Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 24 Feb 1899, p. 2

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,mam-m- . 1 1 u- ma __- 1 mo, l. i auntid aggafthe Wa tcbMW4a5 -1, I _1 BLIZZA iq Bote . , - Yý %, Ô " ND NT - j#oAI rnianan. eovered hlm wtb revêt- .t mma 1 ', Naswth ,riWen maChii. v"% rd tathes, te low omen thl 1- ,dwoOUANs PmUbIIBe& Tw f-our familien Who ceupiliet ofIti 1«MI wts gunpowder aMtiex . . Iow A O 1H WINOS, S 1 ,1apartasenta .l .Anlnfats, Gand lteii i tt ighitç, us.'51!oexpi- , CAUSE iAVOO. ý1 ý1 . . ILIIM boulevard anti Forty-irast rent. Ohitge, sin ua terrifie anti nt oly shattered t1i - ___ - were trives trom ecou brlildes the othei' the Immense steel vanît. but wrceked Par -i- .1,l 'nlgt by dames that consolait! the build- of tb. building. Windows anti douos- Butern andti lonilarm Sles Pare- f pes _ .,ing in Ileu ihan batil anheur. Farnent- ver. biown ontthlb. als châtieratianti Raticastin setthe TrentY. j. ydby ofunm.c h TURALi AS TRUST. 1, foaiBbut three of the bundrodietfPer- the lérnishîngs orthetficre. huriedtatab Tic ircnty estailishes ne policy Ce&u-, '._______started borbelo.mua ofthorm at et ire . enelgbboriooti, butltche arent Police une. Tropical Imita BallyDamagoi. ltfnt- Fire minutes aéwa 10 O'cloelt an explosion station boetngeyrai miles avl ne oM- The onîbreak of the insurgent@ et Ma-1- - ,;4~ i410E IJNOER TH4E LAWS et gaa ln lie bsement @book the saue' cersrampondetiTcv.kv u en labsbamt hi aseImclr- 'Tepiotracteilcoud wavo liaI receoull 0IVIONI.turc. MÉa. vOn..ant ii hlieurfl ~plete that tichba l idet tone iti blî.-Cleveland Lenader. belli lie Nortiwest inluils grip iter es- The armî reongsniatlon billvasWei su - FVIGNI.down the tarways lointhe teet, ant isav intt1111booly they cegibi lay thrir Tcln ilyi aiyn s mretnit eteSubat asI eagtigporlt ta tie Sonate on Tburatiai. The En ou before ome ut then hall reaciedthelb.lor, bande on, about $40. Becore tieparting lhing ta do viii cncoursging lie attack iis form-OaI0of Ohio lobo tint oflàabbiz.- uval Personnel bill iv *AM late Conli IWeil* ati Plaut@ er f1cr lie bit' apirtment buUtil u a t B in let thetc lcman andtort hlm in o h iiio norfre iMnl. ado ietupeeetdfrctra.btn fotmd -poedfr fb 1 a O h i l dl 1n. e tiru ii ranni lirnac.. The los% of lite votilti a heplauicondition. The vaîchuas tr aig- u ffaloFiEpe. c u'fre IM u i . ant ri t iost ttutpreced e t he ro l ernd wbth ino ff r ati te p ce ler lse-f .Lo b.ave iboa terribe hbdtite dames ioo is nl. rIna oi eo. SBfaoEpes nicrîn exioer wlo ft tir vlthoi cnsithe ale éci hiomasd te a oti le al u u or e.ster 11l Ob cens cote filor tien boteleoetO i TcstaitautcPiipi. snvOta btie Guttof MeuoThc itorm, tic Sonateîr end aHolneJoint no ~ ey iar. dgo. olid Wt tc.zepitae isitt nrcu ationrlanthe boI boues a Of Cui,-aInaile, vas pbeutetsil for ils vasitio uhrzu i ertYu i . coeldciteastWsudfils ebettiottenedsThcouies.f Con-Navy tu pay cein tlaborers. vou-kmn fi«" 1 e trl - a:n : auticles f jevi-ir,- anti ciothIila b.r b cr o lb tsle as iithave tu ielintr utopn it.-Nev T rcalcul afba l i y at alynsee i t. anti meehanîrs ai United t atIges BSSY Uno1ts C tp lyias notiing as saveti by tir tenants. T c M V VI O OdN 1B D rean iaYu e once blînrati tl a raYept ov er l tihe yards anti naval tations5W Pet cenailâ- g S bien onganizesi undthle la-s of Virginia tIf $50t eg00batantir Is a totcollt!l asd rie £gs, uso.'heleu.tichetenants yl b. about Damage by the Lateflisand Prevsa does ntollov by any meanusinett1he mometerat 8tiegrees shorei zero, aîud te .oelit it. pe ile bng aras culthe peat r- ntIs, meetrultentre a pl adpu tesereamonut. No trace uf Fred Marte. ta e u. £segsliait Uxp«elt. imperialistle pincple Wiite-r?go lite snov romini dowu Sabcutly lurtd tr hl bt-iegotn itpt tn fa t (O hi.,lIdi e an d îii southeru Iliuo l" is i ie s d bis c ilitiha . he em founti, aud B ratiti'ects say s: *ioUo wlng tic long- cffect.--N cv O rleans Times.D m oerat. four h urns. T ire. fr-et mîf Suo w lu W a sh- # le biblîl lefore bbc S o e id inet P es s a p n~e capital stock vl te $24000(M0 Of u ti ev yadM.GligrI.1. aldu "We hihtere viii te $10M00000dTper cent udouitedlyty met deaticiu theefiames. cniudcl av ewàlTetreati doeu not presrite auj polic loigonCity. torty lîît-ltca in Maryndtt, billenablmng soldions via servet lu lie Im igunialgive preterred snd $14.000.IJ oIf CRACK BANK VAULT. sonar anti miraI steui.sud Inlement frteUie ttsI epc etesdtev uhsi ot aoiecn pna a h a "vcaybe e ir , mam n toc ka. O ft I is auttocuteti Capitta li- e tti ne r y tiroug io t nearlY ail n i the ]t thilpp respec t t in a ntiut e v a nctor uof il ul ter n d oilD teri p n si îîr g i u O blatd p r pesiosly b cr O i' yaa , evvig pin tad ndofefotstaas niiegfrthndteimntin fUogrsl nu Trollnucyeyef antit b , tatinth te itae rccottr UeTritr ait sctonlofth cutrcorereoreTicoe provisotehae"u- ndbtiitrf sierd.Te rj.n f o i. i , bc .rclaseofeu the woanirt Opralthrev tiltpu luat.antmofefertet ashemhabil.lrrtitheavoat ui tu tinomettficrlipeiansionsaus fr ensonsboaîl ý r rt h e T ic c n s e t f o l a le s s u C ra a g ain t e tr ntl 10 tic c e rta in t hc c ite n t t10 v ilc i m a te ri in - l - O m h B r ts t- o fth i l i e i h i e r w x r U ago.Thueingoplantoas bren largeineti t l- ackit u itlet!n. OuioanlingtCoth- terets bave suffereti. Ail thîngs coneili- Wiat nellier party spirit nor executive coulil do. lit enttn(ie -Orit dil tshoult i11e trrdisvtl ervs nl pnui.patsyu- a.cuen tîoi. T ,aime any iof te e itn Oho, anin Coi ie-eu-rd, tic damage so@ai'atnicateti. white influence bâtd bren chic l secître. the loi- inoar ten frettIr-clii tuttit letur of îrlen out auîd tbill vas thon Pset. tireiy ct ft idytou. Tpecattuy e Ct(oig ther mor nig ictinrs clonecttie rlusluc 15eciosbawprvei es lvea f gîinudoacumliiei y heraiselu ae epntti vll lofwteshe unidraio us cgu o lc oModiC a$hai harin#miitnbmevecien ehpleil lemv vantsof neAcfinlociloil-lise t tac- l.Irtare uldta tbanc teeu lu-oxnnaappropriation bill. PractictllY tie Ouiy Carnons lsm, Nru Western.,lPique,.'Sydntey. Tu-oy. tic trolley vine tof the Cevelandi, Bere, ef tic nevcity ol lie viilaion. Excep- Ing our soiiir.-New York Vorlil. ile ont f nomtsbou-e. obstacle cucounteneti by lie bill vas tic Sm 1irimafleld. Uriana. South Charleston Elyia andi Obio Eltctric rond, ahici rua ine fcusmal ntccn fti o reuke erpoie uSa Tiemuffeuing ,.rerywhe<re es pitiatile, commibîeamentiment proviilng fur sPa- montie mi thc Mount Steriingggm cnupanles. tirrctly pasîtie bal, oa atdrill machine te n fcusmd ntecs fte Nww a epal rmsst pi u nteSuhi vswrt Pas h ilmi aiilso h rn ie rm aojcir 15 a aeretiIht tesecopancaare~o peateonticottaile lon e li asui. inter vicat crop, tromus hiei Irustwou--oemnîy mate. Nov v. eau ÏcepOr ou' ldluliesno uti lb tinvt. lier eauiYoirrkl aildcî Wsntl-n thes ru am unls$000ntheu- oanuu areTiin Aferatfonci ugtstide an ftirhne ralet. tyreports su 10atdamage are nul forth- promises lu lie balance of tic nations «iivss tircuctt. Ter c o- niWsuntubAtlanta anictil Iluning ý»,Ooo nt per sonnai. Tis Alterlforatntiis raor perietgeol bicL esu-. etavln, citiyens antif therreet h luntheiPiii- andmItiingff inpthe uiili i tieint otuaiticfhintho tudugr-vf 3r11)aaadantiOrferom andtfrot Kansas Cpari tell wii b gaheint e bg carg ofpower nd iewtheiut- ýý.vea lagtheîm uc(uif of Mexico. Tir Mo., taNruwton, Kan. lu le iennoue lie D emat ti xe rom tic South coen"rPorts Of m6re lpiites.-Naivilie Arnerican. e eiu mugtciii-tiati anti poetu-Y proposition 10 iuriude bbthe imof$11.000.- ..W prtie tins fou- ditienuaIt terate of rior of ticeareit mb to tusant i percea. srosduae abct y1 i nu J fpoirect upon preterreti stock aud 3 p@u Tieatalia ou ail aides wvert, it bat-itilysdeaaire fatrîlait tanheti - g cfa authePhilppiepare Ma-eudliicre. nerSe anfarigas tirts 'i'i00itppcpâli Sare orroencssinnoeth ., M gontic commun stock, iiti tic irreil.plustcr vas torm Offandtheti a-uit igfutadvgtbecos Ubr'tertfcto o h rayl h ftM htln hr rn nafriYnntO hlpiei h lnr ii ilsae ,prospect cf a couitlcratbt' incrense aitint-e doura vere ilovu over tveuty ted onttof lino-r-er ermants fth isme ide Cooticu rfadeun 0f tic treaby s lit br n tityendalen.troat laa u-arby nmg t hilipines.rnae u Ithe Nicrag uacaai ' ý tam economies a-hicd ilii uesut ftrominte liir settimga. Howercci, nu money a- i ,ou ob etrd nteSae tfint a iodgrnt lutuat distant iocalitY. ireps hbl-n one of lic resat. of tie bill "ridier' tie day before. Tic mulng -ooldaio.secureti. as tic rouliers Isiiedtetgel lonto Georgie, Flouida anti Louisiane.., anti ticy vîillrmvcn lic viole lump- «titi nap. Fioria ban amffaeti mPur- outhticchair vas pe-ceuicti y anextendtirt _ _ itaio.the Ibig sale. critiently for lack of lune. _____New York Heu-nid. mous lues. Ticeîîlncapiillr iit!ulst ubs debate. Aft,-r tmthentuylvil i li bâit ssd. IMAIN BOBBRUIIH N KANSAS. Tic papeu-a anti bouka malle tieaauib OREEK BANDIT 19 MURDY.REb.. Tir counry bas reason for profoînti becs ticaît a Seriotns biow. Thee tent béeaucotplr-tt-aanti reportedti)lutic Houn mï+ïat aveu-e damagecExprosonCar la entpeiotu. gratfiction at i tisaction.,liccaumie deiaY .etbtcetiamagc te soran t-tge graves catn- Mm. Hepburn ihIowa). tliamltnpion of tic- --- ' t eEite arl olt uINew York Petidîes Unite ta MiII a uouid have been tic source of induite net b. tieiitr-iy satttt-ti aIpres#eut ut Nicartgua tutu iilMttXedta bureconluait U.t--e sDpreei. -, AMBRICAN WHICAT IN SPAIN. MaWho Parsecutd Tiu. trouble anti posile Complications, lb. reporta agr"ceduit mauy treuism-re N". - t. ati intrit-tions buaureporut It bock uti 1 1N éîprees cau-ofthle Cicuryvale anti- - barrante. Ferrontos. a Greek doyen oe or f uituinoue couiti torae.- Kamly vegcbabies are nîioct. Tirougieut tic canal ill t1 nco"prati-ti InIl. Tic ~ucvlrpasanuer tu-ai, a buauci 0t îirat *ulmernî Sac h. War Bec pediler, wvsamurdereti lu Ney York un- New Tork Tmes. the Souent su-iuuit cm-tps bave beau nîitu a ïtntydcaeioIc r w UatFavcivnbeunCii-calveti et Valencia. dem- pécuiar ciucumstancera Il in clalmetiytl-9ekr woepnM.Hp -yqh $banti Coffcyvilic, Kan., vas roilieti Ttc isck et s commerial tmeatyiIite vcas teli oîti bandit "Batelier De Sa- Tihiermcan people voulti bave boren med. Cottont piaulera bave sufcreti der b I, leae- irupnM.Hp i' 9 glargeman is tcrrene! conaincdtebu patm4 theforimer tmety hving bees ter- rt-a"lo îm i Or Govermment mach More likeîy taoI bave granteai tie icatiiy. nimubrn appeti4ulast Mu-. lPayne (New York) ,>j *gkIpy-viIicbankwvitle tic exil*p mes- mat" b the unr. innef ltogretie r P- reota ,00for us the r tai.jobsFîi nos thir u nependene btitiheijla- Ttc dutnusar-donc lty tie Storm uaient sorcil tb Iaýtic appea ou lte tableir 1 . Thomas Coalism, vai calma vcutfag traie betucen tie Ian coutriesi, 7egveass a O<<doriste aiei i rtiwhtoeat tentr laniecas.IrntNtheiat Trshootuiezayinalyuase i 1.%Maka« Te ran ais ve a Cn lg d heir canser ithoul a m-ceeut te southunu-t. la ot a mure inomediate sit untiry civil appropriation bill, 1a uhlci ,mkat i ban ats beu I ir- atboutg American potiitts are hanti- cunfeaseti, inviving tuo aotien duver Bâti- pîatt 1 gyakb t igit sut the mici engune cappel] iy au atitional 20 peu- cent duti eu-. Peter Manuekis anti John Mikolas. am. vfr eubiu eitr eascl egs e etrnne tt-ure.Tiuie ty cu t at itumum vr-u alinadek o Impr- bocka i do"u ta the express office for theicnlaSpeai9 Pou-s oving te tic lad or a Boti yen. arresteil. Ferrontos wunsabat The ratification of tb. treuty i octa Dot v"l een n ii vru tNwtn mnupthl enaotd h deubmomater @aut 4:45 'ciock in thc r.t 111, veu under ticat, conditions.,i- ie iZgva.Cooe atmk i epe ttcPlsptc i-York alone. and labipuiutt s atmpuaielY" prakcrru rtiitg uptt te motion bu ne- flmmln&ant attrvati uih il nt n aUtuled tats Cnauar AentMerensicaret tial Fy euens.iCdroeru Haut-nmalf tiecpeoleîofthtaeaPhlitpitne. cin- hie ice lut the barbotnr.Tieluto <sag-Commit 1hebl, i.thinlstruimaons be In-. 1 'O'ce. It leaves t (:40 o'ciuck. Ilb at Valeniciam reports to the BlasDepau-t- Ina zele-ca uîor he acuset ot btesnga veat theic ed Statsîcavti tie reapouâý aî c lco thent5t,70)a tifoptle bardaofis anti corporatut a u tied-5tturaua cAa 1- etuec& an5atitewpulls bia utoni-et Statler.ConlerAgre nt etans10? counterteler fie ire bâti liI errhodoneutyof e t Satiebu doe s Iin dtju uno eea fttevsti ndcroaei tteNcrgacnl 1 vas c« ommitteti. A limtir .cvcm-$4-Amorean vicat. A cargo of 4,000 tons tus exacîrd tribule front lie Gneeck ied- in lie arciipelago.-PiuiladlipiltRecord. perlisi. LTieftiit lbieNc o l l i as îua-ed antotiaisittg ticltresieul hawne 'twsc âijs r Centrailitallroauh slandiued ahi ta traius ta appoint la-e adtional cadtitett-turge ,4 a _ the e lua ealirted by tieu-nluay e e llrvrluiibtJa n ieu-a utc vorked for neyerai patiroues Tic tncsty rtibed. lie unr viti Spain ou one day ju a fair texemple of te iaroc ta the nitrai acailîtty. Tir t-t-h-ng sat- Md tfle gbeil- bt il la iciievedtal rivet Iere Proveti etirelY sulistaciory, n hÎte eei erro i.I noeadteCnrgnttePot ý. 118 là" lri tauis Ou.aut importera vere uîîîîna lu receive atwiftc eel enre ut,1 iiepuat i egea u i i.-aou-led hthe b,lizzaru-ottaîttic nuiiroetih. tiomuIvan l-vote-titii private pensiaon logis- han ila uie sa tecitiedta uSel rit Of Feurnte. anti tent. rau formulaI. suci a politri in re- The @tm-ni PruiuaiublYtuk as iinuiy Amer-aton. The taval personel blll for -~ UN»T R L mr.Zeves. vas ticirgate te10kill hiut. gard ta lic future of tic PiilipPines ajcan ivandaiticost un nit-iliard-taruiti abir tie N.ay Depitritieutlia, s-n UIIUED ODET. CIoKhD To DUATH DX TOOTIL Lr etnefrTanRbe. tic test inbcresba of the UnitedStabItra moy u stih- tole Sttiunma r. Nul conendina for su mauy ji-ars. vaspa.sici iniae-nd--n e t1 Lit.1shel anti the Fîhîpînos may iti"î.îtînborelSiitate e eti amltorm000com 'The Sa1ate gpetnt otictheday Itatur- feea Neeu lh Dyatar atilc hl Cta. Smngot liSvlmv A. L4 Jenuinga, graduate a lclaao.sJoi.,____ pr tua vt inlusevirity. aintiexeu ubat dyOtttpettfc pi-ituulnli. Aw *ePlum hmeCannie txviodsd. ing a LsasMaera. Rehaut of West Vrginis University anti' 1,IUtw»MeCaun e-sa huineteludeati fH. J. Pergumea, a prouiuent reitient fermer puosecutins attorney ot Canadiena France visns tethie Occasion, eue hllDot01tle widc-uhrtad Citelt o f but failec) tmt-ummpete it. Atmi-orthef bbc ls >9$V»bseet ber son. George MeCanu, 1East Tocto, Olo, eboker a 1 tati eon aCounty, Okahoma, vas couvicteti of train M. Loutet's leetion ia tic final rebueetic une of 1899. odSa ot eeorrei a e ex Armanoufacturer et Lancaster, Pa., toot. Thcaolienigit une of bis teelih b.yi i eealCuta h- tartuy anti civil luboiffrance as exuh-- -arien se-rm-ll laiina mcuitmcwth'eiCthmm- ~ ýý *l'Wbm mie vas teunekeeper. Sic e home looseneti ant i e tu-ed ta pull i. borna City anti entence tatolite imprison- itet Inluconnection ii bie Dryfus cane. CAPTURE 0F IL.OILO. oitihy ivilcita ,ctithuatlou tif ,1aý-ittt,- _ 41 aIl t eilck anti ilurte douusaiu-5 Bewusnemt succestol. The next Mora- met in tie Fetenai peniteutiany in Ce- -New Yorka Woiht. - curtd te strr u-itt- cout rai-la. Scier- M t' *h raniprepasv breakfast. At ing whte catiug, tic both lhrcaine lboeslumien. Ohio. Jeunlngs vas convictei of France ia oundeti anoîher tatigerott AmeTau ahisreut StaronToup e aiyilubof- day. i itttt.t- e aîst ae . cf ie tar ay t e aum ble ti sd and ropped li nubo its t roat . cauin i hm t ic obberr of a R ock Ilan dtiexpress point lu ber poli Uical istuuy, a ud t heT lei tic t o g ol .é ry I t e d y h I o lt 1 ýlt t o M d ý t a te botom tachate. I& ffors t exties lt mae ia _Gen. ?,iller rapture I lioilo, capital of tewtotmokinig uny lu-tgu-n.T here 6C l ý i br an, h c x- th. sitngition verse. Betore medicsl ai- roitedet aIpidtiay anti s traltittanu W qulotiy. Tiat la surciy a gouetaigu.- ie111.n me st spiý he b.burnîmgailh over ber tendtance.coati b. ene he v as dent mortaUly lsuu-edby tie roihera. Tic gagoIsevlandLede. ofeutet tc anaias ofte sn ll atin i utoesio uthe,éantIsas ltluc at-a Rer onuratheticnoise anti trom itranelatiou. ut uhici Jeunings vas lie leader bas M Loubetl yul b. mucih ike our Amern- gSattetrd ften Vaasiotuttrtuton. oneufthges lt tiltp-lie anputlNticuM-rvic"ut 1, l eslance. but by tic lime ho heen ciargedi aith numerous boit-upsandeu«rndue-li e antityblentte wno ieb- ePlu hi.Teprgrp ntebilrin i 1 tavb mmcd about lie arme Captais W. R. 3311011 of New Caille, rir-c.district, vicie tellure aveu-Y one predictîsstina il; huit lic American tu-ous etbia- 1tabiceunaval satirux. againtl vitt %In. hal t'ia u aeii ot1011118iace . osafr i Iiut t Panama SImis Entiget. anti utose uembstory alunyn recordsm. gulicai tieinain". Titre uerr ne casu-Mollt it hp.. %Id.) raisca autiint nof mrtin =. Perteintytitt sv bs liencs. ha gne te Sun Juan ou lie The Departinent ot Bltenet Washing- -Pbladielphie Prose, aiis on tic Ampriran aide. a-as mtuico out, thept lobtf orler teiimg = 1,rusý ari Ril), l saiitl, toacîher viii ton ia bren Informei in a câble trint Thequiet, veil-baismeetimsnner la tGen. Millen. oun recipt ot hieI, nstruc- sitaaineti NtIr. ititi tier- .n i td- - - '1 tra b Lacua. MaspoatMca niNxu bsassat-Consul Genenai (intgen et Panama tbat vîîcî France. baselecteti a Presiient un- tiens froua Mandia, Sent aive comumis-t-louai apuîroprriebonnu of $71!u.000 Imor tic sieuinsanaro He r iInstructions ta InatiIte an a«uperiebsbrdefe vh i r'circnntbnes ubwici varratiteti nO loners asiore froantie Uitedl States ronipietion oftifeibe uildingsaht t he scau sa1 ý,,ý1 $bW luncisa a eet E. B. osso.independent fort etfpostai goverimueut strikers ai Colos n ndvork bai becs te- ltl iety anti excitemnt, pasWi rnpr t elwt oiniaiileyatuie ntel« 3o il . _>,stei'oi' aeu- atihoeetion ti ore Isanti ou Mret15 oeit. îumed. Recrut ativicca froua tien. uaid furtIl e ub -nels Ties. vlitrsor t St. Paveno Ioi ouucslioat emy uîig oitnsit- ast sa a iii.. as etelieor. em irads of a This yl b. lie adoption in lils ntirely tint tir 'situationa vas crititrutiantid a tnlereuic-Mncpii ims. fttr ee ovmau o lio alu.sasuiu.îîia i otr tndyalr lb. ns A te euve vas epinit ofiava ote thle postai ystentof Iis country asti revoiuttOu migit te a possible oueceme il Bottiechcarscter of tic man andthle biuata surrettr ii tuîin a ime statet. Duol tic postmmilce applropriationubll vas - ab the ingtw s phit S ea a te ii t tchci v t i osn yîu i tle c nn e.manner et ils electicu an. signiicanî ut anti vamat iti u nol1tuumale a demun- nuder dscttsittn tu t htic ltate. lth le e , p nuatg .Ba awcâ wl cIongurtilu Cubhe sa. lvSystple te rk otae.grenber dm-mess anti soidity lu h. demi- mrallon in the Intera-al. Ticeeia im- bing uonicitshlargeitlia- Iin. Buller , -w ork fua a IS' ire. lat lc repblieplacereethmedlately mua-cilticir gung anti prepareai (Pop., N. C) and Mn. i1'ttirew i811 Se teefrahentreseut ereh tbieamehsa iltoue-uti A dv-story building ai 025 iti ave- eveut taidudicated-New York Timnes. toeticlendt iir Position. Thereuptin the lcp'.. .) itnttaîut umueduîcuîprîtrtîina liraIfrl. erbtuepette eUnited tilaIras ail cortoun-w wrigsnt h ees httelx.. -,tli8ýn hudj ; lewsu set tound t ley tilpersoi tisbinln i uvemlpsa nune. Bey York, oecup-ied tibY the Heu nluM. Lobet's election. tîcrefore, mm Petrely retiteunina reonthe gnlit,.eta tia prttttuiiimnnýn abînîi reh ,:_.__trie@. oratie the eu givru fortalien-MrSbhne Manutactum-lns Company. vas W* - - .S l i L a s . B r p î r . p t n O r0f a el e e n s et il for thee L s a b ut $ 0, O . m a y con did culiî rec on F rance ba s given i te er l a nd B op ti m oru-c ent icn o uinuit. ent, ta m . ai n-Isi trI ut rsiiy atu - . ý l . Prte facmlt e o tmsfrwekdBy re.LSISnsin &ut hy filigus a prompt anti ampiatie confirmationtTc ere1nt habmre bg ai tait-nlobar- . 1.0. htlttgtt-r nit bu-mlt o - ',tsmupob rnim i ot -.Tnatalonedtotratanutieprncl on re.immclIatiy vacuatei. Aocn- 0fiii'atur-otmt ii ailttitit Mu btttit i . naDie,21jas faee P orto lIce.sirnply aurehargina tic Unit- ot tht, inspirna Word@ 0f M. Ribot- cd tic toan, vilci tihetei.iaigsttltutantt- tacm u t ti.-it PahhmIetirisuyvn oPrte Rleu acriosatic face. AI poeelmas- Twe AmpjziUled la Bel. repubic."-'ew York Trihune. tnuaudti rsI i csso ouitt et't-i t 9 u -luiy. t itaîrian *.buoi"aboum et M30Micbigas ave- ters wiîî ciue tiei ecounts late uname At Beiitentale, Oio, Juta. Thomas uehn rgt e eigau test-e Orsutptailamîthetfant ef periîtilt7ttIotI) r. to awuttt' ..Is a " E1ý ," ampdsu ie ee et liButietStî,funtiiash- Mittenherger vas found tend In beti anti Bisedehed ti t sela rpni' u e b-iculesl usa ftcMttu- \fi 'ttt1t-t t'rt .10Jmteietua eecmeutt failtransacins asti rturiaivf na nosluscnIin rr n oba ceha bren statien foe age bitlicee ouen. Itin la rlevesi tinb 10 take uitlte urity t-trgtmnii-.tll-n bti. t. . ý t viU reever. Tic building *II tampa os tiat dte, andtieeà Ccounta ubiehri revry vas Impossile. Escap- tlmldtî.-Ha-ttord iCourant. lie ruemys s lîrittg lie bomubartitttmt unuattiuto unut Itîtvitir tuen-tt 1 4 * ib..tOt7 traine vemisabous. sieayTh atunajsc ______le t'tttuttableir tht' au- .. amanul ane. rts vaiiintne Poro a os r edr loiras trouta ~brokea fixtnre va, tic The fat, ufthti reaty vas ln deuil un- an a iy. ttati'ettt, tht'n. tt-iimtt iale l 111ouroomers wr udngr ae Wt ot prmasestli. boh tu canne. ---__titc ontyiuo li rtlogsna N MRdN AO the,l f ili lu-ietsti-\ tumtuth n ttti. % lice,1a e-ilte gir roftihunMe ________ ý. ~~~~~~~~~~ppiena tCuba a sdot suo a d ve s _ lJ R I M R C N H N S c l i g iu1 1I .I i -.y, m to r- ( n1 Znm Ui dtaeSbarBrtsh Ou s. Chiet C lrk Ga titen ofthle m o ey cmen W aterw ens for Dea stu Cly. civ iisation- ieag c Tri u e.-- ___4____1 hi Iý h ig h L f y bil . 1- leSeIta. ef Oman has nevakedth le ssa.tcaita pca euiso J. A. Ackium, et LOS Augeles. Cal., ha Ir lieu-c listbeen no telay ou- epposition AeifBattim louait Store ferions tie iimtit.iio-t-, A atItmratt- biluhS Il4M of' a eeella station lo tie French. te thueelilaatadsiab isi vork in Cuba bren graulet tic pmvleg et malnlsining te tic Ireat tIere voulil lave icen neoith,. That otfIoiloe . npprittitu-tmtttltl i2tt.t)tu).ittt't ttîyut>itit tu- 'm ý' I*ethe .Brili s & lnl'athireats ut a5hbe yul pncee talePouto Rimu.probabiî a vmterlvouks ai Dausoa Cily by tic trouble of Satnrday aud Sunday'a sort 5 i ilg fJn, u otafitît rulnîî usamttt rttt- tio b ,%Uedm. Tic Britîish arsipa b, Mrci 15 anti etali a douacaic Canadiean Governmcul. He viii tnp tic Msnla-Utlca Presst. Iloilo, uns capturcil on SuudaY atteriuilu l'anis amt-tlî:mtl ty tilt' ll'mItm- omitr býý'»4m pinxansd Itedireast are lYiug money onter 1181cm tiee.. Klonike r ivr tour miies &bve Day- Btina lhiaIcoulti bave bren doue by îy n battulion of tite Migittecuttinfan- simal(îtit..tmof t'th it- l't-4.Te "iàtt- btil . off authe port et Muscat. ______Sou. tir Filipinos wl owae heirusety tIe ere htterbl eet oilýiro le4, oo .,ý,,f r ý ý.Ta e Sle Central PaciieDent. Wil-KaevaSprinter Deat lu ic heUnited States a% an attack ou lie anetublina tiare, sud onît u-tpi acre dis- exta---I It It'i t'ytl ittes tm vgt-mmfti:n/ it.i41 ý Giet Kilîs a Son. -A ticlullive agreemntt foreu-tratlust- Lawrence E. Myers, ticetremonushort Anerican ahI 50 eakeauetr tCourineilIli e. tei s e oIrumuitninfr uýi intt t it,, ititu t f1- 1 Cffletkllet Alfred MeVelgh as te met outelietotheticCentral Pacifie ditansce rosser. tileti utdely in New ipFlpno aiohrbystert e-nledpete matinta cu sct esisante tutu to-etitii-tu tîutttr iita t--. . t'1 Mamct tlle lace ef is edlmotter rost- Ralroate cGuvrnmeut tas bren Yorkî t pneumonie. Mycra bal been virery, and t ielaelbe hoped tiat Ithe cent- votltte matie by mie insuirgents. but îieY vire oft l ilti t-tntmt,-s au "S ' îath gt i ý la nber cargoin ithlieparler of hilshome matie betueca lie Guvrm-ment commis- amateur champion ut Amerira ant e dia- il, esson wmicn tici have receivet lu ne- matie a betecu-leectitan vas sutici- undehr . .ant.ttnion tf rn.tle Tbehi-llttip-a J luinrooklyn, N. Y. fHe pressetbis lips oalndsst he nkens reprrscating lie tance on anotion evet alace 1879. garil1tir-heauperioriby of our arme viii pata ialtthet, esuit tiat thc Amendit. ýprôpjrictlitta$.'*K).-)0fotuthtltP-n1intitî- ,.1 t.e titi ldforebenti sud ll iupon the ralle i, tL l underttasi lie plan con-ea mUs trati.teuitul tic thepayment utf$58.00000ta0 Kantsas TevwnypIi-Oue. maile a aslting impressiton on Aguinalde luss e e. iavier ihîsu in tieCcapture u t ummttatttt tl )l ,lxhit i u ffi. S. Y, . ý Pire a-iped ont lic husiae o ai o nd thefobiouars vhom ilit an delittia.- Iluilo. lelut. Frank IBelles of tieKîtti- In 19111 am'1.41..uto-t it'llttt-.t atitu-it £W V11h Taire ln Prne. tmolelemment cming Icanu a3ptnstm ixseucU. Bn.utrthe buin.porio i Bfton Herabd. trenli reaimetut sud four men vert setleof ttt i tlin )dt ltt ai'iltUt ý,Itiuiri hm Bt DawaoY. aort .I ua b- tIate. Tier notes mil b secon.d by a ticir cont s e.brci TcIn a I sspiîy taItiere ahouili e bluet- vountit. Lient. Blles' iuluurî ilamait.mi. almatans." sud sa-teueti to fitti eara in tepoalh ef Cenral Pacifie 4 per cent bhaery. airai betwcco tic lusunaculs anti our Ttche nu Yresiaicaifor &aut ubout Formitti mittiitt0fit ulait-tt >'ý thc pntetlsry tor uturticu-. vin etapet bond. ____Deati u t elx Irefonces, sud the oistmueionits In the Heu- asdti ten relr-btird iitbills. taiiiez srttmy rr nt-ihtitt iobill Oit. i..sttuin lie 1 r u iaucmuIbrrutc iae o i.Agn eIiir ticatituti unudeil aitihem. Titein the S-fitoate 'lt atty mftt-rtt.ou Mr. . eeva thns vs ecipbrel I lafot. Lstncr PilissDesanolyeti. ahiFue rsten t1.uruii il.osent vordte10Aguinaldo lual.trieforcs-nuuatered about ttne tiouanuimen. itat-iti'r.Vmto.lîtbi-as.a , Min, rws eatrdaiSafr, A lire tli aisokeut In Akron,. Ohio, ut Frasnce, diedai 51Paris of aPOpiely alter R n b eal. >econnaissance ievebopedt tntthe tuava supptltaIthe- mt-anurt'.ttiindM. lit-heIl Ita ýý1 - d~~~~~~~testmoyedthle immense plants sud oficeBn au lnesa of hsmeeboers. guuckladfgtn a h eut-01 -iI.Dýir4topsdi., Pil, FronaRssevesa@t id - ulinber te hoasBuldngan Povidence (R. 1.) Jonu-nal. feto b d beci deserteti bY tihecucul'. aoNtI Nr.('mttku--i iuonii ,ttmêt Tic propeu-ty I a-lu ta- -tue 'tir.ltrtttou-. tIttibtht tn. atlrpaaiul 1ii a- Th resi ebsrveaePl Ami iuiitiingot tic Thpouas uitiing ati Mi -? JOTBâNU ilaLebet MILLINO TRUST SUCCE8BFUIL thelSnte inauilt-tirtulflu, tht- îi.'e - erttlngslde tic ftllttaimuf b-et ue-- amolut ta$100000 or more. largehy lu- 11 hc i a ,ýiIlt 1 il h i snrvies: Teabuiro Cstnyoun, Clîifou-nia, suret. The cutire business portion of lie Cbicageo-Cattle, commun le prime. mnutoS' the AnicnîCau Soria Wiea.t pototttleutprotrtiatitnuitll .a.sita idit W 1 101.91Wacres: Fti hLake, Uah,(67.8Mo city uns tiresîcurti fer a irne. SParki $300 lu $625; buots. aiipping griales huaMll in ihe iaL.fore tht' itttittt'ou and iuti t'nitlttuivasW atms; Gallatin. Montan,40,330 acres, sd ud inguaentiers vere cairird several $300 te 3400; siecp. tain teaboice.03.00 -Thi ilugtukee fi-cngSWisconsin resuiît1e. Att 2zotýI-itt Ie u-libatjIe ioea is 1ýmiles. Milions of fret outohmbr as tir. ta $475;- ýwheatNo. 2 reti. 72e te 73c; aym ,*tIl vas atimitteti her teday tlitai sueItevtn tgn I.Bt laî , eatemeflt train ctley. stroyeti. _mm___No . 2. 35e te 37c; oms, Bu. 2, 2te . - tiecfleur mil ayntiltate. of suibhouasne uIîl Iettttttnmt-iuîg titi anutuum aidte t, - dmriSehiey bas turnis Il ati sste. ta ~ TI Io 29c; rie. No. 2,.5Me te 56c; butter. A. MeIntyre in tice hst. d, cnie li b-ilmnli aëlte -drTea45lu 1 e M cboece ceamcry 20eIteternatgiontaluTrday. il Dubth miis except Freernana bl -ste ns*.heIotes-c Menttache eat N' IatvadmCira u-areioot i salsm fne» rchu-buel.émr,2et 2;cgfons e i uutels *x ttenvlbl u d ,clt i eul aa omiltet, in Tic Amgio American commrission bas e 4c ottca1coeÀ 3e10'c aia1;ah cnent r npottil hvetc attuîa- ttiautu-ihauveunl-a lebkh he delare* that dmirai licp u2ec1u24c p.tlai addition Mluttire andoàitnaitouinctetareavili a w pohmatpont ofderdpcpendilla i 1orneas ortlîcîSuao ii îsinln, iugmeulent inernatonal court oetrIibunal, uiasol-ste.alps.3.0l e h iî t'sh gaunut a proimasiott fixingthlic tuice of It Givrsdrta attu1i uja. amison r te ai.btmentcomercpe@er-$5.75; huga. choie hait, 32.75 te 34.00; leamacti tint lie lurges îlslt e ru the at ccedi$545 a omt.hend f ri , Ne.14tetiPinaiat la Sînîcken. tamisson fr mtintimuatau tdi puftes sheep. coummun lu -ioiee, 0250 te3425; York snd »ERaoin aditionllteluseveral lmetmas tectibtMr.t'diii tieb tina l 'i ameii-1 t se hawu* hentd e liaIommran rarisrteuim eartna virgwhalNo. 2 et. (De lu 7ic; r. No. 2 large Milwuknee plants, have been cap- meut offrtigb$7M.00lutiti îlee h.. hdi avrcavek.icnlapi Uitmerctae sdansportain eucnti bille.34c t e ;.t,.No. 2 wutSie 1e , tuet. Il je belle-ted tuat vwen tic con- aprtîîluiatiug $. tisieO tacîpre IeIl - p a v b i er . H ecret rîbHuîy hua lien oandisliy oti- 3 . 10 34 C s e-33 00 t;3.5 ;Ce nu la fnl1 organinet a lage m ajouity of tte e nau al n yntu tutho i i nte te ru-c ea i L h e a q u e tlo a if l i t vii a r- u iIy re g in G e r a a a a y R ac tte B a i e .S I. l o u i s - C a Ille . $ 3 5 0 te 36 .2 5 ; b o gr, .t e s r n h e t m l e I h. o n ry l o n e a o t t e 10 m nt 7 t 5 3 . ,ý, u oer. ecear Hy a benoncaly el.beron l tedeal. Tecaptalisation oue-duiltia-e--ltcî,7 ... ied tint Germani hacaleti bomne Hem ubheal.No. 2. 73c te 74c; en,No. 2 1 ,ef lie trust, illanueportt, vuli te about NEtotmof Cna-a-ent Brenta. OIt Pimater Deat. fBfael. fonuaerly resideul ufthl mni- Yeliov. 33e lu 35c:ato, Ne. 2, 28e le 30c; Tir neuhi elecleti prehet t ftie$35.000.000.' Tic army apîpropriation bil hIis ycar .ais fr-$0-00.00.. Joh Loait ou ethieOltcataIms- ips conci u Apn st lc msI t,-rie Ne 2,55eto57e g"eurh eputil. - 5.0K FR WR WTI4ENLAN. A Ge. BouIs sggetio. lc clit-. soema in the blool' SoMt in shp of acrf- àPm rs, de, in chhdren wrnw peowl. TAAMha fir people. the Afnath Mauut hu Bhio«s Lt- in bhh(u.w ci tions,à ehead.aàfout noUtI4 esu W. feelin. thae bouti, lthe Impure bleod, vwic i latlie m-cal cause. Pumify- wiith Hauts Scaraparilla and cme vii reigx lu youm farniiy. 3dPobSO --tI lîvedln abet oflire, sr uvina te bicot polsetaitin0t toi- mail Pol. il broie ont aIl over MY chlIn uteeli. Tiédti ortorsandu lai lu valu. 1It-iedti ooti" Sai'sapa- ltbmlpoti. I kept ah Il anti va eu- tiret. 1 rouit go on lb. houseliops jou &bout il.',lMas. J. T. WILLtAU5. tdale. Ps. go Orat-My bbah tuew Loc]alihcations anti pbyalceua' se didt 111or ne coud. Bout', ar- u& muret la eMan liBe la ton. uut suacet tait skia." MMs IsceusFarualualoi. hDel. 1% Plu$s «are lit, i; seia-isla 1sst3sB,5ualt~iiU8s~rp5 iïÇ INEY MAKES MONEY i. Re =a .!:ri.oe.; F. u 5 i s lli it WAn'taL?, ns OutST Ile i a.s raile y54 a JaiS &. 115t LteaiTl th ! n('a .s*1 r... di ltOu,".e arsiieM bis- e partuderd fl, elle ai te lidnt IL h0. l ey :invt o f a iyotle a and destl Ile n. ie ata ltait Ir 4t îlhoeaid1:1iiiter. M- d»rire? e the fi o. n il or0 tt, oniai i adh9il i od t..igt pin fo liea co t l d t Wlî whtjy. l» fce asrlw m: Ile. enir 7trn roi-l'Ilupanti wiili ohe 41siig tati 1w clawed feoiti> t, tht l iiris of b iVlai k itîtof uttzack s It» 7' -Nhe t h4 nuêiestottbis voalve railleliait bilut. whla t Iiffîîretie oe.u t itt nmule r Plit, rnliiy growied. lTiet,. %witlîout a ard tor salgy lit doaheil up the. nire atid tdtng IinîneIlf lto thte gen- m iti hioV.Wtvas i e bttî nw tiat b n-ii Lnonuiiitanîwarlta k tii:,t lthe uitat hi t ritnvasrted tthe nialiralxa I carPlî'a- y if-t staning ou ita îsdYCee andiliun IDealer. How t Avoil lbrluiking Underwear. No grealer peTponai di.conifort cas be borne thsn lhe ataritg of uudprweur whicb Io bardened andi drawnop in veillb- ine Xci if rare lbc guvra the, work the trouble msy be preven eti. Imuitre sosp. an t00bot wsei'are rest,nuibie for much of thevoinà wronght in wnsbtng wocieu nduti sk goods. Wbeu resdy to begin. fil1 a tub balf full of wirm n ter, in wbleh dissolve a foulili of a bar of tvory goap: wash tbe articles tbrougbh i. rin.. and squeeze, but do niot wring. Hoang on tbeue, whuite 9liidanip Preas wltb a bot trou. By Ibis wasbing the germnent& wcli rectaln soIt and wbite'. BLIZA ]IL PARKMB Qaeiilgau 111-Bred[ Pa..eogea The Caplaln of an Atlantic sieamsblp w.aseSt a loua bow 10 Indure a passen- fer to detiaât trouathli lllby habit of op Ittlng on deck. Aiuong the pame»- gems won a geiileflhiflWeil known lu Toronto forly years ago. who nater- look toastop bitIf a qîîartermntser were phnced at bis disposai. Tiecola>. tain elosed ailt lthe offer. aud lthe m won dUrected tb feci a bîteet of wntr nd a unoP. and to foliow the offentier lit) and dowtt the deec The re«uit Wâs couipletely sallafactory. Tr7 Grala-OI Try GraIn-Ol Ask jour GIro cer te-day, te show ion a packageo GRIiN4>. bte new foond drink ibat talcs tbe place. of coffee. The obil. tire. n Maytrin tul i tbout injiuty ns Wou se tb. allait. AIll ho tri i. I"e it. IIRAIN-0 bas tbal nchet ssl irova gf. Moceaor Java, but il le tnsde trou no raina,antI the montelicate tomac, ll. r.lies it withot disirce. % t1h. pvioeé cttea. 15c. andti6 et. be paa, hi su grecs-i The driest of, a ial les la. per)*a =b rver' ccl; 7.1,acordng teet u 01la Q U M"ig o n c b e i elt .o0 1 . olt 1Wuuof ne a

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