Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1899, p. 8

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_________________________________________________________________ M )wIS the time Ito buy your flour as the wheat market is quite firm, and will raise the price of flour soon. Always on hand, a full Supply of Washburn-Crosby Superlative Flour. F. L. Westerman, BUCCE 00%To L H LITCHFIELD.i - - ILLINOIS. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F QRAIN, FLQUR, MILL S TURFS, SEEDS ETC ý ALSO Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernenti WC SELI. THE WEBER W AGON., WS4EN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SON, Libertyville, . - - -- -Illinois» LiiiWEEKLY INTER OCEANISI LAIQRST CIRCULATIOI 0F AY POLITICAL PAPER Ml TIR lEST à b mkly euisaad 9ain ~But il cmai ways bc reiai mi ào dl dc"im.isof at paty b au*,4.« reportis ciaiu P>- qTH :WELY INTI OA SPPL~ k la Mosaiiy Ciau and as a lmiiy Piper s Wtboal a Preu. __________ Tt Lteraf u01olifs columnns Is f equai go tfelin l .aet nmaga- Eldrn s el as tke paent .... u g'HE INT ER OCEAN is a TESTERN NEVSPAPMR and whie it buing to ibu family THE NEWPS 0F THE WORLD and gives its readmy the t aa aest Ai mi=o f ai iqutonso the day, ib hin tfabsympa-&y . witb th ideas and asp:aîio a o Wcstevu people and dàcm ltlmturt and pottius Irn i he Western eandpolnt.A.O SLO411CE ORE LL& RPER YEU -$LOO àJMY.TA» >SONt , Y EDITOIS O TEE OCIAII ARE 1331 AF TRELlE u. rie. f Dcii,' by ,,u ..... S$1.0 Pe m Prie , o udy. -11 . 1 02 00 Par yes Z ha"%»d $ltr ~ 560pry... TT -Specialties! If in need of any of the following Goods, you will find here a cern- plete Stocks-, Good Quality and prices. "TEMPLE" PUMPS. Pratt's Stock Food, Baumn's Stock Food, Standard Food. Lgrge stock of Clothing at close prices Men's Suits. .......... $5.00 te $15.00 Trunks and Traveling Bags: We oeil 32-Anch Metai Covered Trunks at. . .,.$2 .75 Othef sizes n proportion, Sauer & Bro., ,, 5 -ta ILLINOIS, Around the County. fROCKErLFIEA RSOCICTIkS. C O1GEEGAI'IONAL Church Bundar ser vise. 2:50.m. and 1:8P. M. Prayer meeting Wedunday evoinom. Y. P. M. C. &. Met suhday oe.nints e 6:6. Junior C. &. at 8 oclock. D'xOD as" N- 12- s- .A. moe inonth. D. G a5rmB. Y C. J0. 0. F. No. 815,. mort seoxd sud I.)urth Thuradara uof..seh moflîl. 030. A. OIT. Secy. WLLKIG.NG 0 . G. T. meet Thursday evenings or oc veek. LnTrla Buzwicz. C. T.6 J OH RN. RAGAN Post G. A. iR. moet Baturdar night on or bef ore fui] moen.1 1. 8. GÏ.uÀos. 09mdr.1 0 E OnuacaiLL. Adi. ma ain oes outh .... 8:064a. m. 0:22 p. m. M" ainsbe.north................ 10w a. MAIl over iand by stage arrives At la a. M. depuis taIlsa. 0m. ROCKEFELLER. School ent.rwAnmnt tonigbt. 1 Mr. Cronkhlte vas a Chicago visiter Tnesday. Lare Becc e bvbotng in Long Grove thia veek. w.- J. MoBrîde entcrtained a friend from Chicago Monday. WIil Porteous and vife vere CW-i cage viitora Tueedsy. Be sure and attend the entertAiu- ment et the c sool boune tbis (Fridayî avening. Miss Emma Condrey returned horne Tncsday. alter vîsting lu GrayalAke for a short time. If y00 f811 toesee Unci. Sam n Ad the Fillpinos ettheicsellent bouse Fridey eveniug YOD vili regret it.1 Minute Ujers and Anna buiggc, Who have been spend.nthe wc inter t Oak Park, are t horne now. Dr. Eari, of Dea Plaines, came boe te cousai it.b Dr. 'ravis for bis daugbier Giadys, vbo basa been quite &tek, but ta on tbe gain nov. The -grippe' bas been vieting our tovu of ltt. Uts. Lymuan Farge, Eliza Mofride and Gladys Travis have been bsving a bard nege puitlf; but ve hope tbey vii scoon be btter. Do not fai teattend the entertain- met athUe sobool bouae Frlday oven- ing, March 3, to-nigt). The program viii consats of patriotic sciections@, and the stirring evente of the pat year viii be reprodnced lu costumes ap- propriste te the occasions. Admission 16 cents. L. H. Litchfteld, Who bau been lu the generai xerchaudise business bore for the put thie joars, bu s sud bie stock and gond vilii 0 P. L. Wester- matI, of reeuvood, 111. Mr. Wesler- mad arrlved boire Sunday evening and aasused posseasion Wcdneaday, snd cll th bis famiiy, vho srrivcd Thursday, occupy tbe rooms over thc store. Mr. Lltcbiieid snd fumiiy viii malle thir borne for the preseut vitb Peter Litchlieid. NOTICE. Haviug sold my genetal marchandise business el Rockefeler, lit., 1 desîre ta close ail accounta and wdk persoa ludebted 10 me ta cali sud settie Dp. L. B. LiTcHiELiiD. J. libeer, 8edalla. Mo., conductor ou ciectie treet car line, Prîtes Ihal bis 1111e dsugbbor vas very bp pubt croup, and ber lite avcd &fter ail physian ad ailfsied, only by uslng One Minute Cough Cure. F. B. LoVELL, Libertyville, J. B R BACHiaE, Gaune, Laria H. LITCHngLu, Rockefeler. GILMER. W. b. Morse vas a Wanconds visîtor Mouday. Dan Rîtzcuibaier shlpped a cetload of bogs ilut Frlday nîgti M. Mone ia confilnd to the bouse vIth the tbeumatlsm. Uns. C. HUntinglon atteuded the vedding of Miss Mary cbrel ver. Miss EmmeaUlicb ts rocovcring frous a savete attsok of the grip. A pluantu surprise vas helli et the borne of H. Sobvermasi lasI Bundai evenbug bis bonor otfhlis ati-tllth birthday. IgarnIed, Siuuday Feb. 26, 1899 a1 the Lathetan cbut3hUb Missrsy Bereiver bo Augusi Lobman. bey. Catens oMelinted. For frot bites, butus, indolent mores esasma, skia diseaussand especliy Ptis, kDefWtaWtch Hautl Salve etmis fi nalsd bout. Look ont for dbionesl people Pho try ta Imtate snd oonuntei it. ts ibteir endorme- ment of a gocil article. Wortblems goodeamar not lmiiaied. Gel DeWtts Wltcb Iassi Salve. F. B. Lovza", Libetyville, J. lB. BsAcnEE, (Gurnee, Louis I.Lsv.pnm., htokgllar. GAGES LAKE. Chas. inyder bas the grippe. Miss bie Gilbertî&pontl Bondai at liaineaville. Walter Beak bas rnoved cula Elvin (rnms faim. Mabel Gilbert %peut Sunday vibh ber parent e bre. muttie sud laggle James @peut Bat- nrday in Chicago. Lizzte Nicholas returnud Bndai nifibi Iton Chicago. Linge. PbclP8 retumd homeoSalut- day7 mousa visil vilb Iiends lu' Chi- "ago. The Junior Relpers viii meet vltu Mi"s Cora Glbert Saturday, Rarch 4, et Il o'ciock. Utae. PhOe8eaShlierman and dangbîcî bave moved &0 Waukogan, wbore tbey viii make their future bomc. Exeoutrix Notice. Public N lice te be7b& given that tbe eubsoeber. JUgecutriz o) s lasI viliiand ntsat e~r urIStjLea Conî 0Iou lba su iee pveso ayiag fans Wauku "I l ri1> GuéL'mc . .W. .M a and f ourth Satur &y eveufai of . cv W. W. APPLsvas.Clerk. GU RN EE. 0. W. Metcaif was a Chicago vialtor at Mouday. C. M. Brown vas lu *Ilvaukee on businesa latMondai. 1 Tbc Woodmcu adopted seversi uev members iasat aturday eveutug. Ouiy s fev vere preseul ai cburcb services Bunday on acconut of Peather and roads. Alen Dizon sud daugbter, of tusseil, &peut Satturday vitb relatives sud frienas. The dance et Grange hsll at Weducsdsy evouiug vas poorly allen. ded. The severe weathor kept many apay. Mr. and Uts. M. Daîziel. of Iowa, wcrc bore tast week tlattend the uerai of Mns. Thorn and returued tbe tirsi of Ibis veek. Henry Faistad famiy cxpect 10 move 10 Waukegau soon, as the larm ou vhlcb Mr. Fast livea lias been soid ho Chicago parties. A good crovd vas presout At the W. C. T. U. medai contest Frlday evculug and Miss Knox wonfiri prize, Ums Uabei Chtteuden second. WARREN. John Petersorn was a Chicago visitor iast Saturday. F. lchrivet and Chas. Wilbux atilp- ped Ivo carioadsi of bey 10 Evanston lest peck. Walter Doulap bas moved onto tbe Henry Wright tarin ad Frank Hov. Geo. Wlbur, of Waikenba, and Fred FOX LAKE. Wilbur, of Gages Lake, called ou rets. Id. L. Galîger waataneavilie esiiet tives lu Ibis locmity the tiret of the Monday. lutl weck. ChartîelRichsrds moyes In Biliburu The siiver me" lcontest At Gurue IbIs week. vas poli atteudcd, Miss Knox wlnunng Frank Gaiger bas moved lui A. Rihardsftortu. thc modal and Miss Chltteuden thse George Crittcuden moven 10 Avon second prîze. Couler lu the near future. Chas. Lamb, ont popuiar nudertaker, Mr. E. Cleveland bas laken tbe mail bas been on the slek lot of late, but route from Foi Lake to Lake Vills oving ta an unuai press of busiuess for the oeil four Yeats. and s Ur Lab ba tru grl hole Simou Galiger vilaisl Bt. Thoms and s Mr Lab ba tru grt li 1.Stroug. of Roiins vitb bis tarin work again sltendlug ta duli. the preseuil yeux. The parti at Grange Hall gvon by Mrs. A. Iirvîn bas becu 'nsuhebe ik tbe M. W. A. ot Gurnce Camp, Fob. trot fot the last few days. Rer mother, 22nd, vas not mucb.ot a inanciai soc- lt.Mleo acna nwt e ce"a, oing to the Iuciemoncy of theWAC N . veatber, hhougb ail pho atteuded re- JhnTontu's tam a vy u port a good lime. Jh dai.' esamuaayMn tichool in District No. 5, vhich bas J. F. ltumey le moving on bis latin un: been closed the pont ic'o pocha ou se:- Frent. count of the muesebing no prova- Ga. Wragg liedanaucti<osale lent borte, commenccd sgain Ibis Monday. weck, tbougb soveral ne cg& r M. S. Ford moved lutoîbhe S. A1. Ford reporte.i. Tboy are theO erman bouse lest veek. mesuies and of a igbt tortu Miss Lors Harrison le spendiug a tep idays lu Chicago. Dr. Jamison, of Mitun, isn5acon fon J. B. Turnuil vas a t.raysiake ont streeta quite oten of laIe. Ail the visiter TuesdaY. siekn uuder bis rare are fest couvales- M. W. Hughes was s Chicago visitor ciug. Hla services aut be secured by Friday of lest weck. teiephoniug trous Lamb'@ Corners. He John Collns, of Bartiogtou. vas ou ta bve bs teephoe liOur treets Uonday. expctu bv i lpoe Une bre. M. t'. Smith bas been very iii extendoil ta Grange Hall lu the spriug. but la slu.vly recoveriug. Thon. Claphsus, Jr., ont soidier boy Ut. Wcnscl Diciz moved on the IB. troin Warten, returned lestBSaturday Harrison feram Iis peck. aflter brviug orne montha for "'Unelo Miss Lelab Giyueb rcturned t4) the Sain' snd la nov being veloomed by diyWedneedày of ltweck. hls parents, relstivesansd tricuds. Prof. Kent, of Chicago, speut a fev Tom ookalin lu ic sldir sut sdedys lu Ibis place receully. Tomlooscaieinais)pouda. ersirt Ut. Benuett, of Chicago, js spouding lips tegse t10 ons efr t p wdeys aI the Wtagg latim. veut 10 Tampa, Florida, photo he sut- Uts. N. Wynkoop sudi Misa Ethel fered many bardsblpsbeing tbrestened Duers are repoited on the slck îlot. wltb fever and greatly reduced lu Thse colectar for the township of iiesh, aflerward saut te Montsuk Pi.. Cuba vas a Wancouda cntier Mondai. Loug Island, and trom thouce tu Fort The Wuconda sebools vîli give a Mead, South Dakota, whore be te basket social lu tbe scbo<ui building lu lu the near future. galued bis healtb. Ho belouged to Uts. B. A. Ford returued 10 Chicago the calvsry sud vas ordered to the Toesaey mter @pouding a fep days Iront about the lime the declaive bat- witb relatives bore. tic vas fonght ai Santiago, phen Ithe(11h Butuett and Anson Davis bave otder cas recelled. But aIl sncb soi. closed ouI their stock of meat aud bave diors bave sbuwnu lieit gooliviii anu l cosed Ihe market. deserve full credit. Tronsbas au bon- Mr. and Uts. J. Grimoldby pore orale iscarg an wll rtur tocaUced bore Tuesday hi tbe serions orabe dichare ani vii tonru llmnon0f Uts. A Smth. Chicago lu a tev days t0 taike bis olli Guy Oranger bad the mlsfortuic 1 job with the Deerlug M'f'g Co .. where loose the end of bis Ihubuinwhile be vas belote the var. Joc Claphani cuttiug uIalks. The lhumib vas soi ered la also wpub the samne compsni. just ahove the nuit. --Gbve mse s liver regniator sud 1 cen The unueral ofthtIe infant of Bt. aund regulae the world," saiti a goulus. MBts (100 Prouty Jr, mas helti in the The drugglst banded hlm a boltie of M. E. churcb Bsttidey, Rey. D. C. DeWtt's Lttle EarliRlsKers, thefamous Dutton officlaliug. Informent vas litle pilus. F. B. L iOELLberty« made lu thse Wauconda coineleri. ville; J. iB. BRsacnaUi Guruce, Louis H. A s&mari leatber setchel vas toul Fri LITejuPugLIo Rockefeller. day eveuîug of test peck betPOotI Waucouda sud Barrington ou the Flint VOLO. creok road, via White sebool boumeý Finder smill ho suitably rewardeli by Edgar Parker vas a Waukegan viiiilor returnbng thse grlp to the Wauconda one day ast peek. f urniture store. A. J. Raymond trausacteul busiuess bu Chicago tirst outhie veek. 1 LEITHTON. we lesa thut R. Oleson bought 5o5 Ut. Robert LIUI, Jr., imade a business actes of A. J. Rtaymond reccutiy sud trip ta Chicago Bouday. mûri buiid and sactis tbereou. H. A. Misesbipped several car ronde Il.D. Smith roved bis bonehold of bai anud omls frorn Lelîbtou lest gooda 1 Eligin Tusday, Ut@. Smith peck. and cbiidren toliovlng WoduecayA. The rusbher hoot andi shoe stock aI Little Atva T. Vasey, son of Ut. sud Rockefeller la runuuiug 10v oving 1n Urs. Job V'ae, dicil lent Tueaday receut raina. Gentlemen stock up. eveniug muid vas burled Tbursday. Miss MatIe bouese ook the eveulug Their mani bloends aI Volo extend train for Waukegan Satutday and sîmpatby. returneti Mondai morning vith a vony bey. D. C. Duttan, ont pastar, oalled ploasant amîte. ou nid frîcuils and parlabloucra lant Wm. Ucîcrsansd Chas. Whitney peck, afiso attended the mocli aI C. G. vont tus Chicago on1 the Mondai suoru- Hisons Pridai eveiug. Ut. Dutton ing trsiu and returiied ou tbe evcnug bas made 150 calte the pas& month, train lu good spiris. . mont of Ihem lu the country amoug Mrs. Darby ls acting superinteiideflî the larmers. Who su say hbols not a faithf ni servant sud devoeci b bis of the Sabbath asool aI Damond Lake work? May gond heatb, suceesanad vhile the regulat uperineudeut in proapetlty attend bîm tbrough utc ineutertainlog the gnlp. the wsh of bis rny frîsnu. Miss Ailce Fenerstein one of (lien The dîme social field at C. (0. Ettynso mont popuisi and speet Young Husons astI îriday oveuîug ma a ue ladies la vlsitlng Mr. end Uts. H. cou in ecveny respect and poil ai- Peneretein Ibis peck. tonded, aitbougb the roada veto very Uts. W. fH. Koh ebirsned ta ber bad. Gainesmoto plaied by the Young borne iu Douglas Park Btutday aller people durlug the evonlug, sud v spending s veek et the borne of bor noticeti soine u1thIe older onos j<uned, paents Ut. and Uns. R. Liii. alte bowhicb daluîy refreahrnents Pore Sorne of the good citizen& of Dlensond setved. The ladies aima dlipposed ol & Lake arc undergolng à iege of note se comtorlabie bY anctlou for $2, beaidea Ibroat. City pilysicians attribute the i ciesing $7.25. AIl prenant @peut a &st ofthtIe disease ta the main saper Itmotdeigtgbîui çvcnlug. belng gotged wPub oid chesse Ehines. es Belote the disçover, of One Minute Miss Id& KttIckmu and party of 'n Cough Cure, ministers vers greatty yogfipaaadni hi t o iatutbed by oougabig cogrestlous oued fiandsgb Id SIud th iDKpro k- Nosieuse for il o.P.5 One.,. P _ ibentyvili.;j. . DaiCua, oura 'ola ea- 4gl oca Oblr Louuasa. LIm uus, Hbouwe<e @»,w q -r bufll Tw 0- Giood Offers----«, LAKE VILLA. Benu Cosian wualu the. auj Tues. day.1 Fred Hamit look a trip. tu priug Grove Monday. Mrs. C. B. Hamlil speni Ibils vcck lu <raysiake vltb relatives. J. Y. I*vson, 0f Park Ridge, tran. sacted business hore ss"Monday. Miss Lydia Litviier, of (lrayalako. @peut the tirsi of tiue weck wpub rela- tives bore. Mine Aima Littlo returned te ber borne at Grass Lake at Peck on account of belng siek. Dr. JamIson la still kept busy by the victima of tbe grippe, Urs. Francts Nubie ta nov on the liaI. Hattie Bain, of Uliburu, li.s ttendlng the lunch counler during the absence of Misa Aima Little tbe puat veek. Wilil Pester, of Antlocb sud Jo06 Pester and Sld Meeker of ibis place vent ta Libertyvîlie lissî uuday 10 visit relative@. Miss Mabel Richards bas besu com- pelied to discontinue ber studios at Rtochester Acmdemy and rctuën borne ou account of belbg Blok. Ur. and Mns. i3. B. LiMie and Miss Cora. Wallis of Ibis place aud Gideon Thayer, of Atlocb, made a business trip 10 Waukcgan ilut Friday. Mm. Lillile Hendricke, of Abland, Nob., rrlvcd Batunday for s visit vitb relatives aud inonda. Wc are glad te velcome ber amoug us aglu. Jas. Leonard vas hurt quite serions- iy while at work eitbe depot bore lest Mouday. His head vas cut by bcbng bit by a bail on one of the heavy cosi buoketa. ils vas be conulned 10 bis borne for a wiioe. For a qulck rcmedy and one that ia perfectliy sae for cblidren let us rccommond One Minute Cough Cure Il la ececllent for croup, llogrsouees tlckiing lu the Ibroat and cougbs. F. B. LÔV£LL, Lbertyvllle,J. R. BitAHEiI. Guruce, Louis H. LITCHEIELIJ, Rocke- flluer. To F3VERY NE~W SUBSCRIBER payung one year's subscriptien for the Independent we wili give positiveiy free a five' year's sub- script ion to the FARM JOURNAL' The best farm and household paper An America. t excels as a dairy paper, s the best for gardeninig jand fruit growing; the best for women folk and young people and ,and unflinching champion of the rights and lnterests cf country people. Select, concise and reliable. Sample Copies of this great farm piaper clin be had by calling at the Independent office or wil be mailed to you f ree of ail charge. We mean just what we say --- and repeat t: TO NEW SUBSCRIBER Or to old subseribers paying one year ln advance we wiAI give f ree 5 year's subscription te the Farm Journal, which, te be concise. means that you wiIi get that paper during aiA of A 99-1900-1901-1902 and 1903, POSITIVELY FREE. Ladies' Home Journal, AND The Independent, For Both$2OFoBo. UNTIL MARCH 15 1899, WHEN PAEO O0N111VEAR IN ADVANCIE Which do you Prefer? SHIERMVERVILLE. liuulthe future. H. Haaus1lein Chicago am eju jrur. Bts. JO@. Zimmermian visbes tu W. Walter cilloi i osisul nsu. *, ;,î otlfy the Public ibat Fred Melerbofi eue. bas neilier bought ber "jaoi nor Mrs. J. Zonlolu pas a Cibuego vimîtor ren ted Ut. Bsrrcuscbeeus Place. last week. Theretore the saioou la for mie@ aud the entire place for roui. A gond place Uts. P. Wo.lf was eeil re'.. litly ai fr the rught Party. 2i-2 blierunorville L. Behiniever cas sawiuig cmxl ou day last veek. H, Mentzer s lit. tirett lienhis lest peck. Eui Hock sud beuuuiy Viiteul et4. Bocks@ last Sunday. Mt. sa(d Bts . h.Heubi aru' the bappy paent@ fa Ialuby boy. S. Tripp bas beenu ie.4sung bay et Deertield fuir Mrl. Franz. 'The Wieelinug sport. .1 Voit.:, cas un Chicaguo vue day lamd peek. J. Seiig, ofI owa, in viitlug bus îPar- enta anid trie-nde et Deufilelti. F. Sn.ov andi pife, (It Uicage, vlsited !tieuda et fStiermerville receutl,tî B. Eastous sud ie bebt girl secte ceeus receonlly-bruiko dtowusthe fonicoeut DeerfilliCornets. Frank Uick vas seeti receetly prouîo. uadilu u uheeling. Be purtebameti a nOP cap t0 rush the sssi. The Alsip Brick Comupany isnuakbng preparatluns 10 be-gin putk aI thse yard about the illteenth of Match. J. Kiest, cierk ot ouîr nov ctosusery, made a misitako of Ibruto dollars te- ceuti'y, of avIicIshoe as the luset. Uta. Leamoru :dIteceuîtiy sud the tueraI services veto field ai thse ài. E. cbnrch. Intrentin tshie Wheu.lug NORTH NORTHI'IELD. I. LGrosWA asseDuOu tbe st»esis ni our eti Sunday. Halo y veatber provent.d satudenté, Nortbfleld frorn atteuding the enter- tabumout guvon ai Wbeeling Satnndsy. A certain yoong mnu fait aorny vbeu tbe siv wdlssppared sas le expected 10 gbvo bis bout girl a cuIter ride Son- (kay eveuiug. Mt. 0. Mentzot leIs mprovlng the old Dlle place ho bas boru the old slianty iluipo and lias bula sommer bouse lu the garden. Trhe puipils of The Grove sebooi met lest Frîdai evening andl ongamlzed s itterari society. Meetings viii be iu the echool bouse every Frluy eversing. Everybotii veicorne. GLEN VIE W. Little Glatlys Hutabings and l aim l1111e lyrîle Bced have been vsry siok. Pits. Cota Ridenour pbhm asb"aia severe attack of the lagrîppe la alovli recovering. Miss Helen Ilurnun andi ber sabooi vbeblcd Lituby iPrison liast aturday ud also tbe Ait Insluto. TJhe Ladies Aid buclIey met at the homeo0f Bts. .J. A. Hlutcbinge leSt Thuraiday. A 1i p1 o l; tdey w» cemetery. speut. Wba's tise mtter wib urunsecond MissetU&Lu(le Applelyard and Mia. correspondent uit Sbrnerviliee lie (ortie Ellils,, umi Cbu,agoviited tels. manageil 10 oblain ealuosition eusd loftItives aliirieîuds iÙ tise (lau Ism for Cristal Lake. . Btiitdas3. Mirsnd MUts Geo. Anteasos are- tbe Il you are thiuîkiug of hsviug nmre happy parente uot a baby boy. George roome papeted Ibis sPring Jat oeil on bad tIse plemasre oft wailhg thse iiuot A. L. Nealley; ho has a fBues assntmea one phole oigbt vils bits iawyet. of Wall piper. Ur t. il (rea. gel yuiur cutlet teamiY, Chas. Reed sud son Willlie sud but e that you gel a ve-ty geiitlu daugbicr ilaude atteuded the golden herse, noas noltluibe ma uu!ortuuiate aniverauit ofBt. anditsMoies ai e as to gel tIse soltiu again. »eerneld laqt Bitirday. UM». Reed Bts. P. lt.esssig, a rosideut o1t', lucol- vas unuahe 10 go on account of alok. lng, died Saturdiyatlerriui. Titho nosa. luerai services veto hold et tIse Mrt. J. A. Hotchings bas ,bouibi thé E. A. chlurcb Tuestiaiuet-No'tIs Norths- 111e îactory; vo are Irdorme t il U. fid. Hutchinga contemplaI.. buiidig Mr. Meyer anti bride, uit Long Grole, up a b uess that vili suake t P"y. pore ou thoir wvoddlng trip t t= W. vs: ien isa ti feesareq« b" We . isA m suabffldmt l 1andbqp ROCKEFELLER KIND SUBSORIBER: if your neigh- bor la not aiready a subscrlber for the I ndependent we WilI consider At apersonali favor if you wii caîl their attention to the following. They wiil thank you as cor- dially as we wIi. It's ike "giving them something for nothing." ti 1 nuermtjrýlile. 1

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