Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1899, p. 3

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ý , ý ý ý Il.end gone and the mmssla ee9erUbn NAME'5à WONDEMt MVEg.ED Bi A MICRMSCWE. IL LIN OIS INCIDENTS. srititit nidebltedis.e..,10,M. 1 > ; ý ~the inscrption of the tombstone, wil Fmyear!ý By a vote of 142 to 9 thotown of Grenet - W&I.A ~children look back end think of father andr deidsi.t to, establish a village government 1 1,',X."lmotherr at family prayer? Wili they takre soBER OR ST ART LING, FAIT H- S.ratoga onhp a eieda p - ý,1 the old family Bible and opena it and see FUL.EORE..a.eetont su bonds for $15,0110Î ý K, ,, . ~~the mark of rter of contrition and tease forL RCRED1la ,e gtit ro is u ýI.1 o consotin o romiseetbey lOh Thf aveeu mot1 ae fm . 1 befor)oneut int ritan prnl ne h ou Peoria Han a Morder, Mystery--Elec- 1t.acer in 1ini in 1B ,a $!.8 ý1, 1 ý 1 heurta of your childgren, and you do not trie Roads to Be Bailti froms Elgiin an of,,:.,, f ,:as ahers $7,.. ., " 1and overissue of stock, and hie in am bad wavrni them agasinst evil, end You do not .n noa-ucd tasse' 1ri ry er ifl noa .1an a barnke that might have $400000 or 1invite thems to holinesos and to God, and -.A.- ns- ..v r--e -se .@ - edn-olsttsimrhart in A. MI. Roth-cild & ow- . ý1 $500,000) of bille ln circulation with Do 1they wander off linto dissipation and lnto storegC.. intotc ,,,,,, > 1 tiperile in the vault. let un leatrn to show infidelitNy and ait trait makte shipwreck of . A pril 3 Nautoo eitizens will vote on th&e 1 ý ' ý ~~~~piey at home. it we have it not théere, thitré immortal soul, oen their deathbedi and «,%. 09 ~«$£ Th,- hiily ri.cetntly filil from the river proposition to sulrrnder the town's OU f -, 1 ~~wehbave it not anywhere. If we have not in the day of judigment they will curelcldprsee f h Brook- aI i. h benoenteIaIht fcarte-r and reorgi se endier the genlerlý nun grc intefml1ice l u you' At the twelfth Bnnat exhibition of the microsical dprmnofte -lrmail Hirti..ux, former'tly a we-althy sea- 1ý , ý . otward and public plauisibility merely Seateds by the, risiter tir the sétove, what lyn Institute *omne wonderful microscopic ulides were shown, of which thesne are a loon»keepesrs .ir Streator,. li'tiumstan e.s . R.Bo1n agaut springs fromn the leur of the world or froms if, (in the- wall, should come out the his-. fe-ftems oal.Teee fahueywsoeehbt Eac one or te -edteatoinst iv that ir . om West g P iot ad a rautrick_ ;', ,~~~~~~~ the alimy. putrid pool of our own selliéish- tory of your children? What a history- mumerous lacets shows retdeets a different image. The hair of a mouse wasi- ticux mas killed« b .-Insomir lne il spirit o f .Stocktn a rried alit Fair- ne"s. I tell you the home ls a mlighty test the mortal and immnortal life of your lot- hbtdyawonM.UrnhoecoeofasjctspcuIar teo f ren. Wh- th.. body bm rI.s no buryýý' i a of chrctr Wha yo.r thm o doe!Eeyprn swiigteh did she catch It? It look* more lke a rat's tail.' The saw of a sawfy, one of h mark. if violen...e,. it is almocst c-ertam thait 'I. Kng Da ers will mtin 1 1 1 ýare e-very where, whlether you demonstrates ý tory of his child. He in writing It, coin- exhbists, showsi howr the lisect maks a $lit in a lear wherein its eggs are depoisi - deaih wmas not due to dlrowNninig. Bir-- els nisicsine- intr a wOrd i 1 ýý Il ,,, ý . it or not. posing it inito a song, or pointing it with t===zý ý ieu liadit e - n front Streator for ias oing d msho s-i iin othe oline rdsi tAn blened arbu. ILire ls the ay grond runs back to one of the bient ' NEAT FIVE-ROOM COT TAGE. easoastIngan one end le fasten-mridaya n hi gillowol Agin hom s a reue h r rlk ofoe dt h rgewlhi h ml issing. M.%oreý thani a ye-ar ago Birtieux Thsree ,,soies .of smalipox have developed • IT/ United States armny on the natioeverond of ears heai toshr n t -AnsIepesive Tot Very Couri end 1notched stick shown at b.Ti assengaged in a dispute w-i aurman namned at Mo[(nimiouth, bui a enreful quarantinse ; -, - __ usin~~to exia oim nd a bttle. At eiventide enos. personifications of faith in triai and comfortabte No..e- through the holée shown ln d, and when Fielding over money muatters and idhot has doubiltlesýs st,)pped.. thre spread of the ', ýtne e-lections are ano ac sirm tent and stack the armon; we comifort in darkness. The two piliars of Reasonable people do not expert thaut th trpi e uprstedo. Fedn. eecpdpnsmn ntedsae AN ted ,bDr oalmage's dis- wean pth war cap, and, nour head oin thatr earthly home long erumbled to duet. Fml n hal ul os ilap hs rp r lcdi rhr eloudfin nity n waalsi commni.nPtt tou t he ne oer.hus eecedlat ,,s tirred by dml an nesl ofil boyhoo the kna Tiacks wepo aree untild the morninge Butun shal It ever forge thatiti earl home? pear ashadoean rtniu a uigcldwahr h rbi nte s4ma hstr o og g emra fwa n ée ei teo t ofm $2,00,a Il, ýý,111 l and irlbod dy Ill bie lived on'er againi; jbogte cails as to mareb to the action. Howt Ye, when the gower forgets the sun that an expensivse dwellng. Yet therTe ts nO1 running about the orchard dindse the was dlàcharge am euredl and reýturned- to totally- destryýeýd by tire. The origin etf iand1 geir 1Timotays ,. 4, ",let thremt leatre pleasant it in to rehearse the vi.torien and warmned it. Yes, when the mariner for- reason why a cheapl bouse, no matter tpadsenghtitsahoewch trtr.Shortly before hua body woanh ie sukon d1 i 1 trt to show diety et home." the surprises and the sittacks of the day, gels the star that guidled himn. Ye", whed ho tmlrtma e holo ook pl affod himg prtet ion, acksl wintisovetred m tererhwasenna the Bae mnko dlen, onth'tc Drnthsumer mconthis the tendre- seted by the @tilt campfire of the hoeove as gonse ut On the hepart* i ret nea and cozyn be comfortabe, lo- it, pushs agarnt tectige, bcuslinge niioveori sn that dieth ma tr i n Tpe and at F en a theoadtent cy s to n the welds, o visittiontand gne cinre Yeat, fand tst Raylse ud hulk -ria.f I e en the home Of MY childhood, In country districts a low h'Ouse Is les thle notch to slip off the catch and drop toer d rgeadsrt te ele f that heII ribe, h t rt . o 1 intrve nte wimate thré n e i ut in the ateak, we put in at the harbor of home. 1 will forget thee!. The- family sitar of IL exposed to the heat of thre sun ln Hum, the door. No boit lm neessary. The was druggedi or poisoned. Tthe Sure meaor lios heldt, een winter It in ver tu t gather in domestic" Blessmed harbor. There we go for repiaire tathler'. import uyand a mother a tels- mer and ls More easily kept war coat --nin ,n the Ett.Stutionalte laic prIiois hat eon ý- cirvles, and during ilthse monats we spend in the drydock. Thle candile in the window dernes, the voice" of affection, the fumer wlinter. A pretty one story cottage 'Ac 1sets of the ftoga n- Riti ad nntie a re lie o thee 1'I m h at.tetiigmaa forda,,nany oif the hglnre within doossi, and th st h oln athe fighthouse guid- aIolorded t uter and mot er wit Well built la mnore desirable than a more i ul rpri fteSaeBado ao ortso h au fpoet etoe apostlec comses tu un and says thlat we ingr hims into port. Chidre gfrttontrokd am lke tetann ptntusesnporyosrce. . . aret sport io of the eort o Lres in riots.yei ', oughit to eixercise, Christian behavior s'mid mecet theoir rathier@ as Pilots at the Nar- branches of treesr making a pern as-thenr Thes accormpanin pesetv an"oteca iigitrsso h tt. Afn oenrNrhothscle .. se eruta.s-",t the -er row te the and f .i d rei v 1 forgl>er athet hen and only thten! flooir plan repressents a cottage cositing ( t ri)tshow tat tihen nmir o countis po-ecia cion o be Nrhldt a 3afo- irs t show are a at hm pe ofnn lth homel ion thero in th.paewoeyho. brother, that a hundred 1about S-700, which WMillmeet the i tducing coal in the State is fifty.two, and lows: In Douglas Comnty, for a clerk et Tere arine grea man pe n lifei s unlde.: Theo %brew i te plac wi- er me Yo know myin ke t out of Minl by the reurmnsoaywows o that the inmber of mines and openingm the Circuit Court; in Henry County, logr fo siomeTb- randi iopher i whierr weyal of w n hat wet htfa ne wtién ismr(f ih a menc mm 1 have beeni de- venlent house of low cost. The facet of all kinds is MSI. The number oif new a county judge. God.mhs andmWir Lthrat h ad Baome 1Tot twing place where wie may lounge si-ribingt You have ortenl had raging bas been kept in mind thast a client .mines or old ones reopened durng the year Fifty yearsé ago Mý%r. and Mrs. Anriva1 Worm an ony wsh hatt h h to dlis- There s ..o thou hlt ungra-eful. There templltal)tin, but you know whsat: has held wanitIng a house costing $700i woudb ws2.Thtoaotptf all minesLahoPkiweemredTeote duplh gra oppr tuenit i'rn- The ad thout twa where we miay exp[rems affet'- you with uipernatural granip. 1 tell You a ver ike l tobido afrialt a 8,9,9 on.Teeti tdp day they n c elere their gole wein - , 71 mie, ands ti on withot Ving; thought milly. There man who hans hadt such a good homne as lke y tla e r i on tavr tutsit of. 18,591,21111utnwiTh p e uýti - porat iesrya-h rsdneo herol onl wih hatthe hd sme uc grndis the» place where we masy forger our thrat, neve.r gets over it,h.and a man w t cty He has therefore little to, do0 w1l value ofthe tota rdc of T th:éiigea mine sduheMs og Occlusion in which to preachs right ..ou""I,-P' anoane adeaprtos and trois hias hu,( a baid early bomne never se the luure adegncsothewo$4,.9. Thr ar _it-tv mi j tn aTher teaeorg x wa sep ownth teprac -te jugetV oe l -orlore earth pilgriml, no, home'- - ver il. $1-re7-44 abetTpn agrsmadwo hc a hine are sedand te numbe riv hner m Mount Ca r wn thec thebéy want i< an. opportnuit té, exhibit Thren, die. That Is better. lte grave i8 Type of Heaven. acrdbl e ngl a latged wlrthere of inin machines isn ueit 392. The ine oth Wabfhoroke. Captain ther e thecir f -hristian heroism. No, the' apos)tle' brighter and grander and mnore glorious Agihmei'yp fhaen. At acr g wors woate wr etWhat : -i averag nubro iesepoe u-mn'ias or thrlie batand Henr though E practically salym: il will Kihow% you aPl« iarethn this world with no renit fromn march- onr besst essaie me are only pilgrime andeg a nk. te mnd s et attaet A avAPerBTaP.ig e yeatr af mi,52ra anijld theavr- toi o havrd the refset eae tuli .hoe unas hIibit alI that 1. grand 1 %. with no barber fromt the istorm, with stranger here. licaven is our home." bas been kpt __._sa ate tanieâ 411 __.._____71igteya ---t 265210 kni boae age t. aeprsrd erfsdt ov h wh -arer uit an t lon in th hris-tia i I1,,Place of rest fromI Ii. scenre of greed .et e eerkoc tih do trhaofp axmm fromcoptilewttta ms b ad f lmwahenuee repoef6 Ms.JanaHanraprmnetmui chr6eadtati0h4oetccíee n og adls n án On y pity maionI, and lin all that country therli e s afety, health and coMfort and a prop- tota'e bors o h tetooe grosYs 6 T h all a mi wad 44 in an a soieynr woan poisn Ja mm&v Ze Ir them ler fis oso tt. man Or the woman Who brio no Lomn. 1o a sige rve ow gclad parents are er regard for igeauty in features of con- ne iewl eprabbits âway, Te centsroand thaergpic rto for becomn miing ws44cnuitie ,of lifet tok acdrughtit 1 1 ~~~home. If tone inot faithfuil in ai nmais Furtheér, home isa &political safeguard- iý,otýnthe holias to gather their children struction. Cellaur la provided under the trpe sodb pl c ed nearsan the avabbgt machiner minfr eting wase 31.3 lir T udnmadwe fordshe as dengai- .t nificant spheret, hie will not bie faithful In 1Thre safety of the Istate must be built on h ome, ain. -But 1 ha,,e noticedtht ithetndth fudatoropbel o rnswhr teycoe ntbteercad.aube o mn ccdrtaliklldrasMthlfta ete t hr rind syig h dareuning spherefPerwdnthepte aty of the home.e Why cantteeiban- lasaso raduhe brick. The front sentranceP ls fromn the it Is more successful on coald, clear 75,m th ubro oe id ioshdlvdln nuh aotr te gte of th temple hfFaroom oapacdrpbic a a nt abetofrmho, perhaps ab-n porch Into the sitting-room. Dining, nights. The Orange Judd IParmer as- 45 andt the umber uf children left fathler- In order to be with her hbnds, Eg-1 -Il wil eerbenietopenh intos th, M ,%ah.,n appsoints Is miniistryaYn.rmth unrpnhpitvro adlvn oaaioliea sz et ht n rhrit aCnrllss12 adHff h si hecut ala il- .mis rdio k ing i n hiéur P n • i§ al Of i ; Fra bnetta dir, and there, arec 1 l ate hn-i .i Ohben hie get rail his alnd each ,well-lightedl, and arranged 0 Illinois caught more than 1.000 rabbits New Electric Roe. lin Chicago. Falwardsville, Mr" lent Hall 21 yenr t saivation thl jaer ofi thbhlpindnhndeoo huad f rnhe h h rnme with hima in heaven! And they May bie eausily warmued. Te dfif hslrp uigoe itrrw opnis ac aiaie o o srnee oSei hie gý euin hie wil ee aeFlxtebe are. fering tertrn of a monarchy. The how delightful it will he for brothers and and window casinigs are neatty biea , w er o ipncorPorted te fo r dKh h o n wf devtedl S e ,ne Hewol o faithful in a msirmitish Dreyfut case i nt thlis momtent a ,rluber- tom. fer long Rparation! Once wihanllokMt h ores Te LAYCRZNI IDA frte prpe inof buailneltrai tahe i toher husan whovll the ponte, hel would not be faithful in ant Aýrmageddon-I' ingearthilquakle under PaRris. Francef» as a the-y partedà at the dooir of the tomb. Now two bedroms are of fair size, and piro- ýd frmArr n rmEgnt h- hd lirate charactero The coule 1l The fact is, we are all placald in just the natio nea not the- right kind of a ('bra- they meet ait the door of immortality. 1ie ihgo lst.WatI en oB ieo* W oi e ein They a a t o n Elkn n s thi- t a rr aya eoehsars.6 otf , positonr in whir-h we ,an mroist granly ino me. Te Chtristian earthnstoe i" vnete a ny"hog las Te ize the uildtng ja Wx t -it eneDeon Vicroty•Wf raadiao ailwy aeb cko n y a ndAu site im a t rte jaireguarl Taeuple etf sev oadw uh o ob hel the- only herthsitne for a repub»li. The drkl." Now, it in face to face, corrup- fThe lar of eve n fetueeindUder the titx4e "Th Aer.a GrheEnand Chiago Railwy ompany, itenildfo ltn hn e o ef-ý thig mhfl meBout lsmer aphere gafn usefl- vituesa ultred in the family circle are 1tio, inorruption. mortality, immortality. thefrto trlenfe.lh;aerasWh ed atmhr. daraae n hy ilcoptCit ohmpamrny, ae u n sehd owl. ial te» - n whc we may afe awil gan bu n a 1bsolaýte necersatity for the .ate. Wh 1"Ierýte are now alil thir mine nd atoros tir fide ualt Gaton writriemtelis h es nteprest"nglyin the n od coae s i n pte cring th ssenl- shien demied oto be nea him aloter lus th al. l abso.rldng questuvio iI w eh yo an there Io, not enough moral principlo to 0n troBle Ovwelmed in h tdadwriasi r fgo ult aso vie neetnln the Red andd wokasicr o q 7mnsHm ompanioné of the repn ermis n x ress. uT ncorpor- bae ut o d ho afrd to cols mmt I ny 1 i t h m e. o u g hi t t o bie . " o r d , w h a t i l t n k h a i l y a d e r e ,. t h e r e w i l l n o t bi e s e a.' o f d e a t , m wh i l e t h e y p a n s t h r o u g h d r y t h o g h u . T h u s i e v a l l s a r e 1 a I R H o e C M s n O O f t rp u - t o r ,s - - B . i M a h d e reH . . T h E v e pret E . a i l .e e mnt c r er b e l oe -r ou,,,,,, hae eno ndheetoto? eoghplitical, principle to, makre the shud. Thee ofail pear; capmtone ofssr Hme stude andest shate and .nse with si.t undrtke byv Lady Curzon Moore Elmer E, Barret an Edar trI offense againstothe law.e fne tdddadgete n fnsfdtl ihlse netle b ayCro: s , A.ont .. rei-e Word, .taie adhere. No, home mneans the Goths thyà,t, thrones of dominion do not stir my pinte siding, and gables and roof shin- "It somietimes devolves uipon the wife Dickinson-aerE. al r eland Ewr Ohio, mensA cabint oni t he Epwrt ive Thor ,.a. , r l rdin St. Paursi* adjutra-1 am-i Nandals, meians the Nomads of Amia,ý u, u sol muh as thre thought of bomne. - - ____ __ _. - - - - ---- w-ith a thaxcpion oflelast, twio, whoie agu of cabinoiwass held th Por*n f Tho i. d whi th mos f o mna th Numidiansof Africa, chninnd re. ltey Morrs. Howe! liet frside in Chicago, andt their experience for the fitrt time srince the organisati Il .t tt on arohmi 111 revolve- Tht)rdi rm Place to placeo accordling as the pas ort sadrl-iesa.Hm!Ltwt on-itneeeti ie a eno telau nti ttfl oas lit, ough aIn. Ak tendiffereýnt menthe man-, tusis re happens t, changi'. CoIl1nfund e tw trones roi alld empire% wither. Home! prat ita r eyorgaied lsehan Ition op- mebernhip in the thity-fourl dtrleet 1orgi tht wrdl und they wil gIIPive yo a.; th sose babels ,of iniquity which woutl Ei,t.t the world die in earthlquakle struggle erate five lines rnnissng between Clpe- weir hi inadabeO these -four airretGe ailrt i af-rn ,1,itions. Toi one t- meascns .ove-rpower liai destroy rthe homte' The 1 und l>e buried amiid processsion of planets landv Lorin, Oberlin Beenrn Chav- mtwo aiwbedisf h, oe NoareGa-i ad- tevnt ehi Il-rth, plenty at the table, in sam str hat utmets thle ship in which and dirge of sp:hecreg ,Homeé! Let ever- grni Fllsainesvcill e, ron anBe- mshand the rwemaith nde reia Ili Bng d h oktad nelgnea h amiy sais wil sitk the friga1te of the lastinig agies roln iresistible tsep. fod Oi, ih rai dsanc erg of i hand 1,29 seaniohper, wnith a Msee y 1 o us. devtonatev al. n thalt 1osiuin Jai. and peittiiaie nd .ome: N o sor . Nocrying oe tears. thirty milem between terminal points. All ship of *5,258, and 680 junior, with a hbce icr ee oni t wr risadnve r o u bt e Nioi deh Butheswet home, eau ofte these lines are now, paying dividends, membership of 28,936. Illinois ranks 6ffl the ~ whu ad dee,,tionI iever rcswthistne The doolr of the bome, iss the. best braul bom evrlstn hoe hom withP t, As far as in now known the overheadtr.inhewrdmheatrofJnre - 'al- ac To im it mea~~~~-ns a reting at, fo;rtress. Hlousehold utensils are- our bient leaich oéther, homne with angels, home withlewilbusdaniti acaedhttr.Temetgwscledo rups he P nd ak sileý attecarjeaeatley 1N th chiney of ou dwll- G, the ears will be able to attinr a sipeed or for the international conference in da» col- 1 ý 1ik winiuswt a gr joli lappn I Iis in ou esi-e trndst Nhmonument r priht -1899.- 7 ý forty-live miles an hour. apolis next July, and a generai traam tý ie 1 Ï bie 'l- uhé Life. s a- traqh o aet pu ndc triumph. NHE home, Vo re . --- --ottion commuittee was appointed, cel handsth)q Ai laug ter ripsai thre publie!r HARNESSqN TH MiLE Coltege setudents in . Riot' Five Knox College freshmen held peu- elé lk M nte a hthm eeds of Cha.cer For the second stme in seoveral years the sioofBehrCaeberytGlÞ ine- sk .owm . and li'tiitl ni is want looking Fute. oei ,(..Odg.rlBritish G.overnment's Great Project . t, freshmeni of Monnmuth College enjoyed burgatall night and until late in thet afteÞi 1 b y 1 , .o u t o f a c h e r l e s ti r e g r a tl e , k i n i t g a n s t I h t u r n e d u pi w i t h u b s i l p l) o w , n dt f r k d . i u E y t e F ot o f r c a n s a r fb a r q e, h o w e v e h A s b e n a b i t o i B-t n . u i l aa d n h eg ré a 1 ý, gCr in un empty- bread iray. Theldampi iltwmust be barrowed and reh1arrowedý, and A tremiendous task ls to bie under- p fan afrsea daysv, umiating in an- le Then y bke to t the - n i r # h i v e r i ni g w7i t' h c r s e s . N i , B i b, l e o n t h eý n t h et c r o ps w i l l n os t t e a ., l a r g e a s t a t t k e nt b y t hr e E n g l i s h i n E g y p t - n o t h r fl- im r o g - n d t m e n a e m n e f r m t h e y t o w e r i t t h e c a s b a d d * hg a the hl.Cide obr n udr of ti~ new grouind with less culture. ing lems thans the creation, for purposes , l twee odte reshmnand-t sophoingmrs h n ren. h Thwey t'i elns colrefp au-F r. In em>ryo. Obscene songso t eir lulla- N, youlthl and cildhood:ý are nw ,f, of a rservoir hravingi two twt tbe origin ad n thdscovery ofThe brya rose and stirdu . thriaem fa0 1 l 4 by. Fvry fae a pitur of ruin. aoudannd al the nfuee thow or the7ie'tespria rao tredo dbl c biane the sophomovr es day attmpe ug in i ,,,k ou u msa vr their heart and life wile eoi ,il, a1 ,k, Geneva. Ex-Conu Generali F. C. -y r . : M 14 .suspt ed nde bom thuler hihe s rafte(ri the tepts te piro losstle -rite Illl e front . .NShbt i Saowln aéfter life luxuriant y.,n ddecbethprosdue-adtrum The freshme YeOrD it and til threa foce the drooer Theyn etoe this hat draill Vestbn ora e fr foring ave gven asmileof aprobaton al thetaklnGinateeCenury,.nCan llustatedattemtedt.burnit outhe Tmpu pheniheebos tonscapebyia ack dor wih th by evrasti g bairs Fagots fur in unend- h rl it eil of ur iden 1An article appropriately entitled "HIarness- FlVEl" ROOMI COTTAGE. the gisht et led only smalui reniiiaiits of flag, hih , t iea e g a bikdset e ngrs fnerai pile. A fui Word. Ilt 1-ever ebullition Of anger and evry uron- !fig the Nile.- e says: _ - outside - ar pane fteVcryt ieadec oa- battr ere heasiv were numeroucs a scrnimag, wast a sveredn ,t awar Il 1 spelledý ithcrsv weth hWrn.i trollable display of indignation wvill be l Engineering skill 18 to rearrange no- gled. The wail ouad ar ienet is her ___rdb.niamr tosIàrs thme. unres of stu ee iappitont ch I go e ith woe , itmwersnthed et fuell« to thi ipsiintet or thit ure-s surface on thle Egyptian frontier, and loside are finished with hard plas- t .v Maharajah alerne, w en th Hear toe n Esat Msing the m rsso ýar ag1Il teon ofs desp a Tevwrd "bomig týini or forty yearn fromu now--fue! for a badl a nd pond back into Nubla a body of ter. Thle Interior trim ls of natural fin- 1duty to advance and meert bina on te Aetage in ourbo nutKa., is heSceaynfSae.a iene h yoi ý 1 ~~The oe caseomean lutevéerthi n iI ritñre a ,,uarter ofl a century fromn this. You waNter a hundred and forty miles long, lsheéd white pine,. threshold, and duly wave hl to a sent, Aaiitiein llone Hobtart. and JonhcCu in cr r of te Qu ic enst It yos Thtod"oe"iih tercs en raise the intelligence of your child tué, en thein tropi ofor Cancer anJoho opccnenetctae fe hc hrAeia atpopslesn fWlimfer nd Ocal nprI a tioand ofte inCmay, ith 1,1 Severything terrific. muchri somjetimers whsen you thinkt hé- is not ý 8 ýrtrn ter to speakf ofner the saisacio Fot aa top-,t co.mey cottaigely 1atllof Gree6eld lie Amtala stock ofomp.000. Th-ojctint S1 ohall opek no Pfhme. a test of |aware of It, and you will see the result tending southward nearly to Korosko-- -- - -- see him tnhe homeftionquie lafter Ti-he hréabou-,t i ofthe ei rsisnnown. caitta lin of ilwayM.Th fome a oas la la 1 1 character. home a a refunge, bome, as a I of it befre ton yearfs of age, in his annoy- a goodly step on the journey to Abu- th elh ofr hoer distinuihe guest The estai(ji,ite s ,eft th eir inunt, Mis onthe, eathre of thlafe i asisip" rie 'ate And poitca taeurhm as hoo en n affectations. You prise his btm'"y., simlwel and Wady-Hialfa--by means of and h fily adit payr h imsllt Taré- Motaly, hof rety ied arut th' in Adeas Conty either withssin orwit- ttrhome as a type of hreavens. An inthe uposing hie ls not large enoungh to un"- a great dam acrossn the pile at Assuan. †°à usu a l l lmnso te eason As :IIgt e ofrn Ni,-'iy vft hv-ing l l ived necntri u the limt oftecto u cob fi irat place home i a powerfl test of cha rstn wha you ay andý you wil.id1 h Prmisan heShixhaecyth ade o heveeoalygeealya nqu if.Th iliti blevdotrugrnditote iy fQunyfr the acer. The disposition in public many o imonstandingon a, hicai beore a fii bne tyaemny throughin the iga cntrei erstoodt the can.A ai- adetiveN, ad i suhg ase the estatre ing11 a a jntonfihadfrihn e inh ga botmwie npiae i l tlateing mor.a Words cand eeds am orn thegramndeurapo wer ofeeth-- aei n ilb itue nerteaw Theuie il fiiies for tansortation ey t hlt d i .s h a b ille . A s P la y a c t o r s m a y a p p a r 11 n x a mi p le s a r e t h e R s e d o f c h a r a c t e r , a l ý r t e h a d e l t w hnd t hwe o N ie x a l -cm a e t n g i f t o a f o t h e i ro s ue - e s a t oists o f. a ilr m a d j oinan g t h a s e lo g ia j o n t io n g o rt dn bin sn t e on&a.ntesae n a peri children ore very apt to be the secondý edi- 1inwat et h xneo tokn la cnfine t onsi f rimond adm rona ityhfQie Teicrortr n another w ay bephind th , ,t cens, No pri ait e ion of their parents. A braham egat ley ; a nd w hat m ore fitting no w h an to p ot oah g f t k ns l o f n d t I r oerty . 111n n au l H m e s l P rus b oa r o d oi ossa re hugs n e la. c a a c t e r m ao y b e v e r y d i ff e r n t f r o mt p u b i I s a a e , O v i r t u e i s a p t l t o g o d o w n i n t h e t h a t t hr e s a mn e v a l e y b e t h e t e a t e r o f t w th o s a n d ust s a r e s o e t m e S a n i C h a l e s . Wh e i l i oa s o , J o h " B iAl alie chracter. Private hrater in oftenu anstral lie, but Hiero begt Arche- a gigantic engineering exploit, auda- c cTwT presenta thetae ls, wete iiTakes PotoiaraWedsg tur ed Crtei ewisr ar. Boswe, AntL Cm . 4 public char,,actr urnsed wong side" "t, brau, o iniquity is rnsittd. What l u pehps utcrtain of success. D n pressenCe-ta pty acute b y ahn im- Gre. .[ne la 20earin Bnkiert CarlesH DickersonA, alhn IL ho ýîA a ghy eree is ila bisparbI a, vas rempousibility mones upo)n parntsý in anuiitrn t a' este, poen procssio to ands from the a- o onner a 1. eus Jo Imtis Qruitncye locion of thMel. prnalo than . and yet his heart may be a swvampf of net- Oh, n miae yourhoe the brgs plac rathe r tha t,1svnbeeen h * psmbly whoeio eapnd byou the qad- had paid hisadree towhp Jhr Bt trns- tieei Te latiny. h picpa t -_=ý long are mild and courteouis and geon]al the high path of virtue andt rectitude scheme ls on a sicale worthy of a Rame- Aftler thbiss or adu LayCon oldh t os,fýto.. who hewlmrier fte dsego heractsGof a frmeMr# obearts.n andgod ntuedin omerialliein religion! Do not always turni the ses or a Piharaoh. To create In the a. reetin ande th ramciaeGaestdw ot em ddin g,- ne,i Lca odarlyle anstaor Rof the damiming back their irritability andt their 'd blind the wrongt way lwt the light her fteArcndsr aeh, ae hsewaigeet pnteadwtotitmtn erdn pu rpo La" , owe Mu lylette, a r dclredf ea petullancée and their discontent, but atk7 which putsrin goldt ono the gentian andr spots tng frm wototre tme tesuer hst ndhotes.Tatth scilad ay ne elbeatlytokfrm erpckt wnrso te roeryinoledby nihf..hdmbek n scldite pasy,.pour into youir dwellings. DO ficiail area of Lake Geneva, ln Switzer- ce Iol mistatnd toftar La th Curzon wil no sersicprutit., a. soon opinio tildi he lioisrt ine Court ..ý pours forths in gnds and frelshetm. noBt expect the little feet to keesp sétep. to a ,lnd, and control It with scientlâic pre- 1 |- hii o of eurzo redcesor n sw-ar-lwe 1)it.dý Aftr risin rom the at oprinnied. Owten Mulligan wasm Cour IllItepuitation is only the shadow of Illar- dea mac.DIoovru orwlls, so that thre impounded flood may fall beid t ose of lie ptrt esr tabe sah,et ol. ater had,ine arithé> i" prntiel. ac ener whoh a accuma - .. aeteroand a very lomalliow hou e ies with Suchl picture am West's "DIeath On a letred into distant channelis at will, f6zk was evidenced by orders tiry-t fe w min"e was ead.She as the fotun elr V o.00 Hed bequaefM will~~ ~~ catalr'ogshdw h p ale Horme" or TI'ntoretto's "Massacre of hetr9u h h adivttos *r ram e m, daughtre j dheld l. ste mu flne of t e roery o rlienmn teua life-Wung maysem o dopwih yrr ad asi te nnocents." Rather cover them if youis t tpnosudra g cards of various morts being given in wealIthiest farmiers of Shbelby Coýunty. friend as executor. This friend Ma dieds Il1 and the disposition to hie as brighit and have pictures with "The Hawking; Paor. engineeors claim that their plans càn be Lno rvost e eatr o n usqetye-ao ab a warm as e a ath f unbeamso a n yet Iys"oan "The. Mill by the Miounitaini carriedi out to thre letter; they have es-- Brief States liappeunngs apintdlmnsrtrb h or.H thy aol be oc a f m gicnts shwwneSre a, an "Thilie Foi Huint," and the timratedl the exact cost of the dam, comn- -10 C) s y "On of the,,del.cate dupe ofte Aioeln r.Jh D ly r sle n nte heir dmaed am dowfora weckd ockof ood. Tere••hilrnAi lwr, n h Hr putedl aimost to the gallon the volume ré ha ofI the laeenda nasunisttfo the dinner dal n e eduo etement.We rssdfrteson lir many ai comnmwhoial aable n puln e VI't Scene," alnd, "The Saturday Night of water that will be imprisonred, and wiheeyfeltfrdigtewr la nf the crule o manemn govrn te r from her iu . m.oh sidesi Wbntre ve i ated lifeadl ami comercal hie aer a n i 3arketing," Get you no hint of cheer- figured the necessary resilstance to be wiheer aiith o o the l um- forso maaeet go nh e Thomas frontertdscan. aamr h - heit had sqaded t. Thve irs aerred aý coarl wa ae i ne n ifulness from grasshopper's leap and M s f the household tihtelatnm ug the native servante, fresse bave inhImns townsi wa drwnielivng I, thal éamberl dnit t TheH tndraersi petulance ~ ~ ~ v hoeaddoste ntelm' rs nd quil'@ whistle and gar- prv e at every boer of steps; for an attractive and Pie, their places as unalterably fixed by famwieatmtn ofr re. thut iving hano adititonal hlndhc doetccrl.Terao e ontrlous streamlet, which fromn tire rock at ry. I Cairo, then exet ofl theeipn min so-t tuesu cottage witwoeaepie at sprosi ihrsain.Io<wr fWs ir-h adt dovne. hirslealo wassutin- 1,display their bad temper lin publie is be- the mounstain top clear down to the mea- 1tries of publi Works and finance, like- ataced wdontkwofaypnthbecmersvcehresnton inthe ofl- N%)hilerman Woowar ed i th iruit d o rt. bspe u h as nr- 1,causreie the on wnho bisýtei nocked dow fernit under the shadow oftesepwse, have calculated to a nicety the more appropriate than this.--E. A. or two brisk charüibermais to do up a fginia di of t,,\ Ali nty poneeard cierlse an rmnddi the Sici or. u a lurm don heeae e hohd t , comes looking to see where it can lind thesu fromt taxation that will comte Intoe an.romarnmrc, u h ,aIou di, l yar. out ulane ratn thirr taiiy out 1et their steepest Place to leap Off 8tadt the public treasury through the co tm nteams iln orkar Te hiago eamlNrhetr ti' Courlis le.taesAtrnyVu elm eso t roti stt doeas not pay-or just to hear itself talk? If ll h e try's augmented productiveness. CHEAP RABBIT T RAP. dtmivie am een origh men ae road Cmpanyi] rying to r lve t- hAsetered nolle aproequtoin e ae ,ý or the saime resn that they do not want hurtled with tempest andt vr vn Subordinate to the great dam, a dihw eeI si oB nvnts, an this n or terleog out 'ery ofa theIiII disaperneo bu Mo o.Jh t anr nitdb h show- P-t tc shome' among the Saiss and ther wer veithe ets functio gol bee tol giveg i ar sufr Nah them, togthe sonc as toou forml a box.. andn when Taher goescp to drvtlnhn.cmiainetop oae

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