-t 10- of ous th's ieir profense. hve beau probsable tIsaI it sld, be- JohniuîA. Wellapasised 1<tukls issaI res-t. caissise o iada heavy scap uver lis Advansced age sud faut disease was tise cas,and slarge rveressa t sî ir snred cariai'oftbils iemise snd tise pasiîg UTsîver tîsat. away wal;a a iit lîacetl'lise, lie rJ.iE.Gluver, os Wsrikemba, el,'ssseerp is-ti, suiîtt t iulsiei'jioustise train, saisI t the Su etbtat lobs, A Wells sas hîsrssfils isostec stanvscslttWassas taî tient, (isI ; ý, 182;1, visere bisa boy. Satuiday ulgist paaaad Lake %"flîs at bond dava more @peut. lu 11142 lhe 10:1. lieshintledst R iollissfor two> caine to Lake csuty takiug up Jouid ertossîngsansd tise atatlisn, wkistled1 Dna voe-hs as ilans nesdefiHatlagais for the curve and ati Gsges Lake. Day her li flu mncerëmded AtHe also tebtified tisaI 5cvisistiesi bc-t the tifle ut hius lscation there tise t.veeu tise curve ýand tb.- (rayeflake country masa acmre sildernema, but rosslng ansdiagaîn li t ise erosslng silOi tireles 'ergy lie labored aîsd abîout 4o roda away. J umt as tise train bis Ister vears hfave beerfi fspet pouce. aplîroachied tise srusslg, lie fam lu a fuliv upon tise ordd omesltead sisere flshi a horse dîai mai17 over tise b.' sruvestrenousl t" sîjî ru rck as tisolgi tise driver (,-nid fot the eoui]peteus'y lic bsi enjoyesi. soutrsi It, Ibat tise train buit struct April 27, 1847, liei marrieS M iss it, lie eould mec aud tulîped li once. Cîndreila Hewitt, ut Ne'w Y'i unit,sks flIvestigstion abowe i tis thea for neiirIy tlfty years shared bkiajOym train had tnui thtie buggy, kîllîng and morrnus,, tassisg isay, Sept, 20. botis occupanits probably iuistantiy. 1897. Tlsey m'are lyîrsg boneath th is.dlai- Tmi, daugbtera: lIra Aufna F",,,le <aIeSlbuggy top shei toliris. Jubu 427 S. W s't treet, Waukegsis. snd Mrs. s 1iri bu ki'aesnean tise crussîsg, Lily Oriley, utflPrairie View. four'siike îs utiertise trirsîwsistle, sous. Willls, of Chicagto, andi Frank.'[he jury buisg onst s long lime on n. Clarence and W'.tm, f Haltll)ay. onie cut itse1nîing tealoi ît iun,tbàer, James. 110 tiMil streel Vaike- inally brouit in a verdicît lu accurd- gais ukre alsters: MilasMary Wells, anc, sîti tise fs Th.'ile jury sas.t nlu biiiitreor, Waukegsi, Moiss Aun Harry Wb,-elissk, %I ayjie Harvey, W. H.1 Wels, f (Chicago, sand Mrs. ildei, jrdinier. I Ili. Shermn. Gesrge I ot Warrens, mruirnIbis detii-S.Johln Tisayer and fi. i 4 . s-velaiss wellâ vas a mais strung amoug menu, s Wiil i.isgyS. irsi, i mIn u issse flte wsrk bailbeen ewarded slii rsîndthe,-'mienis iamselîtî ieim,, ailitantiai y asla shos' çiesliis g viti tise lis'rse ni-nainied unirissnie,î bis telIon' mel n Isîfr ]iirn tie i,-s- ' tîn~tîsIs tiatkil n rî sse egarasiris iheprevai h ssg opinîsion arns oug Ciiay a tilCtl)Iltba hi mod Wth egaPei ahjole p'ofl 1 ilthat 1sithelien uih ers g usesio eviesa s -ne11. note iay l,,bti amîlian vîlitheî, crosaîng il Funeai srvics %lre bld Nond i-iet ises. ais', tune lise Wsskeoha -a- aflerussui alla tise resina iterredin surem sdete up8dl ii the quiset isîti,-,-îlseery ai liaitIcss lie hyssîîuelI a issv. pasised salla en Ibosmigi tbeylieard s train sîsprsîaehiîîg. Iotîglit Il lu be a freig lit, su suies case tomt liW05 ib av e Mr*. Henrys i'idukins. lia 1 suileieut tifis tu fSave gsiitily i)esth bfas reieveil anutîser ut Lke crsý..esiîtie trackThI is tiseun'-sce-na Counlysolîl settlers, wkoIliî flate an,- îîiiaiie, am tise esîtemsevas uver passang lu tiseunukiiownu leyond ui'tii i îty Iminutes jiîe tand onseîlently mtartliiig tresl îsei]t-3' Thee tuitdy nîsun lsg uta sîîgîsrate' ot speesl ti pioneera, lu wis,m ne uesu [Illich sud .Iultke l' .lime. n'osa,'re iniaceuses ou eanly da y'i Mus Fisc ta , bI i, ies Ssii- llas-s i ii thei- Laike'toiit3- yl ere s tes suart le ugerasdtantuiailký setîlsI ly their chiudreis sallagrand-sip.potggecia usri tat-situ Stng6ayalak -iudren. atre fS fa t pSaîatteu stanl rou tier 1 Triga- i- reuvard. I lu ut a tes yeui'aail ii be susposhi bIc tssgraap tise bsnd il ,u u original pioncr? ettier t Liste coisty, sud White tbey arc yet ainui lis se ilsouiS psy them lise isussg.- Ibsir lfe lsosg truîggii' su building upl sur institutiosns snd <'iihnty entîtles tis<-r. lu the -"015 settlers' swe bus un prolîssnîl respect aîîd 5enerstlou.r Wssuld ltu(luS the present gesseratisun sene inibued itst kit saine sîrengîki of purîuose coupled it Il a nupreme cuolidenhce iii the Almligbty '<hics esialesi Ilîin bu Isuilidsu si a uinss- menit 15te ieir ineinsuy, a Cuunly seconud lu noue lu progresëiveisems antI msoraliiy. Jîulia Whiste sas. boru lis Wlna, N. Y., Aisg. i1, 1808 sud sas marniesi Ici Henry Illdgklua Aug. 1l, 1829. Tugtisc tbey emigrated tuIlîlinois lu 18-14, saîtliug near Dîamoud Lake, sisyre deceassi ilvesintil a tsv ycais ago, sîscîs aise remuovesi tu tiseisome of licr daîrgiste, Mis. Dr. Sansi't(isloway, et Llbent3rvllle, shere aise resîdesi ai lime ot beirsesti. At tise age ut tourtea enyasnsabc sas converted snd jîinesi tise àdtodist ciurcis, lunsiieki urgaizaion se vas an active mauben ton masîy yesrs. S5e vas; a devoul chitisu sud lu ber dSccluiug jears ber implicît taitis sas a constant souîrce o! Colnt0rt, alul tsi tioe itis sisui skie came lu contact botre' evîdecee ut iser ciisatiuly. lsdi aie lîveci usîli nazI Angurt aise sulîbave bei-usniîly- oune yeais ot age. Fuiieral services scie belid Monday uoruing, 1ev. JohuhnLec oltcialiusg, cboo8iiig as bis text. 'Fsr lu lise 1' tise la Chist sîssit0(tie td gaun." Int.eruieul uas linlie DisusousiLaite Ceinetery. Choîce Gows For Sale. Inereasa ot bard for sale. Cisoics itsmîly cava a nspecialty, PETRa BeiiWieeling, 111. jBreeder ai regiateresi Jersey caIlle. 19-231 dlertakssîg establî,himî-t. Il seesl tu Iliose asâisitiing lu rt-mos ing tise issîieo tg) tise undoerasitisaI eVury bosîue liblcunsoiten oun gi'isd, on lhînp wer' tisry.hI)eitî n ust hure i îî'en lus- tsutsuseuus. Tise meli se-ns' lth wueners of lirayéakae i.otîge oI 'loderi Wood- men, iigisly nemplitct 'iy siisWho knev tbsm, andi great tavorules sîtis their brusîher N'Visdîetis. They scie souis ut Beuj amuti Dnîry, Who stilI survsis-en tisesi. (sear Il. as borns ay 11, 1S49, andsiAI C. lies'. 27, 1852. TIsaitisey sAeS logetlier la co. incsient vils tise tacts Ibal they vers ot about the sains age, grew 'ssii 1< galber, kiati the saine occupation asid lIsseS Just scront tise road tram cacis sther t Avon Conter, about tisre muiles nnlisswesit fGrayalake. Ai Drtiry leaves s tîmiiy îof ulgis eilîdrenl, four boys aund four ginis, tise eldeat beiug but 18 yesrs ut age. Il vas but a les iisultbs ago lis thIle site ans oi slier (liedi. andl lpun ne- turniug trum ber funeîal tise atricken isssbassd tusndSusenotiser, sihu ne- sidesi sitis hlm, bad passtesi asîy dur- iug bis absence. Tt souild seem tise bersavesi une, in tisaI famlly ibave a bursen suinoost unieitîsîle lunlise deatis ofthlie loviug lslhiei,tuisi t lse eigit urphsss ekhisînesi ls extenslsd a sym. patluy su sisseere l ln t diemoutratiuu a lu atiorsi gralityiig s'onisolaution. O<seanil. 1<ury, sIs whoiithlIe agesi fatiser iesislî', leaves s site aîîlonte sou, 17 years ut age, surviviug hSm. Pîsîeral servies sers'Sel W %eduscs. slay uoîniîug ins thîe utugregatioal chuîcb at Grsysîte nutter suspces of lise todern Wooduîeu. sund neyer ln lIse blstary of Lake county sas a fu- neralsas largely atteisdeslby Woodînen. Every lodge un Western Lake counly vas nepraseutesi aud about 251) Wood- uen sereataItiese lmis audI@ad ser- vices, maklug ln &Il about 4W<1 people visa gaîkieresi topsy heir las% respects t0 tise dsi udiseebhumeslauGrays- late wcie ail elesasidning tiese er- vises ansd tIsegencrai arrow vas sà kilgîstribute iitis te deesasai. Tkie contribuitons<f lowena sera iseauti- loi. tthi- isketa sIng iltrally buiriesl in i i,îr î.f vnu'rîtli.qsand frfgraut flowes Rcv. Hanris. ' i lliuîn, sud 1ev. Fnendenlîsîgeu, 'il iraynaati, vsou- ducleiltihe ser-vicesm, Iternent biug ius '<Si hC iiintre iietery NARROW ESCAPE. A Terr.ible Nigic on 01ie Lais. Mchigan. Siinsday slternoon tisere ver.- îsany nseniy skating partiee sue veure,1 olt oni tie le. ou Lake Michigan trous lise lite shore tonns ansi sbutfor tise lieroil efforts 0f reseîring parties saîd 1the Ciicagos andi Evanston it 1e saviig crewv;a s unner et tise more venture- sonsi- onîsi have palîlt"forisei»r carelemas itis theîr Hien. As il gréa, dua tise variai,,? parties 8tanteil tonrakore, lu some instances belîîg onsIt t, sud Ibree miles, andi thse isorî0of tisîse tnrtkieremt ot caui be imagîneil visai they discovared tise ice had broken toase sud tbey vert' rapidl! Sifing ontIlntq tis it eý lu valu tiscy lîlcd ta fiis anarros place lu tise break tisat tbey mlgkt reais abore -atih igi luileî slýw1 olserinig thsei tram tise auxlons watcheri ou tise shsore, visa bail dis- sovi'ned tîseir predîlcamaunt. Tirée liseI frem Highslandl Part miseeeded 511k gret 'stdnltfluin l reacîsnring tes, ot tise unfortiînatcs off Fort She'îidan. Titis loft tour frein ItogeralPart ansd twu trou Lake Forent atill ou the Ie loeis and thougis every possible ecourt sas maSs ta Bind lsem il vas Impossible lunlise dartiss and tkiey vene compellasi lu speusi the nîglît on tise loatlng tee. Tkiey sene: t 1(05 LAKE POSSTý a-n Giuy u William. agsd 23,sopbunîsn,'. lais'- F-i1aUiversity; home'lit. Anus. Ill. Maloni. Os-rge, 19, tresisman. Late lForest Univenalis. bomse Patis'l.;ii ammer lcii,, sisma frateîul4r. ruuRO oGBAsP.rasM Ilr,,lse, . lImer DeWîti. 1.151 Air ansi a,'es,'; lasues. asoswial,'t i WiLu.tkier Latlnin lii. Fi,t.'hr. Artiura ftsuavs,-sl ratthwîman wt,0 5"rst ouitalon,' in a lîlai v) re,',ii'tiseh Btir',,-ra i-art Y. Musisiy. Chais's,ebmther-,îs s. tw ofee 1),wItl lrollsara. 44iAlbswissIavenue. Manies'. Misa Oriel. #inter out Uhais-vi M4anier. suai Ailand av'enue.. Ater vandc-rlng for mllen Guy William Canon sud George Mallary, tise Lake Forent Collage men, met tise Rtogers Park panty, sud vils Ikem sera rescued lîy tlla Fouislain ut tise Cicaigo Lite Saving Station sud a solunte-er ces. Tisey sera fouud off Rolgers lPart sîon atler sisyligist Mon- îlay1iorung Elmen DeWtt Brolisers, 'Satisscey Mauley sud Miss Oriel Mais- liv ver,' .'bausted. Mies Maniey viso vas ssss(nCoiasftrn cveraI issurs, liobablyl, ues bler lde lu tise collage men,. ier couspanions sera suris out fruni thi efforts 10 teep lier avate sisen Carons ansi Mallory arnîveil. For almont lve bois, Lir. E. L. Webbl, of Eosgi'ns Part sorted over Miss Mais- ley tr3-ing 10 revive iser. Injections of strychnuine sere guveis, andi syu. pailbette vomen oi the neigisionhoosi affsistesinsuchai! ring ber snms sud biandh. shîcb sere apparently frozen. il wn 'o it 1 G oek, tour ansIoue. haltlihouNisaller skie sas('arnues troin tise liseboat, that sbholiagan 1<' regain Mir.Brothers teili the 'îsîlowlug grspisicstuof t iî ilgbl s eipenieuce on tise Ie We started sîîsilht towards tise issiisîls uftheîlakte as 3 o'cloetlu tise aftanoou. ha saisi It sas Dot cuils and 1 suipposese veut a longer distance tissu se bailinlanded. 19 ses 550 us'loct kiais se came lu sigkit oft he oipen saten, or sisal se thorîgil vas open saler. We muni;tbas-e beau tour miles troussore. Abouit halt way on1 I emeuber that ttiaIva iadti uep acroasa crack aigist incises vide. 'ie paid nu particular attentlion tu il sud didult even look ts sec bus fanrltexteuilesi. Alter Ioohcing at niy satcis and aecissg bus hale il sas . we started hact. Misa llanle.y sas lired tisnais nd se vallasi raîkar alusly. Aler gattiug 10 sithlu tvo miles it skons se came to tisa crack sisicis se baS steppes] ovar un aur vay ont. Ilfn'as, alnîît tteris feal vide tbi làh. 1 duîln't sîish to algru isy niece, snd sic I1ns'marked tisaI se soujd folios tise cralk uortbisîtll secoutl sep aven il. We tiegais to saiktoluard Evanaton, keeplng a tes yards trou lise crack. 1 sas sornesksatera un tise other aide sud yelled 10 lhau sund motianes tisat se v.iuld go tosards Evanaton ands meot the Ilteisoat. Oue of tise akatera started fthe tsa ite-savlflg station, but ut seema ha miaundenstoos us ansi ai- pected tisaI se soulsi stay Swhere vo were tiRliste lite-savons came. Satane se bad gona a mile sioug lise crack I i asitbecome aquarter af s mile wIde, sud 1 felt sure tisaI su Immense f1lissung off troum sore aI ibs *oulli end sud sas avinglng us lot tise laite. When va arriveil opposite lise Ute-saving station il wssaster sun- set anssi e coui1dis't ae or isear any uîîe. 1 andi Mauley aisoulesi but se eoulda't bear a sound. Tisais v Sectdedit a aitsoutis, supposmng tisaI tiseitee sas ssiugig flaiiat tIs hane. AVe taliavesitise crack tovards Rogers Part again. Wa could suectise boulines ou shsore but Ibouglit tise satenvorta people serea ilng ont Rome mains. Dy the lime se gîsl opposite Rogera Part again tise open sater aemed almotalfaIlamlle vida sud vo gave up al bopse ot SeIng nascuesi till moaing. Tise slnd vas blowing bard sud Nias Manley vasutired ont. At il o'cloat va starlesitu look stop booansd fortis la kesp mies mamyswate. t1vas pota Do You Trade 'ýýwith Us? There are Ruasons why You Should 1- We strive ta keep what you want at the price you want ta pay. 2 -No matter how small in price what you buy of us is good. 3 Better goods for the same money. or the same Izoods for less money than others. Rocking Chairs, Tables, Silverware, Etc. FREE ta customers who fi out aur premium discount tickets. Anyone can have a ticket for the asking O Il .JIN & It Pays to Trade witl, US. w NQUSÉ ESTABLISMED NOV. 25. 1843; WAUKEGANI,.ILUýNOtS.-, LPON ê1 WE HAVE REDDOED THE PRICE On al Gaods du ring the duli season. Vou wili find it ta your advantaire'to BUY NOW Good Hickory Ax-handle ......... ....,.. Surprise Meat Cutter................ IOd Nails per 100 pounds.......... Horse Clippers, Best made ..... No. 8 Tin Wash Bolier ............ . l-pound box Axle Grease ........ Good Washboard................... Folding Lunch Box................ . Asbestos Stove Mats ............... 6-inch Butcher Knife, warranted Warranted Razor ............ Lead Pencis, per dozen ............. 2-qt Granite Coffee Pot............ $1004 480ý 4o These prices are for Strictly Cash. Please do not ask credit on adver- tised goods. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Place Your Order FOR YOUR HARNESS FOR Spiring Work. 1 Guarantee my Work and Stock, and can make right Prices an Good Hand-Made Goods. Order NOW, and yaur Harness wiII be ready when the season opens. Chas. Kaiser, Agent. LIBERTYVILLE, I L,LINOIS. cold snd Mr. Manley dld ual entrer FREMONT CENTER. aeverely, but my uiece vas saircaly able to stand. We could bave croaaad Leuteu day4 nuw. tu land by 2 o'clock il ve kiad polea la (j. hl. Traut llllcd lis leA bouse She test the ice where tise tIv o ls came ste together. Thse space between theP e I et. cakes vw» frozen over, but 1 moIde up, John Fiary va-à i Lîertyville cailer nmy mind to take no risk except toi keep: jîat Slindas. trou, actual dests. Wben thse Iso Lake Foresaturdents Mirs C. .3.liant la ou tbe siek lisé. met us wé sera exkiauatld trom carry- Dr. Taylor las aitendiug lher. ig my nieesud but for thelr beip se would bave ben obiiged ta .drop ber lir. and Airs. G. H. HerIt are Don thse ice,skiera sMie scon souid bave jiigoe h ria fasn B arman tdeatb Skie bec-anis rncon-reslngvrtieaiviiss. Bscions ait 4 o'ciuck. but for tva lbouts B. .1. Moinss, 0f1(lurnee, saent the. &before tisaIse khall te carry ber andti lraI of the veeé: vils friandsher. )prod ber tu keep here svsske. Thse B t0 Lake Forest boys insteasi of look- John Wagner biîugkit a nev top »iug ont for liseir uon afety toot kiols buggy of Thsomson Brus., ut <irnylake. Yof lier snd relleveds, ansd ie kePt cber walklog bsck andt forth lifer saie Mr. L. J. Lyon sud family spenit lIM 5bhcmme uncouactoum ausywt r Lo' rte t t just before îlayiiglit Mauley and 1Sauzdaliu. n Lo' rohl bots lisougbt skie vas deasi. Wu akgî coiildn'tdeotect thse ligieal aigu of Mies El aro hcgt bregtbiug. But skie siowed aiguis of El iid tCaoti 5life a lutIle later. 1 belleve se fl l i iitilig vitki ber alatier. tfis. ierSel foe conte arorîns ail rigist lu a te, days. la tes seeks. Adam Behm liaitithe miafoeta.- te Collectora lNicelO. have bis vindulîl1 break drlg th. The underaigued han recela kbis old vastsar of lait ue.k. books sud vîllie prepared to receivee 8taxas for the towuship. of Libertyvîlle Baruey Bobm bas quit mhe Uief si atar FeWnszry 1. OMiice nt M. B. buaioes mi Feterffel 0embe aCoiby & Co&. W. L. ÀATminoNCoUeelor. ltin~. A gffl Oblb'M 1* s- i. M a. <o as 'il M. md' g. 1.1 Vol. VII. No., 19.