Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1899, p. 5

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for Washngtonl, . <C.,hie latter pat PIKE UP HERE AND THERE. of Ibisii eek, wla.'î Mr. Reid recently 'Is î D o t W is e setrttla îîogitlh t t ntiie (;,overiimetit _____________________4 Lca items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. Ir pintiîgultce. T o tra d e w it h a h o u se th a t tiat e pre me it. No com in t lo keeps a f resh, clean stock of C. M. & ST. P LOCAL TIME TABLE. worsiuot tat would ho sactioiid lu tBe . . ?HClASO1 % Iteshol oi wouid b.e nfiele a -J G o o d a t Io w e t p ic e S ICA GO,î ~ ~ * à,it l>'P'M tM "'d "53 ' pihiatîl) tii îo vey ithe publieca opinion P 4 9 . Mi Pl( 1 i l i Au 1.u7 si 57 We m an, sn'tit b tter t (l*5iworîhIli17it-4-t0. Of the Schl lEntertaiuifeflt given lu We meati, îsOt it6 bit6eo tooeuau 'în i cli cFrlday nigbt. fa ailo 11,46 56 san t.>1224 .27poahi Aldbe ninutie get new goods at ilew prices, liî,ndout A i2 i 4-2S lgt tt atcia tihro h EverIt l7.7.2.0i.j 4 C10,126S.i433~psga dh a nijelet nut ~ ~toT-aaShruerIJIi . 64 72 . si.' i i 76 ti .'J4 ' 34 12 4 O 7n o tier rendltioD or exorcise. t han od o to-aeo 53 vr M1ron8t.1.> 7 ..... so.3C 1At 4 6 55 7~vi .31 9073 4 006S11413 Trbey % ere ail par excellence, And the. is A. Edgnluroîsk ~ (1 1 .4. -lus 6i16>2IQ.I I1 s .is 034 ..2, 2 i1066crtil aaioimwoîk of the. acher which isdear at any price. F,rît(ii.1)5 st7.4& 2:1i tu,4.i4 6 -el t040. Maflir.. 2OS 47O 2 . 3~i406 3 10>14l8742A - li a.ili wanmucite iievidence. Notsh ii 10 - tis.l's~s Kil ;sj5>812.5. 15 1 ili.42 62'ti il m.51I 4 uraithte nntoothnesa with whlchthea FROM CH'GO 1i eloightful and dsiveuaîflesi prograll La.. a #.Woafrî[..I h l3 45 61eAl Vbi. 24ýl Vit PI -S,4', w luosrendereil. t Wm&&granec d This soeh the re.putnattii7n a650 .1ng53lui, ,>l341lt"tand> ,..aa.sviclMavtstr . n.... 8.w.57 1.04541>là5 43 t6A0 7 10 1 1 M i Il iîevc'ry nimber comtplets andi pleuulug. ~ wno cre and isreoulOis o atAls1i57 4.17 5.5a12 t7 N . 8 0.257 peopl, * h are- coon L~' hi-.14 >64.t15 1. .3 4 59 8.59 lu.12We are proud t tifO sebtilars, andicou- p. Moi Nors .1410lu. e à 437 6-) 07. 1 11 1 i199:.1 l,. It- ~ k.m,~ ~ ~ the bes <i1~ot.w. illoi 30 4.i4 105420 .32512 12nil6' ~grattulte thehi ntrtor. TIxeir et- aIi> .ls tsLmms-rinI*tsti .. *28 I16.16 2,464.41 6 Il 4 Il 7 2-0 . 15 10.13>1 Plftote were a glatd surprise, eciîpallg [IrW. ........ M.:g I,23 22p,' 447 >37 1 . . a2jm> i09, l 14 andsaes Dac topuch seE'Isroi...... . . ,4j lu ,..55 ô432 ý ... 7.0 . ..... $924 I.,>; aYthifig the audience had anticlpated, itoisIosî 0.4 1.;2. 51 2. 6.10" atd nebool entertainmtefta in the~ fi-. an aes lcet urh s.. . . .. . . . .... ... W52 A .1M4.5.. ..... .45 i , ,... 1 Il .. ,t'itre wili'be fvuord with aa4 large Groceries, Canned Ooods, ý os "M'. F resh and Smoked Meats, Flou r, Etc. AO LL1uYtti tsadln bemtytIew: Jepthai A pohuned Jpt, wthtaines lu future entertatumntgi. $M1 T r' e & T ys..VIll .a e .OffIcers. ephti oth rioe Jep aOf wourse>-d by tiihection. Pntio.... .. ............A. W. waliqi>eihsno ie Jp'tfcus Thîo.. Hrn. i. J. Hoyti you oie giIng taoce ilsot 1î(Ijiliit wap a oraw. * * Truses-n ..Jamesn CMir,1.iB. Giravîtu, nonst. m m IHlifoiS. 1L_ B. ,rni,.ATriir. at.BobFittsitiioiia Pr.ine and i li L ,e v lie? Cirit.... ... ..... C. Hl. Smith "The JudgmenteoOf (;(-( i" ilbe Corbett Conit fongbt .a battis royal Tri-asurI ..... >....... M. B'. CoIby it.v, John Leen m ubject t the Methc. at the Carnival of Sport., FridaJ uight. ..r........... ..........M11. Fresinat) dist churcli Kunday tnîrtitg. Hlm Protîne came ltob the ring grînuing evetîia g nubitet willl tsi 'Jehovah'a Antjust to be ln lneoIJorlett grinnsi iiù v e R eceiv ed 2160MIBERTYVL Oi W o.49. Dais Spirîtitîl Istofile. a gdin on bim Ovin hol>k. They ahook 1L A. . glrCmuugosd&d l Mine Grave Tiwner , Ili nîuimcnd hands and meut aetit. Prosine.Wat gatladareof each m onth. Viatitis bt'thoili Laite, null molte lier hornte with bler aggreealve attd confident from the tirnt J.0. [18wL s. B. W OLT .1 grand-parente, Mr. andiMin. Jý B. AI- andiCorleti mas wary »Il biuabing ICI % C 1U p N x .M.W.0 ÀA..meota langon, tif timivillage, 11ltiiuitely. furlonsly. Protîne led lie liarigiit i ~ A~~. na Uo <5a~X. 176. _nhob7enrîifo aiig fer onie of CorlîV îai u e WsDLlor. 1iîdsng BI! OVitaO t. vrîi n' thefonsation undor .Y 'i)uiàAnd's ilit, Colttituhuded wt i.hS. A.iP. h. E'. tib!r. V. C- reidenceat MilwautkeAve. Sree leet. in the air, andi the, fghtng becaffl A P KAit.O.llrit.Mu..l>rand .111 thon MIin t he cllar ftanmid fuuorin. Omip anad counler Including the Chainless Bicycle. - XCELSIOIi CAMI'. No. 07 l. N. X.A.. tre fet.ile wl'fot in etrsilsgilbub, rmé od E 64,-s- thltise :01 Tsrday lf eaIh ~ t 'lalîî tn etmlegia IatS radiu Mt 2,3s 1)Il>m. nd usItise tîird Thurdlo draîiage andi grand stand playm cornbine u lent '.1 t It h'. ocnng. Ill W.,dmens s>. Hmt ,,ose geoo 15I4sw>X0 n...s--Tex (slletsitAttrldgl infuillm listhe gailery alîil iiglee, miien tîme Mdios> Ct 46 M. MiLLiSa. itoi.derO. that $5,0014) of the l, bc col- Wmascallesi andi honora declaresi aven, L BERIN ILLE LID6Ik;,. sii1 iIl. (i lected hallbei-n pali, and sie h-turne asd the contestants withdrew, having LI. ;25?s:.,y 8KtIIsss:l1y r, ltl th.OtIr bisibooks aveu MaritchIl thseturne in furnlnhsbeda burlesque th"t greâtly 1) 11, 11 fI qatiIs etI. C Trploased the audience tu atteudae Litsrtln tih yit auiuet yur the. chool eutertainmnt3, eipec- C0ýUXJIA ODG. N IlM N. N*.Ohlgutists, ulyuîu bave oult alrcuody upOI ÇtlUMit. idl>(*E N.s 111 .t;, . t> sin onc the juveuila portion thereot. E >t. sà hai 41 CHA, '.id , 6110. WoISE,a. i..k. To tuse the worîlofait1e of thetusur. S Cio PL N(DT Es. lP 1EMBYTERIAN CHURCI.Suilusla, nde veyore nom on the groiusi, the ele>'- Irbswe gi teit mn o ~ME ~Jsvtsil ie, muCra.ili 4.tIii 3 ll - trie 'roasi peuple are --aIl ready to drive 1W sseittgerîl .. .8ý ut 12 Ml. Jlsoi .E tksasiaeou mîigfttthe school year. cOM, I AND S ET E .-Iný ý0 .E -tn i'leo i ai 3:00 i.s.. NWrüd>3emiari-rni iloor E to g ndet l tii. grindfor e Theo puplleeitihe Achool mer. very, me-tins uai 7. i V. Hauvro. tosr. frid o gt omtof he iii Liblot Afdt iIcA iARII8t3K.No. ido K. 5f <0. eatnnecltg iserationsl. They are MPhdsappointes becaune of lhe se. i '5ns.2i~s i4tiu Wstesîv.v iof ctoveo torrn on Baturday aveulng.fil ,IIIaloth a WodmI-IIxtremeiy aiîxiîîua to get sisirtesi andv W athes Clcks Je ele yL H. W Fil. 'Os. sait witlî impatience tvtrsbie si-orn that the pailsanjoy aippeariig - lliîî'r*, F. . Kra.,. Com. weather ansi coditions.ibelotre the' foot-ligbim ____________________Etc.___ Mît. Hsilt. Ray maetriî-4.) ithi aioa- 'i le ie atutfthe comupound Micro- ,ýý- At rîcs T at anno beBea,-.mi::7- LIBERTYVILLE MARKCET. plezy laît Monday night. %irm. lBay incollie as the 1n1 utenatlonai Encijo- Butter, ereairy .22025 7 y ar f mgo antd cue t bli, er Iilveju ttmeIn the echool mre ra- ~ u-~ ~ UOftA~YBtter. choice daîry....... .1.Iio20 recavery in deubtiil and ber coudition etvey$2andSi31». The. puooed . R K. SH E R M ANV~II~ Eggs, fivali. per (1(,z. .... .12 e voy serions. ithe dosee fot recognize Of the entertalinoiit pay ail ai thl. iu- Cheee, pet IIIb ... .. . 12j, rnetnliernof ber comvafamliy, littg in a debtesineas itut tilt. L ibertyvllea - -Illinois: New ottte...... .......... 5s4i setni-nuonsciofn8 couoitiou. Belng an The âshool wlabeeç to thank te. Lib rtvilebran$, per huiihei.. ........ $1 15 ail resîiett of tues eonnty mabcha.> a members isf the W. C. T. tU. for a very R Bens, îlresOsi..............b oat ai friessis whîî viii icaris af lier tille pcture of the laie Mime WllIrd * ~ ~ ~ j I ~~~~srîtg cIsIsis............... precarin canditlisn sîi t isere It lmiiti(eey fiarnes andi a gond lie- M ore I suran e F a.t2 .1- grief. uesof sone af the. greatest mornien cou- ore nsuraflce (t c iive peri îaiisil o 'Ilie Lait>-Clist i ityTeplions Con- etel i wth any roform in uhamvorlda -B il i, aielv lngditaceBelhitiiry. Foi the prasent the plcture _____________________ Ca ie, petwt .. . . -$3.0 1,3 r .wîPiîYî~gîiî 3 ~I îit3i'B ll miiadoitthe mails inthe. higu iebôl ______________al___,pet-rowt iiresoed i751tat 4 telephoundo a ni-w so.itcli board et Oshep. poet sl(resoed, tsit(0heir -centrai 'ln Lavulis drîug storieroiî The amouîtfi <furanco ln force Decembi-?3Ilolîgm, aitîve. lier cm t... t.s. i> os$3 25 ,thîs meek. LitIg ditatîcelBeli'l itoes TIllrarjmbok@ have beeo moved 187,:i teMlliJitm MutuelInsllenat e C. oa: f t ..per ocntdres8u-ls $4.00i ta t$t25 were ainosi ibatlttuti'iiet (Juajalaite, tathe tsi-msholves in te ammli roor $2513.958. Figuring on a basin tbt thimts OnInut lanuss............. S iioS:ti ti Rckefeller andiDiaoind Lake lat the au the'u tire ont. Throttgh the gener. of lsurace iad eenin frcefor ive eur Prir Crd mud 3 tsi-poeoariady itue. The ill omity ofMu. Jrlett teroumohn be to Dec. 31, 'J, the conS ho poicy hoidîrs fsr saisi 5 ___________________iextotu tht-h lune tiiHuatl Day andsi lceiy ittesi ftorMa ilary roli. wer ould have heen 39J *per cent More thau the Fred Croker, of eabiima u<tîrorjust assoli ait stht- fusînt hlmis)t Nothiitg lu the may of improvement anm aonto lmrnc f lce y n n um aiusd thle graitu lias hi-en more neodesi thuit thie mpar- good rolimble stock eornpauj, or iii other morsif. Wm. Barniett hian a gainue ronotîr tîsut atm- iaum for the bockts. Wa btrust aIl thai a&Mount of lnmtraut7e hasi een piaces i ttb tDr.k i-siChurchil. sfChicaogo s 06caihp auj aid rioster lit Lberty- the shelvee rmy ho fille i itefote mmuy hssîns,-oser [Bnuday.ville, Heur iwr'se ' îî eanhvpaed qme, il mottîsibave navosithe. polley holsn unthevil, r tweietutec- aebvepse. Mtihnr Muita intmrure(a.iiiliv yero ls-s .lî lamsoisi.Ind. î,en trry. home'r. Hstnry lias a isIasnte? 'rite nioAol entertalitent igven lut $147t5 9. issîîhsy at hisnhanse iti,- ttat eau whhiiruett's risaîter, inil'is Frhday evening aconîpUahed itli pur- Non rnay hisisi the htlihurn rate i nl dm.rease. 2Mots, 5latseiDyrond, Ill Ausmtin, 1 i.iin, hence thir ttdiifere or t0fpose. The recelpts mera Sl6,hlch iii and i aumer, mhy asih i, mheu it bals grnslîaliy visutisig Llsosrtyvilie rriatie. siPinlois W"'liremit 11 n gulîssi aid- tnet, lifter the ratber Iheavy expenésof î,îeeased? Note this compotol.t. Henry tuyten ba. niîved ontoh th. Illatiîonti rolster tiglit. I Il. Msorne preparlug tmo entertainrnents are For tBye jeare prior ho 1896, the liilri an ct Elt t arreutiam îorth-u cnt of town. ansi Cham. Snîth are alsoiposoentors of pali, $52.9). Teacliere and pupilieW 24f per cent more tinalu n ycîmpaisj. Fîr lse iro. Uîtord. ai .t.ura, id îîoîting gaie raamtr> itis lhtiîsg ability alie are pleasesito boar the iusiex- yasprier to 18947, 34J peu cent tmore ands;:fîîr ilve lier sanghterr Nits.1'irteous, thho ansi eaebh lansiuith'iii te nuperior pressions of approval that have corne yeusprir to184, 39 pe cen moe thn i My .ee.iigbtiug quaiity Of lida partletiltttfrom ail aides. IJrheaucceaso! tho eu- coam pa tie13pe etmreta i nysc-.roaster, eoneqnetly there nill bo tertiunent les due tbihe geti- Theonoip a pplis e l y ntri ree . Johns urayja famiiy maves iuAtiste troulte arnoug the.bretherein andi the oromity of parents, aho sparai no Noii tboeq appleeoclauifm ariproerS. hsitli hit <sf the Proietisu bouse 11 ra u s il c nit unîenitau evan- pain& iu haipiug to prepare thePtIII No thee-qiautr elame l rnjMilwauktill III gelilt tiiken Smu pr-ty munt. for te puits assigiiesi hothem. MAny liu. Harsicu m iasa been eniployedi Pretstonî W. Pratt, of the' civil reques bave corne to the inanage- h> S. 1. l'ope u bis farim for bniuetirne eugne' tf onevtesi mith the' pro- ment for a ropetition of the program isavt las rentei arirmo! Wm. Bpaouer pîîneiielectrie ronsi, ana alua ln bis tlem mec. On mccontS o! Objecitin@Li C . H . S IT , n u rLakge t " " e lunchofficial capacit ia i> m ad e th e ac l an- m ad e y so or t r.e pa rente becatne a O. . I% I1 , nsu an e ge t. TiwneletlînAlrii4th. (OurmuPet- tance of a numbor of our people, waes of the extra @train on tiie child4reii, I i3utler BIdg. Libertyville, Illinois. vîsor hoiids over, hamever, anidlieuce marriesi tant Manday lu Chilcago ansi han beau deernesiboat not ho atternpt a blut ltiO lit'stiead relatilve ta tite la at pr-sent locahesi ut tht' Liheityville repetîfion. Thaermanagment ioes not eauing eiectiatl. Ilitel mithli bs bride. Mr. Pratt le a aleli to impose upon tie goosi nahure q14 o. I *< * I4 1lq4t q 4 "i 10'Oo* Ï'1< tIMrs. .1. . i',lee, of Wituiegîn, is at yoing mani of pleanung persauality ansi tf any parent by anoiter appearencte. ,te houtc F. P. Dymond aisnmting ln lu is short acqualutauce wth thone wblch monisirilsan extra effort to hhe r .GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG SPFORE FOR te.cure of Win. Dymuaissi nlm n ick it mlthmlom lie lias ssoe in contact chisi. To the. patrons ansi public mIn wit" the ]agrippe. herealooutn, lusprt'ssmd them mntm have en kinsiuy exusessesi a datre for Dru es kAr icas ti-en. Jobunon, traveîîug aleman for favoiabl>r. Hie bride ta ayouug moman a repetitlotl, the above objection, wa -14 D u s dii e ,C e ias >1 tlie Kri Ladder Ca. lias severed bis ai relueentt andi prepaeeessing trusit, mît> een sufficlen raso» for 44 PRFUMLKYqoAp, co me, 14 ouuîucttau mth that cancoînt ansi appearauce. To thee happy couple me tînS appearing agalu. There ii bc pgRFUMERY, SOAPichigan. exteusi congratulation ansi beet i wlnes no other entertalutuent given by the Brushem, Truses, Supporters, Shoulder Brscei, Fancy and>1 emember the pontponled boock tItiîadt' _____ner mngn% hy uis h ex Toilet Articles, Bo<ks and Stationer!, Dy S tuffs, Gluas, Puty, 1 t4 aarelceathongiven lu lie 1. O. (i. T. a scalt b avn ih 1. 0CameT gondi grace of onr people. Mr. Pratt Prof. W. T. Boat. P-AINTS Oi'IIoe RNI HES hall, itaturday nighltMc, Co mewiii male Lîbertyvîlle bis borne ln. The Chicago optician mill ho et tlie r'M I~~,~t andi in the prize. Admilsaion 10 cto. selutely. expecllug Stuhocsietsiue"d Llbertyvilla Hohel onulrday andi lire. E.. C. lelScnretuinesi las$ here for sorte tme hy lis titieg ma Friay ithe diii andiut mtat. If5 joh 17hat 1e'Yre u ticular ,boutý We're particular about your trade. We're particular about keeping it when we get it. We're pArticular about knowing if anything goes wrong, and making Rlght what Does go wrong. We're particular to seil you the kind of goods that'II suit you at prices that'II suit you. We're particular to seil you as good Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Etc., as we are to seil you good Flour, Tea, Coffee, Canned Goods, Etc. W 're particular about everythmflt qThat wili bring about satlsfactory trading. ~. .COLBV §z Go., DEALER$ IN EVEAVTI4ING, Ilin ois. bertyville, At 10 to 25 per cent less than the JBBER TRÙST'S WHOLESALE, PRICES. $2.061 Boys HubheiiBoa ........ $1u5 Yonthm Rubhor Bootn ................... $5 $1.59 Wonue Itnhber Bootm .... ... ... 1 SfcLityq Heavj (Ivers ............. 45 .-,:e Boya Heavj ltnbb rn .......... ........1 35v- ýise Menon'&tbbrs, latent Coin andtîîi Iluiiag tt', 5 Ue 62c Mon'm @tortu Hubhiers.... ........... 5e 41v Ladies ltnbber, aima maute Stoirmti tuitmern ttlu ornaîl li.eq........................ 5 w M isses t bteron. . . .. . . . 2 Iie 22 V C h id 'ts In t, r t. ........... ... ... .... l.sw N. B.-These are not Second Quality Goods. but the Goodyear Rubber Cos BEST MAKE. 'ith the wet season approaching, don't delay toc long. We have ail sizes now, but at these prices they will seil pretty lively, we CANNOT DUPLICATE. The Pair, Abertyville, BIGGLE BOOKS A Foum iLbrr!of unequaled va lurcical. simii ?iUtd ad feam laiiy I ustriled. By JACOB BIGOLE No. 1-BGLE IMORSEBOO0K At t l umt.- uimOo ii ith>oo No. 2-BMOLE BERRY BOOK à, ~~ No. S-MLE PO<JLTRY BOOK Ai about Pout.; the bmt Pouttn Book lu 0<a.( >.rI pal breed wt h , , 3 othtrliluitIa ç~~ No. 4-BOLE COW 00K Attlabe-t C-o. d fiDt ro î h.nen i .ts g iret t h .32 ttS*otutd it tkc eprô.eili t .. <i1 No. 5-BIB SWINE BC j m.t nut. Att about HogS B etedIi, du uib The IOULEB DOOKS utmq.,c .utb 6 E-yu, o k ooahetCuil o ÂRM JOURNAL Il 5t. tino.>bttb.t iter"i. aeo<t.ti. the mimdSI ut Ammiua-bmlga t l maba . um A" y Or Ef e tc G GLDM nOKS Il tie PAR JO UAL . Y-ý j[-ý Illinois.

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